"'A " T W N W h i-iV- --K r . T , -r 1IJ f . l !... . -- fft w. r , T 7rvv,,B 'ji-- A l ' '- . ,, rfU-'iV1' v iVi " E U .T- THllJLirOABTIR DAILY DHBlW ftATTTRPAY, NOVEMBFJM, 1880. i. .1- Vrt 1 6 ii '.V! ' MkMM wietn.p m eaewv. ' efthe Threat. Pram the Baltimore American. A writer In the current number of I 'Mtdical Claatle dlecusses at considerable lesirth trhv twrt irtayed by the beard in Iranian history, and the general, but quea- Hoeaoio. naeii ei Miavinir. wmcn innun te be en tbe Increase In clvlllwxl lifted Quite a number of race are net nrevided I .with beard, the climates In which they nve ana tueir caominate natures ana Banns I net requiring such protection $ but all the I Vigorous, pushing and progressive races have been abundantly provlded with this appendage, mid the writer claims that as 1 there is nothing In nature without a use, this of Itself Is atl argument Itl favor or I wearing It, ntther than shaving It oil". I Adam tuccesssrlly had a bcatd, because I until the advent of Tubal Cain there iras no renins te mnke n razor with which te clip It. Moses, ene of the greatest of aanl- 1 Mnans, cetnneLiea tne iieerews 10 wear tke beard lenjf en tlielr chins. All the great men of ancient times are represented m wearing long beards, me ausonce ei one led Queen Eleaner te secure a divorce from Louts Vlt. and marry Henry II. of England, from which sprang the bloody wars which " for mere than two hundred tears ravaired the land and ultimately cost France three million soldiers. " There have been several ucrieds In hlt- tery where men cither sluncd portions of their faces or trimmed their beards into odd shapes, but never has there been mich general abandonment of tli Is hairy append append age as at present. In ether ages Its removal was cenflned le fops and the petted dnrllncs of draivlnij-roems.who were then regarded aa of lltlle inore impertance than ladies' lap-dogs; but today it Is net uncommon i te find meu of gcnulne ability and worth without a particle of hair en their faccs,aud very often they wear nothing but mous taches. The 'article in question gives a number of reasons why this fashion should be discontinued, but the principal one Is te obviously nenslhln that there is no need te : clte ethors. In n cllmate like ours the 1 removal of the beard Is dangerous te health. aien in uie winter tune, wiieiner wmi their he,Us or thelr hands, work mostly under cover, and the tin eat, being sensi sensi tlve, seen becomes suffused with moist ure, showing that the pores are epen. The moment tuey go into me open nir mee pores close, causing an kiiius ei tureai aim DUlmenarv diseases. The dancer varies with the variableness of the climate and occupations of the persons. Lawyers, preachers and publle speakers of all binds are mere liable te disease from this cause thau ethers, because the vigorous exerciso of the organs of thothteat produces peispl ration and thelr sudden cliamre te the enen air. which almost always occurs after an effort, is dan gerous. Frem an testhetlc point of view, tne beard when properly trimmed Is pre- i forable te HhaUng, and only tuose who are unable te crew n decent beard, llke the fox in the fable who lest his tail, reap any ad vantage from the foolish habit. 'Women,, morcevor, as a rule prefer men with beards te these who have none, because the hair faces show that they. are men, that they are different from tliomselves, and the mous tache, no matter hew luxuriant, docs net mnke up Ter the Micriuce el tue hair en tne rest of tlie bed v. It it) doubtful, howevor. after all. if any of these arguments will indure men te forego the pleasure of a clean face. IVnttirc'h rffjrts nre always directed arlcht. mil sometimes occasional iifsls'nue or tlie proper kind proves eminently serviceable te nercnerls. Laxndorcemblnosovtry quality te render It of peculiar KOrvIce In very many dis eases. The ilUcnscs of hahvhecd nra seranldlv weak ening Unit the qulcki-st means should be used ie ruccic tucin. ur. uuirs uauy rariip is me unfailing remedy for thae complaints, l'rlce only 25 cents. Taken Vnnnnrcii. Unsuspected causes for malaria exist every where. A sunken let partly filled with water hi the Jclnlty of your abode, a new location upon land filled In, but formerly overflowed or marsh;, nnd causes far mero occult than these produce the ntmeiphirlc mtasmnta which con stitute the germs that. If Inhaled, ripen Inte fever and uguc and congenital maladies. A jcr jcr sen taken unawares with a malarial complaint should, as mxii as It declares lUclf, seek aid from tne sale, non-aisappeiuiing, coruiaimeui ceruiaimeui clnc, llestetter's Htemach Hitters, which has for ever a third of n century nnd lnecryqusr lnecryqusr teref the glebe relieved the malaria (stricken. mid neutralized miasma In air and water. The Bitters Imparts activity te the stomach, bowels and liver, rcels Incipient rheumatism, and remedies inaction ei tee munejs ana uuiuucr. Annptlle and sleen nre lmnrecd. and the in- flrinlttcs of age mitigated by Its use. gycciitl Iteiiccs. Is Consumplen lutcurublef Head the follewing: Mr. C.H.Merrls, Newark, Ark., says : " Was down with Abscess of Lungs, and Irlends and phjslelans pronounced me an Incurable CensumptUe. licgiiu talcing Dr. Kins' New Discovery for Consumption, am new en my llfth bottle, nnd able le oversee the work en my farm. It Is the finest medicine ever made." Jetse MIddleten, Decatur, Ohie, sus:"Had It net been Ter Dr. Klus's New Discovery for Consumption I would have, died of Lung Trou bles, was tthen up by doctors. Am new In best of health." Try It. batnple bottles fi oe at II. U. Cochran's Drug Htere, Nes. 1J7 and 1JD N, Quern St.. lincastcr, Pa. (5) Mothers! Mether t 1 Me thorn I t I Are you disturbed nt night and broken of your rest by n sick child suffering and crying with the excruciating pain of cutting tecthT If se, yen t onto mut getubottle of M1W. WINS LOW'S bOOTHINO HYHUI'. It will relieve the peer llttle bulltrer Immediately depend upon It ; there Is no mlstake ubeut It. There Is net a mother en earth who has ever used It, who will net tell you at once that It will regu late the bowels, and t e rest te the mother, and relief and Ticalth te the child, operating like magic. It U perfectly safe te use In ull cases and pleasant te the taste, and Is the prescription of ene of the eldest and best female physicians and nurses in the United States. Sold everywhere, 25 cents a bottle. luucSiljd&w lluckleii'M Arnica Salve. The He.stHai.ve in the world for Cuts, Bruises Kercs.Ulcers, haltllhemu, Fever Seres, Tetter. Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Cerns, and all HkluKruptlens, nnd positively cures riles, or no pay required. It Is guaranteed te gle per fect satisfaction, or money refunded. Trlce 25 rents per box. 1'er- sale by II. II. Cochran, Druggist, Nes. 1J7 and 139 North Queen street, Lancaster, I'a. luneZMyd Eloctrle Bitters. This lemcdy Is becoming se well known and se popular as te need no special mention. All who have used Klvctrle Bitters sing the same kongefpralie. A purer medicine dots net ex ist and ft is guaranteed te de all that is claimed. Klcctrie Hitters will cure all discuses of the Ltvernud Ividnes, will remove Pimples. Bells, bait Ilheum and etticr allcctiens caused by Im Im nme Meed. Will drle Jlalarla from the sis lent and prcent us well as cure ull Malarial fe crs, Fer euro of Headache. Constipation nnd Indigestion try Klcctrie Bitters. Hntlre Mutlsr.iUlen guaranteed or money refunded, l'rlie We and 1 00 per bettle at II. 11. Cochran's Drug bterc, 137 nnd 138 N. Queen St., Lancaster. I'm. (5) Suva, -ns.uiisi ruiist ruiwi Ladies' Fine Furs. Capes of Every Desirable Style. PERSIAN, MONKEY, ASTUAOHAN, ltc, Etc., Etc. uuas, Murrs and .steles. Grents' Eine Eurs AND Carnage Uebes. Trunks & Traveling Bags. STAUFFER & CO., 31 and 33 North Queen Street, LANCASTER. PA. OYSTERS I HEST OYSTERS IN THE MAR ket, KTrveil In all ttles, and metis at nil hours, at fltAltraJrE. HOVrKR'H, In the rear of the Central Market. Oysters In the shell or opened served te prhnte lamllles. Telephone connection. elmdlt ESSEJ0.SES4CO.. Manufacturers CONFECTiONEKS' FINE PAPhR POXES. The most beautiful line In the United states. 615 Commerce Ht..l'hlUdcl nuf Pa. Write for descriptive price Hsu phUtl-7tiU-Od Ctmcciu ttsHSbm. An Awful Sere Limb SklH cUur eae. neak m mam of Ha- . icimiaii ImI Mt.tktrA 1st alae. CoatUttea aepeles. Cm tar tke CU i, cum Hemedtes la two aeM Cured hgfcCutieura Fer three years I was almost cripple with an awful sere If from mrknee down te mr ankle I the skin was entirely gene, and the flesh was one mass or disease. Hern physician pro nounced It Incurable. It had diminished about one-third the site of the ether, and I was In a hopeless condition. After tryliur all kinds of remedies and spending hundreds of dollars, from which 1 get no relief whatever, I was per suaded te try your Cuticuka Kkmkdics, and the result was as fellows : After three days I noticed a decided change ler the better, ana at the end of two months I was completely cured. My Qcsh was purified, and the bone (which had been exposed for ever a year) get sound. The flesh began te grew, and te-day, aed for nearly two years past, tny leg Is as well a ever It was, sound In every respect, and net a sign of the disease te be seen. 8.Q.AHEKN. Dubois, Dedae Ce., Ua. Ikia DImam 17 Yean I have been troubled with a skin and scalp aisuue ier MiYeaieen years. My neaa at una was one running sere, and my body was cev- ered with tbem as large as a half dollar. I tried a great many remedies without effect until I used Ccticura Remedies, and am thankful te state that after two months or their use I am entirely cured, I feel It my duty te yen and the public te state above ease. L. K. UcDUWELL. Jamesburg, N. J. Anether XEarveUens Cere The CtmcvitA, Ccticura RE8ei.vxxt, and CuncrnA soap have brought about a marvel marvel eous euro In the cese of a skin disease en my little son eight years old. 1 have tried almost all remedies and also th mestemlnent doctors, all alike falllng,cxccpt the wonderful Cuticetia REMEDIES. ED. N. BROWN. 720 N. 18th St., Omaha, Neb. Outicura Reselvent The new Bleed Purifier and purest and best of Humer Cures, internally, and CtrriccnA, the great skin cure, and CtrricvnA Seap, an ex quisite skin Beautlflcr, externally, are a pest live euro for the every disease ana humor of the skin, scalp and bleed, with less of hair, from pimples te scrofula. Meld everywhere. Prlce.CCTicDRA.50e.; Seap, '.lie.; Hf.sei.vext. J1.00. Prepared by the Pot Pet ter Dboe akd Ciiexicai, CORponATiew, Bos Bes Bos eon. jpSend for " Hew te Cuie Skin Diseases," M pages, GO Illustrations, and 100 testimonials. PIHPLES, black-heads, red, rough, chapped, and oily skin ireeutcd by Ccticura Seap. HOW MY BACK ACHES. Back Ache, Kidney Tains, nnd Weakness, Soreness, Lameness, Strains, and Pain relieved in one minute bv the ccticura Anti-Pain Plastfr. The first and only Instantaneous paln-ktlllng plaster. Sanierd's Radical Cure for Catarrh. CURE BEGINS FROM FIRST APPLICA TION, AND IS RAPID, RADICAL, ' AND PERMANENT. It Is the mucous membrane, that wonderful semi-fluid envelope surrounding the delicate tissues of the air and feed passages, that Catarrh makes Its stronghold. Once estab lished, It eats Inte the very vitals, and renders life but a lenir-drawn breath of misery and dis ease, dulling the sense of hearing, trammelling the power of speech, destroying the faculty of smell, tainting the breath, and killing the re fined pleasures or taste. Insidiously, by creep tug en from a slmple cold In the head, It as saults the membranous lining and cn clops the bones, eating through the delicate coats nnd auslng Inflammation, sloughing, and ether dangerous symptoms. Nothing short of total eradication will secure health te the patient, nnd all alleviattvcs are simply procrastinated sufferings, sanferd's Radical Cure, by Inhalation and by Inlrrnnl administration, rarely falls; even whin the disease has made frightful Inroads en dcllcnte constitutions, hearing, smell, and late have been rcce ered, and the disease, thoroughly driven out. Snnftml'a Radical Cure 1'er Cntnrrii Consists or one bettle of the radical Cure, one box or catarrhal Selvist, nnd Im proved Inhaler, nil in ene package ; price, $1. Ask for sanferd's Radical cure. Sold everywhere. Petter Drce & Chemical Corporation, Bosten. ' nl-lmW.SAw V "Undeveloped parts Or the Human Bedy Enlarged, Developed, Strengthened, etc., Is an Interesting advertise ment long run In our paper. In reply te In quiries we will say that there Is no e ldence of humbug about this. On the contrary, the ad vertisers nre very highly Indorsed. Interested persons may get sealed circulars giving all par ticulars, by writing te tbe ERIE MEDICAL CO., 5 Swan St., Buffalo, N. X.IMlu Teledo Bee. m-lydisw Sv)j (Soei0. -TrILLLVMS0N '03Ti:it. A BUCKET FULL OF CANDY GIVEN AWAY WITH EVERY Knee Pant Suit r --0R CHILD'S OVERCOAT PURCHASED AT OUR STORES FROM November 1st te December 24th, Reys' Knee Pant dulls. 82 te $10. Child's Overcoats, ?i te J9. A Handsome Souvenir UIVEN WITH EVKRY Ladies' Newmarket, Hisses' Jacket or Girls' Gretchen PURCHASED AT OURSTORE9. Ladle Newmarkets, S8, te J20. Misses' Uleth Jackets, TlZOU f8.50. Olrls' Gretchen Coats, TiM te f IP. Second Special Sale OF BLANKETS AND COMFORTS At 15 te l!0 per cent. Less than Regular Prices FLANNEL SALE COMMENCES SATURDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER 2. inah:v dayhagreat RIBBON SALE WILL HE ANNOUNCED. ilent's lluslness Suits, fast Celers, 17, J,?tt,S10. lles lxms Pant Suits, t, J.) SO, f I. 110 s Dress SutU, $0, W 60, $7. tlcnt's Overcoats, W, 7, f IV, J10. Fine Dress () crceaU, th), US. 1J), t.'l. OENT'S FINE SILK NECKWEAR. WOOLEN UNDERWEAR. CARDIOAN JACKETS and JEUSEY COATS. Men's Oil-Tanned Leather Olevca, woolen cutis, 13c, c,(Jle. Oil.Tauned (leat Skin 01ues, Moelen cutis, 75c, tl, J1.35. Dress Kid Gloves I THE LATEbT IDEA IN HATS. 1 The Flat Tep Derby, with small brim and Ellahtlv tapering crown. Price, ti 50. The Razzle, DaiiloHeR Hat, entirely new. tl, A Child's Fez of Tricot Cleth, 111 III lie, Red, Urewn.uud Gnrml. Regular price, 75c; our nrlcc .)C hiie'cial niburtmint of Handsome Handle Hthk and Cevers, whlih e lunke tesptxtal order, from fi te Ji. A large lin k of Rcady-JIade Umbrellas nt all prlcee. Solid hlier for Heys. Price, tl 60. Ijwc or Congress, plain tee ertlp, fine Inur upper and whltu Icatlitr soles, durable and drefcsy. 32-38 East King Street, LANCABTEIt, I'A. Branch Stere NO. Sl MARKET STREET, liARHt BURO, VX Williamson & Fester, Uthln. SKEW. ill, 1 Make It tee meneysiTla time of the ytm. Mi Uita tfaejptac te st trey getttnf the best material aafmcat ityllsta Sttttlags, TntNTttii uiOwflMtligs reRTKE LEAST MONBY. Yen knew the repaUtlen always reliable. Prleea are lower than ever, styles handsomer, qeallty flaer. Te uieaa who hare dealt her the garmenta peak ter thetniel vee. All that is asked la a trial te pleaae yen, and satire yen perfect tatlsfitctlen. NOS. 234 AND 236 WEST KINO STREET. slMmd M ARTINBROB. FOR MEN AND BOYS. AlltlM Brtftj We becln with cloth and NM80(ClMkll tarn eat Suits and Overcoats AfB, te measure or ready-made, Handsomest of both. Oar H) Suits te measure are surprising values and include stuffs of Chsvlets In black, bine and mixtures. Black and Blue Worsteds in Cerk screw and Wales, and many neat And novel patterns In Casslmcrcs. Our t2B Bulla te measure (usually sold at t2S and $27) Include the latest desirable novelties. Our tO, t$, 132, f3d Raits te measure of Im ported English, German and French Worsted. Crape and Che let Cleth are of the handsomest te be seen anywhere. New cuts and .designs In Coats, Cellars nnd Lapels. Lengths and seams that make up the handsomest tailor work. Our trousers te measure are attracting unu sual attention for newncss.et shape and perfect lit. Our prices bttowermest and quality and workmanship topmost because our cutters and work people have no Idle tlme. Every moment taken up In either custom or stock work. The whole family of Overcoats and Overceatings are here Inviting your attention. New Bex Coats, Cape Coats aud Storm Coats. MARTIN BROS, NOS. 96 AND 28 NORTH QUEEN 8T. Xfreccvics. CLARKE'S GREAT BARGAINS -IN- Teas, Coffees and Groceries. Sugars Lewer. New Leghorn Citren w.tti '.. - 18c Geed Sweet Roasted Coffee.. ae Prunes, 2, :i, 4 and 5 lbs for - , 25c Apricots, 2, 8 and 1 let for. ....Sic i lbs County Dried Apples for Sic Ooed Hire Bettle Catsup for 5c Large Buckets Jelly for. ..51.00 Runkcl Baker's Cocea, Kpps Cocea..... 3)e linker or Runkel Chocolate -... . IKe 3 Bexes Ceflee Essence. 5c reppy Oil Seap Powder per package... 5c Electric Paste Steve Polish 6e TableHyrupw quart, go Full Cream Cheese H lb i 12Kc 8 Large Glasses Mustard for. , , 2,c Fishing Creek Buckwheat, f sack.... 75c SAMUEL CLARKE'S TEA AND COFFEE AND GROCERY STORE, 12 fc H SOUTH QUEEN STREET. P. S. Agents for the only Genuine Lltltz Bretzcls. T BURSK'8. These Fine Smoked Siscees That tickled the palate of all who used them last season new In stock. THE YENTZER CELEBRATED EVAPOR. ATED SUGAR CORN, nothing finer, and doubt Its equal. Sold only by us In Lancaster. Apples 1 Apples! Apples I Michigan Apples by the Barrel or Retail. New Foreign and Demestic Fruits. Fresh Oatmeal and Avcim, Wheatlett. Farina, etc Edem, Sapsago, Pineapple nnd Yerk state Cream Cheese, at BURSK'S, Ne. 17 East King Street, LANCASTER. PA. A T HEISTS. SUGAR TUMBLES ! The Markets of the Whole World In a Demor alized Condition I THEY WILL SURELY DROP ANOTHER CENT I LOOK OUT FOR IT ! SPECIAL NOTICE ! Our Stere will be OPEN EVERY EVENINU Until Further Notlce! CARDS GIVEN AWAY ON SATURDAY EVENING I WLOOK AT THIS.C Uplccd Bologna at 12' jc n lb. Bummer liolegua, tfc W n. Dried Beef, 10c and 12e V ft. Dried Beer Knuckles, extra fine, 15c ft lb. Portland Herring, tt lbs for 25c. S-AND THEN AT THIS.- Extra Fine Layer Figs, 3 lbs for 23c. Extra Flne Sultana Ratslns, 8 lbs ferSSc. Extra Fine Valencia Raisins, 3 lbs for -. He.t New English !CurrnnU,8 lbs for 23. Geed Prunes, 6 lbs for 23c. Extra 1-arse Prunes, 8 lbs for 23c. New Apricots, 3 lbs for 26e. Finest Pruncllas,2 lbs for 25c. E aperated Apples, 3 lbs for 25c. Peaches, Gibs ter 23c. -AND NOW AT THIS.t Fresh Thick Wnler Crackers, 4 lbs for 25c. Fresh Thin Water Crackers, 4 rt ferSic. Finest Olncer Snaps, 8Ibs for 25c. Finest Nlcnacs, 3 lbs for 23c. flood Nlcnacs. S Bis for 25c. FruitlPuddlng, 8 packs for 60c. Fresh New Rolled Oats, 6 lbs for 23c. Fresh Wheat Germ.fl lbs for 25c Granulated Cernmcal, 7 quarts for 25c. S-JUST IN.-S Best Mincemeat, New Dates, Paradise Meadow Cranberries, Comb Heney, New Len tils, Split I'tai., Heminy, Shaker tern, Peas, Heaiis, Lima Beans, and a hundred ether thlncs, geed nnd useful. Loek at our room aud you'll (lud It chuck full. REIST! WHOLESALE AND RETAIL GROCEIt, CORNER WEST KING AND PRINCE BTS., Directly Opposite J. B. Martin A Ce.'i Dry Goods Stere, and Next Doer te Serrel Herse Hetel. Putletvu: -pvENTAL ROOMS. R. D. McCASKEY, Dentist. GRADUATE IX DESTIbTUV AM) AS.UsTIItTICS. Office and Residence, SOUTHEAbT ('Oil. (JRANHE AND NORTH QUEEN STREETS. I'rempt Attention. Charges Reasonable. All U'i..lrl'n.n.nff.l HOURS 8 a, m. te 8 p. in. Week D.i).. kcpu-flmditw w ENTIHTRY. 28 Years Practice In One Office." J. B. McCASKEY, NO. 11 HA8T KING STREET, Over First National Hank. Dentistry In all its branches. Ons administered. 'Iceth extracted absolutely without pain. All uerk wnrrantcd. el.Wimd.M,biS.w TRUE DALMATIAN INBECT TOWDKR, nmnellMl bv a reed lxnrder blower. Is the most tirctunl destroyer or flics nnd ether small Insects. Fersule .. AtHUBLEY'B DRUO 8TORE, a West King rjtrwt. yic rxhieti. mm Palace of Hien ! 118 AMD 117 X. QUEEN IT. The Heme Fer Lew Prjces On All Goods. Always the first te give te our cus tomers the beneut of Reduced Prices, or In return enjoy the beneut of greatly In creased sales from day te day. Whllean article sells readily at the old price we never hcsllate te put the Knlfe into It, wheneventu opportunity Is offered te de se. We are making reductions every day and in every department, always Keep ing the ene object In view te please our customers. . " Selling cheap " does net menu te sell trashy and inferior goods for less money, but tlie best the market affords, and as geed as our neighbors for a lower price. We sell French Hairpins a dozen packages, for 4c. Imitation English Hairpins, 2 pack ages for 3c. English Pins, 4c a paper. 14 rows of Pius for 1c. Black Pins, Se a box ; large boxes of Black Fins, 6c. Rubber Lined Dress Shields, 6c. Featherweight, Impervious Shields, 10c a pair. Steckinette, seamless, 3 pairs for 2."jc. Elegant quality Fancy Garler Web bing, at 6c a yard. Imitation Silk Garter Web, 7c a yard. Eight and nlue Inch Dress Shields, 4c a dozen. Corset Steels, 4 and 6 hook, white and drab, detachable, 6e a pair. Deuble-back Corset Steels, 8c a pair ; white and ecru. Leng Dress Steels, 15, 1 8 aud 21 inches, at lc each: 6c a dozen. The same with rubber ends, 2c each; 10c a dozen. Patent clasp, Jnpauiicd Shawl and Heek Straps. 10c. Patent Halrcurlcrs, 10c. A 'iuarter of a ream of geed writlug paper for 25c j gilt edged for 2!)c. Fine quality paper nnd chvolepes and with fancy heading, in fancy boxes, 124c a box. Finest quality ragged edged paper and envelopes. In fancy box, 20e a box. 600 yards spool cotton for 2c. Geed rubber combs for 6c. A geM teeth brush for 6c. A geed wire hair brush for 10c. Fine black Jet buttons for 10c a card, dozens. Fine metal dress buttons for 10c a card. Safety pins. 2e a dozen. Lead pencils, 6c a dozen. Large feather dusters, made of split ostrich feathers, for 26c. 64-inch stamped linen stand covers, openwerked and fringed, for 21c. 72-inch stamped linen sideboard covers, knotted fringe, for 20c. 54-inch Metiiie linen stand covers, satin dado border nud fringe, for 35e : 72-Inch for 48c. Solid geld rings, flnely chased, each ring guaranteed solid geld, or the money refunded within 12 months, only $1. Oxydize nnd silver hoop brncelcls, Ce aplece. Chased silver hoop bracelets, 10c apiece. Oxydize lluk bracelets, 10 new de signs, nt 20c apiece. These are net the tenth part of what you can see if you will pay us a visit. We nsk no one te buy. Our prices de the talking. Come and see us t . 115 & 117 North Queen Street. $ev nlc or $Uut. -1ALL OR SEND FOR JOIIX II. METZLEIl'S Real Estate Catalogue AND Investment Circular, NO.O SOUTH DUKE STREET. ect5-lyd PUI1LTC SALE OF VALUABLE CITY RESI DENCES. O.v Wednesday, November a, 18), nt the leopard Hetel, will be sold the following deslrahle properties In Lmieustcr City : Ne. 1, Three story Brick Stere nnd Dwelling, en the northeast corner of Columbia nnd Col Cel leee avenues. Twe rooms und store room en first fleer, three rooms und tinth-roem en second fleer, and four rooms en third fleer. Ons, witter nnd ether conveniences. Let, lit feet Ireutand 05 feet dcen. with three-feet alley In renr. Ne. 'J, Twe thrti-stuiy uml basement Brick uweuings, os. aimnuoie west James street, havlne hall, H rooms and basement kitchen. Water In kitchen and basement. Heater flues, ces pipes, etc. Let, 22 by 102 feet, extending te 12 feet wide ultcy. Ne 8, ThreMttery nnd basement BrJck Dwell inc. Ne. fi.'l West James street. Hall, 9 rooms, bath-room and basement kitchen. Heater flues, ga, wnter, etc. Let SI fcctU Inches, by 102 feet, te n 12 feet w lde alley. Ne. 4. Three-Story Brick Dwelllne, Ne. 656 West Cbcstmit street, with thtesiery brick buck linllillns and one-story frame kitchen, hall, 10 rooms, kitchen, plastered carrel. Ac. Range, furnace, het and cold water, kus, tc The house Is papered throughout nnd newly painted. Let, 19 feet 2 Inches by tereet. Ne. :, Three-Story Brick Duelling, with three threo three stery brick buck building und one-tery frame kitchen.. tV( Wtst Chestnut street. Hail, 10 rooms, kitchen, plastered garret, tc. ; range, furnace, het and cold water, gas, Ac. Newly napercdund painted through-out. Let IS feet fl Inches by S3 feet. The cibove properties are In first-class condi tion. In most desirable localities, and will posi tively be cold. A large nmeuuL-Of the purchase money mny remain churged upon the premises, if desired, Sale te commence nt 7 o'clock, sharp. Fer parllcularsunply le ALLANA.HEHlt, Real L"stn te nnd Insuranre Agent, CXMItd., Ne. 108 Eust King Street. s ECURE A HOME TOR YOUR FAMILY. Secure a Heme for Your Family. FOR SALK ON TJin MOST LIUKRAL. TERMS. Turo-htery brick dwelling houses, lets 120 feet deep, en ljtiienter aunue, between Wnl- nut and iu ic emeu streets. Tire-story br! k dwelling houses with man said reef, perches In front, lets lt, feet de p. en North rlne, between Chestnut and Walnut streets. Twe-story brick duelling house with front yards, Iren fences, lets 150 ft-ct deep, en West wniuut, Oi'iwccn jiury nuu i'jiiu scrucis. : .... ... . ...... .a TwtHitury itrifK awcuniif netiMs, iei iiaiecv xn iw wki fz-innn tlrfit. iifllu'frn fTharlnttw deep, en Went Imen street, between Charlette aim -Mary streets. Thrtc-stery brick durilllni; houses, lets 150 feet deep, with ull the modern Improvements, front jards, en West Chestnut street, between 1'inu nnd Ncvin streets. Alse Iieum-s en East Wulnut, North Lime, North Mary, between Walnut and Lemen, und lemon, uciwctn nuiy unu tiuu sircui. All the above houses are In geed order, newly papered, kus flxturts In all the rooms, waU r In thekltehen.nnd the cellars warnintetl Uiledry. CallBndsecforjeurbelf.no trouble te show you. JNO. K. OIUKL.1 ,.-...... JACOIIOUIKL, 'fLxeeute.ii. upralj J.M.W.H. 3JJ North Mary Htnet. 1L0SI NO. OUT HA I.E. Carriages, Buggies, Wagons -AT- Gee. Weber's Coach Works, CHRISTIAN HTREBT. (Iletwecu OraiiKO aud Chestnut Streets.) Consisting of Jump-at Carriages, two Four Feur Four I'est Jenny IJiid", te Ml Cull Wugens, Hecond Hecend Hand TrettliiK liuguy, nnd severul llelit Flat form Wagons Hint will curry from IflX) te 3,uw pounds. AUetifcir Flue Weigh. Call liirly for liar galnt, augue-tfd Palace of Fashion, 9rv M KTZOER HAUGHM AN. LADIES' AND CHILDREN'S COATS -AT- METZGER & Just Opened Large and Haudsenie Assortment of LADIES' and CHIL DREN'S COATS at the Lewest Prices. Particular Attention Is called te our SEAL PLUSH COATS, made expressly for us by the Best Manufacturers. Fer Style, Beauty nud Finish Cannet be Ex celled. Metzger & Haughman's Cheap Stere, Nes. 38 and 40 West Kinq Street, Lancaster, Pa. (OPreeiTK THE COOPER HOUSE.) $t0tC, Sec. F LINN A BHENEMAN. BARGAINS-REDUCED PRICES. FULL SIZE NO. 7 RANGE OXLYS8.A0. FULL SIZE NO. 8BANOE , ONLY $10.00. Ooek Steves and Parler Steves -AT- REDUCED FLINN Sl BREKEMiUSr, Ne, 152 North Queen Street, Lancaster, Penn'a. rttrvct B AROAINB 1 UO Shirk's Carpet Hall I -FOR Wilten, Velvet, Bedy Brussels, Tapestry, Ingrain, Damask and Venetian, Rag and Chain Oarpets. OIL CLOTHS, WINDOW SHADES, &e. We Have tub Largest akd Best Stock im the Citt. h; s. shirk st sons, Cor. West King and Water Sts., Lancaster, Pa. tJltutchcB. XyATIIEM. K7V5ERICKN Watches, Clocks, Jcwelry, Bixvs, Kyo-aiasse Etc, LOWET I'RICES. Optical Goods. Telc';-aph Tlme Dally. Kery Article la this Luie Carefully Repaired. Leuis Weber, Me. lBtNerthQuenIt.. MturP. X.R. UUen XEWELER AND ORAD0ATE OPTICIAN, GILL . Jeweler and Graduate Optician, WEDDING PRESENTS IN Royal Worcester and Antique Silver. EXAMINATION OK KYEM FUEK. NO Duel's USED. CHAS. S. GILL, Ne. 10 West King St., LANCASTER. PENN'A. -1LOCK BUVERS. We have received an unusually Large and AUruclUe Llnuef ONYX AND FRENCH MARBLE CLOCKS. Entirely Nw Btylcs, which we Offer at Prices that Cannet be Beaten. These, with our already large stock of lest ex. penslvc, IRON. WOOD CAHB nnd NIC! KUS, k1e us the Largest and Most Complete Stock Id the city. Yeu can best serve jour Interests by call I nc aud Inspecting. 49-AU Kinds of Cleck Repairing Done PreiiiiUly. Ne. 101 N. Queen St. CORNER OV ORANOI1 g$lU0ic. D ONTMI8S IT! RARE BARGAINS. A Grand Display of the Most Popular and Most Reliable Pianos and Organs WILL IiC MADE BY Kirk Jehnsen & Ce., AT THE L INCASTER COUNTY FAIR. All should examine them, for sooner or Inter en will want one, und one Hint will k'lve ou hjtlsfactlen, Wc nesltlvdy KiiarnulCti satlsfec- l..n In nvrtf Tinrt lfH lar fur T 1 mi Mi mill kvPIl i ' " f i. .-..-. - ,. 1 "- 'v en tne uuicnv icrrm no aeiiuru u ineiuii I Tiiinli est lt from nnn fn twn fiirisli tmv fir 11 ' Think of It from one te two eurs te pay for It I The abe e koeqs came nircci irem in tKiua tniitQ tiiiL-i iiuii tuum.iui;i nnd we will eiler .rii eltlu bnrttniri each uuy or KIKK JOHNHON it CO.. the Fair. r.e. .1 wm iuni;m., iiiicusicr, in. & .... . ... ... a ... .--.-'... I. H. Boceud-Iluml 1'laues uud Onrans taken In Exchange. njJMydAw jleuv. L EVAN A BON'S. Le van's Fleur 1 Uniform and Reliable. tg0. HAUGHMAN S. PRICES. firtll. TAROAIN8! TO ffiljtitatuitvc. H ia A MARTIN. I Useful and Ornamental Articles that would grace the Dining Tuble or would be a valuable addition te tbe llrlc-a-Brncofeveu tbe most fnMldletiH. We can't describe tlium. It's your privil ege te exiimlnetlicm. If you don't, you will iiiIhh a slylit ut tbe beautiful an well an tbe opportunity of possessing it. Havllaud's Decorated China bun premt nence always." Jlauy New Arti cles, DcnlgiiM and DecoratleuH niore beautiful than ever. Ileynl Worcester in New Designs and ShapcH. Japanebe Wure la linige Variety und Style. A bout of ether article of Fancy Goods, equally bnudBoiue. PeraeiiH tielectiiig prcHcntN (wedding or otherwise), will re grct, If purchasing before examining our auiertnieut. Itcniember, all are wel come Geed exchanged if net satisfac tory. HIGH & MARTIN, 15 East King Street. i , . i . . . ' .Juvuituvi?. Q UANT1TY AND QUALITY IN FURNITURE I "II don't earn for Quality, I want the Largest Bhew I can get for my money," was the icuiark made In our stere this week. WE ANSWER ITTHUtti We will net Lewer IheStandard el our Ooeds te meet this growing demand, hut will buy In largcrqualllifs for Ciuh te meat thoprlcvgef these who sell the chener niuke of goods. UPWARD AND ONWARD 18 OUR MOTTO. The Newest Styles I The Best Makes ! AT Popular Prices ! HEINITSH'S Furniture Depot, Nes. 27 & 29 SOUTH QUEEN STREET. e$al l0tlcea. ArWKlNED 13tTATKOK EDWIN H. REEM snjdcr and wife, of Ephratu township, Lniirastcr county. Edwlnb. Itcemsuydir nnd wire, of Akren, Uiurnster county, Imlng hy ddilef voluntary assignment, dated October is, 18K. nsslgned and irunsicrrcu nil tneir esiuie te the nndirslgiieil,forthetH.nelllof the ered ered lters of the said Edwin H. Rcemsnyder, he there fore gl kh notlce le ull iHTSens Indebted te suld assigner, te niiiae payment te the undersigned without delay, and thewi having claims te pre sent went ie ji.j.m.r..iin i ur.n, Akslirnce, Risldlng InEnrlTwp., Lancaster Ce.. Pa. Jehn A. Covle, Attorney. i olO-etdS i PHOrOHALH-TIIK STREET COM.MITTLE will receive proposals ler taking up the roadway en the Lima Htrcet lirldge and put tluau new ene In Its stead. The, planks te be of tlie llest White Oak, 2i luches thick, and Joints, If any new ones netded. te be of the ame material nnd thickness as the one new In iisoen the bridge. Contractor te bp entitled te old planks taken up. ITejwuils te be addrcsspd te the Htrect Cemmltue, and deposited In the Htreet Ceininlttiii Hex, In the elllce et y.A. Oust, Ne. 12 North Uuke street, no later than 5 p. ,. en Monday, Nwfmbjr fcorUere CA.OT.CIK, eJ-W u MD 0tt atth $lte. TJARUAINB. VISIT STACKHOUSE'S' This Veek ' FOU DIG BAHQAIXS IN ' Beets Shoes. A Full Line of the Celebrated WALKER BOOT! t. The Best Reet Made. Call and nee Uteas. ' i D P. STACKH0USE, Nes. 28 and 30 East King Street, LANCASTER, l'A. TJEAVEIl FOXE1) fillOIHl fitdies' Warm Eoetwear! There nre cemimratlvuiy few lu thli VSJ rllmntn ivhifln tt In bihm iiiiitttiAntf. .9 fer from cold nnd tender feet, enured by ,3 2 wearing rabbera or line grnlneil leather $, shoes, which aObrd no vcutllatlen aud &$ contlne the pcrsnlrntlen which mera or 1 less Is likely te appear there thnu en any- jht etner iinrt or tlie body, thus continually Kg kccpliiR them moist, which frcfiucutlyJS results 111 rheumatism or ether ailments AS mere Berleti9. Beaver Felt Sheea are siVjcIaHy adapted te avert the evils re- W cited, in that they absorb all moisture ntlfl nfTVllHl nrYlnlnl IthiMtllli nint rwimfss 4 I iV.r. .: ft.i '"; , . " " ,.ta than any ether mnke of footwear. Here " HIHIIU UIU 1IBSUI 11111)111 OfslltR'M Of this kind here hits been liirge and varied., I? 1 ma season it ih inrKcr ninl mere com- LUH iilctcfthanevcr. They nre stnndnrd grades W. irnlTi tnntrnru nt evitlliiitt rnkiif tuljJ7 : very reusouable In price. They cannetr be made te sell for less money without fiS " cutting the quality. $. iiamcs' ui-iJcaver imis, 700, l. iJlHUUB JYII-lMJUVUr JtlllS, Sl.J, M.-iU. j sanies' Aii-ueaver lititten, 1.50. Ai,as T.ndlrA' All.llpiivnr FnvMl. rtnltntiiSr M $1.00. 'N Ladles' AU-Bcaver Foxed, Laced,' ,m Ladies' All-Felt Shoes brut, $2.50. ! All Beaver and Beaver Foxed Shoes lsnrjS flAll1t IahIIikH anlnl. ftka I I .. . tf HlllO WAIUIU IIMUIC1 buib, uui nuu ut t 1 Beaver Slippers In Incomplete as yet : - '4 ...III I... I.mm.. 1. h A.. .!.. Tllu.. rv 7 !S nui uv UV.IU ill 11 lUI, Ull vs. luvn OVO, rk- 75c and ?1.00. W Deu't ferject te MX! our V cviiuui cjiim-'a jer jiuyn. or ii ej( hi ei, s Scheel Shoes for Youths, Ute 2, at fl.viA -1 Bchoel Sluws for Misses, U te 2, at $1. WJ 2 juiiurcirssironRi3iiec9, me iu,at Tee. -A m Shoes te fit the Babes, at 2.3e, 30c, 45c. 3 Trude winners, every pulref them. The, if. 'S mero thoy're worn the belter they're 'p3 '11:....- li bHAUb & BUKNi), 9 Tit A 14 North Queen Strict, Laneab- iiJ& tkr, Pa. LIHLE .MONEY, f Itnl'n lltct pniilvr1 ri f.ltiA rt AltfWM PATENT LEATHER HIIOI, mode evrrths X00T3 AND ailOES. - lJ wm f srtiil FOR ' jij Latest New Yerk Haimre Toe Iist, with Im . J "S proved Tips, and latest fifyld Uppers of OemV Cnlf.innklniraheiiullfiilcentrastund very sty- ur Hall shoe for Dress, Parties, Halls and alt kluds S, .? 01 iigiii. unun ) nicy iiuvu iiii iiiu uiiviitunvcuK r MOO, $700 and Si 00 shoes, und If bought else-In where would coat tl 00 or t2 00 mure than what -C-' I um Helling them ler, . -t1 I havethent In Ijice und Congress in dlnerenl- ;,'i -widths ; they can be scen In Lurge Window; j', . with prlcenltucliid. "' VA Have also received a Large Jlna of tln'fte? Rey's nnd Youths' PATENT LEATHER OX3 i-uiiua. useu rersnme purposes as wen s nuees. y,. Men's, 13 00 per pair; Hey's, SlWj uud Youths' -',, li.it, wail ne seen in j.arge winnow. Si?-' I he une-Kricc tasn Heuse. . . Vs im.w. e vj, (Successor te FREY &ECKERT) the Leader et Lew Prices In BOOTS AND SHOES, NOS. A 8 EAST KINO BTREET, LANCASTER, PA. 4V-Htere closed cry evening at 0 o'clock, ex. ecpl Meuday and huturday. (Jarbteavc. TTARDWARE HARDWARE! GREAT AHRACTI0NS I AT Marshall & Render's, &U SOUTH QUEEN fcT. Steves, Heaters and Ranges OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. The Largest Assortment of GUNS nnd RIFLEU lu the City. TINWARE, CED.VRWARE , CUTLERY, Ac FODDER YARN, CAIU'ENTER'aTOOLS and UUILDINO MA TERIAL. ROYALMIXED PAINTS.OII, VARNISHES and WHITE LEAD. aj-A Full Line of General Hardware.-CH MARSHALL"! RENGIER, NOH. U A 11 SOUTH QUEEN EET. Vilc HE NEW AMEUICAN VUZZB. T " Blocks of Five." THE NEW YORK WORLD WILL G.IVB $ioe Te the Persen who does this Pule la Uie ShOl. estTlme, Pitnla for Democrats. RepubHemBi sbi. Mugwumps. Ever) body fascinated rlUkl tlrtt sight. Call and see it., FOR 8.VLCAT - Erisman's Genh' FurnisbingStere, NO. i3 WEST KINO STRCFf. Tihac H Frtew W JM m- ? ajvi m fi vfS V Vi3 m '$ h i x z$tu&fa& ;uj4jsvj'i.jy't4r. '?"-" i J-&nv l &.