'V T -Vr ll 'V! '-'. Jh&& v?v t it- VJBJ&WW 29 1 jfe; - w - .V , VV -, A if r v- -f V JCST MZSTIOni). Each morning, at Blet. I pass under the sign A fan, with Het k flylns o'er And see. as I go, A remarkable (hew. At the Japanese 'e elty btere. There's an odd little man Frem the booths of Japan, Who walks te and fro en the fleer : His eyes are oblique, And he talks with ft squeak, At the Japanese Novetty Hterc. Yeu ask the expense. It la twenty-lire cents Fer a lantern ns big iu a deer ; But a dollar won't buy A vase an Inch high At the Japanese Novelty Stere, Cranes, fishes and dragons, And Clolseuae flagons. Ne man can say what they are for ; But down te the stork They're all made In New Yerk Fer the Japanese Novelty Htere. -FrOn Mwurtft Weekly. Beir-Defense Ajpilust a Dnnsreretts Fee. Forewarned is net forearmed In the ens of these who Incur the risk of an attack from that dangerous fee, malaria, unprevided with a means or defence. But lfthe In peril are aided, sustained and reinforced with the great fortify. Ing safeguard, llestettcr's Stomach Bitters, mi asma, preline breeder of evils manifested In the shape, of remittent and chills and fever, ague cake, dumb ague, and the eatentura of the Isth tnus and Central American coast, Is nullified and rendered harmless. Our western pioneer settlers and miners, dwellers In tropical low land, and visitants of and dwellers In malari malari ous localities In this country and many quar ters of the glebe, have ferycars been acquainted with the fact and are constantly provided with this unparalleled defensive mcdlclne and rem edy. All dKerders or the stomach, liver and bowels, rhcumatlcand kidney complaints and rheumatism ere conquered by It. gjtpccial $tettce. Bucklen'n Arnica Salve. The BestSalve In the world ferCuU.Brulses Beres, Ulcers, Salt llheum, Fever Seres, Tetter. Chapped Hands. Chilblains, Cerns, and all 8kln Eruptions, and positively cures riles, or no pay required. It Is guaranteed te el ve per fect satisfaction, or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. Fer sale by II. B. Cochran, prnggUt, Nes. 137 and 139 North Queen street, Lancaster, Fa. Iunc27-lyd A Wemnn's) Discovery. " Anether wonderful discovery hasbcenmadc and that tee by n lady In this county. DIease fastened Us clutclir upon her nnd for scen jearsshe withstood Its severed tests, but her vital organs were undermtnd and death seemed Imminent, Fer three months she coughed In In ecsiently and could net sleep. Slie bought or us a bottle or Dr. King's New Discovery Ter Con sumption and was he much rollOAeUou tubing first desi that tha slept nil night and with ene bottle hat been mliaculeusly cured. Her name IS Mrs. Luther Lutr." 1 litis rlte W. C. Hum rlclt & Ce., of hhclby. N. C- Oct n free trial bot bet tliatll. B. Cochran's Ding Stere, 137 ft 159 N. Q icen St., Lancaster, I'n. Mothers I Mether 1 I Mether I il Are you disturbed at night uud broken or your rest by a sick child etuTerlug and crying with the excruciating pnlu or cutting teeth? if se, go at once and get n bottle of .Ml IS. WINS LOWS SOOTHING BYRUP. It will relieve the peer llltle suiltrer Immediately depend upon It; there Is no nilstake about It. There Is net a mother en carlli who has ecr used It, who will net tell you at ence that It will regu late the bowel. and give rest te the mother, and relief nnd health te the child, operating like magic It Is perfectly sufe te use In all cases and plcuvunt te the taste and Is the prescription of one of the eldest nnd best female ihj slclans und nurses In the United Slates. Beld tnery where, 25 rents a bottle. JuncSJlydAw The Verdict Unanimous. W. D. Suit, Druggist, Dlpput, IuJ testifies " I can recommend Electric Hltlrnns tlie ery best remedy. E cry bottte eeld has gU en rcllcr In every caw. One man toel: six bottles nnd cured of Rheumatism or 10 jears standing." Abraham Hare, druggist, Bellvllle, Ohie, af firm": "The best selling medicine I hnxeever handled In my 20 jcnrs'cxpcrlcnce, Is Hlcctrle Bitters." Thousands or ethers hnvendded their testimony, se thnt the verdict Is unanimous Hint Electric Hit teri de cure all diseases of the Liver, Kidneys or Bleed. Only a half dellarn bottle nt II. U. Cochran's Drug Stere, 137 A 139 N. liuecn Bt., Lancaster, I'n. letlitufl. IT IlWll UROTIIER. CHILDKEN'S AND HOYS' Sclioel Suits 7 OUR North Queen St. Windows ATTRACTIVE TO THU UYIlS 01' ALL. An extraordinary display In Quality, Quan tity nnd Price that must be seen te be appre ciated. All sizes and all styles. All nt n drop In the price of from $1 te $3 a Suit. BOYb' LONG PANTS, 75c te J1.50 for knock, about weer. K.NK1'. PANTS, 2Se.S3c.40e nnd 00c per pair for Scheel Wear. Higher prices for betiri goods. hlllRT WAlfcrS in Flannel, Ptratle and Calice, 25c, 40c, SOc and upwards. We Ask Your Inspection. We Court Competition. SEE THAT NORTH QUEEN ST. WINDOW And Yeu Will Be Ceuvlucid. HIRSH (fe BROTHER, ONK-PIUCE CLOTHIERS AND rimxisiiEits, North Queen Street and Centre Square, LANCASTER. PA. w ILLIAMSON d. FOSTER. The Beys That Have Earned Promotion SHOULD BE 8TARTED TOR The Fall Scheel Term BRIGHT NEW SUITS. Our Assortment of CLOTHING IN Beys' Scheel Suits Is WEAR RESISTING, I'ERrECT riTTINU, AND LOW PRICED. htHOOLfcUIT&rOR BOYS, 53.50 te S10. Milrts. Undcrntar, llau, Cups and Beets and Shoes nt Prices that Attiact Buyers. WAT0H FOR THE DATE or Our Grand Opening -IN DRY GOODS & NOTIONS. Williamson & Fester, 32-38 East King Street, LANLAVl'ER, PA. .VUBfetf .MsiiilmM,timtkm LANE LlVCll ritLS. THE GENUINE DR. C f -ClOtBRATED- LIVER PILLS! FOB SICK HEADACHE! Mr. and Mrs. Williams, Ne. J7S Seventh street. N.Y., testify that they have both been suffer Ing with liver complaint for about Ave rear", during which time they have spent a large amount of money and tried many remedies, but Dr. C. McLane'a Liter Inir Bres., llttabunr. hexes. which the v took aeeerdlnv tleni acremnanvlns each bes. and new pre neunce, themselves perfectly cured of that dis tressing disease. This It te certify that I have been subject at times te severe headache: sometime the pain would b ae severe rrauld rest neither dar or night. Hearing of the penulne Dr. C. Mcliane't Liver nii, prepared by Fleming bi burg, Pa., I tent and get a box, of which I took two nllla en coins te bed. for two nlchts. They ii ricimiiai Ksaun.1 s uw relieved me entirely. Seme time hai new elaiwcdand I hachad no mere trouble from air ck tick headache. adactie. M. JOHN8TON, It LewU ilreel. N. Y. This Is te certify that I have had the liver complaint for six yean, and I never could get any medicine te help me until I commenced using the penulne Dr. C. McLane'i Liver Pills, prepared by Fleming. Brea., Plttsbnrg, Pa. I can new say te tha public, that they have com pletely cured me ; and I de hereby recommend them te all persons afflicted with a diseased liver, jryincm. mey win cure. MARIA KVANH. Ne. 03 Lewl AiAiiiJV c io,ne.i i4ewissuTTi,n. i, nlt nnen haviiur the senulne Dr. C. Mi .. . n. .... . .T. K- ..H..-. . . . Inlst upon hating the genuine Dr. C. Mc- line's Liver Pills, prcparceDy Fleming Bres. Plttsbnrg, l'a. Price 2e cents a box. Meld by alt druggist?. (S) H U.MPHREY'8 DR. HUHPHREYH SPECIFICS arc sclcntl call v and carefull v nrenared nrescriDtlent : used rer many years In prl ate practice, with success J Every single Specific Is a special cure for the disease named. These Hnccincs cure without drugging, purg ing or reducing the system, and are In fact and deed the SOVEREIGN REMEDIES OF THE WORLD. I,tT or PRINCIPAL 809. CCRKS. mil'U 1. FEVERS, Congestion, Inflammation...... .25 2. WORMS, Werm Fever, Werm Celic 25 3. CRYING COLIC, or Teething of Infants, .28 4. DIAHHIKEA. of Children or Adults 2S B. DYSENTERY, Orlplng. Bilious Celic-... M ft. CHOLERA MORBUS, Vomiting . .21 7. cewniiH, cold, Bronchitis 8. NEURALGIA, Toothache. Faceache 9. Hi:ADVCHE,SlcltIIeadachc, Vertigo.. 10. DYSPEPSIA. Bilious Stomach... .- 11. SUPPRESSED or PAINFUL PERIODS, .s :2-s .25 .2 .25 .23 14. tiiijj3jUJUiiuiiifl lenuuB 1). CROUP. Cough. Difficult Brrathln 14. SALT RHEUM, Erysipelas, Eruptions.. in, iiiir.u.MA jim.m. nneumaue rain nt, iviiuu.uiaiOiiiiiwicuiiinuD rams . .j ie. kiivkk nna AGUE, Chills, Malaria-. .... .SO 17. PILES, Blind or Bleeding W 19. CATARRH.lnnuenza.Celdln the Head, M 20. WHOOPING COUOH. Violent Coughs... .50 St. a UNERAL DEBILITY, Physical Weak- nen ... .M 27. KIDNEY DISEASE .60 2S. NERVOUS DEBILITY .. J1.00 30. URINARY WEAKNESS, Wetting Bed, .60 32. DISEASES OF THE HEART, Palplta- Hen .' .... 11.00 Sold by driipgtsts, or sent postpaid en receipt or price. D& Humphrey's manual (111 nagcft) rlclily bound In cloth and geld, mailed free. llvit piintYV Medicimk Ce., 100 J ulten 8U N. Y (2) SPECIFICS. Tu.Th.Hd-w rpEETIIINO. SYRUP. TO MOTHERS. Everr bnha should have, n botlle of DR. tUP. Perfcctlv FAUHNKY'B TEEfHING SYRUP. safe. NoOplumerMorphlnmlxlurea. WlUrt- llete Celic. Grlnlna In the Bowels and Promote Dimcult Teething. Prepared by DRS. D. FAHR NEY 4 SON, Hagerstown, Md. Drugglsta sell It j 23 cents. Trial bottle sent by mall 10 cent, lani-lydced&w ffiletltiHjj. M ERH A RATIIFON. IT'S PROFIT TO YOU 1 IT'S PROFIT TO YOU TO BUY OK US NOW A GOOD DEAL MORE TO YOU THAN TO US. WE'VE GIVEN YOU Tim BIG (iVHT PART OP Tim PROFIT, AND XOBOD YQUISTIONS Til IS PACT. LOOK AT THE QUALI TIES AND THEN AT THE PRICES, AND YOU'LL AGREE WITH US. SOME OF THEM SHORT LOTS AND ODD SIZES, HUT EVERY ONE A BARGAIN. WE'RE WELL FIXED IN OUR ASSORTMENT OF BOYS' SCHOOL SUITS AT BOTTOM PRIDES. MYERS & HATH FOX, RELIABLE CLOTHIERS, NO. 12 EAST KING STREET, LANCASTER, PA. mO CLOTHING BUYERS. L.Gansman&Bre. 1HE BEST OOODS lOR THE LEAST MONEY. See Our Quality and Prices reit SCHOOL SUITS. Children' SUioel Suits, Knee Pant, at $1.00, 51.25, 51.50, J1.75. liejs' Suits, Leng Pnnts, at f2M, ii.OO, t3M. Thei-e geed arc worth double the money. Better Sclioel Suits nt Extremely 1-ew Price. Slcn'b Hull, for Early Fall Wear at 58.50, Jl.00, (e.00n!nlffl.O. Our Tailoring Department Oilers a few mere attractions In Lew Priced rantnloein. Sm our 5J.W. 11.00, M,V uud i-Vf) 1'iirit", te order; they are genuine bargain. Buy your Scheel SulU direct from the manu facturer and save money. L Gansman & Bre., 66 and 68 NORTH QUEEN 8T E. W. CORNER OF ORANGE, LANCASTER, PA. 3- Net tennictcd with any ether Clothing Heuteln the city. Yeim,ii'A.i C0LLF.GIATEJNSTITUTE. New Buildings , Iirge Eiidevriuetit 1 Scholar Schelar klilps; laboratory; Library; GjiunaslJin. Prepjres rer College or Business. Separate Ceurw for luilk. Modern Laueuagcii In Regu lar Ceurx-. Tuition, HO per annum. Beard In private families, ji&j jr tk. Faculty el nine. 17tli yenr opens Septembers. Forcata Fercata Forcata leiue, mlilrttn IlEV. JAMES McDOUGALL, PH. I)., J2W9td FjvsUUut. M kttkt. xyAnua. RMBRICnN Watches, Clocks, Jewelry. Spec, Eye-Qlaasea, Etc, at LOWEST FIUCEsT Optical Qoeda. Telegraph Time Dally. Every Article in thU LhSe Carefully Repaired. Leuis Weber, . Utstatt (mwH., Xtut. ft. ft. itaUaa w ATCH HEPAIRINO. Watch Repairing. The majority of watches are ruined by falling Inte the hands of anlncempetcnt workmen and net worn out. Te have j our Watch Carefully Handled, Re paired, Adjusted and Regulated, call en the un dersigned, who has en exhibition a watch made by himself. Chas. 8. Gill, JEWELER AND ORADUATE OPTICIAN, Ne. 10 West King St'., LANCASTER, PENN'A. H ERR! REPAIRING ! De jeu hat en Watch or Cleck that used re pair ? It may be one that hat been repaired and does no geed, ir se, bring It te us. and tre will Guarantee Yen tbe Best Werk Yeu have ever had done. All kl nds or Je elry and Spectacle Repairing, Engraving, Etc. AH Werk Guaranteed and Prices tha Lewest. Olve us a Trial and you will Call AgaUv Ne. 101 N. Queen St., CORNER OF ORANGE. gtveccricB. CUOARS REDUCED. SUGARS REDUCED AT CLARKE'S FROM lc TOlJcylbALI, AROUND. BROWN SUGAR only 6c H ft. Other Urades as Lew In proportion. We are having a Big Saleen that 20c CerTcc. Understand WE SELL YOU i lbs or It for 75c. A Fresh Invoice of Ham, Dried Beer and Bo logna at Cut Prices. Geed Reller Fleur, 60c and 70c $ quarter. Makes Bread ns White as Snow and as Sweet as Heney. Remember, we sell Racer's nnd Hlres' Reet Beer at Ilea bottle, and n 60c bettle or Lemen Syrup rer 10c. Lets or ether bargains. Call toen and pick them up. CLARKE, 12 A 11 SOUTH QUEEN ST. -Telephone. JjMfddw A T BUllSK'S. GOOD NEWS. SUGARS REDUCED. Our prices new one cant a pound loner tJum whattlicy were a few weeks age. It Is difficult te say what they will de; they might come lower, and again might go higher; the most expert grocer Is at a let-b te knew, COFFEES! COFFEES! COFFEES! THE PLACE TO BUY COFFEES. Our Coffees are net surpas$ed for n.uallty.al. waj s fresh roasted, and the prices right, we have the best Mecha and Jin a Coffee In the market. Alse Laguayras and Illes, Our 25c Rie has a big sale. BURSK'S; Ne. 17 East King Street, LANCASTER. PA. T REIBT S. Table Syrups I Light us honey, heavy body, 6c a quart. Fine Sweet Sugar Goods, heavy body, 10c u quart. Better Sweet Sugar Goods, heavy body, 12Jc a quart. Finest In the world, never taw the like, 16c u quart. GOOD NEWS. Sugars Still Tumbling in Price, We told you se a week age. Keep your eyes wldeeptn. Coffees Creeping Up. CelTc-eii are sle ly creeping up In price. We ill notmUanceeiir prices. ns uohavcaeeod stock uu hand. Oit IjC Coffee kadi the n erld. Try It nnd m e. WHOLE MIXED SPICIS AND PICKLING VINEGAR Fer Purity and Strength Cannet be Evctlled. STONEWARE. Jars, Jugs, Btiwing I'linv, Milk I'nn, iU. A CARLOAD OF SALT. Eeiir-llukhel Put:, OncRuthvl Bum, Half Bushel Bugs. IVck llHgs, denu teSc l-nis. Ale, the lel " Jumbo " Coarse Hull. Ilried Bf, HKc. Picnic Hnm, 10c. Plnent Knmkle Dry Beef, lie a pound. REIST ! WHOLESA I.K A N I) BETA I L GROCER, CORNER WiasTlNO AND PHlNCEftTH., Directly Orpeslte J. B. Martin A Ce.'s Dry Goods Stere, and Next Doer te Serrel Horte Hetel. XfOTICE TO TUESPAbSERS AND GUN ,11 NERS. All ;eronsure hereby forbidden te trespusa en any or the lands or the Cornwall nd Speedwell estates In iAbauen or Luucesler counties, whtlher Inclesed or uuliiclexed, either ter the purpose or sheeting or rUblng, as the law will be rigidly enforced agalntt all tres- Jasslng en said lands of the undersigned afie his notice. WM. COLEMAN FREEMAN It. l'EROY AI.DEN. EDW.C. FREEMAN. Attorney! for 11. W. Celeui&a'e Heirs. .Hirfaf'srHiH HR-ss. -Ar.J' f V A6VjfaaiMia, . &00tm'n 9h0t TIOOTS AND 8H0B. ATTENTION I BOOTS I BOOTS I BOOTS! FARMERS and WORKWOMEN, leek te your Interest In purchasing your Beets and Shoes for Fall and Winter Weer. New I have In stock about two thousand pairs of beets ready for your Intpcctlen. I have had these beets made of the very best material that money could buy, and they wire made by the best boetmaker In the world) et they are better known ns the WALKER BOOT. Call and Examine Our liOO and tiSOboetj eery pair guaranteed or rlteney rcrunded. New, sirs, there ts net a mau or boy who should miss the opportunity In looking ever my stock before buying hi beets or shoes, ns 1 knew I can sat e you money and give you better beets than yen are accustomed te getting. D. P. Stackhouse, 28 and 30 EAST KINO STREET, LANCASTER. TA. a30-lydAw pitJUALUiO BEST HOME-MADE WORK I WOMEN'S HEAVY SHOES ! The crickets' chirp is again beard at the close of each day, denoting the ap proach of another scaseu. Au ndruou ndrueu lshmcnt, tee, we're told, that te be com feri able, seen a change of raiment m well a a change of the lighter weight shoes for the heavier and mere buUsUu tlal will become n necessity. Fer Women's, Misses' and Children! Hhecs of this kind Inquirers grew mere fre quent each day. We liaw them, of course goal, substantial makes, which have been tried and net found wanting. And that kind only we'd have no ether. With all the honest work and honest materials of the olden tlme there was never better than you'll find them In these. Among these te mention to day are, first: Women's Veal Calf Lace Shoes, geed substantial heavy drill linings and trimmings, low, bread heels, machine pegged. Beams saddle stitched n seam thai rarely ever rips. Fit the feet comfortably and wear splendidly. Women's $1.23, Sliswa' $1.00, Children's 75c. Second : Wemen's Veal Calf Lace Shoes, Ne. 1 grade, finer and better trimmed than tne first mentioned. Au excellent shoe, difficult te match any where. Women's 51.60, Children's $1.00, Mists' M. 25. Third: Women's genuine tannery Calfskin Shoes. Solid leather throughout, with red sheepskin linings. Hand-pegged, hand-sewed seams, low heels. Will mere readily turn water than any similar make of shoes we knew of. The uppers are clec grained and very strong iu fibre. They wear satisfactorily, are shapely, aud nt with out discomfort. Price, tdue. Fer the field, garden, or household work, such as scrubbing, etc., better shoe thau thcfce are net made. SHAUB & BURNS, 14 North queen Street Lancas ter, Pa. qchoel notice ! SCH00LN0TICEI SCHOOL COMMENCES TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 3d, In erdrr that your children may clothed ou will In all nrebnbllltv bn nrencrlv rebnblllty think they will need n New rnlr of Shoes, mid what con ccrns you most Is, " Whcru te buy the Best Ar Ar tlcle for the Least Meney 7" Loek At Our Prices ! Children's Tebble Wtdge Heel Shecn, sliisS 10 7.MOO Children's Pebble, Heel and Spring HcclSheei, sires 4 te iy4, nuc. Children's Pebble, HtclandSprlngHcCl Shoes, sires 8 te 10'. 7ic. Children's Grein, Hecl and Spring Hi el Shee, with nnd without tip', sizes 8 te 10J, Tuc. Misses' SGrnlu Butten, Bread and Natrew Tees, Blres 11 te 2, 11.00. These tHoBlieehwe havest.ld cer slnce we commenced bulncis (mero than three ears nnd n-lmlf). nnd knew they cannot be beaten nnyn here ter the money. Mlses' Finer Shoes In Kid. Dongeln and Peb ble, wllh Heels and Spring Heels, Jl.'.r. ler chllilrcn wearing larger sites we huw Grain Shecr, slrra 2 te7, rerll nnd ll.SSnnd upuardi, and In liner Grades. Kid aud Pebble, In Opera nnd Square Tees, ler 8 1 .2.',. Youth's Shoes, sires 11 te 2, and Be) ' Slims, sl7C,s3toe,l.W. We have the Best Beys' Seamiest 11.20 Shee, In Lace, Butten and Congress, sites 3 te b'A, In the city. The One-Price Cash Heuse. The Leaders of Lew Prices -IN- Beets and Shoes. 3 & 5 East King St., LANCAHTEK, 1'A. n-meie closed avery e nilngut 6 o'clock, ex cept Monday and Saturday. )(irttC00. I -- - - - - ...tela TTAnNESS. HARNESS. HABERBUSH'S 30 Centre Square, LANCAHTEB, PA. Saddles. Harness. LAP BLANKETS, Trunks, Bags, Harness Oil, AND General Stable Supplies, -AT- AjCi iHcccEHsen te M. HAHFRiiasn 4 Hen.) SIGN OF THE GOLDEN HO' .7 HEADS, nn & met, Chas. E. Haklili's, M-;4!-iW.Aj'f.it; 9tU M U8T BE SOLD OUT. NO AUCTION ! THE STOCK or The Philadelphia Stere MUST JJL SOLD OUT BY sePTeBeR is. BAIIGA1NS IN CUV GOODS, DIIES8 OOODS. SILKS, HOSIKUY, OLOVE9, NOTIONS, WHITE GOODS. TABLE LINENS, FLANNELS. BLANKETS, COMIX) IITS, CAnPKTS, FLOOR OILCLOTHS, CABPETSWEEPEnH, WINDOW SHADI, SHADING AND FIXTUBES, MtSQUITO CANOriUS, Ere. rleut' miss this last chance rer Bargains, Dei't wait ler an Auction. There won't be any. 6 AUD 8 KORTH martP-lydAw TjLANKETtf. BLANKETS SAVED FROM A FIRE ! METZCER St HRUCHmRN Late Last Spring Bought au liututnse Quantity cf Blankets ! Blankets I HjiNcdtromaFlre. en which the smell or smoke Is Imrely pucvptlblc. We have already sold six large casM or theai, but still have a row mere left. COMFOUTB and COUNTEIIPANUS III lJirge Quanllllcs at Cheap Pilecs, Metzger & Haughman's Cheap Stere. NOS. 38 AND 40 WE8T KING STREET, LANCASTER, PA. (OlTOSITi: TUK B AHDAMcELltOV. bard & Nes. 33 and 35 Seuth quean Street, FLHNNELS, Be sura you are rlaiit. then co ahead. The the Best Flannels rer the money in tin city am hr m At lait IMIAII mMlll w Hnv (n nftv V..I ..;: 7 w HJi nnd 11 means smaller profits this season. These 2Vj laat season knew what a geed article It was. ethers said It was as geed as they saw at WKc. wilt live veu tha same Identical makes or season, and we knew whsn we say, you nev woelorhnlf woeIoouwIU And us tholewwt. nunutin nrjMciiKiiu nit uivia, .nvjr jii UllHI" V J'vsswi m nivniiinii nisii n, , ,uii iii trlpcd, lH or lvltheiit berdfrn. Hint will net you en ii i?uy uy iun 3 niu n inucii ns j uu iikc. crniPi WOOL These who Knit Weel Mowiler the winter we lm n new stock or Heliic-Mad Lancaster Co Ce Co Weel Yarns thai wash nice and son, In all shades, at low prices. SPECIRL LOW PRICES. We give Special Lew Prices In Feathers, Fleer and Table Oil Cleths. BICYCLES, Age n( ter the Tinnier Hardy Bicycles, easiest running wheels In the world. bard Sc Mcelrey, Neg. 33 and 35 Seuth Queen Street, Opposite Fountain Inn. Patcitc. H. Z. R110AD8 A BON. WEDDING CKRDS, wi: iiavh erENED a Fmr Stationery BejpsLrtxxiexit, And will Becche Orders ler WKDDINU CAIlllH, VIH1T1NO CABDS and INVITATIONS The work will be Printed fiem Hpeclat Plates, aud the iJiletitHtjrlcs will Ik- Furnlshsd. We Offer also the Finest Ooeds In our General Line nfJKWCLH, WATCHEH, AnT WOBK, HILVEIIWAIIE, MUSICAL BOXES and NOVELTIES. H. Z. RHO ADS & SON, Jewelers, Ne. 4 WEST KING STREET. rVvutt u TILINN A BBENEMAN. FRUIT -AT LCSS PHILADELPHIA AND -AT- FLINN & BRENEMAN'S, He. 152 North Queen Street, LANCASTER, PLWS'A. tfavfict TAROAINHI UO IO Shirk's Carpet Hall ! FOR Wilten, Velvet, Bedy Brussels, Tapestry, Ingrain, Damask and Venetian, Rag and Chain Carpets. OIL CLOTHS, WINDOW SHADES, &c. Wr. Have tub La no est and Best Hteck in the Citv. H. S. SHIRK St SONS. Cor. West King and Water Sts., Lancaster, Pa. SlOvl-"ltvrtl w. D. HPBECIlEIt, BON & CO. TRY THE NEW BECKER WASHER, And be Convinced Hint II Is I UK UEbT. -lIiiinliciH new In I'te iu the City nd County. W. D, SPRECHER, SON & CO., 31 E. King St., Lancaster, Pa. marSl-Tu.TUfllU ' usfthiu n imi:itLat&i4!i -.. -- tSeeba. QTJEM STREET, LANCASrEB. PENN'A. -AT- COOPEIl HOUSC) Mcelrey, Opposite Fountain Inn. last two sensens we had the reputation or selling j nis season wool is uigner. te sen tne aama kind at Innh fn. II l.nal ..,. t. uhlIII. m.u.m.11 .,..,,,, ,v, ... nnm ..iiihiii um I'luiim, i,cigiini, who bought our Medicated ned T ill Flannel at although wltiithe advance in the prlce or wool we in i in stii suit il waiiimirr mail ns- anw aai nnn Flannclsat the sams price you bought them el ua last rer bought as geed Flannels In your life rer tha money, Blue. Grey, Bed, Yellow or While, In plain or twill. In We de net emipyAS much Rrniind fleer n teme 'ill.f 4 1 1- trui (?III llllV r?lU II1IK F JIII1IIV1M J II h rink when yei wash 11, nt flA) r tklrl. or Cotten riAiinrfii in rpmnnt us, iirr sain, or ,(,, 10 and l)( .yueu 1 inuurifl 111 Triiiiinniti i n, YHRN, $av. JARS TUAS- NEW YORK PRICES flail. T3. AROAINB JtUtBtC. O FECIAL NOTICE PLEASE READ THIS! wi: ii.vvn takcx tiii: FeuTiii: AGENCY Scbemacker Geld-String Piane! We haulhcui new Iu stock, uud invite our frleuds and the public generally tecall and see them. Kirk Jehnsen & Ce., NO. lit WEST KING STREET. b24-ld.tw nCKWEAR-THE LATEST AND. ilOST lusulenauie styles am fashionable styles andshadts.thecheapnt aud best, at i:uima:vm ucuu' i-uruuumg mete, 13 West Klus stitct. , WMmOgktir- mlj KAtCfsnAtl inenegssiewa asasrsa. uass. . i T Er-TT-mr" xrains lkavb LAKCAMm aad Ismva nre at Phii4elfcrSlBsjiu ' t Vnirte Phlladelphus. PaellleEiprrssf..... News timui ji;i p. m :J0 a. rn. 4i'M a. Ml TflFI n fn.1 iiii-tCZlT! r MaJltsalnvlSu' Nn.a MellTrl.. via CelamMsi Nlaam Epreas. llanoTerAecom..,., Fast Line ITrtMlMHIr Amis.. IS..-WR. m; rla Colombia. lltfO a. m. rla Cnlntnhla Incaster Aecem.iini! .Tiaxt.Jty. CpiuniblaAreem.....j, Harrtsburv Eipress.. Western Expresat..-., Lancaswr AcceJ.,,. EAgrWARD. Phlla. Expresstv Fast Llnef.iM..J... Lancaster Aece.. Harrlsburs; Express.. J!easter Accem.. Uelurabta Amm z:i p. is. . p. rn. J M p. m. 6:30 p. m. ....M,.Mta.lw Leava Lancaster. 2Mb. m. :a.nl. :I5 a. m 8:10 a, m. Mm. m. W a. in. 11:36 a. ra.' 12-..W p. m. HAS p. du R.) p. rn. :V p, in. AtUntle Eapressf fteashereBapretsL.. PhlIadelphlFAecem. nuBiMj-.Maii.... I1T KxnrM ltarrlsburf Accem. 1.1 nn iTainr.c ..! , wp. m. LB.' p. m." juMs . m ' tThe only trains which run ar. '. . , , v" OnHundsT tka Vail iMiniiAui.l., n Columbia. 'Vrj?r .. A- '.u WOOD, General Passenaer Am CUA8.IS.rUOH.' General MMntZr7$p? PHILADELPHIA A READING RAlMWAO HEADING COLUMBIA piylMOV? On and after Monday, July I, IM, VralsH ave LancasUr (Klna street), as fellows t.;, t - rer Ilendirn and intermediate points,' wsa ITS. 7.90 a. m.. 12-m. S Il m Rimd.v uaT days, 7.30 B. m., m.. S. n. m. m w .u r-" . 1 or Philadelphia, week days. 7:30 a.ra.. " W.V-. ', MliKH tun &. aw xsp mtw:4, ffitl'i ilAib a. ' IM J: " p. m.; Hunday s, 8..W n. ni. j , .' ; Fer New Yerk rla Philadelphia, week'iak 70a,m HM,S;p.m. v ")Mfes rur new ietk via Alicniewn. wees MM 12:13 p.m. iZ7l Fer Allen town, week dayt, 7J9 s. sa.,'ass 1 Fer PettavtfieT week dars. 7Sr) m . xss slWI 5 Bunday.3A5D.m. '5 .,v Fer Lebanon, week days. 7) a. : l r-AiJL Fer HarrlsburK, week days, 7.-08 Va.T) kvi p. m. j nunaay, B.tn a. m. r . . i.er t"rryTiiie, wecsr. aaji, !, n? a.nnn.m.f Mlinrla. A inn tn I TRAINS FOR LANOAHTKR ,M, . Unvn llwdlng, week days. T'llMsj,''.'.! 6JW p. m. : Sunday. 7 JO a. mfi fcie aa. J?' iSM .i r- :.v -r . "- -. w &., m ileave New Yerk via Philadelphia, wek . n. (ii., i;tjv. iakj ii, ui. J t Ate New Yerk via AUentewn,- Wiipf;r 4-0) a. in, LeaaAllenlewn. week da vs. S.M a.'sa.i M m ta. f 4i -r.'-T Inn I'ntl.lll. wv rt. " m ' .TAJS?,5 p. ra. .!, y Jl Ive Lebanon, wek day. 7;U imi': ;us i. m. : nunaay, TM a. in., 8:ft p. tn. iv . Lcnra i HarrlsbuiT, week dayt. fta6a.-ltiri I day, 0.50 a. in. ' . v. . ixsive quarry vine, week days, 6:40, IB.! e.w, i.v. ui.; nuauax, ':ivik iu. l j ATLANTIC CITY DIVISION. ?' Iave Phlladelnhla. Chestnut slnMt niiiiBeuiiiairecvwnan. n .-". . . '1. " .--w s ' rer Auanue city, week days. 0fl0a.in.andt-00iind6.-00n.iu -Aeceinn 7: a. m. and 4:30 p. m. : Sunday, Kxprasavl anil a-fllA. lYI Armirtmr.llAn iW .IM 't P. 111. . m ' lleturnlug leave Atlantic City, depot Atlantic and Arkansas Avenues. Wttki r.xpress 7,-uv ana mux a. m. ana t p. m,.f moilatlen. 8.05 b. m. and 4J0 n. m. Ran Express, 4 and fcie p.m. AccomraedatlaiiTl w. ,. nil,. ivv ii. iu. DetAlled Umi Ubles can b obtained at MsM emces. - .'.j A, A. MCLEOD. CO. HANCOCK. 5Sa Vice I'res. A Gen'l M'gr. Gen'l Paaa'r Aal . 1'. i. T EBANON LANOA8TKR JOINT, JJ ItAlLllOAD. .,:., Arrangements of Passenier Train en audi HUNIAT,Myl2,lSW, , '-, . NORTHWARD. Leave a. u. p. m. Si r. m.iam.. King Street, Lane. 7.-00 12M m iAneasier,... nwi it-.m Manhelm IM 130 Cornwall . 7:W 1:M Arrive at Lebanon Mil l:U ::beuthward. Leave a.m. p.m. Lebanon .7:13 2M Cornwall-...., 7.S7 ia Manhelm'.. 7M LIS Lancaster ,, 8.-7 IM Arrive at Kim Btrcet, Lane. tM 2M tMid7jSi ' A. M. WIIBON, Hunl. B. i H. M. NKFF. Supt C. U. IL A. M. WHpN, Hupl. B. & U RallrOMk: guvnltuvi,c JhM w IDMYER'ORNKR. iMk f . T?-" 7 H -m-A WIDMYERm F1I18T-CLABH BABOA1NH, STILL; HO NOW IS THE TIME FOR "tspf ,&. . . . . jJ. D....:M -. c. u.m. wuviiitc iv weave mvintyvy- ejr It's an III wind that don't blew soawbeto, geed, iu j It's n aoeil wind ter you, a we are OFJNNtf ') our goods rer less dollars than ever before. "- ; IJoine goods must go te make room or rMtu Goods. , -') .sTv These prices will net last long. f Iten'l itHf, ul fall Inte line and secure some of our "''Jk ',, but BAKUAIINS. vsnv . Vtl WIDMYEFKR CORNER OF- E. Kine & Duke SU. - 4& e CUft 4 GIBBS ; u 1. Oellaxs Saved Are Dollars Eati UY FURNlSHINa FROM OUR, Complete New Stoek OF l RELIABLE FURNITURE, 7lWi Wl . n: wwmm i 'it MT'W FURNITUM At the Very Lewest Pricti. j Ochs & GibbsJ MANUFAcreitniia and dealers m fjm FUnNITCRE, (2d, 3d 4th Floers,) 01 NO. 31 SOUTH QUEEN ST. ... . m .fl t-TPIVTTMII'M i-B J" " We Would Call Your Special Attention te Utl raciiuaiweunve iu .ifccui.-jr SOME OF ITS GOOD POINTS : 1st. It Carries 1st Weight thau Other. :d. It is Simple In Construction. 3d. It Is More Easily Handled. 4th. ltlslxwcrlnprlce than any Flrxt-Clastv: llfii In llw Murki't. ' ' 1 FOR THE TJK Queen Felding M We lme them In stock for Children and js Clrexwi People. HEINITSH'S Furniture Depot, Nes. 27 & 29 SOUTH QUEEN STRMfT -M , vi Pex.enat Attention Given te UuderUk- ,1 ing Aniiinu .vr f'I7PFSTnn IM.TKKT- Ij the most dilr.ble, and tne.t TOUifurtabl; r shapes and soles any sire, nt KRISMAN74 Ucuts' FurulBhlns 8 tore, 12 cl liti) ilmt. ;tV.- nn 4rJ