Lancaster daily intelligencer. (Lancaster, Pa.) 1864-1928, November 01, 1889, Image 1

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Ills Bondsmen -and Other Friend Take
Him Ily Surprise Thursday KveutBg.'
Several Ilenrn Pleasantly Spent.
Thursday evening the term of Geerge
W. Henscl, who for almost n year past was
collector of internal rovenue fur the Ninth
district, having succeeded the Inte Jehn T.
MacGonlgle, came te a very pleaaant ter
mination. After the work of transferring
the office te the new collector, Sam Matt
Frldy, had been finished, Mr. Henscl
went te the residoiice of Ills son, W. U.
Ilensel, esq., en North Lime strcet, te re
main ever night, liltle dreaming that there
wns a surprise lu stere for blin. Sjarcely
had he arrived at the house before callers
began te xnir In upon hint and In "a
short tliue quite a nnmber df his.'
friends had gathered in tll9 house. Atnen
them were all the deputies who were In
the collector's olHce under him In this c'.ty,
ns well as the storekeepers nntl gangers,
from Lancaster cebtity, Dopritles Jehn
lllestnnd. of Yerk i W.V. Trout. erLewis-
town : S. L. Yetter, "of Itarrisburg; -Jehn
T. Miller, or Hertford j James S. Patterson,
clerk in the Iliirrislmrgollice; Dr. A. Kn
fl old, la te chairman of the Dcmocratlcceuntv
committee of Bedford, and ethers from
a distance Among theso of the city were
the following gentlemen who were the old
collector's bendsmen: 11. J. McGrnnn,
(Jeerge K. need, Michael Ilaberbusb, Holi Heli
crt J. Housten, C. A. llelnltsli, Jehn D.
Skllcs and J. Hay Drawn. The only bonds bends
man net present was 8. S. Spencer, who
was in Bosten and unnble te be here. In
addition te tliese gentlemen Judges Liv
ingston and rattorsen, Congressman Bra
silia, Editors Gcist und Cochran, Postmas
ter Slaymnker, Gee.N. Reynolds, president
of the Yeung Men's Democratic society,
ex-Secretary of Democratic StatoCemmltto
J. II. LicUty, Collector Sam Matt Frldy,
und Denttty C. C. Seltx, H. Frank Dreno Drene
nian, 1). G. Ksh Ionian and ethers were
After the folks had assembled In the
house J. II. n. Wagner arose aid in a
pleasant little speech made Mr. Ilcnsel a
beautiful present en behalf of the officer
who served under him during his term f
eiuce. ii consisted or a sol in sliver berry
set. including a bowl in repeusse work,
sugar,berry and loe cream servers all geld
line J anu a dozen dessert spoons, In hand
some velvet und satin cases. On the
bottom of the bowl is tills inscriptien:
"Presented te Goe. W. Ilensel, collector,
by the deputy collectors, gaugers mid
storekeepers and gaugers of the Uth
district, Pcniia., Oct. 31. 1889." The
set was purchased from IT. '.. Rhoads
A Sen nntl is a beautiful specimen
of the silversmith's art. The engraving is
of the finest, every letter appearing in pcr--fuct
symmetry. The shading shows no
waves te detract from the beauty of the
delicate lines, and these who examined the
work pronounce it the prottlest they have
In his speech Mr. Wagner roferrad most
teiichingly te the death el Mr. MacGonl MacGenl
gle, te the pleasant relations formed by
bis deputies with Mr. Henscl, te the lat
ter omcer's kind but Arm management of
his etlice and direction of his subordinates
and te the manner in which the ferce had
held itself and had been held during mero
,than four yearn et administration.
Mr. Ilensel was se taken by surprise
that he was scarcely able te 11 nd words te
express himself. He thanked the gentle
men for the bountiful present and said
that the geed condition of the efllce was
mainly owing te the cflielency of the gen
tlemen who served under him, and te their
invaluable aid te the head ef the ofllce. He
could wish his successor no better fortune
than te be sin rounded by a corps of like
geed quality.
After the preseutat.' w an cntertalnment
was served in the dining room and several
hours were delightfully spent by the com
pany. During the month of Octeber, the last of
Collector Hansel's term, the rccelpts were
larger than ever before In the history of
the district, being $173,217.83. The amount
received during the last ejuarter was evor
a half million dollars. When General
Sewell niiule the transfer he found ocry ecry
thlng In the best of condition und the ac
counts balanced te a cent.
" This morning Collector Frldy took pos
session of the elllce, nnd everything is
passing along as smoothly as ever.
Ne Querum Present In Common Council
and the Select Bedy Dees Nothing.
A meeting of both branches of the city
councils was called for last evenlng te take
some action in regard te the preposition te
widen the pavements en Duke street, between-
Orange and Chestnut streets, te
thirteen feet, and te 11 x the curb lines.
When It was tlme for common council te
be called te order it was found that there
were net a sulllclent number of inombers
present for h quorum by one.
President Beard watted for some, time
after the hour for calling the meeting te
enler, but the needed member did net turn
up anil no meeting was held.
In select council all the, members but
Mr. Erisiuan were present. As the mutter
was te have been bieughtuptlrstlu com
mon council the' select body did nothing.
Unless another meeting is called the pave
ments will remain as they are.
Father Guns' XewMiimm.
Lancaster Correspondence Catholic Standard.
The "Second Mass In D, " com pest d by
Hev. Henry G. Gauss, of Milten, Pa., who
is a native bem Lancastrian, has lust
been issued from the in ess by Oliver Wil Wil
eon company, of Bosten, Mass. Tlie
music of the mass Is simplified te
mich an extent that n welt drilled
choir can read it almost at sight, thsre
being no textual repetitious in it. It
ceut ilns many pretty soles and quartettes.
The " Qui Tellfs " (soprano boIe und duct
soprano ami bass), " Kt Incarnatiis est"
(soprano sole and chorus), "EtJnSplrltum"
(tenor sole and chorus), "Benedlctus" (alto
sole, trio and chorus), and especially the
"Agnus Del" (tenor and ulte soles and
quartette), are in themselves sullU-lent te
insure success for the work. The work
lias been favorably noticed by the Ameri
ca! Musician, Ave Maria and FreuucCs
Music ami Drama as being "pretty,
melodious and effective." We hope that
Fattier Gauss may meet with encourage
ment in the sale or copies of his beautiful
ma.s composition.
An Aged Lady's lllrthdny.
Mrs. Susan Dellct, residing ut Ne. -101
North Frllire street, roncbed the 82d year
of her age oil Thursday. She was called
upon by inany Mends who congratulated
her anil she received a number of hund hund hund
soine presents. Mrs. Dellet, although a
very old woman, Is enjoying the best of
health and Is in excellent spirits. She Is
the widow of Adam Delict, who has been
dead for many yeais. Shehasten children
and they are Mrs. James A. Stene and
Peter Dellet, of Philadelphia Mrs. Deless
Everett, Cleveland: Mrs. James T, Mc
Ennis, Louisville ; Mrs. Martin Derwait,
Mrs. Andrew Derwart, Mrs. Emma Duek
lus. and three sons, Geerge, Adam and
Jeseph Dellet, all residing in this city. She
.also has 51 grandchildren and 24 giojt giejt
hildren. A Professorship Endowed,
Peter CJrall", of Worthlngten, has an
nounced the gift of $25,000 out or the estate
of his son, Charles II. Graff, M. I)., who
died recenlly In Diiluth, Minn., te endow a
professorship In Pennsylvania cellege at
Gettysburg, te be known as "the Dr. Chas.
H. Graff professorship of hygicne and
phvWal-eulture." Dr. Geerge D. Staley,
of 'Lebanon, formerly of llurrlsburg, has
been chosen te fill the chair.
Had Ills Plugur Crushed,
ilartln Spangler, of Kden, was en his
way home with u lead of lumber yesterday,
eiul when near the tollgate w ent te block
bis wagon. .He get the mlddle flugoref
Ids right hand where the stone should have
geue, and tbe result is a (washed linger.
A. Popular Employer Remembered flty
Ills Men 'When About te Leave Town.
Simen C. Leng, late uperyWbt of the
Pennsylvania railroad, 'between Columbia
and Coatcsvllle, left Lancaster.fer geed tc
day, and his future home, at leant for
some tlme, will be at Dever, Delaware.
Mr. Leng was held in the highest esteem
by his empleyes, and In fact was popular
with everybody who knew him. Last
evening the track forcnien of his dlvlslert
fnndehlm a presentation at the hotel of
Jacob Zortman, In the railroad sta
tion. All parties sat down te an ex
cellent supper that had been pre-i
pared by order of the foremen. Whlle
they were'nt Uie table Assistant. EjnporTiaer
F. B. Flltebrbwn arese, find, Un behalf of
the foremen, presented Mr. Leng with a
beautiful geld hunting case watch with
chain attached, which; Was given by them
as a token of their esteem for him. Mr.
Leng responded In a very feeling manner,
thanking the donors of the handsome gift,
which he will always highly cherish en
account of, Its associations. The foremen
swhe were, present are as follews: Jehn
l)oiuven, Atglen: Samuel Irwin, Christi
ana ( . Samuel i J Kinley, Gap ; Michael
'Hanraban'Klftter: Michael PIkUii, Gor Ger Gor
denvllle: Z. T. Ix-hr. llancks : C. W.
Painter, Witmef; William llurr, Tineas Tineas
teri Michael Hartley, Dlllcrvllle; James
C. Pyle. Lancaster: Jehn Kinsley and
Jeseph Kvans, Kohrerstewn ; Lewis Quay,
Motintvllie j David McCartey and Andrew
Leta, Columbia ; Jehn L. lllalr, Gordor. Gerdor. Gorder.
vlllo. In addition te theso. M. L. Wal Wal
eon, who has charge of supervision of tools
In this city, and Philip Sliadt, foremau of
the masons, and soveral ethers were pres
ent. Evcryliedy had a geed tlme.
And Finds a Verdict fbr the Defendants.
Court Adjourns.
Thursday afternoon, in the upjier ceuit
room, the case of David It. JcfTries and
Milten Green, trading as Jeffries & Green,
against Israel P. Mayer and J. Brnbaker,
assignee, was attached. This was an action In
mechanic's Hen te recever $320,60 for brick
masons' work.en four properties en North
Prince street. The dofense was that they
had paid JelTrles & Green at dlirerent times
etiLUgh money te loave balance of only
10. The Jury found for plaintiffs for full
amount of the claim. I). F. Davis for
plaintiffs D. C. K ready and A. J. Kberly
for defendants.
The suit of the First National bank of
Mount Jey, against Jehn S. Kvans and
Peter Bruner, asslgncoef Jehn Kvans, gar
nishee, was next attached. This action was
te recover en a nete for $l.()33.e2 held by
the bank. While Mrs. Arab It. Kvans, a
wltneas for the defendants, was under cross cress
examination this morning she became sick,,
and was compelled te leave the courtroom.
Fer this cause the Jurv was withdrawn and
(Oiirt adjourned until next Thursday
m irnlng.
In the lower court room the Jury In ihe
suit of tbe estate of Samuel Deiiiulb against'
the city and county of Lancaster, the jury
awarded tbe plaintiffs a verdict fbr?l 1,438. 1,438.
82agalnst,the county, und $1,821 against
the city. Drewn t Ilensel for plaintiffs
and Gee. A. Lane for the county.
The jury in the Itice ejectment' suit came
in at 10 o'clock this morning, after being
out sixty hours, and found a verdict for
the defendants. Walter M. Franklin and
H. M. North for plaintiffs, and J. Hay
lirewn and II, F. Davis for defendants.
Peter Sewer, of Upper Lcaceck town
ship, wasappelntcd guardian of the miner
daughters or Martin Bess, late of Lancas
ter city, deceased.
The ItoiiHe of W. S. Miller TSntored and
llinfnoked by Thieves.
Thehouseof W. 8. Miller, who Is a dial
painter at the Keystene watch factory and
resides at Ne. 215 College avenue, was en
tered by burglars last night, Befere. the
family retired they neglected te belt ene of
tbe shutters of the dining room, nor did
they lock the window. Tnothleves had no
trouble entering by tills reute and they
quickly took advantage of It. They
ransacked the whole heuse with the
exception of ene room, which the
members of the family occupy. In a
room adjoining that of the, family
was a bureau, the drawers of which were
opened. They stelo two geld rings, in ene
of which ure the initials "W. S. M." The
ether was of plain geld. .Tw e pairs of geld
sleeve buttons were stelen, but a let of
silver ware and a revolver, which were
also in the bureau, were left behind. Goods
which were taken from tbe drawers wero
strewn nbeut (lie fleer. The thieves made
their exit through the rear deer of the
house, which they bad no trouble opening
from the inside. The burglary was net
discovered until the family arese, when
they were surprised te see everything in
the house, outside of their own room,
turned tepsy turvy. An examination re
vealed the true state of all'alis.
The CanviiHxIiiK llenrd Is Ordered te
Count tbe Tunnel Proclnet Vote.
A decision was rendergj in the Silver
Bew, Mentana, contest case en Thursday
morning. The canvassing beard wus
ordered te count the votes cast in the Tun
nel precinct for McIIatten. Mr. Kuewles,
counsel for Hall, of the canvassing beard,
filed notice of appeal and asked u stay of
proceedings until the case could be brought
befere the supreme court. Shortly after
Kuewles filed his notice of apcal, C. F.
Irwin. the Democratic member of the beard,
filel an aftldavlt, setting forth that he is
satisfied with the decision of the case. Hall,
the lteniiblican member, says he Is net
satisfied with the court's decision and
-wants the appeal. Jack, the third mem
ber, is out or the territory.
The question befere the court Is wlicther
the minority of the beard has a right te
appeal, which his colleague, representing
the same vete, refused te de. An early
decision is expected. The state canvassing
beard met en Thursday and commenced
the canvass of voles. All the returns are
in, Including thc-e from Silver Hew, which
arrived in the aftorneoti. Acting en the
decision of the court the county clerk In
cluded in the returns the votes cast at the
Tunnel precinct.
Kentucky's Fighting JuiIbe Determined
te Extorintnnte the Harlan Outlaws.
News reached Pluevllle en Thursday
night by reliable parties that Jndge Lewis
came up with Heward and his gang en
Wednesday en Martin's Ferk and killed
six of the Heward gang without losing a
man. Three of the men killed wero named
Hall, ene named Whitlock, the ether two
names net learned. Judge Leuis and fifty
well-armed men took dlnuer near the camp
of J. P. Meyer it Ce., en the Louisvllle it
N'ashville extension, about thirty miles
beyond Cumberland Gap, last Friday.
Men who speke with the Judge say that
he Is detonnlued and will never quit his
chase- until Heward and his gang are all
killed or driven from the county. Beth
parties ure being reinforced dully and mero
bloodshed Is expected. It Is thought that
Heward has gene te Virginia, but ,is ex
pected te return. The best citizens of
Harlan county are joining Lewis, and with
such a determined leader there is no doubt
the law and erder party will coine out
victorious und break up tbe gang that has
been n terrer te all Kasteru Kentucky for
the last twonty-rtve yeaii.
' -Lumber
and Let; Itoplevlno.i.
Geerge Nuutnun, esq., ceuiuel for J.
Cechrnn und Kdwin Kbcrman, has' Issued
writs of replevin te recover 25(1 legs
valued at $150 from Nathaniel Urban, and
jhai ies vaiueu at yuu ireni Anurew Kane.
He bad also Issued for the West Branch
Lumbermen's Lxchange a replevin against
Andrew Kane te recover I5,oue feet of
eawcsl lumber valued at .SG0. These
replevius uie for lumber hlch was caught
during the June Heeds. Beth Urban und
Kane live near Washington borough.
Church Holiday.
This Is All Saints' day, and it was ob
served by the Catholic, churches In which
services were held ut an early hour and
alterwards ut 10 o'clock. Te-morrow will
1)0 All Seuls' day, when thore will also be
Grade of High Scheel Ueys.
The following Is the relative grade by
"classes, of the pupils in attendance at the
beya' high school during the months or
September and Octeber. Twe hours home
study expected from each pupil :
Cinr O hanman 8,Ieuben H Cater-.... SI
Jehn W llaker....SHnmnerI llrewn....T
JueA Nauman..-....S Harry IT Hall TO.
KredC Hwten.-..M...W JtalPn H lleuncr TO
ShS Jlohtne.. IMVW H Lephcr 79
Witt Mwastman: VnvE.AIbrlilit...Trt
jli" D p7e..!3.M Philip i Htefe..........75
Merris l.eeb WiWO Welfcrjbur'r 76
Walter Kaeglev ..l Albert L Hchaum 70
Gee W Leenard... (til
scresn CUASS.
Fratik'B. Kready. tW.I.j-man II llradr. R2
'W M" Mxderf....i MlWalterJ Ie.mrd.,.
Edward L.Page.. MjWalter.A Miller.-..
Jacob II n.vrne .! Jftbn Haclin...,-...-
Heward W Dlllor.,-...ei;Jat K Erl.iesn
Fred J. Illcker -01 Jno F Krnntt......
.1 n Kinur nrh n Hubert
Hnrh K Falten...i.i.J w K unaerwecxi.
Frank V Thuriew.-.AVm M Derwart 78
Jehn II Slyer ssill W McGlnnK 7S
Newton K Illtscr ... M Cbas E Welbuih.....77
Maurice J Leng... RS'JeMph K Mercer- 77
Alden F Pentx. R a 8 Johnton....-.7
II A McCemsey WL'O HlirmBn..-...i...(W
Jehn O Kriuhey -8.ichas E liats..i e
D.ll flarllolemew-....t,Edward D Cllnc -.M
Harvey A,Tlios F McEHIgett.74
H F Kby SO Krank II Ecaman n
Htepben K llerr -.H AVm A Hprcager .n
li PB McNcnl SI Paul D rroemall-....72
Chei F Hewell KlClini E Kluhcr W
Den M Myers .. lAlfred OHnilth -.71
Win O lreir. -.TO Mcett W Hiker... 70
Wm It Fisher. 78rWm D Carman i.-70
Chas O Gempr. 78 Harry E Edgcrley..70
Frank K Lane 78 KdwEbermaii (N
J W HellliiKer 77, Wm N Warren -CO
Geerge Kepler "ItebtH Campbell. Kt
Arthur G Herner.....-..78 Jehn Denups - KS
Jacob u r'rey -.-70, Win A lte4l ..Kt
E I. Hlgbee ... :,7tfWnt A Hnurrler 01
Chnt F IenbcrBer....r.7(I,Wm M McQInnli 00
Frank A Auxer .76 Clarence D Keyer 00
Melvlu H Ixjng 7.Aug W Bmlth 80
reuitTit CLASS.
Theodere Jeseph. 81 Edw II l'ewcll. CT
J W, Vlllce .80, Wm L Hlmen;i...... ...07
r.- tap lnn.irf WTnhn I yiurall1 lUt
F.H1Oermciiy........-H.7(l Harry D IXn, til
I..,.- Tl CAlllnn Trt llnprv f riptifT M
Frank (I Urban .70 Walter L Halbach....6l
Jes McClain ...7l Clarence M Malunc...(cl
Jno V lloyle -..73 Ollpln Htcltman.......W
11 A McConemy -.Ti Harry (J Gable .ill
Lwb A Bulceb. .70 Frederick Ooex 00
H C Albright TO l.-H Merrln.t -.00
JneO Dellet (0 Hurry W Davis -JM
Geerge lleefe) (W Harry EDIIIer S7
EDlHlerman 08 C V Hoelcmycr.- M
Kdw r Deen r. 07lClluerd A Funic 1ft
Jno A Maynard..., 07Uarry L Buchlcr -X0
The lleya Turned Out nnd Enjoyed
ThomaelvoH Last Nljrht.
Last night" the small boy was out in
ferce celebrating Hallowe' en. The streets
wero filled with youngsters of all ages
and many of them carried huge bags of
cern.wlth which' they rattled the windows
of heuses without any respect te the occu
pants. Doer bells' wero rung and pcople
wero kept running te the front ni their
houses te find that they had been fooled,
and Just in tlme te see tbe young rascals
running away us fast as their heels would
carry them. Although the boys did little
damage they seemed te have plenty of
A party of boys entered the stable of
Patrick Cherry, liveryman, of SeuthWater
street, and cut up a let or new hose, some
of which they carried off. and this morning
a portion was found en vine street, it Is
supposed that the boys cut the hoseln
erder te seen re something te hainmer doers
with. Mr. Cherry knew their names and
will prosecute them.
In front of the cigar btore of William
Woltz, en North Queen street, thore steed
a very large and bealtby looking Indian
that was used for a sign. Last night seme
ene loosed the neble red man from bin
fastenings aud carried him away. He
must have been concealed and Mr. Waltz
does net knew where he Is.
Trumps Suspected of Iteblilng Elsen Elsen Elsen
bortcer'H Store nt Mlllwuy.
On Saturday night the stere of S. U.
Elsenbcrger, of Mlllway, which is qulte a
large establish ment, was broken into by
burglars, who stelo SAO worth of silk
bandkorchiefs, six suits of clothing, six
overcoats, $20 worth of hats, six ladles'
coats, cigars, revelvers, tobacco aud nil
kinds efdry goedsund men's wear amount
ing te the total value of J7H7.2.").
On Tuesday of this week, Detective
James Gates, assisted by Harrisburg and
Heading officers, orrestedh let of tramps,
who are new In the Lebanon jail. They
gave their names as Isaac Brown, Chas.
Miller, Fred. Unger, Paul Wagner, Fred.
Powlsen, F. Schuster, James Shacirer,
Henry Wagner and Mem Fleischman.
Ofllcer Wittick, of Columbia, Is sure that
seme of these are the men that robbed the
Mlllway stere. He went te Lebanon
yesterday and looked at the men. He
recognized several of them ashurd cases.
Near whero the trumps were caught n let
of goods wero found, but theyrltd net
wish te claim them. Mr. Klsonbergcr
will go ever te Lebanon te oxamine the
goods und see If he can identify any of
' The Iteforinatlen Services.
The anniversary of the Iteformntlen was
celebrated with approprlate services ut
Trinity Lutheran church last evening. A
large congregation was in attendance and
listened Intently te an uble sermon de
livered by Bey. Dr. Samuel Laird, of St.
Mark's church, Philadelphia. His text was
Psalms xlx., 30: "I have choieii the way
of Ih v" truth." "
Itevs. K. L. Reed. L Melster and J. W.
Itumple assisted in tbe services. The
music was rendered by n choir of twenty
voices, and was of Its usual superior excel
lence. (The decorations of the church wero
elaborate. On the font was u massive
mound of exotics, the flowers being of
wbite and geld and in harmony with the
colors of the pulpit. Tbe lectern was sur
mounted with a white llerul anchor en u
pedestal of green. The pulpit wiidcnlwiued
with Ivy and en the altar w us a large basket
of variegated chrysanthemums.
Cylinder Head Blew Out.
Just before neon te-duy an accident oc ec oc
curiednt Sulium's dye works, en Seuth
Water street, which might have been mere
serious. The head of the cylinder, which Is
used for drying goods, blew out with tre
mendous force, knocking off the knob of
the deer which was in a direct line from It.
Miss Hese Shu brooks, un empleye of the
works, wus standing near by, but was net
Injured In the least, although terribly
frightened. The oyllnder wus made of
galvanized iron, and the pressure must
have been tee great, although it fioquently
has had mero en.
Great Trials and Tribulations.
Yesterday about twenty colored people
of this city, Including tbe company that
plays " Tem Thumb " left this city for
(Juarryville, where they were lioeked for
an entertainment. They left here at 2
o'clock and did net arrive ut Quarryville
until half-past eight o'clock, owing te the
bad reads. By the time they reached there
many peeple,' who had come te see the
show,- left for their homes, although a
colored messenger had been sent ahead te
tell the folks that the troupe was coming.
The result wus a small house. The treupe
did net reach Lancaster en the return trip
until neon te-day.
Cremated Twe Bodies,
The body of Mrs. Gcrlrude Klise Hurt
man was. Incinerated in Die new crematory
at Baltimore, with her little child. Beth of
these persons died in August and their
bodies had been kept in a mausoleum. The
cremation wus In charge of Charles S. Bald
win, of the Ijuicaster crematory, and the
.S'KH describes bis mode of oj'eratleii ut
length. It further says that Mr. Baldwin
will go from Baltimore toNashvllle, Tenn
essee, te superintend the erection there of
a new crematory.
Sale or a Hetel.
Jehn Itebmun it Sen, auctioneers, sold
at public sale yesterday for tbe estate of
thelate Jonas Nell, the hotel property ut
Mlllwuy, en Iho Heading A Columbia rail
road, te Samuel Lrb, for $2,217, The
building Is two story frame und ou the
half sere of bind there U alto a tab)e.
Non-PreMrtont Pupils Must 1'ny A Hen-
oiutjen en the Ttotlrcment of J. J.
Hartmnn and Dr. Jehn Lovenreod
The last meeting of the old school beard
was held en Thursday evening, the follow
ing members being present: Messrs. Bole Bele
nlus, Breucmsn, Bronius, Brown, Cochran,
Krlsman, driest, Haitman, Hegoner, Lev Lev Lev
ergoed, Llclity, Llppeld, Marshall, Me Me Me
Coiusey, McKllllps, Owens, Pentz, ltath ltath
fen, Heynelds, Schnader, Schroyer, Shirk,
Huuiirer, Warfel, White, Wehlseti, Wolf,
and Mccormick, president.
The reading of the minutes of the last
regular meeting was dispensed with.
The usual monthly bills were presented
approved aud ordered te be paid. '
Sir. Brown, of the Judiciary commltteo,
presented the report of the superintending
committee relative te the nen-resldcnt
pupils who are attending the city schools.
lie stated that In a report banded them by
Suiorlntendent Iluphrle he had given the
names of a half-desen pupils who wero net
entitled te the prlvllcgebf the city schools
without paying the fee required by the
rutes of tbe school beard. '
In discussing the report Mr. McCemsey
quoted State Superintendent Hlgbce's re
port en such cases, that made" the school
districts and net the narents of ininlls re
spensible for the 'pay of pupils, the ground
being taken that thn school districts should
furnish proper educational fncllitles or pay
the fee of pupils going te school In ether
districts having them.
Mr. Hegoner said he did net think It
was the duty of the Lancaster lieanl te go
about aeelng that ether beards furnished
S roper facilities for the chlldren in their
Mr. Brown romarked that children came
hore from the very shadow of district
schools and In such cases should be coin
polled te pay the required fee.
Mr. Breslns took the ground that no
liability could be created for any school
district without its consent. If this beard
had entered into any contract with any dis
trict It would held geed, and If children
came here without the consent of the
beards of their district our beard is net
compelled te recelve thorn gratuitously
and they should be compelled te accede te
our rules. Their coming was net the fault
of ether districts and these wero net liable
for the fees.
The motion of Mr. Hartman that the
recommendation of the committee te com
Del all uoli-resldout nuiiils te uuv the fee
or leave the schools was unanimously
Mr, Hegoner, of the visiting commlttee
of the southwest division, reported that the
Mulberry schools needed repairs.
Mr. Breneinan, of the commlttee of the
southeastern division, reported n sails
factory condition of Iho schools lu his divi
sion. Under the call of new business Mr.
McCemsey presented the following reso
lution :
Jleselval, That by the rctlromeutof Jehn
I. Hartman and Dr. Jehn Lovergoed, who
have for se many years been among Its
most active and r.caleus inembers, this
beard leses two of Its most respccled and
faithful members und this community
active and zealous services in the cause of
publics education.
It was adopted by a rising vete. Tbe
beard then adjourned si no die.
As the members rese te loave Mr. Rey
nolds requested that all the old members
whose terms had notexpireil and the new
members present should remaln u few
minutes In mucus.
Mr. Cochran was then called le the chair
and Mr. lioynelds moved that all the old
ofllcersef tbe beard be rc-clected nt next
Thursday's meeting for the ensuing term,
and this was unanimously agreed te.
It Appear In Fulton Opern Heuso In u
Streng Company.
Thore Is another geed specially and bur bur
lesque company at the opera heuse this
week. It Is the ene bearing the iiame of Ida
Slddeus, who Is at Its head. Tha'Veiiipany
'opened Air three nights last evenlng, und
the andlonce was net as large by any means
as the merlts of Iho entertainment deserved.
The show opened with a " Lawn Fete,"
with a nretty stage setting. The ladles
appeared in handsome costumes und sang
a number of seloctlens,whllo the comedians
made fun. Mile. Stucceul was Introduced,
and she guve a skirt dunce, She is a
nimble llttle creature, very light und
graceful In her movements, nnd received
well merited nppluuse. MUsSophle Thern,
a stately looking girl cume next and did
some dffllcult Jig and reel dancing. Will
C. Matthews and Miss Nellie Harris made
" Oddities," und Miss Ida Slddeus looked
charming and danced well, as she
always does, whlle she skipped the rope.
Jehn Wills and wire, May Adams, who
have always been popular bore, were given
a warm reception by their friends, and
they have many here. Beth were brimful
of fun und Miss Adams' strong veice was
heard te advantage In a number of songs.
Miss Fannle Temple sang the popular
ballad, "The Mottoes en the Wall," and
ethor songs. Four ladles In beautiful
and Guiscard uppeared in tbe best
statuary pictures evor seen In Lancaster.
A tremendous hit was made by Phil und
Crlssle Sheridan, the "Krunky Keens."
Their act Is ery strong and thore are few
belter. MissSiierlduu Is ene of the few
wemen who put cork upon their fuces and
the way that she acted the wench, cutting
all kind of caiH-rs.cauglit en In great shnpe.
The play ouded with the burlesque "Venus
und Adenis" In which the shapely women
of the company had u chaiice te show their
forms in pretty clothing.
He Went Threnub the Window.
There Is n deg belonging te a neighbor
of Alderman Plnkcrteii, who Is a great
friend of the magistrate. He calls ut the
ofllce every day und spends much tlme
thore listening te the trial of interesting
cases. Yesterday when the deg called the
alderman was away and the deer locked.
The deg noticed n hole In the front win
dow and through that he duslied, breaking
almost Iho whole of the glass out. After
spending seme tlme In the ofllce he went
out the same way he had come In. The
aldcrmun thinks the hele In the window is
rather large new und it will have te be re
palred,us It Is large enough te udmlt horses
- i '
A Hallewe'en Parly.
Last evening Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Stlllel
gave a very pleasant Hallewe'en party at
their residence, Ne. 627 Kast King street.
About thirty couples of their friends met
at Ne. 4(12 High street and marched te
Mr. Stld'el's home, whero dancing aud
games of various kinds had been Indulged
in for soveral hours, when all enjoyed an
elegant simper. Miss Lettie Chambers,
MIssMattle Stltl'el, Thaddetis Stlllel and
William Bidcnbach were the commlttee of
arrangements. Bergl'serchestra furnished
the music.
I'umis Iviuilu Memerial Heme.
At a meeting of the beard of directors of
the Pennsylvania Memerial home, held In
Harrisbuig en Thursday, Hen. A. F.
Thompson, of Dauphin, was elected presi
dent. The home will be established by the
Women's Belief Cerps of the Grand Army
of the Bepublie for the care and mainten
ance of Indigent veteran soldiers and their
wives, anil they have a large sum en hand
te puichase property und keep the home
in operation. A committee wus apisilnted
te visit Leng View Summer hotel, near
Broekvillo, which was otl'ered the beard ut
a nominal sum, and if the property is sat
isfactory It III be purchased. Tiie hotel
Is large and roomy, of modern architcetiiie
and furnished throughout. The ciliensef
Broekvillo will give 5,001) te tiie home If
established thore.
Chokes! ly rt Tey Balloon.
AC-ycar-eld daughter of Mrs. SuIIImiii
was choked te death by swallowing a toy
balloon iu Cincinnati yesterday,
nev ma name is huewn.
The Ferger Captured by Philadelphia
Detectives AVusTnscett's Companion.
Although complications have followed
cech ether In Iho case of the mysterious
"Sutherland," the errors following upon
the Chicago tragedy are net yet at an end.
The prisoner new says he is William
Brown', sen-et a wealthy Chlengwin. In
addition te a number of startling stato state stato
menta about being concerned In numerous
forgerlos lie says that he went te school
with and grew up with Tascett. They
were been companions, and Tuscett's
friends wero mainly Brown's.
On Thursday Brown was taken from the
county prison te the Central station te be
present nt (he further hearing. Detectives
Bend and Murray, who captured the
ferger, and two reporters visited him In
Ids cell. Ite was smekliiB a cigarette and
began with: "De you knew thnt I'm
sorry I'm net Tuscelt, for there's no two
iciiews in ims world anal I would rather
see get a pleee or that f0,000 than Bend
and Murray. I would net tell them who
I was, but I assured them that I was net
Tascett. although I leek llke him. I
knew Tascett well, for he Is my age, and
we payed together In Chicago, and there
Is only a point of difference in our appear appear
ance ; his nese Is u geed bit bigger than
"Why did you declare Hint you wouldn't
go back le Chicago?"
" Well, I'll loll you that my right name
is net Bewman, that Is my ume as a oon eon oen
ylctod thief. I have given my right nnine
te Mr. M Oed In eontldenco. My rulher Is
well known becnuse or his connection with
a Chicago railroad nnd the Union Leaguo,
or Chicago. I was brought up all right ami
educuted nt a military academy, and round
uiupiuymciii us n uoeKKcepor in Chicago.
I round It easier te inake money by forg
ing checks and worked my way East.
Twe years ege In Cincinnati I stelo the
sampie case of watches which a salesman
had, knowing I could get J2.MX) for the
waicues, mil i was arrested and sent
te Iho Columbus prison. Then I
was hurt and get the wound which
answers ihe description of Tascett' und
was punloned. That was dene through
the Intercession of my father and n num
ber of Influential Iriends. Well, my
father had Intorests In tbe Black Hills and
I was sent there. I did net llke It nnd left
suddenly. After that I enme East, taking
In Manhattan Beach aud ethor places this
sumtner. I was only In Philadelphia
twelve days nnd went te Heeding. If I
hadn't get drunk I would net have been
arrested. If Tascett ever killed Snell he
was acting with ether peeple. He was
a kind of u shyster reporter and was tee
simple te keep his mouth shut and
net shrewd enough te koep awuy from
the pelice tills long. I believe that the men
who wero with him have put him out or
the way and he never will be found. I
nearu tins nom a fellow lu the Columbus
ponltentliiry. Tnscett and I wero pretty
intlmate. We went te school louether and
his falher lived near mine. I have been in
Ityan's saloon mid the Garden City jioel
rooms. I'm a peel player, a iierforiner en
thoutitehurpnud guitar, smeke clgarettes,
have the same marks us Tascett, act like
him nnd when the chief read the descrip
tion of Tascett I was staggered. I really
did net knew what te say. I was paralyzed.
I was acquainted with Tuscett's girl, and
she was-en pretty geed tonus with me.
She described me very clese In that
At the 2 o'clock hearing "tbe mystery"
was arraigned. General Passenger Agent
Weed, or the Pennsylvania railroad, iden
tified reur checks with his name forged.
Charles Lewis and Charles Daly, testillnd
that the prisoner had In nil secured $76 In
cash en forged checks for Ihem. Four wit
nesses swore Hint Iho defendant hud tried
te pass worthless cheeks upon thorn.
Brewtf admitted his guilt and wus held In
.'l,80) ball. '
Lnterln Iho day Chler Weed received
the following telegram :
Buteam), Gap, Dakota.
We want Samuel Bewman, right name
William Brown ; charge forgery.
' W. J. Woof) A Ce.
It Is olse understood that Brown com
mitted forgeries In Bosten, Portland, Me.,
Detroit, Canada, New Yerk and Chicago.
Anether Epistle from ' ClirarM,"
I'nireiis Inti:m.i(ii:nci:ii It would seem
te an Impartial observer us If the applica
tion of the Law nnd Order society for a
detectlve In this city wasii gratuitous In
sult te our pelice ferce and mero especially
se te tbe ward constables. It Is llkowlse
considered by many of our citizens us a
rellectlnn uten the honesty of our Judges,
who at almost every quarter sessions court
Instruct the constables In their duties, em
bracing essentially the suppression of the
very evils which Mr. Crawford Is new
desiring te assume In his role us detectlve.
It Implies u want of faith In the honesty of
the present law executives, and carrles
abroad toether communities a notification
that our own fair city Is reeking with cor cer cor
inptlen and crime a veritable modern
Sodom und Gomernib whose regeneration
can only be accomplished by and through
the Instrumentality or the Law und Order
Lcugue. It ejMsns the wny for n jHjtty
system of blackmail, nnd for the exercise
or a special favoritism in the lnterest or a
row. It is a confession that the saving
grace and inlliiouce of our many churches
amount te nothing, and lsn reflection upon
the arduous labors or our ministers and a
notification te theso disciples of Ged te
stand aside until the Luw and Order
Leaguo clear theso Aiigean stables of their
moral filth and rottenness. It depicts our
entire community as violators or law, rer
whose moral salvation existing methods
being insiifllclent it is necessary te estab
lish a system of ospleiiugo and Paul Pryism
repugnant te ovary geed citizen.
Chi ails.
The Yeung Men's Democratic soclety
will held n,Hpcciul meeting en Saturday
evenlng te appoint commlttces for ward's
and transact ethor business.
Jee Beyer, or this city, who lias lxen
traveling with Frank Jenes "SI Perkins"
company, lias left it te Jein Louise Artiet.
At a meeting or the congregation or the
Memerial Presbyterian church held Inst
evening, the following goutleinon were
elected trustees or said church for tbe en
suing term: Isane Baumau, D.W. K. Petsal
and Jehn C, Yeung.
The Active buse ball club will held their
annual ball In tbe King street rink this
evenlng and they expect n big tlme.
William Wenninger and Hebert Staple
ford te-day took possession of Hetol
Veteran en North Queen street, which was
vacated by Cap. Abnim Scttley. The new
proprietors have hud considerable ex
perience in the business.
The newsagents or tills city are net al
lowed te enter the Pennsylvania railroad
station te sell their uowspapers, as that
ground Is covered by the Union News
company, who have the sole privilege. The
ether ugents say that en Sunday the boys of
the news company run all evor ihe city
soiling papers und they de net think thut
should be allowed.
The Mlddle street row, which was noted
last evening, did net occur In Alex. Heed's
house, but lu Geergo Heed's, Just below
him, and next te the Lien brewery.
The ladles of the Western M. 15. church
will held a pink tea en this und tn-monew
evenings, and they expect a fine time.
The iKilice and city iirciiieu weru paid elf
for last month ut the city treasurer's ofllce
this morning.
The ancient hotel, corner of Kast King
und Seuth I. line streets, known us the
" Gelden I-iglc," has Just been repaired
and remodeled, und it presents an attrac
tive and bountiful unpeuruuee. The iuper
lng Is net only bright but neat In design,
und was done by Christian Henry, The
imbuing was urtistlcully done by Jacob A.
llievh'er und Jes. Hammend ; and the
graining Is the work or Byren J. Brown.
i i i .I.
Cluinife of. Musician.
Henry Bewep, who had been connected
with Iho orchetra or Fulton opera heuse
slnce the new management took tbe house,
left rer Denver en Wednesday evening te
Jein the orchchtruel the Metropolitan eimru
house. Mr. Bew en has been succeeded
hore by Jehn Mcltae, of New Yerk city.
Execution IkhihhI,
James A.Piukorteii has Issued execution
firSl.MW against Galen Glrvln, fanner, of
Sudsbury tuwuslilp,
te rtEnuKE ness quay.
Lancaster County Leaders Arranging te
Pell n Small Vete.
A Ijiiieuatcr dispatch te the New Yerk
.h--iijftAl,! ,H,ere" Lancaster county,
iv?JES? S?lmu!,cn "rongheld of Fcn
R . iS.w.erSi!" .RrewlnK dissatisfaction
iuJ . iLEL'u- r,lJ,8t V" "Bt the offen effen offen
slve besslsni pfSenaler Quay. Quay want
mJS 1H",uV ,dlcl.r n the matter of
distributing federal appointments here.
He Kerns dolerinlnod le punish delegates
I rends Shroder and Samuel Soldemrldge,
-JULi"?"1 tftu,, n"n! oenvontlon and
vpled for Harrison and net for Quay'a
choice, Jehn Sherman, of Ohie. The
Sliroder-Sotdomrldgo faction he utterly
Ignores, nnd he take ospeclal delight in
opposing their recommendations for ap
pointments under the administration, lie
rtC0?l'wP ?ly the Montzer-Martln cio cie cio
ment in the Itcnubllean party. Monlzer Is
boss Quay's right hand man In Lancaster
Itecently the anti-Quay element scored a
great victory by capturing the county or
ganization and defeating Menlzer for chair
man or the county committee. Mentzer'a
defeat In the face or what ptomed victory
has caused much elation In the anti-Quay
camp. The opposition Is getting ready for
fiHrfliii"'? year',wh" full county
ticket will lie nominated, together with
aix assemblymen and ene state senator.
The new inembers of the Legislature will
eeh bave a vote for Sonater Cameren'
miowsser. and the new senater will cast
a ballet for successors te both Senators
Quay and Cameren. Cameron has ben
notified that Quay' dictation will net be
..v...-,.. ttuajr B imoricrence in me so
led Ien of a state senator 1 net wanted. If
Cameron permits Quay te dlctatethe selection,-
as he did In the matter of the rovenue
collector's appointment here, there will be
revolt, as the breach Is widening each day.
Notwithstanding Iho prestige or the lia lia
tlenal administration as represented by
Qiy In Lancaster ceuntv, the anti-Quay
elomeut feel greatly elaleil and thore will
no some telling dovelopmonts at next W .
Si '. . . IB11""' j.micasier county
will probably cast a small vete for Henry
K. Beyor, Quay'a candidate for state treas
urer, and there is a disposition en the part
or the quiet voters te let the election go by
delimit as a rebuke te Quay' bossism. '
Quay sniffs defeat in the ulr aud is writ
ing personal letters appealing te the leaders
or the party.
THE oiryNixe SEASON.
natii)! Are Ittpe Te-Uny and n I arge
Crowd I After Them.
This morning reminded ene of war time
and ever)' man that could get possession of
gun went te the country In e.irch of rab
bit. They began te leave town at all hour
during the night and this morning, and It
appeared that the threatening nppearance
oflhe weather did net street thorn In the
least. A man who llvea en East King
atreet says that they kept passing his heuse pairs and even in pnrties from mi
oarlyheur. The people In the county will
surely think thut the state militia has been
turned upon them, but the same feeling
seems te exist all evor the country. Kvery
man thinks he should go gunning en the
first day nr the rabbH season, lest all f
the game be killed ut onee. If all thit
left here te-day are suoceuful tint tyjrk
of destruction will be very great. If any
or them nre unfortunate the newspapers
may have u geed Hern te chronicle by
te-morrow. It hardly seem posslblelbat
se many gunnera ran travel around with
out sheeting each ethor, as they eome In
very elose contact at tlme and there 1
much careless handling of firearms. The
ravorlte part el tbe county for the hunter
s inthplewer end, and thore was nish
In that direction. A great number of gun
wero repaired at the shops yesterday, and
many quoer.klpdsnr firearms, have been
pressed Inte service.
Mothedtsts Thrown Out of Their nulli!
1ns lly Catholics.
Adjutant General Reberts, of Tepeka,
Ks.. received a telegram en Thnrsday, no
tifying him of n riot at Axtell, Marshall
county. The telegram was rreni the mayor
or the city aud nsked thut a detachment or
mllllla be sent ut ence te quell the disturb
ance The adjutant general at ence ordered
out oempany G, of the Third roglmeut,
located at Marysvllle. and left en tiie first
train for the scene or the trouble
Axtell, a town of about 700 peeple. Is set
tied largely by Catholic. On Wednesday
a Mothedlut minister named Jehnsen, from
the bastern part or the state, arrived at
Axtell te held revival meetings. He hud
unite alame congregation lu the ovenlngnt
the Methndlst church and In the audience
were a number or Catholics. Soen
beginning his remarks the minister began
un attack iiikiii the Culliellu church. He
bocume se abusive Hint ene of the Catho
lics present called him a liar; he continued
his remarks until the Catholics could stand
It no longer. Four or them rushed te the
nulplt and taking the proaeher by the col cel
lar threw him down. In a moment the
pulpit was surrounded by an angry mob
and a gcueral row ensued.
Although the Catholics were In minor
ity, they were tee much for the Methodists
and succeeded In throwing the preacher
snd two ethers out or the heuse. The
whole town was seen aroused. Four
Catholics were arrested and put In the city
prison. Tills se enraged the Catholic pop
ulation that they organized Thursday
morning te assist the imprisoned men.
The town erSt. Bridget, a few miles dis
tant, Is settled entirely by Catholics, und
It Is reported that the whele town Is or
ganizing loge Ut the rescue of the Axtell
Catholic. The mayor says he Is powerless
te control thorn anil rcarsu conflict between
the two eloments.
A Deduction lu Working Hours.
All the empleyes In the roadway de
partment or the Reading railroad will be
put en nine hours, Instead or ten, after No
vember 1st. . This erder takes in tbe entire
Philadelphia A Herding svstem from Jer
sey City te Wllllamsjiert.nnd all brunches.
About 20 men are utrected In this city,
principally repalrsincii, and probably ?,.ri00
all along the line. Tills reduction Isiisuully
mnde at this season of the venr, bee-uuse '-f
the short days. A month later tiie. myv
work only eight hours per day. A cor
responding reduction in pay fellows the
reduction in hours.
Hallewe'en C'ofTee Sociable.
The Heme Mission band of Olivet Baptiit
church guvoacefToo sociable en Thursday
night, fir which thore was a vnrv enter
taining literary progiamme. ColTeo an I
buns were distributed te delight the Inner
man and prometo sociability, in both of
which they were eminently successful.
Tbe programme was as fellows : Cherur.
"Welceme te Allj" recitation, "The
Fishermen," Master Andrew Biggs i reel reel
tatlen, "Twinkle, Twinkle," Miss Ulauche
Metzgurs chorus, "On the Other Side j"
reading, miss Phlpps' Awakening," Miss
Kmnia Ilagan; sole, "Werk While the
Day Iaists," Miss Lettle Baker; dialogue,
"Aunt Rachel In the City," Miss Martha
GIvIer, Miss Carrle Dellet; chorus, "Glory
te Ged In the 1 Ugliest " recitation, "No
body's Child." Miss Beskle Biggs ; chorus,
" On te Victory." '
Finished Their Werk.
Twenty men or this city, Gordenvillo
and ether places, who have been at work
ubeut Johnstown ever since the big flood,
came home this morning. They were ac
companied by Supervisor O'Dennell, for
merly of Luncaster, new stationed luthe
Cenemaugli valley, The foreman or the
men whlle away was Harry Miimma, a
well known young man of Blrd-in-Haud.
Chance at.Eltzabwtli Farms.
Frem the I.ltltz Recerd.
This week an important change takes
place at the Elizabeth farms. J, It.
Windelph, manager, leaves the premises
and the old mansion heuse which he lives
In will be occupied by, Peter Drybread.
Philip Ruhl, of Lebanon county, moves
into farm Ne. 2, and will be the manager
of ihe three Elizabeth farms. Mr. Windelph,
we understand, will move te Lancaster,
P Washington, D. C.Nev. L Fcr
Eastern Pennsylvania: Fair, no
change lu temperature variable
1 ,- t!
llre Kxposure or Their Metli'jd bf
intelligencer Drive th All
1llV.lntl.k.B - - Aft.. . 1-r
- .... n. ...... .t-um imI t,iij-, jj.
The doctor frauds, who had an eA
Seuth Duke street, where they .under
... tu.c uii-ii hi cniarrn, who did net I
from the cemnlitlnt. n.l .tr. ....
Wonderful thlnira haval 1l Au. '.jT.i .
The exposure of their methods by tbe
..uwimm.iui, which was read witn an
deal or interest and commended by evS
lvrultr tVlialtf t,ul !. ii w
....... . uiijr. mien iney
enme te Lancaster they toot
meals at a l.nlal Tl.l- i.. .
Ei t0.. "Pensive, however, and
SUhdav llmv tnnlr thai,. .nl .. AIM
restaurant about town. A seen M
bad read the 11 ret article In this paper
juuuu u was uoeomituj. tee het for
here. One left, vsktnrdkv mnmln. aul i
ether i
luueweei mm later in the day. Hi
,, . r: z-rrf. "--"!
nrelsiblv vnrv ftisnn.i. r.d t. til.. ,
iret awsv. u ih xfa.u.1 ..i. .
taklllv actlnn v kiu ,l.... ...
Suits may yet b brought against them
uiBTcan ue round. &
mis morning an advertisement, wet
til A kSrt-A UnA fM --. a
f,mr, l !?. T?rk paper. It Si
...... nv oiiiiiieiik new xerx ue
nave arrived in Yerk and have i
nsutlv Inmlnrl at 11a nun..i n
Is little doubt that the men are Uhm
jiiai were Known nere u " ee
Knirllali anrf H.MM.H nl.M.i.h.
"doctors" have become ''rattled" lBet
auiiiK up iney received Here and oe
Itllnw whit AAnnln, Ik... k.ll u
erk ofllcers nnd medical society womb! t
well te leek after them. 14.
..uiuuniun uaaun m wmen people,.
......,,, fnmt 1U11.1,, nuru iwaienin UUI
uave ceme 10 iigni since tbe alleged da
wereexpeHl. Te-dy peer man
tO the ISTKLLUIENCKn nfflia whn
uiieringiremiuie caUrrh. "nnnlil
paid a visit te the doctor who aafu 1
ftl for medlclne. He paid them part of.
meiMtr Ulll l)iw litU klm k -'.
ve ihe remainder around by Octebar
i.. "a"mJ ! '"muuigni uw 1
n tlin tlma atiAi.lAA.1 T m.m..i.i tw. .
te tell hew much money th riali
cured bore. - fl
- - ;M
Vn.ManvaavM . ,,.;!'
IHsm Ancx, N.D., Net. 1 Repert of 4
lltutlen In North Dakota are gmtlys
"SHvrntnu, aim winie mere are soma un
ted communities In need of asslstane,' I
Statement that ' ever a hunilrad thrUtaa
people are In want" doe the state anl
jusuce. inore is seme surrerlng in Redi
iiiiu jveiaoceunues, uut aside from
localities It t dirtlcult te locate anvni
actual want. The report sent out
Minneapolis anu ml rani are in
lnitaiica hltrlilv nnlnMwl Than. I
In the situation te Justify the repeiitia
famine exists In Dakota. -; ,s
ludluuapell Kntertaln Thetti. f ;
iNDiANAreus, Nev. L It anneand
every bell In Indianapolis was rinainar I
morning a tbe International Amerieaai i
curslen train glided Inte the' etatlen. J
or the party were at the br
table wben the reception ceinmlMe;iia
and ethor nromUient cltlaan ,beanlaal
train. Soeh'iilfTorO'b'crockHhe- traln'
inn em 01 town aueui 0 mile te the we
or the large milling machine oeini
whero an hour was spent In exan
.!.. 1.1 r-- -
.no uwiiiiiury, -ft,3
...... . ' '- ifii!
wiiiumAaiisii, ,4J,m
.. - ... . . . .
nicAde, iev. 1. A dispatch '
Abllene, Kan., say ; Lebeld A F
made an assignment late yesterday, a
neon te Atterney Mead and locked
Abllene bank deer against all
Slni'e Monday's suspension a large n
ber of local donesltors have been al
with, and It was hoped that all could '
saiistied. Tim New England cred
commenced leirnl nroceedlinni and lh
slgnincnt was necessary. The remali
liabilities amount te S285.0G0, with'
which, being in Western lands, wilt
un irimi nniiaiyiiiu; claims wnen aeraii
' . . ,
...... .: . n
rim niiiiih 'iiuai'iiiniKia-t. .;
" . -.- f i!..
riTTsiiune, ev. 1. no uvea were,!
us reported, by the Palace rink '" i
Kast Knd this morning. In the panl j
lowing the alarm a number of perMenaw
slightly Injured, but none seriously." .1
names spread se rapidly that the but
waa entirely destroyed before th
could secure their wrap and hatawirl
occasioned considerable discomfort ui
many were compelled te go te their pem
In masquerade and ball costume. .Jl
less win 1101 exceeu fe.wu. , 3fKJ
.. .. . r " a
Ntoekltoldor Smile. ,,sy
Piiu.AiiKi.riUA, Nev. 1. The Penasjif
vauia railroad director te-day d
the regular semi-annual dividend e n
and oue-half nor cent, "
Ilurke Idontlfled.
Ciik'aoe, Nev. L The most lmper
witnesses In the Crenln trial te-day 1
Mrs. Annie Carlsen, who positively id
fled Martin Burke as tbe man who renb
the Carlsen cettage, and site pelataAl
him out en the witness stand, va
witnesses were heard in reference, te
purchase of furniture, etc. vJ
A Whaling Vessel Lest. ,A52
Nkw IlKorenu, Mas?., Nev. 1. DteS
patches from San Francisce teMlajrj
reports the less in the Ar
ocean of the whaling rteamer LucreM,!
01 tins peru re particulars nave been rj
celved. The Lucretla waa owned by Cp-J
uin Lewls and ethers, of this ctty, and 1
valued, with outfits, at $10,000; partially I
sured In Londen.
Contract Given ler a Cruiser.
Washington, Nev. L The secretary
the navy te-duy awarded te
Loring, of Bosten, Uie contract tort
structlng cruiser Ne. 11. of 2,000 ten 1
placement, for fJ74,0OO, te be cempletad t
two aud a halfyears.
Killed Himself:
Ni:w llKiireim, Mass., Nev. L Ooeraj
II. I-atham, aged 42, representing Barry,!
liiayeriV Ce., cotton brokers, was reuailK
dead In his oillce tills morning, hart
shot himself. He had net beeu seen
several days.
Imlluns Destttute.
Chicago, Nev. L A dispatch
It t'0
Cheyenne, Wye., says : The two thou
Indians occupying the Wind river
vatlen, Just south of the Yellewi
National park, in tinstorruery, are
In want, and many will die of sta
A Few Mlnatea lu the Ring. ' '.-'Sj
Les AseiKLK, Cab, Nev, L-
Cov. of Bosten, knocked out Ed. Can.
San Francisce, iii two reunda last nbt
Thn ilirht lasted Just four and a quMteii
iiuuuies, . im
Kuffored a ItelapM. y-.u-vs
Ix)SIen, Nev. l.Mr. Charlea
hinirli. u hn was receverlnir from hi I
uttack of Illness, has suffered a relp.'.i
Speole,! Tormef quarter SeMleawJ f
An order his been granted uy uie m
rer a special lerm 01 iiiw "w ,, "5
te be held tiie wei'KcenueiKHu arnvrnw
December au. jb jury wm urn wrvw ,
next week, -tu. -
.- 2v., -.
vvn r