,VOl. fe&e -' jrr fW tf 1,7 - w. K iV N? & n. , 1 KT- : i.ltJi -if. jVf,w M -'i'Li. n v -j-i satin snuuxaeticev hM r . t ITIHIEW J. STKINM AN. '' ttt AKMBIHTEINMAN FOLTZ. Editors. ROBERT CLARK, Publisher 1-HR PA1LY INTELt.iaF.NCKIL-Pnblllied very dr the year, bat Sunday. Herrent by carrlm In thlt city tuid inrrenndliiK tewni at ten rent a week. By mail nve clel Ian a year In advance ; GO ccnUa mentb. WKRKLY INTELLIOKNCER-One dollar and fifty cents a year. In advance MOTICRTOHUBSCRIIIKRS-Remltby check or postefnee order, and where neither of these con be procured end In a registered 1rtter , , .1 Catered at the Fostefnce, as second class mall matter. Amwbs, TltS INTKtLiaENCEK, lincnstcr, Ph. LAICOASTEK.PA., October 22, 1889. The Acceptance of Passes. A " Daily Render " calls attention te the clause of the constitution which for bids any railroad company te Issue pas.M except te officer, cr empleyes, nnd he thluks that as the editor of thciVeii' V.ru travels en a Pennsylvania ratlreiid paa he mint be an empleye of the company; and this is probably the idea also of thu attorneys for the Steltzfus sufferers in al leging the presence of the New Era editor en the jury as a cause for a new trial. It li certainly tme that the constitution forbids the planting of free p!wc, and we arc decidedly of the opinion that It Is becoming In a ncuspajicr editor e show such respect for the constitution as te rcfuse te use -a railroad pass ; but It is undoubtedly the fact that a great many editors, and Judges tee, who are held In esteem by their fellow cit izens, de accept passes; und cer tainly If It is proper for a Judge te use a pass, the linger of xcem call net be pointed at the editor for doing tlie sarae thing. A judge is held by law and public sentiment te Mich regard for property that he always rcfiiMs te try a ease In which he has any interest as a party; but we never heard of a judge refusing te try a cum; in which a rail road was a party whest,- free pans he was enjoying. And se, tee, the leglHlalor,whe may net accepv u brlbe, freely takes a railroad pass. Editor Heist hits plenty of geed company. Hut docs the company de right ? AVe think net, and have always acted upon the belief that a decent respect for the law and ourselves forbade our acceptancj of a free railroad pass. We did net sup pose that the value of It would bias our judgment and aileet our action ; hut we neither Inclined te give a railroad company the chance te claim that we were In its debt, nor were disposed te disregard the fundamental law of our jitate. The Justification of this coining vio lation of the constitution, which Is etll'red by theso who accept the pascR of rail roads, is that it is net in fact forbidden by the constitution, since rallreadH char tered 1-efore the adoption of the consti tution arc net under Its control. That li the whole length and breadth of the plea upon which the propilety of accepting a free pa's is bawd. It is contended that it is lawful; and possibly It is ; and may be likely te be se decided by benches of judges, who long age Individually decided it by accepting passes. Jlut however lawful it may be, it undoubtedly violates the will of the people In their constitution declared ; and it is hard te understand hew men can maintain their selfrespcct In violating propriety of conduct, ns the constitution declares it. Serious and Silly Marks. A brace of colored preachers in Wneli Wneli ingten have been talking In a furious way that Is very pleasing te the journals that have hard work keeping up the fiction of tlie reign of terror ever the negre in the Seuth. One of them ad vised his people te take land In the Seuth and West and held It with Win chester rltlcs. They were lenrnlng from the Socialist and Irishmen, he said, nnd In twenty years would net be docile. Like Samson, the negre, If provoked, might pull down the pillars of civiliza tion. If there were anything in this wild talk.it might be well te see that the negre never gets within reach of the pillars of civilization, but the desperate advice te held land with ritles when millions of negrees Und tin trouble In holding it with hoes reduces the harangue te a fine burlesque. In this connection it may be well te draw attention te ilmuIuMeiis udepttd ti week nge by the negie Democratic state committee of Tennessee. Xegie Repub licans tried te prevent the meeting, but all the congressional districts except one tnt delegates, nnd the Winchesters rec emmended by tlie Washington preacher . were net used. The leioliitiens nreusid i&ft' if Itepubllean leaders of the Xertli of making uucnlled for incendiary speeches, which de mere te widen the breach between the Jiices than any thing else. They declare that the best thing for the negre is a division of tlie colored vote. They assert that the wealth of Southern negrees is due te the chance given them by the white-, that educated negrees nre doing twice as well there as In the Xeith, and that the liest thing the colored man can de is te "cease his war policy upon hit. w lilte neigh bor." All this may be rc eh ed with tin In credulous smile by the readers of the journals that delight in waving Un Un Un bleody shirt, but it bean e idcuce of trutli and calm geed seme net te lw found in the fiery sermons and speeches that Republican leaders enjoy quoting and nre careful te encourage. Anether Washington pieuchcr of color ended his address by deel.uiug tliut It was useless te seek ivdressfroniCeiigress, for two-thirds of them were sinners und the ether third drunkards. This U rather rough en Congress, but us this. orator, the Rev. l.ee, is a rcident of Washington, whese opinions en matters In the Seuth are valued by his patty, bis valuation of congressmen mut uNe be worth atten'Ie i. A man who kne.vs se much about a fur away section must certainly knew nil about matters right around htm; and the Rev. Lie, of Wash ington, should write an ei-siy en the invariable drunkenness and dcpravltv of congressman. The Yaw ling Cats. The members el the Itepubllean county committee for the Northern district de net fccem te have enjoyed a love feast In their meeting te determine hew they were te get a candidate for senator Inte the field. They decided that it was quite Impossible te put one there of ef ficially, since the rules required him te be nominated t a primary election ; which there was net time te held, and the county committee was power less te name u candidate against this positive mandate of the rules. It wns very amusing nnd interesting te note the great regard of the commit teemen for their rules, and the helv horror with which they nil spumed the w.-t..- idea that they could name a candidate themselves. Their abnegation of power would have been lovely te contemplate, If their belligerent fecllngshad net shown that It was net amiability and goot! geot! goet! new that made them e powerless. It would have been easy enough for the committee te have recommended n can didate te the Republican vefcrs of the Northern district, who could have voted for him or net as they pleased ; and the committee ought te have had knowledge enough of their constituents te put for ward a man who would please them. Hut that Is net the sort of a committee that this ene is ; this is of the Kil kenny cat sort, which has Its con gregation chiefly for fighting purposes. The members claw each ether in bloody style every tlme they get together. On this occasion the city and state bosses of the party came under the objurgatien of the Warwick bosses. Mcntrcr and com pany were very completely painted black and the lieutenant governor was charged with having delayed the procla mation for the special election for the purpose of playing Inte the hands of one of the county factions. The ques tion was very pertinently asked as te why he did net glve Lancaster county the sanie opportunity as Delaware county te nominate a candidate for senator ; and no reply seemed te 1 at hand which did net convict the lieuten ant governor of cither gross stupidity or duplicity. Oev. renAKKit, of Ohie, lnnlertleed ns hnvltig broken tleun under tlie anxieties of lils canvass, nml It nmy be true, ns be litis run ngnliiHt a geed utility tiling dur ing ItscetirNO Hint hnve been well calcu lated te innUe 111 en Mck in body ns well ns mind. His grentcst r-llert ngiihiNt Ills competltor wns te charge. Iilm, ns upon Ids own knowledge, with owing nil Intercut in a potent bnllet box wlilih he sought ns congressman te get the gmeriiuunit te nd e pt ; this ilinrgn wns proven te be filse and wns he acknowledged te be by tlie Cincinnati 0m)ncrclnhtlatrttct thn Ho He publican Journal which llrst publlMieil IL Oev. Kemker did net llwl nny occasion en which te retrial his charge en thn stump, licfore he wns compelled te retire from it by his Illness; nml It limy bn thnt hels only playing pensiim te avoid Iho need of nn apology and te seek sympathy In his lllneis. llARVAim V.Nlvmtstrv has n sensation In the shape of a colored orator elected by the senior class, and various theories nie ollerod te account for the choice, nil assum ing that the mnu wns net chosen because of pergenal qualities or abilities. The mntteristr.iced te the splte ofsemo swells who could net hue their own ouidUlnte clected, or the resentment of nlnrAllcpiih llcnn clement who were displeased with President Kllet's iccniit speech declaring himself n Hcineywflr The colored brother will be lajnttu ii'ote that his dour Hcpubll can frJdjdn who nre se emphalic In chilin- I lug Ids vote only euro te honor Iilm when circumstances niiike It pleasant te de se. This colored student oiater, Uarrctt Mor gan, Is thirty years old nnd the son or ex ex slmes of Virginia. He graduated from the Washington high sdmel, taught school InKt. Leuis for fhe yenis, thou went te the l.immis HoMen Latin school, from whkh he graduated, nml unions! Il.inaid. Tin: University of Pennsylvania Isngl Isngl tnted hi lis students ns te the proposed co education, nml n petition Is In circulation protesting ngnlust It en the ground that, thorenro Institutions for the education of women near Philadelphia nnd that thorn is no necessity ter opening thn Unl ersity te thein. The great outlay necessary thny Hay could be hotter expended In building dormitories, nml for every woman who enters the course two men will go te ether colleges. Tlie professors cry forcibly re ply that thore nre no Institutions near by ettering nny nd antiiges approaching theso oftheunlverHlty, that the oxpense will be very trilling nnd that fur ewry man who leaves en lueeunt of co-cducatleii mero earnest students will be gained. Semi: tlme nge n great sensation wns made In scientific circles by tlie discovery in the alley of the Columbia or the fossil romalnsef horses showing n division of the hoof into tees. The discovery , was made a strong basis or argument by evo lutionists nnd new a writer in the New Yeik7ANtNr7M( mils attention te the rollewing statement hi the slxty-llrst sec tion of Suetenius' Hfe erCies.tr: "Ciesar made iisoefu rcmiiikable hoise with feet almost human, nnd hoofs divided Jit the manner of tees." Tlie historian siysth.it the hoise was fealtd in Ciesar's stud. Tlie soothsayers nt once proclaimed that it be tokened for its master tlie dominion of tlie world, whcreuiMiii Ciesar had It rc.ued -with the utmost carrV'Uiul W'airtlre llrsl te mount it. Indeed, It would never sutler anybody else iixm Its baik. I.nler he set up an Image ir the hoise in front or the Temple of Venus Ceuetii.x, ni'couise this will lie hailed as an Instance of roveisteii te the original type. IiM'AVi.Tii: college lias Km share of trouble. The vote or some twenty-six or the iiluimil te ask the trustees te invite President Knox te ictire Is net expected te have nny immediate eirect, but nil kinds or rumors nre alleat nnd tlie erltl 's or tlie president say that heails te gather In the cash se nadly needed by the Institution. It is strange that tlie head or an lin-titutien or learning klieuld be expected te excel most or nil ns n II minder, but college-, llke men, must bnse their work en the almighty dollar, and Iho president, who is popularly supposed te be posing en tlie most dizzy hcightx or thought, usiiallv Ikihses much time giubbing for eusli lii various wavs. Sin Lien Pi.vxr.viii in a recent letter, quo'.ed In Iho lust nuinbci or A'cmirf, sayi ln.it he has put this question te many emi nent phvslclnns: Hid you In veur cMeu cMeu fcive practise ever knew n patient vvhe was afiald todle?" He says that with two ex ceptions they nnswered no, and each ut the exceptions could remember but ene ease. Sir Lyen says; "I have known three friends who were ikirt hilly devoured bv wild beasts under apparently hopeless ilr cumslnuces of escape. The llrst was Liv ingstone, the gient Alrlean tmveller, who was knocked en his baik by n lien, width begun te munch his arm. He assured me th it he ielt no le.ir or pain, and that his only feeling wns ene or intense curiesltv ns te width ikirtef the body tlie lien would take next. The ne.xt wus Husten Puclin, new Turkish ambassador in Londen. A bear attacked him, and tere oil part if his hand, and part efhls nrm and shoulder. He also assured me that he had neither jkiln nor fear, but lhat he felt excessively angry because the hear grunted with se much satisfaction In munching him. Tlie thiid i-useiHtli.it or Sir Edward Prndfenl, an Indian elllcer new ecciipvlug n high position in the I mil in olllce ll'ew.isseled In a solitary plan, by a tiger, whlihheld him llrmly behind the shoulders with ene ptw.und then deliberately devoured the w hiile of his arm, beglnnlngnt the hand and ending at the shoulder. He was posit I ve lhat lie had no sensation or rear, and thinks that lie felt a little pain when the fangs went through his hand, hut Is certain that he felt none during the immihliig of his arm." hitories like this have been told te sustain the theory that death it, usuallv preceded by n stute of coma, nnd that 'a victim hopelessly In the power of a wild beast felt neither terror nor pain. It may be said in Jrhh style that Ihev nre se badly s aired that Uiey de net knew thev are trighteued, .!&- tttes UftttAfetlft pail? 'ttfaEL&fiMifeiC gattic '6df6lifffirif "v!? Ir the last Heuse of Representative pleased the people ex-Speaker- Ueyer, who managed it, wilt be rewarded by being elected state treasurer, nnd the conclusion may be reached that In Pennsylvania the best way te resell popular furor Is te serTe (he railroads. Tiin readers of the AVie Era wcrelrenled last evening te a reKrt of tlie court new s by a Juryman, but they were net told that a new trial wns demanded In tlie Hteltrfu case berniise an editor en the Jury held a railroad pass. eavj: Vf ins hloeii. A Ilniwny Oermnn's Sncrlflce te Siite the I.lfe of n Ktrnnuut. Merris A. Redding, of New Yerk, the painter who was nearly killed by Inhaling illuminating gns, Is slowly recovering. He WHScenlined In the " en go" In Hellovue hesp'tnl, New Yerk, en Monday, where he Is held en aclmrgn or attempting suicide, If Pedding recovers nml escapes ihe pun ishment of the law, he will ewe his geed fortune te the sklllut treatment of the Pellsvue physicians and te Henry Ven der Iclth, a brawny (Jermnti, w he te save Pedding from dyiugofTered In undergo the operation by which the bleed of ene per son Is Introduced Inte the veins of another loonier te lucroase pulsation auilrovive the patient. A lien Pedding was brought te the bes nihil the doctors worked hard te rovive Iilm, and Dually concluded that his Ufa could only be saved by transfusion or bleed. l)r. CuinmliiBH entered ward 25, mid when he explained the urgency of the ease Henry Ven der I.elth volunteered te undergo tlie operation "If nothing else will save him, and he'll die without It. " Ven der I.elth was laid upon a bed nenr the dying num. Ills right arm was bared and stout ligatures were bound around it abeve the elbow, causing the veins te swell. Dr. Cumuilngs then nponed the median cephalic vein in the Herman's arm and Inserled the transfusion apparatus. Then they oenod Pcddlng'N arm, nnd the ether end orthe Instrument was foiled Inte tlie opening. Jlloed wits then forced from Ven der liellh's body te that or Pedding. The latter btigau te rovive slowly nt llrst and then qultn ranldly, until In n row minutes he opened Ids eye1! mid regained conscious ness. Py thai tlme twclve ounces or bleed had been transfused. Tlie operation had lasted but llfteen mlmitesniid the man's Hfe had been saved. Ven .ler Pelth was up nnd around te-day apparently none the vvorse for the less or bleed. He is very modest, nnd refused te talk of what he had doiie. He Is a carpenter by trade, mid Is new In Pollevuo undergoing treatment for an injured loot. ATtltEVr Of A Mtl.MOXAIlir.. Ile Im ( liarued 'With Cruelty In Delving n AVenk IIei-mc. Old Peter Mueller, the mllllennhe, vvhe Is perhaps the oddest character In Chicago, wns arrested en Monday and locked up at Iho Twelfth street station for vlnlntlng the state law ferbldlng cruelty te nnlmiln. A. Preeck, n merchant, telephoned the station that he had nrrosted a man in front of his plftoe who deserved te be hung. Ills elTcnse, against the Invvs was driving his old hersa through tlie street, harnessed tens rlckety a wagon as ever clattered ever Chicago paving stones. Thoeorold liorse wns well started toward ijeath by starva tion. His baikboue climbed up and down llke a mountain read and his ribs worens prominent ns sign pests-. The bones en the hips and shoulders had forced themselves through thn skin, and the w mmds had bon terribly galled by ihe harness. The hairs In the m.1110 and tail were matted together by Imideck burrs. Mueller said he wns abused and declared he would net go te the station, lull he wns unceremoniously bundled Inte thn patio! w agen nnd carried thore. An offleer helped the liorse drag the old wagon te the sumo place. Mueller ew ns a large tract of land Inslde the city limits, nnd Its appreciation in value lias made him lich. Chilliness, ill7lne, pains 111 the side nml liack, slieplness, llstbssiit'ss In a went, n rpii. cral lorperor the s)Htein-ull these cleurly In dicate llnr disease. IJk) Ijixnder In time nml beciircl. huld everywhere, l'llieenlv UH'cnts a iiuckiiKC. rreserv n your lmliv ' health by promptly nit ministering Dr. Hull's Jl.ibv-Mv run for (lie ills fuses of uurlydilldliued. 1'rke incuts a bot tle. It Stands Alene. There are many bleed medicines nitverlleeil, but niilv one Hint Is bnckid by Its iiinmifiic- turers with n cerllllrnte of (cnnrantec, ami Hint enntsjlr. I'leree's Gelileu Meillcnl ilbeevcrv, vihkh Is tc.irrenf(( te benellt or cure In all dfs- eascs fur vtltli h It Is reremmemteil.nr money jalil for It villi be promptly lenimleil. It. ciiris all hkln, scnlp unit M'niliilniiK iiilectleiis. Mires iimltmellliiKa, salt-rliuuiii, Ivlur nnd Iclmlrid ailments. il.TuAw Hew ninny a sweet fnce l mnrricl lly ytllnvr teeth and falling gunn, Ami month nml lips nil het und bunt, Ami breath itcc-talntcit as tt comes , Ami et, w lib H07.ODONT, we mnj Keep nit these illrcilrfects at bn). ritiOI'rHAUSAI'AIUM,A, Has Dene Wonders nnui:i'AiTi:nevp.viia or suitkuine. "I think lIoeil'HSurFnpnrllln has done w mi llers fur inc. Ter nearly nlne earn I was ft urutt sullerer. Iho gruiler lmrt of the time I win iinnble lontteml te the most trilling lieiiM-hnld TITITI was iittiviiii; imtllriil trralmiiit nl- miwt constant 1) from one ph klclan nr uiiethi r without Jinj mall rial In i)t Ml. Mj nerviniKHjs Icm wiiHieiupletil kliullerccl.iinil no eiietnu Imaelnemy kiilliilUKh. Almest eeulliiiiall.v I huilhcvtie I'AIN-tlNMY IIPAD, ami my heart wns never ipilte fne from pain. Indeed xosevt-ie vun the puln nt my bcait that fur a long time I could net lle iKJh n In bed, but wan obliged te kit upright. I also sullcretl from drepsy: my llinbi were swollen ns well as my betlj, 1 betiime Hioreiiuhly tllkteuriii;eil. But neliig the censUiiil iKtvcrlUeiue.it of Heed's Kurmparllla In the l'lillndeliililn 7if t, I eon een cluilcd te tjlve this nu'ilU'lne n trial. Aflir the tlrst bottle I felt iniicli better. Therefore I ton ten tinned iikhiK It for some lime, until 1 had umsI klxbellltk. I am new frie fnun lmlu, can lie ilewn and klcep. seldom have hradadie, and work mere In one wrck (linn I did In six months prier te my taking Hoed'a Snrwiparllla. Anil If en can Hud a mere thankful, or hnppj mor mer tnl, I kheulil like te meet either one. .Vlnnv of in) friends are using It with bent 111.' Am V. Simh.izfii, jl)crkten, lvnn. HOODS SARSAPARILLA Sold by nil driiggUtR. l ; six for te. Prepared mil by ( . I. HOOD a CO., Luucll, Jlnk. 100 DO.lij ONE HOLLA P. (2i gleuv. L i:AN A SON'S. Levari & Sen's, DKAJ.r.Ks IN CORN OATS, FEED, BHLEDHTiY AND LEVAN'S FLOUR! rni:in'iiiNU suiu". TO MOTHERS. s,ifc. NoOpliuiierMurnliluinliliiria. Wllln. Ill ve Celic, llrlplne tu Hie Hew, U and Promote mint-nil iceinint;. rrejuitsi nv Hllh. D. KAHIt M.ASON, Uuci-rsteMii, .Mil. DrmrKUU sill It; U5ceut. Irlid buttle keiit bj mall ID cenl. IUIll-ldlssI.Vl- TI KNKV WOLK, FURNITURE STORE, lias remev ed te ltd Kat Klmr street, hav Inc a full line of 1 urnllure of every dmrrlptlen at Iho low in price.. Alwi lliulertaklint promptly ut ut leadwlie. Cull und exiimliiHeurL-iM!..' ' ss-tfdll U. WOLK. 15a Kat King htret. Wtmnmmaktt'm, I'Mlt.AtXtPBIA, Tursdsy, QcL33, lffiO. I.ittle Furs have started in ahead of anything we ever knew. Everybody is wanting them. Particularly Shoulder Capes. It hasn't been safe te say a word of them in the papers be fore. Snapped up as seen as they came in sight. It's almost se new, with a big Fur Work room full of skilled people, working night and day. Astrakhan febeuldtr Cape, 110, III.'iO, 1"., "i-- van. ... UUVUIUCI IIIV, U 111 "IV. A Innkft Heat HhoulcJer Cnpcs, $15, IV), JDO. Mink SSftble Shoulder Capes, tJ9, 170. f73. Beas and Muffs in all the fashionable furs. Fur Trimmings of all kinds ; choicest goods and every de sirable shade : nMrnkhun mouiren blnek nnd blue fox tierslnner i.i..k . "?iC "".-"" "" nenvt ei t.lni-l. n.i.4 Mi.li.ml l.-a.w ""-s iiiurieii inniKPUUie stone marten buck nnd silver hsre blnek, silver, and brown ceney Our Fur Stere is in its four teenth year. It has always been our rule te take orders at the price of goods in stock. Why shouldn't we ? Net a thing en the counters but is made with the greatest care from honest skins. Beeend fleer, Chestnut street side. I'oiireluvu I'eiireluvu I'oiireluvu teri. Three modest priced Drcsi Stuffs that will make talk : 1 A poed .10-Inch Tricot, brown nnd cray inlxtuies In kevend shade. ,Mndi te sell nt 37$c. Our ji let 'J5c. I-A M-lnch Ml xnl (Tnl ting, fair vrelebl, unit made te nil nt Oc tllri'r(ceyx. r.-Double width fnpey stripe en plnld Kreund. W nevir heard of It under We. Oiirpree37e. Hetitheast of centre. Linen Bureau Scarfs, up te 72 inches lenrr. frinrrcd all around, frinircd at ends, with open work, plain, colored cen tres dozens of styles. Here's a sample one : 47X17K Inchen, fjrlnijcd eml, dnmntk and memlu cunlre, iV. Mix path mi of Hint Krnde. Southwetofccutie. We haven't counted them, but there arc probably five hun dred styles and colorings of French Printed Flannels new en the counters. Where else can you see half as many ? Acress the aislf; arc the soft, elastic, almost fleecy, Striped Jersey Flanncls.andthc Striped, Figured and Plain Eider-down Flannels. Yeu knew hew warm and cesy they arc, but you won't mere than half guess their beauty. The unshrinkable Ceylon Flannels are in a great variety of handsome styles, 25, 37, and 50c. Of the White Silk Embroid ered Flannels, one hundred and forty designs, and net a homely one in the let. About half as many of the colored. We don't knew a word of the world's best Flannel story that our stocks fail te tell. Nerthenst of centre. The Madras Curtains and yard goods you've been asking for are plenty once mere. Se are the genuine Oriental Bagdad Curtains at $7.50 the pair, and the 4-4 Chenille Cov Cev ers at 60c. Other si7cs $1.25 $5-75- Second lloer, north of Tiansppt. Tour Ue Ue Tnters, Jehn Wanamaker. auto. a nt: vel' WKAiuxa a srvi.isu iiat? Stauffer & Ce., Nes. 31 & 33 North Queen St., Hav 0 llicin In such Variety and nn Cheap Hint nnjbe.1) fun uvurthem. A Nice Stylish Fur Stiff Hat for jl .SO. And a feOPT ONH for 7Je Elegant Assortment of Bey's and Children's Hats, Ter Dress or Scheel. Ladies' & Gents' Furs. Se.il (Inrments Made te Order from Hie llrst ALASKA M:vl- I!0N, SIOUX, .MlM'rU AND I I'll TltI.MMl.NU. ' Titi'SKs Tnvi'.i,iN iiAOsi, rteiir.si.vt. UUi:i.,Ari AND UI.UVI.. STAUFFER & CO., 31 ;md 33 North Queen Street, LANfASlKU. I'A. lititchlncvu. OTKAM. 'edcclrctecnll ithu ntlentlen of consumer efHICHin GikkUuiiiI Kiiitlneerii'Miipplii's, leimr large ami varied stock of l'liiex, Valves, Cocks Malleable nnd l"ast Iren Kitting, Aslx-Mi, Vulcibesteiiund Ukiidurlun. Hheit, l'Uteuund Valve 1'at'kliiKii; Sttiteh and Ited I.lm Hi tletl tletl let; Guiigti lllassex. Htetim Hiutliiters and teaiii IltAtlng Aiianttiiij; Set mid Dip Niruws, mul In fuel almost c.verj thing rciulretl by hti.un user, and Hit et w tilt li me eiler ul prlrin vibbb vie Kiiurautee te be lower Hiuu lliiue of uuy uthrr dealer In till vicinity. Vehuveisttlvely the lurgeii :teek, and le lug ctiniieeled nitti the Tclijilunie ltliuiute, are preiwrwt te rttvlve und till all order In Ji v herteilHN!itbl time. When In want of uiij. thlni! Inniirllne, cull en u for prltv unit w will itmv luce 3011 of our ability and Mllllni; Our fuel II ties for furiimlilm; Kmrlni', llnller. HliartliiK, Pulley, llnnt-ent, SihvIuI Machinery, l'luiutx-r' and Git Utter' Teel, l'litterun. Medel, and Iren und llru&s Uutlliii;. und rer thu prompt repair of all kind of niaenlnerv nre unexcelled In Lanceder. and we respectfully solicit a hare of y our putrenage. Central Machine Works, 134 1 XOKT1I CIiniHTJAN hTltKKT, I..VNCAHTKII, I'A. Ooed Werk, Ueaionaeie Churge, Prompt ln releuhnne eiiine.HfMi rl Until lirna tu Mi.r jtiu jiinrj . irt'liij itllll exillltlll. C-OMVitS AND CUrKrt THU I.ATK-ST J Iho mekt dent ruble, and mett cemfurtable siihih-x itmi njifs uy nite. av r.KlHMAJi a IJ011U' KiirulsliliiKHtere. 42 Wesl Kin treeu UNDKUNVi: A 1 1 1.1(1 UT AND MKI1IUM . 'It'll t iiiKlirvreiir III all grade and uuy tl.l?,ai S'UHMAN'H Cleat' Kurnthlug btere, 11 wet King txet. grickgrc J. II. MAHTIN A CO. WEDDING PRESENTS. BIRTHDAY SOUVENIRS. Our stock was never se com plete in Art Bric-a-Brac and Novelties in Haviland's French China and Leenard's Carlsbad China. An importation order un packed en Saturday fills up the stock with the newest goods in the market. Yeu have a choice of articles ranging in price from $1.00 te $25.00, and in an endless va riety. Fine China in Satin Lined Bexes a specialty. N. B. Visitors te this city are cordially invited te inspect the China Department. Yeu, can spend a half hour here very pleasantly. Everyone does. J. B. MARTIN & CO., Cor. West King & Prince Sts,, Lancaster, Pa. (Xcitrpcte. T HUTU ! TllUTII 1 TIUITI! I TELL THE TRUTH ! YHS I YH-S 1 liny Your Carpet, Oil Cleths, Muttlnirt. Hug, Curtains, Mhndi, Htalr Heds, Carpet Lining, etc., nt the One-Price Lancaster Carpet Heuse. WHO I WHO 1 Shall iJiy Our Cnrpcbi, Hang Our Shade, Drupe our Curtulns, etc? KVEUY TIME, 5 "y 11EHTWOUK. ONE BUSINESS 1 ONE PRICE 1 8HAUB & VONDERSMITH, 18, 20 & 22 EAST ORANGE ST. nug2U4yd Gtrtvpct (Slcrtttiufl. iAitri:r clkanine. Carpet Cleaning, At thin buiy limp' Cleaning Season oue of the greatest catva is the matter of having your Carpets thoroughly cleaned" There Is hut one way te de It. Send ui your order. Ourvvageni will call, take them away, prop erly clean them and return them Btmie day, without regard te weather. All this at little cost and 110 disappointment. lly our process carpctn are net injured (net as much an hand heating), colors' are brightened and moths destroyed. LEA VEOItDEltS AT WOKKS : Cor. Woodward and Christian Sts., OR AT ANY OF THU AGENCIES. S-Tclcpuenc, ell.tfd liltteir. TyiNTMIsS IT! RARE BARGAINS. A Cirund I)lplnv of the Met Popular and .Most llcllnble Pianos and Organs WII.I.llEMADEUV Kirk Jehnsen & Ce., ATTIIU LANCASTER COUNTY FAIR. All should examine them, for noener or Inter .,... ..,,, huiu wiit.uiiti una null will give vetl MitlK(iirtleii. We iKMiUvt'ly gunruntce wittsfais Hen In every purtlculur for hlx jeurs.und ell en the easiest terins-ttve dollar n month. I llllllr .if It tren rtnn l. .. . n.. .... .. Z IlieiibevfKiMHUuinie direct freiu the factory, und vie will eirtr u positive b-irttaln each duj of thu 1-air. KlltK JOIINnON ACO.. e.2l est King ht., I.nncuster, P. I'M In KxihiuiBf inan uiKt eilljil.Vw Jtmbvcllrte. UM UHi:i.LA HEADQUAltTEItS. The Conestoga! THIS Id THE NAM K OFOUH Popular Umbrella. Tem of 1 lieusniidi of them sold vtltliiutlie past si mouths. The Cleth l ITnien Mile ofniwrler eiinlilj', v e have three gradts of It nod allgetM vtenren. Every Umbrella giiarunticd net te fade or a-Ask for the Cout.teja I'inbrella at the nn. Hers, ROSE BROS. & HARTMAN, I I EAST KING STItEET. aVIiml Pcttttetru. F T1AC16 AIJOUT TLKTH.' R. D. McCASKEY, Dentist. Grudtiute In Dentistry and Annnthftlca. A A feelnlcd for live jenrs viith Uiucafter's Lend Inv Dentlsti.. .New bsHtetl nt OltANOK AND NOltril QUEEN bTHKrrrs.l'Ve?npt Alien. Hen I itinisunubU L'liarge I Werk Wur runted I liei'ii8-S a. m. te 8 w. bi. Week Dav s. wpS-tandAw ' 0t an ka. -nAROAtira. VISIT STACKHOUSE'S This -Week Feil 1110 BARGAINS IX Beets & Shoes. A Full Line of the Celebrated WALKER BOOT! The llet Heet Made. Call nnd them. D P. STACKHOUSE, Nes, 28 and 30 East King Street, LANCASTER PA. B OOT8 AND HHOEH. A Departure from Our I most nlway beneficial, net only te in, but te these upon whom we Influence. It I se easy get Inte a rut, but a hard matter te get out. It ha been my ruin te Display the IidlcV, Mines' Children's and Infants' hihees In Large Window, and Men', Bey' nnd Youths' In Small Window. Hereafter I vtlll change the dlplay every two or three weeks and vt 111 have the Men'a Shoes first In ene window and then In the ether. Yeu will find the Large Window full of Mcn', Beys' and Youth' Shoes In Fine and Medium Grade of all the LatcH Fall nnd Winter Style, from f 1.23 te M.OO, nnd the Small Window full e Ladles', MIsscV, Chlldren's and Infant's Shoes. It will pay 011 te step and lake n leek before purchasing elsewhcre, ns the Price is Marked en Every Shee. The One-Price Cash Heuse. Ohas. H. Frey, (Successor te KltEY A ECKERT) the Leader of Lew Price lu BOOTS AND SHOES, NOS. S A 6 EAST KINO STREET, LANCASTER, PA. -Htere closed every evening atO o'clock, ex cept Monday and buturday. Klethiitfl. flHE PEOPLE S CASH STORE THE People's Cash Stere ! NO. 25 EAST KING STREET, Merchant Tailoring Department. CLOTHING MADE TO ORDER In Iho most satisfactory manner. Lewest Cash Prices. Gent's Furnishing Goods, ukdehwkau, dc, At prices unsurpassed for chcupness In the city. Gee. F. Rathven, 25 East King Street, martO-lydlt LANCASTER, PA. M ARTIN DROS. Anions uturdaj's busy bujers a lady shopping areuud the store with three boys te nt, ald: " Yeu teem te have everything I vtant (for the boys), nnd for even Complete Stock. Meney Saving Prices. Us Uian I expected te puy. It's pleaxant te nnd a store 1 1 lie this." New that describes the tore exactly and we'll never have Itdlfleieet. Our goods (bull be dellarvsav leg and choice complete. Dig IJeys' Suits and Ovorcent. Jfl, 87 and ii. Little Hays' belts and Ov trceaU, SI, $1, Se. Children's Kilts and First Suits, 82, .), U. There 1 geed news for jeu In these clothes and price. The higher and levi er are here, tee, ir you prwfer. 3 lle' Underwear. Waist, Shirts, Hese, Nsck wear, Cellars, CuHs, Kxlra Trousers, Knit JetkeU. Impossible te get better. This com pleteness runs through the Men's Department as well. Great stacks of Suits and Overcents te pick from, M.Sl0,f 12.JH. The greatness Isn't all In the stacks. It's In the quality for the price. 13 or S15 will buy an outfit. Depend en the worth or luxury you want. See our Underwear, He.r, Shirts and Neck wear. Extra large, khert and. tteut, medium and small inea's sizes. The same completeness applies te the Custom Tailoring Department, bulls, Overcoats and Treuter te measure. Choicest xteck, correct workmanship, tle aud tit. MARTIN BROS, NOH. 36 AND 25 NORTH QUEEN ST. ii'nul Jleticcn. irV1"..01 ,J.0,,-V W "UW'EY, LATh OF JJJ the Lity or Uucuster.decvaM.il. Hie un dersgned auditor, appointed te taw upon ex. ceptlens aud te distribute the balance remain niflu the hands or Huran S. Hubley, adminis tratrix or the estate of Kild deceased, te and uiiinns; these legally entitled te the same, vrlll Ml fur that purpose en Friday, the Sth day or November, A. 1).. IsSsi at 10 a. m lu me the LI bniry Roem or the Court Heuse, lu the City or Luuciuter. where all peren lutercsted lu atd dlitrlbuilen tcay attend. ectWtdTu V. MCMULLEX, Auditor. f '"' - - mi T 1' " f 1 ePru tieebti. D RESSOOODlt DUES"! OOOrH t 35-37 North Queen St. FINE GOODS Persian Novelties; $3 00 a Yard. Warranted Ulack 811k, f 1 GO a Yard. Black Henrietta, f 2 60 n Yard. Slrlped Arinure Trimming Hllk, SISOaYarJ Black Striped fintlns. Jl 00 a Yard. M-Inch All-Weel Surahs, II 00 a Yard. Black Broadcloth, 51-Inch, (1.00 a Yard. Black 811k Velvet, SI 73 n Yard. '.M-lnch Black Satin Rhadamn, St 00 a Yard.j Silk Finish Colored Henrietta, $100 a Yard. I 21-lnch Colored lintln Duchess, 1 a yard. All-Weel Black nnd White Tlnid Surah, 1( n Yard, Strlpid and l'Hld Black ircnrlctln, JIOO urn. Irish Point Lnce Curtains, $1000 a Pair. 12-4 White Blankets, 12 00 a Fair. Heavy Matsitlus Quilt, K00. Fine 8atlne Comlerls, $3 50. Best White Tabic Linen, $1 25 n Yard. Black Thibet SLavvls, $20 00. Brechc Shawls, ti't 00. Fine Orey Blaukets, 87 00 a Pair. WHEN YOU WANT Fine or Cheap Geed! -AND- A BKRGKIN, -OO TO THE- 35-37 North Queen St. LANCASTER, TA. Charles Stamm VyiLLtAMSON FOSfi.lt. EVEKyBODY SATISFIE1 WITH OUR LINEN BARGAINS. NOW COME9 THE LADIES' AND CHILDREN'! UNDERWEAR. Ladles' Ribbed Vent, Extra Quality, 23c. Heavf Merine Vest, Special Value, 23c ; a su-l inrnur iiuuiiiy, Jc, All-Wcel Scarlet Ribbed Viht.ttic Plain All-Weel Vest, 75c. Children's Winter Underwear AT EXCHEDINGLY LOW PRICES Infants' Coats In Csthmcr;, Plush, Eiderdown. I Mantle Cleth, 51 75 te SJ 50. GIRtS' AND .MISSES' COATS 6c JACKETS, All New St les, R 50 te SIS 00. Ladles' Newmarkets. Dlrectnlre Redingote, juciieiis hjiii a iusii .tieujcMia. .'50 te $10 50. BOYS' OVERCOATS, With Adjustable Capcf, R 00 te !9 00. IlejV Knee Pant Suit. J2 00 te 57 00. Odd Pants, 60c, 75c, St (W. Men's Overcoat, $S 00, 510 00,512 00, 1G 00. Beys Overcome, R 00, 83 00, St 00, Jj W. Genu' Prince Albert Troelc Ceat SulU, JlrtOO. 12000, Ri ei). Business Suits, S700, 53 00, S1000. Bey' Strenc Catslmcre ,?ults,$150,i.j00, JdOO, Unexcelled SIlfT Felt Hat, will net brenk or fade, SI Zi. Seft Pocket Hatf , 75c. A Large Assortment of New Stj !ei In Ladies' Furs. Fur and Pluth Robes. Trunks, Ynlisrt and Cubbas. Men's Napa and Oil Tunned Ge-it Olevo-i; plnin.lOc; vi ooh u culls, 75c. 5100, Jl 25. Oil Tanned Calf nnd Buck Gleve, plain or curt. 13c, 50c, iZc, 75c, SI 00, Jl .3 te K 00. Dres Kid Gloves In All Styles nnd tirade, hlcsant In stj le and lVratt In Fit. The Baltimore Cef3n Ttw Ladles' Dress She HxcelsAH Others. Finished In llrllit or Dull Lo.-;ela Tips of SaineGixvls. Hlith Wtllbtile and Neat Tee, PRICE-S3.BO. 1 d r. tt 32-38 East King Street, LANCASTER, PA. iWM BSTi STORE Win Feste Bra.ncli Stere, NO. 318 MARKET &THEET, HARRIS- Eime. PA. SslAiMi&Jm:u.'s s& r