TV-C'-v V w j -. J7.373t "r:'.-' - . .: j : . . v c - - - -v". rt f-"V Y" TVi- " H - ? - - -t - - 5C "'.' "' 1,--L- f. "S '.-'v-..-.-' :v:-r " M ' TH LANCASTER DAILY INTELLIGENCER, THURSDAY, SBlT&Mttftll 18 1889. flXS LtrE IX LABBADOB. Statements of Edgar L. Waktrnan lly Editor Hamilton. be feilcm-lns letter is puhiisnea in in jnler'Oeean from J. Tayler Hamilton, Millar of the Bethlehem, l'a.. Moravian " Our attention wan called h few days ace te loiter which recently npiHsired In your columns from a special correspondent,' JMgar li. YvaKcriian, in wuicn no rmrpwna te describe n visit te Labrador. V e regret exceedingly that jeu have been fe misled te give room in veur valuable aud blgbly respected imper te slniiilereiiB repot tsi-on-cerning our Moravian mission in that country. ... " Were the true rtery of the work there laid before the world It would rival the account of the heroism or Father Dainlen, that at present justlv exvilcilliG admiration of Christendom. The aeminu-y of your 'correspondent' may lw JmlKetl from the fact thai he glve-4 us four stations Instead or six, knowing apparently nothing of Zear or Hamuli. The adherents of our church number net 'nearly 1,200,' but nearly 1,300.1- Our missionaries have net the monopoly or trade with the Esquimaux. Wheever cheeses te barter or soil, among our converts is frce te de se. and Ameri can ships de engage In such trade with them. Thoallcgntlen of 'a form or slavery' I beg leave te characterize as a malicious, or at best a reckless, falsehood. Tills summer I had thn pleasure or meeting In EureK the llcv. Ilenjnmln L: Trebe. who last year went en a visit rrem Louden te Labrador and thoroughly iu estlgated the work or our missionaries In that country. "Among ether things, he icperted that the main reasons why trade is at all connected with our purely missionary work ait) these: First, te preserve the native rrem being wholly at the mercy of unscrupulous traders, particularly such as would corrupt thein with Intoxicants, the banoeftho lnreiler race; and, second, te provlde them In vears of extreme scarcity, when the catch offish, en which they de pend, has been Insufficient, with suste nance during the winter at n reasonable and fair rate.'' DECORATING TIIE Al'l'LE TUKEO. A Benutlfut Custom That Is followed by rrcuuh Pcnsan't Girls. Frem Harper's Yeung People. Near the llttle town of La Ferte, in France 1 think It Is La Ferte there Is nn apple trce which bears only Imperfect blossoms; aud the fact haying long age been discovered, has given rlse te a very beautiful custom among the maidens or the village. Wlien spring ilme comes, and thu apple troe halls the joyous tlme with h glad burst or blossom, the maidens of the vil lage arm thcinselvcs w 1th gay ribbons aud perfect blossoms rrem their taverite trecs, and go singing te the lonely tree which has products! only the imperfect blossoms. Each girl then kisses a cluster or the Im perfect blossoms with acltibter of perfect blossoms, and In se doing dusts the former w Ith the pollen from the latter. She then tics a distinguishing ribbon near te the cluster she has dusted. The trce leeks very gay when thus deco rated, with the pink blossoms Kuilliug up at heaven aud the dainty ribbons tl utter ing in the pcrfutne laden air ; but the best of It Is when the leaves drop llke summer new aud the little anples begin te take shape. Then the maidens pluck eh nil but the best fruit, and let that tuke all the strength of the tree, se that the apples grew famously nnd ceme te perfection. Aud new Is seen the htrange part of the iill'alr. The apples, Instead of being all or oue kind, are as dlllercnt as the blossoms that kissed their blossoms, the f.ict being that the apple Is uxirt-tly llke the apple en the tn tt from which the pollen bearing blos som wastaken. Se en this oue tree w 111 be seen round, rosy-checked apples, long yellow apples, juicy apples, mealy apples, dainty fittle apples, and " monstrous big " apples. maiden has the apple she wished most te have. Very Kinky Indeed. Te tamper with symptoms Indicative of grew -lng kidney disorder ; te neglect for u brief tlme needful summation of the renal organs when their liiacllNlty It always and unmis takably does, te their eventful permaiicnt dis ease, U certainly very risky Indeed. Tills Is, however, a risk that many persons perceptibly drifting lnteBrlght's disease, diabetes, catarrh of the bladder, Ac, constantly Incur. Se these who read, reflect and hetd the lew-ens of re corded experience, the advisability of using Hestettcr's Stomach Hitters ns u diuretic, need scarcely mere than a suggestion. Ne Is mere generally ndmtltrd by the medical pro fession nnd the public tliiui Its clllc.icy for tlin firotenllen of serious renal disease. Thn limned cated excitants of commerce, no mailer hew pure, bear In mind, leact preludlcliillj upon I lie kldnejH when Inactive. The Hitlers sub dues mnliulii, constipation mid rheumatism. giycviitl yoticce. Facts Werth Kuewlnc. In all diseases of the nasal mucous membrane the remedy used must be neii-lrrltatlug. The niedleitl proreflen litis been slew te learn tht. Nothing satlsf.icterj can be accomplished with douches, Mitiirs, powders or syrliic.cs because they lire all irritating, de net rcich the alhctcd surfaces and should be abandoned as worse than failure. Ainultlludu of persons who had for years borne all the worry and pain that catarrh can Indict testify te radical cures wrought h) Ely's Ci cam Halm. Huehlcii'H Ariilcu Selve. Tub HivstSai.vk In the world ferCuti, HrulscH Seres, Ulcers, Halt Itlicutn, I"ecr Sere, Tetter. Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Cerns, nnd all Skin Eruptions, and positively cures Piles, or no pay required. It Is minrantced te gle in fect satisfaction, or money refunded. I'riie IB cnis per uex. i or uiic uy 11. i. i,ueuruii, urui;i;iM,?ies. uraiui ijj reriu qu uecn streel. Lancaslir, l'a. luueUT-lyd Eliiwpxx . This Is what mi eueht teliavt-. In fact.yeu mut hav.0 It, te fullv enjoy life. Thousands arc wirchiiu; for It dally, and meurninc because thry tlnd It net. Thousands upon thousands of ilrJIure are ient annually by ur ieeple In the nep mai lnry niaiiuiiu iuih uuuu, ,nu vci It innv be had by nil. Wc cuarnntce that latc- Irle Hitters. If lived accerduu: te directions and the use persisted In, will bring you Ooed Ulccs Ulccs tlen enil oust thn demon Dyspepsia nnd Install Instead Kupcpsy. Wc recommend Ulcctrlc Hit ters for DS)cpln, and nil dUenscs et !.lr Htemach anl Kidneys. Held at Stk-nnd 1 per bottle by II It. Cochran, druRKist, UTuuiUXI North liiiecn sticct, Umcastcr, l'a. tl) Methen! Mothei-H ! ! .Mothers ! ! ! Are you disturbed at ulghl and broken of your rest by a sick child suirertnjj nnd crying with the excruciating pain of cuttlm; teeth? If se, goat onto and getabottle of MHS. WINS LOW'S SOOTHINO SYItUI. It will rel!ee the peer little mitlerer Immediately depend upon It; there Is no mistake about It. There Is net a mother en earth who has ever used It, who will net tell you at ence that It will regu late the bowels, and give lest te the mother, nnd relief and health te the child, operating llku magic. II Is perfectly safe te use In all cases and pleasant te the lasle, and ! llie prescription of one of the eldest mid Ik st female h sielans and nurses In thu United States. Held everywhere, 35 cents a bottle. June2jlydAw X tlitlHIIIIlf 111,1.11 !1V .'(. Ilfll 1 lf',1. It was Just an eidlnary scrap of wrapping paper, but It saved licr lite . She was In the last stages of consumption, told by phi siclnns that Clie was Incuinhlc and could live only a short time; she nclgln-d lss than seventy pounds. '.- ..I ..r .. ....nm.,... It..... clin P...1.1 ., Ill- I Ml a lilts-ULH lllill'l'.lifcl I'tnti SUV llllil Ul 11 King b New Discovery, and get n sample bottle, It helped her, she beughtu large bottle, It helpcil her mere, bought nnelher and grew belter last, continued Its use nnd Is new strong, healthy. CUIUimilvl lis use iiuu ii iiw .uwibi iiiiniiij rosy, plump, weighing. 110 pounds, lerfullti Particulars tcnu suimii n . ji.iim;, uriiKKisi, . . U...I.I. T'ti.l I.vIIIaci .if llilu ii .mil. i-ful ? rtlll milllll. Jlllll wviin.-. vi. ...ii ..H....V.1... Discovery Kree at II. 11. Cochran's drugstore, 137 and PS) North Queen street, Uuieaster, l'a. itlueic. yxONTMISS IT' RARE BARGAINS. A f.rnnd Display of the Most Popular anil Jllest ltellnble Pianos and Organs Will. HE MADEHV Kirk Jehnsen & Ce.. AT THE J.AXCASriW COL'S TV FA Hi. All should ixiiuilnc them, for suemr or luUr you III want one, und one iliat will give jeu satisfaction. We iesltlely guarantee sjili-fiu Hen In every purtlculnr for six jui-, and sell en Hie ensltst tenns-tlse dollars a month. Think eflt -freu. oiietetwo.viiirstn.,i f.irttl The aboseueods came dircit frein the t.iriery. und wc will etfera positive bargain each i!h of the Fair. IvlHIC JOHN.MlV .1 I'O . Ne. 21 West King ftU, Lam-asler, 1'j. P.8. -Stcend-lland Pianos and iimen tnKen In Exehauec. n2l-lyd4w TRUE DALMATIAN INSECT POWDER, propelled by n giied pew der blower, Is Hih most ittii'tual ile.-.tre,MT of Ules and ether small jnect,. Fersal AWIUBLEY'S DRUG STORE, K(5VtKlDjlJtrl VrcliANE'S UVERP1LL8. THE GENUINE DR. C. -CELEBRATED- LIVER PILLS! Fttmlng Bres. ! Deak Sirs. Fer a long time 1 siuTrred from the effects of Indigestion and sick htadachr. nnd en trying yenr Dr. C Mclne's Celebrated Liver Pills 1 found quick and satisfactory re lief. A very few descx does the work and I would net he without litem. . GEO. II. HARRIS. hleux Falls, Dakota. NEVER KNOWN TO FAII Cure sick headache, biliousness, liver com plaint. Indigestion, dyspepsia, heartburn, ma lartn, pimples en Uie mce and body. Impure bleed, etc., by using regularly Dr. C. McLana'a Celebrated Liver Pills, prepared only by Flem ing Brethers, Pittsburg, Pa., the market being full of Imitations of the name McLanr, spelled dltTerently but of the tame pronunciation. Always leek for the slftnnture of Flemlni Bres, nnd C Melne, rittsbnrg. Ta., en the wrapt r. All ethers are worthless when compared with the genuine MeLane's. nova-l-cedTu,Th.8Aw H UMPHHEYfi lilt. JJUIIPIIKKY'H HPKCIVIRH are Rclentl- eally and carefully prepared prescriptions ; used for many years In private practice with success nnd for ever thirty years used by the people. Every single (specific Is a special cure for the dlcae named. These specifics cure without drugclmr, purg ing or reducing the s stem, and are In facl nnd deed the bOVEIlEION REMEDIES OK THE WORLD. LIST OF rniUCIPAI. JOS. CUIltS. I'KtCEM 1. FEVKRH, Congestion, Inflammation 35 2. WORMS, Werm Fever, Werm Celic 25 3. CRY ING COLIC, or Teething of Infants, .35 4. DIAnRIHEA.ofChlldrcner Adults....-- .25 5. DYSENTERY, Griping, Bilious Celic ,. .25 A.CHOLKRA MORIHJU. Vomiting..., .35 7. COUGHS, Celd, Rrenchltis -.... .. .23 8. NEURALGIA, Toothache. Faccnch.. .25 0. HKA DACHE, Hick Headache. Vertigo.. .25 10. DYSPEPSIA. Bilious Stomach 25 11. SUPPRESSED or PAINFUL PERIODS, .25 12. WHITES, tee Profnse Periods 25 13. CROUP, Conch, Difficult Breathing... .25 H. SALT RHEUM, Erysipelas, Eruptions... .25 IS. RHEUMATISM. Rheumatic Pafu 25 lti. KEVER and AGUE, Chills, Malaria .SO 17. PILE8, nilnder Weeding .V) IP. CATARRH, Intliicnra.Celd in the Head, .) 1. WHOOPING COUGH, Violent Coughs... M SI. GENERAL DEBILITY, Physical Weak ness ,ta 27. KIDNEY DISEASE SO 28. NERVOUS DEBILITY 1.00 SO. URINARY WEAKNESS, Wetting Bed, .50 3. DISEASES OF THE HEART, Palpltn- Hen .. - . ... J1.00 Sold by drueglsts, or sent postpaid en receipt ofpilce. Du.lluitriiREY's Manual (111 pages) richly bound In cloth nnd geld, mailed free. Humphreys' Mp.diciseCe., 109 1 ultenHt.N. Y C) SPECIFICS. Tu,Th,tw E,A, LY'S CREAM BALM. CATARRH, HAY FEVER. Ely's Cream Balm Cleanses the Nasal Passages, Allays Pain and Inllniiimatlnn, Heals the Seres, Restore the Senses of Tnstc nnd Smell. TRY THE CURE. A paitlele Is applied te each nostril and Is agreeable. PrlccSOcentsntDruggtsts; by mall, lelstsrcd, 00 cents. ELY BROTH EBS, seplMyd&vv Ne. 6S Warren St., New Yerk -tITL'AK. V UNDEVELOPED PARTM Of the Human Bedy Enlarged, Developed, Stiengthcned,ttc., Is mi Interesting advertise ment long run In our paper. In reply te In quiries we w 111 say that Ihere Is no ovldence of humbug about this. On the centrniv, the ad vert I scrsnie very highly Indorsed. Interested persons may get sealed circulars giving nil par tlculurs, by writing te the ERIE MEDICAL CO., 5 Swan St., Bulliile, N. X.Datlu Tulide lite. fll-lydAw palace of ahicm. TVYLACU OF FASHION. PALACE OF FASHION, 115 117 NORTH QUEEN STREET. Opening of Early Fall Milli nery. Already very large lets of Fall Goods have arrived in every department, and although our Grand Fall Opening will net take place for several weeks yet, we are ready te show all the latest novelties which have come out se far. In our Millinery Department our preparations for the Fall Season are most extensive. All the latest styles of Felt I lats and Bennets in the lead ing Fall Shades can already be seen, and our main effort it shall be te maintain our se well earned reputation of selling everything at the lowest prices. Our line of Children's Trim med Felt Hats is very fine the styles are entirely new and prices most reasonable. A Great Bargain. One case of Little Bey's White Satin Flush Hats at 25c apiece ; they have been sold for $1.00. 'J rimmed Hats. Early as it may seem we are already displaying as many as between 75 and 100 Trimmed Felt Hats of our own produc tion, all designed and trimmed by our most expert milliners, after the latest Paris Fashions. Feat Iters, Wings and Birds. Having sold out our whole stock of the above goods at the end of last season we open with a large and fresh stock, and claim te show a better assort ment than any store in the State. Here also we claim that our prices are very low, fact lower than ever. We invite all te call en us whenever it suits you, whether you are ready te buy or net. In conclusion we will say that we have en hand new and are ready te show at any time our complete line of Ladies', Misses' and Children's Coats, Cloaks and Wraps. Our Fall Opening will be an nounced later, when we shall make a Grand Exhibit of all these goods. In the meantime we adwse you te defer all pur chasing in our line until you have seen our goods and noted nnr nrices. ' PALACE OF FASHION, ' I 115 & 117 North Queen St, 9rti ANCAStEH, SEPTEMBER, 10, 1SS. Only a Week TO CLOSE OUT Tine Philadelphia Stere. -IN- SPECIAL LOW PRICES FOR CARPETS AND LADIES' AND CHILDREN'S COATS, 6 AND 8 NORTH mr29-lydAw B LANKETS. BLANKETS SAVED METZCER St HHUCHMHN Late Lait Bprlug neught an Immeiise Quantity or Blankets ! Blankets ! Have d frema Fire, en which thesmeltef krauke lRharely ixrecptlule. W havenlrcndy eeM clx lnrce rase of them, hut "till have n tfvr mers left. COMFORTS and COUNTERPANES In Large liuantltlra at Cheap Prlcea, -AT- Metzger & Ha ugh man's Cheap Stere, Nes. 38 and 40 West King Street, Lancaster, Pa. (OPPOSITE TIIE COOPER HOUSE.) TTEXT DOOR TO THE COURT 1IOUBE. VISITORS Te the Fulr thU neck should net forget the additional display of 9 New Fall Dry Goods T SEXT DOOR TO TIIE COURT HOUSE. We have heeu busy all Bummer seeurlng for J nut u innu UH'J u tl I7U1III1.1-I n. ill ins, iui mi-, wvt.i.iwii wu ..uuii.? hwiiv. v. p.iij muivM lu and examine our linen of Dress oeli, Hosiery, Underwear, Blanket. Weel VlanneU, is. Black Caxhmcretunri Henrietta. flluKle and Deuble Hhnwli. Tlcklnts, Corsets. Velvets. tome IB Muslins. TnhloLlneiis, Napkins, Towels, Carpots.rieor Oil and Ladles' und Children's Cloaks and Coats, note carefully the prices, as they are very ceuviucing mat wc mean te no you geed. WSpeclnl Bargains this week lu Remnants. De net hesltate te lnnkc our store your headatuirlrs while In the city. Leave your parcels and wraps and nhnteverel-c you don't care te be bothered vnth In ourcare until you arc ready te gu home. FAHNESTOCK'S, 35 and 37 East King St., Lancaster, Pa. tjaud & Mcelrey. BARD & Nes. 33 and 35 Seuth Queen Street, FL-735:NNELS. Be sure you are right, then se ahead. The last two reason w had thn repulntleu of helling the Best Flannels for The money in the city. This season wool la higher. Te sell the Mime kind at same price as last season means wchuve te paymeie for It. Last suasen our prerlls were small, and It means smaller profits this season. Tlioiewliu bought our Medicated Red Twill Flannel at 2Sc last season knew w hat n geed artlcle It was. i-ome saving It was belter than they saw utKSc., ethers said It as as geed na they saw at 87Kc. although with the advance In the prlce of wool we will give you thtjNime Identical makes or FlaiuieU nt the sumo price you bought them of us last season, nnd wc knew when we say, yen never benqht a geed Flannels In your llfe for the money, we knew we are right. In all colors. Navy Wue, Oicy, !!-!, Yellow or White, In plain or twill. In wool or half wool, you will find ns the lowest. We de net occupy us much ground fleer us seme ethers de, our expenses arc small and ae are our profit. All-wool Hhrtink Hklrtlng Flanaels in striped, with or without holders, that will net shrink when you Wiish it, al 51.W per skirt, or you can buy by thn yard as much as yen like. Cotten Kluuucislu rcmnuntsatA, B(, 8, 10 und !!) cents. .WOOL- YKRN, These who Knit Weel Hese for the winter we have n new stock of lioiinMkde Itticaster Ce Weel Yarns that wash nice and soft, In all shades, nt low prices. SPECIAL L-OJA PRICES. Wc gh e bpcclal Lew Trices In Feathers, Fleer and Tnble Oil Cleths. BICYCLES. Agents for the Ticmlcr Salbly Bicycles, easiest running wheels In the world. bard Sc Mcelrey, Nes. 33 and 35 Seuth Queen Street, tf ntches. H Z. RII0AD8 A BON. BEAUTIFUL FORMS -IN- jeweiRY Are net nude by chance. They result from artlttlc designs hi the hands of skilled uerkmen. We have u New Line of the Ijidst Patterns or jr.WKI.R Y In lUtOOCHES, HHJIION AND HCAKK PISS, BRACELETS, HISOS, I1UTTOSS, SECK CHAINS, WATCH CHAINS, HAIR ORNAMENTS, Ac. Many of these articles, although of Build Uu!d, ate al Lewer Trices than geed plate. We in. vile examination. H. Z. RHOADS & SON, Ne. 4 WEST KING STREET. ttmcu, F LINN A HRENKMAN. ren STOVES! -OU FLINN & BRENEMAN, He- 152 North Qxxeeri Street, LA SCA STKH. Kavvct B AROAINH! -CO Shirk's Carpet Hall ! -FOR Wilten, Velvet, Bedy Brussels, Tapestry, Ingrain, Damask and Venetian, Rag and Chain Carpets. OIL CLOTHS, WINDOW SHADES, &c. WK-HAYtinc Labelst AKiiRrsrSreiK iriTiir. t'irr. H. S. SHIRK St SONS. Cor, West King and Water Sts., Lancaster, Pa. gee. or Ten Days THE STOCK OF QUEEN STREET, LANCASTER, PENN'A. FROM A FIRE I this occasion the choice, fabrics of every factory Cleths, Window Hhades, CaMinirres, Cleths And whlle you are looking through thrte goods Opposite Fountain Inn. Opposite Fountain Inn. AND COMPOSITION &c. STOVES! TO- PASS' A . 41 all. T AROAINH I '10- UPatchc. WATHBB. HMERICHN Watches, Clocks, Jewalry, Cpeea, KyeJlasses, Etc., a LOWEST I'RIlfaC Optical Goods. Telegraph Tlme Dally. Kery Artlcle In this Line Carefully Repaired. Leuis Weber, R. HIKMertk QnMm St., kmt ML It, SUUea, w- ATCII REPAIRISO. Watch Repairing. The majority of watches arc ruined by fnlllnt ute the hands of an Incompetent workmen and net worn out. Te have your Watch Carefully Handled, Re paired, Adjusted and Regulated, call en the un dersigned, who has en exhibition a wateh made hy himself. Chas. S. Gill, JEWELER AND GRADUATE OPTICIAN, Ne. 10 West King St., LANCASTER. PENN'A. TTERR I REPAIRING ! De oil have a WiitUi or Cleck that nedr ialr7 It may be one that hnsbceu repaired and does no teod. If te, bring It te us, and we will Guarantee Yeu the Best Werk Yeu have ever had done. All kinds of Jewelry and Hpectacle Repairing, Engraving, Etc. All Werk Guaranteed and Prices the Lewest. Give us u Trial and you will Call Again. HERR, Ne. 101 N. Queen St., CORNER OF ORANGE. ffiivnituvc. -VCHH 4 UIBIJH VISITORS TO THE FAIR. Wc extend a hearty welcome te the people of our county te leek through our immense Stock of Furniture, while in te the Fair. We have added many New Patterns, and our prices you will find unusually low, marked in plain figures. Come up stairs and walk through our warerooms. Te avoid mistake in the place, cut this out and bring it with you. OCI IS & GIBBS, Manufacturers and Dealers in Furniture, 2d, 3 and 4th Floers, 31 Seuth Queen street. YiriDMYLIVH CORNER. High Standard Furniture. HIGH, .MEDIUM AND LOW ARK TIIK THREE STANDARDS. Which de) 011 prefer? We knew you want the HcU 11 your Tocknlheok will allow It. The HIOII or 11UHT GRADE Geed ha 11 1 wills been our titandard. And wc Ih'IIiue the ilcniHiidlsgrenlnif for the Rest Qualities, for always the cheapest. A lew ilellius' illftcrciicc lu the cost of a sill te or plece of furtil turuiiiay nelbn noticed hy thn eye, hut lu the wear It is hound te ceme out. We don't believe It cheap te the buyer te held back these fsw dollars. Thcre are NO 1IAUGAINH lu the Cheup or l,ew Htaudnrd Ooed. A IIARGAIN Is te vet a Ill-XT or HIGH GRADE for a I.OW TltlCE. Such RARGAINU we have. Our L-oed will Klvc you geed ntrvicc and thereby HAVE you IllOtlCJ. A Larae Full Line of Kurnlturu reur Floers rmi or it. WIDMYER'S CORNER OF E. King & Duke Sts. H EINITHITM. We would Call Your Hiiecial Attention te the Fact that we haie the Agency FOR Till: uecn Felding Bed. SOME OF ITS GOOD POINTS : 1st. It Carrlts IxtfS Wcliilit than Other. 2d. It l'Klmple In Construction. 3d. It Is Mere Kuslly Handled. Rh. Itlslyewerlii prlce tliiui un FIisI-CIiuh Red In the Markut. We have them In stock for Children aud Grewn 1'eeple. HEINITSH'S Furniture Depot, Nes. 27 & 29 SOUTH QUEEN STREET O-IVrtenul Attention Glwii te UnJirlak. InK Vhoteuvavho. R OTR I JUST RECEIVED FROM Kffinigsburg, Prussia, Twe lUckgreund made fi-clally for llust and IliiUMiimtter Length l'hotegraphs. 60 1-2 North Queen St., Next Doer te the I'ostefrlce, In7-in(l UNLLRWCAR-LIGHT AN!) MUDIUM weight uuderwrur lu till grades nod uuy sire, at KRIBMAN'8 Ocnt Fjjrnlihlae tlOTi', i3WtKlnitreel. " Furniture Points. Clothtue H Irtdlt A UROTHER. SURPASSING EVERYTHING Ever seen In Iincnsler. Is the salug of c-eryenc who has seen our Merchant Tailoring DSl'AliTMICSl'. MJW3 TO ORDER, OVCRWATt TO ORDHR, TROUSHW TO ORDER. In Suitings. A. mninlilrent line of l'laln aud I'nuc.v.Wor I'nuc.v.Wer sletls. Cheviots, Calnures. In IMalds, Checks, MixtuiTs, niade te enlsr, al JI2 te MS a Hull. In Overceatings. Ker.vthtug lu IUvcrs, Olilnchllla, Mellnns, West of Kuiilands. Vicunas. Heay Alpines, etc., etc A hie runge lu prices. In Treuserings. .The mol heautlful pntlerns and designs In Heavy KUk strlic, Imrk Clieck, Cftliuerej, Faiicj Cheviots, U te ltf. THKHESTLININOH, TIIBBKST WORKMEN, ANH TUK IlRsr KIT TOIlUHAIl INTIIIH CITV ONlM'ltICK CLOTHINCI AND FUltNiSMLNU HOU8L', North Queen Street and Centre Square, LANCAHTKIt. l'A. TOR RENT. Frent. Ilaseineut under enr OlethliiK Htere, sultahla rer Rarhcr or Hhoc Hhec maker Hliep. Immedlatn possession Riven, ''' ....t rTIO CLOTHING IIU YF.RB. WHERE TO BUY FALL SUITS, NEW AND F.1.KGANT GOODS IN THE WECE NOW INBTOCIC FOR YOUR INSl'KCriON. LGansman&Bre. Oner this season a mera vatlcd stock of Oixxl In the l'lecn than nver before, ami Make them leOnlsr at Lewer Prices thnu any ether liqnsn tntha city.and ns for Workmanship and I'll equal th very heit. We Make te Measure ALL-WOOL CHEVIOT HUITU aUli.tM, 113.00, (II.U0nndfl5.U0. ALL-WOOL CABHIMERE fiUITX wt 81B.0), J17.nuaud fli.t. ALL-WOOL IMIXIRTED W0I18TED HUITH at S30.U0, ta.W and tl'i.lW. We Make te Measure ALL-WOOL CHEVIOT I'ANTB nt 13.60, !..0O, ei.W and JT'.W. ALl'WOOL OAHHIMISRR l'ANTH al 4.fi0, (3.00 and I0.1W. ALL-AV0QL WORSTED PANT nt S7.U0, 18.U0, tU.OOand810.0U. Ree nur New Window. All geed .Marked In l'lalu Figures. Consult your lntercstimd save nioney hy calling L. Gansman & Bre., (S and 08 NORTH QDBBH BT., A. W. CORKER OF ORANQB, LAMCABTER, FA. -Net connected with any oilier Clothing HeiiMiln tlieclty. M VERSA It ATI! FON. New Fall Styles. The New Utiles for Fall Win ran hare lu Geed Atnertmuut iieivjust eieii tills wiHjIt. The Rest I'roduc I'reduc I'roduc llensnrForelgnnnd Demestic lenm nie here for jour Inspection. W Hrrefieilng IhClii ul REASONABLE PRICES, And pmpeic te glM llie Vi-ry Rest WerkiiiaiulilpavullalilH. Thcre Is no doubt about our reputation In the paM,and hc'ik going te 'ilstnln II. Our Ready-Madc Department IsIUIihI wllli Him Nt'Hiil mill Nlcet Hlyles, and i-vcry ene nil! he con. vlnvcd that no arc en the lowest peg In prlce inn Unit the .lainlaril of en cellniccls the highest. RKMAULE CLOTHIERS AND MERCHANT TAII.ORK, NO. 17 EAST KING STREET LANOAHTEU.l'A. uul-'.t m.j. i Qravbuuivr 3 jT j.TJL Ii ,w V. rARIAVARK I HARDWAREI GREAT ATTRACTIONS ! Marshall & Rengier's, 0 A 11 SOUTH O.UEEN fcT. HEATERS, RANGES, Parler and Cook Steves, OF EVERY D1.C RIITION. TINWARE, CtDVRWAIlE .Cl'TI.Uia, At Alsiil'rlnu Nswllmethy Hed. Fedder Yum, riejal Ready Mlscll'alnU.OIlf, Varnlsliesnml White Luid. Carienlfr' Toels and IlulMtntf Material and General Hurdnare. Olvn tisa call and tioienvlucej that jeu wt the full alue for your money. MARSHALL"! RENGIER, UOi. V A II !OlITU QUESN STREET ii'Urt-Ud THE RIVAL FOUNTAIN FEN-TllIilJll and chcuesl In the market- II fcaint geld mn. lliir.1 rubber holder, nuur gets out or order, ciully filled. Cull and uxaiulue brore purchasing elwwhue. At ERIPMAN'SUtnts FurutslilBj ?ere, 15 West KUis irwL Hi BROTHER'S liyERS&lUTHIl, Crttuctcra' Outbr. PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD 8CHEB" In effect from May 18, 1889. .lral.nAi-,!AVE LAscAsntn and lcve ta rlveairuiladelphlaas follews: IjCavf Leave Lancaaterj iai a. n. .- a. m. iflti m, K81a.n ti-,v, a. n WBsTWARD. raclflc F.xrresst News Expresf Wav PnssrnirrrJ l'hllndelphla. i ra i. m 4."fl a. in, 4:"M a. in, 7KI n. in MailtrnlnvlaMUeyl Ne.2.MallTralnt..... via Columbia ." a, m. via Columbia 1 !:,') ft. in. rta Columbia fingara txprcjw-,.,, Hanover Accem . fan Llnef ., 'icderlck Accem , Jincnster Accem... Harrlshurg Accem.. Columbia Accem..., Harrlstnirp Express.. Western Kxpressf... l Jincnster Acce..,.., KAHTWARD. I'hlln. Kxpressf-, , FustLlnet J......., Lancaster Aoce.... HarrlsburR Express.., Incasler Accem Celnnihla Arcem.. , Atlantle F.xpressf...., Hoasliero i;xpress..... riillmlcltilila Accem. Hunila? lall.,...., Day Expresst Ilarrl.burg Accem.. Mall Tralnf KhSB a. liwi a. tit it-oep. m. 2:10 p. IB. Z1G V. IB. 7:40 p. m. 7:30 p. IB. 11:10 p. m. s.oe p. m. t.CaAM Arrlva . PhilSsJ 4-25 a. m. 6:90. m 8:30 a. m vinMbJey., iuie 1 1. m. 1:10 p. ni. 5-31 p. m. .-JJ p. m. Ijincasler. i-M a. in. 4:43 a. m. 0:15 a. in 8:10 a. m. 8:&T n. m. (MX) a. m. U:.V a. m. 12:58 p. m. s p. m. it.OO p. in. 4:4.-1 p. in. U:4.i p. m. 8:li p. m. 10:30 a. m. vlaMUer. 11:48 a. as. ta p. m. 3:1S p. m. 8:45 p. B. &4Sp. m. 6:60 p. m. 9:35 p. m. 10-.J5 p. m. tThe only trntns which run dally. On Hiimlay the Mall train west runs by war Columbia. J. It. WOOD, General Passenger Agent CHAB. K. PUGH. General Manager. - " ' i-i, plIILADELPHLV A RE.VDINO RAILROAD READING A COLUMUIA DIVISION. On and after Monday, July I. hK), train eave Lancaster (King street), as foltens ; . Fer Reading and Intenucdlala points, week days, 7:30 a. in., 12:33, 3:13 p. in. J rundiiy,8.1Bt m.,8.&i. in. ter Philadelphia, week days, 7.30 a. m 12-J5, 3.H p. m.i Hiinduys, a M p. tn. Fer New Yerk via Phllndclphla, week days, nn a. m., 12-r,, s- p. m. .Fer New Yerk via Allcntewn, week daya. 12:33 p.m. Fer Alleutewn, week da)s, 70 a. m.,3:48p, m. : Hunday, SA p. m. I or rotlHvllle, week days, 7:30a. m., 3.48 p. t&4 Hunday, 8:&3p.m. ,-, Fer Lebanon, week ila,-H, 7.-0D a. in., 12:35, 5:40 p. m. ; Hutiday, 8.03 a. m, 3:45 p. in. Fer Harrtsbiirg, week days, 7.M0 a. m., 1245, V40 p. in.; Bunday, 8.K a. m. Fertiuarryvllle, week days, K-25 a. m., JtOO, 8.C0 p. m. i Hunday, 6:10 p. in. TRA1NH FOR LANCAHTER. Inve Reading, week days. 7.20, 11:53 a. m 6.M p, lu, : Hunday. 7:'J0 a, m.j 3:10 p. in. Lcave Plitladclphla, week dajs, 4:15, 10.00 a. in., 4.-O0 p. in, loave New Yerk via Philadelphia, weekdayi, 7:45 n. m., l:30.12.ip. m. ' Lcave New Yeilc via Allcntewn, week days 4-en a. m., 10 p. m. Ixave Allentewn, week days, 5.52 mm.; 4 JO p. in. Iivo FetUvllle, week days, 6.S0 n. m., tM p. m, Ioave libation, week days, 7:13 a. in., Ufc 7:15 p. m, : Hunday, 7:55 a. in., 3.11 p. in. Lcavn Harrlsburg, week days, 8.23 a. iru; Ban day, 0 ra a, m. Lcavn quarry vllle, week days, 6.-40, 11:45 a. tn., 3.-00, 4:31 p. ni, ; Hunday, 7il0 a. in, ATLANTIC CITY DIVISION. I-eave I'blladelplila, Chestnut street wbarf, and Houth street wharf. Fer Atlantle City, week days, express, 0-00 a. in. and 4.-ei)and5.0i) p.m.: Accommodation, J:'U) n. m. and 4:30 p. in. ; Hunday, Express, 8.-60 and 0.00 a. in., Accommodation, 8.00 a. m., tM p. m. RutiirnlngleavoAtlHiitle City, depot corner. Atlantle and Arkansas Avenues. Weekdays. Expieas7HW and 10:12a, in, and 4 p.m. Accom modation, 8.03 a. in. and tM p, in. Hundaya Expitcs, 4 end 5-30 p. m. Accommodation, TM n. m. aud 4.-05 p. in. Detailed tlme tables i-nii he obtained at ticks unices. A. A. MrLEOD, C. O. HANCOCK. Vlce I'res. A Ocn'l M'gr. Geiri I'ass'r Agt. LEHANON A LANUAHTER JOINT LIN RAILROAD. Arraugemenls of Passenger Trains en aud after HUNDAT.Mnyia, 1SW. NORTHWARD, l.enve A. ft. p. m, . Hunday. r. m.a. m. r. m, KlngHtieet, Lane. 7,-uu Ijiucaster,.,. .......... 7.-07 Manhcliii - 7SH 1KI3 12:1.1 10 1.-40 5.-40; 8.05 8:5" :se, aijg--- M M Cernnall 7:50 Arrlve at Irfljunen Ml .'4i 0:17 6,-fJl 1:33 7:00 D:Xi 6:15 HOUTIIWARD, Leave A. M. lebaneii ................ 7:12 Cornwall 7:27 Manticlm". 7:58 Lancaster 8.-27 Arrlvn nt r. i. 12:110 12:45 111!! l-Jtt F. M.U. M. 7:16 7:55 7:110 8:10 7-Wl 8:40 8:23 :U P.M. 8:4a 0 &q KlnjHtrrel, Lane. 8.33 2.00 C;SU 0-.M A. M. WlION.Hiint. R. A a Railroad. H. H. NEFF. Hlipl, C. It, It. ilUl'UCO0. H ARNEyiJ. HARNESS. ' HABERBUSH'S 30 Centre Square, LANCAHTER, l'A. Saddles. Harness, LAP blankets; Trunks, Bags, Harness Oil, AND General StableSupplies, -AT- . . E. Haberbesh'g. (Hucc-nssen ru M, llAiiKiiBt'an A Hen.) SIGH OF THE GOLDEH HORSE HEADS. Utrtchtncvtj. OTEAM. Vodeslreliuallilhn utloiillen .if consumers iifHtcaui Goods and Englneen' Huppllcs, te our large nnd varied stock of l'iwa, VaU e, Cocks, Miiihiible and CuH Iren Fittings, Asbestos. VuUnbeslen nud Usudurlaii. Hlieet,I'lteuand Viilul'acklngc Mentch and Red Line ItetlecU liigGaugeGlusseH, HU-iim Radiators nod Htcam Heating Appurntus; Hct and Cap Hcrews.nnd lu fact almost everything rwiulrcd by steam users, und all el which we eiler nt prices which we guarnntee te le lower than these of any ether dealer lu this vicinity. We have positively the largest stock, and be ing connected with the Teh-phene Exchange, aie prciutred te lecclveaud III! all orders In the shortest possible time. Wln-n In want of any thing 111 our Hue, call en us for prluviundw u-lllioiivlnce you or our ability and Milling ni h te save you Meney, Dilayand Vexation. Ourrucllllfesfer funilslilug EiiKlnes, Hellers, Hlmftlng, Pulleys. IUiigeis.hjKrlal Machinery, I'lumucnt' und Gas Fitters' Toels, Ptitterns, Mislels.and Iren and linns Castings, and for the prompt repair of all kind of niaciilncry are unexcelled In iJiucustcr, and we respectfully solicit a share of your palreuuge. Central Machine Works, 131 A 138 NORTH CHRISTIAN STREET, I.ANCAbTEH, l'A. Goe.1 Werk, lleasnnnnln ChargeJ, Fre'"?" uess. Teleiilioneeeiinecllon dUTilll flonecfuvnioltiit ( -lAIA."ANbHEB TIIE ROCHESTER LAMP! Hlxty Cundle-Llght; IltaU them all. Anether or Cheap Glebes for Gas and Oil Hlore. TIIJ" PERFECTION" METAL MOI-LDINO and RUTIJIERCCHHION Weather Strip. llcaU them all. TliUstrlpoutwcarfcullelheM. Kccioutthpceld. Mops rattling of window. !VWW ........ , i..,u .,t kiinvv nml ruin. p. it'iuuia iisj -. An one can apply It -no wnsle or applying It. Can be fitted ali w he tiher., ready ienise. I will net j Kxciuucs uiu -. ""--";--; .."7.T.V I.. icrc- no holes u,ll. .mirt. ni iSrmkwihrJn.WlpVte Uliri Ilia ""! v U si v ! w -- B the Hte e, Heater and Range Bteie of Jelm P. Sehaiim & Sens, 34 SOUTH QUEEN ST., LANCASTER PA. "VTECKWrAR IRE I.A1 r.r.1 ami jiu.-i N fuklilonalde style and sbudes, I lie chnipcsl alid hctt, ut ERRftiAN-a Qeiiu' Fureltiln(r Sere2'VfstKIlf,J, rilE I.ATEKT AND, MOST Glias V . .'JJ V .-J P-'M :4' &?1 " c v .-l m (., ii m h: J 3ci ,.'?, TV . ...Ii. Al, W" l 51 S $A M 'm m .'."! ii a r1- 54 - vaa m '". K 'rix ii e-V