- "s1.;' m t - ;.-; " '; -ir-U V'W-w --- ' " f rr -fv V WJm -ftfff T- vc- --. .. .. v THE LANCASTER DAILY INTELLIGENCER, TUESDAY, AUGUST 6, 1889. r l w K? If. . Jptttlit jrntUt0ctirct UVMMCW J. STSINMA, .. , OHARMBSTEINMAN VOt.TZ, Editors., ROBERT CLABK, Publisher. ' tB BAILT lNTELMOKJH.'En.-l'tabll.lied every day in the jmr, butSnndrtj-. Scried byenrrlcri In this city itiJ nurreundlng towns at ten renin a week. Hy mall m e dol lar yrnr In advance J SO ccntsa month. WEEKLY INTEIXleENCKR-One dollar find flfly cents year. In advance. KOTICK TO nUItNCItinKIIS Remit by check r pontelllco order, und where tiellher of theiu can be rrectircd send In n registered letter. Bntered at the rostefflce.ns second class malt Biattcr. ADPRRts, TBS INTELLIGENCES, Lancaster, Te. LANCASTER, PA., August 6, 1889. Where Arc the Chieftains I Bnve for the presence nf 11 few old tagcra nt the Ieeltlel lieuw, no one 4Veuld kuew that tlie Republican slnlc convention Is te bcbclrint llnrrlsbtirgeii Wednesday. There pcciiis te lie little In terest taken in the whole nlThir. The wcretarics linvc received their Instruc tions nnd It nil bids fair te i:is3 oil iie iie eerdlngly. The nlncm-u nf the Rcpubll cau leaders 1-j netlccnble. Where i the enier Hciinter who will have w much te aek of the next Tx-gUlntiiiv, mid yet falters when his great party Is In con vention assembled and about te declare Its principles te the people? Is this vallnnt chieftain, who weathered the gales of se many storms, new suddenly nbached that he dare net face hit coin patriots In arms? In he re proud that he can communicate with his fellow Republicans only by means of a men tary ? The younger and mere daring Senater Quay, who has all the courage of the very devil, Is distinguished by his abjsenee. It Is truchlslnslrticlieiis were given yesterday te his licutciiuntH and te-day he is en"ynehtlng, no one knows where. Hut the words of Quay will K' heard, te-morrow through oilier lips and his instructions will be faithfully can led outs If there Is any gathering where a political party ought te assemble KsU-hl 'leaders It Is a state convention. It Is a commentary en the Intelligence of our people that they will send te the United States Senate two men neither of whom has the eeurngu te stand up and de clare their principles. De they skulk because they fear they might commit themselves te something that would de them Ilium? Docs the plunk in the - platform en the liquor Ucstieu rise up like a ghet te frighten them V De they fear some holiest man may rise in his seat te-morrow and embarrass them by asserting Jils manhood In rebellion te the iroii-lteiiiul slavery? It is altogether likely that things will run morupmootli merupmootli morupmeotli ly because of tlielrabscnce. We ln-!leit there Is neine manhood yet lefl in llc publlcans, Individually, If there is none in thu patty; and, (icrhnps, the pres ence, of a Cameren might still stir up something of epiKmllinn, and ejieti 're bellion. JVrhnps the lteiliblicau chiefs arewie te lvmaln away. Hut wee te the generals that fear te face thu honest eye of their soldiers ! Though harmony hovers ever the Itcpuhllcan rump new, may it net be the ominous quiet befeie the storm? And when It comes it will weep te political destruction the two senators who new exhibit such whnnieful cowardice. WannntHkcr ami the Telegraph. The ixstmaster general uiiikch a very interesting reply te the pretests of l'rc-l-dent Neivin Oiccn, of .thu Western Union Telegraph company, iigaliit the proposed rate of a leutliefii cent a Meid for government messages, lle deew net uttempt te defend that very low rale save by declaring that service Is given te the great newspapers at a half and quarter cent a werd,.uud that the gov gev eminent, juriiKc ether customers Is cha.ycif for the addicss as well as (he Tliessage. Following his merchant In stinct he has fallen into the error of try ing te buy tee cheap and hatillyruvca himself by his urgumcut from the newts piler telegraph service which Is of very diliereut character from the go eminent work. When, however, lie takes up President Green's sweeplug denial of any Is-ne-llt or privilege received by his company from the government Mr. WunumnUer knocks down his opponent in u line style that compels applause-. Ills brief review of the way in which thu great monopoly has gained sovereignty ever the reads and streets of thu country, defy ing cities und even sovereign states,ls in teresting and impressive ; and lie is tight in his conclusion that the value of these t privileges and bencllts Is beyond caleu- latieu. That being thu cae thu government should cease te contend ever a petty question of a tenth of a cent for govern ment messages, and should take up the larger and mere vital question of a gov ernment telegraph service. It Is net In accordance with the spirit of our insti tutions that a corporation should reign supreme ou our public highways even iu se small a matter as wires and poles. Iu return for u nrvlce "of ' Incalculable value," we should net contend for matters se trilling as low sen-ice, or even free service te the government, but should demand Iu ie turn a jK-rfect telegraphic service w lilili would also Ik) of Incalculable value te the ceple. I'rauipt delivery, accuracy, low rates and tiie best of modem appli ances, iu subways, cables, and ether de vices, are demanded by the development of modern life and business j tlm compa nies bhew no disposition te give t Ik-mi Invaluable things iu exchange for their enormous privileges. The country should save itself from the tyranny of mon opoly. Lite and I.cani. There lies before us a uewspajier of 187i, containing quite an elaUirate article referring te reasons why droughts are mere common than formerly. The inalu rea-Kiu given iu that artlcle is lliat the forests have been cut down. New, we are net In favor of cutting down forests by any means ; but the question arises, hew te reconcile this idea with the immense volume of water that has fallen during thin year. Have tices liM.ll ut.ur.ul ... ...... .I....1. .1. i.i v.. .T.,,.,ii;miiiiig uiu mm tenor ;Cft!ii years than during the years pre H ' ceding this time V We le net think se ; 'and yet, te-day, we can say rain, rain, .yj.H.,.uK nui rain; anil many parU rJt of the laud iloedisl. Tin. r....i i- i... $. weather is much the same as It alwavs H 'rl, li.u.1. ........it . . J r ., '-h".-uiiic a eeiisiiicrable j drought, and at ether times eei.lmts Sralus. Tlius we live and learn, und dl- i& cover that our weather-wise nu.ii r.. g, 'eftcn niibtakcil in giving reasons for this fe i or that condition of tlilnuK. " Wi-i. i;mau, .spare that tree," we will eversiiv; Kbuttomakethecuttingdewu of forces b ',m w uieugm heeius tvrtalnlv, ,(ftera recent experience, te be a mis' Mite. It la easy te Imagine that by slowly absorbing moisture, tlie forests may avert the sudden cloud-bursts f and devastating torrents of rain, nnd,that the cutting down of trcca, may iienult tlie destructive emptying of the heavens te besoeoiiiplctot hat n season of drought will fellow. J I is easy te appreciate tlie lwatily and simplicity of this time-worn explanation, but a little bard te make It lit In with the facts. This year the water lias been falling iu every conceiv able way, from the slew and mournful drlr..le te the thundering cloud-burst ; and yet there are no Indications iif any exhaustion of the supply of moisture overhead. The lack of trees can net Is; ued te explain tteth prolonged droughts and continual rains. Su doubt, the coming generation will smile en our weather-sjieculatiens as we de new en the goeMj-lHHio and ground-hog weather lore of our lathers, and se we live and learn, while the great world swings en, celled with the mysteries of natuie, clothed with the majesty of unknown laws, Tlic Asphalt rateiiirnts. The street committee recommend the laying of asphalt blocks en three squares of Xerth Dilkc street mi condition that the propel ty owners and the Street Hallway company talse ?il,7i0 a square towards the work. As the estimated cost per square Is MM the city will have a line little bill of about ?1,0(K) te meet, which with the bill for ChrMlaii street will about exhaust the balance of the $l),vl2 appropriated for Belgian and asphalt paving. Theiu aru many ether squares In town needing asphalt blocks fni mete than these chosen, but as the iirtqieity owners have net come forward te eiler te pay thelrsmall shnie they can hardly complain at the prcfciciice of their meii) enterprising fcllow-cltfecus. What they can complain of Is the ap propriation of he huge a sum te this work when our needs are se much meie pressing iu ether ways. Frent alt ever the city complaints are ton ten stunt of the condition of the streets, and thorough maciHlamling wheiever needed would seem a much lictter ex penditure of the money. The north western pari of the city is almost with out water supply, though paying water tax with the rest, and the people of that section have a light te feel indignant that necllbrl, at all should be made te Is-tter their condition iu tills lespect. Hut it Istischss te icclte etiriHcds; very taxpayer knows lliciu, and the fact that this fund is devoted te a spe cllle pin pose should net lie a barrier te tlie withdrawal of icgular appropria tions from that purpose, that the money may be devoletl te mere urgent needs. Wi.t.ceMi: the sun I May it slilne until tills Kiier gees te press. AVemun, always fotciuesl In all plill.m plill.m plill.m tluopie eliji-ts, Imve tlciiie iiiudi ler tlie relief of tlie Johnstown sulfeieis. Among tlie most piacllt-ul and ui.cl'ul of Uiuli Inlieis hi tlml dlits lien is the mllicr novel Institu tion of the " ltd ('less Heuse," Hid idea of Miss Clara H.irlen, pii-slitriit of tlie Na Na llennl Ited CieHs aMioil.itieu. Hieing Hint Uiu dwellings rijiu.iiiiliig in thu pliice isiuld lint iii-coiiiineihitolhe f.tinillcs ilepiivcd liy tlie Heed of tluilr lieiili-n, hIic leiHxiveil thu hint of falsing an cdlfliu whli-h would n--celveas guests n number of l.uuilius, iiihI liiiilutnili 1 1 iei i In coiiipiunlive couifeit until such llinn :n tln'i should he able te cominunce housekeeping In tht-lr own Iieiiicm. It has been iKHeinpllxlied mul was recently opeiietl te jmlille iusKs.tieu. Tlie " Hetl Cress lleilsu" Is it building lltl feel long, W feet wide, and two stories high. It contains :) large and loiiueodlous bed rooms, adinlug hull 1IM) fct thing, a klli hen, laundry and two hath-ioems for tlie use of llie men and women lesldt-nls. A supply of water If) hild In lieut lheinitlii,audeveiy (ouveuinni-e that one could suggest that would add te thoceiiiloit of the Imuiitch. Thu house Is furnished IhieuglnlTil with eveiy urtlcloel domestic use. Tite 1'iotcs 1'ietcs hint IJjiiscepitl iliuri.li lias le.'uusl (lie ground en w liich Ihi) etlilUe stmids for a purltMl ofclghleeu months. Wlin.s elft'Ksl iiditMpei t'igiir thitu ,veu hivve been smoking you w III hardly buy ,t box without Irv lug ene. This hitsauier.il for councils. I.n thu cunt-lit uiiuiber of .Si-mire, Dr. Itebcit II. l.auibem otleis juies ler thu bast uu-lhixl of destroying mosquitoes, und by a ciictihir letter te outniiieloglhts, hopes toitreuso theiu te active warfare iigiilust tlutt lively biid el piey. This is making science ptnitlcal with a veiige.ince, itnii Hi. Ijiiubern should at oike re ceive llie most lustily eucuui.igemeiit fieiu the hotel Keepers and their patrons of lliose iiiuuiucrahlc u-seils of wlih.it il is brazenly beaMed (hat lliey nuvcr Imve mos(uieos, hut where llie traveller may safely count upon llndlng tliein Inactive business. Tlie circular of Dr. I.amliei u recites tlie fact that dragon llles feed uikiii mosquitoes and house Hies, and the. breeding orgrcatswnrmsefiliiu;on llles he appears te think thu best method el suppressing both of these summer nuisances, lle watched oueiheeiful dragon II v eat thlity heuse llhis, and il show signs of luiugei- ler meie. lie suv that thu luivaet Ihodiagen lly has lieun ehsurvcil swallowing unduvelep'-d uiosqulteos iu large nmnhers, wltlle the lully developed diageii Is se fend of full glow n mosquitoes that It is called the mesquite hawk, lle has plaeed iu the bauds of I'lesldcnt Jcsup.ofthe Aineih an Museum of Natural llisteiy, In New Yoik.tluce pilcsnfglfte, $30 and JUU for llie best essajt, baetl en original investigations en llie destruction of mosquitoes and llb-s by ethci insert-, audheellurs Miggustlnns us te the form el Ihecssity and weik. A ceuiuilttee el emi nent entomologists Is (.hailed with the examination of the essays, w hit It will be published.. The common lly piebahlv tlees it gicat deal el haim by riaii.Miiiltin inaladlcs, ami it has lieen show u that seri ous bleed maladies nia.v be tniusuiittnil by mosquitoes. Dr. l.imberu, therclere, lias our blessing In success ei falluic, and ve trust that Iho inos-iulte hawk in seme ether enemy of the peMering lly and v II II laiueiis mesquite may lie i neeuraged te de battle for sullciiug hiiuiaidty. I'4,vm l.uw.vi.n, liieticiiuaii uovellst. Is dc.ul. Isvvi I'iiiii.ii-s, a pieiuliicut New ion; law yei, died thcioeu Monday iu lus TMhjear. Mil. il..MisinM. has no Iudu lliiiroreu his lell hand. He lest l ,v a giinnliii; at-viileiit years age, but luVgiip un Iho pejiul.ir rcgunl was never inquired In eou-fe-iuonce. 1'lief. II. ('. Si.VM.i.v, e ltatea college, ul lowIstewu, Maine, tlitsl en Monday of he.tit disease, at thu age of .17. lie pic.ulicil twice en Simil.u, and did net complain of illness until ten ininiites before Ins death. fin vi.s .1 vmi.s II. Itieiiv. aged .V years, eeinmaiiiler of Hie l.iiuens ln-st Mai viand aitlliuiv. I. .S. ., known as ' Itfgby's Itutlciy." in the late war. dropped dead fiem hcait illse.isi- en .Meud.iy.at his lioiee. iu lUltlmerc. Kiii-jneit Wimiaji has made his leval graudiitether, Victeria, loiiuiliinderer ihe llerJin Dragoon (luards, but therels no tlanger el a unlc umeiig the guanls, which had been sent word privately lh.it she would net take command iu person. I'imri:HMit William T, Haiiius, aii aii ljeinttMl national coiinulssleni-r of educ-.t-tiuu, in hichly esteemed by thu ikoiiIe of uncerd, Mum., where he lesides. Thev say that he votes! for Cleveland lust fall. He was a ml-het lllainelte In 1SS imt niien iiiuianu issue was rulst no leek sides with the tefermurs. Tlie BfcneKrupIifu Aft. Tlie following essay, Contributed te the Mauliclm tSun by "CIIImii," Is rcritiuled as n line 'Piiineii or mlliKhstinneieiice, uni ons hiforiiintieii and dcllcate humer: Writing, In Its H rst singe, was engraving en iiinrble, next en thin beards dad with wax, next en parchment. About this tlme the HeuiitiiK built a clmrtli and tlie Hlblc, which was dejKisIlcd tlieielu, history In In feims Hi, cost as much ns the building Itself, reaching the enormous sum ofeno liuudred billions of dollars. They thus far printed en thin beards, or rather engraved, which wns very eicnslve. Printing wits II rst introdiiced by a young mnn who fell In leve with a young lady, and whilst they wcre (nkliia walk. Just nt dusk of evening as It happened, they paused alongside of n tree, iijhiii w hkii he engraved Iho Initials of lier name. One of his friends came along and was about detesting hhn, when he'iuslntitlv clapeil his hand iljien the letters, probably being ashained of it. Alter they left tlie trio a short tlme he happened te spy his hand, when, te Ids utmost surprise, he found Iho letters stamped en his hand. Jle no ne no eeidlngly made il known te seme ene else, who tried llie exper iment by culling letters en n wilt plecoef wiH-sl and with lanipblark niiule an impression en iiajier. lle then went te Paris, Prance, mid put up llihlc, (brining Iho heading or Iho hooks w It It red ink unit llie remainder with bl.uk. llulorasheit tlme made an Immense amount of money, but finally thu red heading hretiuht en an enigma they accused lilmef having lulei- en rse with thu devil ami obliged him le teveal the secret nl the expense of his life, which he finally did. And Irem tills win lie nud tlnle spring!) the art of printing. It then iu a sheit tlme ditliiscd Its-clf ever tlie whole world. Alfred Iho tlreat wrole llie laws of Kng Inud, Alitoi-ednil the lllst captivity of the Ismelltes. writing was net piactlecil. Tlie Hist Knowledge we have of nil alphabet was In I'gipt. next in 1'iif-nlrln. Mets brought thealphahct liem ICgypl tot 'aiiaan and liem theme it whs taken te I'henicl.i. Antecedent le a hiiiguage eftharaders repirsent big syllables, writing was of a plcteiial chiiraeler. Iffei iuslauce a man wlslicd te w rlle era dead person he would evidently draw his corpse, that Is, If we w rotlestilutoof htnijiiage we would re; sort le this method of i onveylng out Ideas. As pkteri.il liiiigiiiigu became ceutrui ted, II vaileil ilsleim le seme extent, but still re tained (he Ideas. Fer amiability they pre sented the dove; Iho i licit) lcpiesenltd eternity, tlie viier a passionate leinper.Ae. Wilting of Ibis style eeiiliuutsl a long tlme and ceased net until a language el cliarnelers icpiescntliig syllables was in in tiedmcd. I'ntliewii tlalng. Tlie Philadelphia Immrer lias lldstesiy of Dr. I.ovcrgeod'ri resolution ndeplul by tin- s hoot heuid te pievent ha.ina': i his Is a leuiaikitble prececsling. In Htimces of halng have been se numerous nt colleges anil universities that many Sllldenls have been tliseipliutsl Irem time te lime. Hut this islheliisl case, Iu uur recollection, iu which apubticschoel he.nd has had te lakt ladlcal and public ailleii lnorecr 10 ureveui me iiu.vhiiiii injury u pupils by their lialng classiualcs. Ilut we me glad te see that Iho l.auiisler lie.ndln thtuimiiied te put down halng. It lsaiewaitlly and brutal custom. Thesu who icsiiit toil ilepend upon the sec let tltack or tlie superiority of numbers. I'io I'ie 'jiieutly the luier takes en tlingiilseef a lriend until he lias gained nilmlttaiKO te a room mid opened the way let his lellew -conspirators, i here Is n'liely one In any group of lliee cewnidly crowds who is until enough or hey enough te tackle Hie v l tlin In a fair nud square vvitv. Put down the cm-teni at whatever cost. If the heys won't Ixhave, kick them mil, Theie may be some excuse ler luring in un exclusive t la-wlcal Institution, but then is none for II In u democratic public school. - .. Neiii-I.v All I el.ii Oveiim Idle. Dlspatthei Irem the foimeihvllleeoko legion en Monday Indli-iiteth-.it Ihestiike Is spieadlng. A p.uly tit I5U stilkcrs ma 1 1 lied te the Jimlewu weil. s el Sihoou Siheou Sihoeu niakdr A Ce, and diove Iho men from work, but no one was Injuicd. Alter the stlikeis loll Jliutew u the men went batkle work and lluUhed Iho day. but the com cem Jitmv ftsu Iheyeauuet held llieiu. A ilel at the Alieu iiiIiich is also repelled. It was lepeitcd .Monday night that of the 1 1,000 evens In the legion net less than Il'.inh) weie Idle, and leading stilKeis say that ever l,unn of the icm-alniiig evens villi ba dosed te-day. Died et t attle DUcuse. William Ktxh, a uiaiiietl niaii, 2.i ve.iis of itr a son el'Audiew Kech, the wcalthy wels,s beer liiewer, tlletl In New eik en Sunday evening of a dise.ise known te tlie medical prolesslen as lu-liuomvcesis, ei a liingus growth In tlie liver ' peculiar te cattle. Ills case has attraded thu atten tion of tlic most prominent docteis iu New Yerk, and many attended the autopsy en Monday. It Is said that only lour cases of the kind have ever ecciiiied In this country. Terrible lltet llctvw-cu Coellos. The Japan (ititcltc ieniums an account of a teirllile ilet between two factions of the Chinese coolies at Sang Keiu, Slain. About r,(HK) men engaged In a cenliiil, Spcat.s and Ureal ins were used and a gieat num ber weie killed. Thu coolies worn mei e ei less under the iiillueiieoel dilnk nud leught liketleuieus. Several times thu coolies would illg tlieli seeais into the weundiil men and IimIiI thentalen, all the time veiling hideously. The Siamese 1 1 oops dr.uged tin- i Inters and alter Im .inciting a ntiinbet of them tiielleil thudistuihauee and captured nine tin lulled of them, who wet eaftciw aids ic Icaseil wilh a light line. Itevlevval ol'the llclllsli I'leet. The Inspecthm or llie llritish licet bv the (let-man empeiei took plai e at lour ti'i let k Monday aUcinoen. As the euiperer iq iq nie.li hiil the licet in Iho vmht liohcn.ol liehcn.ol liohcn.el lein, the ti'etmnn standaiil was disphtvcd nl tlie main of each lienel.ul, a s.ilute vmih Hied by Hid combined Meets and vaitls wcieiuauued. i'lip icvluw was a lullliaiiN hiiccess, I'peu itscouehisleu Kmpoiei William io ie eeivisl the admirals lemiuaudmg Iho ltiltlsh Heels en beard the Impeiial vacht lluhrurelletu, and leugiatiihittsl them upon llie splendid appearance el the llects. Meiula,V seofesi. I'ullevv lug ij tlie result of the ball gainea pln.veil vesterday: llroeklvu l.t; Athletic 0; CiuchiualiS, ltallluioie'J; (Nilumhus 5, Kansas City II; Philadelphia'., Pillsbuig 1, (1 innings); Husten I, Indianapolis -J; New Yoiks.Chii-.ige7; Cleveland ft, Wash ington !; New Haven .1, Weieester 1; Hititfeitl 7, Lewell .r j llartisbutg IJ, Shenandoah :t. W lint I. Iiciiiit clili iisi i liane - MiltliiBcjeber reM'luul ll., 1 low leg In sses, fnrin of yrais Ne; line Icelli these i liarms n'll-x Vial tlielrsiin-i-rcseiver l MJOIKINI', Iswt itciitllrlie. J-iVl)dieaaij w II OOll-h bAIWAl'AUIM.A. PURE H3LOOX5 IsaliMiliiielv iitrcsNiir) loonier te li.iv iifisi Iniiltli. Heed's s,rM,uill 1 is the uri.it lin I'liiillu, iiil. kly ci.iiiierliiK sirmula, .-all ilieamuiuli.il liisKlh.us ( minus wln.ii miiu'l; the bleed mul undermine Ilic luallli. Ilal.e liulliU up Ihi whole ejstiiii, uin il.i.pMi unit bk-k headache, and ni-mmc! that tlivd ksllin;. ' I haveliikentuolietllibor lil's Kirsiijia rllla fur Kill rln urn unit ibs'pla, iillh wlilch I Miuireuhleil er iiim-li. .m-r Utl.luu thH iiieiliilnu I nut ri-ellug us will luevrr In 110 lire.- t). VV. Itnsi., r.itilllc, Pu. lllHlilS..s,VltSVPAUllJ.l ' I li.iclc-ii lieuhleil bj 11 m'I-,iiiUuik ,uiu llun nil m life. It Nene (,r the miirki .1 n .il-l- I loin or no liti)liis ilas,iuiil let ma en. I .Mtirali.iMi mil ml n. mii,i,ie te labor tnuili. I thiel. llDert.Hurfc.tpuilll.1, whit h I have hi en ilslni;it letri'Mil. for ten j win., la the lut lulint I have ever tnken. I inn new a, unit m boh beh 1 nil health keeiua betlir than ever. ' II li An iinrr, Wurii'ii, N. II, Pl'lllIIUs,Tlli: lll.tuin. "I had ,1 klUht IiIihmI iluenler whl.h I tliuulil nelliliig M-rleiiM, but IlKrt'U Inleu lud form of skill illkisise, nlib h sunn- mtiij lujm bnuMiigeitt In iilni 11ml .ores nil ourne' lieilj. lloe-1'h.s.irsaiMrlllalnafliort tliueisiui. pleli 1 eviml me. 1 feel I one lej lite Hi IlraslV Harsaparllla." I'iiiiii W.uuini, UeurUui, 1ml. 1IOOICS SAUSAl'AHII.I.V (sold h nil druse l-ts. Jl ; U fers-i. Prt-iurisl only l C I. HOlll) A CO., liuell. Mass. rr - Ultnnrttniitrt' , l'llII.AUI-.M'llIA.Tllc-iJiiy, Allguvl 8, 18S9, Quarters and halves stand for clellars a.t the Dress Goods Remnant Counter. The choic est and most popular stuffs are the ones that make short pieces fastest. Every day is a rem nant day at that counter. If we tried le save the ends and odd yards for special days in the week there would be a little store full of them. Yeu can't afford te skip a day if you are en the watch for pet bits at bar gain prices. youth w est efienlre. Toshiko Imperial Japanese Silk Umbrella!). Light, dura ble, paragon frames, natural sticks Ought te be 4.50 at least. The price is $3. Spots in the silk hurt it for use in big pieces. That's why. 28 inches. I'hestiui t tin i-tsiilr, vie M of Main Able. Light, downy, restful Cheese Cleth Comfertables. Te mel low the mattress, or te creep under of a chilly night. Filled with pure, carded cotton. Fam ily size. White $1.75; colored $2. All the Summer bed clothes are in sight. And these thick, home-like, bed-and-shelter camping blan kets, $3. N'nir W'enim k WaltliiK Itoein. Have you tried a Themas I. awn Mower? Ne odds hew raggeil the grass you can have a velvety turf. Jehn Wanamaker. 3.iUcellattcivtte. E n VKtl YU( III WAN'fS 1 r 1 THAT lt-l.Vi:ilYIHllY WHO HAS liVKIl TUIi:i)IT! 'S FLOUR Still Holds the Fert. Wi linen t tin- liicgcst !iill Iu Ihcwerlil, but Hun Isjie In tl i mill iiiij where ill least llipie N no mill tlniliiiu make hi Iter Heur. Se sii) thetiMiniN or,i-eile In this community, mul i! take their word ferll. If .Mill Imve trouble Willi eitr baking, this het vvi-iitlur, ion will icrhuii discover that the lieiihle lies with our lloiirrevlildou de net ii e I.i'Mui'b I'lear. ou me using tlml nrllih mul still have tumble with jourbnk jeurbnk Iiik, I" rliaps II Is beeiein) of the even. It can't be the Heur If i nil nse Iev-au'K ! M I LUUl li.UU.YX fcO Al. 7VYIL-L-ER'S Borax Seap -will- WASH CLOTHES, -AMI- EVLRY ARTICLE UNDER TIIE SUN lNUIil.THliPMOl'K PAIt.VI. STORM KING (2161.) iti:ieni)-.-.;u. l'tiindiii-il by Itn c-tllinj und I'orleeimiuco. Wicilb HVI-I'V MPllll'.VI. record -..IJt.,, and site or IJ lielbi-K mul paierH with icieriN Irem -.Mli, In .s.J), ami ever !) Willi leieuls billii than J. i. Paul b. Alexnuilirx Nurinaii, site or buhl 2 11',. Vlav lineen,2 A). Ai. Sii end il. en b) lleuaid s.sii ('liiiiles.lliorencli- bnsl. Ihlnl il.iui b.v Hinllh .Vlissent-r, seu or Dills .Vlisscimet. sieUmKimi I u lMv.siuniN m hiuiils ami UrclKhs about 1,'Amlliv. Il.is ulunvii laki 11 first m uiliiui nt stuff mitt teiintv r.ilrs. Ills mils are hit Ke unit hiiiiilHeine, ami live that have bei n old i.eiii .-il .llllnilal mi iiMtaue ii;p ,,r one mul n halt Mais. He was lukin iIrIk out erthe stml ami with very little ineimralleii rulnet il bin neenl from 'J.lli. te '.'), trettllij! tlme lii-HlH III am ;')! muls . lie went a itiarlir In one el tin inllis In ,V teioeiU-a .'.'J) Knit which show , his iiipucliv If 1 ceiihl spare hlni limit i neiigh In the kt iiiUe In. pii-pnii.il ret vny last weik. ll.ltMM. ftttM ler a le.il until bis pii.eut book Is lull, iilli r whli h he will stand at T5.ni). J6-lll. 11 V.Nb. il. liNuUi, Jlarlttta. Pa. iiltteic. tpiA-i.Yi. Nerui;. PLEASE READ THIS! wi: iiavi: takkn tiii: aui:nuy reuTiii: Scliemackcr Geld-String Piane! Wi Ii.im tin ui new in siiHk, and luviti- our liit-uiN mul tin ptiblli-gi-in rul tin all and see Un in. Kirk Jehnsen & Ce., NO.'.'IYVlJM' KINO bTUKirr. ti'.'l-lMlAw CCuvi'irtnciY. erVMIVltlH-AUUIYOl. VVOHK. EDV. EBGERLEY, ). u, 1 1 a ti .M a il K i: r M'lt I J : r, ilti'aref tin Postelllcel, I.ANI-Vs.ll.lt, PA. m.i. run i.ATirsr tsi i.i, in Buggies, Pliitens, Family Carriages, Etc. 'itn-l'liusl tsltKl. In tlir('eiuiti). VVelniw IniNcu 1 oil lam- of Mit'ONIMIAN'l) VVOHK Ym sijIi-YiiiiWiinl. I!i isilntlni mul ltcpalrlns: preinnll) alii mlisl te. Dm- sit of w oil. en n esHs-l.illt eiiilileMsl Iei that pmpeic. 'lliu len-t t prim In the eeulllN for llrslis lass win k. A-ifCllve me Call nud l:alnllle ,Vy Weik. CCciul. T milll.lt YNDrOAU I J 'lllllAtVOhlliiOKHANDeAljIX. WP.ST- l.UN IIAK1) WlHIIK VV'liiili.ilii mul Itelall. i II. 11. MY It! IN. VO)., nS-lit IU Water (street, Uinc.ister, Pa. i AtiM(JAi:n.M:iis company. 'COAL DEALERS. Ory ins Nil r."J Nerlli tJuccnMreet, and Ne. l North rrliK-e slrei-t. aiiu North l'rlnce Klrcct, nenr Itendiui; Dei-eL ausUtfd LANCASTUK, 1A. Valrtcc of StfMen. hi ' . ASTRICrfS ' PALACE OF FASHION, 115 & 117 NORTH QUEEN STREET. A WEEK OF BARGAINS. TUESDAY MORNING, Frem 8 te i ! . One let of Flowers at 1 4c a spray. Fancy China Silk for Tidies, at 65c a yard. TUESDAY AFTERNOON, Frem 2 te 5. Gent's Unlaundered Shirts, reinforced besoms, at 37c 5 regular price, 50c. WEDNESDAY MORNING.. One let of Fancy Ribbons, in 12, 16 and 20, at 10c a yard ; sold in 2, yard remnants. WEDNESDAY AFTER NOON. Ladies' long sleeves Balbrig gan Vests, at 20c apiece. THURSDAY MORNING. Jewelry One let of Breast pins, Hairpins, Cuff Buttens, Bracelets, etc., regular price 25c ; at 15c apiece. THURSDAY AFTERNQON Kid Gloves at 49c a pair, cel ered embroidered back, regu lar price 62 and 75c. FRIDAY MORNING. Notions Ammonia, large size, at 4c a bottle. Pins, ic a paper; black pins, 2c a box; Hair curlers, 17c; Electric Combs, 1 7c ; Tinsel, 4c a ball ; Seap, 2 cakes for 5c ; Ammonia Seap, 5c a cake ; Canfield Shields, 2 and 3, at 25c a pair. Handkerchiefs 5c Handker chiefs at 4c ; 10c Handkerc liefs at 8c ; i2jc Handkerchiefs at 11c; 25c Handkerchiefs at 21c. Morning sales te begin at S and last until 1 2. Afternoon sales begin at 2 and last until 5. ASTRICH BROS., 1 15 & 1 17 North Queen St. taeha. IJ EltltB 1100KBT0HE. THK IMl'ItOVJCI) Chadwick Copying Boek Will take the lust und Cleanest Copy. Ne Water, Pet or Hruli aicdul, nud inn be ued w it li or vi ltlieut a Press. They arc luaile In four size ;u, , MM, Ti'l mid l,tU) pages. Cull and see what Ibey are like HERR'S BOOK STORE, 63 NORTH QUEEN 8T. (riiitut Sail. rilOII A.MAUTIN. s FRUIT JARST JELLY TUMBLERS ! CHINA HALL. Masen Fruit Jars in Pints, Quarts and Half Gallens. The celebrated Lightning Jars iu Quarts and 1 Ialf Gallens ; this jar has no superior in the mar ket. Jelly Tumblers ' in any quantity. All at Bettem Prices. HIGH & MARTIN, - 1 5 East King St. eia-tra uttiuuei- liroevto. I TOli:LN0ItMANDIi:. 1 1 ATLANTIC CITY. NOW OI'lIN. Under New MnnnL-ement. T. V. tlll.l.imi:, I'roprli-ler, l.-ile of Coleuailu Heltl, 1'ht.adelphln. ml.VRiml MT (iltiriNA NAltltOW OAl'tii: HAII.HOAll. lnillv iilu-il- nnd parlies ih'Mrlnir te lt.lt Jit. ihi ten and enjev a ride or the NiiriowCiiiiice (etliesiimnill of tioVMiNeit DirK ineunlalii, iiiiiius-euiplMi tin-trip from lim-iisler In one ilnj b Un-fiilleulni.elietliile: a. ni. u. in. n. in. p. in. ii.im. p.m. Ia-.ixc I iiiu-astir d.-ii Ml 10..Vi LMO 2iVl 1M rrli-Ml.Ori-lim. mu 11:10 l.-.-.'iO :: l::V h.Vi Arrlit'Oer. Dlek. 1J.JU l:ii 4.-0', 5:10 lteturnlnc- a. 111, a.m. a.m. p.m. 11.111. p.m. I.i .im liuv. Hick.. 11.0.1 i-i; jsh ti..V Ijiih ML (in-Ill. 1 l,. II lu.w Ui'ii -i'Ji ..I7 Til ArrlM UinciiKUr. h-10 U:V l.'As :i::H l.-j ssi'i Ml Irulns or the I'eiinwill ,t Ix-baiien ltall- iisid 011 airliiil nt .Ml liiilna inilen make lm- inislliite coimiilleii ulth tin- Narieu (l.iuxe ILillriuul. I.iiiit-h or dinner t-nu be elil.ilmd at Hit l'.uk icstaiiriiiil. thus nieldlug the netcs sll et 1 an j In; kiakctsaud bimdlet. Joint Km-auipment of T S. TIIOOIS AND NATIONAL Ul'AItll will Ik- held nt Ml. firclna. The I'. S. Tioep-. Mill enuiinp AiiKUt 1, t-entlnuliik' for nbeul thre weeks, und the CuMilri and Arilllervnr Hit- National lin.iril of Pa. will eneaiiip with tin-in Aui!Ut 10th te 17lh, luelin,lM-, 1!( llrslim tlekelk ,ii!i fH ulii ili.ul .... ......li. i-atien te the ue.irexl llekel ucent, x-,(.i,,:"!J,;.A,!.,,',,t't - '' i-'-l'anen. Ia. ' m:d iiiiil,i;ui.hiipt. jcamiiid rpllK mVArOlNTAlN"l,KN"-THK BKST ' I... II 11.111 Vlll. lull. 1...1.1..V. .m. ..h ... ... ..... .. r .A. Uiui illl-illU'ki ill uiu IIIirKt'l-ll KUrUL KOIU ,T..., ..,... ...U.M.. ..,...,, , IIUMI Kl- H lUlfc tl 1 elder, rtisllj llllnl. Call and exnmlnu Urern , purcluuliiKi-lscuhcrt-. At KKIS.MAN'SUents' I FuruUhliiKbterv, U West King street. I il.iui .. 1. 1...- ,...,.,.. ... ... . ) NOTHEH SLAtjH IN FIUCEM. THE PHILADELPHIA STORE. Anether Slash in Prices. Dull Trade Must be Made Active by Lew Prices". All Sleck Mint Positively be Clexcd Out by KEPT, leth, or "oener. Prices All Through Have Again Been Reduced. Positive Bargains New te be Had In All Kinds of Dry Goods aud Canute, - AT The Philadelphia Stere, 6 AM 8 NORTH QUEEU STREET, umrtB-ljdAw B MIOAINH. GREAT SIX These Prices Are for Six Days Fine Lawns nt lc a j nnl. We Weel Challlc-i nt 3c n j mil. 12c White- Ltinii nl 5c n nnl. Figured Swlci nt 10c ynril. HcstHllk riunhcsnlZteu ynril. Ynrd anrt n-Hnir Wlile Tricot Cleth nt 17e ard. 23c Crrntii riqiic nt 10c n j nnl. 10c Whfcks rciluceil te 5c eni-h. ncsl Aniinenln nt tc n bottle. Toilet Heap, 3 ilra.-s for 5c. lie-it l'lns nt lc n paper. Miller's Wild Flower BouiiictSeapnt7c apiece. I Kid GIevcBntffTcn pair. 75c Kid Gloves at 50c a pnlr. 15,0UO)2c llniitlherclift-r-i nt 5c inch. Fast lllnck Hosiery nt 10c und 12Jc a pair. 1 White Ijttindrled Slilrls at 75c each. lTBKc eure nnd ask te see goods as advertised pay regular prices. BOSTON STORE, Nes. 35-37 North Queen Street. CHARLES STAMM. U'U (Tjloeba. J. B. MAHTIN & CO. SPECIAL SALE. IMMENSE REDUCTION. ONE WEEK ONLY. Commencing Monday Next. t We Intend Closing Out Every Remnant and Old Pattern Carpet, in TAPESTRIES, INGRAINS & BRUSSELS. Lengths Frem 3 te 25 Yards. Prices Average About One-Half of Fermer Price. All ready for sale Monday morning. Many of them this Season's Patterns. Make your selections new, and we will keep them till Fall for you if you desire. Wall Papers also included in this sale. J. B. MARTIN & CO., Cor. West King & Prince Sts., Lancaster, Pa. iUtotenvaplto. K OTE. I JUST RECEIVED FItOM Kcenigsburg, Prussia, Tite llackureunds nindv t-spet lullj- for Bust aud 'Jliree-fiinrtcr Jeiifrth l'liotegruphs. 60 1-2 North Queen St., Next Doer te the l'osteftlce. Jnn7-0md lK'Yll,l,Tltlt'YCl.ll.T.VNDi:MS. COLUMBIA Bicycles, Tricyles, Tandems, DURABLE, SIMPLE. CU'AIlANTi:i:i) HKIIIF-ST OltADi:, II.I.ITIIATI-UI t'ATALOGl'i: KUKn. PHPP 7VV F'G CO V-I ii J vvi, 79 FRANK1-111 ST" BOSTON. .... .,.,,1, imit ,en t .-.... . 1111A.11 11 iiuunixi 1. iiuiirii rti.. .iu l iitk tfil Wiibie.iAr..L'lilmsu. Fer S.de bj- JOHN S. MUmKU, Columbia l'n. uuj-jdceU CeebB. - LANCASTER, PENN'A. DAYS' SALE ! Only August 6, 8, 7, 8, 9, 10. Dress Olnglmmsnt Sen jard. tlcst French Hatlnes nt 120 a ynrd. All our Jl Jcrej s nt 60c each. UpM White Qlilllx nt Hnlf Trie. Striped Skirting Flannel ntCOc njnrct. !1.25I)luck Lucent 65c a Jard. 17c Bed Ticking at 10c a yard. 81.50 Black Henrietta at 8Uc a yard. Dress Shields ut Icnrnlr. 75c lSlai'k Cuihmere at 50c a yard. All-Weel White Flannel nt 16c a ynrd. Children' Corset Wals tB at 25c each. Dells, at 5c, 10c, 17c, 25c, 50c, 75j 31 each. Bustles reduced te 10c each. IleRt Wax heads, nil colors, 10c u string. 25c Silk Onrtcrs nt 15c n pair. Linen Shirt Fronts nt 10-', 12c, 17c, 25c each. and MENTION THIS I'ArEIt, etherwle eti (!3ioccvice. G ODD NEWS AND GLAD TIDINOS. SUGARS AND COFFEES LOWER, Ooed Ileusted Collet-, It ft... 20c BtreiiR Mountain Hlo Celter-, y, ! . ., ..22c Fair CelTcc, lb. . . . I2Je te 15c Full Ori'am Cheese, V R 10c Cholce Plckles,-,i dez 6'fc Best Wash I nc Fender, V P-'ck .-JJc lecMustHrd or Spiced S.irdlnefer . 10c lleiii-hssllnins, V R.. .. . 12c California I liens, -Di he nnd 10c Three Bettles Ginger Ale Iei . ,25c Riser's or lilies' Itoel Betr Y bottle . ..!! Best Olelne Seap -phex .. JJ.tO Flic P-s Laundry Starch fei 15c CLARKE'S, 12 a. li south qui;i:n sri (NenrCtntre Siiuire.) i-Telephone. Jj8.tfd.tn- AT BUllSK-S. Seasonable Goods! HAMS, DRIED BEEF, Etc. I'lunipple Brand Hams, trj Mm-, all guaran tied. California Hums, tee u pound. Shortcut Shoulders, He. Dried Beef, i lilpixtl. New Mack ertl iu buekctK. Boneless Herrlm; In cln-s front boxes, nice for lunth or plcnli-Ulnx. sardines -Imported nud Anii-rlcuu In Oil nnd MuslHnl. Totted Ments, Boneless Ham, Chicken nnd Tnr kej'. Yerk hlntn Cream C'ln-i-se. IMani or Dutchhend Chcfse. l'lcnlc, 1'lnenpple, ltoiiue lteiiue ltoiiue fert nud Hipsnye, etc., etc. . BURSK'S, Ne. 17 East King Street, LANCASTEIt. 1A. T BKIHTS. SEASONABLE GOODS REISTS. Finest I'icilic limns KK- - .. Finest ICmickle Drltsl llitr, lie e P.. Kslrn Dry Hi led Beef, U'.e y lb. Finist Winter llolecua, in- V !tr Hest Trie, In i.ivth kev, SI. Si. ijiti-stCutth Newllniki-itl.lii 10 m tmckets, quarter bnirt-Nauil barieN. Illthnrdsen t Bobbins' l'elltit Mints- Ilniu. Beef. Tongue, Ham and Turkej Ham and Clilckin,(inme, rurkt-j-. Chicken nnd Duel: Hucklii s Famous Soups Oxtail, Consomme, Chicken, lk f. Tomate nnd Jleck Turtle. Dttlled Jleats, Anthevj- unit Bloater Taste, Smekeil Sardine- In oil, Boneless Sardines, Sar dines iu Finest Oil, .Mustard Sardines, l'lcklcd Oj sters In Bettles, Finest Lebster In Bettles. Bootless Anchovies In Oil, and a tIieuanil geed things. ft.V. Cetlct- riditctd te30i-. mie. C0MV0 itductsl le . ". Colli-e ixiluetil ta'Sx' 2ec. Cellif reduced lolSle. This Is the Finest Line of C'ellre In tliecitv. Yeu must sic tin into knew thtir weitli. reu hi:xt Three Ijirne Iliniuis Oiei siiiud llnorMere Ilulliliiu.-. REIST ! WHOLKSALK AND It UTAH. GItOCER, COIlNKIt WFJ.T KING AND 1'itINCE STS., Dlrcctlj- Oppi-itt J. iC .Martin A CesDry Ooeds '-lore, und Next Disir toSerrtl Hor-e Hetel. SALIs5II:N.-VK WISH1A FF.W MKN TO sell enr ceeds hj-sample tojttieMheltsnle nud re tall trade, .argot mnnufutturcrs iu our lliu-. Kni'leM.---ci-nt stainii. Wnt-K1 per dm. Teruianent KItlim, e petuU ausuireil, 1 Meiiej-Hdiulicsl fur m'.il'i, mil rrtliliik-.rlc. , , CLNTUNNIALMAN'F-acO.. I arrl2-30tdeed CHJClnoatl,.Ohle. m rf-H' ,li. 4 T-rs vH.la :'' r- tK-.j atjSi. j. . Hii' , $-? " -n . , 1 ,' ' 1 mil