Lancaster daily intelligencer. (Lancaster, Pa.) 1864-1928, August 27, 1889, Image 2

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;T CLARK, Publisher.
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F fwr My in twyear.botBenaay. Bcrvca
l7HTHn IB ua riiy una rurreunuiuc
itm year In advance) ) cents a month.
r mtHmttx twrfrf .t.tne.wrRRniiA rinllnr and
Mr cwttM a year. In advance.
; aanrMin uicniBEits-ncinlt by check
m? i!ltt.vmM at&er, and where neither of
I am D precurca scnu in resi&ivn-u
t, (fee Postefllce, a second class ranll
'V. t
Lancaster, Pa.
LAJWliTO, PA., AttTL5t 27, 1889.
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Retbrx and Sheeting.
8r ? .
' $j,Msgliway nud railroad jebberies seem
iit growing mere numerous, nml
I'ttMnvh the rrauHii of recent oncrtitieus
S" &2.-CZl--. i m:.i.i,.,
K.'i -Mj4:BOpi:rciii;umu(5,ub lu luuiwvu.-
ijeiMBr.are even icss icn8ing ie pcopie
"wkoiaAybe attacked. In the fight en
,Yfln near Lnncastcr the supposed
, fmtpma of the intruder whs defeated,
, lt tlrt fate of the porter who opposed
" VMai'dees uet encourage ether porters te
'' '4.'Mbewise. In tUcdnriue holding !
!1v!li 'stage in Wisconsin, the desperado
' 'MM hat-Htf fenl nilfln,1ullli (lin Hitrlv.
7..MMliM tstttaa nti.1 lm irntlf nf titllrtlnl
iA.,'.zr- 'J ....... ....... ..n ...
",k ': atlaprithlp llfp. litit tlm ihuhciuti-u lin e
-y Vcj vcijr uul juuii;iiimi:i iiivii iinjii iiiu
r.Jte..ui.. u.. iK.n....iAi.. rt.i ... .. 4t.
( .:,ysHtaxy robber is liaruly pleabeu, niut
k yjtlier people who may be "held up" by
Vv-wguwayiueu win iiui n-vi gniuiy en-
teiiragetl te de their duty In dlseeurng-"ri-imd
tktt wmwlntr ludimtrv.
LiTfce robber hns the ndvnntiigc that it
r !Y MUch easier te hit n conchiead of pce-
J5'plstha for one of the crowd te put n
.v; A":T,enet in mm. j no nravu inan ei me
Jj'tW' fry is pretty sure te have iil aim dls-
lslkSSj.1,,' l.l ... I.I.. II 1. ..!
j&VW' oempanionH whonre Itidlspef-cd
'F'8 e M0 return tire that In pretty ecr-
7 lain te Htnkc some ene in (lie crowd.
&At first glance the pluck seems all en
i,. .'' uwBtueei me seuiary uerecmau who
K5r'. 'pfesents his two weapons and tries te
jv pieb a crowd, but the man who success
E'! ftUy defeats this purpose must cembine
.oelncss and bravery with ra
gP&v Judgment. The robber wants
rare geed
money :
-'h it I hnrdlv n vlrlnrv In Uvm litm
&$' 'rem Ke't'ug l y sacriflclng what Is of
greater value lire. This has been the
WMj wsult of recent robberies, and it mny
R'l;ive the effect of discouraging ratal
JrJa? .nee te them. The experience wheuld
:'): rceult In the temiwrlncr eflH)ldii(.i with
W4$$i Mere discretion. The operations of the
eV-rfCT. t.ii.w. ..,.. i.i iJ .i....i...
iguiiejijiviiiiuui luni: trjijrui lilllllv
' forthefiuick and certain use of weiiens(
and if there is uny doubt nbeul disabling
klm at once it is better net te use them.
Leeking at recent incidents another
Way, the most desperate of robbers must
feel discouraged at the lighting spirit
that has chnractcrled the travellers
fc&te- attacked, and if every attempt were met
ISgjrt WIU11UCB8I110 snow ei piucic, 1110 Willi
wKi Wll wnlllil linve fi.wm- tflrrltur nnvri
nfe, .;:":7l: .: :. ;; ? -w' :
nciusei me kiuu, mm me iMiai weuiu
0- net be threatened with Invasion by the
. ?! laaln tulvt.M
Impertel Tell tics.
WRV .Till UV lUUUIVl Ui JUi. tllllll
will revive interest in the case, and Its
Importance can hardly be exaggerated.
It is probable that the much criticised
police of Chicago have secured at least
one of the guilty men In the six brought
te trial,aud as tiie trial proceeds and the
bulk of rumor and theory is cleared
jpfcr- ,way we shall see what kind of nn in
'&, ttltutien the Clan-na-Gael really is.
!!. i KllOUch Id Icnnwii nf It nl nrr-oieit (..
?; '.warrant the general tone of hostility te
ESlLt jits methods, but when the wliele matter
entea clearly in a criminal trial,
public sentiment will be mero emphati
cally expressed against an organization
that assumes te itself the right te try a
mau without a hearing and te order his
murder for an otleuse against itself.
The murder of Crenln, nswe new sec
lt,was the act of a council of his enemies
whose rascality he threatened with ex
posure. Many of the clan fiercely de
nounce the slaughter, but de net deny
ihat they would .defy the laws in the
same way te take the life or a traitor te
their cause. They are net indignant at
the mere fact of such an outrage en the
law aud the rights of a citizen, but are
horrified at the punishment of a man
they belleve te have been innocent of the
treachery that formed the pretext for
his removal. If the murdered man were
proved te have been a spy in the pay of
England, there would be no show of
wrath in the clan at his bloody taking
off. In that case the mess of geed cltl
lens, while having no respect for the
victim, would have just as llttle for his
murderers ; but the clan seem quite slew
te recognize that fact. Apart from all
the horrible circumstances of this crime,
there Is the fact innde plain by it that
lnsnmcn wne nave seugnt our lamias
an asylum, and enjoy the generous gift
of the rights aud privileges of Ameri
cans, huve banded themselves together
te defy our laws, usurp the privileges
of our courts aud assume the power of
life aud death ever our citizens. AVe
hsar a great deal of the woes of Ireland,
and she rightly gains American sym
pathy and support, but it can net be
,0 suffered that distorted Irish patriotism
should override our laws. The trial will
bring the whole question of Irish poli
tics in America under vigorous discus
sion, and it is high time that we had
protection against this importation. We
have quite enough politics of our own
home manufacture.
Educating Imagination.
Imagination may be trained by
study of works of art, of the statue,
with the soul shining through the
marble ; the painting representing be
fore the mind historic Incident imd
character and reusing te high senti
ment and energetic action the grand
and imposing building, with pillar suc
ceeding pillar, aud arch upon arch, and
it is worth while te travel many miles
in order te furnish the mind with such
Everywhere around us, tee, nature
presents model figures, which strike the
ye and Impress themselves uixm the
memory aud engage the musing intel
lect, Hew beautiful an object is a tree
growing with all Its follage freely and
(airly In a sheltered lawn ! Hew pictur
esque is the same tree se sharply de
fined by a frost-bound covering of su0v
Ne oue has wandered much among the
lovelier or grauder of nature's Jand
capes without witnessing scenes which
au never be effaced from the tablet of
the memory, but which are nhetn.
graphed there as with a sun-bean pro pre
test. It may be a sweet valley, secluded
Htd separated from all the rest of the
werld,aud In which rejiefcevlslblvdwells.
Df it ay be a wide extended plain and
pMs te.htd in beauty nud loveliness,
aud dotted with well fed kla. which
need only te bend their necks te find
the herbage ready te meet them, and a
stream winding slowly through the
Then.agaln, all that has n sharp point
or n sharp edge, nil that is rugged, all
that is steep or perpendicular, Issjkj
clally fitted te leave Its sharply defined
Image en the mind. The very Lorn Lern
bardy poplar helps te relieve the larne
plain. The church steeple ersplre fixes
the whole village In the memory, se that
we cannot forget It. The ship, with lis
pointed masts aud white salls.stretched
out tothcbreczc,makestlieoayon which
it sails leek mere Interesting. More Im
posing arc the bold mountains which
clcave the sky, nud the sea-worn rocks
which have faced a thousand storms
and are as defiant as ever ; the placid
lake, which sleeps in the midst of the
mountains and reflects the firma
rnsnt above It en Its besom ;
and grander still the eccau, always
old, yet ever new in Its nspects, never
changing, and yet ever changing, nnd
the steep cliff, with the sea bird career
ing from peak te peak, aud hearsjly
chiding away all human Intruders from
what It reckons as Its own domain. All
these arc subjects for the Imagination.
The beauty of the field flowers, the
grandeur of the mountaius.'tlie shades
of the valley, the vastness of the ocean,
the gentle Hew of the grefcu banked
river, the thuudeiing cataract, the gurg
ling brook, the sea and the land with
their mysterious instincts and strange
adaptations, the subtle elements In their
manifest changes and combinations,
all! afford feed for thought nnd medita
tion, and for the exercise of the imagi
nation. Stubborn Mr. Kunlilc.
The rcfuful of District Attorney Kun
kle, of Harrlsbnrg, te surrender the train
robber te an officer from this county,
where hlscrlme wnscominltted.secms te
be bated en no geed reason, and cemitels
the conclusion that it is nothing but a
stubborn and foolish show of authority.
The crime was committed in thisceunty
and the fact that it took place
en a railroad train, ought uet te
be innde the basis for holding the
trial elsewhere, unless there is some
geed reason for It biicIi as does net new
appear. The law that appears te furnish
Mr. lCnnkle with the unaccustomed
luxury of authority was evidently
devlK-d te cover emergencies where It
would be dilllcult nnd costly te held the
trial In the county where the crime was
committed. In this case It is tltc height
of arrogant felly for the man who
happens te have control of the prisoner
te lean back en this Inw, ami stolidly
rcfiiMi te surrender his prisoner for trial,
or te give any. reason for se doing.
.Tounstew.v men nre going for the .Seuth
fork Flslilnglchib with a vim.
- '
Tj:n street cars without olectrle wires or
any visible motive power nre In operation
en the Fourth unit .Madisen Avenne lines
In New Yerk City. They nre operated by
storage butterlei and wero built by tlie
Julleu Kloctrle company, giving such per
fect satisfaction that ten mero have just
been ordered. The ears nre managed by
the men who dreve the old herse enrx, as
they knew best when te imothe brake and
tlm control ei the pewer Is very cnslly
Vbitrned, whlle tlie drivers are glad te be
promoted te positions mero llke tliose of
oiiglncers. Tlie ears nre run In between
tlie herse curs en the citnie line and nre
goared for a specd of nine or ten miles an
hour, though they can be run much faster.
The flrst or tlwe ten storage battery ears
has been in operation slnce June
nnd lias run 8,000 mlles nud car
ried ever 60,000 pasHcngers with
out costing n dollar for repair. Tlie read
en which these cars nre epurnted Is In
every way suited te the operation of n
nieclinnlcul system ; tlie track, switches,
nnd frogs nre In many eases of an old pat
tern and are very severely worn from the
heavy trucking of a large city. Therels
net Hip least de-bl in the minds or the offi
cials .of the Feuith Avouue line that the
storage battery system will prove cheaper
llinn liorse traction. The weight of the car,
mounted en trucks, Is between six nnd
Bevon tens. The meters nre geared direct,
ene te each nxle. Tlie battery consists eT
10S cells, which nre placed In" six trays of
nlne each en each side of the car ; "these
trays are pushed Inte the ear through the
outslde panels under the scats. A power
ful bruke is used en all ears, which In ense
or emergency can be supplemented by the
reversal or the meters from the rogulnter,
nud (he ear stepped .when going at full
speed Within ene-half Its length. Flvn
sixteen caudlo.pewor lucandoscent lamps
nre used te light the cur, nnd n wnrnlng
gong is also sounded by current from the
The stronger objections; te this dovice
eome from the horses. They ure naturally
very much startled by the spectacle of"n
car rolling along by Itself, aud It will tuke
se me training te accustom them te it. The
New Yerk horses have innde very llttle
fuss, but then a inetreimtlt .m beast must'
have strong nerves te stand the overhead
reads and nil the nolse of Xew Yerk. Te
n geed healthy herse, with soine ability for
getting sen ml, a car or this kind would
probably huve the eil'ect that would be
produced upon men by tlie sjiectnele of a
suit of clothes marching along with no ene
Insldoef them.
Tun great lAiuden strike Is growing te
Amerlcau piopeitloiiH, and begins te leek
dangerous te poace.
SriiAitr.ti ltevim at last yields te tlie in
dignaut demand that he ebey tlie constitu
tion, and tries te eome deu n gracefully by
declaring that he never doubted bin right
te Issue writs of election te fill vncauclex ;
but was only doubtful as te what
knowledge vns necessary te deter deter
initie that there was a vacancy.
He says that In ene or two eases he had
only newspaper iufuriii.Ule i, and he new
gravely nets upon the wise suggestion or
Hie learned attorney general that it he
wants te knew he had better ask. lladi
member who has accepted u federal posi
tion is te lm termally questioned by the
speaker.aud It Is Interesting te sjioeula'to en
the awful possibilities that illicit fellow if
any of the p.utics questioned should get
sick or g. crazy nnd uturn no answer.
Speaker lleycr would then remain
In den&e elllelal Ignerance of the
vacancy until he saw tit te widen his
inquiry and hunt down the "mero
rumors" that had aroused suspicion in the
elllcial ml ml.
Vncunelet te He I'llled.
Attorney General Kiikpatrlck, icphiiiL icphiiiL
te nn Inquiry by Speaker lleycr, has given
an opinion that thoncceptauceof u fedora I
otllce by a member of the Jlouse or
Itoprcsentatives makes his seat vacant, and
that If, upon due Inquiry and reliable In
formation, the speaker should be satUikil
of the existence of the disqualifying con
dition, he would be justified In nssumlnc
thp f.u-1 of a vacancy, nnd Issuing a w rit te
till t by nn election. The speaker will
ascertain tlie vacancies, and order that
they be filled at the November election.
AVheii te Hunt unit l'Ish.
The open season for game will be found
below :
Ducks, September 1 te May 1(1; plover,
July 15 te January 1 ; woodcock, July 1 te
January 1; pheasant, October 1 te Januarv
lj rail and reed birds, September 1 te
December 1 ; squirrels, September I te
January 1 : rabbits, November 1 te January
1 ; salmon nnd trout, April 15 te July 15
black bass, June 1 te Jnuuarv lj German
ear; September 1 te May l. '
Tun Titntc Or.RMA'rs, by Theodere H.
Fsy. Jn two volumes, 8 ve. Illustrated.
A. S. ltarnes &. Ce., Ill WUtifjn street, New
Yerk. ,v T Jji
I can hear the rcaderVftfelnklng
In my mind's ear, and why should
there net be a "mind's car" "it
well as a "mind's cye"? This Is what
the reader seems te think : " History, two
volumes I Xe, thank you ; I don't want te
rend It or rend about 11. A short magazine
nrtlcle new and then, or a newspapcr edi
torial, )Klltcly recalling what I have for
gotten, as It is suggested by current events,
Is all the history 1 care for. Tell me some
thing new of novels or magazines." l'er
lisps the reader occasionally reads a real
leek among his mass of novels an 1 the
ether Utter that se fearfully encum
bers the literary harvest fleer of
our dny. (Jenulnd books continue
te be published and rend, but the vast
majority of them are novels. The nevel Is
the work of art of our age, but thore are
few who rend only the masterpieces, and a
great majority who rend nothing but peer
fiction. 1.1 ke Longfollew's little girl, geed
fiction Is "very, very geed," bad fiction
"Is horrid." It Is therefore a great pity
that histories aud biographies are se
neglected by the muss of rcaders who read
for ploasure nnd net for profit. The
historians nre partly te blnnie for stupidly
making their work mero dull than It
should be, but no ene who reads the best
histories Judiciously, and without the
feverish hnste of the novel reiuler, will
complain of a lnck of pleasure. These two
volumes appall the novel render, nnd yet
within them Is mero action and pathos
than hi a whele library of flimsy romances.
Short histories ure tee much read. The
detnlls emitted nre the very llfe or the
story, nnd by thorn great events nre fixed
In the memory without effort. It is tlie
graphic account of Columbus his Strug
glen, cournge nnd wonderful voyage all
woikedtetlio grnnd climax of the dis
covery, Hint fix the dnte lift! in the mind
eftlie school boy. And the peer lnd might
be saved much worry If ether facts wero
given him in the same pleasant way. Se
In this history of nermnuy ene strikes a
mliieef Interest; when leaving the histori
cal review, which forms an excellent Intio Intie Intio
ductlen, he finds the story of niodern
Ucrnmny set forth with graphic clearness
and no waste of words.
Ocorge Kllet received 15,000 for the
copyright of Itomela, nnd the publisher
icgictted his bargain.
I'amsi: Itesi:, by Arthur Shorburne
Hardy, author of "Hut Yet n Weman"
nnd "The Wind or Destiny," Houghten,
Mifflin A-. Ce., Uosten nnd New Yerk.
Without thelcnst prejudlce te the former
works of Arthur Shorburne Hardy, one
mny sandy say of l'asie Itese that It will
probably preve the most generally inter inter
estlug. It is distinguished from tlie current
novels by Uh historical elements and Its
unfamiliar plot. The ported Mr. Hardy
has chesen is that era between baibarlsm
nnd civilization, the lelgn of Chaileiungue.
Persons who read a book merely for the
plot will fellow with delight the fei tunes of
l'asse Itese ; hew she left the home of
her adopted parents and followed
her lever, Oul of Tours, toceurt, her ninny
trials and finally her discovery of the
neheme te murder the king, the timely
uariitug which rosulted In her marrlagote
her lever. One cannot help laughing with
Passe lli.vnnt the effect she produced en
both the abbot .uul monk by their taking
her for n demon, scut by the devll te leinpt
tlielr souls; and again when the monk
tries te conceal hew he came Inte posses
sion or the string of pearls.
Tlie qualifying "But" must, hewever, for
onee be said en the favornble side, for apart
from the adventures nf the horelno nud the
many humorous Incidents ; it Is In the de
scriptions that Mr. Hardy's chlef success
lies, CMpcclidly the scene in the abbey of
St. Scrvals when the poeplo were gntheicd
te prey for the recovery el Abbet Hiilnal.
l'asse Hese, first appeared as a serial
story lu the Atlantic Monthly, but It is net
n tale te be enjeyed plece by plcee ; te be
fully appreciated It should be read us It Is
new published lu book form, l'asse Itese
Is a gem of literary art, a very poem in
The following letter lntcly published will
baofinterost te many whorcmembor thelr
reading of "Tem llrewn's Schooldays:"
" Denr Sir : I am obliged by your heart v
lctter. I would net ndvisoyeu te trv read
ing any passages from my 'hooks aloud at
such entertainments ns you speak of. Yeu
will find they won't de. As te the charac
ters, they were none of them taken as por
traits, though I hepe they are something
like living folk. I could net tell you what
you ask if I wished: but I could name
dozens of boys I knew whom I had moie
or less In mind and tried te bell down for
the book. Tlicre are pictures and photo
graphs of Dr. Arneld; but Iieallyden't
knew where you could get one.
Yours very truly,
Themas Huuniis."
Tni: Tnum About Ci.i:!n.NT Kr.ii, by
Oeorge Fleming, author of " Kismet,"
" Mirage," "The Head ofMedusa," Kebcrts
Urethcrs, lSosten, publishers.
Levers of the, weird end uncanny will
certainly enjoy reading " The Truth about
Clemcnt Ker." The ghosts Hre very
superior and de net fall te mero llcsh snil
bleed lu the end, us eui me brn ghosts
usually de. The scene of this latest novel
of Geerge Fleming's is laid in Scotland near
the Helder, the home of supcrstitltlen.
The Ivers of Hrae have been jiossessed by
devils from time Immomerlal, nud in the
ease of our here (or ene of our hoieos, as we
have two) the devil has taken the form of
opinion, nt least that Is the form of the
euu the reader meets by the light of day,
although there sueni te be ethcis who
make their homes in him, but nre invisi
ble, with the exception of spiritualism.
The story Is told in the tlrbt person by a
younger luotheref our second here, vhe
comes of another branch of the Kers. The
second hore Is noble, straight-forward
fellow. Our greatest objection te the book
Is the title, for it Is deceptive. We may
have been told "nothing but the truth"
but se llttle of the truth as te glveusn
great desire te knew " the whele' truth "
about peer Clement ; e nre net content
with legends ns our great grandparents
were, we want te drag tothe surface " thes.0
cold, soil, sedcu masses of wool, w hlch feel
like drowned hair" that Oeeifrev Ker
clutched in " Durlie Mess. " We want te
knew what that thing war that old llright
sought for and met nt Inst " f.tce te face, "
but, us we said befere, these ghosts are gen
uine nnd superior.
The CYMiopei'f(ii announces that it is
negotiating with sevcrnl crowned heads of
KurejK) for articles en various subjects.
Whether tlicre nre many crowned heads
cnpnble of producing anything literary
or greater Interest than their signatures
may be doubted, but it is pleasant te find
royalty getting te work for a living. The
first article, however, is by a verv queenlv
woman of well known ability the famous
Queen of Iteumanln. It appears In the
September number with illustrations in
Verestchiigiu's style.
The magazine "also has an illustrated
article en (luthrle, "the city of one hun
dred days," and striking pictures of the
lush en Oklahoma, l'than Allen Rey
nolds has a thrilling account of the explor
ation of the canon of Die Colerado and
Captain King, who wns adjutant of the
cadet corps at West Point, has a love story
- front ine t'etni te tne flams."
lllackmore's mnsterplece, T.ema Doeuo
has reached Its thirtieth edition.
TheShah of Persia Is te lend ids iiiune te a
book about the hmda he hns visited, which
will be puMUhediu German aud Trench
and compiled from notes he has taken.
"The 1'nETTT Stsrr.R or Jese," by Fran
ces Hodgsen Burnett illustrated by C. S.
Itclnlinrt. Chailes Scrlbner's Sens, Kew
Yerk, publlshers.
Mrs. Burnett lias n reuurkable genius
In being nble te wrlte such pleasing stories
for both grown people and children; no
story for young people, perhaps, ever
i achieved sucli extraordinary success as
'' tltUelrd Fanntlorey" j and In giving
us grown 'poeplo "The Pretty Slster of
Jose," she has mero than oqualled any of
her former shorter talcs, She has taken a
smnll group of character's from the lower
ranks of Spanish society nnd-byjv skillful
use or simple material has obtained a
charming love story of a proud, Impulsive
beauty with her scorn of nil leve and.
levers nnd her cruel coquetry. 1'eplta
treats nil levers alike, even Snbastlane, the
epular matador, who until his meeting
with her had been Indifferent te thp
flattery nnd marks of favor he bad re
celved, even from the ladles of rank of
Madrid, who had bcen attracted by bis
cournge and strength In the nrena.
The description of the progress of Pep
Ita's passion for Snbastlane is marked by
flne touches, for It Is only when the levor
gees tlmt the leve comes. Although we
have met sonic of the characters of "The
Pretty Slster of Jose" In ethor novels, in
troduced by ethor unmes, nene have been
drawn with the cloarness and distinctness
of the gay nnd dashing Snbastlane or eyen
Jese, the dull and faithful brother.
Interosted People.
Atlrcrtlaliiif n rleiU medicine In the peculiar
way lu which tlie proprietor of Kemp's Italsam'
for Couch nnd Cel as docs, U Indeed wonderful.
He authorizes all druggists teelve thens who
rail for It n mmple bottle rue, that thsy mny
try It bfore purchsitnc. The Large Bettles ara
Wannrtll.OO. Wnccrtnlnly would ndvl a trial.
It may ac you from consumption.
nul2-lrnd&w (21
Has Dene Wonders
"I think Heed's 8nrnpnrllla tins done won
ders for inc. Ter nearly nine years I wns n great
(tullcrcr. The urcntcr part of the time I whs
nimble te attend te the most Irldliis houicheld
duties. Whs receiving niedlcnl treatment nl nl
mest censtmilly from ene plijslclnn or another,
without niy mntcrlnl benefit. My ncrvoussys ncrveussys
lem wns completely shattered, unit no ene en n
Imagine toy iii lie rings. AJjnevt centlnunlly I
hsd severe.
nnd my heart was never qulte free from rain.
Indeed se tovcre wns the pain nt my heart Hint
fur n long time I could net He down In bed, but
wns obliged te nit upright. 1 nlie suffered from
dropsy; my limbs wcre swollen ns well ns my
body, I befnme thoroughly dlceurngcd. But
seclL-j the constant advertisement of Heed's
Sartnpnrllla In the Philadelphia 7fmr, Icen
eluded te glve this medicine a trlnl. After the
first bottle I Mt much belle r. Therefore I con
tinued ulng It for seme time, until I had used
sis bottles. I em new free from pnln, fn lle
down nnd sleep, seldom have headache, nnd
work mere lu ene week than I did In six months
prier te my taking Heed's Hnrsiiparllln. And
If you can find il mero thankful, or happy mor
tal, I should llke te meet cither one. Many of
my friends nre using It with benefit,'
Ada V., Myerstenn, Tcim.
Beld by all druggists. SI; sis for SS. 1'rcpaicd
only by C. I. HOOD a CO,, Lewell, Mast.
l'llll.AUirLPiuA, Tuesday, August 27, lSS'J.
Seme of the new Tricots arc
in sight. All wool, seasonable
shades, jyyi cents for 36 inch
Beutlienut of centre.
$5 a pair for heavy all-wool
Blankets, 70x82 inches. Yeu
will hardly save money en them
in this way when the frost be
gins te nip.
Mere's another straw from
our trade-wind in bed cover
ings : Heney-comb Spreads
(Marseilles pattern), 67x82
inches, 88c.
fienthwsst of centre.
The very latest wrinkle in
Women's Turbans ; straw, vel
vet trimmed, and with a big
straw and feather rosette in
front. Jaunty shapes, pict
uresque effects.
red and black
blade nnd white
light and dark blus
Loek as if they had come te
stay. $.25.
Thirteenth and Chestnut meet corner.
A Lace Curtain Stretcher
with hinges is handiest because
it is se snug te pack away.
With hinges or without, it kills
one of the biggest Lace Curtain
worries. Dry as many as you
please at once, net one can get
12 and i. feet. With hinges,
$3-50 and $3.75 ; without, $3
and $3.50.
Ilasement. uerthucbt of centir.
Jehn Wanamaker.
XIT D. KPHL-CHint, hO.N" A CO.
Aud be .iimnied dial it u Till BEST.
-lIuiidicdt new 111 I'te in Uh niy and
31 E. King St., Lancaster, Pa.
ii :, ti is m AiiKirr btbukt,
tiiear of tlie roiteitiee,
Buggies, Pbstens, Family Carriages, Etc.
The l'lncsi Bleck In the Country.
Wn new luixe n Knit Line of SECOND-HAND
WOHU-Anv style "urn Want.
ltcpnlntmg and Itepnlrlns promptly nttemlrd
te. una ct of workmen t'tpvclnUy employed
for that purpose. The lowed prices lii the
county for tlrst-class work.
S-OlvemeaCallnnd Kxamlae SI Werk.
propelled by a geed powder blower, U the
most ettivtual detreyer of flic and e.Ui-r small
InncH. Kertalc
? West King atrcct.
m .
.BY OOOD3. - ' .. , , .
Best Bargains
Ne. 24 Centre Square,
Bosten Stere.
iJ- '
Find It nucesnary te ruak extensive alter,
tlens nnd nddttlens In order te nccommeditte
their lmmtnse stock of
New Fall Goods.
Atteulehlug Bargains m White, Grey, Blue
All-Weel Flannels, -
Ileught by us nt the Great Auction Bales and
new actually selllngat less than manufacturers'
2.000 YARDS 36-INCH
luc a Yard ; Made te Retail at TSe.
100 HECES 10-1 NCII
All-Weel Suitings!
In Navy, Green. Brown, Garnet, etc., etc., 23c a
yard ; only half their real value.
35c u yard; thought cheap nt37V nt37V
Extraerdinary Bargains In
11-4 Magnelia Blankets,
Elegant quality, full tlit, never (.old for ls
llmu leAO each. We bought nil we could gst of
tlicm nud they won't luet lengnt S3.00npleec.
Yeu should bee them nt once.
New Yerk Stere,
dauecfuvuialtiun (Scebs.
Blxty Candle-Light; Beats them all.
Anether Let of Cheap Glebes for Gas nud Oil
Weather Strip.
UcaU them all. Thtsstrlpoutwearsallethers.
Keeps out the cold, steps mining or windows.
Excludes the dust. Keepk out snow aud rnln.
Anyena can Apply It no waste or dirt made In
applying It. Can be fitted anywhere no holes
te bore, ready for use. I will net split, warp or
shrink u cushion strip Is the most perfect.iAl
the ste e, Heater and Range Btere or
Jehn P. Schaum & Sens,
Second Fleer Eshleman Ijw Building. Ne. it
North lm kaHtrtwU aprMydAw
PArEll BOXES. The iuet beautiful line In
the United States, tili Commerce 8U, fhiladel
unf l'a. WrlteferUtKrl)Uprlcllst.
phla cl-78ted
Cliarles Stamm's
All-WoelSUk Finish HenrletUs, Bsventetn
New Bhadee, at tOe and 75c a yard.
BslAll-Woel Fine Habit Cleths at 2Sc, 37Je
and iee a yard.
Ferty-elghUnch Weel Henrltt,TwtlveNcw
8hadM, at rXc a yard.
Fancy Plaid and Btrlptd Heavy Burahaeta,
thlrtylght Inches, at ttXc a yard.
Black and White Plaid and Striped Heavy
Berah Cleth, th!rty-lght inches, atS7cayard.
Flfty-feuMnclj All-Weel Plaid and 8trlpd
Cleths at e a yard.
Net. 35-37 North
High & Martin,
: ,.i
Cor. West King & Prince Sts.,
Lancaster, Pa.
mmitcr lUoevto.
Individuals and parties deMrhicr te vl Ml.
Gretna and enjoy a rlde ever tlie Narrow Gauge
te the summit of Govehseb Dick meuntnln,
enn accomplish the trip from Lancaster In ene
day by the following schedule:
a.m. n. in. a.m. p.m. p.m. p.m.
Leave Lancaster B:2j 0:31 10:55 2.-00 2i'i0 7:50
Arrive Mt.Gretnn. 8.-00 U::i0 K':M 3:35 4:35 8:55
Arrtve Gov. Dick. .. 12:20 1:25 4.-05 6:10 . ..
a.m. a.m. a.m. p.m. p.m. p.m.
Leave Gov. Dick 11KM 1:25 2:55 6:55
1caveMt. Gretna 6: 10:31 11:52 2:22 3:37 7:30
Arrive Lancaster. 8:10 11:35 12:58 3:35 i-.a 8:35
All trains of the Cornwall it tabimeit Rati
rend en arrival nt Mt. Gretna station make lm.
mediate connection with the Narrow Gauge
Railroad. Lunch or dinner can be obtained at
the Park restaurant, thus avoiding the ncces
ilty of carrying baskets and bundles.
The Encampment of THE U. S. TROOPS con
tinues throughout August, nnd the ume Inter,
ebtlng pregramme of dally eiercUe will be
kept up. Cavalry nnd Artillery Drills each
morning nud attcrnoen. Dress Parade, 6 p. m.
Dally excursion tickets te Mt. Gretna mnv be
obtained en application te the nearest ticket
., H. A. GROSS,
Gen. Pns.AgeutO&L.R. IL, Lebanon. Pa.
NED IRISH. Gen. KnpL Je2Mmd
Scbemacker Geld-String Piane!
Wchae them new in stock, aud Invite our
friends and the public generally local! and see
Kirk Jehnsen & Ce.,
Ferty-lneh All Black Striped Henrietta, statin
Finish, Something New, at tl a yard.
All Black Striped and Plata Henriettas, All
New, at STJi c, SOa and 78e a yard.
Thlrty-!ght-lnch Black nnd White Striped
Habit Cleths at 60e a yard.
Thlrtyelghftneb All-Weel Fancy SUiped
Tricot Cleths at tee a yard.
Deuble-Width Plain Striped and Plaid Dress
OoedsRtl3oa yard.
Stylhh, Showy, Urge Plaids at loe a yard.
New shades tit Eiderdown Cleth at Lewest
Queen Street.
Wntch, gieSrycUsse.,
Optleal Goods. -Tclcpraph Time Dally. Every
Article In this Line Carefully Repaired.
Leuis Weber,
Ne. 159.H NerthQuten St., Near P. B. B. BUtlea.
Watch Repairing.
The majority of watches we ruined by falling
into the hands of hn Incompetent workmen nnd
net worn out.
Te have your W'aleh Carefully Handled. Re
paired, Adjusted end Regulated, call en the un un
derslgned, who has en exhibition a watch
taade by himself,
Chas. S. Gill,
Ne. 10 West King St.,
De you have a Wntch or Cleck that need re
pair? It mny be ene that has bcen repalrr.d
nnd docs no geed. If se, bring It te in, and w"e
Guarantee Yeu the Best Werk
Yeu have ever had done. All kinds of Jewelry
nudBpcctaclcRcralrlng, Engraving, Etc
All Werk Guaranteed and Prices the Lewest.
Give ui a Trial and you will Call Again.
Ne. 101 N. Queen St.,
"Wc dcblre te call ilhe attention of consumers
pfBteam Goods nnd Engineers' Bnpplles. te our
large nnd varied stock or Pipes, Valves, Cocks.
Malleable nnd Cast Iren Fittings; Asbestos!
Vulcabesten and Usudurian, Khect. Piston nnd
Vnlve Packings; Ucetch nnd Red Line Reflect
ing Gauge Glasses, bteam Radiators and Steam
Heating Apparatus; Set and Cap Hcrews, and
in fact almost everything required by steam
uscre, nnd nil et which we offer at prices which
we guarnnue te be lower than these of any
ether denier in this vlclultv.
VeliaepcAllhtly the largest stock, nud be
ing connected with the Telephene KAChanee.
are prepared te receive and ml all orders In the
thertest possible time. When In want of any
thing In our line, call en us for priced mid we
will convince, you of our ability and uilllne
ness te save you Meney, Delay and Vocation.
Our facilities for furnishing Engines, Rellers.
Bbnftitig, Pulleys, Hangers, bpeelril Machinery!
Plumbers nnd Gus titters' Toels, Patterns!
Medels, and Iren nnd linus Casting, and for
the prompt repair of nil kind of mnciilnery ure
unexcelled In LnucaMcr, nnd we respectfully
solicit a share of your patronage.
Central Machine Works.
Geed Werk, Rcasonauie Charges, Prompt
ucss. Telephone conueetlnn d3-tfitll
Stiff and Seft Hats,
25 Cents.
Fer a Few Days Only.
Anether Big Bargain
31 and 33 North Queen Street,
.rfSiv; .
-f A.-.ilvi:-jaa''