PS?WRl!3yMB?3i ' Tfi r mx 'K "-?" T -B7- '-.-(' "WWK'.S'WWl-.WWfrJWIIiWJW "" !J7rl " . ' - V f --C WW"'""T'A 'V' r 'y-V- " "fc"V't i. .j,lVi,-, fir - 12, 1880. THE LANCASTER BAltY tNTELLtGENOER, THUB8DAY, SEPTEMBER kS. nJ X! i"A' m w w: M.. r tlit 3tttclliaettct &&,- 'j.anutrMAN. 18TEINMAN FOLTZ, Editor. -il ' CLARKt Publisher. J I A!LY ItrrEtXlaKNCKK.-rnblHhed MMf y In the rear, but Sunday. Served iyeiHlwi In this city and surrounding tMHMMtrneentanxreek. By mall five del tmjrMlBdrtic: M cents month. LYlNTKIXIaENCEIt-Oiie dollar nd r eenti a rear. In advance. i TO BUHBCRIDERS-Ilcmll by check 43T pvrfeffice order, and where neither of ' ttMMeM be procured wml In a registered at the l'ortefllcc, as second class mall ;,$& AMBBM, TBB DfTELUOENCER. Ijincastcr, Pa. XBBB ?IAIWAlTPt ,PA., September 12, 1889. 'fiVrTfce Beheadin? of Tanner. Iteser seems nt Inst te Jinvc been mis- Ififjljiied preparatory te his reinevnt from 7 ftoeemtnlsloiienihli, in which the eat cannot all en I te keep li tin, t from which he can lianlly nfl'errt te m him. He la reported te lmve rt- thetiRh it is nirnlii unlit (Iml te.wlfe will net let htin und Grand Amy associates are said te be also ml " Halng him te stick. The prcldeut can . ftftbttl te eflend theOrnnd Anuy as well l ;iMrs. Tanner in a Just caue ; but liN MWDie ceuic irem me ici nun u is fcardlv fair te kick out Tanner only lw- f'tdMwe he cheeses te understand thu lie- (.yiMitillciii deetrtna ns It was nreclatlned ,- $Jb the Inst campaign, and net as it -aMedste be construed and nminlniucu ff",when the iinrty handles the reins of I government. mx, Willie seeking success, tlie party was i.. f Bberal In Its premises te tlie soldier cle- fixmeat and free in the exprcien of its fftwadlncss te spend tlie government Mir- I-Tlus. Tanner was an applicant, ler the Afcommlssieuership of tienleiw us the liftnttflleF lu-ii iMiinliiliili nviiresmli nre- Mnliurn. llin ititm ..'lift e.ill1il fixltO'lt t PCUUU i3 fafalV JJ1I1I. Uliw ..Willi. .... the surplus for the soldier lmy's Ixmcllt; "". ra se that it does net khjiii te lw clearly rajust te put him out when there it no R jj&T'cbarge against him sive of lih costly irueiuimeu ui uiu-IU'ihidiicjiii campaign R$s premises. IT v Tamtnii'd luirreMtiiii.i.nii'iiiilil lititiLrt Hit! f f the government, and there Is nothing te R-.if oe Dill te ike en ills n can ; an ei vv men - nuctui uw:? uei jnuitu n itti.v me iv-3 i ;0- mean thing for tlie president te de who .t' has secunxl his elect Ien iitieii the free )'h premises which his loe honest heiieli- !!. man undertakes te ixmIcciii. President t i . ...1...1..1... ...i .1.. ?-;, xinrniHHi nuiiiiiiiiiaiKMi cimuiul iiu r'M'tiKii fnr dm itnnxlnlicr tlinn did lis - -- .--- i - -- - -- j Tlftin.rfitltt nnnrlii.faiwir If lu linllllfl IS. by the laws and cannot approve liS,0 wckless shoveling out of money that the wild Tanner has iiistiluted, his hL aimiile cxiH.'(llent living the re-riitlng f ti''l 'pensions, wiueii li hcviiis ne nas power tfc-H& te de at his pleasure. It is found that &tlie jteusieu olllce clerks have taken geed SjiCarc of themselves and their friends; 3k" het doubtless If Tanner wns lKTinlttcil have free swing lie would in t In; end ,av every pension re-rated. Far he is net himself aecimed of cer- F,hrupt Inducement te his liberality. lie Wte only accused of felly, lie Isunen- .1'litlHlAhllr(tliiti1ntfili iitiil ilfitllitlitku it'fiiltil ife-'thlnk he was doing right if he gave P wjerery ueunr ei me country's revenuoie atae pensioners. Hb believes the Iteiitibllcau nurty's .jBlssfen Is te fatten the soldier and that 'w?he Is Its divinely cIumsii Instrument ; .s'and helsgelng te give the pensioners f-Will the money that he can lay his hands ;, en, if he dies for it. He that there is no r4t msmv likuiiluliin lilt.. Kitf .. I.ilr.. l.tu lw..i.l lu -T..J iu puuuui ..Jill uiii. ij tiw inn ui;.ii HSl V. i. i . ...... ...... i'B pcninps u goon iniiig ier me :il? Itnlllltrv tllTll It Inn liml till, nviierlinii.i with Tanner, costly as it has been. It invites nttcutieu te )cusieu elllcc nietli nietli eds, and shows hew great Is the power of the commissioner in iuereasiug the debt of the nation. It shows aNe the great greediness of the gev eminent pen pen aleners and shows the shoal of shaiks tbatinrrTeuuil the bureau. ." j ucpuuuc attention wnicn is inviteii te thedoingsef the ienImiitllce will hard ly be fuvenible te its further growth lu power. It Is n bureau wIiemi expend 1- Mitfilld lie steadily decreasing Instead of tucrvasing. Te-day there are mere v- iwnsleners en the rolls than eer, their fj& number liug nearly half a million ; ' iff ...t 41... ..... ...! I.....H ...... H...U ..1 .. .. t' wiu wu i . an tici 11 iiiiu iui )i u eeii- ,S tury age. On Juiie hO, lbV, there were if' 345,12a iK'iisleners en the rolls ; JuuciUl, 3pt JttSO, 4&0,7ii5. Fer the tNcal year ended Vi juue ae, ibJj, me appnipriatlens for 'if pensions were $TfS,3M,ltl, and the pay ments 54,07L,blh. Ier tlie year ending Juue ill), lSbl), the ajipreprlat ions were )0,473,tK)0, mid the payments JSKJ'S, 1 1,'t. Why should theie Im this great in crease, tit tills late day, in the uiiiulic r of yt penslenerh ? The only answer is that it 'gt 1 due te thu steady feeding of thu pen- aleu list from new sources ; until shortly k we uiav uxiieet that ewrv Mililicr u-llli pg uu Wliu mm cuiiiircu, will ie K'iisii ? down te the latest generation of tl y and regardless of whether the ane &$ velunteereil or was drafted, juuiie lltb urlfi. .Kill i-lilliln.i .fill lu. iuti.lj.ii.i.1 aj ""'- i " -v r"". hem ; uiice&ter ixmI his bounty or was honorably discharged. heutli American Iti'iu1illi. European journals of intlueiiie have ceitimenteil upon the appieaching ceugrcss of rcprchuutatives of American nations, and several express fear that It may meau that the I'liitcd Rates is te lie expanded feeutliwaid while they all agree that it bodes no geed te Kurepean trade with Fouth America, a large part of which s;uis te U-long naturally te the United States. Mr. liluine's repu tation may be credited with the most absurd of these alarms, for the notion that dreams of extended empire should & be the motive jtewer of statesmen Iseulv -.5 A lit I.. ...i ... .. .... ... S, mju laiuuiur m uiu worm panties. Te V Americans the most curious thlnir ubeut RAtbis congress will be tlie widely different .l!i. Wawlatlnu .f 'n..m..n II.... 111 .1 ,j.'".i'nivei i,wciiiiiiL-iii uiui win incrc ;V be represented us republics. The United ,-f States of Colembia.for example, is under V the rule of a president who 1ms, in theory ? 4 lABCii IICI nil. .14K kfa-.. . . At. .. m Z,' ' Jvac., e uiriiuiu jjuj ui me etir OI -3 Hl.fata.ln We ...... 1.1. I. I.. . q. wd.i.. ne vitu .puuifii inn enemies ?X without trial und seie pmiM-rty with- uui. leriu ei iaw, aim h it were Bet for the case with which tyranny cun ixi met by armed force "i rii yim.-ii:u niiiiiu nave Ilirilisiied . specimens of atrocious tyrants. It hap ' peu that a large-ami Illiterate element flef the jxipulatlen is ready te light for jy (.van in uuy eunse. S, lu (.'hill the wciillhy and educated . fevernlng class nilcs the ceuntiy, and ;.tiie great mass of the iMipulatieu has 'JIKithliijf at ull tesay In the matter, mid t want te say nuythluir. TheM n republics arc alwut us different thin republic in iravernmcnt us y arc in nutienal trulls und temicrn- auuwcK'em in liuvc nethini: in ou except the fuel of resident mi AMtereut ends of the Wi-sturn Ucnla Mere, with eceuns jiretccting u. fj.n WW erM ireutilcs. Wvarehnndli-ullv 4Wrent that we can never g. uVm'g efttUvr, ud if we de get tOfccllier in a league of defense or commerce, it will lc fortunate If we avoid n grand hemis pherical row. m a Cape May. Cne -May, the eldest of the Jew Jersey sejushore resorts, hii steed up under tlie storm much K-ttcr than Its younger rival", which have been nearly washed away, all the way up the cea-'t. Caiw May has a plume lu Its cap. Our ancestors knew what they were about- lu selecting it as their bathing place, by the sea. Atlantic City owed Its origin te Its prox imity te Philadelphia, and all the ether little places sprang from the real estate speculation which starts a town with a railroad, a big hotel, and an excur sion house. Cape May, from Its years and deserts, has a record which none of I hoc youngsters can reach. Te Its unrivalled bench Is new added Its demonstrated safety ; you can go there with a fair prospect of getting back alive, barring the mosquitoes. Meney tint Is Net Meney In. l-'eeictary Wlndeni says that the debt has really ilccreucd twenty millions though lifs report shows it te have in creased seven millions ; the ex planation lclng that the pension agents have drawn ninny nilllleus, which they have net yet spent. The secreiary counts the government money in their hatiiNns in Ills. Obviously this cannot ! done. Tlie secretary Indeed, lias no adequate means of knowing hew much of the money lie has parted with remains itncxieiided ; and at any rate the dcMs exist for which (lie money was drawn, and hew can the United States be said te own the money w bleb It hns already paid te Its agents in discharge of its liabilities? The secretary might as well count, us in the trcasiiry,tlie cus tom dues en goods in bended warehouses, that he will get as seen as they go out; or upon the goeil lu ships in pert that he will get as seen as they are unleaded. If he includes in ills debt statement, as resources, moneys in the hands of dis bursing agents, cleaily he should count Up in the ether side, as Indebtedness the liabilities which this money Istobe.iised te discharge. A vj.lli honest woman of Massachusetts hasjust secured mi liitorestiugopliiloii from the tieusuiy department. She wns robbed just before "sailing for Auieile.i and bought clothing In Kngluud te replace what had been stelen Iren, hernial claimed that alie should bu allowed te biilig In the new outfit free of duty as "wealing apparel In actual iise." Tliiidepnitnicnl rules a strict construction of the statute and aslhe cloth ing wns ue.v anil net hi actual iise It must stand duty. If the Massachusetts woman had followed the common practice she would hae gotten lu her goods without the least trouble nnd at small expense. Te bosure piovuricitleu and bribery would be necessary, but It is ciy rare fei the most dlguitlcd mill proud of Kurepean traellers te step nt pic arlcatlen and brlbery when it Is a question of smuggling lu their foreign piiichases without the high tarltl which many of them defend ns it blessing. Klieilty before reaching this side an efliclal dlstiibutus among the iMs'iiguin n blank feim en which must be declared under oath the diameter of goods that the traveler Is bilngtiig into thu country. The tout 1st under the guld aiiLO uf n fileudly old traveler overcomes ull scruplss and usually declares all his goods te be of a ueu-illitlable character. The boxes of gloves, the laces and dresses are all for the time wearing apparel lu ac tual use, though dellboralely puirlinscd for friends ut home. Then at the custom house a couple of geld pieces ill op into the oilt eilt slretehud hand of an Itupilsillve elllcial and thu tiuuk straps aie barely loosened mid rer.islened. The total volume of this petty smuggling business must be enor mous and Its dciueraliiiig ellect Is appal iug. It isiidlsgiucefill fact that the elllce of customs Inspector at the grealsteainship decks seems te be a msliuuurulile one, ami thai the very people who aie host able te stand the burnt of our high tailll, and who be position anil tialniug should give ex amples of a high sense of honei, will glee fully practice these small Irauds. 'I lie Iturrtcaiie i'iihiiii. About a week age notice wasttiven that a tropical hui i icane was passing evei the Little Antilles, ami inelng fionitlie south east of thu Island of Santa Cm, towards the nurlli of I'oile ltica and St. Dominge. It was then presumed that It would ptoha pteha bly seen tuiu in ilseoiiiHeaml move neith wind idling our coast, giving what the bailers call " dilly weathur '' oil I'ape llat teras. All this as indicated seems te luivu oc curred, and our Atlautk coast lias been visited by a most soiere steiin, aicom aicem pniiicd by mi unusually high tide, doing mi iiiiiiieuseauieiiiit of damage. The sig nal service must be credited for giving notice of vluil was te be expcUisl i tliauKs tethu viirosef wonder which new stretch ucress lands and beneath seas. The months wouie living in are termed in the West In dies "the hurricane season ;" this siasen lasts Irem the HeUi ef.lulv te the 'JMli e October, A real hurricane has raiel.v ec ciirredei(pl between thebcdates; at ethei seasons theie has been many a blow.ei w hut in ty be called " halt a pile," but mil a guiiuinuhuiricaue. Dining these months, liew ever, all dwelling houses and houses en plantations are constantly kepi in a state or preparation, in order "that at a mo ment's warning doers and windows may be propel ly fastened and barm .ulcd, se as te meet the llcrcu onslaught or (he wind. Indications ei an appieaching hiiriicune are cleaily disici liable ; tlie sky, otherwise clear and beautiful. Willi the trade winds blowing regularly, hcieincs gradually overcast, and the clouds increase rapidly", becoming heavy and ellen vMccdiugly dark and black ; they seem te be moving in opiiesito directions ; one w.ld and por tentous, liulicatlngiliileient current in the air; the baiuinetei is an.leiiwly watrhed ; new and then conic short and poueiful gusts of wind, iueicislii- mpldly in loice, and seen the hew ling of the etci'iieuts and the clashing efnilliug timber eicales a din und neise wlilili must be heanl te be appicciated, for it is enough te disturb thobtieugost ui'rves. The tmiili-.iue w inds generally assuine strauge ln-aks , ler tit btunce, tlie tempest will blew vwili reruUc ferce lreui th" senthe-ist te neithwest for several hums; then coinei a lulla sort of respite- larcely a bieith of air Is stirring, and the utiiiespliure becomes stllliu j, iii creHseil within doers by having the heuse se tightly closed ; tills lull lasts sometime i for an hour, imic or less, and gives an op ep jK)rtunlly te open n deer or window let a short time; but the intense quiet is ominous; suddenly the gale is renew ed with multi plied ferce und liny, blowing lieui pru cisuly the epjKsiu direction, namely from northwest te southeast ;niiethur lull in due tliue occurs, uuetliur blew fellows perhaps fiein the uertliciibt, se that during the con tinuance of u hurricane the wind at vaiteus times comes in succession fiem nearly eveiy Miint of the compass. Haling ov ev liaitsKsl itself in a day or two, or moved aw . , -arrying destruction und devastation in Its track, the ulr is cloared, people ven ture out, and at-onie cuiiiiueilcu clearing away the debus. The hiiiiicaue )Mt cejisc '. teeld l.tipier Without a l.teeiibu. Jehn .Smith, Jr., member of the firm of is. fi. .Smith A Sen, druggists, was convicted In Huntingdon, Pa., en Wednesday for r rnuhliu; liquor without a llmiM' en the 1 1 TiinInn of lr (pee. I) Hallantiue, a pra ng physidan or that city, whe.u was ujkysi, vya acting m collusion with Prugglst Smith te evnde the law. On the feet of the printed blanks used for the pre scriptions was the following, which the person receiving the present tlen would sign : " 1 hereby alllrm that Oils shall be used for medical purposes nnd net ns n beverage." This the court held did net oxemptthe druggist or physician from the legnl penalties of the law'svlolntlen. Dr. Hallnntlne will be held uuthosauie charge. ii i Hew j-eimis seever )eii limy bn, With rnlllni; teeth you're grhn mul old j And losing your mouth's purity, Your features feem both dull nnd cold. Then mini or tnnlil, warned of your fate, Meek KOZOIMJN'T, o'er Itn toelnte. The KxeltiMm-nt Net Over. Tlie rush en tlie ilritexlttK tlll ceutlnuns and dally scores of iieeplecall fornlMjttlcef Kemp's llal'arn fet the Threat niul Ijinus for the euro or Coughs, CeliIn, llrenrhltle, .Ultima unit Cen sumptien. Kemp's IIhImiiii, tlicKtHiidaritfarull rrimsly, ISKoldeniiBiianiiitco and never falls loKlveentlrewitlufnctlnn. Price fA; Hint $I.OD. Trial ! free. nil12-lliuli' (I) T lOljD'MHAUSAPAItll.hA. Has Dene Wonders lti:i.Ii:KAlTi:itO Y1IAHH Of HIjITUIIIKU. "I lliliiklliKHt'xHnrHipiirlllii has ilens won wen won ders ferliie. for nearly nine cars I viasiiqrmt siillerer. The unsitcr part of the lime I wns iinnhloteiitleiid te the most trllllni; homeheld duller. Win rerclviiu; medlral IrcHtment nb most constantly from oneplijlrliiiioraliyllier, without any material briiim. .Myiiervoiissjs .Myiierveiissjs tem wasieniplrlcly Miattucil, and no one can liniiKlliemysulIirliiK. Almest rentliiiinlly 1 hud severe I'AINHINMY llKAI), mul in) heart was never ipiUc, live from pain. Indeed m severe was the pain nt my heart that fern Ieiik time I eitld net lie down In In d, hut. was elillRfd te sit uprlRht. I nte dullercil Irem dropsy j my limbs were swollen ns wellasmy body, I became IhnreiiRlily dlweurnRed. Hut Rcelng the constant advcrllMuuent of lloeil's HurMipnrllla In the I'lilliuldi'lila 7(r?ir, I eon een eltidid loKlvelhtsincdlclnon tiinl. Afltr the first hottle I felt much better. Thciefere I con cen tliuiid iisliic It for some time, until 1 had used nix Isitllcs. I am new fiee from pain, can lie down and sleep, seldom have hendnrhr, and ueik mere In one wck than I did In nix mouths prier te my takliii! Heed's bainaparllla. And If jeii ran find n mere thankful, or happy mor tal, I nlieulil like te meet i Itlier one. .Many of my IrlinilHiire iisliu? Itwllh bcuiflt.' An.v V. Hmli.ti II, JIerslewn, IViin, HOODS 8ARSAPARILLA Held by all ilriiKBlntd. II j six fnr (A. Prepaud out b C. I. HOOD CO., Lewell, .Mius. IWI DOSIiS ONU 1)01, bAH. CJ) c tAitrfit'H Mrrn; i.ivkh wim CARTER'S LITTLE LIVER PILLS CURE Hh-k Ilciilalliemid relieve all the lieubles I in 1 ilcnt te a bilious Male of tlieKyntciii, such as Dlrilui'ss, Nausea. Drowsiness, Dliitre-n nller Kallnc, Pain In Ihc Hide, Ai: Vlill- their me-it riinntkablc .ucciKS lias txen shown In curlnc SICK. II liielie, jit CAUTKIIH l.trri.C l.IYI.It 1'IbI.S are eiiially valuable In Coiiktlpallen, curtiiK ami irui'iitlni this amieitiiK coin plaint, while they also cornet all ihsorilirsef llii'stemaili, sllmutatc tlie liver and rii;ulale thebeuelK. Kvcn If the only cured HEAD Ailie Ihev would be almost pilrcless te the'u vvlie sttllir from this distressing leinplalnt; but fei innately their goodness docs net mil hcie.aed tlievi who once tiy tliem ulllllml these II ttln pills valuably liiseuiaiiy viavs that they will net lie wIIIIiik te de without Hum. Ilui nfiir all sick haul CHE is tlie I hi ii. n - i my Hvcn that here Is win te u-inakeeiii nrn i Insist. Dm plllsciire It while ethers de nut. t'Airrat'H i.irru; i.ivi:ui'ii.i.snrev(ry small and very easy le take. One or two pills iiuikn utilise, lhe are strictly vegetable and ionetKitp'i or purKe, hut by their Kende no ne on plcasuall who use them, lu vlal.iut iT, els ; live for II, Keld cveiywhcie or scut by mall. cAitTi:it.Mi:iiciNKce., ni:y vem:. Small Pill. Small Dose. Small Price. iiiikI'MjiIceiI SVru'lctiltttvnl. f d. HPiti:tiu:it,seN .v co. DON T 111 . HiLRISTHSS flllll .Mill Kit Of It I'ltlCl.liuid.-ste Of It Bl'OCK. Tin: m: kiimiiij; Steel Wire Doer Mat Istlie IlKSTnnil MOST DltUAlll.U LAWN TENNIS GOODS. SPIICI.M. IIATI2S i'O Cl-l'lll. W, D. SPRECHER, SON & CO., 31 E. King St., Lancaster, Pa. iniirSUTu.Tli.Htril CM)initnrtvc. II 1UII .V MAK11N, Jars! Jprs ! -AT- Chiina Mall. V l'ltlHIMTTlA Of "LIGHTNING" JARS In Pints, ijuiirt and Hall (ialleus, vi i.ewiiri'itici;s, MASON'S IN ALL SIZES. JUI.1.Y If.Mlll.flts, ,u.. High & Martin, NO. laKASl'KlNHhT. ,u oreiU'ni'o. ArOHK, il'A.) COLLEGIATEJNSTITUTE. New llutldliiKs; ljirs'e fudewmi'iit .Scholai .Schelai lilin. ; l.ibuniter) ; Library ; (iymuusliim. 1 rt'imri-N fur Celleire or lliislues. N-isirule course for ladlei.. .vtedern l.iiiKuiiKVk In lb tin tin lnrleurs.". Tuition, IK) ir iiiiiium. Ilisird bi private Imulllt. S-1.W s-r week, faculty el nine. ITIh eur tiin-iisSeiitiiiiUi . forcata fercata liyue, adilrCKS HKV. JA.MC.S .MeDObCiAI.b, I'll. D., H3"-lfild l'n-.ldfiit. (Certl. f f.Mlti:il ANIICO.Mfa 1 J TOllAl'COHHllOKSANDCASlX. WIIST. KUN HAltD WOODX. W'helUaii. iiult II. tall! ' , . , H. II. MAIIT1N All)., Ji3-lj d Ji Water Htnit, Ijincusttr, l'a. O AUMQAKDNUUi COMl'.VN Y." " COAL DEALERS. WfMVXmlh rrlme Hlr-t. lr HittdlDv '"tlMfd l.WCVSTKU. I' Tlissii; JOXKS A CO.. ' " l'I'fnl,uVvS,'iC"rVON,'rX?,ONK,lh' rI'N'' ille l iii.r ?&,? f ic.'.'ukl 'xMUtlfu! line lu tl e i I'liltclSh u u& CeuuiH-iiehi I'h.lniUI- &Ua.mmiiltrv,. I'lllI.ADELrilU, Thursday, Bejit. 12, lffl. Twe days of wrestling with a whirlwind of water. But the Limited Sale survives. It's i geed swimmer. And the buy ers came and went through all the storm, but they left some of the Bargains. The "Housekeepers' Choice" and the " Leng Dellar'" Blank kets, with their truth telling labels, and prices lower than you ever saw before, will go out with this week. It is a special pleasure te give you a geed Bargain in staple things of uni versal use. And se when these Blankets are gene Ave will re gret that we have no mere te sell bul you'll be twice as sorry, if you haven't bought. The Dress Trimmings at picayune prices have the Chest nut street entrance. The last day. Your response took us with a glad surprise the ether day when we said, se modestly, " Clothing for Men and Beys." Comical, very, te think that people in this town would al most start when Wanamakcr says ' Clothing." Yeu don't want us te say it every day that would be monotonous, and when we get monotonous you'll tell us te quit. But Clothing Advertising doesn't it weary you ? Columns of it daily. We want Velapuk or some ether language en Clothing, English is bankrupt. But such a stock as we show you this season for Men and Beys, such styles ! The stock is worthy of you, and us. Pockclbeoks. Seme for a third, some for half our yesterday prices. They come te us in a bunch, fine, handsome goods, and out they shall go at the merest bit mere than the bunch prices. Dozens of these Pocketbooks will be snugly laid away by quick witted buyers and marked " Christmas." Four or five dimes new will stand for three times as many in late Decem ber : Ileal brail, ') cent yrade, nta) iciils. Imitation Ken I, SI snide, nt 10 tents. , fiini y Leather, l", cent grade, at SOccnts. Imitation Lizard, SI i grade, nt GO cents. Ileal, SI 2JleS1S0 glades, 111 tiJ ll-UlA- Iiiipertcd fancy Leather, 522S glade, nt SI. flue Itenl :cal. 51 crude, at 11 u0. Afiwfiincj Lcatlur Heeks, withheld plutt ,51 tirade, at I J t iiits. A let of Fancy Jewel, Werk and Gleve Bexes drop half or three-quarters. .Styles that we have but one or two of. A few Dressing Cases go te half or less. Northwef-t ut itntit,, neAt JIalii Al-le. Lace Curtains. All the $1.75 a pair Tam Tam eoured Muslin Curtains are gene. Sizable let yet at 3 te 5.I.50. Nottingham Lace Curtains at $2.25 te$, a pair that have been $.1.25 lu $(). Tambeured Lace Curtains $.1.50 and $6 from $6 and $7-55. , You'll luul money - saving bustle in Cevers and half a dozen ether Upholstery things. Kcend lloei, 1101 Hi ei Tinniepl. Plated Ware. Rogers Breb. Ai 18.17. '''he genuine, original Rogers. Ne nonsense about quality : there is alwav; a guarantee behind that name. Desirable patterns nt theiie goods and prices about half. Tubh -iisinns Dlmiei 1 irli-- li w itapeuii. oral Uulli s and ueiiie ether shapes. An An other day or two like jesterday will wipe the whole let out. Only a scattering new of the half price, Triple-plate hollow ware Cups. Butter Dishes and the like. tseuiud Heur, sci und guilt r.i. Women Shoes. The second edition of the romance of economy, the Ceat Butten Beets at $3 a pair, of which the lirst let went out in the twinkling of an eye some days since. Yeu only need te knew they are here' In the twinkling of the ether eye they'll go also. Mat ket ktits I '-Kb. Jehn Wanamaker. 4 or $ nle. s vi.iisti.vii ei'TSAii:. Carriages, Buggies, Wagons, r Gee. Weber's Coach Works, aiMSMAN syiHKKT. (I'etwieiiuiuiiKi mul He stiuu Slrtet. t Itinviktiiii. eiJunii'Sv-ui 1 uiruiKcs, two foul feul l'"Uiil.' I hi ;, t"n Mi Call Wuniiiis, (SviMind. Hand Truttniii Uiuibv, unit several light flat form Wngeii. Hint will iurry from i,.A) te J.ivi) found. Auaa ivw rtnuMclgli. Call linly for liar- i.niiin 1,'nlii" aug4Vtf,t "I0l.l-lia AM) ClflM-THK LATf-ST V the most itt'eirablt-, unit- must comfortable fclinit and klyles- any kle. ut KIllMitAN'M ueuu- y ur'H)l"g stoic, u wt Ktuy tret. Cnrpcta. TR- D. F. HHAUH. J.V.VONDERSM.Tll. -THE- 18, 20, 22 EAST ORANGE ST., rt'HV en Enkt Orange iitreel ? fitJIt Ht7HlNKHSI In Cnrpet, Curtains, Ktc., KXCI.UMIVKIiY. Thin Is the only plnec. unliable for such it liuslnesH, that we could nnd In thcCKNTHi; of TIIK CITV. We are Hind thai we are here nnd mi are our filends niitl patrons. They nil nay "It'sltut tlm place. Why. you're right here!" Yen, It's tlie place. Yeu can brentlic licrc. Yeu can i-co here. It Is pleasant here. And j euenn buy everything herein our Hue nt 1UOI1T 1'WClirt. SHAUB & VONDERSMITH. niiKiU-ljil J."' MAKTIN CO. CARPETS ! CARPETS ! We have added an additional salesroom te our Carpet and Wall Paper Department, and new have the largest Shew Reems in the city all en sec ond fleer. New and elegant stairways make this fleer easy of access. Our stock of Carpets this Fall is larger than ever before, and contains mere New Patterns than will be found elsewhere. A few patterns ever from last season at about half price what they cost. Mequettes, Axminster and Gebelins, never se handsome before. Bedy Brussels, all the popu lar makes. Our Special Bedy Brussels, full 5 frame, and in every re spect as geed as the best made Hartferd or Bigclew. Price right. These Tapestry at 46c, same quality as sold last season at 65c, are going fast. Full line of Extra Super Car pets, all wool filling, at 50c ; never before sold under 60c. Window Shades ready te hang, 29c ; Spring Fixtures. J. B. MARTIN & CO., Cor. West King &' Prince Sts., Lancaster, Pa. iftvetsvlva. A T HUltSK'H. SOAPS & STARCHES. T lie v.u let or Heaps ii large. We keep a few of tlie best kinds. Cincinnati, Miller's and Limt llres.' Olive, Miller's Heia.x.Hlddals, llehblus, Dajs, Acme, Miller's .soap Ce.'s IIIr five. Itlslnc Bun and Choice I amlly, llabblte, Ivery, llroelc'k.t Wrlk le s Hceurlntt Beaps. STHRCHGS, finest Lump Starch only 5e a lb; Lump Stiuchc lu jiiiidnih lte.ct. OiwcKeiind fell's Cern Htaithea. f 01 UUI fHand.UOLLAIW use the flastte or Mt'ilblc. for Seaii Hulling we have thu Camilla Seda In 8 undo It. kettles. Alse llunner.t-Lewis l.jc. BURSK'S, Ne. 17 East King Street, LANCASTHH. I'A. c LAHKH'H HKAUACJIE TEA. Who Would Netjisit the Fair? Heretofore the Ailmlssleii fee wasOO Crnts. rills cm tlie ADMISSION WILL III: KltlJU. prev ldcd jeu lluj Fitly Cents Werth of CLARKE'S CELEBRATED HEADACHE TEA ; lie will give von an Admission Ticket Kit!..:. See hU (iriiiul Hlsitlny lu (tin Slain llulhllug. llewllK.lVf AWAY nil the .Mai v In Ciaekers j 011 tun cat and enough l'uppj OH Soup te ke n inn i Hun for a samuel'clarke's tka a cerri:i: steiii:. vi a 11 south tJUUKXMT., LANCASTJilt, l'A., HfFOHHiiOIXn rOTIIffAIH. jjMriLVvr A T ltiabT'S. DOWNCOMESSUGAR BUSTED I The Great German Sugar Trust ! Reist's rilUHCTIO.VS UKING ft LIILLL1) ASTOIXDINO XKWMt eiuus bpretkles sas he will tight the Aiiieilcitu 1 1 ust, and the combination must break Sugars llave Declined Over One Cent a Pound Already ! We told j en Mint the beginning, take n gentle hint and pUitllb) it ! Sugars Will Surely Tumble Anether Cent ! HAKH ON THE THUbT, but .MUii-kles feelings cannot be turn licit. He wiv that vi hen lilsnevr rrllnery eh-iis, vihleh will be lierlly, he villi btgln n viar en the Sugar Trust that will eventually break the combination. 'Hie new- lellncry will turn out one thousand tens of sugar a day, nnd this In citasid out put will caue culling of prices te oil gtHHlk, and eeiniH'l home uf Hie rilfnerku te sliutdewu. The Trust will put den 11 the iirhe of ritlntsl sugar te far that tlie opposition can makt no prerlt, h'iIiiii, but in thai cum the Tmt itself will make Utile or no profit Hav ing te cany Idle works, with licuvy cailtaltif would mum llktb te ben illMidvuntage in that imh also. The r.illure el tin tierman Migur Trust, vi hlch has tilt il le control the sugar markets of nil ftireis', and which wits In a measure dipui tlcut upon the American Sugar Trusl, w 111 new be the melius of throwing it large tpi.tntlty of nia siu.'ureviibtstrd, ami cause 11 IntMik lu the I'tin uf refined. Ketp j our eves wide nptn. REfST ! WHOI.IiSAl.K VNI) ltirTAILUltOOKH. CO.t.Nfll WliST KlXtl AM) I'RINCKBYSs., Dlieetly Opimstte J It MnrlliiAi, I tine.l St. .re and -Next Iwr teuw,-rpl Uer Jielfl. Lancaster Carpet Heuse, goet nnb $het'. XJAnaAINH. VISIT STACKHOUSE'S This Week FOIt HIO IIAKOAIN.S IN Beets & Shoes. A Full Line of the Celebrated WALKER BOOT! The Dent Beet Made. Call nud see them. D P. STACKHOUSE, Nes.28 and 30 East King Street, LANCABTEH.l'A. SOLID LKATUL'lt KINDS. NOTHING 1:1.1c! Men's Heavy Beets ! BcxiIh for Men nnd for IJeya, lurire or small. Course grades or Hn n m or klj) lentlicni. Any weight tmixjrs te uhoe&c from. Heets le lit the feet that tome this way low instep, hh,li, or any size lx.'tvveen. Jfever mind who makes them ; they'ra noeil solid leather Heets nothing eUe ; kinds that bring us no grumblers. Fer thut reason the biggest share of the Heet trade in Lan-cif-ter is done here. We've seen noth ing this beaseii worth our handling for less than $2. At that price the best Heet in the town Is here. Streng and Mibstuntlnlly made, leathers of excellent tannage, with geed reliable counters, net better in highest grades. A Heet without substantial counters is net worth your buying. A grade higher costs -.25 ; lighter In weight, very strong for wear. "Never have any com plaints as te the goodness of them. Our t-..'0 grade have double soles and taps, and are up te the top notch of excellence 111 every way you'll expect. At 53 te $1.50 we've ether makes te Mdcet from the best that's made. ISii cheap cuts the best of the skin for upiiers, the beat of the hide for soles and counters, fiure te recommend theiii'-elveate tlie shrewd est buyers. Hey'n and children's wants in Beets have net been oveileokcd. Cheap grades for slim wallets und economical buyers, and better and best kinds for the many whom we meet looking for them. GihmI leathers, geed beet-making. Hey's and children's re-iiuii-ciiiciitn must In- that way te be sat isfactory SHAUB & BURNS, 11 NultTll QULKN SlTtCiri', JLiAKCAS, I'A. C WL'fi'ING HfJlL'CTIONsi i!5 Sweeping Reductions -IN- JIKNS, HOYH, I.ADtllS' AND CHILDHHN'S LtOHT COLOHLD Shoes & Oxfords. As the tcasen Is passim; ler Light Colored hheesiind Oxford!-, 1 have Marked Down the halance 1 have ou hand and am new selling them At and Belew Cost, Which will lcdiice them le cash In a short time. There muy lie inan.v thijs. jes I might say months, In vililth they ctiu be worn mid can be blackened at (he cud ut tilt season. -Men's Sl.OOHusvt Hals, reduced leSiM; .'..') HIiihi reduced te Sieu ; f.MW bhw te Sl.W : and Jl.G0bhoetofl.25. Jlen'N Jim) Itusset Oxfords reductd te S1.G0 and 81.WOfenls tesl.ts. Hey's 3I.M Itusset Hals, reduced te JI.2V. IjidlrH S1.S0 Itusset Oxfords, I'l.ilu Tees and vilth Tip., reductd te J 1.23; 6l.ll"i Oxfeids te Sl.lXJ ; Jl.WO.MeitU IeTjc; and 75c oxfenls te U)e. Child's ltmscl Oxfeids, sUes 8 te 10, reduced fieui (1.00 le Tee, and sizes I te"li lieiu Tee te U)e. THL'Y CAN IIH Hi:i:N AS MAHKL'D DOWN IN WINDOWS. The One-Price Cash Heuse. Chas. H. Frey, (SmcessortefllHY A IXICHUTi the Leader or Lew Prices In BOOTS AND SHOES, NOH.J A S HAST KING hl'UKLT, IjANCABTEK, l'A. S-Hteie closed everj cvinlngute e clock, ei ce)it Monday and baliirduy. mmiiu' 1U .vvti. M T.OHETNA. OOVLIlNOIt DICK AND Till: MT. (.JUMNA NAItllOW UAl'lii: HAILHOAD. liullv Idiiuls und parlies dealrliis te visit .Ml. diet nu and mjey a ride ever theNairow-Ouuee telhcsuminlt of Oovhineh Dick inuuuiain, can ii(ceiiiillsh the trip from Lancaster In one day by the fellow lug schedule : a.m. a.m. p.ut p m. p.m. Leave lamciibtcr l':ll 10..Vi 2 ill 2-.V 7:.') Arrive .Mt.Urctna. s.UO ll.-.SU L:S0 .J.Vi I ii &:.Yi Arrlv e Gov. Dick. . . UJU 1.U5 103 6.I1) Itctiirulng - a.m. a. 111, a. m. p.m. p.m. p.m. Leave Gov. Dick.. Hum l.ii J.eTi (..-oe Uuve.MI. Gretna li.ll 10. II lLefi 2.J-J M7 7;:'0 Arrive limcasttr. b:10 II. u l'.'Ai H:i5 1:15 6:1.5 All trains of the Cornwall it U-biinen ltall ltall en arrival at Mt dictim station make tin tin mcdlate connection with the Narrow (Jaime Hallmad, Luiieli or dinner can be obtained at the Pink, Uius avoiding the ncus ncus sltvei"carrliiK baskeUaud bundles. The completion of the NiirieicGuuuc Hallway throws eH'ii for view the iiuiKiilllciiit scenery of the south .Meuntalu.and this novel nttrac nttrac Hen Is supplemented by the erection of nn Ob servatory ti hit high 011 the mountain's high est peak. Gov. Dick, from w hlch a sight me be vhtalncd than which there are lew untndcr, the view taklni; In an area of lert.v miles siiuare. and prescniluj; a landscape el unparalleled lienuty. D.iif excursion tickets te Ml. Gretna may be obtained 011 application le the uiarcst thket intent. II. A.OHOsis, Gen. I'as. Agent C A U 11. It,, 1'b.iueu, Pa. NKH IHISH, Gen. bupL JeSMIinit OJrtX'Virtiiee. iTANDAHDCAHHIAGK WOItK. EDW. EDGERLEY, CARRIAGE BUILDER, . 12, I.I A f MAHKHT Sl'HHirr., Ileal of the I'ostetUit'l, LANCASTf It, I'A. De net full te l ull During 1- Mil W 1 1 K uud bis.1 our fine Assortment of Buggies, Phstens, Jump Seat Carrlages-Etc. I have all the latest st.iles te select Irem, und have alsea very flue assortment nrsct-enit-liHiid work -some of mj owirwerk. Ilnltem prices. Cull and examine. Nutrui Nutrui Nutrui bletoshew our work mid explaineierj tletall ItcKiintiug nnd Lrpuirliiir promptly unit matlj iiuiie. eiib tet of workmen eii'iuli) euiple) d for iliei I'virj se. 0ry (Scebs. rjlXAiiD FA1JI OHENINO AT THE New Yerk Stere. WE AIlE NOW EXHIHITINO A 8TOCK Of Three times tee large for the Mere that I tba Koeds wuld Miew te botter advantage If vrc had only 11 third of our present Meck-but we mut hnve the latest Htles. We Have the Assortment 1 We Have the Lewest Prices I WE OPEN TO-DAY! HAJAH 'WOOL SUITINGS, M Inches wide. 15c ; worth 2ec SS-Inch 8ENOKA WOOL 8U1TINGH, Colored Htripes, 17c j sold ovcryvvhere ut 25c. KlNECAHIISinHKlIUNHIETTAi), Superior Quality, Ucauttrul Celers, yard nud quarter Wldc,37icjvrerlii60c. A Hundred New Designs In Plain nnd Striped All-Weel COMUINATION SUITINOS. at fee. 'Sli-iC tee and 73c a yard. New Fall Hosiery 1 NEW FALL KID AND CASHMERE GLOYES ! Blankets and Flannels !" AT L0WE1T HAHD CASH PHICES ! WATT & SHAND 6, 8 and 10 East King St. F; .ViHIONS. 24 Centre Square, J. Harry Stamm's FASHIONS, fashion Is net alwajs synonymous with beauty, but tills scaen It seeius be aisieed that " lieauty should go Heaiitlfully Attired." OUH NEW FALL DRESS GOODS Ate notable, for four llist-clati, fiatures, BIG VARIETY, STYLES, QUALITY AND CHEAPNESS, UIEVAIIIETV Of OUR DRESS GOODS If, really remarkable mid j ou can't ga astray In buylne from us. Nethtu? but Bargains Here. Levely Striped Trimming Silks ut 7ee a jard. ISeautlful Htrlptd Persian Silks at 51 and jl 50 a yard. 33-inch All-Weel Meiiliue Striped SuitliiBs at I'.'sCu jnrd. 10-Inch All-Weel Plaid "L'lrel" Sulllngs at SO' u yard. These goods uiu exquisite, the beauty of shadlug Is be) eud all liiiaKlnatleu 10-lnch All-Weel Surah SlrijiedSiiltliiiisutfiOa a yard. These goods nrc excciitlenally line. 4Mnch Worsted Plaids, colors beautifully combined, at Wj u yard. All-Weel 10-lnch Saxony Suitings iil3cn yard. 3S-lnch bilk Check Suitings, for children's wear, putty, jet strong, We a yurd. All-Weel I'J-liichSlllt Finished Hcnrltllus, 12 shades, nt 75c a jnrd. Ne iKdtcr oeds were ever sold for 51. Te Sec Is Te Belieye, Come ! Deuble-fold Woeol Cushmcies at UX u jard. I'htsc goods are 2'e a yard undir price. All-Weel Srt-lnch ficncli Sniped Suitings at J7J.sC a jard. The-e goods are tt made that dust can't icmaln en them, muj they be ever se dusty the least breeze will clean them us with a brush. fifty dltlerentsljles Scheel Children' Dicss Goods, Plaids und Stripes, at 10c tuul )2,Sea yard. l"lie-e goods aie otreng as the brine lieiu the ocean, j 1 1 prctt.v in the June klcs. Cheapest of All, Ne. 24 Centre Square. 4"nt9. OPLCIAL. Grand Exhibit AT 31 & 33 NORTH QUEEN ST., Of HATS, ROBES, TRUNKS vND TRAVELING BAGS. uiukcntapecl-tl Exhibit of a Geed Atllcle Cbtaji. eurSl.W 1 I'll STH-f 11A1' draws the medal ivtry time. Purint and chlldien all drlltdtttd at our eliibil or Nebb bCHOUL IIA IS at siiih Ltremel Lew- Prices. s-iiilallnducemfa'HtsenTllfNKHiiiidTHA -I- II Nil H Gsduung tills wn It STAUFFER & CO,, 31 and 33 North Queen Street, U,NC.vsTEn,r.v NEWFALLGOODS! NEW BOSTON STORE