Tk --fT sT'Vt - -BfTTwrawi M "JU Tj " t H JI t. I-ii n."--" i .,.r-,,,i wx; '-y-s-i-- rpip-- SU THE LAKOASTBB DAILY INTELLIGENCE!?, MONDAY, OCTOBER 7, 1880. "- : , r k--.- ? i m fails fttt?Utflcuccr 1 s: urMcw J. STKINMAN. ., . 'CAUJBSrrBtNMAN FOLTZ, Editors. f , ROBERT CLARK, FaOutner. lMK DAILY INTELLiaENCER.-ruti1l.hed Iti fhytTin In thU city and surrounding f,J town at ten rents a week. Bymalinvcdel- I '.. luiitMf In adVant! M cent a month. $ WWBCtT rNTEIXlOENCER-One dollar and awy cents a year, in aav-ance. fAJ mmx TO BUBSCRIBERS-Remlt by check h$ er posteAoe order, and where neither of a de procured prnu m iibite fr- Bntwed at the Postefflce, M ecend class mall matter. fr '- AVDftMS, TKK IHTELI.IOBWCK, , f .Ha.lee r . ..Ml MM JfUVtV UUfCASTEK.PA., October 7, 1889. Hnrjlng the Hire. At last there Is a prospect thnt this generation will sec the unsightly poles removed from the streets and the wire put under ground before they themselves go under. It Is only a very little whlle aince the experts of the companies were heard positively and contemptuously declaring that this could net be done. It would be impossible, they said, te have perfect insulation of wires laid in conduits and even if it were possible it would be tee expensive. But it was found that electricians net in the pay of the companies thought differently, and that in ether lands the wires had been put under ground. Jsew Yerk bulllhcr famous electric conduits and the stub b.?rnneta of the companies beenme unreasoning and outrageous. Then Mayer Grant cut down tbe poles and tlie wires went under. In Philadelphia tlie wires are slowly being put under and the Western Union people say that nil their wires will !e burled within a year. They have struggled desperately against it since 18S2. rive years age they were notified that if the wires were net put under they would lc cut, but tlie cotin cetin cllmeu were merciful, and the legisla ture mere se, and Philadclphians should be thankful that new, at Inst, the West ern Union graciously condescends te premise that the wires will ixj placed In the ground within a year. In the great cities all ever the land things are moving in the same direction, and the reason seems te be that the companies ara convinced that it is te their interest te have the wires se placed, out of the way of storms and ether damage. Even tually even Liiiittrr may hae Its wires burled, for when a measure Is net merely demanded by public convenience, but by the interest of a great monopoly it will be undcrtakcu. When our roun reun clls find that the companies are eager te get the wires umr, they may possibly hasten te win themselves great glory by sternly insisting that the u Ires shall go under. s s Our (ironing Tower. The Louden spectator, in commenting upon the growing Influence of America, declared recently that no state, however powerful, will ever again de with cnne auything te which the Americau repub lic is fctrengly opposed, and that there Is net a diplomatist in EtiroDe who does net knew and admit this. The Spectator sees In tills the chief danger of giving home rule te Ireland, for it is assumed that there would lie an Irish American alli ance extremely perilous te Qrcat Britain. T.iis fear may be unwarranted though quite natural, but Americans should realize that thcre is danger In their growing strength. Tlie consciousness of rawer will no doubt tempt ambitious men te that interference in foreign flairs which the Revolutionary fathers saw would l the great ieri! or the republic. Mr. Gladstone recently pointed out that in population e already surpass Great Britain and in au essay en population General M. (J. Meigs figures out that a century from 1890 the United States will have u popu lation of twelve hundred millions. falthus held that a people havliiK plenty of room and feed would double every twenty-five years aud our census enumerations arc said te support the theory, se Gcueral Meigs gees calmly te work aud, making due allow ances for war and iieatileuce, ar rives at the above enormous figure ' of population for America's live hun dredth aunlvcrsary of the discovery by Columbus. It would be interesting te see this statistician go back te ancient times and figure en te the present. lie would probably find population te dense that the earth could hardly held it packed endways. Other nations have boasted of their numbers, and the misty past is full of their ghosts. Vast tem ples aud cities of Asia Miner lie half burled In the suud, the only traces of the long forgotten nations whose people must must have swarmed the laud like ants. li is useless te essay prephecy, for in that line even figures lie. It Is enough te knew that America of te-day is se strong lu numbers and Health that Its demands may ha e decisive weight In the affairs of Europe. Tills fact it is that makes the guidance of our feielgu affairs a much mere serious mutter than it has been, and the entrustiuent of these affairs te a man with au ambition for brilliancy in diplomacy is almost a public calamity. The E'urepeau Situation. A dispatch from St. Petersburg an nounces In an official style that Hiisaln b has taken no measures te meet an out- K break of hostilities, her forces being K' alreadv strenir pneui'li fnr tin. mimin-i. RS Wi'llrltv. Thi! Tterlln mmiinmlmit ,.r H French paper reprcbcnts Prince Bis rT murck as Kivini similar imnmniiv nf 1$ peace aud adding the comment : "Xet ftj lrflll. .m Pnnlaml . , 1 1 1 1. w! . .l .. I. .,. -c- .".'& eiv i.ugwuit mm iivniiuit'U ueuier r te act as a mad bull or as n fat ex chew ing cud." This sounds verv innrli III... Mm Mnir m chancellor, but considering tlie French BUf source of the report, it may lie safe torc terc Ef" gard the Illug at Britain us the work of PI euierpnsing correspondent. That jje, the situation J peaceful or that an cilbrt If ""'"e " w uiivu h appear saris lATevidcut. The mvsinrieuslv difi.rri vtcit RJt' ifthftfznr fn ltprll.. m urml., l.-. 1.. Ey forward, and new it issald that elaborate . jmrcnuuuua are ucing laKen in insure the fSf, fety of the Imperial party. The subject Ig of the confereuce undertaken at mj great ' w.rll lunel.l Jr. 1. II, ., 1.1... , Ferdinand as king of Bulgaria, but if i-f' lli n.nrf ,!,. ,.,.,-' r -v. w. w .mm iije vui n iuijui III .MU1- f v,f Jl.t have any substantial foundation It At w "army imeiy mat lie weuiu make this it. f""uf in (icieuu nuuui n iimiier i'I lUUl fl fMuparatlvely small importance. The ' s v"""-:,, " v-iciu uuu Armenia wejil . j m hv wenuy 01 attention, but there is c M tlhlntr In tlm ivlwiln clin.iinr. 11...1 f e - "".. ..uLIVfll lllUk UJ) -MIS te warrant unv nnvleiv nni... ' the aeml-efllclat declaration from ,iv.-nuuy nun uussia mat everj'thlii" Is, 1- i.NHwiui. nucu me lain u warlike it iMJlly means nothing mere thau u pre- 1 paratlen for a new and enormous mill. iry credit. New that the talk is peace ful it may lie a hint of war. It has been observed that great European war scares are usually marked by a wholesale im migration, and It may be assumed that If war is really in the air the iewcrs that be de net want te start a movement of the kind any sooner than can be helped. The remark attributed te Bismarck by the French correspondent, whether true or untrue, gives a hint of the drift of events as it leeks from Berlin. The re re ballets of the French elections make the triumph of the government even mere sweeping and Russia may Ixj emboldened by the apparent firmness of her natural ally, while England may have seme temptation te join with these two old enemies in forming a balance te the overshadowing power of the trlple alliance. Great Britain, France and Russia working together might easily compel greater caution en the part of Germany, Austria and Italy,aud the six between them ought te be able te restrain the savage Turks from cutting the threats of Cretans and Armenians. A filgsntlr Enterprise. Tlie Law and Order society announce that they propose te reform the town. Notenly are the stores te be closed, but there Is te be a general call te order aud the whele community It te assume a pious demeanor. Messrs. KaufTlnati and Crawford seem disposed te act with tem perance aud discretion, aud criticism cannot fairly be applied in advance, but it may be eliservcd that they have approached 11 ery large contract. The geed old city of Lancaster, as It Is often called, is by no means as saintly as we would have strangers belleve, and the clergy and their helpers may be said, with all due respect, te have adevil of a time in keeping the geed Influences en top. And by the way, the sudden ac tivity of theLa wand Order people draws attention te tlie need of mere vigorous leadership of the religious forces, net In tlunel.v revival line se troublesome te our correspondent " Cigars, " but in the quiet way that was se effectlve in tlie early centuries of Christianity when lulsy cemerts were promptly put te dcatli in tlie most painful manner ks slble. The quiet M-crct work was the most cflectlve In the history of our re ligion. Cigars makes an interesting point en tlie lniKir connected with modern wor ship, aud foreseeing that he will be re ferred te the uccesslty of tills work re plies that It is only a matter of opinion. In the face of the declaration "It Is lawful te de geed en the Sabbath day" tlie propriety of church labor can hardly be considered 11 matter of opinion, but there may Im opinion as te the geed effect of certain kinds of church labor. Xhv Y011K lias von tlie Ioague lmp.e bull pennant. Will the big exhibition or rII games nud tlilngn three years linnce find a llehl nt tlie liielr(inillH? Net If Chicago eoutlniies te shun' herself mere w erlli v of It. Tun in: Is snow In the nlr, lint It w ill out seek n esting piace here for home tlinn. Well, the mere'innts who luhnrllfe in Iho Intelliekm-kii nre fully prcpnieil le tide yen ecr Koreas' Musts. Consult them, and tint rigors of winter will line few terrors. KoeMEHs nwnrmliiK Inte tlie New capital nf Seuth Dakota will seen begin te Huann out et It. Thoexcltellg(Hisrnliuischnsori, It Is safu te say, nre net Iho drexes disap pointed at Oklahoma last spring. La.ncastjui'r wonderful mayor had his policemen en the trot en Saturday night. They wero sent through the highways and byways te notify shoiv-kcepors te bar their doers and windows en Sunday. The I.nw nud Order society iniint thank him for ndeptlug a plan ipilte etpinl te the publica tion of his proclamation. New ulixt will the hnnest he? Tin: returns fiem Mentana new show that a Democratic Koveiner nud Legisla ture nre cleded. The task new lieforetho lulinbllnnts of son Kine-ell's dominion Is te keep up the geed weik for 16Ci Ueui.ANOKn' political and sedal heals nre fast wearing te exceeding thinness. He has 0110 consolation. Ills lift) In o.lle w ill be iiieih extended tlinu It would linve been had he remained la France. French statesmen are tee impetuous for long ner- Ice. Til r. man who did net pay his poll la may find voting en November fith net as easy as falling off a leg. E-l'r!ent llojle Cem lctid. J. J. Ileyle, lerintulv a llenian Catholic nrieHt, was convicted in KiiIeIkIi, N'. C, en Saturday of lolenlous nsisiuU en (Ieiich Wliltuker, and was kcntenccd te be hanged en Ne ember 2t. At tlie time tlie offense was committed he had charge ofaeongio efaeongio ofaeengio galion, and she went te Ills room at his re re epiest as her spiritual adviser. Thejudise refused 11 motion for a new trial and for an arrest of judgment, but after sontenco granted an njie.d te the supreme eeutt. Beylo canto te Ilalelgh from the "West. He had a bad poliee reputation in St. Leuis, haing been arrested a number of limes. About a year age he olllclated at n Catholic church In a small tow a In Illinois, but loll It In disgrace, having eeutrlxed le raise a larire Mini of inoney for the purpose el building n new church, and ImUiik then K'one te SI. Leuis te spend It among fast women. A Jlltinl dirt's llovcnee. Three years age, In Detroit, Frederick H0.1II1 boeamo ivc-fiu. ilnted with Kate Ma- ufill lit 11 i. I.. ...... if ! ...t.l I ...... ... .. ....... ...... niii.-.vijiiuiitl() hltl lllll marked attentions. He llred of ihe girl alter a while. Miss Masen boasted le IriendB that slie would nenge her wieugs. On Saturday Heath was talking te a enmr wtiiuau en Gnuidv lueiiue, hen Miss Masen approached. The veulli raNisI bis hat, wherouieu Iho jilted g'irl slieuted : "Yeu can't hae any girl but me," and threw the contents of a bettle of c.irbolie acid In his race. Heath scieamed w Ith j,.iln and a crowd seen trathcred around him, and in the oxcitemeiit .Miss Masen escnped and is new en Canada soil. Heath is badly liuriifd, but 110110 or the arid touched lifs eyes. He will prociire a warrant for the girl's nrrest. 111 viii riiKt 111 uiiie. 1 "'wt exciteuunt was occasioned In v-u.t, w., en .-miuie) iiiernmg dv ihe ills ills cexery that a mob hail made "an attack upon the UMileiuoer James West en the outskirts el ihe low 11 during tlie ufglit.and hud utterl demeiuiiisl It. West, who Is nn InellcnsU e colored man, nlw ax s enjoy ing the reputatieu of being a geed citizen, was nbseut w lien tliolsiters mnde their aj pearance. '1 liev ferccsl eju the deer, compelled Mr. West and her children te aciie the premises and then, after destroy destrey ing the lurnitura, they pulled down the house. The men linve net been identified and their liintive Is unknew 11. Olli-rcd tft.nen Tern llrlde. Some ineiitlis agenn nth ertlseincnt ap peared in the IiidlanupellM papers sivliig that James MerK'in would gUe3,000 iera wife, glnK his address at Martlnille, iluutlreils or loiters in rled at the iKistolllee ler him from every part or the country. 1 he nth ertl-ur'N irue nauie isMerirau John John Jehn eon, and lioresidcsat Iikn Valley. Indiana He filially captured a bride. On Saturday while the circuit court was lu session the Jutlge was called ujien le go te tlie dork's pnUeniid marry the happy couple. Tlie bride, Miss Htttle K. Wilsen, Is aged 17. while Jehnsen's nge is 8. ' A family Cliloreroriiictl lly Iteblicrs. The house erMrs. James Uss, in Elizj b "i. N. J., was entered by bu Hilars early en . 'Mrdav morning and robbed et Jew--elry, wrcnure and ether articles te the amount el ?2 'WO. The family of rear per sons were chloroformed aud thehousoruu theheusoruu thehouseruu wckivl from cellur te garret. ftjrji Pnlted Out et Bed for Fun. While Era Rebeeea Btrasser, a 17-year-old girl, living in the household of Attain Shipped, a wealthy farmer near Hamburg, Berks county, vras sound asleep en Friday night young Wilsen Itubrlghtnnd Menree Kershncr, entered her room, and coolly remarking thst they came te have seme fun they pulled her from her bed. Whlle ene ofllieni held the trembling girl the ether dowsed her with cold water. Theu they carried her down stairs and set her before Farmer Nhappcll, who offered no reproof, and allowed tlie young men te depart un un un melested. Miss Btrasser enSnturday swore out w ar rants against her assailants and Farmer Bhappell, and all have been arrested. Sinlle Aicnlnen Me I Ighrd Tem te his beloved. He knew net what gave her such a charm In hl ejc. Iter teeth, prtwvetl by 807.0DONT which he had used from girlhood, did his btilne. Hhe held htr lever by virtue of HOZODONT. ' COi-o-et C'-h-o-e I C-h-o-e ! Don't iinecte, mieeie, hawk, hawk, apt, blew, and dlguu evcrjbedjr wllh your ofrenslvo brrnth. If you he arrld, watery tllwtinret" from the noe and c)es, threat dldcsne, muting choking enutlen!i, cough, ringing neUcs In head.npllttlng headache and oilier symptom efnnnal ratarrh, remcmlicr thst the manufac turers of Dr. Knges CHtarrh Itemedy offer, In geed faith, IVOO reward fur n ene of enlnrrh which they cannot euro. The Itemedy In old by dniggUUatenly BOccnt. M,TnA.w Ne wonder a baby pretests against such does s people will glelU Dr. Mull's Ilabjr Byrup Is theptensanteit and safest remedy known for Infants. A person often bears the charge of latlness when It Is only a poorly acting liver or a vrrs rled stomach which Is ilie cause eMits sluggish nes. One thus suffering should urn Loxnder and be rellevcd, I'rlce only 2.V: a package. Pai ami Dread attend the tue of moslca meslca birrh remedies. Liquids and snuds nre un pleasant as well ns dangerous. Ely's Cream Dalm Is safe, pleasant, ly applied Inte the nostrils and a sure cure. It cleanses the nnsal passages and heals the Inflamed membrane, giving relief nl once, frlce. 60c seig-2wrd H OOD'BHAIWAPAIUI.LA. Isbellcietl tebe caused by poisonous miasms nrlslng from low, marshy land or from deenj lug PKctal)le matter, and which, breathed Inte (he lungs, ruler and poison the bleed. If a healthy condition of Iho bleed Is maintained by taking Heed's Hnrsapnrllla, one Is much less liable te malaria, and Heed's Harsaparllta has curtil many socre tascsef this distressing atlcctlen. Ne More Oulnlne. " I lmelKcn curcil of malaria by Hood'sKar Heod'sKar Hoed'sKar saparllla. I had thedlspakeerybaiI,wlth feer, chills, vomiting ami heart trouble. I was up ene day ami down the next, nntl was se weak ened that I could net walk far from the house. I took Heed's Harsaparllta with perfect results; II gase me strength se that I am nble te de all my housework, and walk nil about the ntlgh ntlgh ntlgh borheod. Ne mero quinine for me, when Heed's Barsaparllla Is se geed a medicine." Ltjcimia Caiitfii, I'rnmlncbani Contre, Mass. IlrcnU-ltone l'evcr. " My tlaughler Pearl was taken with ilengtin (orbrtak-bene) fccr2rarsngefand myfrleuds thought I would leso her. Iliad nlmeil given up hepe until she began te lake Heed's Harsa parllla, Hhe took four bottles In four months, and gained fifteen pounds In wtlght. I have te thank Heeds Harsaparllla as being the means of gl lug her back te me restored te health mid strength." Juma A., HIiTiimii, Tchk. HOOD'S SAK.SAI'AIHLLA Held by nil druggists. II i six for ta. Prepared eul) by U. 1. HOOD A CO., J,OM0ll, Muss. 100 DOSI2) ONi: DOLLAIl fl) CTIjlurtuutvc. 11 Kill AMAUIIM. Cliina CHINA, GLASS, QUEENSWARE We will hne In stock the largest nsstertmcut of HAVII.AND CHINA, CUT, I'llfcHHKD AND KNORAVIID OLABS WAHE. KABCV 000IW, JAPANESE WAIIK. LAMTW, ETC.,oersliewn by us. CHINA, TEA AND DINNER SETS Are the flrstnrrla1s of our Importations. Dec orations liner than ever for the same money. Imposslble te describe them. Yeu innt see them te appreciate. Prices Always Right. SEE AND BE CONVINCLD. HIGH & MARTIN, 16 East King Street. 4 HK OUH CI ItOCKU lOU LEVAN'S FLOUR -AND New Kiln-Dried CORN MEAL. LEVAN & SONS, MEltCHANT MIU.UIS. COI.IAUS AND CUKh-H-THK I.ATKST J the most desirable, and most eomiertulilo Has nntl Mjlrs-nny sire nt lllUHMAN'H Uenu' KurnUhliiK Stere. JVt King stn-eU rIl.l.KIl'8 lieHAXhO.UrWIM. WASH )3. Clethtsand eery article under the sun. rpiIE IIIVAIj KOUN1A1N I'KN-TIIK IIEST X andcliciptstlnlbe market II knrat geld pen. Hard rubber holder, neer gets out of order, iietlly HHhiI. Call hihI exainlne before pun lias ngelscu here. At KKIHMAN'HacnU' KuriilliliiirHUm West Kluglre-I. .- .Prurellitl ly u goedpouder blower. U tbtj lucwt ilketual dctre cr of alt and ether smull At IIUnLEY'H DIIUU 8TOIIE. - i iini mrwt. u XDKllU'PAK - :".:" nMJ tiir,i;iu.M UUU!' AM) MKD1UM i . t WiMAi5.Jri,'r,?.Bll eradesandany IMT.U1, J-.ulQ.MA.Pi I O West King street. 9ftnimfthcv'. 1'nii.ADCLrRiA, Monday, Oct 7, 1MB. Overcoats Yeu take them for granted, just as you take Beys' Suits. We mean veu te 'take Men's Suits for granted just the same way. They are here. Right in every way, in cluding price. $8.50 Sack Suit : All wool, neat grar-and-black mixture, or black ground w 1th brown and gray stripes. Try wherever you please, tit don'tknew the match of either. $10 Sack Suit: All wool, fast color, black grennd wllh gray stripes, and wllh ellew thread; patch pockets. $12 Sack Suit: ncd-bluc-nud-grny mixture with Invisible Vlnld or retl-and-bluc. Pntch pockets, 'ou needn't be a clothing sharp teei the worth. $12 Sack Suit : niack Cbexlet, all wool, and color guaran teed. We knew of nene better for the money. Our first let went with a Jump. Same, frock coat, 113. $15 Sack Suit : Illnck Cheviot, nil wool. The btstSnltwe ever saw for SIS. Made mid trimmed In the bct potlble t) lc. That's the pace. It don't make any difference where you step up te $28, the suit is here. Thirteenth and Market streets. .French Printed Flannels. The new crop. Twe hundred and sixty-three styles and col orings just added te the almost as many mere that were en the shelves. Twice ever, may be thrice ever, the biggest, fullest, choicest and most handsome gathering we've ever shown. Such printing as you hardly see en the finest Challis. Fig ures, stripes, Persian effects. Empty words! Who can see the dainty colors glowing through them ? Yeu must see the stuffs. Five minutes will de for a glimpse an hour will go before you think. Have you noticed hew many uses these lovely Flannels arc being put te ? Wrappers, tea gowns, breakfast sacks, house coats for men, children's wear anything where beauty and softness and cozy warmth and clinging elegance arc required in a stuff. Borders, of course. Four teen distinct and striking styles of them in these French-printed Flannels. A novelty, but they're getting an old friend's greet ing. You'd hardly guess what a last-touch of style and ele gance the borders give. Northeast of Centre. Why de you suppose thrifty women are all the time crowd ing one part or another of the Muslin Underwear store? They have found out that home work isn't economy in the face of such prices as these : Drawers : Cloed muslin, blind embroidered, rutlle. and plllllfc, i'lC. Cambric, extra sire, clnMer or 10 plaltr. deep rutlle of line embroidery. Me a pair, fremtl. Muslin, .1 large plaits, blind embroidered runic, 1X-, fremCOc. Miullu, ID -plaits, fine deep Hamburg em broider, tee, rrem 81 2J. Muslin, 15 plaits, Torchon edge, f, fiem Corset Cevers : Seme slightly soiled shall go at about half. We Unci feriVj 31 kind for We fl W kind for Tic U'i kind for llc 12 kind rer SIM. Chemises : rine muMln, square jeke, with plaiting and edge, tee, fiem TJc. Hurplns Mike, deep embroidery, and edge, tuc, Irem Sjei ome nltb sauare necks. Kijuarejeltc, U reas Insertion, edge of fine embroidery and beadlug, 75c, trem II 2S. II i t lieinlkcs for It. SI 25 Cambric Chemises for 75c. Gowns : Mether Hubbard ekc. all-eer embroidery. Ilamtiurg rutlle 011 neck and sloe os, 7V, Irem 11. Muslin, kuare embroidered joke, Ham burg edging iind Inserting, clusters of miiplall,65c, ireinSlCS. Une muslin, square clmtirs of elcun plaits, W.-. 110111 SI Ce. Cambric, flout or ery small plnlt, line .edging en ntclt mid tleees, We, rrem Sl.IO. 1 Ine Cambric, V velte, plait wllh Inserting between, beaded and nulled, SI 60, from Si The merest hint of what we are doing. Second lloer, llrst gallery. Juniper slieet bide. 10,000 Masen Fruit Jars pints, quarts -Jive cents each for cither size. Perfect, but we've tee many of them. Second fleer. luntperstrcet side. Jehn Wanamaker. (Cavpctn. iLM.TUUTUl'TII ! ONE PRICE ! ONE BUSINESS ! thi: Only 18 Deers tYeni Postefflce. Carpets taken up, eler.ncd, remodeled, sen ed and r laid b most skillful workmen. J. V. VONDi:ilS.MITH, the Junier member of the It nn, has lx-cn In the Cnriict lluslnciu alt bis life, and for the last .SIN YiAlfj bail charge of the Carpil Werk at J. II. MAUTI.VS. In this illy. Carpets, Oil-Cleths, Itugs, Malting", Curtains, shade. 8HAUB & VONDERSMITH, 18, 20 & 22 EAST ORANGE ST. eugv-l-lj d cnnl 1citicm. IjihTATi; or HAiiiurrrnoeK, late of U Mratburgteitn M.. Ijuieastcr county, de ceased, the uudcrtlgmd ..udlter nppelnUd te dMrlbiite thebil.mee remilnliig lu the hands of Jehn Wiggins and Aldus Weaver, mlnilnlw mlnilnlw tiaters, te ami among these lcgall entitled te the Mime, will sit for that purpose u salur tl iv, (Xtelier 12, 19, at 10 e clock a. 111 tn ih I.lbnirj Itoem of I lie Court Heum, In theclly of IjiiK-astcr. wluie all iktseus lutcrcitcd In said distribution ma attend. KDWIN M CHLIIKRT, slMtdM Auditor. bSIOM'Ij INTM'rT Ol' J. II. ESnEN V hhadc iV Sen of sulltbur lewnshlp. Lan Lan iiihlrrceunlj I H. lbendiiule .V. Sen, of balls bur) leiwulnp Mid count). hnMng by deed of eluutary asMt-umcnt, dated bepti mix r 7, lEiO. iiMlgncil ami tnuikfcired nil their estate and etrec U te the underlgncd, rer the bencrtt or the crisllten or the vald J. 11. EsbenslmdcA 8en, he then.feicKlc notice teull pcreiu lmlc btcci te wild nskluiier. te make ta)inent te the un deiklgned without delay, and these haMnz claim te present them te I'KTElt UOUMICIMEK. Anlgnec, Itwldlng tn Bird-ln-IIand. H. M, IlOl'src, Attorney. ttMitdM TAtACE OF FASHION. GRAND FALL OPENING -AT THE- PALACE OF FASHION US & "7 NORTH QUEEN ' STREET, ON WEDNESDAY, OCT. 9, AND THURSDAY, OCT. 10. We"extend a most cordial in vitation te everybody te be present en this Great Occasion. A marvelous display of Milli nery, Cloaks, Coats, and a gen eral line of Fancy Goods, such as has never been seen in this city. The elegant room, together with the tremendous stock at our command, enable us te make this the Grandest Open ing we ever had. we premise te all these who will visit us en these days that they will witness the Finest Ex hibition ever seen in Lancaster. We never had such room for display, and we expect te outdo ourselves and give te our many patrons a rare tredt. Our display will consist chiefly of Trimmed Hats and Bennets, the latest productions in Millinery Novelties, Wings, Birds, Feathers, Plumes, Tips, &c. Velvets, Satins, Silks, Plushes, Laces, Dress Trim ming, Ribbons, and a general line of Notions and Fancy Goods. Our store will be open both evenings, se as te give every body a chance te visit this Grand Exhibition. De net fail te see it en Wed nesday or Thursday, as the decorations will be of such a character that we will have te take them down en Friday morning. We again extend a most cor dial invitation te all. Come and see. These days are set apart for lookers. We de net ask you te buy. Everybody is welcome, and it will well pay you for your trouble. It will be the grandest sight ever seen in this city. Don't fail te see it ! ASTRICH BROS. furniture. w idm mrs CORN Ell. " Step Right Here." We have beauties te Shew ) ou. The Finest Line of Fancy Tables Ever Sbewn All Hand Tainted. Can't describe them. Come nnd see them. 1hy are entirely new. Just come In. What a beautiful present they will make. Did ) en say ) ou thought of getting a Felding: Bed? We have the Dest In the Market. A child cun work It. Can't get out of order. FURNITURE OP ALL KINDS AT WIDMYER'S CORNER OK- E. King & Duke Sts. XDEAS FOR FURNISHING ! Would you catch a new idea for Furnishing? New is the time. It's the old story of "the early birds." Yeu knew that Fall is jVete Furniture time. Manufacturers consume the whole Summer getting ready for it. New they are ready. Our warerooms are full of their latest productions and ours here displayed for the first time, at our usual low prices. OCHS & GIBBS, Manufacturers and Dealers, 2d, 3d and 4th Floers, 31 Seuth Queen street. TTKIMTBUU HEADY FOn THE TRADE THAT 18 NOW UPON US. Our Stock Is the Largest. THE NEWEST THINGS IN THE LATEST WOOIM AND FINISH. OUR TRICES WILL HPEAK FOR THEM. SEL.VEU. A NICE COUCH AT A LOW I'RICE. I1ED.ROOM SUIT1S, ONE '1HAT ISAbUR TRIBE AND BELLS HAT1DLY, HEINITSH'S Furniture Depot, Nes. 27 & 29 SOUTH QUEEN STREET -Undertaking will Itecch e Tenens Attention. I 9r TTAOKK BROTHER. New Curtains Curtain Department ,. S0VeI Hevy Iraperk for Doorways and Windows. Plain and Interwoven Chenille HanjrinaB with Overdrapery Fringe. 8 All Figured Draperies In Eastern Colorings. Alse with Deep Fringes; Flax Valeur with Orerdraperlea. The above styles are new, Fall effects, the colorings are somewhat HghU-r than formerly, and include Warm Browns, Pigeon Blue, Copper, etc., etc. ,.,. Heavy Materials by the yard for Draping Windows, Doorways, Arches, Couches, Mantel pieces, etc., with cheics Overdrapery Fringes te match. Artistic Drapery Werk of all kinds. Lace Curtains. Our Fall Line of Lace Curtains is much mere complete than heretofore, and start at 60c. tier pair, and includes many choice and desira ble patterns. The favorite medium-priced Lace Curtains are Brussels Effects In Nottingham, f2.50, 13.00, f3.50,$4.00,4.50. ' ' ' Our Line of Swiss Lace Curtains deserves Rpeclnl attention, (5.00 per pair upwards. Light Weight Materials for Sash Curtains, French Curtains, Vestibule Draperies, Tran soms, etc. Curtain Poles lu all weeds and metals. Ornamental Poles In Geld Plate, Antique Sliver, Copper etc. Window Shades. A Large Stock of Best Materials and Fix tures. Stere Shades a specialty. We would be pleased te have all interested in Furnishing te examine our Curtain and Up holstery Departments. HAGER & 25, 27, 20, 31 M ETZOEIl A HAUOIIMAN. IMetzerer & Wc have new open Black French Henrietta Cleths and Cashmeres In All Grade nnd Qunlillex, the Best Value Ever Offered. ALSO, FULL LINES OF Single and Deuble Blaek Thibet Shawls! AT LOW PRICES. Metzger& Haughman's Cheap Stere, Nes. 38 and 40 West King Street, Lancaster, Pa. (OPPOSITE THE N EXT DOOHTOTHE COUItT HOUSE. SHAWLS. e Imve nlwnj r mnde n peclalty of Hha In, both Deuble nnd Hlngle, and Uila season U net an exception. If there In any cliunee It In In a larger assortment and lower prices. Wa are offering; ili,im0,n,,nS!?8,,"w.lrJlK!iijrS1.u ,'.s3- WS lmve Heavy Weel Deuble Shawl at Uj worth 13.00. Our W.OO nnd J5.00 Deuble Hhawls must Iwseen te be appreciated. We also keep all the finer mnkes In full nuertmcut. A Iho lllnck nnd Black ami Orey Woolen Hhawls In all quail .,'?; . Li,,,,,,,B,8 mnke r ,.,lnck Cashmere HhawlK, both Leng and Square, nnd tn all qualities, from 11.75 le 112.50 always en hnnd. ' INFHNTS WERR. We Une added a new department this Fall, thnt of Infant's wear. We are showing a full as sortment of Infant's Embroidered CeaU and llleh Wclitlit Cleth Cents from 12 up. Alse a Urge stock of Infant's and Children's Cashmere, Hurnii, l'lush and Knit Cap, ranging from 39e te 7 JHCKET BHRCKIN, . w5.,,ll.e J.ui!.riil In our Clenk department n Bargain In a Black Steckinette Jacks! In sizes 30 te 41, ut JJ.00. 35 and 37 East King St., TJAHDAMcELHOV. BARD & Nes. 33 and 35 Seuth Queen Street, UNDERWEAR W make a specialty of Undsrwear. We defy any house In the State te beat our prlws. In Ijidles Merine nt EcWcSOe. and up. We are running a SOc Ladles' Vest, at 39c. a car I iik of 22c en each pulr you buy. Ladles' Nnturnl Weel. Camel's Hair and Medicated Underwear at the lowest prices for thcqunllty In tlie city. In Men's Underwear, whlteer colored, at 20c. 2Sc.s7Uc. Wc.and up. Vpiiwlll nnd that we give extra alue. Men's Natural Weel, Camel's Ilalr and .Medicated Weel Underwear at bnreuln prices. Men's Cotten Flannel Drawers at 25c, 81c and SOe per pair. Children's Merine and Medicated Weel Underwear, all sizes, cheap. BLANKETS With un experience of almost 2U years In the business, net nil that limn for our eur m?1cs, iih this Is the third miineii for ourselves, c would Ray, that lu all that length of time you ncwr sawthusnlue In blankets we are ntarlng. In While and Colored, at 75c, il, 11.25, 11.60. 12. 92.2G. r-'50,rj.75, J, and up. See our extra Una all Weel California Blankets nt M per pair. Medi cated lint Blankets nt J.1..5, $4 and tfl. Crib Blunkcts nt J1.50 12, and up. COM FOKTH Comforts rremfOciip. Large size at fl, 11.25, jl.60, nnd up. Our own make, large sire, geed cotton, ntfLrii each. " COTTON-Qulltlyfc Ontten madeln rolls 2 yds long and 2 yds 4 In. wide, weighing from ii te 4 lbs cuch, enough f 4xjr Comfert at 12! Jc nud lw ptT ll. Once usd,aluus preferred; It does net stick together, rrnulfV no opening eul, aUaj s read for use. Cotten lit c, 10c, 124c and 18c per lb In Meri lb rolls, as ou pnfer. OIL CLOTHS liich season our trade In floei Oil Cleths Increases. Our Oil Cleth Is all well seasoned. HaWuc been bought before the advance lu price, June 1st, OH Cleth Bugs, 1yd square. 45c, 1W j ds square fi5c, IJ-Jju square We. Itcmnunts of heavy fleer Oil Cleth (net full width) at lOoperiard. v- ' FEATHERS Wc had a rush for Feathers Hint wc were out of them, but will new be able te Gle en any quantity. Our prices are the lowest en htst goods tn the city. WINDOW SHADES Call en us when jeu want Window Shades In paper or oil shades by the j nrd, or mode te order, nt the very lowest price. FLANNEI$ The best Flannels ler tlie money seu ever bought, or can buy te-day In any house In the city. Our trade has been built up wliallt lb by giving the best value for jour menev. MUSLIN I bale, card wide. Unbleached Muslin, remnants, bic; I bale de, nt6kc: 1 bale of heavy, vard wide, Unbleached Muslin, nt OVJc b the piece, or 7c by the yard. The lowest prlce en It any where Is tic. Bee eiirjarl wide, soft finish, BlcuchcdMusllu at 7c n yard. Nes. 33 and 35 Seuth Queen Street, (Clethiun. rEKCHANT TAILOR. Fall Announcement ! Having purchased of A. II. Ilov liktdn the old-established stand at the corner of North Queen and Orange, I have new in stock u full assortment of FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC GOODS. Trousers, $5 te $13. Buslnets Suits. $18 te $30. Dress Suits, $38 te $48. Fall OrerceaU, Silk Lined. $38 te $10. Montagnae Overcoats, Bilk and Satin lined, $30 te $80. All m v garments nre elegantly trimmed und made by first-class tailors only, A stjllsh and -omfertnble tit nlwav s guaranteed. ROBT. H. Merchant Tailor, gttOUCD, &C. F LINN A BUENEMAN. - KOH - STOVES! -GO FLINN & BRENEMAN, Ne. 152 ITertti Queen Street, LANCASTER, PENIPA, . and Draperies. BROTHER, West King St. HaAi&lixxiaja.. our own Importation of COOPER HOUSE.) Lancaster, Pa. Opposite FeuntaJa lu. Opposite Fountain Inn. PIERCE Lancaster, Penn'a, el-Smd STOVES! 'IX)- .4 l'.wJ;. MSOXt&t F---r' !& 'hnlEfi?- irwrw jr-si, jt,- .- - i