Lancaster daily intelligencer. (Lancaster, Pa.) 1864-1928, November 09, 1889, Image 2

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    TO?WvM ?wpwvs
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ittjut IftttelUeence
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ROBERT CLARK, Publisher.
every, 4ty In the year, but Sunday. Served
byMfriw In thli city And surrounding
town M fen rent a week. By mall Ave del
Ur yt In udmnec.; 60 cent anion th.
. My cents n year. In advance.
or postemee order, and where neither of
UieMean be procured send In a registered
Entered at the roMefllce.M second class mall
Lancaster, Pa.
LAK0A8TEB, PA., November 9, 1889.
The Iowa Issue.
Herace Beles, the govenier-clect of
Iown, nttrlbutcn the rcmnrknlilc success
lt the Dcmecrncy te the position Inken
by It In favor of tnrifT reform, high
license, the Australian ballet nml Mate
control of railways. Upen t lies ques
tions, which nre all nnltennl in their
field, the Democratic party all ever the
country elands together and occupies
thepo&itieu that the pcople are bound
eventually te confirm. The current
which these returns have shown te
be steadily setting towards the Dem
ocracy all ever the country Is the
best evidence of the soundness of Its
position upon the current Issues. In
Pennsylvania apparently the tide r.n
against the Democracy but It was only
In nppcaranee, the Philadelphia returns
beiug clearly nrtlflclal. Pennsylvania
eentlment does net run counter te the
national pcntlmcut; butthc elections arc
net always certain te show her cuirent.
It Is safe enough te assume that
the tide which Jlie elections show
is of national extent ; and that
the successful candidate for governor
In Iowa spoke for the national Demo
cratic party and declared the doctrine
upon which its contests will lw based.
The protection ellered te the M.icict
ballet by the Australian system of vot
ing is one which the Democratic p.uty
demands. The Republicans of Iowa
sought te ridicule it, ns tliope In Penn
sylvania have undertaken te de ; but
it receemmends Itself te the common
sense of the people ns a very substantial
reform ami the' will eventually secure
it everywhere. The wise politician vv 111
net kick against it, much ns It tends
te destroy Ihe peculiar inlluenec he has
had ever election returns. With this
system in practice, it would net hae
been possible te have returned Republi
can majorities from the Philadelphia
Democratic wards in an election In
which there was no excitement and no
party discontent with lis candidate.
The Australian system prevents the
politicians from claiming the voter's
vote as his property te be disposed of,
sold, transferred, and bargained for as
he pleases. The simple expedient by
which this is done Is the separation of
the voter from observation while he
votes, and putting In his poscslen a
ballet which he is obliged ie iutclH
gintly mark with his choice. The only
objection made te the system is that it
requires soine small degree of intelli
gence te cast a vote under It; which
should hardly be deemed an objec
tion, but rather a recommendation te it,
as surely the voter who has net the intel
ligence needed te mark his ballet, when
he is offered the list of candidates from
whom he is te cheese, should uet enjoy
the privilege of the Miflrage. Massachu
setts, which has just had her first elec
tion under the new system, found no
embarrnssmeul in the Inability or her
citizens te master it and Is reported te
be delighted with its working.
The high license position which has
coine te be recegnised as that of the
Democratic party, because of the co
quetting of the Republican politicians
with the Prohibition people, is u strong
foundation upon which it has built Its
house, and in Pcnnsjlvauia us well ns
Iowa, wllljbrlng It success. Pennsyha
nla sentiment upon it has Ik en decided
ly pronounced and there Is nequestku
at all that high license is the popular
sentiment. Ner can there I any doubt
that upon the question of the go em
inent control of the railroads, the popu
lar scutlmeut Is ns strong and pro
nounced here and everywhere ns in
Iowa; nor that the Democratic pnity
every where holds the championship of
TEIi doctrine. Certainly the Rc-
publican leaders of Pennsylvania,
fannt ntinm ..K..r.ll.llll.. J .
WrHure of thcjeglslatien that bus
nnerluauyyctirs demanded for the
enforcement of the control of the lall
rjads declared in the constitution.
They are notorious as thobervantseftho
corporations. Their record In harlotry Is
made up before the people. They seek
te carry elections by temporary exjo exje
dlents and ietty deviccsjandjlinve never
exhibited a political principle te w hlch
they have sworn devotion. They hne
been steadily for sale and always
in the market vv it It their party and their
principles, ready te wheie with any Imii
uud accept the bribe of any peucr! It
a wonderfully dirty paity in Penusyl
vaula and its present 00,000 majority,
made up at u few polls in Phlln lelphla,
aflbrts a mean sample of lis methods.
It is a party that could see, If it had
eyes te see, the handwriting en the
wall, nnd the condemnation and failure
that Is sure te attend Its putrid practices
and overwhelms its lecherous leaders.
AVe Hud in the result of the elections of
this autumn an abundant premise that
the Democratic party is nbeut te pass
into the control of thu government of the
states and the country. "We sec It in the
way that the tide is strongly set
ting; nnd we find particular as
surance of it in the ery sound
positions w hlch are taken nil ever the
country by the Democratic party upon
all the leading issues ; among which w
de net find one upon which the Democ
racy does net stand fairly nnd squarely
en the side of liberty nnd geed go em
inent and in sympathy with the people,
Small Tjruuiij.
There is a great deal of talk nbeut
liberty nud justice In these days nnd nf
American freedom from oppression, but
things happen new and then that don't
seem te fit the bentimeuts of Fourth of
July orations. Dwellers in great cities
have te put up with jietty tyranny in
many forms uud the man who thinks
lie knows his rights nnd " knew lug dure
maintain them" will find hiiiis-if ukind
of Den Quixote unlem he fqwdlly con
eludes te submit te small injustice. The
police of New Yerk nre famous
for their overbearing nuuoyuiKe of
peaceable citizens, but they have
rlvnta In that line in mauy ether
eUles. The tyranny of the lying
gM meter, and the water tux for n peer
upply or no supply of water nre fa-
wl lar te all, nnd the telegraph paiu
nuteanoe, the tree trimming outrage
z ud the various small but exlng tyrnn
Hiw of street management uveU node-
r -
tailed description. Lancaster has its
share of small nnneyaiiees but they are
trifles when compared with the tyran
nies of petty officials of great city
governments, where the citizen's power
of self-defense Is quite lest in the crowd
nud the powers that lie nre tee distnut
Hud majestic te heed his pretests. In
Philadelphia Just new geed citizens
have nl last been shocked by a particu
larly high-handed bit of police tyranny.
On the complaint of several malicious
jiersens a strong force of police raided u
dancing school and arrested n targe class
of resectable boys and girls engaged in
an Innocent nnd orderly amusement.
The young people were taken In the
police vnns through the streets te
u police stntien, where the names
of the whole party were entered en the
record and three of the young men were
held nnd the ethers released. There Is
much righteous indlgnnt Ien nt this vll vll
lnlneus outrage, but the police officers
who jwrpetrntcd It remain upon the
ferce with nothing but n reprimand.
Anether example of small tyranny is
the collecting of bills for the moving of
curbstones which citizens InsNt hae
net been moved nt all and did net need
te be moved. The clticn of Philadel
phia must feel iiry small and fraudu
lent when he poses as an uneppressed
American of the city where the Declara
tion of IndccndeiHc was signed and
where the old Liberty licll was cracked
in proclaiming freedom. Statisticians
tell us that population Is steadily drift
ing te the large cities in spite of all, from
which It would nppenr that hatred of
oppression is net se strong among us as
poets and orators declare.
Ii is Intcrciling te note liciw tlecp a si si
lcnce en political topics new bleeds tuer
tlie editorial column of the JUnmincr,
A ni:w luiistMiin (reik has arrived In this
country from Ilnssl.i. Our taste fm freaks
coin te be a national pcculiniity, ns It
draws monstrosities from nil parts of the
world and tliey nie always introduced as
Hiiecliiirns which lmn cu'ltcd the wonder
erballled tlie scieiKO of medical men of
Kurepu, although we neer hear of this
foreign Inlcrest until limy liculu thelr
business careers in Amerlca. This latest
freak Is called llm traiiNpatent man audit
is proclaimed that Ids case lias interested
seme of the grealc-l medical authorities of
Germany, among whom nre l)rs. Vlrchew
and IJcrginnun, of lierlln, physicians te
the royal family. The bones of his legs,
w ldch arc cry small nnd greatly deformed,
nre se soft nnd cartilaginous (hat w Itli tlie
aid efn caudloer ether llirht in a darkened
room one can leek right through the l'mbs
nnd eliseiwi the workings of the bleed
cssels, both veins and aiterles, which iilti
through the bony tissue lie is net ex
actly lianspatcnt, but translucent. His
name is lan DJirsohky-Orlell", and he was
born in lluda-Pesth In 1601. It Is said (hut
this softening of the bends in etciullng
e or Ids w hole system. Tluiy say it is due
te tlie less of the chalky Mihstnucu in the
bony tissue and it has nlieady mere or less
nlfected the w hele skeleton.
One of the greatest of discoerics In
human history was tliatef the ciiculatieu
of the bleed by William IInrey, but with
this specimen it would ha e been easily
found, Mr. Ian Dznrscliky-Orlnll appeals
upon eaith soveial hundred years tee late
te be of very great use. If ha will only
turn his attention te growing qulte trans
parent he tnay.hew ever, be of soinescrvlco,
as medical nien can leek Inside and sce hew
he works.
Tin: stormy weather rame In ttmute
s'iew the advantages of the reef of the
Cuutial markel. A street niaikel tlilsinorn tlilsinern
ing would have been a nilseiy.
Philadelphia is te have Greek game in
the Academy or Music. It is Intended te
reproduce tlie classic I'aiiatheuaic festi
val. The races and contests will be di
rected by Dr. Sehell, profcssei of physical
ruKlirent SwArtlimere, and by incmbnis
of the Kchuylkill navy, who are new In
(raining. About UK) aids and cscpilres w 111
assist In lopreMOUtlug (he aliens groups,
npjHi ii Infill the pioeessien hi i'IiinsIe cos
tume. Twonty-fein soldiers In (he pano
ply of ancient fSicece will give (he famous
Pyri hie dance. Music by fcfpher. (Miaiiets
ami linden nnd tint s.icillkinl ex will lend
realism te the scene, w Idly ene of the lead
ing gleecliilui will chant the edu during
the sacrifice. The costumes will be his.
(oileally cerrnt.
Our Prankim and Maishall students
might uudertake something in thuCiieek
game Hue, but tliere seems le be no leasen
why the lentlwd should net be hi the open
air, as in Greece, and a iicrfoimniiceiit Mc
Grann's jiark might ilraw better than a
football match.
l'-OovM!e!5Ki:i,i.tHni, of beulslauu,
says dial (he negrees of the Seuth aie my
susjileleuH of rcsiduul lluiilseu. Ue
does net pielenl-te knew the" reason,
but (hlnks (hat tlie (alk or building
up n Republican whlte man's paity
in tlie Seuth, nnd the piciideut's disihaigu
of (he colored jn-ople from tlie hitolleuso,
has something te de witli it. It seems
mero likely that (he negre Is at last getting
tiled of (he tieatinent he ie.eles
from the party that has claimed
his vete for se many jenrs. What
eer thu icaseu (he l.ut or the ehaiige
is well prated by the result in VliKlnin.
Democratic nocrees nie no InniFi'i
curieslilus, but (he. uie lioeemlng
quite common. "Thice-iltlliH or the
whlte ote or Ameiici is llomeoiatlo.
AVitheut (he nogie ote (he ltcpublican
IMily is dead, 'lhe iickie controls the
balance of power In tUe Nerthein states
and twenty Neithern dis
tricts." i
I.ecai. causes me said (e account for the
rjcent Domeci-ntlc ioteiies. Ilnnceck
callcsl tarlirrefeiiu "n local i'.sue."
A TheiiKlitliil I.eM-r.
Frem the Jlercliunt Traveller.
"Maude," he Mid selUy, as he pulled
out tlie ticinble step in his larnx, "will
you inarr me ? "
"Ne," slie uuswcieil, witli till the
earnestness or sliiiuroieuviitioii.
JIe paused as If In deep thought, and
thou said :
".StnuiKe, stiaiu;e hew n xiinple weid
reles Meuc-f ami inipicssleiis that have
isisswl aw ay. 1 am almost ceit.ilu that I
have heard (hat befeie. "
TAiiirr iti.reitM
Tin: kmi:iv.
Jliislne-s en
lve "ecTcinrj-
a uliiuljle l'oliiter.
IVein the riilludtlihlu Tlnu.
In aiiiwir te Mr. Ulalnu's request for
suggestions as hew te form donor coinmoi ceinmoi coinmei
cial relations with .Seuth America the ill ill
rccteis of tlie Ceimucreliil i:change of
fered a great many, of which (holollow (helollow (holellow
lug, adopted at a iiiee(infreui which seme
of (he Republican members weie absent,
were, ids charged, suppressed from pub pub
lica'len by tlie president, but leaked out
yesterday :
"Tlie admission Inte (Ids ceunlrv of all
raw or maiiuracltircd materials absolutely
liee erduly fiein said eeiiutrit.s. no matter
wliuthcTMieh ma(prial lie intended ferdl.
rst consumption or fir iibe in the arts
and rcipuces or ler subscpient luanulae
(ure, provided reciprocal uei.en is taken
by said geverniiicnts touching our uoeds
imi erled Inte (heir ports.
" Woiinquesilonalily condemn (he piy
meut of bounties or subsidies (e cither
steanislilp or sailing lines ether than the
proper and generous lompens-itieii for
carrying (he malls, but rojeinmsnd the
relief of vexels engaged in tlie (rade from
nil charges as far us practicable and the
allow am e of Americans te buy lerelu-n
bottoms nud sail them in foreign trade only
under (he American Hair, uud (he e(ab e(ab
llshinent of direct rapid iommiinltatlen
lietwcen the several interested countries
for llui eonvcyance or malls, pakiiKers
and goods. "
i - - - J1 -
Twe ConexBTn,by Mary Agnes Tlnckcr,
aullier or "Hlgner Menaldlnl's Nlecc."
" ly the Tlber," etc Houghten, Mlflltn A
Cempftuy.j Renten and New Yerk.
This year has been ft jMirtlcularly hicrs
tlve ene for lhe novel reading public, for
(here has been nu unusual number or geed
novels written nud published. MIssTluckcr
has given us n reinarknblyclcv er ene te add
te (his list i a story of II fe nnd character in
Italy nnd New Kuglnnd. It would boa
rather difficult task te uudertake te tell the
plot of "Twe Coronets," for the story
dales from 1830 te (he present time j be
sides this there nre mimoreus small plots
throughout the hook which nre finally
woven In with a grand conclusion,
lhe majeiity of novels with the
scene, or part us (his is, laid in
in Italy, nre net usually found te contain
very Interesting matter. They nre generally
nllttloleo melodramatic te suit our taste,
but Miss Thicker has given us nry en
tertaining picture. Te begin with, slie
knows well the country and the pnepln of
which she writes, net tlie "delce far
niente" of the Italian life, which scorns se
pleasant from lhe outslde ; en the contrary
her Italian heroine, IScatrlce da Singie,
seems (e have been born under an un
usually lucky s(ar, for from her birth n
stain rested en her name, adopted by re
lations who net only hated her, but also
feared hei, treated as ene far below them
In rank ; her w hele life (ended (e make
her nature bird nnd unlovable, and
ene Is surprised te find that
when slie does gain her end, that Is te prove
her right te her namennd estate, troubles
scein te have softened her nuture and slie
Is tlie ene vv he is ev cr ready w itli her help
and sympathy. Then ene turns with pleas
ure from the dark and scheming Italian
life te the bright and pure ntmosphere of
(he New Rngland homestead ; le (he
vvell described cene of the country school
house, w hicli the author lias glv en us w itli
such a quaint teiuh or humor, following
the life of tlie school mistress nnd her hus
band, Dr. Martin, witli their quiet and
happy home llfe and watching thelr eldest
daughter, Atalanta, who is Miss Tincker's
Americau lioreluo, a pleasant and plausi
ble gill from hcrciadle until slie reaches
womanhood and gives her leve and II le
into her Italian lever's hand.
Without doubt what Impresses- me most
in "Twe Coronets'' Is Miss Thicket's skill
in portraying tlie characteristics of tlie
New lhiglaud people. It Is here that she
shows her appreciation of (he geed (hat
true and noble men and w onion can accom
plish, nnd It Is here that her keen sonse of
humor peeps out, which never for ene mo
ment Is tli-uitiircd. The "Twe Coronets"
will hicrcaseMMsTinckci's reputation asa
The November 0iiie;Mnt contains
(he llrs(ef two arguments en the question
or location for tlie world's Talr. q'lie side
of Chicago Is presented by Senater Charles
R. rarwcll. It will be followed in Decem
ber by (he New Yeik side of (he question,
w ritteu by William Waldorf Aster. Tlie
MS. of Mr. Klliaii Allen Reynolds, which
was lest in thu whirlpools or the Gmud
Canen of Colerado, at tlie (line ( ihrce
or ids companions poiished, has been ro re ro
wrltten nnd appears in (Ids number.
Auotlier artlcle is (he wei k or Mr. Pelhain Pelhain
Clinteii, w he obtained special permission
Ireni the queen or Rugland ie photograph
her stables and horses, obtaining from the
head Krooms such Information as would be
or inteiest concerning "The Queen's
ht ib(e-. '
N. 1 1 in., a vv cekly Journal rer tlie gontlo gentlo gontle
maii Hperism m nud naturalist, 10 Warren
street, New Yerk. This brand-new period
ical l.cais only a Hllght resemblance le Its
very heavy selcuttllu British namesake
It lias about Hftoen !arj,e pnges neatly
printed and the signed ai tides nie by
naturalists anil true sportsmen el ability
nud skill. Cliailes Ilallcck wiites of
"Nature's lovengo en genius," and (here Is
a very lutcicstltignitkle en "The neuses
ofnMies," by William C. Hauls. Otlier
geed articles ure "A natural Western game
proservc," "Heps and mishaps in gun
nliig," "Kahkalin and tlie squirrel."
Ari'M.reN's Uoei: Ni.vv Wauauia
km, conies with a portrait of labia
Lvall (Miss Uayley) whiih will
prebalily be disippeinling le her
manv nduiireis, '.is she has neither
the fice of n genius nor of a deep thinker,
nnd, though she gives ev ideiice or n nicas nicas
ure efublllty in hoi writing, tliere is
small tiace or it in the eitniit. A critic
or fame, wilting in mi Cnglish mtgizlne
of success In literature, confesses lilmseir
quite unable te uiidcrstand tlie success of
Kdn.iLynll, which he insists can only be
ephemeral. He names many w riters new
forgotten w he w ere equally popular a few
scere j ears age, and says that lhe solid
literary merit which Miss lla ley lacks is
(he only guarantee of lasting success.
However, the authoress is rolling In tlie
shekels in a way that makes her kind el
success very pleasing and she am nllerd te
UlutliviHwoikfer post-iiierlnni fame and
poverty. It I- said that twenty thousand
copies of " Derrick-V.iugh in" w ere sold
the Hist afici its publication in Kuglaud.
MUs Ilavley in an Invalid and nu ci ratio
worket, having little time te duvote (e
wildng, but is said te weik te seme extent
en ii principle. Her first step is te think
out a teiiiml figure ns horn. .SIiekIvcs him
his ch.miclci. Then sh" I hlnks out a sleiy
te lit tlie man, She makes jusi m-iies
or events belall him wliich Hlial' biiin;
these qualities in liglit, and surrounds
him with u llfe such as might fill te the
let el the linainaiy" mm hoi mind has
ci cited.
Wivi h or Mi..s ei Gi.Mi'ii, a liaiislatlen
Irem the Picuehef Alohenso Dandet. In-
Kdwanl Wakefield, WQrtiiliigtau ieiii-
pany, .New eik.
Tills is a very inteicsting ami curious
tlieugh cynical work or tlie lameus French
wit and novelist. It Is nuieii mfoilnrte
his in istorpieces "Tiirtailnef T.irasoen "
uml"Tnrtailn en the Alps" and in iact it
is nothing mero than n scries or sketches
that may be ic.ul in nn lieiu or less.
He tiles te show- that in tlte c.ise
of in lists, poets and musicians
liage -fs n lottery in which tlie
odds against happiness are oveiw helming.
Me rapidly sketches a series of vivid do
mestic m:uiies tending te biippert his theory
and tlie best of thciu shows an artist who
has married n beautiful Italian girl who
turns out lobenshrow of the mostturrlble
variet.v. Tlicie Isn touch of Mnrk Twain's
huniei in the final cllinat of this sk'ctcli,
w here lhe nrtist uecldcutnlly sin mhes n
botde of costly wine, mid cowering before
tlie wrath of tlie Italian whispers te hi
guest : "Say It w as you !" Tlie stories are
bright but marred by a c ideal underloiie
wiin which no reader ej Healthy mliul can
agree. In translating Daudct's title, "I.cs
Fciiimcsd'ArtUW into "Wives or Men
erOcnliis," Mr. Wakefield has shown n
triioscuseof the valuoef n very eprevsive
Pieiicli word. Aitiste means a great deal
meie than artist,
i'iie Acetaiaitn has a story of q'heuias
C.uljle, told by a linn vviieli id been ene of
t'10 school boswhciiTheints taught school
at Kirkcaldy. Me relates that the bojseno
day took a donkey Inte (he school room
Willi bags of books fai-teiied te Its tall and
neck and Hill Meed, one ofllie ringleaders,
mounted en It. "Se busy were Hill and
half n dozen companions (hut they did net
knew hew (line was speeding. Mr. Curly le
upjcared. We expected a (lemendeus ex
plosion or w ruth ; but he burst into a rear
of laughler such a rear, hew ever, us,
Instead of tempting ns te Jein in
it, produced n sudden and complete hush,
when tin. ass, withdrawing Its forefeet
from lhe ftjst step (e (he i)Mser'9 (lesk and
turning round, took a pace or two .slowly
towards' the matter as If te salute him.
'That, xcllmed Curly le, Ms the wisest
and lcst scholar Kirkcaldy has yet sent
me; he Is fit te be your tcacher.' He tap
ped (he donkey's bead as he was went te
de ours, and said, 'There's something here,
far mero than In (he skulls of tiny of his
brethren before me tlieugh Ihcse skulls
nre patted In fend admiration by papas
and mamas, nnd though that far grander
hcad-plcce meets only with merciless
blows. He then gavoseme hard taps en
Mill Heed's head, and would net allow hhn
ta dismount, but, for n penalty, ordered
him te rlde up and down the school for an
hour, whilst these Isiys who had been
most active had (p march In pairs before
fntiKP anil fncl nre Inseparable : nivl le
nullity mijr eirccl that the came must here
moved, particularly lnrtleac. Irfixatleralwsvi
works radically, nml nt ence neutralize the
eirectt or dlaease by eradicating thecaurc. Price
only eenta a packnge.
Of course tnke jour children te the country,
If you ran, but don't forget Dr. Hull's Ilnhy
8 nip, (lint lndlpeiinllc lilp In every emerg
ency. Costs only 25 cents n bottle. Beld evcrj
where. Dn. I'lEncK's Pellets are Antt-nilleus and
Laxative, or Cathartic accerdlnc te sli of
dose. F,HAw
In your threat, which mnkes you cough ence
Inawhlle nnd ktcps you constantly clearing
j our threat, arises from cntarrh, and as catarrh
Isln constitutional dlscarc the ordinary cough
medicines all fall te hit the spot. Whntjeu
need In n conslltutlenal remedy like Heed's
HnrMpnrllln. Many people -who have taken
this medicine forscrerula. dspcpsla, less of np np
lietlte and eMicr treulilc, have been susprlscd
that It idieuld cure thl trnubli-Kome eeuxh.
Hut (e knew the actual rnuse of the ceukIi Is te
solve tlie in) stcry. Many rates of eonsuinptleu
can be (raced back te the neylec! of BOincsuch
slight nlfectlen as this. Consumpllen ran be
controlled In IU early stages, nnd the effect or
Heed's Hnrsaparllla In purifying the bleed,
building up the general health, nnd expelling
thu scrofulous tnlnt which Is the en ure of ca
tarrh ned consumption, has restored te perfect
health many persons en whom the dreaded
disease wemed tehavenflrm held.
What Is ii cold In lhe head? Medical au
thorities say It Is due te unci en clothing of the
body, rapid cooling when In a perspiration,
etc. 'Ihc Important point Is, that a cold In the
head Is an liillainmalleii of the lining mem mem
brane of thu new, which, when unchecked, Is
certain te produce a catarrhal condition for
catarrh Is essentially a " cold " which nature Is
ue longer able te" resolve" or threw en". Klj's
Cream Halm hns proved Its superiority, nnd
suirtTcrs should resort le It before that common
ailment becomes seated and ends In obstinate
catarrh. n7-2wdA.iv
lu the fellow tng churches en Holiday, In
llie IliernlUL' ul 10 K). In tlioevenliiunlT.I.S. Him.
dny schoelnt 1:15 p. in. When lhe hour lidlf
fercnt II Is rsieclully noted;
Nkw-t'llUUCil.-Scrvlccs nnil.Sundn) school
te-morrow morning at tlic usual hour, 111 Leng's
hullillug, Ne. 10 North Queen street.
Cvet.vsun. I.iiTHKiiAN-llrnnch Schoel.-Iteg-ulnr
Mssluti nt tlie school house, ( erner of W'ni
uut ami Jlary street, nt 2 p.m.
himi-hem CHArri, North Prince street Hev.
I. M, Harris', nster.
Ciiuiiiu op Clen Cerner or Prince and Or
iiiigi'. Hev. J. II. r.skrllne.puMer.
I'linsilVTtlilVK JIE.MOIUAL CllURCII-fselltll
OiicciistrecM, Ihemas Thompson, pastor. Hun
uuy f.i IiihiI nl 1:15 p. in.
Cvamii Mi ai.Ciiukcii. Hev. D.D. Albright,
pastor, huiulay Khoel at 2 p.m. Pralse ser-
lee nt CM p. in. Keecptleu cjfneu-incinticrs In
the evcnlng service.
Kvamiislical rirst Church. flev. r. r.
bchr, pastor. German In the morning. Uuiiday
school nl U a. in.
Otivi.r HAiTisr Ciicncn Cast Vine near
Uul.e street, Hev. ii. rrnjne, pastor.
Omvkt Mission 211 Uut Trcdcrlck street.
Biiudav school nt 2 p. in. Preaching In the
l)ian.i in. Hi lnitM Ht Johannes Kiuciie Kiuciie
Cerner of lirnnge mid Mulberry strectK. Hcrv lee
111 tlie (hi mun language rrem II JO te 1015a.m.
and from 0 tn7.15p.ui. Hiuidiiy school from
U win 1:15p.m.
HiaeuMii ht. Luke's Marietta nvenue,
Hev. Win. K. Llehllter, pastor. Hunday school
at 2 p.m.
Hi. Paul's Ukfeiimi.ii Unv. J.'W.Menilnger,
pastor. 1 wlllglit i.erv lce at 6.15 p. in.
U.vimi lliiniinp; inCjirist, Cevknant.
Wistoniiigeniid Concord streets. Ilcv. C. W.
lliilhlei, iMster. Pralse servlcent (I Kip. in.
I'litsr Iti.t (UiMKI). Ilcv. J. M. Tltzel, 1). V.,
Wksn-iin M. lCiiuncii. Ilcv. K. W. llurke,
pastor. Christian imleaver meeting nto.eO p.
ht. Jehn's lamiKiivN Hev. B. K. Allcmaii,
I). II., pastor. fcrvlces at 11 n. in. In Germnu
Heiermed church, corner of Orange and Mul
berry strict. Hunday school t Hi. Jehn's nt
Jp.m.,uiid at Uetnald Memerial Mission at 2
p. in.
St. hi i riirVs Celli go Chapel. -Hcrmeu by
Prer. Gee. I". .Mull.
Divini, service en Hunday meinliig In the
HecklaiiiHtrcet school halldliurnl 10i o'clock.
Huuda.v school at 2 p. m.
Men.v viAJf. Hcv. J. Mux Hark, D. P., pastor.
2 p. m Hunday sihoel.
Ciiuiar LUTHKKAN. Hev. V. I.. Heed, pastor.
Ht. Paul's M. i;. Cnuitcii-Hev. i;c. Yerkes,
pastor. !) a. in. class. Hunday school at 1:15 p.
in. 1'inlse scrvlce nt (HO p.m.
'Iiumtv l.UTlltiiAN. ltev.C. K l'rj , pastor.
Kllisr M. l. Uliuiicii Hev. H. M. Vtrnen. 1).
1)., pastor. Class meetings nl tin. m. .Sunday
school at P15 p. m.
1'iiLsiiv ri'iUAN. Ilcv. .1. Y. Mitchell, I). I),
On VOL I.utiieiia v. Hev. C.C Houpt, pastor,
hundaj school tit 2 p. in. Church services
merutug and evening.
rnisr Haitiit. Preaching by Hev. Jes. II.
KlinuiKr. Hunday sihoel lit 2p. in. Neeven
lug servhe.
Is a complaint which nflrcU nearly ever) body,
mero or less. Ileilginatcs In n cold, or succes
sion of colds, combined with Impure bleed.
DKigniuble flew from tlie neic, tickling In
the thieat, efknslvebrcnth, pain ever nud Ijc
tuccu (hcecs, rlnglnsnnd bursting noises In
the cars, are the mere common symptoms
being a constitutional disease cannot b in red
! IihuI applications. It requires n constitu
tional remedy like. Hoed'k Sarsaparllla, which
strikes dim tl) nt ItMiiiiKehj removing nil Im
purities hum the bleed, building up the dis
eased tissues and giving healthy tone te the
M hele s) stem.
N. It. irjeuhavi diildcd te try Heed's &ai
uparilla de net he Induced te buj an) ether.
" rersuv irnl .venrs I have been troubled with
that ttrrlble disagiteablc disease, catarrh, 1
took HoedsHirsaparllln vvllh the very IksI re
sults. It cured mc of that continual diepplug
hi Hi) thieut, and slulhd-up feeling. It bus
also heIKHl my mother, vihe has takin It for
run down state of health and Kidnc) double."
.Mils. H, 1). Hkatii, Putnam, Conn.
Heed's Sarsaparilla
Held h) all druggists. Jl ; six for 85. Prepared
mil) by C. I. HOOJa CO., IaiwcII, .Mnss.
KWI)0&IONi:i)OIiLAH. (2)
Hick Headache and relieve all the troubles Inci
dent te a bilious Mate of the s.v stem, such ns
lllrtliicss. Nnuscj, Drewshuss, Distress nfter
Killing, Pain lu the Hide, .te. Whlle tliclr most
remarkable success bus been show ii in curing
Hiadrtrhc, )et OAKTKIt'H MTTI.K LIVKIl
I'lbl.S niu finally valuable In CeusltMtiun,
curing and prt-vintlug this minuting com
plaint, while they also correct all dlsordersef
lhe stomach, stlinulate ihc liver nnd regulntu
the beutls. Kvcn If they only cured
Ache they would lie. almost priceless te thes
who sulftr from tills distressing templalnt:
but fortunately their goodness does net eim
here, and these who ence try them vim nud
these II ttle pills valuably In se minv nnu that
they will net be willing le de ullheut llieiu.
Hut utter all Mi k head
Is the li me or mi i.iauy lives Hint licre Is where
wn mal.i) our gnat beast. Our pills euro It whlle
ethers de net.
mall and very insy te Uike, One or two pills
makendese. They ure strictly vegetnblennd
douel grlMi or purge, hut by their gentluae
lleu phase all who use tin in. In vial ultScU;
five for tl. Held ever) where or sent by mall.
Small Pill. Small Dose. Small Frit
PadueBLTBtA, BatnnUy, Nev.p, um.
The International American
Congress is expected te arrive
in this city tonight. The sck
jeurn in Philadelphia will be
made the crowning incident of
the tour of this country. On
Monday next the official pro
gram of visits te various indus
trial and educational interests
will begin by a tour of inspec
tion through our store.
The incident is sufficiently
important te both the Congress
and the Philadelphia Public te
demand large preparation en
our part. Yeu will certainly
be interested in what we are aro are
deing for this Occasion and
hew you may enjoy it. Con
sult Mondays papers for full
We want te sell mere Men's
Trousers. We keep the stock
a far better variety than you
suppose. The prices arc from
$3 te $ie. When their good
ness and cheapness arc known
better the sales will suit us bet
ter. The Clothing stock is a pride
te us. Seme points we are
specially proud of :
HmnllHe)' Cape Overcoats nt Jl 7 3, and
Hulls nt snme.
.Men's Hulls from li.TO le 30. The lenst
prlreil are geed nnd honest, the finest are
Overcoats from MEOte ftt, light and dark,
rough nnd smooth, stvllsh nnd plain, for
nil nges, sires, nnd tastes.
Te be at the top in anything is
a reason for honest pride. We
are at the top in Clothing.
Market street side.
All the Ribbon world pays
tribute te our counters. What
ever color or quality or style or
width you want is witnin your
Special bargain lets are thick
all through Ribbons
I2tnf lerndes nttl.
si M le tl tvegrndes nt 7uc
tl 23 te tl K" grades at UK:
Brocades, Armures,
Novelties at 12 and 18c
were meant te be four times as
i:ast Transept.
S22Robe for Sift
S.'e Rebo for t JO
$ Rebe ler til
J2 Hobe Ter tlJ
And they are some of the rich
est stuffs and handsomest
styles we've imported this sea
son. Yard goods are reaching for
you like this :
40-lnch Silk Stripes en wool ground, at 73c,
Imported tescllaljl.
41-Inch Serge wlthbrechc vine border, fl 50,
lmiKirtcd te sell nt 2.
cMni h Herge, with brechc border In Persian
colors, $2, Imported te sell at !260.
4Mnch Serge, with breche broken pluld
border, It a), imported te sell atti
The little world of Men's
Furnishings is full of attrac
tions. Men's 50c Neckwear :
Dv far the handsomest line we have shown
this season. Neat patterns, deslrable
Men's Cellars and Cuffs :
Our Imported Cellars nt 15c nnd Cum nt
2s u pair are equal te nny domestic
makes we knew or tlintscll for 2.rnndl0e.
lllg let Just opened, full line of sizes, new
est slinpe.
Our English Cellars nt "je and CufTs nt 10c n
pair nre solid linen. We don't knew their
cqunl nt near thee prices.
Men's Gloves :
l-elasp Cape nt ft; yen nre nil n round asked
10 pay ji ou ler no iieucr.
Men's Suspenders ;
Gii)et Suspenders, plain and fancy web,
iiguiur icugiriBy; CAirn luxuu-nuncii
ment nnd cress back, fOe,
Men's Half Hese :
Hngllsh Cnshmere In six or eight colors,
sizes tl te 10J. Hegular&Je goeils, but our
prlce Is 20c.
Men's Shirts and Drawers:
Colored Merine, full regular made, nnd
Irem 0110 or tlie best mills In this count ly.
'1 hey nre uet seconds, but llrst quallty
goods, nud nre !l"5: our price 87Ke.
Hhlrts. sizes 31 te IS.
Drawers, sizes 2S te Ml.
Men's Night Shirts :
Sleelul make of muslin, with fast color
trimming, 73c exceptional value,
Hume st) le, Wamsutta muslin, tl.
Middle Mnrkel street entrance.
Jehn Wanamaker.
R. D. McCASKEY, Dentist.
tlMADUATr. I.N Dh.NTlt.TllV AND AN.IJ.TUI'-rirS.
Oftlceand Hesldence,
I'rempt Attention. Charges Heasennble.
All Werk Warranted. 111. Week Davs.
kcpu-Onidilw ,
"26 Years Practice In One Office."
Over First National Hunk. Dentistry In all Its
branches. Gas administered. Teeth extracted
absolutely without pain. All work warranted.
Fire Insurance I
Insurance and Real Estate Agency.
I um preixired te Insure nil classes of properly
nt lemst rates In lhe most reliable companies,
(iuardlaner Londen iCapltal)
Niagara of Scy Yerk.
Londen nud Lancashire
Agricultural of New Yerk
(inenvili'h of New Yerk
IUillalnCtrman of New Yerk
Hutted Htatc of New Yerk .
rircincn'h of H.itlmeru . ...
National of New Yerk
Eliet of Ilosteu
tJ.OW.OiiO en
V'tH,l35 Ul
2,0111,001 00
::,e,!,ir.i no
I,lu5,sll O)
i,;,i77 no
U'1.178 00
. :.S7,ll5(iO
17S.7W 10
Hates en duellings and contents, fiO cents ier
tUW for 3) ears; 75 cents per hundred for 5) ears.
Hates uu prlvule stables it perS100fer3) cars:
SI M r tlOO for 5 ) eur.
Hales en uicrchnudlM', SO cents pcrtltU.
Allan A. Herr,
ye. 108 UAb'V K 1'(J STll UKV.
b -J.sSue
. ..WA s - -W,.. eiJiEaiSsW?'. Z HtM .
yku 0f gmmMen.
We Will Commence a Spe
cial Sale of
Pake of Fail !
115 AND 117 N. QUEEN ST.
When we will offer our whole stock of
43-lnch Cbnutillv, Escurinl. Spanish
Lnttt Dress nt prices less thnu cost of
Tlicse are pesltlvelv the Greatest Bar
gnlns we ever eflbrcel in that Hue, ns you
will nt ence perceive when you cempnrc
the original with the reduced prices.
All-Hilk Chautllly Lnces, 45-inch
wide, best nud newest patterns, former
price $2, new $1.25 n yard ; former price
2.i25, new $1.50 a yard ; former price
f-3, new $2 a yard.
All-Silk Escurinl Luce, 15-luch wide,
former price $2.0(1, new $1.60 a yard;
former prlce $3, new $2 a yard.
Spnufsli Guipure, nil silk, former
price $2.15, new $1.25 n yard.
One remnant of hnud-run JSpnuIsh
Luce, former price $0, new $4 a yard ; 2
yards in tlie rcmiinut for $11; regular
price would be $15.
All our 811k Drapery Nets reduced te
cost price.
Black Fish Net, 50-inch wide, former
price $1; new 75c n jnrd.
btripcti bpanifii Hint tjiinutiny urap
ery Net, all nilk, former price $1.25; new
$1 a yard.
Fancy Pattern Fish Net, nil Mlk,
heavy nud glassy, formerprice $1.25 ;
new $1 Uynrd.
Hpaulsh Drapery Net, nil silk, block
pattern, former prlce $1.50; new $1.20 a,
All-Silk Spanish Drapery Nel, polka
dot nnd striped, former price $1.25; new
$1 a yard.
One piece of 64-iuch wide all-silk
Ctinntilly Lnce Dress, former price $3.50;
new $2.60 a yard.
Grenadine. Lnce Dress, with picotedge
sntiu ribbon stripes, the Intcst navelty
for evening dresses, nt $3 a yard, in
cream and black.
Cream, Light Blue and Pink Drapery
Net, 50-inch wide, 75c and $1.25 si jurel.
A full line of Veilings.
Bnnir Veils, in till colors, nt 5c ouch.
Bnrege nnd Greiintline Veilings, in nil
colors, at 10. 15 and 25c a yard.
A bargain in wide Real Torchon
Lnces nt 10c a yard.
115 & 117 North Queen Street.
Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, Hnccs, Ee-Gl.vvse
Etc, nt LOWt&T PHICES.
Optical Goods. Telepranh Tpne Dally. Every
Article In this Llue Curchilly Hepulrcd.
Leuis Weber,
Ne. lfi9KNerth Queen St., Near P. R. R. Btatlen
nw GOODS !
During the past week many
New Goods have found their
vv ay into our show cases. Goods
just new this Kenson, which we
shnll be glad toshewjou. A
Inrge stock of Watches and Fine
Cleck,, Diamonds, Jcuelry,
Novelties, Etc. Call and see
our Complete Stock.
Walter C. Herr,
Ne. 101 K. Queen St.,
Uniform and Reliable.
&Ti'Hrtl Itoticce.
J ortheclty erijuicimter, ilee'd. letters of
lulinlnlstratten 011 Kild otate Imvlni; heen
Krcntcd te tlie niHlcriii;iie.l, all pertenii In
('elitcl tin ri te arc reipiesteil te make tmme tmme
illiite pn)iii(iit, and lhe.0 having cliitiiin or
dtinanus ai:uiiiit the aine, villi prent them
without ileluy for keltlcnicnl te the nndii-slk-ucd.icsldiiisat
corner or Kirih aiulCherr)
streets, Philadelphia, '
OrlohUAtlerne), AdmliiMnitnr.
1). U. EnlllBMAV. liev'J-()tdf5
hIU.Nri:i) rA'l EOK EDWI.NXitEKM.
V t.ii)dtr and vilfe, of Eplinita teniikhip,
Eaiicaster county. EdviinH. Iteeinii)der and
wife, of Akren, ljineater count), Imvliie by
derdnr voluntary alt.'iiiiieut, dated October
1j, 1Si, ali;ncd uud tnuuferrcd nil itielr e-sUita
te the undersigned, for the benefit or tlie cred
itors or the ilil KdMlnS. Iteeinsiiydcr.hethere Iteeinsiiydcr.hethere Iteeinsiiydcr.hethere
rore Klves notice te all persons Indebted te said
asslKiier, te make payment te the undemlgned
without dela), and ihoehavlne ililnu te pre
sent them te ll.J.llEf..M&NYIiKIt,
, Hi siding lu liirl Til p., Lumiitlcr Ce., Pa.
Jens A. Cevlk, Atleriuy, elSWItdS
Palace of Fashion,
ry ($e0b;
-00 TO THE
24 Centre Square,
We brlnx you soed cheer by aKilitlreryi
save money. New don't inlnundcrsUni
We don't mean that you are extravacant
at nil but we de mean nnd say you mi
misiaite 11 you ininK youcaneuyjusvi
nt any ether store.
Is flie Place te Ge I f Yeu Care te Sav e Menl
Extraordinary Bargain!
Coats and Jacke
Best M lich i ne Thread at 1c a spool.
500 Yards Spools of Thread at 2c each.
Best Sewing Silk at Jc a (.peel.
Steel Dressing Combs at lOe each,
l'lue Pins nt -c a paper.
Flne Toilet Soaps at Sc apiece.
Walchone Waist Sta) s at 60 te 10c n dozer
DrciS blilclds nt 5c te Zic a pair.
Best Skirt Braid at ie a piece.
Heeks nnd E) cs en tapes.
Hair Crimps, Hair Brushes, Comb, T,
Brushes, Jew dry, &c, Ac., 4c.
Ladles' and Children's Fast Black llec a
a pair.
J. Harry Stamd
24 Centre Square,
Fine Dress Overcoats, 10, SIS, J0.
Gent s Fast Celer liiiMnesH Suits. $7, t. f.
Beys' lyiiiir Pant Suits, fl. ! 1 SO, SI.
Children's Knce Pant l-ults, K, fl 50, $.1.
Be)s' and Children's Overcoats, f2, K60, 13.
Odd Pants, Kle. 75c. St. 1
Gent's Derby Ribbed Underwear, Jl 25.
Gent's Fine Neckties
Puffr, Tccks, Feur-ln-Hands, IV.
Cardigan Jackets. We, 75c, SI.
Fine Worsted Cardigans, til 60 te f) 50.
Gent's and Beys' Dress Glew
Fur Robes, Fur Glov cf, Fur. Caps and Cella
ami Ladles Fur Mulls and Capes.
Heavy Cleth Caps and lancy Plaid Win
FivoDezonSllfl Hatsvierth tl each, clesli
out at SIM.
A Very Large Assortment of
Projective purchasers should net spend
cnt In Dress Goods until they have looked 11
Saturday Morning, Ney. 9.
Thce largest assortment of Girls' nnd Mls-scs
Oretcliens.Newmarketsnnd Neapolitan Plusl
and Cleth Jacket. Infants Coats and Girls
Dresses. The qualities are the best and the
prices the lowest.
, Tlie Popular bhoe for Ladles Is our 17-Iluttep
bhoe atf.'tO.
Gent's Dress Shoes, Congress or I-nce, (1 50.
Rubbers and Overshoes.
32-38 East King Street,
Branch Stere,
Sped Preparatiei
Beautiful Dress Geed
Williamson & Fester,