":.s.i-ii v ' " yivy-' .""--.i "? " v ' J..-, 1 v- iT-tsr' v. vrrSTPrfSr WH?A',-:-V'lWf '- iTS5CTkT i " Si M F 1 f(f 'ijtvi .,... . " - , ?.,r? .- s, iVj.yy-. .w iLiiL. v Li IL " i ' 1 1 . "J . r . -, THI IiAirOABTKR DAIIiT ENTEIililOIWCER, "WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER O, 1889. . i"ffH XKK W1TMKB HOME. Articles That litre Been Donated By Charitable People or the CItjr. The managers of tbuWlttner Berne will meet there en Thursday morning when it Is believed that the building will be ready , for the reception of inmntes. The building Bis been greatly improved. The roer baa been raised, giving rthird story with Ave rooms in addition te an attic above. The rooms are nil well lighted and provided with convenient clnaet. The home Is keited by steam and there ara radiators in eauU room. Carpeti for the parlors have been denstcd by the lady manager?, and many ether things are uew neeled. The managers deitrote acknowledge) the receipt or the follewing: J. A. ilurgcr, Jr., brick for bnlldlng i C. A. Wlse it Hre., material for building; Mrs. Jehn I. Martin, crockery; Miss Harriet Parker, extension table and kitchen utensils; Mrs. Der Hlrsh, four towels, patchwork quilt and fancy articles ; Mrs. L. A. Broneinan, sideboard, bedstead, pall, vase and picture; Mrs. Wm. Kevin, sofa; Mlsa Wlant, copper tea kettle and bread pans; Miss J. Myers, sewing ma chine; Mrs. E. K. Martin, hat rack and Shanes for parlor i Mr. C. A. FenDersmltb, bedstead with completo furniture, includ ing blankets, washstnnd and carpet for bath-room ; Mrs. Win. Wilsen, pair of pil lows and cases; Mrs. Bnumgardner, ene reception chnlr; Miss Appel, magazines; Mrs. Chas linger, eight sheets; Mrs. Buch miller, caster, carver and fork, knives, spoons, teapot, etc, 30 articles ; Mrs. 8. W. Carsen, six towels; Miss Tlllln Frantz, his dust bags ; the Kings Daughters, 16 towels; Mrs. A. Harttnan, 18 towels, 12 napkins, 1 table cloth, 1 counterpane, Mrs. V, Cooper, six chairs, threo small tables, ene rocker, en arm chnlr, ene toilet set, ene clothes rack, crockery, spoons and kettle. It la questionable at least te allow the baby te exhaust Use! fund annoy the household with Its continual crying when that tried remedy, Dr. Bull's Baby Hyrup will quiet It nt once, Price 23 cents. ir you are troubled with dyspepsia, pain In the region of the hcirt, liver and kidneys, or any ether painful symptoms, de net wait te confirm the disease, but break It up at once by using Laxader. Yeu will thank us for the ad vie ?. The Fruit of Violence In no case la the felly or violence In medi cation mere conspicuously shown by Its fruit than In the effect upon the Intestines or oxees exees oxees slve purgation. The stemnch and bowels are first painfully griped, then the latter Is copiously, suddenly and repeatedly evacuated. This U far beyond the necessities of the case, most un natural, excessively debilitating. The organs arc Incapacitated from resuming their function with normal moderation. An astringent Is re sorted te which reduces them te their former condition or Inaction. Te this monstrous and harmrul absurdity, llestetter's Stomach Bitters la the happy alternative. It relaxes gently, naturally, sufficiently. It diverts bile from the bleed Inte IU proper channel. It Insures health ful digestion and completo assimilation. It Is a complete defense ngnlnst malaria, and con quers rheumatism neuralgia, nervousness, kidney and bladder trouble. nStelO Special SleticcB. Is Consutnpleu Iutoumblet Head the following : Mr. C. H.Merris, Newark, Ark., says : " Was down with Abscess of Lungs, and trlcnds and physicians pronounced me tin Incnrnhla Consumptive. Desalt taking Dr. King's New Discovery for CoiiMimptlen, am new en my firth bottle, and able In oven-cethe work en my farm. It Is the finest medicine ever made." Jesse Middlelen, Decatur, Ohie, says: "Had It net been Ter Dr. Klng'a New Discovery rer Consumption I would have died of Lung Trou bles. Was given up by doctors. Am new in best of health." Try It. Hainple bottles free at II. B. Cochran's Drug Htere, Net. 137 and 1M N, tiuecn HU Lancaster, l'u. (6) Mether 1 Mothers t I Mothers ! t t Are you disturbed at night and broken of f, your rest by a sick child suffering and crying i with the excruciating pain of cutting teeth T If ' se, goat once and get a bottle efMlu. wilts- LOW'S SOOTHING HYRUP. It will relieve the peer little sufferer immediately depend upon It ; there la no mistake about 1L There la net a mother en earth who has ever used It, who will net tell you nt once that It will regu late the bowels, and give rest te the mother, and reller and health te the child, operating llke magic It Is perfectly safe te use In all cases and pleasant te the taste, and Is the prescription of. ene of the eldest and best female physicians and nurses In the United Btntcs. Sold everywhere, 25 cent u bottle. tunc251yd&w Ilucklen's Arnica Snlve. The Best Sai.ve In the world ferCuts.Brulsea Beres, Ulcers, Belt Kheum, Fever Beres, Tetter. Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Cerns, and nil Skin Eruptions, and positively cures Piles, or no pay required. It is guaranteed te glve per fect satisfaction, or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. Fer sale by II, B. Cochran, Druggist, Nes. 137 and 1.19 North Queen street, Lancaster, I'e. une27-lyd Xlcctrloillttera. This remedy Is becoming se well known and se popular as te need no special mention. All who linve used Klcctrlc Bitters sing the same Beng of jirnlsc. A purer medicine docs net ex ist and It Is guaranteed te de nil that is claimed, "Klcctrlc Bitters will euro nil discuses el the Liver and Kidneys, will remove l'lmplc, Bells, bait Itlieum and ether atrectlens caused by Im pure bleed. Will drlve Malaria from the sys tem and prevent as well as euro all Malarial fevers, Fer euro or Headache, Constipation and Indigestion try IMectrlc Bitters. Entire satisfaction guaranteed or money refunded. Price 60c and SI.UO per bettle nt II. B. Cochran's Drug Btere, IV and 13!) N. Queen tot., Lancaster. Pa. (5) JUVB. tcturs. WE ARE REAM WITH FURS! AMER, NO. 39 WEST KINO STREET. Our well-earned reputation In the above Hue being se well established, we feel that this an nouncement will be BUfllclcnt te create a lively feeling among all Interested. We have new In stock a full line of Sealskin Coats and Jackets unsurpassed In quality and s,'v le, and specially reasonable In price. Hmall furs will benfeaturethis season. Capes, Mutrs and Bteles will be mere popular than ever before. We have beauties In Genuine Bcal, Persian Lamb, Astrakhan, Menkey, Otter, Beaver, Ceney and Hare, We luive Mulls from fifty cents up. We advise curly purchases in v lew of certain scarcity later en. Itcmember Hint a special fenture with us li the making te measure all kinds of Seulskln and ether rur garments, guaranteeing satisfac tion in every particular. Orders for garments te measure should be left as early as possible te Insure prompt de livery. eM-And -punsi fursi fursi Ladies' Fine Furs. Capes of Every Desirable Style. PERSIAN, MONKEY, AbTRAClfAN, i;tc, Etc., Etc. BOAS, MUFFS AND STOLES. Gents' Fine Eurs AND Carriage Robes. Trunks & Traveling Bags. STAUFFER & CO., 31 and 33 North Queen Street, LANCAHTF.lt. PA. SUtovttcue. T TJTHER 8. KAUFFMAN, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Becend Fleer Eshlcman Law Building. Ne. 43 North DubeHtreet. aprt-lydAw OYBl'KlWl IHMTOlbTKItS INTHKMAK kctrHf vedlu all stvles, and meals at all hours, nt L'HAIILKs E. HOSTEH'S, In the rear of the Central Market. Ovstent in thohheller opened served te private families. Telephone, connection. eliudlt rVIRUE DALMATIAN INSECT POWDKIl, l propelled by ngned powder blower, la the most effectual destroy er of lllcn and ether small liifccU. Fersnln AtHUBLEY'H DUUO BTOHE, 3 West King Htm. L fltrflCUllA BEMBDin. An AwfuFSere Limb Mtlaeattrelrceflfi. Has m mm of to te maw. L dtralBtalied ecthlrla Mmm. Condition hepelnw. Cared by the CuU CuU enm Renvdleii in two mentM. Cured by Cutieura Fer thru yaavra I wm a,leat erlppled with an awful aera ice from my kae down te my ankle ; the akin wm entirely font, and tM bw wm one maaaj of dlseaae. Sema phyatclona.pro phyatclena.pro phyatclona.pre nouncedlllncarable. It had dimlnlrted about one-third the site of the ether, and I was In a hepclcM condition. Arter Uylnu all kinds or remedtea and amndlng hundreda of dellara, from which 1 get no relief whatever, I was per suaded te try your Cuticitba Uuudim, and the result wm m fellows : After Uire dayi I notleed a decided chance for the better, and at the end or two mentha I wm completely eared. My flesh wm purified, and the bone (which had been exposed for overayearlretaonnd. The flesh began te grew, and te-day, and for nearly two yeara rat, my leg la m well m ever It wm, sound In every respect, and net a alarn of the dlaeamtebeteen. B.O.AHERN. DubeU, Dedge Ce., tin. UJh DImm 17 Teri I have been troubled with at akin and aealp dlseaae for eerenteen yean. My head at times was one running sere, and my body waa cov ered with them as large m a half dollar. I tried a great many remedlea without effect until I used CuticurA Remkeies, and am thankful te state that arter two mentha or their use I am entirely cured, I reel It my duty te you and the public te atata above case. L. R. McDOWELL. Jamesbnrg, N. J. Anether MarreUew Cure The CunccnA, Ccticuha RsseLvairr, and Cuticuba HeAr have brought about a marvel marvel eous euro In the cese of a akin disease en my little son eight years old. l have tried almost all remedies and alae the mealemlnent doctors, all alike ralllug.exccptthe wenderful Ccticdsa REMEDIES. ED. N. BROWN, 720 N. letb HU, Omaha, Neb. Outlcura Reselvent The new Bleed Purifier and purest and beat of Humer cures. Internally, and CimcirrtA, the great Hkln Cure, and CuxicunA Seap, an ex ex QuUlteMkin Bcautiner, externally, are a posi tive cure rer the every disease and humor or the skin, scalp and bleed, wlUi ieaa or hair, from pimples toscremla. Sold everywhere. Price. CCTIct7HA.60c.;SeAr, 25c.; Reselvent, $1.00. Prepared by the Pet- TKR DBVO AND CHEMICAL OOlirORATIOJ', Bea- tee. -Send for " Uew te Cm a Skin Diseases," 64 pages, CO Illustrations, and 100 testimonials. MPLES, black-heads, red. rough, chapped, and oily akin prevented by Cuticura BOAr. . HOW MY BACK A0HES. Rack Ache, Kidney Palna, and Weakness. Soreness, Lameness, Strains, and Pain relieved Inonemlnuto by the COTICURA AXTI-PA1K Plaster. The first and euly Instantaneous paln-kllling plaster. Sanferd's Radical Cere for Catarrh. CURE I1EOIN8' FROM FIRST APPLICA TION, AND IS RAPID, RADICAL, AND PERMANENT. It Is the mucous membrane, that wonderful semi-fluid envelope surrounding the delicate tissues of the air and feed passages, that Catarrh makes Its stronghold. Once estab lished, It eats Inte the very vitals, and renders life but a lemr-drawn breath of misery and dis ease, dulling the sense or hearing, trammelling the power of speech, destroying the faculty of smell, tnlntlngthe breath, and killing the re fined pleasures of taste. Insidiously, by creep ing en from a simple cold In the head, It as saults the membranous lining and envelops the bones, eating through the delicate coats and cauvlng Inflammation, sloughing, nnd ether dangerous symptoms. Nothing short or total eradication will securn health te the patient, and all nlleviatlvcsare simply procrastinated seirerlngs. SANrenn's Radical cure, by InhnUitten and by Internal administration, rarely rails; even when the dlscose has made frightful Inroads -en dcllcnte constitutions, hearing, smell, und tate have been recovered, and thedlsease thoroughly driven out. Sanferd's Kadienl Cure l'er Catarrh Consists or ene bottle or the Radical cure, one box of Catarrhal Solvent, and Im proved Inhaler, nil In ene pnekuge ; price, II. Ask for hasferd's Radical cure. Held everywhere. Petter Ditua & Chemical Corporation, Bosten. nl-lmW,H4w Av Undeveloped tarts Or the Huir-n Bedy Enlarged, Developed, Strengthened, etc, Is an Interesting advertise ment long run In our paper. In reply te In quiries we will say that there la no evidence or h imbug about this. On the contrary, the ad vertisers are very highly Indorsed. Interested I crien8 may get (-ealed circulars giving all par ticulars, by writing te the ERIE MEDICAL CO., fi Swan St., Bulmle, N. Y.Ikiltu Teledo Ilee. m-lyd&w E LY'S CREAM BALM. CATARRH, HAY FEVER. Ely's Cream Balm Cleanses the Nasal Passages, Allays Pain and Inflammation, Heals the Seres, Restores the Senses of Taste and Smell. TRY THE CURE. A particle Is applied te each nostril and la agreeable. Price Mcents at Druggists; by mall, registered, 00 cents. ELY BROTHERS, scpll-lyd&w Ne. 66 Warren HU, New Yerk. JUatchca. "VyATIIES. 7S7USeRICMN Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, Specs, Eye-GIasse Etc, at LOWEST PRICES. Optical Goods. Telegraph Tlme Dally. Every Article In this Line Carefully Repaired. Leuis Weber, Ne. ISSKHerthQueenSt., Near P. R.R. Station JEWELER AND GRADUATE OPTICIAN. GILL Jeweler and Graduate Optician. WEDDING PRESENTS IN Royal Worcester and Antique Silver. EXAMINATION OF EYES FREE. NO DROPS USED. OHAS. S. GILL, Ne. 10 West King St., LANCASTER, PENN'A. N EW GOODS ! NEW GOODS. Duriug the past neck many Nev Goods have found thelr wny into our show cases. Goods just new tills season, which we shall be glad te show you. A large stock of Watches and Flne Clocks, Diamonds, Jewelry, Novelties, Etc. Call aud see our Complete Stock. Walter C. Herr, Ne. 101 N. Queen St., CORNER OF ORANGE. eal. UM1IKU AND COAL. r TOIIACCOHHOOKHANlinAHPil WfW. KitN HARD WOODS. Wholesale and Retail, hy IS. II. MARTIN A CO., niya v aicr ntrcei, Lancaster, Pa, rAUMGARDNEIta VOMPANY. COAL DEALERS. OrKjcrs Ne. 129 North QucenHtreet, and Ne. 0".l North Prime street. YAni North Prime Street, near Reading Depot. augli-l :d LANCASTER, PA. lthttt. Ifll KATMTON. I,,,- 4 $10 Suits. ITS A 600D DKJLL TOCLAJM THAT WE BIST ALL-WOOL 8TJIT8 AT TIN DOLLARS. lt-a true, though. It'i acknowledged by every OB. There' no one In better poeltlen te make thta (claim than we, and there la none better able te carry It out. THE SAME MAT BE SAID OF OUR ALL-WOOL 0VIR00ATB AT TIN DOLLARS. They are attractive in appearance, excellent in quality, and very modest In price. Uyeu see them you'll buy. Excellent qualities at popular price. Myers & Rathven, RELIABLE 0L0THIERS, NO. 17 IAST KING STREET LANCASTER, PA. T 10 CLOTHING BUYERS. LGansman&Bre. THE BEST GOODS -FOR THE Least Meney 7 Keep this In your mind. It will be peer poli cy en your part te bny your Winter Clothing Without first looking at what we have te offer. Every kind or Overcoats are here at Prices thatare lower than any ether house asks rer same qualities or coeda. Remember thla If you appreciate nrst-clasa work, geed styles aud n perfect lit. Yeu can get them from us actually for less money than you pay elsewhere for ordi nary nnd Inferior work. 20 Styles of Men's Overcoats Alt 000 a'i " " " At $8 Ol) 80 " " " At $10 00 15 " " " At $12 00 15 AtJHTO Kee our Mcn'a and Bey'a Storm Ovcrceata at SI 00, 85 00, $0 00, $3 00,11000. Children's Overcoats, at f 1 25, II 75, K 00, $3 00, WOO, $500, $8 00. A Large Assortment of Chlldreu'a Bulla at $180, $160, II 75, $2 00, $3 00. H00. Our Custom Department offers some Real Bargains In Trousers, Hultlnga and Overcoat Overceat ings. See our $12 and $16 Bulls te Order. They are Rig Value for the Meney. L. Gansman & Bre., Tailors aud Manufacturers of Men's, Bey'a and Children's Clothing (Exclusive.) 66 and 66 NORTH QUEEN ST., S. W. CORNER OF 0RANOK, LANCASTER, PA . -Net connected with any ether Clothing Heuse In the city. "U X1UH A iilUmiEH, PRICES THAT SPEAK FOR THEMSELYES. HARD-TO-WEAR-OUT Is the Kind of CLOTHING We Make. Wc have been making the same kind for ever 85 years, and think we knew "some thing " about It. Yeu can examine the scams, pockets, buttons and stays of our make and It will be the best. MEN'S SUITS & OVERCOATS SACKS-READY-MADE CUTAWAYH. for Business or Knockabout, at U 60, $3, $1, $3, $8, Fer Dress and Evening Wear, $0, $10, $12, 111, 115, $16, $18, 20. Prince Albert Suits and Ceals and Vests In Corkscrews and Wide Wales, $10, 818, $16, $18. Bey's Suits and Overcoats. 12, $2 60, $3, $8 60, N, $5, M. Extra Qualities at 17, 18, 10, 110, $12. Children's Suits and Overcoats. $1, II 60, 12, !2 60, $3. 13 SO, II, 15 te 18. MEN'S UNDERWEAR, 18c te 12. FLANN EL, WHITE. PERCALE AND DOMET SHIRTS. KNIT JACKETS, tOc te II 00. HOSIERY, NECKWEAR, HANDKERCHIEFS, CHILDREN'S HHIRT WAISTS. ONE-PRICE CLOTHING AND FURNISHING! HOUSE, North Queen Street and Centre Square, LANCASTER. PA. Jicutletrtj: -pjENTAL ROOMS, R. D. McCASKEY, Dentist. GfiADUATE IN DKNTISTUV A.VO AN.ESTIU7TICS. Office and Hesldcncc, SOUTHEAST COR. ORANOE AND NORTH QlUiEN STREETS. Prompt Attention. Charges Reasonable, All Werk Warranted. Ue(7ii-4 a. iij, te 8 P. m. Week Days. icpS-tujilAw HIRSHd BROTHER'S tfecft e LARKK'SOREAT BARGAINS IN Tm, Oetfeei and Oreceriet. Sugars Lewer. New Leghorn Citren A ................,... Mc Geed Sweet Ronaled OetTei....... 20c Prance, a, S, and A t for..... ..,.. e Afrleoia,S,Sand4lbarer ...., -. .2M 4 be Ogmnty Dried Apples for.... 23c Geed niae Bettle CaUup rer 6e Large Racket Jelly for .11.00 Runkel A Baker Cocea, Kpps Cocea 20e Baker or Rnnkel Chocolate 18a R Bexee CeBW Eeeence -. Se i eppy oil soap rewaer per package........ se llectrle Patte Steve Polish...... .. Se able Hrrun biuH On Fall Cream Cheeae ti. UUti S Large Oleaeea Mnatard rer 2Sc Fishing Creek Buckwheat, U aack......... 75c SAMUIL OLARKI'B TEA AND COFFEE AND OH0CERY BTORE, 13 AH SOUTH QUEES STREET. P. 8. Agents for the only Qennlne LttlU BretaeU. A TBUrtSK'S. These Fine Smoked Siscees That tickled the palate or all who used them last aeaaen new In stock. TnK YENTZF.R CELEDRATED EVAPOR ATED HUOAR CORN, nothing finer, and doubt It equal. Sold only by ua In Lancaster, Apples! Apples 1 Apples! Michigan Apples by the Barret or Retail. New Foreign and Domettle Fruits, Fresh Oatmeal ana Avena, Wheallett, Farina, etc Edem, Saptoge, Pineapple and Yerk Bute Cream Cheese, at BURSK'S, Ne. 17 East King Street, LANCASTER, PA. A T RBIBT'b. SUGAR TUMBLES ! The Markets of the Whelx World In a Demer- allted Condition I THEY WILL SURELY DROP ANOTHER CENT I LOOK OUT'FOR IT I SPECIAL NOTICE I Our Stere will be OPEN EVERY EVENING Until Further Netice! CARDS GIVEN AWAY ON SATURDAY EVENING I WLOOK AT THIS.- Hplced Bologna at 12'c R. Summer Bologna, 0c ft lb. Dried Deer, lOe and 12ke V IS. Dried Beef Knuckles, extra fine, l&c V ft- Portland Herring, 0 fts rer 26c. 3-AND THEN AT TH1S.-C Extra Fine Layer Figs. 3 Rs for 26r. Extra Flne Sultana Raisins, 3 fts fer2V. Extra Flne Valenela Raisins, 8 lbs rer 3. Uet New EtiKllsh Currants, 3 lbs rer Si. Ooed Prunes, 0 lbs rer Sic. Extra Large Prunes. 3 lbs for 2V. New Apricots, 3 lbs rer 25c. Finest Pniuellus,2Bs for 2.V. Evaporated Amiies, 3 lbs for 25c. Peaches, 6 lbs for 23c. O-AND NOW AT THIS.-K Fresh Thick Water Crackers, 4 lbs for 25c. Fresh Thin Wnlcr Crackers, 4 tbs fer2'c. Finest (linger Snaps, 3 tbs for 26c. Finest Nlcnacs, 3 lbs for 23c, QoedNicnacs, 6 lbs for 25c. FrulttPuddlng, 8 packs ferfiOc Fresh New ltellcd Oats. 0 lbs for 25c. Fresh Wheat acrm, 8 lbs rer 2Se. Granulatcd Cernmcnl, 7 nunrts rer 25c WJUST IN.-W Bcst Mincemeat, New Dates, Paradlse Meadow Cranberries, Comb Heney, New ton ten tils, Split Peas. Heminy, Shaker Cern, Peas, Beans, Lima Deans, and a hundred ether thlnes, geed and useful. Loek nt our room and you'll find It chuck full. REfST ! WHOLESALE AND RETAIL GROCER, CORNER WEST KING AND PRINCE STB., Directly Opposite J. B. Martin A Ca's Dry Ooedi Stere, and Next Doer te Serrel Herse Hetel. e$ttvuititrc. Qu UANTITY AND QUALITY IN FURNITURE I "II don't care rer Quality, I want the Largest Shew I can get ler my mousy," was the remark made In our stere this week. WE ANSWER IT THUS: We will nolLewerthoStandard ei our Goods te meet this growing demnud, but will buy In largcrqunllties for Cash te meet the prices of these who sell the cheaper make of goods. UPWARD AND ONWARD IS OUR MOTTO. The Newest Styles ! The Best Makes ! AT Popular Prices ! HEINITSH'S Furniture Depot, Nes. 27 & 29 SOUTH QUEEN STBEET ec CHS d: OIB11S. Prices Greatly Reduced -ON- NEW STYLE FURNITURE TO MAKE ROOM FOR HOLIDAY GOODS COMING IN. n- See the NEW 6 O'clock Tea Table In Our Window Te-Dny, Ochs & Gibbs, (2d, 3d i. tlh Floers,) NOS. 31 8. QUEEN ST., LANCASTER. w 1DM mi'S COUNElt. WIDMYER'S! DOLLAR SAVING FURNITURE.-Y011 can't Afford tu Buy without Seeing Our Stock. IF YOU WANT FirtHT-CLAKS WORK, Geed Styles and Fine I'lnhli, We've Get It. AND THIS IS WIIEItK YOU SAVE YOUR DOLLARS lu Buying Leng Wearing Goods. THIS IS A FACT, nnd Net Mere Tulk. Come and Sec. TAKE A GLANCE IN OUR WINDOW and See the Nobby Suite In the New XVI. Cen tury Finish. The First In Town. It's Fine. WIDMYER'S, CORNER OF E. Kina & Duke Sts. gM TLrENIS AMD BOYS' FURNISHINGS. Hager & MI'S Ml BW FURNISHINGS. NECKWEAR. We devote Special Department te our Handsome Showing of Neckwear Kflccts. The Very Latest in Fancy Effect and Full Drew Tle Always in Stock. Black Neckwear n Specially. GLOVES, GLOVES, GLOVES. Special Values In Heavy Lined Jersty, Astra khan and Geat Skin Gloves atHV. Flne Astrakhan, Kid Talm Lined atev-es at ti ; usually sold at II 23. A Rare ftln In Kid Gloves. Embroidered Hacks, New Shades, at 7Je ; usually aeldalll. Kid Gloves, Embroidered or Corded Hacks. English Red and Tan shades, for street or driv ing wear, at f I and II 25, " Dente, Rest Grade, Imported Kid Gloves, Fall Shades, Stitched or Corded Racks, at 12. While and rearl Shades In Kid Gloves at $1 and II 60. Underwear, Underwear. Special Unrgsln In Men's Grey Merine ShlrU and Drawers, all aires, at 25e ; worth 37Kc, Special Bargain In Mcn'a Scarlet Weel Mixed ShlrU nnd Drawers, an sixes, atBOa ; worth 7Sc, HAGER & 25-31 West King jmUCT DOOM TO THE COURT nOUBE. JfL Rare Opportunity -IN- BROCHE We ha ve just rccelvcd from an Importer a few Choice Deslgna of Oreche Slinwla In Deuble and Single, which we bought and have marked cheap. One of the Biggest Bargains Is a Deuble Shawl, Iinltatleu India, at M. Anether Is a Slug I Breche at 17. We are alie showing finer Donble Breche Shawls In various grade up te 123, and 8lnglc ones up te 115, each ene of which Is worth much mere. If you nre Interested come early. FHHNESTOCK'S, 35 and 37 East King St., Lancaster, Pa. - M ETZOEH A HAUGHMAN. LADIES' AND CHILDREN'S COATS - AT - METZGER & Just Opened a Large and llundBome ABHertmcnt of LADIES' and CHIL DREN'S COATS nt the Lewcet Prices. Purtlcnlar Attention Is culled te our SEAL PLUSH COATS, made exprecMy for us by the West Manufacturers. Fer Style, Beauty and FlnlHh Cannet be Excelled. MetzgcrA Haughman's Cheap Stere, NOS. 38 AND 40 WEST KlNQ STREET, LANCASTER, PA. (OPI'OSITK THi: COOPKH H0U8K.) B ARDAMcELROV. bard Sc Mcelrey, Net. 33 and 35 8euth Queen Street, EXTflAOItDINAUY VAT.UEH Isn't It a fact, buy eettcr goods In ene store than you enn In another? WhvT Because some sell their goods at smullcr prellts, giving you n batter article for your money. We claim In sell Koeds timer tluui any ether heusa In Lancaster. In our last advertisement we sjrake about UudcrwcMr. Men's White or Colored at 20c, 25c. SlXc, Wc nnd up. Uvllcn ut 2V, aic, We mid up. New vrnlle you may see the mime priced goods ut any ether store, we claim our goods at the prices ure the heat value ever erTered. Take our ladles' Vests, sturllng at SSc, next grade SOc, and se en, perhaps ou will say the next grade at ether stores Is :l7crueli or T.Vj er pair, se It la, and our price Ktk) or 78e per pair. He a pair higher, but for the dlnVrenca of Scumre e give you a iinlref vests that retail at II, a saving of 22c en every pair. But we can't speak of every number of Underweur, In Ladles', Men's or Children's, as we have them In Merine, Medicated, Naturul Weel, Camel's Hair, etc HHAWLH-Extru bargains In Hliigla Hhatt Is at II, tl 23, II 00, ti aud up. We would rail special mention of two numbers In Deuble Hhawls that are wny below the regulur prl'i. One In a Green, Black and Blue I'lald at WW, which Is at least II under price. Anether number U ene atll 00, which, we nre aura, you rnnuet mutch In quality for less than Kl, In a grrat vurlcty of styles. Bargnlus In Black Thibet Hhawls In slngle and double. HhuulderHhuwW from lOeup IlLANKl-m-Wlilte and Colored BlankcU at 75c, 86c, Jl.fi 2'), II W, 51 75, ,'-, - '', 51, II GO, V. KI, 17, 10. Every kind nt the price It a bargain. COMreitTH-Cumfurts at 75c, 1, II 25, II W, 1 70, 12, U 25, 2 CO, 13. Our own make. Large sUe at tl 60 Is one of our best toiler. KLANNELH Notwithstanding the mild weather we have sob! a quantity of Flannels already In Cotten Klannelsat 6c. (4c, 8, 10c, I2K etc.: lu Weel Flannels, In Grey, at 10c, !2Uc, 16c, 18c, etc.; In lied at 12c, I5c,20c, 25c and up; In Navy Blue at 25c, Sic, Me and 60c. Embroidered Flannels ferbklrta. In I'ure or Cream While, cmbroldercd whlte ; In Blue Grey, embroidered cardinal; In Brown Mlxrid, embroidered brown, nt Hand Jl 2.5 )T yard, Elegunl quality and patterns. HTAMI'EIIGOODS-Htnmpedl'lliewblmmsaf 20eand 25e er pair. Klampctl Linen Wash, stand Cevers, 25c Bureau Hmrrs, :5c, 45c uud up. TldleNfrem6cup. Hnlushers from lOe up. OIL CI-OTlI We lire efTerlng a H.'el(il Kiied article In Fleur Oil Clelli, 2 arda wide, at 50c a yard. Just the thing for uneven Hours, ns It U soft aud pliable. All grudex from X yard te 2i vardswlde. Cheap Cocea Hues at 60c: wertli 75e. PANT GOO DH An extra Targe sleck of ranting at I0e. 12c. 15c, 18c, SOc, 25e,37K'. c, 45c, 60u, C5c, 7&c and up. It Is only by offering bargains we ureeuuble tu Increase our trade, which we have been doing ever slnce we started. FEATHERS The host Feathers cheap. A lewer grade at 60c. BARD& Nes. 33 and 35 Seuth Queen Street. touce, &c. F LINN A BRI'EMAN. BARGAINS-REDUCED PRICES. FULL 8IZP NO. 7 RANGE ONLY 9 8.00. FULL SIZE NO. 8 HANOI: ONLY 810.00. Cook Steves and Parler Steves AT REDUCED PRICES. Ne, 152 North Queen Vlll? rpnE NEW AMERICAN I'UZZLE. "BloeksofFivo." THE NEW YORK WORLD WILL GIVE $ioe Te the I'erten whodeea this I'urile lu the bhert eatTlme. A l'uzzle for Dcmeeratu, Republicans and Mugwumps. Everybody fascinated tilth lint first sight. Call and sea it, FOR HALE AT Erisman's Gents'FurnishingStere, NO. tl WEST KING VTItEUT. Brether. rtest Value In Heavy White and Grey Merine Shirts and Drawers 1HSO0. Heavy Natural Weel Underwear. All-Weel, atll; worth II 25. Heavy All-Weel Bcarlrt Underwear at II usually sold at SI Z't. Extra Value In Heavy Cernel's Hnlr Under wear atll 2 1 worth 11 75. All the Finest Grade In White, Red nnd Natural Weel Undervrear will he found en our counters. J Special Vnlue In Fancy Merine ) Hese at l2We a pair. . All desirable kinds and qualities In Cotten, Merine and Weel H Hosa, 25c te 7Ac. Unusual Values In Flannel ShlrU at 05c, 87c and II. Flue Flannel Shirts, II 23 te tl 80. Full Drcsa ShlrU In New Figure, Satin Strlie and Embroidered Effects, at II 23, tl 00 and ti. Cardlsnn Jackets, all srades, 6O0 te W. Noveltles In Men's Hath Robes, Dressing Gowns and Heuse Ceals. Examine them. BROTHER, St,, Lancaster, Pa. SHAWLS. HAUGHMAN'S. Opposite Fountain Inn. that for lhnsnaia amount of mutinv von ran Opposite Fountain Inn. Street, Lancaster, Penn'a. ilitotenrapite. B OTE. I JUST RECEIVED FROM KcBuigsburg, Prussia, Twe Backgrounds made especially for Butt and Three-quarUr Length Photographs. se 1-2 North Queen St., Nf it JJoer te the 1'ottefllce. Je7-Huf l i v. .v TJENN9YLVANIA RAILROADBCHKD fc JTln effect from May 13, IMS. ' iSK?t,J,?5y? liAwcjurrwi and leave sal ti; rlveatl'hlladelphlq ea follewi -i rarna-rr.nn I... ...'! . I..avf thsaraM JJaelflc Kxpreasf ,. Fhlladelphla. Irteaetet, iivp, in. iM a. m. 4:30 a. m. 7:00 M rr. W tS Prel M.C MafltralnviaMOey m.mt mt ,.'. Na3MallTralnt-...! Niagara Express . 9-Mm,m , Via Columbia ht.v, n ni iiuuuvcrAccam M(. Fast Llncf .. via Celutnbla ikwi, m. I xevp. .;, r- .w Lancaster Accem... Ha rrlsbarg Accem. . vini.niumuia xwp.m' Mbfl Ml.,. ... via mu Jey. ss rrrfj. ii . ni. 4.10 p. in, i5..1l p. m. v eiumuia Accem....... Harrlsbttrg Expreaa.. Western Exprcast...... Lancaster A cce. ....... KAHTWARD. Phlla, Kxpreaaf..... FastLlnef. JL . Lancaster A cee... liarrlsburg Express.. Lancaster Accem... Columbia Accem Atlantic Exprcast Heaahere Express Philadelphia Accem. Hunday Mall pay fcxpresst........... Ilarrljburg Aecem... Mall Tralnt............ 7l n. . ? 8.20 p. m 11:10 Ml ma. C i tfcttttcler' ttatfce. KW p. ni, I 4 Ar.CelJW,, ,i . JLi - S. TMI -.,......,......, Leave Lancaster. 230 a. m. 1:45 a. m. 6:16 a. m 8:10 a. m. t:65 a. m, fflOe. m. 1H a. m. 12.M p. m. 8 65 p. tn. B.-oep. nu 4:U p. m. 6:ti p. m. 8:15 p. m. '-I . Ti rnuaii ls. m( :K J MM. iat.i )J VUMLlnr.'t '"J 111:48 . m,.v . ias p. .:; J:tSa.' $&??! 0Mv. JThe only trains which run dour. pOn Hgnday the Mall train west runs by war .. . J' ii- w.Pui Oencral Passenger Agent .y CItAM. K. RUaU. Uencral Manager. THILADELlHIA & HKADINO RAILROAl4l . . .. . . - 1UCAD1NO A COLUMBIA DIVISION. $ tin mnA mHt.m tn..j.M f.l. , imh i.&J..1 wm .. ... niiniunj, win, ,, loeir, (filing -rj eave mnenjter (King street), as follewa: m Fer Reading and Inlcrtncdiate points, weektil m.. 8:55 p.m. ' ' mS Fer PfitlnrtMnht. vnliitivi r.'ln n, iv.se ZS 5:41 p. m.j Sundays, 8-M p. m. rim Ker New Yerk via Philadelphia, week dayfci 7;H0 a. m., 12A S:45 p. m. ,f 12:15 p. m. ' M mj Sunday, 8:6 p. in. ?i Bunday,s.5p.m. 3S Ver Lebanon, week days. 7.-W a. m 12J8. &:-? j Fer Uarrlibiirg, week dajg, 7K ,m.,UJ(,'; w p. u. , euiitiujr, eau n. III. ForQuerryvllle, week days, S25 a. M KJt, 8.00 p.m.; Sunday, &10 p. m. 'j TRAINS HYin r.ANillHTVII t v-.f Leave Reading, week days, tat, 11:88 a. m.V5 8Mp. m.t Hnndny.7.-20a.m.jS.I0n.m. - Leave Philadelphia, week days, 4:18, 10.-0Ba m., 4-00 p. in. . .',i New Yerk via Philadelphia, week dayi m .. 1:.T0, 12-OOp. m. fei NewYerk via Allculewn, week dayiit(f. 7:45 a. in 4nxl a. in.. Ieo n. tn. "., . T. I taave Allculewn, week days, 6:&2 a. m. ; 4fl Leave rettsvllle, week days, 8.G0 a. m fenj'-.'l p.m, .tM 7ia p. in. : Hundajr, ;,M n. i.a 3.15 p. in. 5 Ixmve 11 AirlsUutv, weekdayv, 0.2n. m.; Buvj (1nv.iVMaY.rn. ' ' Vi lVAVfiOllltrrirvin Wtvlr Acm tin lUtAm "''-''? ri " - 12 "- rf "..! it e.-w i eununr, i:iu n, m. f4ftV Pltllarlnlnltla nm.lniit .twl -.k. -A 2 aiuiviuuuuy lrivitsiun. aim Btwlh iireet Tvfhwh " " ?fj rur aiuiiua jiir, wcek aays, expreeeea, 1 (-00 a, m. and 4KBand 5:00 p. m.:AocemmodaUol: and e.-OOa. tn., Accommodation. B.-00 aw mT. 3 P TO. , i . Returnln leave Atlantla CI I v. dnt muft'i Atlantic ami Arkansas Avenues, week daya. J ainm i.-wniiu iu;u n. in. mm f p. m. AOOOIw. iiiuuuuuu,e,wiitiiii mill i.uv in. nunQaTa, J Express. 4 and 5:30 p.m. AxmmodaUen7!M '; ' n. m. and 4.-05 p. in. '.;- . Dut&lled tlmn tfllites ran Iia nhfAttiMt at tlititmtZj i offices. ..h A, A. MCLEOD, C. O. HANCOCK. T- Vlce Pres. den'l M'gr. Gen'Il'asa'r Atrt. ?& T EPANON A LANCAHrER JOINT L1N. I Xi ItAlLUOAD. ,i Arrangcmenis or i-aasenger Trains en ana anerf SlttmiV.M.vll 1HIM1 1.. -...,.., .., KM.. , ,. y NORTHWARD. Leave A. M. p. M, I nmur; . .. i .rr-ri.; i-.m.'A.m. na King Street, Lane. 7.-00 121.1s 5:40, 8.06 ijincaaier. v.v jz:i wku Manhelm 7:.tl 1:20 esWMA Cornwall 7:60 1:49 flttf.Klt. Arrive nt I Lebanon - K:ll 18 7:00 Mat :'.hOUTHWARD, Leave a.m. r.u. Lebanon 7:12 130 Cornwall 7:27 12:45 Manhelm;.....-., TM HIS Lancaster ts; 1:52 P.M. A. W, P. I 7:16 1-M 8:W 8:40 9-.U TXl 131 King Street, Lane. I):39 2.00 8:80, 0-J8 tdi A. m. WIM40N, Hunt. B. 4 C. Railroad. B. H. NEFF. Hunt. (J. R. R, Clttnaunttrc. sag H IOH A MARTIN. is IjwZ m m Cliina Hall. Useful and Oruameulnl Articles thatg would grace the Dining Tabic or weuH'$j be a valimble addition te the Bricefl Braoefovcit the meat fastldlofraeiWt FAHGrT mt 1 cun't dcecrlbe tbem. It'u yeuV,'lsl ego te cxamlue thorn. If you don't, yeui will niiBs a sight at the beautiful m weUl as the opportunity of pcswcselng it. "M ' f. Havilnnd's Decorated China htmy prominciice always. Many New Arti clus, Dcaigns and Decorations mere" Ixiiiutlful than ever. Royal Worcester In 1CtW Tltilivna nnfl Rtimwia Tannnnaa 1 ... . w...0.. ..,. "I- Wure in Large Variety and Styles. AViSi het of ether articles of Fancy Goods, yj equally handseme. Pcreena selecting 'M presentH (wedding or otherwise), vvlllre J ... i grct, ii ptircnesing nciore exuiuiuing tm our assortment. JtcinemDcr, all are wel-s ceme. Goods exchanged If net sittUfac-'Sj i.. .! Wl- m HIGH & MARTIN; 15 East King Street. IttttBic. D ONTMISS IT I RARE BARGAINS. A Grand Display of the Most Popular and'- Met Reliable it Pianos and Organs WILL HE MADE RV Kirk Jehnsen & Ce., i ATTHK LANCASTER COUNTY FAIR. a. .a 1 J - l. II, kri Aa caaiiAi' -i lai-AM . TE you will nuut one, nnd ene that will give roil' $ wiiUfaclleu. We positively guarantee MtUbtv g . T. . i civ uAnni and nail . it lien in every puriiuuini p. jv.-, ..- fjw en the c:ilcst terms-five dollar a manUj.gJ tM r, k nt i irrnni rme te two years te nay for It I The above goods enme direct from the factory. r und vie will eiler a positive bargain each day e.J the ruir. Kiiihjuu.inu.iui., ty.-' N'n.-l West Klnv HL. Lnneuter. Pa. l. i n K.'ntid.Iunil lMauea and Ortruna takesT A ' l l-vi-him-m. nfU-lrdAw ' Yi isr OTIOK TO TRESl-AKSEIW AND OTJ1I, i NElts. Ail peiens nre lureey ioreiuaea L. fm.iiftAs nu tuiv nf tliA landM cif tha Cerawj nwesi' j.udBidvellritatetili Lebanon or Lancaster veunllea, whether Inclesed or unlncleirfd, eluiar ter me nurKKw u aiieuuug vr iuiiv,hwi for the miriKfce of law will iMi risiuiy eiuori-eu against iu lvesslng en said lands of the undersigned art :. Ui WM. COLKMAV KREKMAH ?Z It. I'KROY A LDKN. f MI1W. a KltlZUMAN. . " Attemers for R. W. WwnWi 1 .a .,. t. u-:r $ --v it ytsgaaatgaiftyMiafis