Lancaster daily intelligencer. (Lancaster, Pa.) 1864-1928, October 26, 1889, Image 1

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    fC" t
4". A. "V
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agenda a Note te ilia Mether aad SU
" tara. Declaring Taey Will Xarer See
Ulm-Many Searching Fer Htm.
KilWOed Settley, only en of Captain
Abram Settley, dlMppMred en Friday af.
ternoen and although diligent search wa
made by the entire police force, and many
volunteers, no trace could be found of the
boy up te 10 o'clock this morning. ,
Ellwood Is In delicate health, nnd has had
Jevernl attacks of neuralgia of the brain,
brought en by Indigestion. He had such
n attack a few days age, but was se fr
recovered by Friday neon that he was able
te accompany his father te his hotel,
en North Queen street. He re
mained there but a short time and
Mked hi father's permission te take
walk. As the doctor said It would
net hurt him te exercise a little the desired
permission was given and young Settley
left the hotel, after being warned by his
lather net te eat anything while he was
Sine. It was about 2 o'clock wben he lea
hotel and that is the last the captain
Betweon4nn16e'clock Mrs. Settley re
ceived a note from her son which greatly
alarmed her. She at once aent it te her
husband. Following is a copy of the note :
Dear MeTnKn and Sinters: I am
leaving home and yen will nover see me
again for n long tlme. Father Is mad with
me. that is the only reason. Ged bless
and keep yen, mother, and try mother and
net fellow me, because you will never find
me. Goodbye, mother, geed bye, Daisy,
geed bye, Tillle. Sweet kiss for you all.
Elmvoed .Settley.
The note was taken te Mrs. Settley by
a young daughter of Jacob Seuders, of Ne.
125 East MlflUn street. She said Ellwood
wrote the nete atthelr house and roquestod
her te deliver It. He was well acquainted
With Mr. Seuders and his family and fre
quently visited there.
Thoreisno truth in the statement of the
boy that his father "was mad athlin."
He was treated very kindly by his father,
but the boy appeared tochnte under the
restraint Imposed en him In his diet, en
account of his complaint. He Invariably
wants te eat such articles of feed that the
doctor said he should net and appeared te
be greatly offended when he was net
allowed te eat what he chose.
As seen as Capt. Settley received the
above nete he reported nls son's dis
appearance at pollce headquarters. All
the members of the ferce wero instructed
te make a diligent search for the boy.
Ospt. Settlcy's Grand Army friends also
joined In the search and although It was
kept up all night net n trace could be found
of the missing boy.
All the small towns in the county were
notified by telopheno of the disappearance
ofthnbey nnd search Is being made to
day in these places.
Veung Settley has a number of relatlves
In tue county that could net be reach cd by
telopheno and te these messengers Here
dispatched this morning.
Ellwood was seen in this city as late as
4:30 en Friday afternoon, but. from that
tlme net a trnce of him can be found.
His father fears thnt he may have been
stricken with one of his attacks in the
country clese te the city, and being unable
te help himself may die from expesure.
Nene or his friends think thnt the bev has
committed suiclde.
The missing boy is bctween- 17 nnd 18
years old, 5 lect 0 or 10 inches in height,
slim build, wero dark clothes and overcoat
and small slouch hat.
The young man was seen te pass the car
stable of the East End passenger rallwny,
en the Philadelphia turnpike, about halt
past four en Friday afternoon. He whs
walking eastward. Inquiry was made at
the houses of his relutlvcs In that section
of the county this morning, but he had net
stepped with nny ofthem.
Late this morning Cupt. Settley received
information thnt his son w as seen nt Grcei.
land, n few miles east of the city, about 5
o'clock en Friday afternoon. The young
mail was walking towards the East. Capt.
Settley procured n team and at once dreve
in thnt direction. Up te half pnstthreu
oYJeck tills aitorneon Capt. Sottley hnd net
rcturne 1 from his search for his seu, nor
was lime nny tidings of the lest one.
The Terente Government O reran Snyu
Mr. liliilne Una NceotletoJ Gnu.
The Terente KmpUc, the gotcrmiieut
organ, hays: "Currency was recently
given te u report that the Weldon ex
tradition act of the last session hud
been disallowed by the imperial authori
ties. The emplre is in u position te give
this repert an emphatic denial. The
position of the matter stands thus: The
fourth clause of the act states that its pro pre
visions shall net comelnto ferce with
respect te fugltive offenders from uny for
eign state until after the governor gcnernl's
firoclumatien has been issued declar
ng the act te be in ferce and
efiect as regards every foreign state.
We are authorized te state that no
proclamation will Issue until It Is seen
whother or net the Scnate of the United
States ratifies the new extradition treaty
agreed te between Great Britain and the
United Stntes this summer, and which was
the chief cause of Sir Julian Pauncofete's
visit te England. If the Scnate assontste
the treaty it may or may net be necessary
then te have any legislation en the subject
by the Parliament of Canada."
llofero tlie Mayer.
Michael Urady applied for lodging lust
night and this morning asked te be sent te
the almshouse- te get rest. His request
was compiled with.
Peter Fitcpatrick, who has work near
Petersburg, caine te town yesterday nnd
get very full. He was found wandering
en Wnlnut strcet by Officer Dens. As it
was his first ollense the mayor discharged
Goe. Tayler, a colored boy, was nt rested
for disorderly conduct in front of tlie
epera heuse last night. Tayler is beyend
the control of his father nnd has been In
numerous wanes. Arrnngenicnts will be
made te bend him te tlie Heuso of Kel'uge.
Get n Wife By Advertising.
Ill Alexandria, Vn., n few evenlng? since
Ilev. Dr. Sharp married Mr. Percivilla D.
Heath, of California, le Miss Annie E.
Yeung, a handsome young lady of Alex
andria. Mr. Heath advertised for a wife,
nnd the advertisement led te a correspond
ence with Miss Yeung, and he enme from
California te sce her. He met her last
Sunday. They became mutually interested,
were married Thursday evenlng nnd have
geno en n marriage trip te New Hamp
shire, where Mr. Heath's parents reside.
A New Brewing rirm.
Lancaster is te have a new brewing firm
in the near future It will be composed of
Frank M.Tuutlel nnd Christian Wizcmann.
and they will carry en tiieir business nt tlie
Lien brewery en Mlddle street, which was
tKirtlally built by Cnsper Kechlor, who has
been carrying en business tliore for years.
Mr. Touffeliias been keeping tlie valoeu
owned by Frank A. Iticker, en West King
hticet, forsemo tlme and has also been as
sisting te manage tliu brewery. Mr. WUo WUe
inanu has been -Mr. lliukcr'H boss brew or
for sevcral years.
Cut lll AVrlHt.
Jehn Stener, who jesides en IZnst Fred
erick street, and is employed nt Downej's
bending werkfc, en llarrisburg aenue,
was badly injured yesterday. He was
cutting a picce of weed w ith a hatchet
w lilcli accidentally struck him en tlie wilst,
cutting u very ugly gash. Dr. Klnard
drcM-ed the wound.
Auetlier Statu Ticket. Vav Vlrtslnlu.
The Independent Republicans hae
nominated an anti-Maheue ttate ticket, as
follews: Governer, Jehn F. Lewls, of
Rockingham : lieutenant governor, Park
Agnew, of Alexandria; attorney goneral,
C. A. Ilecrmans, of Montgomery.
Tbutlier' luotltute.
The teachers' iustllule of LltiU will be
held en the ith 3durdy of November.
Creata Appear te Have Bea
Science la sure et It,
In the Crenlncase en Friday the body
was thoroughly Identified by six witnesses,
and ita finding described by three. Or.
Egbert, who had conducted the autopsy,
described the wound at great length, and
gave It as his 'opinion that death and re
sulted from them." All of the Wounds were
upon the head. The skull was net broken,
except that a small piece of bone waa
chipped off at the corner of the left eye.
In hla Judgment the doctor waa killed
within three hours after having eaten.
Cress-examination of Dr.Egbert developed
that nene of the wounds en the corpse wero
such as would necessarily cause death. II
was dmpeMlble also, the doctor admitted,
te say whether the wound were Inflicted
before or afterdeath. He bad tried te' ascer
tain, but was unable te de e. -He had net
ascertained that the wounds affected any
Important nerves or arteries, and he could
net swear that they in any manner affected
the brain. If death had resulted from the
skull wounds, it would In all probability
have been caused by concussion of the
brain. The usual pest-mortem evidence of
such a result, the heart nnd the lungs being
filled with bleed, waa net found In this
The question was put te Dr. Egbert:
" Is It net true that that dead body, as ex
amined by you physician is it net
scientifically true that you physicians
found no evidoneos in that body that wero
certain and conclusive of the form of
Dr. Egbert replied :
"That Is true."
" That is the Ged's truth, 1 it?"
"Yes, sir."
Dr. Egbert was of the opinion that death
hnd occurred through excessive less of
bleed, but there was no certainty of it, he
Dr. Charles W. Ferkins who, at the re
quest of Dr. Egbert, assisted at the post
mortem, testified that In his opinion death
did net ensue from bloed-lotting, but from
concussion of the brain. The latter organ,
however, was tee decomposed te afford
any Information.
Happenings at the Nermal Scheel.
Millersvillk, Oct. 26. Last evenlng at
the regular meeting of the Page Llterary
society the following officers wero installed.
President, S, W. McClure ; secretary. Miss
Martha Itlppel : vice president, H. A.
Bailey : critic, Charles E. Ziegler and edi
tor of the Page Weekly, Miss Amy Sprague.
The regular exercises were listened te by
an appreciative and geed sized nudience.
The question, " that life insurance Is a duty
morally binding en every husband and
fttther " was discussed and decided in favor
of the affirmative The remaining exer
cises consisted of au oration, reforred
questions, recitations and music; all of
which worn creditably performed.
Tive Indians are students nt the rchoelat
present. They have nttended Capt. Pratt's
school nt Carlfsle for four years, nnd are
young Indies of mere than average ability
and of excellent deportment. Their num
ber is te be Increased before long by
anothe. Indian from the name school. It
is quite probable that thess three
Indian girls will remain at the Nermal
until they have completed the Nermal
school course
Dr. E. O. Lyte lectured at the
Montgomery county Institute yester
day, and is te speak at a local institute to
day at Chestnut Level, this county. Dr.
A. It. Byerly has charge of the school dur
ing Dr. Lyte's absence
The Nermal feet ball team will loave en
the ten o'clock car this morning for Yerk,
nt which place they are te piny a game
with the feet ball team of the Yerk Collegi
ate Institute.
He Gets Possesien of the Harlan Court
The Louisville Times' correspondent
telegraphed from l'inoville Friday after
noon as fellows :
" At Harlan Court Heube, Wilsen How Hew
ard accomplished n sort of coup d'etnt yos yes
terday. County Judge Lewls and his
pesse el sixty men left Harlan Court Ileusa
at 9 o'clock in the morning te make another
assault en Heward's ramp. Heward, anti
cipating this inovemont, had placed hW
followers in ambush near town. The
Lewis pesse passed directly through the
ambuscade, and wcre net fired en. After
they had get beyend their fees and wero
proceeding in the supposed direction of
Heward' camp the Heward party moved
into town nnd took possession of the court
Tliey have complete control of the town,
.with pickets stationed at all approaches,
and the county Judge and his follewors
have geno into camp outside the town. It
is believed that Judge Lewis will endeavor
te recapture the court heuse te-day, and n
bloody fight is oxpected."
This Wns a Nevel Suit.
The court of appeals of Kentucky has
Just decided a strange suit in regard te tlie
enforcement of a promlse for the cessation
of the tobacco habit. . April, 18S0, Mrs.
Sallie I). Stcmmens made an agreement in
writing with her Rtop-grandsen, Albert It.
Talbeti, that she would give him 8000 if he
would nover take nnother chew of tobacco
or smeke another cigar from that time
until her death. At the same tlme the
grandson stipulated te refund double that
amount te nls mether if he at any tlme
within the prescribed period vielated the
The grandmothcrdied In February, 1887,
nnd as he fulfilled the conditions of his
agreoment and was nover paid a cent, Tal Tal
bett instituted suit for the rocevory of tlie
meney from Themas II. Clay, tlie execu execu
eor of tlie estate It was claimed that tlie
condition was net sufficient in law te make
tlie contract valid, nnd the lower court gave
judgment against Talbott. On nppcalthe
case wa3 decided in the supreme court and
roversed, and again appealed te tlie court
of appeals, which decides that Talbott ful
filled a plain contract, and is entitled te
the money.
The Floed Commission's Statement.
A statcment from the offlce of the flood
relief commission, at Harrisburg, gives the
total amount reectveu uy tne commission
up te October 20th as $J!,775,223.i:0. Of this
amount 1,005,225.20 belongs te what Is
known as the governor's lund, and com
prises money received by tlie governor
from overy state and territory in the Union
and from Mcxlce,Irclaiul,Canada,Englund,
Turkey, Ituly, Austria, Germany, Prussia,
Wales, Saxony and Persia. Tlie commis
sion received, in addition te tlie goeriior'H
iiiuu, couiriuuiiens 01 eew,uvu iruiu .wv
Yerk (city), $500,000 from Philadelphia,
JWW.UOO from I'ittsburg and 81M),000 from
Bosten, making tlie grand total of 92,775,
225.20. This docs net comprise all tlie
contributions, but only theso passing
through tlie hands of the commission.
Y. M. C. A. Notes.
Seme of the members of the Y, M. C. A.
are interesting thcmeelves in feet ball, and
exnect te organize a team.
Tlie annual week of prayer for young
men throughout the world will be ob
served by tlie associations beginning No Ne
's ember 10.
Tlie Ladles' Auxiliary are arranging for a
coucert te lie given next Tuesday e cnlng
in the association hall.
Yeung business men are especially In
vited te visit tlie association building to
morrow afternoon. A meeting having a
top : applying particularly te them has
been arranged.
A Gyjmy Kllletl In u Hear Trap.
Wliile piewllug in the corulleld of Jehn
j. npruu, near ucep urecK, in r.eilDiK
county Vn., en Wednesday night, a gypsy
woman from tlie camp at Glebe's school
house, get caught In a bear trap. The gun
ex pi cm! ed and wounded the woman se
badly that she died where she was shot,
and her body was found bv the farm hands
Thuisday morning lying alongside the
Whisky Preferred te freedom.
Samuel White, of Columbus, Ohie, a life
prisoner, who was jurdened en condition
that he abstain from btreng drink in May,
1871, was en Friday brought back te the
Ohie prison te i cumin tlie rest of his life,
he having violated the condition niter ob
serving it for eighteen yenrs. ills duugh
ter'u wulding tvus the occasion of his tak
ing a protracted spree.
They are Arrested and as Atttepay Shown
That Death Resulted From'Arsenle,
What the Weman Says About It.
Palmer, Mass., Oct. 20. Frederick E.
Whltcemb and Mrs. Helen F. Moere have
been arrested en warrant of murder,
charged with administering poison te Jehn
D. Moere, husband of the woman, an aged
farmer, living in Sodera.Wllbraham town
ship. Moero died Thursday, but the case has
just been brought te the attention of the
authorities. An autopsy has been made
and medical oxatnlners say everything
points te death by poison.
Mrs. Moero account for certain poisons
found in the house by saying that her hus
band was addicted te the use of opiates,
and may have taken an overdose
Fred Whltcemb, her brother, 1 an
opium taker.
Mrs. Moero has been married three times
and her second husband died mysteriously.
The deceased was possessed of con
siderable property and had been married
but two week.
A Temporary Organization Efrboted Last
Evening Anether Meeting te Be
Last evening dolegates of dliferent labor
organizations held a meeting in tlie Car Car Car
ponters andjBrleklayers' hall, ever the New
Yerk stere, en East King stroet. It was
called for the purpese of taking steps
towards the organization of a Central
Laber Union. The object of this organiza
tion is te bring the men of the different
bodies cleser together for their mutual
The dolegates representing .tbe different
bodies who wcre present at the meeting
were a follews:
Bricklayers, Leenard Klsslnger, Jehn
McGeehan, Themas McGcehan, Geerge
Snyder and Henry Karer.
Carpenters, William Titus, Christian
Heefel, Harry Wambaugh, Harry Wissier,
and Calvin Miller.
Hamilton Assembly Knights of Laber,
P. Nutte, Jehn F. Llttle nnd Jehn J. Beyle
Amalgamated Iren and Steel Workers,
Themas Dletl.
Clgarmakcrs, Loe Honser, Fred Bradel,
Jehn It. Hcnkel, Milten G. Evans and E.
E. Grcenawalt.
A temporary organization was effected
by the election of E. E. Greenawalt chair
man, and Jehn R. Henkel secretary. The
secretary was authorized te notify all labor
organizations net represented last evenlng
te send five delegates te the same place
next Friday evenlng, when a permanent
organization will be effected.
An Adjournment at Noen Until Monday,
Suit for Insurance.
Testimony was heard up te neon te-day
in the Rice ejectment case, en the part of
the plaintiff te show that Itlce wns lnsane
when he deeded his property te his two
sons. At neon the case was adjourned
until Monday morning.
In the suit of Rebert McKoe vs. the Sus Sus
quehanna Mutual Fi re Insu ranee com pany,
at the conclusion of plaintiff's testimony,
counsel for tbe dofense moved for a non
suit, en the ground that the previsions of
the policy had been violated. The court
refused the non suit
Tiie dofense was that after the policy was
issued te McKce tlie lower lloer of the
building was leased te a harbor, thereby
increasing tlie risk, that there was net the
stock en hand at tlie tlme of the fire claimed
by plaintiff, and that plaiutiff had refused
te allow the defendant te cxamlne the
books te ascertain the amount of stock
The Jury this afternoon found In fnver of
plaintiff for $1,131.84. Brubaker, Frltcliey
and Konnedy for plalntltf ; McMullcft and
W. 11. Brinten for defendant.
cunntNT nusi.vcss.
Samuel C. Cellins, Marietta, was np np np
polnted guardian of Mary E. Eby, grand
child of Abrnm Cellins, deceased.
The exceptions filed te the repert of
viowers assessing damages for the proposed
opening of Laurel street wero withdrawn
and tlie repert confirmed.
The tavern liconse of Henry Rnnslng,
Secend ward, city, was transferred le
Henry J. Kegel.
The bottlers' liconse of Henry J. Kcgel
was transferred te Geergo Wober.
The New l'nper Net Certnln.
Seino days age the fact that R. A. Smith,
Inte of the Rianhelm .Vim, and Bebort Wol Wel
del, of the Reading Telegram, was about te
start a daily morning paper lu this city
was published. As yet but llttle has been
dene In the matter. Mr. Smith was in
Lnncavter en Thursday te leek nfter some
of the vrrangements, but he is net certnln
whether Le will embark lu the enterprise
If the pa'er is started it will be Indepen
dent In politics. It will likely be published
in Contre Square If the room can be
Death or an Old Soldier.
Jehn Rlpple, an old citlren of Lancaster,
died at the county nlmshouse en Friday,
nged 70 years. The deceased wns n mem
ber of Battery E, of the artillery, during
tlie wnr, but did net beleng te oituer of tlie
city Grand Army pests. He will be burled
te-morrow morning from the undertaking
establishment of A. C. Rote. Tlie Inter
ment will be made in tlie seldiers' let. The
cause of the man's death was pneumenia
and lie had been sick about a week.
Toe Roop Hns Caught Sevon l"oxei
If the fox hunting pennant docs net float
ever Jeseph Heep's kennel at Klrkwoed,
Colerain township, at the end of the hunt
ing season it will net be the fault of his
splendld deg "Nipper," under whose
leadership Mr. Heep lias caught Ills Reventli
fox in less than three weeks. Ills pack el
dogs is " ene of tne finest" and he propesos
te have a fox for each deg before November
tells around. Later in the season lie will
hae an old-fashioned fox hunt and a big
tlme gcnerally.
Dynamite Plnecd in nia Bed.
An attempt was made te kill Oscar
Sternberg, a painter, in Butte, Mentana,
en Thursday morning. Four sticks of
giant jiowder were placed between the
mattresses of his bed and exploded by
means of a fuse running out through n hele
which had been bored in the side of the
heuse te an alley. The forniture in tlie
room was tern te pieces and the side of tlie
heuse blown out, but Stcrnburg Is still
alive, tlieuuli it is net thought Hint he will
recover. Ills wlfennd seu have been ar
rested for the crime
J aw nnd Oi-der lu Rending.
A movement has been inaugurated te
clese all barber shops, elgarstores and ether
establishments that de business en Sunday,
and also te step the sale of milk, Icecream,
oysters nnd prevision that are usually
delUered en Sunday morning. It is te be
dene under tlie auspices of a society calling
itself tlie tallies' Law and Order League.
A circular has already been Issued te the
barber ordering them te clese en .Sunday
under penalty of prosecution.
Plucked it Cherry bung Prem Her i:e.
Neatly two months age the 5-yenr-eld
daughter of William Doddridge, of West
Union, Ohie, fell, striking her lace iieii
cherry suags, making an ugly wound in
and about one of her eyes. Doctors were
consulted and the wounds seen healed.
Later, the child's eyesight became greatly
Impaired. A prominent oculist was
examining her en Friday when the
(lilld suddenly snatched from her-eye a
tiierry uuag 'three-elghthn ei an iinli lu
diameter and one and oie.-leurth inched iu
The Number of Peuuiln and Piece That
Left Here In Twe Day.
In accordance with the orders of the post
master general all the mall which were
sent away from this city en Tuesday and
Wednesday were weighed. The plocei
were also counted, and a reoerd of the dis
tance each one waa sent was kept. Assis
tant Postmaster Hegencr furnishes us with,
the following, which shows everything t
-ssBij jp,t, pottes
HCit 9-l
Total number of pleces,
13,040 ; weight,
Mr. Israel L. Land Is this morning paid
te Ira R. Wsaver the special premium
offered by him at the county fair for the
best crayon drawing of the Amerlcun hay
maker. Superintendent Frniley wilt put two of
the latest style fireplugs en DukeJ street,
between Orange and Chestnut street, the
square that is new being paved.
Jane Baumgardner, charged with ma
liciously brcaklug the window at the
North Pole hotel, was te have been heard
last night by Alderman Barr. She was
tee 111 te appear, and the case was con
tinued. A steam pipe en the third fleer of the
New Era building breke this morning and
the room was seen filled with the escaping
steam, which gave rlse te a rumor en the
street that there was n fire in the building.
Daniel Miller, who resides near Ephrata,
left en the 2 o'clock train this afternoon for
Kansas City, where he will roslde in the
future A large number of friend of him him
seif nnd wife gathored at the station te see
them etr, and they seemed te be greatly
As II. L. Shirk was driving along West
Orange street te-day, his herse stumbled
and falling heavily te the ground tere his
harness and Bklnncd himself up consider
ably. By seme mistake Ida Slddens' company
and "The Kinder Garten" wero both
booked te be at the opera heuse en the last
tliree nights of next week. Miss Slddens'
show will get the dittos.
A Herso Frighten nt the Breaking of a
Wagen and Throws Twe Persen Out-
Thls forenoon a rather serious runaway
occurred en Seuth Qucen strcet. Jacob
Shenk, who hnd been attending market,
wits driving down' the street en his way
home. With him was- his mother-ln-law,
Mrs. Rudy Herr. When Mr. Shenk
reached the street car turnout, just below
German street, he tried te cress tlie track.
One of the wheels caught and the nxle wns
snapped off In the wheel llke a plpe
stem. By the shock Mr. Shenk was thrown
from the wagon but net hurt. The liersa
ran en down the stroet and pcople
who saw him wcre afraid that the woman
would be thrown out of the wagon nnd
killed. Finally the animal ran rather clese
te the curl) and the wagon struck against a
treein front of the home el William Win
ner, butcher. Mrs. Herr w as thrown from
tlie buggy and recclved n cut above the
loll oye nnd a scratch back of tlie enr. She
was tnken into Dr. B. F. W. Urban's drug
store, where she roceivod attention. The
top of tlie wagon was broken badly.
Death ef nn Agel Lnily.
Mrs. Shultz, widow or tlie Inte Christian
Shultz, of Strasburg township, died at the
residence of her daughter, Mrs. Wlthers,
en Friday. Mrs. Shultz was a well known
old ladv of about 81 vcars of aire She was
n sister of the late Peter Dlffenbaugh, of
Lancaster. She leaves u family of threo
sons and three daughter : C. W. Shultz, of
Camargej Hurry Shultz, or Lancaster; II.
F. Shultz, of Bcthesdaj Mrs. Dr. Weaver,
or Strasburg ; Mrs. Dr. Withers, of Itcften.
and Miss Emma Shultz. Her funeral will
take place from the rosldenco of her
daughter, Mrs. Withers, en Sunday. The
interment will bent the Mennenite church,
New Provldence
IKtten By a Deg.
Simen Shlssler, a letter-carrier, was
bitten lu the arm this morning by a deg
owned bv Captain Geerge M. Franklin, of
Ne. 337 West Chestnut street. The deg
was tied and Shlssler had te ass him. As
he did se he placed his hand en the ani
mal's head with the nbove result. He went
tc J. R. Kauirnian'H drug store, where tbe
wound was cauterized.
Anether Victory l-'or the Giant.
The sixth game of tlie sories between
New Yerk nnd Brooklyn was wen by the
fermer in cleven inning yesterday by 2
Ven Der Alie says that next year the
Association and League will consolidate,
and tliore will be one big league of about
twelve clubs.
Returned te Court.
Mary Viginelt was heard en Friday
evcnlng en a charge of surety of the peace
proferrcd by Sarah Yeung. Sarah was
prosecuted two week age by Mnry for
adultery, and after she was committed for
trial by Alderman A. F. Dennelly, she
concluded te get square with Mary by
making complaint against her for alleged
threats. Mary secured bail for trial at
Roservod His Decision.
Samuel Frankford presecuted his wife
seme days age before Alderman Dcen,
charging her with adultery. I.ast evening
thernwan hearing In the matter and tlie
ovldence against tlie accused, which was
purely circumstantial, was net strong. The
alderman reserved his decision.
Sile of Rent Estute.
Allan A. Hrr, real ostute agent, sold nt
privnte snle te Mrs. Mary Krcldcr the two
story brick dwelling, Ne. 133 North Shlp
pcu street, belonging te Mrs. Henrietta
Albert, fur 32,300.
Delegate te the Cut helle CeugritxM.
.Samuel M. Sener has been appointed liy
Bishop McGevcrn ai one of tlie delegates
from tlie Harrisburg dioceso le tlie Amor Amer
Icuu Catholic cengress, which meets iu Bat Bat Bat
tlmore en Nntemlier 11 and 12. He re
ceived ills credential tills morning and
will attend tlie ceugrcss.
A llrute lit Lurge.
A rewnrd of 100 lias been offered for the
capture of un unknown villain who lias
criminally assaulted six or seven women
In Clay City und vicinity. Indiana. Twe
of the letims are In a critical condition.
A Cnuueii Charger KllluJ.
A camion being fired at a political meet
ing iu KancHvllle, Ohie, Friday night, ox ex ox
pledod prematurely, fatally injuring Wil
liam Ne itt, who was ramming down the
Tore n Herso' Tengue Out.
Zopheniah Meser lias been arrosted in
Pottstown by the Society Ter the Proen Preen Proen
llen of Cruelty te Animal. At Douglass Deuglass Douglass
illeufow days age Meserwiu driving a
balky home, nnd iu erdxr le make the
animal move tore it (e: out,
When Aaked If Ue I Snell'a Murderer
the Prisoner Declared lie Waa Net.
Chleace Authorities Notified.
A prisoner at the Central station, Phila
delphia, 1 aald by the detective te re re
seuib'e In many respects Taiwett, who
murdered Ames J. Snelt In Chicago, In
February, 1889. Fer Taseett's capture a
reward or 150,000 Is offered. The auspect
waa arrested In Reading by Detective
Bend and Murray en the charge of pawing
forged check In Philadelphia. In Reading
he gave the name of Charles Harris, but In
Philadelphia was known a A. Sutherland
and Charles Hamilton.
Philadelphia, Oct. 23. Tliore are no
new developments this morning In the
case of the man arrested at Rending, P.,
yestcrday and brought hore te answer the
charge of passing forged check, and whom
the detectives bolleve te be Tascett, the
murderer of Millionaire Snell, at Chicago.
Up te 11:30 o'clock this morning Chief De
tective Weed had received no reply from
the Chicago pollce authorities te hla tele
gram of lest night announcing the arrest
and stating that the prisoner answered
minutely the description of the notorious
murderer. Chief Weed said the prisoner
will probably be given a formal hearing
later in the day en the charge of fergery.
Meantime the chief await advice front
the Chicago official.
In the dispatch cent te the Chicago au
thorities last night Chief. Weed asked if
there was any one here who could ldentlfy
Tascett. A telegram came this afternoon
from chief pollce of Chicago saying that no
one In Philadelphia knew Tascett and re
questing that a photograph of the man
under arrest be sent at once. He waa ac
cordingly photographed and a picture will
be mailed te-night.
Chief Weed was closeted with the sus
pected murderer a long wliile te-day. Af
eor a few preliminary questions the young
mnn was asked point blank If he was net
Tascett. Hei said te have colored per
ceptibly and then he denied in a lialf lialf
hearted sort of way that he wts. that
notorious person. Chief Weed then
read te him the description of the
noterlous'murderer and thchnan attempted
te argue that the points were net
similar. He acknowledged I that hi
two upper front teeth had been filled with
geld but said the filling hnd dropped out,
Tascett' upper front teeth are said te have
been geld filled. The man also acknowl
edged that be had travelled extensively ,but
positively declined te say ene word about
his parents, declaring that they were re
spectable, and he would net for the world
have thorn knew be wns a thief. He ha
been recognized by frequenter of a
well-known billiard room a having
played ikk1 tliore. He 1 said te
play an expert game, and In Ibis
respect he again tallica with Tascett, who
is described af being fend of the game, and
very proilclent nt It. Slnce hi intorvlew
with the prisoner Chief Weed Is mere than
ever convinced that the man 1 nene ether
than the murderer for whose capture, a re
ward of 150,000 1 offered.
Extensive Swindling Systems efn Trie of
Algernon Granville, Frank Gcrrish and
E. Harmen Clark faced United State Com
missioner Heyme, In Chicago, en Friday.
The testimony at their preliminary exami
nation morely touched upon the facts roln reln
tlng te ene of the must cxtouslve swind
ling systems ever nut Inte orterr.ilon. Net
even the sharp-witted snorting men of
Chicago have escaped pnyfng trlbute te tlie
smooth swindlers.
Granvllle nnd Gerrlsh formed n partner
ship twolve years nge. After ten yenrs'
exporleuco nil ever the United States, they,
about two years age, decided te settle In
Chlaure. Willie thev were in Ohie Gran
vllle was detected, and an unfeeling judge
sentenced him te two years lu tlie state
ponitentiury. The pnrtner organized the
ceme mining unu runiisnmg com
pany, and published it weekly jmper
named "The Pcople' Safeguard."
Granvllle, as editor of the paper,
published an advertisement offering prires
amounting te J 15,000 te tlie persons who
first would guess tlie number of link In a
watch chain, a cut of which wa published
In the People's ttefeguartl. Eaeli guesscr
was required te forward a small sum of
meney, with hi estimate or tlie number or
links. The scheme netted the swindlers
from (8,000 te 910,000 before the postefllce
authorities discovered It and arrested Gran Gran
vlleo. Inspector Flemlng new has in hi
olllce evor 30,000 loiter which were re
ceived by Granvllle and Gerrlsh. The
fellow nover wild a prlze. although hun
dred of persens guessed the correct num
ber, Granvllle we arrosted en August
28 and was released under bends or 91,600.
He has net yet had his trial.
The two then organlzed the IinjKjrlal
Printing nnd Publishing company, and
ran the "green geed" swindle en a new
plan. It was decided te dispense with the
publication or a paper, and depend entirely
en tlie wecKiy paper ei uig circulation.
The firm accordingly caused te be in sorted
in a scere of paper all ever the country
advertisements of which the following is a
"Wanted A slick man in every county
te handle our exccllent goods; ene that is
willing te take risk for large gains : goods
done up in packages of In, 6s and 10s. Ad
dress, by express only, at our expense,
Imperial Engraving company, Ne. 260
Seuth Clark street, Chicago. 111."
Many inquiries from all parts of the
country were received in answer te theso
advertisements. In reply the oporaters
wrete carefully worded notes, telling of
the nature orthe "goods," or 'engravings,"
in which they wero dealing, and giving the
nrlces. As n samnle of the " engravings."
a 81 bank-nete wns Inclesed In each letter.
As raat as remittances eame the erder for
" engravings " wero filled by fe warding
needles, "dene up iu packages of Is, 5s
nnd 10s." Tlie dupe, of ceurse, was in no
position te mnke n row about being swin
dled, being himself Implicated.
" Alluiichol'JCey.'
At Fulton epera heuse Inst evenlng " A
Bunch of Keys" wns played te a goeiU
sized nudlonce, by Gu Bethner's com
pany. The company is quite popular, and
(t tins been seen here se often that llttle re
mains te be said concerning it. The com
pany 1 a capable one, and they give tlie
play in geed style. Miss Ida Bethner 1ms
the part of Teddy Keys, and James B.
Moekie, a oemodlan or ability, Is .Aeuaj
Grime. They rocclve geed support from
most of thoetlior In tlie erty. Tlie usual
amount or singing, dancing and run Is in
troduced. Tills evening the play will be
A Pair Exchequer.
Frem (lie Philadelphia Time.
Scuerlta Ynabel Exciicquercu is tlie sil
very and Biiggestlve name or n young lady
iu Mexico, who will seme duy inherit ut
least '1,(100,000. We nre rain te confess,
however, that the information sounds tee
geed for real life A young lady with such
prospects nnu sucu u puirenyium ivuuiu
certainly change te .Smith. The adver
tisement would be mere than a modest
girl could stand.
Talk orthe Day.
Frem tin, New Orlcuni l'lcuj unc.
Much of "the talk of the duy " among
young men is about what they will dual
A New Brand.
Frem Judge.
Bridegroom Some oysters, waller.
Wailer Saddle reikM, BlrT
Itridvgroem Kr no, waiter. Bridal
The Wild Sensation Introduced by a
Pittsburg Journal.
Frem the Pittsburg Chronlcle-Tclcgraph,
Herr Krupp, tlie great gun maker of
Essen, Germany, 1 strongly considering
the advisability of coming te Pittsburg and
building a plant after the model of hla great
factory In the Rhenish provinces. Several
representative of the famous gun man
have been In Pittsburg during the last
month or e gathering all kind or Infor
mation. One of theso said: "There are
a geed many reasons why my master
wishes te rcmove his plant te this coun
try and especially te this city, The
first I the fact that Etirope may nt any
moment become the scene of a great war.
Of course, in such a case, Krupp would
nave te etanu ny nia nttneriana ! ana from
patriotic consideration he would manu
facture guns for Germany alone New, as
all the world knows, Krupp make mere
Suns than any ether firm In the world. If,
lerofere, our plant wero estabUshed In a
neutral country, we could furnish our gum
te any power. But, nrart from that, the
natural advantages of Woatern Pennsyl
vania are ae temptlng, and their value ha
been se conclusively shown te Herr Krupp,
that he 1 favorably Inclined te removal.'
" But you de net mean te say that he I
going te romevo his entire plant, bsg and
baggage, Inte this ceuutry?''
''Yes, I de. De you forget that Krupp
I a young man. Sine hi father died the
young man has doveloped nil kind of no
tion, and he will net atop until t toy have
materialized. I knew that u syndicnte ha
otlered himlOO.000,000 francs for hi plant lu
Essen t and whether or net he aver sell it
would net affect hi plana regarding Pitta
burg." " What klud of a plant 1 it proposed te
J' Herr Krupp propose te buy a traet of
land large eneugh te held its work, and
sufficient house te aocemmodato all It
empleyes. A tract of five square mile, I
think, 1 what he ia figuring en at present.
We employ new about 20,000 men in Essen.
The building of aoemplcte town la Herr
Krupp' Idea, a town w lilcli 1 te be mod med
elled exactly after Kronenbory, the nlnny
of Krupp near Euen. The advantages of
natural gaa have come te the notice of my
master, nnd he ha become enthusiastic
ever thnt wenderful fuel. I have the plan
of the entire plant and the town."
" Where will you lecate the work?"
" I am net at liberty te nay that, for ob
vious reason. I have the option en th
land all fixed, and in such shape that we
could lay the foundation of our plant to
morrow. However, ene thing I will tell
you. It I less than twnnty-five mile from
Pittsburg, and within easy access of rail
road and the river, and close te a large
and rich district of natural ga."
They Regard These of Sereameravllle aa
Peer Simpleton.
A dispatch from Montreal nay t The Ad Ad
veutlsts hore hnve net been at all disturbed
evor the threatened dostiu;tleu of the
world, and have net bel loved in Ayer's
firnrilntlnim. WllllAm W. ttnlinrtsntt. nlflnr
of the Advent Christian congregation and'
iraner ei me neci nern, say :
"Ne intelligent Adveutit bellove that
this world i evor te eoine te nn end, but.
n the Psalmist say, ' It 1 established thai
It shall net be moved.' If it I te be re
garded a an evidence of woak-mindednet
en the part of some supposed Advcntiit te
be expecting thin world le ceme te an end
upon any particular date. what of the
who are responsible for tlie Intro
duction of tbU absurd doctiine Inte
the tent of oncred Scripture at the
oxpense of truth ? It 1 a fact well known
te overy Bible scholar that in overy In
stance where the phrnse 'The end oflhe
world' occurs It should simply reed 'The
end of the age,' the root, translated 'world,'
being Wen, signifying age or dispensation.
Yet our He-callod divines have continued
te wink at thl dollbcrate porverslon of an
Important truth, and in numereu In
stance te ube the perverted phrnae te
frighten tKter simpletons Inte the very ab
surdity nt whlcirthey pretend te laugh."
The campmoeting at ScreumcmvUle, Va.,
ha breken up ami the convert have 10
turned te their home. Elder Brown will
leave for his home in Connecticut next
week. The farmers In tlie vicinity are
glud they hnve breken their camp bocause
they will be able te employ seme of thein
te work en their farms. Tlie converts are
very much disappointed, n they hnd ik1
tlvely re fused te work for thomselvo or
ethors In needing wheat or preparing for
the wlnter.
Will I te tain Part or the Force.
Frem tlie Yerk OnrctU-.
Samuel Mat. Frl-ly, the U. 8. rovenuo
collector of thl district, was In the city
yesterday, attending court a a witness In
the case of the commonwealth vs. Haas &
Grove, lu which a Lancaster county gen
tleman is Interested.
As far as we can learn the new appoint appeint
mimtx for thn collector's olllce In thl divi
sien have net been determined upon, and
It is doubtful ir they will be announced un
til the first or next month. It i probable,
hewever. that owing te the large amount
of business transacted, and It belrjg
the season when the annual Inventories of
the cigar factories are made. which involves
a large amount of additional labor, tbe
new collector may ask the old official here
te continue in their position until the busy
season U tided evor. In such a case the
old ferce would reel It thelr duty, a a
matter or publle concern, te comply with
tbe collecter1 request.
An Abnent-Mlnded Man.
Frem the Pioneer Prcu.
He ha en office in a large building, and
the ether afternoon had occaalen te visit
thoclerk-oi-court' olllce te leek up tbe
records In a case in which he had, been re
tained. A he went nut he plnticd u card
upon the deer, "Rct'trn at 4:JC."
He was net geno sx iengr as he had ox ex ox
pected, In ruct, It was only quarter-past
4 when he returned. He walked up the
stair, hi mind mil or hi case, and was
about onterlng the deer of hi olllce when
his oye caught tlie notlce "Return at 4:30."
He pulled out his watch, saw that it was
only 4:15, und began pacing up and down
the corridor, glancing about new nnd then
as if expecting seme one's arrival, and
overy few minutes looking Impatleutly at
his watch.
Hair-pest i came, and still the deer re
mained unopened. He waited a low min
utes longer, and then, with a leek or dls
f;nst, he started down tlie stairs. Before
ie reached the outside deer, howevor, he
eame te himself, and went back. He un
lock ed his own deer, took down the card,
and. 'it Is te 1)0 picsumed, went about hi
bu bill esi.
That Sew Cae
Alderman Halbach te-day gave Judg
ment In favor or Martin D. Kemllg, el
Pequca township against his neighbor,
Christian F. HInkley, for 20 for damages
dene by Blnkley's sew te Kcndlg's crops.
The case will be uppculed te court, and by
the tlme the imrtieH get through with their
luw suit it will develop Inte an oxpenslvo
and a colebroted case, and be known as the
Lancaster county sew case.
NoKvldeiicoOf It.
Frank Daily had a hearing lest evening
befura Aideriiiun Spurrier. His stcp stcp
falher, Hiram Dally, charged him with
having committed a felonious assault and
lottery upon his mether. After tlie evi evi evi
donce had all been heard the magistrate
found that tliore wus nothing whatever In
the case, and the accused was discharged.
There Wu Ne Sule.
Sheriff Burkheldcr went te the premises
of 111. Hastings, In Drumere township,
en Friduy, te sell his porsennl preperty en
exccutleu Usucd against blm. The father
or Hastings claimed nil the goods levled
upon, and that ended tlie sule.
Death Prem Paralyal.
Jacob Garber, of Meuntvllle, while visit
ing Mr. Newcomer, hi neighbor, en
Thunalay, was btricken with paralysis arid
te day hu did. Deccassl was 12 years old
mid u non of Jacob II. Gurler, of
Meuntvllle. He was well known lu that
eejj of the eeuuty.
i Dim r mm irmniMe.
n DniiLL vvim Arniunnex
.. ,1
Three Hundred Native Maltf-The Gr
man Les Only SeTch TheaAra
Kill an Officer and are Kxeetfteah $
ZANZinAn, Oct. 20. Captain
the German tmnerrnl commissioner tm:Y
East Africa, ha had an engagement with g
force or natives under command or cam.;
Bushlrland defeated them. Three httB-S
dred of BUinlri'a men wero klUM or f--
wounded. The uerman force lest enuj
nvnn mnn. -.
Three Arabs have been exeeuted at Maw4 ',
npwa for the murder of Officer Ncllsen, et,
me C4WI Airicnn cuuipauy. V-;
' ' '.,. Ifrl
A no cargo i-ontemuo ABitin jvmerwa. . -
Cutrtlnn. (VL "A A riishntnh fmeait
Farge, N. D., y the secend alternator
rnli fltin rwimlnfrten wna nifidn Vimawnfaart .
morning, the result of which 1 that Huiw?
Molten, night clerk, he a bullet in hi
right arm. Melten y he waa awkna4'.'1
at mldiiglit by the growling of a deg nu
ieunu a roDecr iu me ouice. ue iireu e,t
shot at the man he waa escaping through .
the open window and was himself shetV
the arm. There are many storied afloat.
concerning the affair. Government deiee.' '.
tlves have been hore since WMitetday-fy
working en the previous attempt tojret'
the offlce and promlse Interesting dhr ;
olesnros. Melten' story 1 generally dl'
Charter DlMetved.
Reading, Pa,, Oct, 20. In oeTirt te-day,
in mnllnn rtt ntwtntuA fat ihn PnntWtrlvAaAa .
railroad company, tbe charter of th ReatV, I
lng A Lebanon railroad company wa uv
telved and all its right and frandhlaeatw
ttmreUhed. The IteacTmfr Lebanon reA
was chartered se as te have been built next "
year from thl city te Lebanon
eventually te Harrisburg by the Pennurk
vn( railroad, but It ha new beh aba. ,
doned. Ti
. ...-r ....,. i M'i
A BttV JBVMWW ilf. (
Columbus, MI., Oct. 20. Jee Hartal;
negre, wa arrosted by a negre detaettv
vosterdav for attempted outrage near
several week age. The weman ldeatlfta
him and he confessed hi guilt, fh eflV
1 cer started with blm te Columbu Jail, aet
a crowd of 100 took blm and hanged' alaa
The nogreea were a anxleu te aanlem
him as the whlte. ' ' s. T
Net Halfura' 8uoceer.
Mvvvxrxt. N. Y.. OeL 23. Cel. D.aV
Alexander. U. S. district aRv.neT, waa tii
day shown the New Yerk' dlipJHrtv la tiMtl
eftect that he I about te succeed rei
Secretary Halford. Colonel Al
aid that thore wa no truth In .thai
ment tint Mr. Halford had retimed or I
he had accepted the private ecrtaryhJy
" K.w, h
The Probable Cauae for HI Healana
DENVicn, Cel., Oct. !3. It la learned tl
A. R. Cavencr. second grand aMMaiK
glneoreftho Brotherhood of Locemotit
Engineer, tendered HI resignation te ;
eonvenlfen yotteruay ana it wa bem
It is new believed that he 1 Uta'ii
officer who wa en trial before the eent
tlen for misconduct during the "Q" .atr
and wa several v reprimand for"'
ame. " -Cl
Vtrlitnukpr'Wiiiit Thelr Wmn.
AvneRA, 111., Oct. 20. Tlie employ W (fi
the Aurera watch ractery censca moetumw
evenlng. They romsed te work lengari
tinles seme adjustment of wage could 1
made. The company ha been unable le
pay it hand for last week work, and tb ,
latter refused te wetk longer. Beside I
week' wages the watch company itU!3
UWlllg llll'lll ." W.W.. vw .--w. 1' - fl
ttm meant raiiure. t
" ' '$'
A, Neck mew Heitieu aietaaer.
SAW TriiANCtHCe, Oct. -J). -Jimmy ia
nliv.lef Australia, and Jack Delaney.T
New Yurk, lightweight, met at theroenprj
of the Occidental Atblotie club room
night In a light te a finish for a purev
fOiO. Murphy ferced trio lighting -ir
tart te finish and In the fourth retina m
Delanoy' upper Up, which caused bloei
te flew freely. In the 11th round Uali
we knocked out by a blew ou tnel
win. and Husband May Ixxta Thelrli1
Rkauiwe, Oct. 26. A one-tory dwellli
at Menree forge, Lebanon county.eocu
by Franklin BebaiTer, waa burned
nlffiit. Mrs. Hehafler was badly and
bably retally burnea anu nor nueaaf
alie severelr burned white carrying
the children, and bin condition U rleday
Hlprolyte Rule Ilaytl. $
new Yenir. Oct. 2ii. The steamer
Willem. which arrived te-dy, bring i
vice from Pert au Prince te October-
General Hippely te wa Inaugurated pwM
dent en the 16th inst wttn great pomp.
reviowed hi victorious army Immealately1
after the ceremony. Great enthusieai
nrevalled among the people It Is rut
that MInUter Preston fct te be renunyj
an early date. All wa quiet at Fer
Prlnce when the etcamar sailed.
Itin T'raatdant'ff' Visitor.
Washington, Oct. 20 Tlie preidePa
rollers wero net very numerous thl mer
ing, but there were enough te keep hli
imtr. Tlie nrincinai ones wuru m
nnv Dntinmi Miller. ReDreecntatlve
nor, of Kansas, with F. V. McMtilan,'iJ
Missouri, Representative Payseu nud v
rirst Comntreller Lawrence. "$&&
. ... TO73
Bank Exnmlncrs Appoiuted.
W.vsnieTOX,Oct.20 The comptroller aCJ
the curroney has nppointea vm. Miner, mijt
Mercer, Fa., end Deia ureen, or Muncyjj
Pa., oxamlners or tne nainatai easa ,
A.t.Anf Tljitivtavlvflntft- jSZ
hb WAsniNOTOr D. C , Oct, 26. Vfl
Pennsylvania t
temperature ;
In the .Yerk Court.
Tn tlin Yerk county court yesterday W. -
IT. ITnnnnl. etd.. of thlsckv. was udllllUA-
te practice Mr. Heusel was counsel wlaj
O. W. Hclges, esq., In tlie cae ei comma
wealth vs. Henrv Blnkley. or Meuntvtt
this county, who was charged with II
iirHnnui in Yerk. Mr. Hensol made
concluding argument fit the defenaa. hi
evening nnd he w ns followed by Dlstaiet A
torney Zlegler, who olescl Hie ensn. - .,
A dispatch received by Mr.nenllhi
aftorniien. stated that the .Jury rendeiafj
verdict or net guilty nut ueicnuani y i
I'estx. THCV ere ma ww ww .;.
AIUV awaw
Th Priest or Fullas. of Kansa City, 1
VI k Tnat4llt1. "V '
tlielr nnnual colcbratlen u Octebtr.j
lust. Au invitation te the festiviUw '
sent te I'Mwanl Powell, or this clty.-byj
sister-in-law, -Mrs. K. u. cuiwurw. ..
invitation is illuminated uv at ie i
dozen colors, and by unfolding
besldes bust or a mnn and woman, t
an.l .nrrnaiil. nf nilplniltH rO reir
.ei.A ..ti.ii... ix.ittutiiliif- liin onler of.
is also or the aame charaetwr.
l'ltosUefl'alia", it l cer win, n
l.lir nriutiutf bill.
t-ilk' jWVAfcSV'J' fjf'gAtOMteM'& .
itrt, ftl'ta.-.. -
' , 1 AiseWltWK .
A'r.fewl'4 ,