Lancaster daily intelligencer. (Lancaster, Pa.) 1864-1928, November 16, 1889, Image 2

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flatly grntcUteettttv.
I.mTiimhhtkiNMAN fOLTZ. Bailers.
j, t vwTrtri. . . . ....:.
P,i JIOBBtH vuaiuv, rnnunv.
--'i nm.v IV-rpf.T IriPVPTtH. Piihllnticd
i ry dyln theywir,bal8un(Iy. Served
4, by carriers In thU city n iutTeun ling
4.C tewBtlncenUwlt. Bymallnwdel-
'K Ian a jretr In idwnee ; SO ecuU a month.
ally eentu a year, in advance,
ai mini ii i i 1 1 ii ii iimiiTin tTAmll hr enfCK
i or poMefflce order, and where neither of
ean be procured senu m ....
S lA . -...-
u-, . . . .. .... ..upiiunill
f 3F, Miter. ,M,.
B -J, lnhMllnr. Ia
November 16, 1889.
it. ,... it t.
XtS - -. .. 11..I 4.11iaAni PflnAPIll
Hastings Is te have a walkover for the
itepuDiican nomiuauen ier guwiuui,
and that Quay has dropped Senater
Detonator aa his candidate. Mr. Chris
Magee, of Allegheny, who has shied his
eutarlntnthn rlnff for HnttillCS 19 te
H experience once again that felicity of
concera witn uuuy which uu u
year In supporting Beycr ; nnd all the
Itemibllcan foctlens arc te lle down In
ISSS' ..U.r.,1 nnllr. nml ITnutlntrs Is te have
iiSM! iu .!, v n-ntlmr thin Information
s. ri""""r." .:.,.,.. i.h
rrem tnc emienai columns m wu
delphia Inquirer, which is recognized as
peaking with the voice of Quay. It de
clares that the Public Ledger in an
article which it takes care te reprint " ac
curately records the popular sentiment
of the state when it says that the drift is
altogether in his favor for the coming
Republican nomination for governor.
There are several excellent candidates
for this honor, and it is no disparage
ment te any of them te say thn?..JHrfie
has te-day any such pretymuecTl popular
support and wlde personal strength
ns General Hastings."
That is clear and strong enough te milt
General Hastings perfectly aud te locate
the Inquirer, and these for whom It
speaks, en the question of the guberna
terial nomination, at this Unto. A ititure
data may change matters, hut te-day
Delamater is carried out aud Hastings is
CDckef the walk. The boss has con
cluded te take away from the growling
bears, who are net invited te feed off the
federal carcass that is new being divided,
the opportunity te annoy him by their
barking ever the gubernatorial bone, by
giving them their way about Itjespecially
as the candidate te whom they have
tied Is net one out of which they
mmm nnt r..llfit. lAnifnl( flllVM'flW 'Mil!
Mi performance may be a little hard en the
ether fellow, Delamater, but he will
have te ride along aud take something
else out of the bag. Quay has eased up
his lsbers very much by thus relieving
himself of a fight in Pennsylvania while
he Is engaged in the absorption of the
federal patronage. The tactics are
geed. The general who does net waste
his strength in profitless lighting and
who finds n way te step his enemies
from interfering with the comfortable
enjoyment of hts victory, has studied
the science of war te some purpose ; and
there is nothing in the cedo of ethics of
a political father that forbids him
throwing a child te the wolves te enable
him te get safely away with his plunder.
Concerts by Organ Grinders.
It has been made a cilnie te play a
hand organ In 2?cw Yerk city and the
ordinance has only taken effect when,
lel the New Yerk Herald editorially
condemns It as a narrow-minded inter inter
ference with the customs of the people.
The aldermen are warned that they
cannot afford te appear as enemies of
"ceuccrts supported by voluntary con
tributions of the masses." Se the de
spised Italiau organ grinder suddenly
appears te be the director of concerts
supported by the masses ! All ether
cities and towns aflllctcd with the
organ grinders expelled from New
Yerk have only te contemplate the
evidences of misery In grludcrlcss New New
Yerk, nnd give thanks that they are net
deprived of popular concerts. Cynical
peeple may object that these concerts
are net "supported by the voluntary
contributions of the masses," but by
babies and ether persons of weak or un
developed intellect, and also by mean
peopte-whe hire the musical dhuetui te
play the same tune by the hour under
the windows of their enemies, thereby
causing great distress of soul. These
cress-grained individuals must new be
silent, for who can be mere aunejed by
such things than an editor, nnd hath
net the editor of a great paper followed
the abolition of the organ grinder by
fierce abuse of the law that stepped him.
Oft en a stilly summer's afternoon the
ceaseless noise of the organ grinder ap
peared te be grinding the organs of
bearing, se that deafness would have
been hailed for the moment at least as a
blessing. Then were blessings hailed
upon the office "devil" who dropped
bis het penny aud discouraged the
musical director, but new the aldermen
are warned te let the concerts alone. It
is evident that the discovery has been
made that the organ grinders nolse was
net as bad as it seemed and that the total
lack of it makes the Herald man bad.
"The crew doth lng as sweetly aatheluric
When neither la attended."
The busy writer misses something In
lhe hum of the metropolis nnd Is sud
denly conscious of the value of jepular
In all this nothing has been said of the
organic monkey. If the organic grinder
is a director of concerts then his " monk "
must be at least a light comedian. Se,
by their less learn we the merit of things
little vulued.
-.Had Fer Halstcad And Feraker.
MAirat Halstead publishes a statement
uf tup manner in which he was led Inte
accejVlug and publishing as genuine
tbe4rged paper containing the sub-
Y?" scrlpien of the Democratic caudidate
?iier governor te a tnare in tne ceutract
te be obtained for supplying the govern
ment with a patent ballet box. lie
get the paper from Governer Fernkir,
who is said te have received it from
the owner of the patented box. Betide
Mr. Campbell's subscription the paper
jentalnetl tuose or beuatersbherman and
Mr. McPherson, Congressmen McKln-
ney aud Butterworth aud ethers. The
signatures had been made by tracing
genuine signatures upon the paper, aud
the fact of such tracing was readily per per
eeptible, because Mr. Campbell's uume
was three times repeated aud each time
,j&$t was exactly alike and no signature of
8Ws name varied a hair breadth fiem
- 'aaether. It was apparently tee clumsy
, forgery te have deceived a prudent
au uet anxious te be deceived.
It is said for Mr. Halstead that the
roe from w hleh he received it was
calculated te Impress it upon him
'a genuine paper : but en the ether
kand it is suggested that It should have
kd quite (he opposite effect, since along
nrHb Mr. Campbell's name uppearcd
these of Senater Sherman, Mr. Butter
worth and Mr. MeKlulcy, te all of
whom Gov, Feraker is inimical ; and he
does net bear a reputation which v, euld
have- put him above en attempt te de
fame them. It Is true that he expressed
te Mr. Halstcad great surprise and
horror at finding these names upon
biipIi n naner and declared that he
could net use it agalnt his Democratic
opponent because it equally Implicates
distinguished Republicans. Neverthe
less he gave it te Mr. Halstcad te be Used
against Campbell, nnu toeK tlie pretty
certain chance that the Republican sig
natures would be disclosed before the
game was done.
And it is further te be said agalnfct
Halstcad that he showed his willing
ness te arraign Campbell as a Deme,
cratle candidate for governor for an
offense of which still mere distinguished
Republicans of his state were equally
guilty, without accusing them ; which
course cannot be defended for honesty
or fairness : se that his explanation if
it Is believed te acquit him of knowingly
using a fraudulent paper against his
adversary, does net relieve him of the
accusation of a willingness te unfairly
fight him aud of being deceived b evi
dence that a wise man would net have
It Is Probably Untrue.
The report that we have fiem Brazil
of a revolution there will net be accepted
without confirmation, as It is of a very
indefinite character and Is netsustalncd
by any previous information of com
ing trouble. It is n complete stir stir
prlse and beam marks of having been
sent out for speculative purposes. It
tells us that the formation of n re
public has been attempted and that
the army in in control ; statement)
which de net agree, unless it was in
tended te tell us that the army had sup
pressed the uprising, vv hleh Is net slated.
The Idea rather K-ems te be that the
army was at the bottom of the outbreak ;
which again seems te be an improbabll imprebabll
ity. llnull has 1kcu mmnescd te be in a
tranquil and prosperous condition, and
there are no known elements, of dissatis
faction there avu perhaps with the
weight of tuvutluii. The season for
the expert of rubber has net ejiened,
and an outbreak would have a vciy
great effect upon the price of that com
modity ami nlne probably upon that of
coffce. There is caue for suspicion that
the reports we have aie canards or at
least exaggerations, made up for effect
upon the market, although they are
said te ceme fiem different sources.
They will need confirmation befoie
being credited.
Is a recent address nt Hnrard Unior-
slty Richard II. Dnna said that tliore
should be teferiii In tlie present method of
selccUng presidential olerters. "Tlie entlre
electoral vote of u htnte should net," he
holds, " be east in ene block, but should
ha divided according le party strength."
New, the party having a plurality hi the
state casts thowhelo doctoral oteof the
state for Its candidate, and the minority in
each Rtate has no representation lmtoer.
If the doctors were divided hi each
Unto nccerdlng te paity hticngth
thore would be no demoralizing of voters
in a great pivotal fctnte, whero n difference
of aery few votes might threw oeraI
dozen doctoral votes ene way or the ether.
Tlie Baltlmoie Sun says : " New Yerk, for
example, under the proposed plan would
have given Mr. Harrison, In the contest of
18S8, but 10 of her votes, the remaining 17
going te Mr. Cleveland. Tlie strain of the
national fight would net thus be placed en
any single ntate or group of states, te the
ruin of tlie morals of Its people. The strain
would be dlllused in conscquenco of tlie
effort nveryvt hore te bring out n fullote
ofthe minority as well as of the majority.
The fait that doctoral votes cannot be cut
Inte fractious will pi event the minority
from securing In any e.ise an unfair ropio repio ropie
to'itatlon. In Connecticut at tlie last pres
idential oleetlon the Dcmecints emitting
t'ie Prohibition and Laber vote-had only
dM percent, ofthe ote east. Yottheygot
all the six votes ofthe state. With the pie pio pie
pesed division of electoral votcsthey would
hive gotten four, theery rospeulable mi
nority getting but two."
Tlie sub-Joined table presents in the
first two columns of llirures the vote ru-
"celved by Cle eland aud Harrison, 10-
spectlvely, in 1SSS; In the third aud fourth
columns the dl Ision of electoral etes un
der the proposed plan, en the basis of the
etes-eisHnst year :
st iTi"'. Present Proposed
("Ai1- Method. Muhed.
icriT 57" II.
Alabama 10 7 a
Arkansas. 7 . 5 'i
Ciilirerula 8 H r
Colerado. . . 3 1 I
Connecticut.. t) . . i a
Delmrure It, '.' 1
Flerida . .. .. 41 S 1
Ueertrla u ... .1 ti a
Illlniil I 2J 10 12
Imllunu . .1 15 7 H
Iehu . , I 13 1 & 8
Kansas , .. Ii it u
Kentucky.. ' II ... h 6
IxniUlauu.. 8 u 2
.Maine- I I t I 4
MaO land.. b .. t, :i
MUSMK.llllbt.ttrt I II tl 8
.Mkiutfun.. I It G 7
Minnesota .'. . , 7 3 4
Mlvlsslpil ' v .. 7
Mlbfceurl It) ... 11 7
Ncbra.liu ' . . I ft '.' !I
Nevada. 1 8 1 2
New lluiuiishlrv 1 1 a
New Jersey V 0 4
New Yerk I W, 17 19
North Carolina HI tl &
Houth Carolina t) ... & 1
Ohie. I . I 2t 1 11 U
Orieeu ' ..i H 1 1 a
l'eiinsjlvuiilit 1 CO 13 17
lllioJe HlunJ.. i 1 ,s
'Ifiiueuice l.'i ... 7 6
Txa .... 1 U ... 10 a
Vermont..... .. .1 H 1 't
Virginia . (2 .. 7 S
Vet VlrKlulu tl 4 J
Wisconsin H 5 0
Total . . .. IPS gu 2U VO
" Iflhe electoral votes In 15&3 had been
divided in the btate 'according te paity
strength,' Mr. Cleveland would have been
olecteil by a majority of iil, iuMcad of be
inj defeated ushe was by a majority of G5."
Lamiive Auk.nt Moem:, of Castle
Garden, Xew Yerk, heejis u record of all
arrivals, cabin and steerage, and also
watches the outgoing travel, lle kavstlmt
the jiafct year has been remarkable for ln ln
creabe in ocean travel. The number of
people going ubread has, nccerdlng te his
estimate, been about i& per cent, greater
than In any previous jear. " I prcsuine
the Inman has had the greatest number en
account of its two new steamers and the
extraordinary roeerd tnude by the City of
Paris. These new steaineis uloue have
curled fully 10,000 passengers both ways.
The business of the French line is said" te
have increased oue-thlrd this jear, due
mainly te the Purls oxiesltlon, te which it
was tlie most direct reute. In IS70, during
alie busy season, thore were about thlrty thlrty
flve thousand persons who went te Uurope
from this pert. This lias increased
gradually and last season the number was
plated at 60,000. ThU j ear 05,000 w euld be
a low estimate."
At la.t tbe colleo feet ball teams, and
the students who help thein with their
lungs, hav 0 a fine day for a match. Geed
luck te Pranklin and Marshall I May she
fall heavily upon the men of Swarthmere,
and yet "touch down" every time. Per
haps several of thein have mustaches.
Given Pensions.
Peiulens were granted te Jehn II.
Zulgler, Plerin, aud Chrlstiau P. Kuulf
mau, Milium Ule.
Knsten, llethlohem, Atlontewn, Wilkes-
bnrre, Hornnten nnd Heading In the
Leng; IlUtnnt Ttolrplieno H.istein.
rrem the limiting IlcmM.
"Hallee 1" It was ultsrsd up In the s'y
scraping building In New Yerk. Hut that
"Hallee!" took oil vantage of opportunities
and travelled. It went into the basoinent
r,rthn litiltillnir. then out Inte an liniler-
ureund conduit, tinder nil the turmoil of
New Yerk city, then te Hartferd, Provi
dence, and Uosten. ... , .
As the long dltance telephone sen Ire Is
about te be Introduced Inte Itcadlngn Iter'
alii man had gene te New Yerk te Invccti Invccti
cate Its workings, and he held conversa
tions with peeple of his ncquatntaiice In
lloteu nnd Philadelphia.
The headquarters of the long dlBtance
company are located In the big 8-story
building of the Metropolitan Tolenliono
company, at 19 Cortland street. This Is
the electrical contre of New Yerk. It Is
tlie hertdquarters ofthe second largest tele tele tele
phone exehange In the world.
This building Is crammed full of dec
tilcity, and the hundreds of offices, nre oc
cupied by peeple who deal In tame llght
nlntr. The investigator was first tnken te the
cellar. Hore are located the dvuaines
which furnish light and power. The cur
rent Is net taken directly from the dyna
mos, but llireuuh the medium of a sterage
batlery plant which is the largest In the
world, nnd which stores oneugti electricity
te 'Iglit the building for fcoveral days If
iipcnsnarv. lint the most tntcrestinz tiling
about the basement Is the cables. These
ceme In in great Mieaves from the subways
in all directions. Thore sceni te he enough
wires here te swing the great Ilroeklyu
brldKO, but every ene of them has nn in
dividuall'y, since It gees te a subscriber,
nud the c. polls who are looking afler them
can at onto loeate nnv particular vvlre in
the mass. While looking at tlieni it seems
impessible te bcllove that through them
nre all the thne pulhliig the voices of por per
hapsn theusind peeple from ene end of
Manhattan Island te thoethor.
The eperating room ofthe JjOiigDIslance
cempuiy Is en theBth lloer. Hiiro was u
switch beard, by means of which in con
nection w itli another te be montlenod later
the peeple in n region of country with
Buffalo, Albanv, Portland, Me., Scranton,
Pa., and Washington, 1). C, can talk with
ene another. Thure are sonie twolve eper
aters, nnd they are constantly answering
calls from all parts of the territory em
braced w ltliln tlie radius given above. All
the nianufai Hirers of the towns et New
Knuland nre constantly talking te their
agents nnd correspondents in New
Yerk j Philadelphia call up Husten.
Yeu can call up Newpert, or lluf lluf
fale, or any ene of half a hundred
towns in the Unstern or Mlddle states.
Thore are seventeen thousand tolciilieuo
subscribers w ilhhi n radius of 33 miles of
New Yerk and nny ene of these can,
through the mechanism hi this room, have
his who (euuected with ene ofthe long
wires nnd then let her go for half a
thousand miles, nnd it won't tnke lilui
moie than a minute or two either te find
the man he Is after If he Is near the phone.
The switch beard upon which such wen
ders nrowerkod communicates with the
0,000 New Yerk subsciibers through the
grcnt beard In the operating room in the
tievcnth lloer, which Is a marvel te nil tolo telo tole
pliono men, as well as laymen. It is four
hundred feet long nud extends around
tlirce aldes of the building. All the space
en the beard in trout ofthe operators leeks
llke tlie lid of a peppor box. It is plorced
with ever l.ftoe.OUO bolus, into which the
plugs are put te maku tlie connections
between subscribers. Prem ninety ie ene
huudred girls hit In front of this (.binning
for nil they are weith nnd speaking te
mero peeple In n day than the pieslucnt
shakes hands w itli at n reception.
After leavlng this room nnd Its long row
of pleasant faced busy girls, the longdis lengdis longdis
tance phenes were tested and Ilosten and
Philadelphia woie talUed with, with mero
hatlsfactleu than in speaking between any
two points in Heading.
Ah Is kneun, thoeempnnv hasnevv com-
fileled its long dlstance line as lar as Keati
ng, utid will establish an olllce as seen ns
the necessary permission is glven te erect
Its lines through the city. Thore IsiiIheii
line building te Hasten mul theiice through
llethlehnin, AUoutew n, llnloten, Wilkes
barre, 1'ittsten and Hcriintnii. The line
fiem Reading Is te connect with the latter.
The company nuikes connections with
all the local exchanges In tlie cities through
which It passes and also epensa pay ntntlen
whero peeple, whether telephone nub
scrlburs or net, can have tlie use of the
wires. When this efllcn is opened nnv
ene in Reading mny cull up mul talk with
poeplo at their homes and In their elllces
In 110 less than twelve states, nnd when
the line te Chicago is complete a half a
dozen mero will be added te the Hst. It
Is altogether possible that In lCHstliau two
years nearly all the states east of the Mis
sissippi may com erse w itli each ether. In
erecting the long dlstance lines a complete
metallic circuit is used. That is, thore are
two w Ires and no ground connection. The
host Ne. 12 copper vvlre Is used and tlie
nbvjnce of gieuud connection and the
superior inauiioref construction prevents
all extraneous noises nnd the cress talk and
ether annoyances, vv lilcli are se t roublcsemo
011 ordinary lines.
The Stnte te Ascertain the Cuiiheh of
Clmnire In Vnlue of l'urins.
Mr. T. L. Kyre, West Chester, with ene
or mero assistants, is new operating in
Chester county, with a view 01 ascertain
ing the causes et change In the Milue of
farming hind for a state report 011 this mi ti
led. Mr. i:yre is connected with the do de do
pirttneiit of Internal atlalrsnt llurrlsburg.
This year he will go ever four counties
Chester, Lancaster, Delaware and Mont
gomery. The lollewing is a brief et the
questions, the boliitleit of w liiuh he w ill be
prim I pally ceiillncd ;
I. Has the building of railroads lucre ied
the value of lauds in your county, und If
se, hew much and In what sections ?
". lfave thev Injured the value of laud
anyvv here, nnd If se, about hew much ?
a. It there has been a dechiieln the value
of lands hi Lancaster county, whit are th
1. Is wheat raised new, or was it form
erly? S. If less w heat is new raised than form
erly, te w hut causes Is the decllue due ?$
0. What creji of industry has taken the
pluce of wheat ?
7. lias the nnbl!lty te rnlse wheat
affected injurleuhly the vnlue of the land,
and It te, about hew much can you form
an CKtimate?
8. If w heat raising Is net piefltable, vv bat
liai taken the place of it, or should take the
placuutlt; in ether word", what Is likely
le pav best in pluce of it ?
t). lle jeu get mero for ethor nredmts
than formerly ; If se, what products?
10. Has the vnlue of laud been Increased
by the growth of any villages or cities hi
your county t If se, what proportion has
uecn fillet t-'d 111 this maimer?
II. Te what extent has the growth of
manufacturing v Wages increased the vulue
of farm products by making new markets
for them?
12. Is the tendency te divtde farms or te
have larger ones?
13. Have Improvements been made en
tlie laud of Inte years, and, If be, what is
thouatureof tlicm?
11. Has nnv thing been dene te reclaim
hind by ditching or ether method, and if
se, te what oxtent?
15. Te whut extent Is labor-saving ma
chinery used j what Instruments ?
10. Hew much labor has been niv cd bv
you In using labor-saving machinery?
17. Is tlie fertility of the land maintained?
16. Wages paid for laboring men at the
present tlme?
11". Has tlie rate of wages diminished
during the last ten years?
20. Has it increased ?
21. If tlieie has been an incroase or de
cline, bow much per day or month ?
2i Is any higher rute paid ier using
laber-sivlug machinery than would be
otheru ise paid ?
21. In vvliiit way Is work rendered easier
te man by using laber-sav lug 111 ichiiiery ?
Glve reply as speuitlcully as jiessible.
21. De tanners live in a different
way than formerly ; If se, In what ro re
spects? Clothing kind and cost of house
furnishing it, musical instruments ser
vants In liousehold-antvellug heraes for
pleasure education of children.
25. Te what extent U tlie feeding of cat cat
tle for beef conducted ?
21. Has it declined or increased ?
27. If declined what lias taken its place?
28. Are u many heep raised eater-
LLlCElt, SAl?tTHDAY, tt6VMlifitt
raerly t
29 It th Industry profitable either for
wool or mutton T
80. la the tendency among farmers le
raise the (rede of stock either fur milk or
butter erlMtenlag purposes T
31. Are younger persons mero and mere
inclined te adept another occupation j If se,
what are tbe cause for changing T Are the
following the reasons? Its unprofitable unprefitable
ness nature .of the work Isolation or
separation from each ether decline In its
Please add anything that tuny occur te
ynu en the subject, or any particular part
Of H.
De you suffer with chilblains? I certify te
tlie prompt relief obtained from the use of Hal.
vnttun Oil for chilblain, and de nethcsltnte te
recommend It as the best euro I ever tried.
74B W. rratt Bt., Ilnltlmore. Mel.
"What flne chisel could cv er cut out breath 1"
nnd yet a hard vexing cough la cut all te bits
with ene bottle of Dr. null's Cough syrup, the
XV In the following churches en Biinday, In
he morning at 10:10, In thecvunlnent 7:16. Hun
day school at 1:15b. m. When the hour Is dif
ferent It Is especially noted :
NKW CHUncH. Services end Sunday oclieol
te-morrow morning at the usual hour, fn Leng's
building, Ne. 10 North Queen street.
KMMAKL'Kt, LirriiKUAK-llranch Hchoel.-Ilcz-ular
scMlen at Uie tichoel house, ceruer of Wal
nut and Mary streets, nt 2 p.m.
Hinrsew CiiArGi-Merth I'rlnce street Ilev.
F. M. Harris, pastor.
Ciiunni of (loD-Cerner of Trlnce and Or
ange. Ilev. J. II. Keterlhie, pnster.
1'nESBrTBBiAK Memerial Cuuncit Houth
Queen street, Themas Thompson, pastor. Hun
da v school at 1:4$ p. m.
llLursniB HicreiiM Sr. Jeiiankm ICincus ICincus
Cerncr of Orange and M 11 1 berry st reets. Her vice
In tlie German Iniigange from I) 10 te lftlje.m.
and rrem 0 te 7:15 p.m. Sunday school lrem
U.M te 1:15 p.m.
HnreiiMi i ht. Ltwn'3 Marietta avenue,
Ilov. Win. Fi Llchlltcr. naster. Hundav school
at 2 p. m.
Ouivkt Baitist Ciiuncii East Vine near
Duke street. Ilev. M. l'rniic, xuter.
OLivrr Missiex all liist rrederick itreet
Sunday school ut 2 p. til. I'reacblug In the
UVANOKllCAt rirst Clmrch. Ilov. P. F.
Luhr, pastor. German In the morning, Sunday
Kchoel at 0 n. m. Communion nt 2- te p. m., the
Presiding Lldern.J.Hmeycr, officiating. Yeung
Ieople' meeting A 15 p. m. English In the eve eve
nlngliythe presiding elder. Gee. II. Themas
nud Admiral lteynelds Pests, O.A. It. will be
present In the evening.
Hr. Paul's llKreitMEn Rev. J.W.Mcmlngcr,
pnter. Twilight scrv Ice nt 0.15 p. in.
West Orungu and Concord directs. Ilev. C. W.
lluuiler, paiter. Praise service nt e-M p in.
Hr. htm'IIfm'b Cellege Chapel. Mcrmen by
Ilev. P. A. Ont, U. 1)
Br. Jehn's LUTHKnAN Ilov. n. r. Allcman,
P.O., pastor. Hrvleei at 11 a.m. In Uirinnn
Itcfermcd fhurch, corner of Orungennd Mul
hi'rry street. Hundey school ut Ht. Jehn's at
2 p.m., and nt Getwidd Memerial Mission nt 2
p. m.
Fihst IlKrenuKD. Itev. J. M. Tltzel, I). D.,
nr.rAULS.Mt j... v;iivnLii iicv. 1. v 1 crac,
pnster. t) a. in. rlusi. Hnndny school at 1:1 j p.
in. I'ralse ervke nt COO p. in.
Mahtin Hoevkii mil Isalnli SprenMe, of
Waynosbore, vrlll preach In the Ilefermcd Men Men
nenlle church, Eit German strect, te-morrow
eveulng nt 7 o'clock.
Ciiuist LuTHKitAX. Ilev. E. L. Ilced, pnster.
MeiiAViA.v. ltev.J. Mux Hark, V.V., pastor.
2 11. 111., Hundny scluml.
TitiNiTY Lutiikiian. Rev. C. L. Try, panUir.
Kvaj(ielicai, Ciiuncii. Rev. U.V. Allinglit,
puiter. school at 2 p. in. Prutw scr scr
vkentCTOp. m. Hcrmen In tee morning by
Hcv. 11. J. wnej er. P. E., and hi the evening by
ltev.J. It. Eicnthlne, or Mlllersvllle. Commu
nion scrv lie In tlie evening. Revival tervlcis
during the week.
rntST M. E. Ciiuncii Rev. P. M. Vernen. P.
I)., pastor. Class mcetlnga at tl a. m. Hundny
school at 1:1 p. 111.
Piiuu-ltkiiian. Itev. J. V. Mitchell, D. V.
Divini: service en Hundny morning In the
Rockland street HChnel building ut 10 o'clock.
Holiday Kchoel at 2 p. in.
Wmtkiin M. K. ciiuncir. Rev. E. W. Unrltc,
pastor. Chrlslluu endeavor meeting utb ))i.
in. Preaching the morning by Ilov. Mr. Klrby.
Chllilrciu fervlce In the evenlng conducted by
Ilov. W. H. Hpeccc.
Quack LurilEitAN. Rev. C.E. Houpt, pnter.
Holiday school at 2 p. 111. Church services
morning nnd evening.
mm: maiiEHt' prapse.
" I am a Presbyterian clergyman and a Doe
ter or Divinity, hut I am net afraid te recom
mend Duiry'R PurVMall Whiskey as the purest
and most clllcleut preparation us a medicine
that I knew of, and my nxperloure Is a lnrye
one." ItBV. U. .MILLS, L. L. 1).
" I highly recommend Duffy's Pure Slalt
Whlke),und iirescrlbe It exclusively In my
practice. It. W. HUTCHISON, M. D., N'ew
" Duffy's Pure Slalt Whiskey Is free from
fiiKel oil, adulterations, et foreign impurities,
and these nualltlCH should recommend It te the
highest publle fuver."
Pner. He.nuv A. Mett, rii.D .F.C.S,
N'ew Yerk.
" I concur In the endorse incut of all thut has
been said of Dully Pure Malt Whlrkey."
P. n. 8piNFn,
Late Ticaturer of the United Htates.
Can any higher endorsements than theabove
be produced for any knew n article ?
De they net prove the purity and power of
this Great Itemtdy ?
lle sure, hew ever, and secure only the genu
ine, and take nene but DuIIj'h.
It U sold by all reputable drngglsts. (.'1
-VCIIH a ainiis.
A fitting name for the place
where such an exquisite collec
tion of the designer's fancy, the
upholsterer's taste, and the
cabinet maker's art is shown.
The name is vciified by the
apparent delight of the Ladies
at the beauty and low prices of
our goods.
We have the latest novelties in
Furniture, and are offering very
tasty suggestions for Wedding
and Holiday Presents. Net tee
early nenv te make selections.
2d, 3d and 4th Floers,
31 S. Queen St.
iLsb: for It.
"ty IDM I'KIt'S COllNKll.
Inducement that will Induee jeu te buy If
you have) our mind en
JiVe want te makoreomfor our Holiday Goods.
Te de this w e make ou the gainers.
dave our dollars, by buv lug thegoed, reliable
and that which nlll he tlin most lasting, vihcn
you get these goods nt the leir prlce we etltr.
Don't threw the chance anay. Will khew
v ou a tine line of Holiday Goods cheap.
E. King & Duke Sts.
Philadcltbia. Saturday, Ner. It, Um.
The Ribbon business of this
city is done here. In variety
and extent the stock is un
cqualcd. Net only will you
always find the staples at the
lowest prices, but the Depart
ment bristles with Bargains.
Witness the small counter
en the right as you enter at
Chestnut street. Gres-grain
Ribbons with brocade figures,
for 18 cents a yard. Cost of
making is ignored in the price.
Quantities cut te suit.
Cast Transept.
Three stylish Coats for chil
dren new, fresh, and for wen
derfully little money :
Plain Beavsr,
skirt, handsome
rrem 17 25 for
belt, cape and reveres,
veani te Kt for 12 vuin.
Htrlpcd Cheviot, full gathered skirl, neat
Klrdle and cap, from 17 23 for 18 years te
Is 73 for 11 years.
Btrlned Cleth, with belt and cape, full
skirt, from ti 75 for 8 ears te 15 75 ler 12
They stand for dozens mere.
Second fleer, Chestnut ttreet side. Four eleva
tors. Small Beys' heavy Jersey
Suits, jacket with waist at
tached and short trousers, $4.
Have been $5.50, $6.50, and
$7. Four lines in pint will
clear the let. Bring your boys
and thus get en speaking terms
with our Beys' Clothing Stere.
Its circle of admiring friends
grows daily.
bhetlana Ulsters, lhey are
international English cloth
with a Scotch name, made by
American hands into an Over
coat with an Irish origin and
name. Hie coats are warm,
the cloth fine, the colors mixed,
the price cheap, $25. But
there are lets and lets mere
Ulsters. Yeu knew our repu
tation for Storm Coats. The
reputation is great enough te
cover all sorts et Men s Clethes.
Market street side.
A Bargain in Dress Trim
mings. Dress Fronts, all pure
silk ; corded, knotted, cro
cheted, plaited, fringed. The
most recent and very popular
novelty, adapted te any style of
dark dress goods. Your choice
of 1 17 at exactly half of yester
day's prices. The lowest was
$3, the highest $23, but te-day
they're $1.50 fe $1 1.50.
ine only reason ier tins is
that our styles are tee numer
ous te display properly in the
present and coming Holiday
Northeast of centre.
Toys are drumming for rec
ognition. They may say " Mr.
Speaker" next week. Mean
time a daily reception in the
Ilascment, northeast of ccntie.
Jehn Wanamaker.
$10 Suits.
It's true, though. It's acknowledged by every
one. There's no ene In a better position te make
till iclulm thanvve, and there la nene bttter
able te tarry It out.
They arc attractive In appearance, exrelleni
ImpiaUty, und very modest In price. If you
see them veu'll buy. Exiellent euutltlei at
popular prices.
Myers & Rathven,
18, 20 & 22 EAST ORANGE ST.
finest Material ! Alt
ICIniW I l'epulur Prices I
ART SQUARES ! aeutSent:
Oil Cleths 1 Lineleums I
And Ever; thine Kent In a Flrst-Clasi Carpet
ileiihc. auK.M-l)d
Investment Company,
Under Bupervlilen of Rank CommW-denera.
Capital .- &e,0UO
Hurplut I0ii,e)
Undivided enrnliik'f.-, ... Gd.tjd
bloeklieUlem' llabTlltv tOO.UJO
luviktment from $0 te MMM).
JOHN I.. MKT7LEH, Agent,
ectlS-Iyd Ne. 9 Seuth Duke Ht.
10, 1880
ytT f kt-n.
Palace i Fashion !
115 AMD 117 X. QUIDf IT.
One let of odds and ends
Black Steckinette Jackets, worth
from $5 te $6, at $2.98.
One let of Steckinette Jack
ets, all wool, heavy weight, in
all sizes, $2.49.
One let of tailor-made, worth
from $7 te $10, at $4.98.
One let of Ladies' Tailor
made Cleth Jackets, in stripes
and plaid, actual value 5, at
Special sale in Children's and
Misses' Coats. We have closed
out the entire stock of a large
New Yerk manufacturer of
Children's Coats, and are en
abled te offer extraordinary bar
gains in Children's Coats from
4 years up te 14 years.
Coats worth $5, at $2.50.
Coats worth $10, at $5.
It will pay you te come te
take a leek at them.
A full line of Ladies New
markets, in stripes, plaids, plain
colors, from $3.98 upwards ; all
new choice goods.
Ladies' Astrachan Shoulder
Capes, at $6.50 and $8.98.
Ladies' Menkey Capes.
Ladies' Seal Capes.
Ladies' Hare Capes.
Seal Plush Capes, at $9.98
and $15.98.
Seal Plush Medjcskas, at
$12.98 and $14.98, and upwards.
Ladies' Seal Plush Wraps,
$ 1 1.98 and upwards.
Ladies' Short Seal Plush
Jackets, at $8.98, $10.49, $l l-9
$12.98, $14.98, $19.98, and up
wards. Medium length Coats, Seal
Plush, $14.98 and upwards.
Plush Sacques and New
markets at all prices.
Children's Plush Coats, in
cardinal, navy, gebelin, brown,
mahogany, green, from $3.50
up te $10.
Beys' Suits, $1.49 and $1.98
upwards, Beys' Overcoats,
from $2.98 upwards. Beys'
Knee Pants from 25c te $1.25.
115 & 117 North Queen Street.
The covering of steam pipes with a reliable
matcrlul Insures dry steam und saves fuel and
attentien: the cost of the covering being some
times made up In a single year in saving of fuel
alone. The best material se far offered te the
public Is the
Megnesia Sectional Cevering,
Fer Bteam Pipes. Boilers, Brlne Pines, Etc.,
and Is for sale only In Lancaster and Lebanon
counties, by
Lancaster, Pa.
Price lists and discounts and directions for
applying en application. Hpeclal terms te the
imne. aim vaivc
at Jobbers' Prices.
cs, Pipe, Cocks, Fittings, Etc.,
4?vu Woebo.
We make Clothing te order In the best pessl.
bio manner and guarantee satisfaction In every
Our long experlcnre In the Tailoring Bull,
ness enables us te de as w ell for y ou lu ev ery
particular as any house in the city.
Gentlemen's Underwear!
Full lines of Gentlemen's Underwear
White, Scarlet, Natural Weel, etc
On case Natural Weel Shirts aud Drawer,
all alies, at 75c. Beld recently at t.
Hosiery, Gloves, Neckwear, Flannel Shirts,
Cardlgau Jacket, tc.
25 East King Street,
dl-pexe nil my stock of Carriages, Bodies,
Wheels, blmtts, Raw Material, Toels and Olllce
Furniture, the entire stock at publle sale en
MONDAY. NOVEMBER IS, 1!9, commencing
11 1 9 a. 111. nml 1 p.m.. Cor. Duke and Vine Hts.,
Lancaster, Pa. J. H.NOIUIECK, Agent.
bee large sal bills and circulars.
Alte, at the same time and place, the large
amount of Currlugt. Iledlt and Material pur
chased by me at hherltTs sale of Philip Doer Deer Doer
seu, property of Michael Haberbush.
" eWQtdJUttwR
Palace of Fashion,
Merchant Tai
JT tTw re ad white wines which I rnr
chased en the spot where made, en the BhlM
In Ojrmany. JTust ths thing for the holidays.
Hend In your orders. I gusmntee It pure and ft
COOd niSdlclns for enlWhlr mnatlmflena.
. y lli?H ,l eu.r h.en"a " ya " " !"
l. Orders my be left l tbe InctrOeuistr
Heaw. nil-lead
hMrwnoVedte 188 East Klnc street, hrlnt
tall Um of Furniture of every description KM
lowest priers. Alse Undertaking promptly at
tended te. OH and examine our goods.
S-tMR H. WOLF. ISA KHt King Btr-1.
Jackets I
Jackets !
New Yerk Stere.
We offer an unrivaled BMortment of STOCK I-
nt-ri jAiKhra at s.i, n ou, ii ana jeeacn.
and bound with silk braid, vest front, bell
ilecven, at S3, W, 18 te $10 each.
Fine Diagonal, Cerkscrewand Reaver WALK
ING JACKETH at t5, fO. V. te S12 each.
Striped, I'lald and Mixed CLOTH JACKETH
at n ou, n. w ou te a eacn.
Newmarkets, Newmarkets,
Irish Peasant Coats,
We nhew n large ateck of SEALPLURII GAR
MENTS, made te our special order of the beat
Engllih lMuthca, nnd the prices naycr were
lower for such superior qualities.
te JlSeich.
BEAL PLUSH RACQTTns. full length, size
82 te 41, ut 810, SIS, EM te 8.15 iath.
At Lewest Prices.
cniLDltEN'SCOATO In every desirable si la
rrem si, si oe, tz, F- -, 5 w te siu eacn.
Watt & Shand,
Steam Engine
Beiler Works.
Visitors te the Fair,
It will pay you te mil nt my Works and ox ex ox
amine our block of
Engines !
Allew us te quote ynu prices end
facility ter turning out vv erk.
Portable Engines.
4 Herse-Power.
6 Herse-Power
8 Herse-Power
10 Herse-Power
15 Horse-i'ew r .i..
aOUone-PeHer 1,175
Portable Engines,
6 Herse-Power. (250
8 Horhe-Pewcr 2'a
15 Herse-Power 275
Boilers, Second-Hand.
Five SO Horse-Pewrr, 50 In. Dlnm., 10 feet Leng,
!MH'n. Tubes. Price, 8175 nud 81M.
One Beiler, no In. Dlam.. 11 feet Leng, 21 S In.
Tubes 12 feet Leng, with Klre Frent
Cmtlu.'i., Si-5.
Manufacturer of Stationary Engines, Mill and
Mlulng Machinery, SawMillN, Hark and
Cob Mills, Pumps, etc.
Contractor for Steam Heating, Direct or Indi
rect, or by Het Wutcr.s
Repairing Promptly Attended Te.
Jehn Best,
Uniform and Reliable.
Clethe aud every article undsr the sun
r x.
wyiiJg-aJJt stfc;
" yiiii j.
. .. i .lr",