p pS3 li.'i' ". Vr&.- .,.5V"f. rVWt ,'-,' ',-r ",, '""i' .vi : -. nA i ' v TM'iHOOTEtibAiLY INTELLIGENCER, MONDAY, NOVEMBER 4, 1889 'if 3.: .i IftOlN SUMMER. Jest about Ibe time when Fall OIU te rattlln' In the tree, An' the man thet knew It all H, 'Hplctens frost In every breeze. When person tells h Isse'f Thet the leaes loeK mighty thin,- Then thar -blows a mellcr brent) Ingln Bummer's hyere agin. A - KInd-uh smoky-leokln blue Nplns ncrest the mountain tide, An the heavy lnernln' dews Ureens the gnu up fur an' wide. Natur' raly 'pears ci ef Hhe true layln' ena day Hert-uh drerln' In her breaf , 'Fere she freeies up te itay. Nary lick e' work I strike 'Leng nbeut this time e' year) I'm a sort-uh slowly like, Illght when Ingln Summer's here. Wire an' boys kin de the work, But a man with natchcl wit, Like I get, kin 'ford te shirk, Ef he hes a turn for It. Time when Rrapcs set In te ripe, All 1 nut off any man ts a common co'n-ceb pipe With tcrbackcrteiny nan'. Then Jest loose me whnr-the ilr Hlmmera 'crest me, wnhm an' free ! Premised lands ull And mc thar; Wings ull fulily sprout en met I'm n-leungln' round en thrones, Bessln' worlds Tem shore toshere, When I stretch my marrer bones Jest outside the cabin deer 1 An' the sunshine scepln' down On my old head, bald and grny, 'l'cars right like the gllted crown I expect te w'ar some day. Era WiMcr Mediation, in Harper' itagatine. "I wonder hew It Is that Lawrence Barrett always keeps his voice se clear and resonant f " " Why I suppose, like every ether sensible man. he keeps a supply or Or. Hull's Cough Byrup." rtheumntlsm had had held of mc Ter two or three years. I tried Salvation Oil; It quickly gave me relief, and I have net had It since. WM. CLAHK, CI Ifl en Baltimore County. Md. The Fruit of Violence. In no case Is the felly or violence In medi cation mere conspicuously shown by Its fruit than In ihe cued upon the Intestine of exces sive purgation. The stomach and bowels arc first paltirullygrlped,thcnthelatterlft copiously, suddenly and repeatedly evacuated. This Is fur beyond the necessities of the case, most un natural, excessively debilitating. The organs nre lncnpacltatel from resuming their function with normal moderation. An astringent Is re sorted te which reduces them te their former condition of Inaction. Te this monstrous and hnrmfutnbsur.llty, Hestctler's Stomach Bitters Is the happy nllcr.mtlve. It relaxes gently, nntur.illy, sufficiently. It diverts bile from the bleed Inte Its proper channel. It Insures health ful digestion and complete assimilation. It Is a complete defenva ngnlnst malaria, and con quers rheumatism neuralgia, nervousness, kidney und bladder trouble. ultelO gppccial Jtottcce. la Canisuinpteu Iutcuriiblel Bead the following : Mr. U. If .Merris, Newark, Ark., says : " Was down with Abscess of I.ungs, and friends and physicians pronounced me an Incurable Censumptle. Began taking Ir. King's New Discovery for Consumption, am new en my fifth bottle, and able In oversea the work en my (arm. It Is the finest medicine ever made." Jesse MIddlcten, Decatur, Ohie, says: "Had It net been for IT. King's New I)lscecry for Consumption I would tune died or Lung Trou bles. Wus given up by doctor. Am new In best of health." Try It. Sample bottles flee nt II. B. Ceclirnu's Drug Htere, Nes. 137 and 1J9 N. Queen St.. Lancaster, l'a. (5) Mether! Mothers t I Metliurt t I t Arc you disturbed at night and broken of your rest by a sick child sutferlng and crying with the excruciating pain of cutting teeth 1 If se, goat onceund get n bottle of MRS. WINS LOW'S SOOTHING HYRUP. It will relieve the peer llttle sufferer Immediately depend Uen It j there Is no mistake about It. There Is net a mother en earth who has ever used it, vfhe will net tell you at ence that It will regu late the oewcls. and give rest te the mother, and relief und health te the child, operating like magic. It Is perfectly safe te use In all cases and pleasant te the taste, nnd Is the prescription of ene of the eldest and best female physicians and nurses In the United States. Sold everywhere, 25 cents a bottle. une251yd&w lluckleii's Arnlcn Salve. Tint BestH At. vr I n the world for Cuts, Bruises Beres, Ulcers, Salt ltheum, Fever Seres, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Cerns, and all Skin Kruptlens, and positively cures Piles, or no pay required. It Is guaranteed te give per fect satisfaction, or money refunded. Price 25 cents per,, box. Fer sale by H. B. Cochran, Druggist, New. 137 and 133 North Queen street, Lancaster, Pa. une27-lyd Electric Ultters. This remedy Is becoming 6e well known and se popular ns te need no special mention. All who hnve used Electric Bitters sing the same song or praise A purer medicine does net ex ist nnd it Is guaranteed te de all that Is claimed. Electric Bitters will cure all diseases el the LUernnd Klrtnejs, will remove Pimples, Bells, Salt Hlieuin und ether airectleus caused by Im pure bleed. Will drive Malaria from the sys tem nnd ireent as well as euro all Malarial fevers, Fer euro of Headache, Constipation and Indigestion try Electric lllttcrs. Entire satisfaction guaranteed or money refunded. Price WX; and 81.00 per bottle at II. B. Cochran's Drug Stere, 137 and 139 N. Queen St., Lancaster. Pa. (5) XEIHCE COLLEGE OF BUSINESS AND Short-Hand. Recerd Building, - III7-II18 CHESTNUT STREET, ruuaucipmn, re. Second, Third and t eunu loers. Morning nnd Afternoon Sessions every week day except Sunday. ' Night Sessions, Monday, Tuesday aud Thursday Evenings till April 1. Twelve hundred nnd sixty-nine (UVJ) students last year. Eariv applications necessary. Send for enrollment blank. Technical knowledge qualifying for business engagements. Full Instruction for commercial and general business vocations. Alse Short Hand aud Type-Writing. A ruculty or mere than a score of practical men who have practiced w hat they tench. Bookkeepers out of counting houses teaching bookkeeping; lawyers teaching law and busi ness forms ; successful high school principals teaching Engllih branches; law reporters teaching short-hand and type-it riling, etc., etc. This Institution has been exceptionally for fer tu into In the success or the students who hute graduated therefrem." liillce eien overt week day during business hi.urs anil also en Monday, Tuesday and Thurs div Ktcniugs fertlie Enrollment of Students. Announcements, etc., sent when requcstcdj. Visitors nlways iteleeine. Address, THOMAS MAY PEIRCE. M. A augl9-0iu5liltt Principal uudreundcr. ilmlivrUrte. TrMBHELLA HEADQUARTERS. UMBRELLAS! All Grades AT Lewest Prices AT THE MAKERS. ROSE BROS, & HARTMAN, II KAS.T KING sTKUirr. iWlind yhotenvapha. TDOTE. - I JUST RECEIVED 'FROM Benigstag, Prussia, Twe Backgrounds made especially for Bust and Three-quarter Length Photographs. 60 i-2 North Queen St., Next Deer te the Postefflce. Iau7-tiuid mm flAT T Wfil I .III I H Ull IS rlNGKR MAILS CAME OTF. a rear I wu sMIiMl with & horrible naa nt tslnnrf tv,IMt. anil SB-Mfdl ftf lira months of that time 1 m unable te de work of anyklad. My Anger nail came off an ray hair dropped out, leaving my head m clean nnd smooth as ir It had been shaved. I con sulted the best local physicians, and spent hun dreds of dollars for medlelnea of different kind, but withent receiving the slightest benefit. I was advised Anally te visit Het Hwlnrs. Thls I did, but becoming disgusted with the treat ment t was receiving there, commenced taking thrift's Spccine (8. H.S) The effect that 8. 8. K had en me waa truly wonderful. I commenced te recover after taking the flrat bottle, and by the time f had taken twelve bottle I waa en tirely cured-rnred by Swift's 8 peel lie (S. H. 8.) when the world-renowned Het Springs had failed. WM.H.LOOMIB. . . Shrcvepert, I a." FOUR YEARS ON CRUTCHES. Fernrtcen years I was afflU-teU with rhsuma tlsm, four years of which I was compelled te go en crutches. Words are Inadequate te express the sufferings I endured during that time, oar ing these fifteen years of existence (It was net living), I tried every known remedy withent receiving any benefit. I finally began en Swia's Hpecinc(s. S. 8.),whlch n-era the first rave me relief, und te-day I am enjoying the best of health, and am a welt man. 1 candidly be lieve that 8. 8, H. Is the best bleed purifier en the market te-day, J. T. TAYLOR, Cuba, Me,. Treatise en Bleed and Hkln Disease mailed free. BW1FT SPECIFIC CO., (3) Atlanta, Ga. w EAK. UNDEVELOPED FARTS Of the Human Bedv Enlanred.-Develeped. Strengthened, eta, Is an Interesting advertise ment long run In enr paper. In reply te In quiries we will say that there I no evidence of humbug about this, en the contrary, the ad-' vcrtlscrs are very highly Indorsed. Interested persons may get sealed circulars giving all par ticulars, by writing te the ERIE MEDICAL CO., 6 Swan SL, Buffalo, N. Y.DaUu Teledo Bet. fll-lydAw TjlLY'8 CREAM BALM. CATARRH, HAY FEVER. Ely's Cream Balm Cleanses the Nasal Passages, Allays Pain and Inflammation, Heals the Seres, Restores the Senses efTasta and Smell. TRY THE CURE. A particle Is applied te each nostril and ts agreeable. Prlccb'JcentsatDrugglitsj by mall, registered, (JO cents. ELY BROTHERS, sepll-IydAw Ne. 66 Warren St., New Yerk. rpEETHING HYRUP. TO MOTHERS. Every babe should hnve a beitte of DR. FAHRNEY'H TEETHING SYRUP. Perfectly safe. Ne Opium or Merpblamlxturcs. Will re lieeo Cetlc, Griping In the Bowels and Promote Difficult Teething. Prepared by DR8. D. PAHR NHY&HON, Uagerslewn, Md. Druggists sell It; 25 cents. Trial bottle sent by mall 10 cents, lant-lydoed&w (Hrecctic. CLARKE'S GREAT BARGAINS -IN- Teas, Coffees and Groceries. Sugars Lewer. New Leghorn Citren V tl 18c Geed Sweet Roasted Cofree SOe Prunes, 2, a, 4 nnd S t) for "Be Apricots, 2, :i und 4 Ks for He 4 lbs County Dried Apples for 25e Geed Slre Bettle CaUup for 5c Large Buckets Jelly for ...31.00 Itunkel 4 Baker's Cocej,Epps Cocea 20c Baker or Itunkel Cliocelate IKe 8 Bexes Coffee Essence , Ge Peppy Oil Seap Powder per package. .. Be Electric Paste Htove Polish 6e Table S rup "B quart , 8c Full Cream Cheese p B , 12Uc 3 Large Glasses Mustard for 2ec Fishing Creek Buckwheat, Jf sack 75c SAMUEL CLARKE'S TEA AND COFFEE AND GROCERY STORE, 12 11 SOUTH QUEEN STREET. P. b. Agents for the only Genuine Lltltx BrelzelB. AT BUliyK'H. These Fine Smoked Siscees That tickled the palate of all who used them last season new In stock. THE YENTZER CELEBRATED EVAPOR ATED SUGAR CORN, nothing tlncr.und doubt Its equal. Sold only by us In Lancaster, Apples I Apples I Apples! Michigan Apples by the Barrel or Itetull. New Foreign nnd Demestic Fruits. Fresh Oatmeal and Aveno, Wheatlett. Farina, etc Edem, Sapsuge, Pineapple nnd Yerk state Cream Clieec, at BURSK'S, Ne. 17 East King Street, liANCASTER. PA. A' t REisrs. SUGAR TUMBLES ! The Markets of the Whole World In a Demor alized Condition I THEY WILL SURELY DROP ANOTHER CENT I LOOK OUT FOR IT t SPECIAL NOTICE ! Our Stere will be OPEN EVERY EVENING Until Further Notlce I CARDS GIVEN AWAY ON SATURDAY EVENING 1 WLOOK AT THI8.-M Hplccd Bologna at 12'c j lb. hummer Bologna, tic v ft. -. Dried Beef, 10c und 120 rl ft. Dried Beef Knuckles, extra line, ISe V lb. Portland Herring, tt fts for 25c. B-AND THEN AT THI8.-J Extia Flne Layer Pies. 3 Rs for 25c. Extra Fine Sultana Raisins, 3 lbs feriV. Extra Flne Valencia Raisins, 3 lbs for 25. Bet New Em-llsh .Currants, H b rer25. GeikI Prunes, 0 fts for 25c. Extra Large Prunes, 3 lbs for 25c. New Apricots, 3 lbs for 25c. Finest PruncIIas,2 lbs for 25c. Evaporated Apples, 3 fts for 25c. Pinches, 5 fts for 25c. 3-AND NOW AT THIS.-Ka. Fresh Thick Wnltr Crackers, 4 lbs for 25c. Fresh Thin Water Crackers, 4 ftsfer25c. Finest Ginger Snaps, 3fts for 25c. Finest Nlcnacs, 3 lbs for 25c Geed Nlcnacs, 5 lbs for 25c. Fruit, Puddlng,8 packs for 60c. Fresh New Rolled Outs, H lbs for 25c. Fresh Wheat Gerin.O lbs for 25c, Granulated Cornmeal, 7 quarts for 2c. 3-JUST IN.-S9 Best Mincemeat, New Dates, Paradise Meadow Cranberries, Comb Heney, New len tils, Split Peas, Heminy, Shaker Cern, Pens, Beans, Lima Beans, and a hundred ether thlncs, geed and useful. Loek nt our room and j eu'll find It chuck full. REIST ! WHOLESALE AND RETAIL GROCER, CORNER WEST KING AND I'RINCE STS., Directly Opposite J, B. Martin S- Ce.'sDry Goods Stere, and Next Doer te Serrel Hetse Hetel. gjeuecfuvuiahittii (Eioebe. -"1ALL ANU SEE THE ROCHESTER LAMP! Sixty Cundle-LIght; Beau them all. Anether lx-t of Cheap Glebes fur Gas aud Oil Stoics. THE " PERFECTION " METAL MOULDING and RUBBER CUSHION Weather Strip. Beats them all. Thlsstrlpoutwearsallethers. Keeps out the cold. Mops rattling or windows. Excludes the dust. Keeps out snow and ruin. Anyone can apply it no waste or dirt made In applying It. Can be fitted an-, where no holes te bore, ready for use. Iitllluel split, warn or shrink cushion strip is the most perfcct-nAt the Steve, Heater and Range Htere of JelmP. Schaum & Sens, 34 SOUTH QUEEN ST., LANCASTER PA. CUthtHft. M (MMARATHFON. $10 Suits. ITS A GOOD DEAL TO CLAIM THAT WE HAVE THE- BEST ALL-WOOL SUITS AT TEN DOLLARS. It' truetheugh. It's acknowledged by every one. There's no one In a better position te make this Icltlm than we, and there Is none better able te carry It out. . "-"" THE SAME M AY BE SAID OF OUR ALL-WOOL OVERCOATS AT TEN DOLLARS. They are attractive in appearance, excellent In quality, and very modest In price. If you see them you'll buy. Es-rellent qualities at popular prices. Myers & Rathven, RELIABLE 0LOTHLEB8, NO. 17EASTE2NGSTREET LANCASTER, PA. T IO CLOTHING BUYERS. LGansman&Bre. THE BEST GOODS -FOR THE Least Meney 7 Keep this In your mind. It will be peer poli cy en your part te buy your 'Winter Clothing Without first looking at what we have le offer. Every kind of Overcoats are here at Prices that are lower than any ether house asks for same qualities or goods. Remember this lfyeu apprcclate flrst-cluss work, geed styles nnd a perfect fit. Yeu can get thcm-Trem us actually for less money than you pay elsewhere for ordi nary and inferior work. 20 Styles of Men's Otcrceats At (1 00 25 " " " At f 8 00 O " " - AIS1000 J5 ' " ' AtJlZUO 15 " " " ...AttMOO See our Men's nnd Bey's Storm Overcoats at Jl 00, Se 00, M 00, $8 00,110 00. ' Children's Overcoats, at tl 25, II 75, 12 00, $3 00, ft 00,15 00, (l 00. A Ltrge Assortment of Children's Suits at II 30, tl 50,81 75, t2 00, 5.1 00. tt 00. Our Custom Department offers seme Real Bargains In Trousers, Suitings and Overcoat Overceat ings. See our 112 and $15 Suits te Order. They ere Big Value for the Meney. L. Gansman & Bre., Tailors and Manufacturers of Men's, Bey's and Children's Clothing (Exclusive.) 6 gad 68 NORTH QUEEN ST., S.W. CORNER OF 0BAN0B, LANCASTER, Pit. -Net connected with any ether Clothing Heuse In the city. H IltSU (X BROTHER. Hirsh & Brether. Said a stinngrr te-day alter looking ever our cloven large show windows, nnd he spoke the truth. Nowhere will you find the assortment, ihe qualities, the lit aud the low prices which make our Clothing famous, and which have done se for almost thlrty-slx years. Take a Loek at Oar Windows, And remember what Is true of the exterior Is true of the Interior, OUR Merchant Tailoring Department Is completeness Itself. We can show you a Una of Buttings, Overceatings and Pantaloenlngs Which arc beautiful In design, first-class In quality, aud with the uddltlen of our guaran teed fit, serve le please everyone. Try It. Men's, Beys' and Children's Ready -Made Suits -AND OVERCOATS Are hern In all styles, qualities and pilces, and we can please the most fastidious. Extra Pants In all sixes. Men's and Beys' Furnishings. Underwear In White, Grey, Red, 18c te 11.00. Gloves In Kid, Buck, Weel. Tan, 10c te Jl.50. Flannel, White, Calice and Demel Shirts. Hosiery, Neckwear, Cellars and Cutr. Knit Jackets and Stockinet Coats. Children's Shirt Waists. ONE-VIUCK CLOTHING AND FUKNISHINC HOUSE, North Queen Street and Centre Square, LANCASTER. PA. SUtOVtt?). TT UTHER S. KAUFFMAN, ATTORNEV-AT-LAW. Second Fleer Eshleman Lav Building, Ne. 43 North lukMtret. aprtt-ydtir TEHSEJONES&CO.. J Manufacturers CONFECTIONERS' FINE PAPER BOXES. The most beautiful line In the United States. 815 CommerroSU.Phlladel CemmerroSU.Phlladel CommerreSU.Phlladel unf Pa. WrlU for descriptive price 1UL phlael-TSteed Ad Exposition Itself Hi BROTHER'S fatT ef efttshtem mute Lj Palace of lasin ! US AKD 117 H. QUIET IT. The Heme Fer Lew Prices On All Goods. Always the first te give te our cus tomers Uie benefit of Reduced Price, or In return enjoy the benefit of greatly In creased Rales front day te day. While an article sells readily at the old price we never hesitate te put the kulfe Inte It, whenever an opportunity Is offered te de se. AVe nre making reductions everyday and in every department, always Keep ing the ene object In view te please our customers. " Selling cheap " does net mean te sell trashy ana Inferior geed for less money, but the best the market affords, and us geed as our neighbors for n lower price. We sell French Hairpins, n dozen packages, for 4c. Imitation Eugllsh Hairpins, 2 pack ages for 8c. English Plus, -te a paper. 14 rows of Pins for lc. Black PiBs, Sc a box ; large boxes of Black Pins, 6c. Rubber Lined Dress Shields, 6c. Featherweight, Impervious Shields, 10c a pair. Steckinette, seamless, 8 pairs for 2ec. Elegant quality Fancy Garter Web bing, at 6c a yard. Imitation Silk Garter Web, 7c a yard. Eight and blncjnch Dress Shields, 4e a dozen. Corset Steels, 4 and 6 hook, white and drab, detachable, 6u n pair. Deuble-back Corset Steels, 8c a pnlr ; white and ecru. Leng Dress Steels, 16, 18 aud 21 Inches, at lc each: 6e n dozen. The same with rubber ends, Uceachi 10c a dozen. Patent clasp, Japanned Shawl and Heek Straps. 10c. Patent Halrcurlcrs, 10c. A 'juartcr of a ream of geed writing paper for 25e ; gilt edged for 20c. Fine quality paper and envelopes and with fancy heading, In fancy boxes, liMc a box. Finest quality rugged edged UMperaud envelopes. In fancy box, SOe a mx. 600 yards spool cotton for 2c. Geed rubber combs for 6c. A geed teeth brush for 6c. A geed wire hair brush for 10c. Flne black jet buttons for 10c a card, dozens. Flue metal dress buttons for 10c a cenl. Safety plus, 2c a dozen. Lend pencils, 6c a dozen. Large feather dusters, made of split ostrich feathers, for 25c. 64-inch stamped linen stand covers, openwerked and fringed, for 21c. 72-inch stumped linen sideboard covers, knotted frlnire, for 20c. 64-inch Moinle linen stand covers, satin dado border and fringe, for 85e ; 72-Inch for 48c. Solid geld rings, finely chased, each ring guaranteed solid geld, or the money refunded wlthiu 12 months, only $1. Oxydlze and silver hoop bracelets, 6c apiece. Chased silver hoop bracelets, 10c apiece. Oxydlze link bracelets, 10 new de signs, at 20c apiece. These are net the tenth part of what you can see lfyeu will pay us a visit. We ask no ene te buy. Our prices de the talk lug. Cenie aud see us ! 115 & 117 North Queen Street. itiatcltcj. TIT-ATHES. , Watches, Clocks, Jewelry. Specs, E Etc., at LOWEST PRICES. Evc-aiasse Optical Goods. Telegraph Tlme Dally. Every Article In this Line Carefully Repaired. Leuis Weber, Me. lB9JiNerth Queen St.. Near P. B. R. Station JEWELER AND GRADUATE OITICIAN. GILL Jeweler and Graduate Optician. WEDDING PRESENTS Beyal Worcester and Antique Silver. EXAMINATION OK EYES FREE. NO DROPH UBED. OHAS. S. GILL, Ne. 10 West King St., LANCASTER. PENN'A. fLec; ,OCK HUYERfl. We have rcc.lcd an unusually Large and Attractive Ijineef ONYX AND FRENCH MARBLE CLOCKS. Entirely New Stjles, which we Offer at Prices that Cannet be Ikntcu. These, with our already lurge stock of less ex pensive, IRON. WOOD CAME and NICKELS, jelvn us Iho largest and Most' Complcte Hleck In the city. Yeu can hest sere your Interests by calling aud lnsK'Ct!ni;. 43-AU Kinds or Cleck Repairing Dene Promptly. HERR, Ne. 101 N. Queen St. CORNER OK ORANfJE. Jlcutifitvtj. TENTAL ROOMB. R. D. McCASKEY, Dentist. OlUDUATK IN DtSIISTIIV ASH AK.TltETIi. OHlce anil Residence, HOUTIIKAHT ()R. ORANfiE AND NORTH QUEEN HTRKI.TH. Prompt Attmtlen. CharKcs Riaseuubte, All Werk Warranted. Hours 8 a. m. te S . 111. Week Da s. scptMlmdAw TTvENTIbTHY. " 30 Years Practice In One Offlce." J. B. McCASXEY, NO. 1 1 EABT KINO STREET, 0erl'!nl National Hank. Dentistry In all Its branches. Uas administered. Teeth extracted absolutely without pain. All work warrante-!. elWIuicllI.hAw rnllUE DALMATIAN JNSEUT POWDER, I propelled by a gixxt powder blower. Is the most tttcctual destroyer of tiles and ether small Insects. Fer sale AtHUBLEY'H nilUtl BTORE, 2d Wtst ICtus BtrecL Palace of Fashion, 911 HAGER & CONNEMARAH, a Leading Nevellty In Plald and Striped Cleths. DIRKCTOIUE NEWMARKETS, Applique, New and Btyllsh. I1RAIDED CLOTH WRAPS, STOCKINETTE JERSEYH, HEAL Pl.tJHH COATS, WRAPS AND JACKETS, Manufactured from the Celebrated "Walker Plush." MIHSEH'andCHlLDREN'H CLOAKS, Nov Nev eltyStylcs and UAniES CASHMERE CLOAKS, Cream and High Celers. 'GOSSAMERS-Ladles and Children. SHAWLS. lltiACIC CASIIMERE-LeilE and Hquarf. WOOLSHAWLS-Leng and Square, In I'lalds, Plain and Stripes. Fall and Winter Cloaks. 25,27,29,31 WEST KING ST. N EXT DOOR TO THE COURT HOUSE. Coats ! Coats I Coats I lfyeu want a coat of any description, holt Ladtea' or Children's In lonser short, this Is the place te come. We have the largest stock te select from you'll nnd In the city, whlle our prices iccemmcnd themselves. I4ullcs' All-Weel Steckinette Jackets, S.H te f 10. Ladles' Heavy Weight Clelh Jackets, fllejli!. Ladles' Cleth Newmarkets, fl tet'JO. Ladles' Seal Plush Jackets, Wraps, nnd Sncques, elegantly made and finished, nt very low prices. Children's Oretchen Ceals, 2 le 0 years, 2 te CI. Children's Heavy Illeth Costs, i te 10 ears, i te C10, M hues' Newmarkets, 10 le It) years, CI 5 te CIS. COME IN AND LOOK THEM OVER. FRHNESTOCK'S, 35 and 37 East King St., Lancaster, Pa. VrETZOER 4 HAUOHMAn! LADIES' AND CHILDREN'S COATS METZGER & Just 0ciictl a Lnrgu itntl HiiihIsoiiie AHsertnii'iil. of LADIES' anil CHIL DREN'S COATS at the Lewest Prices. rurtieulur Attention Is called te our SEAL PLUSH COATS, nimle expressly for lis by the IJent Mnnufiicttirt're. Fer Style, lleatity mitt Finish Cannet Iw Ex-eellcil. Metzger& Ha ugh man's Cheap Stere, Nes. 38 and 40 West King Street, Lancaster, Pa. (OPl'OSITK THIS B ARD 4 MCELROY. bard Sc Nes. 33 and 35 Seuth Queen Street, ' Opposite Fountain Inn. EXTRAORDINARY VALUES Isn't Itnfsct, that for the same amount oC-tnency you can. huy setter Koeds In ene store than you can In another T Why ? Ilecuusu sumo sell their aoeds at smaller prellts, giving you a hetl-r article for your meney. We claim te sell uoeds closer than any ether house In lancastcr. In our last advertisement we spoke nheut Underwear. Men's White or Colored nt 20c. 2&c,S7Kc, G0e and up. ladles nt 2V-, 39c, 00c and up. New wuiloyeu may seethe same priced Reeds at any ether store, ws claim our Reeds at the prices are the hest value eer etlurcd. Tahoeur Iveilles Vests, startlne at iKe, next unidciaic, and se en, pcrhups you will tny the next grade at ether stores Is .ffUcruch or 7Sc per pair, se It Is, and our price iftie or T8e per pair, Ue a pair hinder, but for thn dltlerence ofScmnre we Kite you a imlr of vests that retail at f I, a saving of Sic en every pair. Hut we can't siwak of nvrry nuinlwr of Underwear, In Ladles', Men's or Children's, as we have them In Merine, Medicated, Natural Weel, Camel's Hulr, etc HHAWLH-Extra bargains In HlrmleHhawls at SI, tltlM),r2 and up, 'e would call special mention of two numbers In Deuble Khawls that nre way below Iho regular prb-e. One In a Green, lllaek and Blue I'lald at MW, which Isnt least II under price. Anether number Is one nt, $160, whkli, we are sure, you cannot nmtcli In (iiillly ler less than M, In a ureal variety of styles. HarRalns In Illack Thibet Shawls In single, und double. HheulderHhuwts from 10c up flLANKErs White aud Colored Illankels at 76c, 85c, l, II 25, 11 W, II 75, li, S2 25, 3, 13 CO, JL II 50, 11. M. 17, Jt. Every kind nt the nrlce Is a bargain. COMFORI'K-Coinfertsnt75c,tl,ll23,ll50tJ175,82,l225,l3,3. Our own make. Ijtmeslte at II r0 Is one of our het tellers. r itlitil liW rneiwiinsianuint! me muu L.VN1SWJ Aeiwiiusianuini; me muu wcaiucr we nave sem a quaniiiT ei r inni-ei nircauy in Flannels at 8c, (ke,M, 10c, Vi'S, etc.; In Weel Flannels, In Orey, at I0e, 12kc, 15c, lsc, etc.; ill2Kc, 15c, a)c. 25c und up; lnNavy lllueuta5c,31c, 40c and 00c. Embroidered Flannels t. In I'urn or Cream While, embroidered whlle; In lllue Urey, embroidered cardinal; In In Cotten In Red at fur Hklrtu it......... . f I n. I ml.vrtt.lAv.i.l l.w.... ut.l .ml fil MTAMl'EDUOODS Htnmped Pillow HhainsntSOc and 25e Jier pair. Htamped Linen Wash stand Cevers, 2Tkj. Ilurcau Hearfs, 35c, 45c and up. Tidies from 5u up. Hiilashers from lOe up. OIL CLOTjI We are eirerlnit a special Reed article In Fleer Oil Cleth, 2 yards wlde,i.tfi0c a yard. Just the thine fur uneMii lloers, aslt Is soft and pliable. All crudes rremyurd te 2J j ards wide. Cheap Cocea Rukb at 60c ; worth 75c. PANT OOOIM An extra fiirce stock of l'mitlnxnt 10c. 12 I5e, ISc, 20e, 25c, 37Xe, 0c, 4V, 60c, We, 75c nnd up. It Is only by eirerlm; baritalns e iirucniilile te Increase our trade, which we have been iIeIhk oserslnce we started. FEiiTHEIW The best Kcuthir thea. A lower grade at 60c. bare) & Mcelrey. Ne3. 33 and 35 Seuth Queen Street. 1? TtLlNN A I1RENEMAN, BARGAINS-REDUCED PRICES. FULL Sl.B NO. 7 HANOI;... FULI.SIZl. NO. 8 HANOI:.... Cook Steves and Parler Steves REDUCED PRICES. FLINN Sl BREHEMAI, Ne. 152 North Queen Street, Lancaster, Peun'a. (&avvcl TAROAINH I 00 TO Shirk's Carpet Hall ! Wilten, Velvet, Bedy Brussels, Tapestry, Ingrain, Damask and Venetian, Rag and Chain Carpets. OIL CLOTHS, WINDOW SHADES, &e. WH 1UVKTIIIS ItllOlMTANn UwtBtik'k inthkCitv. H. S. SHIRK St SONS, Cor, West King and Water Sts,, Lancaster, Pa. S0&. BROTHER Special Display OK- PATTERN GOWNS. SCUTACKE EMRROIDERED, VANDYAKE EMIIROIDERED, ASTn ACHAN EMBROIDERED, PERSIAN HOREHED, VELVET UHOCADED. PLAIN FABRICS. RROAD CLOTHS, FRENCH WHIPCORDS, ENGLISH BF.UOE, DRAPD'ALMA, HENRIETTA CLOTH. PLAIDS AND STRIPES. CASUMERS, SEROE, FOULE, CLOTH. NETS AND GAUZES. TINSEL, FISH MESH, BRUSSELS. -AT- HAUGHMAN S. COOPER HOU8IS.) Mcelrey, wcaiucr we nave sem a quaniiiT ei r innneis nircauy 'H tf ennl ltci.,u tif ,1 n ri 1 1 1 tr nnd miltrtia Opposite Fountain Inn. winter Dress Goods. touce, ivc. .ONLY 5 8.&0. .ONLY 10.00. -AT- rtU. JJ' ARQAINS I -FOR- tTrawelrr' Wttlbe.:? "pENNHYLVANIA RAILMOADBCHBO vilTl. ?.I'?!AIK Ae.tsrKR and lears riveatl'hlladelphlaas follews: I AA.. IWE8TWARD. JcincEiprenf . News Expressf ..... S".?.,r",B,'rt MtfiilnvlaMUey1 Np.2JlnllTralnt.J... Niagara Express. IlanoviTAccem....,. Kast Liner... -. Frederick Accem... Lancaster Aceem..... Harrlsbuijr Accem.. Ciilumbln Arcein l'hllrtdelphl uvtn p. m. IJOs. m. 4,10 a. m. Mm. MIS. via Columbia H.r.1 n . ... J. via Columbia llflea. UlHlh. tn. imp. 15 Vfu fltlM.l.lH viasiujer. i!;i1 p. m. 1:W p. tn. "M p, in. .-."0 p. m. 7:40 p. iinrnseuiy Kxpress.. Western Express!...... Lancaster Acoe.... . KA8TWARD. Thlla. Exprcssf..... FaslLlncf. J. . LancasterAcce JlarrtsburKnCxpress lAiicastcr Aceem..... Columbia Accem..M.... Attuntle Exprcsst..., Henshore Express rhlladelnhla Aceem. Hnndnv lnll 111:10 p. I tush n l ??"n:...i Ar LVPi-i I?nve Lancaster. 2:20 a, m. 4:15 a. m. 6:15 a. m R.I0 a. m. 8.M n. m. v.w a. nv 11:15 a. m. VtSM p. m. 3"i p. m. a.-oe p. in, 4:11 p. m. 8:45 p, in. RJ.') p. n. Arriv n 4a. aMsv'i aM i waa. j vlaMU 11:S a, I 3:15 p. I D:n. J n-suB. i Pay Expressf"!.7.'."'.! 8:SBp.l Mall Trnlut ivjm p. : tThn enlv trains wlileii run iintt. On Sunday the Mall train west runs br wi Columbia. ,k 3 J. R. WOOD, General Inneiii!er Ajent'i M CJIAH. E. I'UUII. Oencral Alansger. ' " J TIIILAUELI'UIA &REAUINO KAILROJ READINO A COLUMBIA DIVISION. Xr?j On and alter Monday, July 1. 18W, ii.iu.muu.sn.1 ii.iii eiin if. im tuiiunn, w; Fer Ilenillnir and Intermediate petnu. WMi tAy;: JXQ n. in., 12:35, 3;W p.m.; HuuUer.MMi ..... I..M, ... .11. ,' Fer l'hlladelphla, week days, 7s.10 . ra., 3: is p. m.j Hundaj's, 8Ar p. tn. ? Fer New Yerk via l'hlladelphla, week 7::) H. 111.. 12-Ci 'MS n in " ' Fer New Yerk via Allentown, week drkj 12A1 p. m. 3 Fer Allentown, week dajs, 7;TO a. m..8;s,i 111. i Hundav. SAI n. m. iv1 ir;.:.rr',r.- r .". . -.. . r ur iei lavine, wcck aays, V.KIB, m., B:4 p. 1 Hnndsv. 8:an. tn. V Fer Lebanon, week days. 7:00 a.m., 12:38, t I. in, nuiiuuy, :uu n. in, uuu p. m. v Fer IlarrlsbiirK, week days, 7.-00 a. m., IM j-. i. in. ; nununy, n.-ve a. m. Fer quarry vllle, week days, 9- a. e.wp. m.j eunuay, e:iup. m. '.B TniTiuu wirt MH.iiimn .? a Iave Readlmr, week days, 7:20, ll:SSsvTf,i imm i". in.; nuiiuiiy, hmu. in.; .Kill p. In. rj- Ixavn Philadelphia, week days, 4:15, Msti Ult, t,W J'. III. y2 Leave New Yerk via Philadelphia, weckcJsJN 7:4ft n. m.. 1:30, 12.A0 p. m. v' Leave New Yerk via Alteulewn, week dl1 .,W 1 III., 1.VI p. 111. s Iave Allentown, week days, 5:52 a.m.;i pm. f,i Leave 1'ettsvllle, week dajs, 5 JX) a. m i. in. Iave liebauen, week days, 7:12 a. tn.,' it. i. ,' ill. , nimuiij, f.tM u. ill., .1,1.1 1 ill, t . Uminc llarrlsliurK, week days, 6.2S a. m.: I asy, o.eon. in. ,-n I Hivn illins-iiirvltlM WAi.tr A, A.JA lliAA a1 jvm f,s s j Vf m ws uhj u.w, mmr m mt SK J Hutiday, 7:10 a. in. "& ' ixil i Mltm fiiwv trti3tswmj "TLF i. Leve IMiUaftc.phlii, Chestnut Btret wli mini neuiii biitci wimrr. Fer Atlnntln Cltv. trmk dnrii. n Qfl n Mri tiftft JrfsflnitH RV tn vtt iAuMM.Iilatl 7:30 a. in. and 4:30 p. m. ; Him'rtay, Express. and 9:00 a.m., Accommodation, BM a. m...'( p.m. 5 ' iteiurninx leave Aiiantte city, oenet ee Atlantic and Arkansas Avenues. Week da Kxpn.is7.-uu ana iu: a. m, ana l.m. Ac modntlen.H:03a. m. nnd 4:30 n. m. Hundi Express. 4 and 3:30 p. in. Accommodation, 1 a, in. and 4,-fle p. in. , " - Detailed time tables can be obtained sit U enices. - .v A. A. McLEOI). C. (i. H ANCOCJC Vice l'rcs. A Ueu'l M'er. Oenl rnss'r Aslt - T EHANON LANCAHTER JOINT i XJ HA1L.IIUAU, . 4 i '.i Arrangements of l'nsseniter Trains en audi buiuhat, amy iz, ussy. NenTitWAitn. I 8tii Leave A. jr. p. M. I". M.I A. It, KIIKCHtrect, Inc. 7K Ijtncaater ..., 7.-07 Manhelm ,.... 7:13 Cornwall 7:31 Arrlun a I. I2.:n 12: in IM 1:H) S.-40 &0S . &:88 tkS8 6:46 K.I & , V...c 1 Lebanon - till 1:M 7M wisi rjkiutiiWARO jj; Leave a.m. r.H. v.n. A.M. Pi Lebanon .............. 7:12 1230 7:14 Cornwall 737 12: IS 7:30 Manhelm:....... 7:58 1:1 7:57 Lancaster 837 1:53 . OI Arrlve nt irini.Mtnw.t tin. S.M MSI S'Aa TM-Jii 2 Snr.fl .av W1 A. M. WI LHON. Hunt. U.AC. Railroad. .is?J3 a H. NEFF.HDP1.0.B.B. Z4t- Ijlttrtware. H IQH MARTIN. uft' u i -tt'Li i 'PK -i , 1 -9: TTuiiritl iiinl nliiililnlilal AnllnLta feffl would grace tlie Dlulng Table or wow be n valuable) addition te the Tirnn of nvnn the mnnt fitxtlillriiia. . z-v can't dcHcribe them. It's yeurprlt ego te examine tbcin. If you don't, ; will in Ins a lglit at the beautiful i eh the opportunity of possessing itvl Uuvilaud'H Decorated China W prominence always. Many New . den, Designs aud Dt-eoratleusi beautiful than ever. Royal We in New Design?! and Shapes, Japans m m Ware In Large Variety aud Styles. '"JM host of ether articles of Funoy'U&etJvl uiuuiiy iiiiiiuwiui:. suineiia mjiuvisas prcwiittf (wedding or otherwise), wiUjv'j . . . .-i grct, if purcnasing . before exaniinu our assortment. Remember, all are wtV'j come. OchmIh exchanged if net satlsfac? terj. HIGH & MARTINI 15 East King Street. Ittnaic. 1-vONT .MISS IT I .ffJi RARE BARGAINS. A annul Display of the Most Popular 'S Pianos and Oraana .ni tfit Kirk Jehnsen & Ce -AT TUB rt- LANCASTER COUNTY FAIR.1 All should examine them, for sooner or Is ,.. u-lll mini niiA.nnitoiletlmt Will KlVOv satisfaction. We nesithely euarAiilee eatlal tlen In every particular for six years, and i en the easiest icnusine imiuim uim Think uflt -hum oue te two years te lour ter ii.i.tiiuuHi'niHUrfliiiu direct from uieiaele aud we will etrera nasltle baranlii each day M...i.vlr KIRK JOHNSON. I-CO.. Ne. SI West Kins .St., Luucistcr, fa. P. 8. Second-Hand IVJ-s uud Organs taMt In Exchnuse. n2Hyd, .vsm ten irli tun il.LMIu s it tvt u:s.. ". ..vei' .'yjf.'i.r." ,Lt tlta.-vMl persons am urreijyitf.w te trespass en any of the lands of thv. nl jjiueiieeuncii enuiu in i,cuiiuii w j lOUllllCS, wuciiier iucueu ur uhiwi, for the pnrOM of shoetlne or 0hlmr,s law will he rlsldly enforced axalust idl jiassluK en said lands of the uudershJBfO, tuisneucts ytMoelX!txsintXauM B.I'KOVAIJ)EN. iiiur t vtiKEMsa. Attenisjs te K. Wi OaswtW's ri'j- f- m JJ.J3 -" , ... 1 -i . - w . ', - Jiii'J&sS-" w Mst-saXX?.