Lancaster daily intelligencer. (Lancaster, Pa.) 1864-1928, November 09, 1889, Image 1

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TIB 0. A. 1. WElfJIB BK. WIlIRRSNil.
Commander Stewart, Comrades Brealus,
Wlekersham and Others Deliver
8peeches-Au Occasion Enjoyed.
Last evening Geerge H. Themas fwt.
Ne. 84, Grand Army of the Republic, held
ft camp-flre In their rjetns in Excolsler
hall iu honor of the return of their com cem
rade, Cel James P. Wlckershatn, from Eu
rope. Notwithstanding the very bad
weather the lnrge hall was crowded and
among these present were visitors from a
distance, mombeis of Pest 403, of this citv,
and ethers of the county. Camp Ne. 19, "et
Sens of Vcterans were present Inn bed v.
The ball was Ueitutifully decorated wlih
bunting and in the middle a camp-flre
Tin camn-ilre was protded ever bv Dr.
J. A. llccd, depRrttnenl medical director.
After the comrades and all present had par
taken el a liberal quantity or been soup,
het coffee, sand wlclics, Ac, which had been
prepared and placed upon n number of
Urge tableaWash -Holts sounded the bugle
(alljandt'ie "Star Spangled thinner'' was
pla.ved by "Gideon's Hand" or the Sens or
Chairman Itced Introduced Congressman
Marriett Brealus, te whose let it loll te dc dc
delivar the address of wolcemo te Cel.
Wlekersham. The sreuker encnral l.v
Buying: " The book or books tells us thut
tliere Is mere rejeleing ever ene prodigal
that returns than ever nlncty-nlne that go
net astray, thus de we rejoice overCemrudo
Wlckcrsfinm's return." The speaker said
all were glnd te see htm back, Improved in
health and with form erect, and having re
captured him tbey would held him a
prisoner aud net allow him te again go
way. He then welcomed the colonel te
the homes and hearts or his comrades.
At the conclusion of the congressman's
remarks " Attld Lang Syne" was sung by
the choir, under the leadership or Comrade
Gilgere, and Cel. Wickcrshain was intro
duced. He said that he was su prised and
captured net by an enemy but by Mends.
He thought, however, that alter his return
from a seven mouths' tiip through fetelgu
countries a rocking chulr should be pro
vided for him te sit upon and listen te the
proceedings and he should net be asked te
make a speech. He greatly appreciated
the honor that had been conferred upon
him by his comrades In extending te him
the soldier's welcome.
As the colonel took his fecal Comrade
Gilgere sang a parody, composed for the,
occasion entitled " when James Cemes
Marching Heme."
Majer A. C. Itelncchl was Introduced and
said that as the assembly has been ad
dressed by a number of distinguished
gentlemen, he did net intend te lndulge in
a spots. li. He knew that the gcntlemun
who had procedo 1 him as well as ether
had been rehearsing speeches for seme
time, and he was willing that they should
nil have a chance. He was glad, however,
te he present at the reception te Cel. Wlek Wlek
orsham. Hen. Themas J. Stewart, department
commander or the state, was next Intro
duced, and he entertained the nudien e for
home tluie In a neat speech. He co grat
ulatcd Mr. Wlckershatn upon his site
return, and thou speke or the geed work r
the Grand Army. He urged the meml e s
te Mick closer togethor as they grew o'der.
He also complimented the Sens of Veterans
en their line appearance, and urged them
te stand in readiness te take the places that
their fathers had fllled.
After music by the band Junier Vice De
partment Commander V. T. Gerrcll, or
Hauling, spoke. He was ple.ised te Le
present te greet Comrade Wickcrsham ami
as Mr. Stewart bad se well said he thought
the members of the Grand Army bheuld
stand together, shoulder te shoulder as iu
days of yore, and they should endeavor te
hae the miiuber In this department reach
60.000 by next your. He did net intend te
allow the opportunity te go by te speak
f;oed words for the Sens of Veterans,
.adles' Aid society and Ladles' llellef cer
and he praised the three ery highly.
H. H. Luckcnbach, of Pest 405, then
favored these picscnt with n song and Dr.
ILCUestwick, of Tacoma, medical director
or the department or Washington, was
introduced. He said that although he
was a btranger he felt at home, as he wus
born in this city 00 ycais age, and he had a
brother, who was Killed at Antictam and
new lies iu Woodward Hill. He was glad
te be present and tuke part In the welcome
te the well known member of the pest.
Capt. Charles Demies was next called
upon, but he said when qulte young he
hud been taught te icbpect old age and he
therefore made way for his Irleiul, Captain
W. D. Staulrcr. The latter said that he had
leaned his speech te Majer Itcinoehl, mid
therefore he was net prepared te say much.
He merely wished te urge all or the com
rades te btaud together and be as true as
stctl te eacl-ethcr.
Captain EdwltiSprceher, who was in
command of the c-.unp of Sens of Vcteraiis,
was the lust speaker, and he spoke in the
highest terms of the Grand Army and of
the geed work thut the men who wero the
blue had done.
Dr. Itced read a telegram from Themas
W. Bean, of Norrist3wn,whe rcgretted that
he could net be present and congratulated
Cel. Wickcrsham upon his return.
After all had joined In singing that stir
ring old song of war limes " Haily Around
theTlag Heys" Cel. Wickershum was es
corted te his home and the department
ofllcers te their trains, thus ending ene of
the largest and most cnjoyable camp-fires
ever held in this city.
Dlsugrecnble Market Morning.
A gentleman who is a regular attendant
at the market says that he has never known
werse weather than there has been this
season. It seems that the heaviest rains
always fell en market days and thcre were
very low mat w ero entirely clear, rcopie
who attend the Central market have had
a very rough oxpericnocyis they have had no
reef te cover thum for a long time. Theso
who lmve stands iu the beautiful new
market liouse were able te apprcciate It
this morning, but theso who sell their
wares uleng the curbs wero thoroughly
water soaked and disgusted at u very early
hour. Notwithstanding the tonlble
weather the markets were all well attended
Tcachcri' Institute.
The annual leachcra' iustitute will be
opened en Monday next In the court house.
An excellent corps of lecturers has been
secured and thcre is no question of the suc
cess of the institute The opening address
will be delivered by Superintendent Hoif Heif
man, of Columbia.
The Lancaster Inquirer's iustitute sup
plement was Issued te-duy. It contains a
lull list of the teachers and school directors
lu the county, devotes a column te roirerts
from the school districts of the county,
showing the improvements liiade iu the
schools during the year, and has it large
amount or Information of benefit te direc
tors, tcachers and patrons or the public
The New Market liouse,
The market committee has decided te
place three additional are lights lu the new
market heuse, the present number net
being sufficient te thoroughly light the
The coiumUleo was en duly at the mar
ket heuse this morning, and gave theso
parties stalls who were net present at
Wednesday's uraiket. A dealer liumed
Urlnser, who was usslgned te a place lust
Weduesduy, took the utall of 'a fanner this
morning and refused te vacate It. Olllcer
Weaver had te be called upon te remove
llrluscr from the stand he had appropriated.
A-Cnr Derailed.
This morning a car en a west-bound
freight train wasderallcd at the sldlngat the
Harrisburg turnplke crossing et the Penn
sylvania railroad. The car could net be
placed en the track again for an hour, and
(n the meantime It was round necessary te
run the New sUxprcss through teDlllen II e
en the south track, thus delaying it for
mnij-j Urn?.
ic1is11feaigifeMSigshB a"u
The .Ex-Secretary of the Navy Is Meat
Pleased With MlHKhlWttS.
In the course of an Interview published
in the New Yerk Star, ex-SecrOUry Whit
ney Mid :
."The victories achieved at the late elec
tions indicates te me that the great army of
mlddle men or the country these who are
between the manufacturer and consumer
are supporting the Democratic party There
were several reasons for the" defeat we met
in the last presidential election. The man
ufacturers -get badly frightened, and the
result of their scare was a general alarm
that In time of elections becomes centa-
flieus and brings voters te cast their bal bal
ets as they would net de If time were
given them for calm, sober reflection. The
most surprising vote te me was that in
Ohie, and the most gratifying; and the ene
which scorns te be fuller of significance than
the vete in any ether stale was that In Mas
sachusetts. Ohie has been almost unswerv
ing in her loyalty te the Republican party
whenever there has been a het canvass
there, In which party lines were closely
" The canvass In Massachusetts was em
phatically an Intellectual canvass, made en
the lssue en which Democracy rough t In
1888.' The campaign in that state was con
ducted by a number of able yeunir men,
who appealed constantly te the intelligence
of the voters they sought te persuade, and
was In every way an educational canvass.
The Democratic newspapers of Massachu
setts wero called upon te support the party
lu discussing the issue belore the people,
and any ene who had read the newspapers
or that state will agree with me when I say
the newspapers there have constantly con
tained sound and able tariff arguments.
which have had their eirect upon tue
voters. . . ,.
"There Is, undoubtedly, a great deal or
dissatisfaction In the Republican party
with the administration, but te me it seems
that the veters have said , ' The Demo
cratic partv was right last rail, and we
have just found it out.'
"Then the clubs, which have been
christened 'Question Clubs,' which wero
ostnbllshed all ever the state, have been
very effectual In appealing te the intelli
gence or the voters."
Danlel 8. Lamentwaa asked: "what
about Iowa? "
"Well, as te tliat state, Colonel Brice's
rainbow was a little belated, but he gets
thore. Last Tail's odueatlenal campaign is
deliifftts work, and horeaftor the North Nerth Nerth
west is likely te require attention rrem the
Republicans. The farmer is getting his
eyes open. He is net getting rich by taxa
tion. In every quarter where Democratic
success is reported, from Ames Cummlngs'
congressional district te Iowa in New
Yerk, Massachusetts, Ohie and Virginia
eurtundldates squarely planted thomselvos
en the platform or the national Democracy
or 18S8 the discontinuance or unneces
sary taxation, the adlustmeut or neces
sary taxation se that the burdens or gov
ernment shall be justly distributed, and
that labor shall be justly onceuragod and
capital fairly protectod. Fraud and de
ception iu politics nover has a long run.
Honesty is the best policy. "
Elevated Railroad Passengers Se A
liully Thrashed.
Krem the New Yerk Times.
A big, burly man. with the form of a
heavy-weight pugilist, was making hliu hliu
seir exceedingly objectionable te the pas
sengers en a train or the New Yerk clo cle clo
vated read Thursday morning. He sat
w ith his long legs stretched cleur across
the aisle, his hat forward ever his eyes and
a leek en his fuce which seeined te declare:
"I'm a bad man. bee I I'm looking for
treuble, and I don't euro whero it cotues
Soveral passcngers were unfortunate
enough te tumble evor I he man's feet. and
in return wero profanely abused fordeing
se. Thore was net a man In the car who
did net reel inclined te punch the fellow's
head but he looked tee formidable. At
Thirty-third stroet, however, the bully
met his match.
A quiut-loekliig young man. with the
iippearauce or a prosperous dork, but who
lu reality was a well-known loaeher or
fencing and boxing, entered, and as he
made Ills way te one of the cress scats en
countered the outstretched legs of the ob eb ob
jectlonablo persen. Very politely the now new now
cemur turned te him and bald :
" Sir, will you kindly draw in your feet
se that I can pass t "
The bully looked up te see who had
miule such an impertinent request, and
said te the Inoffenslve-looking man after
a string of oaths.
" I'll de nawthlng, soe I ir yer wants
le get by you'll step evor dese leet, and ir
youse get geed sense you'll be cureful hew
you docs it. "
The llttle man'b oyes flashed, and he said
in a tene very different te that he had
previeusly used :
" Sir, draw in your feet 1"
An eatli was the only rospenso, aud the
llttle man, with a " thon-take-that," gave
the big man u maguillceut kick in the
shins. The big rollew Jumped te bis feet
te annihilate the llttle ene but he didn't.
Hardly was he out or his scat before a
sledge hammer blew under the chin
knocked him Hat en his back, and thore
he lay. The blew knocked him out.
The passcngers fairly cheered; but the
quiet llttle man was net looking for glory.
Going te the scat he had selected befere the
encounter he sat down, uuconcernedly
pulled out a newspaper and began le read.
The guard and ene or two passengerH
roughly picked the prostrate man up and
Jammed him into a seat. His dazed souses
seen began te return, but he said net a
word, and at Fifty-ninth street he moekly
left the train.
State Treasurer Hart Dies.
State Troasurer Hart is dead. On elec
tion day lie was able te go te the polling
iiluceiu the precinct or the ward in which
he lived In Harrisburg, and that was the
jirsi lie nun uceu uui lur iuui iiimuimb. um
Thursday afternoon lie was driven te the
treasury department, whero he remained a
fe w miuutcs.and later in the day spout seme
time in tim Trust building, lie seemed In
geed spirits, and, although his cose was
regarded us oxtremoly critical a few weeks
age, his friends had );cgnn te hepe for ultl ultl
mate recovery in U.'last few days. On
Friday evening he retired atau early hour,
us usual, and about 10 o'clock u change for
thowerso occurred. When the attending
physician arrived at the bodslde he at ence
said that Captain Hart wus dying.
Ills end caine at l&lft o'clock this morn
lug. He did net rocevcr from the brain
paralysis that prostrated him alieut V:'M
Nermal Scheel Notes.
Mii.i.EiisviLLb, Nev. 8. A commlltee of
trustees consisting of Hen. J, li. Warfel,
Jacob H. Landis and 11.11. Mayer visited
the school en Wednesday or this week,
Soveral or the prominent citizens or Mil Mil
lcrsville, Itev. J. P.Stclu, Dr. Jehn Stump.
Mr. Jehn Miller and Mr. David C. Krcady
uccompauled thorn. They visited many or
the classes during the forenoon and seemed
pleased with what they saw and heard.
Miss M.Kmery, teucher or muslc.and her
pupils, purpose giving a miislcale en Fri
day evening, Nev. 12), te w hlch the public
will be invited.
Dr. K. O. Lyte loctured en "Meral Train
ing" yesterday at the iustitute at Wilming
ton, Del., and te-day he discussed "The
Memery" at the Delaw are county institute
held at 'Media.
Week el Prayer.
Next week being the week of prayer for
yeuuc men In all Yeung Men's Christian
associations throughout the world, tin
local association w ill ubsore it with it con
secration service nt the building en Sunday
morning ut H:;!0 o'clock. In the afternoon
a meeting for young man will be held in
Association hull. Meetings will also lie
hclil every evening during the week.
Funeral el Itev. Tlies. Wilsen.
The funeral of Itev, Themas Wilsen, for
several years Kister oftlie Welsh mountain
colored church, took pluce this morning.
The services held at the Strawberry street
A. M. 11. church were conducted by Pre
siding Elder Heard and Hey. Stlh D. W.
Smith. Interment was made iu the
cemetery adjoining the church.
Republican Scheme fbr Securing
United State Senators.
J. II. Teele took the oath of office as gov
ernor of Mentana en Friday, In the pres
ence of about one hundred citizens. It was
the original intention te make the event a
netable one, but treuble ever the Legisla
ture has overshadowed all ether considera
tions and there was no particular demon
As. according- te the decision of the court.
the Democrats have a majority of the Legis
lature they will assert their rights Initie
premises. The Republican plan new is
given by a prominent Republican. He
said when the Legislature convenes It will
be called together by the state auditor.
He is a Republican. He will call the
roll of members and in doing
se he wilt conveniently recognize a
sufficient number of Republicans te
secure organisatien. This point once
Siined there will be a slim chance for the
emecrats. If the latter organlze separately
and elect two senators the United States
Senate, being Republican, will admit the
candidates ofthelr faith and leave the Dem
ocratic contestants te cool their heels and
nurse forlorn hepe in the corridors.
This appears te be the lest ditch te which
the Republlcana will retreat and thore Is
slight doubt that they will take refuge In
this scheme when the Legislature convenes.
Governer Teelo has given no intimation
when he will call the Legislature, though
he will de se in a few days.
The commlltee te arrange for lira Grand
Army fair has instructed Chief of Pollce
Smeltz te purchase a pair or the best hand
cuffs, a revolver, nippers anil a blackjack,
which arc te be centested for at the fair by
policemen ami consumes.
" The Bey Tramp " was again prosentod
In the opera heuse last evemiiff. when the
audience was much smaller than upon the
first evening, but the presentation was just
as florce.
Peter Elsen, charged with malicious
mischief, has been held for a hearing by
Alderman A. F. Dennelly. Jacob Rudy,
the prosecutor, alleges that Bisen went
upon his let In Ien's cemetery and de
stroyed a tree and seme flowers.
Last night a telephone or 11 re alarm wire,
which fell at Duke and Chestnut, caught
a hack driver who was en Fred Auxcr's
carriage under the neck, but did net hurt
him. It was afterwards cut and the jwrtles
controlling It wero notified te fix it.
The mayor disposed of five caes this
morning. Thore was ene town mau In the
let, aud as it was bis first olfense the mayor
discharged htm. Twe men were sent te
Erison and the same number te the work werk work
euse. The heavy rain of last night and te-day
caused the streams throughout the county
te rise very rapidly. The Concstega began
te go up during the forenoon and seen cov
ered the read at the new city water works.
Geed Templars lu Session.
The twelfth session of District Ledge Ne.
21, Independent Order of Geed Templars,
which was held iu the room of Admiral
Kovnelds Pest, was opened this morning
at 10 o'clock.
Fight ledges iu the county were) repre
sented by forty delegate?. District Chief
Teinnla- Florence A.Wobster,ef Christiana,
The delegates were welcomed by Geerge
E. Wiener, of this city, and the rospenso
made by Mlm Webster.
The unwritten work of the erder was
exemplified by Past Grund Chief Templar
Chase, or Kasten, after which reports of
committees and private business was trans
acted, which consumed the time until ad
journment. The delegates wero cntertalncd at din
ner by Lancaster Ledge. It was served in
the large room en the third lloer of the
postefllce building.
The Iodge will remain in session all
afternoon. Te-morrow afternoon at 3:30.
Cel. T. D. Dermarec, of Kentucky, will
deliver an address In the Duke street M.
E. church.
Themas Uk ills' Troubles.
Before Alderman Dccn Themas Loemls,
the young man who was arrested at
lirownstewu en election day, had u hear
ing this morning. Goe. Flnol'reck, charged
him with felonious) assault and battery,
Burety or the peace, and currying concealod
weapons. He was also charged by Jacob
Landis, or Oregon, with feloniously enter
ing his house and stealing a let or tools,
elder, Ac. On oil or these cuses he was held
for court und was unable te furnish ball.
Alderman Hal bach gave Loemls a hear
ing afterwards en the charge or stealing
water plpe rrem the city, und he was held
for trial en it also.
The testimony befjre the alderman
showed that Win. Mehlor had purchased
seme plpe rrem Loemls, knowing the same
te be stelen. A complaint was made against
Mehler and his case will be heard this
e vcnlng.
Accidentally Cut Ills Threat.
Mr. Geerge Blake, who lives near Ca
naan, Conn., met with a most curious ac ac
cldeut last week. "He was wulklnguleug
the street and had iu hand ail ordinary car
penter's saw. He slipped and fell down.
As be fell he instinctively put out the hand
that held the saw. The end of the saw
struck the ground and the blade doubled
up In the form of nearly a half circle. It
slipped rrem Illake's hand, and en the re
bound caught him under the chin and cut
or rather sawed a deep gash iu bis threat.
New Letter lloxes.
This morning Pestmaster Sluymaker ro re ro
celved ten new style letter boxes which
will be erected in the central part or the
city. They are semewhat different from
the old bexes, being a llttle tailor. The
hele iu which the letters are te be placed
are en the top instead of the side, and by
its arrangement letters must be put long
wise. Unless newspapers are in vary small
packages they cannot be put in. 1 he box
is perfectly dust and water proof. On the
front are these large gilt letters, "Letters,
U.S. Mall."
The Will or Clement II. Grubb.
The' will of the late Clement 11. Grubb
was admitted te probate In Philadelphia en
Friday. II. C. Humer and Jehn E. Hub
ley, et the First National bank, who wero
subscribing witnesses, went te Philadel
phia yesterday anil proved the slgnuture of
Mr. Grubb. The iiiauner in which his
cstate Is disposed of could net be ascer
tained te-duy.
Hack In LuucuKtar.
Jehn J. Hcrller, who ter several years
past has bceu connected with large flouring
mills in the West, lias returned te Lancas
ter, where he will reside In the future, hav
ing been appointed cashier of the new trust
Went te llultlinore. ' &
Te-day Jehn W. Lewell and 8. M. Sener,
who are delegates te the Catholic congress,
left te attend the meeting of that body in
Baltimore, The ether dolcgate Is it. J.
McGranu, who has net yet gene.
feet-ball 1'oHtpened.
The feet-ball match between Franklin
aud Marshall college and Swarlhiuore
cellege, which was te have taken place this
afternoon, has been post)eiietl until Tues
day next. The mud is tee dcep in the park
grounds te pluy en.
A Herso Transaction.
Alexander Small bach lias been prose
cuted befere Alderman Hal bach for larceny
as bailee. Abraham Ream is ihe com
plainant and he allcges that Suialllmch re
ceived $3." for a herse which he fulled te
hand ever le him. Hall was entered for a
9H.H30 Subscribed.
The Mlddlctewn Natural Gas company
will begin te bere for gas In the spring. Se
far 177 shares, $.V a share, have been sub
scribed by peeple in Dauphin and Leba
non counties.
Te Be Trled By n Jury.
In the dlvorce suit el Ixiulsa Zocher.clty.
vs. Themas Zecher, en the ground of cruel
treatment, the defendant te-day filed uu
ullidaWt dciivim; the allegations and an
Issue was grunted te try by a Jury whether
or net Mm, Zechcr i cntii
intuitu te a divorce.
ait'r ',$ rt.j$. ,.j-
i., afn j w T ii
A Vtsalsd Maa Strikes n Witness In
the Crealn Case With n Sand-Rag,
and She Becomes Unconscious.
Chicago, Nev, 0. Mrs. Mandle Morgan,
who is said te be an Important witness Ter
the prosecution In the Crenln case, was
sand-bagged last ntght by an unknown
persen and as the result or the blew Is new
in a dangerous condition.
Mrs. Morgen was returning rrem a visit
about 0:30 last night. Te shorten the dis
tance she walked through an alley lu the
rear of the heuse. She had Just entered
the alley when a persen closely wrapped
in a heavy shawl stepped from the shadow
of a building and dealt her a overo blew
en the heed. Had It net been for the roll
of hair the blew would prnltably have
kllled her. Fer nearly au hour Mrs.
Morgan was unconscious.
Upen recovering shodescrlbod her assail
ant as a man disguised as a wemsn.
A Scranton Hound Went Ittintlnir en
Ills Own Account.
Tramp, a four-year-old hound, owned
by Ira A. Hew-land near Scranton.
went bear hunting en his own hook last
Thursday. The hound has been tralund
te track bears after a snowfall, and Is said
te be the best deg In the upper Lehigh ro re ro
gien. Tramp wasn't around the house at
dinner time, a iuhe auer jur. iiow iiew
land beard the old deg baying his leudest '
ever In the direction of Bayler's swamp.
Fer hair an hour Mr.Hewland waited until
the musical veice or the old hound
and the frequency of the yelps convinced
hlln that Tramp was chasing something
larger than u rabbit, and he sheuldered his
rille and hurried oil. Frem the top or a
knell he saw the old deg teasing a bear In
a stumpy let nearly half a mlle te the north.
The bear was making ter the Lehigh river
as fast as the hound would let him, and old
Tramp was nipping the bear's hind legs at
overy row steps and doing his best te
dctaiii him.
Mr. Hewland started en a run, but be be bo
fero he had get within gunshot of the
gatne, the bear reached the river aud
plunged in. Right behind him dashed the
deg, und the two swam the river aud dis
appeared In the bushes before Mr. How Hew
land had time te think what te de. The
river was unusually high, and crossing at
that point was out of the question. A quar
ter or a mlle further down the stream was
shallow, and Mr. Hewland ran te It and
waded across.
Old Tramp was baying fur up the hill hill
slde, whero thore In a thick growth or plne
euks, und Mr. Hewland followed the
sound. "Pretty seen the bear took his back
track, and made for the river. Cleso behind
him ran the hound. He mude the cliusose
het that the bear, instead of plunging Inte
the water, climbed a whlte birch troe that
alanted out evor the stream, In the crotch
of which he was hanging when Mr. How Hew
land get thore.
The old hound was overjoyod the
momenthls master appeared, making the
woodland moledlous with his cries of
triumph. Mr.Hewland banged away with
his right barrel, and the bear tumbled
houdleng IntoHhe river. He wasn't dead,
and he floundered hard te reach the om em om
slte bankbut Mr. Hewland sent another
bullet into his head and finished him.
Then the old hound sprang Inte the water,
grabbed the bean by the car und did his
bcstte'pull 11.3 carcass te the,, bank. The
bear weighed 301! peuuds.
ADontruetlvo Flre en lsuae Hlgb'rt Prop
erty In the Wvst End.
It scorns that thore are llre-bugs In the
eistern part of the county and within a few
weeks u number of barns have been bu rued.
Late en Friday night u barn belonging te
Isaac High, who resides In West Feri
township, between Voganville und llaro llare llaro
vllle. was entirely destroyed. Mr. Hluh's
family wero in boil and about 11 o'clock
they were awiike-icd by the lluntes which
wero consuming thu barn. Nothing could
be dene te save the building or Its contents
and it was seen ill ruins. Among ether
things that wero burned lu the burn wero a
herse, two cows, threo wagons, four hogs,
about ene hundred chickens, two leads of
straw and a large let of hay. A stack or
corn fodder that steed near the burn was
also burned. The burn was of geed slze
and wus purtlally'uuw, uu addition having
been built te It lust spring. Thore was no
Insurance en the burned preperty. Theie
Is no doubt that the llre wus the work of an
He Is AVuutcd nt WltlluiiiHpert and llnr
rlsbtirtf Ter Bebberies Committed.
Censtable Wlttlck was In the city te-day,
having returned rrem Harrisburg, whero
he went for information about Geerge
Jehnsen, the colored man arrested for rob
bing Squlre Horshey's liouse at Columbia.
He learned that Jehnsen, in addition te the
charges already agalimt him, rebbid u fruit
stand In Harrisburg, and rrem thore went
te Wllllumspert, whero he wus concerned
in the robbery of u clothing stere. He was
caught In the act by a policeman. While
being taken te the station liouse he broke
awuy rrem the policeman. When the
olllcer saw that Jehnsen was likely
te cscaiK) he shot at him. The
bullet struck Jehnsen in the leg, but he
managed te get away. He turned up ut
Harrisburg a few days luter und hud his
wound dressed at thu Harrisburg hospital,
and when his wound healed he left Har
risburg. ',
Jehnsen hud the bullet In his pocket
taken from his leg und he uduitttcd his
connection with the Wllllamspert rebbery.
He will be tried lu this county en the
charges against him, after which he will be
banded ever te the WiUiauiHpert author
ities. A Brlulit Ituiiiiwny Bey.
Some timouge Martin f aw ler, a ten-yoir-eld
boy, ran away from his home lu Ohie,
near the Indiana state line, and was ar
rested hereuud put In jail. A gentleman,
named Epler. of Ellzabcthtewii, wrete te
the boy's father telling him that the boy
hud been caught here. The father replled
that he wanted nothing te de with Iho boy.
Yesterday Killer wrete thut he hud found
an undo of the boy residing ut Stoclteu,
who was willing te take him. Prison
keeper Smith shipped Martin te Steelten
yesterday afternoon. The boy Is a very
bright llttle fellow and ways he left home,
because his father whipped him, uHheugli
he would new likn te go back again. He
says that lie caiue East by stealing his way
en freight and passenger trains.
Continued thoCuse.
Judge 1 1 are, in Philadelphia uu
hcnril tiurtlv and continued Kcnerullv
hepe ofiuulcable urrungcmeiits betweenthe
contestants, the habeas corpus proceedings
brought by the commonwealth, ut the sug
gestion of Mrs. Geerge E. CoeMdgoaud
Perter F. Cepe, a miner, against lienry
Deringcr, for the possession of Mrs.
Jesephine Perter Cejo, the widow of the
late Caleb Cepe, who, it has bean alleged,
was decoyed from her residence te Mr.
Dcrlnger's liouse.
Hici-HI'h Sale.
Sheiiff Rurklieldcr went te Eubt Done Dene
gal township this morning te sell this af
ternoon two farms belonging te Jehn A.
Hlestund. These farms contain 10!) acres
and en them am vuluable improvements.
Buck rrem a GiiuiiIiikTi-Iii.
This morning Charles Jeffries aud Charles
Black, the well knew n Columbia conduc
tor, who huve been up en the BeII'h Gup
rullreid gunning for some time, returned
home this meiiilug. They brought with
them quite u large number of gray mid
black squirrels, and birdii of illlleicnt
kinds, They had a line tl n the trip.
Sfeuja - Unittn,J.,r ;Ui wiit-.V., ,
Prominent Xcntneky Republicans Ute
Kalfb and Pistol With Fatal Struct.
Colbnel William Cassius Goodlee and
Colonel Amlsteud M. Hwope, leading Re-
lubllcan politicians of Kentucky, met en
"rlday In the postefilco at Lexington and
had het words. Htvopedrowa jplslel and
shot Goodlee In the nbdemen, inllictlng a
dangerous wound. Goodlee drew a knife
and stabbed Swepe thl neon times until he
dropped dead. During the struggle Swojie
nred a second time at Goodlee, but It
missed Its aim. Colonel Goedloo is col
lector of Internal revenue for the Boventh
district of Kentucky, and is a member of
the Republican national committee.
Colonel Swepe was also a leader of the
Republican party In that state. and had
held various Federal offices. The feud
between him and Goedloo began in the Inst
Republican convention of Kentucky about
two years age.
Dr. P. J. Walker, a prominent physician
and surgeon in llrewnsburg, Virginia,
threatened the life of Hmiry Miller, a
wealthy citizen or Rockbrldge county, for
Insulting MnOValker. Mlller had Walker
arrested and placed under bends te keep
the eacc. On Friday the case eume up lu
the magistrate's court, and the treuble
seen started, which ended lu lielh sides
drawing weapons. Miller was killed, Dr.
Walker totally wounded, and Mrs. Walker,
who wan In court as a witness, was killed.
Daniel and William Millar, sons or the
accused, were shot aud dangerously
wounded. Samuel Bcaver and elheis,
whose names are unknown, wero also
wounded. Full details are net obtainable
At a colored entertainment iu Chester-
town, Maryland, en Thursday night, Frank
Harris shot and kllled A. L. Trusty and
Edwin Brown. All the parties are colored.
It appears thut Harris, who is a steamboat
hand, was talking with seme ethers, w lien
a boy came out with n small pistol which
was te be used In a parforiiiance going en.
Harris said te Ilia boy : " Why don't you
take ene that will muke seme noise T" and
nulling a big pistol tired Inte the crowd,
killing U.e men named. Thore Is said te
have been " n woman In the case."
On en Andersen, colored, aged 18 years,
was lynched at Loesburg. Virginia, early
en Thursday morning. He was arrested
en Wednesday Ter outraging u 17-year-old
whlte girl, und confessed his guilt.
A fraine barn en the farm or Henry
undt, near Allentewn, Pa., was destroyed
by tire last Sunday night. David Mayer,
u young man who worked for Yundt, was
suspected or having fired the barn, and
was en Thursday accused or the crime. He
would neither confess nor deny the charge,
and his employer went te Allentewn for a
warrant for his arrest. During his abonce
Mayer committed sulcide by swallowing
Paris green, and, borero dying, confessed
that he had set the barn en flre.
Flve Lnncaster Applicants.
Among the applicants for admission te
the naval school ship are the following
from Lancaster : Edward E. Burr, 14 Seuth
Duke stroet ; W. G. McCaskey, 512 Chest
nut streets; R. II. Wells, 310 Ceral street;
Harry S. Hebble, and Victer E. Wood
ward, 72U North Duke street.
Se fur 112 applications huve been filed.
The Saratoga will accommeduta 160, and
will arrrve in Philadelphia next week.
The weuld-be sailors must pass n careful
physical examination. It they succeed in
passing thut they will then be examined
as te their scholarship. This is net ex
ported te be a sovero test, and theso boys
who go through It triumphantly will be
full-licdgcd scholars. They will be put In
uniform, and will color at ence upon the
studies or the lleating school.
Harber Master Lawronce says the boys
will be given a thorough practical training
in the work of u seamnn such us boxing
the compass, splicing, knotting, reeling
and furling, heaving the lead, handling
the beats, and the many ether things that u
sailor borero the mast' ls. ex peeled te de,,
Ne curriculum or studies bus been pre
pared yet, but especial attention will be
paid te physical geography and te navi
gation. The boys will be taught hew te
make observations in erder touscertuin
the vesscI'h Ksltlen ut sen, und will be In
structed generally se thut they may be
fitted te tuke charge of a ship alter seme
Thore will be two class rooms and a
workshop, and whlle a part ofthe boys are
ut tfceir books ethers will be iccelvlng
practical Instruction iu seamanship. Thore
will be a system of promotion ami rewards
te eucourage thorn. 'Iho boys will be given
diploma when they gruduute, and they
may be able te secure geed places iu the
merchant marine.
A Church Hell Dedicated.
The new bell en the l'rosbyterlun church
of; Strasburg was dedicated en Thursday
evening. The oxerclsos wero couducted
by llev. Jno. O. Ooergo. Itev. Dr. J. Y.
Mitchell, of Lancaster, prom-hed the
sormeii, und Itev. Workman, of Para
dise, and Dr. Kencagy, of Ktrasburg, as
sisted In the services. Miss Ilakcstruw
recited "The Creed of the Polls" with
effect. The bell, which has a beautiful
tone, was cast by McNally, of llultlinore,
and in Its olevutod position can be heard h
great uistatice.
Martin Xcary Knocks a Man Out.
Martin Ncary, the young Philadelphia
bexer, who bad u not-te with Juck Lynch
iu this city last wcek, fought with Yeung
Pointer for (65, near Philadelphia, early
yesterduy morning. The mill proved u
far co, as Neary was much the better man
and Poluter wus knocked out In tliosecond
round. Poluter was badly hurt lu the
11 rut round by fulling en a plcce or ma
chinery, en the farm whero the fight came
elf, that cut his head.
Camlnu Hack te Lancaster.
Dr. M. D. Lcderuian, or 218 North Duke
street, who graduated rrem the University
ofPennsvlvaiila lust May w ith high honors,
lias again finished another branch of
anatomy, namely, uose and threat diseases.
Fer the past four months he has hail the
honor el being iihslstuut dmonttruter at
the University or Pennsylvania und bus
also bad ejiarge or Prof. Carl Beiler's ofllce.
He will be In Lapeiistcr again en Monday
te take up his practice
lteadlnx Itullread Chuuge of" Schedule.
A new schedule en the Philadelphia A
Heading gees Inte effect te-morrow. Thore
is no change in the trains between lnncas lnncas
eor, Quarryvllle and Heading. The trains
which formerly left King street for Leba
non en the Lebanon A- laiicaiitcr jslnt
line at 5:10 p. m. will loave hereafter ut 6:U5.
The train which arrived here ut 8:00 i. in.
from Lebanon will gut here ut 8:25. There
will be no chunge In the time that the train
leaves Lebanon.
llroke Her l.cir.
Mrs. A. N, DUIcr, residing near Inter
course, met with a painful accident several
days age. She was currying seme things
te her liouse from uu outbuilding when she
fell, breaking her leg near the ankle. It
was seme time befoie u physician could be
summoned, us Mr, Diner's father, who Is
very old und rceble, was the only person
lu the heuse at the time.
The New Helland Itullreud.
The New Helland Clarien bus informa
tion rrem Civil Engineer J. M. Crawford
who Is assistant te the second vice presi
dent of the I'ennsylvunlu railroad, te the
ctl'ect that the work of grading the New
Helland A. Lancaster branch will be com
menced within two weeks. Engineer
tjluyinnkcr took a number of contractors
ever the line this week te show thorn the
character or work te be dene.
Will Ge te Coatcsvllle.
Goe. Shlfller Council will pay a friendly
visit te Washington Fire company, Ne. 1,
Coatcsvllle, this evening te present them
with a bandsoine plcture of Oeorge Wash
ington lu recognition of their kindness iu
S resenting their council with the Old
hilller banners when their council was
organized. They leave en the 0:15 train.
In Town.
Frank Legan, who hud charge of litho
graphing for Fulton epera heuse last
season, Is in town. He bus hovered con
nection with Mr. Procter, and Is new
ahetul of the company playing "A lleyul
rubs,-- wniiKi win uppi'ar in ute
houeen nextbitliirdjy evening,
vl ,v -.i
The Peuneylvautu Returns.
.Following gives the! full vete for stale
treasurer, lleyer's plurality Is 00,683 1
Ailnms ,
Allegheny ........
Armsirenit ,.....
Ik-avcr ...............
lletlfurd .............
Hacks ......
Cambria. ,..
Cameren ,
IViitre . ........ .. ,
Clarien .. ,,..
Clenrllclil ...........
Clinten. .,......
(felumtiitt ......
Crawford ,
Dauphin ,
171 ..
lsis I
Ml ,.,
Klk . .. 430 , B!H
Krle... ... 1M 1213
Jnyctte 107 ., U7
l''iirtU Ml tRat' .
KranklUl 031 52S'
Fulton km iu
tlrccne lajl USD
lliuitliiKUen ,... 1004 W ,.
Imllnua ,...u .. urn .. ltt ...,..
Jcl!cren. 7S ......... 418' ........
Juniata , ..... ae iet
Lackawminu 878 QUO'
Jincatcr.. (B07 .. 57J41
Ijwrcnce, . . nil iMt
Iictiniien ,.,..,... , MTV l'jsu.
Lettish IBM v 11WI
lauEeriie M7 4a
I.vcemltiR lutt I lwl
.Mchemi HOB ltw'.
Mercer . rci wu'........
Mimin , ,. ID) . 18
Menree; , 17 ........ 10!1
MiintKOiiicry..,..,., 003 77
Menteur........ ... 400. MM
Northampton 83M .,..... 2m
Nerfliiimbcrln ml..,. ...... I(W... l.tu
IVrry sal 87
Itilladelphlns.., 14233. 41078 ...
l'lkc... U7 J23
Petter ,.,...... B.IU 683,....
Hcliuylklll 7J7 ' 123
HnyUcr ...v, 70.V 52U .
Hemcrnel . 2131 1118
Hulllvan , OtU 4UU
Hitmiui'liaiuu.i. 1HT leill
Tleira -. II0 27f.7.
Union.... ,t. 72S ,. (178
VtnaiiKO ,... 879 JIM ,.,.
Wiirrcn .. 8W ........ 1I0J
WnMitliKten..., 1402 I38J
Wnyne 78 4S7
Wcntmnrelnntl 254 7U
Wj limine 4 Kl
Yerk. .,. 1775 2057
Total ........ 72971 28730 88I8W 27700
l'lurnllty uoae
The Prohibitionists pelled 21,0.15 votes.
Hosteu Democrat) llellove They Have
lloen Cheated lu That City.
Tlie Democrats rofuse te accept the given
reasons for their less of votes lu llosten en
Tuesday, and bolievo that Micro has lioen
crooked work, although the Australian
plan of balloting wus satisfactory. The
counting was dene by Itepubllcan efllcluls.
They thoreforo make thesturtllng assertion
that they de net accept the returus giving
Urackett, ltermbllcan, a plurality, and they
htive demanded of the aldermen un entire
recount of the vete or the whele city for
governor and olher state officers. This
must be done by the beard of ulderuien
thomselvos, and will take fully a woek te
complete In the meuntlme tue leaders re re ro
fueo te accept IJrackctl's election as final.
llovlsed figures ut the register's utllce at
Des Moines, Iowa, glve Heles, Democrat,
fur governor, L700 plurality, and Indicate
the probable election of all the ltepubllcau
state candidates except governor. Elrst
Assistant Postmaster uouerat Clarksen en
PrldHy afternoon received the following
telegram from the editor of the Joua Mate
Heptslert "Iloles elected governor by 6.000
voles'. ItlscortulnthatUiven, thoKopubU theKopubU thoKepubU
can cundldule for supreme Judge, Is elected,
and us nearly certulri as can be dcclded
without an elllclal count thut all of the
ltepubllcau state ticket, oxeopt Iloles, are
elected. The legislature has six ltopubll ltepubll
cau majority certain, and perhaps eight,
thus assuring Allisen's re-election."
Dentils McCarty, ene of the eldest men
lu the United Hbttes, died at his home near
l'eit Dedge, Iowa, en Thursday, aged HI
yours. The old man was hale and hearty
te within a few benis or Ms death, und full possession etThls mental
faculties te the lust. He 'w'us a strong
Domeerut und took great Interest in the
late elections. When Informed of the
result, he exclaimed : " Thank Ged ; I can
new die in peace," and died lu a few hours
Kergeant-at-Anus or the Heuso Leedem
wlie has Just roturned from Ohie, tells a
geed story of down young Hepubllcan was
Induced te vete for Campbell. A certain
Democrat, who was a great udmlrcr of Mr.
Campbell, bad u pretty servant girl. A
young man wus visiting her who was In
every way what he should be, except that
he was a very ardent Hetmbllcau. The
gentleman or the lft Med very hard te
get him te vete Jb.W.;,;';' -' yellug
wuiuii iniiiicu mill iu kj uuck iia i , -rrl
I'iiiullv the nietty ttirl was induced te tuke
held of the missionary work. The young
man was much In loe with bur and had
long been begging for a kiss.
"I'll tell you what," she said te him one
night, " will vete for Campbel), I'll
glve you ilve kisses."
He looked at her for a moment. Her
rosy check and red lips looked tempting,
and her oyes burnt Inte his heart.
"Deue," he said, "I'll agree."
He get his five klssfs perhaps mero
than Ilvo and voted the Democratic ticket.
"Thut man loves you," tliogeutleiuau of
the heuse said te the girl uflurwurd. "If
he asks you te marry lilin you should de
it. Hti'fl make you u geed liusbund Yeu
should murry him."
The girl blushed. "I think I will, sir."
Attempted Sulcide In Court.
Jehn I teeth, convicted of rapu en Auiile
Murphy, twelve yeurs old, uttompted sul sul
cieo in tue deck of the superior court In
l&Lewoll, .Muss., en Friday. When the
tUIUltb ui tug JJ nw tut Jli-
iieuncitig him guilty lloeth, who was
in the deck alene, let forth ii wild
yell and began dashing his head vio
lently ngaliiHt the Iren railings of the
deck. A panic ensued, women were
overcomo and men rushed widely about,
until threo otflcers, after a desperate
htruggle, succeeded iu securing lloeth
with irons en ills wrists and ankles.
When the excitement hud subsided Judge
Hherman, who had preserved his equa
nimity throughout, sentenced the prisoner
te lilloeu years iu stnte prison, lloeth' s
w Ife fainted und was aimed out.
The Law uud Order Detective,
Next Saturday bus been fixed for the
llnal disposition or the petition or Jaines
E. Crawford for appointment as a de
tective for the Law hud Order society.
Luther H. ICaulfmiui bus filed uu objection
against the reception of any remonstrance
te the appointment. He contends that It
U loe late ler remenstrances.
A 111k Cuve-lii.
The diamond ut the Intersection or Duke
and Jumes streets Is new a small lake, Iho
result or the copious ruins. The sower
seems te huve caved In and sink holes have
formed which render the read Impassable.
It should be promptly rehired.
. i
Kxcoutleutt Issued.
Executions wero issued te-day, Jehn A.
Ewiug against L. It. Hustings, of Druinere,
for f.lsJ.2! and by Eliutbeth Hoever against
Aaren II. liure, of Earl, for f.1,(K)0.
Heard Argument.
Court met ut 10 o'clock and was lu
session all morning hearing arguments for
Judgments for want or tutlldeiit allldavit
of defense.
Granted Pension.
Pension has been grunted te Mary,
mother or Jacob Llpp, Hlnkley's llrldge.
W.VSIIINOTON, D. C., Nev. 0. let
E.isternFcnniylVttiiiu:Itulii; slightly
cooler vurlable winds Vcwndng
hv i "-.& jjj. a. f-ft-:,"1 itfaiaaiija
niftUiigulMheil l're)nttGatherlBClbt
vnl Which Occur en Sua.f
iTu i
IlALTiMenr, Nev. 0. Prennrstlens
in full blast te-day for (lie Brest Cats
celebrations te begin here te-morrow. '
Iho hundredth birthday of the
hleratcjiy will be the first event. andit
cording te the arraiigemenU confirmed;
me i iteming ei me preliminary commit!
wis morning it will te-morrow be In
gu rated with a inagnlflcetvt street pr
sten of clergy and lay societies.
The arrivals of delegates nrealreadjrwrifl
up me ineusanu, aim te-day n
with dlflicnlty tliat room could be secnr
at hotels, whlle carriages at the depots wi
im premium. Arcnuislieps, bishops, prltl
and luymett scorned te be fairly floekl
inie me city, and clean-sha Ven, cler
toeKiiig luces were te be seen ave
whero. The cathedral where the
uucui uigu mass, tue chief car
ulal or the day, will take places
morrow, bus been doceralcd with evern
and Ingeniously arranged electric lift.
A seminary choir of forty mule voices 1m
been provided for the Orcgerlsn "PnDfs
ei me mass, nie "ordinary" is te M raq
by the Cathedral special choir et siil)
mixed volces. M
Over six hundred priests are expaettsr-l
wane m the stroet precession berer.
mass, weather permitting. Fears
nre that the downpour of rain tireVs
wilt contiuue aud will step alt the out
pageantry. If everything is prepltl
howevor, the lenu line of priest
be Joined In front of Cardinal 'Gleb
rosidenco by soveral scores of preU
the bishops coming first, archbishop" a
aud in the nlace or honor at' the last I
Amerlcan Curdlmtt Gibbens
uy nis Canadian comrero Taschereau. vS
In the line will be the pope's speeWtJ
uoiegsto, the Archbishop of LepMtei Me
signer u-conneii, rector or the At
can Colloge at Rome, and Mensli
fladd, the representative of i Curdle
Manning, of England. Mouslgner ChkM I
the famous cleric who perfermed thelM
etllces In 1808, for the "Manchester Ma
tyrs," Allen Ijirkln and O'Brien. The i
ebrant of the 'mass has been selected i tatj
the person ,of Archbishop William, '.rfl
llosten. Archbishop Ilyan, or Phllade
plilu, will be the orator. j
Among the dlstlnguUhed arrivals is .Vs.);
coiute de Meaux and daughter of
M. de Meaux bears an address from
Unlveralty or Lyens. He Is son-in-law?
the famous Montelembort. '
The eclobratien will continue Ave da
On the second day, Monday, a tele
will ba sent te the nena at-'l
a. in., and ox-Oevornor 'Jehn ' '.
Carrell, of Maryland, will 14,8
temporary president; committees j wf
win lie appointed and the permanent
ccrs elected, naoers will be read and I
cussed and the reading and debate will 1
eonunueu en Tuesuey. un menuayevesr
thore will be a rocepllou and add reuses i
a general illumination of the cathedral I
catholic rosiuences. en Ttiesdayvat
thore will be a torchlight pwowjoe pwewjoe pwowjee
Wednosdav Cardinal Oibbens will tMU
the Catholic university. 'Thursday la
.. - - f C.iZ.
iimere usy. r 5,"
The vigorous grewtli of the church d
Inirthohuiidred years which have nasa
Is te be oxumpUlled lu the great number i
pioiaies wnoare te gainer upon inew
nletlen of the ccnturv's erewtli. Tb
England, Canada and Moxlce send repti
NOiitnllvn. .'I
A population or between eight and nlMl
mlllletis or Catholics, 7,358 churches. t
cardinals, 14 urchblsbeps, 73 bishops. a
mero than 8,000 priests have all been'
voiepou irein n low htrupgiing cnurei
scattored evor u vast territory, uBesk
these ovidenccs or nrosperous irrewth I
are 1,180 chapels. 100 orphan asylums,';
thcolegliuil seminaries, 125 colleges, ,ft
acaueimns, s,iuu parecmai scuoeis
007.100 scholars. The fureres are me
approximate, as the strength of the cnu
is increasing constantly. "y
Deep Snow in Texas. $
Cr.Ani!Nne.v, Texas, Nev. U. The d
est snow that has fallen here Intwe
years Is en the ground new. ItJi-,
Inches dcep. All trains en the Fert '
it Denver reed nre blockaded north eO
and thore are eight engines in the"
drifts 75 miles northwest of this plee."i;
urum uru miiu iucb ucvii. iiuiuia r.
snow storm that has ever vlsfb1 ' f;?
Kamhas City, Me., Nev. .
rrem Seuth cm und Western 'I
detulls or a florce snow storm list r
thore yesterday. Snow, halt and sleet i
se thick and was driven se fiercely;!
winu that in many places people uiai
even dare te vcuttire out of doers. Tr
aie semewhat delaycd though none 1
been abandoned. i5jJ
.. - 'A
Te Test the 5t4w.
Kansas City, Me., Nev. O.The Sale.J
Keepers Protective association met in I
erel session yesterday mid decided te Is
the constitutionality of the Newbury'lai
which reccutlyB went into effect antt'i
hlblts Iho keeplng of billiard tables, i
and dlce boxes iu the same room whe
Intoxicating liquors are sold, A large. i
of mouey was subscribed te take the I
cases te the higher courts If needs be. f5 (
,. -.. . .a
I'neviDE.vcK, It. I., Nev. 0. Frank?,
Paul wus yesterday awurded $8,000 In
suit against the Providence Wor
railroad. The plalntllf was a freight br
man, and was thrown from the train byi
defective brake bar and lest Ills right
An oarthuuake occurred at Tunis te-di
Ne damage dene. W
The llosten base ball club has signed I
next season Jumes McGarr, forreorly.'fil
Iho Athletics, St. Leuis and Kansas
ilnlie -5
The llcrliu Tn'jMait &.iys a telegram I
born received from Zanzibar stating 'I
the report oftlie of the Euiln I
roller expedition, under the command
Dr. Peters has net yet been cemnrm
and that pending continuation the rep
IsdWrcd ted hore. i-s
The throatencd strlke of coal miner I
Fifcshlre, Scotland, bus bceu averted ; I
inlne owners having granted the
un advance of 1"1 nence. i3
1'rince Albert Victer, or Wales, Whe5
about te make u tour or main, arrivvu.:
llembuy te-day and wus given an enU
atlc reception. Tfs
The ceiistuut ruin or the past 30 hour I
raised streams in the vicliiily of Jehns
ta the danger point. A bridge ncresiu
Cencmaiigli ut Cambria city nasDeeai
rlcd aw ay and travel cut en. tvoeavs
ttorided, uud houses have been abande
The river cenlhuies te rise, v
Cel. Ooeilloe, of Lexington, Jvy.,
well last night uud hopes are eutcrta
The grand Jury at lialtlniore te-dayt
dlcted 18 el the 121 avussa ri
murder and belng accessory befeit'i
fact. fi'
The boiler of the tug Comet cxpled4;
nuffale this morning, wreck luir tnej
fatally lnlurlnii Euciueer Wgrew,.
Adur cscaped with slight Jnjurfa -
, 'vC
fe J'