.Vn :?? w t TH3E LANCASTER DAILY INTELLIGENCER, MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 2, !!. law , x(- y vs-1' V !ii ji. 1 ' 1V i-if ,1'T -? $nUlU0&ctv NFOt.TZ.Edl ten. CCAMC.IWlrtier. tT WTBLtiOEKCBR-rublUhca fRIMTer, but Bunday. BerTed its city and surrounding; i ft week. Br mall Ave del rMMwiMt SO cents month. 1GENCER OnedeHar nd r, Id advance. BERS Remit by check and where neither of l M sswcutcd tend In registered fcfj ' IK Mm fwteftce, m second thus mall W nmLUSSHOBB, Lancaster, fa. ; PA., September 2, 1889. m4 Bredlc. fOrftham has really gene ever Talk Id his barrel, be may nt i Mgelled, In the noble army of tin freaks iu ran witn tnc t, BtevoBredlc. The latter, MWy, m said te have brought barrel exploit by appearing and announcing that be lam them : and as there docs net i be anything tee absurd for these .Witt lire te attempt, we mny I ttrjkfet'an announcement of a grcnt LMJitairara. Perhaps special trams the rtn from great cities, nud n vast ie of peeplcwlli gather te see i de the barrel act ever the falls, BB Brodie jumping after hlni. ., layabout time that this use- BfUllll, Ul II1U 111! Ills ?.. isterifty received sonie cfTect- I'tfceck, but the only thing thnt tstt likely te discourage It will be and emphatic exhibition or edlagust and indifference. Lifeisa trust and suicide a crime ; and a i,fmwhe places his life In deadly peril, iSiragrther purpose than causlugnd- XnMND 01 Jits auuacity, uererves uuiy contempt. This barrel exploit aam can serve no useful purpose, I MV value that may have attached iBMdie'a Jump from Brooklyn Bridge et apply te his subsequent veil- rwhidhwere only useful te him in abut bis notoriety. Beth are ou level than the tight rope and lefty tumblers who dally (life in circus tents 5 for pub lock- maintained the trade of tan irfermer, who by long training perilous art and works for .bread, risking his life Just as ban while catering te the ue- public for feats of daring is of steady nerve in pern- atural human interest ase of the circus pcr- .seems less te blame .0 support him. Grr- werklng luucpcnu- public tnsle en a of the circus, it te make a lefty ilf up iu a bar- the top of Nl- fnsuicide 11 iiy be akin lOthiuglike nerves and rfermcr at the e comes 'achute, Jumplrtl re easily I.Mltisvcr lain that balloon- labouldbeablete t out and come In emergencies, andtlie parachute them te de se witftcmt uncem- fprtstble suddenness. The man who fttkahia life In testing n beat that can ka need in the roughest water, takes the JkMard nobly. Graham's barrel cnu be of no conceivable use te any mariner hi sv'diatrets, and Bredle's repented 'jumps fin of no value. These men arc deprav ;' tef the public taste and dragging It buck 5 te the level of the brutal llemunB, who ic 1 pleasure In watching hclpleM ak being eaten up by wild beastH., 'me Loauen sjtrllc. tremendous proportions of the den strike and its far reach in if ell'ect upon the cemmercu of England make it the great event of the day. Allew lug the usual cxaireeratlen bv cerre- edcuts there is ample reason te fear tee struggle may reach even greater ions and threaten te work null- changes iu the industrial sltuatleu. by thk concerted movement English can win better remuneration Mt. till tlA iiIiIa i rwiiiiTuitn irlMi mm v w.w w..,rv..v .. ..u ekewhere ? Will net the channels trade shift te meet the changed con- . and the last state of the laborer wene than the first ? The struggles of tuned labor are only new beginning, it is net easy te foretell the results. Mtthe whole world will watch with .tsterest this grapple at the very heart f the world's commerce iu gloomy Leu- f4e. It is very gratifying te flud a peace ... M and orderly spirit prevailing among .Mks strikers, but if they should 1 disappointed iu their hoie of victory, lt can hardly be expected that they will fe give up without a riot. The great body W' of Strikers mltrlit neeccftillv tuilmilt i gptbe Inevitable, but iu such an iminciibc i'V jaunitwr tliem la (turn in lm f.ii-mt.lul.1.. , rv proportion of excitable and reckless men ji,wne will allow their bitter disappoint disappeint disappoint Vaientte lead them te violence. It is -)sJmlflcaut that, in suite of the iroe.1 --order se far observed, and the com- Ji'l nendatien of the men by Cardiual jjp Manning and Caueu Tlemlug, the & Tate of riot insurance iu the city is risiug iu.lLvery fast. The strikers seem te com- & ij. Bwuia popular sympathy, and ir they ' organize among themselves for the dis- f, j oeuragement of violcneu.uo matter n hat Sr;vflabornethinifcanbe caiued hv virw fi.tjk,1mux, but a great deal may be wen by Tip eaun nnnness and a reabenable attitude. vf rTr a pirange uin. Tc-day k said te be a holiday, by the race of our Legislature. irrnntfi r. feially te labor aud denominated Laber 'C "Day. Jew erk has done the like. It 3' k however enlv a liiluirduv f,,r iciun-.m fXJ they want it, which they de net seem . H7 . j ... . .u. ...u.J.t.19 te de. They can take a holiday uuv "' mtW Vif tl.n.. ...O..I It . .,.! II t.. .. -1 . w- uu.v uvj neui. 11 , uiiu II IS JlOl Ver fm. mi iuc iAeiaiiuun; uuh given tuein Iy4ll11 In flmllnti. ll.n.l.... - I. -Ill t It satisfied the buueombe imrnoe of thi f fjhtkklorswhe voted for it, who aimed St" te create the iropresBleu that thev were i-fswlng down te Hud worshiping 'kber; but the laborer who takes a boll bell j.dajr te-day and fluds himself without frVfck day's wages at the end of It, may yr , arcteance suspect that a holiday that h r finhlmat his own expense is net r i vwa iimn wenu mucil 10 llim. it is VaMettkblug that the Legislature should t.7 holiday te labor at labor's cost, -' ad think that It has done u creat thin.r A sr labor; aud the probability is that there was net a legislator who thought , he was doing auything of the kind ; hut ny thought that the laborer would be silly enough te think se ; and se Ihey followed the lead of their bell wether In voting a Laber Day holiday ; a contradiction in terms which fully expresses the barrenness of the gift. It is a stone Instead of bread. If the state wants te give a holiday te the laborer, it can only de it with an accompanying appropriation. The laborer who lives upon his dally wages cannot afford a holiday. He needs the money that he earns dally ; and If he can spare it, he can take his own holiday when It suits him, as we have suggested, and go a fishing without asking the leave of the Legislature. Te make Laber Day a holi day, the Legislature will need te give a dollar with the day te the laborers of the state. The Question. The Grand Army needs te have a guardian appointed for it ; net content with endorsing Tanner at Milwaukee, one of Its pests ejected from a car General Sherman, who had been giving his ser vices te It for four days and was seeking rest in an empty coach, that happened te be deserted by one of the Chicago pests. The general get into the wrong car, and the fellows te whom it belonged did uet have enough consid eration for him te let him tay there. They had the colored por ter order hint out The general's brother says that they were hogs ; which conveys an accurate descrip tion, of thorn. They were Grand Army hogs ; in ether Words, were selfish and unworthy members of that organization, or of any ether rcspcctable society. There are all aorta of men Iu the Grand Army, which is drawn from the con scripts, and substitutes who lllkd the army, in the latter days of the rebellion, as well as from the volunteers who were its first nud best material. It Is Inevitable that a society he formed should have hogs and Tanners in it ; and the question is, since they hue endorsed Tanner, whether there is a saving amount of decency In the whole crowd. Tim horrible story efafnltli euro eutrage in Ohie, resulting lit tlie denth of a boy, should persuade a llttle reason te return te the minds of the faith euro people. A rcTineN sent te tlie Inter-state eoin eein eoin incree coinuilsslen with the nlgnnturcs of brakemen and of mnny proinliient mil toad men who have been brnkemen, urges thnt body te tnke steps te bring about tlie adoption of an autematic: car con pier. This may be a little nut of the prerlnce. of the commission, hut the gient trunk lines could hardly fall te lake 'soine action upon a recommendation by the commission. It has heeu declared ou the best authority thnt thore nre ninny geed dot ices in the thousands Med nt the patent ofllce, but I he treuble is that the reads- can net or will net agrce upon a standard coupler and uniformity Is abso lutely ncreswiry. Perhaps each read hnn a knot ofelllulnls Interested In seme pet coupler and determined Unit that or uone shall be adopted. Tin: into troubles In the Seuth nre net decreasing, aud miike nt lent ene blntk spot In our bright notional future. It mny he bud policy te borrow treuble of the future, but it Is Imposslble te avoid u well grounded fenr tlmt things nre drifting from' bnd te werse nleng the color line In the Seuth. It Is net very plcailng te rend of the boiler cxploslenat Tewandn, te much llke ths unexplained accident nt the Ijincnstcr cheuilcal works. When tnlsfortune falls te glve Its regular lessen of experience we have a right te fcel aggrlevcd and it Is doubly annoying te llnd boilers blowing up from unknown causes. In this case, as in our local diaaster, the boiler hnd been recently Inspected and was known te be in geed condition and in charge of oempo- teni cngineers. Tlie ever leady tlioerv that thore was no wider in the boiler nn- peara te have been met by ovldeneo that Uierewna water there and the unconifort uncenifort unconifert able Impression is left that thore are mere tUnna te be learned about boiler oxplesioni thaathe ex perls can tell. Ane new tlifTciiWVef this Inclusions adininlstralleii is te be dhecJrtfTOlrdH thodlbtribiitleu nmeng the w orkersof seme six hundred places In the l'hlhulelphln mint, new held by non-partisans of tried lionesty and long servlce. SLt'iiKTAitr Tiiacv docs net wish te be bothered with specillrntleus In bills for the Increase of the navy and It Is announced that he w 111 ask Congress te nuthorize an Increase in tonmige, say of twenty thous and tens, leavlngall the details te ths secre tary and the na al beard. Iiy the prosent niothed thore is delay In tlie awarding of contracts w lien builders refuse te de the work at the ilgure ostabllshed In the ap propriation. It ought net te be very ditll. cult for the framers of these bills le make au Cbtluiate high enough abeve cost nud then provide that the oxeess should b dn dn veted te guns or torjiedeos. The country has paid tee much for Its experieneb In navy building under ltobesen te rclbih any proposal that sets aslde enoimeusHiims fei ships without stating the kind enjunntity. A iou.ne man In Pet tnteu n awore iu a mild but emphatic way thut he would drive the English sparrows from the neighbor hood of the patcrnal,inunsIen w 1th his shot shet gim. The I'ottstewn Ze(i7?rthusdescribes the result: "The young man who does the sheeting puts In au nppenrauie early in the 8en!ng, with a double-barrel gun, and commences tiring into the lops of the trees which are Infested by the birds, nnd after acu 'bnngi' of the fowling piece down drop a let of the sparrows, and also a big fleck rise and fly away. Soen the llttle scamps come back, and ngnln the gun renrs, and there is another tumbling, a rustle of wings and ahasty nittlng but eery tliue the persistent sparrows return te thelr haunts. This performance takes place e.ich e enlug, the scene cletlng by the ' shoot sheet lit appearlng with a large basket aud picking up Ills game, just as a man would w he had been knocking fruit from an upple tree, nnd probably he finds a hundred or niore birds each ecnliig. Ter n week or two this bird battle has been kept up, but as yet the question of Ictery is undecided. The sparrow army me e (low n upon its old quaiteis each oeniiig, hceiniiigly de termined te held the fort, and the exter minator U en hand promptly and continues his efforts te exterminate." Tlie TiirnliiK l'elut ul tlie War. Majer Themas J. New ham wrltes in the fet. Leuis Glebe Democrat'. "I nut Gen. bheniian two yours age at the Mndell hotel, and in the course of a long conversa tion I ahked luin what he considered the critical e cm or turning point of the war. Ills reply was that what he considered the critical e cut or turning ieInt of the war wasalittJe incident that occurred in the wcMNlHiifToiinesseeahlioit tiuie after the battle ofCerinth-lhe intended resignation 1 Ijciu Grant. Sherman had been en spe cial duty with Ills command and had re turned te lepert te Gen. Halkxk. While at Ilalieck's headquarters he w as lulernied that Grant had determined te resign. He Sherman get en his horse and rode direct te Grant's headquarters, some dis tance away. He found Grant with n num ber of papers before him en au imprcn Ued table. Grant and Sherman bhoek hands cordially. Sherman asked Grnnt what he ueiug, aim aise low mm mat be had hcird that he (Grant) was going te resign Grant handed Sherman a paper, whlcl ch pre eu te be his resignation alrcul v w rltten out. I can Maud this no lenger,' said Grant, alluding te his ill treatment bv his surorler. 'if i cailq command . brigade or a dh iklen, I can carry a mutkct.' There Was a great deal of aUatsw In these words as Grant spoke them. Sherman asked Grant If he would de htm a ftver. Grant replied that he would de anything In his power for Sherman. Sherman took the written resignation, tere it into fragments and said thai the favor he asked was that Grant would withheld his resignation for tw'e weeks. Grnnt agreed te this, nnd the resignation was net heard of again. Halleck was rcmoved In a few days, nnd Grant was restored te his cummuud. 'That,' said Gen. Sherman, ' I consider was tbe titrnieg point of the war.1 " A MYSTERIOUS EXPLOSION. Catis of the Disinter nt Tewandn 'et Determined. Ne causa has been fennd for the boiler cxploslenat tbs Tewandn nail works last week by which five men were killed and two fatally wounded. The accldsnt appears te closely rcsemble tlie bniler explosion nt the Lancaster chemical works. The Bradford Argut says: "The causa of the explosion is unknown. The boiler was known as Ne. 1, and was in charge of Engineer Ansen Wlthcrell from 4 o'clock in the morning until 3 p. m.. the time of the explosion. Mr. Haskell, nn empleye, said thore was no water iu the boiler. Mr. Godcharles, ene of Ins firm, thinks there was wnter in It, because he could see water In the track of the boiler, which was of 40 hoi se power, and he claims it hnd been recently tested. He believes thert is no accounting for the oxpleslon. The entlre south end of ths large shop collapsed and is one ma.s of broken tlmber and twisted Iren. Tlie less cm net full short of about 6,O0O. The mill will lie nt once rebuilt anil work resumed. The boiler shot wetward nnd struck a coal car standing utien the track nnd took the end off from It slick nud clean. thou striking the railroad it cut two mils in twain ns If they were plpe stems, nnd went en pleughing up the hill, making a ditch some three feet wlde by fifteen Inches deep, nnd landed in a neighboring gnrden across the street about one hundred feet from its foundation, lletli ends of the boiler appeared le be blown out and sav ernl holes were found In its nidus which uinv have been innde whlle in Us. wild Journey up the hill. One entlre end of the wnrxs was uenieiisiuu nnu micas, iiuiner and lumber of all kinds were thrown In every direction." I'srlls of the Pnraoliute. An exciting srnne was witnessed at au exhibition by Miss licauroent, the aeron aut, at North Shield, Ung., en Saturday. Iu descending from her balloon with n par- nciiuic, me woman get rniigni uy a uguv nlng conductor, from whlc ii she hung sus' pended by ene arm far Abeve the ground no ground, juore wnsagroaicrewn ei s ne ictaters and the oxcltement was Intense. Ladders were brought as quickly as posslble, and by their aid the dnrlng norennut made a safe descent. Hew young leercr you may be, With nillliiK treth you're grim nnd ihl ; And leilrig) our mouth's purity, Your features mem both dull and cold. Then man or maid, warned of your f.itc, Bcclc HOZODONT, o'er IH tee late. MJptS-COdAW The Exelteuiviit Net Over. The rmli en the dntcclsU Hill continue nud dally tcercfi of people rail tern bottle of Kcmp'a Ilaltam for the Threat nnd I.uiiea for ths ciue of CeusliH, Celdit, Brencbltli, Asthma nnd Cen sumptien. Kemp's llalmm, the standard family remedy, Is told en u guarantee and nnver fnlli te gle entlre intlifsctlen. Price Mc and 11.00. Trlnl slze free. nuIMmdlw (4) H T-OOOH HAIISAPAItlliLiA. Ii abNelutely iipccasnry In order te have perfect htnttti. Heed's Hnrtaparllla In the great bleed purifier, quickly comparing ncrefula, salt rheum and nil Inildleua encmlrs which nttack the bleed nnd undcrmlne the health, Itnlse bultdi up the whele system, cures djspcpils luid t: hcftlielic, nnd oercemcs Hint tired reeling. "I ImvetiiUn two bottles of Iloed'i Harsiipa rllla for hiilt ihctiiu and dyHpepiila, with which 1 wan troubled ery much. After taking this liiccllclne I nm feeling ns well ns our In my life." O. W. Uosr.PettsMlle, Pn. UOOU'SaAIUJAPAUILU.Vl " 1 hne been troubled by n scrofulous nfTcc nfTcc tlennll myllfc. It Is ene of the mnrked rtcol rtcel rtcol lectiens or my boyhood days, and for 80M-ral years has rendered me unnble te labor much. I think Heed's Har.viparllla, which I hare benn using nt Inlcrvals for ten years, Is the best thing I liaeccr tnUen. I nm new ft), nnd my gcu rrul liniltli sct-inibcttir than vtr." II. 1). All All iiett, Wunen,N. II. I'UKIKIIX Till: 1ILOOO. "I had n flight bleed dlnuider whltlt I thought nothing serious, but It grew 'lUO'ii bad form of skin disease, which wuie called lupus, breaking out In ul.rerr nml sores nil eermy body. Hoed'et-Ars.iparllln In u short ttuie com pletely iHicil me. I rcel I ene my lire te lloed'x Bptipnrllla." Prtnn Waciiteh, Uourben, lud. UOOD'8 SAKSAVAMLLA Held by (ill drtiggUta. St ; nx for fe. Prepared only by C. I. HOOD CO., Iewell, Mail. loe peaia enk dellak. id liVANH P1.0UH. Cenqictcul Midlcal UsKrl8 Iiune dtclded thnt the lately dlscovcrel " Elixir " Is no geed, but the hundreds of families who have been using LEVAN'S FLOUR Fer the last twenty years lluivc unanimously declared that It Is nil Hint Is claimed fei It viz: THE BEST. (MANUKACTUItUI) OUT OP WHEAT.) AM. OLD M ILI.EU'a llOHAX SOAP. 7VIL.L.ER'S Borax Seap WILL- WASH CLOTHES, -AND EVERY ARTICLE UNDER THE SUN (Jrtvbuiavc. TTAUDWAltE I Prime New Timethy Seed AT MARSHALL & RENGIER'S, V d 11 KOUTH QUEEN ST. YOUNG SIMl'ilOVEU TOBACCO CUTTER. Royal Ready-Mixed Paints, Aikuenledgtd te be (he llcut Head -Mixed Paints In thu Market. An Iuimeusti Auertiuciit of UAHPKNlKK'STOOi.H AND UUH.DINd MA lEltlALnndUENERAIjHAItUWAHE. , ""T JS u u ea'land be lemliucd tlmt jeu get the full nine for jour menej , MARSHALL RENGIER, 9& II Seuth' Queen St. 5tu tSeeb. "VTEW YORK bTOItE. WATT & SHAND Are making preparations te sbew the Largest and Cheapest Hteck of Ever Shown in Lancaster City, lX3Um.E-l'OI.D COLOP.EU CASHMEUES, All N'ew Shades, a Bargain at 10c A yard. FANCY DUESS PLAIDS, Jul I the thing for Children's RcliOOl Urestci, very cheap at 12 c a yard. JS-INCU RAJAH SUITIN09, Ucnynrd; never sold for lest than a quarter. ALL-WOOL FLANNEL BUIT1NU8, ALL.WOOL TIUCOT9UITING1. ALIWOOL CLOTH BUITIKG8, All 38:iiicUes Wide, only Sc. NEW TLAID DIIESH GOODS, . Ynrd Wide, 25c n yard. Nelr Combination Colorings In PLAID and HTllirM) CLOTHS, . W Inches Wide, W cents a jard. v lltE FRENCH TLAID3, IlcKiitltnlCeliirlnsj, 40Iuc!u Wide, 76e a yard, Alt the Latest Hhadesln FINE CASHMERE HENRIETTAH, 45 lmltcj Wlde, Wc and T5e a yard, FLtMHEW. PLUMHI2). Our own Importation nf COLORED HILK PLUaHKS " At 87Kc tOt, " Slid II a yard. ULAL'K nnd COLORED SILK VF.LVETB, Huierler Qualities, Wc and 7Cc New Yerk Stere, U.SAlUEAHl ICINOHT. N EW fJOODS. 35-37 North Queen St. New Goods Blankets. While Ulankels from 0)c up te $1? a pair. Flannels. White All-AVoel from 16e up te 76ea jard. Flannels. Ilcd AINWoel from lXi "P te uvfi a yard. Rant Goods. "" WoelPrutOoodial26oii jard. Underwear. Ilfl.t Value In Lancflitcr h117J$c mid Wc each. Flannels. All-Weel Plaid Flannels at 26c a j ard. Skirtings. 10-Inch Weel SUtrtlngs at 20c nud tic n ynid. Eiderdown. i:Ui.iiliu-n for Coats (it Loiveit Prices. Checks, Cleths. Winch for Coats at fl.OOnyerd. Percales Fer Hhlrt Waists, Deuble Wldth.atlJiijnrd. Calicoes. Hli; Assortment, All New Strli. 35-37 NORTH QUEEN STREET, LANCASTER, PA. Charles Stamm. (gX'CUVOiOU. -yACATIO EXCURSIONS. RAYMOND'S VACATION EXOURBIONS. AllTnteliiig ExpcuKcs Iucluded. A iurt will lcae Philadelphia. MONDAY. eriOllElt ll.rorriGraudTeurorel Das ACROSS THE CONTINENT. 'IhotrlntmUidetn. journey eci the Kntlre Line of tlte Northern Pnclllc Itallreud, Puget f-imnd, tlie Columbia Ittvcr, the MnEiilllceut Mount Hhuata lleutc, Central and Heutliern California, und n return through Arizona, New Mcslce, etc., by the tunln I'c Iteuti Iteturn 'J lrLcts geed fernix mouth. On theSainc Da it 1 duj, Oclnlwr ll.-Ex. curslen Direct te beuilicru California (1h. Kansas Ctt) and the t.mta Fe Reute. During fctpterabcr. A mnrnltHent list of Trlp Ihreugh New Lliglaud, Cbiih I nd New Yerk. ap-tnd ler deccrlpthe circular, delimiting the i-urllcnlar trip desired. RAYMOND A WHI1C0MD, 111 beuth Ninth Htrrct sunder Continental hotel), Plillndtlplita, Pp. nu27-Stced NOTICE IO TithaPAbEIW AND HUN NERH. AllperkeimaiM hen by forbidden te trepaH cm any of the lands of tlie Cornwall jid Speedwell etatesln Lebanon or Ijiucater euntles, whether Inclesed or unlnclned, cltiier for the purrKMO of sheeting or rUhlng, as the law will be rleldly enferceil ngalnst all trvn. Fiaslng en sold lands of the undersigned arte tits notice. WM. COLEMAN FItEEMAN H.PEUCYAI.DKN. EDW.U. FItEEMAN, Attorney for Jt. W. Celeman's Heirs, wwen GURUS STAHH BOSTON STORE, J. HABBY&TAMM-H. CHOICE BARGAINS! CHOICE BARGAINS I NO, 2 800 Pieces '6-4 Table Oil Cleth, (best quality), only 30c a yard. H Pieces German Hand Leem Table Linens, regular price 37a ; ear price Sle a yard. Five Cases neavy Canten Flannels at 6c a yard. Four Bales Apple ten A Muslin RemnanU, Xe a yard. One Case Printed Cotten Plushes (beautiful coloring), at 17e a yard, for eerertnf furnltura and making lambrequlm. NEJAi J. Harry Stamm. Valatt of SamMatx. TOALACE OF FASHION. PALACE OFFASHION, 115 & 117 NORTH QUEEN STREET. Opened Anether Large In voice . of BLACK STRAW HATS,. in Canten and Milan. All the latest shapes received daily. Black and Fancy Wings, for early Fall Hats, at iec Silk Plushes, in 16, 19 and 24 inch. 100 pieces of 16-inch Silk Plush, at 37c a yard, in Car dinal, Garnet, Gendarme, Geld, Olive, Mahogany, Terra-Cetta, Gelden Brown, &c. Salt's best imported Mole skin Plushes, 19-inch, at $1.25, in all the finest shades. The colors we show in these Plushes cannot be bought any where else in this city. We in vite inspection. CORSETS. We advertise the Watch Spring Corset at $1.25. Can Can eot break. Positively ever lasting. The springs can easily be taken out and the corset can be washed. Come and leek at them. One case of Satin Corsets, in white, drab, old geld and black, at 75c; .never before sold at less than $1. Satin Corsets, in geld, light blue and black, only $1.25. Misses' Corsets, 37c. Misses' Corset Waists, 37c. Kid Gloves at 69c, will be sold until September 15, after which they go back te 87 and 98c, their former prices. LINEN GOODS. Stamped Linen Goods in great variety. Stand Cevers, Sideboard Cevers, Splashers, Deylies, Tidies, Tray Cevers, Mats, &c, at prices lower than ever. An assortment like ours has never been seen in this city. PALACE OF FASHION, 115 & 117 North Queen St. gev nlc. OECURE A nOME FOR YOUR FAMILY. Secure a Heme for Your Family, FOlt SALE ON THE MOST LIBERAL TERMS. Tno-stery brick dwelling houses, lets 120 feet deep, en Lancaster atenue, between Wal nut and Lemen streets. Twe-story brick dwelling heuien with man lard reef, perches In front, lets US feet deep, en 'erth Flue, between Chestnut end Walnut ktrcele. Twcmtery brick dwelling houses ulth front erds, Ireu fences, lets 1W feet deep, en West Wnlnut, between Mary mid Fine scrcets. Two-Mery brick dwelling houses, let its feet deep, en West Lemen street, between Charlette ana Mary streets. Three-story brick dwelling houses, leU UOfeet deep, with all the modern Improvements, front yards. en West Chestnut street, between Fine and etu street. Alse houses en VmI Walnut, North Lime, North Mary, between Walnut and Lemen, and linen, between Mary and Flue streets. All the oboe heucs are In geed order, ntwly apcred, gas fixtures In all the rooms, water In the Kltclirii.and the cellars warranted te be dry. Cull and see for jeurtclf, no treuble te sbew you. JACOll OUIKL, 'ccuters. aprtO-1) d.M.W.S. SM North Mar Street. SUtcvncue. T UTHEIt 8. KAUFFMAN, ATTORNKY-AT-LAW. Hccend Fleer Kshleman Law Building, Ne. a North Duke etnet. apr3-lyd&w PnerEIlTY OWNERS DESIRING A FIRST Clai.5 Tin Reef, which can be depended uen te last for many jears, and at the tame time protect thcruseUcs against the use of In In firter material, can obtain full particulars by writing us for copy of our new book, entitled "A TIN ROOF." Ihla book shows hew te select, lay and paint n tin reef, aud will be furnished free of cost. MERCHANT & CO., t'liiladelpbla, New Yerk, Chicago, Londen. llUfK-ftdtOd 9t9 -AT- CENTRE SQURRE, Five Cases Heavy Vtrlptd Whirlings (for work ing shtrU), at c a yard. Ten Pieces Feather Bed Ticking at 12Hc a yard. These goods an worth Jee. Great Bargains m BLACK HINBIITTAS I At 87J4C, BOC, HMfl, 7c 7Ke. Ke, $1.00, f 1.25. Tbesa goods are worth from lie te JSc a yard ere. BOSTON STORE, New tptrit B LACK GOODS. HAGER & BROTHER, HEVniKTTA CLOTH, JOUA1' ALMA. nH'-KHIAL SKItOE, CAMMin, CASUNLBBX.- - , All-Weel. IIEXniETTA CLOTH, PIUNCETTA, DUAP D AL31A, TAMI9E, CAMEL. HATn. Silk Warp Black Silks, 5 C - JALL COLOItlNGS AV HENrtlETTA, S6 and 18 Inch. BKnui;, 89 and 40 Inch, CASIMI K. M end te Inch. DKAlAliMA. BKA VTIFUL LINE OP I New Invoice aii.oei, m coloring HisSSM-msnH 5 . HHGER St Ijinanmvc. H IUH A MARTIN. FRUIT JARS -AT- QUART "LIGHTNING JARS," AT 81.00 FERDOZ. HALF-OALT.ON " LIGHTNING JARH." AtlJ5FerDer. Masen Jars in All Sizes. JELLY TUMBLERS IN QUANTITY. High & Martin, NO. 15 EA9T KING ST. It? . "Of 1 f J. B. MARTIN 4 CO. THE PRICES -or- LIGHTNING JARS have been struck by a streak of competition lightning, and our prices until further notice will Quarts at 95 cents a dez. Yz gallons at $1.20 a dez. Engraved Thin Glass Table Tumblers, at 60 cents a dozen. Gas Glebes, sizes, that sold 75c, reduced te all -hapes and al 35. 50 and 25c each. A bargain in Jelly Tumblers at 1 8c a dozen. French China, English Porce lain Dinner Sets, at reduced prices. J. B. MARTIN & CO., Cor. West King & Prince Sts. Lancaster, Pa. Seoul Itoticce. ITlfiTATEOFBAIinARA WEBER. L.UE OF It Lerl township. Lancaster county, deceased. The undesigned Auditor appointed te distribute the balance remaining In the hands or Abraham M. Vebi,ndinliiUlrnter, te and among these let-all v cull llcd tetheuimr. will sit for that purpose en Tud., Sept. 17, IWi.nl .10 11. in.. In the Library Roem of thu ' uun iiuutr, in ineciiy 01 lincasier.wuereaii persons luterrstetl In mid distribution may at tend. E. BUllKlIOl.liEH. aug2V3tdM Auditor. I 7IINE FISHING GROUNDS The ttshlng atj Washington Borough U new acknowledged lehe thnhp.t nlnnihe.Sus. nuchanna rlcr. Henry Weru. pnprleter of the Susquehanna Heun, has a line line of beats manned by cartful boatmen, h i.lilng iwrtlec nm make arrangemnUKWiih hltn at reneuable rattis. Bait alwnj s en hand. nugii-lwd Five Cases Fine Damask Knotted Fringe Towels, regular price Jj ) our price 3Sc eaeh Bltie, Red and Geld Borders. One Case Heavy White Blanklts nt II a pair better grades were never sold for 11.35. One Case Princes Cashmere, 12)e a yard 5 a ntw fabrle for house drasses. One Case Weel Henriettas, new shade, M laches wide, JTc a yard, Larga assortment of Black Goods. Bosten Stere. &0ebB. 25, 27, 29, 31 TV. King St. Jet and Blue Black. J jet Black. New WeveT J ust Received. BROTHER. Colleges. Y0RK' (PA.) COLLEGIATEJNSTITUTE. New Buildings ; Large Endowment ; Scholar ships; Laboratory; Library; Gymnasium. Frepares for College or Business. Heparate Course for Indies. Modern Languages In Regu lar Course Tuition, M0 per aunum. Ueartf in private 1 families, He8 per week. Faculty of nine, 17th year opens September 2. Fercatn. leguc.nddrcss . SY JAMES MCDOUOALL, PH. D.. Jyavsetd President. "PIDUCATIONAL. ' The Ycates Institute WILL REOPEN ON MONDAY, SEPTEMBER t. Headmaster. The REV. MONTGOMERY B. neOFEll. Classics, .Mathematics, English, Drawing, French. n ul Aftiit Master.-BIR. OLIN. a JOLINE. B. A. fllervnrd.) Clusslcs, Mathematics, Eng llsh, I'hjslcs. ' " wSSUAfslstimt Master -MR. EDWIN D. PC8E , B. A. Classics, Mathematics, English, German. " French and German are Included In the course. The Oymnaslum Is te be rolltted. Fer circulars, etc.. apply te the neadraaster. auglT-ewdMWiJ.9 OEIRCE COLLEGE. PEIRCEJCOLLEGE BUSINESS AND Sliert-Hand, Recerd Building,) 817-019 CHIMTNUT ST., Philadelphia, Fa., Bee end, Third and Teurth Floers. Morning, Afternoon and Night Heslens. KWSilkY0,r bcs,ns TUEa- Twelve hundred nnd slxty-nlne(12))8tudent last year. Larly applications necessary. Send for enrollment blank. Technical knowledge qualifying for business engagements. Full Instruction for commercial and general business vocations. Alse Short Hanei nnd Type-Writing. A faculty of mere than ft seore of practical men who have practiced what they tcicb. Bookkeepers out of counting houses teaching bookkeeping j lawyers teaehlug law and bust nessfpnus: successful high school principals teach ng English bronches ; law reporters twehlng short-hand and type-writing, etc., etc. ' This Institution has been exceptionally for fer for tunate In the success or the studenU whehTe graduated therefrem." Offlce open Saturdays for the Enrollment of rLUUCIUB. Announcements, etc., sent when requested. Visitors always welcome. Address, THOMAS MAY PEIR0E, M. A.. nugl94mM.tS Principal end Founder. Srtte. w E EXPECT THEM -ND- THEY ARE HERE! Who? What? The New Fall Styles In all that Is fityluh, Neat and Durable In our Celebrated Hats! , The " BOSTON BEAUTIES " still mere beau uur Line of BcneOL HATS from lOe up. STAUFFER & CO., 31 and 33 North Queen Street, I.ANCASTER.PA dlrtvvtnecfi. TANDARD CARRIAGE WORK. EDV. EDGERLEY, II, U, &. 15 MARKET STREET, (Hear ctlie Postefflce), LANCASTER, I'A. ALL THE UvTTjTi STYLES IN Bugles, Phaetons, Family Carriages, Etc. The Flnri Sleck In the Country. We new hu Full Line of SECOND-HAND WORK-Any fit If Yeu Want. Rcpulntlng ui.-l Itepalriiu premntl te. One let- of workmen esflally r attended cmplesrd ler uia' puri" ine lewe.l prices iu the cuuuiy ivr ujsv-ciut, TurK. 49Glve mc a Call nnd Examine Ms Werk. rs.. 1 V- - la"-i MlOt. ,Jii tf -VH