J vy-a-fri -.j THE LANCASTER DAILY INTELLIGENCER, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 14, 1889. s 1 Y' u J 3. klectmcat. execution. They placed the form of the murderer Upen the tlcctrlc wrack, . And fired 1,700 volts Inte )il naked buck. He quivered an awful initmenl. Then, quietly raised hi head. And asked that lilt friends mlslil take The corpus of the (lend. But the cruel executioner. Again discharged the holts At least n score or two or ohms And full 3,000 volts. " New Ihls Is simply shocking," The murderer did rjy, " Ge set n rope mid let me dl In (he geed old r.udilencd vvajV Jrem M" Itnnlnn Hrgttttr. Thrce Vlutlmi ern Talse I'rephet. The ineM. remarkable icllgletis craze lias fcclzcd the negiee near llcsciiicr and llie country Inlcruiedlate between Hint iihue Mud Hlrmltighain, Ala. Fer some tline Mst Tobias Jnckueti, an old negre, has ceu preclaimlnc lilinsclf ns "Danlulthe l'rei)het," and doing all kinds of vv llil and queer things. On Saturday list he persuaded lliree young negre men tlialthev were reiircscn tatlM of Shatliath, Mi-shach nndAbcd nndAbcd ncge. He claimed that nfiiimice vvhore Iren Is melted and wt Inte all kinds of forms was the furnace of Xcbuehndnczzar, niul lhat tUcy should enter it and ims through without the stiiell of Arc. The three negrees, under thu influence of their new prophet, deliberately entered the gnte of the cupola of the fmnace and rushed hcndlemr into the white licit or the melting Iren. When they failed te come out, Jacksen, the prepliet, proclaimed that lie saw them rising in the air w itli the Biuoke of the furnace, attended by angels, aud buld that they vv euld revisit the earth next Sunday. The negrees propebC te meet at thun.li next Sunday and iirav while aw oiling tbe dewent of the three children of Israel. Tlie mether of 0110 of them said that she felt sure her boy vv an In liuuv en. 1'Lxetl l'cnnlty Upen lllmseir. A Mcntiouite minister by the name of Imdls, walked lnteu Norrlstewnjustlto's ofTlce en Tuesday mid voluntarily paid ?15 in lines fei his violation of the gaiuini: lawn. He shot u rabbit in January and gave it te u boy, who, in tuin, sold if te a nclghbei. The minister did net learn that he had lelated the liw until he speke of the circumstance, and was then told by a neighbor that it w as illegal te sheet rabbits lifter January 1. Ills consdciiee troubled him, and, alter consulting ills lllblc. he re re Kelved en making lopnratlen ler ills un w Itting ellen.e. Alter he had made amends ler himself he started ler the railie.nl feta feta teon, but lcturhcd later te ninke geed the amount of the lines or innocent violation. Shaken, 111 oiled aud Drenched. Thtionre thrce participles of English giani liuir lhey are also the three sutce-esive condi tions underKonetverj Uny,ccrj ether daj or every thluldaj hj the unhappj wretch licctl less enough te nllew fever and ague te fasten Its clutch upon him Ne need of It none, ltos ltes ltos tettei'sHtemtich Hitters will and does pioservo ther.c whou-e It from everj tjpoel inalnrlal dlease, whether intermittent or bilious remit tent. Pemenrlj llilitj.llvc jears Ithas been u profeilemilly lccegnUtd sieelllc for nnd pre pre nlle of thc-f tenacious maladies, net enlj en our ern soil, but Ititieph-nl atidciuatuilal lands whcie the scourge Is picvnlcututiill sca sca eiis nud In Its word form. Illlleusniss, dj- iiepsln, iheumatlim, Melius lempl ilnl, nor ner nor MiUMiesunddchllllj inn nle ulliuuiits le the oinpkle icmnvnl or whkh the Hitters loin; si ltctlcmcust rated llsudcquiirj. gl-xcial jUolicee. Duukleu'H Ai'litcn .Snivel. Tin: HistSalv Kin the werlil rer Cuts, Ilrulses Peres, Ulcer.., Salt Rheum, Pevtr Seres, Tetter. ( happed Hands, Chilblain", Cerns, mid all Klein Eruptions, and pnsltlvclj cm os Piles, or nepav rcquliid. It Is guaranteed toglsopcr teglsopcr toglsepcr fect snttslactlen, or money n funded. Prlce 25 rents per box. Ker tale by II. II. Cochran, UruggUt, Nes. 1,17 u ml IS North IJueen street, Ijiin&ister. Pa. Iune27djil A "-emul L'!tal Opinion. 1'. ltalnbildcr Miuidii, Ilfi)., Ceuntv Atl , Chi Ce, Icv.,mjs "JIae uwd Lhctrk Hit ters with met happy rciulK. ly brother bImi wnscrj low with Mularl.il I rMruiidJaiindlie, hut was Hired b tlmel) ute of this midli inc. Am witifled Eleitrie HlttirsHiMd his life.' Mr. 1). I. Wllcoxseii, ofllei't'Ciw', K.,iidds a like lcstlnien,Miliig- Hnpeltlel bellces hnieuId hae died, had limit bum for llkitrle Hitters. tills M(at icmedy Mill ward ull.as will as tire all Malarial Disease, and for all Kldiie, laxcramlbtimicitli DlKirdcrsstaiHUmiriiii'ilcd. Price 5K. and II, lit II. II. ic brans IlrugHteir 137 and 130 N Hutin st., IJTnea'tcr, I'm. a.) .Mothers! -Mothers ! ! .Mothers ! ! ! Are ou duturbed at night aud broken or j our rest by a sick child fcuMirlng aud crjlng with the excruciating pain or cutting teeth? H se, go at once and get a bottle of MHS. AVINS LOW'SbOOnilNG SYUUl. It will iclleve the peer little sutlcrcr Initncdlatel depend upon It, there is no mistake about II. 'Iheie Is net u mother en earth who has cxer used II, who will net teli ou at once that It wllliegu wllliegu Inte the bowels, and give rest te the mother, and idler and health te the child, eK riitlnn llke magic. It Is perfectly saru te U"0 In all eases aud pleasant te the taste, and Is the picscrlptlen of one of the eldest and best remale ph siclans and niiiMS in thu United btatcs. held ecr)hcic, 5icntsa bottle. Jiine2T)IdA.w The New DlneeM'ry . en hae heard our friends and neighbors talking about It Yeu may eursclf be one of the mam who knew from pcr-enal exixrlencc just hew gendii thing it If. It .Mill haecer tiled It, ou aie one ! IU ht.unn h Iriends, le iiiuse tliu wenderrul thing about It is. Hint whinnnir given a irlal, Dr. Kings, New DIs DIs iet ry crr alter holds a pluie In the house, ir Miu have never usid Itmid should Ih- ittlletcd with aieiigli, cold or anv llueat, l.ung ei i liet treubk, secure u bottle ut eiitennd glve ltnfalrliial. Ills guiirnnteed everj time, or money rtfiiiide-d. Trial llettks Trie at II. II. ( eeliran's Drugsleie, 'e. hi) r". Quern street, Uineaster, l'a. , (0) jrtVUC90. H AHNK.S3. HARNESS. HABERBUSH'S 30 Centre Square, LANCAbltR, I'A. Saddles, Harness, LAP BLANKETS, Trunks, Bags, Harness Oil, AND General Stable Supplies, -AT- Cliiis. E. Habcrbush's, (SCCCClSOr. TO M. llABLllBl'SH A SON.) SIGH OF THE GOLDEN HORSE HEADS. Vltotejivaplto. K en:. I JUST RECEIVED KHOM Kcellig,slJUg,, Prussia, Twe lluckgreuudi made eici lull) for Dint uud Tluee-fiiurtci tt ngth Phutegraiihu. ROTE,'- 50 1-2 North Queen St., Next Doer te the rostefflce. JauT-Cind r-VKlNThltrTlt) IjADIKS. Superfluous Hair I Superfluous Hair I Superfluous Hair I Superfluous Hair i OKTNTKRDsTTQ LAD1D. AN UsTAntlMIMfST l rilU.AtihLrillA where ladles can liavcHtitierfinem Halrpcrum nently temevetl imni the ficeby Klcelml.vsls (the l.lwtric Needle operation). Dr. .1. Van Dek, Electro Surgten, 40 North Klcventli strut, l'hlla(Jllila, is'rm.inciitl de de tres Superfluous irWir without pain, er, heek or trace, by the Electric Needle opera tion. In answer te many tellers from falilen and scientific Journals and from ladles from all parts of lliocemilrj.in icrercnce te this operation, Dr. Van Dck respeetrullv stales that the Klec trlc Needle process Is endorsed by nil ph J stclam and surgeons of eminence as l-lng the only metheil Known le science bj which suisrrfliieiis hair can be destreved. It Is almost palnles, eiiiiiluga mere stinging sensation. The needle Is Inserted painlessly Inte Ihe kl llclc alongside of the hair, completely destroj destrej ing the papalla of hair germ, setbe bnlr can never grew again. l.eaes no scar nor trace; never nils; length of tlm) depends upon the number or halm te be dctrevcd; the prccnce el the patient Is required at theelllec. livery lady with halren her face knows Unit depilaterlrw, healed wax, pumice stone, the tweerers, sclswrs or rarer, only makes these halm grew harshtr, coarser, dnrker and mere iiiiiik reus. Itememlxr, ladle, this Isa delicate surgical opt ration, and should never be performed ex cept by a rbjslclan or surgeon, or under his care. Dr. Van D.vck Is a regular graduate of medi cine and surgery; has practiced In l'hlHdelphla for twenty jiars, and performed the elet trie ius.dle operation ter the first time thirteen J rars age, hiving the honor of being thoseiend ph v slctan In the w erld te perform this operation and the llrst louse 11 In Dermatolegleal practice. Since 'lien the demand for his services In this specla ty has become te great that he has given dip all ether practice uud makes an exclusive specialty of Klcctre-Sjiirgcry and Dcrmatelcgj Ne phvslclaii living to-eay has written se many articles Ter fashion, literary or scientific. Journals en the subject as Dr.ValiDjck has. as a u Illustration of the universal interest taken In It, the Docter has answered w.oue letters In the last tlircii j eajs Ireni ladies from evcry.part or the civilized world. Every ladv doubled with superfluous hair should consult Dr. Van Dyck, mid should read his hook, which Is mulled free te ever' one writing ler It. huiierrhieus hair Is surprisingly prevalent. We see It In the drawing loom, theatre, en the street, and wherever ladles congregate. At least .Vi ores try 1U0 ladles has c mere or less superflu ous hair tit some time during their lives. Ite nicmbcr this, no uiatUr If Jen are 15eiT, whetlur ou have 20,(I0U or a P'W struggling halls en jour face, every one can be destroyed feicvei. Don't hesitate le consult Dr. Van Dck freely and vilth eentldence. Hlch or peer, jounger obi, he will examine j our ease clicerlully. Ne fees unlets you arts treated. Call at once. Office and epemtliig room. 40 N. Eleventh stieet, I'lilliddphla. Hours, 'J te 5; Htinday, 10 te J. Never fall". Advice flee. Boek free. Note Nete birth marks, red nose, enlarged elns of the nose, cists, cancers and tumors removed by Dr. Van Dyck. rerms te suit rich nnd peer. Hend for book. NOTE-SUPEUKI.UOUS HAIlt Ladies who cannot come te Philadelphia ter tre.itmeiit will notice lhat Dr. VauDvcl: will have parlors at the Kiev ens Heuse, Monday, '1 ui-sd ly and Wednesday, Sept. :, 3 and 1. C- rerms Very Lew. Hours 6 te 5. HmcSlvdW r 1 OLDEN Hl'ECiriC. DRUNKENNESS OU THE LIQUOIl 11AHIT TOmTIVELY fLMUJII HY ADMINISIEHINU Dlt. IIAINI-S' OOLDEN Hl'l.CH'R. II can be given In a cap or eollceortcu with out the knowledge of the person taking It ; is nhsulutcl harmless, and will etlee a perma nent and spicdv cine, whetlnr the patient lsa meihrate drinkir or an alcoholic wieck. Ihonsandsef druukaids havebee.i in.ule tern lKiatemen who havelal.nn (leliUn -ieiltlc In Hit Ir eolhe without tlielr knowledge, and to te tlaj believe thtj fjult drinking or their nnn rrce will IT NEVER TAILS. The sjstem eutelmprt glinted with the .specific, llbeceines untitle! lmpe.lblllt.v fei the liquor appetite te exist, for sale bv CHAM. A. LOCHEIt, Druggist, Ne. I' I aist King Street, Lancaster, I'll. uugS-lvdM.W. 1' Qjv-JCi'vice. TKUltakH. Seasonable Goods! HAMS, DRIED BEEF, Elc. I'lurniiiilc llraud Hams, vcr line, all guaran teed. California IIam, 10c a pound Hhert Cut Sheulderj, t'c. Drltd Uier, (hipped. New Mack ciel In hut ki is. llencltsss Herring In glas front boxes, nice for huiili or plciileUiug. s-nidlncs Imported and American In Oil aud .Mustard, l'elted Mdils, lleueless Main. C'lilckeu and'lur kej. Yeik Hbiln Cnaiu Clieesc. Edam or Dull hhcad Chtese. l'lcnlc, I'lncapplv, ltcpie ltcpie tert and Sap-age, etc, etc. BURSK'S, Ne. 17 East King Street, IjAXCASI EH. -'A. I AUOAlNSIN TEAS, COFFEES, VND aROCERIES T Clarke's. Nugiiisaic lower tills week. Cedecs in u looking up In tin wholesale mar ket, but we haven nlie Sweet Cetlcc tluitwearc m lling at 3k a 11, or 4 fts fur 75e. Hlended lens from lOcteSlpcr p-jimd. t nil Itellcr I lour ier y We Clarke s XXXV 1 lour ijeri,SiX Xt lbs bugaied Prunes for SI. S Ijirge Cal.es (,reen Toilet heap. 10c. 2 I urge I'arkages Washing Powder fei ac. &1''S Laundrv starch for 15c. 6cPjs l!cst01lveoap,erpcrbo.x,Wtbs ferf2 W linker's Cocea, Epps Cocea per package, Mc. California I lams, per lb, 8c te 10c. Dried liccf and Iiolegninl5e jsrlh. I-esiUkiii the same quality tan be bought at elscnlure. SAMUEL "CLARKE'S, it; tt n faeuTji qci:i:x st. raTtlephene. JvS-trddw Tt ltLIbl tl7 ' Sugars Reduced ONL IIALl- CENi' ILHI'UINU . MX neiM) The lineal Trust Is leaded down Willi loe inn h sugar lluusbprcckles, with hi- lllg He llnrr.v aluinst cempli b d,l-rlesi te thtii lieel", (UK 1M5LDK rieNs. cvcial wesk a?e wt picdn ttel a break ill prlcf ur ''iigai ami se Informed our trade. It could net In elhtrwl-e. The teuntrv waslo.id wasle.id cd down wllh li at high ilguics 111 sle'kal tht nriiierlrs wiisnccuumlitlngiit aweudcrfut late Clans Spretltles lllg lb liner, te upon Stitinbtr I. Willi an output of about li.dJO bar rels a itav Think of It ' Could It vrdl be other wise We leek ler auelhtr decline Ketp yeurejes open. COFFEES T Celin s have declined, and wt have given ou Ihe bentlti of the tin line hv marking them dew u two and three cents a pound TEA. lea never as -e lnvi,and when veu retken that one pmnd of i'ut will go as far as live IHHmdsef (.utlic It is worth (ensltleriin TVtESS SHAD. Nevy Mtss Miad atbc a Pound. NEW MV(M:itl.U-We are quite surewe have In -tee k the l'lnesl N vv Mat kertl hi the rilv ie. W bin iml hat I'll Mt I1M Just nsrivisl n Kn-Mi Let , eul 10. a pound 1UU1 lllllXr Jrnii ! Knuiklt UnedlUef, He . 1 Int.t Ht,ular Dried Deer, U RElST ! WHOI K-l 1" WDltl.l MI.I.KOCIlt. CUHNEK VIT KINU ND 1'KINCEsrM., Dlrecllv Oppe-lte J. II. Martin d. Ce sir decsK htere, and Next Doer te Serrel Herse Hetel. I 1 rpui k'dal'm.viian inseit l0VIKlt, JL pri)ielltsl bj ugiKl jievvder blower, U Ihe iiiest dlietunl destroyer or tiles and ether sinall Insects. Korsale AtHUBLCV'S DUUfJ STOItE, JO Wc.tKIngSUect. fttrnituvc. w IDMVETfH COllN KIL A Heavy Fall. Nevr Is your chance te buy FURNITURE Trices ha c " knocked " tlevni unl II almost all profit has leen "swept avva)." What vre lese jeugatn. ou wunderwhj this sacrifice! The VTOudcr Is : Our Stock Is Toe Big, Slust l cut down. We vrnnl ou te have It rather Hum carry It ever summer. This Is the only reason, uuallty and st.vle as high as ever, but theprianls low enough te make a chill run down i our back. WIDMYER'S CONNER OK E. King & Duke Sis. H EINITSH'S. 22 DAYS LEFT. Xlie Chair Sale WILL CONTINUE FOR 2! DAYS, And we have added te Chairs some ether goods that mut c" net rer profit but for Wish, whatever they will bring. The Rocker for $1.00 BTILL LEADd. That KOLDINU LAWN 11ENCH new- Jim) Only a Kcvvef Them. Lftslwiek It vrns 2.S3. We prefer (living )ou the Profits te cairjlng the geed". . heinFtsh's Furniture Depot, Nes. 27 & 29 SOUTH QUEEN STREET. j- Personal Attention Ulven te Undertak ing. fCH3 OH113S . Dollars Saved Are Dollars Earned nv rciiNisiiiNC) riteM eun Complete New Stock or RELIABLE FURNITURE, At the Very Lewest Prices. Ochs & Gibbs, MANUl'ACTUHEKH AND DEALERS IN FURNITURE, (2d, 5d A Ith Floers,) NO. 31 60UT1I QUEEN faT. all-ljd ilatn. rNTEHIJiTINO TO ME. OUR STRAW HAT DEPARTMENT IS NOW OPEN FOR 1 HE GREATEST BARGAIN OF THE SEASON. ALL NEW HOODS Cl'l SO Per Cent. en the cost. A line Dress Hal tan new be te emed at the runner (Ost el a vtiy ordinary one. TRUNKS AND TRAVELING BAGS At Very Lew Prices during the Vacation Hen Hen seu. STAUFFER & CO., 31 and 33 North Queen Street, LANCASTER. PA (JaviMUrtve. rr.YRDWAHE! YOUNG SIM PROVED TOBACCO CUTTER, THE BEST IN THE MARKET, MARSHALL & RENGIER'S, SKlIlhOUTIKiUEENBl'. - Ale Hen iteraters, Water Coelors and Ite titsm l'rcccial Reduced Prices. CARPENrEHh-itieLK and in ildine ma IhRIAL in Endless Variety. ROAL READY MIXED PAINIX, White Ixad.dils and Narultlies. C-(jli in u i all and la tenv lucid lb it jeu Hit t lie lull value ler jour ineuc.v. MARSHALL & RENGIER, 9 & If Seuth Queen St. ribs-ivd IttrtchtmH-ij, OTTA.M. "WetUslre lecall alie attention or consumer of Meam Goods and hwrlneers .Supplies, te our Inrge ami varied stock of Plis, Valvis, Ctxrks, Malkable and Cast Iren TlttlUKS, Asbestos, Vulcabcsten and I'sudurian, blm t, I'll. ten and Valve Packings, Scotch and Ueil Line Iterleet ing Gauge Ohnses, hteam ltadlaters and Htcttm llcallne Aparalus; htt rend Cap herews, and in fact almost everything required by steam users, and all el which we etrtr at prlceswhleh we (ruaranUe te be loner than these of any ether dialer lu this vlelultv. WohavepoMtivtly the largest stock, and be ing connected with the Teh phene Exchange, are prepared le ictelvc and till all orders lu llie shortest ptisslblc time. When In waul of mo ttling In our line, call ou us for priexsaudwc wlllcouvlnre jeu of our ability aud willing. nts te save jeu Meuej. Delaj and Veiatien. Our (acuities rer furiifshln,- Enelnes, Hellers, bhunlng. Pulley. 1 lancers, Srelul Maehinery, Plumbers and (.as Kilters' IikiIs, Patterns MchUIj, aud Iren and llrass Castings, and ler the prompt repair or all kind or inarnlnery are iun:.-vi.ii in itueuii.T, hiiu we respecnuiij solicit n sliare or J our patronage. Central Machine Works, ni &. i3a nekth c iiiu-jtian tjTUEirr, Lanlastlii, Pa. (loud Werk, P.easouaele Charges, Prompt uess. Teleiiheue eeunccllim eU-tfdll LTNDLttWKAIt- I.K.HT AM) MED11M weight undi rwcar In all grades and unj' sle.at KltlHMAN'rt OcnU l'urnlshiD.'blnre, li Wist Kins strecu &ciet9 aub hoc. B 00TSAD81tOE?. Hut It makes us smile at the rlitms mndebv some dealers. The.v Rite neartyeverv thing at cost. They have no profit trjeu believe nil lhey .ijt jet make money nasenably rat. Can jouneetwmtrer It? Wenre irjIiiR leplve customers full snlue for their money and will net ImmtiiiK them by rlalmlue te sell txlevr cost. Weelslm te have the best Miee rerrneu at HOO te he had anywhere, and will pit! II agalnl all ethers. A tlne bright Dotigela Hut Hut ten for ladles nt SiOO and H-J5. We nbe Imv c a tolerably mil line of cheap shoes for men, women and children. Tiy us. itipccinuiy ieurs, Wm. H. Gast, NO. 105 NOR111 QUEEN ST., LANCASTER liinhljdWitK B DOTS AND SHOES. BARGAINS IN SHOES. Just lccclvcd, direct from the riicterj-, ever one theusaud pairs of Ladles' Shoes lhat were made nnd stamped te be sold for fifiOnpalr, buttheiiarty failed hefore the goods were fin ished ; se I made them an offer at the factory for the goods and had them finished In splendid et j le, aud I am effcrlue j ou these shoes for II JO andU.Oupcr pair and every pair guaranteed. Ue this Is a rare chance, te get a $2.50 shoe for 1.50 and (-.00. Alse a let or Men's and Rey's Shoes we arc closing out cheap. A full line of lllackandTali Oxford Ties fur Ladles, Misses aud Children at the tewest prices lu the ctij D. P. Stackhouse, 28 and 30 EAST KINO STREET, LANCASTER. PA. H20-I j d A w a t .uuceTTdewn INPIliciT MEN'S LOW SHOES ! The seic-en for tlie rnle of Lew Cut Shoes is dniw Iiik te a close. Thcre will, however, yet ue ninny ilnys when they may be wetn out eioers with coin cein coin feit. Anil, pcrhups, we enn porbiuule you te buy ft pair of thee that yet rc rc mnlnberelf e make the. price an In (hiccinent te de se. A dollar Is a low ilgure te pay for Lew Bhees, If they'll but leasentibly geed. That price Is common for rrlipiierR that are fur Irem being the liest. Yet, nt $1.00 we'll oell you a pretty fhoe and guarantee It te outwear any two pahs of $1 Leather Flippers Beld in the city. They're easy and conilei table en tlie feet, din able, aud maintain their nliupe much longer titan de fillppei-s. Jixcellcnt for In-deer wear. JJiilclieii), balsei-aandbar-kcciK'rn will li ml thrin te, we're sure, If they'll bill give them u tilal. Kveiy etliur grade up (e the tlnest aie marked down lu price, as well, l'lalu Toe Strap TIcm that were Jl.eO, new 51.U5; Strap Ties and Lhec Oxfords that wete $2.00, re duced te $1.50 ; fcanie styles that wcie $2.60, new 52.00 ; Southern Tics, Strap Ties and Oxfords that were M.OOte 0.00, uit In price ?1 per pair. All new, clean aud jx'rfeet goods, bought this sciisen. Any size, any width, te lit any font, elini, medium or extra wide. " SHAUB & BURNS, 11 XOKIII tlUEEN Hl'HEKT, LANCAB JLR, 'A. T?OOIM AND SIIOIM. A Big Reduction SHOES. As we have scented the neency and sole con trol of" 'Ihe Celcbratcel ' 1 rank D. Wevlinau .t Ce. s Hun Phllidelplila Ijnl les',. Misses , Chil dren's and liifaiits' bhees, and as It Is necessary te run a large line or any in.tke te lieen llie iiRenej" or control or tlKtn.wc haveilceliltd te marl: down Uih whole line Iljidles', Mhses'aud (hllelrtnsi, or James Cotters Hnu Philadel phia Shtjes, and inn lu tlielr place the above mentioned line, lu outer te sell tlidii oil Ilia short time, u Imvumarkcd EVERY PAIR BELOW COST. Ladles' Krencli Kbl, Common Heni-e and 0iera Tee. Shee, C. D. ami E. widths, S-l W former price, i ISO. Ladles' Ilrlsht Dongola Cemnien Kneand Vimio Toe Hliec, C. D. and H. width J, S3 UJ; feimer price, JI.W. Misses' Trench Kid, Opua and hniiaroTee, C.rnd D. vrldlhs.SJ.W; former pi Ice, 1 1 W. SIli-scs Ilrlsht Dongeln, Opera uud rVjnare Tee, I, nntl D. w IdlliK, 12.2 ; former price, JJ.IW. .Ml.si' Curneeu Kid, Klith Cut Heel and SprliiR Heel, C. and 1). widths, ll.W.feimcr pi lee, 12.00. eV'Ihls line we have sold rer about Ihtcc j cars, and our many customers w he w ear I licui can testify tethelr eualltli's. hlni'e lhey have been marked down thej' have been selling very rust and (iiunellast vcrv loin;, se de netblamu us ir jeuf.ill te save tl.Cn; by buj Inga pulref this let. Tb6 One-Price Cash Heuse. ii & n The Leaders el Lew Prices -IN- Beets and Shoes, 3 & 5 East King St., LANCASTEIl, Pa. aa-Mere. t Iem.s1 ev ery evcnlii,; at 6 o'clock, e x rept .Meiidaj and Kitunhij. Stummcr Jlcoevto. T f OI'LLNOItM NDllT " 11 AiLANric cirv. NOW OPEN Under New .Management. T. C. (IlLLETI E, Proprietor, Uite of Colenade Hetel. Philadelphia. ml5-Jmd MT OIH-HNA " N VltltOW (jAL'GE KAII.ItOAD Individuals and parties desiring te visit Mt. Gretiu and enjevu ride ever the Narrow Gauge te tht Miininlt or GovpitNeu Dick mountain, can accomplish the trip from Ijincastcr In one daj bj the following schedule: a.m. a.m. a.m. p.m.p in. p in. Leave I-.mrai.tfr bii ie3l 10-1 !(p 2,V 7HVI Ariive Ml Gielna. SCO II 1) 12 V) SJV, lA'i HA. ArilveGuv Dlk. l.'.J) 1 1, Itr, i e Iti turning a m. a m. a m ii.ni p in inn, I'J'M.cn I mk 11V1 I-2.J Iau ...Ml Grelua t II 10JI HAi 2.U .1J7 7,fu Arnve 1-ancustcr. i 10 11.15 12JH 3,J5 1 15 6.15 All trains or the Cornwall .1 libation Rail Rail leid en urnvul at Ml Uretnu station make Ini nuillate connection wllh the Narrow GuHgu Kail read. I.uiiih or dliinir can be obtained nt the Park rcstuuruui. thus avoiding the iint ltj ur earrjlutfb.ial.itk anil bundles. Joint Encampment or L'.h THOOPrtAND NATIONAL Gl'A HI) will lx held at Mt Gretna. The V. h. froens will inrauip August S, eentluuliig for alKilit ttirce vnsUs, and the tavalry and Artillery or thu National Guard or l'a. nlll eucamii with them August 10th te 17th, Inclusive. Excur-len tickets m.i Ihj obtained mi nppll nppll (sitleu te the ueurtsltlckeliiceut, H.A.GHO':', ....:.'"..p.",-Alrnt0AL-,' 'i Lebanon. Pa. NLDllUMH.Oeu.Hupt. Jt2Wmd D. P. STACKHB. m 5vu N()THEItU81MN rilrCEH. THg PHILADELPHIA STORE. Anether Slash in Prices. DuUTrade Must IioMade ActUc hy Lew Trices. All Sleck Must PesUhely be Closed Out by SKl'T. 15th, or f-oener. Prices All Through Have Again Been Reduced. l'osltlve UargnlUH ew te be Had lu All Kinds of Dry Goods and Cnriietn, -AT- The Philadelphia Stere, 6 AKD 8 NOETH uiar2D-lj iUvt B LANKETy. BLANKETS SAVED 7VTETZGER 5c HHUGHMPIN U'tta Last Iprltic IIeurIiI an Immense Quantity of Blankets ! Blankets ! hiived rruma Hre, en which the smell of siuekcls baivly iereeptlble. We liuvenlrnuly sold sl IflrRn cases et them, but still haven few mero lell. CO.MI'OIITH anil COUMEItPANIU In lariKiilluanlltlesnl Cheap Prices, -AT- Metzger& Haughman's Cheap Stere, Nes. 38 and 40 West King Street, Lancaster, Pa. (oi'I'esitutiii: IAHDAMlELIIOV. bard & Ncs. 33 and 35 Seuth Queen Street, TAUI.E LlNIiNH-Kxlrabaranins unable mask pattern ataric. llleaehed German Tabic worth li-K' don't buy It, In plain white, or TA11LE LINENH-Exlra bargains In Table price. iieuernrauesaiBtie, i.iquaiuics, OIL tn.tlTII Wn arn ellerlnu a slieclnl .,. IH'IIVI Klrti..'-. ill. e.a. , i.w, .uiin.e(.. OIL CLOTH We aroellcrlmt a special drive heavlerlhan the ordinary Table Oil Cleth, sertaud pliable, at 18c per jarel. A (treat mnnyusc It r. . M..h. I... Innlfliin I. .1,. .. ...Ill ill , nv.' .. All Ti.w UN ll.KJl. .', HKnillkl.lll'IMI IUI11IU.10 ......... ...I.. ,l. M .".-If. . IIII1I.UI ., I.V. ,. IU" ., I 111 ... 1 1 fi ISe per yard. If jeu want Oil Cleth ur any kind-Table, 1 loer, Bhcir or Utah we can suit jeu at bnrcalu prices. ' rEAlHEHS V'n vv ant le call J'em nttenlleii new, should jeu need feathers a little) Intel en, that vc sell thelW I'eathers lower than jeu can buy them any wlieru else. We, have Justnddttt a chcnpcrcrnde that we seli at Win, HE.MNANTH-Oiinhaloef llesl Heavy Uiibltathcd .Muslin llcmiiHUts,()iu; reitular price, 8c. Anether let or theso Extra llcavv (Unchain lleiiiimnts aU'eTe; vrerlhSe'. A liner isratle lu Hem. niiulsntTu; recular jirlee, lie. Cotten l lannel Itemnauls nlfic, i)ic, sc, Ule.cle. Wu can't alivajs Ret these goods In Itemtiants. 'Ihej sell rasl vrhtuevcr wcluivn them, ir jeu need any tall and sec I In m. imiMH OINOHAMH-Heme or Ihe choicest si j les In Dress Uluuhnnis in the t Ity, HOSIERY One let or Children's Hese In I luce sires, ut tic per pair : Just M price. Past lllack Hese rer Ladle or Children, that mc last black, two pairs ferV. llariiiilus lu lidlrs', Men's and Children's llexe of all kinds. IJNDEIIWEAH Ilarcalnsln Llehliind Medium tliiht Hummer Undnrwear. IIICCLKH 'I he Pri mler Harely llleveles aie the cash strunnlnir wheels lu llinvuild. L. A. W. meat, lliiccrsteiin.Md., July I, W. I roileoneor llie Premier Hufetles In the L. A. ". nieen Haanstevvn, and nltheUKh 1 never before rode n sarutyoutslde or trjlne them. I Mulshed hnlfn leiislh bthlud the winner, nisiircmnrl.ablj easy ruunlne whirl. W. I. WII.HEL.M. Ittadliur. Pa. At Ijineastcr, Pa ,meel July 18, '(', In the 2.inlle surety men I. Wllhclm en a Premier vienj W. V. Tnxl, cm n Premier, second, and W. I. Orttbb, en a Prtmler, fourth. At Mt. Catharines, (hit., July 4, 'stf, lu the hlll-clliublnjr contest, 8 eulrlts, 11. A. Pnilt, or Rochester, en n Premier, wen In M seconds. Heme or them It leek 1 mlnula and JO seconds, while several lulled te climb the hill at nil. An msy running whet I counts en the track, en the read, and lu hlll-cllmbliK. Cemu and sec fis ir jeu want nil easy iiiiinliiK uliee I, auel let us sell jeu the Premier. BARDcSc Neb. 33 and 35 Seuth Queen Street, rCvult F LINN A IIUENEMAN. FRUIT -AT LUS.S PHILADELPHIA AND -AT- FLINN & BRENEMAN'S, We- 152 Itfertli Qvieezi Street, LANCANTJUi, PfiW I . lUrttcltce. H. Z. HIIOADS A HON. LOW PRICES. KollenliiK will be found ii lll of KOeels tow piltcd-nluajs hi our sloe kt Child's XtS (leld I'lniji r ltlnss, 25ev, Mlsse. fleld I'lng' r Ithi(s,71c.; Ladles Oeld I'lngi r IUngs, l.u HUev-a llultens,2.'ie-.,fi0c'., 11.00, Cellar lluttens, 25e. le f 1.0); Diamond Cellar lhillens, lililj ladles' and Misses' Ilrsasl pins, S5c. te II.0U, MnuruhiL' Phmand Earrings, Sic. te V:W; Ilra(el(ls,c. let 10; Nickel Clocks, II.M); 8-Day. MinitlcCleeks, 33.73; Ijicllts'Ueld Wntebei, 115.76; NUktl Walchis, tl.Wj Hllvtr Watches, HO. a-Ittpaltlni; lu all brauehes by geed weikmcn and all work wurianUd, H. Z. RHO ADS & SON, Jewelers, Ne. 4 WEST KING STREET. (Snvyct B AHOAINH ! Hit) Shirk's Carpet Hall ! -I Wilten, Velvet, Bedy Brussels, Tapestry, Ingrain, Damask and Venetian, Rag and Chain Carpets. OIL CLOTHS, WINDOW SHADES, Sec. W'k Haw. tiik LsittJiJiT ash IIijitHteck intmeCitv. H. S. SHIRK St SONS. Cor. West King and Water Sts., Lancaster, Pa. HUteic. SPECIAL NOTICE. PLEASE READ THIS! vi; havi: taki;n tui: ackncv reHTiu; Schemacker Geld-String Piane! Wchavn tlitm newlu stock, and Invite our friends and the publlet;cneially teirull and .cei them. Kirk Jehnsen & Ce., NO.IlWE&TKINa feTrtEET, uflyddiw Cjoebn. QUEEN STREET, liANCABTl'.lt. I'KNN'A. FROM A FIRE ! coerrjt housl'e Mcelrey, Oppoalte Fountain Inn. l.lncn at 2c, 1J jauls wide ; lietter iirade In Da Linen ul fAi; vv tilth (KUe. If you think It nlu' neat Turkey ltd border. Alse Hall Oleaeh at saiui Linen at 2V, ljV jauls wide ; lietter grade. In Da- nt me lu Oil Cleth, 1 feet wide, for table Use, somewhat .tin. ..I, vnn-a H iltilr nf II . ...(. i.l.l. .... ...1 .. Opposite Fountain Inn. 5ave. JARS 'I'HAX- NE W YORK PRICES ft all. B AHUAINB 1 TO- 011 - CJavvlaoce. ANDAItD CAIUUAiJi: WOItK. EDV. EDGERLEY, Id, 12, 13 A 15 .MAHKET hTHEET, (Hear of Ihe Poilelllt c), LANC bILlt, PA. ALL IHE LA11M1' HI LI IN Buggies, PhaEtens, Family Carriages, Etc. 'Ihe. KlntstHteck In IheCuuntry. e new have a Pull Line of HECOND-HANU WOHIC-AnyHljle Veu Want. ltcpalutluKniid Itcpjlrlm; premnllj atteuJed le. One set of workmen especially cmplejed for thu' puriiese. The lowest prices lu the count for tlrst-clusi work. -(Jlve me a Call and Examlne Jly Werk. SUtevm'u. y irrur.it h. kaupwian, ATI 01tNKY-AT.L.W. Second Fleer K.hli'inau Law Uuildlnf, Se, 11 NerUt UbH? tilntt. uprS-lj d&w -r. .- j ? Crnttulcrs'Pjttlbc. n, TJENNHYLVANIAltAlLUOADBCIIEDUtl . ..i i-iiee;binilll .liaj- 1 1, 1931'. .Trains i.kavk LvxcAiTrn and lcae and i ..v.ii, m. nimeuipiimas I01IOWSI ,,. ... " Lenvc TIev Philadelphia, IIS". P. hi. Ijinrnster lTieltln Express ,. fcfws Express! - MaUtralnvlaMUerl Ne.2.MallTralnU.. Nlauara Express...... HoneverActom Past Llncf I redirlekAccem. IucasterAccem Harris burjf Accem.. Columbia Aeeem....... Ilarrlsburp Express.. Western Express...... Lancaster Acce ,... l-jri a. m. K-2i e. ra. C..T0 n. m 1)11 a. m 9.ri n. m 4JUn. m. 4,n a. m. .) a.m. via Columbia sO arm. via Columbia 11) n. m, via Columbia vlnXlLJej'. iM! p. in. 4 10 p. in. 5 II p. m. 9:3) p. in. " Leiive"" Ijnneast'r. 2 JO a. in. 4-t a. in. 0 15 a. in S 10 a. in. 8 M a. m. 9 () a. m. 1KB a. tii. UM p. m. SA"i p. in. , .1-00 p. in. 4:l"p. in. fl 43 p. in. 8 H.) p. m. Hi.', a. nt 11-00 a. is. 2-00 p. in, 2 10 p. m. 2 W p. m. 5 90 p. m. 7.40 p. m. 7 r ti Hi. 11:10 p. in. ecu p. m. Ar.CelJO Arrive, . .EAHTWAIU). Kall'V.iVer.T.".!::-:"" Jjvuenster Aece ,.'.. " llnrrlilm e. l'lillft I 25 a. in. (j.,'iD a. m N,'Hn. tn Iincnster Aeeem.... 1O.20 a. in. viajltjey. cuiiiiiuiia Accem., Atlantic! Kxprrsst, Heaslinrn l?i,t.B into a. m. 1 2T p. lu. S'I5 p. in. 0 45 p. tn. S 45 p. m. fiM p. m. 35 p. in. 10-55 p. m. l'lillnile'lphla Accein. rumiiay aian. ........ Diy Exprcssf... Harrlsburir Accem Stall Tralnf .... JThe only trains which run tlallj-. .On Btmtlay the Mall train west rtinshy way Columbia. ' ' .1 I? .nT ii..,..! te.'.....u. ....... .... ." . ." .v...,v,tiieriiii i upt.'iim't .tutu,, C1LV. K PUOH. tlcnernl Manager. "PHILADELPHIA A HEADING HAILItOAl). READING AC0I.UMI1IA D1V1HION. Ou and arter Mnndtj', July I, iw, tialns leave lJiiieastcrlKlncrslrretl.asrolleivs! rer iittieiuiK niiu iniermeiiiate points, vrecit eji lata T nt . . le ,- n a.) ... .c. . . ..' u tv M ij., i.w u, ui,, ia;.oe, e.i? if. in : euiuiay, ecun. Jjx m . a .w in . ta . 1-or INillaiielphla, week dnj , .M a. in., 12 M. vm i 4s p. in.; Hiinelays, S Vi p. m. l-erNcv? vti via Philadelphia, week dajs, 7.a0n. m., 12.15,3 19 P. m. ..Kpr New erk Ia .Mlcnlewn. week tlaTiL 12 15 p. in. ?T torAlientewn, vwek days, 7.30 n. m., 3.(3 p i''Aj m.:Huuday,.l5p.m. ' 'A 1 or Peltsvllle, week daj 1,7.30 n. in.,3.Up,m- 1" Buiitlav s.SBii.111. v -fi & l-orlaebanen.week days. 7 00 a. in., 12.35, 5.Krp' JS Jer Harrlsburir, week dnjs, 7.00 b. in., 12J51 5 4(ip.m.j Htmdaj-,8fl5n.in. IjaV KerQuarrylIle. week dais. 023 a. m.. 2-mrwe S.W) p. in. : Hundaj-, HAS) p. in. TKAINH H51t LANCASTEIl. J4hl ... I m .". ... .it. w , in. lcave AUcnlewn, week dnjs, S5J a.m.: 490 p. m. K laeiwe PelUvllle, week tlajs, S.W a. in., 4.35 p. in. v laenve Lebaunu, week itajs, 7:12 a. m., 12.3(1 7:15 p. m. ! tjundaj-, 7.V5 a. m., 3 45 p. in. . Leave llarrlsburn, vveck daj-, 0-25 a. in,; Hun-dav.6Ci0n.in. rain neauinp, weeK uajs, 7"Ji, ll.de a. lll.,W, e tip. ni. : rMiiinnj, 7rjun. in,; a nip. m. I .ti laeavn I'lillaeleipina, week dnjs, 115, 10-lBa,' 'WS m , (DO p. in. "-. Jfr IcavoNcwYerk via Philadelphia, wcckda'V ' 7;43a. in., 100,I2tX)p. in. aisVii? Leave New Veirle via Allenlenrn. week il V W Wf Iaeaveyiiarryvllle, week tlajs, 8.10, 11:45a. m., tbt 3 00, 4 53 p. m. ,HiltUh.y. 7.10 n. 111. t$t ATLANTIC CITY DIVIHION. Sf, iive rminucipma. Chestnut street wbarr, and Heulh street vvharr. Ker Atlantic Cltv, week dajs, ex presses, o)B.m.nndHhind8-OOp.m.:Acceiiimolatlon, 7.J0 a. m. and 4 TO p. m. j Htinday, Express, 8150 and li.lie a. m., AccommtKlatlen, 8.00 a. m., 4.30 p. ni. IteturnlmrleavcAtlantlti City, dejiel corner. Atlantic and Arkansas Avenues. Weekdays. Express 7.-00 and le.li a. in. nnd 4 p.m. Accom modation, tUe n. tn. aud 4.10 p. in. Humlays Express, 4 and fi.30 p. m. Accommodation, 7.30 a. m. and 41V, p. m. Detailed tlme tables can he obtained at ticket edlees. A. A. McLEOI). ijt. CJ. 1 1 ANCOCK. Vlce Pres. i (Jen'l M'ur, Ut n'l Pass'r agl. LEHANON A LANCAHrEIl JOINT LINK HAILIlOAIi. ArranKCinents of Pnssentcr Trains en and after HUMUV, May 12, WW. NOIirilWAP.D. Leave A.M. 1'. M. Klnij Hlrcet, Iinc. 7KU um Ijitiratler 7-07 12.15 Maiihelm 7:13 PJ0 Cermvall 7-J0 1:IU Arrive nt i Huuday. 1'. M. A. M, 1. M. win uin tM 8.13 0.-21) 8 t!i O.Wi 11.17 3SS 4-04 4-13 G.-01 laebauen .. s.ll l:.rA 7.00 HJ2 I 1'. M. A. M. 7:15 7A5 7.0. 8.10 7.571 Si 8.23 11.12 513 P.M. 3 45 401) 4.30 602 5:10 U .NOUTHWAltD. Ij'iivel a.m. r. m. libation 7:1.1 12.10 Cornwall . 7r27 12 15 Manhelm'.... 7.5S l:in Ijxncaslcr. 8 27 1.52 Arrive at KhiCHIrect, Ijinc. 8.15 2 00 8 30 B.-20 A. M. WIlaHON.Hupl. H. A C. Ilallread. H..NEl'P,Hupt.C. It. It. y.tatchce. "VyATHEH. HMERICKN Watches, Clocks, .Tewelry. Hiws, EjeOUsaOS, Etc., at LOWIXT PKICEiC OptliiilOtHids. Teh Kmpli Tlme Dull j'. Every Article, In this Line Carclully I'.cpalred. Leuis Weber, Me. 16D.tjHerth Queerj St., Hear P. II. It. Bttlen. TEWELEIt AND OPI ICIAN. VnJf JL I I 1 JLwA HAIRPINS! in m Qenuinu Turlolbe Shell. Would also Invite inspection of finest scleo sclee scleo tlen or DIAMOND, RUBY and EMERALD RINGS 'M EVER IN LANCAHTEIt. iifiwpinr ann irani arfi miman t rt l i rtifl ....V. "'-' Wrt.V.U, Ne. 10 West King St., LANCAHTEIt. TI'.NN'A. T.TEHK! REPAIRING ! De jeu have H Watch or Cleck that need rn palr7 II may be ene that lias been lepalred ami docs no Keed. If se, hrlnif It te us, and we will Guarantee Yeu the Best Werk Yeu have ever had done. All kliuUef Jevrelry and Spectacle Itcpaltlni;, Engraving, Etcv All Werk Guaranteed and Trices the Leiieat, Ol te us n Trial and j ou w 111 Call Again. Ne. 101 N. Queen Sf,., COHNEll OK ORANGE. H )ciuctuvuitfluun (!3cie&g. "1ALLANDHEE THE ROCHESTER LAMP! blxty Candle-Light; Heats them all. Anether Let of Cheap Glebes for Gas and OU Steves. THE "PERFECTION" METAL MOULDING and HUBI1EU CUSHION Weather Strip. IleaU them all. Thlsstrlpoutvrearsaltelhcrs. Keeps out the old. Steps milling of vilndews. Excludes the dust. Keeps out snow and rain. .Vnj'one can apply It no vvnstoer dirt made In tipiilylut; It. Caulwnttcd anjwhcie-ue hele4 te bore, ready for use. I w 111 net split, warp or shrink-u cushion strip Is the most peifvct- At the btevc, Heater and ltauge Store of Jehn P. Schaum & Sens, 34 SOUTH QUEEN ST., LANCASTER PA. -5, r ttc -: PAPER UOXIU. The nvest laulUU I hie in the Unlicd btatcs. 015 CeAiimcrcoBU.Phlliidel CeAiimcrceBU.Phlliidel unr l'a- Write for descrlptbel'TlcelUU phlu (,I-7Steed i n 'Si 1 ra tl 1 id M !Xl 'r j,..- ?m .iS &a 2ra m 'i a 1 .i IS 1 fl fl