rqr ar & w r$x Wat fcv 2-i w -"v h'&t E& t-jt ;- ?! E:W i.fc tiy U JfntUi0cncetr. . uwmr j, wmwMAw, " ;' V CBAMLnn-WNMAW freLTZ, Mltec. ' aeanT clark, Prtttihw. frMfc.ftAXLY IKTELUOENCEft-Pabtlihed " rwr atejr In the yew, but Btfetey. BettkI -' '" F HHhri la OiU cltr and Mrrenndlng jw .tefMMlMewlitirML Bytntllflrcdel 1M y la ttanee;) cent month. T lUTELLIQENCEB-On dollar and Mill yr. In Ml ranee. TO BUMCRIIIERS-RemH or cdkk tteMe order, and wher neither of CM b procured Mnd In a nUtrM 'at tfca Fotteflw, M weend ela mall m omixiaKHent. Lancaster, Pa. H"r &yiianiMTB,TA., October 10, 1889. Tke Geologic! Surrey. 1 t TjIum .() MW1s.fllal tf- s lulling tu vuui uunut;iui.f nuff w , lien - A tt.-T1t.lt. .!n1..flH !-........ Via I " Dictionary of Fossils," wnicn table of errata se extensive ns RJjle embody corrections of one-fifth of tlie enumeBS ana descriptions in iue took. The Inquirer, with great apparent InaMr m VAnlnrfM tn nnixillnn ihn vnlllO ' Mattf se freely ; though It must be con ceded that It Is mere valuable thus printed than It would bave been if it had been' Issued as the state geologist had prepared it. It seems that after putting his own work te press be had sent the sheets as they were printed te bis scientific acquaintances, with the request that. they would send him their Mijrgcslletit or corrections. The result seciut te bnve been te produce a great number of cor rections, which the state geologist con cluded that it was necessary that the readers of his book should havejntnl as it waa already printed, the only recoil rw be found was te put a supplement te it embodying the corrections. The resultant book is mere creultnble 1? lorreressor lsievs ingenuousness man Si te his business sense ; and that has been sir the trouble with tlie whole geological survey, which bus uew been running ? , aieng ier nuccn years at great, cost whh f out proportionate profit. I'rofcsser Lcs- $. ley, who Is at the head or tlie survey, has net ni-nvcn ennsbln of Its nretwr ex- MMitlve manammrnt.. ITn In n mnn of il great learning in bis department, & himself te his work from slncore love ter It and who Is in every way worthy of esteem :, but a man of coarser flbre might have made a better geological ftv survey of the slate. Ne cost has been spared in the work, which lias resulted In the production ofclegant inn pi and eunttaa pages of notes and observa tions recording the developments that have been made by miners and pros pectors. Essays upon the industries of the state, which have no pluce in the acepe of a geological report, have been numerous. But the fifteen years of work have net yet succeeded in preBOIlt- , u.a(eMigcni ana corrcec description 'Sr. ..,, . - .. . . . .. J;h of the location of the geological strain of $ Pennsylvania, with their composition imu iciiuuui iu eueii uiut'r. j. great dal of desultory observation of the blti , mlneus coal Held has been priuted.wlth- ; eat settling the relation of the beds in f 1 AlMiaa A-m &. -lL-u A . A ; dldereut sections of the fctnte, nud even f without certainly determining their re lation, number and position in any sw y tlen; save as te the Pittsburg bed, which has been the easiest te trace ", and therefore perhaps has had tlie most ' , work put upon It. The authraclte re y gien has received a great deal of ntteu- tlen ; with what profit we cannot say. f But this section of the state has been if much neglected, receiving but the 1 superficial examination of a geologist, who was without resources te .nuke his investigation thorough. It Is an exposition of the well ascer tained fact that the man or sdence is nei always capable of hii executive trust. even In the discovery of the truths of his own art. The geological survey of the state could be se conducted as te be very valuable te Its people, disclosing te them the values in their rocks, but it must t demers than fellow after industrial in- , vesttgatlen, te simply record It. If the state had a resident geologist v in convenient place, able te Inform the e people as te their stones, while luvestl- atl8g the geology of the section, and preparing topographical maps of the country, it would receive fur mere value from the appropriation than it new gets in sending through the etate geological tramps nud publish ing their incomplete reports and In dustrial essays. The geological survey should be reorganized. The commission that is supposed te superintend It should wake up and de some work. The Belt Line. The Peimsylvunin railroad is vigor viger vigor eusly fighting the projxisltlen te build a belt line of railroad around Philadel phia, for the use of nil the railroads en tering it and te aflerd the rullest facility for getting goods Inte aud out of the elty in the cheapest way mid te every point. The deulurcd object iese manifestly lu the Interest or the eity that the Pcuusylvaulu railroad's president, In opposing it, Is compelled te charge that the scheme Is ene te get the existing railroads "ou the hip" aud instead or facilitating their business, te embarrass It and lmpose upon It onerous charges and restrictions. Of this intent, however, there is no evi dence; and the charucter of the men lu charge of the project contradicts It. Aud, if It exists, it Is readily in the power of the city councils, in granting its franchise te the Belt line railroad, te make it n condition thatit shall offer equal facilities te all lailreads, aud even de Us work ut cost; which is what its projectors say that they Intend te de ; their object being imply te benefit the city trade, and prevent its being strangled ns It new is by the selfish efforts or the existing rai reads te take all they can gel, aud w kill the bird that lays their golden eggs. Thte ie a peculiarly Pennsylvania rail rail read policy. The men in charge of Kb policy have shown themselves te lie very shortsighted ; and as a consequence the greatest railroad in the country decs net get ita stock above par, and has hard wsrk pegging it there. It Is nlwuys "hird up"; while, with Its resources, its treasury should always overflow. "It la new snendlnir ninnnv In i.,nii,.,. ?v .w down useless lines lu Philadelphia 'only WC tf flMkl tiat .if Ilia llll II. . . 1 j lag that the Belt Hue idea niUbt prevail v la the eud, because it is essential te the ?"ll- AtlA ttiel lll.lu.1 xr.1ln.. I.. 4- ..!..,. j v , . .,,. nouvev juuuj is mj yield ,te H gracefully and take its benefits ;aJeg with its damagn. ,,-Ta time has past when the lVnusvl Vaala or any ether railroad tan nt up'te f aumepellte trade. Every busiuw ventre .ifmif te previde itself with the fullest .IfsriBtleater the interchange of Its trade. f IV Belt line of railroad oreuml a city 'fWBKtiflf 1(4 railroads Hud giving every industry an outletto evcry,'sec tien; aenwicnds Itself te the Judgment ef every oil. It Is a'jtrejeet that should be agitated here ; and one that If carried systems, such as the Baltimore A Ohleand the Western Maryland, that new pass close by our portals. The Rabbit tad Blackbird Case. The great rabbit and blackbird case, argued with profound learning In our court ou Wednesday, Is worthy te be recorded as a "cause celebre" lu the annals of Lancaster Jurisprudence. Christian Hlnkle, which being inter preted means chicken, was charged with the untimely slaughter of a rabbit. But Mr. Hlnkle was net chicken-hearted and boldly defended himself upon the ground that he had net slain a rabbit but a blackbird, In which assertion be was supported by one witness, a boy who was present at the slaughter or the bird. The Intelli gent Jury, thereupon, rendered a verdict of net guilty j and divided the costs equally between Mr. Hlnkle and the prosecutor, Mr. Plank. The profound wisdom of this decision must strlke the most casual observer. The state Is supposed te favor these who aid iu the enforcement of the laws and It has been considered a cardinal principle of geed citizenship te bring nil law breakers te trlnl. This may have been the position of Mr. Plank and balances his error In mistaking a blackbird for a rabbit. His intentions were geed and he Is only made te pny half of the expense of the trial of n man who has been found Innocent. The saddling of half or the costs upon the unfertutinte sportsman requires for Its explanation a mere sub sub tle analysis of the possible motives that may have determined the minds of the Jury. It must be evident te everyone that n man who cenfeses thnt he slew a blnckbird with n shotgun hi the month of August wns thereby guilty of endangering the life of n rabbit which might have been hidden soinewhnre in the line of his fire. If the blackbird wns net shot upon the ground, but was brought down by tlie deadly weapon from seme lefty tree, thnt doet net affect the argument ; as the rabbit may have died of henrt disease brought te a cli max by the sudden and unexpected explosion near by. It is therefore evi dent that no matter hew Innocent Mr. Hlnkle or hew cxcolleut his intentions, he should pay half the expenses. Oth erwlse rabbits may be constantly expir ing In August by rensen of the slaughter of blackbirds. Tin: Philadelphia Inquirer Is gratified and BiuprUcd at tlie roferin in the cost or public works, which It finds te be ' ene or the first milts or this itepiiljllcan iulnilnlf iulnilnlf trntlen." That little word "this" explains the Inquirer' curious state of mind, for it suggests that ether Republican ad ministrations had established such n reputation for wasteful and cosily man man ngainent or public works that it may be surprising nnd gratifying te find that this ndniinlstratlen docs net altogether abandon the reforms of Democratic admin istration and return te old Republican ways. The comment Is particularly direct ed te the public w erks en the sh'p nnd navy yards, where the oxtrnvagance or previous Republican administrations was most fearfully inanlfested and w here ox ex ox Secrotary Wultney madenn cuvlable repu tation us a thorough and omcieut rofernior. It is pleasing te note tbntSecre.tary Tracy seems disposed te walk in the footsteps or his Democratic predecessor. The repairs or (he IJosten nre te cost less than the esti mate, and the Maltie, new building at the Brooklyn navy yard, " will be completnd ns quickly ns she euld be built lunprl lunprl vate yard, whiloher cost will be Inslde the first appropriation." Then the Inquirer placidly remarks: "This Is u decldid oliange rrem the old style or doing things. Lst us hope that it may be porinaueut." One might ulmest think that the old state or things rofened te was uniier Dciueciatlu rttle and that the changes noted woiequlto rocent nnd the work or fjccio fjccie tary Tiaey. The Tearful and wenderful ui'iiuigoinent of public works iu the navv department under ethor Itepubllcun ad ministrations warrants the assumption that If a Uoiuecrtitlu admlnlNtratlen had net reformed It Micro would be little occa ecca occa hleu Torthe present congratulations. Asa specimen lake the " Omaha," thus roferrcd te by Secretary Whltney iu his llrst repot t : "Hhe has been reimllt within thn last four years, nt bii expense of Stfj.OOO. It was an act or the (jrcatest Telly. Khe ianrepalred woetlcn vessel, with boilers, machinery, and guns, all or which would at the time have been sold for what limy would hae brought by any ethor nation en earth. In the event of a war she can neither fight nor run nway from any cruiser built con temporaneously by nny ether nation. Her rebuilding cost the full price of a modern steel Miip of her hUe and all modern char acteristics." I'niLADP.i.ritiA Is te huve n huge million dollar hotel, at least that Is given us tlie es timated cost of the building mid tin, vtilue or the Kreuud, and unlen-eeii extras will push the total outlay several bundled thousand beyond that flgure. It Is te be en the south slde of Chestnut street near Twenty-second ami will lme a Trout or ene hundred and thirty-ene feet, and n depth oflwe huuilrnl ami thirty. the. A little street called Albien lieundathn cibt eru t.Ule or the let. It Is te he called the Hetel MctreKilp, aller Londen's big hotel, uiul will li.ivekOMMi nturies. "Jtctl granite, with a rough or quarry foce finish, in te ,0 used te the height or the second story, the reinulnhiglhe stories te be of red brick red sandstone aud terra-cotta. All the shafts of the columns are te be jHilislicil. The front Is broken with lievv and oriole win dows fashioned of copper. The elevators will number flve and the Mnlrwujs three. On the roeroftho northeast building u reef garden Is te be built similar te Hint erthe New Yerk Casine, with accommodations for three or four hundred poeplo." This building In te be creeled nt ence, and cannot Mil te hae a marked cflect in hastening the steady maich or business nbove Hread street. The tlme bcems te be coming when fremrher te rier Market and CheMuut will be busy thoroughfares. As noted lu our new columns there is u chance that the lire of the hrakeinau who was se terribly Injiired en Woduewlay en the Heading .V Columbia railroad mv be saved. He wa removed te bt. Jescpli'H Iiespltal iu Ie,uliug In the ambulance aud If he 11 veh may be thankful that his accident did net happen at this end or the Hue, for then he would have been piled en n wagon fleer and Jolted te death. The I.vruLU auxeim began collecting meney for an nmbulaiice soine tlme nge and the fund new amounts te 1J1. Ve wan't f70 mere. In a speech in the Senate lu March or 18K0, Henjauiln Harrison, said : " It Is net the qnostien or a row iiofctelllccp. I freely say te my colluague that the Hepubllcuii party would be stronger In Indiana ir veu put every Republican out of efllce, and I think the Democratic jurty would be weaker in precisely the same proportion that jeu put Democrats Iu." Tlie Pitts burg 7f remarks : " On.thls idea, necr had a president u worse feo In bis own household than Ueujuiuln Hairiseu hns In "'srksen, who has made 15,000 changes iu fourth-class el&ces slnce March." It Is evi dent thst the president has changed his opinion aa te the way the Republican, party ' V be made stronger Jn Indiana, Per THIS LAKCASMt DAILY tNTJJLLIOBlfOEK, -THUBBDAT, OCTOBER Iiapsthc DemocrsSlcT.vlctery lu his old home,' Indianapolis ntay convince htm thst be don't knew Much about It after all. PKitOXAI. UKehuK FnASCis TnAiw says that be Is perfectly dellghted with his life In the Bosten Jsll ami is going te spend his tlme writing a book te be called ' Tlie barbaric laws of Harvard's Modern Athens." Jat Oet'i.n and his daughter tslted the 8U Ieuls fnlr en Wednesday, and attended the Veiled rronbet' ball In tlie evening. Mr. Gould said that If tlie world's -fair Went te the city with the prettiest wemen, St. Leuis would get it surely. Sin Enwiw AuNer.n grumbles about our " snake-reneci, which waste allke land and lumber, and terture the eye or an artist? and tliose monstrous, ugly, tinpalnted, telegraph poles, with which you mar the vlsUis or your llnest streets, llut your public buildings often astonish and en chant mej your collegos. libraries, mu seums and observatorios leave positively no excuse te American youth." Clattex Bnewx, or Rohrorstewn, has received an appointment In the railway mall servlce as clerk, and his run will be between Easten snd Hatolten. The ap pointment was secured through tlie Influ ence or Hen. M. Ureslus. Him UnNJAMi Samuki. I'mt.urs, ox ex lord mayor or Londen, and the second member or thoJewlsh faith te occupy the position, died In Londen en Wednesday at the nge or soventy-nlne. He became a wealthy mercbant, was an alderman and sheriff, and as lord mayor distinguished hlinseir bv his activity in erganising roller for the distress In India by the cholera visitation of 1(500, In recognition or which he wns knighted. Smlle Attain en M ! Mghsd Tem te his txleved. He knew net what gave )ir such a charm in hi ejci. Her leetli, preserved by BOZODOST which hn hail used from ulrlhoed, did lil bunlnc. HIip held htr love r by virtue of HOZODONT. Ooed-wlfe Urundle crlevr and Rtealif, Day and night with lghs and meuns Wears her life nway. (loed-wiroUayhrarl sings and unties; Time, tlie gray old thief, beguiles J Krt ns fresh a May. The two women am of the saine age but flood-wife flrmidle leeks fully llfleen years the elder. Hhe Is the victim of Ills which might be cured by the use of Ilr. l'lerce's Favorite Pro Pre scription. Pain, "fcmals weakness" and low spirits re her renstmil companions. Oood Oeod Ooed wife Oayheart, thanks te the Prescription," enjoys perfect health mid steins te grew mera veung, Mva'Meiis and agrce.ibte ccry day. There Is nothing equal te this remedy for nil female disorder. W.Thftw Thernreless persons afrllcled with rheuma tism since our druggists lma sold Knlvntlen OH. Few are nware of the Importance of checking a cough or common cold In Its llrst stage. That which In the beginning would j leld te a mild remedy, If neglected, seen picys upon the lungr. Dr. Hull's Cough Hymn affords lustmit relief. It Is an lnrallllile remedy. Price a cents n bot tle. With Kly's Cream llalm a child ran be treat ed without pain or dread and with perfect safety. Try the remedy. It cures catarrh, liny rover nnd colds In the head. It l cally ap plied Inte lis nostrils and gives relief with the flrht application. Prlce 60e. eff-Iwd&w gev Salt. -ruiiMUSAi.i;eF iikai, estati:. HATCHWAY, OCTOllhll 12. 1SS9, The undersigned, executers of William Kpcn ccr, decciiMd, wlllexpee tesaleat 1 o'clock p. in., en the premises of Ne. I, In Salisbury town ship, IjuiCHsterceiinlv, all Hint certain rurin. Se 1, containing 101 Acres, situated In Mild township, bounded by limits or Jasen Cnruiliers, Cyrus Urliiten.Sninucl Townsend and ethers, and adjoining Ne. 2, herelnartcr ilc.crlbel. On thelpremlses nre a large Twe-Story DltlCK HOfjHK, with pump at deer, large think llarn, with straw sheds, u new corn house, corn cribs anil ether necessary outbuildings. The farm Is well fenced, divided Inte convenient Ileitis, well wnlered nnd under geed cultivation. Ne. 'ir containing 1WJ-4 Acres, mere or less, ad ad lexiliig Ne. l.nnd the property of thecstatoef ,M (int.. , Hnnmcl Miller, the estate of laaan Aibrhsl Vi u'l.iin Jacksen and ethers. On the premli - ur n large Two-Htery PKIilll.K DAHIIi:i) .MVNSION, with well nt deer, a Deuble-Declt-r Burn, wagon shed, com trlbs and ether outbuildings. Alse a geed Two-Hlery KltAMi; DWLI.LINU, with name stable, to te to hncceliouso and a well of geed water, and a one and n-hnlf story 'Jenant Heuse, also with table nnd u geed well of water at the deer, Tim farm (swell fenced, has cencnlcnt fkldi, well watered and under geed cultivation. Ne. 3, a tractor woodland containing V Acres and I.M lurches, ndlelulng the above described premises. Thcse farms nrc llncly located In the most fertile twrl of southeastern (.ancustcr county, nbeut2H miles southwest from Chrlstl ann, and aie convenient te churches, public dioeli, stores, cmnmcrles, etc. A line stream of wait r runs through the whole iraet and adds much te the desirability of Net. 1 and 'J. Should the pun hascrs desire, .i,iJ, secured by mortgage, can remain charged en each of prcmlsts Ne. I audi. Terms u.iuh- known day or kale WII.MAM lll.AUK, Kxecuter of William Hpencer, deceased. JO..IOAe3.7,10vl TUII.DIN03, Ac. HAI.K OF- Buildings and Building Lets ON UASY PAYMENTS. Ju00 cash down and fJM anuunllv will buy nlhrcc-Stery Urlclc Dwell ing and Stere Stand In the central SI,IM() pnriei ineciiy 1100 cash down nnd !X0 annually '111 hnviiThrpn-Hti-irv Itrlplr llui.ll. ,( lug with modern ImpreNcments, In Iho western partel tlie city. HH)eali down and SIM anminlly wlll buy a Twoltery llrlck Dwelling In a very dislrable neighborhood. f5 cah down nud M monthly, w Ithnut Interest, will buy n building let, 'JOHM reel. S50 ensh down, and 5 monthly, without Inlcicst, will bu v a building let en Ceral street, aixlOU feet. 1100 cash down nnd S10 inenthly without Interest, will buy one or the most desirable liulldlnii luts In Ihe tjrl.AOU 9 1 nn 9'. 50 ?UV5 Jclly.ljiiwrcct. The nbe e are (am pics of a iiuniln r of nruier lies ellcred for sale. All en or nenr line or street H. It., within easy reach efmnrkets, city wntci, gas, M-nprnge, Ac. Inijulrc of MUUrtlN M. I I L-ll r r ') rti:.u, ISTATB AND IN8UUANCK AUIINI' NO. tot KAST KIN(5 HT. Ct7-lWd (Cavpcte. rpiiUTiu TUUTII I ONE PRICE I ONE BUSINESS ! Curtains ! Curtains ! Ile.uUluil nnd Cheap for Hie Quallly nnd btyle. I.ACi:, CIlUNII.Li:, MADRAS, Kir. Oil Cleths, Hubs nnd MnttlncsluKrent nrlety nnd nt prices te suit icrbedy, Cariwls-Krem (Incst te cheapest. Kicry yaiil new, rlemi nnd roeiI. J. V. VONDKU8XIITII. Junier member el firm, kvem alt CariHt Werk hlsperseunl ntlen ."n:, l.l Ku '" charge of the Curiwt Werk at Martin's, In this city, for the hislHIx Ycau. and wns titter at Wanamaker's.l'lilladelphla. Curpets laid and bought or cleaned. rclnld, no matter whrm SHAUB & V0NDER8MITH, 18, 20 & 22 EAST ORANGE ST. Hiig2U-l)t! lour. BK YOUIl GnOCKIl -reu- LEVAN'S FLOUR AND New Kiln-Dried CORN MEAL LEVAN & SONS, HCnCJlA.NTJJH,J,EnS, XatinftmAkrr'i PHUJWKLPBIA, Thursisy, Oct. 19, USO. Take Robes (dress patterns) of a single price $12.50; and at one counter. Here arc three ; all en feule grounds : I With applique figures of hiaalc velvet. 2-Wltii band of velvet snd frlse. 8-WHh band en fig ured Paisley. The words hardly hint their handsomeness. Just enough te set you thinking what" a dozen dollars can de in some of the most stylish stuffs. Robes, Robes, Robes! Lpek till you tire of weave-beauty and color-beauty. Yeu are net half through. $2.50 te $58. Meuth west of ecntrs. Mountains of yard reeds. Take the Camel Hairs. There isn't a weak spot in the line. A choice quality in- ten colorings at 75c (40 inches), and se en through half a dozen grades up te 51.50. Weel Hurnlis, 13 coloring!, tl All Weel Ladles' Clelh, ifl Inches, 75c; thirty colorings. Plaid Keule, 27 stvl, big plaid and biggish ttlnlrlat Mtllitiltft ?r Heri?n with melinlr border, palm pattern, 1 1 Neelty with sorelly cmss deslKn en sergy, itlny ground, f 1 6e. I'laln te match, II . French Kcrce. with a dozen rows of narrow ribbon el vet nnd ene of wldsr vtlvt,t?M. I'lain, 31 1. We might fill the paper without much mere than beginning the story. Heuthwcat and seutheaU of centre. All-wool Cashmeres. Fifty nine shades everyone that any body asks for. 50c te $1.25. Silk - and - Weel Henriettas. $1 and $1.25. An elegant line. Near centre of the ttert. All the cold weather shapes in Women's Leng Garments, Coaching Coats, Newmarkets, and the like. Beavers, Ker seys, Diagonals, Cheviots. Anether let of the Astrakhan Cleth Capes, $3 te $7. Tea Gowns, $4.50 te $50. fiecend fleer, Chestnut stresttld. Tour eleva tor. These Bohemian Napkins are 23X23 inches, fine and verv soft finish. Orly two sides te hem. We never before had se geed a napkin at $1.10 the dozen. Southwest of centre. Hosiery and Underwear, Women's, Men's, Children's. Assortment as seasonable as the weather. Yeu can tell by the crowds at the counters that prices are right. Mlddle Market nnd Chestnut street entrances. Wc call this Blanket 78x84 inches : try the yard-stick en a dozen, net one but is bigger than we say. Weigh a pair, seven pounds, full. Pull a thread te bits ; nothing but wool. A geed, strong, every day Blan ket, one that will stand hard wear. And the price but $5 ! Every chapter of the Blanket story reads that way. Near Women's Waiting Itoeni. Luckily for you, there were 3,000 pairs of these French Corsets yesterday. Prices te set you wondering. Second Meer, flHt gallery, Junlpsr street side. Accordion Plaiting, 35c a yard, all widths. Becend fleer, Clmslnul street. Dressmaking rnrler. Jehn Wanamaker. Olljinaumvc. H nrian a martin. China. Mall. CHINA GLASS, QUEENSWARE We will liaeln stock the largest ntHerlment of 1IAVILAND CHINA, CUT, l'llESfeED AND ENGRAVED GLASS WAHE. KAJCCY GOODS, JADANlCbE WARE. LAMrs, Etc., ever shown by ns. CHINA, TEA AND DINNER SETS Am the nrtt arrivals of our Importations. Dec oratleut liner than ever for th same money, linponlble te describe them. Yeu must see them te appreciate. Prices Always Right. SEE AND BE CONVINCED. HIGH & MARTIN, 15 East King Street. rpltUK DALMATIAN INSECT fOWDl.ll. X propelled by a geed powder blower. It the ineit ervectual destroyer of tllen and ethersmall IntfCUi Fer sale U ' AUIUH WY'S DHUtJ BTOtlK, vn W0h. Vs. $ f I T B. MARTIM CO. DRESS GOODS DEPART MENT. Opened Yesterday a Large In voice of FALL DRESS GOODS, And They Are New en Our Counters Ready Fer In spection. Yeu Will Find the Stock One of the Most Desirable in the City, and Styles and Prices Are Correct. , J. B. MARTIN & CO., Cor. West King & Prince Sts., Lancaster, Pa. D nESSOOODBI DRESS GOODS 1 35-37 North Queen St. NOTICE. If your buying thought la DHES8 GOODS, write te us Bttiug the kind of fabric you have iu mind or the purpose for which you desire te tine It, with the price you with te pay, and we will promptly place iu your hands samples of the liest we can supply at the price. That heuld mean the best auy where, for our stock of DRESS GOODS is the largest aud best selected wc knew of. If you de net knew the technical name of the goods, no matter ; tell us hew they leek te your eyes, or hew you suppose they leek, and we will Hud them. Just se of anything else ; settle en whnt you want as near as may be, aud write for it. BLANKET, COMFORTS, QUILTS, FLANNELS, UNDEIIWEAR, SHAWLS, LACE CURTAINS, TABLE LINENS, VANT GOODS. CORSETS, GLOVES, LACKS, RIBBONS, HOSIERY. RUCH1NGS, SHIRTS, UMBRELLAS. FURS, And the Thousand of Other Things for Heme Uee or AVear or Heuse Deco ration that we have a store full of. 35-37 North Queen St. LAKCABTER.I'A. Charles Stamm. flousrfuvttiwhine Soeo. -1ALL, AND 8EK THE ROCHESTER LAMP! filxty Candle-Light; BeaU them all. Anether Let of Cheap Glebe for Qaa and Oil Hteve. THE "PERFECTION" METAL M0ULDINO and RUBBER CUHHI0N Weather Strip. Beat them all. Thltrlpeutwrara)l ether. Keep out the cold. Htep rattling of window. Exclude theduit. Keep out mew and rain. Anyone can apply It no waste or dirt made tn applying tt. Can be fitted anywhere no hole te bore, ready for iue. I will net split, warn or brink a cushion (trip 1 the most pcrfecLlflAt the Steve, Heater and Range Stere of JeM P. Schaum & Sens, 34 SOUTH QUEEN 8T. LANCARTEIt I'A. rpHI. KIS ... "OUNTAlNEN-TIIEIlI51T .1, endcheuix.inihe market 1 karat cold lien, II iil ru'ilvr lu.l'er, uever get out of order, ea lly tilled. Cull jnd examine before turvhulne eUwwhere. At EltlBJdAN'SOenU' urnlthlWf "ter, fl Wf Kll HrJh CHAMISSTAMM'S BIN SHI, 10, 1889. e m st f 9 PCg DOOK TO BU COURT Heiwh. lfH H" XI s v U 1 1 ' T m Carpets. Oil Cleths, Window Shades. I NwheaekeeperIaitranilihlBc thtlr hone and old henkMierc nfemlafctM - fZVXt' " "' """ "rct our llnei of erp?tiniT, oil ihSnl SLSSTZtSSm I ...!i?i JilSSJ&'Y -f?y W"".w vetreu H variety of beautiful design and colorings. Fleer Oil w are etrerinc at see Imve never been iiuhmM. "" "". " uuiia cmunei nrrr anuiir Ma ran mn 2K te He. 'ni anaua RAO CARrKTS We have Hemc-Mada Rac Carpeta at 96, SO, 38,40. 0.M.M and M .- .J?02TelS5lJ, na re""0 9es renelrea New Oil Clethi. We are showing the beat Mete fMev.a&S ment' '"" trm le "' ln ' iH' "X rwK wide In bethluSSJEMi ISTinde'w ..?SJ',"1'd Window Shade, all ready te hang, at 7e and Me apleee, lis feet teawaad Mine Sfi StStP ,rln " BharflnnbytWardaad ifuU aaMtrtmSt tf fl!temTcmtieas 4WAII Shade and Carpet Werk PrempUy AtteLded ta FAHNESTOCK'S, 35 and 37 East King St., -Vf-ETZOER HAUGHMAN. We have new open our Black French Henrietta In All Grade and Qualities, th Best Value Ever Offered. ALSO, FULL LINES OF Single and Deuble Blaek Thibet Shawls 1 AT LOW PRICES. Metzger & Haughman's Cheap Stere, Nes. 38 and 40 West King Street, Lancaster, Pa. (OPPOSITE THE COOPER HOUSE.) B ard a Mcelrey. bard & Mcelrey, Nes. 33 and 35 Seuth Queen Street, UNDERWEAR-Wc make a specialty of Underwear, our jinwp. iij irfmien juerine nt ccjuc, ana up. lng erzzc en each pa! the lowest nrlces tcir fjOe. and tin. Yeu will Medicated Weel Underwear ner Mir. Children's Metine .. j.... wj. miuiu. iintiuui iiwi.ubuii m enirniiu iuvuicaicu uneerwearai tlicmlnlltv In lhi rllr. In Mfn'a TTndArirM.. vHHaa. mlnnul .iqn. -- e-ny- fllirl lhntwn itIta 'Xfra vnln. M.n'i Mnlnr.l IVimI rnmla liTil ITji uiMSi H.cin w mi un experience or almost a year in the business, net nil that tlme for oar ear scItcs, a this Is the third season for ourselves, we would say, that In all that length or time you E.eI?rJ,ftwJ.h?,ln,u0 J" blanket we are efrcrlng. In White and Colored, at 75c, fl, 11.25, 11.80. M, $2JS.n.50,t2.7J, S3, nnd up. Hee our extra fine all Weel California Blankets at W rer pair. Medl' catedKedHlankeUnt3.75,(land!9. Crib Blankets at 11.50. 12, and up. COMFORTS ComferU tremftV: up. Large size at 11,11.25, 11), and up. Our epni make, larga fclze, geed cotton, at $1.00 each. COTTON-Quiltlng Cotten made lu rolls 2 yds long and 3 yds 4 In. wide, weighing from i te 4 lb each, enough for one Comfert at KXe and 16c per lb. Once used, always preferred; It doe net stick together, requires no opening out, alway ready for use. Cotten at 8c, loc, 121e and 15c per lb In li or 1 lb rolls, as you prefer. , ..- OIL ClmiH Each season our trade In fleer Oil Cleths Increases. Our Oil Cleth Is nil well seasoned. Having been bought befere the advance In price, June 1st, OU Cleth Rugs, 1 yd square, tee, m yds square 65c, 1 yds square 80c. Remnant or heavy fleer Oil Cleth (net hill width) at 10c per yard. FEATHERS We had n rush for Feathers that we were out of them, but will new be able te give you any quantity. Our prices are the lowest en best goods tn the city. WINDOW SHADES Call en us when you want Window Uhndei In paper or oil shade by th yard, or made te order, at the very lowest price. FI.ANNKLH The ties! KlnnnelM Ter Itinmnnnv rnu nrnr hnnirtit nr rati hitv ln-Hnv In mw --.--------------r .. ..,., .r. house In the city. Our trade has been built up '. our trane nas necn eunt up wiiat, it is by gl vine the best value for your money, bale, yard wide. Unbleached Muslin, rcmuants, SJic; 1 bale de, ateke; 1 baleef e, Unbleached Muslin, at 6!c by the piece, or 7c by the yard. The lowest price en MCSLIN-1 heavy, yard wide, Unbleached Muslin, at 6!c by It anywhere Is 8c. Hee our yard wide, son finish, bard Sc Mcelrey, Neb. 33 and 35 Seuth Queen Street. lethiu0. M ERCHANT TAILOR. Fall Announcement ! Having purchased of A. II. Reensteln the e!d-tabllshcd stand nt the corner of North Queen aud Orange, I have new In stock u full assortment of FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC GOODS. Tremeri, IS te 913, Buslnesi Suit, $18 te 930. Ore Belts, 925 te 948. Fall Overcoat, BUk Lined, 920 te 940. Hentagnac Overcoat, Silk and Batln lined, 930 te 980. All mv garments are elegantly trimmed and made by first-class tailors only. A stylish and soinfertable fit always guaranteed. R0BT. H. Merchant Tailor, iUaichca. H. Z. HHO Am A bON. Articles hclrloeniH. of Silver have from the remotest times been esteemed the choices WE OFFER THE MOST VARIED STOCK OF STERLING SILVER, INCLUDINCTTABLE WARE AND NOVELTIES. Alte, nn tuertmeiit of Candelabra ln Silver, Geld, Ilrenze nnd Onyx, pairing of Complicated Watchefl a Specialty. H. Z. RHOADS & SON, Ne. 4 WEST KING STREET. rtvvct nil. T ARQAINH I Shirk's Carpet Hall I Wilten, Velve!,I3edy Brussels, Tapestry, Ingrain, Damask and Venetian, Rag and Chain Carpets. OIL CLOTHS, WINDOW SHADES, &e. We Have this Largest and Best Stock i the Citv. H. S. SHIRK St SONS, Cor. West King and Water Sts., Lancaster, Pa. gtouee, &c. E1LINN A BRENEMAN. STOVES! -110 FLINN St BRENEMAN, Ne- 152 North Queen Street, LANCASTER. PEXWA. OTeal. IUMI1KH ANDCOAK J TOHACCO8H00KSANDCASES. WEST .IN HARD WOODS. Whelesiile nnd Retail, by H. II. MARTIN A CO.. uJ-lyd CI Wntvr Hired, ljiucuntrr, l.i. i AUMU AIIDNEIW COM I'A NY. COAL DEALERS. OrriCES Ne. I'JU North Queen Slrret, and Ne. bit North rrlncc ttreet ireei. t'rlni Htrvet, nenr Heading W.NCA&TilH.l'A. YAUD4 Nertn Denet. UjlJ-Ud kmisrr E v M 1 4 nel equaled In tfaU city. We i t iTStVMal Cletlis. Slia.cL Lancaster, Pa. ' " own Importation of Opposite FetmteiB but. AVudufVAnv hnilSMln !! HIaI aKa We are running a Me Ladle' Veil, at80e,a av- -..........,... -...i.-, ...vn.'. what It Is by gl vine the best value "for your money. the piece, or 7c by the yard. ' Bleached Muslin at 7c n yard Opposite Fountain Inn. PIERCE, Lancaster, Penn'a, el-3md IsSrRe- B AROAINS I -FOR -FOIt- STOVES! TO- attorneys. -T UTHER B. KAUFFMAN, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Beceud Fleer Kslilcuiun Law Building;, Ne, It Nertli tuliAlrM'l Hpr'tlvdAw -T TNDEllWEAR UUIIT AND "MKDIUH J wrlvhl nndrnrrur In all eradeknnduuy Mtte.at KHISMAN'S Genu' FuniMilnxHterc, ii W-t Kliu ir.-i. "tt i? k j e n es a co.. l Muniilnnnivr CCNFECTIONKtW FINE l.PEH HOSES. The met benntlfiil line ln the United Kiiitnu. tll5 Commerce rit.. I'hlUdtli nnf v. Write for descriptive price lltU pbiaeHJtcQd t. r .... Ms mm nt barcaln price. Men' Cotten Flannel Drawer at 25c, 3lc and tSe t nnd Mef1lrnt-fl Wrwil ITnilnrnrer all mIm Iam ''-. ,j s- K i Ai r , ,r-