r4. a S3f U kK WVi? ' -$ ! J. is- jrtH'f. T! Si & l V2fC VIM IV1? k?. Kf B-. Fj. '-?. 4 fcrt l-v Y'4 ?& flfisfi fidtliitilStt liiiiahiiceVA mV'.' '- J t JtlMSW J. BTEINMAN, r.jQAi1' jCHARUBSTKINMAHrOLTZ, Editor -J 2?j-t BOMCKTCLAItlC.rabiUher. , Mttir . r-L 'crME jAiiii i3iiiLuur,iiwwu raunanra 'trery day In the yctcr, but Sunday. Hervett by carriers- In thli city nd tnrrennrUnf towns at ten cent a week. By mall Ave dol lars rear In Advance ; CO cents a month. WEEKLY INTElXtaENCEIl-One dollar and liny cnntu n yrar, In advance. KOTICE TO SUBSCRIBERS-Remlt by check wr pottefflce order, and whera neither or these can tie procured send In a registered letter. Entered at the Postefflce, as aecend class mail matter. Aumcns, TEE INTELLIGENCER, Lancaster, Fa. LANCASTER, PA., October 19, 1889. Champagne lllliblng-. ' Hclntlnir a mevcincnt ninens the New Yerk snloen proprietors te raise the retail price of imported champagne, the New Yerk Sun says that one of them declared thnt he would rather go Inte a "combine" te step the Importation. He dcclaied that " It Is at the bottom of mere of the nick headaches, cranky fits, and general dlsagrecablencss of the busi ness men of 2?cwYnrk than any of the nnny of diseases that flesh Is heir te. The whole stock ought te be blown te thunder. " We are of the opinion that i'r. Hugh "Waldren, of tlieAster heuc, the author of this vigorous declaration, knew what he was talking about nud diagnosed the 2?w Yerk dicae with accuracy. Tlint town will never compass the world's fair unless It drops Its impeitcd cham pagnes ; which, whether made from French grapes, Jersey cider or Illinois corn, have a habitual headache In them that the geed business man needs te avoid. The observed effects are net con fined te Jfctv Yerk by any means, but A may 1 found in any hamlet which (holds citizens who aim te emu late metropolitan habits, and think ' that they are doing the thing nflcr the highest style of the art by drinking In ft public place always impeitcd cham cham pagne ,nud displaying nn ImpresHlve knewledges of its bequet nnd dryness. The young man who docs net have a favorite brand and falls te recognize the Variations and virtues of the different corks, feels very Ignorant and green In deed in an assembly f thee enlighten ed blblwrs, and llke wandering out into the darkness that will hide his lack of sophistication. Hut the henet truth is that thee learned men arc feels; or such of them at least thut practlceas they talk and drink, as they say they de. Swallowing wliu Is net the high art they claim It te be ; the kuewlcdge of champagne brands would net be a mark of intellectual strength or crcdltnble superiority If It really existed; nud very generally it Is b sham, the pretender te It being the most easily deceived of men. Clmmpastii", like everything elc, may be reasonably consumed In moderation ; and we believe Is even recommended by phyBiclansns a medicine in certain dis orders of the digestion ; but the Asler house man speaks the exact truth from a ripe experience when he denounces Its Indiscriminate and general use ns de moralizing te the physical and mental man. Fur better Is It te tlriiiK the sound brew of malt and hops, or the honest distillation of grain or grape, than te take the concocted constitution of the foreign champagne, of which no man can tell, whatever his pretense, its bound Hess. It Is fashion and felly and fraud that brings this stulT into the place It holds. Because it is costly it is suppe-d te be the very correct thing for the gen erous man te eiler te his friends. 1 1 Is sup sup sup pTsodtebograpoJulcochnrgcdwltliHUgnr and carbonic acid ; all of which could be provided from the home orchard and pantry and the apparatus of the nearest mineral waler lettler ; but us that would net 1x5 costly it would net de. It Is net the juice nor the sugar, the phiz or the headache, but the label only that iec iec emmends it. This Is a very foolish situation, but It is a controlling one among most enter tainers. The time of entertainment Is net the time of argument; nud the costliest brand gees out te the guests as full aemilttal of the Intent of (he lie-t te de the must hospitable thing ; and if a headaehe gees with It the fault Is the fashions, and net his. Shall we net atop this pretense and drink what vie knew Is sound and wholesome; using our home products, whose creation we can watch from their birth, in our neighbor's stills and brew eries? It Is true that they may delude us and doubtless often de; but it is easier te Identify the sound liuuer In the borne than in the foreign produc tion. Americans as ltifleineii. There was it time net se very long ege when Americans were fuineus for their familiarity nnd skill with firearms. American boys all ever the land were accustomed te hunting small game and learned hew te handle a gun with safety te their own lives and fair accuracy of aim. The farmer's son who went out be fore dawu with the old smoeth-boicdrillo aud shot squirrels at long range en the quick jump grew up naturally te a skill with weapons hardly te be gained by the monotonous range practice of later years. The farmer's son may nowadays go out In the early mom lug with a light breech-leading shotgun, handy, accu rate and far superior In ecry way te his father's clumsy weapon, but he iinii.illy falls te discover the game te practice en. The growing scarcity of game, marks a fading of our reputation as a nation of geed shots. Iu Revolutionary days the rlile was our national weapon, and the profusion of Indians and ether blggauie made It se. Later the sons maiutuiucd some of the skill of their fathers by the aid of small game lnlargequautltles.New we have lest or are fust losing it In spite of the hard work at rauges of the rlile clubs and u portion of the state national guard. Our little regular army Is a body of thoroughly trained sharpshooters,and some of the German gun clubs are fine 'marksmeu, but young native Americans outside the state militlu usually knew very little about the weapon thut must be the rellauce of the nation In war. Out West the revolver Is new the Ameri can weapon mid in Europe has long been se regarded. It ha been declared by high authority that it would be impossible te gather en our northern border mere thuu one hundred thousand active young mcu able te sheet sttulght, and successfully oppeso trained rifle men. Canada Is new said te be a coun try of riflemen, ami their skill might go far temuke up for our advantage of SUBiuers in case of hostilities, which are ,VrJIrtunetely net at all probable. When Admiral Furrugut made his triumphal m tour of Europe after the war the king of $ J Belgium asked ene of lib. ult hew the - European troops compared with these k ttftU Vulted States. TJeefl,wr replied that the European soldier ns n rule equaled the American in nil but two particulars. The king eagerly Inquired "what they might be. "Capacity for long and rapid marches nnd skill In the use of the rifle." " Well," replied the ruler of llie Belgians, " 1 can ut least de something te make my soldiers' marks men." The government began eflbrlng prizes and honors for sharp-sheeting, and at fairs and nil Uclglau holidays the rifle contests became centres of pop ular interest. The Ideal Election. The question of a reform In the mode of casting the ballet Is a llve ene In this campaign, In which the Democratic convention has pledged the party te a trial of the Australian system ; while the Bepubllcan politicians de net re gard 11 with favor; and yet It Is ns valuable te them ns te us. Especially In this county, where the Republi cans dcclde their nominations for ofllce at primary elections, should they desire te have every metins used letccurc a fair and free ballet. The object of the new plan proposed for taking the vote Is te cure It as a secret ballet, and te free the voter from temptation nnd intimi dation by politician or employer. The idea is that If he can be screened effectually from olwervntlen while voting nnd le provided with a ballet from which (e select his real choice among the candidate, he will de se, legardless of the Inducements previously ettered te him te vote otherwise; anil that, under these circumstances, It will net pay the politician te attempt te bribe or control the voter ; and what It will net pay him te de, he will net de. Consequently we will come te have elections In which no Inducement Isellercd the voter te vote otherwise than as he pleases ; which Is an Ideal election. Tin; Mentana sltiiiitleu Is very mildi complicated for ilia HcpiiliUcnn schemers by the fact tliatllinotectlennf n Democratic governor Is beyond dlspute and the senators from the new statu must hnve certlilcntcs of election from the newly elected governor. ' ' Tiiaiii: and transportation between I tin United States nud Spanish America, by Wllllniu Blcrny Curtis, Is n three Immlicd nud fifty page book Just Issued from the government prlntingetllee. Inleu' of llie attention drawn te (IiIh subject by thn pretence In this country of the delegates te the congiess of Iho tin oe Aineile.is this publication Is cry timely. Thn book ilrst handles our coimucrce with Lathi America nud whnt we send there, the e cuts lending te the present International congress, nnd then It considers In elnliorate detail the commerce of the seeiul .Spanish stale. 1'nrl second Is devoted te tinnsportatlen, the mall son Ice and subsidies, j'urt third presents topics for discussion, of Which w e nie bound te hear moie than enough Alien the congress begins te talk. m Tun editor of the Lancaster Inquirer thinks that the letter of the law lequirluga st.ite tax te be paid upon Interest bearing book accounts will net be carried out, as he says similar legislation Iu lSli) was con strued net te impese thn tax upon bonk account. This will qulte probably be the case, since llie otecutien of such n law would be qulte liupractlcable; nud Iho nudlter general should net bother the county commlssleiiors w 1th Instructions te collect w hat they cannot get. An American, employed as a missionary In Western Tuikey by the American beard of missions, says that Christianity Is pro gressing rapidly there, and that hi ten yearn Turkey will be semliiig inlsslemuies te ether countries, ltefcrrlng te the well known tcinpoiate liablU of the Turks, he Intimated thnt unless our ssloens woie closed, missionary Turks might come te America. The stories brought by tmcl lers and the cables hardly agice with tlili plcture of the conversion of Tin key, where brigandage soems te be pnpularnud all kinds of fraud and villainy eseapn pun ishment by bribery. Xe doubt the Amur lean missionary Ins soine gieuud for cheerful prophecy, but he scorns te be of sanguine temperament. When the Turk ish missionaries arrl ve entei prising saloon keepers may cugnge thorn at u salary and advertise the costumed eilcutalsus a spe cial attraction. Tltmtr. Is sonietlilug majestic about the calmness with which Mr. Tanner reports lingo sums ex pended for pensions, and iu the same bieath locemmnmls far mere lavish expenditure. Tilt: NKdltn Ql'INl'IOX. llepert of Ilio.CenimltU'O en Cation-, le the Kplkciipal Convent Ien. Ill the heuiw) of deputies oftheVrotcMaut Bplxceml convention Iu New Yerk en 1'iiduy thocemuittteo en canon i picscntcd a report en the proposed establishment of a mlMslnnucy episcopate for the coleivd people. The subject wis brought up Thuis dnv en an address signed by the Indiana delegation, which, alter reciting that the colored population Is probably 7,(KJO,Ooe, and that the training of their ihlldiuu Is a matter of grae importance, and should be under 'the direction of the church, adds "that If anything of an elllcieut und prac tical uatuie Is te he done for the evangeli zation of the colored race of the United States It should be dene before this con cen con entleu adjourns. The race Is seeking te be enlightened," It continues, "nnd it lias capacity for enlightenment, sound, politi cal and religious." The address proceeds todeclare that " the men and women w he are our equals bcfoie thn law nud bcfoie the Lord usk .ion te help them te the knowledge of u pure gos pel by methods Milled te their ii;uoiunce und simplicity," and concludes bysajlug that a branch of the church should be or er or Kaulre.1 te aid their uangoliz.itlen, te be equal und auxiliary, and te be called the "African Clinith," with coleiod bishops', deacons and cuiiKelitH, and under the control and gcnerul Jtuisdlctieu of the churih. Thn report of the committee en canons is as follews: "i:enlf this church were prcpnicd te recoKiilze by law the ditlorcuce between Itswhtte and colored iiiembeis and pro pre pro hletor their seirate orKHiilzatieu either Inte parities oreplM-op.il jurisdictions, we think that the mndu of doing mi, as pro vided lu this proposed canon, would be for munv reasons Inexpedient, nud that it could be properly and efllclently dene only alter a chuiige in the constitution. " While w e de net absolutely ussert that the proposed canon would be unconstitu tional, yet it trenches se closely en article IV that for this reason oleno we would depm-ate Its adoption. But waMng fur the present the constitutional objections and these founded en the prev-ed Una of distinction between the white and colored races, we are of opinion that ether and fatal objections present themselves In the proposed catien. "1. Ifwehadthe right te provide by canon for the erection of a missionary Jurisdiction within ene or mero eignni7ei dkxetes, with the consent of the bishops and contentious of the resrws-tlve dioceses, etthediQlcitlty, II net iiiijK)-,Ihillty, of obtaining nnv such consent, which en change of view s could net, and en death of the bishop would nut, be withdrawn, anil the many complications which would almost certainly urlse under suih change of views, or under many ether suppesable contingencies, should deter us from adopt ing the system here proposed for sol Ing n problem the inhorenulltncultlos of which we all fully recognize. "1!. This canon proposes tin eiiUepal Jurisdiction 'In Hrsenu' within the terri torial jurisdiction of another bUheji. We think that such a preposition antagonizes the history nnd traditional elicy of the church and the essential elements of Kplscepal Jurisdiction, which from the first has been territorial und net pert ou tl. But the real and essential question whiili meets us ut the feretrnnt of tills whole matter, und which we think the church should Ilrst determlne before discussing plans and modes of procedure, is that llmt ulluded te inthj report, namely : Khali the church, AlltJAiAlLtWK In Its law of parochial or diocesan organi zations, draw or reoetrnlrsa line of distinc tion between Its white and Its colored tiieinberaT W think this should net be done, and we therefore for tula reason alone, nnd without reference te these founded en constitutionality or Inexpediency, recom mend tint the cailen be net nrfeptcd, nnd prosent the following resolution 1 "JlttelveJ, That thn committee en cnuens be discharged fioinllie nether eoimklcr eeimklcr eoimklcr ntlen of the subject." The discussion en the question was )xst )xst )xst poned. The six Amendments te the prayer book, which worn adopted en Thursday by the hotiseln committee of the whole, were then taken tip In erder, mid, nfler considerable debate, were formally adopted. At the iiflorneoii session the house of deputies confirmed Its action ns committee of the whole en Thursday by pusslng the JelntllturKlc.il coiiiinUleo's resolutions for n thnnksgh lug for n child's rccovery from sickness, for a Mfe return from voyage or travel and for a penitential oMr-e for Ash Wednesday. Conciirrcnce with the upper hoiise was ul no ordered upon a number of mutter passed upon by thnt body. Dr. Phillips Brooks' resolution te sub stitute the tilth for the fi!tli psnlni In the titble of proper psalms for Ueud Friday went through nfler some discussion by nn evervvheiniliiRly nfllruintlve vote, toether with the additional colleot, cpis'le mid gospel for Christmas nud Bister day. (A resolution providing for the emission of the decalegue, If the same be Mid onee en each Sunday, was passed. At this point enmu Iho real delmte of Iho afternoon upon Dr. Huntington's tosolii tesolii toselii lion for a short otllce of prayer for sundry occasions, which was adopted by thn fel- lowing vete: Clerical Yeus, as : nays, It; uitiuim,a uiy leas, in; nays, iij in- vioee, ;, Tills finally dlsnoses of nn lninn.tnnt matter already proposal nud rejeiled by two prolens ceucntlijns, se far ns the house of deputies is ceueerneil. In tliohetisoof bishops Itwasdeclded Orat no (bance should be made lu the term "assistant bishop," which It was proposed tovhnngefor "coidjuter." A rubrlu was nle passed forbidding the celebmtlnn el the Jerd's supper when no communicants besldei the priest are prosent. The heuse of bishops declined te concur In ii resolution petitioning Congress ujwin the subject of divorce en tne ground that It wa Inadvisable at this time. We linve heard many of our old friend say tlint italvntlen Oil cured them of rlieuiniitlniii. 'thoie who lime net tried It should de no. Our druKKtitssell Itfer tent).ncccnUa bottle all tli time. V'liytcufrr wllli a bad cold when one bottle of Dr. Hull's Ceul'Ii Hynip will cura a cough of llieweiKt kind. Dr. llnll's Hjiup luselit for U.1 cools wr bottle by all lireijhm In the United HUilc. A llloedy AfrVny Iseflen the result of "bad bleed" Inn fimllyer reniniunlly, but nowhere Is bad bleed mere dc dc dc slructlvoef liapplniMss and health than In tlie liiunnn system. When the life current. Is lout and slueiilfili Willi Impurities, and In nlewl v illv trliMillnn IIh pelmm te ccry pirtef tliobeily, llieiierll tehuilth, and llfuecu. is hninbicnt. liriy symptoms are dull and drowsy feeling, sucrc headache, ceatcil tongue, peer apiiellte, linllKcttlen and ccncral InKHltmle. Dclav In trcatini-nt may eulnll the most serious conic-OUt-ne-s. Don't let itloa-.e gnln KtrenK held ou ourcuiiitllutlen, but treat jnursclf hy ulni Dr. I'lerce'M (lelilen Medical Dlscncrv, nnd lie restervil tothe blessliiRS or health. Tlie" Iln Iln cecry "ISKiinrnntieit te cure lu nil enses of dlkcafe for which It Is recommended, or money paid for It Hill lm refunded. F,s,i- Whnte'er btsldeijeu diniicc te w-int, Xe'cr fall short or HOZODONT. tint keep It always In jeurslht, A source of beauty and delight, Te rlcnnse your let th till w Ith j our smile "J lie moil faitldlousyeu hi guile. oU-lndced.tw licUnivtte. Uulioieus 8i:uvici will hi: iikld In the follenliiK churches eiiHimdny, lu theinernlncat 10,'te, in tlieecnlntfnt7-li. Hun duy school ut l:lj p. iu. Wlien the hour U dlf fcri)nlltlespeelnlly noted : Citt'iiLU of Oei Cemer of l'rlnce and Or anie. NikW Citcncn.-frvlecs nnd Monday school tomorrow mernlnKnt the luiuil hour. In Leiie's bullitlus, Ne. 10 North Quien mrect. IMmanuei. I.trrilEliAN.Hrnncli Hchoel.-rtes-nlnr session nt the school house, corner of Wiil niitund Mary htrccls, nt'J p.m. Himiwin CiiAi-Ki-Nerth Prince street Rev. I . M. Harris, pastor. l'ltF-SIIYlltltlAN MliMOIIIAt. ClIVRCII -Smith Queen street, 'thoinaslheiniwoii, pastor, bun day (chisil at 1:10 p. in. J.VAKOi.ucai. Oiiiritcu. Itcv. ll.D. AlbrU'ht, pister. Humliiy school ut 2 p. in. 1'raNe ser vice nt G.S0 p. in. i;vANeui.iCAi-rirt Church. licv. 1. r. l.chr, pastor. Ucruiau lit the morning. Sunday rviivn hi u tit in I'lItST IlEIOIMir.D.-ItCV. .1. M. 'III7CI, D. D., Caster. Sermon lu the ineriilii; by liev. 1-'. A. last, D. D Ne evcnlui; scr Ice. Oi.ivirr llAnisr Ciiuncil-Unt Vine near Duke street. ltev. M. Kruni, iiaster. OLtVCT MlSsies-2-Jl K.ist rredcrtek street. Opiinlu.' services nt a p. in, l'rcachlnc In Hie ewnlmr by the pastor of Olhct llaptlni church. Br. Jehn's Littiihian Itev. 11. r. Alleman, D. D., iumer. ruieuell seniles In the lectuie room. Hiiiulay siIkhiI ut Ht. Jehn's at 1:U p. liiiiudnt(letuild Memerial Mission ill 2 1. In, Hr. Paul's llEioiiMKultev. J. W.MeinliiKer, pastor. Ne serke In the inernliuf. lu ihe nxeuluil Prof. Uoerge I". .Mull will mcuiiy tlie )iildt. Senv service nt 0:l'in. in. KtKmMi.ii-sr. l.i'Kh's-Murlcttn avenue, ltev. Win. K l.lchlltcr, pmter. In thecxenliu; pre)aratlen for the Hely Communion. Sunday kChoelat2p. iu. .Service In the German Ian Buhbe nt 5 XI p. in., ltev. It. C emcliilliur. Us-iieb llnnTintF in Cnnisr, levr.AN-T. rreachliiir lu the morning 0 ltev. 1. ll.iltrt.ll. nnd in theccentug by lte. J. IJ. Uuulc. Praise ?i itu in u; j it in l'ltMIIVTKltlAN. HCV. J. Y. MltCllCll, D. D. nsler. l'rcatlilng by ltev. Alfred Ne lu, D. D. Ml. PAUL'S M. K. ClIUIICII llev. ILR. Vrkra. pa isialnr. II n. in. clash, t'nilxe cci vice ut Gee p. in. Preaching lu the ecnlug by ltev. J. F. Crouch, presiding eider. .Meuavian'. ltev. J. Max llark, D. D., pastor. - p. m., Sunday fcchnel, hr. hrPi'ituvs-Cellege Clinpel.-Pernieu-lu:. Hey. 11. V. cjerhurt, iaiitei of Itcreruiud church el lledterd, Pa. Tm.siT I.vtiicrax. Ilev. C U Try, pastor. Neucnliigi'eriie, riiuisr I.tnuLitAN. Ilev. H. I., ltced, pastor. WiMTLiiv M. IX Cuur.cii, ltev. C. W. llurlte, jiaster. christian endeavor meeting ut is JO P. iu. Divtsn scrtlce en Hunday morning In Hie Hecl.land strict school bulldlniriit 10' o'clock. Preaching by T. I. lIouir.'lheiiieLlcnl student. UUACF.T.UHI1.I1AN. llev. C.i:. lletint, pastor. Sunday school at 2 p. in. Church services morning and evening. l'tusr AI. K. CiU'iieii ltev. 5. M. Vernen, D. 1)., pastor. Class meeting nl Vu, in. hunday school ut l:lj p. in. rpui: iiianndT ru.visn. " I am n Tiesbj tcrlnn clergynrm nnd a Dec ter or Divinity, hut I mil net arrulil toieconi teieconi toieceni ineiid Diiltj's Pure Mult Whiskey us the pure it nnd most elllcleiit preparation ns a liudlclue Unit I knew of, und my eprlenie I-. n large one." P.lv. 11. .MII.I.S. D. L. D. "I highly receinmend DuhVs Pure Mult hlskey, and prescrllw it etcluslwlt In my iiraetue.'1 It, W. tlficm.si.0K, M. D., 'ew " Duffy's Pure Mnlt Whlslcey Is free Trem fusel oll.aduttcrutlein-, or foreign ImenrltUs, and thce nualltles should roceiauieud It te the highest public !nor.'' I'ltel. lil.Miv A.Merr, l'h.D.,F.OR, ' Verk. " Iceiieurln the endorsement of nil thnthus been s.ild of Dull) 's Pure Malt Whiskey." 1 E. Sl'IN.NEIt, lite Treasurer of llie Culled Hliitcs. Can any hlglicr endorsements tliau the above be prcxiuced for any knew n nrllcle ? De they net prove the purity mid lsmcr of thlsOre.it llcmedy? lie sure, hevi ever, and M-cure only the genu ine, und take none but Dull) V. It Is sold by ull leputuble druggists. (3) H OOD'.S SAltSAI'AUII.bA. SCROFULA HUMOR. " My D.iiiiihter's) t.lfe Was nvil.' "Iu regard le my little daughter, whose life wus saved, as we believe, by Heed's hursapa pnrllta, I would say that before she was six mouths old scrofula sores began te appear en different parts of her body, and In a short time she had 7 running sores. T e physicians v ere called but they ga eus no heis?. One of them advied the amputation of one of her lingers, le which we refused assent. Our attention was called te Heed's Surmp.it lllu, nnd we began giving It te her. A marked Improvement was noticed nfter she had taken only one bottle and by ncentlnucd U'c of It her recovery was complete. And she Is new, being seven year old, strong and health). The ether members of my family have been greatly benefitted by Ilcxid's s-arsaparilta, and I recommend It as an excellent bleed purifier." B. C. Jexes, Ala-i Lincoln Ce., Me. hClteriTLA lNTHH EYES. "My daughter sura-red terribly with sere ejes, caused by scrofula humor. We were obliged te kicp her out of school for two) curs. We had medical attendance, but she failed te gain relief. At last, knowing tlint Heed's Bur sa parllla had cured my mother of rheumatism, and believing It must be geed fur the bleed, I c included te have my daughter try It, und It has ntlrely cured her." Ceiinemcs Ykaelk, Marshalltown, Iowa. HOOD'S SAItSAPAim.fcA Held by all druggists. I j six for te. Prepared only by C. I. HOOD 4 CO., Lewell, Mass. 100 D0!E! ONE POLLAIt. (0 fmmMsmz ttmtktr'. fatXAMLMtlA, Saturday, Oct. It, 1st. Sertie hundreds, possibly thousands, of men in this city arc thinking of Twelve Dollars te-day, questioning hew far it will go, wondering what it will de in buying a Fall Suit of Clethes. There is geed news in the store for all Clothing buyers, but before telling it we want a word with the Twelve Dellar thinkers. Seme hundreds of $12 Cas simcre and Cheviot Suits arc waiting for you today. A unique let. The nobility of American and the distingue of British woolens arc in the cloths, the Clothing is just made, the styles arc right, but literally the least real value in the let is $15, and the greatest $18 or mere. The why is nothing. Never mind why. Yeu may lese your chance if we step te tell. Yeu deal with the fact. Pass en, Twelve Dellar men. A word te the rest of mankind. All ricrht sorts of clothes arc here for Beys or Men. Little 1 nrrl TTmint-leiTttT'e till.- - linnrl AW V A UUIIIIV.IVJ .) .JIM IlllbU Velvet Suits await him. The young man's Fancy Cassimere Cape Overcoat is subject te a $25 draft ; it give the last needed touch te his style. Men praise our Overcoats and- buy them. Economy revels in the Small Beys' Suits at $4.50 and Don't you see the touch of new life, the rcnaisance in our Clothing? Market street tide. Fall Millinery in full swing. The call is for everything at once loudest for Blacks. There they are and all the ethers. Children's as thick as any and fuller of sparkle. Cleth, Vel vet, Tweeds, Plush, Astrakhan and Velvet mixed, and what ever is timely and wanted. Genuine Turkish Fez, 75c ; Weel Fez, 50c ; Scotch Tarns, 90c always in shape no odds what bang-about use they get. Jockeys, Glengarries, Alpines, Sailors, and all that. Near from 'thirteenth and Chestnut stiectt corner. Yeu could pay $1.50 te $2.75 for the Corset and get the same as from that French let marked 95c te $1.85. Hecend lloer, first gallery, Juniper street side. Mere than 300 styles of rocket Knives 10c te J 8. 50. Neither Yeung nor Old America can well have a cut ting thought that we can't fit a blade te. Scissors about as thick 20c up. Scissors Cases, $2 te $S. Near Juniper and Market streets corner. A Lcmaire Opera Glass for $6, or up te $6. A fairly geed glass for as little as $3. Near Juniper sticct en trance Jehn Wanamaker. "ACTS AUOUT TEhTII." R. D. McCASKEY, Dentist. Graduate In Dentistry nnd Annsthrtlr-i. As sociated for rjve years with Ijinrnstrr's Lead-Ins-Dentists. New located nt OilANUC AND MOUTH qt'EKN bTUKCls. prompt Atten tion 1 Ilcusonuble charges I Werk War runted I Herns 8 a. m. te 8 p. m. Week I).iy. - scplMmid.Cvr T EN11V WOLK, " FURNITURE STORE, TESTISTHV. " 36 Years Practice in One Offlce." J. B. MeCASKEY, NO, 11 EAST KINO STREET, Over First N'attennl tJank. Dentistry In all its brunches, aasiulinlnlsured. Teeih extracted absolutely without pain. All work wnrrnnted. eUXind.vi.sAv T EVAXAfeON'H. " Levari & Sen's, ' DE.VI.EIIS IN CORN OATS, FEED, BRLEDHHY AND LEVAN'S FLOUR! WK EXAMINE EVK-S FHKE. " Speotaeles ! WE EXAMINE EYES FREE I Yeu Thiuk Your Eyes Are Geed 1 If you lucvetlieni examined you will probably rtiul thut there Is umiethlmr wrenic lth thciu, und that glasses w III he a ureal help te j en. We use inimitable "lllA .MANT.V' Iciims, which are made only by us, und receimueudctl by lending Oculists as the bed ulds te defec tive vision. Solid Geld Spectacles, 93. OO ; usual price, Steel Spectacles, fille.i usual price, 81. 00. Aruuciai byes inserted, j usual price, sjilO, H. ZIKEMAN & BRO. 130 S. Ninth Street, OITICIANS. fHlLADELPHIA. lletweeu Chestnut aud Wulnut .Streets. IHVS-1.V d "VTOriCK lO TlthJiPASSKIW AND GUN ,LX NE11S. All persons are hereby forbidden te tres.ias un any of the lands of the Cornwall .jid Hiieedweit estates In l-etmnen or Ijineastf r isiuntles, whether Inclesed or unluclesed, cither for the purpose of sheeting or fishing, as the law will be rigidly enforced azalust all tre. passlug ou said lauds of the undersigned arte this notice. WM. COLEMAN KIIEEMAN It. l'EHCY ALDEN. EDW.CKaEEMAN, atlemryi for H. W, Celainan' H!r. has removed te I'M East Klnu street, bavlncn full Unci of Furniture of every description nt the lowest prices. Alse Undertiiklni; promptly at-Uudi-d Ki. Cull nnd cemilne our l'chsIs. uK-trdil II. WOI.K. I'M I'jist Klin; Slr.-et. Htm 5EgyHmwi. : BBHT TWO TOR WVIt OWT CIOAIU iff th stat, at t BtjU.YWAiTZ'S. myiMmH,W.ThMtr AV rn. ii. eAsr. rBEss BAmexiKi nr bmeci. .. wl've Just received what la considered th Itest Uanralri In a Cheap Hhce for Ladles tbnl we ever liad, Kid or Pebbl Butten, at 11X0. They are beauties for th price. Htlil Isstter at tt and run. Tbe H Hhee for Men in Bali or Congress still have the lead of all U Shoes void. Our stock of Coarse aed Fine Beets Is Urge and ween n suit nit. Men's Calf Beet aa low as n. Our Hubber line consist mainly of Good year Olevc iu'i feeds, which an the beat made. ' Our custom trade baa been very large this Fall, and te these who want soreethlmr better than ordinary we would recommend that they leave their measure aud have their Shee made '"order. They eel no mere than Geed Ready Made Shoes. ilcspectmily Yours, WM. H. QA8T, NO. lttt NOIITII QUEEN BT., LANCASTEIl lunllydWaK N: EW YOttlC OTOHE. Jackets! WATT & SHAND AUK MAKING AN Extensive Offering Ladies' Stockinet Jackets, Feil, elastic and durable, cut In all the latest shapes, at 11, H.50, II, 15 te 10 each. ladles' Cleth Jacket In Illnck, UIuc and Green, at 1M, 1, mM, U te 112 each. We open tiMtny two eases Stockinet and Cleth Jackets at J5 each ; $.! apiece under uiun price. Ladles' Newmarkets In Illnck, Nnvy nnd Myrlle BtrlK-s and I'lalds, utf-'l,(.1A),l,tSte IS each. DIMXTOniKNEWMAUICETH, lllIHH PEASANT COATS And CONNKMAUAS at Lew Trices. The Sent Plush Jacket Is mere popular than ever and prices ncv er were lower. See our l'lush Jackets nt , 10, 111, 112 te tii. l'lusli Medjeskns, SIZ50 te 817 each. Heal Plush Saeques, made from Walker's Heat Plushes, are stylish, dressy and guaranteed te wenr, 118, tM nnd J24 each. Children's Coats, flay new styles, ull sires, ft em II, tl JO, J.', t2M. iJ te 812 each. Children's Colored l'lusli Coats. llaby's Coats and Cloaks at low prices. New Yerk Stere, C, 8 and 10 EAST KING STREET. DnE 3H GOODS I DKESS GOODS 1 35-37 North Queen St. FINE GOODS ! Persian Nev elites; J-ltW a Vuid. Warranted Black Silk, II CO a Yurd. fllack Henrietta, 82 M a Yard. Striped Armure Trimming Stilt, tl GO a laid. Utnck Striped Satins, fl 50 a Yard. CMnch All-Weel Surahs, $1 00 a Yard. lllack Broadcloth, 51-Inch, 11.00 a Yard. lllack Silk Velvet, $1 75 a Yurd. Jl Inch Illnck Satin Khr.JuTin.SlOOn Yard. Silk rinlsh Colored Henrietta, It 00 a Yard. '.'l-iucli Coleied Satin Duchess, 51 a urd. All-Weel ninck and White Plaid Hurah.il 00 n Yard, Striped nnd Plaid Black Hcuiiettn, tl 00 a Yard. Irish Point Lace Curtains, 810 00 a Pir. 12-4 Whit Blankets, J12 00 a Pair. Heavy Mais situs Quilts, te 00. Pine Saline Couiterts, 83 50. Best White Table Linen, tl 23 a Yard. Black Thibet Shawls, 20 00. Breche Shawls, 12300. Clue Grey Blankets, S7 00 a Pair. WHEN YOU WANT Fine or Cheap Goods -AND- n BHRGHIN, -GO TO THE 35-37 North Queen St. LANCASTEIl, PA. Charles Stamm. Jackets! CHAR ESSTAMM'S BOSTON STORE. IiUopesAUs roitceAU flis lIuchunuii-ML'Kvoy.Tteynelds Belief Committee of councils will receive propelis for I'M tens mere or less, or Chan Medium Nut or Pea Ceal, te be furnished te the pour of tbe city under the directions erthe committee, dur ing the months of December and January next. Bidders te mention the kind of coal they pro pose tefurnlsh. Bids te be leftnt themaver' ufflec m;t later than I p.m.,en Monday, Octo Octe bcrit. 11 ordereftheromuilltce. r. . r. ,Kl)W.KDOEULY,Maer. C. A. Gast, Clerk, Chairman. lXtH,l8,l v.iirnian. Wl-if LiMt CTOVBH, HATEH8, RANUtH. 8T0VE8, HEATERS, RANQE8. Tlin CELEBRAf ED Beaver Furnace, OHEATE3T RADIATION, SMALLEST CONSUMPTION OF COAL, HEQUIRES LESS ATTENTION, NO UA9, NO DUST, NO TROUBLE. BEAVER AND PENN ROYAL Parler Heaters. QUEEN ESTHER RANGES. TnEMOSTSKlLLFULWORKMENFOKCEL LAH HEATER WORK. (SATISFACTION ALWAYS GUARANTKKD. GEO. M. 8TEINMAN & CO., 26 and 28 West Kins Street. . E&awdM.WSnlt A RE YOU WEARING A STY L181I HAT T Stauffer & Ce., Nes. 31 & 33 North Queen St, Have them In inch Variety and se Cheap that anybody can wear them. A Nice Stylish Fur Stiff Hat Fer 81 J0. And n SOFT ONE Ter 75e. Elegant Assortment of Bey's and Children's Hats, Fer Dress or Scheel. Ladies' & Gents' Furs. Heal Garments Made te Order from the Best ALAHKA BEAU BOAH, ST0LK8, MUFFS, AND FUR TRIMMING. TRUNKS. TRAVELING BAGS, ROBES UM BRELLAS AND GLOVIis. STAUFFER & CO., 31 and 33 North Queen Street, LANCASTER. TA. J.B MARTIN 4 CO. If Yeu Want Anything in our Line of FURNISHING GOODS, Fer Fall Furnishing, a call en us will interest you both en se lections and prices. T Carpets, Windoxe Shades, Mattings, Rugs. Oilcloths, Certicencs, Linoleum. Wall Papers, Decorations, Decorative Hangings. Upholstery, Curtains, Draperies. Coverings, Sash Curtains. China, Glass, and Decorated J Fare. Carpets taken up, cleaned, and returned same day without disappointment. Carpet and Wall Paper work done by expert mechanics, and all guaranteed. J. B. MARTIN & CO., Cor. West King & Prince Sts., Lancaster, Pa. MVE VERS A RATH FON. OVERCOATS ! WE'LL TALK TO-DAY Of OVERCOATS. Fall and Winter-Weight Overcoats That We're Proud te Shew. Overcoats You'd Be Proud te Oivn. AU Our Goods Reliable Make. If you need one It will be worth mere te veu than the money It costs. FIRST A Relld, Substantial, Geed Wearln-Ovi-ice.it, Elgin Dellars.03). NFJCT An Overcoat that Excels Anything In the Market, at Ten Dollars un. NEXT-Our 12 Line, Tell of Value and Geed St If. FEXT-Handseme Kerseys, SHU faced, Well Seams, ut 117. NEXT SIT and $2) Vulues, Beauties in Ev try Way. NEXT-Our2tandS23Full Line of bllUand Hatin. Elegance, tihew Perfection. ' Intermediate Grades from S! te KS; everv one worth the price asked. MMSMATli, EELIABLE CLOTHIERS, NO. 17 EAST KING STREET LANCASTER, PA. HKtoeeUttneei trtOB RENT-FRO M APRIL !T. HI jfc.- !rsw:iM jiicKsmiw nnep.wiu Iu Heuse. sltuatedntdrseiihirid UlRa. Lampeter township. Apply te elsMftm 111 North Duke HL.LancasterTf T1EILLY nitOS. st RAUU. STOVES Our Steves Lave lieen soiling rapidly this week ; especially Is this true of the Parler Heater, the Eadlant Xevclty ntul Starl ing tcklng the lead. Tbe line ofCeok 6tevc,llaugca nnd all kinds of Heating Stev la very large ami cannot lie ex celled. Our prices are low and we are sure an Inspection of our stock will result In a snle. Don't forget thnt we have a geed Deuble Heater, hnndsome In appearance and fully guaran teed, for $13.00. 40-42 N. QUEEN ST., 4S-NEXT DOOR TO POSrOFFICI- fTIHE PEOPLE'S CABH STORK THE fl s NO. 25 EAST KING STREET, Merchant Tailerinl Department. CLOTHING MADE TO ORDI In the most atis'iictery manner. Lewest Cash Prices. Gent's Furnishing Geedl UNDEKWEAn, At'., At prices unsurpassed for cheapness In the cltl Gee. F. Rathvei 25 Ea&t King Street, martO-lvdlt LANOAHTER, PA. CTEAM ENOI.NE AND llOILERWORKM. Steam Engine AND Beiler Works Visitors te the Pair, It will pay you te call nt my Works and ex-T Biiilnoenr block of Engines ! Allew us te quote you prices and see our facility for turning out work. Portable Engines. 4 Herse-Power 6 Herse-Power 8 Herse-Power 10 Herse-Power IS Horse-Peuer., 1 Herse-Power .... 47J 6JT, f.75 b71 1,175 Portable Engines, SECOND-HAND. 6 Herse-Power . s Herse-Power ,.. 15 Uom-Pewt-r . 'SO Boilers, Second-Hand. Five 30 Ilorse-Pewer, CO In. Dlnm., 18 feet Leng, 2 4iln,Tubes. Pric,!175uiuH150. One Beiler, SO In. Dlnm., 11 feet Leng, 21 3 In. Tubec 12 feet Lei, with Flre Frent Castluus, 1123. I CARRY THE LARGEST STOCK OF ENGINE AND BOILER SUPPLIES IN THE CITY Or LANCASTER, PA. Manufacturer or Stationary Endue, Mill and Mining Machinery, saw Mill., llark und Cob Mills, Pumps, etc. Contractor for Steam Hentlni, Direct or Indi rect, or by Het Wutcr. OUR HOT AIR FURNACE Reilly Bres. & Ratt People Stere M ISTHEUISTINTIIE MARKET. Repairing Promptly Attended Te. Jehn Best, raeriUETOji, 333 EAST FULTON ST., XJvNCASTEil, PA. i&;:xiiL:&' t n. , afiVj . ... , , , i. ,-i !. feij