r ,i-.Tt j j,VtV,''W ,"J 'SvVJP j-i,-e ' ; , szrt? .ii ti ;- ?4JTt'V" v v -.'- . ,--. m .-,.,. . ..ji'J'.nsviwl . T tj" J ' 1M. T.I "IJ vk -fc ,--. i, ., ... , -, , r t: T .. - i - F f i." " - i , r. r E.-1 . w " - ,i" ir 11"4 THE LANCASTER DAILY INTELLIGENCER, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 21, 1889. 'V.-CJ'Tj"''.'- 8? m 6J If Eli. f' '.V1 -f?n w !?' Jtetlltgenc J.HmiOtAN, ' IBTEINMAN FOLTZ, Editor. KT CLARK. I'uMMlier. ' r. 41 I, I I I 9klhX mTELLlUENCEH.-rnbllshed V- wimtf 4f la the rear, but Bandar. Served , ur METltfi In thti dlr and surrounding (I t ten centi a week. Uy mall fire dot- j! .-, nijwinuTincc; oucenuamemu. & WMMCLY INTELLIQENCER-One dollar and ,-llMrwtita a year. In advance. ItOrtCC TO BCBSCtUBERft-Rcmtt by rhwk ''.i or BeatnMra order, and. whom neither of i;" c. zl' . 'm .-- .. na de procured wnn iu a ivrisk'i jLaMMTM M the Postefnce, as second class mall ,f f " .Abvrjm, TBI nmUtOBNOSR. 'Jjf Lancaster, Pa. mniHm bi iM.mW)i kuxi ft Am Extraordinary Claim. J?4terncnt of the limes that Judge Saw ;!jf, In discharging Xngle fur the killing , if.of.Terry,made nn entirely novel clnltu of ,?.' of federal lurlsdictleu in crlinlunl cacs : Nfe, JMd the ,iieiifrer.ln maintaining its pest- E'1? tteu, succeeds in ninklng n claim fur tlie ?5& federal Judges which is net only ''en- i$v- iireiy uevei" uuiexirnvngnnuy wrung. '' 1.l.l. U r.l a..,il.nl.IA it... TtwIrM '" """ "V, 1""""""- ' , ,"",,- &, W eawyers position win 00 crniciw.ii uy fUT careful studeut of the inw ; which inny $$ be ; but we think that It will find few T.j norm-era nineiiir nrofessers of the law, 1KW If II la trtinf Mm fnniifrrr would tnnke It. r-i."1 ...... .. - - j - It concedes that the united Mates court has no Jurisdiction te try Nuglc for murder " since tlie circuit court can not exercise common law Jurisdiction in crimlual cases"; hut it asnerts that it had authority te release him from state custody, because he was "In custody for an act done or emitted iu nursuauce of a law of the United States or of nn order, process or decree of a court or Judge thereof" ; for which It cites authority, but falls te point out that Kagle shot Terry, in pursuance of a )aw or of an order, process or decree of a caurt or Judge thereof." It elles Judge Sawyer's own conclusion that "the homicide iu tpiestien was com mitted by the jictltluiiur while acting in the discharge of the duty Imposed ukii him by the constitution and laws of tlie United States"; but fall's, as Sawyer docs, te discover tlie law that Imposed upon him the duty of killing Terry. And the claim Mil up is clearly net only novel, but the astounding 0110 that when a United States marshal kills another, and kills him Justly iu the opinion of a United Slntes Judge, he may set him fiee without a trial by a jury; that though the states only have Jurisdiction of the offense, If it Ikj one, they shall have their prisoner taken from their custody by the United States and turned Ioeko ihkui the community, when the deed which is charged against him as a crime Is no crime in tlie opinion of a United States Judge. Such authority as this lirtu up the United States Judge te be the supreme arbiter of the law and the- facts iu criminal cases, Wnich H is net within their Jurisdiction fete try by the aid of a jury, and has the absurd etlcct of giving Jurisdiction te 11 ;g, Judge which does net exist In his court. r iv dbs uie cvii eueci in aneiisning trial M nyjury, auu the unbearable result of r the heels of United States marshals and '.'." k' ludces ! tn lie hIhIii Iiv llui tnnrulinlu ;M. ' wue are absolved by the Judges. vtnai is uie simple tact In tills pai fVf Ucular casn? Is it net that Justice b'U, Field, of the supreme court, fearlinr ;'$. ex-Chief Justice Teirj' of the California Jf court, whom he had offended by an ad- "- Terse decision, secured, bv tlm iinlnr ir iv-. ITalted States Aitornev neiinml Allllnr W$' the company of a United States marshal ib uis journeying through California ; that in that journey lug he was slapjied en the cheek by Terry, who hud no arms in his hand or en his person, and who was Instantly shot by the United States marshal, the llrst shot killing him and a second following as he fell. That is all there is te the sterv. save Justice Field's declaration that hudld net direct tin sheeting or knew Hint it was te ceur. jfcju f' iNiigle does net even have the "order" $c& " United States judge te repose upon. BW? TTI- ,...!.. ,lr.... I.. .!... 1... i! .. 1 . iVL' uuu ucicum 10 mill lie UHHirilL Terry would sheet. He was afraid and wanted te get in tlrst. But the well eettlcd law Is thnt simple fear will net justify killing ; It must ben fear founded en fact ; such a fear ur a cocked pistol In Terry's hand might have in eplred. If Nagle was "rattled" and mis- . took Terry's hand for his pistol, he can not allege that weakness of eye or head in Justification of hi shot. And there clearly was that iu his act which called ter a decision of a jury upon it. 'e state judge could have discharged him en habeas corpus hearing and taken the ease out of ajury's hands; and 110 United 1 States judge should. The safety of the DeODlc Will net allow HUt-h imsunintlmi ?$ 'of authority in the federal court ; if con ceded, It will make us the slaves of United Statesjudgcs and marshals ; from whose malice Heaven defend us. We Mould Net Lhe There. Is net Jersey Justice queer? Theie Bes Chalkley Lc Ceney iu jail, Just brought from Ohie, where he had gene te bury his niece; whom they accuse him of murdering. And her father and his brother come along with him, pro testing against the Telly of the aceiisn- .tleu,- and sits himself down iu his brother's home te tuke caie of it while he ilea iu jail, where he hits te stay until it suits the coroner or somebedy'to see whether there Is any evidence against him. And all this time there Js net a particle of testimony te ,fhew that this uncle killed the girl he is tibewn te have loved and who her father ays lived happily with him as his housekeeper? Verily we would pray te be saved from JersevJustice. which thus lays kind uncles by the heels iu Jail and ?liuta nitRlrtftura lif. .l.n ............ h 4J beat them. In Jersey, as well as in some -.iir ' ther places we knew of, it Is clear that $ lbJHletyisuotthe word society. V lt Neble lix It. 'j:& A TliA nnttitrlutif te l.... !.... .. .1:. j t.. '-3 time lugettlug a pension commlssleuer. HliM xunrrv will mild. I..I... .1... r 1 Vi - rvvuneuiiut u uisilL.nlIlir frf - ..-... uiiiiuiiu'gnuj lliu nil 'jtbat he went te Deer l'ark te put en ; ji aud the qucbtleu occurs, if he hm mi .? much trouble in this quiet and nleasaut . ju teasen, when Congress Is net iu setien, ' f haf. u-lll lm linve u-lien It .,.1.1. .,1.1 yjnte are the days that presidents ought .V'te enjoy, especially when they can iret .- - -. - v ... i... .v u?n.uiii- - - te ixr l'ark. Our jireident seems te have the Grand Army sittlinr en him v,ta uighttuare; he had letter give it a tVutuiltl. I.I 1.1 I 1 .. fit its business. It is of no account. lyway. in truth we knew nethluif of much pretension and as little il..lit. hat en earth can an ussnMntim, nt te tha take as lts,head ltu...-u f4Mff,wlth all his ignorance, corruption fM wealth te weigh It down? The president would de well te paw WboIe pension bureau biulue-. ever te the care of Secretary of the Interior Neble, who Is an old sold ler himself, and an honest and respectable and wise man. He declares that he uant the foldlcrtehaveall the law gives them, and that he wants htm te get it accord ing te law ; and that is what everyone wants that has reasonably geed sense, Inside the Grand Army or out of it ; and the-c who want else arc Tanners and Algers and asses. At last, wonderful te relate, the detec tives working en the Camden I.e Ceney murder are beginning te abandon lliclrout lliclreut lliclrout rageeus and quite unfounded charges ng.ilnst the undo of tlie murdered girl. Te-DAV we publish tlie Inst of a series of jvqters that lmve been npncarlng In the New Yerk JCrciilnfl JM under tlie title of 'Tlie Scheel Toaclier Abroad." The author, who Is unknown te us, states In his preface that the story is based en the exjierleiiccs of the daughter of a Philadelphia clergy nian, who after thedealh of hcrfatlierrnine te this CDimty te teach school, and certainly thcre can be no doubt that the burlcsque Is drawn, and, net very much overdrawn, from actual life. It I a geed thing te sce ourselves as otliers see us j and if any of these articles find their way te eepln nearly as benighted as lliose described It la heMjd that they may be of sonie benefit even if they aroiise Just wrath. It Is n pity that the author did net describe the many virtues as well as the fallings of the Iccilllar Heplo the city girl Is supjxjscd te lmve visited, and a filly tee that the mere Intelligent element of our county's Imputation was net mere htrengly repro repre repro sentetl. If it had happeii'l thnt the city girl hud geno te a school In another pait of our great county she would have told a very dirfnrcut story, though it might net have been as entertaining for the city roaders. Hut It must be admitted thnt nltlieugh T.nncnster city stands lilli nbove many larger cities Iu the average of Intelligence, I .minister county lucultiire ami Intellei lual weight Is net up te what she'ild be ex iectisl of tlie wealthiest county in the rutted Htntes. l'ubllshcrs .say thnt In splte of Its wenllli and the density of Its population, this country Is a very peer Held for tin sale of books; but this Is laiguly because the Kugllsh language Is net the customary tongue of u large part of Its population. - Yi.tiinmiAV we read of the Quebec dis aster, te-day of the Chattanooga electric railroad accident, and as nearly every day has Its horror In sonie part of the laud, Iiucnstur's turn may come. It shuuld net find us without an aiiiublance. What sort efan Interveiit ion of 1'roi 1'rei 1'roi dencowns It that brought cloveu-yeai-eld Michael Ilurke nxaitly benentli seventy-year-old Oeorge Hafner, as the latter eiiuiii down through the air from the top of a throo-stery honse In I'lilladelplila? The life of the old man wiissawsl by striking (he boy, but It is feared thnt the lad will carry his inore notions Injuries through life. Mn. C. 1'. llt'NiiNoieM resetita the newspaper talk about IiIh dniiKhler's re potted hut denied engagement te l'rlnie llntzfuldt, hut at the sauie liuie he talks about the matter In a way thnt suggests anything but a wish te keep the public In Iguorauce of his lainlly nllairs. Ilelngn railiead king of tlie llrst clnss, he must have known that his sayings weie In dan ger of print, especially as they were full or spicy and sarcastic comment en titles and modem honor. Here Is the pith of It: "The young gentleman has been lavish enough with attentions, nor Is there very much icasen te doubt the chaiacter of his Intentions, but It takes tw e people te make a bargain, sometimes three, and neither my daughter nor myself lmve niade up our minds what te think of this Teutonic nobleman. Of course we Americans are rather disposed te turn up our noses nt people, who travel about en the strength of unearned titles. We Ukole knew what u man bus doue or enu de, net what ills father or gieat-graiiilfuther did fur lilm. My own family dates right back te the Nerman conquest, but that ueer troubles 1 ne. If I can't get glory for what I am myself I will go without glory. New, I don't iiie.m te tlud any (unit with Mr. llaUI'elill for beluga pilnee. I have met him and think him a very pleasant young man, as young men go. They tell me he has been extravagant and that he has lest money en the turf, etc., but pretty much all young men de that sort of thing nowadays. In my thne it was dillcrcut. Ve believed in the olil-faslileiusl homely virtues, In Industry, economy and se en; but according te the cedo of te-day Prince Hntzfeldt is a man of liener mid an accom plished gentleman." Hew delighted Mr. Hatzfuldt will be te llud that his title will net count against him. Twe English noblemen, who started out northward fiem Uilse Athahiwa some six muuthsngu.lmvoiiel since been heard from, mid there is talk of sendl lelidfoxpud! lelidfexpud! lelidfoxpud! tieu fertliciu. They said that they were bound for Point Harrow, en tlie Arctic co ut of Alaska, where they would rest awhlle with the party of United States marines sent there te establish a icllef station. Advices fiem the marines say that nothing lias been heard of the ex plorers. Irhas nil along been painfully evident that tlie newspapers mid piess correspond ents of Chicago were weildng the Cumin case into a mlseiable tangle by their cease less maim fact ure of senwitleiml steiics In connection with It. The latest tale, how ever, quite outdoes all the ethers in its st.ntliug originality, as its stiougest claim te belief is the illustiatien it gives of tlie reckless methods of thoChleige icpeiter when manufacturing sensations. Tliestery is that when it was tliht rumeicd that thcie wjre bloel stains In the C.u lseu cottage, two reporters were heut thore with orders te get iu at all hazard. They determined t takotbe gore with them, se that they could repeit a line ghastly discovery, and they bought a loll of cotton luttliig.'which limy smeared w ith beet bleed at a butch or's shop. When they i cached tlie cottage they llrst entered the basement, and leav ing the cotton there for some unexplained reason, they cime out and breke iu the front deer. The were sui prised te find enough genuine evidence of the eihiie; but wcrehuriicdly drhen fiem the piem isesby a policeman. Soen after the police found Uie bloody batting, which was held as a new e ideme oflhe murder. Seme of It wa seemed by the defense, anil has been proved bv analysis te be beef bleed. Whether there Is any truth at nil in this tale of geie may be questioned, but It leives no doubt that the Chicago reporters are Uu!ly Iu need of a Hue spanking. Nai'ei.uin Im.s is eeitaluly having u wonderful uiiceriu court, quite as mar mar mar niarvolensnshisllfolii Wall sticct. CAT"? Pell M. It MAIDs, Tliey liny 'i:m In Order te Kt.t,,, qii,.:,. lVet Win-in In Winter Time. Prem the l'hlliu!elitiln North Amcrlciui. "Cats will seen be in Krent demand," S4ld nil l.ighth street dealer ycsteulav anouieon, as he iiiIiImhI hi hands iujevliil anticipation. J " ;.iti in great demand T" imiuirctl 11 by sjuulcr ' JJ0I010 he could icply u i-ather eiab-aiiplo-leoklng spinster euteied and asked te see a few of the best "punks," The gentlemanly dealer coiuteeusly asked the old Kirl te step back and she should see a mess of the finest. What occurred back in tlie yard Is net known, but when the lady reappeared khe e-vrrled a mysterious something under her u. and was softly murium lug, ' li'b tee biv " "N e answer that ipa-blten, "the! inereiiaui wld: "Yeu kce, this tool weather, and the colder fast approaching, makes the lives of many of the old maids almost intolerable. At night their feet be come se cold thnt te sleep is next te Itn Itn imsslble. This dlsense Is called the 'cplienlallln.' and It lias but ene cure, lint of contact with a waim body. It is for this purpose we keep n large number of eats en hand. The boys gather them from around In the alleys and bring them hore for a few cents apiece. The oil maid comes nleug and does net begrudge pav ing several dollars for n nlcn fill puss. Oil, there's lets of money In IU" Power of tlie It tininii I'.e. Jehn Nelan, formerly of Lonncenlng, Md,, residing near Winchester, Vn., pre sented en I'riday, nt the Union bank, an linnreK'rly drawn check, en which the ensli wns refused. He then vv cut te Ueorge W. Keller's hnrdwnre store, purchased a pistol, hail It leaded, and fired nl the pro prietor nnd his son, without effect. Walk ing out or tlie store, lie vveni te l(ev. m. 11. Jenes, of Shnrpsburg, Md., pastor of the Lutheran church, put the pistol te his face mid demanded his pockctheok. The pister looked him In the eye and rehiscd the de mand. Nelan replied, "I don't want te send your soul te hell," but quailing under the fixed gne of Mr. Jenes, drepsl his hand and wns arrested. He had been iu college studying for the priesthood, and is ipiesrd te be Insane. - In 11 stupor for Twolve Ycnrs. Herman Harms, a Herman of 61 years, of t'tlca.Mlmi,, hns slept aline-t continuously for the lest twelve years, a strange spell of stupor having bound him silicon suvere at tack of fever nnd ague. His condition, when partially awakened, resembles thnt ofetio hi n hypnotic state. The heaviest sleep was dill lug the threeyears beginning May 12, ls.91, and a singular thing during thnt time was that Harms awoke every night of Ids own accord about li! o'clock, rose, famished, ate his supper mid went back te bed. Once every day he emerged from oblivion nnd talked with his friends, entered for a few meiiieuts Inte the old family life and then slipped away again. Fer Iho lnt two years he lias net nunt. cued easily mid heis seen te be sinking nn ay. A MIsnIiik Tii Collector. I'llday morning the sureties ofCeustablo and Tn. Collector Jacob .N.Hn, of Tredyf frlu levvnslilp, Chester county, hud a lor ler elgn atlachmeut Issued against him upon thogieundsof his having d I ".appeared en Satuidaylast with about JI,(HK1 of delin quent taxes hi his Kssosslen. They allege tiinl he maile no return of such taxes col lected by him for Inst year, and they are aliald thnl he has geno tlie way efhls pre decessor In olllce, who loll about a year age In like manner. Hall has a wife and seveial chlldiun. Neiiiatlir w lint Hie ineiitirn illnaM Ilmv foul the lirenth or trctira ilituy With hOZOUONT en all ve selic, Anil swiftly svi(ui It lar away, !-ca big the gums pure, llrni neil lirli;lil, And the dull ttelli ns ivory white. lliluklen'M Acntcu Sulve. Tlir. lliTHAi.vr.lnttinwerl(l rerCuls, IIuiIm-h Ben-, UletTs, Halt Itlicuiu, Kevw HercM, Tetter, (.'liappeit lluiiilit, Clilllilnlliii, Curtis, itnil all Hkln Kruptletis, anil peUUcly cure plica, or no pay nviilrc(f. It Is gunrnnlveil te give per fect tuillrlui'tleii, or ineuey riTiiiulisl. 1'ilcei'i rviita nir box. Ker sain liy H. II. Cerliriiu, l)riiKKlit,N"s. 137 and UJ Nertli (tiui-n Hlrwl, bniiciistcr, I'. itiH'i7'l)il JU'lInUnte. Ri:u(iietm HKitvin-H wii.i, in: hi:i,i . In tlm following (linrrlies en Huiidnv, III Uie morning ill 10::l, In tlicexciiliignt 7.I.V Hun day M-lineliil l:li. in. VVIieii the lietir lsillf. foreut lllscspcrlnlly noted : Ciiuacil ok (Juu-Ceriiir of Piliice and Or- IIIIL'C. PllESIIVTr.lllA.V .MFMOItl.VI. ClIUlKll-Sdlllll (JiurniUrrct, Themas 'IheuipsMii, pastor. Him ilny sclioet nttin. in. HKieaMim-Hi. LuKK's-Marlelbi avemie, llciv. Wm. P. btchlller, puRter. Hunday scIkkiI at '2 p. in. .Morning sermon bv ltrv. C. v. 11 HIcksI, end evrnliig by Mr. Jt. M. Nenclicr. Htr vlei i I 'i. 'I riiuiii laiigiuiKO at 5 no p. in., Ilev. t. I - ' I'llclallng. Oiivi. 1 . I r I'lieiieu-nist Vine near liuke Hti i. Ii . M. I-rayne. piikler. Itrpert from IcadliiB lli.i.lit iino-lnilen In Die morn I lie. (iMTrn JliiKriiiihN i.NCiiiii.sr.rovi.vA.vT. i.NCiiiii.sr.revi.vA.vT. Hpv. L, I,. lliiKlies, pastor. PialMiservlceut H.f p. in NF.W cnriicif. Mcrvirm and Hiuiday fch) o-tiierion-iiiornliigiit the usual limir.ln beiig'H liiillilliig. Ne. 10 North Queen street. l'lnsr lll.loieii.il. It(. ,1, .vt, Tlln'1, 11. I), pnster. i:vA.Mii:LUAi.--riri.t Cliurcli.-licv. P. P. I-r-lir. pnsler. Ueriunii In (lie inernlng. hiimlny school nt tin. in. KyvMiMie.vi.Oiiriicii. -Hv. It.D. Atl.rlRht, pastor. Hunday school nt 2 p. hi. Hi. Paim.'sIIkiiiiimkii -Itev.J. V..VIeiiilni:er. pnsler. fiirve-tlienie service In tlm iiiernlng: I lilldren s liny tu tlioeienbnj. HI. HTcrill.M's College flui.. Hcriiieu bv Ilev. .1, II. Hbihr. .M.1.MI.":"-V ClIAft.l. -N.ntll Pilnee stirct-llev. I. M. Ilnrrl", 'ie.ier. Hr. P.VII.S M. C. fill IU.II- Itev. i:.C. Verkes, pastor. t) n. in. Hiiuitny school and clns li.Olp. iu. Iive I enst. Tiiiniiv J.ui nut .v.- Itev, CI Pr, pa-ter. MIVKlenar day Inhunduy bcIioeI. Cllllisr I.I'TilhitAN.-ltev. K. I j. Heed, inister. .M0HAVIAN.-lte, J. Max llrk, 1. I)., pnsler. 3 p. in., Hiniilav M'lKNil. 'I II nil. will lie services nnd binllsni In tlie lUrunucd Mennenllc eliurch, Ijist (leruiau stiivt.en Hiiuduj inernliicat te o'cleil:. Pai.siiVTFicM.v.-llcv. J. V. MIKhell, I). l. pnsler. ilUAiKU-niMiAN. -Ili'v.ci:. Iloupt.pavter. .Sunday school at 2 p. it i. Chinch services ineruliignnd evening. Kmamki. I.ctiii it v llrnticli behoel.-lteg. ular sckiIeii ut the kcIioeI lieusc, corner of W'ul. mil nnd Mary streets, all; p.m. , I'iiist M. Cm-tun Ilev. ;. M. Vciiieii. V. 1)., pnster. JLlasM incellugs at Uh. m. Kundiiy si liuelat 1 jp. in. II 0Ol)'KHAUSAPAItU.l,., DoYeu Have thnt extieme tired feeling, languor, with out nppctlte or strength, Impaired dluisttun, and a general feeling of iiiIm i j It Is liiiio!lle ilcNCrllHi? IIwhI'b Harsapaiilln Is u wundrful medicine for cientlug nil appetite, promoting digestion, nnd tenbiK up Iho whole sjstciu, giv ing fcticugtliiihd ncllvlly lu plnce or wenkues and ill hlllt). llesurclegct Heed's. "I take IIihM'm Nirsaparllla evtrj 3 earns a tonic, Willi imntsntltfui'ler) results. 1 iccoin iccein iiiend lliK)d'sKarsn.irllln te nil uheliiiwi Hint iiiIm'IuIiIp Hied fiellng.' 1 I'wimiih, .'III bridge stris't, llroekl3n, N. v. IKKllfSSAltKAl'Altlld.A ".My lieallh was net erv geed fei some months, I dhl net have much npintltc. nor slccpuell. I also liiultiPiim-iil sick headaclics nnd I had iioiuuhllleu tode 11113 thing. I was rcieiiiincmled tetiy HiK)d'Snrs.iparlllii. And though I have net taken nil of one bottle as jet I fed liken uen iktseii. I highly recommend It te nil." .Mas. A. Ti'Iim-ii, W. Iltimiirr, Ma-w, MAK IIS Til K WIUIC .STltO.Nti '1 took Heed's Snrtiirllln for malaria with pe Iret iesulls;lt gave 1110 strength se Hint I can de nil 1113 housework, anil walk all about the neighborhood. Ne inore iilnlne for me, when Heed's Sarsaparllla Is se geed 11 medl clitc. I UH'emmend H every wlieie." I.ccimi.v Caiiieii, rrainlnKliam tVntte, Ma. HOOD'S XAKSAPAltll.UA Held by nil druggists. 1 ; six for ". Picpaicd 011I3 bj C I. UOODACO., I.eui-ll, .Masv. ICO DOSlis ONK DOI.I.AK ft) ihtvttituvc. a7-id.m i'i:h'hceunki(. High Standard Furniture. iiuiii.Mcnir.M ANDi.ewAitirnu: Tiiui;i:si'Ni).iti).s. Which de 3011 prefi r? We knew 3011 w.uit thti Het it 3 our Pockctheok wlllullew It. The llltlll or ll!,r (illAHi: (J00.IS in ulasLsi n our Standard. And nc U'lleve lb dciuuud IsgrevtliiK for the llcsl Ounlltles, fe Ihi'j niealvuivs the olienet. A few dollars dlllcrenis) lu tliccet of u suite or len of rurnl line limy net be uetlriil 1,3 the eye, but In the wear it l hound te come out. We deu t Ixdlevu Itrhenpte the Iui3er le held hack these fc dollars. lueiiei Kuil'efll0 lL" ,"""M)f '"""'Iture-Pour Ploers WIDMYER'S COitNP.lt OP E. King & puke Sts, "Finniierc Points. " lliereare NO IIAIKJAINS lu lhe Cheaii or 1 ,'V.":.:""1'1'.' 'Hls. A 1IA IK1A IN I, te get a ! i""'.1 !'r,.",u.11. "Ain: rer ,, i.ev piuck. 1 hucli llAltlJAI.NH we have. Our gmsis lll line jeu giMHl service and thereto SAVUyeu iUmtrtutrthcc'f PiitLAUKtriilA, Saturday, Sept. 21, 189. " Did you cut golden-red with a mewing machine?" asked a friend yesterday, while looking ever the decorations for the Dress Occasion. Yeu will notice that the llewer dec orations will droop somewhat today. Which prompts us te suggest that you leek away from the second fleer te the great display of Art Flowers en the first fleer, east of Main Aisle and north of Transept. What the lailcr may lack in fragrance is made up in continuance they don't fade and they arc awfully natural. The display of Costumes, second Jloer, Chestnut street, will continue te-day, as will the " Little Paris " show of things from the Paris Exposition. Critics find much te command attention in this display. The Cloisenne Vases arc the ob jects of much study and uni versal admiration. 1 he most knowing are the greatest ad mirers. It is important for you te knew that the Pollock Dress Fitting system is new where it ought te be in the Dress making Department. A fitted dress lining for $i. Thousands were fitted lasl Spring with universal success. Yeu or your own dressmaker can make the dress after the waist is fitted. Belfast is the centre of the world for Linen 1 landkerchiefs. Fifteen years age net a cotton or a cotten-and-lincn I landker chief was made in Belfast ; new mere than half that are sent out from that city are either cotton or cotton mixed. Cotten has crept into some of the very fine things, but you don't suspect it until the wear and wash test shows the cheat. Fer the person of taste who wants a snow-white Handker chief, soft and silky, one that will net wash fuzzy or turn yel low with use Linen. We began by selling nothing but Linen as Linen. We keep te it. The flood of union goods has never reached our counters. This year our importation of pure Linen goods has been larger and mere varied than ever before. All sorts. To day we have space te held up but one thing Men's Plain White I landkerchiefs. We leek a big let of them. Exactly the quality, style and size that has been pronounced from Paris and Londen te St. Petersburg just the right thing for a well-dressed man. French sie net tee big ; and French hem one-half inch. They are put up dozen and half dozen in a box intended for the holiday trade. But we crewil them ahead of the sea son and you save 25 te 35 per cent by it. dozen. I'ullnlshed, 3 1 . Pull IlnMicJ, Ne. 1, 1 ll Pull flnh licit, Ne. '-', 'J 25 1'nll tlnnlud, Ne. Ii, 260 Pull llnisheil. Ne. I, 3 2.1 Pull llnbhed. Ne..'., !!75 i'ull llnbhed, Ne.tf, i'.sj . dozen. 75c 0.V: 51 12& liSl iwt i no 210 Get the new price bearings from Ne. 6. We have sold pre cisely the same goods at $6 the dozen. beuthwest of ctntie. This concerns J en. We need te be an Anglo Angle maniac te like the English con tributions te Men's Furnishings. De you knew the " Redleaf " lr.ulc-m.irk ? Its mark always means something geed very geed. Te-day there is a let of "Red leaf" Ascot Scarfs some of them in one of the windows that ought te command the at tention of stylish men. If you can wrestle successfully with the Puff Tie you will glory in the quality, novelty and ele gance of this let. Alse two new Cellar styles, both " Redleaf," one a grace ful deg-ear, another with cor ners slightly bent outward. They are four-ply, linen-all the way-through. Laundering a deg-ear cellar is a quality test winch nothing will stand like the honest high-clas $2.75 the deen. Enelish. Smokers and non-smokers need Smoking Jackets. Londen is sending them, se is New Yerk, aLe Philadelphia. Pocket and fancy can be suited here. Many men object te a heavy house coat. All such may get a geed choice for $3 ; ethers may go en and up te $25. The way-station prices are plentiful. Rugs for carriage or steamer are numerous. Seme rich and showy, ethers plain. Yeu may please both pocket and fancy. These are some of the things that await you in the corner'ef Juniper and Chestnut streets. 1 hat endt rJul let el Rib- i ifttanatnakev', bens (a slip of the pen said yesterday 6,000 pieces : should have been yards) at 25 cents, from 60, is still well worth at tention. The combinations of weaves and colors arc exquis ite. But why such goods for such prices ? It is a manufac turer's round-up at a change of preduct: the looms arc te take up ether styles ; hence these must go. They are going. Will be gene te-day. Chest nut street entrnnee. The fitness of a Saturday's talk is found in clothing. It is, by common usage, Clothier's day. We arc Clothiers. There fore our day te sell Clothing te you or your boy, or te take your order for such garments as you require the coming Au tumn. The clothes ready made, the stuffs for orders, the salesmen te sell, the tailors te make are all here. The lacking link is yourself Will you supply it? MnrkctEtrcctsldc. Embroidered Cambric Apron Fleuncings that can also be used for Skirting. One of the out-of-season bargains that it will pay you te lay away. 360 pieces. One pnttern nt RRc n yard fine pnttern ntWcu ynnl One put tern nUiOcii ynrit f (no pnttern ut (0c a yuril About half the cost. Heuthw cut or centre. t6oe pieces Decorated China, consisting of dinner, soup, breakfast and tea plates and cups and saucers. Plates, all sizes, iec each ; cups and saucers, 40c. Just such attractive items are every day in China-Bargain-table story. Second fleer, Juniper street side. I lere are Men's All-silk Shirts and Drawers without a bit of extravagance in the prices. Six, nine, or twelve thread, $2.75 each, $5.50 the suit. Men's Silk Half Hese, six and nine thread, 75c. Chctnut street side, west of Mnln Alle. Jehn Wanamaker. iLtatcltee. -tVTATHPS. KMERICKN Watches, Clocks, Jnwelrr, Hixws, Eyi Ktc., nt LOWEbT P1UCE8. e-Olnsscs, Optical Ooeds. Telcgrnph Tlme !nlly. Every Article In this Line Carefully Repaired. Leuis Weber, Ne. lOOKNerthQueenSt., Near P. R.B. Station w ATCH nCl'AHUNO. Watch Repairing. The majority of viiitchesare ruined by falling nle the hmidsorniitnreni!etent workmen and net worn out. 'lohiivpjeur Wntcli Carefully Handled, Re paired, Adjusted nnd Kcgulnted, cult en tlie un dersigned, who hns en exhibition a nntcli made li- himself. Chas. S. Gill, JEWELER AND GRADUATE OPTICIAN, Ne. 10 West King St., LANCASTER. PENN'A. JTCIlllf REPAIRING ! De you haven Wutcb or Cleck that ncoilri nceilri p.ilr? It may be ene that hns been repaired nnd dots no feed. If se, brine It te us.nndwe will Guarantee Yeu the Best Werk Yeu lmve ever had done. All kinds of Jeurvlry nnd tipictncleRepnlrliiK, Engraving, Elc. All Werk duaruntccd and Prlitx the Lenest. Ohe us a Trial and 3011 lll Call Annln. HERR, Ne. 101 N. Queen St., CORNER OF ORANGE. rrmvn Dalmatian inhect powder, X propelled by uboeiI powder blower, Is the most t fleet mil itetri,veruf lllcs and ether suiull Insects. Forsale At HURLEY'S DRUG STORE, XtlWcstKlncHtreet, lALI. AND WINTER, lt!i. P01 the Ultest Novelties, IjiwH nnd Most Complete Assortment of Full and Winter hull Iiik, OvfrviuliiiK nnd Tieiiv.rlng, fcole II. (JER- Nene tecmutl It. Nene te surpass themnke np. The correct Fabric for Pull Dress hull-, and the price lhe lowest, nt II. GERUART. Ne. 11 North (iivcn Hired. Sd-Ouly Direct ImiHirttui; Tailor lu Iho City of l,nhcnstcr. M 1L1.EIPH 1I0RAX SOAP. TVYIUL-ER'S Borax Seap WILL WASH CLOTHES, AND every article under the sun 99vcttc. TUUltfiK-8. FINEST GROCESIES ! Best Teas and Coffees. SUUARH.HYRUPH, CANNED nnd IIOTTLED 000 DM, NEW SIACKUtlKL, NEW. CODFISH, Etc. NOTICE. COPFEES ALWAYS FRESH ROASTED. TEAS SELECTED WtTH CA RE FOR DRINK ING QUALITY. BURSK'S, Ne. 17 East King Street, LANCASTER, PA. N' OW FOR -THE- Fleer That Toek First Premium At the Lancaster County Pnlr Last Week. CLARKE'S XXXXKLOUR In considered Iiv remiicteiil Judges te lie lhe Ilet Knmlly Fleur for Pnstry nnd Ilrenrt llnklin;. Will hnke bread ns title ns snow, (live Itn trial Kicpcr'iunr- ur, . wr earrci. louver (trades of flour at tffc pel ipinrler. POPPY OIL SOAP Toek a First Premium nt the l"nllxus the Kin. est Lnuiuiry nnd Toilet Honti. We cave nvvnv tree nueui z,uuur'iKcx 01 mis t me Mmp, and will for tlie linkvnce of this week i;lve free te all who will cull n sample enke. Come nnd vein cake nnd test the truth of whnt we say. BAHUAINH IN IIAMH, IIAROAINS IN DRIED REEF, UAROAINH IN HA CON. tu fnct, Mnrgnlns In Everything during this wecK.ni Clarke's Tea and Coffee Stere 12A11H0UTII QUEEN STREET, Lnnenster, Pn. Telephone. Free Delivery. J)8-trdAw A' T HEIHT'8. Keep Your Eyes Wide Open ! RE I ST IN LEADING IN EVERYTHING. Why Complain of Dull Times? WE HAKE OUR PRICES TO SUIT THEM I1ETTER SELL THE GOODS AND MAKE A LITTLE THAN HOLD FAST TO THEM AT IMG PROFITS. A Glance at Our Busy Stere WILL CONVICE YOU THAT Til ERE 18 A REASON FOR ALL THIS Why i our store eiendcd, when ethers are einpts ? Wli3' de we employ three times ns 111HI13' clerks ns miy ether store ? Wanted, At Once, Flve E'vtrn Salesmen for Snturdnv'n Trade. Must have n knowledge of the huslncsi'. ROOMS TO LET. Twe rooms left en Second Fleer ever Stere UnlldlnK. Rent moderate. Alse, n Twe-Story llrlck Dwelling On Ceral street. Rent, ?6. reIst ! WHOLESALE AND RETAIL (JHOCEH, CORNER WEST KINU AND PRINCE STS., Dlreclls Opposite J. II. Maitlu & Ce.'h Dry Ooeds Stere, nnd Nexl Doer tn Serrel flersn Hetel. (EaiIU'iU'e. ii:iiici;peLLKUii , OF BUSINESS DI? i -. ANr- . bhert-Hand. Recerd Ilullriliig, - U17-U1K CHESTNUT STREET, rttiinaeipiiiii, rn. Second, Third mid leurin i-joers. Meintmt, Afternoon and Night Kesxleus. Twenty-Firtli ("elleclnte Year begins TUES DAY. SEITE.MHER 8, 1S.SH. Tvvclve hundred and Rlxt3'-nlnc(l'.1iO) students last 3 ear. Early uppllcjitleus ncresMtry. Send for enrollment blank. - Technical knowledge qunllfyhiK for IwsIiicsh ensriigeinenls. Full Instruction for ceinnii rclnl and Kcnernl business vocations; Atfce Short Hand nnd Type-Writ Inc. A fneultj- of mere than a scoieef practlcnt men vi he have prncttccd what they tench. lloekkecpcrs out or counting houses teaching biKikkeepliig ; lawyers teaching law and busi ness forms : successful high school principals teaching Lugllsh branches; law reinjiteis tcnchlngshert-tinnd and t3e-wrltlng, etc., etc. " This Institution has been exec ptlennll' foi fei tunnte In the success of the students who lmve graduated therefrem." Olllce epenevcrv vwck ilny during huslmss hours nnd nlsoen Monday, Tuesday and Thnis diiy Evenings for lhe Enrollment efStudenls. Announcements, etc.. Mill when iciuctcd. YNIteiHiilvinjH welcome. Address, THOMAS MAY PEIRCE, M. A augllt-CinSLtS Principal and Founder. l)imunur. T.Tiail A MARTIN. Jars ! v;rs ! China. Hail. A FRESH SUPPLY OF "LIGHTNING" JARS In Pints, (Junrts and Hall Uulleus, AT LOWISsT PRICES', MASON'S IN ALL SIZES. JELL TL'MIll ERS, dc, High & Martin, no, ia i:tsr kinu st. i'loiuvcfuvuteltiim (Ooedo. piAI.LANDSr.l' -THE- ROCHESTER LAMP! Sixty Candlc-Llghl ; Heals tht m nil. Anether Uit of Chcnp (Henes for (las and Oil S loves. THE"PEIIPEC1'10N" METAL MOt'LDINil and RU11IIKH CUSHION Weather Strip. Rents them nil. Thlsstrlpoutuearsallethcrs. Keeps out the cold, lstOi lattllng of windows. Excludes the dust. Keeps out snow nnd rain. Anyone can npply It no waste or dirt made In nppl.vinglt. Can he tlttrtt nnywhere no hnle le bore, ready for Use. I will net pllt. wnrper shrink n cushion strip is the most perfectviAl the Steve, llenter nnd Range Stere of Jehn P. Schaum & Sens, 34 SOUTH QUEEN ST., LANCASTER PA. rvTiirvm ram fini t rcm llll I 111,11 V rpHE PEOPLE'S CAW1 STORE. DONE IN THE MOST SUBSTANTIAL AND SATISFACTORY MANNER AT Lewest Cash Prices. GIVE US A TRIAL. Gentlemen's Balbriggan Undervear The Most Comfortable nnd Durable Underwent In the Mnrkt, Specially Adapted for the Pnll Season. 50c and f 1.00. FULL LINES OK GENTLEMEN'S WINTER 1TOERWEAR COMING IN SHORTLY. HOSIERY, SUSPENDERS, COLLARS AND CUFFS, Etc. Gee. F. Rathven, NO. 25 EAST KINO STREET, Uiar20-lrdR LANCASTER, PA. w ILLIASISON FOSTER. The Representation of Hie Purchasing Public Who Come te Examine our Stock of Dry Goods, Notions, AND Ladies' and Children's CLOHKS, Proue'tnced them Elegant, Durable and Cheap. BEE OUR Embroidered Flannel Display IN WEST WINDOW. rilICE.S-Sl.03 TO 52.00 PER YARD. Coel Weather Comfert lllnnlccts, I-'InnncN and Comforts. The Largest Assortment of Ladles' Handker chiefs In Hemstitched, White and Colored Ror Rer dcrcd. Ladles' Cetsetis for 25c, 3ec, 50c, 75c, $1.00, J1.25 and tl.V). Ladles' Cleth and Jmey Jackets, 12.50, JI.OO, 5.(0 nnd 50.50. Indies' NewniMrkets, $8.00 te J19.00. Bey's Knee I'ant Suits, S2.00 te 110.00. Men's Wlilte Uudern ear, 25c, 3Sc, 75c, S1.25. Scotch Mixed Underwear, f 1.00 icr Suit. Dr. Warner's Health Underwear, S3.00 per Suit. NEW PATTERNS IN Silk Neckwear I Tecks and Feur-iu-Hands,50c, Ocnt's Flannel Shirts, 81.25, S1.75, $2.00 nnd Gent's Pnll Wright Overcoat, S5.00 teS'20.00. Twe Speclnl Full Overcoats for lluslucss Weur, SS.iOnndJ10.00. H03 's Full Ov erceats, 3.00, 17.00, 81M, !I2 00, OUR ASSORTMENT OF Bey's Dress and Scheel Suits ARE NOW COMPLETE. Rey's Culawuy Coats and Yests for Dress Wear, In llrendunle Worsted nnd Scotch Chev iots, Gent's Silk lints for Pall nnd Winter, In the Hrendwny nnd Firth Avenue. Knet, Silvermnn's and Yeuninn's Styles In St in Hats. 20-Inch Geld nnd Oxidized Handle Gleria Cleth Umbrella, only 81.18. CENTS GOSSAMER CALF SHOES, In Iice nnd Congress, Medium Ilrend Tee, Plluble Seles-Price, 82.50. This shoe is n Lender. 32-38 East King Street, LANCASTER, PA. Branch Stere, NO. 318 MARKET bTREET, JIARRIS 11URG. I'A. (Jnrbtunx'c. H ARDWARE I HARDWARE! GREAT ATTRACTIONS ! AT Marshall & Rengier's, 0 A 11 SOUTH QUEEN fcT. Steves, Heaters and Ranges OP EVERY DEfcCItllTlON. The Largest Atserlmciilur OUNS nml RIFLES intheCIt. TINWARE, CEDARWARE , CUTLERY, Ac I UDDER YARN, CARPENTER'S TOOLS ami 11UILDINO MA TERIAL. RO! AI.MIXKD PAINTS. OILS. VAKNIMIEtt a at WHITE LEAD. cur . Pull Line of Ueueml Hnrdwnre.'ba MARSHALL& RENGIER, NO-". 0 A II SOUTH QUEEN STREET. fclivlid TTENRY WOLF, FURNITURE STORE, has removed te l.W East KIne street, liu.tne a full line of Purr nrcefrvcry clescrlpiiei, he lowest price. mi L ndertaUtiiK preiuiii, at tended te. Call nnd examine our imeds. aS-tfdR II . OLP. M Ent Kin; hlmf . 9H Goeb: Merchant Tailoring ! Williamson it Fester, iarCf!i.;'