Lancaster daily intelligencer. (Lancaster, Pa.) 1864-1928, August 10, 1889, Page 7, Image 7

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And receive a Sample
no Died I'oer nml All llirmli Ills MT"
lie Wiw TTnnpprrc Lilctl, lint Niiw llm
Voik of llii ltrtiOi SulN ilt l;iliuliut
The early struggles of Ricat authors,
artists, indeed of all who achieved mark
ed success in any of ihe flne nrts, arc
always especially attract ive nnd thesn of
Jean Franceis Millet, pahitcr and etcher,
whose celebrated "Anchi-"' U new te
be in American Ucejiiny, U full of inci
dent. ,..-'.
-' .-! 'J"-, Tl,:
vvj... M .
iV - , JT9 , Ifri
v.r'-sT- - -
He was born in the village of Gmehy,
his father and mother lcing peasants. A
vicar educated him, though his schooling
was often interrupted by field weiL.
When lie was 12 years old he was con
firmed, and at this time lead such books
as "The Lives of the Saints," "The Con
fessions of St. Augustine," "St. Francis
of Sales," "St. Jereme" and the weilcs
of the religious philosophers of France.
He was drawn te art by 6eeing seme
engravings in the Dible at Ids father's
house. He drew the garden ami stables,
the animals, nnd also btudied the tea.
His familiarity with peasant life and hi3
i eligieus intei est enabled him at last te
produce such a work m the "Angelm."
When he wus 18 he made twedrauings,
which lie nnd Ins father took te a cele
brated painter who then was living near
them. The painter would net at lirst be
lieve that the young man drew the pict
ures. Whsn convinced he baid te the
"Well, you Mill go te perdition for
having kept him se long, for jour duld
has the stun of a great painter.
Millet then went te Cherbourg, near
by where he was born. He lemained
tliere for a time and then went te Paris.
The painter nfterwards lh eel in Cher
bourg, but net in nfllucnt circumstances.
It has been said that ene quarter day, his
rent being due nnd his purse, as usual,
empty, Millet succeeded in coaxing a
picture dealer te visit his studio te see if
there was net something theie worth the
$G0 which ha owed his landlord. The
dealer came, turned eer cauvai after
canvas supcicilieusly, but at last con
sented te give the bum required in ex
change for three important works. As
lie laid the three 100 frane notes en the
table, Millet suddenly remembered that
the nest daj' was his wife's fete. "I
bheuld like te invite a few friends," he
said eagerly; "could you net take some
thing else, se that I may have enough te
pay for the dinner';"
The dealer shrugged his shoulders, but
the peer painter was se pressing tliat he
agreed, net vjtheut difficultr, te take- a
CtYTMii r?i X'-rt
ar &zm.
Vlbi itM Kb) niL .-ik-Fi.VnSm
i i i
rv iij. .-.--.i -
, .Vs.scr"
If net obtainable near Yeu send name and address, mentioning this paper, te
Benjamin Breeke and Company,
Free by Mail.
; ,
KRetcli winch was en tlie easel ter 1.
"Vingt francs!" sighed Millet, "mais
neus n aiirens
inenie pas de des
sert." "Yeu
a desser t," re
plied the dealer.
"Well, as you've
get me in a gen
erous mood, I'll
give you ten
fiancs for that
ether sketch."
And the bargain
was struck, the
dealer carrying elf for 2 the deceit
n little gem that he sold afterward for
$500. It is worth 2.000 tedaj-.
A criticism was ence inade upon the
"Angelus" which U worth repeating. !
The picture lepresents a peasant man
nnd woman pausing in a plowed Held
with bowed heads while the Angelus in '
supposed te be Bounding in the distance. '
"Whatdojeu think of the picture?' '
asked one, showing it te a friend who ,
looked nt it for the firm time.
"1 can hear it," replied the gazer.
Ne painter ever received a picttlcr !
compliment. Te ene looking at the iev-
eiential ceuple bb drawn by the artist,
the sound of the Angelus cannot fail te
ceme with fancy.
Millet toel: up etching te keep the wolf
from tlie deer. He had painted uide
figures which no one would buy nnd had
tiied Hible scenes, but had net succeeded
with them any better than with the oth eth
ers. The revolution of 1813 Mopped all
picture buying and Millet asked publish
ers for .erk and began experimenting
in etching. He was without materials.
Fer plates he took old pieces of copper
nnd for Ink used colors from his palette
Hut he peiseercd, and although he did
work which would be rather of a practi
cal order than painting, ids work alwaj 3
showed his own individunlitj-.
Millet lncd between the j-ears 1811
and 187j. When he died he 6aid that his
life was closing tee seen; that lie was
just beginning te see clearly into nature
and into art. He suffered with a fever
during the latter part of 187 1, and just
as the year was closing went te bed and
never rese from it. In January he was
sleeping between the attacks of fever,
when he was suddenly awakened by the
noise of guns nnd the baying of hounds.
A hunted stag had jumped the fences
and been driven into a neighbor's gar
den. There it was butchered. Millet,
w he had nevcv liked huntsmen, buid: "It
is an omen." He died seen after, en thu
20th of Januarj. 1S75.
I llli Nairn- I irl,ttrit ullli l'r.incn'
3lnt lirltln 'lllllfft.
Tne life of tlie late Felix I'jat, the i
nnarchiat for the de).'iitmcnt of the
ISeuches du ltliene in France, was a ro re ro
maikable one. Twice he was an exile;
' fur several j-ears he was under btntence
of death, and two of his years wcre
passed in jail. All of his offenses were
of a jwlitical nature, however, and no
man ever hinted that FclU Pyat was
net sincere. He had the courage of his
convictions, and his convictions were
warly always opposed te the people in
paw er.
He wa3 born Oct. 4, 1810, at Yicren,
' France, nnd was well educated. He was
admitted te the bar In 1S31, but threw
elf the shackles of the law almost Im
mediately, and became a journalist,
much against the wishes of Ids friends.
1 His wiitings were mere brilliant than
I these of llochefert. Full of bitter p-r-,
senalitles and inexpressibly caustic, they
60en made the young man's tiame a sig
nal for either the most extravagant,
praise or the most violent abuse.
When 1819 rolled round and brought
'd'SS ('i
'yr-e' n
wr " " -T-..- -,.. ..- --.
wuii it uiu resolution, l'j-at dropped
litcrature and dashed wildly into the
political arena, becoming a lender in the
cxticme Socialistic wing of the nctive
Revolutionary paity. With Ledru Kol Kel
lilt he was exiled, going first te Switzer
land nnd then te Uelgium. A general
amnesty was declared in 1800, and Pyat
went back te Paris in time te becomes
one of the most tabid Communists. He
advocated the maddest acts of violence,
and, when Paris was devastated by the
howling mob, was elected te the oxecu execu oxecu
tive council of the Commune. He was
among the first te urge the religious ser
vices te be discontinued iu the priens
and te press the demolition of the col
umn Wiideme. lie wrote in IeWngeur:
"At last that col
umn Vcndome is
te be removed
a lidiculeiis and
monstieus 1 1 -
r e. . v.
WT7 ' r.
?7j v.; i.
"&Z- . !l
'it - ?t!i vv ,'f ' a blind despot te
'-J'i' ''.V Afejl101 I'Ctuate the
reuieuiuiaiiuu ui
his inatiate con-
duests and his
V culpable glen-
n:i.lX PYAT. in short, a wretch
ed imitation of Traian's column. I have
never been nble te leek nt it without my i
heart bounding with indignation and dU-
gust." lie rentiiiued:
"If theCommiine w Ishns tj coinplcte
its work of expiation let it, at the feet of
this monument of infamy befoie it pulls
it down, nnd in presences of the National
Guard, rsnounce another monument no
less infamous the book of the national
historian, the history or rather the apo
theosis of the empire, the justification,
the deification of the crime, tlie conse
cration of the Hurces'j w hich ended at fit.
Helena and at ChUlehuist. The Ven
gcur demands that a mother of a family
set fire te the imperial Ilible, that tlie
allies of the hook may accompany thu
ruiii3ef the column, and ihat tin- fr.i
ments of brenze may serve te make seiu
for lalier and cannons for liberty."
When thoe hnrrible days of lust ami
1 iw lessiiffl were ended he llivl, and in
March, 187.1, was condemned te death
in centumaciam for inciting te ciul
war, for partisinslup in the cemmiinu
ami for complicity in the inassacie of
the hostages. When the aliment)
was deflated he again returned te Pa
ns and started The Commune. Wlu-n
charged with wiiting articles in The
Coiumiine justifying the action of IU-io-zewnki,
the man-who. in June, 1607, at
tempted te essassiualit the enieier of
liiiBsia at Paris, he admitted the elfcnsp,
and was sentenced in QcIeUt, 18S0, in
cuntuinaciain te two j ears' impiiknu
ment and te pay a line of 1,000 franex.
After the bcnteiice the CetninunisU of
U-lleill g.ivehini an inn, and Pjat
himself presided lit the meeting, leaving
bhertly aftei ward for Hrusaela te nvenl
imprivmmeut He returned te Frawe
dining the present republic, and was
elected a deputy for the department of
the ileuches du lEhiiue.
(llatlfitone u t.utxl hlvcper.
During nil .Mr. (lladstone's career he
has never lest his sleep, excepting once.
and that was dining the troubles that
arose about Hgypt and (Jen. Corden
Then lie slept badly, and for Iho lira'.
time it was feared that he would net bu
able te luaintu n the burden of ellice.
He ha3, liewevi r, get ecr the t-lTect of
i that (eried of Uress ami strain, and hu
is still able te count confidently ii(enat
least Hve consecutive hours of bound nnd
refreshing sleep every night Hut for
that he would long age have broken
I down.
,ry..Jv.,. "v rvwtyn
aR i?t
M fcfl
,r c
KS i M aj uA Li r -y
UX i A I BV ftafk B
Hew ti luriilili nn Apnrliiuiit l'alfullr
nml null tly.
A recent number of Tlie ltcten Uiulgel
tavt n ery tie Ipful desci Iptlen of n cpilct ur-,1-tle
npnitment under thotltle of n "Paneled
Her. ptien Itivim " Sonic of tlie cuts nnd Iho
nun- I'si' 'rti .n of the loiter pros? nre
wrv lepriMuii I
THE ltoeu.
'ilie Uxer l covered with a carpet of u
leep, rich, t.rane rl, in a plain tene. Over
this Oriental uigsef many dull, soft colors
irusticwu in great profusion. These nlterd
i pleasing vnifcty and richness of coloring.
I'he wnll nre pauehsl te the height of about
live, feet. They ure of dark, polished ma ma
liegnny. nnd nre enriched by heavy, plain
iiiiildiiigs. Above this the mural decoration
onsistsef n wall iuix;r In nn Inconspicuous
eleign of n conventional whlilin dark green
iinl deep jellew tones.
Tlie doeis et.'iung from this room nra
heavily paneled, witu brenze tiinseset goea
., . 1. 1.. n-i... a
werhiuiiiisiiip. aii'i
(lreplace Is nn im
posing feature. It
is I t mil, low nml
aiched, anil it H
eui reundeil by uu
gla7l tiles of a
ducp, warm nil
Alve these runs a
band of rich can -lugs
in u renais
sance wielt pat
tern On uieh si.l.)
of the llreplme
lncU of diifin it
bizes ure urrnnyid,
while alje I hi
carvwl band n n
of kiinll pain It I'
get. The briiud,
iehshei fhelf nml ".'
1 1. .a nti ..ItliiT hull, I .ii
Uii-v pnuuN, nml
i limns f i-Ussie pre
a.i.m.. 'rii.t. iii tm ii Imlil thu hi ead cer
nice, which ifuither 'upperled bj rows of
pniehiig en Hi" i'l s nnd m rusn the top
Alieuthalf a) between the shelf nnd eur
nicu two Miiall sIm.Ii e ure inwrtel tietwisn
the cehiiiius. The tiles of the hearth ure of u
durUolive gra, lnghl jielulKsI.
Fer u room hLe the n shown in the illns-
tratiuii, dtsperan-e rl hniigings should lw
ustd, with wuh euilaiiM of while, with pale
ellew llxures.
)i.u have net u
brernl loilgetojour
winduw, jeu may
substitute soine seine
llini wpialb iret
ty and njipiepriatu
in the way of along
l,i, Iltting the
curve of the win
dow and handsome
ly upholstered Kith
u I1 no te match the
bliioef thojiertiero.
Yuu may object te
the blue and lis
as colors unman-u-i.iil.le
In iielut
- 1 . fVYi'-
r:i:Vtwiv t
of lianueiiv. but
i?;"11 ,1W1 inaku no
it uii.tuLc-s ii you
" study carefully the
run,, i- rif.
ClX)ls3U..E JAIL
firwlby tU Jui-an Jts m their ccramie dece-
at ions.
In thecmuer by tue (lrc-pktre a tallas
will make an elf-clive spot of color The
cloUenuo jar Is u very beautiful sjiecimen of
lilf tranch.ef Japanose industry, TuU per;
trfe T Jill I J
L-y .Sa64
f . "rSv I
I , MUIM.IIWI.III III J' ,lfci" - 3g
. Xi-'TpHL
JZ& -
higgler '
imps liei OiiiiicJxfnaiiuiaciuK', nenuci,uni
as it limy lw of seinci llttle lntcrett for us te
tloclde from whose ImmU it originally came,
let us axainlue It closely. Itlsef n ialy lilueut
the top, with a spray of conventionally treated
lienets, In light grevnsnml pinks, en tlie Mile.
Tlie tnrfnea Is broken unevenly Inte spots,
the Iwickgreiiiul of which Is In fcoine Instances
whlte, again of the pale bhie, nnd nt the very
base of n deep, I ich blue, covered by nu all
ever design. Tlie w Ire w lilch traces the put
teruis nlieut oue-Rlxth of nn hich in width,
which alene ueuM show it te be, after all, the
product of Clilnese labor. The Japaucui vases
nre almost invariably of a rich, dark green,
Indian red and deep blue. The iattem nru
arrniigc-ineiits of geometrical fmius Irregu
larly dlsposeil iiHn the tin face, whllu the
wile shows ns n tiny line.
There Is oiiething which youewo te society,
ami te emiiune socieiy xu iicuiai ly.auu iiiui
isn clock In your
roceptleu room
12 very we mini
w libra, of courts",
te innke her cere cere cere
monleus call exact
ly ten inlnules lu
duration. If she is
clu vor , nud has
taken nilvantngnnf
long cvpei lencc,she
will be nble te te
urrange the topics
of conversation
that they will ceme
te the preiier cli-
max just ns the nlleted tlrae Is expiring. Te
the woman, hewiiver, who Is net endowed
w 1th this gift, for it certainly is a tulent, a
clock Is an absolule been. It bheuld be be ut ut
liactlve nml lovely In uppcarance that when
her eyes fall upon It bhe will think as much
of its beauty as of Its utility. Te choeso u
clock Is indeed a dllllcult matter, they nre te
lw found In such variety of style and ma
terial. There nre broiweloels.supiiorthig a brenze
llijure or group; there nre clocks all gilt nud
clocks nil jiercelaiu, nnd there nre the light
onyx ones, niade te represent Uteclau basil
icas, with gilt columns nud ornaments. Tim
oue shown I both tlegunt and dainty Tim
face is of gilt, with the figures in whlte
enamel nud with black nnd geld hands. This
Is framed in I.utieville ercelaiu with n
whlte ground, en which nre 6trewn garlands
and wreaths of llewerain lijht end uriud
thintz colors.
Kvery room which contains u llreplace
should nUe held u Krevn. This may be of
weed te match tha weed work of the loom,
or of almost any material which the fancy
may suggest. It may be tall and folding or
small uttd swinging. Thu ene shown in
the sketch hasu light gilt frume work with
u fairy like design of u wreath and leaves
ucresn the top. In this frume U stretched n
piece of heavy silk of n deep yellow shade, en
which is worked design iu leaven and
kcrells. In the cenUr of this mttcrn thu
ground work Is of u light geldeu brown, thet
with 1 1 if li t ted.
An Original Siii'i;iiUim.
1 am somethliig of p b.-tseball crunk, and,
llkunll true cranks, I de net like the way in
which Interest In the national game Is wuuliig.
I have n idea which if put In force would,
I nrn sure, result In reviving the kill business,
utid would have the fuither result of keeping
up the Interest iu every game until the last
man was out in thn lest Inning, am.' also sus
tain Intel if.t In the content for the iieuuant
until the last game is played. I would sim
ply count runs made, net gumes wen. People
w he patroutze the ball parks de se for amuse
ment, nnd w here ene man likes te tee u gama
wen by strategy or tricks, a hundred prefer
te see the ball hit hard and runs made. If
tha total number of runs muda were counted
In the. struct) for the championship noeuu
club would haven dead suie thing en win
ning, and nn eidluary club would have a
chuacu, by striking u streak of luck, of bound
Indwell te the front moueor two games.
This would rieceasnrlly sustalu tha Intel ut
throughout tkeeutiru teuseu. Globe Ueinu-
1)1,1 'limy Dteau 11?
A western imper prints tha (olio w lug sin
gular card of thanks.
Mr mid Mrs. Ileays hereby w Uh te express
their thanks te the friends nud neighbors w he
te kindly tttaistcd nt the burning of their house
jut JleaJay evenlug, Youth's Companion,
- fe' - - 1, ?t
V wt
5 - Jrl
, 'St A
v ' .asC
'.. JU
I .
' a 77
ew m$US$& ,u,f
i LM irTir -9YirtrM if
7fJrtvl?V w llv? M ll
S-a. sil "
T w -
dlrfualnrttl atam. Anlifm.1 ,
'ImtI r inM.n t. lit, V.hI
Mr INrAiA.
Mr 17 11 I luV "'il
.l WlrU
sltndi, am cttntwrfiand turer ftnd ih tm
llllciK. wtthmittiwIiiMbf a dnm of blend
.I'-.. "1. ' --.. .I.I...IUIIIUIIII.IIMIN UH'. Ill UIIMHl I
i- ., ' ".." "" "'" snutl l.hj.kUn In Ilia world lei line tha ckwttti) naedl OMrsUoe In dtnutoleal-'
ft vm f ""r","mSP'l"l"-nillnitlwplTii jMrswn; ba trsals.1 hundnda ut raasw fad hucoeinal
----- w" - , "er"-. .mi. uimaiiim inimnn
....., .,.. u.i.MiiKj, mi ii, a,niii wnain iiemi
., j ...uaaan.. ,,, m Pinn ll rati Iain IV RIIItlllQ
ivainan or annrmin
au sujiasv sun iini)i,. au ? rt Ultll tllMIRW ttUCCOM Ifl eVefT CaU4.
"l""" i" i'rmmnctii uw paueni -npvrr
iw'rrw'" unary it,,, tumryr , ur v An ,,
NOI If 8LI'i:itI I.UOI'B HAUL- Ijidles who cannot rmne le Philadelphia for treatment will
notice that llr. Vim I (l; will luie purlurs nt (lie HIcm'iii Heuse, .Memluy.TiiesUuy and Wednea.
day, Hcdplcinlieri.', 3 and 1. Terms Vit Lew. Mourn rt lnr. '
Dr. D. McLane's
Vermifuge for Worms !
Andrew Downing of ('ninliui'K 'low nsltlii, Ve
IliiliKii Ciiinily. nine Ids elillil one teuspoetiful
of ihnKeiiiitiie fir. 1 . Mel-ane'st I'cUliniUil Ver
inlliilie, mid die as,ed 177 worms. Next morn mern
IKK en itiMdllleii of thu ilu-e she pushed 111
JuphetC Allen, of Aluhey, lmmmi diweef Iho
ircilullie llr. C Me,uiie'a ('Llehruled Verinlfuze
leu child six ) ears old, mid It LreuKht uway h-i
werins, llesixm eiler Kuvnuiielher dose te the
suine child, which breuuhlnwiiy Mineie, mulv
InK l'Cl worms In nhuiit 1.' hours.
Mrs. Qulifliy, Sn. 1 Kssex Ht , New Yerk,
writes us thut she hud a elilld whleh hud liee.i
unwell for hetter Hunt two month". Hhe pro
cured ll bottle of the Renuliiii lr C .Metallic a
WrmllUKc nnd udiiilnlstered it. 'the ihlld
passed ii luri;e of wi.rilic, nnd III u lew
du wttHus lienrl) nseerit had Lien. I'ureiUs
with sueh leslliiieny iM-lere tin in should net
hesliute when I In re Is inij reuseit ixus4et
worms, mill leu- niitline Inudiiiliilsterliis; the
k'eniilne Dr. ('. Militie's i.niilfuiie. It uevir
fulls uud Is srfeetl sufe
'litis Is In nrllfy Hint 1 wu troubled wlthn
tepv worm for ineie llun nix moulds. I tried
nil tint known rrmi-dhsfnr IliU terrible nlllle nlllle
tleu, but w Itheiit Ixdnx able te desirey It. 1 eet
u Ixillleef Hie i-eiiilllie llr. ('. Mcluie's Verinl
ftiKe, pre pans I hy I'lemliiK Hros., I'iltshurir. Pit.,
whli It I toel: uci'erdlin; te directions; mid the
result wus I dlsfhuiged one luruulupe wemi,
ineusurliix mere than u nrd, besldenu uiiinUr
of smull lilil-a.. Mils. .M. (-Ce IT.
l'rlisi a', eenU u bottle. Insist en huln the
KCiiullie. ui)
H. H.
HWllTrt Sli:i irif cured lueef miiluiuilit
Meed I'olsen alter I bud been Ireuted In Mini I
with old siMulltsI reiiiisllesef.Merriir und 1'ot 1'et
'isli, KH. M. neliinl; eiirttl the IIUsxl I'olsen,
but IV lie led the llheiiiuutlsm whhh
cuised bv the ihiIsoiieiis inlnernl'.
Wi:w. ili)V i:i.l., Siil-M Atcnue, N. .
Herefula develni'd en mj daiuhler welllug
mid liimiMeii her net k. NN esae her HWIrTH
hi'I ( ll'ir. and the lesult wus wonderful and
Iheiuie pi diii 1)1.
H. A.liKiU.MllXI),(IeVeluiid,Teni.
KWiri'M SI'Kl'irif Is entirely n vegetable
jemel),uiid Is the only ieined which pcrinu
li'ittlt cures Kirefulu, lllixxl Humors, Cuncer
u'ul oitiualeus HIiwrI Poison, hend for books
e.i llluuil uud SUln lilsetiu.H, innlled fris-.
Tin: hvirr si'r.cinc co.
JaiihVTu.'lli.S Druwi.rU, Atlanta, (la.
riereud Fleer Khlemuu Ijiw HullJiiiif, Ne. U
North Duke Street. upr.Hjd.iw
. uiu I,ii v-
l ---Wfrrt'
'' J '
' v
vi -,
. jX 1
- jasste&fcBtg-jtaK&rf1.
nn llm unpr Up. rhln, cbka. tbreftt, fnntmil Ulmw tbft
rnwit, nit (ha nt, In ttM neatriu. nn tU ttncwnTtiAwte, witf
wtlameni cl,kf ber tb bvard llu (bTT timJirMitniwii
itsftsl Hnil ahArMMll. Irurfuwlnt mlaUm IIVMAbilVknE
Hllti:Vllt, vrlllieurpiUi7Mr, mSecTSfumeTG
I)K. r 15 DICK. 40 X. Elcttsttk HL. PkUaisJakU.
Thli Ii purtli triraUtta cpwatloe. mdlMmnimmtbf ill'
!irlcln and nurnnui of iminDC u Mea sk M
luoihetl.tu ttw world by which Uui roots can b 1 jfiisiswl
r;M".t:Kr.f.""..w."r""s."jH ."?'
V "i'i"wi"uiiifi Miaeiinfluaiwii
(if liAlr en nor f auJ knuws tht thm usm of Am
ceArtdr, darker, nvtr nunwreuj aaqeaivpiimeM. Mer
.WntsTlsf-S ItiMMiira 1P ravnsp rtlsr tnika than tutaak m-
"Mwr. iMiieT) mm nunwreui tutq en
Istmperlntf with jour 1hem and oetnnlt I
tmce ttn'l rrnr for trMtuMnt uul b Itelfn frsftET
ruin ihi iuciini(i uirmu
"l Of. nl'Mtl vhum uli tu
ih - ijBlliUniTcMiik.jUrkl
.. ..uhk. u . 1!
Vm hi ii . m tmtm
uts., man wen iuhsv
frttckla. sod tad Hrr apiiSA,
:aU pporatleo parlesiMd Bf
wu ruiu. aisiv lUDU. uarTBO OI BUSSI, K aOOWH
ruaaia ana narres. ana unaaesl daimde. and
t an unprnfeaalueAl and Inasparlcnead oparater Sf Ii
imi uvuweua iur eia aarneaa i
jpjaiciana. an wne.i
n andaTur te raafta has tanas i
llaaaa , aaiall alikMiak aftv &
no enarwa rev .""
IRIIfl. IKMtftriH. lloursi,lllek. tfeMAnt W te fm I
j UK.U uhMttD PtertH Kivntn vttFhtla-i
I'nihAjMii.PiiiA, Kcbruurj'21, 1880.
1 1 UNO A 1 1 1A X COXSU LATE.
Aiveiillug te the lastructteiH qf thu
Heyul Iluiiguriuii MltiUtrj fr Agricul
tuic, fmluitry nnd Ceniiiicrru in Huda-1'i-st
tethls Imiierlaluiiil Heyul consulate
it la hereby ntte-ded te tluit the Hoyal
llungailuii Cleveriiiueiit wine cellars at
lltidii-lW were established by the Huu
giuliui fleveriiiiient, Februnry 1, 1881,
and that tliecstablisliineiit I sluce under
ciiiili'iil of s:ild ministry.
The iiim of theM. wine cellars I te sup
ply tliu world's niurketa with the best
w lues produced Iu Hungary, free from
any adulteration.
.Mr. II. Ii. Slaynialcer, agent of Lau-i-asier,
Ta., liai by thu Uevernineut'a
general ugents of North America been
appointed agent for Lancaster for the
utile of tlu-se wines, which are bottled
lu Biida-l'cst.tuiderthebiipervhdonerth
Iliuigurian (leveitiincnt, and bear the
original protective laU-1 of the Hoyal
Hungarian .MlnWry for Agriculture ou
the bottles.
Imperial and.lleyal Censul of AusOU-
T, A. It. lll'NO. CO.NHtlluVTI f Vv
AT illll.'A., I'A. I
m' '
V- -s r-s