wapf r crfY - rJV1' "pr,- ,.. - . . -. . , . va':,.1v','-'i"'"J,!t-1 -T- THB LANCASTER DAILY INTELLIGENCER, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 11, lW u' - ' "" tjV ii I I I sl I M I V SKVl W V?- r 3 &. " r " r f ttUUigettcer AmeriLMft , . x'L' j- .. M" nHmiAH reLTcVMiu "iV IT CLARK, riMUMr, j. . . - A.vnOI DAILY nTELUOeKCERy-PiiMIbH - - - a a ft vvwsj b7 m ten ?w dhi anaaifi csrrrra fcf Wfrlwi In till city and tarreundlnc t-- leans (A tea ctnta week, Bymallflvedel- ,? , afiyMiaMrftac; Mcefliaamoeui. ariv, 1 I T ntTKLLIOENCER-OM deIlM ud It Mate year. In advance. TO BUWCRIBKIWWlemil ey carc V fMtaOee order, Ml where neither of LaMai v. - mmA In t sil ftf Jsm4 WOTVWWO pvciuvu ea .-- 4 tfce Fsetoflee, H Mcend class Bull AMrtHM, tn nmtuaBHen. Lancaster, Pa. 'jf.'mAIWAlTMt.PA., October 11, 1889. .' ji Tke California Case. f.'Tbe grand jury InCaliferntn that has x kaf) under mnsltlcrntinn the rs of the JltliiHed states marshal who slew Judge n TVil ii Cru tAttt. It. 4tii fa. mi Ytlttilfw. iSFteM. of the United States supreme S m'tmut, has reported te the court thnt the '?; ftUeatr has tccn taken out of their iijO nMiwuijdnui iniuiimiuiiiraii.nmi. K court, which court has set him rrce. The grand Jury of the state Is dls w chined from consideration of the guilt vs .-'. .. . . . gjs , or a pnseuer who has, as tticy uecinre, Mm murdered a citizen of California, within fthe state, by the order of the United 5 States court of the district, whose r judges, resolving themselves into a jury, decided that the prisoner had committed no crime, and set him free. The opinion of the federal judge, Saw yer, declares that the slaying of Terry Mp nMnsu tmnnliiui ti Kna .tjilin lltt fjf wmuuvjiciicVi uvvnuru lb ri ir nnuu p'j If,"' the United States marshnl In the ells- cnarge ei nis uuty. ii neius mm ne w u.i praiseworthy In killing Terry, who was In the act of assailing a federal Judge because of a judicial decision rendered by him, such assault being net only upon the person of the judge but iieu the Judiciary and thciiatienal authority which he represents, llclng guilty of no efleuse,but en the ether IihihI having done a geed deed, it bccHinu the duty of the United States court which consid ered his case te discharge hlni. any C opinion of the Btate court nnd grand iy jury te the contrary, nqtwltlistauding. i Judge Sawyer concedes thnt the 'fa1 TT..H.t dirmM, .k..M .m..fft tma llin m.H. UUIlCUftOUtin) UJU1 1 UlUIIUV IIJT IUU lllllll before a jury aud punish him if guilty. If he is te be tried it must be by the state court. And the notable result of this re markable perception of the law In this .easels that the United Statcx court dis charges a prisoner who is declared by n state grand Jury te have committed murder, becauw the United States court differs with this opinion, ami thinks the accused net only guiltless but praise worthy; while conceding that If there is any such doubt in the mutter ns would. subject him te trial for a pessiblu efteBse,the state court, whose grand Jury says he Is guilty, alone can try him. If this is net a pretty kettle of law Commend us te one thnt Is mere astound ing, In a country where trial by Jury is the law of the land, and where a state b net a province, but one of the United States. If the feupreme court of the United Stntes con Urma this law of Justice l'lcld's asse- g ' elate Judges in the California circuit, ue ", ' ,wlll surely stand in need of legislation te fep from working bis sweet pleasure uieii Spa the people with his minions, whom tiie $ -wave of his haud absolves from the rv.atate jurisdiction. Thf ntlMtiflfl IllVnlviMl li..n lu tint t.i P the guilt or Innocence of the niarsbnl who nnei icrry wne was iissnuitlug Field. It is as te who shall decide upon his guilt or innocence ; and whether the decision shall be taken out of the luiml of the state courts by the slmple Hat of the United States court, which Ikih no Jurisdiction te try him, but claims the power te release him If It deems him in nocent. But there arc, in the circumstances, the gravest reason te doubt whether the a?t of this marshal was net a crime, md very little foundation Meinlngly for the opinion that It was prai' prai' werthy. Most pci-Hens may agree with the federal court in its lielief that the Judge should lw protected ; aud that it is praiseworthy in a United States mar shal, or auy unofficial citizen, te protect him, as he would himself. Hut certain ly he has no further authority, aud will no mere be held guiltier in using undue violence in protecting a federal judge than though defendlug his own -tci-geti. The person of the federal Judge may be holy, but it Is net se holy that the man who smites its cheek may be shot down, under the law, hh though he was a deg. lu this case the United States marshal, detailed te protect Justice Field, was required by the law te have urgent need for the use of his pistol in protecting the life of his charge, conceding Unit he wan his charge. A face slapping is net recognized by thu law as Mich need. Terry had no pUtel, and though the mirshal may possibly have MippeMtl that he bad, his error was his fault ; and there surely was enough left lu the case te have called for the adjudi cation of a Jury, iiajhe cuh of an ordin ary prisoner; and it will net de te jkt mlt the United States Judges te band together In their own exaltation te de clare themselves and their minion te le above the state law. Restless Canada. The deputy adjutants general of Cana da have received an order from the British war office directing them te Im mediately take steim te Kaln the fullest informatieu regarding all facilities for the transportation of troops from one part of the country te the ether and also the number of hordes available at short notice for this purpose of military transport. Of course the corres pondents of the great pajiers arc , eager te make a sign of war out of this very natural aud Innocent request of the war office for kuowlcdge thnt every well managed headquarters should have. The only thing surprising about H la that such information was net at obeb gathered en the completion of the Northern Pacific railroad, as thut route across Canada will no doubt be umk! bv t Ltm tmrfipanf trrmnti If ltrtlulu ul.n..i.i iv ftv inti ItiMililu TU. mil,... .i... informatieu immediately, mayoulybe due te the surprise of the war office jk-e-pie te Bud that they did net have it, and In these times no one can tell liew seeu it may Iks needed. Canadian jiajters ssein dlcpeMil te talk about a disnlav 6f force niralut ht fj.KC UnUed States Jut te prove hew angry , taey are imtlue ever the various xmnii ,V 4tete between us. These growls are t ataaest all from the Journals thut fly Inte Jfiheaelesi hysterics wheuevcr they con- . taanlate the possibility of annexation te jSv'th United States. There seem te be tu e '-! deSalte and unalterable M.-cllousef the Canadian people the French nnd the 1 , KnglW. Jiach Is determined te rule and en either aide of that issue all the numerous parties wfH a doubt eventually be grouped in selld anion. Afreaehjnemerf the Quebec.Lcgls larare, Han. J. B.s Berthclett, recently expressed the opinion that these ajrug gltBg parties would Anally compromise by annexation. But perhaps we won't have them en their own terms. They de net seem te dream of any hesitation en the part of the United States in re ceiving French Canadians aud accepting with them their church and state quar rel. Considering all things Jehn Bull need net fear the speedy less of his Canadian highway te the Pad lie. fAX CAnneLL, a witness in the Crenln case, apneara te have accomplished a prac tical jeke that takes a fine point from the delays of that fearfully slew trial. Carrell ran eway and went back te hh old em ployer and went te work. Here the fa mous Chicago detectives were nl last able te find him, and en Thursday night two policemen took him back te Chicago. The witness calmly explains that be jfet tired or walking around the streets, going te theatre, sleeping and atlng, nnd felt thai he needed a little work te keep him in geed health. At the present into the Crenln trial may reach an interesting crisis by the time the Chicago world's fair Is open. Twe naal cadets, urailuntes of Annapo lis and of the final two-year course, have just been discharged from the navy bo be bo rause there was no acaney for them te fill. These young men hae thus devoted six years te acquiring a seclal education, a Inrge part of which can be of no use te them outside of the navy. There might seen have been room for them in the ser vice, however, as Secretary Tracy is con templating a larRe increasu In the number of men, a measure that Is said te be neces sary for the proper manning of the new cruisers. The Navassa riot is Kcttlngagoed deal of very uncertain light just new, the latest being a tale from a Jamaica paper supKscd te have been told by the colored baker he helcd te protect the survivors. Frem this It would appear that the treuble was due te tyranny. TiiKhuge new twin screw steamers aie having hard luck. The City of Paris reached Liverpool en Tuesday with ten INtsseugers Injured aud reporting the less of n woman and child by a heavy sea, and en Thursday the City of New Yerk went hard aground at the entrance of New Yerk harbor, se fast Hint seven powerful tugs could net budge iter. Atkmkiham from Kt. Petersburg kIcs a lengthy quotation from "thosuml-eniclal Xewyc l'rrm.i(" as te the cflect of the crjir's visit te IScrlin. This jacr has no better claim te " semi-official" authority than nny of the ethers, hut as they are nil under strict Kovernmont atirvclllance it is sometimes of interest In cases like the pres ent te nMe uhnt they are allowed tessiy. This quotation hardly Indicates great friendliness towards Ocrmnny en the part of the czar's press censer. " The grave InJurleS that Kussln has sullered through constantly f.t voting thn aggmmtircmeiit of Prussia, is new knew n and keenly full by tlie czar, he hns Dually renounced his policy of unrequited complaisance, tior tier inuiy I1J derlve no advautaKO from the Interview between the emperors beyond tin removal of the uneasiness arising horn the related Kstiencmcnts of the czar's visit." The Xoieye Vremya, or New Tliues, w.u established by Suvoriu,whomndo,hlm Suveriu,whomndo,hlm Suvoriu,whemndo,hlm self notorious by openly declnrliiK thut llt- oraturehould get down from Its high horse and understand that it Is an nrtlcle of mer chandise, subject te laws of demand and supply. Ife therefore nrnde hts vapcr drift with what he theuuht le be iKipular favor, defending n thing ene duy, attacking it the next, praising and crllicitingthusimeinnn within very short Intervals, hut always In a keen and witty rtyle that made the paper p ipulur though without )lltlcal lullueuce. A roeont writer, Dr.Uiiirge ISmudcrs, sa h : " l-urexj Is constantly kept liifenncd through the telegraph bureau of wli.it the Xevy Vrcmyehivi said aboutthiserthnt, a thing in and for itself as iiiilninirtnt ns the balking of a deg or the nuiiglilMK of the wind In the streets of Kt. Petersburg, but which at a distance Is regarded as an affair of seme weight." ci.f.vi:i,am)'s tiiiiiuti: in ctx. His Speech at 11 Mmum-hil .M eel Inn In Hener of the 1 .11 te Cengi-fHtmiiu. The constituents ofthe lutoCengieiMiinu H. S. Cox held 11 memeilal meeting iu New Yerk en Thursday night, ever which ex President Cleveland presided, llofero In t reducing Hen. .1. Procter Knett, tlie orator ortlieiK'casiou, Mr. Cleveland sioke brlelly saving: "ft Is vullnrly fit and proper' that among tlie tributes iaid te the worth and usefulness or K.imuel S. Ce the most hearty nnd sincere should Itow from the hearts of his congressional constituents. " I shall net forbear mentioning the fad that your representative, In nil hts public career, and lu his relations te legislation was never actuated by a corrupt or sellish Interest. Ills 7c.1l was hum .if nniiiin spirit, nnd the motive or his labor was the public geed. He was never found iiinnug these who clenk tliclr elterts Ter iwrsennl gain and ndvantnge beneath tlie disguise or disinterested activity Ter the welfaui ofthe people. These are pleasant things for his fi lends te remember te-nlglit, and limy 1110 without doubt the tilings iihii which rest the greatest share of the honor and re spect which his memory exacts from his lellew clllens. " Hut while we thus contemplate the value or uuselllsh publle usefulness we cannot restrain 11 reflection which has a sembre coloring. What is the condition of iiiii nines w iieu wu may Justlv and fniily exalt thu memory eHi deceaiHl public scr ant liecause lie was true and honest and faithful tn his trust? Are we maintaining 11 H.1I0 standard of public duty when the existence orthrse virtues, instead or being general, are oxceptlonal enough te cause cungnmiiaueiir ah punile scrants should be trim and henest and falthmi as the ninii whom we mourn te-night. "I beg you le take home with von among the reflections which this, occasion shall uwnken nn appreciation or the truth that ir we are te secure for ourseh cs all the blessings of our free institutions we must better apprehend the interest wohaxent stake in their scrupulous maintenance, nnd must exact of these whom we trust in nub ile olllce a nune rigid adherence te the do de do m.utdserpuhliodutv." Kx-fJovernor J. Vmciiir iCimii ..r i.-.,... tucky, tliuu Mld a most elisment irlbute le Jlr. Cox's inciiiery. iM)il Healthy Appetite, lit a Malue ceiiiuMiy ns'uutlv the con cen vcrsalniii turned te gaMroneiulcal feats nnd ncliiex enients iu the art or stulV ng. When the young lady who had eaten six bananas at one sitting, aud the young man who had boasted of hav ing tepid etr a dinner with a whole liiinee pit), had told their stories, a demure maiden imslestly related 1111 incident in the history or her family that completely dls dls ceuragcl all her rivals. ' ene Fourth f July," said she, " my brother and a friend w Ished te make an excursion tip river, nnd as nicy propeK.nl le start very early iu the morning and be geno nil day, mv mother preimrcd a laiye luskel efrissl rur'them the night heniru. in the Isjtteui or the basket shu jilaced u thick stratum of delectable articles te represent supper; en this she plaml another layer Ter their dinner ; nnd at the top or the liaskct, w here It would be llrst accessible, she put a licartv breakrast. IJelng well awpiainted with thecnuidly or the iKjys, she inaile an unusually large allowance mr each .r the three meals. Well, the boys Mt out for Iheir excursion at Tour o'clock hi Iho iiie.ninir. Their beat Jiml net geno far up the river when the ruin bean te eonie down. They went ashore te wait uwhlle. and ate their breakfast. The ruin w as Mil railing wtien they had fluUheil this share erthelr supplies, and sothey liumedlatelv ate the next layer their dinner. Still ih"y were hunury nnd still it v us rainini?. TneyhaU nothing else te de hut te iloveur the remaining centtuts of the basket, and se they ate their suiper. It was then evi- dent that the weather wouldn't clear, se they jumped In their beat and came back home and took breakfast with the rest of net" raratyate I'ollewn Dentistry. Naniuel J. Cresswell, a well known cltlr.cn and proprietor of a big Iren foundry nnd machlnoshep In Philadelphia, was struck with paralysis en Thursday whlle In the dental establishment of I)r. Jehn I). Themas. Mr. Creaswcll, who had been Milfcring for several days with two palnTuI teeth, went te Dr. Themas' office te have them drawn. Mr. Cresswell revived very quickly from the lullueuce of tlie gnu and was talking pleasantly when he fell un conscious. Every known remedy was np plled, but Mr. Cresswell died nt II ve o'clock without having regained consciousness. Mr. Cresswell was about forty-eight years of age. He was a prominent memter of the Masonic, and Old Fellows orders and was 0110 of Iho chief promoters of the Philadelphia llulldcrn' Kxchange. e A Newsiner 1'nlace. Ilie orner-stono or the new building or the New Yerk HerfiJ, nt the corner or Park Itow nnd Frnnkrert street, was laid 011 Thursday nflcrnoen, by Iho four-year old son of the proprietor. There wes nn Invocation by Itlshep Tutlle, or Missouri : nu oration by Chauncev M. l)eiew, nnd a speech bv Governer If til. The building will boefgranito and rl sandstone, with a front or 11.1 reel en Park Hew and I M reel en Frankfort street. It will be 13 stories In height, and from the reef will spring a deme 88 feet high, a IfO-foet flng staff surmounting all. The top or the cupola will Isi.'KKl reel above the sidewalk. A Hey Kllled Whlle Mittlim. Oscar Schmcldel. n Ill-year-old boy, died In Hnrrlsburg en Thursday evening from the eriects or a shot fired by Newell More Mere land, a railroad brakeman. The two. with a lad named Hoever, were muting In the Yerk hills nnd camped out Weduesdny night. About 3 o'clock next morning Mernlnnd was aunkened by what he thought wasawlld animal lu the brush, and seizing his gnu he fired and hit Hchmcldcl, w he hail wandered from camp. Tlie charge of shot struck the Isiy lu the back. Ile was at ence (neught te the hexpltal, but did net regain consciousness. Morelnud gave himself up. Shet mill Killed Ills AVITc. (foergo V. Mess, n drunken machinist, shot nnd killed his wife In Wllkesbarre, en Thursday evening. Mess had Just been releused from Jail Ter attempting te sheet Ids wife a month age. Tlie murderer nlse shot himself in the head and thou ran eir, but when he was captured about 11 o'clock nt night It was found that his wound Is net filial. Their children were In the house at the time of the sheeting. One of them said thelr father mine In and said: " I have coine home te kill yetf," and fired three shots nt his wife. October Crep Heperts. The deMrtmcnt of agriculture reports the gonernl reeutnge of condition of corn ntlfi, 7, agiiiust IH). I), a mouth age, mid li ft) r the crop or ib8S en October 1. Con dition or tKitatees, 77.1', against Hi. 8 Inst Octeber. Iluckwheat. IK), against !-'. I, last year. Tobacco, he. 7 against H 7 in IKSS. The preliminary estimate of yield porucie is 1.'. 8 Ter wheat, 11. V, for ryeandl.'i '2 for bnrley. The cotton returns innke .1 general por per por cenUige HI, I per cent, or a hill ci op prosper I en October 1, compared with 78. 11 poi cent, n year age. hmlle Again 011 Me! lglicd Tem te his beloved. Ile knew net what Kiive her ouch 11 t'liurin In lilse;cn. Her leeth, prcvrveil liy HOZODONT which llO li ad used freui KlrlliiKKl, 1II1I Ilia LmhImiss, Hhe lii'Kl her lever liy virtue of HOZODONT. They Are Legien. HntAmrllla ami ether nilvcrtlped bleed inrd fellies Hre iiiunerOiis, but tlie only one pesi-i)s.td of such superior curative properties ns te war r 'it Itx iiinnurarturcrs In mIIIiik It, 111 they urn it iu Uiniiigh (trtlSRliil, tliiilrrii jvxllirtu'ir-mi'i- I- It 1'lerec's tlelilen Medical lllscevery. Iliidn"t Is-ui'dt or cure ou rcI tlioiuee.i v luck hii ill jn 1 pay for It. It Is reeeiiiiueuilid te emu alt h onto liver, bleed and lima dls tnfes, ns bllletiMu, Klein mid ecnlpdlseair, screfiilnus sores nnd swcIIIiirs, mlt rlieiuii, let ter, erysipelas mid fiveiit-crofiilaertholmiEs (t r roiiHtunptlen) IT tnlicn In time. l',Kw s Tlie perhsl eftrclliliie Is the 11111 ilaiiitrreiis te yeiiin; children. They slieuld then liaee tru attendance and occasional ile-cs of llr. 111111 iMuyisyruii The tiiirlty or the Ingredients and the ncrii- rncy of Die coinblniitleii lu IjimuIei-, coupled with the liiiHrtnnt fact thnt It Is freelrem any 1I1 letcrleiis substance, Is a Mrent; iirKUiucul Ter Its adoption in. the remedy for all dli.e.ies of ller. I'rliei'nents. With niy's Cream llahna child can treat ed without pain or dread ami with pcifcM safity. Try tlinrrineil)'. It euro, catarrh, hay fever and colds tu the head. It U e.i-lly n pllcd Inte he nostrils and Klves relict with the first Hpplluitleu. 1'iUcMc. e'.l2hiKw I reODHHAIlHAfAHIbluV. Has Dene Wonders iti:i.n;KAiTi:Hu yi:aiis ok hi'itkhinu. "I think Heed's Hnrfniiarlllu hns doue won ders for me. I'nrnciirn nlnejiiirs I wasni;reat suirerer. The crtnltr part or the tlinu I was iiuabtc te attend le the most trilling household duties. Was receiving medical treatment nl nl nl inontreustantly from one ph)tlclnu or another, without any material hcncllt. .Mynervoussys .Mynerveussys trin was reinpletily kbatleredgiiud no one ran IiuiikIiic my sntbTlues, Almest continually I hud M!rre i'ai.vhi.vmv hi:ad, mid my heart wus never quite fnv from pain. Indi ed hi severe was the pain at my heart that for a loes time! could net llu down lu bed, but was obliged te sit upright. I also nutlcrcd fiein dropsy; my limbs were swollen as willns my body, I bcrauivthoretiKhly dlsceuniKetl. Hut m-cIiik the constant advertisement or Hissl's Hnrt.apnrllla iu the Philadelphia 7(mJ, I con cen cludisl IokIve thlaiiuslii'lnea trial. Alter the llrbt bottle I fell much licttcr. Tluicrere f eon tinned using It for some time, until I had usid six bettUs. I am new fu-e from pain, can lie down and sleep, seldom have htuil.u'he. nnd work mere In ene week than I dldiusl. months prier te my taking !!oed' Sarvnparllla. And If you can find a mere Ihaiil.'i 'til- u.nv inur. tal, I should like te mrclctthci one. .Maui or my rrlruds arc iuIiik It w 1th benetlt.' AHA V. Kmm.tzkii, Merstewn, IVnn. HOOD'S 8ARSAPARILLA Sold by alt drimglsts. fl ; sU for .". 1'iepared enl) by C. I. IIOOIl . CO., Uiwell, Miiks. 10(1 UOSUS ONK DOM.AU. (21 lAllTi:ifH I.ITTI.K I.IVIMl PII.14. " CARTER'S LITTLE LIVER PILLS Hick Headache and relieve all the troubles Inci dent ten bilious Mule of the s stum, Niirti as lllztliu'sx. Nausea. Iirewsluess, lUslress Hfter hntliiK, l'aln lu the Hide. .(r. While their miwt r markatile success Inn. lavn show 11 In curing leiidnche, jet I'AUTIWH MTTI.i: I.IVKIt ril.I.S are equally valuable lu Cenvtlisitiiiii. curing uiiil preventing this aimeyhiK com! plaint, while they alae cerns.-t all ifUunlersul I he stomach, stimulate the liver and regulate the bowels. Kvcn If they only cunsl Ache they would Im almost priceless te tlnwe. who kutrer from this distressing cemiliut but fertuimtel their geisliu!, dix net ViM lirre, nnd theMt who mice try tbetn uUlllml these llttle pills valuable lu se niaiiv ways that hey will net be w 111111,5 te de without them Hut ufter all tick head ACHE Is the banc of se many Uvea thai here Is where we uiHke our gnat beust. Our pills cure It w Idle ethers de net. CAKTKU'S I.ITTI.K I.IVKIt 1'II.IX nre very small and very easy te take. One or twepllb, niakead;se. They are strictly vegetable and de net .grips or purge, but by th. Ir gentle ae ae ae lloiipleaseall who tiM.theui. In MuUiit cu s nveferll. Sold uverywheroer sent by mall. CAIlTKIl M i:iHCINK a)., Nl'.W YOltlC. Small PilL Small Dese. Small Price auglljdtssl rMlK IUVA1. FOUNTAIN I'KN-TIIKHEST X ttiidehettei.tiitlie market-It karat geld pen. Hard rubber holder, never gets out of order, easily rilled, u.ll A,i exsmh.e liVeii purehiu ne elsewhere. At KltlsjMAN'HOeiiU1 Kurulsliliig Stere. West King stn"u C-S.OI.I.AII.S AND CUKr-8-THE I.ATJHT J the most desirable, and most coiiifertablo jliuiK-s mid styleH-H.uy .,e. at KHIHMAN'W OenU' FurnUh nK Stere. 42 'ct Kliif .treet. Wfmnmhtv'mt PHILAVaLPBIA, Friday, Oct. 11, Mm. Thinking of a rig for the Bey? Sometimes natty and neat and full of wear ? There are some crowded tables here you can't well afford te skip. Fer the man, tee, Suits or Overcoats. Here's a Lupin's Cashmere ; heavy weight, fine wool, vith all the delightful Lupin finish and feel. Yeu will leek twice at the price sixty-five cents! In all the desirable colors. Just as interesting values en any counter you step at. Itebes of Trench Ilrosilpfeth, clf-coerisl and with contrasting colnrs.l2ite.i8. Te say Iheynre iIckiiiu only hints nl their beauty. M-cent nil-wool Plaids nnd Btrlpes, 37 Inches wide. .A grand Jinn or Ihcni. Klne, son, clinging stuffs ; stj les that hug the finest Imported patterns. Serge, U) Inches wide, geisl le tha touch, line In qunllty, lllumlnntcsl nnd plain ; 13 MindcHtfl,zl shades ntJU). Nevell vHceteh I'lslds, some with benrett ellccts, some cut Inte blocks by strips of Phngrycnmcl hair, flSO te 2S0; match- . Ingnl11ln.fi te J I 7.;. I'erslnn effeeis; some covering tn entire surface (1260), some cut Inte bread stripes by narrow rlusferstrlpes of silk, 12. I'lsln te match,!. Just a moment for the Beeks. We don't say much about them in the papers, but there's a world of things te tell of. Let's make three little steps together. On the New-book Table : Ceral ltrefs. Hy Chnrlrs Unrwln. $1 K. Convenient Houses, lly Leuis II, Olbsen. Jl!0. A History of France, Victer Diiruy. J160. 1 he New Kldorade. llyllnlleu. 1110. Hummer Holidays, lly Thee. Child. 00c. llryau's Dictionary of 1'alntcri. Scceiitl vel. tntw. l'xtrarts from the Jnurnnl or Ellralndh Drinker. IMIIed by II. D. Diddle. II CO. ("has. Dickens' letter. H0c. Ten Thousand n Yenr. lly Ramuel Warren. 3 vels. New edition. 1330. Haifa dozen Special Bargains: HI. Nicholas for IMS. Complete 1 vel. II W. (leerge Kllet's Works. 0 vels. t2Ml. Victer Huge's Nevels. (1 vels. JIM. A History of Painting and Kctllpture. Ii plales. 0-V. lien llur. Half leather binding, Kilt top. Slft. The Throne or David, lly Iugrnhain. "Ac. Dlekens' Works, in vels. Imitation half ltussla binding. f'J. New titles in the IOC paper bv mail series 13c : ITncle I'lier, of Pipers Hill. 'I hn Admiral I.nily lllddy Knne. llede's Charity. Sweet livender. Merle's L'ruade. A Hardy Norseman. Mrs. Candle's Curtain Lecture?. Clearing out of French Beeks at 15 and 20c the franc. Foremost authors. Thirteenth street side. A handful of prices from the Muslin Underwear. They tell the whole story if you are wise in such goods. Skirts : Muslin Skirt, cambric ruflle and plalt,f0 cent". Finn Muslin Hktrt, with Hamburg ruflle nnd four plaits, SI kind for 75 vents. Fine .Muslin HUlrt.dcep cambric ruflln with live pl.ilusaud Hamburg edge, I12" kind fer7.iceiits. FlncMiisllii Hklrt, deep runle of blind em broidery nnd cluster of ftmr plaits, SI 3-V Flue .Muslin Hklrt, 0-Inch hemstitched rulllc, w ltd blind embroidery, 91 U). Cambric Skirl, dien rullle, with flueplnlts and edge of Medlcis lnce, was 2fjn, new SI 73. Gowns : Mie-lln Uewn, all-ever plaited yoke, with beading, II hemSl23. Mether lliibb.ird Muslin Oewu, plaits and Inserting, plaited bark, line whin Ham burg ruining en neck and sleeves, 81 S5 from Si M. " I'rlde of the West " Muslin (.own. seunre neck, plaits and Inserting, K Irnm S2OT. A few ('aiubrle downs, irem 5-l) te SI .V), and 125 te DO cents. Chemises : Itcdmed from 75e tofOe SI Oil te 73c (rtcteWk! 5125 te Jl. Corset Cevers : Slightly soiled, line material nnd lace In serting, at half. Second Itoer, llrst gallery, Juniper stieet side. Linen Cleths for the dining room fleer. New stock of handsome goods, with border all around. Frem 86 inches square te 106x122 inches. Stair Linens, Stair Drills and Carpet Cevers for evening re ceptions. Likely te save their cost in one using. Southwest of centre. Jehn Wanamaker. llMU. UK YOUIt OHOCEK -FOIl- LEVAN'S FLOUR -AND- New Kiln-Dried CORN MEAL LEVAN & SONS, MUUCIIANT M1L1.KIIS. Property Owners. .Mnu iian r iV Ce., Importers and deal ers lu rooting plates, sheet cepjicr, thect bra-i., etc., New Yerk, Philadelphia and Chicago, tire Usulug te thu trude neat little Illustrated dccrlpllu siuihlct of 31 pacts, entitled " A Tin Itoef," descrip tive of the uiiinufacture, sites, tlijrk ness, HelKhtsiiud braiuls of the Mirleus kinds of tin plate in-eil lu risillin; build hiss. The treatise fully describes the kinds of tin reefs, hew te put tin te. Ki'tliir, anil the special advantages of stamllni; muui riwr, the allewaiiees for a Krenler amount of expansion and con traction ever lli'it of the rial seam. Alse trials of thu gutters, lire Mulls, solder selder liiK, painting, suRKCsllun, as builders' nnd cari liters' soclMi-eUe'i, lie. 'i hk little erk has already entered Uh)u lis fourth cdllleu, e lilini'lnn the fact id Its merit,. ind thef.ier which It has met at the hands or the trade. These UI he mulled en applhittien te the head elttcu or any of Its branches. nifinfi iil H'erif, MjiCNibtr s. e-lld rilllUi: DALMATIAN INSLOT l'OWDKIt. X prepi'llwl by a geed jKiM-iler blower, 1 llu! met tirectuulilestnir of Ilk-sand ether small Insects, frersulu AtllUHLEY'8 DUUO bTOUK. M West King Street. lRtrttn -gjlALt, AND WlWl-gR, WW., . "Tfer the ttest Nerltlsi, Largest and Meat Complete Assortment of rail aneT Winter Hutt ln, Overceating and Troeaerlng, te te H. OEB- Nonateeqnallt. Nene te nnM the make up. The correct Fabric for Full Dress Holts, and the price the lowest, at H. OERHARrH, Ne. 4fl North taeen KlreeL . sTOnlr Direct Importing Tailor ta the City of Lancaiter. 8KEW. 11, 1889. Makn It th meney-Mivlnff tlmef theycar, na inm incjpiace 10 wt it vji getting the best mKirrisi ana man 17111a SiitlMs, Traiseriigs irtOierwitli FOIl THE f.EAUT MONEY. Yeu knew the repnUUen-alwayi reliable. lrlcei are lower than ever, itylci handsomer, qiiKllly liner. Te the iem) who have dealt here fhenrmetibi srwuk for themselves. All that Is asked Is atrial te please you, and assureyeu jwrfect satltractlen. NOS.234 AND2MWKST KINO STREET. slft-3md IITYOIIWNANCE. An Ordinance Transferring 1100 from the Hew- erage and Drainage Fend te the Fund for Grading and Macadamizing Htreeta. Be It ordained by the Select and Common Council of the City of I-nucastcr, that the sum of fifteen hundred (11,5001 dollars 1st and the same la hereby transferred from the Sewerage and Drainage Fund te the Fund rer Grading and Macadamltlng street. Ordained and enacted Inte a law nt the City of Lancaster, this 1th day of October, A. !)., low. W. K. IlKAHO. President of Common Council. David t Dkkh, Clerk Common Council. D. E. LONG. . President Select Council. J. K. Dark, Clerk Select Council. Approved October ft, lssfl, efMtd EDW. EIK1ERLEY, Mayer. R El LLY BROS. & RAUB. Prepare Fer Winter. Our Radiant Novelty Square Deuble Heater Is the linutltsetnest and best stove ever made. It litis full revertlble Hue, isrlegantlv nick eled aud fully guaranteed. We will startle you en the price of our Star ling Parler Heater. It In nicely ' mounted, contains full revcrtlbfe Hue, sets en n handsetne base and Is absolutely guaranteed. We nlse have Starling Parler Steves, low priced and of handsome design. Te anyone wnuting u stove it willbe the part of wisdom te llrst examine our Immense line. We sell a hand some Deuble Heater, fully guaran teed for $13.00. Testimonials front hundreds of our fellow-citizens at test the merits of the Celebrated Nevclly Het-Air Furnace. 40-42 N. QUEEN ST.. -NEXT DOOlt TO POSTOFFICt- s TEAM ENGINE AND 1IOILERWOHKS. Fair Week. Steam Engine -AND- Beiler Works. Visitors te the Fair, It will pay you te call at my Works and ex amine our Hteck of Engines ! Allew us te ciuete yen prices and facility rer turning out work. Portable Engines. 1 Herse-Power.. 0 llursc-Pewcr.. 8 Herse-Power.... sur. lOIIorMvl'ewcr , 57; 15 HorscvPewer.. 875 'M llorse-rener.. 1,17.-. Portable Engines, SECOND-HAND. 6 Herse-Power (250 8 Horse-l'ewcr . 2Ti0 15 Horse-I'ewvr . 'S!5 Boilers, Second-Hand. Fle 30 Herse-Power, 0 In. Dluni., 10 feet Ixing. il i)i In. Tubes. Price, (175 and (150. One Reller, no In. Dlam., 1.1 reel Leng, 21 3 In. Tubes l'i feet IOiik. with Fire Frent Castings, (125. I CARRY THE LARGEST STOCK OF ENGINE AND BOILER SUPPLIES IN THE CITY OF LANCASTER, PA. Manufacturer of Stationary Engines, Mill nnd Mining Machinery, Haw Mill. Hark and Cob Mills, Pump., etc. Contractor for Steam Hcutlng, Direct or Indi rect, or by Het Water. OUR HOT AIR FURNACE ISTHEBiaTINTHE MARKET. Repairing Promptly Attended Te. Jehn Best, I'KOPIUUTOH, 333 A;vr FULTON ST., HpimHaA, LANCASTER, PA. (ffed Nets -U tie CeBSiier 1 8WEET8 REDUCED. -Anether drop In the Wholesale Market en ables us te sell Ornnulated Sugar new at cents, and best Sen White at K This Is a drop of 1 cents from the highest point. Hew and Freak Oeeda. New Ratslns, New California Apricot. New Codfish. New Mackerel, New Kiln Dried Cem Meal, Fresh Oat Meal, A vena. Cracked and Hei led Wheat, Farina, New Cranberries, etc New goods nrrl vlng almost dally. We aim te get tlie first and best of the season. BURSK'S, Ne. 17 East King Street, LANCASTER. PA. Sceitl teticc. ESTATE OF ROBERT A. EVAN8, LATE OK the city or Lancaster, deceased. Letters testamentary en said estate fiaring been eranted te the undersigned, all persons Indebted thereto arc requested te make Immediate payment, and these, having claims or demands against the same, will present them without delay rer settlement te the undersigned. JOHN J. EVANS, A. J. KHEHLY, Executers. 49 East Orant Mt., Lancaster, Pa. slMtdFAe3tw 3JIHTATE OF DANIEL COOPER, LATE OK li the city of Lancaster, deceased. Letters testamentary en said estate having been S ranted te the undersigned, all persons In dited thereto are requested te mnke Imme diate payment, and these having claims or demands against the same, will present them without delay for settlement te the undersigned, residing In Lancasfr city. It. K. HClINADKIt, Executer. A. C. RKInrrlir, Attorney. sep27-fltdK 171BTATE OF BARIlARA FHOZAHT, LATE U or I Jincestcr city, deceased. Letters tes tamentary en said estate having been ? ranted te the undersigned, all persons indebted hereto are requested te make Immediate pay ment, and theso Inn Ing claims or demands against Uie same, will present them without delay rer settlement te tne undersigned, resid ing In Lancaster city. HEVEIUN R1TCHEY, Executer. J no. A. CeyLK, Attorney. nuZV6tdK gOV gilllC OV flC It t. c LOSING OUT HALE. Carriages, Buggies, Wagons, AT Gee. Weber's Coach Works, CHRISTIAN STREET. (Dctween Orange and Chestnut Streets.) Consisting of Jump-Scat Carriages, twoKour tweKour twoKeur Post Jenny Llnds. two McOill Wagons, Second Hand Tretting lluggy, and several light Plat form Wagons that will carry from 1,600 le 3,000 pounds. AIje a. few Fine Sleighs. Call Early for Bar gains. uuglXVtfd B UILDINOS, Ac. ALE OF- Buildings and Bnilding Lets ON EASY PAYMENTS. $.'00 cash down and $200 annually i iifici will buy a Three-Story Urlck Dwell "''""' Ing and Stere Stand In the.ccntral . part of the city. 1 $100 cash down and tXO annually ... 4IM, 1 will buy u Three-Story Urlck Dwell ' Ing with modern Improvements, In J the western part of the city. $ne0cash down and JI.VJ annually Wl.SOO will buy a Twe-Story Urlck Dwelling In a very deslrnble neighborhood. 1 Ji'i rash down nnd Se monthly, 81RO i-wltheut Interest, will buy n building j let, 20x130 reel. K0 cash down, and $" monthly, 9SO without Inlciest, will buy a building let en Ceral street, 20x100 lect, (100 cash down and (10 monthly KfitfR without Interest, will buy 0110 or the " mestdeslrable building lets in the . city, 25xlt0 reel. The above arc samples of a number of proper ties offered for sale. All en or near line or street 11. It., within easy reach of markets, city ater, gas, sewerage, Ac. Inquire or ALLAN A.HERR, REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE AGENT NO. 10H EAST KINO ST. ect7-lwd dciuecftu-uiehittft (80010. "1ALL AND SEE THE ROCHESTER LAMP! Sixty Candle-Light; Heats them all. Anether Let or Cheap Glebes rer Gas and Oil Steves. THE "PERFECTION" METAL MOULDING and RUUI1ER CUSHION Weather Strip. Heats them all. ThUstrlpoutwearsallelhers. Keeps out the cold. Steps rattling or windows. Excludes the dust. Keeps out snow and rain. Anyone can apply It no waste or dirt made In applying It. Can be fitted anywhere no holes te bore, ready rer use. I will net split, warn or shrink n cushion strip Is the most pcrrect..At the Steve, Heater and Range Stere or Jehn P. Schaum & Sens, 34 SOUTH QUEEN ST., LANCASTER PA. Utrtchlttctrij, CTEAM. Vi'e desire te call Ithe attention .ir consumers erstcam Goods aud Knglnecrs' Supplicx, te 0111 large and varied stock cT Pipes. Valves, Cocks, Malleable and Cast Iren Fittings, Asbestos. Vulcaliesteu and Usuduiian, Sheet, Piston and Vale Packings; Scotch and Red Line Reflect ing Gauge Glasses, Steam Radiators and Steam Heating Apparatus; Set and Cup Screws, and tu fact aliiKMt everything required by steam users, nnd all el which we offer at prices which we guarantee te be lower than these of any ether dealer In this vicinity. WohavepesltlNely the largest sUx-k, and be ing connected with the Telephone Exchange, are prepared te receive nnd nfl all orders lu tlie shortest possible llni" M lieu lu want of any thing in our line, call en us for prices and w will convince you et 0111 iihility and willing ucss te save you Meuc) . lsl.iy nnd Vexatleu. our faculties ler mriusning r.ngiues, turners, Shafting, Pullei s, Hamrcrs, Special Machinery, Plumbers' nnd Gas Flttcrsr Toels, Patterns, Medels, and iron aud llrass Castings, and rer the prompt repair of all kind of machinery are unexcelled In I.ancastcr, and we respectfully solicit a share of your patronage. Central Machine Works, 131 A 138 NORTH CHRISTIAN STREET, LANCAHTEK, l'A. Geed Werk, ReasonaDle Charges, Prompt ness. Telephone connection dS-tidll Qlavrinec JTAND.VRD CARRIAGE WORK. EDW. EDGERLEY, CARRIAGE BUILDER, 0, '.', A 45 MARKET STREET. lllear et the t'ostetllcc), IVNCASTUR, PA. De net Full te Call During FAIR WEEK and Sec our Flue Assortment or Buggies, Phaetons, Jump Scat Carriages.Etc. I have all Iho latest stj les le select from, and hiiTc also a very line ussertineiil uf second-hand work seme of my own work. Ilottem prices, ("nil and examine. Ne trou ble toshew our nrU and explain eery detail. Reixilntlng and Repairing promptly and neatly done. One set of workmen especially employed fur that purpose. .UtotinH'iH'he. R OTE. I JUST RECEIVED FROSI Kcenigsburg, Prussia, Twe RackgreuuiU made especially for llu-l aud Three-rjuaTter Length Photograph. 60 1-2 North Queen St., Next Doer te the PostefllCB. tan7-ered tt WiVfeUc f .thttm. e...' j e-. GRHND OPENING AT THIS 115 & 117 NORTH QUEEN ST., -UNTIL SATURDAY. Fer the benefit of all who could net come te see our dis play we will leave all our deco ration up until Saturday, when we expect te see everybody. All are welcome and nobody is expected te buy. Our display of Coats en 2d Fleer pronounced the grandest ever seen in this city. Astrich Bres. , j $0t0 ctnt ltec0. B ARGAINS. zisrr STACKHOUSE'S This Week FOR MCI BAIIOAINS IN Beets & Shoes. A Full Line of the Celebrated WALKER BOOT! The Best Beet Made. Call and see them. D P. STACKH0USE. Nes. 28 and 30 East King Street, LANCASTER. PA. B OOTSANDHIIOES. A Departure from Our Old "Ways Is most aluays beutllclal, net only te us, but te these upon horn we Influence. It Is se easy te get Inte 11 rut, but a hard matter legct out. It has been my rule te Display Iho Ladles', Misses' Children's and Inputs' Hhecs In Large Window, and Men's, Heys' and Youths' lu Hniull Window. Hereafter 1 lll chanxe the display c cry two or Ihrce weeks and will have the Men's Shoes first In one window and then In Iho ether. Yeu will tlnd the Lart'e Window full of Men's, Heys' and Youths' Shoes In Fine and Medium Orudes of all the Latest Fall and Winter Kt)les, from 11.33 te (0.00, and the Small Window lull e LadieV, Misses', Children's and Infant's Hhecs. It will uy )ou te slop ami lake a leek beft purchasing elsewhere, as the Price is Mark en Every bliee. rera Marked The One-Price Cash Heuse. Ohas. H. Frey, (Hucwiser te FREY A ECKERT) the Leader or Lew Prices lu BOOTS AND SHOES, NOS. 3 5 EAST KINO HTREI71", LANCASTER, PA. J9-Stere closed every evenlngate o'clock, ex. lCJ'b tfAUUUMJ uuu pniutiuij, Palace of Fashion, UYfe'jfcife. r.-f. ,wS-. fe-J . ' i