?& 'MvK&r ?- T. v'---.e ,j ?V "V lf 4Hsr xr m..-".- -- & TS . J,? i i mim8mmmm'imMm8.nmm" 66M?.ft. m. .-s rc. . it? ?tt - " 'jh WOMAX AXD til VOTE. If rraistj-ars wars laAle, wita eyas m MMk as Hade, sT Mr sWtW VvViVVf . with laaahts sweet, Ai many BfMksye asald Is, AslaspUlarMsMM Tte eeas far registration - Would kriM M mti WlthlakaMssm With trials aesltatlna. Wbate'er the Tatar1 trade I Or his cesspieakm's shaft It, He'dgeaadssgti In rain or states, XI Fwggt sawtaBBjei wW MHN Vs ate CMuJas- DtfputcA, 'A aPIHtTOD BUMXI I MC1TEH. TtM Beekkeef-ar Wm Khewg Hew It StemM a Written. Frem ths CtncanaU Enquirer. A story U told "of a prominent Third tract clothing firm. Leeking ever their book they discovered an account of less standing. "Writ him a saacy latter,-' Mid the Junier member te the bookkeeper. "Tee, make It very atrena replied the seater. The bookkeeper followed Infrac tions, end penned the following! "Your aoceantlspast doe. Ifyett de net settle within 10 day we, will draw en you at brat." Thlf Mt was bandad te the rm. -"" " De you think this la a amart lotter?" asked one of them. "It la a business one," aald the book keeper. "Well. I don't think ae, replied the former. " "Give me your pen, and Til aliew you the way te de It,'' and he proceeded te write the following : "Who bought the goods r Yeu." " Who premised te pay Ter them. Yeu. " Who didn't de se T Yeu. " " Who la a liar and a thief r " "Yours." And. after signing the Aim's name, he handed the effort chucklingly te the book keeper. - A Castle In North Carolina. Mr. Geerge Vanderbllt. the youngest child of the late William II., says that he Is going te build a French chateau of gr-iy-(ilene, overlooking the beautiful valley of the French Uread river near Ashoville, N. O. He Is a lever of natural scenery and fine climate and beenme se impressed with the advantagea of Asheville In thote par ticulars that he has purchased a tract of about five thousand acres. Geerge Vanderbilt is a bachelor, about twenty-seven years old, tall and slight of flureaud of dark hair and eyes. Although retiring In disposition he is an excellent conversationalist, being remarkably well read and thoroughly acquainted with all topics of the day. He cares nothing for society and Is most happy when in his library. He lives with his mother, te whom be Is devetedly attached. His legacy from his father was $7,000,000, together with a library and many of the pictures in the Vanderbilt gallery. Loek before you leap lu business, und think before you swallow In medicine; yen knew Oiice for all tlittLaxader U prcemlnsntly the liver regulator and bleed iurltler of the day. 1'rlre US cents. Hurler net disappointment by employing tee many " cures ;" but for the diseases or Infancy use Dr. Bull's llaby Hyrup which never disap points nud costs euly 23 wilts u bottle. Atull uruggi-w. Herculean StrciiKth Continually en the strain, or e ertaxed at In tervals, Is far leu desirable than ordinary vigor perpetuated by rational diet and exercise, and abstention (tern excess. Professional pugilists and athlete, rarely attain extreme old age. As ordinary vizer may be retained by a wise re gard for sanitary living, and for the protection against disease which timely and Judicious medication affords, se also it may be lest through prolonged sedentary labor, uninter rupted mental strain and foolish eating and drinking, the chief and most Immediate se quence of all four being dyspepsia. Fer tills condition thus, or in any way Induced, aud for its offspring, u failure of, muscular and nerve power, Hesietter's Stomach Bitters is the prl mest and most genial of remedies. Met only Indigestion, but less of flesh, appetite and sleep are remedied by Ik Incipient malaria and rheumatism are banished, and kidney, bowel and Uveroemplalnt removed by It. ect21-2i gev gMU or Stent. -pOSITlVE PUBLIC BALK. On HATUimAV, November 2, 1880. will be sold at the Cooper Heuse that one-nnd-K-hair-tery Frame Dwelling, situated Ne. KM West King street containing in front 30 feet, mere or less, and in depth 187 feet, mere or less. This is an excellent site for business purposes or private residence. Located In the most cen tral part of our city. Ne. 2, that twoJitery Brick Dwelling Heuse, Ne. M0 BU Jeseph street, containing 6 rooms and a hall, In excellent condition. Balcony, hi dram In yard, fruit, etc LoTcentalns In front 'a feet, 6 Inches, and In depth 87 feet te a 10-feet-wlde alley. Privilege te enter public sewer paid for. This house is lu every way u pleasant home, Sule le begin at 7:30 p. m. JOHN FRITRCII. Joel L. Haines, Auctioneer. el7,19),2tf0 A BSIONEE'SHALEOF CITY I'KOl'EKTV. ON THURSDAY, MOVKMBEIt 7, 1S89, The undersigned, assignee of Henry Wolf and wife, will sell ai public sale, at the Leepard Hetel, East King street, Lancaster, l'u., the fol lowing described real estate of the said assigner, te wit: ' Ne. 1. A two-story Brick Dwelling Heuse and one-story Frame Buck Building and let of ground. Ne. 3.M West Orange street, in said city, centalnlngln fronton said West Orange street 18 feet, 8 inches, and extending in depth 122 feet 6 Inches. The house and back building have seven rooms. The properly has sewer connec tion, pump and well, cistern lu the yard, fruit trees grape vines, etc Ne. 2. Tire. Building Lets, im north side of East Chestnut street. In said city, euch contain ing In front 20 feet, 2 inches, and extending in depth 10 feet te a 10-feet wide alley ; bounded ou the east by the Whitney estate, and ou the went by property of A. J. Eberly. Hale te commence at 7 o'clock p. m., when terms will be made known by JEREMIAH HIKE, Assignee of Henry Wolf and wife. JOEL L. Haines, AucU el2,19,2tlnGd UBLIC HALE OF DESIRABLE CITY Property. en Monday, October 2, 1889, will le sold at publle sale, at the Northern Mar ket Hetel, In the city of Lancaster, all that cer tain two-storied Brick Dwelling Heuse aud let of ground thereto belonging, situated en the east vide of North Queen street, between Lemen aud James street, in mild city of Lancaster, be ing numbered 429, containing in fronton said North Queen street X! reel 2w Inches, uud ex tending In depth of that width easlwardly 215 feet te Christian street. The buildings consist of a two story Brick Dwelling Heuse with two. sterj frame, back bulldlng.centalnlug 1.' rooms, attU anil wide hall aud a two-story brick stercbulUIng 10 by 40 feet; fruit treesln jard. Parties desiring te view the premises can call en the tenant living thereon. Title and pos session given April 1, 18UU. Hale te commence at 7:'U o'clock p. in. en said day, when terms and conditions will be made by O8CAUH0HEIN, Admlnstrater c. t. a. of Edward Leeds, dec d. B. F. Howe. AucU e7,H,2l,a,2U,HlK CJECURE A HOME FOR YOUK FAMILY, Secure a Heme for Your Family. FOIt SALF. ON THfi MOST LIBERAL- TERMS. Twe-story brick dwelling houses, lets 120 feet deep, ou Lancaster aeuuc, between Wal nut and Lemen streets. TwMtery brick dwelling heues wllh man sard reef, perches In front, lets 115 feet deep, en North Pine, between Chestnut and Walnut streets. Twoterv brick dwelling houses with front rards. Iren fences, lets 150 feet deep, en West iValnut, between Mary and Pine tercels. Two-sterv brick dwelling houses, lets 1(5 feet deep, en west Lemen street, between Charlette and Mary streets. Three-story brick dwelllnghottMs,lets ISO feet deep, with all the modern linpreenient1 front yards, en West Chtstuut street, between Pine and Ne lu streets. AlJ houses en East Walnut, North Lime, North Mary, between Walnut and Lemen, and Lemen, betw eon Mary and Pine streets. All the above houses are In geed order, newly papered, gas fixtures In all the rooms, water In the kitchen, and the cellars warranted te b dry. Call and see for yourself, no trouble te show you. JNO. F. ORIEL,)P-..uler, JACOB OltlEL, Lxeeuters. apras-lyd.M. W.M. 320 North Mary Htreet. TKHSE JONES A CO . I Manufacturers CONFECTIONERS' FINE PAPER BOX Ed. The most beautiful line In the United Htau-s. 61S Commerce HL.Phlladel- jmr rs. wriutrerueacnpute price list. mhl al.nUMi. TTENBY WOLr, FURNITURE STORE, has removed te 138 East King street, having a full line of Furniture of every description at the lowest prices. Alse Undertaking promptly at tended te. Call and txamlet our goods. ItVtMR H. WOLF, IN EMt Klaflitrwt. fetJrfJ - .AX'' - - - BjL - tmCURA KKUKTHBI. Aatetata, HsUr, bttrmtM, aval fissr WfTMinf Islli !,!: aamssusk Arw aarairem neata m roer- usa rgese. ueo uee tens ad koafttteta Mi, Tried ttrery t Mash ftkrasl y ti CwMeura, Heats Cured by'Qutieura a sMaiV nafN Oi 4ft MsftUMBsHW sMsMksW. MBsMW M Its worst stage. I ttli diflerset doctors aa4 bssmtfcre nhlhe hospital, butalltone purpose. The dlsea. covered my whole body from tfee top or myi.ssd te the soles of rnrMt. My hair all earns out, leaving me a complete raw sere. After trying everything I beard of your Cert cvba KRMKnim, and alter using three bottles or CirriccaA KaneLVKNT, with ccticuha and Cuticvba Seap, I Bnd myself eersd at the east of about W. i weukt net be without the CVri cvba RsmBDtBB In say hetwe,as iandtbeai useful In many cases, and I think they are the only skin and bleed medicines. ISAAC H. GERMAN, WirUberd, M. Y. Bvnkf uA Xkklac I was tick la the tall of bM with a burning ad Itchlns- se bad that la three weeks I was and Itching se covered with a rash, and could net sleep Bights or work days. Berne doctors thought It might bs salt rbeua (csema), and said they bad never anrtnintr use it uiun. inniMBskun : use it eewiv. i lem. or nrem anr Irem any of them, or from any medicine that I could gt held of until! tried our ncnmii Kcatiuica. After three weeks1 use 1 was able te were, ana Kept getting better, until lass new entirely cured. irecen recommend them te all lasses. suffering with skin dl C. K. OSMER, TsfUvllle, Vt Meat Intern. IteUaf I have used the CtmctJKA RntcDtaatnccess fully for my baby, who was afflicted with ecxe- rea, ana nsa sucn .intense iieni no rest day or night. The itchlns ma, and had such .Intense Itching that be get -nigni. iiieiicning is gene, and rey oaey is cured, ana is new a ired. and is new a I i eali toy, rosy- enceaea de; DOT. MARY KELLERMAN.BelelUKan. OutlcBT XeaelTtat The new Bleed Purifier and purest and best of Humer Cares, Internally, and CunctntA, the great Skin Cure, and CimctJRA BeAr, anex- from pimples te scrofula. Beld everywhere. Price. Cdticuka.GOc; Seap, S5c; Uksei.vent. 11.00. Prepared by the Pot Pet tkk Dnue and ChkmicaL ConreRATioN, Bos Bes Bos eon. Tflend for " Hew te Cuie Bkln Diseases," 64 pages, SO Illustrations, and 100 testimonials. ptlfl'LEH, black-heads, red, rough, chapped, iisi and oily skin prevented by Cutkuha Seap. MUSOULAE STRAINS And pains, backache, weak kidneys, rheu matism, and chest pains "relieved In One Min ute by the Cuticura amti-Pain Plaster. 25 Cents. Sanferd's Radical Cure for Catarrh. RELIEF INSTANTANEOUS. CURE RAPID, RADICAL AND PERMANENT. Ne single disease has entailed mere suffering or hastened the breaking np of the constitution than Catarrh. The sense or smell, of taste, of sight, of hearing, the human voice, one or mere, and sometimes all, yield te its destructive In fluence. The poison Is distributed throughout the system, attacks every vital ferceand In jures the most robust of const! tu tens. Ignored, because but little understood, by most physi cians, Impotently assailed by quacks and; char latans, these suffering from It have little hope te be relieved. It is time, then, that the pop ular treatment of this terrible disease by reme dies within the reach of all passed Inte hands at once competent and trustworthy. The new and hitherto untried method adopted by Dr. Han Han fenl in the preparation of his Radical Cure has wen the hearty approval cf thousands. It Is Instantaneous lu affording roller In all head colds, sneezing, snuffling and obstructed breathing, and rnpldly removes the most op- riicnsi.v Hwiiiuiiin, civuriiiK; me jieau, sweeien ng the breath, restoring the senses of smell and taste, and neutralizing the constitutional ten dency of the disease, towards the lungs, liver and kidneys. Sanferd's Radical Cure for Catarrh Consists of one bottle of the Radical Cure, one box of Catarrhal Belvent, and Im proved Inhaler, all In one package ; price, SI. Ask for Sanferd's Radical Cure. Sold everywhere. Petter Dnca & Chemical Corporation, Bosten. ectl-lmW.H&w AT BUllSK'H. These Fine Smoked Siscees That tickled the palate of all who used them lust scusen new in stock. THE YENTZER CELEBRATED EVAPOR ATED SUO All CORN, nothing Uner, and doubt Its equal. Sold only by us In f.-'iastcr. Apples! Apples! Apples! Michigan Apples by the Barrel or Retail. New Foreign nnd Demestic Fruits. Frcdi Oatmeal and A vena, Wheatlett. Farina, etc. Edem, Kapsugn, Pineapple and Yerk State Cream Chec&c, at BURSK'S, Ne. 17 East King Street, LANCASTER. PA. B AKOAIKH -IN- Dried and Evaporated Fruits. FRUITS THAT SHOULD MAKE YOU RE JOICE, AT 4 lbs Prunellas for 21c 'J, 3 and l lt Peaches ijsc 2, 3 and i lbs Apricots a5e SIM New Raisins for. 25c 3 lbs Currants for jtfc 1 ft leghorn Citren for.. pic lmen and Orange Peel ..10c Fruit Pudding, "( pk no Dried Beef, VR 10e Spiced Bologna, lb ue Summer Bologna ... s&J The whitest 7c Sugar In town. New Catsup only 6c a bottle. Full Cream Cheese, 12c - lb, SAMUEL CLARKE'S TEA AND COFFEE STORE, 12 11 SOUTH O.UEKN STREET. -Telephone. AT HEISTS. STOP RIGHT HERE ! Tbis Is Reisl's Advertisement ! IT WILL PAY YOU TO READ ALL I CUT IT OUT, HANQ IT UP, CARRY IT IN YOUR VEST POCKET, TELL YOUR NEIGHBOR, THINK OF IT! DOWN GOMES SUGAR ! Sugar reduced another half cent. Keep your eyes open. We will pest j ou. 3tbslkslNlcnarKfur2ec, 6 lbs Geed Nlcnacs for 2.5c, 3 tbs Best Ulnger-8nap for 25e, 4 lbs Best Thick WaterCrarkersfer25c,4!bsHaltcd Spenge Water Crackers for 25c. We buy our Crackers In 2.5 and 60-barrel lets of a kind alone aud make discounts the benefit you get ; ale, curry a mil line or Flue Crackers In tin can, Oatmeal Wafers, Salted Wafers, Graham Wafers, Egg Biscuits, Cream Puff. Coffee Biscuits, etc. Parler Pride Enamel for Steves, per bottle, 10c, 3 lbs Larue Stemless Raisins for 25c, 3 lbs Large French Prunes for 25c, a lbs Geed Prunes for 25c, 3 lbs Finest New Currants for 25c, 8 lbs Apricots for 25c, 3 lbs E aperated Apple for 25c, 6 As Peaches (new) for 25c, 2 lbs Best Prunellas for 25c, 2 lbs Finest Unpared Evaporated rescues ler c, iyt res r.vaneruicu laiuernia Pared Peaches for 25c, IK Rs Iegharn Citren for 25c, 61bi Fresh Wheat (Jerin fer25c, 6tbsNew Rolled Oats for 25c, 2 lbs Italian Macaroni for 25c, 3 packs Fruit Pudding for 25c, 6 Its Rice for 25c. 3 quarts Cranberries for 25c, 3 Its Gum Dreps for 25c: Seir-HaUlng Buckwheat per pack, 15e ; Belf-Italslng Buckwheat, per pack, 10c; Bologna, per lb, Vc; Dried Bef, per ft, yv. Dried Beef Knuckles, per lbs, 18c; Picnic Hams, perlb.Ve; etb Herring for 25c; Caustic Heds, perft,6c. REIST! WHOLESALE AND RETAIL GROCER, CORNER WEST KINO AND PRINCE 8TS., Directly Opposite J, B. Martin Ce.'s Dry Goods Stere, and Next Doer te Serrel Herse Hetel. XrECKWEAK-TUE LATEST AND MOST Jt fashionable it) les and shades, thecbeapest aud beat, at EHIUMAN'H Gents' Furnishing sJtere.tS West Kln street " 3!'1?fi v-"s tflftfe-AlC- 'u A-V ue'-CdSxSpif e nuiii rimiu saiuuiicr, uxicrxHuiy lnsimuuy re eve and speedily and permanently cure the most agenising, Itching, burning, bleeding, scaly, crusted and pimply diseases and humors n tftm akin auw.1.. .., f.1.uu ..!. 1... a ... wi wivu iuh ui uair, ffltVihlng. rrut: E FBOttjre CASH SfOMC. THE People's dash Stere ! xaMsUnmQ'niiir, Merchant Tailoring Department. CLOTHING MADE TO ORDER 1st the saest sattsssctery manner. Lewest Oash Prices. Gent's Itattishing Goods, UNDERWEAR. Ac, , At prices unsurpassed for cheapness lu the city. Gee. F. Rathven. 25 East King Street, msrtO-lvdR LANCASTER, PA. ??rw Q30eb. w ILLIAMSON A FOSTER. WE CULTIVATE THEGOOD WILL -BY- Selling Best Goods -AT- The Lewest Prices. All the Popular Shades of FEEUCH BEOAD CLOTH, XI Per Cent. Belew Regular Figures. French Bread Cleth, $1.00 per yard ; worth 11.60. Blankets and Ladles' Underwear at Prices Be Be eow the Average. A very large assortment of Shawls at Very Lew Prices. Ladles' Cleth Jackets, $2.50 te 10. Misses' and Girls' Coats, tifiO, $3.50, $1,50. $5. Infant's Coats and Dresses. Beys' Suits and Overcoats, $2, $2.50,5-1 Beys' Odd Pants, 00c, 75c, SI. Men's Natural Weel Shirts and Drawers, 75c ; worth $1. Men's Wlilte and Colored Merine Shirts and Drawers, 37Jc and 50c. Men's Fine All-Weel Shirts and Drawers.Whlte, Scarlet and Olive, $1 te $3. ; Men's Overcoats, $8, $10, $12, $10. Beys' Overcoats, $2, $3, II, 15. Oent'i Prlnce Albert Freck Ceat Suits, I1S.00, $20, $25. Business Suits, $7, $4, $10. Beys' Streng Cashmere Suits, $4.50, $3, PI, $7. Unexcelled Stiff Felt Hats, will net break or fade, 11.25. Seft Felt Pocket Hats, 75c. A Large Assortment of New Styles ladles' Furs. Fur and Plush Hebrs. Trunks, Valises and Cahbas. The Popular Baltimore Coffin Tee Ladles' Dress Shee excels all ethers. Finished In Bright or Dull Dongola, tips or the same goods, welt shoes and neat tee. PRICE... .. 3.SO. 32-38 East King Street, LANCASTER, PA. NO. $18 MARKET STREET. HARRIS BURG. PA, Qvctrpct. fTIRUTU I TRUTH I TRUTH 1 AT THE LANCASTERCARPET HOUSE. YOU CAN BUY WINDOW SHADES, trimmed and ready te hang, ter 85c. CURTAIN POLES, with weed trimmings, for 25c LACE, CHENILLE and SILK CURTAINS of all styles and grades, at ery popular prices. Selling fast. OIL CLOTHS I Very large stock. ONLY 18 DOORS FROM P0ST0FFICE. GROUND FLOOR I ONE PRICE ! ONE BUSINESS ! 8HAUB & V0NDER8MITH. 18. 20 & 22 EAST ORANGE ST. aug2-lyd f0(tl $tetic0. A bSIONEDESTATEOF EDWIN H.ltKKM J. snyder and wife, of Ephrata township. Lancaster county. Edwin S. Reeiusnydcr and wife, or Akren, Lancaster county, having by deed of voluntary assignment, dated October 15, ltw, assigned and transferred all their estate te the undersigned, for the benefit of the cred itors of the sala Edwin S. Heemsny dcr, he there fore gives notice le all persons Indebted te said assigner, te make payment te the undersigned Without delay, sua theme having claims te prw sent them te B.J.REEMSNYDER, . .Assignee, .ncaiter Ce Pa. . Residing In Karl Twp.. JOUR A, Covi, Attawsy. CV... Williamson (6 Fester, Ctstthtng AMCKW. sFflOl, 1889. Make It the money-saving time of the year, and this thejehvee Is save It by getting the best aaaterlal and most stylish StskTniMriakOTtnHus FOR TUB LEAST MONEY. Ye knew the mratatlen always reliable. Prlese an letrer than ever, styles haaesMtaer, quality aer. . Te these who hare dealt here the ganasuta peak far thewsslvse. All that U aakea Is a trial te please yen, and sssarayeapsrlsct satlsssctlen. KOi. 9M AND AM WEST KINO STREET. . eMea w trtTBtiees: Large and cemplets store RClitM6 I(lBest Ready-Made OeUilaf, Clttldstt! QflJcboleest FurnUhlng Goods and Clothing med tesnsa- Wtftl. lure for Msn and Beys. . Men's Suits, reliable cloth, carefully made, Hand $10. Men's Finest Bulls, III, $15, IIS, tm Beys' Norfolk Butts, geed cloth, UK. Beys' Stylish Knee Past, Ceat and Vest, Bulla. Big Beys' Bulla, geed wool eleth, M, $7 and $8. Big Beys' Finest Suits, $ te $17. Men's Very Dressy Winter Overcoats, $t 110, $13. Men's Finest Overoeats,$15 te IB. Big values and One tailoring In our Satin Lined Overcoats Little and Big Beys' Overcoats, M and U0. Little Beys' Handsome Cape Overcoats, HSO and $5. Big Beys' Handsorae Overcoats, M and $10. Big Beys' Cutaway and Prlnee Albert Salts. Msn's Kersey Overcoats, $9, $12, IIS, very fine. See our Men's Underwear, everything and everything. See our Beys' Underwear at 2Sc,30c,iSe. Men's and Beys' Flannel Shirts, a worthy let. Beys' Flannel Waists, 43c, gee, 75e, lltegg. The best for the least money In Cardi gan Jackets and Coats. See our Men's Kid Gloves at (Se, fl.SC and $1.50. Every newest Merchant Tailoring detail In our Merchan Tailoring Department. MARTIN BROS, NOR. AND S NORTH O.UKRN ST. rpe CLOTHING BUYEHH. LGansman&Bre. S. W. CORNER N. QUEEN A ORANGE STS- Pointers for the Public I Our Fall and Winter preparations are made and you may leek for Bargains In Men's, Bey's and Children's ' The Biggest Stock Is the Best te Cheese from. The Choicest Stock Is the Best te Select from. The Cheapest Stock Is the Stock te Purchase, from. All this applies te Our Stock, which Is the Choicest, Biggest and Cheapest, A Few Sample Prices. $3 00 Buys a Geed FUR BEAVER OVERCOAT. $7 00 Buys an All-Weel CABSIMERE OVER COAT. $300 Buys an Alt-Weel WORSTED OVER COAT. $1000 Buys a Fine KERSEY OVERCOAT. $1200 Buys an All-Weel CHINCHILLA OVER COAT. $17 00 Buys a Handsome BILK-LINED OVER COAT. BOY'S OVERCOATS at $125, $1 75, $2 00, $2 60, $300, MOO, $300, WOO, $7 00 and ?S 00. MEN'S GOOD ALL-WOOL SUITS at $0 00, $8 00 $1000. $1300, $14 00, $18 00. CHILDREN'S SUITS In Large Variety at Very Lew Prices. See our Suits at $150, $3 00 and $300. They are Big Value for the money. L. Gansman & Bre., Tailors and Manufacturers of Men's, Bey's and Children's Clothing (Exclusle.) CC and $8 NORTH QUEEN IT., a.W.CORHEBOPORANOE. LAHOAITTR, PA. sa- Net connected with any ether Clothing Heuse In the city. H IRdU A BROTHER. Hirsh & Brether. In Windows Nes. 7 and 8, CENTRE SQUARE, Yeu can find a few Ideas of our BOYS' AND CHILDREN'S Snits ai Overcoats. Many Handsome Designs In CHILDREN'S KNEE PANT SUITS In Pleated. Belted and Plalu Coats at Astonishing Lew Prices. GOOD SUITS at 1, 11.25, $1.3), 11.75, 12. NEAT CASSIMERES at 12X0, $3, $3.60, U and $4.50. HANDSOME QUALITIES at $3, $0, $7, 17.50. CHILDREN'S OVERCOATS, sizes 8 te 14, with Capci, Pearl or Oxidized Silver Buckles, In Black, Norfolk Pleated Coats, In Ulsters and Storm Coats, II, tl.OO, 12, tiM, $3, UM, $4, $S, $8, $7, ti, $. BOYS' 1.0NG PANT SUITS, sites B te 18, In Casslmeies, Cheviot, Checks and Solid Celers, UM, U. $310, $4, $4X0, ti. BEAUTIES at $4, 17, I7X0.M, $9, $10, $12. BOYS' OVERCOATS, sizes 10 te 18. Fer Dress snd In Storm Coats and Ulsters, Sltk Faced, Silk Sleeve Lining, all the latest fads are here for your Inspection, at $2, $2X0, $3, $3X0, $4, $5, $0,$7,$8,$!te$U. kj:ady-made, eh made te your eudkh. ONE-PKICK CLOTHIXQ AXD FURKT8HINa HOUSE, leitb Queen Street ul Centre Squirt, LANCASTER, PA. -eC ,, MensSuitsiEOverceats HIRSH& BROTHERS Pru kAKO Mcelrey. mjlkd Sc Mcelrey efts. S3l Mri M Iratk Qmm MrMt, E-Jt". J-I??,WJ5BA ?.LwJllT " P!0- ear aalr. Children's Merine and mii Weel . J?.5.?5!Mr.1tt X "F?II85" .,me,t iica nm ., ""? "" nevsr eated . CO aue. lbs eaeb. enecath for stick together, requires no opening en lb la X or 1 lb rolls, as yen Brsfsr. UNDERWEAR We make a scselsltv of trrdrr.r. v ,ir hmu in h ?MBtSK' 'nIdlcsMerlnoata6vcJe.andup. We are running a fa Ladles' Vi Tt". -:"t.ttv"-" ""'.w wvuia say. mat in an inai isnstner umeruu -SjwvBj Tame in eianaeis we are errennc. In Whits and nnhmrf. .t .. n ai m s tkfKnTai5,BlTu rv-wraww irea 7QO up. IATM UM at M. IJ(L U.aflL .liii nn. . Moti GMttm. itiunikieh. - - ' JUTTOlt OutlliiisTC?ettan m&iljiln Riliafl vrta nmmA n j i. m$. mmi-,7.-ss:ri,, ': : - -j.t M "vi ,i u" wiuc, is iAfiuiuri man sna in nr in. - Ike and Ue per IE. t, always ready tter OlL.CLOTHS-aach season our trade I eeaaestea. Having Deen oeosni esejre tne 4 1W yds square ftc,ljy ds square IBc Me FKATalcasV-We had roan for Feath gflfr TZftTHi . rwaiw-wi aaa a row rer reamers that we were oet of them, but will new be able te Ttjk MifflJnMl Ttw jewit? MieulMt w'ew Pr or e anades by the FLAMlltLS-Tbe best Flannels ler the money yen ever bought, or ean bay te-day In any 1sl bard & Mcelrey, Xet. 33 Mil 35 fevtk Qmh Itrtet. 0fiU TeuUla Jam. M ETZGER A HAUGHMAN. LADIES' AND CHILDREN'S COATS -AT- METZGER & Jut Opened a Large aud Handsome Atwertment of LADIES' and CHIL DREN'S COATS at the Lewest Prices. Particular Attention la called te our SEAL PLUSH COATS, made exprcsaly for us by the Best Manufacturers. Fer Style, lleauty and Finish Cannet be Excelled. Metzger& Ha ugh man's Cheap Stere, Nes. 38 and 40 West King Street, Lancaster, Pa. (OPPOSITE: THK COOPER IIOU8K.1 HP niche. H. Z. KHOADH A HON. Bridesmaid's Rings. Puzzle Rings. SNAKE AND DOUBLE 8NAKE RINGS IN PLATINUM AND GOLD. Puzzle Bracelets, leather Goods, Silver Mounted. NEW SIZES IN WATCHES FOR LADIES AND GENTS, Diamonds, Pearls, Rubies, Emeralds, Sapphires Lew Prices. H. Z. RHOADS & SON, Ne. 4WE8TKINQBT., LANCASTER, PA. Ctethtnn. M ERCUANTTAILOIl. Seme ask, " Who is he ?" Others say, " He's no geed." Time will tell. Give him a show for a New Suit. Make and fit every thing. " Ne fittee, no takee." R0BT. -H. PIERCE, (Kucccsser te A. II. Resensteln,) FINE THILORINC, Ne. 65 North Queen Street, Lancaster, Penn'a. etrpet T3ARQAINH I Shirk's Carpet reR Wilten, Velvet, Bedy Brussels, Tapestry, Ingrain, Damask and Venetian, Bag and Chain Carpets. OIL CLOTHS, WINDOW SHADES, &e. W HAVB THK LABOIMT AND BSMTHTOCK IKTHKClTT. H. S. SHIRK St SONS. Cor. West King and Water Sts., Lancaster, Pa. ,itvuHitr?. w IUM (VAIH COIINKK. tt VLTidmver" OUK HTOC1C OK IH FULL AND COMPLhn-E, KIItftTLAHH AND KLEOANT, NEW IN DESIGN AND CHEAP. What mere de you want 1 A KIneHllk I'luih' Rocker for U 00. Hew la that T Clieun uln'tlt. Well, we hae llicm either lu Oak orMsliegaiiy Finish. WIDMYER'S CORNER OF E. King & Duke Sts. O CHfi i OIU1W. BUSY TIMES! We've been very busy lately getting in the New Styles in FURNITURE. Style, Quality and Price keep us Busy Selling and Delivering. If you're furnishing the whole or part of your home see our New Stock, and get our Lew Prices. OCHS & GIBBS, Manufacturers and Dealers, 2d, 3d and 4th Floers, 31 Seuth Queen street. .,li .., - FDinruii tSttefe. Oweelte) IWUsm Iaa. BUta te beat t,ataec,aaav- aiswc.asav nderwear at Uf W'ne. ear.wnitsi 9Be.Mfl.7W. Msn's Natural Weel, Camels Msfr and Mwi't tXtlen nii nei Drawers at me, lie aad Me Underwear, all slsas. ehaatn. " rears In the bnslm mn - . ....;. . j . r. r:. .l... m net an uiai timn rer our Our own make, large weighing from ti te 1VB brafk.rnHl It Anm nnt Cotten at if, loc, IJSe and Ue per sm . - vhvw stsst. s sBive In fleer Oil qeths Inerrases. Onr Oil Cleth Is all well advance In price, Jane 1 1st, Oil Cleth RuiW: "yd siulri Remnenu of heavy fleer OH Cleth (neVfuifwIuVh) at HAUGHMAN S. eUliml fflnll. T AHOAINH I Hall I tChitimuave. H IUU A MARTIN. I Useful and Ornanieutnl Article) that would grace the Dlnlug Table or would be a valuable addition te the Hrlc-a-Brae of even the most fastidious. We cau't describe them. It's your privil ege te examine them. If you don't, you will miss u alght at the beautiful as well u the opportunity of pengetialng it. HavlIaud'H Decorated China has prominence always. Many Xcw Arti cles, Delgua aud Decorations' mere beautiful thatt ever. Ileyal Worcester in Xew Designs and Shapes. Japanese Ware lu Large Variety and Styles. A host of ether articles of Fancy Goods, equally handsome. Persons selecting presents (wcddluger otherwise), will re gret, If purchasing before cxamluiug our assortment. Remember, all are wel come. Goods exchanged if net satisfac tory. HIGH & MARTIN, 15 East King Street. ..a MI WD iiiiVi-' , tfeetemttSh.' 'j nAR0AU8. MISIT J stackheuse'i This Week. FOR BIO BARGAINS IS Beets & Shoes! A Full Line of tbs Oelebrttsd iy . aai trc-D si-FM-i; "n,"x,-n evwi l;: nm beet Msae. cmn im tm . "I Jl!i U P. STACKHOUS i.- r," U OO J nn i.-. . . W us.e aau ev nm jujur htxmc w :? LANCASTER. PA. PAJ QTANDARD MAKEH AND SHAPES 1 A Amnnir llin mmn t.I .l.-J'ii Fine Shoes here for Ladles' weftr,Wkl cii-iu-his BrDgraauaiiy growing in TM ArOVOrVMUV ami nnmh-lal.1. . I opt. and Invariably prove long wemriSJ SVVve handsome looking shoe la thW .u.peiuH.i-u. uuit ruxcu WIM JV nroe TODS, that is m-.t.Iv mAmt Warranted hand-sewed. FeurwldtbsWJ "we inclusive, makes it easy ler ua I for a shoe se high In grade 95.00 a Tim Oiwiinu- llnltm. BIul. I. iiruviuts iwnecL nis. a mnrtAr-LfATi handsome, fitting closely and oemf buij , iut.m u jireiiy 1001, pmuef tnore attrantlvn -Tllll Rlaranli L and trlmnintl unrl uinrlhi. -ini . Lady's Wardrebespecially adapted I m-uuiugs, ivw'iuuus, soirees, ana occasions. Anether desirable shape te set nmVM flA!lilknl.ul Un.ln. TT1 I In pebble and bright dongela leat i- ruiu itcbv uia.rn.vn nuu strongly n melldftil for Snn'lnA. Vmmr anl fertable In wear; in them the feet naiuraiiy en ine greuna Wltneut i us; ur u v uiuer uisvomien. LsJIm' ninitAiwlUll P.Af Vamp Shoes need only be examined I cvuuit' b isveniB. v-rv nnuvvi eltlier flne dress or walkliis-.-- - xuany etiicrs besides these are te) seen upeu inquiry solicited. A call rear SHAUB & BURN! "-. 14 North Quick. 8TRra.f IaicA. J inn. x. ;(. LITTLE MONEY. ,.ir. If It I have Just rtcelvsd s Llna of I'ATKNT LEATHER BHOR8. msda enr I Latest New Yerk Hquore Tee lst, with Imp prevsa upt, ana iut Hiyle Uppsrs of a Culf.xiisklnra beautiful contrast and ,-rsryi llsli shoe for Dress, Parties. Balls ana all kli efllKhtuses: tlisr liave all tbs aanaaraaaai MOD, troe and MOD sbeet, and If beufUtstsa. wiirrowema cost i uu or ss w mars tsuvsM I sm selllnc tlisra for. - ,t71 i nave mem in uit" ana ueng ress la alsT widths; they can Ue seen In. Urge Wis wiin prirs aiiacnca. Have alto reeelved a Large Una of U'm uersana reuius' rATjcwx ucATnam f) FORUH, used for same purposes as Men's Mia Mens, wuu per pair Bey's, II SO; and Tea. lira, uan ee seen in Lane Window. "?' 3E The One-Price Cash Hern Oh as. H. Freyv , (Successor te KIIK V A KCKERT1 the 1 Lew Prices In ' v . wi BOOTS AND SHOESli fjTS SUD.J 0 KAHT Kl.NU STREET. '! ' LANCAUTER, VA. HitS M aa-Htere closed ersnr evening st6 o'clock,' cepi Monday aaa-SHuruay. m bmrtW, H ardwaJudi HARDWARE; (j 'W Lais' Fine Shoes J ; TOOTMANDHHOKH. V' 1! ram sii reR ai C.BFkT ATTRArTIONS 1 I! -AT- Marshall & Rengier's, A U HOUTU QUEEN E.T. Steves, Heaters and Ranga OF EVERY DESCRIFTIOX. The Largest Assortment of OtTXSj vr sm' - -K iu iuq viiy. S 1 Ttvuiiir m'n.iiiv.i.'Ti' rirpr - a ? .......... , W.....,- -.W ,U.W., . ,, j "V.M ....- .jLl cjuucn &AtV, CARl'ENTEIVS TOOLS and BUILDING MA Qi M..IVlA.la. ?, ROYALMIXEDPAIJ1T8.0IL8. VARX13IIB9 ana wrnit; lkau, -A Full Line of Ueneral Hardwara.1 MARSHALL & RENGIER, 1 'i NOS. 9 A 11 SOUTH QUEEN gUHt.- m Pentiatra; 4 TJ1AUT8 AUOUT TEETH." ? C i. R. D. McCASKEY, Dcrftitt I Qraduate In uenusiry ana Anstsvarues. seclated for flva )car with Lanrastsfsl inir iwntlitii. New located at ORANGE . NORTH QUEEN HTREETM. Proeapt AV lien I luasonaeie vuarges i mers; ranted I IIeuju-s a. m, te S p. m. Week Dayr. seplMteudAw spvKNTISTKY. "xiYSarirracucsiaoBSeafoe. j J. B. MeCASKIY,; NO. 1 1 EAST KINO STREET, v '.' Over First National Bank. Dentistry la aUNa branch. Uas adralnlilsred. TUi sitrsstsi Ueluwly without pain. All w,yMy Si r'"tt ,R'- fG Qt "fl -y r