Lancaster daily intelligencer. (Lancaster, Pa.) 1864-1928, September 17, 1889, Image 2

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ja Wv " s ' i i ii 1 1 saitsi
5 - i Jf
vf " .' . --'-.-- ;v - r-AWrwTTTT
, . HUBHIT CLARK, FufcUsber.
' c .? slay J n the year, but Sunday. (Served
.". f wnwi in thii city na surrounding
", teimtd. ten eenU week. By mall five, del
V s,MMftulndTancei WccnUktnenlli.
-fVwifsa year. In advance.
v ar poatefBee order, and where neither of
fa, ttWMeae be procured send In a registered
I tared at the Patefllce, b second class mall
"?; - inn vara nmil.tentRn.
r-. V; Lancaster, ym.
vt ...., ... ..- -.
i -gir,1. .
VUaJTOAiTOl.PA., September 17, 1889.
SM " f.
5 A :- . Tin. Meral of H.
' ji JTJwtf seems n strange proceeding uien
"M.u r .t... rAM.M .ami.ii..
?" Mmv wtilMi tv.rftilHA1 Phnllrtnv T,
''!' n lakii his lilivn hnill- ti ntiln
5ad which sends niter him n chnrge of
M&- 'mtfkr nnd constables te fctcli liliu
ft tsntrm ; thmitth t rwv miv tliev Milaticrtcit
ytt fkltn before be went nwnv. And they
ff JF aani frrt tiikfn It I flu n1ct trltnti 4 It nit malil.
J; , ivun.c mucu-t .... ...v.. e..-,..-
yeiens new us a iouiiuhueu iur uiuir
Improbable accusation ; which npiH-ars
te have ns Its authority the statement!
1 fef the negre who was working with
Farmer Lc Ceney in the melon Held at
the time of the dicevcry of the murder,
for committing width a fellow negre of
bad character, who was te liav worked
along with them that morning, win
promptly arrested. The circumstantial
evidence against thiB negre, w horn his fel
low probably desires te aid, by accusing
Ihe farmer, is -very strong, and thedo thede
lre te fasten the crime en the farmer
will hardly succeed. Yet it is a threat
ening ene; aud Illustrates the dangers
which constantly surround Innocence,
and shows what gres wrong Is done in
the name of the law.
Here a respeetablp eltlzen.w he has his
heartstrings tern by the cruel murder
of his niece and dully companion, is ar
jesicil at her funeral In a far off country
and brought back iu manacles te defend
a charge of murdering her, which Is
Blade against all the prebanllltles of the
case and seemingly with no ether provo
cation than the desire te get a negre jail
bird's neck out of the noose. Fanner
Le Ceney seems te have had a pair of
these worthies in his employ ; and the
Clear moral te lie drawn from the talc,
net only of the murder of the niece
but also of the accusation of the uncle,
la te give employment te no men of bad
character. Keep aloof from them iu
all your pursuits where It Is jtesslble.
Yeu are thrown often enough into such
company by the force of circumstances
beyond control ; but certainly you can
aay who shall dwell In your house aud
work iu your fields audsheim; and there
te no used there te associate w Hit men of
bad character, te lc subject (e damagit
from their evil hands and tongues.
Wacrc Shall It He.
The contest of the great cities for the
World's fair or 18921s getting interesting
and amusing. Chicago Is terribly in
earnest about it, St. Leuis pretends te
be, audKTcw Yerk refuses entirely te
llateu te auy suggestion that she shall
net have the fair. Her mayor w rites te
all ether mayors and te the goerners of
. states asking them te communicate
promptly any wishes they may havelu
the matter that "cw Yerk can satisfy,
expresalug no doubt at all that they
Want Jfew Yerk te de the business.
Our mayor has had it letter from the
' TStW Yerk mayor aud Ls haid tohiue
responded that Lancaster has an ardent
desire te see Tcw Yerk selected as the
site, and has no further wish or sugges
tion at present, but will lie ready te fob
low aleug iu the w aku of anything Xuw
Yerk wants te de.
Quite possibly Luueaster has this desire
We de net pretend te deny It : though
when the of Washington commissioner
Chicago mayor come alemr with
their letters it may be necessary te take
the vote of the town ; for w c suspect that
provinces may be made and inducement
offered that will make Lancaster turn
all en Xew Yerk. Her citizens arc
chiefly concerned in getting geed and
cheap accommodations te see the show ;
aud it Is possible that Chicago, with the
whole heuudlcss prairle at her back,
may offer a house and let rout free te
her visitors ; or that Washington, with
the government treasury behind it and
the vast expanse of kill-deer lands
around about her, may de as v ell. And
as the railroads have a great femlmss
for charging no mere for a long than a
abort haul, It is also possible that they
may carry us te Chicago for as little
money as te New Yerk ; in m hich ease
we Mill have all the advantages of for
eign travel to-threw in the Chicago
We think we de our fellow-citizens
euly justice when we say that, notwith
standing their general Intelligence, they
are net above aud lieyend the possibly
enlightening aud broadening influence
due te travel, and.that, netw ithstunding
their general well-to-de-nets, they
are net nboe taking advantage
of every cheapness In a hltuutkii that
confronts them. The cheapest and best
will always take their eie and low lew
mand their vote; and we cannot say
certainly where the town wants the ex
position te be held until all the mayor's
letters are In aud the bids urc opened.
The Weather.
And the rains still fall. The average
citizen has been of opinion for the last
six months of steady rain that every day
would bring n change ; and these
who did net predict a dry spell
after the summer'a wet were low.
411 of which shows that we de net live
la an age of prophesy. The concentra
ted efforts of the weather bureau te chal
lenge this fact de but add confirmation
te It strong as proofs of holy writ : aud
If there is one thing of which w e may be
satisfied, it hi that no one of this geucra-
Knows eugnt or the weather that is
( eeme.
rt Therefore weawalt with resignation tin.
' O Shining Of the SUIl. with a rensnnnhln
? expectation that w hen our sins ure for-
V5 given us, we will sec It. That it will be
thkycar we arc net hopeful. The cy-
,i ekme rises yet amid the West India
, lands, they tell us, knowing that we aie
loe feeble te contradict It : but wherefore
A; our own storm-ridden land should net
'-.', he chareed with the liirlh s unll nilln.
fvburtl of the tornado, we de net knew.
fafl ua "e prepared for au early and
nwn winter ; anu li we get anything
" JsMler, we can have joy accordingly.
Thk official paper in the City of Moxlce,
ptblltkes a decree, dated the 11th lust., In
feawng the duty en goats 35 cents. The
Mti tariff champion, Senater Aid rich, of
PheUe laland, when he patches up ids suli
BtUuU, must ellket this deoreo byuddlug
Mtweta te the duty en Mexican JackHsses.
TlMKe mu4 lie no dUceurugcmiut of the
fMt ladtisiry in the United States.
The potato crop Is retting, tint the
golden-red defles the rain.
iTlsstrsnge that In this year of terrible
flood and pcrslxtent storm and mln, w hen
everyone is complaining of tee much w atcr,
there should be se many cranks who can
only get enough mutant re by a bath in
Graham nnd the rest of the ingaratlcs
must he practising Ter a Ceiienmugli dls
atcr. i:x-Oovf.eon Hew-Aitn, or Rhede
Island, asserts that the abolition of the
death jicnalty In Hliode Island forty j pars'
age has proved a geed measure. "The
penalty for murder In llhode Island is Im
prisonment for life. Should a jersen Im
prisoned for llfe commit murder, he or
she could le hanged, but suth an Instance
has iiercr occurred. In speedy trials
Hhode Island approaches nearer te Tng
land than any ether state. Thcre Is but
ene appeal after trial by Jury, and that Is
te the full bench of the supreme court.
The governor cannot pardon. He may
siiscud the execution of sentence
until the next meeting of (he general
nssembh. The pardoning power rests In
the stnte Krnnte and the goxcrner lecom lecem
mends. The recommendation Is usually
net iu ted UHn the day Hint It Is presented,
and pardons nre seldom Rrnnted unless
strongly f noted by public opinion, and
most paideus simply amount te a restora
tion of cltlrciiHhlp after the com let has
nearly fulfilled his sentcnie. Persons
under lllc sentence for murder generally
dle In prison, hut In a few Instances they
Iime been released en the ergo of the
grae. Asarnle they surie their sen sen
tenie but a few years." The statistics ns te
crimes of vlolenco show the state te be
cxceptlenilly fortunate, aud the common
Impression that aKiudoument of the death
penally is followed by an Increase of crime
docs net te be justified. Thollttle
state gets along Just as w ell w ithetit hang
iugs,and escapes the danger of hanging the
wrong man and the brutalizing cried of
gallows scenes.
Ni.w fishing banks ha e beendlscex eretl
near Icclind, The Importaiice of this llttle
Item of new s that conies from the ort of
Gloucester from the captain el the fishing
schooner Landsccr is net generally recog receg
nlzed. The dlsceery of a new llshlng
bank lsan event of cry great commerclal
linpert.incc, and as It may afled thoprhe
of a staple nrtlcle of feed should
be of general Inlerest. It Is net
many years since llshlng banksj bofero
undreamt of wcrodlseexorcd In the Atlan
tic due west of Morocco, and theresultwas
a sudden change, in the values of the old
fislierlcm. The new fishing banks are oil
the north coast of Ii eland, and being abe e
the winter ice belt, and iu waters tint
usually drift Ice eacii in summer,
fishing there wllljboevlrcmoIydtlUuult and
dangerous work. I'lsliormen are net often
discouraged by hanlsilp-,liew e or, and w e
may hear of a big fleet en the way te theso
far northern grounds next spring.
The grounds, y (he way, aie sonic filly
fathoms deep, the bank being fourteen
miles long and the miles wide, with Tery
dnep wntei nil mound It. When llshlng en
the bank near the cea-t of lenlaiid, Captain
Martial! was astonished te llnd his com
pass working cry strangely. It may be
that ei os of Millie, as well as I'mh, cm be
brought from that Arctic coast.
Tills is the way Clara I.oulse Kellogg
Strakesh cnthunes uer the music at Day
tenth : " I never had heard and never ox ex ox
pectto hear again suih wonderfully beauti
ful music. 'Micro Is i ertalnly nothing ULe
It In this wet hi, nnd 1 doubt ery ninth
whctherthcreislu the next. 'oencmin un
derstand tlie majesty of Wagner's niiislc
who has net listened te his operas as pm
duccsl under his wifo'sdlredlen. Weheaid
'Parsifal,' aud I cannot dcsorlbe the hw cr
ful clleet It preducnl en me. I seemed te
ha e been lifted out of myself." Kxnttly ;
Miss Kellogg must be IickIiIe herself.
Ii Isdenbsl that tlie Kmprcss Augusta,
of (formally, has beeome a Catholic. The
denial Louies Ireiu a man well acquainted
w lib the court. A famous humeiisl enui
slgnctl a portrait, and wrote, "This auto
graph ma be lelietl Umii as authentic, as
11 was written bj enn of Mr. Sipilbeb's
most Intimate IVIcikIh." I'eurt ttiipidte
appears te oer.ite en this pilneiple, nnd it
can baldly be expeded that the dewager
empress w ill speak (or herself and ielie e
the fmcrish iiuxldy of lill millions of
AmerU.iusas te whether slie has become
anything or net. ( pains arc taken te
cable te Anieiica tiilling iiimers about
members of the ieal families. This Is net
at all ceinpllmentuiy te the American
readers who should net care a rap ler the
llttle doings of unimportant people with
great titles.
lllsliep l'ewlur nj h si AVIII Itohent Our
Attltiuln Tewaiil Her I'oeplc.
Itev. Charles II. l'ewler, 1). I)., el San
Francisce, a bhhopertho Methedit i;pls i;pls, who has Just ceuiplrtisl a
trip around the glebe, in Chicago en Mou Meu
diy morning expressed the belief that ten
jears hinte America would jav for its
aiitl-Chlntse laws with the bleed of her
He occupied the entlre session of the
Methodist ministers on.Menday In shaking
about Ills obserMitlonsot iuNNluuar work
abroad, the object of his trip being (per
sonally te inspect the workings el foreign
missions. In Bpeaklug of tlie law pio pie
hibitiug the Chinese from coming te
America, Illshep l'ewler said it was the
most dastardly ami disgusting thing that
.iiuuiiaecr utu, "anil, " no said with a
slew ciiiphusiii which waserv Impresshc.
"It will be paid for soma day by the
bleed of soine el America' host men. Ile
thought every American should blush for
hliiiiuu w hen he thought of the iolatieu of
llie treaty with China, whereby Cliinese
weie net pcrmltKsl te land en our sheies.
"China is net asleep," he Mid. '"ihev
talk litthJ, but they think. Iu wme el the
interior low ns l met Chinesu who would
surprise you by their knowledge. ' Yeu
Mewed l.iudee In China? they ask. ' Yes,'
I replied. Chinamen no 'low ed landed in
Mellia, they reph. 'Whj veu Mewisl
coiiie?' ene man is.ild te me one'ilay ; me no
Clisthu, or me smdde you wav "
"I tell you they are thinking, and
treuble ls brew lug. The greatest priuce In
China said te me ene dav : ' Ve are look
ing after our home Interests new. Ten
years will put China iu nhnpe as te her in
terior arrangements; then we will leek
after horeutsidoiuteicsts.' 'lhe. aie mak
ing great guns and iieiiclads, anil aie in. in
niiigtheiii. In ten jears ,i country with
ene third of tlie Inhabitants of the glebe
"Ml uu mill 111 HHh Wll.ll MOUICHIUlO
trilling with her tical "
A llloeily lliittlti In Illinois.
At Luwremoille, 111., en Siturtlay after
noon, a negre named Slick iu a quarrel
with a white nun, attacked him with a
knife. The wlute man escajied after reeeh -ing
two wounds, nnd then Mick dashed
down the sheet, slashing at eerv one.
Judgv llamcs. el the county court, slopped
aud disarmed the rutllan.
ihe blacks threalenwl te resciie him. A
few white men rallied around the Judge,
and after a haul light the negrees wire
beaten back and four of the ringleaders
taken te the ceuntj jail. The blacks subse
quently niade an attack en the Jail. Tlie
slierill was ordered te llie en theni, but io-fin-ed,
and the negrees leued their a v into
thnjail and rescued the prisoners.
Judge Haines organized tlie whites and
attacked tlie blacks at the jail. There was a
bloody light, in which pistols, knives and
clubs w cre used. Judge ll.irnes w as cut and
suei, iiui ins wounds ure net l.dal. Dr.
Jehnsen, VA. Iimb and three ether white
men were seriously hurt. Twe negrees
woreshot aud half a hundred heads were
broken. The whites wen, and the ring
leaders were again put injallauda heavy
guard placed around the building.
AppelutcU uu Asslguee,
William J. McXiss and wife, of Celeralu
teunshlp, liae appointed Kdwln Hegg
their assignee for the benefit of their creditors.
Tick WmwM Hex, by Rebert Leuis fete fete fete
onsen aud Lloyd Osbourne: Charles Scrib
ner's Kens, New Yerk. U has been
shrewdly guessed that tlie name of Mr.
Stevenson's American nephew w as coupled
with his own In tlie authorship of this
book thai the American copyright might
be controlled, but It Is prebable thai
Mr. Osbeurne really had a hand In the
work, as certain of the erratic Htovcnso Htevcnso Htovcnse
nlsn ways ure less obtrushe hern than in
Ids ether writings, and yet mailing that
Stevenson has written Is mero original
and mil of genius net even that famous
classic of the day " Dr. Jckyl and Mr.
Hyde." "Tlie Wrong Hex" differs from the
Hyde and Jekyl story as hliakcspoare'a
"I'yraniusand Th I sbe" differs from "Mac
beth ;" and It bears a similar stamp of In
dhldnallty. "The Wrong Uex" Is a rearing
farce, a brilliant, daring piece of Juggling
with the improbable, the horrible and
the ridiculous. There are two oncrable
brothers who In early llfe had embarked In
lonllne Insurance of the old form, and hav
ing paid Inte the peel according te agree
ment and placidly watched the number of
living policy holders decreasing, they be
gnu te have hopes that ene of them might
win the fund ns the rightful juhe of the sole
survivor. Unde Jeseph, ene of these old
men, has a talent for general information
and nene for business, but he Is, neverthe
less, made executer for another brother (
llnds himself iu charge of two nephews
with small fortunes, and then must take a
similar care of thodaughlcref a friend. He
nearly wreckshls business In wlilih he hail
invested the fortunes of his charges, and
then the treuble and fun begins, i he eldest
ofthe nephews is a most Interesting speci
men of meanness. He assumes charge of
the leather business which continues In Ids
uncle's name, and he also assumes the old
gentleman's tontine, insurance as a pos
sible means of regaining his lest for fer for
tuiie. His cousin, Michael, has
charge of the ether brother, and It
happens that theso two are Iho last sur
viving members of the tontine, and the
one who lives the lengest will get the
whole peel. This cousin Michael Is an cx cx
tremely human and humorous lavvjer, and
furnishes large quantities of fun. His io ie
fusal te answer the questions of nephew
Merris as te the condition of his charge,
arouses a suspicion iu the mind of that
schemer that the crafty Michael Is conceal
ing the death of the elder brother, for the
purjiose of claiming the tonllne fund as
seen as he learns of the death of Merris'
iincie Jeseph. New Jeseph Is a very hearty
old man, but he happens te lake a railway
ieuruey en the same train with an un
known old gentleman similarly dressed,
and when thcre is a collision tlie mangled
body el the straugei is found by the
nephew sand mistaken ler tint of their
undo. 1 hey determine te keep the death
secret t.ntll they can secure proof
that Michael's cluuge died first, se
they ship the body home In a b.inel.
A practical Jeker of a net unusual type
takes advantage of an unusual opportunity
ami i Imogen the address tags en all the,
goods in an ovpressoar, sending n slatiioet
Hercules te the home of Iho nephews, and
the terrible baud te a meek Utile artist.
This is the first of a nnrv cleus series et
alarming complications and it is hard te
iiame anything fuuniei in the Luglish lan
guage than will be found en seme pages et
this llttle book. Scanning the weik lei
faults plenty may be found, but it will be
haul te prove that the general cllect would
be betteusl by removing them. The u
pm nl can It sness Is a part of the art ; for' "I lebabilllles, the grotesquo
drawing efthc haracters and the hurilcd
iinleldlng of the plot, make attention te
detail us much out el place as it would be
inarovlew. This is wiitteu with a full
knowledge of the liorce ciiticism of this
who appears te have suspected that his own
English sense of humor might be at fault
and fortllled his position by a sneei at any
who might venture te llnd wit in it.
Capfulu King's new story, w hit h w 111 ap
peal iu the October issue of the Ihiniopoli Ihiniepoli Ihiniopeli
fun, marks an lnciease in tlie sie el that by 111 pages uu iking it the s.ime
sle as iVi'Mi'ihc i'.i). "fome of tlie elllceis
at West Point, with the assistance or some
of the young ladies then visiting, let med
tableaux Illustrating this novel and were
photographed. Theso weie reproduced by
photegravuio se us te have the illustra
tiens as 11e.1i' te life as it is possible te pie
seul in a weik of llcllen. These photogra phetogra photegra
miios 1110 supplemented b the work of
Harry Heard, who was a captain efcuv airy
during the rebellion, and, also, bj Arthur
Julu tioedmaii." The ie will then be iu the
Held two magazines (theCVifiiiaud iu
pci 'a) of ene hundred and sixty pages each,
at $1 annual subscription; Iho S'ciieiiei'j
of 1!M pages, at J, the Atie Kiiytand
Mnyiuine at the s.11110 price, and the Cos Ces Cos
liwjtelittin, of VJH pages, at 2. lOpcruunum,
Tin. hum, ok Hi:mi Vam., a study
with a moral, by P. J. Stiinseti, author of
"Oneendiile." Charles fjcillmer's Sens,
New Yeik.
It we first tell a child the meial will
it want te hear the tale? Well, hardly!
and se wc will net tell tlie reader the moral
of Mi. Stluiseu's study, but will iissuie him
that the pill is wertli swallowing; the
sugai coating is el geed quality and pio pie
11lls even after we taste the Inside.
Henry Vane, by birth an Amcilcan, Ie,
education a Frenchman, u n hes his
twcuti -Hi st birthday without having uu
with the trials mid tilbulatleiis which man
Is hell te. Hut they have been accumulat
ing into ene vast whole Ie be turned ever
te 1 tint en coming of age, mid he leeches,
as it wetc, principal mid iutciest tegdhei.
On that day hu is lefiised bv thogiilhe
lev os, mid .1 few heuis l.itei hears et the
deith in Kugluud of bis only sistei. He
hastens te Knglaud te his uiethui, and then
Ids lather in New Yerk writes Iu him that
his fortunes aie wrecked and the s-en's
money has gene with his own. He and his
mother itturn te France te settle affairs
there bclore joining Mr. Vane, sr,, in New
Yerk, but ut their entrance te their villa,
neai Heiincs, they 1110 met bj a message
uayiug that the husband aud father has
died. Mrs. Vmie sinks utiilei this weight
of grids aud becomes hopelessly Insane.
Henry places her under the cme of a
ph.vsielm iu Ueiiues mid sails fei
New Aerk w here he certainly idiievcs
his financial allairs iu a most happ.v and
sjxcdx m inner. Fei tluee yisirs he llvt-s
outside of the social w eiid, but at tlie cud
of time lie Is Induced te dine at a
lneud's house and there takes te dinner the
girl who is te be the most important factor
iu his lite. We fear new we me te be
treated te a Saltushtery, but it is net se.
lly degrees Yuuq becomes moieuud 111010
interested In Miss Theuiub. Hut he is
liev or certain of his feelings; he both trusts
and doubts hoi. In Ids tiustiiig meimiits
he imputes his doubts te the dillercm es in
the social customs bdw ecu tlie two coun
tries. He is cautioned by a friend, who
tells him Miss Themas is suspected of an
arrlcre pensee fpra quondam lever. Hut
Hemy is no exception te leveis in general
and disngaids the naming. There is a
huudkcrdilcf which important
put and this handkerchief Miss 'l liemaa is
te ictiiru te V.1110 when she finds she loves
seme ene else mere than the does him
New we de net mean te tell the 1 cider
whether she returns it or no, neither will
we give out judgment of Miss i bourns;
she Is a stud, ami with Vane woellen
changed our minds.
Leiu, The Majer's Daughter; by V.
Helmbiirg, translated bv Mrs.. J.W. Uavls;
Worthlngteii Ce., 717 lire.uhr.iv, New New
Yerk. Our llrht thoughts after finishing I.era,
were what patience Mrs. Uavls had te be
able te trauslate tlie book and vv hut a pity
Mr. Ifclinburg crowded what would be
enough material for hve books Inte one.
Fer the author Is net satisfied In taking us
through the trials of ene sister, buthe must
also treat us te the troubles of (he ether.
Frem the beginning he can easily foretell
the whole course ofthe tale, for It is writ
ten en the theme that authors se leve te
plclure the mistaken Idea of a xeung girl
sacrificing herself for meney, te secure the
family from the dlsgruie flint a scoundrel
of a brother has plunged them Inte. We
certainly de net advise any girl te fellow
In the footsteps of Lera, thinking that
they will be rescued In seme remarkable
manner as she was.
NetnnlUr what the mouth's disease
Hew foul the breath or (cclli'i! decay
Willi BOZO DO NT en all we i-cle,
And swiftly 11 weep It tar nway, Inif the 1511ms pure, firm and bright,
Anil tlie dull lisMli a Ivery white.
Owe te thrmsi h en n duty te take Heed' Harna
imrllla, In view of tlie great rellif It hasttlvrn
then' uhe sillier from ailments peculiar te tlie
ex. Hy purifying the Meed, regulating Impor
tant erfinin, Mrcinjllicnlng the nervcs.and ton
ing Hip uliole kjMpmi, Itiesleres tehtallli.
MKi: a Nf:w cttr.Ai uiie.
" I havelns.11 for jmrstrjlng te Rtt help for
(hut terrible central debllltyaud wcaltiieMtu
common te women. Within a jutr I have
taken ten or twelve hollies of 1 feed's 8nrwip
rllliintnl the bcnellt derived from Its uu lias
been vi ry preal. Iain new riillnc llkoanew
rratureaftrriiirerlni mi ninny jcars.' Mlts.
I", II. floss, Mm tin, Tcii.
" for iilnujciirs f was lun Male efieiiKlant
siillcrlng, senredy uble at any time te walk
aheiil Hie benne nnd part of the tiiuetitialila te
iMJOiiteflieil. I went Ie l'lilladclplila for Irtnt
nicut, which gave 1110 relief for a lime, hut I whs
mkiii were again. The physlrlans wildlliuda
lltireld tumor. I began taking Heed's harsapa
rllliintnl itsgeixt HUct vtas roen apparent. I
began te improve In health, and continued tak
ing the medicine tilt new I feci perfectly well
and run uulkMx or (even ml leu a day without
filling tired. I think Heed's baaui par Ilia h
Just the medicine for women and unj ene who
lias had bleed." Je.vnik H.Mlill, Ijist DieiliI
Tep, I'll.
Heed's Sarsaparilla
Held hy all druggists. SI; six Ter K. Trcpared
only by C. I. HOOD A CO., Lewell, .Muss.
lei) D0SI1S ONH DOhbAK (11
Well Headin he and relieve nil the troubles Inel
lint te 11 bilious state of the sj stent, such iih
l)h7lnc. Nausea. Drowsiness, !IMrei after
Lilting, fain In Iho Hide. .tr. While llielr most
r muikable siicc m has bcn shown In curing
Headache. Jt CAllTKirH LlTTLi: LIVKIl
PILLS are ispially Mduuble In Constipation,
Hiring nnd preventing this annevlug com
plaint, while they iile correct all dUordcrser
llie steinafh, stlmiilate the liver and regulate
thcbeHcK Lviii If they eul cured
Aihcthev would lx- almost priceless te these
who surter from (lilt distressing complaint ;
hut fortunately their goodness docs net end
hirr.iiiid IheMi who ence liy thcin vrlll llnd
these Utile pills Miluabl Ini-e many wajs that
they will net be willing te de without them,
lint after nil ski; head
Is the bam of se mall)' lives tint here Is where
wn make our gnat beast. Our pills cure It whlle
ethers de net
OAlllLltH IdlTLi: LIVRIt I'fLt.S are very
Miuill and vi ry easy te take One or two pills
inakemle.e. Ihej lire strictly M notable and
donetgrliw or tuirge, but by their gcntle ac
tion jdf itse all who uethem. In vials at S cts ;
flvc for 31. held cvtrywhcioersciithy mill.
Small Pill. Small Dese.
Small Trice,
Hest Teas and Cell'ees.
oeons ni:w ji.vtKi:HLL,Ni:w
1 t:Ab br.Li.L-i i:u wn 11 caul i en drink-
Ne. 17 East King Street,
ur.isi a.
The Great German Sugar Trust
fitinm noNsiiLiNe itli'im.ld
Clans bprtckli s ni) s he vi III light the American
'trust and tlintoiuldnatlenmiist brink
Sugarti Have Declined Over Oue Cent
a Pound Already I
We told J en se at tin beginning, take 11 lciiIIe
hint ami prellt b) It'
Sugars Will Surely Tumble Anether Cent !
hiillMiiuklii, Idlings cannot be touched. He
Bus that liei Ills lieu rclliury eens, vrhkli
vslll be Jiertlv, lie villi bigln 11 viar en the
hugar 'trust that villi eventually break the
combination lliincn rt flurry will turn out
urn thousand tens of sugar a da), and this In.
cruised nut put lll iiiusc cutting of rk te
sell goods, and compel mine of the rctlntrliN te
sliiitdeun 1 he Trust will put den 11 tlie prlce
id ri Until mi rnr Unit the opisisllleu 11m
iniiki no nretlt, puliaiis. but In llint ium the
'trust Itself villi make llitle or no prellt llav.
lugteiarr) Idle ueiUs, Willi hiavy capitaliza
tion, 11 would m un HUel te Pea disadvantage
In that riKvulse
'1 tie fatliiroeftbcl,ermau .Sugar Irust, vihlih
hi trltd te control the sugar niarkiti el all
l.ureiH', and uhlch was 111 a meaiiire dcimi
dent uimiii the Amvrtcaii hugar Truit. will nmv
betlieininiis oftluenlng u lurge iiuintltv of
ran sugar overbenid, and euiike 11 break In 'the
price of rctlned. Kiepjeur e) e vv ide open.
W1101.1.SA1.1: and KtrrAiL oueci:it,
Directly Oppoalte
J. 11. Martin A Ce.' Dry Goods Stere, aud
Nut DoertoSorrcl Horw) Hetel.
(L'oUcnce.'A.) "
Nc lliilldiugs, L'irge r.iulewnu nl ; Scholar
ships i Inlmtiir) 1 Library, llyuiunsliim,
I'npuns lur I'elleje ur llusuiess. sciuralu
CourMiferl idns MiHlern Umgiiages In Itegti
far Course luiliini 111 jsr tiuiiuui. Heard In
1'rlvale fnmlliLS, ij ncr cek. fnciilt) ul
nine. Dili jmr epi-nsSepteniberi for cata
logue, 11 ildnss
Hi:v.JAJItMlDOUflALL, l'ft.D.,
J) 3caitd Pix-sldeiit.
X and cheapest In the mnrltet II karut geld
eii. Hard rubber holder, never gets out of
order, easily llllcd. Cull unit exiiiuluu before
purchasing elsew here. At EUIsMAN'S CieuU'
t'urnUhliig titerc, 1- West lCluj Urctt.
rHit.ADEt.raiA, Tnrdar, acpt it, vm.
" A little Paris 1" exclaimed
a bright French woman as she
came out of the Exhibition of
the articles from the Paris Ex
position yesterday morning. It
would be hard te find, even in
gay Paris, any single spot of
equal size holding mere rich
and beautiful things.
We're talking new of the
echo of the World's Fair, Paris,
which you will find en the sec
ond fleer, Chestnut street.
Step a moment at the cases
en the right and note the Fans.
They arc net mere flirting or
wind-stirring Fans. Thatliril
liant one in the upper centre of
one of the cases will cost you
$285. Few women would care
te carry such a Fan. It is mere
than a Fan, a work of art
high art. The scene is in the
garden at Versailles, the date
in the time of the great Leuis
XIV, and the artist, Penzel, ex
pended months of diligent work
upon it.
All about are ethers, many
styles all beautiful. They arc
here for your enjoyment. Study
them. A brief glance, a hasty
leek will net reveal their beauty
will net awaken within you
the responsive art sympathy
which every true painter, great
or little, seeks. Pause ever
them and seen bird songs and
flower fragrance and human
gracefulness will dawn upon
you, and your sense of beauty
be elevated by the Fans. But
if you want a Fan for wind, you
can get a palm-leaf for a nickel
clown stairs.
A little catalogue will be
ready te-morrow possibly to
day from which you may
learn something of the various
things and their history and
some of the values.
You'll miss it if you fail te
examine the Onyx and Brass
Tables and Lamps in the Lamp
section, second fleer.
The onyx slabs are beautiful,
and se rare that many cannot
be duplicated. Have you any
notion el the quantity et onyx
needed te produce these choice
slabs ? The combined weight
of all the slabs is only a very
few hundred pounds, and yet
tens upon tens were quarried
and broken te get the rare
pieces you see here. They are
mounted in solid brass for wear
no flimsy gilt, no base metal
with a mere outside polish.
These pieces take their place
in the Art Furniture of the
period, and will seen be en
shrined in many a home beauti
ful. If bought for wedding or
holiday presents they will be
held for delivery when wanted.
Prices, $37.50 te $195.
Dress Goods. The rich
stuffs, robes, novelties, new fill
ing the counters will be better
advertised by the crowds of ad
miring visitors than by any
word-painting we can de. Only
remember that the statement is
true, without cant, affectation,
or exaggeration : " The Great
Dress Goods Stock of the world
is here."
The early Autumn display of
Millinery is ready. Bristling
with novelties. Five distinct
grades of Felt Hats for instance.
That means a bewildering va
riety. $1.10 te $2.12.
French conceits of course,
for women, misses, girls, boys
cloth, wool, velvet.
The foreign oddities as a
rule are few of a kind and will
be quick te go.
Knit novelties in every con
ceivable shape. We have twice
ever the largest stock and as
sortment of them that we ever
showed before.
Our special Scotch Tarn
O'Shanters at oec are precisely
the same goeos that we have
sold at $1.75. Made te our
order and imported by us.
That makes the little price pos
sible. The genuine Turkish Fez
(,75c) were sold at one time at
Ostrich Feathers will be worn
mere than for years past. Our
assortment is complete. Fancy
Feathers, as if Paradise birds
were as plenty as sparrows.
Many new and lovely wing and
bird shapes. Ne dyer's art can
get such lustrous tints, mere's
the pity, else fashion might for-
get the fatal beauty of the birds.
Millinery novelties, orna
ments, gew-gaws and bright
bits by the bushel almost.
thirteenth and Chestnut streets corner.
Satin-backed Velvet Ribbons
are at the front. "Scarce,"
they say, and of course every
body wants them. Plenty
enough here.
The new Ribbons are a rich
and handsome let. And they
have a light and handy place te
be seen in. Frem the Satin
and Velvet Ribbons en the
Main Aisle te the Ne. 1
"Daisy" Ribbons en Thir
teenth street, an unbroken line
of sorts in the clear, perfect
light of the Transept.
The squad of Bargain Rib
bons has two new recruits, (l)
A new Brocade, made espec
ially for fancy work and dress
trimming, rich colors. Price
was te have been 40c. We
make it 14c. (2) Armure and
Otteman, made te sell at 45c ;
our price 18c.
East Transept.
Jehn Wanamaker.
ftalace of SatMen.
Opening of Ladies', Misses'
and Children's Jackets and
Bey's Clothing en second fleer.
A room 150 feet in length
and 30 feet in width, or in ether
Three thousand square feet of
ground, devoted net alone te
the display of but crowded with
the largest and best selected
stock olCeats and Bey's Cloth
ing in this. city.
Nothing left ever from last
year. Our last season's Clear
ing Sale has cleaned us out of
old stock, and with the experi
ence at our command we have
gene into the market and se
lected what we think is the fin
est and best line of goods which
can be seen anywhere in the
Our goods are all open and
ready for inspection.
They are marked in plain
Before purchasing come and
inspect. See our goods. Nete
our extremely low prices.
We are compelled te sell
cheap. We cannot afford te
lese our hard-earned reputa
tion for selling cheaper than
anybody in Lancaster.
Our prices run from the low
est up te the finest. Every
garment warranted te be as
We hope te see you this week.
Our Grand Fall Opening will
be announced for the early part
of next month.
New Goods are pouring in in
every department.
Our large Millinery Parler is
already packed with the latest
Demestic and European Novel
ties in Hats, Bennets, Fancy
Feathers, Wings, Birds, Tips,
and Plumes of all sorts. We
will show them te anyone who
wishes te see them, and our dis
play of these goods at our
opening will excel anything
ever shown in this city.
Trimmed Hats and for early
Fall. Over one hundred con
stantly en exhibition, running
in prices from $ up.
Children's Felt Hats, trim
med and untrimmed.
A full stock of Plushes and
Velvets, at importation prices.
Few Laces and Dress Trim
mings opened te-day.
nmmcr Itcoevto.
oevi:rtNoit dick andthkmt.giiktna
Indlvlihuils nnd parties dcslrliiL- te blt Mt.
GretniiandcnJeVH rldoetcr IIieNnrren GaiiRe
Ie the summit of Uovrnen Dick mountain,
cun accomplish the trip from Mniusler In one
da) by the following sell dun
11.111. 11 111 i 111. p in. p in. p.m.
Lcaxc Uiurastcr 6-S I'd li m V.-ID '.V1 7 50
ArrlNC.Ml.Uretna. M 11.10 l.VO 3Vi .15 8 55
Arrive Gov. Dick. . 12 J) 1.25 J.-05 5.10
a.m. a.m. a.m. p.m. p.m. p.m.
I.ciic Gov. Dick.. . ll-tt) Id 255 655
lae.Mt. Gretna 6 41 1031 WC 2:i! S..17 7.30
Arrle Lancaster. 8.10 U'uS 1S.58 3.55 115 6 35
All trains or the Cornwall it Lebanon Kail Kail
reail en arrival at Mt Gretna station niaku Im
mediate connection with the Narrow Gauge
Hallrend. Lunch or dinner can be obtained at
the Turk restaurant, thus avoiding the neces
sity of euro Ing baskets and bundlis.
Tlie completion of the Narrow Gauge Hallway
threw s open for low the magnificent scenery
of the Meuth Mountain, and this novel attrac
tion Is supplemented by the erection of an Ob Ob
kervater) U) feet high en the mountain's high
est peak. Gov. Dick, from whldi a sight inav I
obtained than which there are few grander, the
view taking in an ami of feri v miles square,
and presenting a landscape of unparalleled
Dally excursion tickets te Mt.Grctua limy be
obtained en application te the nearest tlikct
Gen l'as. Agent C A 1 It. It., Lebunen, l'a.
NKDlHIHH, Gen. hurt. JeSKIuid
'c desire te call llhe attention of consumers
rail line attention ei consumers
i and Knglneers' Hupplles, te our
d stock of I'lpes, Valvis, rocks,
Cast Iren ritllugs, Asbestos,
or Steam Goods t
large und varied
JtUUCllUlU 1IUU tV !..., ...... ha, nrut.iua.
Vulcaliesten and Usiulurlan, Micet, Piston and
Valve Packings; Hcetch and Heel Line Itefiect
lug Gauge Glasses, Steam Hadlaters mid hteam
Uniting ApivirV.tus; bet and Cup Screws, and
In fuil ulmest'cvcrvtlilng required by steam
U'crs. and allel whli Ii we efnr ut prices which
we guarantee te be lower than these of any
ether dealer In this vlclnlt).
We have positively the largest stork, and lie
lug connected with the Telephone ExiliHtige,
are prepared te recclve and till all orders in the
shortest possible time. When In want of an.
thing In our line, call en us for prices and w
wlllioiivlnce jeu of our ability mitt willing
uess te save) ou Meney, D lay and Vexation.
Our facilities for furnishing Engines, Hellers,
Mianing, l'ulle)s, Hangers, Hpeclal Machinery,
l'luinliers' and Gas Htlcrv Toels, Patterns,
Medels, and Iren and Hmss Casting, and for
the prompt repair of all kind of inacnlnery are
unexcelled In Jjincasler, and we respectfully
solicit a share of ) our patronage.
Central Machine Works,
Lancaster, Pa.
Geed Werk, Iltasenaule Charge, Prompt
Diss, telephone couatctlea dMMll
This Week-
Beets & Shoes.
A Full Line of the Celebrated
The Best Beet Made. Call and aee them.
Nea. 28 and 30 East King Street, '
Shoes & Oxfords.
As the season Is passing for Light Colored
Shoes and Oxfords, I have Marked Down the
balance I have en hand and am new selling
At and Belew Cost,
Which will rcduce them te cash In a short
time. There may be many da) s. yet I might
nay months, In which tbey can be worn and
can be blackened at the end of the season.
Men's SJ.OO Russet Uals. reduced te SX50 ; 03.50
Shoe reduced te $2.00 ; S2.U0 Bhee te S1.50 ; and
11.50 Shee te 11.25.
Men's rJ.00 Russet Oxfords reduced te 11.50
audilXOOxrurds tell.ii.
Hey's J1.50 Russet Bals. reduced te f 1.25.
1-adles' 11.50 Russet Oxfords, Plain Tees and
with Tips, reduced te 11.23; f 1.25 Oxfords te
1.00; tl.OO Oxfords te 75c; and 75c Oxfords te
Chllil'H Russet Oxfords, sites 8 te WW, reduced
from 11.00 te 75c, nnd sizes 4 to"irrem 75c te
The One-Price Cash Heuse.
Ohas. H. Frey,
(Successor te FREY & ECKERT) the Leader of
JVHterc closed ev ery evening at I o'clock, ex
cept Monday and Saturday.
Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, Speca, Eje-Olasse,
Optical Goods. Telegraph Tlme Dully. Every
Article In this Lhie Carefully Repaired.
Leuis Weber,
Me. lB9SNerth Queen Bt.. Near P. R.R.BUtlea,
Watch Repairing.
The majority of watches are ruined by falllnr
nte the hands efnn Incompetent workmen and
net worn out.
Te have your Watch Carefully Handled, Re
paired, Adjusted and Regulated, call en the nn
dcrslgncd, who has en exhibition a watch
made by himself.
Chas. 8. Gill,
Ne. 10 West King St.,
, - - - i i - n ' I ' - -
Dojeu haven Watch or Cleck that need re
pair? It may be one that has been rctlred
nnd does no geed. If se, bring It te us, and we
Guarantee Yeu the Best Werk
Yeu have ever had done. All kinds of Jewelry
and Spectacle Heiialrlng, Engraving, Etc.
All Werk Guaranteed and Price the lowest.
GIveusaTrhilaud jeu will Call Again.
Ne. 101 N. Queen St.,
)oitecfuvutohittn 03oebo.
bixly Candle-Light; Beats them all.
Anether of Cheap Glebes for Gas and Oil
Weather Strip.'
Beats them all. Tlilistrlpoutwcarsallether.
Keeps out the cold. Slops rattling of windows.
Excludes the dint. Keeps out snow and rain.
Anyone can apply it no waste or dirt made In
appljluglk l .in befllted anywhere no hole
te We, read) Pir use. I will netsplit, werp or
shrink u cushion strip Is the most ierfecu;i.t
the Stev c, Heater and Range Stere of
Jelm. P. Sdiaum & Sens,
Sweeping Reductions
,. , .l