V' w f v.;i,- c . ,-. ,ii ", .-.- --" j ' t . . i(j THE LA&OASTEB DAILY INTELLiaENOBB, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 20, 1889. ,r , ". Jrrr-'y- ) ys P..W' KV is i' ls fcK IS w ?. K sr fcS, l ra 5? icvf !. &' Li1 j.tt S'42. m ?! J& K'iiij . i. . 5S' KV. i.S n ?&. ky m Est sJ .,& ;. lift f rttlB gntcUicwcer ?tf UflWUCWJ.STBIMMAJf, U ' CBAfBaBTEINMANFOLTt, Editor. , r ' ROBERT CLARK, Publisher. "f- " .'AS Ml K. ..AILY INTELLIGENCER. Published t-t rerj- day In the year, but Bunday. Served V By ewnew in mil city ma lurreunaing ., town l ten cent4 week. BymallflvodeU -. Ijmr in advance! 60 cents a mouth. k . sSii - Y INTELLIOENCER-One dollar and Ut'T mar c yenr, inaavance. EL1" ? MmcE te furimrmiBRiw-ntmU by check E.W "4 or nontefflce order, nnd where nelthe r of I VI l 7." . -- - , , ,.l.,t l. , t the ronteffle, M Beeena Class man r-jut: r. . 'fit, AWUH, net nrTBLLiasMcBR, Lancaster, Pa. .--" xiMiaHn tr...v. en moo . . MUlVJUlUtr fai, Huicmuu , . Demi Wlh the Squire. It is net only in Lancaster thnt the fcqulrc has become n liuisance calling for abatement by the state. In Pitts burg three aldermen nre under convlc cenvlc ' tten for the practice of gross enielnl abuses of the character se familiar te nil who cotne In contact, with these so se called administrators of justice, o.ie e.ie clally in cities, where the opportunities for profitably abusing the olllce of the justice of the peace are rcnlcst. No toriously the place is sought for Its pro pre Jit and quite as notoriously the pretlt Is unlawfully aud unrighteeusly swelled by many unscrupulous squires, who farm It for oil It is worth. It Is a par ticular characteristic of this practice te put the machinery of justice at the ser vice of their employing patrons, nnd give the defendnnt no show at nil of judgment. This Is the mildest form of injustice practiced nnd the additions te It only cease with the exhausted power of the arm of the commonwealth that is given te tbese mercenaries te wield. .Jfe observant citizen will question Hint the ofllce of justice of the peace, In towns particularly, is no longer beneficent in its general administration ; thnt its power Is se often abused aud Its occu pant is he often vile, that it should be abolished and a better system of ad ministering justice 1k tabllslied. The Pittsburg suggestion is that the num ber of justices should be decreased ; which would be a step forward in the right way, as there nre undoubtedly tee many of these offices In nil cities for the legitimate business open te them ; and the fewer the number the U-ttcr clmncc probably of getting geed men, and the certainty at least of removing some of the temptation te unduly stimulate their business. Hut a mere radical change Is needed. Fees, the prolific source of op pression, must be abolished and snlarlca be substituted. And such care as can be takeu should Iks used te secure upright, intelligent justices ; te which end It seems te us thnt It would be well thnt their selection aud removal should be ceufided te the county court. AVe doubt whether It is well thnt Judicial officers, se close down te the jieejile, heuld be dependent upon their suf frage for their place and be liable te the intimidation of these te whom they are called upon te apply the penalties of the law. The Justices in the boroughs of the state clearly should be abolished nnd their powers be confided te courts of record, of which one would amply suffice for the needs of Lancaster. In the country thejustlce, If utcle-s, is generally harmless; but probably a geed system would demand the division of every judicial district into a number of subor dinate districts, of a certain population, each fitted out with a justice's court of record for the initial investigation of criminal eases unci the detcrmlnntleu of miner suits. It is right here at the egg or cases tuat the state will be particu larly benefitted by an Intelligent, honest ana vigorous grappling with the matter. And who has net been disgusted with the Inefflcaey of our present mode of starting upon inquiry into crime; with the bungling inquest of the coroner, for Instance, who Is another officer of justice te be extinguished ? Cleveland te HiisIiicsn .Men. The speech 0f cx-Preskleut Cleveland te the New Yerk Chamber of Commerce it worth the attention of all business men. Mr. Cleveland rnrely talks with out giving strong feed for thought, and his suggestion that business men can protect, ineir interests uctier nv UiKltiir ictlve pan in nelitics tbnn bv trvimr In influence congressional committees must commend Itself te common sense. Many business men of the country have al lowed themselves te l used by unscru pulous politicians while they held aloof from politics, and It Is high time thnt their sad experience should tench them that if they would see business interests well guurded they must net be afraid te de some of the guarding. We de net want the occasional Intrusion of a patriot of the cheap Jehn Wunanuikcr variety, but the constant activity of honorable steady business men in the management or national affairs. Coming right after the great Demo cratic victories this speech of the e. presideut must re-awaken the confidence aud zeal of his admirers; and the enthu siasm of this represeiitutive non-partisan gathering of New Yerk business men shows Cleveland far In the lead in the race of 1692. Henry Geerge Advertised. Chief Justice r.'asley, of New Jersey, has rendered an opinion by which Henry Geerge tecures u bequest of ten thousand dollars, and about that vnlue in advertising, for the opinion is n fine Geerge advertisement. The bequest of that amount, by one Geerge Hastings, was for the puriiose of disseminating his doctrines as published In his works, nd Vice Chauceller Hlrd had declared llin VA4tll..ut lllnrml luwi.d.n li li.ll 1 S "" "WD ..l,b.,l, UVVOUW UO LK.J1CWU ';& the doctrines of Geerge were against the ;S iaw 01 me ianu. Tlie cnief justice finds AXBethlngin the works of Heury Geerge .-,. iicemnatible with the Ihu-.,f ii, i,i - J "d believes that their circulation will Er" IUU8UV gsKi results, l-S.m,vr laau create error, ir ticorge -.'Hm described as au liicenleim .m.i tAArtiel man lkii 1.1 n..t..t KJi.T i ". - quuiuus are K ' endorsed. The wisdom of the F-jtecisien will probably by widely Huestieued, but though the Geerge tbee- K tw may bccji ie overtnrew existing Inlaws thev cannot be ueusldercd iimitn. pppatlble with the law without establlsli- ,;g me principle mat an movements for ,form sueuiu be sillied ; n notion rmlle :wertby of discussion Ju this laud of , nsw sjieecu nuu progress, certainly Uie Wrksef Gcerue will stimulate tbnmrbi. "pstkey have already done, but It may T doubted whether geed results will be nm ie ioiiew the stimulation. i is thoroughly lu earnest aud uu idly sincere, the moeter i.f t,i,. dag aud a brilliant stvle. Tlui, litles carry with him a v,.rv and lninctuetu element ti.m kes ueS pretence of thoreuirhlv lifU4ying aud uudentaudiug his doc- trine. There nre ninny who would read the first two or three chapters of " Progress and Poverty " nnd spontn spentn spontn ueeusly bloisein as Geergeltes. Perhaps there are mero who would read the book thoughtfully, reap benefit aud re ject the radical dectrlucs.but they would net be heard from for some time, while the " hurrah boys " would stir things up nt once. The whele career of this rcmnrknble mnn shows this. In Lon Len Lon eon nnd Xcw Yerk he first created great sensations which speedily calmed down, nnd In both cities he has been widely studied and Is still discussed, but has very few thorough followers. If the Impetuous, combustible converts 'are only formed In comparatively sninll numbers and far apnrt there will be lit tle te fear from Cieergclsm. ii Thk suppression of llie grind erpin Is nuking n wonderful hubbub In New Yerk city, slid it appears Hint in the poorer quar ters public feeling Is very bitter. Tlie Ital ians with lliclr monkeys and organs seem te be the only bright element In many gloomy lives, and no doubt much hard ship nnd oppression would be mero read ily liorne than this suppression of organ grinders. A deputation of Itnll.ins waited en Mayer Ornnt, en Tuesday, nnd their spokesman, Plgucer .Ilmmle Ollvorle, pushed a vast glossy shirt besom and dia mond pin In front of him nnd cnrrled n glossy silk hut nnd n p-ilr of steel pointed moustaches. This worthy wasted notline but get right down te business. "Me want! uiniik and erg for Italian man," said .tltniule, nnd the ragged, miser bio crowd behind him seconded the mo tion. The question of rccal of the law was referred te the law committee of the beard of nlleriiinu. The Central Liber Union has protested ngalust Its repeal, but as most of the newspapers support the grinders and as public sym pathy Is excited by starvation and (lis (lis lress among them, they w 111 no doubt suc ceed. t- -mi i ' ii I.sj the luienllu district It Is said thil pigs foretell rain by carrying straws In their mouths. Tliey must li.ive become weary dnnningniid dolling nrllllclid whlskeis In the past six months. Wai.tiju ('. I'errmi, who was shot a week age at Providence, It. I., Iiuh a line though painful Joke en his doctors. They promptly declared that he was mortally wounded. They dug around after the bullet and falling te llud II dcclnred his vitality wonderful nnd awaited the shunilugef his mortal cell with scientific interest. He declined te bhulllc, and new thodectoiH admit that the bullet merely scooped out a bloody wound and glanced elT. The man's wife says thnt she found the bullet sticking in a bed jesl aud threw It away. Petter declares that he tried hard te die acceidlug te pregramme, but could net de it. Jehn liuru: O'ltr.ii.in, the imieI, is ene of the shining lights of llosten. Many years age he was scut te Australia asn political convict en n twenty years' sen tence. He oscaped, aud after two years of hard Ufe at seu landed lu New Kuglaud. After this exporlenco he hardly tools well disposes! towards things Austialiau, but he makes an exception lu fax or of the Australian systeiu of voting, which he ar dently f.neis. The pout is au enthusiastic Democrat, and u reporter who heard his pralse of the system just tried lu Mas Hachuxctta commented that it had net enabled the Democrats te win. "Nn," roplled O'llellly, "but we had a fair election, w ltheut let or hindrance from theso wlie usually lullucuce tlie ballet box whcie laboring men are employed. Jlosteu Is u Domecrallo city, but we lest fi,00iJ votes there because the Kepubllc'ius madea trade with the liquor Interests upon the license question, and elicited us out of our ew n. Yeu see, the itcpublieans have tlie beard of police and the granting of liquor liceuses. Therefere, every liquor dealer wanted te be solid w 1th the ineu in peu or, and it guv e the Hepubllcaus the best possible oppoi eppoi oppei tunity of trading for the bcuetil of their ticket. We lest ihogewrunishlp by '.',500 votes outside of Husten, and we should hae had .VOO majority lu the city. This is the exact situation. But the Dcmocialle light was a great one, and we hepe it will Iwr fi nit in tlie future." lll.OO.MIMl ALASKA. r.ici'well 1. el ter I'reni tlitt United Metes Knplei'tiiK K.xpedltleii. The last news for at least a year of the government expedition for the suneyef Alaska reached hi. Leuis en Monday in a letter te Patrick Minrath, father of Jehn K. McGrath, ene of the chiefs of the ex plerlug party. As the expedition was or er gani7eit by the L'nlted .States gocrntueul in elder that a reliable smve of its niebt northern tenitery, and Vspo Vspe dally Its iinoxplered parts, uiluhl be ob eb ob uuieil, iiilurmalien of. the wolfaie aud work of the party Is of' national interest. Thu steamer of the division which Mr. McOrath commands has new navigated the Yuken river further than any steamer cer went before. It will, during the winter, travel through an unexpected laud. "We have been steaming up the Yuken for eleen days, nnd 1110 new "Jue miles beyond Hint point en the river which is half-way between St. Michael's nnd wlieie I expect te go. This is n great river. Near its mouth it is almost twonty-lHe miles wide, taking lu the arleim channels through which It reaches llie sea. It re sembles the Mississippi. Our beat Is small nnd we nre ceuielltsl te slop liequcntlv for weed, much el which wonrecompolled te cut. Anether cause of delay Is the muddy water, which necessitates Iiequcnt cleaning of tlie boiler. When weleit.St. Michael's we were given a llatterlug laro lare well, with Hags tlylng and cannon boom ing. "Kicty fifteen or twuuty uilles we cnuie upon au Indian settlement. Mere desolate hovels you cannot 11 nd anywhere. Tlie box of the uatiesis indicated in tliclrdress only by the length of their fur coats. The women wear their coals long behind and the men'sareeut of equal length all around. When you get close te tliem the women have another distinguishing font tire- they haxe thrce btralght lines tattooed en their ehlus. A man can take as many wives as he can support, nnd each ene lias te work as hard as jtosslble. Further up tlie river the state of allalrs is dillurcut. Thore a woman may have two or three husbands. The furniture In tlie native hut Is very sparse; a few blich-bark bxskvts, huiie sjioens of ivory, wooden dishes, nriexvs, sjiears, iiiay-be n gun, straw mats and furs. LvcrythlngsuieUs vxerMi than n soap fac tory. The pvople nie literally cexcred with vcrnilu. They me miserably peer. They vt v cry little ler their game and tM they have te sell. Heth nie se plentiful that we haxe Hied el ducks, gee.se aud bal men. " As lam writing, Ihcie are. some mag nificent mountains in Mulit. Tbev remind me of Ihu first range of the Ituckles in Col Col orado. 1 u the weeds there are lets of roses nnd the hillsides are us green as any lawn In spring, it Isdlillcult Ie bellux e that this is an Arctic laud when you observe tlie luxuriant lorests, llie green grass, llie Minc ers, uuil mark hew warm the days are. Hut digdexxu leu inches anywiiuie and you will Hud the ground Ire.en hard. At Mulatolhey have dug twenty-five feet te get vvnter and the ground was frozen all the way down. In splte or this the xveather is se vx arm that every man is going around lu his shirt bleevcs. Mosquitoes ure plou pleu tilul and rerocieus. "We reached Fert Yuken en Julv " and our juirties Miaralwl. Turner and his urty went up the l'eruunlue river and I am making my way blew ly up te the boun dary. Turnerls the first man te take a steamer up the I'oreuplne, The river is a regular mountain stream, rising with every rain and rulllng Immediately aftervvanl Turner struck It at it low stage and went up forty miles. Fert Yuken is but a namouexx'. There Is net a stick of ene of its houses left. The Hnglish used te think it belonged te them, but a survey hhexved that itvva twenty-tlve miles within our territory and they had te meve out. As there was no business te warrant occupa tion, the houses et the Hudsen llav com pany xvcre ulloxved te go te ruin. "Moeso are plentiful and cheap, but people eat anything they can get up here which will net poison them. The miners are misera bly peer. The storekeeper at Forty-Mile Creek had 115,000 of bad debts en his books this spring, nnd still, I nm told, the mnn w be comes Inte his stere without n dollar gets as geed treatment as the olio who has the casii te pav for what he gets. He gels his money if the mines can make It, and If they dent, he loses It, These frontiersmen stand together and help each ulhertli rough thick and lliln. Lastycaf a solitary miner was killed by an Indian eernt Keejiibuk river. He was the first ene evor touched. A big band or miners travelled nearly 1,000 miles and hanged the Indian murderer, losing a whele season's work by their trip." This letter was mailed August IP, 16SP. A second lctter, bearing dale of August m, "Times have been dreadfully hard w lib the miners this year, and a great many of thorn have lest heart. It has rained nearly the whele spring nnd summer In this neighborhood, nnd In coiisequonco the mountain streams have become torrents, washing out water-wheels, stuleo-bexos, etc., nnd preventing the miners from doing anything. Wages are high, (H w hen you work, but they work sollltle they would prefer frfi per month and grub. I don't ex poet te getnny niorelettcrs out this year nor In the spring. 1 have no dogs, nnd therefore no ay te send them. " A ConfeiiorlMii'n Jllet. Walter llaynns, of Hrlmllcld, Ma.s.. en Tuesday eclebrated his KMHh birthday. He Is In excellent health and does net leek te be ever "ft. He never used liquor or tobacco, aud attributes his lougevity te boiled klimlH and "Johnny cake." An perfectly unfe ami rellnliUlfinln te rcmi rcmi Inte the bencln, nnd tirace up and ruiievntii the rilcin, Ijiuruler l Juki llie thing. Atilrrn; Klst. Price 591 cents. llie rl.lnff Rrnrrattuii ought In be iiretreled nnfiln.t tli ktii'fyliu Innuciiee or )nri'i;erln or lnmlnmiin. We tall the attention or all mothers te the fact that Dr. Hull' lUiby Hrup Is nli'miiitrly liiinnlCHk. I'rlre 25 cent. Selit by all rirucglMH. Or plain, or beautiful, the while, Nelndy can atrenl te smile, Unless her teeth are llke tlionieir ; Amtlf ulie full lu this, And enn't afrenl te smile or klM, Kheimist iisnbU.(UH)NT,l tiev. .Ilan xrants hut little here helnxr, II ii I wants that little strein;, T Ills Is especially true of n luiru, TlieaxeraKe mnn or woman linen net precisely lianker for II, as a rule, lint when taken, wishes It Ie be prompt, sura and ellectlve. I)r. I'lcrre'a I'lens iint 1'nrKatlM! 1'ellits leave nellilinr t" he de sired lu point of ellltney, and et their action Is totally from any iinpleasiiul ny mptetns. or ills nurwahln after illects, Purely rt,'etiilile, .er fectly harmless, W.lhAw ll'ituiinmlu'v'e. PlIILAliELI'IIIA, Wednesday, Nev. 20, ISM!. Every day something of special interest will appear in tliis column. The Bargain Hunter may knew that the Bar gain Maker is busy here. Traces of his work will be seen all ever the house. " Best value we ever had in Handkerchiefs." Vc say that of a Men's Plain White pure linen of course), put up in dozen and half-dozen boxes. Quality excellent, size right precisely what a well-dressed man should have ; French hem one half inch. " Unfinished" .ue t 50 a dozen, 75c half dozen. " Full finished " run from $1.90 a de.en, 95c half dozen, te $,. 20 a dozen, $2.10 half dozen. In handy shape for 1 leliday gifts. Southwest of centre. A Down Comfortable that sheds the down is a plague. Loek at these: covered first with fine white cambric and then with sateen. " Inter lined," they call it. The down is iherc te stay geed, pure, white down. And the price six dollars. Warmth without weight. Near Women's Waiting Hoein. Many readers of our daily column have braved the storms of two days past te catch the Dress Rebe Bargains while the variety is full. The prices are a " twice told talc," somewhat woeful orsvmeberfy joyful feY you. Plenty of geed people at the counters te tell them ever and show the wonderful assort ment. Sebastopol and Alma raise war thoughts in old men's minds. Peace new. Yeu can storm them at 50 cents a yard, and Raye Soleil the same. Blessed economy in them. They are brothers te merinos and cashmeres, and would be cheap at 75 cents. What must they be at 50 ? See and judge. Best value for the money in this or any ether market. Seuth of centre. Oriental Laces. The old standard of values has been knocked askew : Uicesat 8c Uues nt 10c jceHt 12c aces at lle Luces at lt!c Iju-hj at LVK" tjlCl'S it SV5 Compare them as you please ; we don't knew their equal at the prices. Ner m a n d y Valenciennes Lace at 10c that we hear of around town . s being worth .jee. .-J.-1'. ClicMuilt streit side, c t of .Main Able. An Occasir 1 in Shoes for Women. Excel Jenal sizes, Nes. 1 te 3 and yA te 7. If you can be fitteu in the sizes you can Ret a pair of Shoes for 52 that might have cost you $8, $5, or $3.50. Only 155 pairs in the let. if you cannot get suited in that let, here is a consolation Bargain of in pairs, all sorts of leather, calf, kid, goat, all hand-sewed. Winter shoes, evening shoes, all sorts of tees and all sizes in the Jet. These are emnium gatherum lets, but all geed. Every pair a prize ; the only limitations are in your taste and your feet. Market street side, Jehn Wanamaker. H OOtVS BAttSArAttllXA. TCTliat Is Catarrh Ii un Inflammation of the mucous membrane, and may afreet the head, Ihreil, stomach, bowels or bladder. Hut catarrh of Ilia bead Is the most common, often eomlnijenso gradusll; thnt It lias n firm held before the un til re of the trouble Is suerted. Catarrh Is caused by it cold, orsiirtcsulenof colds, coin, blued xtlth Impure bleed. JU local yinptemi arc fiillncis and beat In the forehead, dryness In the nose and back part of the threat, and a disagreeable discharge from the nee. When the disease gains n firm held and becomes chronic, His Very Dangereus being liable te develop into consumption. The eyes become Inflamed and red, there Is throb threb blnu In the temples, ringing neUes In the ears, headache, caprlcleiiJ appetite, and sometimes less of sense, or smell and hearing. Heed's Snr saparllla Is the remedy for this ever Increasing malady. It attacks at enrc the source of the dlsense by purifying and inrlchlng llie bleed, which, as 11 readies the delicate passages or the mucous membrane seethes and r builds the tissues, giving them tendency te health Instead of disease, and ultimately curing the affection. Held by all druggists. II ; six fert'i. Prepared only by C. I. HOOD fc CO., IOwell, Mass. ioe nesra eni: deu.au. Jlrj N KXT DOO4, JT1IK COUHT H0U8E. Bargains ! Bargains ! We arn offering many Ilargnlns this week In DIIKS.S GOODS, Ladles' and Children's Coats, Illnnkets, Muffs, Hosiery, nandkerchlefs, Corsets, etc., etc. Among the specialties we will mention : IlemnanU of Illenchednnd Unbleached Table Linens a WVe Corset for&sc ; Children's Corset Waists, Sic ; Nankeen Cotten Flannels, 9c j another ense Unbtencbcd Cotten Flannels at Ce; 60 dozen German Linen Napkins at 5c, worth tl ; 25 dozen Heetch Linen Napkins, dinner size, SI 2i, worth 12; lllaclt All-Weel Henrietta, 48 Inches wide, at 73c, n II quality; lllack All-Weel Henrlitta, 10 Inches wlde.tl, theSlS'i quality; Colored Heu. rlcttas, 11 Inches wide, at 37Je; Indigo lllue Prints at (IJfe, 4-4 III1I Muslin at 8c: Beautiful Cre. tonnes at 10c, vierelZJc; Men's Colored Hhlrls and Drawers at 25c, worth 37c; Stamped Pillow Hhamsnf best muslin only IKe; Htamped llureauand Sideboard Cevers, 25c, 3.' 45e aiidMc. -('oine when you will jeu will alwajs find Ilargnlns here. FKHNESTOCK'S, 35 and 37 East Kinpj St., Lancaster, Pa. -yi ETZGEIl A HAUGIIMAN. LADIES' AND CHILDREN'S COATS - AT - METZGER & .flint Opened iv Lnrge nnd Htuiilf-ome AnHurtment of LADIES' nnd CHIL DHEN'S COATS nt tlie Lewcnt Prices. l'aitlculnr Attention Is enlled te our SEAL PLUSH COATS, Hindu expressly for us by the llet MnniifiiuturerB. Fer Style, Beauty nnd Finish Cannet be Excelled. Metzger& Haughman's Cheap Stere, Nes. 38 and 40 West King Street, Lancaster, Pa. (OPPOSITE THK COOPKlt HOUSE.) TV AHUAMcKLHOV. bard & Mcelrey, Neb. 33 and 35 Seuth Queen Street, Opposite Fountain Inn. KXTIIAOIIDINAKY VALUU3 Ifen't It n fact, that for tLcpame amount of-mencr von can buy iiotlcrKeod In ene store than yen ean In .mother t Why? Iteeauac Mime fell their poeds at Miialler preflta, vMiiRj'cm a heller article fei yonrmenoy. We claim te sell ceeds closer than any oilier liuuce In Lancnuter. In our lautadverthementwe Mieke. about Underwear. Men's White or Colored at aee. iTx-, S7J Jc, 60c ami up. Ladles nl 25c, HOc, 50c and up New wnlle jeu may see the aine priced coetls nt any ether (.tore, we claim our Reeds at the priced arc the bent valiie ever tillenxl. lakoenr Ijullcs' 'Pfcl, Martins at 23c, next uradeiWe. amine en, perhaps jeu will Kay the next Rmde at ether Meres lHHT'eeach erTOeper pair, se It In, and our prlcobtieor T8 per pair, !ta a pair hlgher.but for the dlllirence of 3c mere ue give you a pair of eMn thalrctall atjl.a Mt Iiik or 22e mi ecry pair. Hut we can't RpeaK or every number or Underwear, In Ladles', .Men's or Children's, hh wuhanthem In Merine, Medicated, Natural Weel, Camel 'n Hair, etc. HII A WI.S-Kxtrn barualns In bliiBle Hhnw Is at f 1, 25, 51 CO. K and up. We w euld call kpeclal mention or two numbers In Deuble Hhaw Is that are way below the regular price. One In a Green, lllarl. nnd lllue l'lald nt KIW, which Is nt least II under price. Anether number Is ene nt SI 50, which, un are sure, ou cannot match In quality ler U-ss than 0, In a great variety of styles. llargaliiH In lllack Thibet Shawls In single and double. Shoulder Hha Is from lOeup IlLANKin'S Wlille ami Colored Illankets atTeC.Mc, 81, SI 2.", 1 50, 175,82,82 25, 5.1, $350, V, 8150, 8.1. Sa, 87, SO. Kerj lclud at the price Is a bargain. COM roil PS-Comforts at 75c, 81, 81 25, !1 50, 81 75, S2, 82 23, 82 60, $3. Our own make. 1 Jirge size nt 51 M Isone or our best sellers. rLANNlSljH Notwithstanding the mild weather e have sold a quantity of Flannels already In Cotten Klaiinelsat 5c, t'-(c, 8, Ulc, UMc, etc.! In Weel Khinnels, lu drey, nt lOc, l"y.c, 15c, ISc, etc.; lu Itedut 12)ic, 15c, 20c, 25c and tip; lu Navy lllue at 25c, 31c, 10c and 50c. Embroidered Klannels Ter Skirts. In I 'nre or Cream While, embroidered whlte ; In lllue, Orey, embroidered cardinal J In llrewn Mixed, embroidered brown, nt SI and 8125 per yard. Ulegant quality and patterns. STA.Ml'KDOOOPS Htmnped Pillow Shams at 20e and 25c per pair. Stamped Linen WaMi stand Cevers, 25c. Ilurcau Scarfs, 3.V, lie nnd up. Tidies (rem 6c up. Splashers from 10c up. OIL CLOTH We are tillering a special gisidartlcle In fleer Oil Cletli,2 jards wlde,at50e u yard. JuU llie thing for uneven lloers, as It Is soft and pliable. All grades from yard te 2i yards ulde. Cheap Cocea Ktigs at 50c; worth 75c. PANT OOODH Au extra Urge stock of I'autltigat 10c, 12c. 15c, 18c, 20c, 25c.37J.Jc, 40c, 45c, 50c, (j5c, 75c and up. It Is only bj eflerlng bargain we are enable te Increase our trade, which wohae In en doing cwt since ue started. l'K.vTII KllS The best Feathers cheap. A loner grade atSOc. BiLRi) & Mcelrey, Nes. 33 and 35 Seuth Queen Street. Opposite- Fountain Inn. iUatchee. H X. ItHOAUri SON. Visitors Are Invited te Our Art Roem ! OUIt IMl'OItTATIONS INCLUDE PAINTINGS AND STATUAUY, UnON'ZICS AND MUSICAL DOXES, PANS AND LEATHER HOODS, FRENCH CLOCKS AND CANDELAHRA. l'lilittlugs liy tiieiUrn nrtUts. llreiiits that uen lu the 1'arls Salen. Musical Dexes, the llnest Ocni'Mi work. Kalis of oneploco lace, hand nliited. French Clocks, quarter hour strike. Candela bra lu (Jold, Silver, Onyx nnd llreiue. llucrs of Wtddlnger Helldny tlirtsulll plcnte call and learn our prices. i-Watches, Clocks, Jc dry and Musical ilnx.es repaired. H. Z. RHOADS & SON, JEiAZEL-ERS, Ne. 4 WEST KING ST., LANCASTER, PA. V 71LINN AIllltENEMAN. ' $100. BLOCKS OF Five. AMUSE YOURSELF AND MAKE. MONEY. The New Yerk World will give JUKI theblierlet-t time. The Lancaster I.vilm.i.kil.m 1:11 will pny J2tl te the jieien in LniienntcT County who will de this Puzzle in thesheitesl time. FLUSH A BRENEMAN, SOLE AGENTS. PRICE, 10 CENTS. jriethiun 4 HICEW. Fall, 1889. Make It the meiieyuilng time of the) ear, and Hits the plnce tosae It by getting thebctt material and ine'.t Hj 1UU Suitings, Treuserings and Overceatings FOR Till LEAST MONEV. Ven knew the reputation alua)s reliable. Trices are Iuir tlutii etr, sDlcs handsomer, (ltialliy liner. Te these who have denll litre Ihi'kiirmcut beak for thtmsehes. All that Uuskttl Is n trial te ple.ise ou,and auuroeti piirccl satisfaction, NOS. 'ill ANDSUlWl-ST KINO STREET. ltMitid TTI ENUV WOLK, FURNITURE STORE, has removed te 130 East King street, having n full line of l'urnlttire of every description at the leu est prices. Alse Undertaking promptly at tended te. Call and examine our poeds. aMfdR U, WOLF. I3tl East Klue OUettJ Catarrh. " Fer several ycari I have ben troubled with that terribly disagreeable disease, catarrh. I took Heed's Barsaparllls with the very best re sults. It cured me of that continual dropping in my threat, nnd stafTed-up feeling. It has also helped my mother, who has taken It for run down state of health and kidney trouble. I recommend Heed's Harsaparllla te all asn geed medicine." Mns.8. 1). Heath, Putnam, Conn. 11 This certifies that I was cured of n bad case of catarrh by Heed's Barsnpnrllla two years age." Ws, It. Notes, Kat Jeffersen, Me. Permanent Geed " I hnTe suffered with catarrh In my bead for enrs, and paid out hundreds of dollars for med icines, but have heretofore received only tem porary relief. Heed's Harsaparllla helped me se much that my catarrh Is nearly cured, the weakness of my body Is nil gene, my appetite Is geed In fact, I feel like another person. Heed's Harsaparllla Is the best medicine I have ever taken, and the only one that has dene me per per per manentgoed." Mns. A. Cuw.niweham, Trovi Trevi dence, II. I. Held by alt druggists, tl; six fert'i. Prepared only by C I. HOOD A CO., Lewell, Mass. 100 D08E8 ONE DOLLAR O5d0tB. HAUGHMANS. te the person who will de the Puzzle in HUoccllaiieeiio. 'rilili: DECKKH llUOTlIEItS PIANOS 1 are unsurpassed by any ether piano ue Itlll,, m.ir fi.i f TlifuulnM 'riii.iiitid II II Mlllk l', tn.Vi l.-WllV' llll .t V1 II. Ne. 11 East King St., Uincaster, l'a JANSAS Investment Company, I'ndcr Hilicrvlsleii of Ilauk Commissioners. Capital ., . fVJU.UU Surplus JZ 1U),MU I'ndUldeil eurnlnirs. fts.tv btoeklieldern' liability . . Sou.ueu luestmcnts from 1.10 te KM.OW. JO UN II. METZLElt, Accnt, ecllVlyd NuiU beuth Duke St. I JIIOPOSAI.S roil l'AVINO. I Sftihd propes.ils will Ikj recclveil nt the eltlcc off. A. (last. Ne. 13 North Duke street, up te 3 o'clock en Thursday afternoon, the 2lst luit, for pnMiiK the diamond at the corner of Duke and OruiiKe streets ulth Asphalt Itlecks, and fur the luivluu u llh Pert Deposit lldulau illiK'ks of the diamond at the corner of Duke mid Chcitnut streets, mid Duke stnt from the diamond nt Duke and Chestnut streets te the rvun)lnnln nillrnad brldje. llaus and specltlcntlens may be seen at the olllceef Allan A. ilerr, Cliy llcjulater, Ne, US l'jit KIiib street. Uy order of the Street Ceiiunittee. W. MIDDLE, Chairman. Attest j 0. A. OAST, Clerk, ullKild JrdcetMc. -LAnKE'U SPECIAL HAIIUAINK. The Greatest Offer On Earth! Highly Important te Scheel Teachers I lie member, the teachers who leave town without catling euCLAHKi:, the Tea, Coffee and Uro Ure cerymnn, of 1-anrteiler, will regreC It all the das of their lives. Kapcclnlly when they see thebcauttrul presents secured by their neigh neigh bera who have ealltd. Our offer te teachers and all who call are the greatest ever heard of since Adam dwelt In Paradise. Kemembcr our stock of Teas, Coffees and Gro ceries Is the largest and most complete of any house In the state. Prices ahraj s the lowest and quality proves It. West New Ix-ghem Citren, ISO V lb. Teleka Teleka tliares. Perfectly Clean Currants nnd Hultana Itatstns ready for Immediate nee, for sale by us, Frutt Puddlne, Sen pack; 7 packs ferfiOe. Kin Kin estllne of Hmekcd Flsli In the city. Clscecs, Klnpard Herring, Halmen nnd Kee Herring. Cheapest Sugars in the city. 3AMUELCLARKE'S TEA AND COFFEE AND GHOCEIIY HTOIIE, 12 14 SOUTH QUEEN KTHEKT. J-Telephene. T HUltSK'8. Fresh Goods from the Mills. Choice New Ilnckwheat. Alse .HelMtnlslug Tiuckwlicat. Schumacher's Fresh Avcna or ltelled Oats. Schumacher's Oat Meal. Schu macher's Farina nnd Granulated Cern Meal, t racked and Holled Wheat by the pound. Whcatlctt, a new nnd line article, for the break fust tabic. SUGARS ALMOST STRUCK BOTTOM. Down from the highest, from two te three cents a pound. Yeu can't leek for them much levx cr. Grauulatcd ut Se Is reasonable. KOltEiaNAND DOMESTIC FHUITS In great variety. Alse Canned Goods of all klndx, BURSK'S, Ne. 17 East King Street, LANUAB.'EIt. PA. T HEISTS. Given Away Free ! " Our Family Physician." A plain, practical and rcllnble eulde te the detection and treatment of dlscnscsjcommen te this country. Designed for use by pcople who have net made the practice of medicine a study or a business, and who are net supposed te be familiar Willi technical phrases and names, but want Information In plain EucltMi. Price,-). Ask for a card, buy Iwenly dollars worth of Orecerles In ninety days, The amount of each nurchase will becancelhil as uoeds are beiiEht en this card, and uhen all the figures, repre senting KM, are purchased, j oil get the book. Au Immense Stock of Groceries. Twenty barrels of the Hest ljit Year's Crep New Orleans UaklnsMelnsses, 5. (I, 8, 10, 12,11, 15, 16 nnd lte a iiuart. A blit lolefOnc-Pnumt Comb Henev, ISc a pound. Sixty Ralleus of Klneit New Yerk Slale Heney nt 15c a pound, tue pounds for 'Jic. A let of Mlnccmcntatfic 10c, and Very Finest at 12c a pound. Finest New Killing I'lcnla llnins rcilnced te Re n pound, summer UelORiin, Ce. Dried Beef, De and 10c. Finest Extra Dry Knuckle Dried Beer, 15c a pound. Granulated Cornmcal.-leaquart. Six peundi fresh Wheat Germ for 25c. Six pounds Boiled O.its, i!ec. Seir-llnUIng lluek uheat, 10a and 15ea pack. Three pounds finest New Figs. ii5c. Twe pounds Fluest Prunellas for 25c. Three pounds New Aprlceta for 25c. Six, four, three and two pounds Prunes for 25c. Cernllne, r3imd lOcapacU. New English Cur rants, three pnnudi for 25c. Flo pounds Peaches, 25c. Three pounds Evaporated Ap ples, ay. The pounds Best Ksnperated Un paid! Peaches for 25c. New Citren, 20c I,einen ana urntiKC reel, j.ie n pnuna. .ew j-iiicu Cherries, 20e a pound. Tuelve Fine Four-Inch Wax Candles for 15c. Three-pound enn New Apricots, 25c. Twe cans Finest French Peas, 25c. Four pounds '1 hick or Thin Water Crack ers for 2c. Nlcnacs, thrce pounds for 25c. Nlc nacs. ftve pounds for 25c. Ginger Snaps, three ioiindsfer25c. Caustic Seda, (ion pound. Ma laga Grapes, Persian and Ferd D.itcn, Flerida Oranges, New Nuts, Fresh Candles, Limn Jieans jiticnu iicni. jieinmy, reas, epui fcas, Lentils, Ac. The flnest lines of Smoked Clscees and Sugar-Cured Herring, Codfish nnd Miuk crcl In the city. reFst ! WHOLESALE AND RETAIL GROCER, CORNER WEST KING AND FRINGE bit)., Directly Opposite J. U. MartluiCa'sDry Goods Stere, and Next Doer te Serre llersu Hetel. ev nk ev.itcttt. T" jidlt RENT FROM 'APRIL WT. NEXT, A FlrsU-lass Blacksmith's Mtiop.wlthduell Mtiep.wlthduell lug Heuse, situated at Greenland Mills, In East Lampeter township. Apnl te r.LIZAllBl'H O. E. BATES, eil-Ildll 113 North Dukeht., Lancaster, l'a. E TtOR SALIVA TOBACCO (SWEATER IN iroeil f rniillllnii cnn.tcllv VI ruses: will no seui ill onc-ieurtii actual coil. Aimress, HEGENEll A IIALDEMAN, Executers K.tnte A. Cellins, Marletta, Pa, e20-tfd 0 Tuur.SDAY, Nevcitlinit 28, 1SS9, Will be sold, by vlrtue of tin Older of the Or phans' Court, Lancaster, Pa., the following Real Estate, te wit: All that one and a-hnlf story Brick Duelling Heuse, Ne. HH West Lcnitln street, with frame back building uud let of gieund, fronting en said West Lemen stteet.t! feet and extending lu depth HO feet. The building Is In geed condi tion, 'lhere Is a well of never falling water and a number of Klne Fruit Trees en the premises. Sale te commeuce at 7 o'clock p. in., of said day, uhen conditions will be made known by JACOB KAUTZ, Administrator of Geerge Kautz, dee'd. nevlG,20,2;i,27 s ECURK A HOME FOR YOL'R FAMILY. Secure a Heme for Your Family. FOR SALE ON THE MOST LIBERAL TERMS. Twe-story brick dwelling houses, lets 120 feet deep, en Lancaster uveuue, between Wal nut and Lemen streets. Tue-stery brick duelling house with man sard roer. perches In front, lets 115 feet deep, en North Pine, between Chestnut mid Walnut slice ts. Twe-story brick d n 1" heiu-es ulth fient yards, Iren fences, I . I i feet deep, en West Walnut, between M i Pine serecls. Twe-story brick dn lling houses, lets 115 fict deep, en est Lemen street, bctuecn Charlette, anil .Mary streets. Three-story brick ducllliig houses, lets ISO feet deep, ulth nil tlie modern Improvements, front yards, en West Chestnut street, between Pine and Nev in streets. Alse houses en East Walnut, North Lime, North Mary, between Walnut mid 1Oineu, anil Lemen, bctu ecu .Mary and Pine sticcls. All the above houses are In geed order, newly papered, gas fixtures lu all thu rooms, water in llie kitchen, and the cellars utirrnntedtobedry. Call and see for j eursclf, no trouble te show you. JNO. F. ORIEL.1 ,., , JACOB ORIEL, 'f Executers. apr20-ljd.M.W.S. 320 North .Mary Street. jT'leuv. EVAN A SONS. Levan's Fleur! Uniform and Reliable. Jicnlletry. -I-vKNTAL ROOMS. R. D. McCASKEY, Dentist. GltAPl'ATE IN DKNTI3TUV AMI AN.THET1CS. Otllce aud Residence, bOUTHEAST COR. ORANGE AND NORTH QUEEN STREETS. Prompt Att-ntlen ( harges Reasonable. All Werk Wurmuted. Het'KS-8 u. in. te S p. ju. Wtck Days. icpiMJuidiw pKi &OOtl N; BxV YORK HTOIIE. Jackets I Jacket AT THE New Yerk Sten We offer an nnrlvnted assortment of BTOC1 ntiiJAUh.i.ia nt n, n au, 11 nna IS each. FINE STOCK1NETT JACKETS, trlraa uiiu uumm iTiiu .uk uruiu, csi ireni, sleev es, at J5, , 8 te 810 each. Fine Dlagennl, Corkscrew and IlcAvcrWAIj INQ JACKETS nt 6, te, J7, JS te 112 each. Striped, Plaid and Mixed CLOTH JACK! at re w, 3. w au te ie encu. Newmarkets, Newmarket Oennemaras, Irish Peasant Coats, IN MANV STYLES AT LOW PHICE We show n inrce stork of SEALPLUHH HA MKNTS, made te our special order et the l)J cngusn nusiics, nna tne prices never wq leuer ter sucn superior qualities. PLUSH WALKING JACKETSat3, 10,112 te 15 each. SEAL PLUSH SACQUES, full leiiRlh, ilJ m te f 4, at 9iu, vis, ;jj te tsii eacu, SEAL PLUSn CAPES, ASTItACHAN CAPI At Lewest Prices. CHILDREN'S COATS In evers- desirable sty from fl, 91 5U, u, ti , K ' te iu each. Watt & Shand 6, 8 AND 10 EAST KING ST. c HARLES CTAMM'S BOSTON STORE SPECIAL BARGAINS! 2t-Iuch Black Satin Rhadnma, !1. AUColers Morle Sllk.aOe. 21-Inch Black Dress bilk, 75c and SI. Alt Celers Best Dress Silks, 67e. Fancy Trimming bilks, 50e and 75c 'Borderod Nun's Veilings, 75e and ii. Black Crape, 60c, 75c, fl. IS-Inch Black Henrietta, 37c and 75c. Black Striped Sergis, S7'c. Remnants et lllack Henrietta at Half Price. 15-Inch Black La co Flouncing less than cost. Reninnnts of Satin cheap te close out. as-inch All-Weel Tricot Cleths at 37Jc. All enr 61-Inch Dress Goods at 25 and 60c. 3ti-Inch Plain Weel Cleths tit25c. 12;c and 17e Deuble Width Dress Goods at 10c. All our llJc aud 17c Plaid Dress Goods at 5c. FOR BIG BARGAINS O TO- 35-37 LANCASTER, PA. Charles Stamm. lilnclifitci-tj. SEASONABLE SUGGESTION. The covering of steam pipes ulth a reliable material Insures dry steam Hint saves fuel and attentien: the cost of thecevering being some times made up lu n slnglejearln saving or fuel alone. The best material se far ettered te the public Is the Megnesia Sectional Cevering, Fer Steam Plres, Boilers, Brine Pipes, Etc., and is for sale only lu Uincaster and Lebanon counties, by CENTRAL MACHINE WORKS, W. PARKE CUMMINGS, Prep., NOX 131 A I3S NORTH CHRISTIAN faT., Lancaster, Pa. Price lists and diceuuts and directions for applying en application. Special terms te the trade. Ale ale, Pipe, Cocks, Fittings, Etc., at Jobbers' Price". dcc3-tfdlt VJUHE Ji i l. OF THE GRAPH l The rl uud whlte wines which I pur chased ontni'Mei where innde, en the Rhine In German) Just the thing for thohelldavs. Send In your .inters. I cuaruutee It pure and a geed medicine for enfeebled conttltiuien. I'ETl RDORslIFIMLR, li i-.l-111-l Ininl, ijinciuUl IVi., l'u. Will etill ai i our house If ) en send me a pos tal. Orde niy be Icfl at the Lancaster County Heme. ulMtud 35-37 North Queen Street i pen Street, m u. A'J'