JIBM1M V - ,tmiBTwmmnArD stedssTak. - nr. wmuier una r. Bieamaa w et omiea uui wet me eignucin ciruiaay 01 in-. OLIVER WENDELL HOLMES. On Hli Mth Birthday. Climbing the path that leads back nevermore, heard behind bis footsteps nnd his cheer; New, face te face, we greet him, standing here Upen the lonely summit of Fourscore. Welcome te us, o'er whom the lengthened day In closing, and the shadows deeper grew, His genial presence like, nu afterglow Following the one Just vautshed away. Leng be It era the Tnble sltiill be set Fer the lest breakfast of the Autocrat, And Leve repent, with smiles and tears thereat Bis own sweet seug, that time shall net target. Waiting with him the call te come up higher. Life la nelle, the heavens are only uigturl tth Me. te, :s3s. Jeits O. WuiniM, FROM EDMUND CLARENCE bTEDMAN. " Erge Irlt." Weary at length of the ancestral gloom. The selMame drone, the patter of dull pens, Nature sent Iris of the revy plume, Bearing te Helmes her vionder-werklng lens ; Grateful, he gave his dearcUchlld her name, Lit the shrewd East with langhter, love and tears, Bade halt the sunand alt aglow with fame His ralnbewed fancy new the world en spheres. Xtte 1'erV, Avy. ti. f E. C. B. FOSSILS IX THE STATE. Professer Lesley's Forthcemlna Repert. The Ceal, OH mid Gns Deposits. Frem the Philadelphia Inquirer. The soeond geological survey of the fctate of Pennsylvania Is practically tin I shed, and the chief Keoleglst, Professer Lesley, is hard at work upon hi, "dictionary of fossils," which will be au Important feature of his tlnal report. When asked yesterday If he considered fossils as much a part of practical ecology as minerals, he said : " Certafiily. Hut it Is the most difficult and the most cxponsive part of it. The state survey would hae Ijecu broken down, llke se man v of the old btnte attrv eys of the United States nt the outset of its career, If it had meddled much with the fossils and had published figures and description of themi, spending the time of the assistants in collecting and studying them and finding new spocies. "The first vel u me of the fossil dictionary is new in the blading olllce at Ilarrisbur,; and will seen be distributed through the state, l'eople will then be able te knew a geed deal about the animal and vegetable fossils in the locks of the state. 1 or llie last ten years 1 lme been receiving letters from all quarters asking for such informa tion. It is rather surprising what an amount of intelligent curiosity there is among farmers, alia especially quarrymen, about the strnuge forms they soeln making reads, In railway cutting and in lifting quarry atenes. let marly these vvore just glanced at us odd-looking things and thrown aside. New they are sent in pill 1 eti'3, cigar boxes, sardiue cans, and even in soap boxes, by mall or by express te the stnte geologist, with a loiter demaiullug their uaniCH aud nature. "The names of the fossils are arranged in alphabetical order, trem A te M In the first volume or the dictionary, and a figure put under each name, adding references te the authority fur the name, the locality wlicre it is rare or abundant and the page of the su i or reiert of the county or coun tries where it bus been found. It would be tee long a story te tell you about the f;rc.U collections of tha survey and oircata eircata oircata egucs of minerals and fossils, which huve helped me." "Can n tlme be fixed when our great nitural mineral pteduits will be ex lmubtwl?" "The anthracite coal deposit Mill lastn century. The bituminous supply is practi cally inexhaustible Oil is deircasinglu flew, and it will depend upon the con sumption as te when It will be exhausted. We knew that the gas is decreasing in llew, but we cannot incasuic the amount of ex haustion." He Merciful te Yeurnuir, Aud heed the appeals for assistance put forth by j our liver, when the organ Is out of order, Among these nronlstressln the rlglit side nnd through the right shoulder blade, sellewncss of the skin and cjcballx, furred nuguc, sour breath, sick headache, and, above all, Irregu larity of the bewcli. The mercy feu extend te the afflicted organ Is widely she"i by n prompt ceurse of medication with Ilestcttcr's Stomach llltUrs, most genial of alterative, and the he ratio gland early reciprocates the deserved at tention by resuming its t-ecm'lse functions actively and regularly. Among the accom panying geed rcfculti, aru renewed digestion, freedom from headaches, nud u resumption of activity of thobevvelr. All bilious symptoms disappear, and appctlte and sleep Improve. Bcncilclcnt are the oflects of the Hitters In ma larial discase, Kidney dlsoider, rheumatic all meats aud nervousness. e?VU (GDClbO. N EW YORK STORE. WATT & SHAND Are making pr parutleus te show the Largest und Cheapest htecl: of Ever Shown in Lancaster City. DOUBLE-FOLD COLOHEI) CAfcHMERE All New Bhatlcf, a Bargain nt 10c a j ard, FANCY DRL3S PLAIDS, Just the thing for Children' Scheel Drewcs, cry cheap at 12Xc a yard. 30 INCH RAJAH SUITING'!, 15en jtird, ncvirfoldfer less than u iwtu. ALL-WOOL FLANNEL SUITING, ADL-WOOLTRICOTBUITINUX. ALL-WOOL CLOTH SUITINGS, All Kilnclus Wide, enl I3c. NEW PLAID DRESS GOODS, Yard Wide, 25e a urd. New Combination Colerlnes in 1'LAll) and bniU'El) CLOTH1. 40 Inehe Wide, W cents a yard. l'INE FIlENClt PLAIDS, Beautiful Colellnt', -10 IuchsAVtdc, 75e it jard. AlltheLutut Shades In H.NE CAbllMERE HENRILTTAh. A' luihes Wide, Me und 75c a j urd. PLUHIIEH, FLUSHES. Our own Importation of COLORED bll.K FLUSHES At Zll-ic, fcOe, 75e and 91 a nrd. BLACK and COLOHED falLIC VELVETS, bupcrler Qualities, Mcnnd.Jc. New Yerk Stere, U, 8 A ID EASsT KINU hf. (Cavjtct finttDC pvlt. 11. F SHAUlI , J. V VONDEUSMITH. THE Laef aster (!rpelHeiisc IB S 18, 20, 22 EAST ORANGE ST., SPECIAL &TOHE. GRQCXU ILOOIt. NOW READY FOR BUS IN ESS. Come te See Us, and ExumlntjOui New Stockef Carpets, RUG, MATTING'S, OIL CLuTII'i, CUR TAINS, AWNINGS, Etc aCutpeH feuvvtxl and Lnld no Matter Whtre Bought, Our Werk All Dene In Our Steru, mid Under enr Personal Care and Direction SHAUB & V0NDERSMITH. ,iiil'.l)d U 'vV I MEAD) i Dt D. McUme's CELEBRATED Veniiiuffe for worms ! MOTHERS READ. Andre Downing of Cranburg Township, Ve nango oenty, n e hts child one trupoenfnl of the jcnulne Dr. C. McLane's Celebrated Vcr inirucd,and she passed 177 worms. Next morn ing uii repetition of the dose the passed 113 Jap'ntt 0. Allen, of Ambey, ease a dose of the Kcnul Dr. (.'. UcLane's Celebrated Vermifuge te a cblld six years old, and ll brought away 63 Onus He seen after gave another dese te the Knme rli lid, wh Ich breach t away SO mere, mak Inir IS worms In about 12 hours. Mi Qulby, Ne, 182 Eex 8t New Yerk, write) us that she had a child which had been unwrll for better than two months, she pro pre pro enrel a bottle of the genuine Dr. C McLaue's Vonelfugc and administered It. The child tiasd a large quantity of worms, and In a few ftayi was as hearty as ever It had seen. Parents Willi such testimony before them should net hesliate when there It any reason te suspect warn", and lese no time In administering the get'ilne Dr. C. McLane's Vermifuge. It never fnf? and Is perfectly safe. tils is te certify that I was troubled with a tar worm for mere than six months. I tried alfthe known remedies for this terrible afflic tion, tiut without bctngable te destroy It. I get a Mile of tha genuine Dr. C. McLans'a Vernil five, prepared by Fleming Bres., Pittsburg, Pa., wtich I took according te directions; ana the remit was I discharged one large tape worm, measuring mere than a yard, besides a number of small ones. M1W. M.HCOTT. Price 25 cents a bottle. Insist en having the pnulue. (4) p AHTER'S UTTLE LIVER PILLS. GARTER'S LITTLE LIVER PILLS Sick Headache and relieve all the troubles Inci dent te a bilious state of the system, such as Dlz7lucs, Nausea, Drowsiness, Distress after Kutlnc, Pain in the Hide, &t. While their most remarkable success has been shown In curing Headache, jet CARTER'S LITTLE LIVER PILLS are equally valuable in Constipation, curl ne and preventing this annoying com plaint, whlle they also correct all disorders of ihe stomach, stimulate the liver and regulate the bowels. Even If they only cured Ache they would be almost priceless te these who suffer from this distressing cemplaint: but fortunately their goodness does net end here, and these who once try them will find these llltle pills valuable in te many ways that they will net be willing te de without them. But after all tick head Is the banc of se many lives that here Is where wn make our great beast. Our pills cure it while ethers de net. CARTER'S LITTLE LIVER PILLS arc very small and very cesy te take. One or two pills make a dose. They arc strictly vegetable and donelcrlpo or purge, but by their gentle ac tion please all who use them. In vials at Sicts ; five for 51. Sold everywhere or sent by mall. CARTER MEDICINE CO., NEW YORK. Small Pill. Small Dese. Small Price. anglMjiIced H UMPUREYS' VETERINARY SPECIFICS rer Horses, Cattl, Sheep. Docs, Hogs AND POULTRY. dOOPage Boek en Treatment of Animals and Chart Sent Free, cuncsl Fevers, Congestions, Inflammation, A.A. J Spinal Meningitis. Milk Fever, ll.ll. Strains, Lameness. Rheumatism. t'.C Distemper, Nasal Discharges. D.D. Hots or Grubs, Worms. K.K Coughs, Heaves, Pneumonia. F.P. Celic or Gripes, Bellyache. U.O. Miscarriage, Hemorrhages. II.IL Urinary and Kidney Diseases. LI. Eruptive Diseases, Mange. J. K. Diseases or Digestion. STABLE CASE, with Specifics, Manual, Witch Hatcl oil and Medlcater. . 97.00 PRICE, Single Bettle (ev er 60 doses) CO Sold by DrugglstH ; or Rent Prepaid anj where and In any quantity en Receipt of Price. HUMPHREYS' MED. CO., 100 Fulton St., N. Y. HUMPHREYS' HOMEOPATHIC bl'ECIFIC NO. 28. In nm 30 sears. The only successful remedy for NLRV0U8 DEBILITY. VITAL WEAK NEKS, and Prostration, from Over-Werk or ether cames. Jl per vial, or 6 vials and large vlnl powder for ts. Sold nv Drcoeists, or tent prepaid en re re eelptOOef pricc-HUMPnREYS' MEDICINE CO.l Fulton St.. N. Y. JuneI7-Th.BAw rpEETHING SYRUP. TO MOTHERS. Every bab should have a botlle of DR. FAiniNKY'S TEETHING 8YRUP. Perfectly rare. NoOplumerMorphlamlxturcti. Will re lieeo Celic, Griping In the Bowels and Promote Difficult Teething. Prepared byDMS.D.FAHR NEY4.S0N, Hagcrstewn, Md. Druggists bell lt.SJcluls. Trial bottle scut by tnall 10 cents, lant-lj dced&w rsra: a r Qtlothine. M VEIUJ & KATIIFON. Beys' Scheel Sis ! Everything uetded In Beys' Clothing lan be had here In geed assortment. The best sewing, the stoutest material and the Lewest l'rtces all go te te inake up our stock of Scheel Clethes. 1 he Herniary accompaniment of Be t' Clethes Is a ROLL OF PATCHES. We give) ou these with every bull puicliased of us. Lelusiuiitud J en, tee, that vtcuic thoroughly square In our drallngc. IIA1JU11NJ U-lDilllll vjj.it Reliable Clothiers, NO. 17 EAST KING STREET L-AXCA&TEIt, PA. SVnricultiivnl. -ITT D. SPRECHER, SON 4 CO. DON'T BUY" MRHSM.TrMTO I'lltllvutl get OUR PHIL E.IHlldK'C OIR blOCK. THE REVERSIBLE Steel Wire Doer Mat Is the BEST and MOST DURABLE. LAWN TENNIS GOODS. bl'ECI VL RATES TO CLUBy. W, D, SPRECHER, SON & CO,, 31 E. KM St., Lancaster, Pa. mir2Vrn,Tu.stfa InjHHtl ttfcHi. T CLOTHINQ BOTEM. LGansman&Bre. THE 11EST GOODS TOR THE LEAST MONEY. See Our Quality and Prices FOR- SCHOOL SUITS. Children's Scheel Suits, Knee Pants, at IH.O0, L55.ll JO, 11.75. Beys' Suits, Leng Pants, at 12.50, $3.00, S3.E0. These goods are worth double the money. Better Scheel Suits at Extremely Lew Ti Ices. Men's Stills for Early Fall Wear at .W, 14 00, t5.00andt4.0a Our Tailoring Department Offers a few mere attractions in Lew Priced Ftntaloens. See our t3A MOO. $1.50 and J-5.U0 rants, te order ; they arc genuine bargains. Buy your Scheel Suits direct from the manu facturers and savomensy. L. Gansman & Bre., and 68 KORTH QT7EEH ST., B.W. CORKER OF OEANQB, LANCASTER, PA. - Net connected with any ether Clothing Heuse in the city. M ARTIN BRO. TrtE Summer llulldnj s are ever, and September, the first of the Tall Months, brings te tit earnest work, ic ncwed energy, and a general trade activity. The Summer Fall Styles Ready. months have given us a splendid opportunity te gather from all quarters the best that manu facturers can produce for the romping boy who hashad weeks of rlay tlme, bulls new eagerly awaiting the opening of school, will wanl te be clothed anew before he, begins hts work for an other school term. A geed fitting well made suit will encourage him te de his very best te master tils lessen, They are here at dollar saving prlctstethe pa rents, made from Deuble and Twist Cnsslmcrck andChcvlets. KneePantSuIU, K te!7. Leng Pant Suits, it te S10. Extra Knce Pants, IXc, 38c, 60c, 75c. Sh lrt Waists, 25c, 3Sc, We. Fall Overcoats are Ready, In New bhades and nt New Prices. Itemarkable hew geed a coat can be had for (5, 50, S3 or 310. Whal there Is left In bummer Furnitlilug Uoeds can be had at Veiy Lew Prices Fall Goods ate ciewding them out. MARTIN BROS, Merchant Tailoring, Olething and Furnishing Goods, NOS. 26 AND 24 NORTH QUEEN STREET'. w 1LLIAMSON A TOSTER. COME -TO- OUR OPENING -OF- Dry Goods, Notions, -AND LADIES' COATS, ONE THOUSAND SOUVENIRS TO BE GIVEN AWAY, OUR PRICES WILL DESERVE YOUR PAT' RONAUE. New Fall Styles OPEN IN Beets and Shoes. Otnt s Fall-Weight Overcoats, ', ii, SW. Bey'i Fall-Weight Overcoats, Satin raced, 7. Gent's back and Cutaway Suits, SI, !10,12. Bey's Scheel Suits, 3, S3 JO, MM. lle 's Dress Suits, 5J, S7.J0, 580. Youths' Cutaa Ceal Suits SlOteSW. Children' Twe-Pit ce Kilt Suits, J2.M teH0 Chlldii n s Knte-Pant Suits, 12 te $". FULL ASSORTMENT Extra Knee Pants lUMAlUlbl'lle. 32-38 East King Street, LANCASTER, PA. Branch Stere, NO. 318 MARKET STREET, IIARRlV BUF.O, PA. Saturday, Sept. 7. Williamson Fester, mmmmmmmmmmmmm!mlSa!l i i i ajr'ctes A TBCttSKB. SOAPS & STARCHES. The v nrlct v of Soaps Is large. We keep a few of the best ktml. . Cincinnati, Miller's and Lant Bres.' Olive, Miller's neras,tilddals, Bobbins, Days, Acme. Miller's Seap Ox's Big Five. Rising Hun and Choice Family, Babbits, Ivery, Broek's ft Wrlg ley's Scouring Soaps. STRRCH9S, Finest Lump Starch only 6e a ft; Lump Starches In 3 nnd 8 lb Bexes. Oswego and Pell's Cern Starches. . Fer CUFFS and.COLLARS use the Elastic or Flexible. Fer soap Belting we have the Caustle Seda In 3 and 6 R kettles. Alse Uuuncr Lewis Lj e. BURSK'S, Ne. 17 East King Street, LANCASTER. PA. T HEIST'S. Seasonable Goods -AT- STONEWARE. Jars from half gallon up te twoHe gallons. Jars from half gallon up te six gallons. Milk Crocks, Cream Crocks and Milk Pans. Finest Line or Plain and Fancy Flower Pets. MASON'S FRUIT JARS-PINTS, QUARTS AND HALF-GALLONS. Omu Rings, only 8c a deren. .Mixea apices jusi wnai overyuear warn. 2v:( Our Picnle Hams at 10c a neuud are a de cided bargain. Our Extra Fat Family Mackerel, lu ten-pound full weight buckets, at Ji.3, will go higher shortly. They are almost whlle as snow. The Very Latest in Fleur. WcIIave Struck It at Last. REI3T S AAA ROLLER FLOUR AT 70c. A QUARTER, Leads the World, nud makes tha most discon tented woman happy. Husbands please your wives; wives plcate your husbands. This can be brought about by tha husband hujlng the flour and the nlfe nuking 11 Inte nice, sweet bread. WANTED-A BOV Who has some knowledge of the (Jrecrry Business. Must come well recommended. Alse reur or. five experienced clerk's rer Saturday's Trade. reIst ! WHOLESALE AND RETAIL GROCER, CORNER WE5T KINO AND PRINCE STB., Directly Opposite J. 11. Martin & Ce.'a Dry Goods store, and Next Doer te Serrel Herso Hetel. - jjuvtituvc. e CHS A 01BB3 We're Ahead. - -VEW FALL STTLES FURNITURE ! OCHS & OlllllS, 2d, 3d and 4th Floers, Ne. 31 Seuth Uucen lit. Lewest Prices. all-ljd w IDMVER'S CORNER. WIDMYER'S. FlItbT-CLABS BARGAINS. STILL HOME Lurr. NOW IS TnE TIME FOR FURNITURE Buying te Save Meney. Us an 111 wind that don't blew tomtbedy geed. It's a geed wind for ou, as we arc offering our goods for less dollars than ever before. Seme goods must go te make, room for Fall ftlKXlS. Tlir-n prices will net last long. Don't delay, but fall Inte line and secure seme of our BARGAINS. WIDMYER'S CORNER OF E. King & Duke Sts. H EINITSH'S. Wc would Call Your Special Attention te the Facl thai we have the Agtney FOR THE SOME 0P ITS GOOD POINTS: M. It Carries Less Weight than Others. Id. ItlsSlmpleln Construction. 3d. It Is More Easily Handled tth. ItlsLowcrtnrrlce than any Ilrst-CIais Bed In the Market. We have them in sleck for Children and Grewn People. HEINITSH'S Furniture Depot, Nes. 27 & 29 SOUTH QUEEN STREET -F(rumnl Attention Given te Undertak ing Ittuelc. O FECIAL NOTICE. PLEASE READ THIS! Wi: HAVK TAKEN THi: Aai'.NCY rOHTHK Schemacker Geld-String Piane! Wc have them new In stock, and invite our frlpnlsand the public cenerally local! and tee thorn Kirk Jehnsen & Ce., NO.JI VEr KING 7TPFET. uil-Udiw Queen Felding Bel 9it M IT BE 80LD OCT. t ' f 1 NO AUCTION ! THC BTOCK OI' Trie Priiladelpriia Stere MUST DC SOLD OUT BY- sePTe7vBeR is. BARGAINS IN DRY OOODS, DRESS GOODS. SILK. HOSIERY, GLOVES, NOTIONS, WHITE GOODS, TABLE LINENS, FLANNELS, BLANKETS, COMFORTS, CARPETS, I LOOR OILCLOTHS, CARPET SWEEPERS. WINDOW SHADES, SHADING AND FIXTURES, MOSQUITO CANOPIES, Etc. 4VDent' miss this last chance for Bargains. Don't w all for au Auction. Theio w eu't be any. 6 AND 8 NORTH marW-lydAsr xaiu) st Mcelrey. BARD Sc Neb. 33 and 35 Seeth Queen Street, FLHNNELS, Re sure you are right, then go ahead. The last two seasons we had tliu reputation of selling the Beit Flannels for the money in the city. 1 his season wool Is higher. Te sell tha same kind nt aame price a last season means we have te pay mero for It. lvst seaen our profits were small, and it means smaller profits this season. These who bought our Medicated Red Twill Manuel nt a&e last season knew what a geed article ll was, seiun saving It was better than they awnt36e., ethers said It was as geed as they saw at 87Kc, although with the advance In the price of wool we will give you the same Identical makes of llHiinelsatlhe same price jen bought them of us last season, and we knew when wusay, jeii never bought as geed Flannels In your llte rer the money, we knew we are right. In alt colors, Navy Bine, (Jrey, Red, Yellow or White, In plain or twill. In wool or half wool, you will rind us the low est. We de net neeupy as much ground fleer us snme ethers de, our expense are small and se am uur profits. All-Weel shrunl: skirting l'laiiucU In striped, with or without borders, that will net khrlnk when seu wash It, at 31.50 per skirt, or j en can buy by the yard as muchiis you like. Cotten Flannels In remnants at 5, (PL 9, 10 and 12'.' cents. WOOL. YHRN. These who Knit Weel Resa for the winter we hava a law stock of Uemc-Madu Laticnstir Co Ce Co Weel Yarns that wash nloe aud soft, In all shades, nt low prices. SPECIAL L-OW PRICES. We give Special Lew Trices in Feathers, Fleer and Table Oil Cleth. BICYCLES. Agents for the Tremler SaKly Bicycles, easiest running wheels In the world. bard & Mcelrey, Meb. 33 and 35 Seuth Queen Streot, Opposite Fountain Inn, N EXT DOOR TO THE COURT HOUSE. K SHELF Our Dress Goods Department Haabceuuverhaulcd. Every end from i te 12 yards has been tluevwi en the counter and marked J aud less. Dress Tattcrns and nil have met Ilia saiuu fate te inake room for Beptimbcr arrivals. Every kind or Diesi Tnbrlcs Is among them Plaids, Strl)ies, Cheeks, Cashmeres, Serges, Cleths, Figures, Breeadrs, etc., etc. Every Icnglh aud price Is represented. Yeu cannot fall leihid wluiljeuwant. Remnants el Velvet", Bmahs nnd ether Trimmings go with the crowd of Dtes Stunt. FAHNESTOCK'S, 35 and 37 East King St., Lancaster, Pa. N. B.-We still have left a few of these Marvelleus Black Bllki nt 11. B LANKETS. BLANKETS SAVED METZGE.R Bt HHUCHMHN Late Last Sting Bought an limaciiK-Quantity of Blankets ! Blankets 1 Saved from a Fire, en which the smell of smuke Is barely iwrcvptlble. We have already sold six large eases of them, but still have a few mero Ien. COMr ORTS anil COUNTERPANES In Large Quantities at Cheap PrlMfi, -AT- Metzger& Haughman's Cheap Stere, Nes. 38 and 40 West King Street, Lancaster, Pa. (oppehiti: Tin: coepr.it heuhk.) iUrttchce. H. Z. RHOADS A SON. WEDDING CHRDS. -WE HAVE Stationery Department, And will Receive Orders Mr WEDDINO CARDS, VISIT1NO CARDS and INVITATIONS Thc.werk will be Printed from Special Plates, and the Latest Bt les will Imi Furnished. Wc Offer also the Finest Goods In our General Line of JEWELS, WATCHES, ART WORK, SILVERWARE, MUSICAL BOXES nnd NOVELTIES. H. Z. RHOADS & SON, JTeiKrelers, Ne. 4 WEST KING STREET. vuit ,3rtve. TTTILINN A BRENEMAN. FRUIT JARS AT LESS THAN' PHILADELPHIA AND NEW YORK PRICES ' FLINN & BRENEMAN'S, Ne- 152 Jtfert! Queen Street, LANCASTER, WW A. ffinrpct B AROAINS 1 -IjO Shirk's Carpet Hall ! Wilten, Velvet, Bedy Brussels, Tapestry, Ingrain, Damask and Venetian, Rag and Chain Carpets. OIL CLOTHS, WINDOW SHADES, See v.Vk Have the LAiuir-HTANii IIijitHieck intuecjtv. H. S. SHIRK St SONS. Cor. West King and Water Sts., Lancaster, Pa. Beitit. QUEEU STREET, LANCASTER. PENN'A. Opposite Fountain Inn. SWEEP. FROM A FIRE ! OPENED A F1NK- iinll. B AROAINS I 0 -FOR ' V i TT V rauclcta tfutbr. ifij. PENNSYLVANIA ItAtMlOADSCHKB s4 -JL In eflbct from May 1.1, 1H89. "" 5 Trains lravk Lascastt.ii nnd leave a4 j-, tlve at Philadelphia as fellows) . . v IjifllfK Leaver Twi tl-WESTWAn. 'Philadelphia. m News l:xprcsstl..... Way Paw' nee .... MailtralnvlaMUeyl ii'p. m, 4M a. m. 4..T0 a. m. fl--T wte a. ist " t fell a. M , w? I, riAtiM.ktu M I n rr n V t Jj lagara Express ... m a. in. nmievpr Accem via t'nlnmlile ie-5 a. m k l ii-wa. ir. i v-.; awe.., f ij- frMt Llnet KrederlcJc Accem... InncjwtcrAccem.M JtnrrUhnrff Accem. ... ll:.ryi a. m. ... via Columbia ... vIaMt.Jcy. 2 15 p. Ill, ttmimum Arrom Harrttburg Express!." 5ti p.' m! Western hrxprcsst . .. K.20 p. m. ItlM D. n. ?, ' utuutiur .iwiUutM. 0.-00 ttj aa. y r Ar.Cet ISH4 Icave Lnn easier, 2.'.il a. m. 4 Vt 0. tn, :15 ll. m 8.10 a. m. RA a. m. V 00 a. m. Il:a'itt. m. 12 V p. m. n,Vi . tn, 3.00 p. m. i lip. in. ti:ini. ni. 8.1") p. m. iT.-i vhn'.' i ' , EASTWARD. I'hlln. Exprcssf. FatLliicf Lancaster Acce.. Harrlsburg Expre&s. Iaueaster Areem...... Columbia Accem...... Atlantic Kxprcssf.,.,. Seashore Express... Philadelphia Accem. Sunday Stall Ihiy Kxprcsst... . llarrUburg Accem..., Mali Tramt . rhw. sJf. a li-SB sifcav?,!, I niMIJaW. i Ti ntiutf.i'.V. m p. ms &f :1 p. m."tff 6: l. m.i S. mm 1 , . m,? . ' I10-JJ6 1M. !. 1. . .. ...... )n Sunday the Mall train west runsbyw S- ceuunnia. -w ,-- CUA8. E. PUOH.' acneral Manager. T & .. tf 1!.WM "intrai smwenger Aiesss-.j pHIluVDELPHIA A RE.XDINO IV RE.VDINO A COLUMBIA DIVIH Oil nllil li ft (VI MntwfA TisI 1 IviA1 PAVA T.niiMelAK ttrttttt iti-AAit ..u An1tn... Fer Hmdlnir nnil latrrmeuinte point; rtnP,7.30 n. m.t 12.S3.3.W p.m.; Buntlnyj ter rfilltdclplitn. week dfly, 7.&) e v r -e siinvsnj rt u ! ills J Fer New Yerk via Philadelphia, week cM 7.) a. m.. 12.SS. S.M n. ni. .ber New Yerk via Allentown, wek rtai' Hits p. ni. , A0 Fer Allentevrn. weelf i1as. 7JUI h. nt..!lJBm in.; Snmlay. a U n. tn. V" h or Petlivllle, vrcek daj s, T:50a. m.,3. p. 4'; Fer Lebanon, week dais. 700 n.!n113SlMt p.m.; Sunday, 8-00 a. in, 3 4,1 p. in. ' cv Fer Harrtiiliurir. wivlc ilnrc. Trvl a. it. .11 . 5 10 p. m. : Sunday, Ri n. tn. K$'J hervtunrryvine, weelt days, ess a. 8.00 p. hi. i Sunday, 6.10 p. in. t BBWl.f Vft THAIKH FOR UNCASTEn, Ixsave Reading, week nays. 7-20. HA5a. bH.T 6 M p. m.j Sunday. 7.-a) a. m.; s 10 p. m. SvS-b Leave Philadelphia, week dnys, 4:IS, I0fl5H,Ta m.,4-U)p. m. VJ i-nve f veric via Philadelphia, week day,T 7:0 a.m., 1:30, line p. tn. . i-eave New Yerk via Allcntewn, week day-j(3t 4 00 a. m.. 1.-00 n. m. te.1 Leave Allonlewn, week days, 0.53 a. m. 4Mjjj, ':":.. .......... .. .. ..:-w 1 Ainu i-uiiaiue, wees uays, aev a. ra., sue ye ja ,'lave Jbauen, wlt days, 7:12 a. m., I&m'm. g 7:15n. m.! Hnintav.TJ'.ln. in..S.I.1n. tn. r 78 lnve Ilnrrlshurg, week days, (J 23 a. m.; 8u-,. dap n..jl n ,rt. l Tt Lcav n Quarryvllle. week days. O.tO. 11:45 a. m i X ja n f ti,arfltlA iputl, Am Ik ,t tl. lA m a i 1 .1 3.00, 13. 4-f.lll. IH-; HlMlrtn 7finn. nt. '-? ATIjAKTIC CITY DIVISION. , . L iave I'hiiaaeiiihia. chestnut street wlwnH'T md Seuth street wlinrf. fcV Fer Atlantle Cltv, week days, expresees, V. 000n.in.andt.00ntiU600p.m.!AcconimeaaUen,i'i 7.') n. m. and 4-20 p. m. ; Sunday, Eiprees, M 'i aud 0 00 a.m., Accommodation, B.00 a. ai,ijliv IV. m. -t-."J Rctnrntug leave Atlantle City, depot earner,'' Atlantle and Arkansas Avenues, VcekQftyi r r.xpress i .-w nun ju.u a.m. nuu s p. m. A . modatlen.N'OJn, ni. and 4 SO p. iu, sundNk.Mv Express. 4 and 510 p. ni. AccommedaUoli,' 10$ j, a. m, and 4-05 p. in. , iKI-Vyvs? Detailed tlme tables can be obtained at Uekei '' ertlees. jfiiai A. A. tcLEOD, . O. O. II ANCOClCrCff vice i-rcs. uen-i At'gr. ueni 1'asa'r AiviV Oen'l Pasa'r Atfc LEBANON & LANCASTER JOINT LlK RAILROAD. CTCHi Arrangciucnta of Passenger Trains ou aud after BUWDAY, May 12, 1SSD. ri-w, HuiKta?: riuiuiiwAuu. Ix-nva A. M, 1'. M. I-. Jt.JA. 1 A.K. I. KlngStreet, Lane. 7.-00 12.83 e:Wi K.JtA uinrasicr. v.u Manhelm Ka Cornwall 7:U Arrive at 42. tJ 1:20 1:10 -w':a'.T j '"i kalmrtt f.p,. Lebanon .Sill 1-M 7.-09 HOUTilVVAKU. I Leave a. m. r. v. r. M.( js-S libation u 7:12 12:30 7iltl ' Cornwall 7iS7 12.U 7.48 i aianucinv. T.m i:ie Lancaster 8:27 1:52 Arrive nt few King Htreet, Lane. 8.15 2:00 8.88, A. M. WIIJjON, Bnpt. R. A C. Ralil H. M. IS L.VV. Hlipl, V. K. it. 1 J Ct ri jnnte. ; w r" , H ARNES3. '&WMS? ' V&M Wjf. " HARNES HABERBUSH v 30 Centre Square, 'j... "vr tl ?:. m LANCASTER, l Saddles, Taf M?5,!Vg il&i wv --. y";r ,-i Harness, 3?a I AD Rl AMCTQKfe kr-l WHnillb I Jt ,TS -JBrt . . - - . .?&. Trunks, Bags, flarnesnjff Trim -AND 'iX'Js i iifpir; General Stable Supplieis3? -AT Chas. E. Haberbush's JC (SnccKssen te JL llAuxnnusn & Sew.) tl S OH OP TE GOLDEN 0 SE HKADS.' 'P. "i Ulncltlttct'tj, 1'EAM. AVodcslretocallitho attention of consumer! VvS efBlcainCiOOtlsaud EnKlneorVSnprllcifiteoturp, larcn and varied mock of Pipe. Valves. Ceeka. ,Zi' M MnllMliln and Cult Iren I ltllntr. Anbeste. ,( Vulcabcsten and Uaudnrlan. Hlict, rutei) and jJiW Vulvel"ncmns: ocetcu and ucu una uencci r- Inc UnUKO Gla see, Htenm Itadlnteni and tiltflm - ''; llc.itlne Apparatus: Hct and Cap Pci-ctvs.and 2 in fuct almost cveri thine rcaulrcd by steam ' users, and nil et whlcli we errer at prices which trn niinrnntra te Ijo lower than luesa of any ether dealer lu this vicinity. We have positively the largest stock, and be lug connected with the Tclephone Kxchanire, nre prepared te receive nnd till nil erders In the tliertcsl poslble time. When In want of any thing In our line, cll en u for prices nnd we wlllconvlnce you of our nblllty nnd willing nens te anvoyeu Meney, Delay and Vcxallnu. Our fncllltfi ", rer rurnuhliu.' Enelncs, Boilers, Hliafllng, Pullein, Haecerii, Bncelal Machinery, Plurabcra' and fJas Fitters' Teela, Patterns,. Medels, and Iren und llms Caillnc. and for the prompt repair of all kiudef macnlnery are unexcelled In I-ancastcr, and vre respectfully solicit a share or your patronage. Central Machine Works, 131 A m NORTH CHRISTIAN STREET, LANCASTER, PA. Ooeil Werk, ReasouaDle Charge, Prompt iIUMIl ncK. leiepuene eonnecueu flouncfttvuieltlnn Ojoo&e. c LL AND SEE -THE- ROCHESTER LAMP I S3 f-Uty Cnndlc-Llcht; BeaU theta all. Anether Let of Cheap Glebes for Cm and Oil Sleves. THE "PERFECTION" MEI'AL MOULDINO and RUBBER CU13UI0N Weather Strip. Beuls them all. ThUstrlpoutwcnrsallelheis. Keeps out the cold. Steps rnttllns of windows. Excludes the dust. Keeps outsuew and ruin. nvene can nprlv It no waste or dirt made In applilniflt. Cuiibentt.Hl anj where-no helei te tore, ready for use I will nel tpllt. warp or shrlnk-aciulileu ktrln Is the most irfettitAt the Htev e, Heater and Range Stere of Jehn P. Sehaum & Sens, 34 SOUTH QUEEN ST., LANCASTER PA. i ft i'i J. Wn 'r m-,v 4? M4 5s?.; -, w 3 .t ,' ;' .-j f&&r.t w J vfl-. m ' ?v m 'MS I Ijc ij V'j ft