Lancaster daily intelligencer. (Lancaster, Pa.) 1864-1928, August 08, 1889, Image 2

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    T-WT! TTSWBjrEs-BfiTa --,-
- 'J - '
' 1MOBERT CLARK, Publisher.
:- txrry (fayin the year, but Sunday. Pervert
j;5 "7 nunwi in inn ruy una surrounding
iewiu ti nn emu n vfiu jijrrnniuneaei'
tarsaycftrlnndrnncc; M cents a month.
i'l, fifty cents year. In advance.
j or pottefflce order, nnd where iiclllicr of
uwntM ec procured cnd jn registered
T'A Kntered nt the rostefflce, ns second clns mall
sj matter.
I IjinpnKlr. I'A
LANCASTER, PA., August 8, 1889.
mA n tbn irMnn.
uLlH ,rev" "" "" ..".."iiv.
; If any one will cxnnuilt the KttiUstlci
iyf he will fiua that the lniniK-r of w IiIevvh
ti . In t he-wnrhl W mil nf nil iminnrtleti te
C,-" tllA tilimhnr nf vli1nn-ra. It lq ft lllls-
g take te BUppexc that it Is thcfjilnstcn
who constitute the Niirnlui Icmnie reiiu-
fe'J' latlnn nf lii t.'i.clM-n atnlrc. A llll If llin
imr". "....":'":"...".;..;:
s;inayorei jkimeii una rcsiieiiiucii tt uiu
sw request of the liiuyer of an lelnlie tow n,
$(.acnt te him some time age te 'curt out all
the unmarried females of HoMeu te be
come wives of the lonely men of the
West, wc venture te say that the large
hulk of the cargo would have been
widows. Statistics show thai for eveiy
100 widowers in France thete are 101
widows. The greater lnngev Ity of w omen
thntt'incn uiirmrcnlly Iiih nothing te de
with this state of facts, for the cciifdis of
England und Wales of 1SS1 shows that
there Were 52,0111 itlevvs at the age of
twenty-live, an age when, according te
some au(lieritie, nie-t women should
first marry. And at the taking of a
certain census in .England It was dis
covered that there w cre 1,11U,S1 widows
mid that the w Mowers numliercd HiOfii I,
being an c."s of 621,010 women. It is
clearly apparent that something of tills
stnte of ailalrs exlMs In our ew n i wintry
This (Iqileinble condition mggests at
once some default or vice In our
life. There Is considerable truth in the
stntcmeut made by a iccenl novelist that
"nature puts the sexes en caith in pairs,
nnd man destroys t tint lulaiire nl tlie
cost of his moral death." With all due
respect te tlie wisdom of women in
matrimonial all n Irs the conclusion is
irrcsfstible that they arc largely toblame
for this abnormal condition In our
society. Widow-making Is n vice for
which they ait! largely te blame. As
long as thu gentle creatures will net
marry men of their own age and are net
willing te face the battle of life together,
fttfr but arc se eager te income mated te men
old eueugh te be their fat her and grand
ret fathers, tills moral abnermity will con-
iiiiiicj iu ani. ei 11 iiiic iiiiil men uiu
new loath te outer the marriage state
3gZ fufly? owing te the renter htrnggle of
llicaniiiuciasciiiatieuHOiciuunic. I tut
If the woman of our time would be w 111
lng te honestly make the struggle of life
with a suitable companion, making the
necessary saerlllccs which after all bring
the most happlucss,iuitcnder prcfciring
a life of luxury ami ease with amorous
veterans of sixty-live, men would the
mere, readily welcome her as a weithy
Gress disparity of age at maniagewas
forbidden by the laws of the .lews and
the most enlightened of the Pagan na
tions. Tills disparity of age wasoneof
the principal' causes of the downfall of
Heme. Kven from a physical point of certainly is net wise le la-unlt
the vigor of manhood te Ik; w anted, and
our posterity te ewe its origin te the
$ wuulng strength of old men. Mairlage
m& In reciprocal relation, and the youth
f, and beauty of young womanhood loudly
can lera companion ler llleel liccemliig
age. As well might a young spieul be
grafted en an old tu-e, worn down with
the, storms and blasts of many jears,
as the mercenary mating of a girl of
twenty with a man of si.ty. Se eager,
indeed, arc some w omen toeutcriutethe
Sgg holy bends of niatihneny that they are
cuiiicm ii inmiiiiy me bridegroom lie
Mb able te get comfortably through the cer-
PgA emeny and houeymeon ; pievided, of
S3 course, no leave tliem a Mveet reincni-
m urauce i it solid cash.
'& .Many ether causes for sucli a disparity
Is-J between the number of widows and wi-
dowers might le adduced. Sonie Imnl-
rff? hearted old bachelor, who has never
&$ tasted of the sweets of man led bliss,
1 might be unconscionable enough te sug
gest that in thu conflict between liu-
M$' baud and wife after thu lioneymeon, he
- proves the weaker or thu two anil l'ecs
i down te an early grave, lumpy in his
Ik death, leaving his companion a lene
tV iridew oil thecartli. Wluitevcr lu Mm
& cause, there can bn no ilmilit. tlint ililu
Mmllltnn tif n(Vitni l.i r.. m . ...1.. I 1111.. 1
K5 , abnormal. The reason insl-tcd en liere
Ky . . ,i. i i i.i ... ..
3 vcriuiui- uns iiiucii le de W nil 1110 lUllt-
jiv iki. auia ticiituu win iiecr ne icmcdied
g until the men arc willing te marrv ear-
C-2 Her 111 life- mill tin. num i III iw.t.i-
, . ...w ...k.. , ... a.t. . ...
marrv earlier than tliev de until tin.
gp young women maku up their minds te
E& honestly make the struggle of lite with
, them, taking ecpiai chances, and bcur-
B "iiiui ivniiuiiiuiiiiies. 1 Ollllg mull-
f neon nnu young womanhood eemnle-
K, ment and supplement each ether for the
t ;. nun hi nl ni.v int m imimi i.r Ai.... in.
December drags down the geed In both.
yy is a fertile source of divorce, adds te the
number of forlorn widows, and is a
i9 moral auuennity that nelsens the v lals
of social life. L't the young contempla
tive midden lll(H.l i.llllllll'U 1.11.1
$ Iw. .1-lt,.
v. i. ,
'I he Enthusiastic llns.
f lllA It Ilfc.rilltilifiiii4i iniil 1. .,,.,.
f& beamed a muddy sinile uien the giant
fT.t tafaulilAti tl'tirk niiintl.1i .1 .... 1. 1 t
j nwwniuvw v tiST. iiiuiLU f II JILT lailK
r ----- , ' , .. . .idiiviiiii
fc' which lievered ever them must huc
wu amazcu at trie sub-s'rvluicy of the
g chins. The memory of his old time
ciuicn, ineugh new under anetlier name,
?3 atlll haunts the corridors of the Lochiel.
Wfit Ytttfri1t.VfU kll tt Inn tctiu n i .. 1 1. Ii...
K school for the ley.. Veung striplings,
Rf wise with the w Ndeni of a term or t e
&h et kgilatlve service, fairly tramph d
ever each ether In their struggle te say
HiJXIu !,.. 1 .1.1 ..1 .. . .. . '
wwweuiuTii iiuiign iiixitii me lone iisiier-
hc;.... ii ....
,-" irei" JH-aver. rnat loyal gentle-
aan, rocked by the gentle w lives of the
' ""aea, yesterday plucked another victory.
& Me may net have "m.ri,f ,,,. ii.
& litedjnner of crabs and llsh and cliam-
ffa ' "J "- nave agreed with him,
J -kt he tightened his gripontheltcpubll-
jjnj ; aim even though no ix; sillier
( the iangs of iudlgestien and craiui.,
fc wnlletl a very bread smile.
f ffenatnr TVIiimnlnr (lw.
t " - "! - iiillinniiun
IHanteuaut from the northwest, and
L Chairman Andrews, with a head like a
L ChlBinanzee. weru Intriihle.l lll. i,
svi. : ... ;r v ;. ...-"x-
?mmm&:uv. ei me couveillleii. "j he
' 4td their work with rbrhl niwni-.w.i- ....,
'"mm the amount of i1iIi..h.l1. ..-..t
, . - .- .. .. H.. I. . 11 .Id
;,tocever the thick hide of the criminal
nmucr. ine orators of tlie convention
uet phenwmeual and the dut of
old Cicere and Demosthenes had no need
te tremble In envy. It is true there were
ue contests, no light of factions. The
Mageo crowd were net there or were
cowed Inte submission fe King Quay.
Ed. Martin ran thu Lancaster delegation
and gave the boys their railroad tickets,
.leliu It. Laudis, the statesman from
Maner, is en the state committee, nnd
the sweetened cake Is thrown te the
Prohibitionists. Shirk, of the city and
l.andls, of tlie Northern district, came
home nlene nnd lonely.
The platform of the Imys Is a very
vulnerable one nnd will lie tern asunder
later In the campaign with particular
pleasure. Just new we cannot de much
but laugh. The whole proceedings
without going Inte detail wens a mixture
nfCirnnd Army songs, whitewash for
CirMni1 Tanner, prohibition saddles,
protection cries and Quay plaudits. The
words of Permanent Chairman Dela
mater, "The corIes.s Quay, by force of
hN miiMerly management, stayed the
onward march of Democratic free trade
and gave us a glorious victory, " well re
llccted the spirit of the boys and every
body w he could net fall In with this sort
of here worship came home disgusted.
They hne nil gene from llarrlsbitrgand
as the last sound died away in tlie lls
taine like the velie of thu dying swan
or t he lay oft he lat minstrel, the muddy
smile of old Susquehanna broadened and
deepened anil thu creak of the night fieg
had an ominous mihimI.
The Paling IJliK
The dlU'crence ofeplnlon de eloped in
councils eer thu aw aiding of the con
tract for laying asphalt blocks en North
Duke strict Is a line example of the ease
with which peepleinay iiiamiguteillll'cr
honestly and sincerely ever a ery sim
ple matter. Seme argue that Itiiideu
A, Frltchey are thu lowest bidders and
should hac the weik in iiccerdanre
with the understanding held when the
bids were taken. Others that tlie con
tract should be glcll te tlie lowest hjd
dir known te be competent, and that as
councils have no such knowledge of
lliudcii iV. I'rltchey they should net be
celisldeied III the award. New we are
Inclined le think that this matter of ex
pciicncchas Inch made tee much of.
The property holders veiy iialuiiilly re
fuse te buy a pig In a poke and prefer
the known work of (jalhraith te
the unknown work of tlie ethers,
huttbeic are carefully tlinwu spedilca spedilca spedilca
tlonseii which the bids were made,nud
it is well known thai whecer gets die
contract will give the actual laying of
the blocks te e.ei ieiiccd w ei kmeii fi eni
l'liiladelphla. All that Is necessary te
secure (he best of w eik Is te see that the
bed Is prepared for these experts in ac
cordant c with the speclllcatleiis, and in
n Ihoieugh and weikmaii-like manner.
'I his duty ofe erncerlng the win k would
naturally fall te the street commissioner
and ought net te overtax his ability.
The error in thu ilrst plate was in tak
ing bids for the whole three squares at
onto ; but new that bids have been taken
the only Just course open seems te be
the acceptance of tint lowest, and a
llgltl Mini caieful supervision of the
wetk. The piepcrty owners may net
agrcu te tills, bill that would hardly hca
public calamity, as councils may then
dlert the balance of the fund te meet
(lie ether and mine urgent needs of thu
A Democrat fur tlie Semite.
The county committee litis llxed Au
gust lis as the date for the county con
vention, anil lustiucteil the chairman te
niiuouute that a cantlldale for scuater
would Ik; placed in nomination in the
Northern district. Tills is tlie only
proper ceuue under the lircuinstaiiees,
and as the I vii:i.i,unc has aheatly
pointed eul any neglect of duty
en tlie pint of thu lieutenant
governor cannot prevent thu till
ing of this vacancy. Ills falhnu te
Issue a writ for tlie election of a succes
sor te Senater Stehiuau can have ue ef
fect en the light te a -eat In thu
Senate if 11 should be In session of
any man chosen for the elilee by the
b.illet. If Lieutenant O'oxciuer I)!i ies
is followed by his patty in this course
they will simply lcae te the Democrats
or the Northern dlstiiil a eiy welcome
opportunity of giving the Senate a fail
sample of n Democratic law -maker fiem
Lancaster county.
Wi: think It will uet be M.ijei Ldw.
til in ten.
A consul it report just published re re
ve.ils tlie exixtfiicc of a iciuiirkalile system
of centiiut labor in Massachusetts. It
M'cnis that tlie iutelligcuce olllre btmlslieil
from Cnstle Garden soma yens age con
tinues te operate In New Yerk City. This
institution allures iuuuigriintH, w lie de uet
speak Kuglish, ly pieuiising tlicin work
en faiiiisen signing tlie fellow lug contrail
in lnglisli :
" lly tliese presents we bind eiiihcIm's te
accept the sorvlee ettered le us by Mi.
, of Noitliuiupteii, Mass., and te' w in k
for lilin, or wherever lie may pl.ue uh, tei
dollars a ineiilli, less. . ilellais,
wlil Ii amount we are te pay ter lull beard,
this leutract shall have validity ler tlie
tcim of one ear. We agree eui cui cui
I'lej er take custody of our elleUs and eon een
Kidur the hame as a plislge or sccuiily, te
be ler felled us seen us we shall net liilllll
oil i obllgatleiw. Wiigus shiill be pavable
upon ixpiiatWm of the eeut rati , but, in
case wnile uet emupl.v in all lesihvts with
the name, the einple.vur sliall hive the
light te withheld llis.iuipjiuui us."
i he victim is ttausuirluTl te Neilhauip
ten, Mass., vvlieie laiuivis seeking labei
Kckcl biii'li .in they wish, nml, the consul
k.ivs, tliey tlndtliciuselv is bound ly viitue
ortlietontiiict lodelioav.v weik notwilli netwilli
stiuiiiing bad tiealuieiit and beaul, fei
wages ranging fiem l te flw.1 u vtnr,
while ilemcstlc labeicisam net obtainable
fur less than tJeOuyiAi. In this way tlie
labeicr seen lliuls hliiiscll'iu a most misci misci misci
ablucouditieu, his wages mid eltivts being
ellen withlii'ld let tiillingeaiisis.
it Ish little stiipilshiK te ) in I the con
tract labei law dolled, ami a svstcin akin te
slavery in lulj pi-.utiie hi Mass.uliusrtts.
(ieiiiianv lest last jear by einlgiiitieu
eereinlil,v tlieus.iuil el tier people, and
about sevcut.v-heven tlieiisaiuN of iIiemi
emigrants iiinie te the Pnitisl Mutes. Ne
wonder the Ceriuan geverimieut wants te
found colonies of her ew n.
Wi: think it will net be Mavnr Deuues.
IV isielieshhigte read et express tobbeis
in tlie West foiled by an iron-clad ear, but
the Jey is touipeicd by their collection of
j'joe from thu pissengms, and the casual
pint lug of a bulb t in the hat of u .isscugcr
wh() was curious enough te leek out of thu
window. Oil, the West is a tine iil.iee for
Wi: think it will net be Postmaster
OV , by the (Jlllll'l.
They get at the v.ilm, of a tw in
.Sussex county, N. J., by .silnK her at se
much h quail. The mIiciiie 1h pronounced
by dairyman us the most eipiiuble v et pro
posed in thu saloef milch cows. The pur
chaser pa.vs iZM a (mart. 'J bus it ,
giv es tw uity tiiurtN daily, she is w erth nVis.
Jlie purilM-d kcs'itslliocew en trial fei a
Jin net Inte Twe lleslroema In :ilrn :ilrn
twtlinert en Tiipwtay Hlglit.
"Jsck the Peeper," whose antics hnve
mused terror In Kllntbctlilwrt, N. .1., was
ssgnlh en Ids rounds Tuesday night. Kvl
dcntiv he bad preinred for tlie chnugu In
the wcntlicr, for at ene place he niicnied
In a pair of rubber boebi and n waterproof
ceit. Ile carried a dark lniitcm and nise a
pistol, w lilch he lleurislietl ill the faces of
the jicrsens he visited. As heretofore, lie
show ed no ovideiice that his islls w ere for
the piirKisoef robbery, nnd Ids only ob
ject, npimren1y,lK!liiK te v Ml bedrooms.
Screams wero heard about midnight
rrem the heusu of Jacob AVcMegcr In
Miirslmll street, and the next iiieiucnt a
mnn threw up the window dropped te tlie
ground, ami disappeared. A ceuple of
minutes Inter, Mr. and Mrs. Wclsloger ais
jKMicd at a window calling Ter the
jtellce. Thn peeper, it was learned,
had stealthily crept up stairs nml
entered tlie bedroom. Tim nolselio innile ill
opening the deer nreunctl Mrs. Welslegcr,
und slie Jumped up In bed and began te
'cream, awakening her husband. '1 he in
truder shook n pistol In her fare and ipili ky
ret rented, locking the deer en the outside
se as te facilitate his escape. When the
ceuple surceedcil in bicnkiug open the
deer he lind aulshctl.
lie next turned ttpalfhe houseof Mr.
lleciian in Piilteti street, vvhere he iiwoke
tlie peeple by trying te ralw a window. Ile
l(sl vvlieu he found lie had been discovered.
The residence of Mark Peeney, In l'ast
Jersey street, was next Invaded, here he
get in through a kitchen window, lie
opened all tlie deem in the lower part of
the house, se as te give him acicnr e.vlt.
Heuse ended tolhe bedroom efMrs. Peeney
who Is a light sleeper, him heaid the ttoer
cuak, and the next moment she saw u head
cautiously poked in. film gave a scream.
wh! h (startled the neighborhood mid
brought all the Inmates of the hoilse tremb
ling out of thelrlieds. The intruder ilaited
tleun the stairs and out of the house, and,
luunlng across sonie vacant lets, dlsip dlsip dlsip
poaied In thn darkness mid rain. The
Pevneys, huddled en the sidewalk, watched
Ids lllght.
The last plaie he tiled was the house .US
Pulton street. Here Ills footsteps in en sod
tlie wiiUlnleiruud he lied.
On Monday night the resideiue of Wil
liam Adams, hi Amity street, was entered.
Adams would hnve shot him had uet his
evilcd vvlle giahhcd Ills aim and given
him a chiiuie te Jump through a window
mid escape.
It Is astonishing hew the crank, lunatic,
ei whatever he nmyprnve le lie, always
numiigosle get away, and, moreover, sets
the police at dellance, i hey hnve been
mi ilile te g( t the slightest clue te Ids Iden
tity, although dm lug his opetatlons. cover
ing four months, he Irm cntcrui about
thirty thn houses in various parts of tlie
city. Plunder is net hisehlcct, us there Is
no lepeit of his having stolen anything In
tlie plates he lias visited. His exploits
usually occur between the hours of It p. tn.
and 1 a. in., and his favoilte visiting snot
Is tlie sleeping apartments of females, i he
cnliie (lcloctive foiee of Pliznbethpeit
were scouring the city en Wednesday ter
Mirny I.Ivch Tulieii.
A dispatch fiem tlie Pity el Moxlee says
that tlie pilsoneistonllncd In l'eit Junn
da lile.i, at Vera Prii7, ruveltetl against
tlie elllciuls, and that the troops en duly
shot 'M of the prisoners mid iiicllcd tlie
A few days age thico.veuiig men went te
a house at .Mr.VcllI, Alahain.i, and allot
feloiiieuslv assaulting tluee women who
lived tlicin, demolished evei.vlhiiig about
the pieiuKes. 'I hey nuile'citcd a sick
negre se brutally that he died the follow
ing day, mid they shot and killed the man's
seu because he ventured le iciiienstrate.
Jehn Itlchtcr mid Adelph Whitman,
bulchel , quarreled lit the steik vaid in
tiiic.ige en Wednesday, and ltlchtci
lilungisl his kulle into Whitman's hemt,
killing him Instantly.
Jehn Medium, a teamster, was shot in
Chicago en Tuesday by his stepson, James
Delan, receiving lujuilcsef width he died
toko-Werkers Mny Win.
WeibieHday's tllspatches from the Con Cen Con
nellsvllle teke region indicate that thu out
come efthu existing strikes wilt probably
lie the success of the men. Prick iV Ce., and
Met'lureiV Ce., two or thohvrger openiteis,
Increased their eiler fiem that el tlie pre
vious day, but the strikers rcluscd te accept
At the Carey lurnace strikers attacked u
foiee of new men, and one of (he deputy
sherltlH was shot.
A PlttHhiiig dlspatih leiwuts the scttle scttle
nienl of the sti Ike of the soil coal miners In
the mountain distiictsef thu western put
of tlie state In tavei ofthe moil. Sevoiel
thousand men havu hieii out for evci a
liie nml I'linle In a Cotten Mill.
'Ilium was a sciuoel great cxcUeuicut at
the Cenliedale cotton mill, I'rovltleine, It.
I., en Wednesday morning when tire was
dlscoveled in the attic. A panic followed
and two hundred empleyes fought
ler a (bance te escape. The tire
spie.ul se rapidly that several found their
escape by way of the stairs cut oil mid
were forced tejunip from the scionil-steiy
windows. Many el the girls fainted us
they loll, end in tlie height of the excite
ment it looked ns though inanv were killed.
Happily sin h was net tlie tacf, mid all es
eipedwllh nilnei injuries. The mill was
buiueil, entailing a less el about Jlf0,(iiX);
Insurance !f70,0tie.
the Ilase Hull Scores.
'I he ball games placed vestculiiv in
sulted: llalllinem li, Athletic 0; St. Leuis
I, Kansas City 1 ; llroekljn 10, Columbus
B; Ciuthiuatl 5, Louisville -I ; Indianapolis
lit, ltosten 7; New Yeik t, Chicago It;
Cleveland a, Washington II j Hariishutg (I,
llnzleleii I; Cuban Uiiiuts 0 (lOrhmusO;
Cuban (limits 7, tierhains lj Neiwalk, I,
Norristown i.'.
Purcinau. wlie at ene tltue pittlied for
the Ironsides, el this cltv, pitched a great
giiniH jestcrdav for the llaltiineie, shutting
out the Athletics. The Athletics only hed
tlv e hits oil him in as many Innings.
Yerk (.utility runners Anxious.
Tlie farmeis et Yerk county am anxious
regmdiiig the safety et their cattle because
of tlie bulhile lly having miide its appear
nine This lly is Miialler than the com
mon hottse tlv and is blacket in color .mil
gilhcis about the loetofllio hetnsmid cats
.ivv.ij the llesli, p'ucliatiug Inte tlie sort
paits of the heiu. This causes Intense,
siilleiiug te tlie tuilinals, (specially as the
lllcs gathci in swaims. In ene sis (ion of
Yeik ceunlv citile havu tliisl fiem tlicevil
winkings ofthe little pest.
l'lehl lilt Ien Detenu d In (iceI'kIii.
Aflci a v igoreus mid exciting eampalgii
el'tliiee weeks piohililtleu wasdcfciiteil en
iuesda.v in I'leyd county, ficeigia, by a
ninlerity orCKKIeut el u voteof l.tANi,
VV lint Is Until) 's chlt'fest liniriii
Mi ltlne e)c or ieeuuil 1 1 .
I IemIiik ircsse. form of glace"
Nil . line teeth tlics.ecliiiiiiiseillst,
Vml tlich sure preserver Is
s07()I10Xr, liest dentifrice
1'ieiu Urn McalviuliiLM fleets of vuiini matlier.
1) hnrit work.erriein a Ihhk I11iick4, jmi nusl
iikeckI tonic iiiut bleiHl purllltrllke IliHsl'iiKii
Minrlllu. tr)eti hive never Irltil IIUk pernlliir
ineiltclnc ilosenow. It will five. von strciiglh
mat iipiHlllc.
" Heed's b-arsaparllla cave me new life, anil
restored me te my wound health ami
ktrcnstli." W'iii.ivm ll.fliictiii.TIIten.N. II.
()IT.. t'l'TO llir.
' 1 viuh leinptciil) run ilimu anil wn fur
ncarl) two )ear tuiili-r iiuJical treiitineiit
Isluiililviiiiipteilleli) ph)litans. .M) mutlier
nrtrtsl iiifietnl;e lliHii'ks..irsal.irlllii At lust I
iimsi'iitisl, hikI I hnve never taken iiuytliliii;
whlili Inlivd ine ns miuli as Heed's SarNiiui
rllla, whlih restored me- te health ami Iger, I
linvt Ikwii Inking It about four mnntli, ami urn
iitf ailllleniit l.eliii;. I can work all ila) with
vir) llltli ratlsue. 1 iisemuicml tl tonii)ene
whose s)lciii Ik prostrated. Nl 1 1 v Xeuii h,
I Vei hi, III.
AoeoD ppirnii:.
" When 1 bought llisHl'k s.ars.ipaillla I mnile
a rixhI Invesltnc'iit of erne Uiillur In medicine for
Hie Ilrst time. It hn driven ulf rlieiimalUm
ami improved in) apellte se mueli Unit my
beariliiiiiiMresKi.v I niutkspli liskut up
et Nhe will U'leuiiH lied te ndse in) Usiiilwnii
ever) etln r beanlcr tluil takes IIssl'Kusap.i.
rllla.' TmiMvs llciti.u.i., IJs) Tillar) street,
IlriK)kl)ti,N. V,
"We nil like Heed's litirsaptrllla, It is se
slreiijthc'iiini;." hl.It lUl.tucn, Auburn,
It. I
held by nil ilmcKMs. it; six for Si J'repaied
enl) b) I 1 JlOOlli CO. Lewell, 3!ms.
ruiLADEUiiM. Thursday, Angnst 8, UN.
Closed at i P. M. Saturday.
There's nothing like Flannel
when the mercury is flopping
about. French printed Flan
nel, gay with color, full of sub
stance, soft and sensible, is per
haps the prettiest. 65c.
The sightly, unshrinking
Ceylens tough, light, warm
and always cheerful. 37c.
As full a gathering of the
i2c Outing Cleth as we've
had this season. Handsome
Nertlicimt of centre
August prices en Beys'
Clothing. Tough, sightly.
Short Trouser Suits that you
can save gt. $2 or $3 en. As
geed as any te patch out the
season with. Many of them of
color and weight for early Fall
Let of extra Trousers at 75c
and $1.
Near Thirteenth nnt Market streets corner.
There's a Chestnut street
windewful of Blankets that
should set you thinking and
buying. Out of scisen of
course, but se are the prices
further than the Blankets. Big,
lusty Blankets ; fine wool and
generous pounds of it.
IUnnkrtnt;j7.'j0n pair
lllieikrtu at ?ll i")H pair
lllaiikrtitatnoen pair
III nikrtsiit 5lenn enlt
llliiuki IsiU f.1.y0n pnlr
Werth laying
by for two
winters away.
sjmithwest efentre.
Jehn Wanamaker.
lvifiTYiienT' WAN 1- ITt
Still Holds the Fert.
We haven! the blsucst mills in llievverlit,
but there U no bettir mill nnyivhere nl lenst
tin re Is no mill that cnii make, better Heur. He
say llieusjinils of I people hi this community,
ami we take their word for 1 1.
If .von have trouble with ) our lialilns, this
het wiatlnr, jeu will perhaps discover Hint
the trouble lies with jeur Heur provided ) en
de net use l.c nil's Heur. If) en nre mine that
arllelc, and still have trouble with )eurbnk
luc pi rhaps It Is bceatise of the even. It can't
be tlie Mem lf)ou use Lev mi's I
"A rlhbllU'H IlOltAX SOAP.
Borax Seap
IjlXdMnilUUttlOlK KAIIM.
STORM KING (2161.)
ltr.COItll C.3rt.
stnndnrd li.v llrei-dlnc; mUj l'ocl'erinnnco.
Blmlli.v IIAPPV MKUIL'M, refold iJJk, nnd
stre of IJ tielliiH ami pneers with receid
from JMJi, te itw, nml everlOO with records
better lliiiu J.;1.
Dam bv AliMimteiH Nerman, kirn of l.uhi
J II',, Mnv (Jurcn, 2-JO. Ac.
siinil dam byIloHaiil'HHIrlluiilc.tlieioiiith.
Third tlam by Hinllh's Mc-scnycr, son of I)IH'n
Mihse tiger.
isreiiM KlMi U n bay Hands 111 hnmU ami
wclKlisntieiil 1,200 lbs. lias alwnj s taken Ilrst
pretiiliim nl Hlnte nml ceunlv rnlrs. Ills cells
nrc larce nml liandseme.ntul live Hint linvebecn
Mild nviiiiKcdSIKIiUalnu nvcrnKe ure of one
inula IinlDeari. He was taken rich tout of the
xtud and with verv little preparation reduccet
bis leeiinl from i.Wi le 2 a), trotting three
heats In'.' in, i'Jl nml J. It). He went a minrter
In ene of the miles In S3 Kecemls-ei ".'je nail
which Khews his eapaelty If I eeulel spare hi in
loin; enough hi the ntud te be prernrcd furcry
fie.1 work,
'Ii:it.M .'fl.l Ter n foal until hU present
biMik Is lull, altei vihlcti lie will niaml at JT.'ilM.
J)5-tld. HAM., tl. KNtJU:. Mailetta. Pa.
wi: li.wi: taki:n tiu: aui:ncy
Scliemacker Geld-String Piane!
Hi have Hum new In Meek, iiiut invtte our
lilemlsnml the public Kcnernlly tecall and ec
Kirk Jehnsen & Ce.,
NO. 21 WliST KINO hlltP.IX
I. UN HAItll WOODS. VVlmli-Miln and Itetnll,
b) , 11. II. MA It TIN A CO.,
nM)et t.'l Waterbtreet, Ijiueiister, Pa.
I Al.M(l.Hl)Ni:ilS COMPANY.
Yvmw-Nerth Prnice SlreH't, near Heading
i- icycmx, "i nii' ci.m, tanhi:mh.
Bicycles, Tricyles, Tandems,
(.I' liiniir-sr ekadk,
n.i.i'sntATtai l ATAi-eiii'i: .fiidc
llltANt 11 HOlThlis-isWarreii M Xcw Yerk
ISH VVabiikh Ave., ChleiiKO.
ler tide b) JOHN s. Columbia
I'a. auS lydeed
y etart of gmMen
115 & "7 NORTH QUEEN
Frem 8 te ii.
One let of Flowers at 14c a
Fancy China Silk for Tidies,
at 65c a yard.
Frem 2 te 5.
Gent's Unlaundered Shirts,
reinforced besoms, at 37c ;
regular price, 50c.
One let el Fancy Ribbons, in
12,-16 and 20, at 10c a yard;
sold in 2 yard remnants.
NOON. Ladies' long sleeves Halbrig
gan Vests, at 20c apiece.
Jewelry One let of Breast
pins, Hairpins, Cuff Buttens,
Bracelets, etc., regular price
25c ; at 15c apiece.
Kid Gloves at 49c a pair, col
ored embroidered back, regu
lar price 62 and 75c.
Notions Ammonia, large
size, at 4c a bottle.
Pins, ic a paper; black pins,
2 c a box.
Hair curlers, 17c; Electric
Combs, 1 7c ; Tinsel, 4c a ball ;
Seap, 2 cakes for 5c ; Ammonia
Seap, 5c a cake ; Canfield
Shields, 2 and 3, at 25c a pair.
Handkerchiefs 5c Handker
chiefs at 4c ; 10c Handkerchiefs
at 8c ; i2ic Handkerchiefs at
11c; 25c Handkerchiefs at 21c.
Morning sales te begin at 8
and last until 12.
Afternoon sales begin at 2
and last until 5.
115 & 117 North Queen St.
Qtllttm 41 all.
rrfeii AMAIITJN.
Masen Fruit Jars in Pints,
Quarts and Half Gallens. The
celebrated Lightning Jars in
Quarts and Half Gallens ; this
jar has no superior in the mar
ket. Jelly Tumblers in any
quantity. All at Bettem Prices.
1 5 East King St
TT 7T-.
Kcenigsburg, Prussia,
Twe llnckgreuntls made especially for Bust and
'lhice-qunttcr length Photographs.
60 1-2 North Queen St.,
Next Doer le the Postelllco.
ummcv Unotte.
NOW OPKN. Under New MminKcnieiit.
T. C IIII.LKTTK, Proprietor,
Lite of Coleuaete Hetel, Philadelphia,
Individuals and parties delrhiK te vlxlt Mt.
tlretna and enjoy u ride ever tlieNnrrewUauite
le theMimnili of Uevnts.011 Dick mountain,
can nocemplMi tlie trip from Luncastcr hi ene
elaj by the follewlm; schedule:
n m, p.m. p in. p.m.
la-avel-anca'ter e.Je till IOA'i I-tM 2il 7.6D
Airlve.Mt.Orctna. HO 11-10 12511 ;115 J.VJ 8.5i
Arrive. Uev. Dick. IS JO 1:J3 fii 5.I0 ...
a.m. a in n in. p.m. p tn. p.m.
Leave Clnv. lllek.. ll.-flel 1-25 2-M 655
lcave.vit. Gretna (141 10-31 U:.U it'Ji H.37 7.10
Arrlve ljuteinter. 8 10 11.35 U-'iS 3.33 415 8.35
All train of the Cornwall Ibnnen Ilath
re.ul en arrival at Mt (irelna tutlen uiakx Itn
mediate eonnectleii with the Narrow Gauge
Kallread. l.unch or dinner can be obtained t
the lark rektauniiit. thus avoiding the neevk
lt of earr lug baxkets nnd bundles.
Joint Encampment of
will lie lieM nt Mt. Gretna. The V. H. Troew
will encamp August 5, continuing for about
three w ecks, and the Cavalry nnd Artillery of
the National Gunrd or Pa. will eiuamp with
them Aucust 10th te 17th, Inclusive.
Kxeurfclen tickets mny be ebtalued en appli
cation te the ncarcxt ticket ncent.
Gen, l'baneu. Pa.
NKII 1K1M1, lien. bupt. JClWunl
New llnlldings ; Ijirge Kndewment ; Scholar,
fchlp; Laboratory; I.lbniry; Gjmnnsliim.
Preiwres for College or lUulnchs. Separate
Course for ladle. Minleru I-uiguagCk lit Itegu.
tar Court.. Tuition, HO per annum. Hamlin
private families, MJ0 per week. Faculty of
nine. 17th car epem. September 2. 1'er cata
logue, add rew
HKV. JAMI McDOUGALL, PH. I)., Preildeut.
X mill chraivkt In the market It karat geld
jHii. Hard riit.lier heldcc. never gets out of
elder, easily tilled. Call unci examine before
purchasing e hen here. At KlUbMAN'S Ueutl'
rurniihlng 8tetc, U West King strceL
Anether Slash in Prices.
Dull Trade Must be Made Active by Lew Prices. All Stock Must Positively hi
Clewed Out by SEPT. 1Mb, or sooner.
Price All Through Have Again Been Reduced.
Positive Bargains New te be Had iu All Kinds of Dry Goods and Carpets,
. 6 Am 8 If 0B.TH
Hager dc
Best Quality 811k Btrlpc Flannel bhlrta reduced te (, from $3.50.
Flncit Silk Hhlrta leduced te 12.00, from t3M.
Imported 0.fcrd Negligee Shirts reduced te 1.87)f, from Si50.
But Quality White Scotch Flnimcl Shlrtu reduced te I1.C2 and tt 00, from fiOO and 2.W.
A Bargain Jn Kngllsh Flannel Bhlrta nt 11.00.
Demet Hhlrta at H8c j worth We.
Finest Silk Neckwear Effect reduced te 80c nnd 75c, from Shet).
Choice Styles in 60c Neckwear, reduced te Sic and 83c.
French Ijhvii Washable Ties reduced te3Sc.
Tlque Washable. Tien reduced te 15c, from 25c.
Choice Styl'S In Percale Shirts, 3 Cellars and 1 Pair Curt3, reduced te 85c and J1.00, from !1.25.
I.lncn Cellars and Cuffs at 12J4c.
Belts In 811k, Lisle and Cotten, nt 10, 15, 18, 25 and 50 cents.
Nes. 25-31 West King St.
ry tTJbeba.
Commencing Monday Next.
We Intend Closing Out Every
Remnant and Old Pattern
Carpet, in
Lengths Frem 3 te 25 Yards.
Prices Average About One-Half !
of Fermer Price.
All ready for sale Monday
Many of them this Season's
Make your selections new,
and we will keep them till Fall
for you if you desire.
Wall Papers also included in
this sale.
Cor. West King & Prince Sts.,
Lancaster, Pa.
We have made large put chafes of Flannels of
every iltcrllleii which te day are vvertli from
7J-J te 10 per cent, mere money. Our cuMemcru
ulinll have the benefit of our purchhcs as long
11s the stock en hand last''.
Specially Lew Prices en Flannels
nuitiNci Tin: .month of auuukt.
Seme of lhe;e Kernels u 111 undoubtedly 1
hlshcr In price later In the i-eiisen when there
I a greater demand.
We have some iweial make s of Fine Quality
Heme-tadeFlaiiucl nut Id 1k had (hewhere
hi this nmrkct
Gee. F. Rathven,
martO-lydlt LANCASTER PA.
' KMY. 'this Institution prepare tattles'
and (ieiitlemeu for any college In the United
htatri,. An F.nsll-h Course l nrrauged te pre
pare persons for teaching or biulne-. Fer cut cut
alegue apply te W. W. MOOHE. A. JL,
jyU-lmeed Recter.
Geed IlOHSted Cellee.V B 30c
Btreuif Mountain Ilie Coffee, f ..,. 22e
Fair Coffee, p lb.. IJctelc
Full Cream Cheev, 'fV lb.. .. lee
Choice Pleklcs, dez 8ie
Dcst Washing Pevrder, pack.. Jiyta
15c Mustard or Hpleed Bardlnes for Hies
lloneless Hams, l lb ... .liVje
California Hams, "i lb ,. Sc and I0e
Three Bettles Ginger A le for. Z'm
Hater's or Hires' Heet Beer "p bottle He
Best OlclnoBeapp box Siw
Five lbs Laundry Htarch for. I5e
12 eV 14 SOUTH Qt'EHN ST.
INear Centre Hquare.)
Seasonable Goods!
Pineapple Brand Ham, very flue, alt Rtiaran
teed. California Ham, 10c ft pound, (short Cut
Shoulders, Oe. Dried Beef, chipped. New Mack
erel In buckets. Boneless llcrrlnu lnglasa trout
betes, nice for lunch or picnicking. Sardines
Imported and American In Oil and Mustard.
Petted Meats, Boneless Ham, Chicken and Tur
key. Yerk Htate Cream Checte. Edam ei
Uutchhead Cheese. Picnic, Pineapple, ltoque lteque ltoque
fert and Sapsago, etc., etc.
Ne. 17 East King Street,
Finest Picnic Haiim, 10c 'A lb.
FlncRt Knuckle Dried Beef, Hn V lb.
nttm Dry Di It d Beef, l.'Me V lb.
Finest Winter Bologna, iKe tb.
Best Tripe, In 'JOlb kegs. 51.25.
Latest Catch New Mackerel, In 10-lb-tJuckcts,
quarter barrels and barrel.
Richardson t Itebblns' Petted Meats Ham.
Beef, Tengiic, Ham and Turke, Ham and
Chicken, (Jame, Turkey, Chicken anil Duck.
Hucklu'K ramoiisheiip Oxtail, Cniiseiiiine,
Chicken, Beef, Tomate and Meck Turtle.
Deviled Meats, Anchovy ami Bloater Paste,
Smoked Sardines In Oil, llenclem Sardines, Sar
dines In Finest Oil, Mustard hardlniK, Pickled
Oyi.ters In Bettles, I'hicM Lebster In BetUex,
Beneleks Anchovlee In Oil, and n thousand
geed things.
Ke. Cedec rid need tei SOe
.We. Ceftce reduced te Mc
'Jho. ( ett(e reduced te 25c,
25e CeIIcc reduced teSJc.
This Is the Finest Line of Ceflces hi the city.
Yeu must see them te knew their north.
rem iu:xt
Three iJirge Ileeiins Over Second 1 loei Stere
Directly Opposite
J. 11. Martin A. Ce.'s Dry Goods bteie, and
Next Doer te Serrel Herse Hetel.
, 12, 43 d li M AHKET M'HEET,
( of tlie Postefllce),
Boggles, Phffiiens, Family Carriages, Etc.
The Flue a! Slex-k ill tlieCeunlrj
Wonevrhavea Full Line of SECOND HAND
WOllK An) M)lc Yeu Want,
llepahitlngniid Itepalrlng premptl nlleiahtl
te. One Mt i. r work men esjieclIlv iiiii-IhwhI
for tlut puriKjK 'Ihe leMeet rrlcet- ' Ua
county for flrt-clii-s iverk.
-aire me a Call and Examine My Werk.
mm !
l f
,.-i -