. . . ' T. - . "v 'rTV.'ifj!f-if!? THE LANCASTER DAILY, INTELLIGEKOER, WEDNESDAY; NOVEMBER 6. 1SS9. -i - - Avlfi. 'rtR...il"V.''..f'.kV. r - ' - .v t ...- r v." &!$. V- A-T'A .'.'"? Sfi II II J v?7s L 'Jr VB ,IPBV 1AVP CT1H STATE j .!liU Liyjl.MJ UlflM JJ.Xl.XJi rjt'HL' M&fnUMlltlUMI TIMT IT 11,1 MR "" W1ITM IF TIE1I UttlTlTIIJR. Slw' PresreMlTe Tewa of 8n Ansele. IMeatr or Cheap lnd A Description Of ft Reuad-Up and Branding. Special Correependence of IsmtlMenxcEn. BanAnokle, Tcxm, Oct. 4 23. We nre two thousand miles from old Lancaster, dwelling in a land ns fair as Iho pun ever hone upon. Tliealr In soft and balmy, with enough of tropical etiggratlvcncsa in Hte remind veu what the tonineraturo M Wit b, If we were net 1,800 feet above the Wet of the sea. We have been here ten day studying the country, and niore par Ucalarly buevlng euraclvea about Iho preeent condition and future peMtbiUtlcii of the land and cattle interests of the Ixino Ixine Star state. But I should net emit te mention liore that the "we" of our tmrty consisted chiefly el two well known Lancastrian, both of whom have reached the top nlclies in their respective pursuits of farming and the law. Fer most of what here appears. I am Indebted te their keen Inquiries nnd pungent criticism of whatever came under ear observation. This is indeed a magnificent country and it only requires for its proper development the Immigration or farmers, likothe sturdy husbandmen or Lancaster county, who wenld seen help te mnke this wilderncss blossom as the rese. The term " wilder ness," however, is misleading. It should rather read prairie. Drive out from San Angole in every direction and your eye is greeted with the seemingly Inflmte ex nan se of pratrle land. In a rndlus of a dozen miles from this point there are ninny tracts under cultivation. Uut in comparison with the countless acres that have net yet felt the tiller's hand, the cultivated strata are as nothing. Yet this must some day be a great farming country, and theso u he cotne ere first and get the cheap threo-dellar-an-acro lands will leave a rich Inhcrltance ., te their posterity. A MJSHINO TOWN. The town of San Angole is situated at the confluence of the North, Middie and Seuth Conche streams, and Its bnsiness Is gathered from a radius of country reaching Sde miles. In which territory It 1h the chief centre of population. There are stores in San Angcle that are only surpassed by n half dozen Lancaster stores, and they all appear te de a thriving trade. It Is claimed that there are 4,Mx) peeple within the town limits, which scorns te be justified by appearances. Te the stranger the mn-l unlque sign-beard In the town is ene that catches the oye en walking from the depot. It stands out at right angles from a saloon entrance with the captivating lngend, "The First Chance." Your wonuernt the Inge nuity of the designer Is Increased when you see en the reverse sldoef the beard the Rtlll mera alluring letters, "The List Chance." The Incoming traveler Is thus reminded of his opportunities, whlle Iho wantaef the outgoing travclur are net for gotten. This is the county scat of Tem Green county and thore is an $80,000 court heuse and 1:20.000 Jail, of which the poeplo are deservedly proud. These are new build ings, the county seat having been trans ferred from Ucn Flcklln, a few miles dis tant, when the iatler plave live years age was swept away by n Heed. Thore are churches of all creeds nud it great deal of public spirit is shown among the people, who a year age subscribed a &;0,UO0 bonus te bring the Gulf, Colerado tfc Santa l'e railroad here. They are new talking of a line te Abilene te connect with the Texas Pacific. They haVe organized a very line fair association and are In the midst e'f pre paration for a most crctlltable display. The fairgrounds Include a line one-mllo track and there Is ample stabling for two hun dred bead of horses and cattle. This Is, great progress when it is romembercd that fifteen years age the Comanclieaud Auche Indians were scalnluir the hardv nleneers and the government guarded the frontier, line uy Diiiiuing a garrison iu reri i oucue. TUK CATTLK 11 US INKS. It is remarkable hew stlflly the prices of real ostate in this town held their own when the cattle business begun Its mourn ful descent In the winter et ISS5 and the spring of 1880. Fer a few years pi ler te that tline overyono had been making money. Then thore came a v,lld rush te buy cattle and land, followed by the Inevit able reaction. Many wcre ruined, but the mera substantial and tenacious cattlemen held en In the belief that the disaster was only a temporary one. Hut the drought of 188G-7, when net a drop of ruin fell from October of ene year te the following August, mode the situation assume a bluer tinge. Then quarautlne laws against Texas cauie wcre passed in ivansus ana New Mexico. Frem tliose causes cittle droll nod in value ene hundred per cent, and land felt the effects of the depression. Hut the town lets of San Angcle held their own, which is a pretty geed Indication that the town nas Cftiue te stay. All the prospects pqlnt te the transfer matien of this region it-i1 a grazing te a farming country. Thd wiles of ranches containing 60,000 acres and mero grew less frequent each year, and the division Inte smaller farms shows the Inevitable progres wnuru uiu new uruer ei inings. lliu mills are beginning te dot the landscape, and the corn and sorghum grass are wav ing where erstwhile the mcsipiite held sole domain. The mesquite grass and trees are a pe culiar product of Western Texas. The grass Is most unlike the rich grcen turf that Is seen In Lancaster county aui inrougneui X'ennsylvanla. Whlle at its best, it leeks like cured hay and does net prow m me neigui ei our moauew grass, but it flourishes the year aieuud and afford s excellent wlnter pasturage. Other grasses, such as the Jehnsen and alfalfa grass, have been introduced liore with great success. The mesqulte trees, which constitute the chief timber of the pralries, are a scrubby growth, the trees mrelv at taining a hefght of mero than 10 or 12 feet. They make the fuel that is used for domes tic purposes, and the trees are most valua ble as a protection te the cattle when a florce "Nerther" sweeps down en this usually mild latitude, the temperature of which ranges from fl te 85 abeve rere the year around. a neuxn-up. Te the Northerner ene of the most In teresting sights iu this neighborhood Is what is termed the " round-up " of the cattle. The estate in which woure Inter ested is a half-owner In about 68,000 acres of laud and about 8,000 iiead of cattle. Though these lands are all under fume, the cattle of adjacent owners arc certain te become Intermingled In course of time, and a " round-up " is necessary about four times a year te ascertain ew iicrshlp. Kjch ranchman has his own peculiar brand whereby he may knew his own property and the "round-up" has the additional effect or gathering together the calves for branding. In a herd of 8,000, thu lucrcase in calves annually Is figured at about one-fourth, and as tlie fall ' round-up " Is one of the largest, we wcre treated te the sight or about 700 calves branded during mir Inn ilAvb ktnt. ijUf & This is the way they set about it : The Mt " ranchman with his cow boys, together with Ete the cowboys of the adjacent ranchmen, all gKuier wgciucr ai an upjMiitueil spot, mill " iuKiiig ui u mum, uieciuei ingrcul- I ents of which are furnished by the hlaugh- ., ter of a captuied heifer, all mount their , horses and dash etr in search of thekluc. They circle around a particular belt of the ranch, all driving their cattle te a central Selnt. It is no easy task te drive these enlrens of the plains. They are apt te seek cover, and the most vigorous shouting ; and hustling en the part of the cowboys are required before they are induced te begin the march. Seme of them ure con trary enough te dash away from the ethers even after they have been gathcied Inte a precession, and it takes an aglle cowboy t and a fleet-footed herse te koepthem in control. When from hill and dale each horseman drives his bunch of cattle te the central point, 11 is a most interesting sight ti see the thousands of brutes surrounded i by horsemen and keeping up a great bel , lowing, as if they autlclpated w hat was te ;. come, b Then ensues the " cutting-out" process, namely, the separation of these cattle that jj de net belong te the ranchman whose stock vj being reunded-up. The " strays," as CiT?. called, are kept ilia sonarate ", imB0 nd Anally the main herd is driven $- Oder way te heat the branding irons, ami . . -Boen the work liu.in 'e..-,. . .i. :.... f kUni.1.... i" l .ni, uureuuq. wv v wi &u till iiiirHj)n.ifw ,.. Itl,n tlm .. that are te be branded. It is notsediill- .MH tO mill a thrMnr rilllr.mn.ill..ll ..., .' A!?!l,"'h?Jer torture, but when a yearling L- (sruMllng.a, few able-bodied iiien are MMMMforeiie u auaiiy thrown en his - aide mud held down whlle thebrandlmr ' Iren are applied te him. I It makes the flesh creep at the futl bight of the branding Iren burning Inte the flesh of a calf, and his piteous bellow awakens- looting amnie sympainy as me ouer ei singed flesh rises In the air. But it does net seem te cause him serious Incon venience, for he frisks back into the herd again after the cpcrallen is ever, aparcntly contented that his treatment was net worse The cattlemen brand only in the spring and In the fall, for the reason that the wound caused by branding only heals after three or four weeks, and if in the meantime the branded cattle scratch thorn thern thorn sclves and bring the bleed, a blew-fly will be apt te settle thcroen, deposit a few million eggs which, developing into worms, will cat the flank out of an animal, If tin unchecked. The peeple of Texas and throughout the great Suuthwest are Intensely Interested In securing a deep water harbor In the Gulf of Mexico. Hundreds of thousands of dollars have been expended en the Gal veston beach, but the work has been rondo red naught each year by the forma tion of sand bars. The thoughts of all are new turning te the country at the mouth or the nrazes river, and Cengress will be earnestly urged te aid the effort te socure for Texas the great ocean trade that has been se near and Is yet se rar. A promi nent cltlzen or San Angole asserts that it would add two or three dollars te each aero or land and te each head or cattle In Texas. Assuredly It would save them from the extortion of railroads aud the cormorant Armours rf ul., who new have the caltle caltle meii at thelr mercy. Ner would it atrect the cattlemen only In this beneficial way. Texas will pick this year 1,7&0,WH) bales of cotton, which at an avornge prlce of$!0 per bale will realke ?70,000,OUO. Hew much mero valuable would llil crop become If ready access te the markets of the world could be had en the Texns coast? A HKAI.TIIT COUNTItV. There Is a wenderful Inspiration In the air down here. The ozeno In It seems te have the peculiar property or warding off fatigue, and men can go through violent exertions bore without much physical Im pairment, l'ven tinder the glare of the noonday run a soft btcore plays, and no mittcr new het the day, the nights are de lightful. Fer these who are victims or malaria there Is no llner climate any any whero. The ranchmen sleep out en the prairie thme October nights with only their blankets wrapped about them and their saddles for pillows. There Is a touch or xavagery about It that is hair delightful lifter ene has lived for years in the mero coininenplaco surroundings of I'astcrn civilization. And then the gauie I On our tour we came ncreKs Heck alter Heck of quail, and could get almost near enough te beat thorn down with a club. We saw a herd of antelopes, which timidly per mitted us te get within WN) feet of them, our party being te windward of tlinin. Hut something frightened them and they scampored ever the pralrle faster than any herse could fellow, i'ralrle dogs are Hu morous, and the holes In which they llve are often a sorleus pitfall for a home that Is net wary of his path. Some day Iu the near future this won wen won derful slate of Texas, niore than six times as large In area as Pennsylvania, will be filled with the children or men. When that tlmncenicH, Tem (Ircen county will net be lacking In nil that gees te make up the story et progress. With its cheap lauds, line locution and bracing climate ft is most naturally fitted te held an ouor euor ouer mous population en Its moie than .1,0,INX) acres. These who are decrying the evlls of oxcesslvo Immigration wenld cease If they came hern and saw the magnificent chances for a peer man te boeer.io the owner of his home and the carver or useful destlnv In settling upon this fair portion ofOed'a garden. Increased culti vation louder droughts less jKissible and leasl damaging. Ne fertilizers aie here required. The decay or centuries has maile a rlth, black loamy soil, iu seme places 18 luches deep, whero the iiieresl tyie nt farming could easily sew and ic.ip. Cern, cotton, wheat, eats, rye, millet and sorghum arn very finely raised here, even under the most Imperfect system of fanning. What would they be If tha lengthened cxpcrlcnce mid splendid system of tha Iiucaster county firmer were practiced upon them V 11. M. 11. THOMAS J.OO.MIS CAI'TUItr.ll. A VeuiiK Lnncastur Teuuh, Who Had llcen Wanted for home Tlme, Taken. Themas Lnemls, u young tough of this c'.ty, who has been wanted here for seme tlme te answer several charges, was ledged in Jail last night through the In strumentality of Chief of I'ollce Smeltsc. Loetuls was a member of the crowd of young roughs who Infested the northern part of town and were known us the Kaeg Kaeg leysxllle gatlg, several members of which nre new In Jail awaiting trial, .in Very sorl serl sorl ous charges. Loomis Juts llgurtL In nu merous dlsgr.icewi1 "scrapes et duWcut times, but be-lled from town te iW.ipe being urrssfGd. About eight montliige he iishfa tulonieuH assault upon Oeurue SrVincrreck by striking hlui en the hca. with u billy or a stone, w bleb was w rapped iu a handkerchief. Complaint was also made against hlui, charging him with feloniously entering an outbuilding en the Itrnltll.liu nf Inn. I. 1 imllu . fiKtun. .. sldlng near Oregon, w here de stelo a let of tools and ether things. Early In June he is said te have stolen a piece of pipe, which was the piecrty of the city, whlle .Superintendent or Water Works Kralley was laying a water pipe en New Mieet. Complaint en this cliarge was madu by Pi-alley befere Alderman liiillmch. The lief or police rccrrrttvioeatod I.oemIs iinTI- found that he was working for Lemuel Swolgert, n fj'mer near llrownstewn, Loemls is well iiccpialuted with all the constables, and the chief did net consider it udvlvible te send mi v or them for hlui. On Tuesday af ternoon he dispatched Olllcer Glass and Special Olllcer Oill te mnke the arrest. They loll Lancaster Iu a coveted wagon yesterday aftornoen and dreve te the place whero they learned Loemls was. They pretended te be en a gunning trip, mid were old clothes and carried guns. Tliev went toSclgert's home, and were soeii out in ene of the fields as though In search et gauie. They had no tumble iu bagging the rabbit that they were uller. They came upon Loeuiis, w he w as husking com, very suddenly, and he recognized thein when they were clese upon him. It was tee late, however, and he was uuable te get away, se he was taken Inte custody. The officers brought him te town, and he will be heard boferq Aldermen Decn and Halbach, where the complaints are ledged against him en the different charges. The elllccrs learned that I.oemls was traveling under the assumed minin nf Themas Wiley at llrownstewn. He was considered a very hard character bv the iwopleortho ncluhboiheod mid heievciitlv i gave a young fellow a beating, hut man aged t settle the c.ise upon tlie payment of costs, tofero n country squire. He always carried a rovelvor or billy and seemed anxious te iibe either upon ihe lwst prov ocation. Eoeinls Is the man that Conslable Ehruiau attempted te arrest in I-'acglevs- llle early in thu Hiiuiiner when? he made his escape atter the elllcer had II red a num ber of shots ul him lreui a rovehcr. lle s.iys thet he has paid but ene visit te I.-iu-cajtertli.cjthat tlme and he had Intended huviiig llrownstewn iu a short time. He also Informed tlie eilkers that ir he hud roeegnUed tht-m befere they came se clobe they would net hae taken him. llofero AldOMiuu Halbach, Censtable James lluehauau Ehrmaii has brought a suit against Herman Khrhart, a iunk dealej rcsiillng Iu the northern part of the city, charging hlui with receiving stolen geed. It is alleged that Ixjemls sold Ehrhart the piece et pipe that he stele fiem the city. Till: YOITNO DEMOCRATS. The riuiu-lhhliiir society or This Elects Many New .Member. City Thore was u larguly-attendcd meeting of the Yeung Men's Democratic society last evening, and much interest was mani fested. Oeorge N. Reynolds, the presi dent, was elected te represent the society en thogenoral oxeeutUecoinmlttco or the btate societies. The seciety Is rapidly increasing iu membership, and the following gentlemen wcre elected last evening: Jehn J. Stewart, Ilcury Rerthchl, Harry A. Dubbs, Chas. Chambers, Jucib Spoe, Jehn F. Leng, Richard McHrnim, Chas. L. Smith, Harry lluchncr. (J. A. Shcllev. Frank Cann, Chas. E. Haberbush. Jacob Mclntyrc, Curl Mats, Chas. W. Eckcrt. Frank A. Altick, Chas. E. llroeme, V. Schumacber, Jr., I. C. Snyder, Chas. S. Snyder, Win. J. Albright, (Jee. Orar, D.M. Nowbergcr, James V. Ilewen, ('has E. Ilo.ter, CIibs. J. Hestcr, Win II. Given, W. 11. Davis, 11. M. Iivy, Jehn R, Rell I v. It was decided le have a musicale tlie latter iurl of the mouth. When Iho date Is fixed it will be announced. DEATH OF MRS. G0HN. HER EM CAMS H TCEMUY AFTER mm 8F TWELVE MANTII. AN The Columbia lielllng .Mill Empleyes Declare the Strike OfT-OPorge John John Jehn eon la SiippeMl te be n Creek. CeMJMfilA, Nev. 0. Mrs. Itese Ann Gehn, wlfnef I). F. (Jehn, died last evening at r:3U o'clock at her home en Seuth Eighth street, In the 60th year or her age. Cancer or the stomach caused her death, after a year's Illness. A husband and family of children survive. The funeral will be held en Friday afternoon at 2 o'clock from her late home. A meeting of the old empleyes of the Columbia rolling mill was held a few days age when It was decided te declare the strike en" at this mill. About thirty of the old em ploy os of this mill are living in town, and as the mill Is running In geed order they thought it usoless te continue the strike. The Vigilant flre company received an Invitation last night te pnrtlclate in a fireman's parade at slatlngten, en Novem ber 28th. The company dcclded net te at tend, A meeting of the Evangelical Alliance will be held in the Methodist church this evening. An address will be delivered by Frank Itussell, of New Yerk, field secre tary of the alliance. (Jcorge Jehnsen, colored, who was ar rested en Monday for robbing the house or .Squire Hcrshey, has been identified as a professional creek. He has a bullet In his thigh, received whllocemmittlnga robbery In Lii7erne county. He Is wanted In several counties en thocharge or burglary. A new tlme table will go Inte effect en thellcadiiig iV. Columbia railroad en No vember 10th. The train leafing at 12:23 p. m. will leave 10 minutes later, and the train arriving at 2:05 p. m. will arrlve 5 minutes earlier. Mr. and Mrs. Jehn Wilsen have returned from attendlng a family reunion at Ktm Ktm barten. Chester county. The Metropolitan band will glve a con cert In the epera house en November 1 1th. The election passed elf very quietly lu this place and very iltlle Intercst was man ifested In voting. The vele polled was very light for an oil year. It was u hard matter te gel the vete out and many citl citl 7ens would net go te the polls. At the polls xcry few ward workers could be ion ud. The double funeral of Mr. and Mrs. Jehn W. Hamilton was held this afternoon at 2 o'clock, from thelr late home en North Fourth street. HEFOItr. AL11KUMAN Itl'.ltSltEY. The Vnrlety or Cnses" Thnt the Flail Wnrd Mnulslrate Has. Ycslerday aflernoen Cenrad Rosenbcr Resenbcr Rosenbcr ger, who Is charged by David Weller with assault and battery and surety of thopeace, hud a hearing. He was held In bail for trial at court. Mrs. Anule Rothwcller madu u com plaint against licr husband, Jehn, charging ill tn with assault and battery and drunken and disorderly conduct. The woman says that the ae.cui.ed came home drunk yester day nud showed his manhood by knocking her down and kicking her around en thu fleer until hhe was badly bruised. Nicholas Melhcu'-all has been prosecuted by his wife, Annie, for desertion. The woman says that her husband has refused te work or de anything te support her and four small children for seme tlme, and new he has iloseitod her. Tlie alderman will see whut he can de te bring Nicholas te time. J. II. I'Ics has sued Ames .tones, of Mari etta avenue, for disorderly conduct, and Harry llleker fur malicious mischief, and both nave entered ball. Lutherans In Conference. The tip nth annual Sunday school con vention of ihe Fourth conference el the Evangelical Lutheran miiilMcrlum or Pennsylvania, which embraces Lebanon and Lancaster counties, began Its sessions iu the Krieden's Lutheran chinch, Myers town, Tuesday morning. The delegates present from this county woie: Lancaster Trinity church, Rev. O. L. Fry, Supt. Win. O. llaker, Mis. Margie Heiuitsh nud daughter, Mrn. Sarah Hal bach and Mrs. Sephia Smith; Ien's church, Rev. F. 1. Mayser; rirace church, Ruv. C. E. llaupt, Miss Mnruw Koller; Christ church, Itev. E. L. Heed, Misses Mr-le Miller and SuoSprlnger. New Helland Ruv. .1. W. llassler, Supt. It. S. Ilrubaker, Misses Maria IClucr ami Alta Dillcr. Mt. Jey Rev. J. II. I'mbcnben and wife, .Misses .Minnie Frank and llertle Manning. Columbia Itev. A. M. M eh ileum. Mlllnrsville Kev. W. ('. L. Ijiuer and Adam Hullbrd. Tlie oxeiclscs began et 0::!0 yeterday morning, when Rev. II. W. Svhmauk. president or the coufereiico, dellerrd an address, lu thu afternoon mid evening thore were discussions, addresses, singing, Ac. Rev. Mayser leek part In the discus sion of the subject, "The Sunday Scheel or an Evangelical Lutheran Congregation." The meeting will adjourn this evening. The Streot Committee Thu street connulttce or councils held an ndjoiirued meeting iu council chamber last evening. They loselved te nsk councils te pave the half square en Chestnut street, between Christian and North Queen streets, with bclgtau blocks. This square is always lu bad condition owing te the imufense amount of driving iieii it by hack men and ethers who run teams te the Pennsyl vania railroad station. A motion tuhae the street paved was lecently made, but was defeated iu common council. The committee also icselved te ask authority te pave the diamonds nt Duke and James streets mid Duke ami Orange streets with esplialtum blocks. Nu action was taken iu r v; irl In receiv ing tlie sqiiaiu of NoitliDuke .stucilieiu Lemen te James, which was paved by Fritchey A- liimleu, from the contractors. It was expected that the city engineer would appear befoie thu cominlltee with a report iu rcg-ird te the weik, but he was net present. Thelr (lame Was Left Behind. Harry Llchty and Samuel Flick started out en a gunning trip yesterday, as the latter was anxious te regain his reputation as a gunner, which was Mimcwhat shat tered by a recent trip w hen he killed noth ing. They were down at the Whlte Herso, ami lu the evening took the train at the tlap. On the way te the station they were unfertunate eneugh te have a bieak down, lu their haste te make the train they neglected te get their game, w hlch was left hi hind. They say that they had eight rabbits and twenty bird?, and their friends are veiy sorry that they did net brliigthciu home In order th.it they might be counted hore. A committee will likely be fcent after the game. A Rey Toi-ilble Death. Edwaid Ryur, a sUtcon-yc.ir-eld boy whose home Is at Hlghsplre, met with a tcnlble death yesterday. He attempted te beard a draft of carsthat were bcingbhlfted upon a siding. The cars were moving laster than he supjiesed and lie was hurled te the ground with tremendous force. Ills head struck and his neck was broken, lle died in a lew moments. II. It. Fulton Again Sues the Comity. Hugh R. Fulton te-day, through Ilrewn A. Heuse), onteicd suit against the county of I-ancaster, te recover for services ren dered In collecting money due le Iho county from the state. Iu bis former suit brought under a contract with the com missioners, te receive Se per cent, commis sion, the supreme ceuit reversed the Ches ter county court, befere whom it was tried, en the ground that ns he was county Bollclter when the contract was made It was illegal. The Hear Was Sold te Advnutiuie. If the men who left the bear at Mount Meunt Meunt ville ever ceiuu back for their animal theie will be seme fun. The men into whose Iossessloii the carcass of the dead animal tell nude the most of him and they wcre well ild for their trouble. They kept ene rrent quarter of beef from the animal for their own umi and brought the ethor three te this city. The bind quarters sold for 20 cents or pound each and the front ene fur J& cents. As the animal weighed 210 jKiumls it will lie wen that quite u 6nug bum wab realized from ui.ii. THE SLECTIONS (Continued Frem First Face) shot, the Judges wcre driven from the room and the ballet-box taken. Opposite fac tions arrayed themselves en each side of the read and fired en each ether. At Nashua, New Hampshire, a Demo cratic mayor and Democratic councils en joint ballet wcre elected. The Demesrats have gained control of the county commissioners In Chicago and claim te have elected the recerder. Ttoblnsen, Republican, has a majority of alxmt 1,800 for senator in Delaware county, Pa. There wasavery light vote In Denver, Cel., but Republicans collcedo th defeat of the entire Republican county ticket, Republicans or West Cheste' have given up hope of the election of ilutler te the Judgeship, and thore Is no doubt that Hemphill, Democrat, is Judge. David Wilsen, Democrat, is elected sheriff or Huntingdon county by about 2&0 majority. In Allegheny Johnsten, Democrat, Is dis trict attorney by 5,000 majority, although there was a very light vote. In Derks county Ames Ueyer, the antl High Republican candldate for prison In spector, has been elected. Endllch, Demo crat, Is judge by a large majority. The vote in Reading is: Treasurer Dlgler, 4,161 1 Iloyer, 8,220 : Johnsten, 68. Judge G. A. Endllch, Pem., 4.218 ; M. L. Ment- ornery, Rep., 1,001 j independent Ropub Repub can, 1,690. In Richmond, Va., ladles served sub stantial meals te the Democratic werkers at the polls. Het soups, ples, oyster pat tics and tcmptlnc de carts were offered a superb ovidence of Virginia cookery. Belles or Illclitnend vied In cooking these delica cies. In the country, a few colored fomale cooks, who were cooking these extraordi nary spreads when they learned that they wcre for Domecratlo workers at the polls, sulked and let thorn burn. 'J'hroe Men Shet In Washington. Washington, Nev. 0. An affray occur red late last night in a disroptitable section of the city known as " Hell's Wottem," which resulted In the death or two men and the prebable mortal wounding of a third. Twe negrees, Ocorge Rush and Osberno Uasey, wcre fighting, when Rush shot llasoytwlce. Rush thou ran into a house pursued by rellccman A. McCryppln. As the latter came In the room Rush shot him In Iho breast. The policeman re turned the flre and shot tlie negre twlce. The two moil then grappled and the elllcer dropped his revolver. A desperate struggle ensue'd for possession of the re volver, and In Iho molee it was discharged, killing the policeman almost Instantly. The two negrees wcre taken te the hospital, when Hush died at3:ne o'clock this morn ing. Rasey is net expected te survive his wounds. A Mur-ilerln nuRUle. RurK.vi.e, N. Y., Nev. 0. The geed order which prevailed during yesterday's election In this city was terminated last night about 11 o'clock by a bloody murder. AVIUIaiii Dixen and Jeseph Gilbert met together In a saloon en Pennsylvania street, w here the excitement was at its height ever the result of the voting. The whole party wcre put out of the saloon, and sheitly after Dlxeti and Gilbert wcre found lying side by slde, the latter with his threat cut. They had get into a fight. When Gilbert was lying en the top of him Dixen pulled out a razor and severcd the large nrterlcs of Gilbert's neck. Dixen was se drunk that lie could net get nway from the spot, and lay by tbe dead man until found. Retli are ex-policemen. H:yn II Ih Gun Wns Empty, IVnrniisuune, Nev. 0. Gen. Mahone's ball, when arrested last night charged with having shot and wounded Herbcrt Harri son, ene of n crowd who fired rockets Inte the goneral's heuse, wiu fixed at 82,500. The ball was furnished atonceiiml Mahene returned home with his friends. Mahene says he II red no shot and that the shotgun he hud In bis hand at the tlme the crowd surrounded his heuse was net leaded. The Nirw Market Heuso. The new city market heuse was thrown open for the first tlme te the public last evening and the crowd that visited and In spected It was very large. Among the poeplo wcre many lu search of stands which wcre assigned te the ditl'crent appli cants by the market committee Streams of people, poured Inte the building all eve ning ami up until n late hour and tlie interior surely presented a line appearance under the glare of the clectric light. This morning thu maiket cominittee was en hand and gave out unite n number of stands. Ah Is always the case, overybody cannot be pleased, and many peeple were net satislled with their stands. Thev will have te rest content, hewever, until De cember, when the Mauds will be sold and thu best bidders will get the best locations. The country poeplo are delighted with the new heuse. A Yeung Weman Utirned. Miss Aunle Myers, daughter of the late Rudelph Myers, who lives with horbrethor Samuel, at Conentoga Centre, was terribly burned yesterday. The family was butch ering and the young lady was assisting. She was attending the flre and getting tee near her clothing wus caught by the leap ing Hemes. The girl was he frightened that she stui ted te run and went around the heuse three times befere any ene came te her rescue. Finally 11. F. Montgomery, who was assisting, ran te the side of the girl, and after much trouble, succeeded iu extinguishing thollames. The young lady was ten ibly burned about the limbs anil body ami l)r.Cllngcr,whe is attending her, says there Is no danger te be apprehended. LOCAL CHIPS. Mrs. W, II. Hamilton ami daughter Mary llelle, who were en n two months' visit te Mrs. Hugh Dougherty, left this af ternoon for their home lu Kalamazoo, Mich. The Novembor meeting of city councils w ill be held this evening at 7 o'clock. Jehn T. Knapp, L. W. Knapp, Jehn Kegel and Harry Hiiffuer killed twenty three rabbits and ten birds en a gunning trlii yesterday. Ames II. Christ, of Philadelphia, through Jehn II. Metzlcr, has sold his property, Ne. 412 Reiver street, te Mrs. Matilda l'ladt for 025. Ami row Gallagher, a bum, who was beg ging and drunk, although It would be difficult te tell wiiore he get the liquor en election dav, was arrested yesterday by Censtable Ehrmaii. Alderman Decn gave him 5 days. Will Net Vercut It. Hairy Kiuzey, of llaiiibrldge, who lest his feet by getting It under the cars at Mill Creek water station, en the Pennsylvania railroad, eleicu weeks age, has been iu the hospital since. This morning, halng recovered sufficiently, he left for bis home lu Relnbildgc. Tho'lesseii was a dear one. A CoiiKtable'H Runaway. This morning Censtable Senfl, of Martlc township, was driving In the Willow Street turnpike en his way te Lancaster. Near the Lamb hotel his herse frightened at a rock by the roadside and Jumping away upset the deg-cart. Scull was thrown out but net hurt, and the herse was caught after he had run about 200 yards befere he had broken the vehlcle. A l'lue Let of Hogs. David S. Kcndig, a rarmer of Concstega township, has just eldu remarkable dreve of hogs te Lincaster parties. There are nineteen iu the let, anil they were born and raised en Mr. Kendlg's farm. Their average weight Is oer 600 and they ure beautiful specimens. The .mint lis will be brought te the city te-morrow, and they w ill be well worth feeing. RroUe Hec Arm. Semt.iI days age as Mrs. King, of Neffs ville, was going down the cellar ttalrs of her lesldencoblie fell, breaking her right arm at the wrist. Dr. E. II. AVittncr at tended the sufferer. Tiiw evening at the Leepard hotel nt7o'cleck, Allan A. Hcrr will offer at public wilebcvcral Miluable city rtkldtucci,. tins adrntUeineiil tteewucre. lUttt kvtttmnt "lirAltTEO-A BTRONO, ACTIVE YOtTWO TV man with some experience In machine hop. iia rOTTSAWEBEK. F AltMERfl WANTED TO BUFPLY MILK AT TUB eg-tMAwK 86 Church Bt, Lancaster, Fa. -pURE J UICE OF TUEORAPE. "Sari Red and White CALIFORNIA WINK, JOc per bottle : 18.09 per deten bottles. ROUnER-aLKJUORHTOHE, Ne. as Centre Hqnare. Lancaster, Pa. IIY OUR e FOR Se CIOAR, HAND Mads and Lens Filler. Saw let 3Se Meer- scbi sum Flprs just rfKl ved. usauiun ijiuab bivhb, alMMR 114 East King street. TJUBLIO BALE OF ABOUT FIFTY OLD Jtr Stalls and Butcher Blocks belonging te the city of Lancaster en te-morrow (Thursday) at 1:M o'clock, In and about Centre Square, ltd JOEL L. BAINESVChalrman. CANE8-THE FINEST AHHORTMENT OF Ctnn In the city can be (band at BILLY WAlTZ-a CIOAR STORE, Net. 6 and 108 North Queen street mr27-M,V.Th.8Aw TUDOEA HAVE IONO SINCE DECIDED (J that Billy Welti's Cigar Is the best In the r0r KeSS A 108 NORTH QUEEN ST. tnylS4mM,W,Tb,SAw TDETER'S CELEBRATED LOADED BHELLS, AT nt-lwdAltwR REILLY BROS. A RAUDS. EST Se HAVANA FILLER UIQAR IN the city, at BILLY WATTZ'S, Net. S and 100 North Queen HU mylMmM.W.Th.SAw THEY CAN ALL COPY BUT NONE CAN Equal Ullly Waltz's Havana Filled Cigar NOS. 8 A 103 NORTH QUEEN ST. mylMmM.W.Th.SAw MILLER'S BORAX SOAP WILL WASH Clethes and every article under the sun. rva J n strlcllj UR GOLDEN LION AND MIA OUERIDA Trlrllv hltnrf.mAr1&.rMffMrB In flhA.lv re ine eniy uiear Havana Finer ana ..... -----.".r-":".".- :,u duuuiuh luuAit sruiits, als-tfdR IU East King Street. MILLER'S BORAX SOAP WILL WASH Clethes and every article under the sun. SPECIAL t FULL DRESS SUITS TO ORDER. Made and trimmed In the latest style. MCORANN A NOWLEN. thcTallei-s. Ne. 136 North Queen Street. MILLER'S BORAX SOAP WILL WASH clothes and every article under the sun. f-vANCINO SCHOOL OPEN TO-NIOHT, AT XJ Mrcnncrcher Hall. Music by Wendttz's lull brasi band and orchestra. Dancing from S te 11:30 p. m. Scheel ejcn ecry Monday. A'cd ncsduy and Saturday evenings. Admission, Ladles, 10c ; Oentlemen, 15c. It TINE TAILORING I ALL THE LATEST NOVELTIES IN FINE WOOLENS, AT P. WEIKEL'H, scp2I-3mdR Ne. 41 West King Street. MILLER'S RORAX SOAP WILL WASH Clethes nnrt every article, under the sun. 7-E CARRY IN STOCK V A FULL LINE OF FLORERT, WINCHESTER, COLT AND MAR UN RIFLES. nl-lwdAHwR REILLY BROS. A RAUR. XTIOU RENT CIOAR FACTORY ON flnnd fWfvntnrv ,gj Ornnt street above Fine. back building, 28x26, wltli geed cellar. Suita ble for nny business. Rent low. Call at lIKltll A WEIDLER'8 Cigar Factory. nev6-ltd -"17-OU CAN SEEOUNS Ranging In Price from 3 80 te SIS, nt nWwdAItwR REILLY BROS. A RAUB'B. ARE YOU WORRIED WITH CONSTIPA CONSTIPA tlen, Disordered Stomach, Kausca or oilier symptoms cf a torpid liver 1 Frnllcy'g Liver Pills are strictly vegetable, cause no grip ing pains or nausea, and are n sure euro for oil disorders arising from a torpid condition of the liver. Price 23c a box. FRAILEY'S EAST END PHARMACY, (Opposite Eastern Market,) Frelley's Sarsanarllln Compound Is the best bleed purifier. The largely Increasing sales nre ample testimony ns te its merits. 50c and f 1 00 per bottle. I WISH TO EMPLOY A FEW LADIES ON salary te take charge of my business nt their home. Light, very fascinating nnd healthful. Wages S10 per week. Hcfcrcnce glen. Ooed pay for part time. Address with stamp, MRS. MARION WALKER, nevf-lmdM,W,r Louisville, Ky. -ITTILLIAMSON A FOSTER. Every Bey Buyer -OF- A KNEE PANT SUIT -OR- -DURINQ- November and December, Will Receive as a Present, a Bucketfull of Candy. Every Lady or Girl Buyer OF- A Plush or Cleth Jacket, NEWMAUKET, UIIETCIIKN OH NEAPOLITAN, Will Del'rcsented Wltha Hnmlseine Remenlr. A GREAT FLANNEL SALE InActlNe Operation. Blankets and Comforts 15 te 20 1'er Cent. Less thau Regular Figures. Bargains In Ribbons, Cent's Heavy Weight Overcoats, 118, J1R, 120, Serviceable Overcoats, $5, fa, 57, $8. Fast Celer Business Suits, !7, K, JO, 510. Bey's Leng Pant Suits' S3 CO, ft, 5160,55. One Hundred Dezen Oent's Flne Neckties 1'ulTs, Teckgiiml Feiir-ln-Hunds All at 2.V. I)lspln)cd III Our East Window. A Genuine Bargain Gent's Derby Ribbed Un derwear nt 51 25. Men's Heavy Cnrdlgau Jackets. CSc, 75c, 5100. All-Weel Cardigans, 51 2e. Gent' Fine Cnrdlgaus, 51 W te 53 50. Oc ills' and Heys' Drct.s Gloves In nil Styles, Prepared for Winter. Fars of Every Description. Fur Robes, Fur Gloves, Fur Caps and Cellars nnd Ladles' Fur MullSiuid Capes. Heavy Cleth Caps and Fancy Plnld Windsors. The New styles Windsors with Deuble Hands nre Elegant. A VERY CHEAP HAT. Five Dezen Stln" Felt lints, msde le wll at 52 00, we are new Closing Out nt 51 50. Drcs bliees. lace or Congress, II 60. Ladles' 17 Butten Roots, KM. Misses' 17 Butten Roots, 52 00. Farmers' HcnvyBoeU, Rubbers nnd 0ersheet. n & Fester, 32-38 East King Street, LANCABrER, PA. Branch Stere, NO. 318 MARKET BTUKET, HARRIS BURU. FA. Williamso Vtt 3lintittnentr VTILLER'H BORAX SOAP WILL WASH JjM. CleUies and every article under the sun. MILLER') BORAX SOAP WILL WASH Clethes and every article under the tan. -tTISTRAY-ON SATURDAY MORNINO, Jjj the 28th Inst., a 'Week Cew with white flanks ; soppened te have strayed out the Wil low street pike. A reward will be paid en lu return te eSO-tfdAw 17 WEST ORANGE 8T CITY. ,NE MINUTE, IF YOU PLEASE. Thl Irty hew pupils enrolled since October 1, minii uir surcriuriir t,i uiu LANCASTER BUBINEW COLLEGE, Ne, M North Duke itreeL Ne CHEAP Instruction held out m an induce ment te enter. Course thoreinb.and Instroe Instree Instroe IJen In all branches flrst-clMs. Type-Writing by competent Instructor. Pleased te have you call In person, or ii Address. H. & WEIDLER, Principal. pROCTOR'S OPERA HOUSE. Procter A Soulier Proprietors and Managers. Three nights, commenting November 4. and Wednesday Matinee-" THE RULING FA8 BION." Prices. 15, 30,80. 60 and 75 cenu. Thursday and Friday Evenings-" THE BOY TnAMP." ntd rpROUTABHANR. Underwear I Underwear I ALL GRADES AND PRICES, AT TROUT & SHANK'S, marZS-lydR Ne. 110 North Queen Street. TO YOUNG MEN AND WOMEN-WIEKEY. stone Dullness College gives you a full course for S3S. Why pay a high tuition when you can get a flrsWlass business education at moacrate course. ! te cost? Tvpc-Wrltlng Included In 30-NlghtS(sslen. Ne. IS North Quecn'st., Lancaster, Pa, tfdAw BILLY WAITZ HAS THE BEST TWO FOR fie and 6c Cigars In the city, at NOS.6 A I0J NORTH QUEEN 8T. mylMmM.W.ThJBAw EST TWO FOR FIVE CENT CIGARS IN the state, at BILLY WAITZ'S. Nes. S and 103 North Queen St. mylMmM,W,Th.8Aw MILLER'S BORAX SOAP WILL WASH Clethes and every article under the sun. "m TILLER'S borax SOAP wir.r, WASH w Y tfnoef u t-iH JjJL Clethes nnd every article under the sun. MILLER'S BORAX SOAP WILL WASH Clethes and every nrtlclc under the sun. -tlTE CARRYTHE LARGEST AND FINEST V Stock of Gcnulue French Brlnr nnd Meerschaum Pipes and Flne Smoking Tobac cos. Genuine. Turkish Persian Tolmcee. , BKMUTU'H CIGAR STORE, Established 1770 etlll East KlugStroeL alB-Udlt OR RENT-FROM APRIL 1st. NEXT, A FIrat-clnss Ulnrkumlth'H Khnn.wllhflirf.il. THgl ng Heuse, situated ntrireenlAnd Milts. In Knut Lampeter tewnslilp. Apply te , M ELIZABETH G. E. BATES. ell-UdR 413 North Duke St., Ijmcnstcr, Fn. SEASONABLE SUGGESTION. The covering of steam pipes with a rcllable material lnsurci dry steam and saves fuel and attention : tlie cost of the covering being some times made up In aslngte year In saving of fuel alone. The best material se fur etTcrcd te the public Is the Megnesia Sectional Cevering, Fer Steam ripen. Boilers, Brine Plnes, Etc., nnd Is for snle only In lancster nnd Lebanon counties, by CENTRAL MACHINE WORKS, W. PARKE CUMMINQS, Prep., NOS. 131 A 130 NORTH CHHISTIAJ? ST., Lancaster, Pa. Price lists and discounts nnd directions for applying en npnllcntlen. Special terms te the trade. Alse Valves, Pipe, Cerks, Fittings, Etc., ut Jobbers' Prices. dec3-tfdR PURLIC SALE OF VALUABLE CITY RE8I DENCES. Oh Wedn-esday, Nevemiieu 6, 1889, nt the Leepard Hetel, will be sold the following desirable properties In Lancaster City : Ne. 1, Three-story Brick Stere nnd Dwelling, en the northeast corner of Columbia and Col lege avenues. Twe rooms nnd store room en first fleer, three rooms and bntli-roein en second Meer, nnd four rooms en third Meer. Gas, water and ether conveniences. Let, 21 feet front and 05 feet deep, with Ihrce-fcct alley In rear. Ne. 2, Twe three-story nnd basement Brick Duellings, Nes. Gllnndfil6 West James street, having mill, 11 rooms mid buscment kitchen. Water In kitchen and basement. 1 loiter flues, en pipes. etc. Let, 22 by 102 feet, extending te 12 feet wlde alley. Ne. 8, Three-story nnd basement Brick Dwell ing, Ne. 62! West James street. Hall, D rooms, bnth-nxAi and basement kitchen. Heater Hues, gas, water, etc. Let 23 feet 9 Inchei, by 102 feet, te a 12 feet wlde alley. Ne. J. Three-Story Brick Dwelling, Ne. 650 West Chestnut street, with th ec-slery brick back building mid one-story frame kitchen, hall, 10 room, kitchen, plastered garret, Ac. Range, furnace, het nnd cold wnter, gas, Ac The heuse Is papered throughout nndnenly painted. Let, 19 feet 2 Inches by IS feet. Ne. 3, Three-Story Brick Dn oiling, with thrcc thrcc stery brick back building and one-ster v frn me kitchen.. 058 West Chestnut street. Hall, JO rooms, kitchen, plastered garret, de. ; range, furnace, het-and cold water, gas, Ac Newly papered and painted through-out. Let 16 feet 8 Inches by 85 feet. The abeve properties are In first-class condi tion, In most dcslrable localities, and will posi tively be sold. A large amount of the purchase money may remain charged upon the premises, If desired. Hale te commence at 7 e clock, sharp. Fer particulars apply te Real Estate and Insurance Agent, Ne. va East King Street. Al.l.AIN A. llt-lUi, e3Mtd J. U. MARTIN A CO. J. B. MARTIN CO. 24 PAIRS or FINE LACE CURTAINS Sold Yesterday Frem the Sam ples en Exhibition at Our CURTAIN DISPLAY. As large a line as any retail store in Philadelphia or New Yerk can show, and at an ad vance of 5 percent, above cost. A rare opportunity te make a selection. Prices range from $20 te $40 a pair. The Display is from NO VEMBER ah te 1: th. J. B. MARTIN & CO., Cor. West King & Prince Sts., Lancaster, Pa. M, HtttHIttnttlMr ItfTLLKRII HORAX SOAP V. ILL .urn. vieineaaiiA every article tinder I tmOt NATIONAL MANUFACTL'l J. or Ien raster. manbii,i nt r oSfiS-eeiTcrieTF"' " "" "'" nHmwBTBOT.a, vm. OIv CI ALL AND WINTER, MM. Fer the Latest Nevel ties. Urmat mA Complete AMertineut of Fall and Wlattr i ing, uTerceating ana i reusering, go te H. BART. Nene te equal It. Nene te surpass the I up. ine correct ratine rer Full Dree and the price the lowest, at H. GERHART'S, Ne. North Queen Bt WOnly Direct 1m porting Tailor la the nuueuur. m CILLER'S BORAX RflAP wtr.T. wJ JJjL Clethes and every article under the! A RSIONEE'SSALEOF CITY AtOPS 1 Ow Thursday, wevemdeb 7. 1M. Tteunc!f,r,,,me1l lKnee of HenrrWetrl lowing described real citate of the said assl J te wit: n Ne. 1. A two-story Brick Dwelling Heuse! vuv-ww.j .aftie win euiiaiiur ana 10 Kronnd.Ne.S38 West Orange street, In Mid cenwinin gin rreni en saia west Orange si 18 rcet, S Inches, and extending lu depth IZM flinches. The house and back building M tien.pnmp ana well, cfstarn In the yaritJ MO. 2. Twe Blltlfllnr ttfjt r,n nk .1 East Chestnut street, Tn said city, each cenM V " weHainiMW". nna exicnalru depth 90 feet te a 10-feet wldenlley : beunde uie cast ey the Whitney estate, and en thei uy prvyvny UIA.,1. r.Dcriy. Sale te commence at 7 o'clock p. m.. terms will be made known hv A , JEREMIaH RIFEl . . .Assignee of Henry Wolf and wll JOL U. HAIMES. AUCt. Ol2,19,20nl M ARTINBROS. A BIG- SOMETHING for DOLLAR'S WORTHl We believe se full and I fectanassortment of Cll EVERYBODY, Ing and Furnishing for Man and Beys, has nd been shown tn this city. A three-story ful Clothing, ready-made and stuffs In the plccl make te your order. There's something ll for the most modest taste and the most fail There s something here te flu the regular erl extra large ana stout. There's something I te meet every purse. Londen Cape Overce 515, 10, S22, (25. Men's Streng All-Weel B neas Suits, $8 and 110. See our Men's and YeJ Men's WIdewale Dress Suits, In Cutaway 1 Sack Ceat styles, (10, (13, (16, (18. . Men's 1 Bey's Storm Coats an Interesting let. Slcn's 1 Bey's Extra Trousers an Interesting let. Be nnd Children's Suits an Interesting let. Evl kind of Underwear for men and boys thJ goea. every Kinu 01 necKwear, stylish i plain. See our Se Bey's and (10 Men's 0j coals. All Iho New Ideas In Cleths uud Mnke lu 1 CUSTOM TAILORING DrARTMENT. our f JO, (23 and (24 Suits te Measure. -FULL Shawl Rell make up. DRES SUI'ld A or Notch Cellars ; SPECIAL new Ideasl MARTIN BROJ NOS. 2S AND 2S NORTH QUEEN ST. T HE PEOPLE'S CASH STORE. WE ASK AN INSPECTIO -OF- The Finest Line OF- -OF- THE VARIOUS SHAPESIN THE CITY. unr cai t'liisn Goods of last season werl pronounced by many te be the best goods evel etiercu in tills city, rivaling the real seal ful Itself In beauty. The best ovldenco that thci wcre all right Is the fact that we carried evel but one garment. Wc upon an entire new line this scaseu. Purchasers of Seal Plush Goods will de well te Inspect our stock. THE 25 East King Street, inarSO-lydR LANCASTER. FA. E INE DRESS GOODS. -AT THE New Yerk Stere. CASHMERE HENRIETTAS In Ucry Deslrnble Shade : IS Inches wlde.Mca Yard. These goods nre strictly all wool. Henriettas have been nud are being sold In tills city te-day ntSOeayard as all-wool, which are half cotton. We have nellher the necessity nor Inclination te make misrepresentations. Fine Cashmere Henriettas In nil the Latest Colorings; 8 Inches wide. 55c a yard. Tills quality has never been sold for leu thnn 75c. Combination Plaid & Striped Suitings. We eiler a wonderful variety of shadings lu every dcslrable color, nipciler qualities, all. wool, 10 Inches wide. We a j ard. LOOK AT OUR POPULAR. Black Cashmere Henriettas. Uliulie wide, atWc, CTJeaud75c a yard. CALL FOR QUF.EV FASH'ON SHEET FOR NOVEMBER, AT THE MW YORK STORE. J, Seal Plush Garm Peeples Cash Stere ! Fine Dress Goods ' :M frtMMflfc- -j-Atejsfah JfiEtaC ,44jA.jje-i:Wf'-; :j-isfMBift5 1 j. xJteLxuJ1&-Jg:&S :Aljik'0jimL&i'$fei:i'i