Lancaster daily intelligencer. (Lancaster, Pa.) 1864-1928, September 12, 1889, Image 1

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Weft ymtfagter'
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Ocatui City, Mil., lnuiinnted-(' or
the Flooded Hetel Carried Thl-euj-li
."Water-Many E-ieltlnK Incidents.
Telegraphic cotniuunlcatleu with Atlan
tic Clly was established en Wednesday
flight and railway connection will prelmhly
be finished te-day. The cilv was sub
merged and twenty theii'-und tcople in
Ereat terror and distress while a violent
urricane provalled. All supplies hnd
been exhausted excepting Heur and fresh
water. A small party of geed swimmers
managed te escniKj the meadows en Wed
liesday night, ene of them belngu corres
pondent of the Philadelphia I.itlicr. Thev
swum the deep cuts, crept cautiously ever
the swaying mils supported only bv the
llsh plates, and, aricr many
cseapes, arrived at Pleasant vllle, drenched,
biulscd aud oxhuused.
Thore had been no news from Atlantic
City slnce Tuesday, and en the afternoon ut
thai day the correspondent writes: " 'Will
Atlantic City and all it centulns be w ashed
Inte theragfng ocean te-night?' Is the anx
ious Inquiry en every lip.' The encroach
ments of the sea all arnniul llm luluM I,....,,
been steady and alarming. It dashed tip
the ocean avenues and ever the open lets,
tearing up and shnttcrlng the boardwalk
and pavilions, uprooting foundation piling
and casting bath houses, restaurants and
. ether structures Inte neeiifu sod mass of de
bris. It came rushing ever tlie meadows
by way ofthe swollen thoroughfare, flood
ing the railroad tracks and the many dwell
ing heubes en that exposed area, carrying
terror and desolation.
It swept In mighty volume ever the inlet
district, completely submerging semu of
the beuses, overturning ethcisand wreck
lug the yachts nud beats. The waters were
being lorced in from the thoroughfare by
a regular hurricane, with u velocity vary
ing, it was suited, irem CO te 65 miles an
hour, and from the ocean propei by a Heed
tlde or ground swell unprecedented. The
ra n begau falling in torrents Tuesday
morning, and all tbreimh the dav ndded
its volumes te the general Inundation, and
when dreary nlglitfnll enveloped the city
nearly every feet el It was submerged, the
Heed varying in depth te llve feet.
Hetel guests hurried te the railroad do de do
iels as II their very llfodependcd en speed,
and once there thev did net howl the ex
perienced people wne said mat the mead
ows wero flooded aud n safe passage Im
possible. They lushed pell-mell into the
cars, and actually forced the railroad men
Inte making an attempt te reach the main
land. Thcre w ere four trains in all. Kach
hnd a locomotive In the front aud one in
the rear, when they headed for the Heeded
meadow land and lliev crept along ever the
hidden tracks as if fearful eHi fatal plunge.
They all went out between the hours of ()
nnd U In the morning, Justus the high tlde
was Hearing its lull limit. The liuriicane
tee was gaining iu strength, and its llcix'e
sweeping gusts threw the waterlu velumes
agaliibt the car windows and inade the
heavy ceachts rock te and fro as If in
momentary danger of overturning. It was
then that u feeling of dicad and terrer
filled the indibcrcet passengers, who, but
a short lime belbre were gleclul in
their anticipations of a speed v es
cape from the storm-wrecked clly.
Their engines worn plowing through two
feet el water, which threatened every
moment te put out their flre-. and as there
was a veritable sea ahead liiere was no
alternative but te return, se the engines
were reversed and the nip back begun.
Hardly a furlong had been co oral, how
ever, when the (Ires were extinguished bv
the rushing torrents of water, which now new
dashed against the cars with tmrillc force,
breaking the windows and completely en
voletiing the trains In sheets of sprav.
"iirai ii uecauie Known 10 me pusscii-
f;crs that their trains were helpless and ut
he mercy of the rising waters, there was a
scene of cousternntioii among them that
beggars de-.ciinllen. We.neu -remicd
and fainted, children cried, and stout
hearted men for the nonce gae wuv te the
general despair. All ellerts te modify the
awful despondency seemed unavailing", and
it was only when the conductors went fiein
ear te car aud shouted themselves hearse
te the effect that lcllef engines had been
telegraphed for that the frightened passun
geis resumed a mera hepetul nir, and pa
tiently awaited the appieaih of their res
cuers. When they did ceme, it took a
mighty ell'ert te pull the trains ever the
sunken and twisted tracks, and It w libit
o'clock In the afternoon before the last
train lead of weary passengers was pulled
slowly Inte the Camden .v Atlantic depot.
As night approached the guests at the
ocean front hotels stampeded in cieuds le
the Atlantic avcuue houses, many uviiig
fabulous prices for cartiages, as high us
fi5 a trip. The force of the waves was
appalling. Whele squares of the board
walk were thrown high into the air, the
shattered timbers tailing down in a shower
of small nieces; pavilions, bath beuses,
booths and ethor buildings were raised bod
ily and carried out te sea or thrown en the
beach in a mass of ruins. Onlvthc main
pavilion of the costly Iren pier remains.
Kire and water was the dread combina
tion which assailed the dozen or mere
buildings en the olevated urea below Texas
avenue, knew n as I.ce's Ocean Ten-ace.
This btreiigly protected spot Juts out into
the ocean, and the owner of it is reputed
as having rcinuiked, utter he had com
pleted n stout wall in ou ml it, that he would
' defy the Almighty" te destroy his well well
fertilicd terrace lucsdax morning's, high
tide, however, been bioke through the sea
wall and dashed around the building.
The women and children w cre carried te u of safety llrst, and then followed the
movable furniture, lint long before the
men hud completed their task, the build
ings, some of them tliree sleiies high, suc
cumbed te the waves and toppled e er sea
wards. They rem lined in thlsceudithiu
until midnight, aud then when the ('light
ened mid nervous hotel guests were on en on
deaveiing te get a few hours' lest, a sheet
of llaiue was seen te el met up lreni the
ruined buildings, unci in an instant the
thrilling clang of the liie bells rang out
above the lear ofthe wind and waves.
Poiple ut the hetels sprung from their
beds in terror aud rushed pell-mell te the
low er halls, the innieritv of them, men and
women alike, clad hi nothing save their
scanty night attire. A guest at the Man
sion beuse, where there" wereevci 'M) peo pee
p'e, thus describes the sc-ciie: ''The women
came rushing down stairs with blanched
faces, wringing their hands and crying us
if the day el judgment had ceme and they
each had a scere te kettle. Outslde banging
shutteis, creaking signs, the howling hur
ricane, the hiss and swish of the swaying
trees, the rushing, clanging 111 e engines,
and thogenoral commotion attending u lire
at night, struck terror Inte the hearts of
tlii'Mi women, and they huddled together
in the parlors and prayed."
When the high tlde struck the meadow
slde u stampede for llfe began. A sick
woman wns carried by two stalwart
brothers te a place of safety. A mother
and lather, thinking only ol'Velf-preserva-tlon,
deserted their babe in the ciadle, and
en returning in a bout found the little ene
a corpse. Men swam out from their Heeded
houses, bearing In their arms their babes,
wives, methers or bisters.
At Cape May the lleach in ci.tie drive is
destroyed, and cast ofthe Stockton several
cottages were Heeded and wrecked, but the
damage does net appear te haw been great.
At May's Landing several large schooners
were tern from their meeting and carried
inland. Tliree sthoeucrs wne wicrkcd
en the Peiutcdi feet ISjnk in Delaware
bay, and only two of their twenty-three
men ure known te hae been ucd. The
shipW. It. Grace Is if-heie en the point of
the capes, w ith her tliree masts cut aw uy.
AtOceau City, Maryland, the situation
wus alarming in the extiemc. The
large columns suppeiting the perches
at the hotels and cetUgesaru washed au a v,
the doers and windows uie broken down
aud the furniture Is (leuting about the
beach. The seas hist night were breaking
lothebccond story ofthe Atluntlc hotel and
Congress hall, ana huge waes who run
ning through the hotels six feet deep. The
life-saving btatien was damaged, and the
crew were preparing le desert it last night
A special train was sent ever last night te
rescue the dwellers en the beach. The
work was ucceinplbhcd by a large number
of stout men joining hitnds mid wading
through water wnlst deep. They brought
the ladles te the earn otie by one" seated en
their joined lands. In this way nil were
saved. It was a perilous undertaking, and
several times the rescuers were knocked
down. Mr. Steckcs, ene of the reviling
party, was washed out te km, but an in
coming wave threw him back towards the
bench and he was saved.
Between View and Bea lsle Clly a
bread sheet "et water, extending ever two
miles, covers the green meadows. In soine
places te a depth of six feet. Twe men
managed te get across and report the Con
tinental hotel, Surf house, and Excursion
house wrecked, lift ecu cottages destroyed
and the whole submerged. Thore was only
oue day's sup lily of feed and the storm
contlnues while the rainfalls in torrents.
The beach Irem Kobeboth te I,ewos Is
strewn with wrecks. It Is thought that it
least filly lives w cre lest. Mcu were see.
clinging te the rigging of a fast slnkL.g
vessel frantically yelling for heln.
Twenty vessels nre ashore at Lewes nnd
the llfe sav lug crews are thoroughly worn
out. At New Yerk the harbor is full of
vessels driven In by the storm, mero or
less diumiged, nnd nlne pilots were carried
away en steamers because the beats could
net get te thorn. A barge leaded with
dyiinmite or ewder whs lern nd rift at Kills
Island and dK-ipcarcd In the darkness. It
Is feared that it will strike the rocks or n
vcsheI nnd that a terrible explosion will
111AINS A (IAIN IN ht'.llVICK.
l'iiiLAiixi'iitA, Sept. 12. Superinten
dent Dayton, of the Camden it Atlantic and
West Jersey railroads, which reads are
controlled by the Pennsylvania rail toad
company, telegraphed from Camden te the
officials erthc laller company this morn mern
ing: "Our train service has been resumed be
tween Philadelphia and Atlantic City. We
will urruiige te send n special train te At
lantic City, leaving the feet or Market
street, Philadelphia, at 12 o'clock te-day.
We will also run a special from Atlantic
City for Philadelphia, lenvlng there at in
a. in. te-day. AH passenger trains will
run en regular schedule te nnd from At
lantic hcroafter, including the West Jersoy
railway ex press trains ever the Camden
A Atlantic railroad.
Triple Ennbled te Leave Atlnutlu City.
Wind and Itntu Continue.
Atlantic Citv, Sept. 12. It will take
months for this city te rocevor from the
less the storm has caused. Wind still
blows nt the rate of 35 te 40 miles an hour
and It Is still raining. The beach tides have
net been large and consequently nre un un
uccempanled by rurther damage. The
meadews, howevor, are still three and four
feet under water. Groet Jey was nianl
fcbted at 0:13 o'clock this morning when
Wontern Union niesseugers were dis
patched throughout the city te nnnoiince
that the first train slnce Monday
afternoon would stait nt 11) o'clock.
A great rush was made for the Camden it
Atlantic railroad station and in less than
half an hour there was a crowd large
enough te fill flve sections, and they were
all sent. The llrst section had eight pas
senger couches and a baggage car. Kvery
car was crowded cven te standing
space. The trip across the meadews
was one net seen te be forgotten
A hundred pleusure beats of nil skesand
description w cre packed clese te the road
bed. The masts of many of these had te
be cut uwny this morning te permit trains
te cress, the tlde lmlng changed their
position slnce the construction train passed
viriit-t ii. in.
The water was still high en the meadows
and almost icuchcd the Hres in the loco
motives. It Is almost miraculous that
the tracks could be se promptly plnced
l.i repair. All trains of the Pennsylvania
railroad company will inn en schedule
lime te and from Atlantic City. Fifteen
thousand people w ill leave here te-day and
to-meirow. This will, of com sc, Include
many of the iiT1-iIic-jk.mii residents. Many
houses me in an untenantable condition,
owing te bad Fowerage caused by the Heed.
lll'lLltlNUS Ili:Sl llOYKI.
Cai-u May, Sept. 12. The storm fn this
icinlty was the worst known since the
bllznird. At Helly lleach the tlde roached
Pacillc avenue. At this writing no lives
have been lest but the following
piepcities have bceu destreyed: Meeeh's
heuse and pavilion, I)u Heis cettage,
Hedgcrs hoiibe and pavilion, llurke's two
lieiisesaud the houses of Dr. Hutchinson.
Xedhain Habcock iv Use, eleven in all j
and uiore may go if the storm continues.
At Wildwood,! the Wlldwoed hotel Isa
total less, and part of the sea w nil Is gene.
Angleseals net submerged, as reported,
but has thus far escacd with but llttle
damage, the pier being the greatest less
These points, also fjea lsle City, Ocean
City and Avalen, are entirely cut oil" from
communication both by rail and telegraph,
and the extent of the damage at the latter
places cuu only be surmised.
A report that Tewnscnd's Inlet drnw
bridge nud several cottages ut Keu Isle were
destroyed is generally believed te be true.
The entire meadow is ene nst sheet of
water, and a tialu which wns wrecked en
Tuesday at Anglesca lies in the ditch.
1'iilt In the lnr West.
hi the last tweiily-feur hours there
have been great convulsions of nature in
the Yellowstone National park, and sub
terraneous commotion was followed by
tremendous explosions of gas and htcaui in
the I'pper (Jeyber basin. All the system
Is in uethe outbreak. The tJIant and
('iantcss are in furious activity, us are
many ethors which have long lain dor
mant nud were supposed te lm e been ex
tinct. .Scientists explain that all of this
phenomenal outburst is directly traceable
le and connected with the atmospheric, and
submarine demonstrations of the great
stm m that previiilcd along the Atlantic
Ce ist.
He llt'ceiiics Surety for n
Politician In
.raiiuary, 1HMH.
Kdwin M. Henry, of Ml. Jey, who was
anested en a sherilf's process en Tiicndiiy,
was taken before Judge Patterson en a wilt
of habeas corpus into ou Wednesday after
noon. It was shown that In January, lhS,
Henry was heard by the court en a charge
of suiety ofthe -cace nud directed te pay
the costs. He wus tiuable te de se, but was
I'Uite a politician and succeeded in getting
Cel. II. 1 rank Kalileiuaii, who was then In
the congressional contest, te beceme his
suiety. Henry paid no furthcraitciitioute
the matter and Cel. Kshlcinaii was obliged
te pay the costs. Henry skipped uway
from the county and en his it-turn en
Tuesday was arrested for these costs en u
shcrllfs prix'ossnbtalued bv the bail. The
court dibchai god Henry from custody en
the ground that as bull had been given for
the cots Henry was no lenger responsible
for them. A. I. .Shenck represented Henry.
The Hen Crep.
The Chicago Mr(r;i ra' Itcrieu publishes
the follewing: Tlie reports of our cor cer cor
respendents indicate that the hog crop of
1S'J oeuals and prebablv OM-etsU that of
l!ss. 'j-ll0 M1j,,,y Indiana, Illinois, Ohie
and less than that of
last year. Wisconsin anil Missouri have
alx-ul the b-iine number of hew, whtle
Kentucky, Iowa, Nebraska, Michigan,
Minnesota and Dakota show au Increase,
particularly thostute last mentioned.
Asa iiilo.hegs ure repotted uiuihually
healthy for the season et the year. A num
ber el corresjKiiideiitH reert scattering
cases or hog cholera, but very fuw general
or disastrous outbreaks. silliimarize
as fellows the rejierts of our correspon
dents relative te the simply of hogs ns com
pared with last year: Illinois, .w per cent.:
Indluia. Ohie, fi"; Misxeurl, W: Ken.
tucl:. 103; Inwn. 105 j Kansas, 97 ; Ne-bra-ka,
101 j Michigan, 103: Wisconsin, Oil;
Minnesota, 103, uiul Dakota, 110.
!tace-i Postponed aud Exhibitors nud
Tradesman Take altest Judges View
Exhibits nnd Award the Premiums.
There wns overy appearance of rain all of
Wcdnesday afternoon, and for that reason
it wns given out that thcre would be no
races nt the county fair. The crowd wns
se large, considering the mud aud general
bad weather, that the managers thought
they should de something te entertain the
guests. Lnte In the afternoon a race was
made It was for four-yoar-elds, nnd all
were of that age but Ed. McUenlgle'R Miss
McGregor. The ether herses were Milten
JordenTs Ibilph and M. McGonlgle's Hnrry
K. Miss McGregor wen the straight heats
ensny. aiie nrsi two nents were inale
In 3:00 each nnd the last in 2:57. Thore
was no ethor amusement. The fakirs
did quite a big business, considering the
miKorable weather. Many of them, who
had attractions aud games thnt would net
stnnd water, looked very sick early In the
day, nnd seemed anxious te be "nt home.
They endeavored, with the aid of their
"steel pigeons," who would win overy
time, le get up an Interest In the games,
but It wns no go.
The exhibitors outslde of the buildings
and teuls doserted their jsjsts of duty enrly
in the nfteruoen ou account of the dlsa dlsa
grceable weather. The main building nnd
annex were thronged nil nfteruoen, nud nt
Kirk Jehnsen's exhiblt there was excel
lent music
Thore were less than a hundred visitors
nt the fair this morning and the grounds
presented a dreary appearance. The
weather was tee disagreeable for the fakirs
nnd they did net attempt te de nny busi
ness. All of thein gathered In oue of their
touts nnd with n liberal supply of whisky
iui'v uau n k'hhi iime among inomseive!'.
The track is In bad condition nnd uretttuir
werse overy hour. It was decided by the
malingers net te have any races te-day and
the track policeman were relieved from
duty for the day.
The Judges have concluded their labors
nnd the tags donetlng the premiums
awarded placed en the winning nrtinle.
The full premium list will be publlsbed In
the iNTixueENCxn te-morrow.
The following are exhibits In addition te
these already neted:
Demestic wines nre exhibited by Frances
Kready, Mrs. J. E. Slaymaker, Mrs. M.
Myers, Mnry Gnmber and II. A. Scbreycr,
Cntined fruits, nroserves, Jellies und
pickles nre exhibited by Trances Kready,
eltj'.; S. 8. Leamati, Miirtlcvllle ; Mnrv
dumber, city : Mlnnle Kreadj, clly : Lo Le Lo
tle Yoagley, clly j 1). S. Ilursk, city Adn
llne, Mnnk, Itoliit-rstewu ; Mrs. J. J. Smn
ling. city ; Mrs. M. Myers, city ; MnrvM.
Wlllsen. cltj ; Mrs. J. P. Leng, city : Mrs.
G. W. Herman, city : Mrs. J. E. Slav-
maker, city j Satuuel Clarke, city j Mlnnle
Krcady, Alt. Jey ; Marelo It. ZioRler. cltv.
Isaac K. Menrig nnd Harry A. fechroyer,
city, exhibit line collections of cut flowers.
J. P. Steln, MlllersvUle, Mary Gninbcr,
city, Mlnnle Kready, ML Jey, nnd Clara
Ilrcuemun, Lltitz, exhibit home-mnde
Mrs. J. E. Slaymnkcr. city, and Mlunle
Krcady, heme-made cakes.
The following exhlblt3 en the grounds
wero overlooked en Wcdnesdny : l.lstcr's
fertilizers ; the Columbia Wngen company,
and Williams, Clnrk it Ce.'s fertilizers.
S. V. Mills, of lll:hfleld, Pa., exhibited
te-lay .Mills' farm yard ainmoulnter, by
which he claims phosphates can be made
at a verj low price.
The managers have decided te have the
grand cavalcade of nil the etoek en the
grounds Friday morning nt 10:30 o'clock.
Should the weather be unfavorable It will
be en Saturday altorneon.
The fair will be kept eimmi en Saturday,
en which day there will be peixl races.
vrei.i: a it.vii.ueAi) ticki:t.
Albert llctmnn Arrested Willi the Tlcliet
lu Ills Possession.
Albert Heluiau, n young man who
claims Manhelm as his home, wus arrested
en a charge of larceny en Wednesday uftor ufter uftor
neoii. Ilelmau was ut the King street
station early in the ullcruoen with n com
panion nnd the olllce boy or Samuel D.
ltausuinn, insurance agent, who hnd a
ticket te Keading for sale, nskrd Helinan
te buy It. Helinan olTercd him 10 cents for
it, but that ofler was refused. Helinan
then offered an advertising note.llmt looked
like a grecnback,but that also was declined.
Heluiau then nsked the boy te see the
ticket, it wns handed te him and he ran
away with it. Olllcer Htumpf was netiflcd
and he blurted after Hclmaii, but he had
tee much start and tbcapcd for the tlme
The efllcer accompanied by the boy
went te the euter depet en the afternoon
train, and thcre Helinan was pointed out
and arrcsted. He nt llrst denied nil knowl
edge ofthe ticket, but Anally udmlttcdthnt
he had it. He claimed that bis companion,
whose naine he refused te give, had taken
it ami put It in his pocket. Complaint was
made against Helinan before Alderman
Spurrier, and he was locked up at the sta
tion house. His father came te town in the
evening train and entered sccuritj for his
son's appearance.
Ciianee of Hetel Propiietors.
Oscar Greir, who for a year and a hulf
jKist lias been proprietor of tiie Sw an hotel,
at Seuth Qiiecn and Vine street, will take
the Coepor heuse en October 1st.
Mr. Grotfwillbe succeeded by Jehn A.
Shenk and Milten Zcrchcr, who will take
the Sw an as seen as the present proprietor
leaves. Mr. Sheuk has been In Lancaster
for soine years, and for six years past has
been employed as nburteiiderat oilman's
Pennsylvania railroad restaurant. 1'iovl 1'ievl
mis te that he wus with Jehn Smith and
Oscar Grell". Mr. Zercher Is a coach painter
by trade, but has btcn feuding bar at
the Swuu for some tlme past. lieth young
men are well known In the lower end of
the county ns well as in town, nnd they
should be successful.
Stelo lllll Ilenrdn.
Leuis Shealler was arrested ut an early
hour this morning by Ofllcer Slcgler for
stealing bill beards, the preperty of Man
ager Diirbln, of the ejicra heuse. Khcairer
lives en Plum street, and appears te have a
mania for stealing lumber. A few months
age he was caught in the act of stealing
lumber irem the Pennsylvania railroad
company, at the Plum street crossing, and
was sent te Jail for a short term. Munagcr
Durbin declines te prosecute him for the
bill beards he stelo this morning.
As Mr. Durbin did net wish the man
bent te Jail he was reprimanded by the
mayor and discharged ujien premising net
te ellcud again.
Mrs. Cleveland Kills n Deer.
Prem the Allmny Aruuii.
Kx-Presldent Orever Cleveland and Mrs.
Cleveland were passengers en Conductor
Hcrrlck's train from Iiattsburgh te Sara
toga yesterday afternoon. At Saratoga
they took the Wucncr drawing room enr
ltaiueua ler New Yerk direct via. Albany,
They left Paul Smith's yesterday morning.
On .Monday iiierulnc Mrs. Clev eland hud
the geed fortune te sheet n bilfk nt l'olins l'elins l'olins
bee kiiii1.
JIn Wimtud te JU the Mm In Attraction.
Jeseph Dauuer went te the comity fair
while drunk, yesterday, and he wns se
anxious te show te the people in attend
ance the hcauties of the cnttle thnt he
bocnine u nuisance. Constable Kberman
arrested him and Alderman J)eu w hi hrnr
Pell Tlireiiuh n Window.
This morning Geergo ShubroeUs, clerk
in II. 1', Weber's grocery store en North
(Mcen street, was putting out goods when
lie accidentally trlpjxxl and fell through
the rear of the front w Indew. He was net
Injured In the least, but the glass was
He Gets Ne Support rYem Citt. .1. Henry
Hires, a Prominent Republican,
t'apt. J. Henry Hlvs, formerly collector
of Internal rovenno for the Lynchburg dis
trict, a member of the distinguished Hives
family or Virginia, aud a prominent nnd
consistent Republican for nnire than tw enty
years, was Interviewed by a correspondent
en Wednesday in regard te Ills position in
the present ennvnM. He is opposed te
Mahene and will exert his Influence te
defeat hlm. He says there Is no Itopubll Itepubll
can party In Virginia te-day whose pur pur pur
pose It Is te propagate Republican prin
ciples, se that the exlKtlng organization
Is a Mahene organization, v hose sole pur pur
pese Is te proimgate his seltlsu views and
personal Interests. Te Illustrate Mahone's
autocracy and absolute despotism In the
party, dipt. Ulves said : " Ne Ilepubllcan
candldate Ter Congress, whlte or black,
canboelecledln nny district In this slale
unless he Is named by Mahone. Witness the
fste of Yest and Lrmgsten lnkt November.
Ne Hepubllean ran be npieliiled te a fed
eral oflfce unles? he is Indorsed by Mnlieuc.
Ne ene can attend a convention of the
lnrty In the state under the rules or the or
ganization unless he Is acceptable te Ma
hone. Ne Republican can be elected te the
Legislature In any county or cltv unless
he Is outspoken for Mahene nud signs a
written pledge te ablde by thn nctlen or a.
caueus which Mahene controls. 11 cue 3
nil legislation would practically emanate
from Mahene If his party should be suc
cessful, and net from the people, and he
would then be the autocrat uf the state, ns
honew Isefhlspsrty. If he hnd exalted
purity of chnrnoter." continued Cnptnln
Hives, "elevnted nnd pattlolle views, it
would be n dangerous sxporlmenl nnd n
bad precedent te commit be much iewcr le
ene man. But, known ns Mnhone Is by
the public, lean eonrelvo of no pure mo me mo
Uve that could Induce nny honest and In
telllgcnt clllzen te vete for hlm."
Capt. Rives, lu eoncluslen, said Unit Mu Mu Mu
hene had been reported as saying (hat "a
purl or the Republican party in Virginia
had te be coaxed nnd a part bribed ; the re
mainder he could kick and whip In." The
sequel of this contest, he said, would show
hew matij- ihere were In the latter cate
gory. In answer te a question, Cant. Hlvea
wild that he voted for Harrison and Morien
lu the election, but that he had asked no
offices for hlmself or friends from the nd nd
minlstrntlen. Our Cutbrrunnte Nary.
The monitor Passaic, Lieutenant Com
mander W. W. Kllpatrlck commanding,
lea Annapolis te take part In the sham
attack en Pert Mclleury. Off Saudv
Point heavy weather wns encounteroil.
The Passnle was lowing the steam launch
Swan, which had banked Hres. The
launch was fllllng with water from the
heavy sons, and an unsuccessful nt nt
tempt wns made te take It aboard
ship. The launch tilled with wnter nud
went down. Se iman Jehn H. Hush was
aboard and floating. A wh.ilobeat was dis
patched after him und picked hlm up, but
live minutes later wus swamped. As she
was tilling Seaman Moero exclaimed :
"My Ged, I can't swim." A big wave
swept hi in off. Rusch cam-lit hlmnshe
was passing, nud plnced hls'linud en the
keel erthe beat, which was upturned. He
ndmeulshed hlm te cling te the beat while
he swnm for the llfe preservers, but bofeie
he could secure them Moere hnd sunk.
Sonmen llrewn and Scott mnde n raft el
ears. The latter managed le held en for
tliree hours nnd was plcknd up by a
schooner, but Drewn wns drewmd, "En
sign Dressol nnd Seamen Carr und Uiiseb
wero also saved.
Costerstor.iBO Unttcry Traction In Ilrus
scIh nud New Yerk.
The Julleii electric car.", siys the J-Jtcatri-cat
Jleviete, hnvc new been In regular pin pin
senger scrvlce for n llttle ever two years In
llrussels, nud n report has Just been pre
pared of the cost of motlve power (lining
that tlme. The mctlvA power Includes thn
lenewnl of batteries, the wenr and tear en
moter: aud machinery, the generating anil
storing of the energy and repal" nud re
placements; generally in fact, every cle
ment, mat can no understood ny tin engi
neer le be motive )ewer.
It has been found Hint the cost of motive
power has becti n trillole'stluii tluce cents
per kilemetre, or about flve cents per car
mlle; In this, tliu coil of maintaining the
batteries has nmeiinlcd le 1 .'I T cents per
car mile.
11 limy be of lntcrct te knew thai the
estlmate of the cost et inotlve power us
based en the experience, ofthe Julleii Kiev Kiev
tiie Traction company en the Fourth and
Mndiseu iivonues, New Yerk, mid prepared
prlnrte the report id l'russuli, nud w Itheiil
auyknowledi-ooftliocast there, Is within u
fraction orbelugthnsrimo. The Julloucem
pany And the cost or inollve power en Mndi Mndi
eou avcuue te be 5.3 cents per car mile, hi
the cost or inotlve power ns estimated lu
New Yerk, however, was Included Interest
ou Investment, amounting te 1.8 routs or
3.6 cenls per car mlle net. Including depre
ciation ou battery, cost or generating cur
rent, nud handlliig'hntt?rl("i
Te Meet Next April lu WHithtsvllle.
CniiBiNUT Lkvul, Sept. 11, Westmin
ster presbtery was exmcd ut !) o'clock this
morning with singing and pruyer. Thn
minutes erthn sessions or yesterday worn
new read nud approved. The ministers and
the elders of the Wrlghtsvllle Presby
terian church wcie appeluln.1 as a commit cemmit commit
tce te uinke nimugcmuiitb for the next
meeting of presbytery.
The complaint or the Peijuea Prt3bvto Prt3bvte
liau church wns then taken up.
The roll wus called and the presbytery
proceeded te acl lu reforence te the case.
The paper signed by Iho pastor und one of
the elders making leriual cempluinls wus
read : also the uiilen of thu session, and
wus discussed at great length. The com
plaint wns net sustained.
After a vete of thanks te the elllcers of
the church and (he families who se kindly
outei tallied the meiubers, prcshvtcrv ad
journed te meet at Wrlghtsvllle next April.
A Most Uncanny Sight.
The body of Miss Anna Mead, of Ring,
hamteii, N. Y., who ended her life by
plunging Inte the Niagara cataract en
Thursday last, came te the surface
en Iho Canadian slde of the whirl
pool en Wednesday. It was Hist
discovered by some lUberincu and
towed ushere, where It was loll until the
coroner chese te rcmen It. Singularly
eueuj-h, he had se far liegleied te pay any
attention te It, nnd unto n lain hour en
Wcdnesday It continued lying lu the slml
low water near the shore, between two
huge rocks. The body wni almost denuded
ofclethlng, and wns covered with biulses
caused by contact with the rocks.
The right side or the bend nnd face wus
badly crushed nnd the right leg bmkcu at
the thigh. A. 11. Itegnrs, her btiro'hed who
has been searching for the body, has gene
le Insist ou the coroner's Immediate at
tendance. Joe McAulIfTe Whips Pat Kllltli.
A light te a tliiish, C'ueciisbeiry rules,
between Pat Klllen, heavy-weight cham
pion or the Northwest, and Joe MeAulilfe,
ex-champion of the Patitle coast, for a
purbe of 2,M0, fuOO te ke te the loner, took
jiluce ut the Gelden (into Athletic club, San
Francisce, en Wcdnebduy ulgld.
Mi'Aulltle weighed about Lli.'l eundu,
and was seconded by Paddy Ryan and
Cen Rlerdeii. Kiilcn weihcl 10.,'aud wns
seconded by I'ref. Andersen und Dave
Campbell. McAullllc wen the light In the
SCNCIltll 101111(1.
Pull el n Giant Derrick.
Il the huuklnzef a Hg derrick, known
as the Tru filer, nt the brownsteno iiurr. ,
neiir lliiiiiiiieUtewii, en VedllCtJy, .lelin
Tlwiim., the criglneci, was horribly siuld
wl and Augustus Klnlty hnd an arm
broken nud his bark badly sprained. The
imiiiense derrick, which move en an ele
vated railway, rdl u distance orse feet
Attended it (.rout Hc.iililj.
The Ilarnard family, of Newllu lown lewn
slil), Choster county, hull u reunion nud
there wa a grrat crowd of poeplont the
home of Milten Ilarnard, whero It took
place. Among theso rrein Lancaster coun
ty In attendance were Jehn C. Maulr, S.
Kmnia Maule, und Emma L. Macule, of
Cellins ; Geerge C. and Clam Manlo, of
Green Ticc, Albien snd Anna Daker,
The Pension Comuittwleucr shjt- tlie l)ir-
fnifnees llctWHen Sccretnry Neblo
nnd llliimelfCniiMisI the Treiiblp,
Wasuinoten, Sept. 12.-Commlsslener
or Ponslens Tanner's letter or resignation
and President Harrison's reply accepting
the same were glum out mr publication
this afternoon.
Tanner, lu his communication, says he
tenders his resignation en account of tlie
dlfliToncea belw eon hlmself nnd the secre
tary in the Interior, and te the end that (he
president may be relieved from further
embarrassment lu the matter.
The prasldent accepts tlie resignation te
take effect en the appointment nnd quail quail
llcitlen or Mr. Tanner's successor. The
president further ndds : " t de net think
It nocesary In this correspendeco te discuss
the causes which hnve led te the present
nttltude of affairs In the pension olllce. Yeu
hnve been kindly and fully advised of my
vlews upon most or these Hinders. It gives
me pleasure te add that se far ns I am nd
vised your honesty has net at any tlme
been called lu untieu, and Ibegtoie.
new the expression or my pertuuul coeil
He Meuds the Letter the I'rcslilent De
mntided I'mni Hlm.
WaslilnKteii Dispatch te Philadelphia I'mi,
Kepi. 12.
Corjieral Tniincr has resigned. He sent
a letter or resignation te the preslilcnt to te
'Kht at midnight exactly by Marshal
Ransdell, who bus been (lie mutual friend
In Iho mailer, le the effect that IiihhiiiucIi as
he had evidently beceme a source of rm
lKirrassnuiiit te Iho admlniHtratlen he de
sired te rellev e the stress.
One orthe objects el Soniiter Frank Ills
cock's visit te the capital wus te discuss the
lauucr case. Lnte Monday ulloriieon,
when Mr. Hlsceck liml nlrmiilv mnr,.....,
at length with Mr. Hurrlseu. he drove te
tlm pension eillcc. He nud Mr. Tnuner
tulked together In the llttle side room. Sen Sen
aeor Hlsceck's errand was te see If Cori-eial
1 miner would net resign his place volun
tarily. It was represented thnt the president had
ceme te (he eoncluslen that the commis
sioner or pension must jru, though only
with great dlHlculty, but that he must go
there was no lenger any doubt. Ne ex
planation would avail, no meicy was te be
expected. The shock te the party, Mr. Hls Hls
eock set forth, would net be great if Mr.
lauucr went peaceably. Ir he appeared
le resign goed-nnturodfy and or his ncceid
the administration would be well pleased.
Hut Iho corporal was led le understand
with cual cerlalnty that Mr. Neblo had
nsisted that the cabinet efllcer and the
bureau chlef could net get nleng together :
that under the free Interpretation or the
tensions law the Interior department w euld
be Hcandullzcd, and that (he secretary would
net be the one te go.
The commissioner ofpcnslens was natur
ally start led at the suddenness or this re
quest. He hud passed Iho cabinet meeting
surely. He wus holding his tenuuii. A
slateinent prepared from Iho olllce books
he felt showed that most or the chaigcs el'
extravagance wero thnmsolves extrav
agant. Soineortliocorpoial'H host friends
advised him novcrle resign, thai it was
net soldierly te ritlre under lire, that (he
president might reiiuest a resignation, but
would net dismiss film,
Mr. Tanner went le bed Monday evon.
Ing without having decided what te de.
'me suggestion ei Mr. Hlsceck was, of
Miiiise, llttle else (han iidrmiuid fiem the
oecullvo;uiid (here was no cabinet ofll efll
cer and no senator who could pl9.ul his
caiise. It would de 110 geed, uvldentlv, lr
Ihein weie hull' 11 de?iui. Ycslerdny morn
ing the corpeinl wus still litdeubt. Alter
he reached (he pension olllce he telephoned
his Mend, Daniel Ibiiisdcll, inurshal of
the district or Columbia, le ceme (e his
room. This wus (he ftlcnd and neighbor
of (he president who had bi ought Iho coin cein coin
nilsslenor early word (but Mr. Harilson
desired hlm (e be llbeiul with the soldiers,
buthe liiiist keepjillhiu Iho limits of the
law, mid, mere than all else, he must step
talking. Marshal llausdell, after 11 visit te
Iho WhKe Heuso, left 110 doubt In the com
missioner's mind, inherit had been uuy be bo be
lere, that the president wns determined le
remove hlm, mid that at ouce if he did net
reslpi. It was net that he hud broil forced
toreslKn. He was te dolt willingly and
goed-naturedly. The inference was (hat
he could easily be transferred te soine
ether position in the goveriimcnt, though,
of course, Mr. Harrison had made no such
premise, mid Mnrshnl Huusdcll could net
mnke nny. It nppcurcd that II' the
resignation did net ceme (o-nieirow It
would be demanded openly. Thcie could
he no delay until Mendny.
Mr. Tanner nttended te the duties or Ids
olllce during Tuesday. A row Mends
called, mid soine eriliem advised hlm. The
commissioner, accompanied bv Mm. Tan
ner, loll at I o'clock for his home In
Georgetown, apparently disconsolate.
Muishal Ransdell spent all Iho evening
at Commissioner Tannei's houte lust night.
Twe or lliree ether friends of the corporal
had culled. It wus Iho same old problem.
The question wus hew might Secretary
Neblo be sallsllcd, and hew ut the same
tlme might Iho corporal wille 1111 honest,
solf-res-tecllng lcUcr of reslgiiiideii. Tlie
ground wus (hat the secretary and the
commissioner were net compatible. Hut
should Mr. Tanner, belng under Investi
gation by u committee, with which he had
nothing te ile and before which he had net
been called te testily, admit, by net saying
anything about It.that hehud been entirely
te blame?
II he wrole the desired kltur it was net
certain that either his friends would mi
,'crstaud IiIh -tositleu or (hat KepublKuiis
generally would. Marshal Ransdell was
hejtclul that some amicable arrangement
might yet be made by which the change
would be satisfactory te the coreiul and
geed politics at (be same tlme. It Is be
lieved thnt two Icders of resignation were
prepared, ene short and le set forth (hat
iliilereuces existed between the secretary
ofthe Interior and the commissioner ns te
tensions construction ; that llwusequully
notorious that biue.ui chiefs und net cabi
net elllcers went le the wall, und Hint
although 1111 Investigation wns In progress
berore which the accused had net been pur pur
mltted te defend himself, he respeitlully
A second letter, six (lines us long us the
llrst, iierenllug te ncveui.t set lerlh nil the
diflcienees between Assistant Secretary
Hussey and Mr. Tmitier, and answered
sciiutlm the charges made-against himself.
It did net apptarthut tidier Inter would
suit the situation. Mr. Harrison bail In
sisted that the corporal's resignation
should be brought te hlm lastiiight, but he
was willing le see (he marshal Hits 1110111
Ing and the llrst thing after breakfast.
Kansas Citv, Sept. 12. It Is reported
that William Warner, nx-ceiiiiiinudcr-in-chief
of (be Grand Army of (he Republic,
has received a telegram from President
Harrison asking hlm te accept the position
el commissioner of pensions te succeed
Citrienil Tanner.
Ni.w Yeiii., Sept. 12. -General W. T.
.Sherman, who Is new in (his clly, when
asked by a reporter for his opinie'u In ie
gurd (oCeipoml Tanuer's dismissal Treiii
Iho olllce of commissioner of pensions,
said Hint lu his opinion it would net affect
the allegiance or the Grand Army of Re
public cither ene way or the ether, as they
were tee tenslble u body of men te ques
tion any acts or the pie-ideut. Te ether
quesdeiis put te hlm (lis g.ietsl gave
evimlve answers.
Ai-L'tinieiit Couri. List.
The argument list forthecourt beginning
next Monday has been issued. Thcie are
for argument 20 lu the common pleas list,
C lu the orphans' court, and 11 in thofiuar thefiuar
tcr session",
m'TAtLs or Tin: crime.
Mis. IMIlhusl Tells the Whele Story et
the Murder "C Iter lluslinnil.
Theclluinx orexclloment In the Dllllard
uuinler casn ut Hccis.llle was reached
when It bcenme knew 11 thai Mrs. Dllllard
hal 111111I0 n tnuresMeu. Wlmt the woman
wld lu detail could net be leamul until
niter District Attorney Rtewnrt, or -asten,
who had been scut rerbv the drlectlvc,
reached the Dllllaid home nnd hnd Mrs.
Diltiiud's statement lu writing mid prop
erly sworn (e. The confession lu sub
stance Is ns fellow h :
"Harlholeinow nnd 1 flrt becnine Inti
mate nbetlt n jenr nnd a half nge, wlien
we lived In llnchuiun's heuse near Hur Hur
tlmlemuw'H house. He wns niter me night
and day. I never liked the ground he
walked 011, but he wns nlwnvs rollewlug
1110. When we moved away r'reni Itarthel.
omew's low here we new llve I thought 1
would be rid or hlm. He followed us
ever aud wnnfter 1110 all the time. When
we went up te Menree county InstHummcr
le visit my mother llartliolemnw went
with us: he ilrove us up with his team.
Ile would ceme te our heuse whenever mv
husband went nwny from home. Ile nsked
me le run away with hlm right utter his
wifedled. I said I did net w nut te leave
my husband. He asked 1110 te go away
w 1th hlm ut different times. 1 ulways telil
htm that I would net loive my husband.
He then said (lint he would sheet Dllllard
and put hlm out orihe way. I coaxed hlm
net te. He threatened te kill my husband
soveral times, bull iilwnys iKirsuaded him
rreuilt. My Iholeinow about
two weeks age that we were going te mm e
te Mercer county, llnitholemew Mid we
should net meve uwny: we should stny
hcie. I told hlm about (he same time we
would inove away. Hartholemow s.ild he
wauled 1110 and tfld net wuut 1110 te leave.
Ile (hen laid the plots le kill my husband.
1 ean'i ilx (he exact datej It was ut our
When asked hew ollen Hartholemow bad
been at her heuse when her husband was
away from home, her answer wns: "Oh,
he w ns idler me nil the time, I could nover
get away treui hlm, and 1 hated hlm. 1
hope Ids body will bn cut up 111? same ns
my husband's was. Hiiilholnmew came
le our house caily Wednesday evening;
my husband and seu were there; we sat
and talked a w Idle. Then my husband get
up mid walked out; he was gene soine
time. Hartholumew nnd I talked about thu
sule. He then iignlii made n preposition te
kill my husband mid I agreed. Ile wild bu
would come 011 Thursday night ns near I
o'clock us he could. That he would niiike
a unlsn with the chickens. and that I should
wake my husband, ceme (low n stairs with
him mid walk down the yard with hlm mid
send him te (he cherry tree, ami that he
would sheet htm; that niter my husband
wus hurled und everything wns unlet about
the murder, be und I would tiiku my son
mid meve nut West nnd llve together. I
ngiecd te (his. lie then took the lamp and
went Inte the side room and gel mv litis
band's gun and took out the pin (tlie pin
which extiledes tluicailrldge). lturlhole
mew (old me I should tay (hut I did net
hear thn repei t of Iho gun.
"On Thursday night I heaid u noise. I
uwoke my husband mid he went down
stairs ; (be boy mid I went with hlm ; he
get the lantern mid hu (old 1110 te get his
uuii j we went part way down the walk.
My husband told us te go buck le Iho
hoiibe. Hu llrst looked u( (he coop where
we kept small chickens. 1 told hlm le leek
nt Iho cherry Iroej he went toward tlie
cherry tree, held up Iho lantern mid wns
shot before he stepped out or the path ; I
heaid the shot ; his lantern went out nud
he run back le the perch mid roll ilead nt
my foil. 1 did net sen Hartholemow nfler
he shot my hunbund; Idld net get n ch.iiice
te speak te hlm. He came te our heuse oil
Friday nllcrnoeu 1 he wasnreuud the yurd.
1 dlil net bilk with hlm ; (here were many
Ilioie. .My husband often quarreled with
1110 when we lived ever at lmitholemow's
heuse about hlm. Harlholemow's family
also found fault wilh 1110 about my rela
tions with hlm. Rut I could net help It ;
hnwnsnlUir mn all (he Hum. 1 hmonet
seen llarthnliiiuew sheet mv husband, but
I mn untuned be did. I il'd net employ
nny Inwyeis. ihe lawycis who came te
tee 1110 Kild If I wauled mi advice 1 should
come te thclii. I said I 11 Id net want nny
nclvlce. They bald I should slay away
from Hint iiinu Joliiibten (Iho dctectlvu);
Hint I should net talk with hint. I de net
knew ir ll.itlholeiuuw sent them le moor
net. They said they were Ids lawyers. "
Mrs. Dllllaid mid her young son weie
taken te prison Wednesday morning. Mini
auswcicil all fiiicslleus promptly at Iho
prison, giving her age ut u") years. Alter
she leached her cell slie becamit very ner
vous and asked for a light, saying she was
iidald te remain In ihe dark. Her son
occupied Iho same cell with her. A rumor
was current Ibat 11 warrant will ulse be
sen ed en Iho lad. Tlie bev, who Is only
13 jeais old, Is 11 blight llttle fellow anil
ncciiis te be trying le keep his motherfrom
Kaithoieiunw, Iho murderer, was told of
Mrs. Dilllard's confession telling hew he
hud denii Iho sheeting. He shuddered and
turned qtiltu pale. Ile uiadoastruugellert
a moment Inter le control himself; mid
said be l.uuw nothing about Iho crlme;
(hut 11 Mrs. li.lHaid Implicated hlm she
said what was nntiiiu. The people In the
neighborhood w here (he crlme was com
mitted tallied or lynching Mrs. Dllllinl.
They any she deserves immediate punish
ment, and a lynching would spare the
county 11 let of costs. The poenlo who
knew Bartholemew best are glad he Is lu
Jail. They say hu wns nlwiiya considered
II dangerous character, nud is thought te
be guilty or many crimes. The prisoners
will be indicted and tried during the Oc Oc Oc
tober term of corn t.
The Ciive-lu Al Plymouth.
One el' the greatest cave'lus Hint has yet
occurred lu Iho coal regions startled Iho
residents el' (he Wyoming valley Tucsdny
night Just eutsidw ofthe town or Plymouth.
Tlieculh settled for the distance of half a
mile, aHecllngabeuttllilrly acres of terri
tory belonging te the Delaware V Hudsen
railroad company. The concussion was
thought by many le be caused by an earth
qunki). Atthosccne of the cuve-ln this af
ternoon the earth was broken and exlcnslve
crevices were luiiutug in every direction,
many extending (e a great depth. Severn!
unlet which were lu Hie iiiineal thu tlme
were killed, and nearly all the miners lest
Ibelr working tools. The damage cannot
yet be ascertained, but It will be Immense.
Workmen are endeavoring te ellect an
opening Inte the mine, but there Is
great danger ol'the water entering it from
the surface mid shutting oil' nil further
labor. About 1,600 men and boys are
Hiiewii out or employment. The company
elllcials nre very reticent nud have llttle
news te gUe regarding the accident. The
bottom has fallen out of unuinber of cellars
in Dm neighborhood, and 11 farm heuse
mar by has partially toppled ever. Twenty Twenty
llve men were In the initie at work when
they heard Iho tliiibersaud the pillars ho he
glu le bnak. They rushed for the llrst
opening and escaped without Injury.
Kin Illde Wns Net Leu; Enough.
Kiuamiel Hammend, a young man uf
(his city, who had been drinking qui te
freely last eveiilng, went down te the King
street rluk, whcreii careussell and cheap
dances have been holding sway lately. The
revoking horses and ethor llcry animals
wero traveling around; Hammend pur
chased a ticket for a rlde and mounted oue
of (he animals. The machine was started,
but Hammend says that it was stepped in
a minute, while he should have been al
lowed te remain en for live. He made 11
btg kick, and nil attendant threatened te
smash hlm en the nose. The proprietor or
the Joint (lieu came along and put Ham Ham
eond out. The young man made a great
iieImi 011 the outslde. and Olllcers I'j le and
Yeisley urn sled him. lit- was taken before
Alderman MtConeiny this iiierulng,wlicre
he was asked te pay a line nud costs,
umeiiutiiig te ever s. He refused te put
up and was sent te Jill for 5 days.
she is Net Known.
The Harrlsburg papers don't knew who
Mrs. Can, the woman who almost sullo sulle
cntcd nt Hetel Lancaster, Wednesday
morning, Is. The boiler here is that the
woman wanted te take her llfe, as she
iwjmed le be melanchely, and after she had
been rosteied te consciousness she refused
te glve uuy account of heisclf. When she
wns found thn gas wns en full head, ami It
is thought that It was net cm all night, but
wns turned en (luring the morning by the
woman. It nifty be thnt she puve Hanis
burg ns her limue for a blind.
run nmm tiii; oi;.mensthation
liErrrsiiiRn te-ijae.
Veterans l.enve the Itnuksntnl the Iar
iide Ilns te be Abandoned The 1IUI-
calery Exercises Held In n Ittnlr.
OirrtYsufiiu. Iil Sent. I? Tl.nluatnr
the " Pennsylvania Davs" was u grand" -4A
llln. "
Last nlcht theuMiuls of noenlc left tha ' 'rvk
town illld dtirlllir the mernln.r llm xmlni
.....u ..n..ll....n.1 .. ... . . ., ... ?J:J
...... Liiiiiiuecu. .ii iu e ewes, me cjeuas tjfi
thnt hud been threatening slnce daylight M?t
beiT-.lll (ll lf.. llell'll lllitlr .! . . Jf
o'clock ihe rnln Is still railing. The ,"l
llllst HiHt iircceiled Ibn i.mipmI .tnwn. ..ik'
.- ..,,-; r..r """" .eiessm
i-eui ii-, in uui nine i-oiiscquenee"i ,""
nun me vniletls aides mid mnrshal
of dlvlvlsletis were huirying ibelr men
Inte Hue, but the leu theiismd ihntworeta
form the line of march had d wind led Inte
less than hair that number. When the
rain began te ceme down lu earnest Cel.
nennffnn, the chief or stuff le the chief
mnrshnl, mounted his charger and galloped
up Chambersbiirg tdrccl te consult with
his chief, and when he returned Iho parade
thai has caused se much (reuble and ex
po n se had been ordered oil'.
Tlie National cemetery cannot of course
be used ns (he place for heldlni; Iho formal
dedicatory uxerelsns and the rink will be
utilized. This will nccomiuedato but 1,600
persons mid the crowd will be something
nwful this afternoon when the hour ar
rives for opening the doers le thogenoral
A Conreccnco Pulls.
Londen, Sept. 12. The conferenco be
tween Cardinal Manning ami director of
Iho deck companies was held te-day. The
cardinal found that Iho directors were net
willing le ngree te tlie compromise pro
posed by hlm Hint the terms which the
deck companies have nlrendy conceded go
Inte effect 011 Novenibor 1, provided that
the men Immediately resume work. The
cardinal persuaded the directors te again
consider Iho proposal and te pest pens their
decision for the present,
ElKhtcuu Mlnet-a Killed.
lANtiiucnci, Va., Sept. 12. An accident
occurred lu Jclllcoceal mines lu Tennessee
yesterday, by which clghtoen miners were
killed. Particulars ure meagre.
ItiiUBiii-liius Punished.
Unioniewn, Pa.. Sept. Ii. Twenty- '
three Hungarians, convicted yesfentuy of
doling during the lalostrlke lu Iho coke'
regions, were sentenced le ene year each. Hi
the workhouse. ?
SwlnimlijH 1'ewera of n Heb-Tall -aSii"
I IVM11 fltn I m I l I lit i tl rlnli.Tiii run I ..
twill IIIW UUll'IIIO WVItUV'l-UI-lllllUII " ?v
TJifi ulifirliliiir niinwlliiti I'm illwnkaJtinv &!$
nmeiij; the cmpleyefi of (he Hliert Utt
dojtei h w 11 ci 11 or or nut a uoewu aeg a
ttU'ltn. Mmtilni nfulit ui(irii1 rf Hia
l'leytN went innathrnK lit tlie river, and en iMllr'S
I'ommgeui lmuui.ti neu-iaii ueg muiidk en 'tT'
111.. I.t..t ....... .1.1 ... IIiaIh ..ll.. a.iMamIIw V?'
with great Interest. The Idea occurred 8,
with some of thorn le threw the animal ci": l
Inte the water and soehliu swim out, as it i5iM
isgonemiiy uiuiorsmea that unyueg cab a-'IZ&
Hwiiu. Hut this particular dug could net. "'vj
iur no miiiK iii.u u sieuu iihnkiii iianu 011 .v
the wnter. New, this unfortunate pup had s;V-
eiiiy ctiiu uye, aim iv is sun 11 uioeieu i)uea- a-?
tionmueng inomen wuetner lisinaumiy
te swim was due te thi) wnntel a tall. 80
great is the iutoresl In the matter that
number el' bets have been made, mid soma
expeilmeiib- wilh in. dined dogs are te ba
in ail e.
A Cub slriiek by 11 llnr.10 Car.
Last cveiilnirH.imucl Miisketuus, Jr., wai
j! riving 11 eiirrlnge along J'list Chestnut
street. In the M'hhie were Mrs. Henry
Irwin, el' lllribin-Hmid, and Mr. ami Mrs.
Jacob l'lauil. The driver attempted te
cress Iho street cur (ruck. Just south or tha
Duke Mrcct bridge. Thn cur driver waa
hurrying up his horses at thu llinftin
order te get up thu still' grade at that .elnO v
nun iieiore 1110 uacKiiiuii Knew 11 u.e c,r
had struck his carriage. The rear rf it
was predy well broken, but fortunately
nobody was hut I.
Diisl nt Nlucty-Oue.
Ooergo V. Miller, sr., who dlcdln Man
helm en Tuesday, was aged J1. He wan
born in that borough, nud learning the
trnde el tailor conducted Hint business ever
llfty years. He was married when quite
young mid nlne children wus, the result.
Henry and Mngglnure dead and Jehn,
Kate, Mary, Ucergc, K.unuel und I.lzzle
ure residents or Munhiitiii. He enjoyed
geed health up te last Christmas, when he
sustained a paralytic stroke ; he lias beeu
very reeblu slnce that time. The funeral
will take place ou Friday morning; ser
vices at 0 o'clock. The interment will be
mude lu the Lutheran gra ey aid.
Disturbed the N'rurecs.
William rrnukferd, a coachman, is one
or (he whlte men who have been attending
the meeting:! or the colored congregation nt
F.igleysvllle, which are under the iiiali
nircmcul el' Hev. I'eiileu Harris and Neil
Hunter, On .Sunday night I'rankferd wet.t
around ns usual te ihe church, and he In
sisted upon making a uolse w hUh annoyed
nud disturbed ihe worshippers. The result
of all lliis was that Prankford was prose
cuted ut Alderman McCViieuiy'M for dis
turbing 11 religious, meeting. He had 11
hearing this morning, nud was held for
trial nt court.
C111110 m 11 Special Cur.
This nltcriioeu there was 11 special car at
tached te 1'ust Line, 011 the Pennsylvania
railroad, which hud a distinguished party
of gentlemen. Among tbcni wero Oeorge
W. Chllds, General Manager Pugh, ofthe
railroad, Ueuernl Passenger Agent Patten
and ethors. They came te Lancaster le at
tend Mr. Reynolds' funeral, and their car
wus run iih)ii the siding under the Duke
street bridge
ItoceMircsl Ills Meney.
Prederlck Welfcr, of tills city, who had
a stand nt the Lebanon fair last week, mid
hud i'J stolen from hlm by two boys, ro re ro
cecrid Ids money en 'I'uesday irem Hiram
Ucshore and William Ileum, the two boys
who stelo It. The cum will 10 te court,
where It will likely be arranged.
lilty Yours Married.
William Mnrratt, the well known
hu:'tster, who lives at HI Ninth Mulberry
street, mid his wlle cclebrated Ihn flrtlcth
uiinlversary of their we hllng yesterday.
The evening was pleasantly sent by the
ceilplu with (h'ir relntlicsund rrk'lids.
Iu Town.
Walter C.llarr, of Wilmijigten, Delaware
is visiting his mother, Margaret Barr, of
Neith lluecu stus't,
JIIss Annie I'eul, of Harrisburg, Is in
town lsitiiig friends.
I'd. F101I1, pioprieier of the l'lchangu
hotel, Plul.iilelphit, I'Jliiu lej 1incaster te
day und
il is HiiKuest of .lames I'lucKcr.eLjiH
Prize I'lKbtlii'leii Hi'uvei' Jjtreet.
Ceiiiplaiut has be-en made at the station
heuse that mill boys meet iu Heaver street,
near C'ouestogn street, every eentng
shortly alter six o'clock nnd eugage lu
llghln, In icgulnr prlze ring style. Last
evciiiug a lad. Ilwugiuthe neighborhood
oudeavered te part two or the boys and
came neir being usviulttyl for her trouble.
An olllcer will beseut te this vielnlty for a
row ovenliigs,
VKATI I i:it FOItEC AJ'iy.
WA-.tUNinex, I). C .Sept. Ii 1'er
Kasteni 1'eimsylvnnl.u Ilaln,
stationary teuilHratuie, northeast
eiiy wind.
S '? :
' 71
s Xs
-4 j ''
t-jve-; 5
,W '
1 m