"sr fS THE, LANCASTER DAILY INTELMGEVOER, , TUESDAY, AUGUST 6, 1889, etm natienaT rtewEii. France ha her Illy, And England licr rose. And everybody knew Where the shamrock great; Scotland has licr thlttle. Flowering en the hill, But the, American emblem It the one-dollar bill. Frem Ihr Tenter Arte. IS JF.S'SF: JAMES 1IEAUI AInti Who Knew Mini ,ny He It Still ' Alive. Sdmetlilnfr of n Munitien v ns caused In Cincinnati, en Monday, by the publication efa lcttet In the .Vmrcr stating positively that Jcsse James Is net dead, ami that nn nn nn other man was shot Instead" of him. The letter Is written by It. Smith, of Oicens burg, Ind., un'l Is at fMlews: Importers nre hujjnrd toward the sensa tional, but when I slute that Jesse James Is still living n truth has been Mated. My oppertunities: for knowing whereof" I speak have been exceptionally geed. In the MrM. plaee nnv one vlie knows Frank'James knows that the Fent boys could net have killed Jcse and then have lived quictlv at home as they did. A low days niter Clie St. Jee murder the writer saw Frank pass within sight of the llar llar bcseti farm, vv hore the Fenjs were living with their Bister, Mrs. llolten. Belonging te the James gang was a man who resem bled Jcse in utmost everything save courage. This man was Sam lllll, and his wire was a daughter or Win. Hill, or Mor Mer Mor eon, Itay county, Me. Mrs. Wm. Hill was a daughter oftlie late James Itenlck, ihjsI ihjsI ihjsI ofllce as above. Mv.wife ts very closely rotated te tiiu llcnleks, and, as we were all at Morten the day or the inurder. consider e.irsclvcs pretty ell 'posted. Sam Hill left home Komctline bcfeie the sheeting, and his family lias never seen nor heard 6t him since; but the man who saw Jcsse Juntos' ghet out Wet souie month since saw u llttle of the wickedest ghost his eyes ever rested upon. U'Governer Crittenden was tnijiesctl uien by the Fords, it matters little. Sonie one will probably ask why Mrs. Samuel made such an ado? Pulley, my friend, policy t Heb and Charles Ferd were tee young te go into the army, but after the war closed went te stealing as a profession. The eldest brother, Jehn, was in tlie army, aim, ny the way, was the best ene of the family, and yet, just before he breathed his last, said he only wanted te llve long enough te kill two men at lUcliniend. I repeat that It was (Sam Hill and net Jesse. James who vv as killed. Among Errors Ruinous te Health. One of the most lul-chloveus and mosttoin mesttoin mosttein mon Is the Indiscriminate nnd tee frequent use efpurgallvcs. Such medicine, It well chosen and r easenably resorted te, arc certainly ueful, . but many persons select the worst, fly from ene , te the ether, and employ them when there Is no occasion, or their utility teased. Toelahllsh ein permanent basis a tegular condition of the bjtvels, the finest alterative Is llestettcr's Ptemnth Hitters. It Is botanic In origin and a $ ifc succedaneuin for thoe objectionable drugs, , calomel and blue pill ; It does net gripe or , drench the bowels like the ordinary evaencnts, nnd It net onlyrcreirnslrrcgiilarlty of the habit of body, but leinedlcs the Merdcr'hiid Inac tivity of the liver and stomach, which usually accompany Hint condition. Itheunuitlsiir, kid ney trouble, mnl.iilul complaint uud nervous ness nre lemeved b the Hitters. lccial ilciticce. Huuklen's Ai-nlc-ii Snlve. , Tin: IU'-stSalvk In the world for Cuts, Uralses Beres, Ulcers, Salt Itlieuiii, Fever Seres, Tetter. Chapped Hands, chilblains. Cerns, mid nil Skin Eruptions, nnd positively cures I'lles, or no pay required. It is guaranteed te nlve per fect satisfaction, or money refunded, l'rlce 25 cents per box. Fer sale by II. I). Cochran, IiruggUt, Ken. 137 and 1JU North Queen street, Lancaster, I'.i. unc27-ld Eleotile Hitters. This rimtdy Is becoming se well known nnd se pepulai ns te need no special mention. All who have used Electric llllteis slug the sumo song or lmilse.-A pure r inedlclne does notcx netcx 1st nnd ft Is guaranteed te de ull that Is claimed. Klectrlc Bitters will euro all diseases et the Liver and Kidneys, will remove I'lmplcs, Hulls, Bait Rlicuiii nnd ether ullectlens caused by Im pure bleed. - Will drive Malaria from the sys tem and prevent ns well nscurn all Malarial revirs, Fer cine or Headache, Constipation nnd Indigestion try Klectrlc Hitler". Entire satisfaction gunninteed or money refunded. Price flOe nnd SI.UU per bottle at II. II. Cochran's Drug Stere, 137 and ISJN. liuctn St., Iiiim-asler. Mothers! MetliuttM Metliurit I !i Are )ou disturbed at night nnd biokeuef your rest by a sick child sullerlng and crying with the excruciating pain of cutting teeth ? If se, gout oncennd get n bottle, of MILS. WINS LOWS SOOTHING SYRU1. It will relieve the peer llttle bullerer Immediately depend upenlt; thcre Is no mlstnke about It. There Is net a mother en earth who has ever used It, who will net tell you at once that It will regu late the bow els, and glv e rest te tlie mother, and relief nnd health te the child, operating like mngle. It Is perfectly snfe te me In nil cases and pleasant te the taste, nnd Is the prescription of ene of the eldest nnd best tannic physicians and nurses In the United States. Sold ecrywherc, 25 cents a bottle. JuiiCSlydAw Is Consumption IiiL'iiralile f Ituid the following : Mr.C. H.Merris, Newark, Ark., says ? " Was dew n w Ith Ab-cesi of Lung", nnd irlcnds and phhlelaus pronounced inu im Incurable Consumptive, lb gnu taking Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption, am new en my tilth bottle, mid able in ovcrteethe work en my faun. It Is tlie finest medicine ever made." Jcsse Mlddlctnii, Decatur, Ohie, suvm "Had It net been ler lr. King's New Discovery for Consumption I would have died of l.ung Trou bles. Whs given up by doctors. Am new hi bestef health." Try It. Sample bottles five itt II. II. Cochran's Urug Stere, Nes. 1.17 nnd 1311 N, Uuceii St.. UincnsUr, lu. (3 Uluchittcvu. OTEAM. We desire te call Ithe ntt Irnlnriill Itlie lit tctltl Oil Of Consumers of Stcnm Uoeds nnd Engineers' Supplies, te our Inrce nnd varied stock or PI lies. alves, Cocks, Malleable nnd Cnst Iren Fittings, Asbesto., Vulcabesten nnd Cbudurlnn, Sheet, Piston nntl Valve Packings; Scotch uuil lied Line Hcllcct- lllg UaUgeUlasscs, nieaill uuuiiuersiiiiursu:Hiii Heating Apparatus; Set and Cup Screws, and In r.ict almost ever thing J'equhcd by steam users, nnd ull or which we ener nt prices which we guarantee te be low it than these or any ether dealer In this vicinity. We have positively the largest stock, nnd be ing cenuccted with the Telephone Kxchnnue, are prepared te recelvu nnd nil nil orders In the shorn st possible time. When In want of any thing In our line, call en us rer prices and we will convince jeu or our ability and willing ness te save J en Meney, Delay and cxatlen. Our facilities for furnishing hiiKlnes, Hellers, Shafting, Pulley. Hangers, Special Machinery, Plumbers' unit Gas Fitters' Toels, Patterns, Medels, and Iren and llmss Castings, and rer the prompt lepair or nil kind or inaciiincry are unexcelled In lJUicaster, and we respectfully solicit a shnre or our luitreiuige. Central Machine Works, ISlAlseNOKTIICHltlbTIANSTHKET, 1.ANCASTEK, I'A. Geed Werk, Ileasonnelo Charges, Prompt ncss. Tclcphoue connection dJ-tfdH pjrtvimmve. H AHDWAIti:! YOUNG'S I.MPltOVED TOBACCO CUTTER, THE WEST IN' THE MAUKirr, MARSHALL & RENGIER'S, .1 11 SOUTH tjUEKN ST. jj- l-e Hi AOh rnlers, WnlerCisileis nnd he I'renm l-'lceiiiit KetUniil Prlii's, OUM'LNTl.ltM KIOIjs VNDHI'II.IIINUMA rilll VI In EiKlle. Viirlrt). IW1 VI- Hl.ADYMIXl.D I'A I NTH. While Ltad.Olls mid Vsiiiblu'S. a- Give us a cull ami be leuwuced that veu get the fuH value for our money. . MARSHALL & RENGIER, 9& II Seuth Queen St. febS-Dd TESSE JONES A CO., 9J .Vllllll unufneturers CONKECTIONEItS' FINE VAPEB BOXES. The nu.t beautiful line In tlie L'liiteaKtates. nil teninitiiefcl., I'liiiudet IIIV Lliiicuninirt. m, v.UIIUIItllVCl., i 111 Udtl mif Pa. Write iuTdttcrlptUe PI Ice list. I iildel-7Mtud ' OTHERS niAUI Dr. D. McLane's CELEUrtATED Vermifuge for Worms ! MOTHERS READ. Andrew Downing of Cranbtirg Township, Ve- iiHiigelunty,gnve ins cinia one irasnsinnu of the jrcmiliin lir. C lclne's Celebrated Vcr mlnigc, nnd she iassel 177 worms. Next morn ing en repetition of the dose she passed 113 mere. Japhct C. Allen, of Ambey, gave a dose of the genuine Dr. C McLane's Celebrated Vermifuge ten child six j enr old, nnd It brought nwuyM vrerms. tlcsism after gave another dose te the same hlld, which brought away 60 mere, mak ing m worms In nlHiut li2 hours. Mrs. qulgby. Ne. 1R2 Essex HI., New Yerk, write u that she had a child which had been unwell for tietter than two months, she pro cured a bottle or the genuine Dr. C Mclanes venniriigc and ndmlnltcrrd It. The child Saed a large ituintlty of worms, nnd In n few ays was as hearty as ever It had been. Parents with such testimony before them should net hesitate when there Is nny reason te suspect worms, mid lee no time In administering the genuine Iir.C. Mcljine's Vermifuge. H never falls nnd Is perfectly mfc. This Is te certify that I was troubled with n tape worm for mere than six months. I tried nil the known remedies for this terrible afflic tion, but w Itlieul being nblc te destroy It. I get a lxittle of the genuine Dr. C. McIane's Vermi fuge, prcimredby Heming Bres., Pittsburg, Pa., which I took according te directions; nnd the result was I discharged ene large tape worm, measuring mere than a nrd, besides a number or small ones. MILS. M, SCOTT. Price 3"i cents a bottle. Insist en having the genuine. (4) SS. H. . SWHTS SPECIFIC has cured me or a malignant breaking nut en my Icr, which caused Intolerable pain. It was called Eciemn by the doctors four or whom treated me with no re lief. I candidly cenress that I ewo my present geed heallh te H. s. s which In my estimation Is Invaluable as a blissl irmed v. MiKSJULlADltWlTT. Ne. 2i7 N. St., HL Ixmls, Me. Our baby when two months old was nttacked with Screlula, which for a longtime destroyed her eyesight entirely nnd cnuscd us te despair of her life. The doctors failed te relieve her, and we gave SWIFT'U SPECIFIC, which seen cured her entirely, nnd she Is new hale and lltnrty. E. V. DKI.K, Will's Point, Texas. a-Sciid for Isiek giving history or Bleed Diseases and ad v Ice te Mifle rcr, mailed free. THE SWIET SPECIFIC CO., (J)Tti,Th,H " Unvwrr 3. Atlanta, Ob. IT UMPIIItEYS' VETKHINAItY SPECIFICS Fer Horses, Cattle, Sheep, Dogs, Hogs AND reuivrrtY. SWPngc Boek en Treatment of Animals and Chart Sent Free, cuitw) Fevers, Congestions, luttHinmatlen, A.A. Spinal Meningitis. Milk Fever. B.H. Strains, Lameness. Ithcumatlsm. C.C. Distemper, Nasal Discharges. D.D. Hots or Grubs, Worms, E.K. Coughs, Heaves, Pneumonia. F.F. Celic or Gripes, Bellyache. O.O. Miscarriage, Hemorrhages. H. II. Urinary and Kidney Diseases. 1. 1. Eruptive Diseases, Mange. J. K. Diseases of Digestion. STABLE CASE, with Specifics, Manual, Witch Hazel Oil nnd Medlcater 97.00 PIHCE, Single Bettle (ever 50 doc) 00 Sold by Druggists; or Bent Prepaid anywhere and In any quantity en Ilecelpt of Price. HUMPHHEYS' MED. CO.. 109 Fulton St., N. Y. HUMPHHEYS' HOMEOPATHIC SPECIFIC NO. 28. Ill use SOv cars. The only successful remedy rer NEHVOIIS DEBILITY. VITAL WEAK NESS, and Prostration, Irem Over-Werk or ellnr causes, fl per vial, or 0 vials and large v lal powder for $.'. Sei.li iiy Ditt'umsTs, or sent prepaid en re ceipt or prlce.-HtlMPHHEYS' MEDICINE CO., KM Fulton SL, N. Y. linc27-Th,S&W rpEETIIINO 8YHUP. TO MOTHERS. Evriy babe should have u bottle of DK. FAHlfNEYH TEETHING SYBUP. TerfecUV safe. NeOplum orMeriihlamlxturcs. Will re lieve Celic, Griping In the Bowels and Promote Dltllcult Teething. Prepaicd by DBS. D. FAHH NEY A SON, Hngerstewn, Md. Dmgglsts sell It; 25 cents. Trial bottle sent by'mall 10 rents. lanMydeeditw 4?uvuituvc. WM IDMYEH'S COBNEH. A Heavy Fall. New Is j our chance te buy FURNITURE Pi Ices hav e " knocked " down lint II almost ull pretlt has been "swept away." What we lese 3 en gain. Yeu wonder why this sacrifice I The wonder Is : Our Stock Is Toe Big, Must be cut down. We want 3011 tohuvelt rather than Carry It ever summer. This Is the only reason. Ouallty and style as high as ever, but the price Is low enough te meke a chill 1 1111 down your back. WIDMYER'S COHNEIl OF E. King & Duke Sts. e CHS A OIHHS SUMMER COMFORT What Is mere refreshing, especially these Het Summer Days, than the home coming Ien neat and prettily furnished home? Wccaii help jeu makult seat vcr' small cost. However, te enable jeu te bear the" Heat and burden or the day," we eiler you "SLEEP COM FOUTS," vlr. : Easy Comrert-Givlng Matticsscs mid Spring Beds, at all prices. We'll renew tho"Cemrort " In join old HalrMattres for little money or make a new ene te order. Let ushclp jeu be comfortable. Ochs & Gibbs, MANUFAtTUBEILS AND DEALERS IN FritNrrUlti:,(2d, :M& Ith Floers,) NO. SI SOUTH QUEEN lT. alMyd H EINITSH'S. 22 DAYS LEFT. The Chair Sale WILL CONTINUE FOB 'H DAYS, And we have added te Chairs some ether goods that must go net for profit but for Cash, whatever they will brlug. The Rocker for $1.00 STILL LEADS. That FOLDING LAWN BENCH new f.'.CO Only a Few of Them. Last wiek It wusfiKTi. We pilfer Giving jeu the Profits tecurrjlng IllPglMMl. HEINITSH'S Furniture Depot, Nes. 27 & 29 SOUTH QUEEN STREET' 4S-Pirsen.il Attention Given te Undertak ing. -rOKK, (I'A.) " - COLLEGIATEJNSTITUTE. New Building ; Large Endow incut ; Scholar still; Laboratory ; Library; Gymnasium. Prepare for College or HuMm-M. Separate Course for ladles. Modern Ijiiigiiagft, In Kegu hir Course. Tuition, StJ per uniium. Heard In private families, fue per week. Faculty of nine. 17th year epena)vpteiiiber2. I'orcuta I'ercuta limlle. uildri'j.s " iilmi I t ill V tl..lillit i I I lit, t. ...JUii JAMllf LHIALL, PH. D.. J)-Vi'lu President. M Clothing. T CLOTTUNG BUYERS. LGansman&Bre. -l-XIR ttiK- Least Isleney. Extraordinary Bargains In Men's, Bey's nnd Children's Clothing. Irlces 3S Ier Cent. Lewer than Ever Heretofore. All Our Weel Men's Casslinere Stilts, down te Ks 17, K nd 110. All Our Own WtxilMcn's Cheviot Suits down teJrt.fSnnd 110. All Onr All-Weel Bey's Hulls down te fl, t ftandfN. ' All Onr Clilldrtm's Suits down tefl.UO, fl.Ie, 11.75, fi5O,f3.00,ri.S. Tliln Coats nnd Coats and Vests Itt less than first cost price. These goods must le sold new In order te make room for our large Fall Stock new being manufactured. Our Great Clothing Department Makes Down Hale cannot be equaled in this city or else where. See our Qualltlrsaud Prices before pur. chasing. It will pay you te call. L. Gansman & Bre., 66 tad 68 WORTH QVKBM BT., S.W.CORHEROFORArtCIB. LANCASTER, FA. - Net connected with any ether Clothing Heuse In the city. Mv KRS KATHFON. YOU!! CIIANCK. ITS YOUK CHANCK TO I1UY NOW TO SAVE MONEY. BIG VALUES AT SMALL PRICES. IT WOULD HE PROFITAIlIiK FOll 0U TO BUY NOW FOR FALL WEAK. WFj HAVE REDUCED THE TRICE ON OUR MIDDLE WEIGHT WORSTED DRESS SUITS. A NUMRER OF CHOICE STYLES IN BUSINESS SUITS HERE AT THN AND TWELVE DOLLARS j WERE FIFTEEN. THESE TRICES ARE UN PROFITABLE TO US, BUT WE'RE NOT CIOIKU TO CARRY ANY SUMMER GOODS INTOJ NEXT SEASON, s M YERS A KATHFON, RELIABLE CLOTHIERS, NO. 12 EAST KING STREET, LANCASTER, PA. VFAIITIN BHOS. Clothing and Furnishing Goods ! Tltr. prices we've put en our stec! or Summer Cloth ing and Furnishing Goods takes them out rapidly. didn't Imagine vc would be selling Midi tjunlltles rer se SURPRISING YALUES. llttle money, but we cannot carry the goods te another season. Closing out lets or Men's and Bey's All-Weel Cassimcre. Cheviot, Serge and Flannel Sails, Fitejll. Every one a bargain te the customer. Summer Coats and Vests, S'siteSlfjl). While and Fancy Llncu Vests, 7&e te t! M. Men's All. Weel Trousers at prices thiit make trade brisk en a lalny Saturday. Seme seasonable things lu the Furnishing Department bought for this season's sales. Must be sold this season. The leir prices en them vi III take thcui out before the season Is ever. Gaure and Balbrlggan Shirts and Drawers, '.Tic; former price. SOc. Nainsoek and Jcnn Drawers, Sic. Demet Shirts, i"i, ;Wnnd M Scotch Flannel, Zeiiler, Madras and Silk Strlis- Shirts, 11.00 te l'i7.v. Tcnty-tlve Cent Neckwear In plenty. But jeu rarely sec such as e etler for SV (.'Oc Mould be a low price.) Tnke veur choice of two from the assortment at the usual price of one. MARTIN BROS, Merchant Tailoring, Clothing and Furnishing Goods, NOS. Ifl AND 18 NORTH QUEEN STREET. w 1LLIAMSON 4 FOSTER. A BRILLIANT SUCCESS. Our Bargain Sale ! ELECTRIC PRICES. GENTShCMMER SUITS. fL'OO Suits. .. Ciltte!10UI II UO " " 110) 1500 " " 121M 1800 " " Ul BOYS' HUMMER SUITS. JS 00 Suits Cut te fl 30 700 ' . ..." 5.7) 600 " ... . " 500 500 " ."150 GENTS SUMMER COATS ANI VESTS. S3 00 Coats and Vests Cut te tin) liu " " :ioe 350 " " aw FURNISHING OEPART.MF.NT. Krtnch Flaunt! Shirts marked from ti toil 60. English Flannel Shirts marked from t-' te J 175. Men's Klne French Flannel Shirts marked from K50 lii fi. Men's Suspender uiarkeil from 17c te l.V. Men's Sush nders marked from 'J.V te 17c .Men's Susjicndcrs mnrkeil from :Lle te is-. reur-lu-Iland Tics mnrkeil rreinSic ti ls-, Feur-ln-lland Ties marked from 17c te I le. Men's Putt Scarfs marked from 75c te 50c. CI.OSING I'RIl'US ON STRAW H.VTs. A Child's Straw Hat cut from 7.V toefle. A Child's Miller Mut cut fren a's- te IV. A Beys' straw Hat cut irom5fe le'Xr, A lles' Straw Hats cut fiem 75c te.Vv. A Men's Slntw Hat cut from fine te 'Se: A Men's Straw Hat cut fiem 7V te Mir. A Men's Straw Hal cut Irem lll te 7?. A Men's Straw Hat cut from 111", tell ID. A Mcn'sStraw Hut cut from II ,7) tell 2i. A Mcn'sStraw Hut cut from tilt) te 11 Hi. A Men's Slruw Hut cut from ti M te t-' 00. And a hill line or Light and Black HtlM and Pocket Hats at vcr) low prhes. SHOE DEPARTMENT. Indira' Br. Dongola Butten, beuaic or Optra Tee, for K. Indies' Grain Butten Shoes, Vk: and II 23 In round or Miuurc tee. MIsxV Grain Butten Shec,MV:uiid 81. Children's Shoes, l5c, Xks mid 5V. Williamson & Fester, !1'J-;1H EAST KINO ST., LANCASTER, PA., AND 318 MARKET bTRECT, HARRlbBURO, PA m aim F UN FOR EVERYBODY. Furi for Everybody-Bargain Sale I All SOc Corsets at 85c a pair. All 75c Corsets at 49c a pair. All II Corsets at 73c a pair. 50c Outing Flannels at 25c a J ard. 62c Table Linens nt S'W a J srd. 75c Table Linens at ftOc a yard. All makes Best Machine Thread, 3c a Spool. 12)c Crepe lines at 4,'ic a yard. Best Yard Wide Batiste at 4c a yard. All Shades Satin At Ilea yard. New 24 Centre fjoeta mtb gthec. TJOOTS AND SHOES. D.P. BARGAINS IN SHOES. Just received, direct from the factory, ever one thousand pairs of Ladles' Shoes that wcre made and stamped te be sold for f50apalr, but the party failed before the goods wcre flu lihed ; se I made them an offer at the factory for the goods and had them finished In splendid si 5 le, and I am ettering you these shoes for 11.50 and S2.U0 per pair and every pair guaranteed. Se this Is it rare chance te get a $U0 shoe for 11.51) nnd K.0O. Alse a let of Men's and Bey's Shoes we are closing out cheap. A full Una of Black and Tan Oxford Ties for Ladles, Misses and Children at the tewest prices In Ihetlty. D. P. Stackhouse, 28 and 30 EAST KINO STREET, LANCASTER, PA. a-IydAw B OOTS AND SHOES. A Big Reduction -IN- SHOES. As we have secured the agency and sole con trol or "The Celcbiatcd" Frank D. Weylinnn Ce.'s Finn Philadelphia Ijvdles', Misses', Chil dren's and Infants' Shoes, and its It Is uecesMiry te run a large Hue of any make te keen the agency or control of them, we have, decided te mark down the whole line (UullrV, Misses' and Children's), or Juiucs Cetter's Fine, Philadel phia Shoes, and rim In thtlr place the above mentioned line. In order te nil them efl In a short time, we have marked EVERY PAIR BELOW COST. Ijidlc' French Kid, Common Sense and Opera Toe Shee. C. D. and K. widths, f-UQ; former price, Jl.50. Indies' Bright Dongola Conuaieu Sense and Squiiic Tee Shee, C. D. and E. widths, (3.00; former price, tl.W). Misses' Flench Kid, Opera and SuiiarcTee, C. and D. widths, S.1.00 ; former price, U.W. Misses' Bright Dongola, Opera and Square Tee, C. and I), widths, U.'t ; former price, f.1.00. Misses' Cuiacea Kid, KIrIi Cut Hetl and Spring Heel, C. and D. widths, 11.50; former pilce, J7.U0.. S-Tlils line we have sold for about three years, and our many customers who vitar them can testify tethclr eiiallties. Since they have been ttmrktd down they have been selling very fast and cannot last very long, se de net blame us If you fall te suve J1.00 by buying a pair el this let. The One-Price Cash Heuse. The Leaders of Lew Prices -IN- Beets and Shoes, 3 & 5 East King St., LANCASTER, I'A. -Stoieclesed'evcry evening at o'clock, ex ccpl Monday and Saturday. )ltV!tCOO. H ARNESS. HARNESS. HABERBUSH'S 30 Centre Square, LANCASTER, PA. Saddles, Harness, LAP BLANKETS, Trunks, Bags, Harness Oil, AND General Stable Supplies, -AT- (Sl'Ltr.SSUIlIOM. IlADEIilll'SIl iHOM.) SIGH OF THE GOLDEN HORSE HEADS. -VTOTK.'E TO TRESPASSERS .Wll OUN L NERS. All srwjusare hertby rerblddiu bilrespiisseuuny or the lands or the Cornwall jid His-edwcll tlali-s In Ix-lmnen or Lancaster uiuntles, VThether Inclestil or uulnclesed, either rer the purpose of sheeting or fishing, as the law will bit rigidly enforced ngulnvt ull Ires. Iuikj.hU en said lands or the undersigned arte his uiitlce. Wit. COLEMAN FREEMAN It. PERCY ALDEN, EDW.C. FREEMAN, Allernr) s ler It. W, Celemau's liclu. STACKHOUSE. M & HIT, Ghas. I Hakiisli s, Cuebs: J. HHRRY STA7VT7VVS. $ 1.35 Black Ijicc at We a yard. 2c Slcn's Seamless Hese, l'.'Jj per pair. All Jl Dress Embroideries nt We. a j ard. All lOe ladles' llesi at 5c a pair. 11.33 Cashmere Wraps at,V. ;c Men's Flue Whlte Shirts al 37J',c each. 17c Bed Tickings at 12Jc a yanl. 75e Napkins nt Me a deien. 50e Leather Satchels at 17c each. JT. e ARPETS CHEAP. CARPETS CHEAP, r CARPETS.. CARPETS., CARPETS.. CARPETS.. .At 10 e .At l2We, At 15 V Atai 0 . Handflome Assert ment of Turkish Rugs. ! CARPET RAGS TAKEN IN EXCHANGE. Metzger& Ha ugh man's Cheap Stere, Nes. 38 and 40 West King Street, Lancaster, Pa. (OIH'ONITKTHK COOl'KH IIOU8K.) rARD A MCELROY. BARD & MCcHLROY, Nea. 33 and 35 Seuth Queen Street, Opposite Fountain Inn. TABLE LINENS-Etru bargains In Table Linen at 2Se, 1, yards wide! Iictter grade In Da mask pattern at. 'IV. Bleached (lurinan Table Linen at .'ilV; worth tt!(f. If veu think It ain't worth (U(it don't buy II, In plain whlte or neat Turkey red border. Alse Half Bleach at same price. Better grades al87J;e, Llftiiualltlc. 01LC1.0TH We are ellcrlng u special drive III Oil Chilli. 4 feet wide, for labia use, semcwhal heavier than the ordinary Table OH Cleth, soft and pliable, at le per v ard. A great many usn It for Meer, by tacking It down will de very well for that purpose. Think or It, t feet wide and only lsc per yard. If you want Oil Cleth or any kind Table, Fluer, Bheir or Stair wc can suit you at bargain prlce. FEATHERS Wc want te call our attention new, should Jeu need Feathers a Utile later en, that wn sell the Best Feathers lower than you can buy them anywhere rise. We Imve Just added a cheaper grade that we sell nliW. REMNANTS One bale or Ik-sl Heavy Unbleached Muslin Heiinmnls, (UJc ; regular price, Sc, Anether let or these Extra Heavy Olngluim ReuiniinlsiitAku; worth He. A finer grade In Rem. naiilsntTc; regular price, tie. Cotten Flannel Remnants alue, 0','e, Re, I0e, elc. Wecan't aluajs get these gisnls In Remnants, They sell fast whenevrr we have them, If you need any cull and sea them. DRESS (IINOH AMS-Senir or the helcest styles In Dress Ginghams In Hie city. HOSIERY One let or Children's Hese lu three sires, at lie 1st pair ; Just iirlce. Fast Black Hose for Ijidles or Children, that are fast black, two pairs feri'ic. Bargains In ijullcs', Men's and Children's Hesnnr all kinds. IINDERWEAH-Mlargalns In Light and Medium Wright Summer Underwear. BICYCLES The Premier Safety lllcjclesnie Urn easiest running wheels In the world. L. A. W. meet, Hagcrstewii,Md.,,luly 4, '. 1 lode eim of the Premier Safeties lu the L. A. W. raren Hngerstewn, nnd although I never bcreru Kle u siirutyoutslde or (rj lug thrm, I Finished half a lrnglh behind the wlnnii. It Is a remarkably easy running wheel. W. I. WILHELM, Rending, 111. At Lancaster, Pa., meet .Inly IS, 'MO, In Iho 2-mllc safely raee W. I. Wllhclnieiin Premier wen ; W. W. Taxis, en a Premier, second, and W. I. (Iriibh, en a Premier, fourth. AlSt. Catharines, Out., July 4. '89, In the hllt-cllmblng contest, H entries, B. A. Pratt, of Reelicsltr. en a Premier, wen In SI seconds. Seme of them It took 1 mluute and .'W seconds, while several railed te climb the hill at all. An easy running wheel counts en Ihu track, en the read, and In hlll-cllmblng. Come and sen us lr you want nil easy tunning wheel, and let us sell jeu the Premier. , BARD Sc Neb. 33 and 35 Seuth Queen Street, SCTKXT DOOR TO THE COURT HOUSE. this WKF.K wi;.makj:fuktiji:h iikouutiekh in thi: ukmaininu lote Ob' NUMMF.lt NTUFFH, AH W1CLL AS IN HOMK LINKS OF HTAl'LF.S. ALL OUR BEST FRENCH SATEENS at '.He.. ALL OUR FINE DESIONS OK WOOL CILVLI.IES at 1V ALLOUR AMEBICANSATEENSnl J0-., . A 1,1 UUIt 8c. DRISS niNOHAMSatllUc. ALL OUR 10c DBFWS OINOHAMS at be UARUAINH IN LADIES' OI.OVIX, BARGAINS IN cousin's. BARGAINS IN llOSIERY. UARUAINH IN ItUCIIINllH. BAIUIAINS IN TABLE LI irAlse Just rcct I vul One Case of the Hist lissatllic 35 and 37 East King St., $Ltittchc. H RIIOADH A SON. LOW PRICES. Following will te found a list of goods-low prlccd-ulwavs In our stock; Child's Jt Oelil Finger Rings, Tm.; Misses' Held Finger lllugs,7&-.; Ijolles'Oeld Finger Rings, I LOT Sleeve Buttens, 2Tic.,fiOe.,tl.OO; Cellar Buttens, -'. te 11,00; Diamond Cellar Buttens, f.'.dO; ladles' and Misses' Breastpins, 2.V. tell.ni); Mourning Plus and Earrings, 2.V. te il.O); Briiceluts,2.V. tellO; Nickel Clocks, 11.01; K-DayMautlcClecks,.l.7A; Ijulks'Ueld Watches, 115.75; Nickel Watches, fl.UU; Sllvtr Wale lies, fit). -llcialrliig lu all biaiithes by geed workmen unit all work wariauted. H. Z. RHOADS & SON, Jewelers, Ne. 4 WEST KING STREET. IJvntcv IJILINN I1RENEMAN. Nf)V IS Till'. TI.MK TO IIAVK YOl'It- Old Heaters IPixt in Order, OH TO IIAVK A-- New Heater Put In. WE MAKE NO FAILURES IN HEATING. FLINN & BRENEMAN, Ne. 152 Nertli Qvieen Street, LA XCANTKIl, PKXS'A. (Ciivvct i lARUAINSI B -UO Sh-irk's Carpet Hall ! Wilten, Velvet, Bedy Brussels, Tapestry, Ingrain, Damask and Venetian, Rag and Chain Carpets. OIL CLOTHS, WINDOW SHADES, &e. Wk Havkthk Lvikjkst ami IIk.st Stock inthkCitv. H. S. SHIRK St SONS. Cor. West King and Water Sts., Lancaster, Pa. If the Best Is what you want Ne.240ENTRESQUARE Is the place te get II. COMPARE OUR TRICES WITH ANY AND JUDGE FOR YOURSELF. COME, ENJOY YOURSELF. OUR LOW PRICES WILL DO IT. Harry Stamm, I CARPETS CARPETS CARPKIX :.. I BRUSSELS AtS'i c -....At itt n Vt5(V tlptofl.re Frem seu I'p Opposite Fountain Inn. IIAIIOAINSIN I (11, 1, A US AND CUKKS, BAROAINS IN HANDKERCHIEFS, NENS, TOWKW AND NAPKINS. Prints at Ts-, and a line selection of Fast Celer Chub Lancaster, Pa rtll. R ARUAINSI TO- -I-OR- S ftraneler' Miilhr. i ' - ," a iDrvsviArivrt nursninuritimmA H P IT In effect from May IS, 18. J j .iira,.n?J'?ry,t I'AstCAdTBR nd leave M fid rlMl At ltlllaHAl..KlM kllnMa, - . " I LeavcT f Ml Mb WBfTWAHI). PaclncKxpreKsr - News Exprcsstl Way Passengerf MantralnvlaMUeyt Phllsdelphla. LnncaftW. ls, n. A.-2A n. IB. R-Da. m (h.ll a. ill 4:30 a. m M a. m ?4Y1 n ... .w. a mmu minr-..... Niagara Expres via Columbia HtSK a. in s..i n. m. via Columbia IhV) a. ni. I'll. .,!, ,,.tl. la IO..W a. m IIOTa. . iiniioverwccein ... Fast LI net ...,, Frederick Aecem.M. nncaster Aecem... llarrlkhuiw Aecetn..,. (Columbia Arcem..M. llnrrlslmrg Express., vsesteni Expresst..... Lancaster Acce. Phils. Exprrsst......, FastLlncT...." Lancaster Acce... Harrlsburg Express. Iincaster Aecein... . Celumhls Accem.. Atlnntln Kth,m.i mp. m. 2:10 p. m. , 2-JO p. m. 5ie p. nt. 7:40 p. m. TtfiO i). nt. T:".."'j' via.vii.jey. .-ij p. in, 4:10 p. in. Ssll p. m. .-J0 p. m. ' reave"" Ijinrasler. 2-SOn. m. 4:15 a. lu. 6:15 a. Ill M0 a. m. S:M a. in. t.oe a. m. 11:35 a. in, IKA p. in. S:ttp. m. 30 p. m. 4: p. m. :p. in. f:SH p. in. 11:10 p. rn. rau p. m. ArCIKM Arrive Phi la 4.-25 a. m. B 50 a. m RV1- m 10:3) a. m. IttMLJey. 11:45 a. m. Benshore Express." 1:25 p. m. 1:15 p. rn. S.tf n. tn. x iiunuejniiin Acceni Sunday BIall...... Day Expresst ......., llarrlsbiirgAecem... Mall Traluf. 1 5:45 p. m. saw p. m. - p. m. 10:55 p. m. The only trains which run dally. On Sunday the Mall train west runs by way Columbia. J. R. WOOD, Ocneral Passenger Agent, CHAS. E. l'UUII. Ocneral Malinger. -pIULADELPHlA A READINO RAILROAD READING A COLUMBIA DIVISION. On and artrr Monday, .Inly I, Iwi, trnlnl leave lAiirastcr (King street), as fellows i or Beading and Intermediate points, week days, 7;M0 a. in., 12:35, 3:11 p. in.; Sunday, 8:05 a. in., 3.S1 p. in. t 'or Philadelphia, week dajs, 7M a. in., 12:35, 3:ls p. in.; Sundays, SAI p. in. Fer New Yerk via Philadelphia, week days. 7:30 a. in., I2.S5, J:4S p. m. . or New Yerk via Allenlewn, week days, 12.35 p. m. Fer Allenlewn, week days, 7:30 a. in.,3:Wp m.l Sunday, 3:S5 p. m. i r t or Pettsvllle, week duj s, 7:30a. in., 11:11 p. m.; m" f ,. " ! 1CD p. rn. ; nunaav-. H.-05 a. m. S.-.W n. ni. t or llarrlsbnrg, wrek days, 7:00 a. in,, 12:15, S:W p. in. ; Sunday, 8:05 a. in. FerQuarryvllle, week days, 9-25 a. in., 2.00, 8.00 p. in. ; Sunday, 5:10 p. in. TRAINS FOR LANCASTER. l.eave Reading, week days. 7.-20, HAla. m., S.Vi p. in. J Sunilay. 7.-J) a. in.; 3:10 p. in. leave Philadelphia, week days, 4:15, lOflOa. m., 4.-00 p. in. ' lve New Yerk via Philadelphia, weekdays, 7:45 a. m.. 1:30. 12.00 p. in. Ixsvve New Yerk via Allentown, weeki days l-00a.in..l.-00p. in. Leave Alleuluwn, week days, 6:52 a.m.; 1:30 p. m. Leave I'eltsvlllc, week dajs, 6.50 a. in., 1:35 p. in. lave Lebanon, week days, 7:12 a. m., 12:80 7:15 p. in. : Sunday, 7:&"i a. in., 3:15 p. in. . U-ave llarrlsbnrg, week days, 0.25 a. m.; Bun. day, 6:50 a. in. . Leave Quarryvllle, week days, :40, 11:45 a. m., .1.O0, i.M p. ni. ; Sunday, 7:10 a. m. ATLANTIC CITY DIVISION. Lravn Philadelphia, Chestnut street wharf, and Seuth street wharf. Fer Atlantic city, week days, expresses, P.-OO a. ni. and 4O0and5:0q p. in.: Accommodation, 7:30 a. in. and 4:30 p. m.l Sundir, HSpress, flS and 0.00a.m., Accommodation, 800 n. ni., 4:80 p. ni. Returning leave AtlHiitle C'll)', depot corner, Atlantic and Arkansas Avenues. Week days. Express 7O0 and 10.12 a. in. and 4 p.m. Accom modation, 805 n. in. and l-M p. m. Sundays Express. 4 and 5:30 p. in. Accommodation, 7:30 a. in, nnd 4.-05 p. m. Detailed time tables can be obtained nt ticket efllces. A.A.McLEOD. C. O. HANCOCK. Vice Pres. A Ocn'l M'gr. Uen'l Pass'r Act. f- EBANON A TiANCASTER JOINT LINE XJ RAILROAD. Arrangemeiils of Pussi-nger Trains en and aflar Hunuav, May 12, I8W. NORTHWARD. Iave A. M. r. u Sunday, r. m.iA. t. r. m, King Street, Lane. 7.-W Ijinrnslcr,... , 7.-07 Manhclm m 7:34 Cornwall ... 7:60 , Arrive at 12:35 12:11 Ism VM A.-I0 805 5..50, 8:1.1 8.-20 8:4.5 0:48 0:17 1:33 5.01 1:53 7.00 S..U 5:IJ HOITTIIWAnil. Ix-ave a.m. r M. I-. M.iA. M, r. M. 7:15 7A5 3: 7:30 8.10 100 7:57 8:10 1:30 8:23, 0:12 603 leaneti 7:12 Cornwall 7:77 Manhclm!. 7:58 Lancaster 8.-27 l.rlfa ul 12.30 12:15 .1:11 1:02 King Street, ljnc. SM 9 en a no' atn MO A.M.WIIitflV Uilnl tl A i ITnllM.4 S. B. NEFF. Bupt. ti II, It. SJttatirhr. "lyATHEH. HMERICKN Watches, Clocks, Jewelry. Specs, fkre-Ulasaes, Etc., al LOWESt' PRICJX Optical (Jixxls. Telegraph Time Dally. Every Article In this Line Caterully Repaired. Leuis Weber, He. IB WNerthQuaen Bt NeuP. R. R. SUUem. JEWELER AND OITIC1AN. Spectacles !. IFYOUREVESTHOUBLEYOUHAVETHKM EXAMINED WITHOUT C1IAROEBY w..f:,.T'i'"" . . i,.' r ur ixunneu, weea tiays, 7,-ou a. 111., 1J.V, 6:J s"i Jeweler and Graduate Optician. J NO DROPS USED. Ne. 10 West King Street, LANCASTER, PENN'A. HK""' REPAYING ! De you haven Wulch or disk that nred re pair T It uiuy be one thut hastieeu repaired and doe no geed. If se, bring It te us, and we will Guarantee Yen the Best Werk Yeu have cv i r had done. All kinds of Jewelry and b(cctaclc Repairing, Engraving, Htc All Werk Uiiiiranlted nnd Prices the liOwrst. Otva us a Trial and you will Call Again. HERR, Ne. 101 N. Queen St., CORNER OF ORANGE. goueefuvttiahitta Ooeb. c ,V LI. AND SEE -THE- ROCHESTER LAMP! Sixty Candle-Light; Beats them ull. Anether Let or Cheap Glebes for OasundOll Steves. THE "PERFECTION" .METAL MOULDING aud RUBBER CUSHION Weather Strip. Beats them all. Thlsstrlpouturursallelhrrs. Ktcps out the cold, steps rattling or windows. Excludes the dust. Kteisiuuteuew and lain. Anyone cun apply It no waste or dirt made te arriving"- Can befitted nny litre no holes te bore, ready for iibC. I will net split, warp pr shrluk-a cu.hleu strip is the most perfts.-t.tfAt the Steve, Hcuter and Range Stoie of Jehn P. Schaum & Sens, 34 SOUTH QUEEN ST., LANCASTER PA. m-r: -.- . Stterncue, y UTHER S, KAUFFMAN, "J ATTOllNKY-AT-LAW. Ijeoend Fleer Eshlemau Law JJulIdlni. We. 18 NettU Duke StieeU atvi-lytiaw .I ? A. M &M ir- 5 ia 1 M vfi ',!! 3i . ,!-i m r m 41 I i "1,8 s .J& fl ta n 4 i - iiaMfe.MV ,xdi .r ssBH4nai mir,rtHsfHt Jln WturtXiM fea&nirt. L.T.W iL a Jan "" - V . -- .1 . " fe -. .(J