rK-J ?v tf, 1" T r,;- - - vfr . 3 t IV IW . W. (.. ';-. ' -. ., N.nwir ' '--yg. y.'.' ir?r? NO. 22 22 YEARS OLD. WCJMI JPMM lECUM, r iSetunmTiE Aunrinm. -v.. - . .. .. e , ab nmnuns nnine Meeting is JTMtewtM by mm Eicelleut Banquet. The IxAirs Aeti Nearly 9T.OOO. Tilt tweatjr-ceml anniversary of Oon Oen Mf Council Ne. :22, Junier Onler United Antrinn Mechanics win celebrated en Thursday evening. It wn the evening for Um regular meeting of the council and nrter the business was transacted, iart of which WMthe Initiation of (bur candidates, the following officers' wcre Installed by District Deputy Jacob Heuser: Councillor, Jehn K. Snvderj vice counciller, Jehn King; aaisuht secretary, Oeorge II. Drowns con cen con dikter, Jehn Winner; warden, lteubcn PeaAl; Inside aentlnel, Win. Harry; out Me sentinel, II. J. Bauer. "-The reports of the offlcern of the council bowed Uie aswtis te be nearly (7,000, villi be debts. At 0:30 the member, eighty tn number, marched te the banquet mom In Odd Fellen' hull, where nn elegant setout had 'been prepared by Mrs. Oeorge Muwer te celebrate the twenty-second Anniversary. M. T. Robinson, the clialrman of the committee of arrangement, railed the .meeting te order, welcomed the members te the banquet and called Uen State Coun cillor Peter ". AVlnower for nn address. Mr.Wlnower" resiiendcd lolhe cnll, spoke of the benefits of iliese social tralhcnnL'. referred te the great presrnity of the Oiler, 10 new councils having been lntl tutcd by him slnee the Inst session of the State Council. The order never ivn mero prosperous. Tliere are new 43,000 mem bers andlKtl councils In the state. While Cwnestega, Ne. 22, Is net as large In num bers as soine ethers, It stands sc:end (e none Quanciallv. .rast Councillor Jehn H. tldlln mid grace and the order was given te go te work 'en the geed things spread before them, which order was promptly obeyed. After the banquet, letters of icgrct nt tliclr Inability le be present wcre read from Past Councillor Jacob M. Chlllns, Seuth Bend, Ind., State Vice Councillor Stephen Cellins, Pittsburg, State Council Secretary 15. 8. Dcoiner, I'hilndelphin, who organized tlie council, and ethers. 1 alie only charter member prosent at this reunion was II. W. Hudy. Short speeches nerd made by K. S. Sinettz, Goe. II. Drewn, Albert Ilincliurt, E. S. Kurtz, Win. II. Welzel, J. I Uresh, Harry Krisman, Charles K. 'ccher, Jehn Chilian, Jehn II. Mllleyrcich, II. J. Bauer, Jehn P. Leiter, James Hurt, Kdwanl ck man, Diaries Hmlth, and the presiding oftlcerof the council, Jehn Ii, Snyder. llcfore adjourning a vete of tliiiuks was tendered te Mrs. Musscr for the elegant banquet sbe bad prepared. An amical sent out by sUite elllccrs of this order was rend asking for aid te pur chase books nnd repair school houses In Johnstown ; as yet they" are unable te col lect taxes for said purpose. A donation of te was made, this being in addition lea former donation of&O made I'V this conn cenn ell. INSTALLATION OF OFriCF.lt-. The Geed MiewIiik Miule lly IIi'I-mcIicI IxMltte, Se, ltf.'l. I. O. (. I-. At the meeting of Herschcl Ledge, Ne, 1!U, I. O. ). V., en Thursday evenlng, the following elllccrs ero Insliilliil : N. U Ooergol-orresl; V. (!., W.Stehnmn Dlllerj financial secritnry,' Jehn. ('. Hwope; reranling wvivtury, W. 11. .McConihey ; treasurer, (1. II. Swejk:; trustee, lleurge A. Lane, The following elllccrs appointed bv the noble grand uore also instiillm), R. 8. te N. ., Win. Smith ; L. S.,te N. (J 0. K. Drcpiiard; warden, Jehn Lellcr; conductor, J. L. I.yte; It. S. S.. tieergu Htnuffer ; K S. S., K. W. Hnietl": chaplain, R. F. W. Urban ; O. O., Charles K. Miller t 1. O., Emanuel Derwart; organist, A. P. Sclinader. ApjielntmcntH by vice grand : R. 8. te V, O., Charles K. llultzcl ; I.. S. te V. G., M. . ,Uhman. - The lusUlliDtt efl)ceru were deputy grand inasftir.'K. J.l.rlsmau. or Slvirgiuiid ninr shal, D. S. Itetlew. or 1U3 ; gr.mdwnrdcn, J. M. lkhiau, of VX ; grand socreUtrv, Charles Smith, et'M'Z ; outside guard, J. A. Wolferslierger,111.1,andlnsldn guard, II. K. Heffer. 1SI. The ilnaneeserilerschel me In a llourMi lleurMi Ing condition. The ledgo will net be tne years old until November 17; the member ship Is aci and the assets ever 83.000. After the installation nddtcvics weie made by K. J. Erismini, J. M. Kckm.in, II. E. Heller, 1). S. Itettew and Dr. M. W. Rttub. Ijist evening the otllcers r UiuniMcr ledge, Ne. 07, I. (). O. I'., wero lustulled liv D. Ii. (1. M., W. 1'. Hiiuihrlghl. He was Hsslsted by Pastllraud J. I). Itiiub. as grand warden ; iast grand, .1. Pnsl, 1 islier, as grand marshal ; Jehn P. Hilten, as grand ; '&& O'i J iwt griiiids W. O. Prallev, 17 K. Harinan and P. H. Leenard as sup porters. The officers were as follews: Neble Grand, William McGlll : vice grand. II. S. Reidel ; assistant secretary, I). S. Mcirlg, trustee, A. C. Rcluudil: representative. W'. F.IIambrlcht:ltlitlioetlioriiniMMiitid etllcers. In the ia.t six months the lodue lias paid ent l,5Ji Thelr assets mti 10,7Kij nnd membership T0. A, 8NAKE IN TIIK bTOVt:. The Effluvia from the IIumiIuk Iteptlln Lends te Its Discovery. Columbia, Oct. 4.-Frcd Armer Lew eiy, a flve-year-eld son of Hnrvey Lewery, died ou Thursday allorneoii at i:30 o'clock, at his home, Ne. liil Seuth Eighth treet. The death resulted from scarlet fever after u few days' illness. The boy was at Sunday bchoel en Sunday. The funeral will lie held ou Saturday afternoon at 2 o'clock from the residence of the parents. Jacob Krazert, lilng at Norwood, brought some weed te the house vesterdav te make tire under a large kettle. The woeU emitted a terrible stench and iiku exami nation found that a make Mas among the weed and was being burned in the tire. Susan tsMecnsy, a notorious woman of the hill, wa ou tnoruiiiiaKe vvsturdnv and (tended in lierurrcst by Oillcer Wittlck for drunkeunesH and disorderly conduct. Shu was given a hearing before Squiie Uvuus and was dlschargtxl tiinm the payment of the costs. The Gilbert Dniinutle ceniwnv appeared In tlie opera house last night In'" Moselle, or the Waif the Plains, " te a verv miiuII audience. " Iist in IajihIeii " w Ilfuu pre ecuted U night. A surprlse jurty was given lust night te Miss Jieulsn Sclilegelniilch, atllier home, corner Third and Perry streets, in honor of her thirteenth birthday. A large num. bcr of persons wcre present nnd all had a geed time. Harry Dcslter was given a surprlse partv last evening at his home en North Frent street, In honor of his eighteenth birth day. A number of his friends wcre pres ent, and all had u very cnjoyable time. IbeP.li.It. repairmen are ingaged in 'repairing the tracks for the annual iusi.ee iusi.ee tlen by the otllcers of the company. Duck sheeting is new Indulged in bv the local sportsmen with very geed luck. Or. Tayler and Geerge Crane succeeded in sheeting a number this morning. A very large number of persons left from the Pennsylvania railroad this morn ing te attend the Yerk fair The recently elected elUccrs at Osceola 7r.be, r. ll,eriled Men, ere Installed te their respective eiVeeslast ceiiing. Edward Eckert, of Lancaster, was en a visit te friends in town vet.terday. C C. Furguson is building a hou-e en Poplar street and two houses en Perrv 'reet. " MIm Clara Hallbaure. of Philadelphia, h Visiting Miss Margie Swlngler. A 8upkreI Tniiup Thief. Yesterday alternfxm there was a violent ring at the deer bell of .the residence of Geerge M. Hambrlght, ut Ne. -115 West James street. Mr. Killie Hefl'mnii, sUter of Mr. Mnmbrigkt, went te the deer and there found a rather hard looking man he U ' awaawuimicr ei new cnrpciiter tools, iu- i ., V B . """'" l l''i "ii iiaiiiib, '''. Her brother was hi Hut tut uL Um n. ... . ...... :i .tl..:t - .,.... ' I. . .Pi upnesed that the man was a cariientcr lua llCeil Kent fur. Mm icin-'l ,,.,,.., -that be was very drunk and when he beiran allll.lfV .r.ll.nll.t.... .1. .. 1. . c , . "'ii ui "no ceuiu net ii 4ersland she orderetl him away. He eful loge, but ipulckly drew a chisel nnd rT.? "'"Kp . " iienman with it. .L Mending te strike her. She u-et out of JT"- "'. ",u Mt,k anu puMieil Hint dew u K Ike tejs te the pavement when he w ent i aWV. ThO iMllllllMk thill ha hail e.vla.. .1... Ijoeje which he was carrylug and um en g 4Mreriiig te tell Iheni. THE LAKCABTEtt DAILY INTELLIGENCER, FBIDAY, OCTOBER 4, 1869. ClalmlBc the Rapp Millions. BurdGUtE Rapp, a printer of Harris burg, will with ether relatives or Johannes Geerge Rapp, founder of the Harmony so ciety at Economy, Pa., claim a share of the f 100,000,000 left by his ancestor. Johannas Geerge Rapp, was pastor, leader nnd financier or this strange com munity. He died In 1847, leaving an estate valued at 100.000.000, consisting or land, mines and railroads. Having no offspring of. his own, this estate, which Is at present held and managed by two aged members or the society, upon inelr death will have te be settled un and divided. Ilunl GIntr. Rapp nays: "My grandfather, Philip Rapp, was born In the kingdom of Wurtcnburg, Germany, and was a hatter bv trade. Ilocatne te this country with his pcopleSthe Rappa of Economy, but seen their single blessedness became Irkseme te him, and he, in company with his sweetheart, Barbara Hamilton, n near relative or the famous Continental general liearlng that name, In the gleaming or ene happy summer day stelo nwav from thelr home and travelcd en foet'to IUltlmere, Md., where they were married. Grandfather Rapp did net ro re maln long in Hnltlmere, but journeyed with his wife le Frederick City, Md., where he engaged In business. Frem this branch of the family my father. Allien Rapp, of Marietta, Pa., sprang; thorefpre mv connection te the wealthy Econemltc, Johanna Oeorge Rapp, Is npimrent at a glance. We have relatives In Pliiladelplila, but have lest sight of them for years ; also William II. Rapp, a blacksmith, residing In Yerk, nnd also Jacob Rapp, n wealthy butcher, of Bending, Pn. A HorweHrtqw Dead. 'this morning ii herse belonging te Samuel Isonbergcr, which was hitched te ncart leaded with brick, fell dead en Lime street, between 1ecust nnd Middle. The carcass wns taken te I.anipnrtcr's. Den I'eImiikmI. U-i st night teme ene olseued the large New Ffiundland deg "Majer" belonging te Harry C. Miwrc, and he was found dead In the yard this morning. Tnr. Pnlnce of Knlilen will be clev-d neil Usturday.OcteljcrS. Will lie open In the even Inirnt 6 o'clock. It ABTKICII IIIIOS. i1rttrtrtnc. H( II akti ii lli;i. !.. October 3, 1MW, nt tliclr eaii Imiiiic, Ne. 217 1'ellricn avenue, Ity Itev. .Iiir. V. .Mitchell, I). I)., Mr. Cluirles U HchaclTer niiil Mls11icklii I llclln.ljetli of tun city. If lcathe. Wei.l'. In tills city, en M lnnU, llnrlmra. iliMicliUT or L'ntlmrliin and Hie Inte Mlchnel Welr, 111 tlieDth jniref hcrnRO. Tim rrlatlvcs and frlcndi of the family arc re fpcctfully Invited te attend the runcrnl, from her mother's refclilenie, Ne. 4tM Utah street, en Himday nflcrnoeii nt 3 o'clock. Iiitrrment at ZI'Mi's rcinctcry. Laiax At IlrliltrelHirt, linul Ijniipeter lewnflilp, October I, Ifrnry Ijiymnn, Jr., nurd (It earn. The relntlvci nnd friends of the family are re HKClfully linlted te uttenil the funeral, from hllnte nlili-nce, IlrldKcpert. East I Anitrr leunKhlp, Kntiinlay nnernoen nt SoVleck. 21 slitiit'ttct. l'hllnihdpliln I'rotluce .Market. I'llII.AIiRI.I'IIIA, Oft. l.-NoeM-riour klcndv; IVnn'n miiimtm, sreit27S; extra. iKTieMii'i; fiimlly, .1 7-Vsl 1M; roller, lllMt); imtcul, IIHVfflOO. Win at iiiiIpI; Ne. 2 Kcil, new, SAasie; Ne. 1 IVnn'n Heil, lc. Cern thin; Ne. 2, WV'blc. Onts Kliiuly ; Ne. 2 White UIviZ7r. ', Ne. 3 mixed It1 (r, limn dull ; Winter 12 7MAI.1M lliilfil luiv dull ; 10 IU'41.1 Oil iin te iniflllty ; tlmelhy UTiOitMU) for choice; inlxrd.lv.tllCO: IisIimI rye klniw, new, JIM (K). Ilulter mlcr; rriiu'n creamery extra SVi; rcnn'it flntN extra 2sa.ll. CuKHttlcaily; IViin'ii flrHtK. Zle, Clicic Inn ; part nkliuc, 7auc ; lull (.klms. 2dt.V. IVIreletun dull; rclliidt In bills., V 00. Potatoes filciiily t roytfile t bushel. tlral u anil l'nivlsleus. CIHCAIIO. Oct. 1. 1.-00 o'rleck n. m. KiirnlNhnl by H. K. Ytiiidt, broker. Cliulinr Prices 2:15 o'clock n. m. WhfJit. Cern. Oats. Perk. October htfjf :w lt; low Nevrui)cr-..-.. .... 31'J lilt? 87 11 Ml. IMctmbcr Ml, 31i ll5 Ytar. -. ""; iw.'j, IK ti2l) ft (HI Jnmiarv . 8 , JWi Kebrunry, March.... May CniiKelfi.... C'riiileOII. - . -4., . .(.I v W-i isioek MiirketH. (iioliitlenn by ltectt, McUrium A Ce.,buiikrrn, MHW inllK LIST. 11 A. l. Unuidn Pnrlllc 70)J iuci : t'olnrntte Ceal K"vi Central I'nelrlc .tljij 1'iumdu Himtlicrn .. .... ... 12 M. 3 r. M. 70.' 70X sss t'lil.HU I. A I'tiif Den. A HltKJ I VI. U A W i:ri Krlu 'iudN Jrr C...m.... i;.t.. linn. N. I,. Hhere I l-i 21 1.-7.S , 7S llfi '. 7'l" I"1. vv I ; 4 211 127 .Mich.un Missouri Pi'cltlc-. lle k. Valley M N, P. N. P. Pref N. Wct N. Y. U ' New KiiKlamt hjml 'l'i'inent. Omaha Ori'Ken Truiikt'entlneiilul... Ontario A W Pacini! Mall Hlrhiiieud Terminal HI. Paul .. Texas Pueltlr. Union Pacirie Wnbath t'em Watiniih Pref. Western U. WestSheie llendn. FIIILAOKM-IIIA LIST. lh. Vat . II. N. Y.APlillu Si lit 107 ,iiJ5 107 107 l'J It.'', ;uti Olii hi 32'i 32 1I Mil si". ay, 51K riuK.it.. Reatllne. 22 7-16 Lch. Nn Hekf iiv. Phm .. P. A It . N.L'ent. PlHuleH 1'aM.. KllR t'S Oil lO'j iwii lleiu bucvtiocutcnte. a useLutki.yI'uuk. " ROYAL BAKING POWDER. rpillS i)rtder iih,t an.. . innricl or mi X rlt, HtreiiKth anil uholekeiueiHhH. Mere ecoiieiiilnil th.iu the eullnur) kinds unit ran ran net be sold In reiuiwiititui wilh the inullltuda or low tet. kliiut nilclit, nliiin or 1'ho.phute I en iters, t lil entu , f,u. Hnv.w. IIaki.ne I'eHDEItf... 10.1 Wall stint. New Yerk. umr2Mjli41yw "lifltKJLIfKOKnillUltAPa Tart lied and White CAM TO UN J A WINE, 31V' r bottle; frl.au lur dozen Imltles. ' ?'h Centre hvjuarc, Ijiiu-aster, Pa. vfeTIfli fill: IIOOKH ARE IN TflK A. liaud of the Collector. All these who hme mil paid thtlr City Tux ter I Ml heuld de .out once Hint mi veiiddltiemil cwt. JOHN JIKGK. Jit., follicter, "' 'Id -Ne. 521 Henlli ljuceii Htrevt. riMllJ ANNt At. M LKTINO OK TIIK STOCK 1 holders or the Uineutttr KrnlUllle lurnplke Itisiil nmiMiiy, ,ll be htldutthe 1 ultiMi .Nutlenal link, IJUH-nMer. 111., en Moil Meil uay,.yniU.rl, iHa.betnevn the hour of 1 aiid.leelt.ck p. hi. 'Wectlen of einerm for the ensuliia vir. tie. W. 1 1. IIITNKIl, .el.ll.NUltw HtulHrj and Treasurer. I II '111. 1C MAI f. 1 11 IMMI ......iT ... ... i.ud I uridtil -e, to-iniirrer, ut I o'clock. ut Ul iU-aver Hreel New llrnH. ctirisl. Fine Mirror, Parler or I UllleehteNe. Kxttiikleu Table. IH-.U una iteuuiuii IK-t.dlirerent 111 in ItiHlkiiud IIiddliiL-. i li,-lily siirdnUixxl H112 rar IU., lJ I J-klltK.U !...( 1 . tewij; -a, nnl incut lutiawf ' -.1 KHANKA.IIAINO. Jen. 1. IIaim, Auctleiiivr, 1IU OH. ItAltIt COHDtAI.LY INVriKSTJU: publle te IMt his Art Heern and tee the 1. rit and much-talkcd-ef picture, " Christ or Diana." ;vi-t, Tinier' Ctltbratt-d Iltehlni;, "Wedding Precession," l'rlu'llls and Jehn Aldeu.) it Item.dlkvcrtUemcnta. M VKNNERCHOK HAM. HAWCINO HCIineK BVERY BATURDAY KVflNINO, IK FRANK UIAI.KOWHKI, Ms el4mdK ManaEvr. VriLLKn-S BORAX BOAP WILL WAHIt 1VJL Cletliesand every article under the sun. ltrANTBB.-AW BXPKBIKSOK I T. Iluteher. One who ran speak Knllli and Oermsn. Apply at It wu. 5I8WEHT KtNCJHT. CJTnll'PKIW WANTED AT JOH. M. l"ORTU O nNIKIACOHCHIARKACTHUY. lid VHIU HCII01iAwTwANTKIr rt , . Instruction en PIANO slid OHOAN Klvenby MHH MAneIE8p,mnlElt. . Ne. fM North Minn Htrett ir Ne. lnfteulh Queen Hlrrct. . TIJHT HKCKIVliit. "" "" New Designs In OVERCOAT PATTERNS Henicthlng Entirely New. McORAlfN KOWLEN, Kahhlennblc Tnllem, IM North Qun Htreet. M . . f I II I III I TJ KIHIRT OF IV Northern the State of IVi (KIMHTOK TIIK CONDITION OF TIIK ermern national nana, at iinrn.irr, in 1 OtllOllHI iwiih, nt iiii..i-(.-i, III niipvlxanla.allherleM) of liml- IKK, HepL!IO,IMI. IIISMItiltCM. lmnnnd Dlveniit -.$ .112,172 7 1J. H. liendu le Hceurc clrrulatlun....... Mftn 00 Itenl estate, fiirnltnreiind nxtnrt-.... 2l,t.l 00 ('cirrcntexprnvKiuid laxiKJMld - 2,tV) M Vremliiini pn'd - frt) l llercrve, cnuli 111 vault and due from banke illd M Total. - I t!0,0W Tfl I.IAIIII.lTlK". Capital fteek il.I III 3).W1I1 00 HtirpliiH fund and undivided profit. 3,ism 71 Circulation -. M.0O0 00 DupmllK ,.. I.W.IOO 05 . . Total ...; . .. ltd .... I IW.WP7I K.J. HYDEIt, Cnnhler. T HE 1'Eerl.KH CAM! I WIXIIIK- THE People's Cash Stere Blankets and Flannels, &c. , UUl, -AT- Specially Lew Prices. WHITE lll-ANKETH nt 7.V., II, fl.as, l.,'0 II "., J.V.O. H, fr1J, ll,5. Pi, WM te 110. (HtKY HI.ANKET-4,11,11.2.-., l.tt),K te Vu ht;Altl.KTIII.ANKKTH, All-Weel and Mnll rated, frt.75 te t. HUAItl.ET KI.ANNELH, 15, 20, 'Si, :l, X, te HI cent". WHITE KliANNEI.S 'i, H, 12, IS, ill, Z'i le 1.5 eon I h. tlllEY FLANNELS l 10, li'i, 1 7, 3), Sile ft I ceuln. UidleN'.Oeiit'HHiiiK'hlldrrn'NUNIIEHWKAIt In all the popular t.tyleNnt nil prlcex. Most of our Woolen were lieilcbt nt 11 lime Minn the market vnn much loner tlnu It Is to day, plucliiK un In 11 pnltln logheyou the lowest KMlilneah price. Gee. F. Rathven, jj NO. 25 EAST KING STREET, uiarTO-irdlt LANUAHTEH. I'A. (.'t-tW XITILI.IAMHON, & FUtjl'Elt. According te Premise ! Lrnweutl'ii Neveltj Check, .lie er jard. Si'Mt etrerrd for lent tliiin 5(Vpcr uril,3tl In. wide. An tliKnnt nscertineiit of Ti lent, four kIihiIcs M Inrln h hie, 3V ht j anl. One Inruc let of IlresH Iik1hIii Iheiuefitdr. blrnblii IiiuIcn, 5c h r jiud. All-Weel Deliltucd, ft Inches wide, 2.V' er Sard. Theipmntlty It II111H11I and wllluulhiKt leiiKitt that rlKuri. Ijidl.V Jersey Cleth jHcki Is. frl.60, t, ?.", !.(W, rrgiilar laller nmdi-iiiid unexcelled In iiinllty. Nerlty In Saxony Cleth JucketN, 13 te J10. Chllilreii'ii IreM-viiiiibluiitleiiiud plain, J.J tefrVai. Hl7.c3leS jruri. IKiiH' Knee Pant Unite and Oterceatt. New Things in Notions. Onyx lhKraln llluik Htmkr), eai and relu KUariinleed. Ilr. Wurner'h CerM'l'. IjidltV and Children'. .Muslin I'lidcraeur. Iidlci' JerKcy Wulbtx. New line of Full Ncekwiar liiT.i-ku and I'onr I'enr IndliiudH. Fine line of I'urdlKiiu Juckets. Mi'n'h line of Uiulerwcar In Weel, Nnlunil Wind and O11111U llalr. l.'inl'h (iiiiuilncCeiil and Vei.t. The Latest Style Stiff Hats llasii lluckli. Un ml, Price fiMleta. The Celcbraleil Knox Hat, Full Utxl, Htlir Hiils.tJ; Kllk HatK.W. The Oinulne IaiihI Fauntleroy Cup for Chil dren, 12.00. OlorlaClethU111brell.nl, Vtl Inch, (fold or hller Cap,Jl.lN. JHatlil I'mbrelluv, Ueld Cup, 1HV. Mrn'h AIIAYoel Cusslmcie and Chr let Nick WIIIU..J12. Meu'h DreMCiituuay CeattMilU, AlMteul and Fast Celer, 111) and 111. tienlV LlKlit Wrliiht OverreutK, KL.V, f7. W.M, 110,111, J12. lie ' Fall Weight Ocrceat, J5, 7, lit, III. Mill' All Weel Oft'ineic Drrns I'nnU.JXW te J".i. Ladies' Full Dress Shoes Iu Doncelu or Pebble Geat Hteck,0cru or HjimreTee, Werktxl llutten Helen, Perfect Fit ting and NtylUh. Price, II JO. A iHruiiHkMirtnient of Fnriuen.' Iloetti. Williamson & Fester 32-38 East King Street, LANCAHTEP. PA. Branch Stere, NO.SlSMUtKKT HTIlEirr, HAllltlS UUltO, PA. ii I W urcss iioetis Dcirffcims tcwiavutyHritierttii.. MILLERH nOB.X SOAP WILL WaHU Clethe nnd eerynrtlcle under lhen. A 1.LTIIE LATEHT NOVELT1EH IN FINE WOOLENS. At p. WEIKEL'H. ep2KlDidIt Ne. II Wrat King Htreet, M ILLEIt'H IJOKAX HOAI' WILL WAHH CletlicuRiid etrry artlnlc under tliemin. M ILLEUH UOItAX HOAI' WILL WAHH i;ieinennd overy article under tnimnn. T KKIK'm We Told Yeu Se ! A month tiEette told you Hint SiiRiim would drop ene cent a pound. They did drop mer one cent a peuml. We ncaln remind you that They Will Surely Drep Anether-Cent, Keen yeurcyenxrlile open. Theve arc nentle hint" thrown out for jour own lnterel. A Carload of Goods Just Received, . 1I1U HAH0AINH. n.nTHnu of FlneU New Yerk 8bite Cheese. 6.000 rtn of Unltlnt. 1,000 n.H or Ernperated Apple, t.em ft or California Apricots 600 ltt of New U'Khnru Citren. 1.0UO Vm of I Yaelirn, quarter. 1,01)0 ff.ii of Peachen, halve-. 0,000 fte of Prune. A FEW HPECIAL OOOW. Finest French Point, two cnim for ZV. New Irf-'Khern Citren, 20e a te. hlcinlcraltalirinii, lhrtH ferSfK1. Evapernled Apphw, Hiree fm for 20c, New Penchen, four It for ZV lenien mid OrniiRn Peel, 15e a li. Wheat Oerrn, nlce and fretih, lx Pn mrav. KeltettOntx, lx Itn for 2.V?. NIcNiich mid Olnger Hnuw, three Ris for ZV. Extra Dried lleef. 12)ic. Dried Iteef Kiiuelilin, Den t.. Fliuwl llam, IlVje and He. 1 jrniq iiuin. vc a n. .XMieguii,iK.ii ni. . 'New Crnnberrle, I Cerniutnl, Helf-ltatitlng tliickwhent, llcun. Comb Heney, CedlWi, Mnckrrel, Portland Herring, Ac. PAItLOIl PPIDE ENAMEL. Itimimber, we nre hcadiiiHrtcr9 for It-only 10.;nlMi(lc. NeiliiHt, no rtnt. -WANTEOt tine Theiiwind llmdicl Helected Potnteen. Call and m. nt. reFst ! WHOLKHA1.E AND IIETAIL QKOCKIt, COHNEIt WEHT KINO AND I'lllNOE HT8., Directly Opponlte J. II. Martin A Ce.'k Dry Uoeds Htere, and Next Doer toHerrcl Herse Hetel. TnTltOMTl LP TO le A PAlill Which WiifTeu Have ? tjlincH for the Heys. Prejier nerlH for llnedrcpM ; tlie fluent in the fnhieuable .swim ; line in ex'cry rcnse Hint the term implies .shtije, make, llulali anil lcittbui'M. Ooed Hellil milwtnntlnl inuken, ns well, for retiKh nnd tumble cvery-tlny iiHiiKy. (Vimnieii kintla, tee; wemtcralii Mliueiiuikitijr, cxtrnenllnnry vnlitee for i-n littlu money. lleis' tifieai at fl. Think of Hint price te Mnrt with. Where eiiu btiyvrn tle better? As the iiiurket gee.s the leather uloue in them in worth tlie price of the ahoe com plete. Uppers of tlie toughest klml of iniilei'liil poles nil lenllicr, fccnnifl well Hlllelied. Tlie lies! uliupeil mill best wcnrlnu $1 Slitie In Luucnstcr. Bill ion or litice. Hey' ,S'ief ul fi gs. Hnricthliift better tliiin the i yiiee, lMjtlcr Hluclc In uiipers, u llttle mere piiins (liken in tlie liinUItiu; nnd the IIhIkIiIiik. rienslng in slmpe, nnd tit tliiK the feet nicely. Geed solid oak eak tuniictl Kile lenllicr plnceil by jroeil shoemakers where it produces the tett resulth for wear. Won't go te pieces en rniny tliiyH. Liiee or.Bntten. t -lliU' Siech at $1.60. "Net 11 Minia.v, Hlcnsy eurt, but tlie1 tlutt filve the feet a nent, trim Hliiipe, nnil Invariably prove Herrlceable. Hot Het ter nnd II tier grades at $lr0, $1.75 te :!. Nobby unil attractive In nppenr anee. Mere of them te pick from tliau anywhere else. Ami he Jbe prlccHge en up from Ji.'.n0 te $5.00, tnmiltniiy pocket or fancy ; custom hlieemaklnc werlH. in verj" Hut! leullieiH, ami idtiis II leK. Perfect fllHguiirniiteetl wlicre no tlefennity exibtn. SHAUB & BURNS, 14 Neitrii (uki:n Hriti:i;r, Lancas ti:k, Pa. 11 iiwh . interiiEii. ESTABLISHED 1854. The Shell and the Kernel ! Can Yeu Crack the Nut ? Xie Sliell Iseur Klctiu Uirtie WludeiM., willed uIm. jeii nn IDEA or Ihe IniiueuKe stock Intlile. which Ik Xlie Kernel, And n keriK 1 for which It in worth while cruckliiK the nut. Cull nnd nts un and we will hew ou IhreiiKh our luimeiike Stock of Men's Bey's untl Children's SUITS, OVERCOATS, PANTS -AND- FURNISHINGS. IN W1NDOWH 1. 2 AND b, North ijuien klrevt,)nu will find h worthy lepreentuthe of our Merchant lallerlnic De nrtnient. IN WINDOWS 4 AND S, Ct litre Siunre, MenV 8nlt, Overcoats and l'HUtaloeiik. IN WIN DO W0, (.i iitleincu'K ruruttlilngK. IN WINDOWS 7 AND 8, llej't. and Chlldicn'BSuitti and Overcoat'. IN WINDOW 9, L'ndt rur.tr and Knit Jacket. IN WINDOW 10, i'liinuilHhlils. I.N WINDOW U. .Meu'a !5.W and $0.00 Hultk-tJackn and Cilia- ay. SEE THEM T ONIM'UU'K CI.OTlll.VtI AND KUHNlSlll.VU HOUSK, North Queen Street and Centre Square. LANCASTHTt. PA. S-Cle.ert Baturday October 5, until 6 o'clock lu the cvralcr, I B BROTHER'S X jltw 3lrtttmtnt -Vf-IIXKn-H BORAX BOAP WIM. WAHH J.TJL Llethei ana every artlcK under the win. G I IlLfi WANTED AT TMK- LANCA0TER CARAMEL tO. KAOTORY, MS CHDHCH BTItKCT. ntfd WE CARRY THE tAROIT STOCK OF Plpea and flna Bmekliur Tobaeeo In lb city. Weeden Plpea at 5c and Re. each. Oenu Ine Meeraebanrn Pipe alee. Met, .- - BEMUTHW CIGAR 8TORI5, U-tMR III EmI King Htreet -f IM.EICH BORAX HOAP WILL WA8II JJL Clelhcii and every article tinder the sun. II.LEtVH IIOIIAX HOAP WIM, WAHH t'leibe and every article under the inn. fVH OOtDEN LION AMD MIA QUENDA J flRiiri, 5c rlram, are hand miwle with long Clear Havana, Filler. 50' nnd lOO liei. DEMUTUM CIUAK HTORE, alg-tfdR 114 EwtKleg Street. M ILLEK'H UORAX HOAP WILL WAHH cieuieiana every article under uia aim. moil BALE. C Twe Hundred and Elfly WhUky Barrel at $1.00 per piece, at JACOB.F. HIIEAKFER'.t, Me, IS Centre (Square, Lancaater, Pa. teplMTd TJIOIl HENT-KltOM APRIL lffr NEXT, THE ,1? Orecnland Mill, altuated en Mill Creek, In East Lnmpelf r tnwnMilp. Apply te ELIZAKETII II. K. BATEH, Ul North Duke Ht., Lancaster, Pa. 25-tfddwIt TMPOUTANTI Stenography and Type-Writing. A competent liutructer In these limnetic Day and Eventnr, at the LANUAHTEH IlUHI MESH COLLEOE, Orant Hall, Ne. 31 North Duke street, commencing OCTOBER 1. Full particular en application by mall. or tn perten at College Roem. Addrtv, cp2J-tfd H.C.WEIDLER, Principal. rpROUTAHIIANR HlllIlT MANUKACTURERH AND MENS OUTFITTEHH. NO. 110 NOKTtt Q.UEEK SlltEET. UNDERWEAR or all description! from .'Ac n nlt. HemMhlng entirely new BLACK BILK UNDERWEAR. The handemct Neckrwear In the city. Our "Sc Hand Cut and Hand Worked Butten Hele Hhtrt cannot be equaled In the city for 11.00. Your measure taken and fit guaranteed rer 11.00. A large line of Hand Embroidered Fine DrcM Hhlrl Frent te pick from. Large Line of Night Kebe. marZS-iydR w E EXAMINE EYEH FREE. Speotaeles ! WE EXAMINE EYES FREE 1 Ten Think Tour Eyes Are Geed I If you have thcra examined you will probably And that there 1 something wrong with them, and that claxaea will be n great help te you. We use Inimitable "DIA MANTA1' tense, which are made only by us, and recommended by leading Oculist as the bent aids te defec tive vision. . Helld Quid BpccUcles, $0.00 ; usual price, 9.00. Hteel Hectaclc, flOe.I usual price, 91.00. Artificial Eye Inserted, If i ( usual price, 910. H. ZIHEMAH & BROJ130 S. Hlntb Street, OPTICIANS. PHILADELPHIA. Between Chestnut and Walnut HtrecU. T O OUR PXThONfl. -THE- Palace of Fashion, 1 1 5 & 117 Nertb Qneen St., Will Be Closed ALL DAY, Saturday, Oct. 5. eftrWill I 0ii:iii the Evening nt tl o'clock. We IU't.jH'ctfiilly Ak Our l'ntreuh te Defer Their I'lirclinHiiig if Any Wiiy Cenvviiit'iit. ASTRI0H BROS. -VrOWHEIti: EUSE CAN HUCH IlABQAINS i UK HAD AH CLARKE IS DAILY OFFERING, Peppy Oil Seap Cunli. for all who cull . H.irKUlns In PreM-rvrtJelltea and Mluw Meat, nhuckelJellyferll, New ltulstns, 2 mid 3 Its for Sic. New Citren nnd Tclekatlmrix, Cnrmnlh and Keillewi Unlslns, Priinclluk, Te h, I for we. Culireriilu Apricots, '.' and 3 H. fer'ie, 1'ninik, '.', 3. ( und 10lbferS. l'erthnul Her Her rlns.5ctbtiirkfer'Jfic 11 tt-s for 15c. Kardlnr In nil, choice Koeds, only 5c licau. Muitard or fiplced Brtrdlur, lurge site, 10c a can. Sal. meii, IJ.' a can. Sec our Bleck Island Ne. 1 lllentrr Mncken.1, Ilncet In the market. Mack erel In 10 n bucueu from bee up. Flue New Codnhenly6o a ft. Ilecker' Buckwheat Jut In. Try Clarke California Table Syrup for your buckwheat cake and you will be pleaMHl. ilned brand of Fleur fiem ' a quarter up. Sugars from GJJc te 8e ft. Light Sjrup, Scqt. Clarke's Tea Stere, ISA HMJUTH tJl'EFN STRF.CT, Telephone, Ke Pelhtry. JjS-tidAw Item vtrftii'mttt. TTAOER BROTHER. New Curtains Curtain Department. Nevel Heavy Dratterlew for Doorways and Windows, Plnlu and Interwoven Chenille Hangings with Overdrapery Fringe. All Figured Draperies In Eastern Colorings. Alse with Deep Fringes; Flax Valeurs with Overdraperles. The above styles are new, Fall effects, the colorings are somewhat lighter than foretfriy, and include Warm Browns, Pigeon Bits, Copper, etc., etc. Heavy Materials by the yard for Draping Windows, Doorways, Arches, Couches, Mantel pieces, etc., with choice Overdhiper' Fringe te match. Artistic Drapery Werk of all kinds. Lace Curtains. Our Fall Line of Lace Curtains is much mere complete than heretofore, and start at 60c. tier pair, and includes many choice and desira ble patterns. The favorite medium-priced Lace Curtains are Brussels Effects In Nottingham. 12.60, 13.00, $3.50, R00, 14.60. . - Our Line of Swiss Lace Curtains deserves sjiecial attention, $5.00 per pair upwards. Light Weight Materials for Bash Curtains, French Curtains, Vestibule Draperies, Tran soms, etc. Curtain Poles In all weeds and metals. Ornamental Poles in Geld Plate, Antique Silver, Copper etc. Window Shades. A Large Stock of Best Materials and Fix tures. Stere Shades a specialty. We would be pleased te have all interested LIu Furnishing te examine our Curtain and Up holstery Departments. HAGER & 25, 27, 20, 31 N1 KXT DOOR TO THE COURT HOUSE. We hae alwaj made a pccla rAecpiieu. ii inereinny cnanz Ml. All-Wn.il Uhtnt. Ul.nn.1 nl worth 8.1.00. Our M.OO and &100 Deuble Shawl the finer makes In full assortment. Alse Black and Black and Grey Woolen Shawl In alt quali ties. Lupin's make of Black Cahhmcre Shawls, both Ieng and Square, and in all qualities, from JI.75 te 112.60 always en hand. INFHNT'S WEHR. Wcliaxc added a new department this Fall, that of Infant' wear. We are showing a full as sortment of Infant's Embroidered Ceat nnd Hlch Welcht Cleth Coats from 2 up. Alse a large stock of Infant's and Children's Cashmere, Surah, l'luili and Knit Caps, ranging frenTSOc te fl.30. 7 JHCKET BHRCHIN, We hac Just opened In our Cleak depaitment a Bargain In a Black Steckinette Jacket in Him 30 te 11, at Fl.00. 35 and"37, East 'King St., err.ji TifirritrfiiiriFr?i Jtctu .bucvtlecutcnte. HXKIl'SrBOU.VX,S(JAP ,WILi7.iH Cletliesani) ctery nrtlcle tinder the sun. M ILLEB'S BOR.VX SOAP WILL WASH cieiurHUim eery article uiiuertnesun. COLLARS AND CUKKS THE LATEST the most desirable, and most comfortable shapes and styles any slr.e, ut EKISMAN'S dent' KurnlKhlnirSterc, 42 West Klur Htreet. ITIOHHALKCilKAl'-A MOUNT JOV8TEAM : Heating Helier, larce slic, with latent Im prevemciits. Address, ADOLl'II KKKINOKR, Seventh Ward Hetel, ii"-ltdll lteckJaud Street, I Jincnstcr, l'a. KEYSTONE BUSINESS COLLEGE AF fords uusurasied ndvantaEm for train Iiik yeuug men and ladles for buslueks. We hae a delightful room and pleasant location. Full course. J.I5; cenlug cenrsi., K0. TyiM writing and Phonegraphy liiught. W. D. MOSSElt, I"rln., Ne. 14 North Queen St., Lancaster, l'a, IfdAw -I3AHUAINU IN SHOES. HIE7VENZ'S Big Shee Bargains ! Closing out bhees worth t2, S3 anil tl nttl. Large Let of Men's Hand Sewed 51 and 55 Shoes marked down te 5.'. Men's Walking Shoes, 75c. Misses' and Children's Oxford Tits, 50c. Large let of Flue Infant Shoes, 25c. Beys' Butten Shoes, slic 1 te5,7bc. tallies' Fine Dongola Butten 51.50; worth U50, JOHfS, HlEMENZ, Ne. 57 NORTH O.UKI rpe ULOTHINU BUYERS, Ne. 57 NORTH HUEEN STREET. rcblO-UilF LGansman&Bre. Best Goods for the Least Meney. PRICE LIST -OK- Men's, Bey's & Children's Overcoats Men's Union Cuwlincre Ocrce.it, .'UU, .) W, I 00. .Men's Chinchilla 0rrceutiMit tl 50, S5 W. 57 00. sioeo,aoo,iu). Men's Wilten 0creeut nl 55 00, wen, JSW, 10 00,J1200,tHW. Men's Kersey Oerceats at 00,500,11300, 51500. Men's Worsted Oerceat, $100, fSOO, 5600, fb CO, 110 00, 112 00,511 00. Men's Silk Lined 0erce.tts, HOW, 111' 00, 5 1100, 510 00, 51S 00, 5 JO 00. Uoy'0crceaU CusMmrrcs, Wilten., Chev iot and Chinchillas, at S-iOO, 5100, 1.100, 5000 5S0O,510 0O,5IJ0O. Children's Overcoats at 51 25, II 75, 00, $310, 5100,55 00, 50 00. A Lnrge Assortment of Deiilili-HteusUil iva Jackets at 53 50, 51 00, 55 00, Je 00. Consult your own Interest und buy direct from the manufacturers. By doing se jeu mc inlddlcinau'h profit. L. Gansman & Bre., Tallets and Manufacturers of Mens. IJei sand Children's Clothing (Ksclutltc.) 6( and 68 NORTH QUEEN ST., I. W. CORNER OP ORANGE. LANCASTER. PA 8- Net connected with auy ether Clothing Heuse In the city. TnE RIVAL FOUNTAIN PEN-THF.IinsT and cheapest lu the market II karat geld pea. Hard rubber holder, never gels out of order, easily filled. Call and examine before purchasing elsewhere. At KltlbMAN MUents' Furnishing Stere, ii West King street. -v and Draperies. fV c L''AlU ii i t- BROTHER, West King St. ' pcclalty of Shawls both Deuble and Single, and tbl heaeii 1 net an lanae It I tn a larger awerlmcnt and lower prices. We are offering; nt II ; worth (I.&0. We have a Heavy Weel Deuble Shawl at tZSO : mut lie seen te be BDnrcclnled. We nln keen all Lancaster, Pa. .!,- 2tre .bucritcment. , Tl t j I, ll'lrl . III. ii(U , QTEAJT ENGINE ATJOBOILERWORKa Fair Veek. Steam Engine -AND- Beiler Works. Visitors te the Fair, It will pay j en te call at my Works and ex amine our Stock of Engines ! Allew us te quote yen prices and see. our facility for turning out work. Portable Engines. 4 Horte-Pewcr .,.....,.....- t 2s 6 Herse-Power 7S Horso-Pewer. - sas 10 Herse-Power. .; 675 IS Herse-Power 875 'JO Herse-Power. 1,175 Portable Engines, SECOND-HANI. 0 Horke-PeWcr 8 Herse-Power 15 Herse-Power .....tse . 2) . 2TS Boilers, Second-Hand. Fle30 Herse-Power, 50 In. Dlam., 16 feet Lene 22 4111, Tubes. Price, 1175 and 5150. One Beiler, SO lu. Dlam., PI feet Inng. 21 8 in. Tubes 12 feet Leng, with Fire Frent Castings, 5125. I CARRY THE LAROEWT STOCK OF ENGINE AND BOILER SUPPLIES IN THE CITY OF LANCASTER, PA. Manufacturer of Stationary Engines, Mill and Mining Machinery, SawMlllH, Bark and Cob Mills, Pumps, etc. Contractor for Steam Heating, Direct or Indi rect, or by Het Water. OUR HOT AIR FURNACE IK,TH E BEST IN THE MARKET,, m Repairing Promptly Attended Te. Jehn Best, l'KOI'HIKTOR, 333 EAST FULTON ST., XyCASTW.fA. r'Sr-'Vk' '' . -- iiv