UMiliwJ'qafrwWII'V.1 rrF,''vri'.yTPyfrT.T' bill (. .j - . i .- , , tm-, f V! iV" fc.JK, . i D? Y.'- r m 5 W re m 4 MMntti THIEVES ARE NUMEROUS. "W H-,., Mttfi tVTT.SEB St. MSIAT KNIT MB --"--. .... kh ARTICLES TM tKUa lUtn. V Jehn A. ltnmllten's Vlalten Unitary. TUy Secnre Ham, rit, nrenrl mid fleets A 'Weman rrljjliten n Thirl. CeMJMMA, Oct. 22. Fer nome time .w.1 a nnmber of petty theflu liave been com mitted here, but the perpetrator liave wic ceMTully eluded, nrretd. On Monday morning Iho house, of Themas Murphy ( ytaa robbed of n number of article, l'ro--Vleusto the robbery of Murphy's heuaa the thlevci paid a visit te the lionseof Jehn A. Hamilton, opposite Mnrphj'y. At this place tha robbera took half of n ham, pie, a leaf of bread, red belts, etc. l.very Jt.i'... i.. ih kliplinn vn In confusion aim n numberef burnt matches sesttered nbeut, the lloer. A tnwn kiiiie iwi carrice umi.v nd left at Murphy's home. Ten pairs of Btockingawcre stelen. A man attempted te enter the hotiseo Mrs. Jane Williams, the same ineriilnj, but after trying the deer and windows gave up the attempt. Mrs. 'Williams heard tlie nolse and was down stairs with a revolver wnillnir for the man, but he did net enter the lieut-e. A Hue niece of mechanism can be wen at the beat of Capt. Wilsen Kmix, of Mme lleck, Columbia county, new lyintfut the canal basin, Kccd Kiiux, a son of the captain, has jnade a perffct model of a Pteam tuc which has been irreatly admired by all who hare sen It. The tup Isthroe reet long and seventeen inches high. Tint oey devoted his spam moments te the Yerk, using nothing but a hatchet, pocket ttnlfa and mind paper. The beat In maile from a solid block of weed, and required about it year's work te complete. It ban baen named " U-jMIem." The pay car or the Heading railroad was in town this morning. The first rehearsal of the Cheral society wilt be held this evening, under the direc tion of Prof. llatiHinan, of Ijincitstnr. The Metropolitan band will held a ball In the armory en Saturday night. Thry are practicing for a conceit in the epeiu liouse en XevciuIht Utli. Miss Annie lllsby, of Philadelphia, Is visiting Z. T. Itrllten. The llrst of n erie of lcetures en the Sttndav school was given last night In t he Vresbyterlan chapel by Itev. CI. W. lily. These lectin cs w ere prepared by Itev.Tu rn liull, editor of the fiiimUty fklioet Tiinr. Thonext lecture will be en Wednes day evcnlng, Hiilriect, "The Sunday n-hnel; Hevcntccit feuluili'N of Its Varxfng I'm gross." C. 0. Kauirinan, attorney fer.1. A. Mln leh. tnade a verv larite iwile of stock yes terday ene hundred and lerly slinrcs of Columbia Iren company stock at ?1 10 per tltare. The purchasers worn r. It. Knurr man, Hiram Wilsen, Milli.n Wike, J. W. Yocum. William Harms, .lehn C. Kerroy, Jacob Hershey, Kp'jr.ilm Ito;irerand 1". A. iiennctt. Abraham lUsrnbcrgcr sued .laincs Kis cadden for nssaull mid battery bcfeip. Snulre Hershey. The c.ise w us i-etllcil by JviBcaddcn paying the costs. James H. 1)1 vlue sued Harry .erzer for assault before Squire J Icrsliey. The men nra mill workmen, niul .orer lilt Divlue with n blackjack. Thu cike t as held ever pending a settlement. Smilre Kvansscnt Tims. Costly anil Jehn B. Jenes te Jail for live days each for being drunk and disorderly. A young son of' Charles Heurer full Inte n pit at the Columbia rolling mill last night, cutting his right check soveiely. A pleasant meeting of the Society of Christian l'mle.iver of the McUuiciM church was held at the lioirie of 11. V. riienegcr. The Women's Wiuklm society of St. -Jehn's Lutheran church will held n vecia- bio this evening at the home of Mrs. I". IC. Xeainan. Itnllreail Items. Simen Cameren Leng, who for several years has been tha very ctllcient supervisor of the Pennsylvania ln-iwceu Columbia and Ceatcsville, with headquar ters In this city, has been promoted te the position of assistant engineer of the Phila delphia, Wilmington t lt.tltimore rail Kad. He will be at I)ecr, Uftlawnre. '.Jehn Murphy, formerly of this city and a- ceiumbta, but or late a suKrviser in the t'4 Phlladelnhlu vanl. has been promoted te K?Ar4 nn "siaiHiifc uej:iiiriTiiii en inn eniuvi-K-3f! kill Valley read mid will be stationed In Iteadlntr. Dr. J. W. Kelsen, fermerasslstant super visor te Mr. long here, but new Mipor Miper Mipor vlser of the Mlddlitewn ilhlMeu, was awarded the general tupuriutendant's line and service prlze for Iho geed condition of read bed, A'c, after the l.ite inspection. Dr. Kelten has had charge of the dlvi'-ieu but ene year, but his gecl work shows that he Is the right man there. All of the above, gentlemen have many friends in this city, who aie ) leaved at their geed fortune. Hurt In Altoenu. Cloergo Richardson, whose home t en Seuth Christian streut, this city, and is emple'cd as a laborer en the new i-hops at NlSi -Altoenn, met with a painful accident en baturday. He was -uccndiug a scaflnlding en which a number of masons worn lit fg!t work w hen it gave w ay. KirhanNen tell ..'.... iweiuv Ii'fl. niul ull inn inatnrln . liifliiillmr E.'W ever 1,000 bricks, fell UKn him. He re- Kr.-ttu,. ceivcu a number or uly cuts about the Hv head, his right hip was badly centmed and n-rtllie tlnifiT was biekmi. lU--ias taken te STtbeuespital in an ambulance, but he ro re ro vfused te remuln there, and went te his j, i3L bearding house. fir AVl,lf Ot-mMfl ll-tllu hf .m, f Aliimltfnn fttT " At thp mpptlfitr of the Mrwt i.ntiimltl(n -Wen Monday c enliiir, Jehn Knet, pi'tltleutsl E'fef for and was glcn jicruiUslen te build a i'yntuvctte street. betwiTii Muneriiml Ilh-li K.' A itptitlen i us nriiKnnlpd fnr fli luivTmr psjef Mlllln street, irem I'rlnce te beaver, fJS&wna iteigiau or uviiiiu DKHUh. tiie petl i -V.'t loners airree te ikiv &e00 tewurdK tint ex. pSft. pense. The cominhtce decided te ask per- , "'wiwuuk iiuiu vviiiivita iv una tut uuifc ill lprayeii rer. (!riMulttf u'nC rrtnrcn ni Wnlnnl tul iPlne. Oerman and Seuth Ouccn : uuttriH feVwcr0 ordeicden Mitlliti sttcct, between . nieranu .tiuuicrry, unit en both r.lilt'M or fy Union Mrcct between l'renient and Iivo .tLwf. c.Sa Iho comnilKssenor was directed te renal r &&"$, the gutter en eitli Queen sticct, at old !'' lvl lOlUUr Ull' 11 Vl IMHlll ei ine i7iL WKuluterand seiiiiiur. It was decided te EHJ-: adverttfn ler bids ler Iho relating of the rti uiivewiiy ottlie I.ime s.ieet bridge, with bV 2J liuh planks. U!h - 44 .Incel h' ItejirleNe Jteiid. SC Si lfMIl Hurt inlrli.r rnlil .!,... I. v rnr,,;,.. &F' n tkl... ... .1.-.. , I.. 1... I .......I--- !tsvu " vutu, .ivuii iiMuiiui uiuniivciy Kei.i. II.... i .,. ..,...,. J i v.niw n.-uiiii; iimi luvii Huniuii 111 iue in ' Ml ftmtt .nn.,.inH 1.. .. 1.I..I. 1.,. 1 .. , 5f lit 1.1. ...rt 1,1. 1 ... VKr A ...I.I..V lilVn. II...... I... 1 . yJUTilU liilinlnr. A litm. ... e .... 1 1... ....! Jc-,''" ..v.. " " " i llUtll cs$ risen ireiii iiiihicui, he was new u pj,detoctlve and his UuliK'-s wan t see oilier fitoeolii hllnt ir . kKT llelibed the Meney Het. fei Jacob llerk, who has u shoe store en Uei King i-trtet, ujiimimiu the Steven .; ieUf, has a fruit stand In the basement in "innn 01 uie fciore. AiMiiil neon te-dav .Mr. V6rk Was iiihide of lilKslnin u-lien ii siiiull vthnVKIM linlii hlu Qfitt.fl niul ...... .!.... ,l.n fvmeney box took all of its contents the tvjjseney in le-uay w 1th the exiTptien r..T ilve cents. The boy took te his In els ami ran up i?bi lijng street. I'.erl; fol lowed him us far as Market street, Inte which the boy turned and get awav. There has been much cemnlalnt ahnnt h,"iu Jtlnd of sneak thieves in the central part of . i-ji.y ti imv aim iicy ure nearly all Mliall Ikiv.s. (4.(31 " TheMcSparrau s'nle. H Theslierlirnn Mnndnv nml ml.l (e perwmal property of' W. T. Mu-parrnn ;-'i. There was realized from tlie sale Vic "JP Spruce Urove'M J'etnmster. 'WAitii-Vb-rey, Oct. 'i'.Hebert I-'ergusen i te-daj- upiielnteil postmaster at Siiruce kevej Jjuicaster county, Ii. - LWT " " " --Kt-EV, jircsidlns elder of the m rauautipr.u. district, wllldelUer a Ite I U the QliarrytllleM.ld.ehurrlniMKnii.r. revenlnc. Kubjcct; "'lt18 MikIpI Church." Ifkloefrrc. The publle cordially invlud. rlr mcctlai win be held en Km..),,.. ... . Hei M. li church. Ix fcail ut V u. in.. Mltmt bf Vr, ; ttxty at 10 15 a. m. lUx Theumnil pcepls will Trltnws the Ath letic nt rhIUdflplila baie ball eameatlVn ryn Park to-me.-ro Yeu can ee It for 01 ceuti. Jett. U will sell this evcnlnj atTiX at the Icord hotel for Henry Carpenter, n nlgtice of Jacob Frallch, the neat twe-Mnry cot. toite situated en the ritlladelplita ttiniplke, mr the cllj' limits. It only costs M cents te smi the Athletic and Phllndelphlft cluli piny base t.all at Penryn Park te-morrow. Bpcclal trnln Unrtsfreni King street nl 3 o'clock. IlrsnvCAnrrXTrn.aMlirnce e( JncebPrrxv. llch, will sell this evening at the Leepard hotel, trainable property en tlie riillndclphls, turn pike, a tow steps east of the city limits. Tim price Is only u dime, And It Curct Headache anil Xcuraljla ecry time. llneMivHrLTzrii-al any drug ftere. tCJT.ld . Tin: iiocTeiisAttr. iir.m:. Services Tlirce Months I"rce nrcimrK'1. Kle eminent Kngllsh and Uerman DOCTOHS liave arrived In lincastcr, and liave iH'ima. nently located at Ne. W Heulh Iiulti-strct. (opixwlte Trinity I.utlicrnn clinicl.) All who M the doctors before October CO, will reecho scrvlrvs for iUeflml thrte tnnnUn Jrtr rhttrgf. All forms of disease aiiililcrerinltlcsaniliTalcd, but In no lntnnc1 will an Inclirnble case be ac rppUI for treatment. If your disease I hope, less or Incurable tbey will frankly tell ou se J nle cnutleu en nRiilnst spfiullnir mere inenpy fnr usp( ticiitmeit. Itrtncnibcr dates ami no cnrlv, ai tlirlr efllccs arc crewileil fiem morn mern biRtlltiilKlil. OlTlre hours 0 it. m, te S p.m.; Inn. in, te I p. in. Humlu.i". P. H. Their (lerinau ClilftrrliTitsitinent nccr falls. etls-'llil catlte. IvKMCtLK. In IbN cllv. oil the Willi lust., lW-rthn ll.dniiBlitcr of lMward mid Kllab.-tb Kfinplle.ln tlmfilli year of licr nirc. The rclatUra and friends of the family arc rc spcrlfully Invited te ntleiid tlie riinenil from tlie residence of her parent', Ne. Vt!l North street, en Wdnrkday afternoon nl 2 o'clock. Iiitertiient lit HI. Antheny' ceinptery.; St Wahnfii. In tills city, en the 2Iil Inst,, .Mrs. Iliirbim Warner, In the lib j ear of Iictiikc TherelnllesMiid friends of Hip family urn re spectfully Invited te lit lend the funenil, from the nslileiieii, of her teii-ln-biw Clmrles Ilrlcli Ilrlcli ncr.Ne. l!U Middle slrrcl, no MVilnesdny iiioiu iiieiu bint 10 e'clmk. Sert lcis lit 2o'(leelt iitNilim l.utberaii church, Columbia, I'n. lut riuciil nt Celumlila. JUitvitctn. The l.lui slecl .MiirUet,, I'A , f let. '.'i -Tlie I reel pis eflltn stix'k nt the nrds of Jinnes Hteitiirt the pnsl week were 2 OX) cut lie, llOsheeji nnd m lies. .lehn W. Mcntrer sold .'4X1 cattle nnd Kju line. Ix-vi HensenlB sold WW cullle and F0 bes, and Mttciittluanil (0 liefs were sold nt Uteu art's yanls, 1 lie prices were ; Sleekers, S 10 nnd S3.r V IW rt.s; iieders. t'2M: 75 J liulcliers, $,1 SVrtl S3, Bt'cerdlm; tequnlllr, HezsMiid nt )Mii iie v ten n.s. Hlurp sold ut JtUU.V. CJrntn nml I'rcivlHleim. Kurnlslicd by H. K. Vuiidl, broker. uiiicaoe, en. .-., i .sj i e cieck p. in. Wheat t'ern Oats. I'erlt, Uiril. .'; mi is li in n n Orlnher N'livemlit.r. 0 (I i0 I, w December ..... Year Jununry.. . ... February Mnnli May July.- Crude OH . HP'4 W II 17 f. If. . W n ii ...."liiijj aiji I.OIISOI1... Clesliit; Prices 2:1ft nVlisdi p. la. Wheat, t'ern. flats. I'erlt. Jird. er 77! ,'s)M IS 10 H7 T. S7 inber.... a; IS l 117 Ij (0 nhrr 7!i .Te)' 18). 1Tf ?.ll It 'h r. ,i, October Mnvplnl Deccinhrr- Year. January Kcbriiar) .. .March May .. I Vm.nlH .77!? 1.1 ". II III) II II ii u; w ' ,wi A Hi &07 il"l2 Crude Oil Winter Wheat Hprlng Wheat ... Cem Oats Ke m.... ll.irley Iterelpts liens..., lUeelpis -Cntlle.., IlKlJi Cur i .iiu. 101 lie :i'e mi Kcceiptji. Head. ... 2U.Ht) .. I,(W Steuk .MnrlEetf. Quotations by Ht-i d, .Med rami A Lancaster, Pit. NKW YOIIK LIST. II A. V. fiinmlu l'acllla . ttdttil. Colenido Cisil Central I'ncltlc. Canada Southern M) Chi. Kt. I,. ,t 1'bB " Ce., biinlcers, 12 M. Hew, Mi 5f)J lt'U. A 11IO t . .. IW.I.iW Krie Krle Suila Jer 0.... K. A T Leu. A N-. b. Shere Mich. Cen Missouri l'ecltlc Heclt. Valley.. .. N. I . N. 1. l'r.-f ' '.a4 ... -IV, Z li'i " .. 10IJ lll'i, VJ ivi S2 ' Mi Uliit 3-.'!i SI'i isi-'jj ia,;i S2J'j H0K '? lr4 :ti gl N. WesU :,. N. Y. C New KiiRland KnslTeuucKcv Oinuhu ., Oregon Tninsi-eutliu ntnl... Ontario A W l'ncllle .Mall IllcliineiulTeimlnal HU l'uul Tejus l'ncllle, Union l'ucltlc Wiibusb Cem, , Wubiikh I'ref Western U .. West Shere lleiuls. i-im.Aiir.i.rniA i.inr. Ib. Val II. N. Y.A Phlla.. Pa. It. It. lU'iidliiK ta'li. Nav. .. . . ine. li mi 2215 10(2 l'J i;P 11,'J mil, si.; 2:1 l!li ".'!. (.1 .lcJt sOi ti t'li M 2J .11 l4 Ilestnnt. Piim P. It N. Cent Peeples Pass- Kdis t's wy Oil l(M)i liw; nmVJ Lecal -.leci: unit Itenit-. eperled b) J. 11. tauig. Par Ijivt Milue. Mile. Uiiicjis't 0 wr cent. " ii " 4 " ,. 4 ,. " 1 " " I " " 1SI ui 1UI it) lfl lltl Scheul lean Kit ll In 1 or 20 ears, be In 5 or 20 cars. 1( In lOer'J) vnint. li li,'. 101 lit) IIU lftl'i Kt'i 11 15 or :i) j curs. In) .Muiilulm lloreutib lisiu mi MlhOI.U.St.Ol'S MOCKS. Uuarryvlllu It. It ... . . Mlllersvllle Street Cur.. . IiKpilie Printing renip.uiy , (tasllubt nnd riielCuiiiniiiit SO .VI M m 2:i 10 lit) IIU M fe te t.s t2 2S 111) 2i 11 atvii 210.10 t.iii ij 7. .s Ml 10U) 110 lit) ftl K ft) ill li) no 10 101 i.ti IJVI lui l.Y .ri M) i-'l II 111 w 4xr wi 20 i u SleveiiH Heuse (IliiniU).. Columbia (iuhCeiiittiny . Columbia Water Ceniuiut MiMiuvhauiia Iren Ceiiisiii) . jlurlellii HolIeH-ware Mecni Huiise . . Jllllersvllle Nermal ,'hiiul . Northern Mieket liistern Murlrel (liisCemiuuy IIeikIs. lej Culumblu IIoteiuIi llenil lit) uurrjriuic It. II. 7 . Il-wdlna A. Columbia Jt. It. ex , Kdlen LlzhlCernisiuy Western Mnrkel . Heutbern Market. ljinnnlerl.'ll strict ltHilunt Ce., K.ut Kud stni't U.'illu .... . ... Wr.t Hud Street Itallwiij l.tncuslerhtcaiii H.idl.ibr('u lb-hetl.i U'athcrCe., Wut.h Factory (Ti Lane. Cbrm. Ce Tl'HNI-IKF. MUChR. Ijiiiraslrr A FrultMlle I jincinter A I.ltltz l.innulrr A Willlnmstinni IucitkUr A Maner . . Uninutcr A Miinbeliii taitx aster A Murlitin. I.tncasn r A New Hellund (aiicasltr A KuMiuihaiuui . .. taincasler A New li.un Hie Columbia A Marietta . . M.tyteun A Kllrabt-llittmn ..'. .." Ijinrasler A Knlirata Lancaster A Willow hlrttt ... Htnikliurg A MIlliHirt . ... Murk'tUtA Muyteiui hank Uriah. Hr.1 National Hunk . . .. I'lirmers' Nutienul Ikmlc Kulton Nitienal ll.iuk.. ljUiKumier Count) National Rink Nertlum Nnlieiiul llnnk. .. Peeples' Nntlennl Hank Keystei u Nutleuul lUiik.Muiihui CeiiunbUNuilunni panic . . Christiana National llanlt . CnncMetfa National Dank hnhrata Nutlenal Hunk ... Mrst Nutlenal Hank, Columbia.. Mrtl Nallenal ilaiik.Sinuliuru, Klrsl National Hunk. .Marietta First National Hank, Sit. Jey. I.ltltz National Hank. Meuntvllle Nutlenal Hunk... Slautielm National Hank . Union Nutlenal Hunk, Mount Jot Jet New Helland Natlenul Hank Gap National Hank, .. Ouurryvllle National Hunk Klltabethtewn National lUn 'cm nil National Hunk. Columbia HlKhprhiR A-He!icr Valley. Hrldcenert and Horseshoe. ... Columbia A CheMnut Hill. Celuuiblu A Washington. Conettegu A Ultf Kprimf.. Marletu & Sleunt Jey. ... banc. 511. Jey A EJI inVcthtewn., . 11X) b) fiO ft) ft) W ft) ft) ft! ft) lit) HI) te Ml ft) 2S ioe sni . ft) lis .. lit) 210 fa us . ll 129.10 . mi i .vi 111 UO 112.2.-, 100 l:V .100 123 . ll llj 100 157 . l'O Hi IK) 111 . bO 2Uj .. 1U0 HI n ift ... n no n in W) ifJJM 10) l'.i .. HO n; ICO 123 , ICO 2l 100 111 . 'ii 1!J 21 .. 20 17 an a) . 3.1 ai 110 U3 l.tre Stock Mnrk-r. CtticAoe.OcL. 31. Itfcelru, 1500; sblpmeuU) ,0U0t steady benves, II HXW 00; steers 1 O0S1 SO : stecknrf and reedera, t2 OfV-tJ ft) ; rows, bull and mixed, tl 202 U; Texas cuttle, l 7&H3 001 bulk.ll tsVa3 7u. Hes Itecclpls.: n),oeo: shlpments.eOOf rnnr rnnr kctlewert mixed, Jl rtvt 10: heavy, MHi eiSi; tlK'it, fl fs4 50; skips, t3S0i4 id. Hbecp Hecclnts, lo.eno: sblpmcnls.iWOtmar ket sisndy: names, f l fOjt-"i no ; Western woeled inrAwilJ: sbnrnTexaiis,f1003llOi lambs, 1100 te ti SO per bend. Kast Lincnrr. Cattle Hecelpts.f.ViOt shln ments 2100 1 mnrkel lalrly nellvent Inst week's prices; III cars shipped te New Yerk telny. Her-s Hccclpls, S.100; shipments, C200 market dull; best light Yorkers. H ftVM m; medium and lluht Philadelphia, II AVJUIti; heavy hogs, IHVJ4 ft); no cur shipped te New Yerk. . Kncep iieeeinis, rwn: snipmen's. 4ii: mnr kel dull; prime, ! fV-.4 9) fair te Ktxl,ttV& iMl common, fJ'X! 73! lambf. HCWAS 7S, 1,1 cut LbucvtieciitcitiR. t a KTNarb whers " "lEAVEMa POWER Of the various Baking Pewden illns tttted from actual twti ROYAL ()aMMnMH CRART'S (Alum) . . . .sMBBBsWHBsMsl BOMfORD'S' (frttl.)... H HMrORfi'S (shtn frcib) tm CHARM (Alum Powder)..! DAVIS' na 0. K. (Alum) CUVEUMD'S PIOIELR (San Francttce) I CZAR ,,.....,.,,,,... DR. PRICE'S SHOW FLAKE (CrefT.) CONGRESS DECKER'S ciiurs .IT'. MAHrORD'S (Ncne Such), when nctfrtsh..! PEARL (Andre tn & Ce.) nUMTORD'S (rhMfJutt), wbtn net (reie. ,. Seperta of Government ChemiiU. ' "The Royal Daklng Powder Is composed of pure and wholesome Ingredients, It does net contain either alum or phosphates, or ether In-iutioussubstsnces.-EDWAReG. LOVE, Ph.D." " The Royal Daltlnj Powder Is undoubtedly the purest and most tellable baking powder offered te the public. - .... " Hn.SRY A. Mett, M. D Ph. D." "The Royal Daldne Powder Is purest lnqul ily and hlcliest In strength of any baking pow der of which I have knowledge. j Wm. McMuktrie, Th. V." ' All Alum baking powders, no nutter hew lilgli their strength, are te b avoided as dan gerous. Phosphate powders liberate their gu tee freely, or under climatic changes suffer de terioration, wp2l IwdeedA-n' puitK J U1CK OK THU OKAI'i;. Tnrtlled nnd Whlte CAI.irOHNIA WINK, Wu per bottle; Rl.m tier dozen betiles. HOHHKH'Sb'QUOHSTOHK, e. S3 Centre S(iiare, Ijinraster. l'r. irA.NTi:i)-A KlllONd, Afl'IVH YOb.NO V . limn te learn u trade. Apply imine dlnlclyle POITH AWKhHIt. rAM'i:n-A enti, ie de si:m:hai. IV hnusetierlc nnd bi help lib uaslilinr nnd Ironing. Apply nt the Ixri:i.Mer:.sci:n Ofllce. el7-lld r I It US WANTHI) JT AT THU I.A.N'CASTi:itCAHAMi:ii CO. FACTORY, .115 CIIITIIUII STItnin". sZltfd sAi.r.fijir..v-oeoi) waeki paid, Mcndy work nnd control or terri tory. Tin best terms In the business. Address .1. AUSTIN nil A V. Nurseryman. Mlil! l ii ii llroeklyn, N. V. Tust.-i:itiii:h en oitANeniiiTrwKKN j Dukn anil l.lme or Mine belnetu ()nin?e nml Frederick street, a (leld Flower breastpin. A lllieral ieard will bs paid en lis return te the lNTLI.KlKXi'Mt Ofllce. 1 M II.I.HH'H HOHAX 80A1' WU.h WASH Moines nun every article under thndiin. IJ10H lti:.NT-nH)M AFHIHIstNKXT.THK I' (Ireeiilatid .Mills, situated en JIIII Creek, in Ijvst Iimpeier lewinhlp. Apply te lU.IZAIIirl'lt (). h. HATES, til North Uuke ht., Lancaster, I'n. sS3-lfdtwlt ' JDROCTORMOI'F.UA HOl'.Si;. focler A Soulier Proprietors nnd Managers. Monday, Tucdat nnd Wednesday, October 21, 22, 2J. Mil 1 1 one Wednesday, " WH, 1'H A CO." A Splendid Company, Incliulliit; Hie Phrnniu- liuil lianeer, Miss l.llllan llnmlltoe. Prices. 15, 20. :), 50 and 75 Cents. Friday nnd r-nlurditv, Oct. !nnd 31, " A Hunch of Kejs." lniccs. 1", 20, JO, 'O and 75 Cents. nJUItil rnt'HNPiKi: f.i.kitien. 1 'Hie inmunl meeting of the stockholders of the Ijincnster A- Wllliauistettn Turnpllie Head contrail) , for the pin pem or vlectln? olll elll olll cirsfer theensulnirjenr, itnd transnctliiEnuy ellKr biiklniss that limy ceiiin before them, will be held nt tlie onice of the treasurer. Ne. 122 Uist Jvlnir street. Umcasler, Fa., en Jlendav, Neiember I, P-s'i.tiettlecn the hours mill liS)ecllM-k 11. ui. U2IHU2H1 W.M. It. HH1NTON, Treas. I Jl'HI.ll'SAI.F.OI'llllltSIW. On satpiiimv, Nevrxinwi 2, At 2 p. ui., at Mclirunn's Fnrk, In the wltv of biiuniMir. two fust trelllnc Hiimbletejilan lleisis. They nre ubnut rlitht )enrs old. One Is of a I.lflit Merrelnnd theotlicref nlChestnilt Serrel color. One Is it stnlllen about MMcn tiniiils hlsb nml the ether a geldlni:. Tliey will lie sold ler unpaid beanl. ,.-,.,w., , MU'll.MH.JIcflONinUi Ocl22,2l,2Cnetl "V"I"W YORK STORK. Underwear! Underwear! WATT & SHAND j (.in Siipplt ll Wiinu Hit,rt lllld best utile III i Fall and Winter Underwear. ljidles. Ornth men and Children ran be Suited I -nn .ui., i-wcur t(iiiini) imuuiir rrUts AivAlvtnjs lite Lenchl AI.I.WOOL I'NDUHWUAH, la In Client Demand, and wn Keep a WnndeifUl uilel fit in the I est Mcdli.m Oiudis. te the Finest. GERMAN SANITARY UNDERWKAU. LAIHF.V AI.UtVOOL L'NDi:ilWF.AH. Kearlct nt TBc.SI (Mniulll 2" Ktch Willie, II 00 flletl?iUich. Natural Weel, SlOOnndfl a Fjich. AI.L-WOOI. JIinsRY VU.STHUI 7.V, (I a). Si .;. Or.NTrtAI.lrWeOL L'NDHRWHAH. Scarlel, M.-, 7Sc. SI 0) te JIM. Nntural Weel. HUI.msitnr-MXl. ' White, !ige, l37Xte$iaii AI.L-WOOI. KHlItrSHIltTS at S3 63 Iliieh. LADIL V AvSSvv M,:"Uf0 At iV, S3c, 37) 7A, te 75e Itcli. FHII.Dnr.N'S UNDHP.WKAH,' In Merine and AII-Woel. All Sim and Quali ties nt l.u Vrictt. New Yerk Stere, 0, 8 aud 10 EAST KING STREET. lnt .dsbttrtlcmttt. MILLER'S BORAX HOAP WILL WAWt Clethes and srery artlcls under tha sun. MILLEH'n HOHAX HOAP WILL WASH Clethe and every article un Jer the sun. MILl.F.H'S PORAX fOAP WILL WASH Clethe and every arllela under the sun. TJIOR RKNT-Ft'OM AFlllL 1st. NKXT, A ,13 Flmt-clnss Illacksmllh's Hhep. with dwell hT Heuse, situated at Greenland Mills, In Kusl Lampeter township. Apply te . . ... ELIZAIiCTII O. K. HATEf", eH-lldlt ID North DukeHt., Lnncnster, Pa. ,r,I'Lr,l,s HORAX HOAP WILL WASH .ItJL Clethes and every article under the sun. 171 ALL AND, IMP. "Fer the Latest Novelties, Lnriret and Most Complete Assortment of Fall and Winter Hull Ine, Overceating and Treusering, te te It. OKU HART. f Ions te equal It. Nene tesurpnss the make up. The correct Fabric for Full Dress Hulls, and the price the lowest, nt II. OKRlf AIIT'R, Ne. t1 North Queen Htreet. JK)nly Plrect Importing Tailor In the City of lynncnsUr. ABSinNKKBHALKOFHIIRAHLERKAL TvessAY, OcTnnr.n 22, issa, will positively li sold at public sale, at Hie Jeepard Hetel, In the city nt Lnncnster, nil that certain two-story and nttlc Frnmn Dwelling Heuse, stable nnd oilier buildings, nnd let of icrnund thereto lieteiiKlnir, cenlnlnlne f feel front nnd extending In depth or tbnt width 'JXi feet, situated enlbe north side of the Philadel phia turnpike (extension of Iiist Klnir si reel l, In ljtncnsler township, within lUOynrds of the city limits. All thebiiltdlnesnre new; house centalusslx cnmniodleus rooms and attic with lUht.dry cellar under whele bulldliiK ; hydrnut witheltv wnter In front yard : lame let, lawn In frniit of heu se and large enrden In rear ; short ills. tnnce from centre of city ; street cars pass the deer. A city home without city taxes. Title nnd possession Klvcn April 1, lS'W, ernt nn' time before thai If tenulrcdby puiclinser. Sale te commence nt 7:.T0 p. m. en -mid dnv, w ben It rms nnd conditions will he made knew u by IIRNRY CARPISNTKR, Assljtnen of Jacob Frnellcb and Wife, Joki, L. ll.WNKs, Auctioneer. s'il,!Oe7,M,lll,lI),2l,2;dR TH Best Made BOOTS & SHOES ! 14 North Queen St., LANCASTER, PA. ST J OTICR ! J. Harry Stamm, 24 Centre Square. Netice ! WKOFKN TO-DAY A MAuMl'ICHNT I.INi: -OF- PLUSH COATS, SHAWLS, -AND Steckinette Jackets, VI Prices Sure te Pleate BARGAINS IN DRESS GOODS! Yen can iniikc n-i mln ike In builii" lour Drt-Mies licrv. Prlcs and Qimllly te suit ull. We eiler the fl nit est fiargaliis in "WThitG & Colored Blankets F.VFHOI FF.ttKD.VNV WHFIli:, And b Mr the HHST HArtOAIND tvr ellertd by us. COMFORTS CO TIIF. SAME WAY. Flannel Shirts Of every ceneelvab'e kind nl prlren from COc font Heady-Made bhlrt lell.t'i. r 1 T WOULDN'T DO YOU ANY II A RM TO INHPKCTOURSIOCK. ij. Harry Stamm, SHAUB & BDIS, NEW WON STORE 24 Centre Square, (T-TllJ: J'L.VCI. I OK UAItOAI-NH.'i: Stew 3lbicrtUmtnt. MILLER'n llORAX HOAP WILL WASH Clethes and every artlcle under thesuu. HKNKY MLAUOIt 1H TREFARED TO miike te order at short nctleeany kind of furniture rer house or emce. Hnrd weed work n specialty. Ileiinlrliur of nirnlture neatly done. Upholstering In all It department, ... . .M HKNIIV HLAUOH, mlCslmdTn&Hn 131 East Urant Street flM-'IrJVi! KFB THE l-ATEHT NOVEL J TIK8 In HultlnM, Overceating and Fan talixm Fatterns. Hatlslnetlnn Qnaranteed. MWJHANN A NOWLEN. Tailors. 'Ne. 130 North Queen Htreet. MILLER'S HOHAX HOAP WILL WASH Clethes nnd every article under the sun. TnJ'r 9Un JT T0SL.. Re CIOAn, HAND JL Made nnd Leme Filler. New let 25c Meer schaum Flpca Just received. ,.,. DKMUTU'HCIOAR STORE. BlMfdR lHritstKlngitreet. ,fILLEH'H 1X Clethe llORAX HOAF WILL WAHH and every article under the nun, UHOOLDKN LION AND MIAQUERIDA iffl( nre me en y Clear Havana Filler and ricuy uana-mneene Ulnars lu the city ui;auiu'H ciuak HTenE. alS-tfdR 114 Eut King Htreet. DYHTKR8 1 HEHT OYHTKIV) IN THE MAR ket, serteil in all styles, nnd meals nt all Hours, nt Clf AKLIM K. IteHTEU'H, In the rear nr the Central Market. 0stcM In theeheller opened served Ie private, families. Telephone connection. elmdlt T.TO.MK Tr.-Jll.MONY IH THE Uiisr, Ciistcr Weltrel, Ne. ill North Wnter street, had such n bad cold that he could scarcely sleep. ?e medicine helpedhlin until betook COCHRAN'S 00UQH CURE, One dose nf which stepped hi cough for 21 hours nnd cured him. Price, and 60icnt.Hl. - ,.- . ,, 'WIIIIAN-H DilUa BTOKK, Kes. 1.17 A- It) North Queen rtl., Ijtncnster, Fa. Tu.Th.HH rpm: NOVELTY. " TIIK NOVELTY HOT-AIR FURNACE has been In use In till town mid county rer twelva years. It Is no experiment. Thu people who hatethciu take great pleasure In recommend ing thorn te their friends, We refer, by ier ier mlssleu, te the following : H, S. Siicncer, lnncnster, Fa. J. 11. Ilntlifen, Ijincaster, F.i. E.T. Fnilin, Utncnster, F.i, D. H. Dursk, Lancaster, Fa, Allen Outbrlc, Laneeslcr, Fa. .lehn A. Ceyle, Lancaster, Fa. Henry Oerharl, Uincaster, Vi. W, F, CiimmlngH, Ijineuster, lit. (Ikergn Schaetler, Ijinenster, Fa, Ht. Jelin's Episcopal Parsonage. Lancaster, Fa. Rev. II. A. Hrleltcnslclli, Lltlt, I'n. Levi Oress, Netlsvllle, Fa. Mrs. Mat., Lancnsler, F. Dr. II. F. llcrr. Mlllcrsvllle. Fu. (IrergH Lutr, Ijuicnslcr, Fa, (". II. Lerevre, Lnncnster, Fa. Jlrs. Anna C. Htamm, Ijnieaster, F.i, I, O. Wlllcex. Lancaster, Fn, M.Mrs A: Hnthfeu, ltncaster, Pj. Presbyterian Church, Lnncnster, Fa. itev. .1. P. Hteln, Lnucaster, l'a. Thus, Wiley, leincaskr, Fa. Munnn Wcnger, Liucnster, Fa, Jehn llehmaii, Iineasier, lit. Fhnrlei Martin, lincaster, Fa. Melvln II. lbithfen, Litncuster, Fa-. Ht. Jehn's Lutheran Church, Imcaster, Fa. Ht. Pnul'M Helenned Church, Ijineiisler, Fh. 1'iederlek Hoefel, Lancaster, Fa. Cbrlsilnn Oltlleh, LnucuMer, Fu, D, U. Uindls, Ijiucaster, Fa. James C, Uable, Lancaster, F.i. I). 1'. HUieklieuse, Ijiucnster, Fa, English Hcferiued Church, Ijinciisler, Fa. Kdunrd .ibtn, Ijincaster, Fu. fl, Kdw, Ilegeuer, Lmienslcr, Fn. .1. W. Lewell, Lnni aster, I'n. Jacob 11. Laudla, Jlillersvllle, Fn. Haptlst Church, Luncuster, Fn. Mtthedlst Church, Lnncnster, F.i. Methodist Cliurcb, Atglen, F.i. IsaacHtlrlc, Ijincaster, Fu. Jehn II. Hosier, Lancnster, Ta. Hefermed Cliurcb, WIllewHlnel, Fn. (ieorge Huss, Ijineastcr, Fa. Jehn il, Davld-en, Lancaster, Fa, .Ien's Lutheran Church, ljincnster. Fa. Jacob L. llrubnkcr, Holirerbtewu, l'a. Val. Werklielter, Lnncnster, Fn, Jehn L. Miller, Lnncasler, l'a. Chas. Hates, LunciiKUr, Fu. Henry Hundel, Lancnsler, Fa. Fred Hanker, Lancaster, Fn. Jehn Ilege.Jr., Lant'inter, Fa. II. M. Zeek, Lancaster, Fn. J no, C. Dlnnn, L-icuitcr, H-t, Leenard Ktkert, Lancaster, Fu. J. VY. Marlfley, Lancaster, Fu. Adam L. Umdls, Wltmcr, Fu, Chas. Oetz, Lancaster, Fe, Saiu'l Vnndersaul, l.unc.ivlcr, Fn. Marcus Klrchuer, Lanenstcr, F.i. Reilly Bres. & Raub, 10 AND 12 NORTH Ql'EHN W. -pALACE OF FASHION. PALACE OFFASHION, 115 & 117 NORTH QUEEN STREET, R e m c m b"c7 MON DAY NEXT, OCTOBER 28, will be the last clay of the Turkish Rug Sale in our Palace of Fashion, by H. K. Kassabian, of Con stantinople. Mr. Kassabian guarantees the prices of his goods are as low as half of these in large cities, en account of being se lected by his own hand from the principal cities of Asia. Gent's Linen Cellars and Cuffs All the leading styles in turn-down, piccadilly or choicer, best quality and make of Trey goods, at 10, I2j4 and 20c, a complete assortment ; also a fine line of Linen Cuffs at 20, 25 and 35c Special value in Gent s Neck ties and Scarfs at 25 and 50c Beys' Windser Ties, 25c ; a large variety. LaMes" Linen Cellars All the leading styles at 10 and i2c. The Reinforced Cape Linen Cellars, the best thing cer sold in the line. Ladies' Turn-down Linen Cellars. Beys' Turn down and Sailor'Cellars. Ruchings Opened this week ever one hundred new styles of ruchings and ru filing, all the latest novelties in Crepe Lisse in black, cream and white, at 10, 12, 15, 18, 20 and 25c a yd. Handkerchiefs The best bar gains ever offered in Ladies' and Gent's 1 Iandkerchiefs. La dies' Colored Bordered Hand kerchiefs at 1, 2, 3 and 4c. Hem stitched, 4, 5, 10, 12 4, 15 and 25c. White Hemstitched and Revered, at 5, 10, 12, 15 and 25c up te 75c. Embroidered and Hemstitched at 12 J, 15, 18, 20c, up te 2.25. Lace Hand kerchiefs at 10, 124 and 15c, te J 1. 75. Gent's Hemstitched I Iandkerchiefs, white and col ored bordered, 10, 12J4, 15,20c, te 50c. Ladies' Hemstitched I Iandkerchiefs, warranted pure linen, 10c. Finest Japanese Silk 1 Iandkerchiefs, hemstitched, 37, 50, 75c and Si. Fancy drapery for Tidies and Curtains in new figures, at 12 and 15c a yard. Lambrequin Fringes in fancy colors, at 21, 25, 29, 31 and 50c. Tapestry Berder. Furs, Furs, Furs, at special prices, at the PALACE OF FASHION, 1 15 & 1:7 North Queen Street. tm StfettcrttMmcttt. R KADY-MADE CLOTIHNU. Hagrer & READY-MADE CLOTHING . ....... wm m j. ,, We InHe All Intwcsled Overcoat Ruyerf te Exnmlne Our Handsome showing or Fall and Winter Overcoats! Vfril tvltl Nlwl -.. Ut. 4 ...1 tt -. t.a. . .......muuimum umnianwiifcxociie(luxnenp. Yeuulll n4 uur Tiltc-i (for ati if uuuaj; lutivc ! WINTER OVERCOATS! AHcrvlccnblc Hlack Tur Reaver Overcoat at Excellent matrenal Rearer Overcoats nt 910. en will net tlnd a better one at lbs price. ., A r,l,ne,I1,',.c, Rlanenal nearer Overcoat at 112. AII-Woel, mid en will net find Ilk suisv rler under III. 1'lne Heavy Kersey Overcoats, silk faced, satin sleeve and welt scums, ntlln. Yeu will nnd tame Overceat: elsewbere, nnd advertised, for tnore money, A Flnt lllnck Wnl HISennl Uenver, silk "ned. satin Klwim, cry slyllsb, ntIH; Ills u.,I.n.n,M!ln. Kl,r Denver Overcoat In New Fla d and Ii agenal Effecbi, lined threuglinnt wltb bst qiillted satin and satin sleevas, at Nl. i en will net e above Ceat elsewhere nt uiuia prb-e. Fine Kersey nnd 'Worsted plain and faved, at 310 and tli. Full Oiercenls. cry Fine Kcney Overcoats, silk Rieedaud ''Cf-Ne. well scum, at ill : worth JIB. iVyi!''"1 Ye,I,li tlMiver Oiri-eus nl S7.00 HAGER & 25, 27, 29, 31 ltw Slbucvtloemcuto. ATILLElt'R HORAX HOAP WILL WASH -1A Clethes and every article under the sun. 7-E CAHKY THE LAItORST AND FINEST TV Hteek of acnulne French Hrlar nnd Mcrsehnuin I'lpes nnd Fine Hmeklnir Tobnc Tebnc Tobnc re. Genuine Turkish Persian Tobacco. HEMirrU'SCiaAHBTOHE, Established 1770 ul lUEuit Kin? Htret, nlS-tfdH fILLElf.S HOHAX HOAP WILL WAHII JJX. Cletbiwnnd every nrtlcle undr the sun. P1 ALL KN'ETAILOIUNOI Tilt LATEST NOVELTIES IN FINE WOOLENS. AT F. WniKEL'H. sepll-lmdn Ne. 41 West King Street. rpllE ONLY LANCASTER BUSINESS COLLEGE, Ne. SI North Duke t.treet, Pay and Evening Session. Mere application received and mere pupils entered since eiiculni; than durlni: any previous period. Fer proer of thU call nt Colleire Heom. Typewilllnir free te ull who take the business cenrse. Addresa, 11, C. WF:il)LKIt. Prlncl pal. SPECIAL NOTICE-CLOSING OUT MY EN tire Stock or Family Carriages, Tep Uu Blcs, FlinMen. Huslnes Wagons nnd Slelalis: nlie, n nne line of Second-hand Werk. Orent Hitrcnins. Positively will be sold at a facrlllre te close Imslne.' i. , , J. H.NORUECK. Agent. Cor. Ilnke and Vine HU., Lancaster. Fu. nMOtdlUItwll rpHOUT Jl SHANK. .SHIRT MANUFACTURERS AND MEN'S OUTFITTEHB. NO.ltaNenTlI QCESV STttEBT. New Is the time te pet Measured far Skim of All Descriptions. Wblts Uut, Full Drosi, Flnnnel. Jp. UNDERWEAR.-We bnT mere U!Bbrent va rletle of I'ndurwear than any thrM heuss.1 lu the city. Thn only place where you can get HLACK SILK UNDERWEAR, the first flu ported te this country. Something entlrely new nnd nebby. Neckwear, UeJry, Oleves, and a Full Line of Meu's Weur. niarttMydlt H Iltdll llltOTUEK. Hirsh & Brether. HAVE YOU HAD YOUR Winter Suit or Overcoat MADE? If you have net, we would suggest that ou cull upon us and euiuliieetir Handsome New Line OF- Suitinga, $12 te $35. Overceatings, $15 te $30. And Trousers, $4 te $10. Our Mute, our Fit, our Trimmings, nil tired only be tried once; they will be sure te pleats )ou. UUeusft trial. UNDERWEAR. Red, Orey. White, Urewn, nt 1Jc.25c.Kk;. t,., Wc,7&c, Sltef.'. i . i , A H-clnt drive In n Man's Deuble Frent and Duck Underskirt In Urey ut i cucli. Drawers te inulcti. Woolen nnd Merine Hetlerv. Leng or Short. L'uttei HnlMIo-e nt 5i.-. lde.'l te, Idu and 2V:. White and Fancy lliimlkcrclildl.. 2c te Sic. Iliindseine Neckwear, Knit Juekcls, Jersey Ceals, Kuspendirs, Flauuel Slilrts. Men's Suits, $1 te $20, Men's Overceat3, $2.CD te $20, Beya' Overcoats, $2 te $12, Beys' Suits, $2.50 te $12, Children's Suits, $1 te $8, Children's Overceats, $1 te $8. tOMFAHE eril 1'ltlCL.S AND QUALITIES wniioniEits-Yeu will huy OF US EVERY TIME. U& BROTHER'S OXIM-WCE CrX)THIXG AND FUUNISHIXO UOUSK, Kertb Queen Street and Centre Square, LANCASTER, PA. Brether fur UUfliptmerfl. i . W. in ... ' Z l K'lm.h" ?" Ove t.ti ... tit . ... . -. , . .... ,.., ,,,. ,v,i;ii, miu Licru, iitiia. frm M-rF Ll " te Orercent, and Utile J VALUErt IS Men's & Children's Suits ttSWL'Xir aud Ciittlme Mulls, Al slvlls li ri.i . i w ' V.wcu c,iev,101 Hnilnes, Hull ffi'J1; n ' Cpinpaie llic-in nnd you wIlU And them te be equal te ill hulls ls8where. I Hnlt!i?rKltlle"S.,I8WI,h a'M '""'" falme.l HressyHlylcsIn Hey' Suits nt $.'.(), Ufa and oiiuy.-vn-vteolChoi let Beys' Suits ,,t jy)l te7 V "l"1 C"",l"!:' Heys' null,, f3.09J Tr: )2l !),i',"1"' VcfKHtyll,b . . . ....,,, 1WV jiiLiiii,' mill, ui 3I. BROTHER, "West King St., IfAXCASiTlJH, IMCXN'A. Jtcu d&ui.-vtiacmi;ute. M11;!,-1:!-'-- eax soap will wash LleUies and every nrtlcle under the sun. MILLER'S 1IOIUX SOAP WILL WASH Clethes and mery artlcle untler thesun. 1-EY.STONE HUS1NESS COLLEGE AF XV rerds unsurpiiFscd nilvantuge for train ing young men nnd Indies for buslne.. We hiiyt. a delight hil room and pleasant locntlen, I u court..;. 5,r ; evening course, iSO. Tynel w rltlng and Phonograph vlnuglit. i"- v in v- . " D' SIWKH, I'rln., lUUiw Qi'w-'n St., Lancaster, pa, Vy K EXAMINE R Via FHEE." Spectacles ! WE EXAMINE EYES FREE! Yeu Think Your Eyes Are Geed I If tf en have Ibc.-n examined you will prebnbly mid tlint there Is t.eiiiitiiiiiKM.. wjt, t,CIJ and that gliiMe will be n Rfcat hefp te you. ' We use Inlinltablfl "DlA MANTA' lense, which lire made only by u,nml recemmeiidcil by lending OcullMs us thu beat uldt te defec tive vision. .MML ld ',,'e6ucc, :J-'" ! al Price, A,f.'i1i,Pt7,c,e?' Mtc,' """nl rrlce, Jtl.OO. ArtlHclul Eyes Inserted, il ; usual price, $10. M. ZINEMAN & BRO. 130 S. Ninth Street, OPTICIANS. ' PHILADELPHIA. ' ltetweeu Chestnut and Walnut StrccU. mr-Ijd OTEAM ENGINE AND HOILERWORKS. BEST Steam Engiri! is -AND. Beiler Works. Visitors te th Fair, It will pay jeu te cill ,u niy Works and ex umlne our Stock or Engines ! r..!!??'. ". le !1"" J"0" "rlce. and facility ter tinning out wprk. Portable Engines. 4 Herse-I'nuer -. tillone-Pewcr i"- HHorse-Peuer !.V" lOIIor-MX-Pewcr S?- 11 Herse-Power " " 3! J) Horw.-1'ewer ! J'"'..'.'.".'."'J '.. '.'." 1,17" Portable Engines, NED-H.ND. 6 Horf-Pewcr . c-iyj H Horse-Feuer .. . .. -;f 15 Hurse-Peitcr. .". " ""' " ""'" ' "--, Boilers, Second-Hand. K-w Q,1!?1"' '!" n,'''.. m f-'t us, S! 4 lu. libc. PrlM,jr-5anilSl50. One nellcr. JO In. Dlani.. 11 fret Leng, SI In. I ubc 12 fret bimr, IK, nrc i veiit Ca-llu',', Jlij. 1 CARRY THE LARGEST STOC K Or ENGINE AND BOILER SUPPLIES IN THE CITY OF LANCASTER, l'.i. Maniirattiireref st-ttlennry Enirln.s, Mill and .Mining Mi'-hlni rt , aw Jllll. aJtk a id Leb Mills, Pump., ic. ContRieter for -t, n,.ating, Direct or Indb reel, or by Het Wuur. OUR HOT ATR FURNACE IS THE BIST INTHE MARKEI'. Hepairing Promptly Attended Te. Jehn Best, l-ROPRICTOR, 333 EAST FULTON ST., LANCABIEB, VA. rt IT S !.' I saUC-taiV-f-