iK- v- .-. " N - .' ' v' -5 -i - 4' r , ,i ' ' 6 I..,' . - .. . i j, '-' ' f THE LATOAStBli DAILY INTlSIiLTOEKCER, SATUBDAY, SEFTEMiiER'21', 18$D. V"JV.MJ 99' LLl. AMOXG THE BAHLET." r seems te short a time J" Blnce dull December' sun Set o'er these hcdgci white with rime. Anil furrows purple-dun, Wince empty flr Ids vs re dark and drear Beneath ye waning of ye year. Clntn corn, hew fast you grew 1 Hprlng-Min, hew bright ou shone I Keep wondering heart, hew seen you knew, What secret whs. your own I Hefl wlni, hew sweet your fcrenndes Hang through je rlpcntn? barley-blade I O, what a golden glow Kills nil these Drills le-nlght The while with eager strpi I go In yellow western llaht, Here where ye b ulcy lies In swath On either aide yr stubble-path. Along the H-nwnrd slope I take the olden way ; A little tender new-born hope Hprang In my heart te-day. Who knuvi s ? te-morrow I may bring New enrels te my harvesting! .V; V. Gllltng'en. A TEACIIEH'S EXI'F.niENCE. Final Advi'iitttret or the City Girl In the fatuity. Tenth and cenclitdlut paper of Geerge It. Van dnlenr, In the New Yerk Evening Pest. The vlllnge lind been In a siate of pleasur able excitement for the ixt ten days ever the announcement that Ollle Hogcti Hegcti gantr. intended giving a large evening party. This party wiw a great I'liNoile in our mono oiieipj country life. It almost ch.ingeU tlm face of the calendar. All sub Wiient oveiits for sjihe weeks were dated from the evening of the party, and nil previous occurrences were referred te us having happened no many dav or weeks " before the party." ' New, teacher, said Olllc, vvaruliiglv, "you must be itire an' malte yourself common at the party, still. Seino e' thorn young men is the satis e' directors, an' lawsee Mkns nil vel if veur ure uppisli te 'cm, still 'Hiwlnlly since this here Nor Ner mal certificate's come. It's expected that the teacher must be sociable-like nn' make herself common, till ii'ic.vily yet ; ain't it is, pep ?" "In course," said Mr. Zeke sullenly ; "that is," he added, "I roelioil se. Hut I'm jess dead set agin the whele blame foolish ness. It'll cost a heap e' goad money, te say nethln' e' thellddlesau'dancin', which Is tee eutcn Iho seven deadly sins. The next thing I'll hear en's that veu'll be a readln' novels." And Mr. Zeke walked off with a very despondent and reproach ful nlr. ' I made no comment upon Ollie's kindly advice, although 1 secretly wished that I could frame botne oxcuse ler remaining away from her party altogether. Finally the momentous evening arrived. I sat in my chamber until the ie7in struck up and the dancing began. Then, putting nslde the novel I was leading, I went down Mnirs mid sought out a corner of the loom where I could see everythlng vv itiieut being t-een myself. I had net occupied my re tired nook very long before I vv a i discov ered by the sharp eyes of Mrs. Zeke. "Se it's here you arei An' I a-loekin' fer you high an' low an' near an' far. Well. I don't blame you fer lildln' mj'h you won't be asked te dance an' cut up them ondig endig nllled inenkey-sliineN. I'm West of it ain't the most loelltlicst sight I ever seen! Hoppin' an' skippln' about like that there! They ain't no common sense into it as I kin see." And Mrs. Zeke turned with an expression of contemptuous scorn tevvnn'n the dancers. " I'm blest of here don't come the patriarchs!" she exclaimed, suddenly. My eyes fellow ed her gurc, and beheld two s range llgurcs mechanically enter the ()oer.iy,p.iusou moment en the threshold, bow simultaneously te Mrs. Zcke with the strangest automatic notion, but answer never n word te the hesiers' veluble wel come. The " patriarchs," as .Mrs. Zeke niilln.1 llmlii. uiinitu'n vnrvilit lillru ,i., . ...... ......, ..wax .. .f.J ..v LU.iI , ,1V Is lived en a liciuhherinir farm. Thev II dressed exactly alike, and in a btyle of I nt n.t.u n,..t. (I. At .....H....1 -III... talked alike mid looked alike. Se sim ilar weie tliey in every particular that it was difficult te distinguish "t'ether front which." 1 watched them as they walked, like a wound-up machine, slowly across the Jeng room. The.v both paused at the same instant and with a military precision, before n bread, low settee, scated llicui sclvcs simultaneously, smoothed their wide silk skirts, spread their bauds, cov erts! w itli black mittens, upon their laps, nnd raising their eyebrows, gazed straight before them nut at the dancer", net into futurity ; but, as it seemed tome. Inte some far-off past. "Are they net," I thought, "emblematic of most of the po.iple of this village and of the surrounding country? the lU representatives of Ihuse Sioux In dians of the White Ituce?- their faces set btubbernly against all modern clvilljitien, and every innovation which lias accompa nied it j their costumes, manners, and lan guage these of generations long since pissed nvvny; and their religion a harsh Hiid feiblddlug gaiiucut formed of the bhredsaud patches of German 1'uritaulsm, natural enough twecenturics age, but lrem which the soul has lied and I'orevor?" While still muting upon the "patri archs," my attention was attracted by a loud, nide vulce net wholly unfamiliar te me. " Why slie's that dumb, " s.iitl the voice, "that it jess knocked me all of a heap te sce the supcriiitcudiul give her any ceiti ceiti ticate lit all. Shu couldn't even tell pe-tiy from prose w lien she seen it. Xe, sir, it's u fact printed right in fieut of her an couldn't tell the dillerence! An' had the face, yet, te pietcnd that slie kuewed all about it, still!" It was the normal certificate. He was still what the superintendent called a "practical politician," and was at the present moment "electioneering," fur the lerseii addiessed was a school director, undlfeltsureth.it the poison spoken of was myself. 'I guisi it os all riglid, " Mid the director, "an' I Imf no doubt you i!l be elected, Dj eu'y thing in der vay is dcr money. Men costs se much more'n women, an' taes is heavy and crops nusartiu. " Hcie wasauotherillustnitiouof tlie Sioux Mvage character of the natives. Men are always jiaid at least ene-third moie than women for pei forming the same kind (f scivlccsjustubouteuo-halfus well. Indeed, even in Lancaster city, the male piiucipal of a school receives double, the salary gi en te ii female piiucipal of the same grade or rank. The only dillerence Is that the lady has by far the larger number of schelius and is compelled te de the larger amount of work, 'ritls all sceins perfectly natural te a pcople whose wives and daughters occupy the same position ill the household that a Sioux sipiaw docs in the wigwam. The ordinary lY'iiiisylvanlii Dutch houso heuso house wifc, whove husband may be the owner of Mm acics of the best tanning land en earth, is merely a common drudge. If any Southern sl.iv J owner befere tlie war had compelled a negre wcucli te de half the work these women dc every day, his neighbors would have Hitched him. I.iku the Sioux sipiaws, they date net sit at the Niiim table with their lords, but stand like slaves behind their chairs waiting upon them and upon their Held hands until the meal is Mulshed. They can then sit down te a cold meal, consist ing of what is left, and wait upon them selves. They are cooks, chambermaids, washing and ironing women, nurses, hukeis, waiting-maids, market women, gardeueis, and even Held hands, liesides this, they cut and make all the clothes worn bv the family net only their own and their children's, but these worn by the men also. They usually lise at four o'clock in the morning in the winter, and at tb ive in the summer. On market mornings, however i.iud most of thciii at tend market twice n week., they rite at two o'clock, lead their wauen with the vegetables and fruit which thev have raised and gathered, and the butter and cheese they liave made: drive miles te the cltv. stand for several hours behind their stalls, ami when their stock is sold hand the iimuur they have received for it ever te their husbands; reload their w agony, and return home te begin thoirday'sweik. Their large and generous IcUure is em ployed In the tobacco Held or hoeing corn. American travellers, upon returning from Helland, relate with indignation hew they have scm a woman and a deg hitched te the same cart. If they wire te open their eyes, they could sen the same thing hcieln rcniisylvaula. Thoenlj dillerence is that in Helland the woman is nut mar ried te the deg. "Hut you'll vote ferme, won't you?" asked the Nermal certificate. " Vete for him by nil means," I said, ris ing and coining forward, "lie will suit you much better than I have done, l.il' h like, you knew, as Dante said." And I went by them en my way te my own room. But If I exjKvted them te feel abashed by my sudden npivearance. I was mistaken." "Dante? Who's Dante?" iiUed the Nerman certificate. "I'm swagged rf 1 knew," answered the director. As I passed through the hall I saw Mrs. Zeke and Ollle bringing in the refresh menu. The latter conslstedef rmnsrmsf-ed leund In a huge basket nnd lemonade car ried In a large tin pall, followed liy a young man bearing tin cups. Afterwards there were te becoffeo unit apple-pie, beer and pretzels. I entered mv room sick at heart and walked languidly te the bureau where 1 had left mv novel. On the book lay a let ter add ressd te me In the familiar hand writing of Mr. Hale. The postmark was Philadelphia. Martin Luther mtisthave brought ihe letter sltice supper, and Mrs. Zeke had probably placed It ttien the bureau since t had left the room half an hour nge. Hew pleasant It would be, I thought, If all the directors and patrons of my school wcrellkeMr. Uale! I satdewu and looked at the letter some tltne before opening It, I recollect distinctly In what a listless manner I tore the edge off the en en en voleio! hew languidly I began reading, and with what a audden bound my de pressed spirits rose. 1 almost wept for joy as I read the hurriedly written lines. And I had geed cause, tee, for they informed me that 1 had been elected chief librarian of one of the largest of Philadelphia's pub lic libraries. "Your duties." wrote Mr. Hale, "will be comparatively light, and, as von are a lever of books, congenial also. The salary is nearly six titnes ns much as you are new receiving and It may be In creased. Your thanks nrodue te Mr. Stod Sted Stod inero mero than te anybody clse for your election, although your guardian, and Ell Ell eott, Ivison, and veur father's old friends all htiled, and I ttid what llitle I could. If you nccept the olllce you ure te take charge en July I. l'lcase address meat once at the Continental." Hewc.igerIvIs.it down te answer the letter. My country life had been growing almost insupertably inontnneus. I had made up my mind nevertheless, that come what would, I must contlmie te teach, for I saw no ether means of earning my liveli hood. Yet for the ist two weeks I had been thoroughly satisfied that I should leso my school that the Nermal ccrtillcate was certain te be elected in my place. What then would bocemo of me? This question bad haunted my waking and sleeping hours, and I knew net hew te answer It. And new at the vety mement of deepest despondency the answer had coine. I discovered upon sitting down at my llttle wriling-table that my Ink was nil," as Mrs. Zoke would have said, and I was compelled te go down stairs te borrow some fieui Martin Luther. I thought It took Martin a long timote find his ink. While waiting In a small room next the kitchen, I was forced again te listen te a conversation net Intended for my ears. Twe of the school directors w ere discussing my shortcomings ever their pipes. There was no escape for me, nnd I was theiefore compelled te stand quietly and share the into of all eavesdreppers. " An' whv ain't teacher a-sliewiu' hor her scirat the party. I'd like te knew?" The sjieakcr was my old friend Hcgencr. " Seems ns If slie was a llttle proud with herself, ain't it does?" responded a veice I locegnlzed as belonging te Mr. Jnceb Oclis. "Slie ain't showed herself nil evctiln', net encet. I don't call that a-makin' your self common. It's her place te be sociable, with usnln't?" "Seems us if slie didn't knew we was n-cemiti' hcie te-night, ain't It dees?1' " Leeks as if slie thought herself tee muchly refined fer us, a-ready yet ain't ? Hut the beard meets next ueck, an'the teacher and lier deln's'Il be discussed, an I'm gelu' te jess up an' tell 'cm us hew slie don't de her duty, still ; tills belli' n frce America an' no arls-te-krausy." " lit m .van-, an' we'll luff te tell 'em," added Jacob, shaking his head gravely, " as hew she gives them children sums in substraetien pofero she puts 'em In u copy book an' a ink bottle. When I went te school, we was put in n copy book an' a ink bottle before we was set a-dein' of sums in substructien, ain't se?" 1 think teacher's pay erter be cut down." "Or else we erter glve the school te the Nermal ccrtillcate?" said Mr. Ilegcner. " Seems as if w e erter uln'tlit dees ?" Ileferu they could say another vveid, I steed before thein. They stnrted back abashed, confused at my sudden and un expected appearance. "Oh, Mr. Ilegcner," 1 said cheerfully," will you kindly present my resignation te the beard ? I sliall net teach alter this week, and de net eare te take the trouble te send a written resignation. Geed even ing." 1 knew that this was net a pleasant sur prise te the dlrocters, and I whs glad of It. It deprived them of the pleasurable satis faction of mortifying me, and I knew that they w ere greatly disappointed in conso censo conse ipicncu. I felt very triumphant us I ro re ro tuiucdte my room with tlie bottle of ink which Martin finally brought me. Twe weeks nftei wards 1 bade f.uewell te Sindeisville. I had madeii great many fi lends there who wcre sorry te sce me leaveaud with whom I was sorry te part. Hut what moved mu most was the gilef of my school children. I shall always wear the ring which they gave me en the day my school closed, and trcasure it for their Kikes. 1 carried with me also a pres ent fiuni Heb Mucklchenny a beautiful pigeon house which he had made nnd painted himself, and which contained a pair of pictty fuutailed tilgoens. As the stage rolled luinbeiliig onward towards the old inland city of Lancaster, the feeling of sadness which at first op ep piesscd me wero gradually away. I began te think of tlie tuturc, and was seen as happy ns the birds that sang in the hedges ol'lhe leadsldr. 'i'lieCit-uud Prerequisite of Viger. The dual operation of digestion nnd assimila tion Is the grand prerequisite of vigor. Tolu Telu suro tlie ((inversion of feed Inte rich nutritious bleed, It Is only necessary te use with icnUt ence nnd systematically Hosteller's Stomach Hitters. The foundation head of supply In the animal economy Is tlie stomach. Tercgulute, te Invigorate that organ, ami thus facilitate Its digestive mid assimilative processes, should be the chief aim of these troubled w Ith a deficit (irst.tmlua. Nervousness, Insomnia, feeble ap petite -these am usually traceable, te Impaired digestion. Overcome this and j ou of necessity dismiss- Its multifarious, perplexing and hur ussliig symptoms. The emaciated can never Iieh te k-alii flesh se long us assimilation Is lin h rfect. The Hitlers uriuoiuitsiltie only obsta cle te an Increase net only of vigor, but of liedll) substance. Conquer also with the Hitters malaria, kidney and liver complaint, constlpu censtlpu constlpu Hen and rlieniuntle trouble. Thoroughness liianicterlres Its effects. Special Jlotlcce. I'uetH AVertli Knewing. In nil diseases of the nasal mucous iiicnibmiie the r( nicdy used must be nun-lrrltntllig. 'Die medical profession has been slew te barn this. Nothing satisfactory run be accomplished with douches, sum!, pevidt-rs or syringes because they lire nil trrltafliu.', du net reach thcntlected surfiues and should be iilunilened ns worse limn failures. A multitude or jktseiis who had Ter 3 tars borne all the worry and pain Unit catarrh can Inltlct testify te rndlcal cures wrought by Ll h ( 'renin Halm. sepll-'JwdA.vv Is Consumption luciiruble f Head the follewing: Mr. ('. H.Merrls, Newark, Ailt., s.is i " Was down Willi Abscess of Lungs, mid lrleniU ami physicians pronounced me an Incurable Consumptive llegau taking Dr. King's New DUcevciy for Consumption, am new- en my filth bottle, and able. Hi oversee the work en in) furin. It is the finest medicine ever muile." Jesse Mlddleleu, Ileeiitur, Ohie, sujs: "Hud Itnutlieen for Ir. King's New- Discovery for Consumption I would liiivcdicd of Lung Trou bles VVuh given up by doctors. Am new In best of health. ' Try II. Sample bottles free nt 11. II. Cochran s Drug (store, Ne. 137 and lit) N, liucen sit.. Lancaster, I'u. (5) Metllel-Hl Mothers ! ! Met hern ! t I Aie seu disturbed at nlghl and broken of jour rest by aslrk child sullcrlng and crjlng with thueicruclutlng pulu of cutting teeth? If su.geiit encculid get n bottle of MILS. WINK LOW'ri bOOriHNU bYHLT. It will relieve the K)or little sufferer Immediately depend upon It ; there Is no mistake about II. There Is net a mother en earth who has ever used It, who will net tell jeu at once ttiat It will r(gu r(gu Inte the bowels, uud glv e rest te the mother, nnd relief and health lu the child, eiicratlngllkn magic. It Is perfectly safe te use 111 all cases and pleasant te the taste, and Is the prescription of Olie or tlie eldest and best feiaate nil) slctuus and tiiirses In the United (States. (Sold everywhere, ' cents a bottle. J uncSSlyd A w Hleetiie Hitter-.. This reined) 1 becoming se well kuuvru and se iKipulur as Inured no sisstal mention. All win) nave usctl h.leciric liillcnt sing the siuiie songef jmilse. A purer ini-dliinu does net ex- I island It Is gunninu-ed te de nil that Is claimed. Klei'trlc Hitters will euro nil ilU-nres of the , I.lver and Ktdnevs, will remove Pimples, lletls, fall Itheuin and ether ntrectiens caused uy Im pure Wee 1. Will drive Mnl.irlu from I be sys tem nnd prevent as welt ns cure all Malarial fevers, Fer cure of Headache, Constipation and Indigestion try Kleetrlc Bitters. P.ntlre satisfaction guaranteed or money refunded lVirt ..V nnd I HI per bottle hi 11. II. Cuelirun s Drug' lore l'J7 and 139 N eiuren St., LauraiiUr. , 1M. (5) TTEADACHE TBOCHEM. BRI6GS' HEADACHE TROCHES reh SICK HIADAOHE IN ITS NEftVOtW. tVtMOUis, OH CONOES TlVli l-OUMS. This Itemed? It the prescription of one of the leading physicians of Paris, France, and was utd by htm with unparalleled sueccea for ever thirty years, It was first given te the public ns a proprietary medicine lu 187s. Hlnee which time It has round Its way Inte almost every county en tlie face of the glebe, and tssrome n favorite, reincdv with tlinusnndsef the lendlnit physicians. Mistical societies have dlscussesl Itsmnrvcleus suives at their nununi conven tions, and after their elllelnl chemists have analyzed It nnd round that II contained no opiates, bromides or ether harmful Ingredients, 3uletlyplnced It among their standard reme les. TESTIMONIAU UIt.nneWN.M.1)., "I 21 West Jersey Kt. V Kl.irABKTII, N. ,t.. Jnne , Issii. J This la te certify that I have used forsems months with much satisfaction, the combina tion or remedies, for Headache, known ns Hbioes' Headache Tueciik. The remedy cures mure headaches, especially such ns affect Nervous Women, than nnythlng I am nc qunlntesl with, and If this certificate will be the means of brlnclng It te the favorable attention of sufTcrcrs from that trouble, I shnll feel Hint I bnv e done them n service. U R. llllOWN. rl'IUCE, SB CENTS. Held liy nil Drug gists, or sent by Mall en Itecelpt of Price. UIUGOS MEDICINE CO., septlt-l)d Klltnbetb, N. J. u'l ' m J?alc. e LOHINOOUTSAbE. Carriages, Buggies, Wagons, AT Gee. Weber's Coach Works, CHRISTIAN STREET. (Between Ornnge nnd Chestnut Street.) Consisting of .lump-Seal Carriages, two Four Four Pest Jenny Muds, tweMcCall Wngens, Beeond Beeend Hnnd Tretting Kimey, nnd several light lint form Wagons Hint will carry from IflOO te 3,000 pounds. Alse a few Kine Blelgli. Call Early for Ilnr Ralus. nugae-lfd TJUILDINGB, XV. HAhU OK Buildings and Building Lets ON EAHY PAYMENTS. J."0) cash down nnd lis) annually will buy nTliree-Htery llrlck Dwell Ing nnd Btore Stand In the eentrnl pnrt of the city. A ,01)0 1 IKK) cash down and 13) annually 9v!,400 1 will uuyn jnree-Miery ericR un-cii-ring with modern Improvements, In nie western pari ei muciiy. nencash down nnd (ISO nmiunlly 81, SOU IwlllbuyaTwo-HteryHrlck Dwelling in a er ui-nnnuiu ihjisuuuiiiwum. r rush down mid $5 monthly. 910O Without Interest, will buy n building lut.'JU.xuuicci. 5,'pO cash down, nnd J.'i mnnthly, without Inteiest, w III buy ii building let en C'end itrect.SuxlOu feet. (100 cash down nud (10 monthly ultimo Interest, will lIIV one Of the fstsae 9IW5 most desirable building lets In the city, :xl0 feet. The above are samples of u number of propel prepel propel tlesellcred for sale. Alten or near line of street 11. It., within easy reach of mnrkets, city water, gns, sewernge, Ac. Inquire of ALLAN A. HERR, KKAIj KSTATH AND INHUHANCE AOENT NO. KB EABT KINO HT. septl6-lwd s ECUIIE A HOME FOR YOUR FAMILY. Secure a Heme for Your Family, FOIl SALE ON THE MOST LIIJEltAL TEKMS. Twe-story brick dwelling IieaseH, lets 130 feet deep, en Lancaster avenue, between wal nut nnd I.emen streets. Twe-story brick dwelling beuses with man sard roer, perches In front, lets 143 f(s-t deep, en North Pine, between Chestnut and Walnut streets. Twe-story brick dwelling houses with front vards, Iren fences, lets lit) Teel deep, en West walnut, between Mary and line screets. Twe-story brick dwelling beuses, lets HI feet deep, en West Ix'inen street, between Charlette, mid Mary streets. Three-story brick dwelling beuses, lets 10) feet deep, with all the modern Improvements, front )ards, en West Chestnut street, between line and Nevln streets. Alse beuses en East Walnut, North Lime. North Mary, between Walnut and Iamiiuii, nud l.eiiien, between Mary and line streets. All the above houses nr in geed order, newly paM?red, gns fixtures lu nil the rooms, water lu (be kitchen, nnd the cellars warranted te be dry. Cull mid sce for yourself, no trouble te show- you. JNO. I'. "HIEMKrecuierg JACOH ORIKL. S see-U'er'1- npr&J-l d.M. W.B. tU) North Mury Street. nUIHiIC HAI.E ok valuaiim: mill L. i'jiui'r.ivi i. ON TlTfcMlAY, HKCTKMIIF.K 21, 1S8D, 'I lie umlerslKiied, exissutrlx of the wlllef Jisi L. Llghtncr, Inte or East Lam(icter township, deceased, wilt sell at public sale, en the prem ises, the follevvllii! described Ileal Estate, viz : All that Valuable MILL litOI'EKTY, con taining 12 Acie, mero or less, situate In Para dise anil I.rucecK townships, adjoining lands or Michael Kuutrman, Jeseph K. Winner and ethers, with n Merchant and Orlst Mill, a Dwelling Heuse, a btnbla nud oilier nrcessnry hutidlmrs thereon erected. The mill beuse Is frnme, three-sterleti hlgli. It contains four run of burr, complete machinery, In ierfect order, and Is drlvcnby n first-class water power. It Is jecnted in a neighborhood of unsurpnssed fertility, convenient te the Pennsylvania rail, read, the Philadelphia t Ijiuraster liirniike and the village of Paradise, nnd Is In evtry way adapted for making Heur and chopping en an extensive scale. The Dwelling Heiimi Is a large Two-Sjlery Mone Ilulldlug, which wns the mansion house of tlie Winner family when they owned the mill nud Is Inrge enough for tire families. The location of this property, Its geed condition, and the abundant wntcr power, make 11 tlm most valuable In the market, and purchasers should net fall te exnmlnc It. Persons wishing te view the premises and do de siring Information en the subject will please call en Ames l Eshleuian, residing near Lea innnliace, or Dr. (ieerge J. Hoever, or the un derslgnesl, residing near 1'arudlsc. The Kile will commence at 1 o'clock lu the afternoon, when due attendance will lie given nud lenusef sale made known by M.Jt'Lliriii: I.IGHTNLH, Executrix or the wlllef Jet 1 U Llthtner, dee'd. J. M. Kl.I.MJ. Auct. ling.il-IUlH,V.ltw fl llli: KEPLEIt FARM FOR HALE. The limit rsbrued offers nt Private f-ale bis llenutirul COUNTRY MZA'I and FARM, situ. ntei lu Miuihclin tewnvlilp, en the Pkasura lteail, between tbu Lltltz und New Helland turnpikes, uud Just outslde of l-uneiMir city llinlu. 'Ibis little garden set contains l-i Acres und til IVrchts, In ns high statu of culti vation us land con be made. Tim IhiIIiIIiil's consist or a Two-htery HIUCK DWEI.Lirfl, wltli two-story llrlck Kitchen uttuUud, with ample Perclif-M and Verandas, surrounded by a large nnd Is-atitlful Ijiw n, and a great variety er,-iliiiile Trees und hliriibbcry. Alse u HANK 1IAHN, with Carriage ami Implement Houses, Wns'eu Hheil, Cern Crib, Clilikm Heuse unit Heg l'en iitlnclKsl. A lJirge TOHAt'CO hllLD, with cellar underneath, and ene of Hie mini complete In the country. A Taestalery FRAME TENANT lI'iUSE, very complete, brick walks, nnd Spring Heuse Willi a ncvcr-fallhig spring illidcruentli, the cenvclileiuc and vulue of which cannot tie estimated. An Orchard of choice varlct) or fruit trees. A Uautlful llttle Park, cunUilnlug about one ncie, with Fish Pend lu centre, and the whole shnded vv It Ii magnificent old forest trees, ihe property Is netuiil) ilislnilile as a ceuutr) resldeiu-e, bill bus no sujKvler for a Truck or Dairy Farm, being located wlthtnn few squares or the city lunrkets It has mesl or the ndvnntagcser a city prers?rty. jet Is free from hlgn city taxa tion. A large portion of the purclmse money may rcmuln lu the pieperty at a reasonable rutc or interest If lit sired b) purchaser. The owner will be pleased te show; the property at uny time le isrsens wlsliing le purchase, runt give conditions or any further lulnrinal ion iIedikcI, sepll-MdVA..VRw A. c. Ki:pi.i:it. XTT1CE I- Hhltl HY (IIVHN THAT AN i iippllcatlen will Is) made te the (ioveruer of lVuns)lvuulu, en Monday, the 7lh day of October, A. I). 1S, by Jehn 1. Hklles, F, jf. lUre, Menue M. Fry, Hainuel Hurnsniid Martin Krelde-r, uudir tbu Ael of Assembly, cutltlisl " An Act le provide for the lneorierntlon nnd regulation of certnln corporation " approved April -', ls7l, unit the supplements llierele for the chnrter or an Intended corporation te I called "thellubernnd Helinan Cemranr." the ! character nnd objector which is the munufne , luring of candle's nnd conrectlenerv efnll kinil? ! and destrlpilousuiidfer the se purpees te li. e, possess, aud enjoy nil tb rights, benefits nnd privileges et salit Acter AstemUly and supple- I menu thereto. CHAH.l L.NDD?, sll-3wd Sell-Uer, 9vy N KXT DOOKTOTI1E COUIIT HOUSE. Xlxere Is Time -AT- FAHNESTOGK'S. This Is the time for COTTON FLANNKI-M at fi, , K 10. 12 II, 15, 18 and 30 cents. It EH TWILLED FLANNELS at IS. V0. 51, 2.., :,;, 37 up te Mernls. li..INREIANIWHITEFL.NNELSntl2I.Vts,i),2i2.2,SlpteMcents. COM FORTS-We hnve Factory Made Ounferts at Sec. WV, 7.- and ( heaeh. which are the best te be had nt these prices. And wehaveOUIt OWN MAkEnt8l,S5.$I.SO.II.75arid riOO wlileh are made of thatiest material, filled with geed white wtten and iiulltcit by hand. These Cemfbrts we ,,,8VWnT:ATim)IXlHKniti.ANKEWat7V. LADIU'i'FALliWRAI'SANDJACKl'rrs-A Special llargaln In Jacket at 12; better nunli. tlesnt every price unto fs.ne. . , . .... FALL ASH WINTER UNDERWEAR III (treat liunntltles. 36 and 37 East King St., M ETZC1KU A HAUQItMAN. Metzger A. Haughman. We hav e new open our own Importation of Black French Henrietta In All Grades and 0unllllcs, the nest Values Ever Oflered. A I.KO, FULL LI N EH OF Single and Deuble Blaek Thibet Shawls! AT LOW HUCKS. Metzger & Haughman's Cheap Stere. Nes. 38 and 40 West King Street, Lancaster, Pa. (OITOSITK TIIK CUOPKH HOUSK.) TAIlD4McELUOV. BiLRjD sc Mcelrey, Nes. 33 and 35 Seuth Queen Btreet, Opposite TeunUln Inn. DRESM UOODS-An cleirniit line of Dress I'lalds nt 10c. 12'c,20e .;25e nnd up ... nfi iTTiii IiJ.,i. ...vinl r AU.Wnnl llrnrlstln C etbs. 10 In. wfde.87Uc. O !.ii".r.!..i . ui. ii.,i,,i ii.u.,i in in silk nnlsh Henrlelln Cleths. ntfi7Uc : se Hieelnl ilnrenlna In Hlnck Heiulcttnsnt:.V,:ic,tOc,s;niid up. Ilnrgalns In i "Vieui si.:,n THIIIET RHAWIX Extru vnlue In Illack 1 hlliet Hhavfls 111 Blnle or DoublnCeurtlands. Don Den Don Creiie nnd Nun's Veiling for Veils, nt low prices. F.mbretdcry Felt, two yards wide, ll.a ier ble Crepe. yarn. OILCLOTHSI In May we called veur attention te the fact that from June 1st all Fleer Oil III would be advanced, and that vvehndbeuRht our line i before June 1st at the old prices, nnd Clel Vi ' .. . i A nr...'i. s.a.1 r.ruuU r.ir Him iis you will find nn Oil Cleth seasoned, wears tvv Ice as hum as enelust fr;m the factory and en tlie fleer 'when new. We have sold mero Fleer Oil Cleth thnu any ether Retail Dry Heeds Heuse In Lancaster, and this being our third season, finds us ready with the best goods for the money In the city In Fleer, Table, Htnlr or .Shelf. UNDERWEAR. ULANKETH, COMFORTS, FEATIIEIW,itc.-We give extra value and will hnve mere te miy nDeui mem inier ou. PANTINtl-We de sell a quantity of ranting at prices ranging at 12KC lfc.lRc, ,, 31c, 27A -We, tie, 60e und up i and nnwhera else will you find ns geed goods for Iho money. 'iii'miifne- (Ce .. i,mliinrirra for ilmllest Hteckliius 111 tlicrltv. One let of Children's Fast aie, Illack, regular ptlce, 12HC mr 8e per pair : only slightly IniiN-rreel In Ilia weaving. Another'let at t and Cc per pair : worth double. Ilargnlus In nil kinds or Hteeklngs for Lndles, Men nnd Clill dren, In Cotten or Weel. HICYCLEH-Agents for the Coventry HlvnlH.ifety Illcyclcs. Why puvllttfiir a wheel when von rnn luir theCeventry Rival High (Irnile, Hull Hearing te all purls U7eT Alse agents for the Premier Bafety Utc)cle. bard Sc Mcelrey, Nes. 33 and 35 Seuth Queen Street, Opposite Fountain Inn. tttenu't TAItaAIN81 ' UO TO Shirk's Carpet Hall ! -FOR Wilten, Velvet, Bedy Brussels, Tapestry, Ingrain, Damask and Venetian, Rag and Chain Carpets. OIL CLOTHS, WINDOW SHADES, &e. Wk Have tub La no nt and He.it Htecb in tdrCitt. H. S. SHIRK St SONS, Cor. "West King and Water Sts., Lancaster, Pa. y.taicltBO. H. Z. RHOADS A HON. BEAUTIFUL FORMS -IN- jeweLRY Are net made by chance. They result from iirllslle designs hi the hands or skilled workmen. We have u New Lliinef the Lat"st fulterns of JKWKLRY In IJHOOC1IRS, niHHON ANDHCAHK IMNS, HHACKLICTO, HINOH, IIUTl'ONH, NKCK CHAINH, WATCH CHAINS, 1IAIH OHNAMKNTH, Ac. Mnnyef thi-M) articles, although or HolldOe'.d, are at Iiwcrl'rlccs than geed plate. We In vite examination. H. Z. RHOADS & SON, Ne. 4 WEST KINO BTREET. jimj. jtOt'CO, stC. F LINN & HRENl-vMAN. - l'OH STOVES! (JO FLINN S BRENEMAN, Ne- 152 Ner tlx QxjLeeri Street, LA XCA STElt. -uruituvc. A NIIQUHOAK I'URNITL'Ri; OCHS St GIBBS, ni:w IlKSIONS- ANTIQUE OAK FURNITURE, 2d, 3d and 4th Floer3, 31 S. Queen St. -117-K HXAMINi: LVliS FHLK. Spectacles ! WE EXAMINE EYES FREE! Yeu Think Your Eyes Are Geed I II you have them cxiimluedjuu will probably find tlmt there Is semethlUK uteuk vrtth them, and that elates will lie n crcnt Help le nu. We use inlmltnble "1)1 A MANTA ' lenws. which ure made only by us, nnd recommended by bad I nt; Oculists u the best aids te dcfi-e live vision. Solid Ueld Specbicles, :i.OO usual price, sv.'i.Od. hteel Hpectnclc", ."iOe.! usunl price, 91,00. Artificial Hyes Inserted, s ; usunl price, 11 0. M. ZINEMAK & BRO. 130 S. Ninth Street, OPTICIANS I'HILADELI'HIA. t!ctVT-u(.brstuut nuu WeinntBlrevts. my-lyd eah. for All Tliizis Lancaster, Pa. Cleths anil Cashmeres tlenriettii Cleths nsletsiiine widths. Id rlsewheru nt II. Hlnck Hllk ntT5e,l niniisv Hint urn sold. Ilcliur thoretinhi v seasoned. tfrtll. JJ AHOA1NHI AND COMPOSITION - ji J !-. n-'ij J1A U3J.O. - STOVES! TO I'JWX'A . iTi'Iitl iletici'O. iri lhTATr: OF HOFIIIA KAHT, lu Ijiur.ister city. ibeiiMsl. The uudir- slu'iud auditor, npisilnted le distribute tbu ImIuiuv remalnlni! In Iho bunds or IMvvurd Kust, udmlnlalruter c. t. a. or the estate, or said deccusul. te and aineiii; these legally eutltlisl te tlie Ninir, vi III sli ter I hat pur-Iim.- en TiicmIhv, hepieiulH-r 'it, Ive. at 'J ii ilivk j. in., lu the Lihrur) Roem or the I uurl Heuse, lu the city of iJdiriistcr. vshereall iersuu In terested In snld distribution niny ntlcnd. uuil-1UlS JOHN K. HNVDKIt, Auditor. riMlK RIVAL FOUNTAIN I'KN-TllKlTlXT X. and cheapest In th market II knrntKOld )eu. Hard rubber holder, never uets nut of order, easily filled. Call nnd examine before purchnshiK elsewhere. At LTUHMAN'HOenta' Fnrnl'hliiKHtere. ii Wt IJInc street. ' -VTKCKWF.AR-THF. 1ATET AND MOST J. fttshlenuble styles uud shades, Hiecheupest i aud best, at K.IUHM A.VH units' I'urulsblng Htcrt, ti Wet Kins street, dethtttg. SKEW. Fall, 1889. Make It the meney-savlnc time of the year, and this the place te save It by jetting the best material and most stylish Sittings, Treiserius and Of erceattngs FOR TIIK LEA8T MOS'F.Y. Yeu knew the repiitntlen-alwayi reliable. l"rlce nre lower limn ever, styles hnndsemer, ()uallty rincr. Te these who have dcnll here the garments speak for themselves. All that Is asked Is a trial te please you, and nssureyouperri'Ct satisfaction. NOS. ISM AND2WWKST KINO RTUEI5T. sbMind M ART1N III10M. The stjles are exmilslte. The iiinntlty, pick nnd choice, new Is extensive. L'lelhliiK ready-made and te measure. That this Is the best and the cheapest Men's Oar Prices Male the Active Stere. nud Heys' Clothing Htnre Is voiced around, and tlies.) who have bought liefere nre hrlnghiK tbrlrrrlends. Yeu nre Invited by us and bv tlie dollars von can save by huyliiRnf us. If j-eit liny clothing that Is made better and wear lunger than the average you are suvlug money. That's what our customers say of our clothing, and we keep the prices down. Ready-made The popular Wldn Wale Hulls, $18 j Reliable Hlnck Corkscrew Hulls. $10,1 14; Men's All-Weel llusluess Hulls, 11.50 ; Fall Overcoat worthy or note, J1U! Children's aud Heys' Hulls nud Kilts, handsome and geed, prices, f i up. Fall Under, iv-cnr Is pushing toward the deer, SOcandflV erodes beat all rernunllty and price. Made te Mensure The fl Huttings ami our Fall Over Over eoating lu the Custom Department present a rejnl range. Recent woolen mill failures hnd much te de with these prices. Don't forget rn ure only telling of a few. Visit the store and seethemnny. MARTIN BROS, Custom Tailoring, Clothing and Furnishing Goods, Nea ai and a north quf.f.n htrf.et. XI IlUSlt (ft UllOTliKll. A GREATFEAST Fer Your Eyes 1 1 Is what many sny of our Hliew Windows. We ure proud or the many pleasant things which am said or the snme. It Is but the bhrll of which our great stock Is the kernel. Illsaksr nel worth digesting. Many have tried It since our establishment In 1S5I. Thlrty-tlve yearief g(Ksl, honest business Is u record which anyone inn leek nt and be proud of. It Is a rase of the "survival or the tlttest." Fittest In two senses et the word. Asregnrdsn fit imtmiii te make a fit such ns vve give. Hill a truce le besrllig. In the seeing part we can show our Five Newly Enlarged Shew Windows ONTHKCKNTRB KQUAHF. HII1K, AN ICXIIIHITION OF Men's Suits and Overcoats, IIOYH' HUITH, CHILDRICN'H 8UITH, ANHMEN'8 FURNIHHIN08, Well worth the ebservlngj und In seeing It re member Ills but the" Shell or the Kernel In side." , MOltAL-TAKTKTHKKKUNKL-INHIDK. ONIM'ItlCK CLOTH1NII ANU KUUN18IIINU IIOUHK, North Queen Street and Centre Square, LANCAHTKH. l'A. N. II. We will lie cle.l Tbiirsdny und Fri day, Hcptcinler 2U and 77, and HtitiirJ'U', Octo- rfi, en ncceuiil of llelldujs. T O CIX)TII1NU HUYF.1W. LGansman&Bre. The recent falluies lu Iho woolen trade have nguln enubled ns te secuin seme very decided bin gulns. Ily scverul v cry large cash purcbakcs et Iho Most Desirable FALL AND WINTER AND TROUSERINGS, Ofthis Masen's ImiKirtulens. which we ran eiler you at JlB.OOfur Hull', 3.ti0 for Trousers, made te your order. These are unusual values nnd we knew II Is te your lutcrist te see them before making pur chases. 'I hey nre nl least from IW te te pr cent. Iiclevv prevailing prices. Cull aud nxnnilne. Humpies cheirrully given for comparison. THKI'RICKHOFOUR FALL OVERCOATS ARi;f.').W)TOll.UI. See Our I Jirne Asserlmeul or BOY'S AND CHILDREN'S CLOTHING. All Our Own Make nl F.xlrcinely Lew 1'rlces, L Gansman & Bre.'s OS and 68 NORTH QUEEN BT., S. W. CORKER OF 0RAN0E. LANCASTER, FA j- Net connected with any ether Clothing HeumiIii the city. --ONTMIH.S IT! RARE BARGAINS. A Oiuiid Dltphy of the Most Popular and i lest Itelluble Pianos and Organs WILL Hi: MADKIIY Kirk Jehnsen & Ce., AT TIIK LA XCAfiTKt COl'XTr FA lit. All should ciiimlne them, for sooner or later Jim will vvunlene, uud one ihiil will give you sullsr.ictleu. We positively guarantee. Malefac tion In evi ry luirtlcular for six jcars.and sell mi the easiest terms tlvu dollars a iiienlh. Think of It -rrem iiiiu totweyiamto nay ter It I The uhovcguedi came dinct from the factory, und we will eiler a pellivc. bargain each day of tlm Fair. KIRK JOHNSON A CO., Ne. 21 West Kins ht., Lancaster, I'u. V.H. Second-Hand Pianos and Organs taken In Uxchnnge. n'.'HyiUw TFJWF.J J Mnni Ki'i:n I inurn'eturers CONFECTIONERS', FINE i liexr.s. The most beautiful Hue In the United Klutts. U" Commerce St., Fhllnd. I I enf I'u. WrlteferibscrlpttvejirlceUst. phla cl-7tlted HIRSHd BROTHER'S B AROAINS. VISIT OTA AiiiMin r-f . I Ul alV ni 11 IMP k v This Week von IHO BA1U1AINS IK Beets & Shoes. s1 A Full Line of the Celebrated WALKER BOOT! The Rest Heet Mnde. Call and see them. D P. STACKH0USE, Nes. 28 and 30 East King Street, LANCASTER, FA. K 0TMANY I.IKKTIir.M! CHEAP SHOES! Werth Hoeing, worth buying, worth trylne Selar Tip SprltiR Heel Hhees for. the llttle folks lzcs H te 10. Solid leather every bit j eiiay nnd antig flt tltig, miwle flfreiifrly. hikI geed wearers. A price en them te bring buyers here 11m n pair. Snine innkm, with heels, anme price. A better grmle for thone who prefer thorn, at $1 per pnlr; gcmiiue pebble gent or kid ; the making and the flulah right ; rawed goeda, and nil leather no pretense for it. Iu a wear ranse, n geed nhoe te the llulsh. Other klndn for your choealug if it lcatmthat way Fine l'cbble Morocco, CuraceaKId and Calfaklu mnken, with heels or notie ; nny width from IJ te E ; prices Lli'i te $L And wo've mere of them te hce than'H te lie wen nny where' t'llH). A grnnl ulnxi te Is.! iu for comfort, and ntyliah for dretw, la liore for Men'a wear nl ?!.'.. Hew does that "strike" you fercheapucHH? Hee It. It's mero turn llkelv vell'll vvnnt. netblliir lietter tkask i l.l. ...... r..mu ... T .. l.il... lllinuiiv, suilivnn ,i J4UV.Si w tllUllOSSTT wilta your fancy. ' ?j 9h0t. we've iiH niietner make or Men'a ;v, tnecs tnars inn encap tcamiesa ti' HhIh, neatly tthaped, netcltitnay, ntalwuV'Yfll the cost of half Hellnir nnd lirellnirnMl:! TlB'W: eiiea f 1 a pair. Geed enough for mill, !&! ahep or foundry use. PiilntcrH, cnrjveB- Km tent and foundrynien ee tell us. And S lt'a net a "crcaiked atlck" for wear. cither. f 11.00 BIiisjh In Qraln aud Kid Leather for Mlaacs' vvuar tire here, tee. leather, make, finlah and ahape belter than buyers anticipate. Nethlugiuthe town he geed, no cheap. SHAUB & BURNS, 14 North Qukkn Htkkkt, Lancab- m tkr, Pa. MKNH.UOY'H.LAHIEH' ANI CHILDREN', 1-, p SWEKPINO REDUCTIONH. ''' Sweeping Reductions KS c. Aur.i.M ONUC5 et uAiurus. As Iho season is passing for Light Colerado ': rii.tr. .lint i Ai.ri,,-, , iiia.u .inm rui.i. un,. "JH hiilniiee I havu en build and mn new Ulna 'Vffl Ihriii XfM s, Ihrm At and Belew Oest;f Wbleb will reduce them te cash In a short Hele There limy be ninny days, yea I might M say mouths, lu which they chu be worn aa M can nn iiihekc.im ni ine eim or me season. Men's tH.10 Russet Hals, reduced te TiMlMM. Hheu reduced te liW ; 12.00 Shee te UM ; aaa '& I JIHIwi tn l'''. - .-'J Men's 12.00 Russet Oxfords reduced te ft-M "iifrSk .....i .1 ryinr..hl. I.. .1 , r fs Iley'M I1.W UiiMM't IlalH. rtHluwl te tUTO, pM r.i.iUMIM Ifliuhnt fWf.il-.1u t till. Trwsatitisl with Tlw. rcflumt U $1.35;' IU'i OxfortUte, "S: .Jm V.111111 s ivusfwi. uxieniH, siien n ui u, Tvunvmmpiji 0111 1 1. (JO te ".; uud sizes 4 te 71 from 7tet.l from 00c, ' ) . Al - THEV CAN 1IB HF.KN AH MARKED DOWW;,J IN WINDOWW. J?! The One-Price Cash Heuse. Ohas. H. Frey, (Huccessur te FRF.Y A ECKKIIT) the Leader of Lew Prices In BOOTS AND SHOES, NOH.3 A 5 KAKT KINO HTREKT, Ii.VNCAHTF.lt, l'A. r-Htere closed every evening at f o'clock, ex cept Monday and buturday. Jumtitctr llcoerte. M T.GHKTNA. OOVKRNOR DICK AND TIIK MT. GRETNA NARROW OAUOE RAILROAD. Indlvldunls nnd parties desiring te visit ML Orctiiu uud enjoy u ride ever the Narrow Oauga te the summit or Uovkknek Dick meunUIn, can accomplish the trip from Laucnster In one day by the fullewlng schedule: a.m. a.m. a.m. p.m. p.m. p.m. lA-ave Lancaster.- 25 U:3I lft55 'iM ?M rM Arrive Mt.Oretna. 8.00 ll:. 12:00 S:W 4:35 SM Arrive (Jev. Dick. ,.. 12.-20 1:23 1.05 5:10 .-. Relurulng a.m. a.m. a.m. p.m. p.m. p.m. Ixavenev.Dlck - ll.sJO U2i iS ftM Uave. Ml. (Intna 6:11 10-.ll 11:52 22 3:37 7: Arrive Ijiucuster. 8:10 11:35 12Jm 3.J5 t:iS i All trains of the Cornwall .(.- fbanen Hall Hall remt en nrdvul nt Mt. Oretna station make Im mediate connection with the Narrow Oauga Rullreud. Lunch or dinner can be obtained at tliel'urk rtsbiurunt. thus avoiding the neces sity of carrying baskets and bundle. The completion of the NurrewOauge Railway throws open for v lew the magnificent scenery of thebeuth Meuntulu.aud this novel nttrao nttrae nttrao Hen Is supplemented by the erection etan Ob servatory 00 tret high en the mountain's high est eak, (iuv. Dick, rrem which u sight may be ubtulucd thun which there are few grander, the View Hiking lu nn area of rerty miles stiuare. and presenting u landscape of unparalleled beuuty. Dully excursion tickets te Sit, Oretna may be obtained en uppltcntleu te the nearest ticket aeC"'' 11. A. UROH8, (Jen I'us. Agent C A U It. It., Lebanon. Ilk NKDllHHH,Ocn.HiipL JeaWmil TjlKcIHANDCAatS. WBTT. AN HARD WOOD. ( WheKandUH, nJ-lyd 121 Water Htreet, Laucaster. I. B AUMOARDNKR-SCOMFANY. COAL DEALERS. OrriCBv Ne. 1Z North (Jiieeu Street, and Ni 6e( North lrlucc street. ., Vakus Nertti PUiu-e mrtvi, ecr n"i IVlHjl. UUSl5-lfJ L.NCA9TKR.F. n ii -3 ffl ?.(( v.li f j,-, i'J .-ti!A !,d Wfl ,i m ...s77i -rffa '"51