S"'-?r.-K' f-s.r "t t . -:, . 'v . v j v;;? " &-rs. .. v.'V-' "tS "-' !,!) v," .jar-- THE LANCASTER DAILY INTELLIGENCER, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 14, 1889. rv &' EP. tf MEETING OF COUNCIL. -- -mmm imm the BOReinn ghlr MRS OJI TIESIUV El EMM.. Bepertwlly tliti lliirtre-HnnndCeiiiiiilttei. Frederick fry Supiniieil te Huve Been struck lly n Tmtii. Ceutmwa, Aug. 1 1 Tlie regular monthly meeting of council m hrJil last e cnlng In council ihutnbcr. Members present : Mesrs. Dennett, l'eny, Ureve, .Incksen, Mlnlch nud Mev onseu. A1cnt: Messrs. Cramer, Kltm nnd Wilsen. The flnnnce cemmlttf a reported ns lol lel lol lews s Te balance nt Inst report J10,W2 72 1211 ni 1V0 70 1M St 107 31 11HW Annum maraei reiii... Transient market rents . .- . ... store rents . . . .... Bevd, collector, tiWS...,, Bej d, collector, 1MJ .... fll,WB6l 0,107 CI tinier and note paid ....... .- Balance en hand ...... ? -V" IU The prejerty cotninllteo reeileel the opera house, lias been completely teiiovn teiievn leit. New matting lias been int ileu n mul ether needed repair, vvcre in ulc. The market connnillee rejKirted tlie in ir ket"! in flourishing condition nnd the Sat urdny evening mntkctR inercaslnv '" at tendance. The chief burgess reperted that he h id no tified the pieperty evv ucrsiileii-; JInltallcy In reference te their property eiIcihIIub beyond the borough line. Onlj sne evvntr has compiled. The deg ordinance i"J being well ebcj eel. 1'eitj -three ilin-s linvebu.ii eaptured, three bilng redeemed nnd forty allot and buried. Has n Milled t,ev enil par ties In roferince te nllovvlhgvvagens te ro re nialu eer night in the fcttccls. Hed been notified te npjear befoie. Squire Lvans en Friday afternoon nt 3 p. in., us defendant tu suit brought ngiilnst the boteugh te ic feire (jslOO, bounty claim by Albert Heherts and ethers. 1 he highway connnillee rcjibtteil icpnli lm:n number of Mrccts and alley ituriiiK Lbet .the month. llie sewers at font or I'liien flclucTi m Ijecii1 itrefts hae been clcuuul aflur The. nueh trouble. ir rue, ui:uvn) ceiiiimiit'ij wui iiimiiih irti te puruinseicrni eetm pipfl 101 Mner in feet of Union street en euth side. The propel ly owners iileng Malt alley hud theli time extended for 1-0 dnjh te mev e their fences. The urilter of opening I'laun sliitt Mas rferred te highway lomiuiltee and solid, ter and the street b ejicned ns neon (is practicable. The Celuhibin Milling company 10 ejucMeil that n sen ei be constructed across Mlll street nt Trout, te allow the unloading of wagons at the mill. Council will Iew the place in a body. The general repairs te the epcm liettsu was rcfened te the prujHirty toininlttee ith pew er tu ni t. The val.u of tlienitn of Uh'0ci.i hemw as fixed nl tl.M) cr day. .lehn I. T,Ier and Win C.inffli.ll wrre nemlu.iUtl fir firciiim Campbell as i It tied. The superiser as liiKtiutled te inlerui jnoperty owuemte 1imii their Hidewntl.'x fieni lioiue line te nuMde line efgutteis MlthlnlOilaM. The solicitor was instructed te proceed nlonce te collect tax for tvlephone poles fm lfSS-0. Tlie Miiilnry and police eoiuniitlce nnd hief burgess wie Instruttiil te ah.itelhe nuKinceiit the preuiKex of Jehn Hogin Hegin Hogin tegler en nllej I. Dills nuieuiitlug te$l,0M.07 woieeiden d te be paid. Engine Xe. li'i vest lopeitcd lindlng n hut 'ticking in tlie pilot or the ''nglne at an esrly Iieur this morning, and the tlaguiau ofthetiaiu s.ild that hu .iw n man l.ing or leaning against .i telcgraph pole tst el iniiKiis recu. i-ngiiic .M. us west le le erted llndlnga coil lying between the tracks with bleed en II, but could net find nil thing of the ew nci. OIUcci (lllhert went up and made imiuiiiiH at Henry 'lay furnace. Soineeftlio werkuiHii te'id hlni thiitn man namcsl Tred l'iy, lllng nl the furnace, went up the li.uk last night about 10.50 o'clock, with his clothing and hat en. He ittuiurd about 11 o'clock without coat ei hat and his e.t and shlit tern and bloody and his lace cut. 'llie man refused te give mi iiccmint ( the nihil i. Mrs. ClUabclh Willlnius, w Ifn of Kmiii AVJHIaius dlml last v oiling at 5:10 o'clock, nt her home In Mult alley, Hged tlij ears' She had been nn Invalid fei four .e.us, nl though in bed for a fuw ilajs. Mie w.ib bem In Wales ami lixed iii'this leuntij Ml ice 1M3, A husband and thtte hililini urhc. The fiintrul will beheld I'Iuuh. d iv, at 2 p. in. liem the house. The luneial or Jlrs. Nelsen Willl.iius, rolertd, was held this uieiiilng fieni Ml. Zicm A. M. J", chui th. Interiiieut was made at WilghtsvUle. Mrs. T. Halter has suid James Shaw, el lafe Harber, for one w eek'tt be inl. &ijulie Uci&hcy lus ltsued u wairant forhlsm ferhlsm reit. The barge party was net held en the riverlast evening en iiceeiiut of thu un fa onible w eather. 'I he affair w as held in the armor and a. pluisaut time was had. Trank ltlehnrdeu, coleied, was sued by Pain. Smith, hIke colored, fui felonious ns Miilt. He was arrested at l'elut LSuezn bv Oftlcer Wlttlck and has hi en gent te jail for trial. A fishing cork and n peach "10110 basket was found In the pockets or the drowned boy. The remain., weie Interred in pot pet tei's Held. Tlie Sunday whoel or the I lunch et Ued will held aiiienicuiiTtiiirsdjy.it Hciee' weeds. The 1. H. It. pay t-ar was in teunU,t evening iiaylng the omplejs im the mouth of Jul. A letter has been lecehcd ftnm the Pellets fehoe Manufacturing teiuun, el 1'hlladclphia, usking what iuduceiiicntH would be offered te local" in Columbia. The plant empleyes ISO liancU and would bring u number of families te tow n. Adam Hidcr, of Harrlsburg, letuined liome after n visit te tow u, II. J. Meyers, of Ucthlehun, i Maiiiui, Jamt C. Mtj ers in tow n. Miss. LIU. Heeler is visiting MUb Ainelu AVilseu. Mr". M. G. Cere, enialla, IV , in UUIiik .sirs. H. 1. Bruner. Mibs Lille A'egel his itiiirutd liem n v lslt te frfeuds in Yerk. cul te the Uouseol Kcfiuw. Charles AVcbb w as before Judges Uv lug-f-Um and Patterson this afternoon, en a tharge of being incorrigible. This Ikij was arrested sex eral months age for fetenf ing money from an cmploye of the I'ulten cotton mill, nnd "while the authorities wcre convinced of the boy's guilt they were unnble te present sulueieiit cv idence te cenv itt him. fclnce that time he has been acting badly, and as a last resort the father had him ui -rested en a warrant issued by Alderman Mctouemy. Thejudges thought him a lit ubject rer tlie Heuso of ltefuge, and com cem com mllted him te that institution, thuf BniellzwlU take him te I'htladclpln i to te to leriow. ' A Ilei-se Stelen. Chief Simltz this afternoon icuinl a tehJgrawfrouifeliigeily, Mil., etatlng Hut tt berw had been stolen from t lut place 1 1 e i a sorrel roan, 10 hand high, 0 jcarai old mall fctar iu forehead, slim tail and full niaue. The thief is supposed te b coming this w ay, Arrested ler rcilcllliii; Without LIctiisu. lleruiau Killett, a Uernian Jftbrcvv, was arrested this morning by Censtable Jacob filwub, charged with filling without u lUcns. Tlie awukfcd ii new- in the ttatien ktuse. Mixed Itelntienshlp. A novel case of matrimonial relations remes from the ceutli Mdc, IMttsburg. Seino ears age Wllhclin Ocauf, a w ealthy tobacconist, thought the most ngrecahle tiling he could de would be te take n Ufa pjituer. He he man led the widow of his dee-eased brother. She had three or four children pretty wul I grown up. Every thing went pleasantly In the .new hene held until Mir. Ueauf died. Mr. !eanr, who Is new about CO cars old, befan te reel lonely again. Ills nireellens vvcie ilxcd en Ids stpji-daughtcr, lxittle Gcaur, n pietty gelden-hnlrecl jeung ricriimii woman or 22. Thn rem ilndcrefthc family espresscd their disiipirenl of such u union, but the old man and his voting love wereinanlcd nev erthelesi, and nre new doing Kuiejie. A call was nude at the store en Carsen street en 'Juevlny when It was learned liem the young man in charge that his sister, w he is new Ills 'lep-mother, nnd his tep-rathcr, whels nlsohlsbrethor-In-law and uncle nnd his slslei'R iinile, stcp-fulher and husband, liave nriivcd Mlely In eJerinany. llisdie the 1'nMer'H os. The congregation of Mount Ien itaptlst ehiiich, nl lndlanaiells, was In com ten Mendav for having rtlcipntcd Inn gen eral light Inshle or the chinch. '1 heie has been tioubleovcr the pastei,i;idcr Morten, for 'some time, the congiegatleii bcliiK about cqttallv divided In opiesltlon nnd MipiNiitiiig lii'in. Ile was locked out ofllie ehuich ut the clliestleu of thn tiusttcs, and this )iiuvekcd Hunts ul violence from his followers, but with n view or bringing nbuul an ndjustincnl or the dilllciillles thn elder w .13 Indue ed te tender his resignation. lUdcr Willhiins was brought te the (.lunch as his successor. One of the deacons declared that he should net ecciip tlie pulpit The eldor ronlledtli.it he niopebod te preich the gosnel If he had te light With this the low began. The pister's nese was binishtd and a general knockdown lollewrd. f-'evcral or the brethren wcie badly disfigured. The con tending factious &wotceutwari.intsfortho urrest el etch ethnr 011 tharges of assiult nud battel and disturbing the peace. - reur el the Itn tluli ItFturii. AldOrman Hnlbich, Jsiael Cnipeutbr, Harry Dciuuth nndJehii ltelst, who weie en the Hay 1 lub nxcursiyn, loll that paity nl Washington vcsleidii and uiil.ed home last night. Important biisluvss ieitilird them being In Lancaster te da. Jehn II. Ilauiuganlner retuincd home en Tui'sdii. MeiiiIii.v'm IT10 liiiss, 'lhendjiisleii or thnlusuimicoeempaiiics ie llxlhe amount or the less of Harry L. Tieul, by his lire 011 lat Monday nierniug, have uel it nrilved, but me o e o pecled this evening. ri he losses of It. J. Housten nnd J. llariy btaunnhave been adjusted. 'I he feimcr lecclved S'.tPiind the lalterJIS. The Sinto Ciiuip MentR. The annual session of the fetale Camp of I'ennsylvanla, Patriotic Older Sens el Ainerita. was begun In I'ettsville, 011 Wednesilay. t nib ers wcie elected, .1.11. Keiiuey being 1 hose 11 stale) president. Tlir picnic nf the Lutheran mul llcfermcil Huuila) fclioel, of ltehrcrstcmn, which was iostencil nu nereiiulnf tlm 111I11, vxlll ! liclil In the woeilsiit the ( clilievlllc mImmiI lnmp en Smtuulii, AliKIIKt 17. ( ill ii' r.xctiisiiiu te Mngum I'ulli vlii Itrail In,' I tu U lead, 'I Imrxilin, Ainjuvt in Iluunil trip tli l,cU kissI for s, veil i1iim 1 11 re eulv !10(l. Irf'nvc liauriistir, KIiik strict, ut 7 id C'liliiinhla si 7 'Ildicts ccksI coins' 1 1 lErmlliif unci l.ililfili Viillcv, peinlar mciiIi ionic, unit K'isl tort turn via CiiuiiuiIalKii 1 mul lVun'n It. It. In llnriMiiug, nml ItinilliiKlt It. te itcMtlnullnu. l'K luti coeil In slop nt Wiit lilui (,lcn ictuiuhiK. I lie,iKxt nuil Uncut trip ewrciireicil h ItiinlllK rullieml. iuiriI,7,10,1:.1I,1I.(1Hi -iile ul I'oDpei- II1111-0 rurnltuie. Iherllnrtte wll thctltiiris unit furultiiie of thnCeilci heiisviiHii whole was net hiicussrul, ami tlicj vtlllliaiiirerritiit piilillcsak pleccme.il, LOiiiuiEiiilni; en I'rlilaj. 'the Hdvetllsctnrnl will bctimuitlu anellin leluinii, tul.v liivi'stnicintN. 1 li moil Hill ItiillruiKl CDinpan), lit t incut KiBii per irnt. Iienils iliu lull In fiil henilst Intirist Jnuuarv nml lulv, tue fruin Inxcx.nn eli nstcm of the Cornwall ami Ijlmmm Hall Hint thretiRli lln initial purl of tin I Itv lit Ixlwiiiei, mul Kiinriiutccil lj tlml mail lsii, Coiiistegn nml North) 111 llnnl, Nurlliiru Vlnr ltcl ami llnst laid nud Ijiih nti i C'llv nlrn I iiillunj htiKlis In uniiiiiuls te Mill pimhiiMrN l'er 1 tins nud Inrtlur liirniiuallnii i Ie I UOII II I.(IN(I, llmkir Ne. 10 Nurlh ijurin lnct, i'nil Heur tlw.til W pl'lttltC McLl I Li V -In this illj, nn tin Ulli lnl Jiiiucs I. vutnlli , iikiiI IU V)'r 1 hu icl itlveti mid IrlPiKln of the finll, 11U0 Ijincftvlcr lAidiri , Ne 07 1. 11 V I" , unit Keili ill ill kenuTrllic, Ne J3, 1 (I II il um rtittlfiill invited In ntd nit tin fiiufru! fiuni hi I iU lcsl clcnrii, Ne Jll W'KstKlnshlnit, lliurmlii iiltir iiltir inien lit Jin In, k. Inli rinrnt a V nuduaril Mill itmitii) n IMnt- In llil .It) 'en tin lllhlnel, Vnnii lliirliain, will nriMci Duti, In the 7ith vtm ul In 1 iikp 'lln-iclutniniuid tilindsnl the liinill! 1111 11 sprLlfnlt! Invited in atlnnl Ihc liMinnl liem In 1 lull rinldPins, Ne .'I" 1 liriti r tnct, en 1 ildiij tiltorueiiu nl J id lmk StrMnit nisi Stciiluus chnnli Inn rim nl nl i.ni irim. ti rj . .'t lilavlu'lvv. 1'hlhiilelphlii Pi'oiluce .Mm het. I'lliiaurLi-iut, Aiu II -Noen I lour dull, I'cniia Kiipcu, 1 I15&2W, ixirn. 31033 Se ! ramilj. t lis S3, ieIIci, 12.1(3175, lmtcnl. fjcmgvw. Wheul linn. Ne 2 Hcd, liuu, S3U,r. Ne. 1 l'rnu'ii Iteil.Vlc. Cern Mc ml) , N'n. 2, JviIVVc. Oats dull; Ne. 2 White ap(c , Ne. 2 mixed JirfJin, limn Mi nil v Wlulfr unXjIIMi. Ilaliit luiv dull; lll(K917U)iu te nunlllv , tlineth) HWi17im fur chnlu, uitvrd, tOtallM). IiiiIpI rjc Mrnn, new, $13 m llulttr dull t liiii 11 irininiMi' cxlm, li'fwlsc. Pi 1111 n flrtlarxlrii 21 i."7. l.lft,s ihelce Bleck Ih 111 , Puiiiii finds, I7w Chcssi niak, luilhkluni.'UiiV , rull nkluiN, l'i iroleuin dull, mini. tin libN,J7.1ii I'etiitcsji stiiid) 1 JcVJtin' Y linkel. I lVl htm k Vim kctH. e 1111 vue, Ins j Hcstliils.lelXO slilpmeiits I ), mnikil siiuiiK Im, tl la 110, nuiik, tl uHtjl 'O, Kieikna mid fmtirj. fj lK4J .M , imvs. bull mid uiUwl.il iX4l !! , Ii xm 111I1I1 II 1 K8l J.I bulk, J I Xi iw lIiV -ltfct l.U, ll.imil:sliliinfiil,li.i!0 nnir kil slew niiyd, II hx,i i, imiv), Se i, 4ilii, IlKhl.tl J1X1I 7. kips $.l.iu I it Miitp Hchs.Iiu.ii1(iV) lilpiiicnu. ;,uie nun .cif u?ii ." "' ' -.t''"S " vviUriiwu.,i.it neiVAiiM, tliutii Icxuui,, (1 xsi 1,, lambs. 7 1 loeiJiH.r luud KvsTl.uiEiirv CaltU' Hi,ii,s W sliiis iiienis M, iniirki I cictlvi unit urn hunuiil en cueil , lewei tmiUluu uiinmiin.'ii im utihef cuttle thipinil In Ni w l)rk Hogs ItiH-clpla, 1JCH! khlpin.nu, no. market slew , i.IsmiihI lli-hi v i.ikui..l seur.V. iiicdlum mid light Philudrliiliiu, 51 i.V (Te! hen his (l JXim. 1 cms hIiIimhiI te New Ti erk. hhCC-lt(HPlpl, HVI; .liliiClll lll it kC I iirim nl jetprdii) s iirliiM. Meck .Mni'kelM, (Ju.Hatieiis lij ttiU,.VleOraun A I ... ,.r.n e, nr I,.. Ce.,bauki t, ISM. Si- m. MIIIWI.1VI . . (l M W VOIlk 1 1SJI ( nn.utu Pa ttli e c. c a 1 Colerudi, c mil Ciulrtil I'uilllc I'miuda Suuilieru lit. M I A 1'ec Ik 11 A HteCl Del. L. A W. l'rle Krlc 2nils Jer C . IC. A T ... lOil. AN J Hhere Mich. CVn Mlseurl 1'ucitlu. . . Heek, Vnllev. N. P. N. l'.I'rcr N.Wcut N. V. C 11 X M bi 11 US " lOjff ! IK " 1(M$ !7lJ ti7 . .... no j iieJl 1117 107 New KiiKlaiul. . , , l-jit lrtlUPDMS Oniuhii Drl-gell f .IIISKjllllllCllllll, OniurtuA W I'm lilt Mull ltll l,l,li.t.il lrt.tK.il 6V 31 ' CI HI I Bl Paul " Ti It.,. Pn, IH. sit t'nien 1'ai.llle Wabash Cem, Wabash Prcr Wtprii U. . VctBliern Henda. . rmneKi piii.v liit. li Ii. Vul II.N. V.APhlla P.U It. It. lUudlm: . th. Nav .... Ilmteuv. Paw .... ... .. blJJ -, 17 rzcw -" - :m 6." i ; t-iA 6P5 ii 7-13 . M 1". AJt . .. N. ft in. lVeiika 1'jm lUi.. Otl..,... ... in, in,1. Oi-aln Riet Previsions. KurnUhrd hyH. K. Yumtt, llrelcrr. LlnCAOO. .vuk. 11, I1IIOCIOCK p. III. W liPflt, Cirn. Oafs. 1'erK. Irtl. AiiRU'l. . HrpiPmncr. October Nnvcinlirr, ivrcpinbcr. .Innimrj Mnrcli .Mny........ . Jllll"... n- Vcar .. .-h Crndp Oil.. T7'j in 10 fiiir, 8 27 H 17 0II 21 a-,; tll . tnu 87J j 2l'ii . . 1 . . ..7K ... MPS touiels. Clmlng I'iIcch 2 lio'cleck p in, XV liPfll. Cern. Oat. Pntk. Iii rcl. B27 (IV7 H-J) ft f7 bn Aueust .... 7S aVd 3ii (-.fpienilr. ... -. 77 M aepj flrlelKr .... a'r)J 21 Nerrmlipr December.. 7S' Xf 2i;t Jsminr) May...-' . ( V-VA ai Year ...... THjJ (Mliieli - .... CrurtcOII ... 11 117 tili7 7ft 0f2 . 1120 r'i fur J jins. iw 5 r,j Itcrcipts. WlnUr Wheal Spring Wheal Cern.. . .. Oat . ll)p llarlry llpcclpts lllllt1) Ilis-plpU Cnttlc. .. Ilend. , I5i) titu SvbucviiecntcutB. IvHOLUIKLYPUIII. ROYAL BAKING POWDER. rillllS powder nnvrr vnrlc. A mat vcl of I'll X rllv, sttriiKlh nnd vrholcseiucticiis. Stere economical llinn the entlnary kind-, and ran. mil be sold In rniipltleii with the niultltude or low test, short wclRhl, alum or pliinphstn PeKdcrs. tftlil nnh tn cunt. ItevAI. IIAKIMI I'ew in 11 Ce.. 100 Wall strict, N'e "V erk. uiurSI-DilAlvw' rilltv. OL'UHYi: WIIIMK,, 1 1 IVi: Yl'.VIIHOI.l'. pi.it lit' Aiir. T.1) t-KM's.Ar UOIlltl'lfMl.UlUOHHIOIti:, Ne 22 Centre Sipmrc, Ijmcaslcr, Pa. JuiKiKs iiavi: ixiNci hInci: di:cii)i:d thnt Hilly WiilUsLlk-aris the best In thn state. I'ur sale nl Mis.n a imNeinn .ui:i:nhi'. IUVlSiiiM,W,lh,HAiT TTeuTnvbnTiii: itnimT uiiune an"d 1" DrlvhiK Herse In Ihu ill) Seven )eiirs old, buy color, 15 huinlv 1 Inrh hluli. AOiIicmi It IACOH 1 Ki:i:il, Xetlt, I'll C1AN15J THU I'lNIMT AHSOIITMUNT 01' j Caups III thcrlt) 1 nn be found nl HILLY WAn.SCIOAHHrOIll , Nns. n a ml im North tiuii'ii sttfcl. lii)27-I,W,IhAw Bit ly'waii'. hah 'im; nirTWOM)ii fie and .". Clears In llicdtv.ut NOS. fi A 1UI NOIlt If lUM.LX MT. nijlWlniM V,'lh,HAw NllI It K- 'llli: Ol I If LltH VND MUM birHiif 1 raliiilikeupiililhi, Ne 22, Imp. O. or It. -VI ,uir icniicvtrd te meet at tin Ir vvlir nam en Ihutsilny, Aucusl 1 ,,al 1 JO p. m, ter Hip juirpese of nttinilliie tin film nil et our Intr brother,.! 1 .Mil ullc) Hlsler IrlbesniP nlsiirispci (lull) Invllnl liintli ml H) nrilui of Hip Hacliein (ILO. ItnTr.MlOlHh. IM III ssi I, (.id It. lid rpiii:Hiui'(Tousei"iiii:i,ooi( or lan 1 utHtir eiiiuit) will ncclve bids rnr-ttippl) -hit: llui Alinslieiiip and Hospital with foal ler niic ) car, from September Ji, Is1', ni lollens 10) teiii. mnri or Ii ", Hard IVk , in) tens, moil nr less. Hard llrnkin , nil Ions, uieni or Ii s", I -kin XiiIIpv Vgg. tltoii,iiieicorlesH,Mcillliui HU'ip. I'iliin, inen 01 1cm, Iliiril Pen. VII 1. 1 Is tu br linuilfd tell IC. Mji rs, Sec ) , en in I f 1 Mi-iist 17. iss'i 11111:1.7 in.1 11 11S oui)i:uer 110AHI) 1.0.0 r tiii Mi.MiiritH or LVNi m i tci lanlpi , Ne. (i7, 1 e.O r,nrcrifiiestPil lemwlat Odd I'iIIemm llallnn 1 limsilay nftci iiimiii. Aiizusl IV al I urliH Ic. for the iiurpeu et alii lidlliK llli' lilliiral of our lain bielhrr, I.T McCillle). Vlunliic) lidifp. Ne. 212, llclil IhIbi.Ne fiH, llcrsilicl UsIci.Ne. lit. nud tin order In kcniinl 1111 luvllid II) nuliref Hip N (I II. I hPi.Ncrit. Attisl 1'llVMw D Mil M,m v. It Dl'III.K hvi.i: vriL.viieN net hi' KLI PI li! Will oeslllirh br sold nl Public Sale Ile 1 nth)' 1 iinlcntN of tin ( oepcr lleiivc , eiiinicnr lii 1 IIIHVV VI (llsl hi, ul eclwlcii 111 mid nintiuiillii diiv b d ij tinlll 11 II Is selil, leii'dsllni: etnll kinds el 1 ninllnii' Hniutltul W'alnul Parler Hulls, I lu;iiut A'h nud Walnut llcdroem Hulls, (iiijets I lilna, dlasn iinft 11 Isruc riitmilitv of K I ( c lie 11 fh nslls, Ie be sold In plueinnil In Ibn lutriest nf Ihiusrkicpcrs, miS'lMtdll Jel'l. I. II VINIX. fur Ownei III lliel Allll Its I OH llslll(l 1 1 1AIK1 L dm t Inc. M'lnlul lm I oils all kiinc Hnpplv pxliuiistid. In mcit tin ill 111 mils lern 1 hi up list we iiiluir out tin ir Joint bitiutlliilt) stiilm d Iji 101I te 12c Our tlitri Joint brass ununited Puss hhK ull S'euC 1 in ten suppl) 1 shiiusteil WcwIIUijI lel 51 e) a llni tfiitiMnluUit llli lib ineuuliil laureiMHHl lip red tills 11 Kiurllb 1 New Is the ttuii fin buna I us m line nits mid reds. riivii.i'x s i:sr i:ii pii vim vcv. llippeslt, I asiirn Vlnrkct.) 1 ndlrv s Kiisnpmlllu I eiupnuud Is tin lust ler lln bleed Hiimiii;i VI.W.I'Aw II 1. huh num. mom. BLANK BOOKS. Ruled and Bound te Order. We can furnish an) thinu In the line of Hicclnl Hulcd Heeks for Leclgis, Hanks and nil llmlucis Purposes. Hilled and Printed In ever) vailet) mul attcrn mid bound In the most durable mini mi Ijitlmali will be 1 heel full) shrnnnd niders villi 1111 1 nurpiempt nudum lul iillcnllnn L. B. HERR, Ml'i jJ.I iNOHlll ern:N ',1 ""ilpLLI V.MSON A IOHII.li, MltilllMI VII DLPAHI.MIN1N Our Bargain Sale ! PRICES LOW. Heme Ikiifcalus 1 ( ft iu Men He) t nude hit dicn h Hulls Men -Hulls SlOOOteSMVl llO! SUlls, MlO te SO ill Ultldrcn s hultk, M ijO te SUV Men s 1 laniiPl Coats and Vests, SI Hn .. l) KUO Ie 1 rl , S..(il Ie Jl t) , ?7 iJ tu S 1 . I IHMMIIMI HLPMtlVir.M. Our ti k or Dniiict llanncl bhhts i vnv laitv, and fur qiuilllv nnd prlic It mnnul iM beaieu I'lveDeitn Ikilnrl 1 Imiuil bhirts, tixnl I'al linn,, ut , w'erth esc 1 1 11 Dezen Deinet rimiucl HhirU, virv moil Isittcriu, well mide, fei tlse lwrntv Decn Deinet l'lannil blurts. -ci lutti ins nml well made, at A A lursi line or Demct 1 Inimil Hhlttt, poed Miles fur 7Si riuericiiihiiud Lncllsh I liimiil bhirts ler !IW H25,J1-V1.S17.-. SJ.101 Lhlldriii's Deinet I'lanuil Wnlsls for 2a unit eO mil IN OCHHTHXW HArilKPAHiMliM. IS' Mill IIU) 11 1 Illlll M lH'lll UV ax 10c IV fiOv 2K fk r 2ee MX) n $U I i'i 1 HI 2.1 IVc -aller. -ic fie ' 0O0 Hut. Ile; ie) n 71 " SI IX) .M.lll! 75e tUl 1.2. S ii'l i'i) S.ul Wl Vnd a Hue of Llshl loleiccl befl Still Hau at Oieatl)- Hcduced Prki. Itllli. Ptlll at the ten or comfort, lit and st) le, noiirif, neiirif, sure en the hall of Hie loot, neat opera te. . brlcht Dongelu stikk, huuil-liiriied mles, all strut, wldlh Iu two ..radii., one ut SJ.W, the bet i-nideiitflsi. Williamson & Fester, U'i UH IbT KJNO bT , LAN'C AHTEH, PA AND aiS .MAHKL-i'blHEET. HAltHIrjHyj'0, 1'A, Item 2vcticvtiBcmcitl. B IT TWO I'Oll FIVH CENT CIOAHHl-! Hie ifatp.al . Illlilil ivail,n, Ni. S and 110 North (J ueen HL myiMmM,W,Th.HAv SUH OOLDLN LION AND MIA QUKNDA ('Uars, & rleNM, are hand made with Ions ir Havana Killer, Ws and tnrrs Ihixps. i:muth'h cieah kiehk, IS-irdlt HtLantKln-cHtrceL rpIIKY CAN ALlTcel'V IiOtNONiTeXn 1 K'pi.11 Hilly Wnllis Havana Killed Cigar, NOS. fi im NOHTII llUEEN 8T. lii)iM,in.M.W.1h.lw "liriNIH DKIDIHILIMLH, LAUUENHEI lV MKIt, Opieiiliplmer, Heehhclmcr, Dry ('atnnba,Ut..tiilliiu C'lnrctn. NO. 15 CENTRE SQUARE. scplS-Ud B l-Sl & HAVANA T-ILLEU'CIUAII IN the ell), al HILLY W'AITZB, Nes. N nnd KM North q.uccii Ht. 111) 18-6uiM,W,1 h.SAvr Y I,HIItj Jul) reduces the price of ,S7'77,V(7,y lA'i" TJiOVXKltlXaS AT McGRANN & NOWLEN'B, 136 North Queen Street. C10I.IjAIUS AND "fUKKS--TiIKLATIlT J the most ileslrable, and miMt comrnrtiible slispcs iiiiil ntylei ntiy sire, al I'HIHMAN H Ocnts' 1 mulsh InjHteri', 12 Wcvt ICIn-r street. WT;cititV unf LAitensr ureuic ok Pipes mid Kine HmekliiE Tohncce III the illy. Weeden Pipes fitBc. nnd 19c. each. Oenii hie Jleersehaum Pines nt 25c. each DLMUT1I H CIQAIl RTORE, MS-tMH 111 istKInc Hired. 1iiLvi; risiiiNoeiioi-Niis. 1 The lUhlni; at VVaililnsten boreiti;h Is new iiclciiewt'-ilKCil te be the btJil nlens the buv fiiichanna river. Henry Wirtr, proprietor of the Hus'iiielintina lteuve, has a fine line or beats manned by c11reu.1l boatmen. I'l-dilm- parties inn uiakenrraiiketiicats with him ut reasonable latcs. au-slwdK -VlitKWLMl-lHi: LATEST AND MOST J faihlenabl(itvIcsnndhades,thcchearest and best, nt KHIH.MAN H UcnU' I tirnlshlng Hleie, 12 WeslKlnuiUett. 'lHiSrAL PALACE HTKA.Vt POWKH CA Kj HOI'hI.LL has arrived at the Kliif Ht. Ihialrc (Jrand openhi'-en Wednesdav, Au( II, llisy Iksirs epeiint 7 p. in., with entire new iiltnietlcin-" mid al the old prices In Hiding Oi Oi reusill Ailmlsslen, 5', lueludhig a ride. All an InMIrd nui;i-2td IVtPClHlANT 'IO "lOUNd St KM AND L.VIIII.S (let it lliislupss HiIiiihIIuii nt the KrxHieNL uraiNUHs iolllei:. u has the best fucllltles, Ihn bisl uicIIiihIh, the most innipli lei nurse. Mi Da) Course , S2U Evenlim W'Bslen. rvpeuilllni! mid Hherlliand tuught. Oixns .Monday, Heiitrmlier J W.lrMOSSKIt, Ne IfiN'erlh QiircuHt., laiiiinsti r, Pn, Oil Aw Bi hinlss i:di ( a 1 Ten -ia lltlhm ok llie l.anrasliT Hiislniss fetlik'C begins HLIMEMHI.ItS. Our lurue i'alale,'ue conlaln cenlaln lint all nccessarx lutnrmatleu, will be out In a rewdiivs Hciiil ferlt and sec vTliateur f-radit-ales su) or the school T) pp-nrltliis free te theso vThD tnki the full limlncs course. Con Cen dnned cntiiloKiie tent cm receipter Mwlal tard, or call nt Collcge Hoems, Ne. 10-; Hist KIbj sircei. Aiiuies, H. C. WCIDLEH. Prlnclpil. i hahkciianteV Biggest Reduction of All in Fine Clethes. 'Ihlrly ilelliii Bulls 1 cduecd In twi nt) -two dol lars len dollar l'ants rcduicd te S7.iV!. and all ether Lli,lit WclRhl HnlttiiB In thosniuepro thesniuepro thosniuepre IHittlnu A Ihikii stock teelcct fretn,uf 11. OLHHAItr, Ne. HNerlli CiueenHtieet. 44-Oul) Dltci I Importing Tiilliir (11 the fit) of Ijumiiklu. J.IENin VOLK, FURNITURE STORE, IniK rrmiiied te Pill 1'nnt ICInR sliret, luivltn; a full linn of I urnllureefevcr) description nt Urn lowest prliex. le IJnilertiiltlni; priimpll) nl Icuilril te. Cult and examine our kik-iIh. aS-tfillt 11. W0I.K. 110 l't Kluit H treeL rji'iiMMi." NOVELTIES LINENS EVERY DAY, VI HH L VI WOODWAHD. Js'j I . Kim; Strict M AHI1N HII OX. Clothing and Furnishing Goods ! 1011 and see and )eull ttutl mail) thlm;)iii II Hunt me culugiil such mi tunable irlcib that ) en unit help Inilbu). II mil) be a Hull, or Ceil in Ireuur- a He). oral liltit suit te de tin the remainder of Die season and 1 art) I. ill Thin has la en ai losing price put en all thai liipistlull dais Intnnctive buslntsseius. .Vli n' All-Meet I 111 Mets, tasvl iiiere and I tunnel Hulls, Se te 91 1 eiiuk Men s hiiIIk, f 1 nl2 He) sniid LI1II1I11 11 k LeilK t'uiil anilKil PautbllllK In inuiil deulrubli ilellis, SJIeSlli VbinvHpiiliiltlrs in 111) 1 uinlshing 1) i 11 tni nl ul savin.- prlii's In vim (lutlnc -hrti Hills, IIIpviIe Iles, leise Hliiils, lei si) Kmi lniihes, tin cutlrilv new doiden Hash, (l.ui-e mid ItalbrlKCiii Hhtili and Draw m,.'H', lsi. Jk- mouse W'atili, Hlilrl Waist'., 111 Deniil Percale ami I I iniiel. J"ic, t'-V , ifV.ilc. Ihehiet lal Prliesputen Ncckwcai lias takeu them out runlitl),auil ou will be terluuatc te set suehsl vies and qualities ut icnsnrc here Hu)ir. who knew lln value take two Cor the iisiuil prirt ofene. Ihe Vlirehaut Jnllurlnc Do De pnrtmem hiiiiuaii) uevclttcs wlilrh liave been pntatvirv low tluilin: prices ee the assort assert luintandl' ic our order MARTIN BROS, Merchant Tailoring, Clothing and Furnishing Goods, .SO1-). -t AND 2SNOH1II tiL'KLN BIHLirr. XTI'WMHtKSlOHL. II WLM1U SLL.MIIU Black Sura! Silts - -vi mi New Yerk Stere. tftuini in tin i u.illl v el Hum tinsl- with an) -kimiilcs von iua have had Hunt oilier illlm Ne 1 it rfk Ne 2 illtj' . Nn 1 nt Ti Ne I al 1 ti I iniiiii Our Iwent) luili All Silk Satin Luxers, At sliOa laid, and 21-lmh at S12.,. lhc) are the best value in any market and lull) k-uariin-iced Black Silk Satin Rlintl'im.i Make 1111 l.Uu-.tiil Dre Nebcilci iehU uuide ler kishI weurlus iiialltfis. Nete thePrlie-. iSV. KT. TV. tVie, jl IKI, il.re. HLAlk PHtNCH PAILLUislLKN Ale lv liuli nnd Vir) rashliiiialilc, nl fcai. ll. Jl Sia )anl. Mi turn sold ihuiiMiints or )iilds of lhc lnneu II VhKI LLb ULAlK DHLs, idl Kh Mitheiil a lOinpUhu. 'Ihej m mil v ii.u rHiiUil nclthir 10 llp crock or bical.'lit sis months wear,llimt there Is no better "value elhrcd ferfl Ul. tl i. II J7-4, 51 SO. "s. (siMil.il alin in HI A( Ki.KOSl.il VIN MILK. 2II1II tics Midi, al Jldl HI I21 mid it Ah ULAlK OHOs CHAIN HILLi at X, tSUi, 7ac aiiilb7",c a Mird WATT & SHAND, b bAWLAbl KINUbT. ODDS lVViU I ENDS. I si Item 3lbttcvtirmeitt. WANTED-A OIHL TO IK) OENEHAL liouwwerk. Apply at the Pnti)lTanla Heuse, N'erTsvllIc. atiglZOtrt A. 8T1FKEL, Proprietor. TIhTaI'I'LICATIOX OK JAMEH It. DON nelly for the transfer or the Tavern LI LI reniicer IxitiliHIenler, 2d ward, lAncaitrrclty, w III be heard en Haturday, AuriuI 17, isn, nt 10 a.m. IlKNJ.K. W. URBAN, J-3I7,1M Dep. Clerk. XT8TATK OK WILLI A SI H. KORDNEY. Jli late of LaneaMer city, deceased. Letters testamentary eutald estate liav Inibeen r ranted te the undersigned, all persons Indebted thereto are rriucled te make Immediate pajment, and these limine claims or demands against the same, will piesenl them without delay for settlement te the undersigned, rrildlnc In Lan talerclty. KLI.KV J. rultUNKV, WILLIAM J. (OIIDNEY, H. II. lirv ei ns, Kxecutem. Attorney. aueT-fltdW eptst rinTe mew a month can ) I ij fJ he made werklnu for ns. A ten In preferred who can furnish a home and Klvn their whole time te the business. Hpare moments may be profitably cmpte)ed also. A few vacancies In towns and ell leu. H. V. JOHNSON i CO , 10UD Main HL, Hlchmend, Va. N. II. I'leauj statu ai;e and business expe rience. Nevermind about sendlnc stamp for icply. H.K.J. A Ce. aprWJmelW OHIHTtil ' SHIRTS I SHIRTS! Hlilrts of nil descriptions Made te Order C'healicr than they can he bought for elsewhere, as we sell for manufacturers' profit only, TROUT & SHANK, HI1I1I Manufacturers and Men's Outfitters, 110 North Queen BtiecL mnrtt-l) dtl M .KNNLHCIIOH OAHDHN. THIS WKEti'B ATTRACTIONS. JAMES NKAIIY, The Great Irish Comedian. JONEHandEDWAHDS, The Original Telegraph Men. JIIS3 BELLE L.VMONTE, In hr LifeCharacterand Sweet Senit ijrlnaseef rain the tntertalument will be held Inside. JcMmd t,. 1'KAEKKLE, Prep. rV EXAMINE EYEH KHEE. Spectacles ! WE EXAMINE EYES FREE 1 Yeu Think Your Eyes Are Geed ! If )ou hnvcthciiiesaiulned)eu villi probably find Hint there Is femethlnn' wrenc with them, and thil glasses will be a great help te von. We use Inimitable "DIA MANTA" lenses, vi hlih nre made mil) by ii,iuh! reenmmended h) lendlne Oculists ns the best aids te defec tive vision. Kelld Held Hpectaclcs, .'1.00; usual price, Se.OO. Htce I Hpei lacles, fiOu.t usual price, (11. (HI. Artificial E)cs Inserted, HI; usual price, 91 0. H. ZINEHAM & BRO. 130 S. Ninth Street, OPTICIANS. PHILADELPHIA. Between Chestnut nnd Walnut Streets. ni)8 1) it M ILLEK'M BOHAX SOAr. TVYIL-LER'S Borax Seap -WILL- WASH CLOTHES, -AND- EVERY ARTICLE UNDER THE SUN rjALACE 01' l'AHIIION. CLEARING SALli ei LIGHTWEIGHT COATS u mi: PALACE OF FASHION, 115 & 117 NORTH QUEEN STREET. Read the Prices and See Fer Yourselves. The balance of our stock of Light Weight Coats, black and colored, we have removed te our ground lloer, and placed them en tables in 8 (eight), lets at the following ridiculous prices. These goods must be sold, as we need the room for Winter Coats : Let 1, at 97c. Ladies' and Misses' Light Short Jackets, former price $2.50. Let 2, at $1.48. Misses' and Yeung Ladies' Cleth Jackets, in navy, garnet and myrtle, former price $3. Let 3, at $1.96. Misses' Jersey Coats in black and navy ; also a few Fancy Striped Jackets, former price Let ,, at $2.89 apiece. Consisting of light colored Fancy Coats, also 131ack Cork screw and Diagonal, formerly sold$3-75 te$5 Let 5. at $3.95 apiece. Fine Black Diagonal and Ceiksciew, formerly $6 te$650. Let 6, at$5.SS apiece. Corkscrew, Widewale and Diagonal, formerly $7.50 te $S. Let 7, at $7.69 apiece. Fine Corkscrew, formerly sold as high as $10. Let S, at $9.99 apiece. Consisting of Imported Coats, all choice garments, formerly from $15 te $20. BLACK JERSEY COATS. Let 1, at gi.98 ; former price $2.50 Let 2, at $2.69 ; former prices $3 te $3.50. Let 3, at $3.29 ; former price Let ., at $3.98 ; former prices $-l50 te $5. Let 5, at $.l.9S ; formerly sold at $6, $6.50 and $6.75. Let 6, at S598 , former price S7-50- Let 7, at $6.98 ; former price $8.50. Let 8, at $7.98 ; former price Let 9, at $9.98 , former price $12 and $12.50. PALACE OFFASHION, 115 & 117 North Queen St. Went 3lfeuerttcttmtt. H AOEHnnOTHKH. Hager fc Special Clothing Reductions! TOEN'S SUITS. Btyllsti WertedCutawa) Hulls at 1500; reitucd rrem J1S.00. Kine Cas'lmere Cutaway Hults at JIO.OOj reduced rratn UtOO. ErcHnt Cns.lnierc and Worsted Hulls at H.09J reduced from! 10 00. BOYS' HND YOUTH'S SUITS. Heys' Dress) Plaid Hults reduced teKOO. Beys Ht)llsht1icv let faults at 11.00 j reduced ftem5.S0. Youth's Bulls In Nobby Chev let 8t) les at IA50 ; reduced from $4.00 Yenlh's fault In Goeil Cslmerc Styles at 17.00 j rtducedfrem HM SUMMER CLOTHING. " All-Hllk fengee Coats and Vests at IIJ0 ; reduced from V. Klnc Mohair Coats and Vests reduced te 13 21. Cotten Klannel Ceals and Vests at II.00. Nes. 2531 West King St. B AHOAINb. GREATEST BARGAIN SALE. Tine Weel Challlcs at 2J,c a yard. All our Best Lawns, Challlcs, India Llnen, Crapellnes, Batiste and Online Cleths Htenc price, Sen )ard. J1.25, JLan, Jl.75 and K Knihreldcry at one price, "Oca )ard. All our 50c, 75c, tl Lace Cups atone price, irc each. TSt-niackllciirlettantGOca janl. lIeHatlnesatr.efcn )ard. ?1.1S Black Henrietta nt 75c u) aid. All our 10c, 12c and Sic Unlit Celer of Dies'. Ginghams at one price, 6c a )ard. 11.50 Black Henrietta at Kit a ) aril. All our tl Tnble Linen nt fiOc a yaid. riue ltuclilncatS, 5, 10, i. 17 and Si ceiilu )ard. ., 1,.eL,b,,lre mul n,.k for ceculs as advritlMd.othcnrse)eu r.D iccular nrlccs In vlur or Dili Oieat Bale no samples of the nbev e goods vrlll he till. fc ' rlecs' m view or tins BOSTON STORE, Nes. 35-37 North Queen Street. CHARLES STAMM. N"5 HXT DOOH lOTUU COUHT HOUE. TXniO OPPORTUNITIES. A BLACK SILK WcnroEehu: te clear uli our 111 icIcHllkHtni tl 50iiiu 1 Jl Black Silks le the ituirerm price of Metiin ilcinenslratc lln triithfuhiisS If v oil villi ulve us I lie 1 hnnii seu. lhc Hnri;ahisnri hcic , lemu and bin llicni. A BLACK GOODS OPPORTUNITY. WclinvcBqiii'tiirouKheur Hlack (iesls Deparlmcnt and ciillciHuil all the short lenelhs ion ien lalnliie from 1 te 12 vards. These vie have il-ueil en theceuntcrnud marked a inndn lcs (hull the lilcee price, elf course vioilen't ml them, but von can tlml niiv IhiirUi jeu vi.int vvflheiil trouble. Lver) kind or Black Goods Is lepresented-fcllk Wnrp and Ail-Weel iltnrlcthis. Hlaek I nslimcics, Nun selllnK,Hchastaiels,bcii;es, Checks and Htilpcs. If )ilu v.mila clicss it enl. h short end come and leek them ever, the prices villi surpilsc )ou. 35 and 37 East King St., U'ut SVbuvvttavmcitta. ITtOH KKNT-tTlUH SIX AND NINH HOOM ' Houses. Applyul Jcl2-lfd WubOl'TII WAlLIlbP. CANES.-LXCLITSIVK HTVLU-, IN AlA cla, lVinnp. Welschcl.t herryaud Malac ca, mounted In r-llveriuul llinii7c. DEM Ul H'H CIUA1I hlOHH, al8-trdll lit Last King Mrect. 1JSIHK HHICKS, KIHi: ("LAV, T LOW 3 tlKUres.Ke te JOHN HIiST, 3.U Euhl Fnlten strict. m2-trd "1710H hi RAM (LVUUm. HlOll OH LOW JC Pressure, Water (iiiUK&s, Uauee Cocks, Weed Wheels or Weighted, Ulass 'lules; Whistles, Synhens for Steam Gauge, C)lliuler Ollt-rs l'luln, Waler GaUKO Columns, Cecl: ler Bteam einuges, cull en JOHN HIT, SU Lust I'lillen street. m2-tfd ITlOHAMKHICANSIGHrKEEDCVLINDEH 3 Lubricators, Glass Oil Cups for Hearings, -.oilcan get them ul JOHN UUVTS, OSi Eu$( Fulton street. m2-tld 17-lOH I'KAlT cV CADV AbIUS10S Dlf-C j Vnlvcs,Jenklns Vntves.BrassGlobeVulves, iirass unie vaies, iron lien) uieue vaives, I ulten stifct. iii'.'-lfil IF YOU WANT A I'lltHT-CLAbS POHTAHLE l'nglnennd llellir, en wheels, cheap, as thn billowing prices show; (J hursc-pevver, H73; 8 horsepoiver, 152,1 ; 10horwpecr,f57'i-, 13 horse herse iMiner, t75; 2U horse-power, tl,17j, call nt JOHN 1lE.SrH.83J East Fulton street. m2 tfd SAW MILLS, HAHK Mil I. COH MILLS, lxutliir Hellers, '1 an Packer. Triple llon-e I'eMcm, Mlllluc and Mining .Maehlnciy, nl JOHN HIsr'S. JI13 East l-ulleu Uriel, mi-tfd ItHi: 1'EOPLE H LASH KIOHH BARGAIISTS -IN- FLANNELS -AT- THE PEOPLE'S CASH STORE. Wi have luudc large purchase!, of Hannitnif ever) diM'rlptleu which te da) are north Ireiu 7'j telOjir eint. mere mono. Our customers hall have Ihe bene fit of our purchases us long as the Meck en hand lusts. WE WILL liCOrE OU Specially Lew Prices en Flannels DL'IIIM- MIL MOM II Ol M'(.l'-.T. buiuc of tin st goods will undoubtedly be higher in price later in the se.iien when there is a greater demand. We huve some special iiuikcser l'luu IJuallt) Huiiie-tude Flannels net te be had elsewhere In this murkct Gee. F. Rathven, NO. 25 EAST KING STREET, Uiur.V-l)illl L.VNCAH1EH, PA. Brether. Hill .Miulln at 7c a )ard. 8c Canten I'latmel at 6c a ) ard. Dells at 5c, 10c, 17c, Kc, 75c, f 1 and J1.2i each. lS'Scnnd 17c Dress Buttens nt5c u dozen. Heavy Htrlpcd Shirting ntf.Jfc a )ard. sc Best Ticking nt 5c a ) ard. Dark Crlnckle Seersucker at 5c h janl. H Tabic Cevers at 23c each. 50c Corsets at 37,lc a pah. All our IDe, 23c, 3.1c, .WXcFieiichMatlne-at euc price, 12Jcn, ard. 62 Je Ulack Henrietta ut 37jc a ) aril. tl,VS Napkins nl $1.00 a dozen. 25c While rinnncl at 20c a yard. SI.CM Luce Curtains at S2.50 a pilr. Indigo lllue Calice al 50 a ) ard WO Uinbrcllnsnt $2.50cch. OPPORTUNITY. k. lede It nulrklt b.ivn ,,,,,,1,0,1 n ,ti . SI n janl. This 111 u neti-reuiu llkelvsterv.l'ml Ne use In telliiiKjuu Ihe'rca- Lancaster, Pa. vw SVcuuvttaiMitrttte. OaltHY IN hr()('lC-HIr CIIAHCOAL, Ilainmcrcd Hir iron, Deuble Hclhicd lien. Burden's Iilvet Iren, Hlvct", Het nml Celd Heller lriin.htcTl, Sheet Iren J-I0 te Ne Ifl, nt JOHN HLbl H, Sil I-nst Fulton street. m2-llU 13CICINGH, AH FOLLOWH DIHIGO, FOIl Strum mul 11 vdraulle Pniklng, Vsbcit Heiw, Woven unit VV Icli Pin Mug, Hrnip Pncklng, Ak. l-cles Mill Heard, A"besles Cement, AhIk-sIes hhcnthlng, GumPackliig.Gum HlngM for Water Gauges, Humbnge I'm king, Heeds Patent Am be slei, Lined heclleniil Pipe Cever, at JOHN HEhl s, SJ.1 1-ist 1 niten street. m.'-tfd STL'AJI Hl-.l'l' 1ST HECOMING HEAT FOIl duellings, churches, t-ilioel linuscs, etc., though sueccsslully used ene hundred )Cnrs age. When ou Luntemiilate a ehangecnll en JOHN Hh.ST, vihe will give jeuii hutlsntchiry Jeb, atalalr price. in.'-tlcl IrtOHlllE IlEsr HOT AIH Fl'IlNACE IN 3 the market, go te JOHN HLfer,acj Iast I-niten street. m2-tfd 176n VULLVH sT7Arl'ING7COLLAHS, 3 Hangers. Clamp Uexei, Couplings, etc., go te JOHN ClJsr, iH Last Fnlten street. mJ tfd OHHOILEHTCHEHHlhlinS, sflLLSON PIihjVV iciiclici.Pineaiid Menkev Wrenches F Kiiiiiiiiiru. rue, nil cans-, eic, go ie juiii ..-. .... .... ,. . - . ....... Ill !', .kJJ liist riilleu street. ni2 tfd 101.1) 1IHONZ1', LIQIIDH M) SIZING I fersteuni Meik.nl JOHN HI-SI H. J.UKant l-ulleu street. m2-trd ITIOH HerLI.lt", IIOItfONTAL, J I'Hl'L Ml, 3 Vertical, l'eiiubU.e'jllinlcr.Miirluc, efnny size or laivrir, of the bt in uerl il and work manship, go te JOHN HEM', J.a East 1 ulteu street iu2-tfd IJ.CltriCI'LVH AlTENriON PMD 'IO Medel Jinking, Patterns-, Dialling-, nnd ltlnn Prlnls. ut prices re iseuable, at JOHN HJLbr b, J.U List Pillion stiecL Iii2 tfd 4 OI'.MY Kill I ALL MI IN A (OS Cb J incut te hike thu pUee of Hcd I.e.id. In hulk It makes live times the iiuniitlty or red lead anil Is farsiiiierier In lu.iklng steam Juiuls, packing mini and hand hole plates en butlers, lc , Ac. Prlci 20 cents per pound at JOHN HEM -5.3J.J l"ast 1'iilten street. m2 tfd "IOH I10L1-. L U, bC HLVV H, SI 1 bl HEWS, L1 bquiirciiiKl lleMigen Nuts, tin e gee Is In stock, ul JOHN HL-1 S, J,B L.u-1 nillen street. m2-ird I3CM1S, UOILEII-, MINING, lENTHIFH gil and bteam Pumps, of nn capaeltv, al JOHN IllJiT b. At! Hist Fulton slrcel. in.' ltd n.vDi.vieits, or any make eh di" XI sIjii, cm lie furnished utrcasonablellgurci, by JOHN Ulbl. JXI East Fulton street. iu2-tfi( 1710H HOHIONTAL bTA'HONAHY EN " cln , trem 2 te SO herse-Kiwer, and Vei tie.ll LuglliCb from 2 te 40 heric-pinvir, ) ou wll niidthtin ut JOHN HLbl'b, 3-il East l-ulleu street. tn2 tfd TOHClbTINOS, IHON OH lilt bS, Llf.IIl ' or huiv), nt short notice, go te JOHN HEbT, 351 liitl Fulton street. mj-tfd TF IN WANT OF IIIIASH OH IHON MOP Cocks, Asbestos Packed locks-. Pit nml Ulb locks, I-everl'iKks, bwlug Joints, call nud ire I them. or send jour order b) mall, te JOHN HE'S I ill-jist Fulton street. m2-tfd ".'. n: co Hen v v-ste, copped by the pound, 10, in let of ie pounds or ever.tv. All i.iHhUdilticreit teaii) iiarl of tlie cltv 1 n-e. Call en JOHN HEST, Ne. S Ensl I'lillen street mi-tfil T.NJll'IliH.. HIE Lini.E GIVNl II .V. ,," ''isiuiHiim, ami 1, ,t.,is, I Ix-nnuii llelb r l j, i, PtulHrthv InsiTitur Viucrhan Injc.iers, an i hllx.L., ut JClI msi s, iij hast 1 niten street. m2 tfd rilANK-s IOH WATEH, OILS, ACID OH GAS, L of mi) sli iir or i.ipulu, nt fair prices, go te JOHN ltll in l.u,t Fulton street, milfd t ii( H-I OF PIPE. UtOM I, fJU,UUUnnli te e Im lnlliiiiii'ter.lter sale at n ou lljiiie, and llieeul) hoiise in tlis ill) wiliiiiil,- . utliiiq nine bine, cutting up tei b Inch dlaiiiiK i. ul JOHN lllrt, SU l.u.l i ill. teuMrU m2-tfd ieit cvsr ihen pipe FirriNi,- both 1 plain and reducing, up te i-luch dlai.ieter, Mallt-alue Hill e'. Flanges, Flange I'll cms, Manifold-, Vmerlcan I'lnnim, Tube bii lsirts, Hungers, 1 hier and (c-illng I'lulis, go te.lOHN' ULbi fs as LaH t ulteu street. Ui2-tld X rfvii i" yX .lR3-i',i -f pl-fiTL-"as 4s-f"ir-