3Ni.T" V ..v-L' J Vf - i ;.,. " r '&"V..--'7'J --l!" " THB LANCASTER DAILY INTELLIGENCER, TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 17, 1889. VW 6 Htwut.nlitr Arwirirti- WametatNarragansettPler The modest iam I went upon Wu nil my Iff acy from dear Old Impecunious Unde Jehn ; And the vu taken by her aunt O luckiest day and hour In which Thry met me, caned with fortune (cant, And thought, no doubt, that I wan rich. Constant my heart te her alone Oh, why U It her wealthy nunt Ha KTcn children of her own T Rut give her up? I can't I can't 1 Oh, fatal Narragansctt Iter t Oh, fatal stroll beside the sea t Oh, btat word I Je) ed te hear I Why did she net say " Ne " te me I 'My salary If very small, And even that Is net secure . Why did I speak te her at nil When we are both no deadly peer T , Oh little did I dream the scrape My fleeting wealth would lend Inte I We are engaged there's no escape- What shall I de I What thall de? f vm lAfr. Terrible rate or an Engineer. Charles Frlese, assistant engineer In the Ice-heuse of Rappert's browery- in New Yerk, was killed en Sunday night. While at his pest he noticed thntalielt which held in place a huge crank arm weighing a ten. hml bocemo loose. In attempting te ndjust It he lest his footing ami fell, striking with his feet the lever which started the machinery, fell Inte a shallow pit into which the crank dips and in which it fits exactly. The macnlnery de-wended and crushed the engineer. The Grand Prercqnlnlte of Viger. Tlie dual operation of digestion and assimila tion In the grnud prerequisite of vigor. Te In sure the conversion of feed Inte rich nutritious bleed, It U only necessary te use with persist ence and systematical ly Hosteller's Stomach Bitters. The foundation head of supply In the animal economy Is the stomach. Te regulate, te Invigorate that organ, and thus facilitate Its digestive and assimilative processes, should be the chief aim of theso troubled with a deficit of stamina. Nervousness, Insomnia, feeble ap petite these are usually traceable te Impaired digestion. Overcome this and you of necessity dismiss Its multifarious, perplexing and har assing symptoms. The emaciated can nccr hope te galu flesh se long as assimilation Is Im perfect. The Hitters surmountsjtbe only obsta cle te an Increase net only of vigor, but of bodily substance. Conquer also with the Bit ters malaria, kidney and Uxer complaint, constitu tion and rheumatic trouble. Thoroughness characterizes Its effects. Interested People. Advertising a patent medicine In the peculiar way In which the proprietor of Kemp's Balsam for Coughs und Colds does, Is Indeed wonderful. He Authorizes nil druggists legle thoscwhe call for It a sample bottle Free, that they may try it before purchasing. The Large Dettles arc 0c and 11.00. We certainly would advise a trial. It may save you from consumption. aul2-lmd&w (2) Special Itoticce. Knets Werth Knewing. In all diseases of the nnsal mucous membrane the remedy used must be non-irritating. The medical profession has been slew te learn thl. Nothing satisfactory can be accomplished with douches, snuff. pewdrs or syringes because they urc all Irritating, de net reach the affected surfaces and should be abandoned us werse than failures. Amultltude or persons who had for years borne till the worry and pain that catarrh can Inflict testify te radical cures wrought by Ely's Cream ISalni. Huekleit'n Ariiluii Salve. The RimtHalvk In the world for Cuts, llrulscs Beres, Ulcers, Halt Ilhcnm, Fever 8eres, Tetter, Chapped Hands. Chilblains, Cerns, and all Skin Eruptions, and positively cures riles, or no nay required. It Is guaranteed toclvopcr teclvopcr toclvepcr frcisatlsractlon, or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. Fer sale by II. B. Cochran, Druggist, Nes. 137 and 130 North Queen street, Lancaster, Pa. JuneZMyd Kupejmy. This Is what you ought te hate. In fact, you must have it, te full r enjoy life. Thousands nre searching for It dally, and mourning because they find It net. Thousands upon thousands of dollars are spent annually by our ieople In the hope that they mnyjattnln this been. And j et It may be had by nil. We guarantee that Elec tric Hitters, If used mcerdlng te directions and the use persisted In, will bring you Qued Diges tion and oust the demon Dyspepsia and Install Instead Eupepsy. Wc recommend Electric Hit ters for Dyspepsia, and all diseases e! Liver Stomach and Kidneys. Held at 60c and ft per bottle by II. U. Cochran, drugctst, 137 and IS) North Queen street, Lancaster, Pa. ( Mothers t Mothers t ! Mothers ! I I Are you disturbed at night und broken of your rest by a sick child suffering and crying with the excruciating pain of cutting teeth ? If se, goat once and get a bottle of MRS. WINB LOW'8 SOOTHINC1 SYRUP. It will relieve the peer Utile sufferer Immediately depend upon It; there is no mistake about It. There Is net a mother en earth who has ever used It, who will net tell you at unce that it will regu late the bowels, and gl e rest te the mother, and relief and health te the child, operating like magic It Is perfectly safe te use lu all cases and pleaaant te the taste, and Is the prescription of one of the eldest and best female nhj slclaus and nurses In the United States. Held everywhere, 25 cents a bottle. Junc251yd&w A ScrnpefVnper Saves Her Life. It was Just an ordinary scrap of wrapping paper, hut It saved her life. she was In the last stages of consumption, told by physicians that she was incurable and couldlixe onlyusherl time; she weighed less than seventy pounds. On a piece of wrapping paper she read of Dr. King s New Dlscev cry. und get a sample bettle: U helped her, shobeught a large bottle, it helped her mere, bought another and grew better fast, continued Its use and Is new strong, healthy, rosy, plump, weighing 110 pounds. Fer fuller particulars send stamp te W. II. Cele, Druggist. Fert Smith. Trial bottles of this wonderful Discos cry Free at 11. B. Cochran's drugstore, 137 and 1J9 North Queen street, Lancaster, i'a. jfuvuititvr. w IDM tfEIVB CORNEH. High Standard Furniture. HIGH, MEDIUM AND LOW ARK THE THREE hl'ANDAHDS. Which de you prefer ? We knew you want Hie Best 11 jour Pocketheok will nllew it. The IllOH or BEST ORADE Goods ha nlwajs been our Standard. And we believe th demand Is growing for the Best Qualities, fe Ihey urc alnajs the chenpest. A few dollars dlQercncc In the cost of a sultoer piece of furni ture may net be noticed by the eje, but lu the wear It is bound te cume euL We don't belleA e It cheap te the bujer te held back these few dollars. There are NO BARGAINS in the Cheap or Iew Standard Goods. A BARGAIN Is te get a BEST or HIGH GRADE for h LOW PRICE. Such BARGAINS we have. Our goods will ghejeu geed serslcennd thereby SAVE you money, A Large Full Line of Furniture Four Floers Full of ft. WIDMYER'S CORNER OF E. King & Duke Sts. TTEINITSU'S. N. B. We invite j our attention te our line of Fancy Goods 7 SUITABLE FOR Wedding and Anniversary Gifts. A few In our North Window and plenty mere Inside, and we will consider It n pleasure te hae you leek through our stock at any time day or ecnlng. Yen will net he nsked te buy, that Is optional with jeu. We Are Talking About Furniture. HEINITSH'S Furniture Depot, Nes. 27 & 29 SOUTH QUEEN STREET Personal Attention Given te Undertake Ing UNDERNVEARTuafiT AND -MEDIUM weight underwear In all grades and any sltp.at ERIHMAN'S Genu' Furnishing Stere, 43 West King street. " Furniture Points. FOOLISH PJMCJVOICK. Hew Seme People Allew Werd. Msatnst which they hare a FrJdlc. te Staa4 In the way or their own well-beta;. The old lady who would net allow her son te have a fiddle, but was willing he should have a violin, Is a fclr example of tSefoetlsfc prsjndtc which very many people have afalnel certain words.. Many persons might refuse, te take Chloride or Sodium, but would use salt, which Is the sane thing. New It Is this class of people who usually have a deep prejudice against the words alcohol or whiskey. They knew that somebody has abused the use of these article and hence they denounce them altogether. In spite of the fact that the best scientists and the leading physicians of the present day advocate nnd use them constantly. ...... Pre Anstln Flint, of Bellevue (New erk) College, says : "1 he Judicious use or alcoholic stimulants Is one of the striking characteristics or progress- in the practice of medicine during the last half century." . . ITer. Jeseph Parrlali. the distinguished au thor, says: 'rWe knew that alcohol will steady the heart, slew the pulse, warm the skin, calm excitement, and we ought te use It." Prof. M. O. Oreenleaf, the well-known author, says: "An Intelligent comprehension of the ac tion of alcohol and whiskey, will hare a greater Influence In promoting temperance than adhe sion te a dogma." Such high scientific authorities show that pure whiskey should be used aa a household remedy. Ne father or mother need hesitate for a moment te administer Duffy's Pure Malt Whiskey te the children, and It Is simply bigo try te allow the word whiskey, which Is the name of this medicine, te stand tn the way of the wonderful benefits te be derived from Its use. It should be remembered, however, that these effects are only te be secured by the use of pure medicinal whiskey like Duffy's and care should be taken te use no ether. (I) TTEADACHE TROCHES. BRIGGS' HEADACHE TROCHES for SICK HEADACHE IN ITS NERVOUS, BILIOUS, OB CONGES TIVE FORMS. This Remedy Is the prescription of one of the leading physicians of Paris, France, and was used by him with unparalleled success for ever thirty ears, It was Orst given te the public as n proprietary medicine In 1878. Since which time It has round Its way Inte almost every countven the face or the glebe, and become a fhverfv remedy with thousands of the leading phjslclans. Medical societies hare discussed its marvelous success at their annual conven tions, and after their official chemists have analyzed It and,, round that It contained no opiates, bromides or ether harmful Ingredients, nuletly placed It among their standard reme dies. TESTIMONIAL. L. It. BROWN. M. V.. 1 21 West Jersey St, V KM7.AIIETII, N. J.. June 28, 18W. ) This Is te certiry that Ihuveused for some months with much satisfaction, the combina tion or remedies, for Headache, known as Dittoes' Ht-ADAciiK Troches. The remedy cures mere headaches, especially such as affect Nervous Women, than anything I am ac quainted with, nnd If this certificate will be the means or bringing It te the favorable attention or sutlerers from that trouble, 1 shall reel that I have done them a sen Ice. 1 R. BROWN. 47-FRICE, SB CENTS. Sold by all Drug gists, or sent by Mall en Receipt bf Price. BRIGGS' MEDICINE CO.. septlt-ljd Elizabeth, N.J. M' CLANE'S LIVER PILLS. THE GENUINE DR. C. -CELEBRATED- LIVER PILLS! Intemperance a Disease When the celebrated Dr. Rush declared that drunkenness was n disease, he enunciated n truth which the experience and observation of medical men is every day confirming. The many apparently lnsane excesses of these who Indulge In the use of spirituous liquors may thus be accounted for. The true cause of con duct, which Is taken for Infatuation, Is very lrcqucntly a diseased state of the Liver. Ne or- San In the human system when deranged, pro pre uces n mere frightful catalogue of diseases And If, Instead or uppljlug remedies te the manifestations of the disease, as Is tee often the case physicians would prescribe with a view te the original cause, fewer deaths would result from diseases Induced by a dernngedstatenf the Liver. Three-fourths of the diseases enumer ated under the bend of Consumption hnvcthelr seat In a diseased Liver. The genuine Dr. C. MeLane's Liver Pills, prepared by Fleming Bres., Pittsburg, Pa., are a sure cure. Mr. Jonathan Heuchman, of West Union, Park Ce , Illinois, wtIIcs te the proprietors, Fleming Brethers, of PI ttsburg. Pa., that he had suflered from a severe and protracted attack of fever and ague, and wns completely restored te hralthllby the use of the genunle Dr. C. M Lane's Liver Pills alone. These Pills unques tionably possess great properties, and can be taken with decldedjad vantage for many diseases requiring Invigorating remedies, but the Liver Pills stand pre-eminent us the means of restor ing u disorganized User te healthy action; hence the great celebrity they base attained. Insist en basing the genuine Dr. t". MclJme's Liver Pills, prepared by Fleming Bres.. Pitts burg, Ph. All druggists keep them. Price 25 cents a box. (2) H UMPHREYS' VETERINARY SPECIFICS Fer Horses, Cattle, Sheen, Dogs, Hogs AND POULTRY. SCO Page Boek en Treatment or Animals and Chart Sent Free. cunEsl Fevers, Congestions, Inflammation, A.A. f Spinal Meningitis, Milk Fever. 11.11. Strains, Lameness. Rheumatism. C.C. Distemper, Nasal Discharges. D.D. Hots or Grubs, Worms. H.I. Coughs, Heaves, Pnoumenla. F.F. Celic or Gripes, Bellyache. G.G. M Iscarrlage, Hemorrhages. H.H. Urinary and Kidney Diseases. 1. 1. Eruptive Diseases, Mange. J.K. Dlsiases or Digestion. STABLE CASE, with Specifics, Manual, Witch Hazel oil and Mcdlcater 97.00 PRICE, Single Bettle (ever SO doses) 00 Sold by Druggists ; or Sent Prepaid anywhere and lu any quantity en Receipt of Price. HUMPHREYS' MED. CO.. 109 Fulton St., N. Y. HUMPHREYS' In use SO yours. HOMEOPATHIC SPECIFIC NO. 2S. Thoenlv successful remedy for NERVOUS DEBILITY. VITAL WEAK- NEbS. and Prostration, from Over-Werk or ether (uuscs. tl per vial, or 5 vials and large vial powder for S. Sold by Dhuoeistm, or sent prepaid en re re ceipeor prlce.-HUMIHHEYB' MEDICINE CO., 1 Fulton SL. N. Y. unc27-Th.SAw LY'S CREAM BALM. CATARRH, HAY FEVER. Elys Cream Balm Cleanses the Nasal Passages, Allays Pain and Inflammation, Heals the Seres, Restores the Senses efTHSte and Smell. TRY THE CURE. A particle Is applied te each nostril and Is agreeable. PrlicaOceutsatDruggUU; hy mall, registered, 00 cents. ELY BROTHERS, sepll-1) dAw Ne. M Warren St., New Yerk. V ' Undeveloped parts Or the Human Bedy Enlarged, Developed, Strengthened, etc.. Is an Interesting advertise ment long run in our paier. in reply 10 in- (inlrles we will say that i 1I1CI te Is no evidence of humbug about this. On the contrary, the ad vertisers are very highly Indorsed. Interested iersens may get sealed circulars civ lug all par ticulars, by writing te the ERIE MEDICAL CO., S Swan bt., Butlale, N. Didu Tolrde Jlee. fll-fydiw Slate. w HAT YOU ARE WAITING FOR t The Fall Styles IN THE CELEBRATED DUNLAP HATS ARE NOW READY. 'Ihey Repretent New Yerk's leading and Most Popular bt J le. TRUNKS, TRAVELING BAGS, FURS AND ROBES. STAUFFER & CO., 31 and 33 North Queen Street, LANCABTEK. I'A. 9m N EW FALL DHES8 SOODR. Te Experienced and Economical Buyers who believe In Bargains and desire te make selec tions from the Newest Bt les In NEW FALL DRESS G00D8 FASHION POINTS THE WAY TO J. Harry Stamm's NEW BOSTON STORE, 24 Centre Square, Because Our Stock Is Large. Because Our Goods Are New, Because Our Prices are Lewest. Yeu arc cordially Invited te inspect our BARGAINS! X Weel Plaids tXe a yard. Weel Henriettas, M Inches wide, fall shades, 37c a yard. Fifty Different Styles Children's Dress Goods at i4'c, 8c, IS?. 12e ft yard. Anether Case Deuble Feld Weel Cashmeres, Fall Shades, at 10c a yard. Anether Case (Celebrated) Princess Cashmeres at 12)c a yard. Au Immense Assortment of Flne Dress Goods at Ze, 37e, 0c, 63c te 11.00 A yard. WE BELIEYE 00 CAR BE SUITED HERE. We are Doing Great Things with BLACK DRESS GOODS. Perfect and AppreprlateStyles In Half Mourn Ing Goods at 87 &c, 60c, 63Xc, 76c a yard. -IN- BLACK HEfflUETTAS! s8 INCHES WIDE, 33c, 37ic, 60c, 2X.TSc, S7)iC, 11.00, 11.23. BLACK HENRIETTAS! 36 INCHES WIDE, 17, 20, 25, 33, 37 Cents. Cheapest of All, Ne. 24 Centre Square. w ILLIAMSON & FOSTER. Exquisite Novelties -IN- Ladles', Misses' and Children's Stockinet Cleth and Plush Jackets. Newmarkets and Sacques At Prices te Suit All Buyers. IN DRY GOODS WehaveafcpeclalAR.WoelPIald at 37Kcln four different styles. Our Black Cashmeres, Mehairs and Henriet tas are the best In the market, 38c for 38 Inch ; uOc for 40 Inch j 75c for W Inch, and an extra quality for 11.00. IN Notions We hate new shades In Hepe Linen and Ret Bilk. Alse, a magnificent assortment of Stamped Linens ut Very Lew Prices. Ladles' and Misses' Gossamers In new stles of cut and stripe. Children's Combination Kilts. Rejs' Knee Int Suits for Fall and Winter, 12.00, tZKI, J3.00. Gent's and Beys' Underwear In Merine. All All Weel, Camel's Hair and Scotch Mixed. Fall Neckwear In all the Popular St) les at 60c. Gent's Fall Weight Overcoats), Silk and Satin Faced, 18.60 te flJ. Gent's Fine Dress Shoes lu Hals, Lace or Congress that are stylish and durable for S3.00. Gent's Fine Silk Hats Fer Fall Wear, H.OO te 5 00. FUR STITr HATS, $1.50, POCKET HATS, 75 Cents, And a Inter assortment of Cleth Hats, Turbans and Tain O Sibanters for Children. 32-38 East King Street, LANCASTER, PA. NO. 318 MARKET STREET, HAHRISr BURO, PA. J.HARRYSTAMMS. NEWBOSTON STORE Williamson & Fester, 911 N JXT DOOM TO THE COURT HOUSE. Tlimxm Is Timt FAHNESTOGK'S. IXrtl FflHTH Wn ImVA jrrtnrv MmHa Pnmfttrta al srtn. ISV. 7.V unit II Mkrh. trhleh ars IKa h te be had at these priced. And we have OUR OWN MAKE at $1,25. f I JO, 11.75 and tXWwhlchare made of the beet material, filled with geed white cotton and iiulltcd by hand. These Comforts we highly rvcemmend. WHITEAND rOIXlRRD BLANKETS at 75c, II. 11.25, II JO, 11.75, 2. I3J0, up te M. . LAD1IX' FALL WRAPS AND JACKirra-AHlwclalUarjaln In Jackets at 2; better quali ties at every price up te fn.00. FALL ANIJ WINTER UNDERWEAR In Ureal Quantities. FAHNESTOCK'S, 36 and 37 East King St., Lancaster, Pa. M ETZGER A HAUGHMAN. Metzgrer & Hau!grlittixi. We ha e new open our own Importation of Black French Henrietta -Cleths and Cashmeres In All Grades nnd Qualities, the Beit Values Eer Offered. ALSO, FULL LINES OF Single and Deuble Blaek Thibet Shawls! AT LOW l'lUCES. Metzgcr& Haughman's Cheap Stere, Nes. 38 and 40 West King Street, Lancaster, Pa. (OW031TK THE COOPKH HOUHK.) TJAiiD a Mcelrey. BARD & Nes. 33 and 35 Seuth Queen Street, DRES8 GOODS An eleaant line of Dress Plaids at 10c, 12J. SO? a5c "'' "P. Henrietta Cleths at 23c, In all shades. One let of All-Weel Henrietta Cleths, 10 in. wide, S7Wc. One let same widths, all-wool, at HOC One let all.woel, 46 In silk finish nppciai narcains m uiacK Henriettas at sec, ac, tee, uuc ana up, narianis in Hiaca niiK at 73c, Bl ll.SSandll.Su. THIBET bHAWLH-Extra value In Hlack Thibet Hhawts lu Mingle or Deuble Ceurtlands. Dou Deu ble Crepe and Nun's Veiling for Veils, at low prices. Embroidery Kelt, two yards wide, 1I.2& per yard. OILCLOTHS In May we called your attention te the fact that from June 1st all Fleer OH Cleth would be advanced, and lhal we hadbnuchteur line before June 1st at the old prices, and are new prepared te offer the best goods for the money that are sold. Being thoroughly seasoned, as you will find an Oil Cleth seasoned, wears twice as long as one lust from the factory and en the fleer when new. We have sold mere Fleer Oil Cleth lliau any ether Retail Dry Heeds Heuse In Lancaster, nnd this being our third season, finds us ready with the best goods for the money In the clly In Fleer, Table, Blair or Bbelr. UNDERWEAR. BLANKET, COMFORTH, FEATHERS, tc-Ve give extra value and will have mere te say about them later en. PANTING We de sell a quantity or Panting at prices ranging at UUc, 15c, 18c, Vie, 25c, 81c, 36c, 27c, 40c, 42c, .'jOc aud up ; and nowhere else will you find as geed goods for the money. HOSIERY We are headquarters for the Best Hteckliigs In the city. One let or Children's Fast Blsck, rvgulnr price, ltc, ter He per pair; only slightly Imperfect lu the weaving. Anotlirrllet at6oandt)eerpnlr: worth double. Bargains In all kinds of bleckings for Ladles, Men and Chil dren, In Cotten or Weel. BICYCLES Agents for the Ceenlry RhalHiifely Bicycles. Why pay 111", for a wheel when yeiiciiu buy the Coventry llhal High Grade, Ball Rearing te all parts at 175 7 Alse agents for the Premier Safety Bicycle. BARD& Neb. 33 and 35 Seuth Queen Street. - i i - -U nvpet B ARQAINB I GO Shirk's Garpet Hall I -FOH Wilten, Velvet, Bedy Brussels, Tapestry, Ingrain, Damask and Venetian, Rag and Chain Carpets. OIL CLOTHS, WINDOW SHADES, &e. W HAVE TUB LAKOr.ST AND BtST BteIi IN Til ClTT. H. S. SHIRK St SONS, Cor. West King and Water Sts., Lancaster, Pa. iKtittchcit. H. Z, RHOADH & HON. BEAUTIFUL FORMS -IN- Are net made by chance. They result from artistic designs In the hands of skilled workmen. We ha e a New Line of ths I jitest Patterns of JEWELRY In BROOCHES, ItlUnex ANPSCAHF PINS, 1JHACELETO, RINGS, BUTTONS, NECK CHAINS, WATCH CHAINS, HAIR ORNAMENTS, Ac. Many of these articles, although of Belld Geld, are at Lewer Prices than geed plate. We In vite examination. H. Z. RHOADS & SON, Ne. 4 WEST KING STREET. gitOUCB, Sec, E LINN A BRENEMAN. - FOR STOVES! -GO FLINN & BRENEMAN, Ne. 152 ITer tli Queen Street, LANCASTER, A'uruUuvs. AN ritiUEOAK FURNITURE. OCHS & -NEW ANTIQUE OAK FURNITURE, 2d, 3d and 4th Floers, 31 S. Queen St. CCnvviunce. OTANDARI) CARRIAGE WORK. EDW. EDGERLEY, CARRIAGE BUILDER, 0,12,4345 MARKET HTHEET. (Rear of the riistemcej, LANCAHTER, PA. I nut Fall te Cull During FAIR WEEK and .See our Fine Assortment of Boggles, Phstens, Jump Seat Carrlages.Etc. I hae all the latest styles te select from, and bntcaltea very line assortment of second-hand work some ermy own work. Uottem prices. Cull and examine. Ne trou ble te show our werK and explain ery detail. Repainting mid Hepalrlne promptly and neatly done. One ut or workmen especially employed for that purpose. Gemh. for All Tlnlrigm -AT- II, IS, U and 20 cents, se cents. 2S. 91. SI un In M mill Oppoaite FennUla Inn. Henrietta Cleths, at 87X! sold elsewhere at fl. Opposite Fountain Inn. f Salt. B ARQAINB I AND COMPOSITION - STOVES! TO- PEW A. GIBBS, DESIGNS - CTertl. f, UMIlERANIifOAL. J J TOHACCOHHOOKHANUUAHEH. WEbT. EltN HARD WOODH. Wholesale and Retail, by II. II. MARTIN A CO., nS-lyd 421 Water Htri-et, Lancaster, I'a. TlAUMCiAltUNKKH COMPANY. COAL DEALERS. Orricm-Ne. la North QueenHlreel, and Ne. Wl North Prince streeU Yawj- North Prime Htreet, near Reading DeiKjL aiiKlS-tfd LANCAHTER. PA. COLLARS AND CUFFH THE LATEST the most desirable, and most eemfarlnbla I shapes and styles any sli, at ERIHMAN'H 1 Genu' Furnishing Stere, 13 West Klef street. Cleihtttd. M ART1N MROJ. Such a Gathering Is a Sight, Tnr. Collection of Cleths tn the Piece Crowds the Roem Hpcctatly Set Apart MakUa Your In the Large Stere, for Hull Tailors. Ins, Overceatings and Trou serings te Measure." Every market In the world has been drawn from, and ticrc.new ready for your ej c, arc the Navcltles original this Fall. Illack and Rlue Worsteds and the many Htaple Cleths. The really great Merchant Tailoring buslnes of Autumn has begun, and we are ready for you all and a large business, bulls te Measure from 115 te IB. You'll save money and get the Lntes Styles and Best Workmanship If joiimakeus your Tailors. By for the most Attractive Stock of Ready. Made Clothing and Furnishing Goods for Men and Heys. I The Large Stock, the Styles, Rest Workman ship, and Prices arc the Attractions. Come and see. MARTIN BROS, Merchant Tailoring, Clothing and Furnishing Goods, neb, aa and aa north queen street. mO CLOTHINa BUYERS. LGansman&Bre. Our Prices Sell Oar Goods, MEN'S, HOY'S AND CHILDREN 8 SUITS & FALL OVERCOATS ARE READY FOR YOUR INSPECTION. Men's Hulls at KM), MAO nnd (A IX). Men's All-Weel Cheviot Suits fit MOO, f7 0)and 1800. Men's All-Weel Casslmere Suits at7ft0,W00, 1900 and 110 ea Men's all-Weel Worsted Stills at IS 00, 19 00, 110 00, 113 00, 114 00 and 115 00. Bey's All-Weel Stilts at It 00, K 00 and 14 00. Bey's All-Weel Worsted Suits ntllbO, 18 00, 17 00, 18 00 and 10 00. Children's Suits at II 00, II 2 and II M. Children's Suits, All-Weel, at li 00, W SO, IS 00 and II 00. FALL OVERCOATS At II 00, II 00, H 00 and n 00. Fall Oxerceats, Hllk Lined, at 11000, 113 00 and 111 00. A Uirgn Line of Children's Knee Panlsat'A', t0c,fi0c,T5eiind 1100. Men's Flue All-Weel ('ssulnierr'l'snts lit II 75, 12 00, 12 50, m 00, U DO ixnit M 00. Nothing near se geed can be had any where else for the money. Plenty or Styles te Still All Tnstesand Pockets. AT L. Gansman & Bre., I asd II ROftTH QUEIM IT., I. W. C0RH1R OF ORAMOB, LAKCAITBB, FA. W Net connected with any ether Clothing nouse In the city. M YEHH A RATUFON. Suits te Order i You'll And our stock of goods here, as usual, the largest. The Most Attractlve Goods MOST REASONABLE PRICES. We give the most for the money In Trim inlngs, Fit aud Finish. WK HAVEMORETHAN THIRTY DIFFERENT STYLES OF AT 118. AS MANY AT 130, AND ALMOST AS MANY ATrANDH0. Yeu won't think we are asking tee much for them when you see the styles nnd examine the quality, AN UNUSUALLY HANDSOME ASSORTMENT OF TROUSERINGS AT PR1CEM Frem $4 te $14. I REUAIILE MERCHANT TAILORS, NO. 17 EAST KING STREET LANUAKTKK, PA. I)ttmtimrc. TTKJH A MARTIN. Jars I Jars I -AT- A FRESH SUPPLY OF "LIGHTNING" JARS lu Pints, Quart and Half fjsllens, AT LOWEST PRICKS, MASON'S IN ALL SIZES. JELLY TUMIILi:RS,.(c.l AT High & Martin, NO. 15 EA.ST KING ST. 3lttevuru. T UTHER H. KAUFFMAN, ATTORNKY-AT-LAW. Second Fleer Eshleinau Law Building, Ne. 43 Nerlb Duke UtreeL aprt-lydAw NOTICE TO TRESPASSERS AND OHN NERS. All iwrsonsare hereby forbidden totrespuwenauy of the lauds of the Cornwall nd Speedwell estates In Lebaueu or Lancaster umntle, whether Incleied or uulnclesed, either rer the purpose of sheeting or fishing, as the law will be rigidly enforced agnlust all Ires, passing ctnsald lauds of the undersigned arte Chi, notice. wm cetBMAN FBEEMAN K. PERCY ALDEN. EDW. C. FREEMAN, Attorney! for B. W. CeUumu'i Heir. IYERS&RATHFON JErmnUy' Sut. LMSYLVANJA RAILROADBCHED fjfii JTIn effect from May t 188. j f -a Trains LKATK l.mrimi an4 taa iii m JL- sA rive at Philadelphia u fallows 1 - .Yi Ijtsp Leara' .. "WESTWARD. Pacific 'Expressf.... Nam K.hM..i' Philadelphia. nvp. HI. 4..T0 a. ra. 4.30 a. m. 7.-fl0 a. m. ?$M?5&5n M.RI t-.M a. aa. MR a. Si via Colombia Nlflffara Kispm. ntz Hanover Accem..... - a. m. tla Columbia rnsi Liner .i.,. Frederick Accem.... IAnsillAt iiuinsM u:ae a. m. Via Cntumhla JW p. IB )p.a. lEm. Harrlsburg Accem""! IvlllfTlht Aivvim vianu,jey., 2:15 p. m. 4:0 p. in. 5M p. m. 9.-20 p. m. 2J trM Harrlsbunt ExpresJuJ ll'ul.Ht - ... . I 7:49 k I ?.sa 1 11:10 Rm. ,&i Lancaster Acce... EASTWARD. Phils. Expressr-... OnJU 1L . arfti.'".! ."--? 'J-' Leave Lancaster. 2-ai a. m. 4.45 a. m. am a. ra 1:10 a. m. SJ&a. m. K.-OOa. 10. 11 sa a. m. 12:U p. in. S:S5 p. m. B.OOp. m. 4:W p. in. A. 45 p. m. S.35 p. m. ni.WAiV Arrive rnnai 4:29 a. sn, U9I.HI .:'?) a. ca rast Llnef , Lancaster Acce ,. Harrtshtitv K.hr... UMmm. vlalitJesT. 1 .ancaster Acenm.....'J voinmeia Accem.. Atlantle Express!. HA1inr V.mmh. HStSrf Phlladelnhla Accem. Sunday Mall........J Day Express! Ilarrlsburg Accem. l:l B. Bl. Mp.sa. Mian. itinu xrainr...,...., 10JSp.Bm. JThe only trains which run dally. On Sunday the Mall train west runs by way Columbia. J. It. WOOD, Oenerat Passenger Ag eat CHAM. E. 1'UOH, Oenernl Manager. PHILADELPHIA A READING! RAIXBOA9 READING A COLUMBIA DIVISION. On and aner Monday, July 1, 188, tratM ' eave Lancaster (King street), as follews: ter Reading and Intermediate points, wee days, 7.30 a. m., liSS, 14S p. m.j ftanday ,M m. tu..sMp.m. Fer Philadelphia, week days, 70 a. m., 13M, 3:4n p. m.; Sundays, 8:65 p.m. Fer New Yerk via Philadelphia, week daya, 7.30 a. m., 12.8S, S 4 p. m. . Fpr New Yerk In Allcntewn, week days. 12 p. m. Fer Allentown, week days, 7 JO a. m.,8;a1, m.; Sunday, 8:55 p. m. ' Fer Pettavllle, week days, 7:30a. m., I.M p. u Sunday, 8 55 p. m. . 1- Fer Lebanon, week davs. 7.-00 a. tn.. tsa K-m p. m. j Hnndar, 8s a. m, 3 M p. m. 31! Fer Harrtsburg, week days, 7.-00 a. m., 1241. .. M :40 p. m. ; Sunday, 1.06 a. m. ' rurvtuarryviue, weea uayp, Ui a. m., Ttm, 8.00 p. ra. ; Bunday, 0:10 p. m. TRAINS FOR LANCAHTER. Leave Heading, week da, 7.20, 11:58 a, w 5.M p. m. : Sunday. 7:1)0 a. m.: A.-10 p. m. Leave Philadelphia, week days, 4.15, 1030 a. m., 4-00 p. in. Iieeve New Yerk via Philadelphia, weekday. 7:i5 a. in., 1:30. 12.00 p.m. ' """ Iieave New "Yerk via Allentown, week daya l.-oe a. m., 1-00 p.m. Leave Allentown, week days, 5:52 a. m.j IM p. m. Iicave Peltsvllle, week da, 5.50 a. m Ut p.m. Iave Lebanon, week days, 7:13 a. m., UM 7:15 p. m. : Hmidsy, 7.55 a, m., S.45 p. m. Iieave Harrlsburg, week days, S.SS a. m. : Bea day,50a.m. Leave Quarryvllle, week days, 8.40, U:sl a. a 8.00, 4:53 p. m. j Sunday. 7:10 a. m. ATLANTIC CITY DIVISION. Leave Philadelphia. Chestnut street wkarf, and Seuth street wharf. ' v Fer Atlantle City, week daya, exprtaaaf, 1 B-00a.in.andt-00aud6.09p.m.'.AccommedaUaau Ws.m. and 4:30 p. in. ; Sunday, Express, Ml :- anaKwa.re., Accommeuauon, b.iu a. m., 4a;yrvH lll1lfnln1.AV. A.1MMIIA f-lflW A.HAI III.MM .11 . -1 Atlantic and Arkansas Avenue. Weekdava. Express 7.-00 snd 10.12 a. m. and 4 p. m. Aeeeav J-l moiiauen.N.uoa. in. ana 4:se p. in. Sunday Express, 4 and 5.80 r.m. Accommedatloa. iM a. in. and 4-05 p. in. Detailed tlme tables can be obtained at UektV nfllces. A. A. McLEOD. C. . HANCOCK. Vice Pres. A (Jen'l M'gr. Uenl Pass'r Aft. LKraNl1dVATER J01nt ""-I Arrangemenls of Passenger Train en and altar "'. nunnAr, ainy u, un. iyyw( nuiHiiWAiiu. I-ave a.m. P.M. King Street, Lane. 7.-00 12 85 iyinrnstcr.... 7.-07 12:48 lanhelm 7:88 1:20 Cornwall 7.5 1:48 Arrive at Lebanon .1:11 1.58 SHOUTHWARD. Leave a.m. p. m. Sunday, i . P.f.lA.t. IV jl B.40M Ml'-'Viil 8.86! aiii -mm . '" S.AS A J eae e.48 ir aiT5i 7.-00! 9M a.)- -. P.M. a. k. r. Ibanen ............... 7:12 Cornwall 7:27 ManhelnV. 7:58 Lancaster at Arrlveat IZJn 12 4ft 1:18 1.62 7:16 7M 77 8J8 7.-8B King Street, Lane. 8.35 2.09 8.80 J8 Id . A. M. WILSON, Supt. It. A C. B. H. NEFF. SupU C. R. R. Railroad. fiatrtte. TTARNEM. HARNESS. HABERBUSH'S 30 Centre Square LANCASTER, PA. Saddles. Harness, LAP BLANKETS, Trunks, Bags, Harness Oil, AND General Stable Supplies, -AT- SIGH OF THE GOLDEH HORSE HEADS. Qiurbiuavc. H ARDWAREI HARDWAREI GREAT ATTRACTIONS I Chas. I HakWs, 1 (HUCCESSOKTOM. lUKBBCSH AB0N.) Marshall & Render's, 3 & 11 SOUTH QUEEN fcT. HEATERS, RANGES, Parler and Cook Steves, OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. TINWARE, OEDARWARB, CUTLERY, e Alse Prime New Timethy Seed. Fedder Yarn. R'yal Ready Mixed Paints, Oils, Varnishes and White Uiul. Carpenter's Toels and Uulldlng Material and General Hardware. Qlvc us a call and be convinced that jeu get the full alue for ) our money. MARSHALL & REN6IER, NO. e A 11 SOUTH QUEEN STREET. febe-lva Vluitm,vaph. R OTIi I JUST RECEIVED FROM KcBnigsburg, Prussia, Twe Backgrounds made especially for Beat and ThrctHiuartcr Length Photographs. fROTE.T- BO 1-2 NORTH QUEEN ST., Next Doer te the Postefflce, Jan7-8md - ; iv?S5 k A r'li i i -Traa M"il ,m rx 2-3sl ff il . .fa m si u rr :