TEtE LANCASTER DAILY INTELLIGENCER, FRIDAY, AUGUST 9, 1889. ' ftjfvvfi-v--.. rt.,-vvs njtvrw,rie?r-j -v-".-. - tL fS - i'V P'a IK .k '; m tA MV- WMji ttUMecnccr. , OTDMtW J.HTKINMAN, 1 CHARUWSTEINMAN Fer,TZ, Kdltert. ,' v ROBERT CLARK, Publisher. 1 tHK DAILY INTKLthfJENCER. Published, S Tiy 7 " l" Jrafi oils nunnny. rjcrxTa ' by carriers In ttils clly nnd nurrenjidlnE '- Wilms t ten cents week. Bymftllfix-pdel. "jV tanftyKrlnndx-anec; SOccntaii month. .f WKCKLY INTEIAIGENCEU-One dollar mid - 4IAv vnl tmr. In rix'nnrr. pt?ilOTICK TO BUBSCUIBERS-Rcmlt by check w tralnfflm nnlir. nnd wIlCTO IlCltllOr or 5 ' Umm cm be procured wild In n registered ; r letter. iV& Matered at the Pcxtefflce, as ncteni class inAtl autter. Addmbw, TM ntTELLIOEHCER. Lnnrnstcr, r. LAXOASTER, PA., August 0,1889. The Flack IMTercr. If the invesUgntien of the nllcgwl fraudulent divorce of Sheriff I'lnck, of 2fw Yerk, will stir up a general public : Jteellngen theeuuject oriiiveri-c, it win fiVtta roeu Minir. Ji) uexxcxci, u - tf cover only the villainy of n ew ierk SI official nnd rewals the fact of his mini- ? A tnlln.la I It A 1 tl fllbt 1 Ifl! t Iflll X 11 I L.L lXnjUSHRui:iauuilS uiiiii' t-'ct" '-- it ureduce little bent-tit te the public nt large. Such instances of marltnl inlt delity are net rare In a city like Xcw Yerk, and among eillcliili In the clly government they nre by no means un common. The bigamist outfit te lie fiunislied in this Instance, If he Is guilty, but If the investigation (,wiw further than this one cue It Is doubtful If the washing of the dirty linen of the Flack family will In the end prove gen erally bonenclal. There Is no meru fruitful Held for in vestigation auywlirre than the divorce courts. There Is nowhere se much jHir Juryand frnud nnd evasion of the plui meaning of the law as nre found in the divorce recenls. We make no pal llculnr charge ngalnst the Integrity of our lawyers or jiulges, but it is altogether likely that in many cnies in etir own eeurtfl If there I no coiicleiw finud committed, the lawyers and Judges me Avefully impeMiil en by cither husband or wife, or both, who nre anxious te l-e freed from the chains of matrimony. A divorce that 19 secured by connivance or collusion ou the part of t lie married pair is illegal. Hew easy it is for the husband te go ' away for awhile and the suit for divorce lie brought by the wife en the charge of dcscitieii. The testimony is taken by an examiner who has no interest in the matter cave Ills fee. A sister or brother or geed friend of the libelhmt Is readily en hand te help it along by testifying that Mr. llliinlc baa net lcen seen nlMitit the place, that ids present whcrenWits nre unknown, nnd that he does support hit wife. The testimony is read in n low tone of voice te the Judges who in many instance de net listen. The court tiler murks Hie rfiffnilTfttfen iju.li mumbling voice and the wedded pair are twain. The world may hear of it through the cnterprl-e efa newspaper rcjiertcriiiid It may net. We venture te nay that one-half of the divorce that are granted In Lancaster county arc secured through the.colluslen of the parties or the iwrjury of wit nesses. It may Ihj asked hew this de plorable condition of affair can Imi remedied. Itisn dlulcult thing te get at and Is perhnps a defect in our man ner of granting divorces. If the ex aminers who take the k-otliiieny would be empowered te scrutinize the can-) for divorce mere closely, Inquire into the antecedents of the parties, take Ju dicial notice of the credibility of the witnesses who are nlwayn particular friends or relatives of the lilielliiut ; In fact if he would Ik: clothed with wime tbing of the powers of a master, in tend of being merely a reporter te take the testimony which the court listening does net hear then divorces would net be se frequent. Hut mere than all this is the secrecy of the matter, (ircntcr publicity, throwing out into the blight light of the public gae the fact that there is an application for divorce, the cnn-is anil the witnesses without the demoral izing details ; this, while it might of fend the fastidious taste of miihe, would go u great way tewaids lesson lessen ing this hideous evil. If any one wishes te find a mass of fraud, perjury and rottenness let him leek Inte the files of the divorce records. Ilencit). This phrase, we h often hear, "he Is an honest man," hi the intimation of many jiceple, bcems te mean nothing mere than that the (erheu of whom it is said, is one who would net steal or client, vt peclally in money matters. But honesty slgnlllcs a great ileal mere, and particularly se when used in reference te any pun-ou who is clothed with authority, or who holds any re sponsible situation or oillce. Much mere Is te be expected from Mich u per son than that he should net lc a thief, an embezzler or a defrauder. Such n man should be honest in his conviction, honest in all his purposes and plans for the enforcing of which he l hieciallj selected. He should be a man of firm resolution and unyielding nature lu this respect, llenct-l front Instinct, fiem self-respect, from consciences honest because he could net help lieing tut. A thief cannot steal when locked up in prison ; an honest man cannot steal lie cause It is against ills principle. There is a great difference between thexetwn eaunets. Men clothed with ollk-e, and thus te a large extent w 1th jiewer, ought te be men of the right kind of honesty ; men of comprehensive and downright integrity. A City .Viuliiilaiiic. The Jnixlliekncuii Ims often mtl the propriety of thu nutuhnse of an nni bulunce, by clthi-r the city or leuiity, ier line in conveying lujuuii ln-ople te tlie hoHiitnIser thi'ir lienics. An Inci dut of recent oeeiirienee wuswielo wuswiele iiuent of this m-eeKHityin its biuerecltnl, that we hnd hujicd niiiiu uetien in the matter would Kiieedlly fellow, but cenn, cihi huve met and done nothing, und there nre no indieutiens of Intention that may meilt in action. The iueldeut referred te is the moving te the hospital of the two men who wete Injured by fnll lU( from a bridge abutniciit. Oii'Tiioh Oii'Tiieh day they reaelied the l'eiiiiHvIvunla mil. t"read station and were nut into an ex. JlreH wagon and hauled out te the hes jfP pital, nils wis the Uht that could lie done under the circunixtunwi, ; but the Ufleriug of thehe men lying en the hot het hot tem of that wagon, nnd taking n fearful pang with every Jur and jolt, make the treuxcht argument that can lie ad- C.' 0, : A tuicsd for the purchase of an ninbu- s.Unce. It may l thought that ueeldcntb ' .1... ... .. ..r 1 ..... t :,if milium me nn- in 1111 uiiiiiiiiauee aie Jf Tery rare, hut it would Iw iims! in all weuef Injury, whether tlie patient was Uken ti ids home or a huspltul, nntl a record of ueh cases tliroitgheut theyear , ia by no means trilling. In an active lAtfty like Iincanter, with manufacturing i cvutuiisiiiiit-iiin, great wuielleueH and . Mllrtuul. ,.,l,ini, ci ,.1 I...' ... , ,.v.. .Mluk umiyi ww i pectcd ; and It Is a duly te 1 prepared te meet them with every appliance that ingenuity can devise, or humanity stig- !iBl's, . ... The hospitals or the great cities have each nn ninbulnnce house equipped n little like a tire engine heuc, with the horscsstaiidlngrendyferlnstantuse,aiiil the driver living and sleeping in the same building, close te n telephone by which he may lie called te any part of the cjly, taking a doctor with him. Such an arrangement cannot lc ex pected nt our hospitals and is net neces sary, but the placing of an ambulance In one of the central lire engine lieufc, would meet every probable require ment. The horses and men of the fire department would I ready te respond promptly te telephone call, and It would H-cmteiien very welcome and honora ble addition te the duties of the firemen. Though this suggestion has been ad vanced several times without effect, we are net without hejie that it may even tually receive the ntteiitlen of the city fathers, or that some ether plan may lw found for meeting tills w nut of nnani lance. Wi: think II cither. will net be Majer Davis, Tin: SUtte Historical society, or Minne sota, litis ghnu aiirlleilual quietus te the absurd claims of Captain Willanl Warier te the dlscoteryef thoseiireo or the Mis sissippi. They sent J. V. llrew cr te iiuika a sclcntllie mirxey of (liogieund during the wet nnd dry season, and wiiten ropeit sliowitigtlieoliiiiioof water furnished te Ijike Itasca by each little brook, se Hint they may dcteniiliiii wlilih Is the true seurce yf'tlie " father of waters." The dry season lias been unusually wit nnd the measurements nre net niilsliwl, but Mr. Iltewcr takes particular pilns te miiiuiiiiee that Ulitzler'silalins wcie imfeiiuded, nnd that the notorious writer of Iswks, "sold only by subscription," must rest content with the fiime ofeuo of the greatest Impos Impos eors In our history. He explored a coun try that had been iimpped and described long before, and In sonic manner truly iiiar cleus, managed te get the endorse ment of soclctlCNef reputation te HiiiKit his gieuudluss claim. Then lie industri ously blew his own trumpet, and nctuiilly secured recognition fiem the Oeegniphlcal society of 1 'ranee. And all this fuss anil honor was gained by forcing n canoe thieuglithp grass Inte a 'dtlle ti Unitary of Iake Itasca connecting with n pond; and by dinlnrlng that this wns the true source, and (Hazier its dlscoeicr, though both hail been mapped and siiivoyed long befere and considered tee trilling te iietke. 'i'lti'.suiiunei school et medm nlangunges m.ide n fair beginning this Milliliter with two classes lit (leriiian working through the month of July. His hoped th.it an other stiinntcr uuiy bring a lurtlicr de de vnlepiiient of the IiIcji, as liucaster should m.ike a line centre ler a huiuiiici school. 1'iut. vin:i,i'iiiA.N's me jubilant rarr the iliillcatletts that the bcigtie Island .Mini Is et last receiving the attention whiih thev tiriuly bclloe te be its due. I'oiniuedoin llenham Iiiin roiinulated a plan for the spcnillni;el' millions nt l-iigu Island with a lavUhucss that Indicates n desire te rival tliodeVsand strip j'lirds of tlieat llrltulu. A sea dylte 1s te Ihi extended. " With ucuucs UH) feet w ide between them and w Itli one side of imcIi building facing en the mchornge basin, It Is piepused te build three enoiuieusstiueluies of brick, lltte up with all convcnlcueesknewntouHMleru naval science, each 'Mi by HH) feet and in the form of u hollow square. All the walks, drives and leadways are te be suitably paved witli asphalt or ltelglau block and a park laid out. Large cisterns are te be liutlt for a water supply In addition te the city water. A second iliy deck, UW feet long, w 111 he another feature and a i hauuel and basin large enough te accommodate the greatest navy In the world will be built." All this is very line, but we will nind great forts down the Delaware te pietect this costly establishment. We need nuw yards for our new na ,and League Island seems te be an excellent plain ler one, hut we fear the plans are tee gigantic and costly. It would be belter te get a low guns, feits nnd ships te tight w itli, If need lie. A III v. I'iti.iu:uici M.wi.u, pister of the Kwingdlcal chnnli, at Ienising, Mich., iiiNusteil in n lottery ticket the ether day, and te his utter iimaeuieul diew $.,00e. He Isdellglilcil, hut his ihuixh finds eon een siderablu harm lu the tiansailleu, nnd there is likely te be a acancy In the pulpit. The reverend gentlemim says he bought the ticket Just as lie would get mauled ei takeimy ethei linjiideus Mep. 1 te saj m he cm see no sin in ncquhiug money in this a and he is ciKilly holding his money in bank for a goeil in eslnicut. The lucky pieaelier Is :!7 yens old, and perhaps, If he would be as Jili3ial-handed as he is llhcral llhcral iniuded and giTe half of It te the eliuieh the ellcudcd consciences of his Heek might be appeased. Tin: luue highwayman, whohe.udod a passenger car jest enlay en a Wisconsin railroad and tehbed tlie imshengers descrxes erislit for evincing conslderablo courage. In genuine highwayman style he droetho peller and coudiuter at the point of his rev eh or down the aisle of thecal, while he illled the clothes of the sliepiug passengers. The poiterwltha philanthropy that is eoinmendable had the coinage te jump Inte a berth and jell te the passeu KOis te s,ive tliemsehes. flhe comluctei tiu'kbsl the lebliei and was worsted; and ill the while net a mint iuthee.u hid the luitmgc toeemo te hlrt aid. Of eollise the loblier esiaptil v itli hit kjhiII, and the able bodied passengem aie new beuieaiilng emptj' pocketbooks. It seems liaidlj pos sible for oite man alone te lob a eai lull of passengers. Ileuewt, the men who wem tee eewnully tu come te the aid of the conductor hen he was engaged in a tussle witli the lobbei ought te li.nu been robbed and don't deserve nuj pitj The (eiiiage of the lone highwayman is weithj of admiration and a better emplej incut. Till. 111 will liu 111111I1 "fi-ns nl ic.iMin umltleu of soul" at tliuiliiiner uliiihttm AIkeiuiiiiii 0I11I1 gius te Mi. .leliii Hair te-tluy, ilewn nlenj; tlie Mi-iiicli:imi.i. Tliey lunu lieshlcs tin- many toellisoino I'tllliles, n miiiilier el cluijrj inmi, Lmjcih nml ijentUmtn, im tlie liisliiunn talil. II they i"-.ijh- 11 peiiiiiiK nun tlie 1110 leitu-li.iU-, luit irtlii' cmiiihi tint liousleui of llu iiiedcrii nfli-r-iliiuicr HK'irlii"( they me nioiefoilonali' still. Lit tliein (Ml, iliiuk, MiieUc ami talk, but net iiitorlcie with tlii'ir illi'stluu lij ilelheiiiiK toasts. Nine out of ten Mbli spect lies aie tiic'seiue, mill tlie ether one it neci intfiustln. l'er hajis, hew evit, n (iiauiici-v l)eew lulc-lit rlse iliuunoiitheAli;euiiiins, IfMj,hau him talk, nml let the trees ami rock of Yerk runi.un rcislie w itli (lie shouts of liHilitcr nnd joy. A man whei-.m lauh lias mero than -il cruml geld. Tim llne Hull Scei-i'n. The Kill sanies playeil yestenlav m hiiltml: ItaltiiueKHi, Athletic .'; HukiKIvii 1J. CuIiiiiiIiiim 11 ; hi. I.1111W ll', Kansas I'itv 2; riiuiuiiati I, I.eiilsMlle.1; l'liilailelphfa 10, Clewluml 7; liiiliaiuiKills II, N(. Yeik It l'ilthljlirj? 1, Washlncteiill; Npw Hiien f, I,ewi'll;ij lltiHterilf., Weacstern, Yerk .", (ierhaiu Ij I'uKui (iiiinti t, Hni-rishiiri:'-': Iliulcten t. Neiwalk 0. The Active dull nriliiH rli j ha i uiveptpd tliccliallriiKoef thil.ilit.ilulite iil.iv tin,..' K4ines. The lln-l in.itih takes iilaclii this city 011 Saturday, August 17 j the mceiiiI the.Saluiday rollewiiiK ut l(ltlt, anil the last at .Munhclm en tlie last day nf the month. A l.ititi iiinplritw 111 olllciate here, u U1iKi1Mri.n1 ut I.lt!u mid a .Manlieimr r at ilunheliii. The reutrt nre for ?M) ami the L;ate reiclpu. TiieAilhi'splay tlie ICoyhtenes en the 1 ' r,?.M,ul""'""-'"orre, gjwe tebu niiiiMui's j,ru""u 10-iiiorrew, 1 cancu ai luree e cietK 1 CATUtll-.ll Till: SMVH TO IIUCIIAVAX .TelinT. MncOenlKln Netinclllm or Ills 'omluntteti Fer I'relilrnt. llcrlicrt Johnsten writes te the Philadel phia Inquirer f Veur lnnenter cerrcsH)iidcnl. who Mates that Jehn T. Mains, who died there n fuvv dnvs age, was the messenger w lie first nelmcil James lliielmnan or Ids noinl neinl noinl nnllen for the preslilencj-, Is mlslnfermrsl. That distinction belonged te the latfl Jebn T. MoeOenlglo, w iiem I Imve lieanl relate v)lth great zest his own exploit lu out stripping mounted couriers who started from 1-aneaster te bear the news te the sairoerWIieiithmd. Yeung MneOonlgle was n telegraph oierator nl lancaster, nnd was seated nt fils Instrument when the news or lluclinuan's nomination was Unshed across the wire's. Iln wns nn ardent admirer or the Uiueastcr stntesuinn, and nl ence selzeil his lint, ilnshisl out or tlie oillce and headed rer Wheatland, liiichiumnV home, a mlle or se lioveml llwcltv limits. He wns sotnetliluc efa sprinter, lelig-llinbcil and athletic, nnd nfter he hud geno some distance out the plke he heard the clatter of hoefr, and, looking behind, he saw a horseman Inn cloud of dust fast overhauling him. He quickened Ills pace, running with might and main, and lie used te tell hew decr alelv anxious be felt lest the coveted honor or 'being the avnnt courier should be snatched from him in the hetn or his triumph. Kreatlilcssand p.mtlng he dashed through thogntnefold Wheatland with the pursu ing horseman less than a furlong in the rear, nnd lu a moment mere, cevered with dust nnd recking with inspiration, he Meed in tlie presence of the presidential candidate and managed te gasp: "Mr. Iliirhnnan, you're nemiiintcd." Net n n In stant tee seen, either, for before he could catch his breath, the mounted messenger' was there with the sninit news and greatly chngrlned te Hnd he had been rerstalIe bj tlie young telegrniih operator. Mr. Ilurhaiinit wns greatly pleasisl nlthe eutlitishi'tu or his youthful admirer and nccempmled bis thanks with n very grace lul compliment te the young man's pluck in making the nice against the horseman. Mr. Macfteiilglc, who nllnrward gained high political dlntinitleii lu his nntive city, considered this rent as a feather in Ills cap at the time, and In his ripe years was went te spcuk el It w Itli niiieli of the old fervei. The following is from the I.nti.m.uh:n ( t:n dies i A little befere II o'clock our worthy testmnstcr, Henry M. Hclgart, leielvcda dlspitch stating that lie had been nomi nated en the lTlh ballet. Mr. Itclgail, Jn company with Dr. I'ahncsteck, liuino liuine dlatiJv dreve te Wheatland and informed Mr. Iluchaitaii of his nomination. Mr. MneOonlgle, it is tine, reached Wheatland before the pestmastci and several etbeiH. Mera I'en Pictures. I'rem the I'lillndrlpliln Impilrrr. Profusser V.. O. Tij'le, principal or the state normal school at Mlllersvllle, wrote his nume In classic characters en the Ln Ln lavctte register, nnd then asked for a room with b.itli. He Is sometimes called the hnudsomesl man lu Lancnstci leuiity, but this is when Hay Itrewn and Krauk ICsh leiiinii nre net tit home. Professer Ljte stands well te the Irent lu the column of Pciinsj'lvatiln cducateis. Prier te his elevation te the position which he new holds he was piofes-er or I'.uglish gininmnral the saine school, and thoieis nothing that lirltales him nieie te tills day than te lieai it man rc'kless abusing the Liiglish language. Te his duties as principal of llin Milteisville luhoel he adds these of n imblii lei Hirer en topics beariugeu bis educational work. He is a geed Inlker, and although still com paratively young, has inade ancuvlable iiame for himself lu ethor states than this. He has black hair, blatk moustache and lluinsldes, and coal black hair. If it were net n secret of state It could trulhfullj' lift added that his hair Is new tinged with grnv. I nun fie I'lillndrlpliln Pirns. Aldan .1. Kuulliuuii, ene of Columbia's elevens lavis, was at the Continental yestenla.v . II- belongs te the Ntnlwart wing of the Itepiiblicau pally In Uuii-astcr ceuntj. and was collector of Internal revo reve revo me Ter that district Ter several j-ears. He wns removed bj' ex-l'icsldent Clevulaud, and he Is new an aspirant for his old place. He has plenty of opposition, however, as Luther Harttnan, Colonel II. frank Kshlo Kshle iii.iii ami Sam Mutt I'rldv nre candidates ter the same place. Mr. luiulliiiati liasul waj'M been a stuuiuh snpierter of the Cnineieiis, and iclies iijmiii Senater Den having him reinstated. Messis IIiii tiii.tn and I'rldv are also Cameren men, while Colonel l.Mileiiian Is nstieug ijuny man. As this Is Henater Camereu's district It is generallj' cenieiUsI that he will be per mitted te name the collector. He Is salt! te have remuiked reieutlj' that if I .aliens let did net liuiiv' up and agiee upon a candidate for the phue Dauphin county would take it. II OOlSHAltH.rAUllil.A. DoYeu IlxM! Unit pxtrciiuttlrcil rielliiR. lmiKiuir, ultli nut eii'llt(i or tnnutli, liiipairrd illrstlen, and a Kfiieral Ice Hiik of nil-cry It In lniMxhl!jlc di'scrllie? HimhI'i. SnrKianll.i U it wuinlrful inrdu Hid for rie.itliiK 1111 nppi'tlle, inuiiiutliiK tllKO'-t loll, unit IeiiIiik up the nhi)lesti iii.uh I11K htrciiKtliiiinl nctlxlty In iluri' nf ni)(ni"- anil iUhllll. Hi suri'lecrt IIihnI'h. "I tiiKu IIihhI's HarKiipar lllu rry .Ni'iiriimi tonic, with iiiiistntlkfiirter A"ull. I ircdln inrnd llindSarN,iiirllla te nil mIhi Iiiin t- that lulcrriilile tlritl ftrlliiij.' '. 1'ahmli.i , 3IU UrhlKOhtriH't, llreulvljn, N. 'S. IIUOD'.SSAItKVl'Altll.LA " 3ly luallh as net irj Ked ler mmiic iniiiilliv, 1 did net hum iiiik.1i ni'iwlHc. 1101 sleiU'll. I nlseluul lriHiu lit sick hciutarliin. and I liiul luiiimbltlen te de nnj thliiK. 1 Mas iivuiuinrudctl te tivIloed'iH.irs.iiiirlll.i. And Iheuiih I hnvonet tuHen till of one buttle ut.:l, I fel liken new jici-sen. I hlghlj rcreiuiuciid It teHll." .Mih. W. A. Ti'ii.nui, w. llnmmr, Muss. MAKllSTlli: Wi:.K STltOMi. "1 took HeHrsH,irwi,irllla for inalarl.i with Israel ivnultsjlt i;uiiir tticngtli mi Hint 1 ran de nil my liuucerli, mid walU all about the ni'liilihoilieod. Ne mere iiiiliilne for me, ulien lloeiln haraarllla ! mi keuiI ii iiiiill. ftne. 1 rtcemiiu'iid It our) ilnn. l.rtiNi. t'liui n, rnimlugliam C'viilie, Macs. IIOOH'S SA KSA i'A III I.I.A Sold l all dniKKlsK $l,lreri l'rcuiicd eulj by v. I. UOOI) .t t'O , l.eill, Musi. llO IIOSliSONi: IHII.I.AH (31 Ce III. Il'MIIERANllCOAU J TOllAIH'OMIIHlKHANUCAblX WESf. I. UN IIARH WOODS. Whole Miln and ltclall. . II. II. il.VRl'IN A CO., nS-ljd IJI Wiitvi Street, Lancaster, I'n, OACilUARHNERS COMPANY. COAL DEALERS. , '.'U ll.H:. ?a l"' Nerlli Quienstmt, and Ne. iel Nertli I'rhiK. street. YAiuw-Nerth Prince Street, near Readlin: lepet. " aiigl5-trd I.NCAK1ER, P.. M ILLER'S llORAX SOAP. MILLER'S Borax Seap will- WASH CLOTHES, AM). EVERY ARTICLE UNDER THE SUN -rORIC, (I'A.) COLLEGIATE INSTITUTE. NelV Itlllldllll'h . f-iltMi fTllitltll lilf.nl U. !...!.. hips, Uilmrnter , Lllimn , lj mnasliiiu. ; I rriurc-K for College, or lliuluiss. Svisinite Leur-e for ladies. .Modern Iniguugcslu itegu itegu larfeurse. Tuition, 0 inr unuiiin. Heur. ii . !nV"wwristVrAalViSf legue.artdr.j-H iv 1U;XrJAM,i,McX,OUUALLi,,' v- jyasetd . I'tcsidtut. Ittattattutltcv'. l'nitADtrMlA. 1'rldaj-, Amurt , 1SW. Closed at i P. M. te-morrow. Five n u i res Wanamakcr "Linen" Nete paper 25c. Reg ular price 60c. A little mill fault that you'll hardly suspect knocks the price askew. JunlrsrMrect side. Yeu C411 get a fairly geed Tennis outfit for a trifle. Better and better as you care te pay. Mere than thirty styles of Rackets ; can you find six any where else in town ? Mammecks in heaps. Mexi can grass, or Palmer, with pil low. All the rigging for fishing sea or stream. Iliucincnt, nertlirat of centre The little Kodak will take 100 pictures of the best scenes of your vacation. Optical counter, ntnr Juniper strcit deer. All sorts of Preserving Ket tles agate, enameled iron, Ex celsior Cooking Crocks and a multitude of ether "putting up " time helps. Quart tin cans, 45c a dozen. Untciiicnt, northwest of centre. Jehn Wanamaker. iiittmc of JCaaltieu. A HTIUCII 111108. ASTWCH'S PALACE OF FASHION, 115 & 117 NORTH QUEEN STREET. WINDING UP SALE DRESS TRIMMINGS. ON MONDAY, AUG. 12m. Positively the last clay and en this day only de wc offer our whole stock of Dress Trimmings at Sacrifice Prices. After Monday all goods net sold go back le their original price. Colored Dress Trimmings and Persian Bands. Let i, at iyzcx yard. Let 2, at 19c a yard. Let 3, at 35c a yard. Let ., Embreided Hand, , inch Embroidery, at 50c. Let 5, All our Finest Dress Trimmings at 1 a yard. Black Bead Gimp Trimmings and Galoens at special prices. Black Cord Gimp Wrap Trimmings and Pendant Trim mings at special prices. One let of Fancy Colored Silk Tassel Fringe, for Tidies and Fancy Werk, at 1 ic a yard. TUESDAY, ALL DAY. Special sale of vets anil Satins. Plushes, Vel- ASTRICII BROS., 115 & 117 North Queen St. IjlNOLCTHEK STOCK FARM. STORM KING (2161.) RECORD 2:'X. standard liy llivedliiu; nnd I'ui'liii'iiiniiee. Shed by HAPPY MEDIl'M. iccerd 2.12' , and Ire of 12 trettirs and pucers with recenls from SlJi, le 2:30, and errllU with records better than .' VI, D.en hv Ah'xunilti s Nerman, .'IP., Ma uuceii. : M. Ac sire of Lulu Scienil dam bj Heward sslrt'l bud. L'hnrlcs, thorough- 1 lilnl il.mi I.) smith s JIescngcr, son of Dill's Mcnm ncer. . Muiim Kl.Mi Is n b.ij. stands Hi haiiiU mid wt'lglis about 1,21X111)4. ltusHla5s taken first pivmliim nt state nnd count fnhs. Ills colts nic large and handsome, and llt Hint haelHiu sold iiM-rugisl flltiUlut an airage age of one audit lmir.M.irs. IlnwastnUeuilghleut efilie stud and ullh try little pieparallen reduced his rrcenl fiein iJIj te 2.10, trolling ihrie hints lu 2.10, 211 and 2. i. He went n iiunrtcr In oucefthomlliH. lu x ussinil-n '.'20 gait -which shows hts rapacity tr I could sire him long enough lu the slud te be prcpaied ler ery fast work. Ti:il.MS.-KAlM for a foal until his present hook Is full, ntt r w bleb he w ill ktniul at S7.r).(.e. J5-tfd. DANK U. ENULE. ilurlelta. Pa. ty-E EXAMINE EYES FREE. Spectacles ! WE EXAMINE EYES FREE! Yeu Think Your EcsAre Geed! If en linvxtlieineiHinlnidyeu wlllprebubly find that Iht iv Is something wrong with llicin, mid that gl ivx-s will Ih' a gre.il help lo.iett. We uv inimitable "1(1 V .MAN I'A" lenses, whlilimi' inaileeuli lj u,aud riceuuni ndisi b leading Oculists as the best aids te defec. ll0 M.ien. Solid lield Mect.icle. &:.IKI : usual nrini. .1.(K). Steel HlKH-tucli'S, Sile.; Usual price, 91. OU. ArlirklalC)ts Inserted, 1 ; usual price, 10. i M- ZINEMAN & BRO. 130 S. Ninth Street, OIT1CIANS. IM1IL.I)ELIHIA. Uetweeu Chcbluut and Walnut Streets, nije-lyd Clflttrt &nU. T.-J10H AMARTIH. FRUIT JARST" JELLY TUMBLERS ! AT CHINA HALL. Masen Fruit Jars in Pints, Quarts and Half Gallens. The celebrated Lightning Jars in Quarts and Half Gallens ; this jar has no superior in the mar ket. Jelly Tumblers in any quantity. All at Bettem Prices. HIGH & MARTIN, 1 5 East King St. el-tfd '' I 0ltote0tra(ih. R OTE. I JUST RECEIVED FllOM Kffinigsburg, Prussia, Twe IlncliRreundsi inade Miiwclnlly for Bust and Tlirceua-tcr Length 1'hotegraphB. .ft. 50 1-2 North Queen St., Next Doer te the l'ostefflcc Jnn'-ind Cttsccllattcen. E VEltVIIODV WANTS IT t THAT IH-EVEIlYllOliY WHO HAS EVEIl T1UEHITI LEVAN'S FLOUR Still Holds the Fert. We luncii't tlie biggest mills In the world, but there In no better mill anywhere at least there Is no mill that ran mnkc better Heur. He ny tlieiiMinds of people. In this community, and we tnke their word ler It. If yen have trouble with j our baking, thin het VMiithcr, jen will perhaps dlcever Hint the trouble lle nltli your flour proldfdjeu de net use Le an's Fleur. If you arc u'lng that article, and still hae trouble with your bak ing, perhaps It Is becnuse of thoecn. Itenu't be tlie flour If you usa Ivan' ! STEAM HEAT 18 THECOMINO HEAT FOR dwellings, chinches school houses, etc, though successfully used one hundred years nge. Whrnjeu rontcmplnte n change rail en JOHN HKS'l, ulin will t'lve you n Rntlsfactery Jeb, at n fair price. in'J-lfd OH THE 11EST HOT AIR FURNACE IN Ail the market, co te JOHN 11IST.:US East llenstieet. iu3-tfd 1710R 1'ULI.EYH, HIIAhTINO, COI.I.AIIM, " Hangers, Clamp Jlecs, Couplings, etc., go te JOHN DlisT, :J East Fulton street. niS-trd 17IOR IIOILEKTUHKBRUHIIKS, KTIU.ION JTj IMpeWrpurtips.l'Ipeand Menltcy Wrenches combined. Files, 1)11 Cans, etc., go te JOHN 11IWT. Ill Eust Fulton stieel. m2-tfd 10LD I1RONZK. I.IOUIDs! AND HIZINO X for steam werl;, nt JOHN l!Esr, XU Yj1 r en lien street. Mfd I7IOR IIOILr.llS, HORIZONTAr,,TUHUI-AR, Vertical, rorliihle,Cllnder,Miirlne,ofany aire or power, eftlm best material and work werk mnuslilp, go le JOHN UEbT, Xa East Fulton street. nvMfd IJARTICUI.AR ATTENTION" IAII) TO L Mixlcl Making, Pattern, Drawings and lilue Prints, at prices reasonable, III JU11.M in'Mfd W..-51 n,iu.i jjisi r uiieii street. A OENL'Y FOR CALLAHAN . CO'H CI l. ment te lake the place of Red l-nd. In bulk It makes lle llmis th riunntlty of red lead and Is rarsuK-rler In maklngsteam Joints, parking man and hand hole plates en boilers, Ac., Ac. I'rlre 31 cents per pound nt JOHN HiAT'H, 3.J3 liist Fulton street. m2-tfd TJOR 1IOLTH. LAO SCREWH, HI7T HCREWH, Siiiaiennd llexngen Nuts, thee goods In stock, at JOHN llE-Vr'U-Stl East Fulton street. m2-tfd P fill's, HOILERH, illNINO, CENTIUFU gil and Steam Pumps, of nny cnp.iclly, nl JOHN IlEhT'H.SB East Fulton street. inttfd IADIATOIIS. OF ANY MAKE OR Uh V sign, can bn furnished at reasonable llgures uj' juii.-m RUST, 303 East Fulton street. in2-tfJ tfieR HORIZONTAL STATIONARY EN cs. from 2 te Nl bert.e-inrr. nml Wl Ileal Engines from 2 te JO horse-rawer, jeu wll nnaiiibiu 111 juiln Jit-jji , ;tij Kast ruileu street. iu2-tfd ITlOR CASTINGS, IIIO.V OR RRASS, LIOH1 ' or heavy, at short notice, go le JOHN UEHT. SB East Fulton street. m2-tfd IF IN WANT OF I1RASH OR IIKIN STOP Cocks, Asbestos racked Cocks, I'ttrtnd 1Mb lk, Lexer CiKks, Swing Joints, cnll and gel them, or send jour order by mull, IlESl" JUEnst Fulton strict. le Jtlll.N in2-tfd rnin: con en V the pound, 10c; WAhTE. COPl'EIJ UY lu lets of 10 pounds or t CT, OC All goods dcllered te nny purl of the city l ree. Cull en innv nvvii' r.. 111 ir.iLi Fulton street. " ' ' m2-tfd INJECTORS, RUE LlfTLE CHANT, HAN cock Inspiraters and Electors, Ebcrman 11U Heller Feeder. lenlirrtbv Insnecter. American iiyicier', an in si East Fulton street. all In stock, at JOHN RESTS, :t inz-itu mANKS FOR WATER, OILS, ACID OR QAS. 1 of any shape or capacity, at ralr prices, go teJOHN llEsr, 3.11 Iist Fulton street, initfd -1 Tl ( Slrf7- EElOF PIPE, FROM i JJ9JJJ Inch le (1 Inch diameter.tler sale at a low llgure. and the only house In the clly w Itli a pljie cutting machine, cutting tin te hum euuiii'icr, in juii.-. nj.-Mi o.eaj uist rui' ten kllllt. ni2-tfd ITIOR CAST IRON PIPE I'iniNtiS. ROTH .I1 plain and nduclug, tip te (Much diameter, Midlenble Flltlngs, riling. Plunge Cnlens, iltmlfelds, American Unions, lube si pperts. lungers, Fleer nnd Celling Plates, go teJOHN IILsrs, Hi East Fulton slrwl. m2 ltd ITHRE RRICKS EIRE CLAY, AT LOW ' llgures, go te JOHN RESI', 33J Eust Fulton meet. ni2-lfd "ITtOR STEAM OM'OFX, HIOII OR LOW !r .' ri'ssure. Water (lunges, Unilge Cocks, ii.'rr1. ",'l" or weighted, Ol.iss Tubes Whistles, Syphens for Sliani (iaiigex, Cylinder Ollirs l'lalu, Wutir Oatige Column, Ceck for Steam Oauges, call en JOHN IJEsr, 3.11 East 1 ulten street. m2-tld CARRY IN STOCK-HEST CHARCOAL, Hnmmered liar Iren, Deuble lUnncd Iren, llurden's Rivet Iren, ItUets, Het and Celd Reller Iieu, Steel, SIuh.1 lien 3-lt! te Ne. It), at JOHN IIEsrs.SU Enst Fulton street. inS-lfd IJACKINtiS, AH FOLLOWS: DIRIGO, FOR Steaiuand Hydraulic l'acklug, Asbcst Reih-, N oxen and Wick 1'acUnr, IIiuip Packing, As bestos Mill Heard, Asbistet Cement, AslsteH Sliealhlmr, Ciuin l'acklng.aum Rings f(a- ater (lauges. l'luinbage racking. Reed's Patent As-besle-,. Lined Sicttenal PIh.' I'uMr, at JOHN REsl'H.JiUEnst Fulton MuvL nrj-tfil IORAMERlCANSiaHTFEEDCVLINDER ? Lubricators, Olass Oil Cups for Hearings, jeu can get them at JOHN REST'S, ;(. liisl Fulton strevt. mS-tfd IJIOlt l'RATP A CADV ASIIEVIOS DISC ? iiIvcm Jenkins Vul is. Brass tilebc Vales, llniss Hale Vnlxes, Iren lleily Ulobe Valx'es, 1exer Surety Valxes. 1'ep Safety Vnlxes, Air Vnlxes, Radiator nlis, Pratt's Sxvlnglu Check Valxes, RmsuCheck Valxis, Feet Vulvvs, Angle Valxes, cull ut JOHN BEST'S, SB Ii Ii Fullen street. inJ-tfd YOU x ANT A FIRST-CLASS I-ORTARLE Elurtuu and Beiler, ou xx hts'ls. cheap, as ilia rtille liorMvpewcr, t-'iXi; 10herN-iHiwr,f."i73; 15 horse- 1"iiii, tt.i, -u iii'i.'-'ui, i,i, van ni unites lEirs.au test Fulton strict. m'.'-tfd SAW MILLS, BARIC MIU.M, COR MILLS, Leather Rellers, Tan l'ackirs. Triple Herso l'ewers. Milling and Mining .Machinery, nt JOHN RESTS. Ml liist Fulton street, m'i-tfd 17IIANKI.IN AND ilARSHALI. ACAD- KMY. This tnotltutieii jireiKires I.icIIi-k' and lieullemeii for 1111s college lu Iho I'ullid htntes. An Euglish Course Is arranged in prc sin iH'rsonsfer teaching or buslnes.. Fer cut cut Jllegun npply te W. W. MOORE, A. M.. J)l"-luieed Recter. rilliE RIVAL FOUNTAIN l'EN-TH F. RISsT A KiidcheaiH-stlii the market II karat geld pen. Hard rubber holder, uexer gets out of erdti, caUly tilled. Cull and examine before pnrrhssiug elsewhere. At LRISMAN'S Gents' FmnUulus Stere, U West Mas tUctt. 9rg f$00fc. A NOTaERSLAHHIN PIUC1W. THE PHILADELPHIA STORE. Anether Slash in Prices. Dull Trade Must be Made Active by Ixw Closed Out by HKPT. Prices All Through Have Positive Bargains New te be Had In All -AT- 6 AKD 8 FORTH mnr29-ljdw H AOKIl A IlItOTHEK. Hager dt M nNHHK Best Quality 811k Stripe Flannel Shirts reduced te JZ90, from S3.S0. Finest Silk Shirt leduced te 82.H0, from M.50. Imported Oxford Negligee Shirts reduced te 1.87J4. from S2.S0. BM Qunllty White Scotch Flannel Shirts reduced te 1.82 and JiOO, from JZOO nnd K.50. A Unrgnln In English Flannel Shirts nl J1.00. Demct Shirts at e j worth Wc. Finest Bilk Neckwear EirecU reduced te Wound 7uc, fiem !l.w. Choice Styles In 60c Neckwear, reduced te 23c nml 83c. French Lawn Washable Ties reduced te 38c Pinu Wnshnhle Tics rcdnccd te 15c, from 25c. Choice Styles lu Tercnle Shirts, S Cellars nnd 1 1'nlr Cuffs, reduced te 85c and J1.00, from f 1.25. Linen Cellars and Cuffs at Wic. Belts In Silk, Lisle and Cotten, nt 10, 15, 18, 25 nnd 60 centt. Nes. 25-31 West King St. SJru (Soebo. J." MARTIN & CO. SPECIAL SALE. IMMENSE REDUCTION. ONE WEEK ONLY. Commencing Monday Next. Wc Intend Closing Out Every Remnant and Old Pattern Carpet, in TAPESTRIES, INGRAINS & BRUSSELS. Lengths Frem 3 te 25 Yards. Prices Average About One-Half of Fermer Price. All ready for sale Monday morning. Many of them this Season's Patterns. Make your selections new. and we will keep them till Fall for you if you desire. Wall Papers also included in this sale. J. B. MARTIN & CO., Cor. West King & Prince S'ts., Lancaster, Pa. 1 goehs. II ERRS NOOK STORE. ANOTHER NEW LINE OF- Silk Plush Photograph Albums, Our Stock H increasing cxer xxeek with Nexv und Elegant UcsIk"''- A glance nt the. Albums will show jeu the Beauty and Quality of the Goods. -Make n short step at the store and take n p- p ut them. HERR'S, NOS. M.l.Vi NORTH QFEENSI'. , jSummcr jllcoevto. BOrELNORMANDIE. ATLANTIC' CITY. jsOW OPEN. Under New Management. T. C. UILLKTTE, lroi)rleter. Uitu of Celuuade Hetel, riilladelphlu. mlV.1md MT. ORETNA NARROW OAUOE RAILROAD, ludlx liluals and tuxrtlcs desiring te llt ill. Oretna and enjoy a ride ever IheNnrrew (iauge te the summit of tiovriiseu Dick iiieuiitalii, ran accomplish Iho trip from Ijiucnstir In one day by thu following schedule! a.m. a.m. a.m. p.m. p.tu- p m 1i'axulAineastcr 0J5 l.11 llh.Vi 2.03 tVsl 70 ArrlxeMt.Uretna. s-u) ll:.) LVfl SjK l..1 M ArrlxnOex Dick, li'JO RS'i 1 0' ftW Rcturnlng- 11.111. a.m. u.ui. p.m.p.in. p.ni. Uaxe.ex.l)lck.. 11.1U 1SH ftSj Uuxn. Ml. Urcllia bill 10:11 ll:U S! .tJJ ..0 Arrlxu ljincaster. 8:10 11:S5 li.W 3: PIS 8;i All trulns of the Cernxvall .V libation Rail Rail read ou arrlxal at Mt Oretna station make Im mediate connection xtIHi tlie Nurnijv Gauge Railroad. Lunch or dlnnsr can be obtained at the lrk restaurant, thus nxeldlng the neces. slty of carrj ing banket", und bundles. Joint Eucnuipincntef V. S. TROOIS AND NATIONAL GUARD will be held at ill. Gretna. The U. S. Troops will encamp August 5, continuing for about three weeks, and the Cax-ulry and Artillery of the National Heard of l'a. xiill encamp with them August 10th te 17th, luchndxe. Ecursien tickets innv be obtained 011 appli cation te the nearest ticket agent. H. A. GROSS, Gen Pas. Apcut C L. R. II., Lebanon. Fa. NED IRISH, Uen. Supt. jeawmd Prices. All Hteck Must Positively he 16th, or sooner. Again Been Reduced. Kinds of Dry Goods and Carpets, QUEM STREET, LANCASTER, PENN'A. Hrethier. SH'U dSuofce. T HE PEOPLE'S CASH STORE BARGAINS -IN- FLANNELS AT- THE PEOPLE'S CASH STORE. Wchne made large purchases of Flannels of esery description whlili tedayare worth from 7Ji te 10 per cent, mere money. Our customers shall have the benefit of our purchases as long as the stock en hand lasts, WE WILL QUOTE YOU Specially Lew Prices en Flannels DURING THE MONTI! OF AUOUVT. Seme of these goods will undoubtedly be higher In price later In the season when ther Is a greater demand. We linosemu special makes of Fine Quality Heme-Made Flnnnil net le be had clscwliera In tills market Gee. F. Rathven, NO. 25 EAST KING STREET, maravi j dll LANCASTER, TA. QSvovevice. A TUUltHIC'ti. Seasonable Goods! HAMS, DRIED BEEP, Etc. Ilncapnlc Brand Hams, very flue, all guaran ttd. California Hams. 10c n pound. Short Cut Shoulders, 9c. Dried Reef, chipped. New ilack in lln buckets. Boneless Herring In gla-s front boxes, nice for lunch or picnicking, Sardines Imported nnd American in Oil and Mustard. Retted Meats, Boneless Ham, Chicken and Tur key. Yerk state Cream Checse. Cdnm or Dutchhend Cluee. l'knic, I'lnenpplc, Roiue Reiue Roiue fert und Sapsago, etc., etc. BURSK'S, Ne. 17 East King Street, LANCASTER. I'A. (CarvirtiH'e. OTANDARD CA RRIAOE WORK. EDW. EDGERLEY, 10, 12, A 15 M ARKEr STREET, tltrur of the 1'osteillce), L.VNCASTKR, I'A. ALL THE LATEST STYL1W IN Buggies, Phstens, Family Carriages, Etc. The Finest Stock lu the Country. We new huxe a Full Line of SECOND-HAND WORK All Sljle Yeu Want. Repainting and Repairing priiiunllj attended te. One tel of workmen is'tlally einnlexed for that purpose. The lowest prices in the county for rlrst-class work. i-UIe 1110 n Call und Examine My Werk. lltuelc. rj FECIAL NOTICE. PLEASE READ THIS! v: have TAKEN Till. reHTin: AUtNCY Schemacker Geld-String Piane Wchaxe tUim nexr in stock, Hud luxlle our frlemlsaiid II t public generally te call and sea them. Kirk Jehnsen & Ce., NO.I1 't5I KING STREET. iCHxd&w mm !