'V- r a-.-.",'" ksT ' THE LANCASTER DAILY INTELLIGJJJNOEB, MONDAY, AUGUST 12, 11 HIT Z- i't it i StVV r- z v vUlfRKW J. 8TKINMAK, CHAHLE8RTKINMANF0LT7.. Editors. ' I ROBERT CLARK. Publisher. 'tkt& DAILY lNn:LLinENCER.-Publlshcd I 1rV All 111 lh tiir li.il R.itirfnv Unrv1 , f by carriers In tbls city and surrounding ! winiuiimiuirerii, iiymftiinvcani- jj anaycarinaiivntico;riccuuaiiienlli. X WKKKLY INTELLlrtENCER-One dollar and ,. niirmninjtiir, in advance. ,WOTICET0 8Un3CRlIiKIW-l!emlt by check , or rxMtemce order, mid nhcre neither of &4 these can be procured send In n registered letter. Bntercd nl the ltoftlce, as second claM mall piatter. Addbims, THB INTELLIGENCER, Lincastcr, l'n. . JLAWOABTER, PA., August 12, 1839. A Talc r Three CMcs. The content In tlic Defection of tlie city whew will beheld thn iiuntlrl-miiiiMiiilnl " celebration of the tllncevcry of Ainerirn fa Ijy thrlHteplier Columbus N iiirwiil.v fcV. t-ettllll- tireHt-iivxIfltwr Tlie Vrm- Vnrlf g Independent, of August Mil, lins nil- Bt urcsscii letters te the miicriiorMet the .$. state, coiiRrcsemen. eMcvrs of the tinny f$ and imvy, nml ether rcnrvtfciitntlvu men A sucurlug briefly their views en the two Sa nubjccts, 1st, ns te whether or net the celebration, with its iiceeiiiniiyiig world's exixultlen, should he under the control of the get eminent J mid "d, ns te where It should take plute ; whether at Washington or New Voik erMiine ether city. As te the first Inquiry the replies lire nlrtist uiniiihueiH. Out of llfty- clght jiersens forty-four illstliictltrly tie- clare in fiiver of geernineiit eoiitiel, and only eight iipilnt It, mid the eight sv nun tifi iifii itii'in irrii'uriinintti iuiiniii jfp 'make room in their suggestions for n Plccrtaiu kind of government Indersement IsfAand aid. An te the second limnlrv theru FJslsniuchlntert--tiugdhreremvoreiliiloii. .; uui ei iiic nity-eiglH wilters tiitnly- eveii declare n jireleifiiee for M wliiug- ion cit.vf twenty favor Neu Yerk, and tlint I'hieage ought te have jf holding tills world's fair. noticeable thins about thee W nnswera'ls the motive which iiilhiuiievH the preferences'. The entile nitli Iwlew Washington iinliesilntlngly declare in favor of the national capital city. Te tula lsadded the opinlenaof many ether prominent in church and state who held In high regard that patriotic sentiment of loyalty te the national government. In this regard the feeling of the South ern governors and people U cnniniciiilu bly et forth in the several replies, all of which evince a genuine iilleotien and love for the national goteriinient and our K-autlful capital city. The principal argument fefN'ew Yerk is lb cemiueielal fciiprenuicy together with its convenience eraeeeM, ability te ledge and Aid the vlslleis und Its son front in tlieevcnt of a ninal display. BeiiaterlngidlMWiileschaiacleiNtleally: "Judging by the experience and iWi iWi iWi Aatloner these tvlie attended the cen tennial celebration in Xtv Voik, in April liiM, I should think!! should lie held anyw here ele exeepl in the city of Xew Yerk." The'e u he fa or Chicago are all fiem the slides lying about Ilia city of hogs and nnarchlstn. 1 lerace 13. Scudder iltes that be lias veiy heileus doubts at times whether ChrMepher Aumld havedii-ceveied usat all If lie had known there would lie a Sulllwin, Coi Cei IMirnl Tanner, the Andevei ceiitiueiv and ether calamities which bcem in in Kparable from the discovery of America. Besides, this laeteleus writer as.eil, the Norwegian Dawn camebefoie the Col Cel uniblantjuniise. Ileuexer, this friendly contest fortlicslte or the cAhlbltleii is interesting and will de no liiinii. It will exhibit tlie eapabilllies- or our gieat cities and dlwke the (neriietlty jmd forcidghtedueb or their bualness men. Perhaps iutlieendCengiess may assume control of the whole matter unci place it at Washington. Thai at least would produce less bltteinchs of feeling us well its relieve tlie Mirplus in the treasury. m-- The Seniuit (ill I (Question. It (.coins that even thopiesidenteftlie Uuited States Is net exempt from dilll- culty with his K-ivautH. It was net because he was loe ailsteeratlc In Imv.. gf a plain American cook, mid employed &, 3Ime. Pelenard, the Kiench cook of "the i into J,eriI r-ackvllle, of recent fume, llul UlHllluvtratlvoef the fact that eveiy- body, everywhere, at Mime time or ether, has dilllculty witli the servants. Of courhe u ir. Harrison or anyone for , him made a contract and violated, it lie ought te resjsiiiU in damages in the civil . courts even if it le te his foreign cook. ; luuKruiiii gin iiiesiieii is one of the , niosisiuubern of solutions that arise in our social economy. It confronts even young married couple from the moment they lene the altar until, after the aueticu time for lire, they are laid uwa temi eternal rest. It Is a stumbling block In the pathway of domestic happiness te the rich as well as these of moderate means. There isenly ouechiser jieeple who are exempt from itsanneyance, and that Is that quiet, modest jieeple who, in the geed old fauhiuu, cook their own dinners and sweep theii own lei.ms. They knew nothing of the e!d that is created in the happy home when the ecrvant girl announces In the morning tlint her n . ther is ill and she nuiet ie.ne in the evening. They alone never ex perience the exeitemeiit or a hunt for a servant in elder te get the household in condition for the dear lelative that me coming te-morrow te spend a mouth. They ulone of the great body of our people are entirely unconscious of the (supreme joy in the family at the lctuin of the pater familiiis witli tlielougseuglit treasure. Husband and w ife may l0e each ether with the leve et angels, and they may possess tlie patience of Jeb, but in the presence of this stupendous difficulty they stuud aghast. Net only is it a continual menace te connubial bliss, but it stands like u tail, gaunt spoetre bofeio (he young and old bachelor conteiujilatiiigiiiatiimenv. It is a continual remindeitotheyeiiiigaiid old maiden alike, who are kseught by ardent suitors te leave their homes of comfort and happlncs. Vision of a family of children without nurse, or f'OOk. ill! flm lirnl I .11 .....I .. drcumserniany seekers alter that hap- y, rw i-umiuien ei me. Matismeii w he ;g. eagerly grapple with questions of Inkr. -, " """ "'I'lemaey ami law , are iieln rtfew as ihlldreu when the f.imilv ,.V.. -suddenly left without a sen ant. Cer- iyi leng-iriwl nlet valid ClirU. itlan ferbcaiuiKv, bavelnvii known te - reeei wiien ii cinenie singing tn j,fut tyJ?. .BIX''I,, " ,,c',l,l'b' with the dinner .dishes. Indeed, nmii will nuei ,,i.ru. Jievcn' disaster and -:it nor -. .i ... i.. nc. fVwith letter grace than he will fm-,, ,iu. jn"tll cook or a dUatislleil chainlier- , JUHlll. 'Zr This is a serious iinihlem In rmr ...i..i L-Ufe, ltwlll Ix'ar the study of the nre- fOUnaest of men. II deserve Hit. nlin. RHen of even honest nilvee.-it., r .r... r 'ic' Jt weu,,lw that then; ought l-v," te be many girls In our city and ceuntyf who would h-c the geed kiic te prefer a comfortable home in a Mell-bred fam ily, te the tell and dust of the cotteu factory. Hut It is n mistake ; they de net. It Is a fale prlde which makes house service lucnlnl and factory work net. The latter Is harder and mere slav ish titan tlie former, and In moral and Intellectual bcnctlt, there Is no coiupar ceiupar coiupar len. We have no remedy te prope'p. We only statu the fact that such a seri ous problem exists in eur1 social life and demands reeognttiehi Whecnn solve it'.' The State Troop. The summer camps or the state troops are new In full swing, and the eilicn soldiers arc having a tateef w hat would Ikm cry hard and disagreeable work If It did net come but once a year and dlll'cr sn radically from their usual occupation. '1 he business men and clerks who maku up the largest part of the rank and tile or the militia enter heartily Intolhe sol dier's HA in the eiieti air and nodeubt enjoy It as much as they would a holiday w lib no work in it. 1 1 Is also generally conceded that the stijierlerlty or our slate 1 1 oops In seldleily quail ties has been gained by the service in the summer camps. While the crack companies or ether states vie with one another in eadenced manual r arms and nice exe cution or company dilll, the Pennsyl vania national guard lias no taste Ter such nonsense, but leinjiels icspect by its business like an easy movement In large bodies and by tlie air or an old campaigner w Ith w hlcbeacli man makes hlmelf comfortable when they gote any celebration or aie called out for a possi ble liet. Tills bearing is the result of the summer camping of the troops In large Oodles and the stern luMstnmv that these camps shall net be mere picnics, as they a iv in many stntes,but actual schools or the soldiers. Much Is te lie hnied from the new feature en tilal this slim mer In the instruction of the state troops by regulars' camping with them. Tills Instruction may lie indiicctly by exam ple in a bundled little details of camp life and care of tbedrcss and weapon; or It may be direct and catcAil Instuictien, as in the details of shaipsbentliig, the management of the sights and many points In w blcli the legulars take Inllnite caie te perfect themselves in their long anil closely contested summer stiuggles for the trophies and dlstlnctlenslliierully ettered by the wiirdep.iitnicnt. The ar tillery new in camp at Mount (Irctnu Is hampered by the kick of modem licit! guns,biit in tlieii-slierttimeiii eamptbe men will have plenty te de in wujh thai will make lwtter soldiers of them whether they have modem or ancient canneni i'lieie has lieen much talk of late of full diess uniforms, and guns seem mere neccs"aiy, but It would be In'st of all te expend the tasli lu extend ing and pet fei ting the system of summer camps. I.et tlieie be spting and Tall iiniuieuvres or (lie slate troops lu full fuice in (he fluid. Jehn Vnam vui:ii Im IemihI his Nitpei ini in tlie sinew d diy-goeds g.inie. The pestinnstei general who llinls Ills iccrc.i lldii rieui theisiies orgeoiiuucti!al toil lu running a simp in Philadelphia whs out witted by a sluip New Yerk diuiiiiuei. Wiuiiminl.er filled up n ti.iln or cleg.i piil.iree.ii s, and lueiiglit 1(H) Vetern ictiill uieieliiitilM I :.isl fiem liileage te l'liiludel phi'l te buy their supplies lieiu Heed, UenbilgliliV Ce., which Is Wuu.mi.ikcr'H uiuneasa whnlosale men li.int. Itiest tlie liiDiili.i'ilprluee Just $1,000 hi (old e.ish. The eutLipiisiiig di'ip who beat Wan.i lii djer ul Ills own g.uue w.isu ilrintiiiier, who ieircsciilcdii l.irge New Yerk liouse lultie Wet. Tlie result was thai W.iiiii ni d.er spoilt fl.ew) te In ing Hill nieielnmls IJist, In eiMi-i te gel a lliinl ortlieiroidcis, wliilnNim Voik, wbii b uh nothing, gutn the rutiitiiuiiigtwe-thiiils. Wiiii.iuiiiker Is uelas iiiiicIi et'.i hum et.s as n diuiiiiuei ns he is ut ciiltiii); oil he.uls of feiulli-i lass postmasters. Vet our hlgliiiiiiulcsl posl pesl posl iiiasturgeneiiit sticks te his trade. OniAN ste.iuiei racing is dmigoreuHsioit. The City of New erk, the Cilv or Keiiiu and llm Teutonic loll qiiceiistewn en Thursday Ter New Yerk. Thousands et dellais hae lieeu slaked en the i.iee. Il tliese vessels don't stiikemi icebeig, bleak a shall or collide with ituethci essel, it will lie owing ten kind l,ioidein.e iwlhei Hum the caieiiiid cniitieu et tlie captains of the i.iieis. Tl ley seem te e.ue nothing oftlie fielglitef,siMiliuimm lieings whose lhesiiieiulnislid te their keeping. Sueli speit ought te lie iiiturdiited. Tin: I'lillnihilnlilaeikkeleis haoeles,-l theirtouralue.nl witli a irterv eei Hie MioiigCaiiibildgeteaui, w iiinlng the game bv an iniiing mid twelxe inns. Tlitlr rueenl im hides four icteiies. ihree defe.it s and Ihediawn games, Ann or whlih weie hi their inei. This Is . i eiy geed show ing Ter tlie I'hlladeliihia boys. Tlie Mussa tliusctts ililcuicii, who hi their contests abroad did still better Hum the eib'kclers, lia e just tctuiiicd. Tliey w en e ery con test In which they wuie engaged, besides ciuyingell a niimbei efiiidUidu.il prues. Ileth ihese teams ought te h.nea right royal welcome when they come home. Man-led 1IU Metlier-ln-I.inv. A piviillai and iiiteiestiiiginsuef uiiiii uiiiii (rntieiiiil bigamy has just been bieuglit le light in Nebraska City, Neb. lliiuy Jenes, a triuk laiuier, about Iho c.us au'e miinicd Alke Moirew. a giil ,ut llllcen ytars his Juniei, the dainjliter et a small mil ket-pudeuei liviiiL mar lce.la, Ifl. I'e. one ,,-ir their inaiiKsl lile wtisa liapp no, mid tlie u'irl whowastlieiiglit by Jenes's li lends le be seinewh.it wild, lained down and made u ""m.un Hue. ,i iiiu mil f i. con in, ml is Mis. ics he,,,,,,,, dNion dNien leuleil, mid went le Ottawa te NM(. While Ibere, it is soil, she eloped Willi member of a ininstrel empany wliuh vas pI.in- ng there at lliat time. Jenes, when he he-inl or the mutter, made but little less and no attempt te ulh his runaway wife. A tew month 1 Her lie ic eelunl a copy e a paper eentalningii netiui eflliedeallnit his wire at Ulayitle, Ind. Ills ie.iseii of mourning was sheil, and lie seen began te make love le Iiim mother-in-law, Mrs. Merrow, who had taken up hei losldunce ,Mt, ,i(.s lv the dealh ,r ,.., h.lMud, which oe ee aurisl shortly alter hei d uighim's mar- li'.'IrW h' n1 " ',' I1"' "n,1 ''"'"' '"Mid of bode illi ..I his wile he led Iho blushing dowteihealta, ,,l l'.Miia. The.eeuple went ti. Nebraskii itv about thnii i..'..w age and line si hwM neni tlieie. lieaipeawii. vel ,8 giil-wife. she said she, had led hitter life, and weary and heart-hid. had dLteiiniiusI u, seek her husband, hoping ler shelter If net lerglyenc-ss. siu had been te the old home and there learned that her husband and mother had come te Nebraska Citt but hoi friends had told hei nothing ei the inaiilage, which had been kept as seeiet as peSMble. she explained Hie death ueliieas jvulef the game she had plated in elder te escape puiMili and Ks'-evcrv. Mr. Jenes was in the ,t, Meiidat con cen sulliiig an attorney as le what steps te take in the matter. A (lhr.c lieiu the Him witettill piebably be swuiisl and a new inarri.iL;e enteied into with his mother-in i ',,'" h5,s MHr'l "ire will noteiH isise tills plan, us there is no let e lest bo be tw cen them, u all she wants is a home and ii ilit Air the rest of her life, lsth of w l.Iel Mr. Jenes agrees te gite her. I'ar-.eu l'leiiieii Ai'iiiilucil. 'ihe trial of Jehn Yeldell, alias Het. Hemen et I'ittsburg, ler u urder oe n milteil li,i8Sl, wu.liehfut IMgelie 'se I, Caie i.n, en Saturday, and resulted In the ..... vvnn !;. JOlieS W,IH StllltlCll b iaiAvxj-, , v- Mr. KaiifTninti l Consistent. Frem the I'lillailplphli ItrcenJ. Hepresf ntalhe C C. KmifTman, of Co Ce lunilila, mho Is n, member of lh ehllers' erplmns eoiiiiiilssieu. says that the state ment Hint he 1ms lull the syndlciitn'n lullii en co Is uel cerrett, and Hint he tins net In any way rtlaxcd his hostility te tlie synillentn sclemls. Mr. Knoll Knell man was olio of tlie most outspoken and lgoreus oueinlcseftlio syndicate In thn Lcgislntmc, nml It was through his un tiring and well-directed effort that tlie re strktheeliui se outlaw lug the four synillentn schools was plated in the commission bill. Mr. Kauirman's friends are, tlmrefore, giatillcd le Hud that the talk that Ids su i i leihil aspirations had Induced him lonuxll lenuxll fy his attitude Is without foundation. Mr. Kaiiirmnii says: "I knew of no attempt hat leg been ninde, cither by " O rand Army aitltity" or "sytiilicnte Inlliionce" te ehnnge my piirisjses In this matter or te Induce ine te relax my tlglkuicoel'toabalo my Interest in Iho proper c-ire, innlii tenant unnd cslucatleu of thn ihildicu of the men who sated the nation, nor can It bodeno se long as they shall remain the. wauls ofthe state and t a member ef the commission." Mr. Kiiullmnu'H friends, who understand Ids stuidy Independence, arc felly satisfied that this fairly defines his pesithhi. lie has always been straightforward and bold in ms nitituite ii)hiii this siilijeet, ami ctl- dentiy has net been turned nslde by any consideration of personal ambition. Mi-icit is r tin. I'rein the biiticiiKtrr Imjitlrrr, It apjiears te be generally understood that K'ineasler county will ask the next slate Itcpiiblican eoiivintleli te gite a place en the state tleki t te olio or hei most w ei thy and callable citizens. The friends or ljdti In K. Mmtln hate decided te pioeso his naine as a eaiiilldate Ter lieutenant goterner. Mr. Maitlu Is one of thn most prominent nml nble members of the ljineasfer bar, distinguished for his thoroughness in whatever he undertakes, for his marked ability as a dlsriutant. lei his loyalty te Irlcnds, and Ter Ills untiring eiurgy mid real lu beluilf of filr play and honest methods In political in lien. He is in tlie full tiger of manhood. He sorted the full term of four years in tlie army, enlisting at at cry curly age in Iho "Dth I'. V., a uincajitei comity legl inent. At Iho conclusion of tllu uai hu completed a course at college, studied law, and has sitae devoted liiiuselfte his profession, building up a large and lucra tive practice. Mi. Martin isan able mill cffcctlte public speaker and has ellen rtnileicl taliiable seitiee (e the Itepiiblhaii parly en the stump. He will make a clean, capableaud pepulur caudidate; oue against whom no crookedness can bnallcged.and will attract te Ids slaudaiil the best element of tlie Itcpiiblic.iu pirly ofthe stale. A l'i'eilletleii Ity eimre-minan Cot. I'engiessman Cox, or New Voik, liasjiist rdiiiued te Washington from an extended tlslllothe Neitliwestern teiilleries, dur ing whlih he uilnglcd fieely with Iho peo ple and iiiade numerous nun paitis.iu nil nil diesseste laign assemblies In llaketii ami Wnshlngleli. Mi. Cot Is pirtieularlv en lliuslaftlc ever Wnshingteii. Speaking or the people of that tciritery Mr. Cox said: "They ure at If von had 'taken Ihecicain or New Verk, of Washington, or llullale, or nil the cities orthelaist -the bilghlest bets or the lamily-iiiid sent theui out ttfth plenty et wit, plenty of enterprise and peekits hill or moiiey. Thov are the In ightest people in tlie w erld. 'j'hny hat e get the grit and the money. '1 he v have the moiiey light in their handsale! knew hew louseil. They hat e810,IHhi,0(K le lcbiiitd Seattle, ami it Is at weil:. Tlieie is the sound or the himmerand the ilug ertbe ihlsel en the stone. 'I hey me alitc. I'lie can't I ii i r theso penploeut." Ml. Cox ateldisl politics while en his tern ofehsertalioti, hut kept his etcsaud ears open, and Is ceulldeiit that W'ashlug W'ashlug teu leiriteiy will bei.iiiied bylhe Demo crats at tlie clci tleu appointed AirOdeliei next. As he did net visit Mentana Mr. Ce had uoepliiioii leexpiess en Iho out loot in thai Icnilery. lie! m ( iillinilii Dies. Judge lluuli II. Ciiniinln. of Willlains Willlains peit, died at Ciessen Hpilngs en Sunday inotningel llriglit'sdlseasoel tlie kidneys, alter an illness et a little inore than two weeks. Tlie icinalnswcre taken te Williniuspeit, mid will be burled en Tuesday at I o'clock. Judge Cummin was beinlu Liverpool, reny leunty, en May ',, 1M1. He was sol -i (limited, hating li.id no academic naming whntntm, Mill while i a lucie youth was the tillage sdioelmaslor. Since lMIJhehid lltisl In Willi.unspuit. hating lead law Willi Iho late Ueoige White, and suliseipienlh Hie two formed a legal pail nershlp. In IS7S he wasileded piesidenl Judge or the Lycoming dlsUitt, mid en the npirallen of" his term at Iho beginning of tlie pieseul year lie resinned the piaUlce el ills profession. At the tlme or the icieiit gieat Heed Judge ( uiiuniu was especially nitive lu all ineasiiies let rollel, and lioteinei Heater appointed hinia member or Iho state Heed (oiiimlsslen, and he was elected Iho icsi- lent icpiesentatite and ellleinl executite lei the illstiiliulioiief loud at Johnslewn and the Ceiieinaugli alley, lie established hlshcadipiiileisatCrcsseii hpiings, a low inlles east of .lohnstewn, and It was here hat the deadly disease Hist nianllested lliell, bieught en, as ids fiiends beliete.by e ei work in pieseciiting ids diitlisnsa uicinbei eftlie lloed commission. Ileltliy'h I'Mllcnce Cxliaiitcd. 1'lOIU I'OMIS Mt;. I lobby (who has laen sitting patiently half an Iieiii,-.M,. lloemei, I wish ve'u would pep tlie question le Delia. Holla-Iteboit, you naught v boy, what pessesMsl y en le make such a picpo-lereus I en i. uk? ' llebliy (sulkily) Well. anyway, my ineiiier Mid if he did teu'd Jump chain e, and 1 want le see ten Jimin. ut the - 'I'real Your Teelh natlicriliHiilmti thvm pulksl. Let tour dm Hit saw all lit can. Yeu uVslic te liat"u Ireulilei n value Mm hate net iiHslKO.eiiOM'. When l'iesrlj flted. thru rati en thn SO.MXJNl' ami keep tlicin all rllit for time le come. lySj-lydcecl.llyw I J0Ol)hK.ltsAl'AHII.I.A. " De Net Neglect 'I liul tireJ feelliiK, Impure bleed, lUitie-, after eiitinsr, pnius hi the luiclc, hrndiu hr, or sliullur all.Uleiii till M.ine povverfiil(liKeai.celjlniu.a linn foothold, and recovery lilllllciilt,is'rliiii.s li.ilHjv.lble. TakeII,SHlsHarsap,.rllla, the itc l inter eriuallli, In lime te banWi all bad f(c. lliSsaiHluMorejeiltoperrcctioudltlou. IIihhI h SaiKapiirlllaliiispt(!iillnr rumtltc power, anil "jyuil'IMies cures while ether pitp.irallens THATTUtKI) rajuxn, "Durlns tin? summer I twin rccllua all run (limii.aml iliiiiUiii I msslcd seimtlilne le teiu lip in sjslim, I i.kiU II,Kd's Sarsaparllla and Kll iiiii.li latter. I wusuNotreiiblnl ttllli dtt-Ih-I-sIii, mid Uoed'sHniwipnrlllti hdsl lnomere Hun mi thiiu like." .. ai J: " lu,:'ievv. It. AVajne, Ind. -My wireiiiulnijsrirwcrebethficncr.dl run di.uii Heed I. biirsairllla lireiisht usoulef lliat tired fccllm;, mul imule us Rcl like jemm pwplc amdu. ltliiisdoneinoiefor us than all oilier mcutcims together lln iiaui. nA k iieiisr, Amltytllle, Leng lstniul, N. Y. IMl'L'Hi:ilI.OOD "I'lem (lilldluxxl I Has troubled tilth pin,. I'l. s, and ctiry uuiuly fatted till I took Heed harwipaillla. I hate taken lltebeltlcsnna ,lm, the pliiiphs are ahue,t son,., and m Keneral healllilMiiiicli liiipreted. 1 am fcllni: belter Ih in for some lime, mid I hlshlj useniincnit lliHsUbarKii-arlllii.' W. Htass, Iw Ja.mb. Ien. Ateiuie, lhoeklyu, N. V. k Heed's Sarsaparilla Sold bv alt drtiReWs. !l;kMrr. rieeaied ealybjt I Hil.iD.tcn.Levidl.Mas,. ' iw iiumus eni: dellah ritiii'i: iAi.Mri.N iNsi:rr I'dwmii ,,....V'1K.'"".1 ,,' ." '("",l 1M'"J r blower. Is III,; At IIUIILHY'S DltlT, s,T(IUK, ' "J l ' one hu, et, tun uusineSN iiiiit ii.:v" Addn1" ll,,,",, NiJ-''. " kVA 11. C. WEIIILER, I'rlnclpil. rniiEDiitr.iToitsei'TiiLifjOit or i. in. ii'H'Kf M,",n, "UlrtH-clte bliUrersupid. lii'llieAliiilieiue mid llepltul with Ce.il for lie jcur, from Seplunlwr ;, ISO. uh foil "it" or ll'ifnr in'S iU's"' "-"'',, ,is a" en- m w i. ,rt ii r ,,?lr"l! "0 leuv mere or Ii ... L -h f.v.N .ITV lsg ' "WtoiiMiiereorle. Medium '.i,0 1 ? '.""r- ,?or' ,r ii "' 'vii. All bid, te 1 luiuatsl te ll. K, M ers. Sec i en or before Anjiut 17. Ksv. ". , UK5,7,10,mi Iiy ORDER OF UOAitD. rfv -. -JJf'i. ..VtrHi.Zi'rffH. I il!N1-r,1:,),'('A'"0-N'-l'ALI.Ti:itM(,K SI VlV'tl llhV,.iUVf r !""'"' I'OUCKC- IKK 11. r, .. .A .?i,hu - yr ur,:e tai.v.iu. ,.,,.ui,- Inij all nm-M.irt liifi.rutiitlen. wllf U-out in a few dav k. s, nd for it and wc tv lull eni tTrniU n4..".. ' A".c..1:"'-. :'.is tMitin"'";:; " PiTlUADEl-pniA. Mendijr, Atif ut 11, 1M. Twe of the 37lc Dress SUiffi. i Serge that can be washed. Blue, red, black cluster stripes en white ground. A regular 50 center. 2 All wool Colored Cash mere, geed weight and widtlv and in the fall shades. At 37KC 'ou wouldn't mistrust where wool prices arc. Southeast of icnlrc. livery cotton goods counter has quick news ; none quicker than the bundled pieces of this season's liveliest Sateens and Ginghams, at half the original prices. 2 te 12 yards. Kerthcnvl of initie. Stir in Stockings Children's. 1,200 pairs black cotton, double knees, white split feet, size's 5 te 9. The price j cents a pair. Goods that as stockings go are easily worth 40c. Chestnut fdrcrt ship, w tat or Main AMe. J7ine Irish Linen Pillow Cases and Bolster Cases, ex quisitely hand hemstitched and open worked, at about what you'd expect te pay for coarser stuff and plain at that. I'lllllU ClUCH, MxCiln. il .'Oh pair S.MM11 pair il -"ii( pair V.! Ma pall JliiMirOies, .lt?Jln. I MIfiicIi I rxacli l "rneh te2fiO(ach Sheets tee. Ilxtra stout French Linen, 2lA yards square, and hcvislitcicti, $4.70 a pair. Then are a dozen ether just as rare ripe bargains among the Linens. Heiitlinc'Hl efieutie. About 600 Lawn Dressing Sacques and Blouses that a dry, warm July would have moved. May be 40 styles. Neatly trimmed with Hamburg (edge and inserting), torchen and val. lace. We put a win ter chill en the prices : TV kind mc J'Jm kind Jl 00 SIM Iludfl7.'i Sim kind Mi MM kind ii Oil !1 CO I.lnil7.,c JIIT, klii'lSec SIM kind 510) And se en up te $9. Sicend Meer, north of I'lniiTpt. About 1,000 pieces Bohe mian Glass, manufacturers' samples. New and then slight defects. Quarter regular prices, 5c lop. se. plli hi rs frutt liewN li'iiiemtdi'M npecti holders in half a dozen t iucm lliiublTs And the like, daintiest tints. $1.25 Tumblers, ground glass designs, 60c a dez. bet end fleer, Hiemlgallciy. Jehn Wanamaker. (Clliitn iliill. j iuiii.v.maiuin. " b'RUlTJARsT jFLLY TUMBLERS! AT- CHINA HALL. Masen Fruit Jars in Pints, Quarts and I lalf Gallens. The celebrated Lightning Jars in Quarts and Half Gallens ; this jar has no superior in the mar ket. Jelly Tumblers in any quantity. All at Bettem Prices. HIGH & MARTIN, 15 East King St. elIMM - . l rr : Vliotenvnpho. 1-eti:. V I JUST RECEIVED KltO.tt Kcenigsburg, Prussia, Twe IliicliKreiinils made especially for Hint and 'Iliiie-.)iiiirkr Ij-nv'lli Photographs jROTE.r 50 1-2 North Queen St., Next Doer te tlie l'oitelllce. JniiT-diud 5muifi' lU'om-te. I lOrLLNOHMANDIi:. Jv.,.. ,. A1LAN1H' CITY. NOW (IPLN DnilirNevr MnniKiiiient. T.t'.CJII.I.r.rTi:. Proprietor, . 1-., I",0"f I'oleuaite Hetel, l'liilaiUlplila. 1111 atiiti Ml (HII.IW N Altlllltl' OVI'OI' II v 11 en 0 iiiiiiviiiiiaisaiul parties diHlrlni: le Milt Mt (i(liiaiiii(l ujey a rldoeurtlicNiiriovviitiUKO I" the Miiumlt of Uovhltseii Dick mountain, can iirrempiM, (hetrlpliem Luncaiier hi one da l tla fellow Iiii;m.IicIiiIi: , . a m a.m. 11.111. Uate Uiunihler l.'i". IMllOtf Airlte Mt.dMinii. btW 11:30 li:V) Arrive Imv. Dhk r.'.aj 1:3 ltelurniiii,' '.111 p.m. p 111. (0 ;.nl 7.,0 :: ix 6:m t-O. 0:10 , .. .. . , nan. a in. n.m. pan p.m p.m. Untctint PhU 1110 I5j B-Vj :.V, LiatiO t. (UiliLv (,.11 1H.3I H.:e L".'.' BM7 7:.k) Arrlte Uuna-ter. t,.lO ll-'.i UJte 3.k M3 b.l All Iraliu or the Cornwall ,1 Leluiiien liall liall lead oil iirrltitl at Mt tlretn.i station make ini iiiiHllate eoiineetlen with (lie Narrow Guiike ltallread. LiiiKlierdmnei e.m he elitiilned ut I icDiirk reMauiant. tlms ntehllin; tlie ius.es ll or care Ins lutkketn and lam. Ik-s. Joint Liieaiupiiiriiter l'. b. TH0O1N A.N I) NATIONAL OUAItl) will Ik held at. Ml. (Jritnn. The V. H. Treen catien te tin nearest ticket iiuent. H. A. GROSS, vi'hiiMvii"1 !- " "" r''A"'0" l'i. NLIi IIllsn, inn. tiUpt. JCtkUud LXAMlNEEYKSFREi:. Spectacles ! EXAMINE EYES FREE I WE Yeu Think Your Eyes Are Geed ! .ilf.i,eu.,,.,v' ,l,el" '"i"lneil en ivlli probably lirnl lliat In . is.)iiitihiiiivrem; with them and that claw-, it Hi ! a c?cit help te t en ' tie .. liiiuiitiil.le "III A MANTA- iue itlilclian'iii.Kti'Mid) ,t u,i,ii( n emimiKbi Ii leiullim tH-ullsU us the lKt nliln te defec tlie t Isleu. snl'in l!11 t"1'c,"t'1'' -"'.e; """ui price, hl?;l.,'!iM?'t',,'',ei' ,0"':. ul",1 i,rlcc. i.ti. ArtillcIall.yciilnserUHl, SJ ; uuai price, 10. H. ZIHEMAN A BRO. 130 S. HiDth Street, I OI11C1ANS. 1'IUUVmU.l'IIIA. ' I lletiTecii Chemiut ami Walnut BtrecU. I mjB-Iyd , ..itiJ ViiVi... 1 ' "s"i '1 ciiiiiiiKiiiii: ier 1100111 ...... ....,..,, ,,,, vuMiiri aim .triiiiir) or . . N",le"1 ,V,,Jri1 ,"f '" "I" encamp with Hi. m AtiBiisi IDili te nth, lurluklte. 1 tCdliOll llCkl'lK IIIN( ,1.1 llllllll. .1 .... .. II ... I'll ,tl'lll Palace ef gaiMen. v $& 4 HTtUCIl BKOB. ASTRICH'S PALACE OF FASHION, - 115 & 117 NORTH QUEEN STREET. TUESDAY, AUGUST 13, All day as Advertised. SPECIAL SALE or PLUSHES, SILKS, SURAHS, AND SATINS. The balance of our stock of 16-inch Plushes, 29c a yard. 19-inch Plush, 49c a yard. 24-inch, 69c a yard. 1 9-inch Moleskin, regular price $1.25, at 95c a yard. Black and White Striped and Checkered Surah Silks, regular price 75c, at 64c a yard. 50c Satins at 43c a yard. 75c Satins at 63c a yard. $1.00 Silks and Satins at 79c a yard. Greater Bargains than ever will be offered every day. We invite everybody te call and see ler themselves that the PALACE OF FASHION IS THE PLACE TO BUY GOODS AT LOW PRICES. ASTRICH BROS., 1 1 5 & 1 1 7 North Queen St. J3ICYCLES, TIUCYCLtti, TANDEMS. COLUMBIA Bicycles, Tricyles, Tandems, DURABLE, BIMPLE. HUAIIANTKDD IIIOHEfeT ORADK, lLLU.STlt.VTED CATALOGUE FREE. POPE TOFC CO., 79 FRANKLIN ST., BOSTON. IlltANCII IIOtTHRS-12Varreii Kt..New- Verk .. . . "." iitiiifcIiAtP..riilenge. ler hale hy JOHN H. MUhSEIl, Columbia lJ aiiS-Ij deed V ILLLIIHVI LI.K. MILLERSVILLE. . The Winter Session or the Mlllerstllle Stale Nernuil Hilioel tv ill begin en .Monday, Heplciu l)tr 2, lwy, and continue twcnty-flght vrceks. RLGULA II COURSES. Teachers' Elementary Course. Tcuclurs' bclcntinc Course. Ki'LCLYL COURHES. Celli vjc I'icparatery Courte. lliiinesK-lioekkceiilnB, Tiictrritlng, Hum ness Correspondence, etc. Vecal and Instrumcntal'Minde. Course In Chemlto-I'rcparatleii for the Study or Medicine. Special Rntrn en Street Railroad for Day I'lipllii from Ijuicakter. I'liplliadniltleilataii time. Fer catalogue. t nn, etc, address the principal, E. ORAM LYTE, liSlO,U,17,19,:id Mill. 1st llle, l'a. pitpt'OSALS-SEALEI) 1'ROl'OSAlJS t ILL i MiVliu-Ti.'y v.'',"10 V,l,rr L'einmlltee until a e clock p. m ..cdiicsiln,AiiKUi,t II, I".t. ut tlm Mni nr'kelllrc. for (he cleanW ofthe east oerteli the work lobe done In the fi ewlnil milliner The city iv 111 remote ns much of The !! ,r, (re.'!' "'? """ elr s ei le dmined b f.'.,V'i',.pl1' th0 -,0"r-ter te reiV.ete eainnie at M own e.tiiciue: the contractor 1? u'S'i'I'i'i11. ""!tl "l1"." wwrWr i,,d tSrt ,v llSt1 IVm1""11 H,.,a llctjrl,i " be icineted J'J ay or the north Mde of the resertelr ,'bini,ilrfnCrU:. wl" b.e.,,,t ,0 "rlct acceiui: tab llti for the scattcrhn.' of mud eier the pounds or damages done te the bankn or fi ne- i'f."f,'.?'i!"'0,r: ."f.,c.r thrinud und delirl . ,. ..uuuincMuu iiioeoinoroucmy trashed JinL8 i-V ceni".-- THe tvorklstebe.oi.. nrS. i I.,?cdlu.,tl)'."',ol,.l,eUce hy th n.Ter WiK i'V.IS m1?5'' "flfrceminencenient of work iiii, 1"LVc.cemi"l,1r "ielr w,1 Will wl i .no? la Ck..f te" VH,r. ee"1- of the amount of ien.l of rji r !? .V1'0,1 ,,.l,S i1"8"1 !,f centnictn SmSmM" faljhful completion of the . eiii.1!1 l b0 elvt'"'. Under no elrcunutauce w III ctra coiiipeii.atleii bn allowed. lly order i of Rter Cenimliiee. auuisitu r-utt . fcUUKULEY, Ma or. CIURTSI SHIRTS! SHIRTS! Hliirln of all decri(leiiK Made te Order J:il,Ieriitl,rt" Uiei """ -' lK,l,t-'"' " '"'' here, nstiefcclllermamifactunrs profit only. TROUT & SHANK, Hldrt Manufarturerii und Jlen's Oiittltters. Hi) .North Queen street. marnHydll "VU.l'L,I0.,!n,1l'AhMK,W A-N'' N l M.R.S. All isreiHare hereby forbidden te treiuds en mi of die lands of the Cornwall ..ndSiiccdivcll estate lu U'baneu or lJincnMcr eiuitlrt., tihctlur Inclesed or iinliiclei-ed. either ferllicipuriHJMV of sIkxHIhk or Hulling, us the law-will te rlKldly enforced i.g.Unst all ires ijuvduK en raid lund of the uudernlgiied arte lE,RA,Li,':N"KEMAN CUIV. U. HIKKJ AV Attorneys for R. Y. Celeman' i's 1 1 el in. -rn J. ' July reduce the price of S.HIR SUITIXOS i-v rneu.sKiuxas AT McQRANN & NOWLENS, IM North Queen street. ? N und jECKwr.ARTiu: latest and most lasiiienanie ttylea niidKliadeii,tlieehmHt S..r.-.Vt," 1:ir'"u,.n ueuw iinutiiins "tore, i; WmI King utreet. ' vJtrj,jC5.fc rfjf- Ctffiklttg. M nSRSAKATHFOM. PRICKS REDUCED ALMOST BELOW YOUR EXPECTATION. YOU WOULD NOT ASK FOR AS MUCH HARDLY, IF WE LEFT IT TO YOUR CHOOSING, BUT THEN, WE'RE BOUND TO BE UNLOADED UNTIL SEPTEMBER, AND WE'RE GOING TO CLEAR OUR TABLES. YOU'LL NOT FIND A BIG LOT OF ODDS AND ENDS OR SHOP WORN GOODS, BUT NEW, FRESH STYLES THIS YEAR. SOME OF THE SIZES ARE GONE, BUT WHAT ARE LEFT ARE BARGAINS. THERE'S PLENTY WHO HAVE TAKEN ADVANTAGE OF THIS OFFER, AND YOU'LL BE SORRY IF YOU DON'T DO LIKEWISE. MYERS&RATHFON, RELIABLE CLOTniERS, NO. 12 EAST KING STREET, LANCASTER, PA. rXlO CLOTHING HU YKIU9. LGansman&Bre. Xe Clese Out The Entire Balance of Our SUMMER STOCK, Me Offer Heme Unusual Handsome and BtylUh Suits Rt 18.00, Just k-iiiilcu iruui ciu una 91. ElcttnntBultg ul Jin. Just down from SIS and !R Rey's and Children's Suits reduced te one-half their nctual value. Bce our Bey's Hults at ?3, SI and 55. Bee our Children's Knits at SI, SI.23, S1.75, tl. Thin Goods we arc Belling Belew First Cost. Our Tailoring Department Offers some Real Uarjralni. Hce our rantaloens te Order ut S3.00, Jl, 85. -Yen cannot make any mistake bin lug these Koeds, whether you need them for Imme diate use or net. L. Gansman & Bre., 86 and 68 NORTH QUEEN ST., 8.W. CORNER OF ORANOE, LANCASTER, PA. - Net connected with any ether Clothing Reute In the city. " CTnvyct $nlc. J.BS -MARTIN d: CO. CARPET SALE. flic Special Carpet Sale held durinrr tl finucdal lis week will be con- of next week. COMMENCING AUG. 12. During this sale Carpets will be sold at lower prices than ever known te the trade. WALL PAPER. Special prices in Wall Paper during this sale, and 5,000 pieces of White Back or Blank Papers at 5c up. 5,000 Geld Papers, pretty and new designs, at 8 and 10c 100 Smyrna and Brussel Rugs at one-half price, during next week only. J. B. MARTIN & CO., Cor. West King & Prince Sts., Lancaster, Pa. lilioccllrtitcemt. -piVKRYBOIl WANTS IT I THAT IK-KVERYIIODY WHO HAS EVER TRIED ITI LEVAN'S FLOUR Still Holds the Fert. We haven't the bluest mills lu Iheuerld, but there U no better mill nn where at lewd there I- no mill that can make br tier flour. Se fcay Uieu-aud of ;people lu till community, and we take their wenl for It. If you hate trouble with jour baking, this het weather, you will perhaps dicceier that the trouble lies with your flour pret Ided ou de net use Leian's Fleur, lfyen are ulug that article, and till have troiible with your bak ing, perliarw It U beenuMS of ihe even. It can't be the flour If you use LetRii't, i X,' . iSJf .AfnjfeU Pry t$00fe. rrn E FEerLE'8 CASH STORE- BARGAINS -IN- FLANNELS -AT- THE PEOPLE'S CASH STORE. We have made large purchases of Flannel of every description which te day nre worth from Vi le 10 per cent, mere money. Our customers shall have the benefit of our purchases as long as the stock en hand lasts. WE WILL QUOTK YOU Specially Lew Prices en Flannels DURING THE MONTH OF AUGUST. Heme of these goods will undoubtedly be higher In prlce later In the tcnen when Ihere Is a greater demand. We have some special makes of Fine Quality Heme-ltada Flannels net te be had elsewhere In this market. Gee. F. Rathven, NO. 25 EAST KING STREET, nmrtO-lydll LANCASTER, PA. N KW YORK HTORE. Prepare for Coel Weather. It Will Come. WATT & SHAND Bought Twenty Cases of Blue, White and Scar let ALL-WOOL FLANNELS At the Great Trade Auction Hale, and new offer the Very Rest Goods at the Lowet Trices eter known ALL-WOOL WHITE FLANNELS, ALL-WOOLBLUE FLANNELS, ALL-WOOL SCARLET FLANNELS. At Prices te Suit Evcrj body. Weenen te-dav a Full T.lni fifmir rvlnhrntni All-Wee! FLANNEL SKIRTS AND SKIRT INGS, lu Red, Blue and Orey btrlpei, at our usual low prices. ALL-WOOL STRIPED SKIRTS at 11.00 Each. ..FINEST ALL-WOOL SKIRT In Plain and I ancy Celers, In skirts or by the jard.atjl.50 cadi. BLANKETS! BLANK Era! Wc arc new showing nn Iniinence Rteck of Orey. White aii'l Scarlet ALL-WOOL BLANKETS at Very Lew Prlce. ' New Yerk Stere, uvvltuice. QTANUARD CARRIAUE WORK. EDW. EDGERLEY, 10, 12, ittSIARKET STREET, (Rear of thoPestomce), LANCASTER, PA. ALL THE LATEST STYLES IN Buggies, Phxtens, Family Carriages, Etc. The Elliet Sleck in the Country. We new hate a Full Line of SECOND-HAND WORK Any Style Yeu WauL Repainting and Repairing promptly attended le. One eel of workmen neclally riniilejeil CIUO Ctl tha'i nur rer tlm'. purpose. The lovvel prices in the county for flrst-clawi work S-Glte me a Call and Examine My Werk. :: u, itlueic. SPECIAL NOTICE. PLEASE BEAD THIS! WE IIAVK TAKEN THE TOH THE AGENCY Scbemacker Geld-String Piane! We hale them new in tteek, and Invite our friends and the public generally tecall and tce them. Kirk Jehnsen & Ce., NO. 24 WEfeT KING bTREET. uSHidAw , ,1 - 4?Jv CECURE A HOME IOR YOUR FAMILY. Secure a Heme for Yenr Family. FOIl SALE ON THE MOST LIBERAL TERMS. Twe-story brick dwelling houses, lets 120 feet deep, en Lancaster ateuue, between Wal nut aim Lemen ttrccts. Two-Hery brick dwelling houses wlih man ard reef, perclic In front, lets HI fiet ibs-ji, en North Pine, between Clietiiiit and Walnut klreetit. Twe-story brick dwelling Iiuiimii with rrunt ants. Iren fence, lets 1KI feel deep, cm Wet Walnut, between Mary and Pine n'rceU. Twe-story brick dwtlllng heiifc, it f,Tt deiM-.en ttest Umeu btrcct, l-elwun Charlette and Mary htreetk. Threeterv brick dvvclllim Iieiimv, It Ijlftet deep, with all the modern linpreiiiiiiuts, frunl jiirtl;eii UtM Chestnut vtnst, ladwis n Pine Hint Net In ttrcru. -.A,",,J,OUM?" E.n.1 Walnut. North Lime. North Mar), between Walnut an I Union, and lmen, bctwetii Marj and Pine. irecis. All tlienbeie heu-fhare lugoed erdci.uewlv ri?JTTd. gH' " V"."s '" " ' luenif.. ivaler lii tliekitchin.and the cellars warranted te be drt Cal undt.ee for jour-elf, no trouble te show .I.NO. V flRIEL,),. , ... . JACOB URIEL. i- 1-Koeutor.. apr.Vlyd.M.W.S 3jcl North Mnry .-lnel. TJ1SlW''v':eT.l ' " FURNITURE STORE, run line of I iiriuiure nf every descriiitlu .Im lowest prlees. ai, I'nderuklug pVc.m, at at tendejlte. fall and examine our geed. aS-UdH ll. WOLF, 138 East Klug StrceL - Flannels. Flannels.