SWTF r''5,p':r 'in"'' flu tpmji '71 la a'?v' & m WeVJl- '' O l5 - s,- r. .t t Rlte'"' '' '- -' MurIIMmmiutmV"itit lihmi '' THC D1AIS SKAlXOT. T&a,cpi4aatrlefcih ' 4 That reaw Ml aa Una u letting, 1 watefc ut auara mmmew nova, And wait and wait-te gtr her crwtlnt, Fer youth U aanthlna en the dial. And love la but an old, old atery; The yaara mar danca with lute and Tlel The ahadew mevea ae end their tlery I Oe, Cepld, beckon with yeurjrlnf , That aweetett chance may waft her hither; Fer we muit wee, remembering Hew fat the raaea foil and wither. And en the dial long age, The pavement aunk with meaar edgea, Saw Youth and Lere meet all aglow, And whisper by the old yew-hedge Oe. Cupid, tell the maid I prle Hew many in the courtyard wandered, What laughing Up nnd witching eyea, In love's delight their beauty aquandercd I The reffa, brocade and buckled ahoea, Hew aeniy down the path they pattered With gallant gay In old-world hue, When crowns andjclugdems little mattertd. Oe, Cupid, sleep ; your check Is pale ; And we can wee among the sages j Remance Is but a weary tale Monotonous from all the ages. My heart 1 BLe comes from yonder deer ; And time and shadows flit for ever; Why, there was never youth before, And love like ours, eh, never-never 1 Frem (As JV. Y. Tribune. t--f " Diseases, desperate grown, by ; deaperat ap pliances are relieved, or net at all." The point of wisdom Is te check them before the v reach se far by buying a bottle of Salvation Oil. t'rlce, a.'i cent. . .... "Conspiracies no sooner should be formed than executed," and cold should no sooner be taken than a I Kit lie or Dr. Hull's Cough Hyrup should be bought and used according te the di rections. Iloreuloau Strensth Continually en the strain, or overtaxed at In tervals, Is far less desirable than ordinary vigor perpetuated by rational diet and exercise, and abstention from excess. Professional pugilists and athletes rarely attain extreme old age. As ordinary vigor may be retained by a wise re gard for sanitary living, and rer thu protection against disease which timely and judicious medication affords, te also It may be Itwl through prolonged sedentary labor, uninter rupted mental stralu and foolish eating aud drinking, the chief nnd most Immediate se se tiucnce of nil four being dyspepsia. Fer this condition thus, or In any way Induced, and rer Its etrtinrlUB.n failure of muscular and nerve poorer, Ilestcttcr's Htomech Hitters Is the prl mest and most acnlnl of remedies. Net only Indigestion, but less of flesh, appetite and sleep nre remedied by It. Incipient malaria and rheumatism are banished, nnd kidney, bowel anil Ilvcrceinplnlnt removed by It. ectil-2 A new Idea embraced iuKly's Cream Halm. Catarrh Is cured by cleansing nnd healing, net by drying up. It Is net a liquid or snuff, but Is easily applied Inte the nostrils. Its effect Is magical and a thorough treatment will cure t he worst cases. Price W. e9-2wdA-w gprctal Jtettcc. Epoch. The transition from long, lingering and pain ful sickness te robust health marks un epoch In tliellfe of the Individual. Much a remarkable event Is treasured In the memory nnd the agency whereby the geed health has been at tained Is gratefully blessed. Hence It Is that se much Is heard In praise of Electric Bitters. Be many feel they ewo thelr restoration te health, te the use of the Great Alterative nnd Tonic. If you are troubled with any disease of Kidneys, XJlver r mwuiiii;ii, ui iuiif "i biiuiv m.iiiiiiik. I reu win surely una reueruy uscei t.ieciric mi crs. Held attec anil (1 ncrliettleat II. It. Cech ran's Drug Htere, 137aud 130 North Queen street, ijuicusuT.nl. ii Methera! Mothers I I Met horn I I t Are you disturbed at night and broken of your rest by a strk child suffering and crying with the excruciating pain of cutting teeth T If se, go at once and get a bottle of MILS. WINB LOW'8 800THINO SYRUP. It will relieve the peer little sufTerer Immediately depend upon it j there Is no mistake about it. There Is net a mother en earth who has ever used It, who will net tell you at once that It will regu late the bowels, and give rest te the mother, and Teller and health te the child, operating like magic It Is perfectly safe te use In nil cases and pleasant te the tiiBtc, and Is the prescription of one of the eldest and best female physicians and nurses In the United States. Beld everywhere, 25 cents a bottle. June251ydAw Ituckleu'a Arnica Salve. Tnic ItESTSALVKlnthe world for Cuts, Bruises Beres, Ulcers, Halt Kheum, Fever Beres, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Cerns, and all Bkln Eruptions, and positively cures Piles, or no pay required. It Is guaranteed toglveper teglveper toglveper fect satisfaction, or money refunded. Price 25 cents iter box. Fer sale by 1L B. Cochran, Druggist, Ne. 137 and 139 North Queen street, Lancaster, Pa. unc27-l)d j , Their Business Booming. Probably no one thing has caused such a gen eral revival of trede at II. It. Cochran's Drug Hterc as their giving away te their customers of se many free trial bottles of Dr. King's New Dis covery for Consumption. Their trade Is simply enormous In this ery vuluable article from the fact that It always cures nnd never dlsuppeluts Coughs, Colds, Asthma, Bronchitis, Croup, and all threat nnd lung diseases quickly cured. Yeu run tent It before buying by getting a trial bottle free, lorge size II. Eeryenttle warranted at 11. It. Cochran's Drug Htere, 137 and 1J9 North Queen stieet,Ijincater, Pa. )1) (Cxcuvoieuo "XTACATIOJ ION EXCURSIONS. RAYMOND'S VACATION EXCURSIONS. All Trawling Expenses Included. A WINTER IFCALIFORNIA. The first and second parlies of the season will lae Einiurtelj.hla, TIIUHSIRrY. NOVEM IIKlt H.uniiTHiniMDAY, DECEMBER 12, for Pasadena, Les Angeles and ether points In Southern California. The reu te will be via. Buffalo, Niagara Falls, Chicago, KansasCity, Las tVegas, Het Bprlngs, Banta Fe, Albuquerque, Barstow and Han Her Her nurdlne. (The trip te bu made In a special train of Mugulfli-cut Ventlbuled Pullmau Paluce Cars, with I'ulace Dining Car. Every ticket entitles the holder te visit Les Angeles, The Raymond, at East Pauideun, Riv erside, Bun Diege, Buute Menica, Banta llur liara. Ban Francisce, Banta Cruz. Ban Jese, Mount Hamilton, Hun Rafael and ether leading resorts in California. A Choice of Four Differ ent Reute Returning. Ffteen Returning Par ties under Hpeclal I'scert. Return Tickets ale geed en ull tralus until July 18SO. Independent Tickets, covering cery expense both ways, giving entlre Irecdera te the passenger while in California, anil also In making the Journey hoieeward. Hetel coupenssupplled for longer short sojourns at 'I he Raymond, East Pasa dena ; Hetel Vcndeme. Ban Jese; Palace Hetel, Ban Francisce i Hetel del Coronade, Han Dlego; Dlege; Dlego; Uetel Rafael, Ban Rafael; Banta Cruz; The Arlington and Ban Marces, Banta Barbara ; Hetel Arcadia, Banta Menica; and ether fa mous Pacific Coast resorts. Dates of ether California Excursiens: Janu ary 0, U aud 30 ; February 10 and M ; and Murch tl, 10 and JO. Dates of Mexico Excursions : January 13 ; February 10 ; and March 10. "Send for dcscrlpthe circulars, designating whether book relating te Cullferula or Mexico tours Is desired. RAYMOND AWHITCOMR, 111 Seuth Ninth Htreet (under Continental hotel), Philadelphia, Pa. ectl3.21.22 garbumrr. TTAHDWAREI HARDWARE! GREAT ATTRACTIONS I AT Marshall & Rengier's, 9 4 11 BOUTH QUEEN h.T. Steves, Heaters and Ranges OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. The Largct Assortmcntef GUNS and RIFLES In the City. TINWARE, CERAHWARE, CUTLERY, Ac FODDER YARN, CARPENTER'S TOOLS and BUII.DINC1 MA TEHIAL. ROY.ILMIXEDPAINTB.OILH. VARNISHES and WHITE LEAD. ir-A Pull Line of General Hardware.-! MARSHALL" RENGIER, NOS. 9 A 11 BOUTH QUEEN HTREET. ffbt-lvd rESHEJONESCO., el Muu P.MKR . tlnlt. uuuracturers CONFECTIONERS' FINE t BOXES. The must baiullful Una In the United Butts. 615 CemmerceHU.PhlUdel- iud uuuntnuitcd vsjj svuiuiuniVDkiruil uuf hn. Wrlurerdetcir.uUvtprtclUU pbUtKdtoed -VTCIANEa LTVEKIPXLLB. TUEOENU1NEDR.C McLANE'S -CELEBRATED- LIVER PILLS! FOR SICK HEADACHE I Mr. and Mrs. Williams, Ne. CTKBeventh street, N.Y., testify that they have both been suffer lng with liver complaint for about five years, during which time they have spent a large amount of money and tried many remedies, but te no purpose. Finally, hearing or the genuine Dr. C McLene's Liver Pills, prepared by Flem lng Bres., Pittsburg, Pa., they purchased four boxes, which they took according te the direc tions accompanying each box, nnd new pro pre pro neunce themselves perfectly cured of that dis tressing disease This Is te certify that I hare been subject at tlmesteaeverebcadache: sometimes the pain would be ae severe I could rest neither day or night. Hearing of the genuine Dr. C. McLane't Liver Pills, prepared by Fleming Bres., Pitts burg, Pa., I sent and get a box, of which I took two pills en going te bed, for two night. They relieved me entirely. Seme time has new elapsed acd I have had no mere trouble from sick headache. M. JOUNRTON, HO Lewis street, K. Y. This la te certify that I have had the liver complaint for six years, and I never could get any medicine te help me until I commenced using the genuine Dr. C. McLane's Liver Pills, prepared by Fleming Bres., Pituburg, Pa. I can new say te the public, that they have com- hem te all tiersens afflicted with a diseased curra me; ana x ue nercuy rccuiiimemi liver. Try them. They will cure. MAHIA EVANS, Ne. B3 Lewis street, N. Y. Insist upon having the genuine Dr. C. Me Lane's Liver Pills, preparee by Fleming Bres., Pittsburg. Pa. Price 2i cents a box. Beld by all druggists. (1) TIUMI UMPUREY'B DR. HUHPHREY'H SPECIFICS aresolentl areselentl cally and carefully prepared prescriptions j used for many years In private prnctlce with success and for ever thirty years used by the people. Every single Bpecldc Is a special euro for the disease named. These Bpeclflcs cure without drugglntr, purg ing or reducing the system, nnd are In fact and deed the BOVEUCIUN REMEDIES OF THE WORLD. LIST Or PRINCIPAL NOS. CUHES. miens 5. DYSENTERY, Griping. Bilious Celic, . CHOLERA MORBUS, Vomiting 7." COUGHS. Celd. Brencnltis... 8. NEURALGIA. Toothache, Faceacbe .25 9. HEADACHE, Blclt Headache, Vertigo... .25 10. DYSPEPSIA, Bilious Stomach 7. .-JH 11. HUPPRISiHEO or PAINFUL PERIODS, .25 12. WHITES, tee Profuse Periods .25 13. CROUP, Cough, Difficult Breathing 25 II. SALT RHElfM, Erysipelas. Eruptions-. .25 15. RHEUMATISM, Rheumatic Pains 25 18. FEVER aud AGUE, Chills, Malaria 50 17.PILEH,RUnder Bleeding.' m 19. CATARRH.Inniienza.Celdln the Head, .50 20. WHOOPING COUGH. Violent Coughs... M 21. GENERAL DEBILITY, I'll slcul Weak- ncss ,50 27. KIDNEY DISEASE .50 2rt. NERVOUS DEBILITY fl.ue 30. URINARY WEAKNESS, Wetting Bed, .00 32. DISEASES OF THE HEART, Palpita tion 11.00 Beld by druggists, or sent postpaid en receipt of price. Dk.ijumi-iirey's Manual (111 pages) richly bound In cloth nnd geld, mailed tree. Humfimkys' Medicine Ce., ion 1' ulten 8U N. Y (2) BPECIFICS. Tu,lli.Mw TTILY'S CREAM BALJI. CATARRH, HAY FEVER. Ely's Cream Balm Cleanses the Nafnl Passages, Allays Pain and Inflammation, Heals the Seres, Restores the Senses of Tustu aud Suull. TRY THE CURE. A particle Is applied te each nostril and Is agreeable. PriceM cents atDrugglsts; by mall, registered, GO cents. ELY BROTHERS, scpll-lydAw Ne. 50 Warren St., New Yerk. V Undeveloped parts Of the Human Bedy Enlarged, Developed, Strengthened, etc., Is nn Interesting advcrilsu- iui'iii iung run in our paper, in reply le in quiries we will any that there Is no evidence of numougaeouiiius. un tne contrary, the ad vertisers are very highly Indorsed. Interested persons may get scaled clrcul irs giving all par ticulars, by writing te the ERIK MEDICAL CO., 5 Swan bt., Bmlule, N. Y.Inllu Tvlnle Jtrr. uwyudtw iUittcltce. -lyATHES. Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, Specs, Eyc-Glasse Etc., at LOWEST PRICES. Optical Ooeds. Telegraph Time Dally. Every Ar'lule in this Line Carefully Repaired. Leuis Weber, Ne. 159K North Queen St., Near P. R. R. Station TEWELER AND GRADUATE OPTICIAN. GILL. Jeweler and Graduate Optician. WEDDING PRESENTS IN R&yal Worcester and Antique Silver. EXAMINATION Or EYES TREE. NO DROPS USED. OHAS. S. GILL, Ne. 10 West King St., LANCASTER. PENN'A. 1IX)CK: BUYERS. We hae receled nn umiMinlly l-irge and AttnicthcLIuciif ONYX AND FRENCH MARBLE CLOCKS. Entirely New Styles, which we OfTcr nt Prices that Cannet be Bcalea. These, with our already large stock of lcssex pensive, IRON. WOOD CASE nnd NICKELS, elxeus theLargeit aud Most Complete hteik In the city. Yeu can best serve your Interests by calling and Inspecting. WAIt Kinds of Cleck Repairing Dene Promptly. HERR, Ne. 101 N. Queen St. CORNLH OF ORANGE. 4)nocfuvuieltinfl COoeba. C ALLANDBEi: -THE- ROCHESTER LAMP! Sixty Candle-Light; Beats them all. Anether Let of Cheap Glebes for Gas and Oil Steves. THE "PERFECTION" METALMOULDING and RUBBER CUSHION Weather Strip. Bents them all. Tlilsstrtpeutwearsallnthcrs. keeps out the cold. Steps rattling of uludeu's. Excludes the dust. KerpM out snow and rain. Anyone can updIv It no waste or dirt murtain applying IL Canleflttl auyuhere-ne holes te bore, ready for tine. I will net split, warp or shrink a cushlyM strln Is the most perfectliAt the Btee,Healir and Itange Htere of Jelm Pr Schaum & Sens, 34 SOUTH QUEEN ST., LANCASTEIt PA. i. nsvKKS. congestion, Inflammation .2.1 2. WORMS, Werm Fever, Werm Celic 23 S. CRYING COLIC, or Teething of Infants, .25 4. DIARIUKEA. nfrllllrtrim nr Adults .-. 9v &l 0v fltttt. -pOBSALE. The Desirable Property, Situated Ne. 136 East Lemen St., Brick Dwelling. Fine Perch. Frent Yard with Iren Fence, Let ilxJU JOHN n. METZLF.R. eclMyd Ne. 8. Duke Street. YALUABLE CrfY rnOPERTY AND BIT 8INEBS BTAND AT PUBLIC SALE. Ox THrnsnAr, October 21, 1J, Will be told at public sale, at the City Hetel, na North Queen street. In the city or Lancaster, all that valuable Let of Ground, situated en the west side, or Nertli Queen street, Immediately north or the Pennsylvania railroad, containing In front en said street about M feet, and In depth, along Its northern boundary line, about HO feet, te the Pennsylvania railroad, en which are erected n Twotery FRAM E DWELLING, with a two-story Frame Back Building; and Immediately In the rear of the dwelling Is a large Three-Story BRIt'K TOBACCO WARE- iIUUBEh Part or the front building la occupied as a Cigar and Tobacco Htere, situated en aud along the Pennsylvania railroad, whlch-ts-th south ern boundary i bounded en the north by prop erty jer Jehn It Bltner, esq., which Is occupied by Harry C. Moere, and en the east by Nertli Queen street. The dwell lng contains about IS rooms. There I a hydrant In the back yard, pavewaih In front, water, gas, and water closet In the dwell ing, geed sewerage, and all ether modem Im provements, all in geed condition, and liene of the best business stands. Any person wishing te view the property be fore the day or sale may call en either of the un dersigned. A geed tllle will be given en April Bale te commence nt 7JJ o'clock p.m.. when attendauca will be given and terms made made known by THEODORE WEND1TZ, CHARLEB II. HKEB, Executers of the Estate of Jehn Rces, dee'd. B. !'. Rewe, Auct, He. ten Seuth Prince 8L ectlMtd fflveccvirv. LOOK AT CLARKE'S RANDOM PRICES. Best Iinehern IMtrnn. n th .IRe Fruit Puddlne, package....... Pure White (sugar, T lb Extra Dried Beef, fe 8) 3 lbs Bologna for California llnm V R .. Geed Hweet Coffee, w lb Choice Java Blended Coffees, lb., Choice Reller Fleur, y qr...... , 8c 0 10a .250 Ro&lOe zee .ZiOtCVVC ....45a tome 250 2Se 28c 230 -2.V1 .250 25c 250 We jog V 1U9 uuuu I'runciias IO 4 lbs Geed Peaches for ., 3 lbs Extra Peaches for 8 lbs California Apricots for 5 lbs California Raisins for. 0 lbs lnrge Herring for 5 lbs Choice New Codfish. Fresh Crackers, U'U for........ Geed Cream Checsn lb lb Best Swiss Cheese, V lb i.iKiit or urtk ay i lips, qt SO Best Cider Vinegar. gal 15e 11 Cakes Hlgglns' Toilet or Liundry Seap for 25e Olelne Boap. v box 60 lbs .". .... J2.40 Fer tiie Best Boap and Snap Powder try Peppy Oil. 6c. Other powders. 2 for 6c. Duliy's Pure Cider In Stock. CLARKE'S Ten, Coffee and Grocery Btere, Nes. 12 nnd II t Seuth Queen Btrcct. , P.P. flood Hickory Cordwood for rnle In lets or from one te one hundred cords. TBURSK'S. White Sugar Reduced te 8c. New Goods Almest Daily. New Raisins, Currants, Citren, Prunes, Evap orated Peaches, pared and unpnred, California Apricots, Cranberries, New Buckwheat, New Scir Raising Buckwheat, New Choice Comb Heney, Oat Meal, Aviiia, Cracked and Rolled Wheat, Ac, Ac The Yenteier Evaporated Sugar Cern sold only by us In Lancaster, new ready. Ne belter line of Choice Fre-h Oreceilcs In the city. . BURSK'S, Ne. 17 East King Street, LANCASTER. PA. ATRE HEIST . STOP RIGHT HERE ! This Is Reisl's Advertisement ! IT WILL PAY YOU TO READ ALL I CUT IT OUT, HANO IT UP, CARRY IT IN YOUR VEST POCKET, TELL YOUR NEIGHBOR, TUINK OF IT I DOWN COMES SUGAR ! Sugar reduced another half cent. Keep your eyes open. We will pest you. 3tUl!cstNlcnacsfer25c, 6 lbs Geed Nlcnnrs for 25e, 3 lbs Best Glnger-Bnaps for 2Tpc, 4 lbs Best Thick Water Crackers for 25c, 4 Its Baited Spengo Water Crackers for 25c. We buy our Crackers In 2 and CO-barrel lets or a kind nlene and make discounts thu benefit you get ; also, carry a full line of Finn Crackers In tin cans, eattnnal Warr, Baited Wafers, Graham Wnfers, Egg UUcults, Cream Pufls, Cedes Biscuits, etc. Parler Pride Enamel for Btoves. per bottle, 10c, 3 n.s Large Bteinless Raisins for 2V;. 3 Its Large French Prunes for 25c, 0 Its Geed Prunes for 25e, a lbs Finest New Currants for 25a, 3 lbs Apricots for 25c, 8 lbs Evaporated Apples for 25c, 6 As Peaches (new) for 25e, 2 lbs Best Prunellas for 25c, 2 lbs Fluent Unpured Evaporated Peaches rer 25c, 1 lbs Evaporated California Pared Peaches for 2V, VA lbs Leghorn Citren for 25c, 0 lbs-Fresh Wheat Genu feriSc, 6 lbs New Rolled Onts for 25c, 2 lbs Italian Macaroni for 25c, 8 packs Fruit Pudding for 25c, 0 lbs RIcb for 25c. a quarts Cranberries for 25c, 3 lbs Gum Dreps for 21c: Beir-Ralslng Buckwheat per pack, 15c ; Belf-Ralslng Buckwheat, per pack, 10c; Bologna, per lb, 9c; Dried Becf,pir lb, 12Kc; Dried Beef Knuckles, per B-s, loc; Picnic Hams' per lb, tic; Olbs Herring for 25c; Cauttlc Beda, par lb, 6c. reFst ! WHOLESALE AND RETAIL GROCER, CORNER WEST KING AND PRINCE hTS., Directly OpiKMlte J. II. Martin d. Ce.'s Dry Goods Btere, and Next Doer te Serrel Hnre Held. (Cavrianen. c LOSING OUT BALE. Carriages, Buggies, Wagons AT- Gee. Weber's Coach Works, CHRISTIAN BTREET. (Between Orange and Chestnut Streets.) Consisting of Jump-Scat Carriages, two Four Four Pest Jenny l.lnds. tueMcCull Wagons, Second Hand Tretting lliiggv, andsierl light Plat form Wugeus tluit "111 carry from 1,500 te .1,000 pounds. Alse a few Fine Sleighs. Call Early for Bar gains, aug'te-tfd (STANDARD CARRIAGE WORK. EDW. EDGERLEY, CARRIAGE BUILDER, 0,42, 4145 MARKET STREET. (Rear of the Postetnce), LANCASTER, PA. De net Full te Call and Sec my Fine Assert incut of Baggies, PhEtens, Jamp Seat Carriages.Elc. I have all the latest sty les te select from. I have a very tine axsertmeni of second-band work some of my e n w erk. Bettem priers. Call and examine. Ne trou ble te show our work and exp.aln eery dituil. IteiHilntlng and Rvpulrlng promptly and neutly done. One set of workmen ticclully emplnvrd for that pnrp. iJltotenvaplto. TJOTE. Xt I JUST RECEIVED FROM KcBuigsburg, Prussia, Twe Backgrounds made esiieclally for Bust and Tbreequa'Ur length Photographs. tROTE,'f 60 1-2 North Queen St., Next Doer te the Postefflce. CttnM. Jff IOH MARTIN. China Hall. Uueful and Ornameutal Articles that would grace the Dining Table or would be n valuable addition te the Brlc-a-Brnoefoven the most fastidious. W cun't doscrlbe theiu. It's your privil ege te examine them. If you don't, you will miss a sight at the beautiful as well ns the opportunity of possessing It. Ilavllnnd's Decorated China has promlncnce always. Many New Arti cles, Designs aud Decorations mere beautiful than ever. Jleynl Worcester In New Designs and Shapes. Japane.te Were in Large Variety and Styles. A host of ethor articles of Fancy Goods, equally bandieme. Persons selecting presents (wedding or ethbrwise), will re gret, if purchasing before examining our assortment. Remember, all are wel come. Goods exchanged if net satisfac tory. HIGH & MARTIN, 16 East King Street. Clethinn. A SKEW. Fsall, 1889. Make It the money-saving t linn of the year, and this the place te snve It by getting thu best material and most stylish Suitings, Trenserlngs and Overceatings FOR THE LEAST MONEY. Ten knew the reputation always reliable. Prices are lower than ever, styles handsomer, quality finer. Te these who have dealt here the garments speak for themseUes. All that Is asked Is a trial te please you, and nssurceu perfect satisfaction, NOS. 231 AND 23(5 WEST? ttlNCl STKEST. sliMmd Tec: CLOTHING BU VE1W. LGansman&Bre. WeILne Never Shonn a Mere ExtemlvcAi ExtemlvcAi sertmeut of Tlinn We Ihue On OurCeunters ut Present. EVERYTHING ABOUT TIIKM IS RIGHT THE STYLES ARE RIGHT. TIIE QUALITIICH ARE RIGHT. TIIE PRICES ARE RIGHT. $1000 will buy yen one or our MtjIWiKlne All-Weel Twilled Kcrsey Overcoats, lu four colors. , ll.'.OO will buy you a Fine Chinchilla Ovet coat. 13.00 will buy ycu a Flue All-Weel Worsted Overcoat. (0.00 will buy you a geed Melten Overcoat. Superior Overcoats. Bllk-Llned Throughout, Men's nnd Bev's Full Multa In Casslmeras, Cheviots and Worsteds at astonishingly Lew Prices, oil rer a sample and get posted. CUSTOM DEPARTMENT. Our Order Department offers you some hand some styles in Huttings, Treuserings nnd Ovur coal liurs. Our assortment com prises all gradi-s, from 112 leri. Call and see them, as It will be te your Interest. L. Gansman & Bre., Tailors and Manufacturers or Men's, Bey's and Children's Clothing (Exclusive.) 66 and 68 NORTH QUEEN ST., B. W. CORNER OF ORANGE, LANCASTER, PA ir Net connected with any ether Clothing Heuse lu the city. M" ERS A RATHKON. OVERCOATS ! WE'LL TALK TO-DAY (jK OVERCOAT. Fall and Winter-Weight Overcoats That We're Proud te Shew. Overcoats You'd Be Proud te Own. All Our Goods Reliable Make. If jen need one It will be worth mere te you than the money It ceU. FIltHT-A Solid, Substantial, Geed Wearing Oirceut, Eight Dollars.). ' NEXT An Oercent that Excels Anything In the Murket, ut'l en Dollars (iie;. NEXT-Our JI2 Line, Pull of Wu and Geed Htyle. FEXT-IIandfxnne iCtr.e,Sllk I'twd, Well tieama, attlf. NEXT-$ITand 520 Valuet, Beauties In Eery Way. NEXT-Our S21 and 12", Tull Line of Silk and Hutln, Elegance, hhew Pirfvctlun. Intermediate tlrudrs from U te S25; evrry one uerth the price asked. MYEBStBATHFON, RELIABLE CLOTHIERS, NO. 17 EAST KING STREET tiANCASTnu, I'A. SUteruetje. X UrilER H. K.VUPPMAN, 1 ATTORNEY-AT-L.VW. Hwend Fleer Esbleman Law Building, Ne. 13 Uerth sake iitmL aprt-lydw m . Suit and Overcoats 9m N EXT DOOR TO THE COURT HOUSE. LADIES' AND CHILDREN'S COATS ! Every season wc Increase our purchases of Ceal. CHOICE FABRICS at RIGHT PRICES Increase sales. Increased sale demand targcr stocks. Larger stocks menu greater variety of styles and greater ease In making a selection. Tills season's col cel col lectien embraces all Ihe new styles and cut lu Ladles', Misses' and Children' tlar menu. We have the finest and best asserUnent of Seal Plush Garment In the city at prices that will greatly Interest you. Ppeclal values In Air-Weel Black Btockl Bteckl nette Jack! at P,W.8n, fl, I1.S0 and finer qualities up te S12. Cleth Jackets, J leSIS. Lndles'Newmarkets, all prices, from Kle m Infant's Qretchen Coats, W loll. Children' Coats, 4 te 10 years, te 110. Misses' Newmarkets, 12 te 18 yean, 11.7 te ill. FHHNESTOCK'S, 35 and 37 East King; St., Lancaster, Pa. M ETZGER A IIAUOHMAN. LADIES' AND CHILDREN'S COATS -AT- METZGER tc Jttdt OiihhI h Lnrge and Handsome Assert nient of LADIES' nnd CHIL DREN'S COATS nt the Lewest price. Particular Attention Is called te our SEAL PLUSH COATS, innde expivssly for us by the Hest Mnuufncturcra. Fer Style, Kentity and KIhIhIi Cannet be Ex-celled. Metzger& Ha ugh man's Cheap Stere, Nes. 38 and 40 West King Street, Lancaster, Pa. (OPPOSITE TIIE TJJARDAMcELROV. bard Sc Nea. 33 nnd 35 Seuth Queen Street, UNDKRW EAR-Ve mnltc a siieclalty uf Underwear. We ildy any pr ces. In ladles Merine at SKcWcslc and up. We are running a Me pflHe en each jmlr you huy. Iidlcs' Natural WimiI, Camel's Hair anil our In the lowest it nrlces for llifttiiifilltv 11 Hiaiiv in Ctw.and up.. Villi trill nnd that We Klva extra Metllentcd vVoel Underwear at bnrealn iirlccs. Men's Cotten Flannel Drnwc'rs nt 25c, lr JS'rv.Ji'i ll,rc'!' Merine and Mi-dlrnled Weel Umlcrwear. all slics. cliean. 1(1 Yl rJl I TllllnHUtAAH n t t.A.& 1 .. .Jir....,:Vl ii' n." lSc almost 30 years In the linslness, net all that tlmn for our " "i"! " ,i,rt! ""0" for oiirselvcs. we would say, that In all that lanallier lime you 8f'VMS,VKY.,u n ''"'' eirerlnu, In Whlte and Colored, at 7iic,ft,I.M,.W,, SSi,?iSiI?!&?n?J,8it RMOU''r'lnIOVoeHvliri.rnlnlllanketsat tier pair. Mmtlt eat.,ir.A1.VlnMJ,Jif "t1-!5! nndSS. Crlhlllanlcetsntl.jn,,Bndiip. ilte Xd wJetTnt li W 5iSi"n "P' rg "l0 ,l " ,li lM' ""d "p Uw ew n m"Ue UrK" 6l)TTON-lullUni Cotten madeln Mils 2H yds lone and 2 yds t In. wlde. weighing from 8W te 4 lbs sach. enough for one Comfert at le anf lie per l".. One used, nlani s'prcfJrrcdi It deVs net li hi Wet l"rot?sUnlyeu preftr"" " ,l,w,' re"Uy ft,r ut' c,"" n t ' 12K ul,l W OH, CWtTHS-Eaeh season "our trada In fleer Oil Cleths Increases. Our Oil Cleth Is all wall seasoned. Uavlnir tieen bncffhtlWnrntlin ndvutrntiti itri.w. .lum. i.i mi ri..i. n.. i M,i U..,.AH.. ten'ilir J'?rt'"ll",r0 05C' 1J "lunre V. Remnaut of heavy Doer Oil Cleth (uel full width) u 100 tier yard KEA' TH Erlfl .Wfl lind a riikli ttr t7nllutpa II, i, v-......"..-: ;"" "...'.'..-.."!: " .rf.MVuM.I'i , . . V : . .. . V '"" "tD. '"" l,n' "" nasi maws in ins cuy, , ,I,?iS?J- jyLAJ),JJ7.?,n en "? """P '." wunt WlniUw Hhades In pnr or oil shailes by Ihe yarn.ormadetnontvr.attho very lowest price. . !..... .itlE!:'-1ha . t Klannels for tliomenny you ever lietmlit.nr can buy tcwlay In any heUMimi VSr0liyJ .i,l"f..,r''l,.0 J'.1" ,.".m".11 '.'''.y '"J.1 'l '" b" Klv""( lM'1 vn"8 ' " money. i...?AH?',H'r. ba'e. yard wide. Unbleached Muslin, remnants. V1 I hale do.atekci llmlnnf XWcrelV bard & Mcelrey, Neb. 33 and 35 Seuth Queen Streot. Opposite Fountain Inn, llntcltca. H. Z. RHOAD4 A HON. Bridesmaid's Rings, Puzzle Rings, SNAKE AND DOUBLE SNAKE RINGS INI'LATINUM ANlHHll.n. Piizzle Bracelets, leather Goods, Silver Mounted. NEW SIZES IN WATCHES FOR LADIES AND GENTS, Diamonds, Pearls, Rubies, Emeralds, Sapphires Lew Prices. H. Z. RHOADS & SON, Ne. 4 WEST KINO ST., LANCASTER, PA. c:ietit(nn. TyTERCIIANT TAILOR. ROBT. PIERCE. Seme ask, " Who is he ?" Others sa ' He's no geed." Time will tell. Give him a show for a New Suit. iMake'and fit every thing. " Ne fittec, no takce." ROBT. H. 0 (Hitccesser le A. II. Rescnstcln,) FINE TKILORINC, Ne. 65 North Queen Street, Lancaster, Penn'a. Ol-3llld ifievea, etc. IILINN IIRENEMAN. 5,000 -OF- FLOOR OIL CLOTHS! neught before the alliance In price. HcIIIiik at a GREAT HAROAIN. -CMMUNO OI'R STOCK OE TO MAKE ROOM reRCHRWTMAH UOODS. FLINN El BRENEMAN, ITe. 152 Nertlx Queen Street, LANCASTER, PENN'A. (Crtrptt JJAROAINH! Shirk's Carpet Hall ! - Wilten, Velvet, Bedy Brussels, Tapestry, Ingrain, Damask and Venetian, Rag and Chain Carpets. OIL CLOTHS, WINDOW SHADES, &c. S'K HAVE Til l.AltOLNT AND IICHT.SrOCk- INTltrCtTV. H. S. SHIRK & SONS, Cor. West King and Water Sts Lancaster, Pa. (Coel. J- U.MIIKR AND COAL. J 'lOIIAtVUHIIOOKMANIH.'AHEH. WEST. r.ilNIIAHl) WOOUS. WIieIiwhIh and Retail. by II. I1.MAR1IN AC.,., nJ-lyd l'.'l Water Htrwl, Unuvixttr, l'a. IAUMUAIIUNERK COMl'A.N Y. COAL DEALERS. OrrirK-Nn. I'J9 Nertli queen Street, and Ne. SCI North l'rliue treet. YAUiw-Nertli irlui Htrct, near Readluv Depot. ulMfil LANCASTER. PA. -'- ' . HAUGHMANS. COOPER IIOUNE.1 Mcelrey, Opposite Fountain Inn. house In tlm Htnln te bra t l1 Ijlilles' Vftst. atSOc.n inv. sf,ia rr.,irt..,AM i. ,... ..!. ... nn. n- ni alue. Mmi'a Natural Weel. Cainpl's hair unit lna ... k .' . .. . -' sioanuAue a. . w.h .. r i.m i...i ..hi ..... i.. i.i- ... ": ".'- "; " " " ""i PIERCE YARDS A all. yAROAINHI TO KOR - rilRUE DALMATIAN INHIXT POWUKII, X irpilled tiy u icoed ie itir blower, la tlia nuwt i lltt'tnal ilutre cr of fliva anil oilier uiall Insevtx. Ferwile AtHUIlLEVH nilUO HTORE, tlWwl KlngHirwI. NOl'IOK TO TRIiHI-AH-SEILS AND tilIN N K1W. All pemeiu are hereby forbidden Uitreiaju(Oiianyertliluuda of the Cornwall mlHieduellebtateln Ix-baiien or LuncaMer iX)unut-, whether Inclewd or unlnclesed, either for the purKa of Uientlnic or fluhlUK, aa the law will bu rlxldly enforced agalnt all tree iiaulnc en aald lauda of the uudert Igned arte this notice. J WM. COLEMAN FREEMAN R. PERCY ALDEN. EUW.U.PREEMAN, Attemty for R. W. CeImbmi's Etln. -4. ffravctcv' iSutbr. "pENNSYLAIA RAILROAD &CHKD -j,j- jk inenectfTemMayll, ISS9. , -,i'.n txy Lahcasticr and leate Ma4 rWeall'ailmlHpniaaa fellow,, " tWEBTWARD. Fcl0a Expruvit.... IMTI Phllndelphla.; Lanceattt nut p, in. a:.7) n. m. -'n a. nt. tan wa,f 9M a. .''.: tmem. miM wajrpanrt STOiRTl'MMeyt j. . -ii iniinT via Columbia b.i a. m. via Columbia 1 1 .fin a mi JftM a. m Kaat Llnef.... " Frederick Aocem LancaaterAcoem... Harrlaburf Accenu. (elumbla Arrom.. vla t'elnmbla 2:10 p. m..-,i. j. iTiaMUJey me p. m. :I0 p. m. 5:tl p. m. :3) ix, m. M ....... .... Lvave Lancaiter. 2M a. m. 4 : a. m. 8:13 a. m 6:10 a. in. 8:M a. m. 0b. id. lLSSa.m. 12Mp, m. .Mp. m. 8.-00 p. m, t:i& p. m. 6:H p. m. 8.M p. m. 6aep.i.;3 llarrliburi Exjircm.. ?:M p. m.-'l 11:10 p. M, Si S-00 n. m. ' i fwwrn .xprcf(sr,. Lancaster Acce..... , KARrWARD. Plilla. Expretif. faatLlnef . lAnna.l.a - - Ar.Cela1,! Amy ak PhllA.1. 45 a. aa. 43-; 6-M a. Bit as.?-.1! Harrlabunr Express... Columbia Aecem....... Atlantic ExpreMt...... Keaahere Expreat....... Philadelphia Accem. Hunday Mall Ihy Eypreat IlJIlilM,.r.Accen Mall Tralnt Ul . .WUI,,. 8:14 p. ..rj; , ss&S: sse&? KmuKmuMi JTha only tratna which run daily. On Hunday the Mall train wet runahv w Columbia. vg w.iU3KS?J?acn,, PaeneTAent Jt? CTIA.K.PUOH.aoueral Manager. -ftS pIIILAUKLl'UIA A READLNQ RAILROAD IlEADINQ A COLUaiBIA DIVISION. '$ On and after Mendar, July 1. 18W, train it enve lucaatcr (Klnic atrvct). an follewit Jk3 Fer Hcadlmr and llltprmnllnln nnlnfa wuWtll 3:M p. m.j Sundayd, Ifcil p. mt ' 7Tj .r2.ew.XSrif .I' 'uluulelphla, wtck ay5 7:!ga.m,,I2:aV!l. 48 p.m. W ..Fer New Yerk via Allcntewn. week &mn?l j.. op. in. iS Hn0rtV,0,,5J1il, weck t,'" T:K,n' " S:U P- 4?S Fer Lebanon, week daya, 7KX) a. m., 12.S5, &Wfl p. m. : Hunday. H.-OU a. m. ait n. m. iiM .2Ier na"1"l'f. Jffc" !) a, 7.-0) a. m., 12:36, 4 8.00 p.m.: Sunday, 6:10 p.m. JKj Iave Itmillnir, week day. 7H, 115 a. ta.W lUlt m HnnHnv VVItt ... . A.trt -' J M,'.vi Ecnve Philadelphia, week daya, 4:13, lOtfOa .." ni,, i.-vu p. m. . rva l-ave New Yerk via rhlludclphla.trcekdaya..Ja 7:a.m., i::arj:ixip. in. ffla f JW i Knt ..tr ml.. I ll..l j... vT?A iAi-". ii.".'.r "" "'"""". "eea aya;f Iienve Alleulewn, week dnye, B.53 a.m.! I1 p. m. Iave Pettavlllc, week dnyi, 610 n. in., iM" P m a 7:l5p.m.:Hunda.v,7:.ViB.ln.,rf:IJp.in. $. . I4ai i Harrlaburif. week dai. (JJla. m.t BmtJ'Vi day, (1.50 a. m. ' rvj Leave Uiiarrvvlllp. vnr ,tnr fl-lft I1.jx ,-" awt. e..- .... - . ' ' ' ' ... . t ffi e w , nununv, :,u u, ni. "-.ir A ATLANTIU IJITV TltVtBtnv. -51 InvA l'hniirii.itttii n,n.ihi A.wk.t Mh.rJ mid Heulh atrect wharf. "!'). Fer Atlantic, city, .week dnya, axprrataa; M a. m. nnd l.-ODnnilfi.-oe p. m.- AecommedaUoB?? ' . .VAX" "" . ' " """"ay, r.xpreaa, naafj' and V.-OOa. in., Accommodation, 8.00 a, in7, iMaVl P. ni. ' . J Raiurnltiir leave Atlantic City, depot eeninl KzitrfittJI?.'(MAI.4l m.l'in. ni. nml 1 n n ! ii niointieii, hkw n. m. nml 4::0 p. in, HnntUrv KxpreAft, A aiul 3: p. m. AccomwedaUon. 1M n. m, tniil 4rt p. in. ' 7 llallillawl ilhin tt.l.lna t,nn l.A n.,.a.lMjal .41 al-tw r OftlCCM. ..- utMi i&' A . A. MrLKOP. C. O. HANCOCK. J viee ma. dr.ueiri M'ltr. Octi'I VtaftAftiLfi LKIIANON : A LANCASTER. JOINT lAXM! RA1LROAO. jv,i Arrangements of PaKaenger Trnlna en and arfla"l bUWDA'l .: y.li. UMI. TturS NORTHWARD. Leave a.m. r. m. te i . KiiiRMtrect, iMnc, 7,-w lincnater - 7.-07 Manhelm .,... 7l Cornwall - 7:W KM U:fl 1:20 1:10 .-. a. a. m, jr. a bM.HM I e:Ni, a:ia 6.-20 : 0:48 B:17 7.-00 M Arrnuul Lebanon ....-,- M I I:M . ::heuthvard. n.- IXMl A.M. txibanen 7:11 Cornwall 7:27 Manhelm',...,........,, 7:M Laucantcr 0.-27 ArrUent r. tr. P. M.IA.K, 7:16! 76 7SW tilO 77 8:40 8.-28 U p. I2.-M) 1:11 1:32 if- jving nircci, ijnc. s:33 znn H.-30:a8 :da A. M. WILSON, Hunt. R, i. c Railroad. rfSsS M..NKFF.HUpt.C,lt.. Mi 2KX) 8:30 MB 1 jfuvnliuvr. '1 w IMM f EH'B CORNER. ii WicLmyer' OUR STOCK OF IS FULL AND C0.MPLETE, nunmi riRST-CLASS AND ELEOAKT, M NEW IN DESION AND CHEAP. 1 1 What mera de ran vrnnt f A rinnnillr Plnak Rnc-korfertinu. Ilnwlalliatf Cheap ain't H.i Wull, wu huu them fcllhcr In Oak orMheawr Fliilan, 'ia jM W1D-MYEKS CORNER OF ', E. King & Duke Sts. O ens .t eiuns. BUSY TIMES! We've been vcrv busv latelvJ getting in the Arezv Styles in M FURNITURE. Style. Quality and Price kcebU us Busy Selling mid DeliverinFM tc r. :t i t-Tila ji yun iu iiiiiiibiuiig iiie wiiuic.fcrl or part of your home sec our jVcw bleek, and get our LeUf$l rtr'irc p. rmnc r$ uviiuuieuj, Manufacturers and Dealers. 2d. M 3d and 4th Floers, 31 Seuths! yueen street. READY TOR TIIE TRADE THAT IS JEINITHHU M n mmn NOW UPON U.-J. ';m Our Stock Is the Largest.? THE NEWEST THINOS IN THE LATEaTfJ OUR TRICES WILL SPEAK FOR TUHM'-q SELVES. if . ...... ..... . . . ... . .V .MLL. I.UULU AT A 1.UIV lllJl.t. r, l'llISE AND SELLS RAPIDLY. 1y HEINITSH'S Furniture Depot, S Nes. 27 & 29 SOOTH QUEEN STRECTJJ 3Uudertaklii;l tHccelY0PcienalAtlvvj mllE RIVAL FOUNTAIN PEN-TUB BIMf d .a. uiiu L-iiuapeav 111 me inaraei it aazaMaa. pen. Hard rubber holder. neet get out af- eraer, nuuy nued. call ami xaiiune nafara) purcliMlnvflMWbem. At ElUHUAN'SOtif rurulitaajb)tcr,42WtKlagtUMU "; . k: rfl 3 v3 X J "3 wEgfrssapsfr ;;fn9k;&mMij,.ij,&, Jk& ?ffc-a. . Jbw..j.i' jjgg?fc''i-' - '--.- l$-i!&Mli-tfi