TSpi.' i 2vu- TfiE LANCASTER DAILY INTELLIGENCE!, SATURDAY, AUGUST 3, 1689. lb '" & .a. tm far ''" Uttl intelligencer DRKW J.STEINMAN. CHARLESHTE1NMAN FOLTZ, Editors ROBERT CLARK, Publisher. DAILY INTELLiOENCER.i-rubllhcd - a vtvtt any in ineyrnr, euisunany. emeu " , by carrier In this city and surrounding '. town nt ten cents a week. nymalMvcilol nymalMvcilel V Un a year in advance : M cent n menlli. W1CEKLY INTKI.T.trE.l-KtIOnfi rinllnr nnd 1?. ilftv eentsit renr. In nilvnnrn. Netice te sunscninEiui-ncmti by check ... V .. I . i.i ; -v sh ix,uiut.s3 urucr, nil" wnciu ill iiiiur ui i . th can be procured send lit a registered ?. iiir . -.ttnteml lit thn Pnnlnmrf. ft Mventl clna mult P matter. ADDREM, THB IKTELtlOEKCER, Iinncuxtcr. Pa. ::r. LANCASTER, PA., August 3, 1889. - The Beard of llraltli. $ Has It been definitely nml luxltlvcly determined that Jwncjitcr oily Is te lu : Without a beard efhcnlth? Is the caiil- 'iJUry comtltieri of the city te tlenuntl en .the enenry nml activity ei lieiicenien ,JWhe stumble ever piles of purbnge and t.net rec them? Jt in te be IieikmI that "council at their next iint'ting will tiihu e measures for the nM'sltiWlsluiii'iit el tlie Aboard of health and make wmmI their gj'xverk by Milllcleiit appropriation) of ? money. Tlie lat beard et iieaiui was r composed of geed, reputable men, but. ts tl,, nn.ll.l ....I. 1. ...... I..U1I1 llVIW.I'li.ll ill C. mvnHinlr ftnin nlwl .ilfr.llt lull fur Until ,s B.....v.. ....... ...... ...,..... g. Ing, nnd were powerless without money. lUf course ticy haiitleil tliutrnsiKiiaiieiit w;--!) inu-iiiri mm nil: ll'liioei wiiiviieiuiku i Livingston administered te the city j, councils when he aeeeptcd their reslg- i. nntlmiu unti n liicf mm t-m New let council Ik'kIii Benin and de better. There can le no doubt n te the wj, present anil extreme neceny ei mien a FL saultnry ceiniiiittee. Any one need only Visit newiv-iiK.'iiel sdtccis ami mien '$ alleys te be Impress! with the fact that S& a lame amount of sickness ami dl-ea-f pf must be generated fnun the heaps of le- J, fuse matter and garbage wliieli are nl .. J I .1 f .. .1 .I...... .....-, ..r jsrs-MHiiiijicu men;, iiuiiiini'vi'iu piuiin 'si- the city, nltheugh almost Mirreundetlby sv- j. nt.... i...... n . t.n'. 1..1....IIH i frt umuiiiii-ihiu'M'J', ..-iiiiiiii i;iit'-niii in.-iiiin 'its bmail eximiiMj with its cn-en and E9? ftllmv Mtirfiii'ii nnd iiTulitlv tlm fmirmitid E mosqulteea held high carnival. EC It is net well tedi'iieiul tee mueh en t lie Jr inillf.nlli limilt lifill .wilitllf trill if ullr .11 ! sswi r. J :::.. ' it is a peer economy wnien (iiipeu-es tg with the uccfhsnry eareand oversight of P the sanitary condition of our people. Kj euriuidit the reipenilbllity would, un- pft ueubtedly, lie tlxiil uxm ceuneiw ler Sf their criminal neuleet. Tliere aiv V& nimiv mirbaim nlks that eimhl te lie removed, come htaguaut poeU of water . mill, miiriii in luiiii .i un in- iiriiuii'ii : i many cesspool? that are weie than KH nuisnnecs, cewern mai neeu ceiisiaiu &Aif yii..iIii .mil nr.i niilir.itMirn1 ii 1.111 !; "i"",D "" ""- """' " V Sit .l.l f ii ....., un l... ....It..... itfr Illlllllll Ul lliu II1I1IIL limn llllll ivil.ili in which are generated the germ el diphtheria and typhoid fever. Tbe-e a geed beard of health ought te have au thority te examine. The rlty govern ment ewes this duty te ILs citlen--. Kfe- Their health is a mere impeitant matter i tlian tlie nature el the mateilal el lite buildings. This li controlled by city ordinance, which prevents the erection of wooden buildings within certain lim its. Let tlie councils make anetherand a belter move In this matter at their coming meeting, and make an appioprl appieprl appioprl atlen forabeaid of health. It will lie well expended and will meet the aji aji preval of the best people of the city. M'liHt a Meeting There'll lie I The boom of Murat llalstead for I'. S. senator from Ohie 1h shaping Itself. That gentleinanJDthu bitter tongue and rasp ing pen arrived at his home lit Ciiicin--natl last night and a monstrous recep tion will Ihj given him te-day. Willi a condescension that hjiriugs rather from his mere decreet friends than from the arrogant ex-rejected minister te d'er ninuy, an cllbrt is Mug made te pla cate his numerous enemies. Many of them will have their anger npiM-ii-cd and will lx rewarded by the vice-prccl-dencles of the meeting being graciously bestowed en tbcin. The blatant Ke raker will make the principal sjiceeh of the eeulug, and we imagine a listener with a keen ear sit ting en the bunks of the Ohie river at Pittsburg could hear the n-vcrhatlnu of ills teni-s. Hew like an orator will this Ohie prodigy scak te-night for (lie elec tion of his dearest friend ! Kerakcr was always feriial-tead forsenater.ofcoiiiM'. AVlth his keen foresight and prophetic vision of course be knew that someliew in the iiiyhterieut- dispensation of provi dence or of ministerial plums the valiant Hulstead would net get te the court of Germany. However, It w ill be no small job for Keraker te explain te his friend, ex-Governer Fester, hew it is Hint he i new det-ertlug hlni. And l'eraker will have te paint McKiuley and lluttei lluttei werth in the very colors of the devil te satisfy the angry Fester that It is net se much fear of them hh treachery te him. Letthu eagle scream in Cincinnati to te llight and let the joy of the Itepiibliiaii warriors of the liiickcyc-tntc, upon tin return of their valiant ebeiftain, lie un un ceuliued. Ixtek Te Hie Streets. IJefere final arrangements sue con summated te impiove Hiverul squares of "ertli Duke street by the lay ing of asphalt blocks, some un derstanding should be had as te what the Street Hallway company will de te keep the thoroughfare in decent condition. At pie-vnt and ever sinee it was built this railtend ha Ix-cu eiim of the chief causes for the disgra elul if net dangerous condition iu this street. The track itself is seldom in such a state that it can be used for driving, and te turn in and out of it Is wreck te vehkice.. There Is no geed reason for this state of things except tlie parsimony or the uegll geiue of the corporation controlling it, and they should net weigh agaiust the rights (f the public iu tlie sticets that the city lias laid out. It is te be hoped tho--e intereMed in tlie scheme te pave the streets w ill exact some obligation from the railway com pany te de its share ; or that they will at least resolve te enforce the existing remedies which thus far the railway company has seemed te ignore and defy. The Vueuut Chair. Ne possible explanation can lie made or flic refusal of Lieutenant Ooverner Uavics le issue a writ te fill the vacancy w.w..,.. ,v . ..,.,,.. i.iviiiiiuii n Hinui, S except thaythe Hejnibllcans licu-nhntiiH E no net war lit te be troubled with a nri niary election thU fall. The exeiise is even wrsc than the of fense Itself. A primary election can Is) disjienscd With. If the Henubllcuiis fail in neml. ' I - Mate a candidate, the Democrat will' fv wipply the vacancy. The candidate fur ( wnaterln the Fourteenth district who vi H tluiiist vetw ut the next primary fwmeu win ee mt)Micctsorte fcjeunter ytehman, without regard te thoeonvc theeonvc thoeenvc nlcnco of the llcpuhllean jielltlclans. With such a geed chance te elect their nominee, the Democrats should pick out their best man. - The State Contention. The thing for the Democratic stnte convention te de, when It meets In liar rMuirg en Sfeptemliereth, Is'te make a sound platform and set ngoed ninn ii'teii It. The thing for It te nveld Is a w;n--cles fUnrrel lietw ecu would-be leaders or rival Tactiens ferw bat they call "supremacy" or prestige In the noiuliiatlens next year. There Is a chance for a Detneeratle state tivnurer te be elected this year, owing te tbedi-gut of the people ever the weak Heaver iidmlnl-itratlen, the revolt agaln-'t the (May doniliiatlen and the Mitptcinii Hint there Is something wieug in tlie uianagemeut of the state treasury which needs the exjiosureef a change in its direction. "There isa demand in this state for bal bal eot reform. The eeple are ready for It. The Democrats of the Inst liOgMatiirc were for it. The Hepubllcans were against it. It would be u ery geed Issue for a sharp stnte light. AVe hope te sec the Democrats make a plank of It. The Democrats may carry Pennsyl vania en n elate light. They can de nothing Itvtter te get theniclvcs Inte shapt' for next year. - Wi: think It will net bn Jnu'ls Stnlwuit llailiimn. Tin: colleges of thofeiuitry added nwirly $l,tmo,nei) te tliclr endow inputs lust year and ever 100,000 volumes te their libraries. i'h higher education Is net going te the dogs, by any means. Wi; think It will net be (ieorge Wash ington Henscl Aery niticli longer. Kmilanh is having anntlicr royal visitor and it Is no wonder tliu money ginntsnrn a iiiatlur of serious concern te tlm loyal lioiiselield. This visitor Is a vast luijirovo luijirevo luijirove inent en Ids pr(ilccpser, the beastly Sluili lien I Persia, fur it Is no less u ei semite lliiin the i:niieier William of (Jerinany. Din visit Istliiiciy.innile In orileMe witness tlieaniuiid ielev of Kngliiiul's navy at Siitlie.i(l. This iiiiH)slug display of mere than a luindrcd ItrltWIi war vessels will dmnimstrale le the Herman emperor that Kngland has lest nothing of her naval sti sti p3rierlty,iind that she Is determined te well preserve this bulwark of the nation. The emperor, after a reeeplleii given him by tlie lirltlsh mcii-ef war, landed at ("ewes and proceeded at unce te Osbetnp, where, with duu demonstrations of love and allee allee tien, liu was reeeived by tlie 'ptceii, li.'s graudinether, w he w as awaiting htm. . -- ' Wl think II Is easier le say who II will net be than te say who It will be. Till. Catholics outnumber any ether religious denomination 111 Iho'ieuutry I'' ever a million ami by about fit) percent.; though lu ihiirehesnud clergy the ll.iptists aie far ahead. Xet in niiineilc.il strength eeme the Methodists, ll.iptists and Presby terians. The Disciples (" Camphcllltcs", and CeiigrcgatlniiulistH both outnumber the Kpiseeiuliiiiis. , Hew would Majer lletijatnlu Franklin llieiieui'ili, mlleitei of the Ninth leveiille district, sound? Spain, loyal le the memory of her early enterprise Iu navigation, elluis a grand Pil70fb1htst11rl1-.1I ceuiK-tillnti iu cotinee cetinee cotinee tieu with thoeulebration of the feuith ecu tennary of the discovery of America by t'elumbtts. I'er the best new weik en tlm biilltaut aililevenieiil of thu llilineit.il (iennese, patieiiled by l'erdliiiiud and Isa bella, te lie descriptive of the whole under taking, and te be wiitteii in Pertugese, Kuglisli, (ieimaii, flench or Italian, llie ptle or :iO,l)i)0 iK-setas (f,7Ui)l Is etleicd and a second ule of half thai amount. Wi: think It w ill net be .Matthew Mauley Jiiuy ter president In isjij. Tin. vieight of the testimony taken iu tlie inipilry at New Yolk ledeluiinlne whethei or net elcctiieity was siilheiently certain leibe adopted as a means of capital punish ment, h.is.Jiccu largely in favor of tlie chst lie system. It Is proved far moie ne.ul.v smudeath than the lope, prcfemble te the guillotine, m g.inetn ami much caslertoadiniuisterthiiii iiussieaeid. I'ihiii tlie w hole electi Icily will de. " - Wi. think tlie Hamilton club will boa gJ- Tin: New Yerk liitleiiriulrul, a widely eliclllaUsi and religliinsand llteraiy week ly,lsgradiially eulmeitigplienetie spelling. It invariably pilots " tlie, " " allhe. " "synageg "" dialog " ami many like il lustrations of tlie new system. Wiivi have Mr. Hariisenaud Mr. Itlaine Iekij te tlie fellow lug estlmateet thoehar theehar aiter of their administration? Though it comes from Ottawa, and w lib some v eueiii its pertiucnee is apparent. It Is an editorial in the Offera, (he government organ lu Canada. It Is as follews: " If the present government at Washington fails te bring about serious complications between the lmpcilal government and tlie I'ulted States It will net be because un eileit has been put forth te pi ediuc se desirable a result. The tiulli Is, stalcsnien of the c.dibie of Webster and Clay, de net new reach ma tutitj iu the Southern poitien et'tlils con tinent. Peddling politicians, seekers alter iioteiietyaud piefessuis of brag and du pllutv appear te have lnonepolled all pl.ues of Importance and are new intent upon forcing Issues w ilh a country whose ixsople are i.ipidly luaiuliig te despisi, net fear them." I.ue.N Aiuiirn announces himself a can didate for governor of .New Jorsev. lu tliis event he will most likely be the next governoi of New Jersey, l.eeu Abbett Is a lighter from away back. Tin: M-iiAit ih:i:t. lteiks County 1'armiu-s lu ( orrcspon errcspon orrcspen ilenco With Clans lu-eeUnls. The farmers of Uerks enmity have been considerably agitated dining the ptst low weeks ovei llie sugar lieet ipiestieu. This h.ishieu stimulated bv the visit tliieugh that sei-lleu nl' C. A. Hpicckcls, son of the California sugar king, and etliers for the ostensible ,uijmimi of obtaining stimates en weik fei adiipheatenf ihe Philadelphia sugai leluuiy, whiili In te be built at an rally dav. i he iuipnisKin has gained gn ,1 that, Willi ini. it encnurageiiieut, Mr. Npus-kels would build a sugar l.irlni.v iuthat setleu. Ilisbeiiwas ai-i-euipaiiietl te Heading bv It. II. Corden, general freight agent ut the I'hiladeliihia iV Heading railroad, and Franklin Hiiudoie and James Meilv, brokers, of Philadelphia. Albeit Thai helmer, a member of llie Heading lle.ml ()f Trade, wrote te Claus.Spreckels as te the conditions uhui which he v euld erect a sugar relluerv. In icjily Mi. Spreekuls wrote that he believed that in a short time the raising el sugar beets would be one of the principal agricultural niiisuils iu this county. The failure iu the nasi te smis.fiillv- munufaelure sugar liem beets he attributes 4e the hu-k of proper machine v, but tills, lie says, lie has ev oreemo by getlingcsnitrel ler this country of tlie sugar making machinery usisl iu Ihe fadoriesef f ici man v. lie beltevesth.it with the present low in Ice et grain that the planting of Waciesin sugar bcttsw 111 iiay the farmer as well as 100 acres planted lu grain. Mr. Sprtskels says that belore giving assurance that he w ill erect a factory he must lm guaranteed that the fanners lu the limuisliate v ieluit v will plant i,tU acres et sjfs annually for a definite number of years, 'llie berti. aiu jiald for at the factories aeceuliug te the sacvliarliie matter they centain: Mr. SpreckeU' letter has been referred te the Heading Heard of Trade, A meeting of the Herks County Agricultural society will be held te-day, when the ipiestieu, "Would We the lack of It be ml Isuble for the fnrmers of IJerks coenty toriiKngeln the cultivation of sugar beets?" will Is) discussed. Mrs. Clnvulnhit'n I'ostefnco. The Marlen (Mass.) Seclnl club has been holding n" Marigold Festival" fi soeuro funds for tlie building of a club bouse, nnd c.x-l'resldcnl and t rs. Cleveland linv e been among Its most aetive workers. Mrs. Cleveland has acted as jiestuilstress and en Thursday estnbllshad her olllce en tlie tsirch of .Judge Anstln'H liense. a grent throng of ptsiple slbisl before her nil the nrtcruoeu, and the supply of letters was seen exhausted, se that Kdlter (lildcr, of the (Vnfur.i, nnd a young lady wne im pressed Inte llie servlce, and wrote non sensical notes throughout the remainder of thoafleriioon. A veungman who crowded up te the window Inquired fur a letter. "There Is postage due amounting te 15 cents," said Mrs. Cleveland. He handed up a Vi bill. " I can't chiiuge it," slie said. "Oh, never tnlnd the change," said he, as graeetully s Hsslbleuudcr llie rather try ing circumstances. Ilorccelvrsl his letter hicle(sl lu n sipuire linen euveleie. Mr. Clev eland arrived later In llie after noon. ".Mrs. Cleveland's appointment seems very impiilar," a gentleman said te Ji 1 in, nl which he smiled with apparent pleasure. The ex-president was besieged throughout the afternoon by pretty young gliis, who olfered whlsk-moems and knlckknacks for side, and one young lady pinned a big goldcu-telied mat (geld lu Ills buttonhole. Olie of the most Interest ing lealures of the fair wns an acrostie tournament, announced as conceived by the cix-presldeut, w he etferwl a prlze of &0 cents for the worst acrostic en tlie word Marlen. 'llie Etrfel Tower Vaya, I'd un the Mltwnukre fc-en thiel. Tlie business at the Klffel tower turns out te be immense. M. Hlllel ealtulated that when everything was In working order the gate monev would beSV'a day. Sineo the litis luive been In operation he Is thought te have averaged niore than this. II costs a liane te enter the tower, two francs te get up lu the lilt te the second fleer, and four francs te the top. On any oneof the ordinary full prlee days niore than 'Jo.neO people have paid admissiun, and with the Increased prices for tliose using the elevator, tlie entire receipts ex ceed JIO.OOO. The original eosteftlio Klllel tower, all Ineluilcil, was a little less Hum $,uoe,i)oil. The propilcter lias te keep It iu repali and hand ever one-fouitli el'his gate money te the exhibition. Ills estimated that it will be half paid for when Ihe exhi bition closes, and then it will remain cer tainly thiee years mere, and perhaps ten. Let I'm llope Tills Is TlMle. I'ieiii tlie Amtrlrnu Analyrl. Ohseivatlen lu public places gives salls salls fadeiv ovldenee that the use ofelgaiettes Is r.ipldlv en the decline. Whether this is iluote tlie stringent laws passed In many of the states against selling them le miners, or that smokers have coine le their senses and have taken warning from their own experience and the unanimous toudemua teudemua toudemua tieu of smoking cigarettes by tlie medical prnlosslen, or whether llie evll practice has begun le be looked' upon as u disci editable vice te be only practiced lu secret, we knew net j butit is ceitalu that,as com pared with llie past, very few clgaieltesaie new smoked iu public. Cigar dealers snv that the sales el ligaietles have fallen off enormously. tin Stele a llnniinil of Diamonds. At '- o'clock Filihiy itlteinoeu a well dressed man, tiding n large seirel hoise, rode up te AHiiian'M Jewell y store lu Ivan s is City. He dismounted, letting tlie liorse stand without hitehlug and went it'.te the store. Hi' asked te leek at someiliamouds whii Ii had been shown him en ThuiMlay. Tlie tinv was liandeil te him when lie grab bed a handful and made i. dash for tlie deer. He sprang ler his horse, but the animal became frightened mid dashed oil ilew n the street. The lobber riln te theceiucr, wheie liejuuipisl lutnn hack nnij iliove inpldly aw'ay, pursued hy the poliie. He has net been captured. 'The diamonds aie esti mated te be worth $ia,tW0. MysterleUM .lack llie Peeper. Jack the Proper, as he Is called, who has thiewn se many women Inte a ferment In vaiieus parts of Clizabelh, N. J., within the past lew mouths by appealing In their sleeping npaitiucutv about midnight and then disappearing ici niyteiluiislv as he came, was at his lib ks again Friday night. He invaded tlie resident os of Mis. Ilergeii of lleuil street, Peter Iltslliugsten of 117 Mviugsteu street, and Jehn (ilbbens of !kh) Magnelia avenue. In each place lie created a panic among the women, whose shrieks a loused llie neighborhood. At (lihbeus' he met with a waim icccptlen. Mr. millions' son blaed away at him with a lovelvei as he lied through thevaid. l'ive shots wei ell red at him, noiieel' which, however, seemed le have any cll'ict. I'.vi.itv ilrep of IiIiksI In tlie svstrtn p.ikr.is ttiretili lietli the klilncjs initl Iiiiiks many llieiisiiinl limes In each twenty-four hours. This explains why M per cent, of tlie piitlcnls of l)roiiiitea llesiltul for cnimuutHr, I.mh I.mh tteu, KiikIiiiiiI, tinvu luiHiuiK-cteil ktilney disor der. If tlie klilne.vs ueie In h liealth loinll leinll loinll tlen they would expel the waile niattir or pelMiiiniis iicld anil pnvent the Irillatleii of the lltngs. Ilul If dl-.cii'1'd they lllc uuablii te perform lliclr Iiinrliens. This explains why Wurncr'sKufe t'ure lias proved se viiliuilile In cisrsef limi; trouble. It leiueM-H the eauvc. iU'liitieun. I-i:i,i(iter.s KKitvicix wu.i, hi: m:i.i III Ihe lolleulni; ehiuihes en hiindav, lu tin- morning at lil.ti, In thei-veiilngal T.-I'i. stin ilnv mIiimiI nl 1:11 p. in. When tlie hour Is dif ferent It 1 rsMrlally nettst : I'liriiru in' (fen Cerner of I'rlnrc nnd Oi iuibc. .Sahliath (.che.il nt ti.Tiii, in, I'lii.simi.ai.vN .Mkmeiuai. t'ueiu-il Seuth fJueeii street, Themas Thompson, pastor. Kun il iVNChiHil nil) ii. in. lti.niUMHi-,Sr, I.VKK'M Mnrlrltii avenue. Hev. Win. r. l.ldillter, pastor. Hiuelay mhoel alii ii. in. Service hi the (lei man lanuunge nt (te. m ,lte It. I'. Kihleitt, ellleliillng. I'MrHI lllOTIIIII.N IM Clllilsr. CuVI.NANT. Itrv i:. ! Uuglies, astur, Hiniday school at '.'a. in. s- 1 vsiii l.u vi. I'ui'iicii. Itcv. 11.11. tbrliilil, pastor. siuidn selioel hi tl.Tin. m. Simi-se.s I'll vi'l.l.- Nerlli 1'rliU'C siut't llev. 1'. M. Harris, p,istur. Hmiday elioel nt 1::X) p. m. Misminiii., (.eriur of liist Chestnut nml hliiriiian streils. 1'ri-acliliig til2p.ni. In both laiiKUauis. Tkimtv l.vnintAS. Hev. c. U Try, pister Kjhlcni.itli-LclHlUcmi' day. Mnriiliii; icnneii li ltv. .1. 1,. Mbelc, of lMillnili Iplilu. Sunday M-bisil ill Un. in. 1'in.sr II vin ist. Hev. C. II. Sear, pastor. Hiiuilay seliiKil at U n. in. rinsr Iti.ieiiviiji. -Itev. J. M. Tltzcl, 1). 1)., imsier. Saiiiday n lusil nl 9 n. iu. KVAMiKi icvi.-rirst I'liiin-li. Ilev. I', r. Lrlir. pastor, lieriiian lutlie iiieiiiIiik. Siuida school mil a. in. Sir. I'vt'i.'s M. i:. ciirm-n lies. IZ. C. Yirkes, Kisler. suinlny siheul anil class nt I) n. in. Prnlkf mtv Ice nt (..W ji. in, Oi.ivit llvcrisr I'lii'itcu Kast Vine iirnr Duke Hreet.- lies. M. l-'ruyne, Mi.tei. hervUes mernliiK mid evening ly llre. Walter King. Sunday rliixil nV'.l n. in. sr. 1'avu's Ki I eiiMi.ii Hev. J. V. Meiniuger, luisler. Hiniday school nt l) a. in. Harmen by ltev. (ioerge VV. Slibltz, of New- Haven, Conn. Meit.vv iav.- Hev. J. Mux Hark, 1). 1)., mstui. Un. in., Mimla) Mhoel, Nervrulmi mi vuc. Kiusr .VI. 1 Client ii- Hev. m. M. Vernen, 1). I)., pmtur. Mindnj silioel nt ! n. m. t'Un-s int (tine at u.:w p. ni. ritl.sliVTKIsiA.v.-Hev. J. V. MIUlllll, I). I), (sisler. Neevenhicr strvlce. (iliACK bl'Tllcn v.s.-ltev. i- i: lleupl, paslnr. Siuulav M-liuel at U a. in, l.veiihm Mrvliu nt b:lp. in. W'i.siiiinM II. Ciil'iieu ltev r. V Hiirke, lkiktei. I'lirli-llau ciiduiver uiedhn; t tiisu p. iu. rus,.silt: July rciliici-s tlie rlee of srrrixa.s A.xi) tiiuc.smuxux AT McQRANN & NOWLEN'S, l.U) Niirlli (Jiiis-ii strict. rplli: HIVAI. IDIMAIN I'KN-Tlir. IIISsl' 1 uiiilelicaiKllu the mai kct-ll kiinil told js'ii. Hard rublHT tinlder, never isels nut of order, cisll) llllnl. Cull nnd exaiiilnn Kftiie nuriliai,tiieclsewlieri'. At Cltls-MAN'S Uenii.' 1 iirnUhluuSlere, li Wel Ktuif blrixl. I I KNIIY WOl.K, FURNITURE STORE, lias remeMsl til IM liist King klieet, bavins a full lluuer furniture ercvery-iUsciJptiuu nl lie lowest price. Alse t'liderlablni; pKuniiih m. tended le. Call anil i-xhiiiIiii mir l-ikhIs, nS-lldlt II. W01.F. 130 liul King HtrteU ,...,..., ... ,,i,uil,Kii Ull.lllK im- isisi sum, course of study. (lyiHswrltliig Included), ttc. Anether eutule-.-uu leiitalnliiL- fuller lufuriiiu. tlen and pliotetyiie vlewn of ttie theory und business practice rfeiuirtini ills ulll ue out Inu few- -(k. Thin U fuvsliullc- from phote-'miili. CallorM-ndtelO'.. IlKlnirhl. ' "!" Address II. C WKWUKll, I'rlucijul. l.l it ttftrtt (titer's. riIltAI)ILt'UtA,Hfttlirdy. AugtlBt.1, 1889. Stere closed at iP. M. August Boek Ni:ws is ready with a plate paper portrait of Sarah Orne Jewett and forty four big pages about almost nothing but books. The books of the month. All of them. Heek Nkws has no likes and dislikes. Lift its covers and you get a glimpse of the whole world of books the essence of them as well. With out prejudice. The best critics' thought sorted out. And the fair price. Yeu are like te save a year's cost of Boek Ni:ws en every book you pay $2 or mere for if you go by wnat it tens you. 5c a copy, 50c a year. - Near ThlrUcntlistrctt entrance. Hither a Jewett Filter, or a Gate City (porous stone) will make Schuylkill water leek as if there hadn't been a shower for a month. The live things go with the dirt. A dozen sizes. Ihm'incnt, north of centre. Jehn Wanamaker. lytJBCCUrtltCOttB. ,T it.vur. (iiiANCH. Biggest Reduction of All in Fine Clethes. Tlilitv diUnr HnllK ml need liifwelitv.tu-ntlnl. lurs. '1 c 11 dollar l'miti reduced te $7.M, and nil ether bight Weight Hulling lu the same pro portion. A large thick te select from, nt 1 11. (IKIUIAHT, Ne. 41 North Queen Street. as-Only Direct Importing Tailor In the City of lincastcr. 1 Jltbl'aS.W.H rOHl'AVINa-s'rtvi.KDPIU). 1 peMils will lie received by tlm Street Coin Cein Coin niltucfer paving with Asplialtllleeks the fol lowing squares: Duke strict, from Orange te CliCKlnul, fiein Walnut le i.ennin nml from lcninn te James, hit hilling diamond nt Duke mid la moil ; KaiU'heMimtstieet, fiem Nerlli lliicen te Clirlxtlnu ; Cast Grant sticct from lmkute Mine. Hecks In be tal J en Ms tches of broken stone, live InchcM of concrete composed of stone, cin der and Improved American hydraulic cement, (mil less than one barrel or cement te lie used te 1111-I1 cubic nrd of iimcretclnmt en lop of this one Inch of sand, blocks te lie well rammed and tlie work le be done In first-class- manner. Illds te cover tlie street finm curb tevnrli, ami te be fur each iqitare separately and for all Ihe squalen asked for ns a whole. Plans mid sHs?IMentleus may lsi seen at ttie elllce of Allan A. Ilerr, City Ilegulaler, Ne. 10S Hast Kill!-' street, Illds lobe addressed te tlm " Street Commit Cemmit lis'," and dc)elted In tlie Slrei't Ceminlltee lix lu Ihe elllce of C, A. (last, Ne. 1:1 North Dnlii" stmt, net Inter thanri o'clock p. in., en .Monday, August n. llv Onli r of Hie Committee. J)9Xliiugl,'l C. A. OAST, Clerk. T It. MARTIN A- CO. SPECIAL SALE. IMMENSE REDUCTION. ONE WEEK ONLY. - Commencing Monday Next. We Intend Closing Out Every Remnant and Old Pattern Carpet, in TAPESTRIES, INGRAINS & BRUSSELS. Lengths Frem 3 te 25 Yards. Prices Average About One-Half of Fermer Price. All ready for sale Monday morning. Many of them this Season's Patterns. Make your selections new, and we will keep them till Fall for you if you desire. Wall Papers also included in this sale. J. B. MARTIN & CO., Cor. West King & Prince Sts., Lancaster, Pa. 1rVi:ilSAtlt.vTllF0N. YOril C11ANCK. ITS Y0UII CilANCU TOHUY new te savu meni:y. 11IO VAUMiS AT SMAUi IMUCKS. it would in: l'ltOriTAllLl-: mil YOU TO ilUY NOW l-'OU FALL WKAlt. wi: iiavi: iti:i)uci:u tjik ritici: ex euu middi.k WintlllT WOllbTUl) DltlisS .SLMTS. A Nl'Mlti:it OF ciieici-: sTYi.i-s i.v nrsi.vi:ss .si'rrs limti: at ti:n ANDTWl'.IA'i: DOLLARS; Wl'.Hi: KIlTLl'.N. Tlili: 1'KICKS AHK I'N- I'uei-iTAm.i: te I'hC hut WU'llB NO't OOl.Mi TO CARRY AN'Y SU.M.MUIt GOODS IN'IO NUXT SUA.pN. MYIUW.V RATIIFO.V, RKLIAilLi: CLOTIUUU-S, SO. 12 F.AST KISQ STHKirr, LANAtfl'Klt, l'A. lticrllitnc0u. STKAM H KAT1S5THK COMING MEAT FOR dwelling, rhurcheii, school house., etc, Mieugli nuecFftifnlly umsI one hundred yem ae. Wlipnjreii centsmplate n chnncaenll en JOHN BKOT, who will give you a laluiMUiry Jeb, at a fair price. ms-trd I70HTHK war het aiu fiuinack in V the market, go te JOHN UtT,Stl Fast Fulton ilreel, m2-lfd TTtOIl' fai.hKYHTHHAyfmti,"cOhttiH, Ij Hnngers. Clninn llex-," Ceupllnzt, etc., go le JOHN niT, a East Fulton trect. m3-tfd 331011 nmtiKii TUnK hiuiwhks, htimen , 1'lpe Wrenches, I'lpeand Menkey WrrnrJicn cemiiinrn, nira, tin cans, eic, go icueun DfXT. 333 Vju1 Fulton street. uiS-lfd irveLU iineNZK, i.lqtiiDsi and sizing If for slcnrn work, at JOHN IIKST'H, att Knsl Kulton street. In3-tfd E0irn0lLVlis7''0IUZ0NTAlZTUHUbAlT, Vcrtlwil, l'eriable, Cylinder, Marine, of any cite or power, of I tin bent material nnd work werk inansblp, 8U le JOHN 11K-HT, SXI Kasl Fulton slrctt. m2-tfd -rAllTIClTliAU ATTKNTION" 1'AIU" TO I Medel Making, I'attenis, Iruwltii;s nnd IlTun Trlnts, nt iirlces rensennblc, nt JOHN IUTH,aXIKii(il Fulton street. m2-tfd OENCY FOR UAM.AUAN A.COH Cli J ment toKike tlie plnce of Red Lcud. In bulk It mnkeit five times the quantity of red lend nnd Is far superior In makliigmenm Joint packing man anil linnd hole plate en belters, Ac, Ac. Price 20 cent per pound nl JOHN 11E8T'H,SJ3 Kant Fulton MrccU m2-tfd 37IOR IlOIiTH. I.AU HCIU3WH, HET BCRFAVH, ; Hiiunrennd Hexagon Nuts, these geed In stock, at JOHN IIF.HT'H, 333 Kant Fulton strecU m2-lfd I "JUMIW, IIOILERH, MINING, CKNTRIFU-L-al and Hleam I'uniiu. of nnveanacltv.nl OllN liEHT'H. an East Fulton street inZ-tfd TJAIATOItH, OF ANY MAKE OR iDl XV sign, can Im furnished atreasonable figures, by JOIIN UEHT, 333 East Fulton street. m2-lfJ TTtOR HOUIZONTAIi STATieNARYK.N" X; glncs, from 2 te se horse-power, nnd Vei Ileal Engine from 2 te 40 horse-power, you vvll find them at JOHN UEHT'S, 333 East t-'nllei. street. m2-tfd 170RC.HTINOH,lHON OR 11HAHS. M0II1 I or heavy, at short notice, go te JOHN liEST. an East Fulton street. mZ-tfd IF IN WANT OK 11RAKS OR IRON BTOI' Cocks, Asbestos Packed. Ceeks, l'et and 1Mb Cocks, Lever Cocks, Swing Joints, call nnd net them, or send your order by mnll, te JOHN UEHT, 333 East Fulton street. inMfd WHITE COTTON WASTE, COI'l'ED HY the iHiund, lOcj In lets of 10 pounds or ever.De. All ciksIs delivered te nnyivart of the rlty Free. Call en JOHN REST, Ne. 333 Eau FullenKtrect. m'J-tfd I" NJiarreRH.'itui-: LnTiTinHANTTinvN LnTiTinHANTTinvN LnTiTinHANTTinvN coek Inspiraters and ICIcoters, Eberman Hetter Feeder, I'enticrlliy Instiecter, American Injeelnrs, nil In stock, nt JOHN RUST'S, at! East Fulton street. m2-tnl rpANKH FOR WATER, OILS, ACII) OiTgAH. Jl of mi) shape or capacity, at ralr inltca, go te.lOHN RESiT, ail liiBl Fulton street, in'itrd Q" VVl 'KKr OK I'"K '"ROM V, 0J9JJJ Inch te 0 Inch dlameter.ltei wile at a low figure, nnd the only house In tlie city with it pipe euttlmr machine, citttlng up t Inch dlumeler, at JOHN HEST'M, till East l-'ul ten street. iu2-lfd 171011 CAST IRON I'll'E ITTTINOH, I10TH I" plain nnd reducing, up te iMmli dlnineter, .vinllcalile Fittings, FlmiKes, Flnnge unions, Mnntfetds, Ainerlenn Unions, Tube Supports. Hanger. Fleer nnd Celling l'latv. go te JOHN HEJsTiJ, tin East rulten stresit, m2-tfd 171IRK RRI(JKS FIRE CLAY, ATLOVV X! flguren, go te JOHN 11 EbT, &U liist Fulton Unet. m'.'-tld 1710R STEAM OAUOES. IIIOII OR LOW i Pressure, Water Uangrs, (latign Cocks, Weed Wheel or Weighted, OUiss Tillies, Wlilslles.Sypliens ferStenm (!nugs, Cylinder (lllcisl'lnlii, Water Unuge Column. Cocks for Steam Gauges, call en JOHN IIEiiT, 331 Easl Fulton street. in2-tfd C1ARRY IN HTOCK-IIiaT CHARCOAL, J Hammered liar Iren. Deuble Refined Iren. Harden' lllvet Iren, Rivets, Het uud Celd Heller Iren, Steel, Sheet Iren 3-1(1 te Ne. IU, nt JOHN RESTS, 3.U East Fullen street. m2tld PACKINGS. AH FOLLOWS:, DIHIGO, FOR Steam and llv itruiille Packing, Asbest Repe, Woven and Wick Packing, Hemp Packing, As bestos Mill Heard, Asbestos Cement, Asliesles Shentlilne.OumPnrktiig.Oum Ring Ter Watei (Jnuges, Plumbago Packing, Heed's Patent As bestos, Lined Sectional Piij Cever, nt JOHN HEAT'S, 33.1 Eusl Fulton street. iu2-tfd J JlORAMniUCANSIOHTFEED CYLINDER Lubricators, (Jlnss Oil Cuis for Hearings, cm can get them at JOHN I1KSTS, 3M 1-Jisl Fulton street. in'J-tfd - -- - t- - 171011 PRATT A CADY AMRESIVIS DISC " VnlvesIenkln Valves, 11ms Glebe Valves, Urns Onte Valves, Iren lledy Glebe Valves, Lever Safety Vnlve. Pep Safety Vulve, Atr Valves, Radiator Valves, Prnlt's Snlngtii Clicek Valvis, Ilra-s Check Valve, Feet Vnlve Angle Vulvcs, call nt JOHN 11IMTS, 33:1 Fm Pulton street. nCMM TV YOU WANT A FIRST-CLASSPORTAHLE Engine and Heller, en v heels, cheap, ns tlie billowing price shew: (I horse-power, $173; s. hoi sc-pnu er, Kill ; 10herse-Miwer,!).)75; 15 horse herse horse pe er. tS7,'i; 20 liorse-pewer, 51,17.1, call at JOHN RESTS. 3S1 Lust Fulton street. in2-tfd SAW MILLS, UAHK MILLS, CC Leather Rellers, Tan Pucker. Ti Powers, Milling and Mining Mac OH Ml 1,1 A. Triple. Hei se ...,.., s, ..,,,,, iik .iii. Ki.iiiiiK ...in iiiiivi , ill JOHN llliST'SCB East Fulton street, mi-tfd .... i ii..i.... xi..ni.i..n. .. n. XrORK, (PA.) COLLEGIATEJNSTITUTE. New Ihilldlng ; Large Endowment ; Scholar ships; laboratory; Library; (i)mtinshun, Piepuies for Celleae or Huhicss. Separate Course for ladles. MihIitu Language hi Regu lar Course. Tuition, J10 per annum. Heard In pilvute families, ,).ii) jier week. PnriiHy of nine. 17th )rnr epeiishcpteuiljvc.2. Fer cata logue, addles ui.s . ja.ni.i aiiiiiiuu.vi.ii. i-n. n.. j)3KWtd President. M ILLKR'S 110RAX SOAP. TVYIL-LER'S Borax Seap -WILL- WASH CLOTHES, -AND- EVERY ARTICLE UNDER THE SUN IVEHYHODV. WANTS IT! THAT IK-F.VKRYHenY WHO HAS EVER TRIED IT! LEVAN'S FLOUR Still Holds the Fert. We haven't the biggest mills lu tlie world, but tliere Is no better mill anywhere nt least there U ue milt that can make better Heur. Se say thousands nf people hi tills community, uud we take their word fertt. If you have trouble with jour baking, tills, het weather, )ou will perhaps discover Hint Hie trouble lien with )our Heur provided ) en de net use lean's l'leur. If jeuure using Hint article, and still have trouble with your bak ing, )s rhups It Is becuuse of the even. It can't l- the Heur If )ou Use lxjvau' I -I JlCYCI.liS, TRICYCLES, TANDEMS. COLUMBIA Bicycles, Tricyles, Tandems, DURABLE, SIMPLE. GUARANTEED HlGHE-sT GRADE, ILLUSTRATED CATALOGCR FREE. POPEMFGCO,, 79 FRANKLIN ST., BOSTON. IIRANCH HOITSIM-12 Warren St.. New Yerk ad Wnh.ish Ave., Chicago. Fer Sale b)' JOHN H. MttsbER, Columbia Pa. uuS-lydCOd for gkalc. . , 1 , , JOR RENT, HTORB AND DWEM.tNO-A 1 twe-stnrr Rrlck Building nnd Htere Roem, os. 339 nnd 341 East King street. Has double front and Is suitable for any kind of business,, cprclnlly a confectionery store. Apjdy nt the Mechanics Hetel, Cor. I'lum ami Chetnut streets. v!1-lmdS,M,Wd ITIVK Pttnt.tO KAI.ION IMONDAY. AlinllKTn. isMi.nl llie txeimril Hetel. ft.- -.... u...... niftrtr iivtf I.-I.1 .1 Vfl .'". 1. A 1113 -A llll.-V-3lJI. .I...V..& .' " ...i...... HOUSE, Ne. 227 West Vine street, containing seven room nnd bread hallways en first nnd second Meers; let "1 feel 0 Inches, mere or less, by 120 feet, mere or les-s te n four feci Ida common nlley ; nle right te n ttiree ri-ct wide alley rrem vine strwt. Till properly I In geed rendltlnn. (in w-p It. Ne. 2, The Two-Htery Illtlt'K HOITHE nnd let frentlmr en llncer allev. In rearnf Tll Marietta a veil lie, let 17 fret 2 Inches, niore or less, by W) fert, mere or less. The beuse I new nnd well built, hnsfeeen U"Cd a n cigar factory, but run be tiirinil Inton nent and convenient dwelling nl a small cost. Hale positive, nt 8 o'clock p.m. JOHN F. KANE. Juki. L. Hai.nks, Auct. yJ0,3IAnug2,3 aECURK A HOME FOR YOUR FAMILY. Secure a Heme for Your Family. FOR.fjALK ON T1IK MOST MHKHAL TE11M8. Two-tery brick dwelling house, lets 120 feet deep, en Luurusler avenue, between Wal nut ana liCinen streets. Twe-story brick dwelling louse with man sard reef, iwrclie In front, leu 113 feet dis'p, en North Pine, between Chestnut and Walnut streets. Twe-story brick dwelling house with front yard, Iren renec. low ISO reel deep, en west Walnut, between Mary und Pine street Two-tery brick dwelling houses, leta I4."i feet deep, en A est Lemen street, between Charlette and Mary streets. Three-story brick dwelling house, let IMfect detp, wltli all the modern Improvements, front yards, en West Chestnut street, between Pine nnd Ncvl n streets. Alse house en East Walnut, Nerlli Lime. North Mary, between Walnut nnd Ix-inen.aml Imen, between Mnry nnd Hue streets. All tlie nbove houses are In geed order, newly papered, gas fixtures In nil the room, water In the kltciieiiind the cellars warranted te be dry. Call end see for )Ourseir,ne treuble te show 0"' J NO, V. ORIEL,lt,. JACOU GHIEL, ("-'-""' 302 North Mary Street. apr20-l)d,M.WJi S)rtt0. G ENUINE HARGAINS. The Big Hat Bargain OF THE SEASON. We have taken nil our Odd lints nnd Odt Sires und have made up the HKIUivST HAH U Al N Line of Hats ever ettered. Tlie line Includes lmts that were sold for iZ'C, $2.00, 51.75, 81.50; H.'i') and 81.W. All reduced te the small sum of 25 CENTS. TRUNKS AND TRAVELING BAGS AT RIG INDUCEMENTS. STAUFFER & CO., 31 and 33 North Queen Street, LANCASTER. PA gVHficultuvitl. w. D.SPRECHERjSON A CO. HEADQUARTERS FOR LAWN TENNIS RACKETS. SEE Ol'R .'10 CENT Window. Screens. T11ENEW YOR1C STATE TOBACCO SHEARS Hints All Others In theMaikel. W. D. SPRECHER, SON & CO,, 31 E. King St., Lancaster, Pa. mar23-Tu.Th.StM (SrtVvinrKO. STANDARD CARRIAGE WORK. EDW. EDGERLEY, It), 12, 1 1 A 15 MARKET STREET, (Hear of tlie Postetllee), LANCASTER, PA. ALL THE LATEST STYLES IN Baggies, Phxtens, Family Carriages, Etc. The I'liiist Stock lu tlie Country. We new have a Pull Line or SECOND-HAND WORK Any Style Yeu Wiuil. Repainting nnd Repairing promptly attended te. One set of workmen eeclnlly tniplejed for that purpose, The lowest prices In the county for tlrst-class work. OS-Glvu inea Call uud E.vnmliie My Weik. yitnteflvaultsv. K OTE. I JUST RECEIVED KRO.M Kcenigsburg, Prussia, Twe Backgrounds made eieclally for Rust und Three-quarter Ix;iiijlh Phetcvjrnphs, 60 1-2 North Queen St., Next Doer te the Postetllee, Jau7-fiind cnil ilotici'e. JTibTATE OP AHRAHAM COLLINS, LATE li of .Marietta, Pa., ilceeii(l loiters te-laiueiitmy en s.ild iMale having lieen granted te the undersigned, nil ieien Indebted Ihcrctettre iiiinested te make Immediate par ment, and llitw linvtng elalius or dunaud against tlie same, 111 present them lllieul de de luy.fer Mttlement le Ihe iiuden.giul. G. EDW. IIEGENER. Residing lu LinctiMcr, I'n. J. II HAI.DEMAN, Residing hi Marietta, Pa., Executer, liteiuu. NU'Miv, Att'y. JIW!tdS UNDERWEAR- LIGHT AND MEDIO! weight iiuderenr til nil gludesnnd any kite, ul ERIm.MANS Gent' Furnlklilng Stere, I.' West King hlitet. VlNlnLLritECsreCIC FARM. STORM KING (2161.) RECilltD ill, Miiniluiil Hy llri'cilluu mul 1'iTl'orinniK'e. sinsll.) 1IVPPY MEIlir.VI, u-eerd Ht!y and lie nr 12 Iretten. uud iivr vvlth record Ireiu it!'. In 4i.M, und our UDkIIIi reeerdi. better Ulan 2:.rja. Dam bv Alexander's Nuiiuaii. i-tre of Lulu '.MIL. Ma) itiiisn. 2-20, Ae. Second dam l,y llewunt shli rli.irlik.tlioieilgh- bred. , .,,,, Third tliiui by Smllh'i. Mensenver, en or Dill McM-timer. , , StuumICimi In bu,t.ind HI hand uud wiliihhuuuui 1,3011. IlniiilKii) Uikeli Ilrt premium ul stale and county liilrs, III.,-i,l(.s are In rge and liandMiine, and live that luiveUvn old uv erased thlUUO at an ni'mge nge of enu und h half )enr. He vn taken right out of tlie stud nnd w ilh very little prcisirutleu reduced his record from all'i In 2 li, trotting three heat In 2:10,2:81 und2:.l'). He vicnt n quarter Ineiu-iif tht'iullek lu ;l MH-eiuL iv 2r20 gnlt which ihews hi capaclly if 1 eon I it upare him long enough lu the Mud te be prepared for very fast work. TERMS. $.'0.00 for u foal unlit lit present book U fall, after which huullUtund ut 75.(ii. J) 5-tM. DANL. U. ENQLE, Marietta, Pa. recctlee. A TRUKHKa Seasonable Goods! HAMS, DRIED BEEF, Etc. Ilncappln Hmnd Ham, very nne, all gnnrnn teed. California Ham, 10c a pound, shortcut Shoulder, !c Dried Reef, chipped. New Mack erel lu bucket. Heneles Herring In gins front liexes, nice rer lunch or picnicking. Snrdlne IniKrtsl and American In Oil nnd Mustard. Petted Meats, Renctcs Ham, Chicken nnd Tar key. Yerk Stnte Cretan Cheese. Edam or Dulchhead Cheese. Picnic, Pineapple, Roque fort nnd Sapsago, etc., etc. BURSK'S, Ne. 17 East King Street, LANCASTER. PA. 1 OOD NEWS AND GLAD TIDINGS. SUGARS AND COFFEES LOWER. Geed Rensted Ceflec,! It) , 20c BtreiiK Mountain Rie Coffee, V lb 22c Fair Coffee, V lb 12Jc te I8c Full Crcnin Cheese, lb ,.10e Choice Plckles,1dez B4c Best Washing Powder, pnclc .2Jc 15c Mustard or Spiced Sardines for 10c HeuelcA Ham, lb 1 2 Jc California Ham, 'lib. 8c and 10c Three Bettles Ginger Aie for. .2ic Rncr' or Hired' Reet Beer V bottle He Best Olcinc Seap f box ..., ?Z10 Five lb Laundry Starch for. !5e CLARKE'S, 12 V II SOUTH QUEEN ST. (Near Centre Sutiurc.) -Tclcplienc. JyS-tfd.t-w A T HEIST'S. SEASONABLE GOODS RE I STS. Finest Picnic Hams, lOe ? lb. Flnctl Knuckle Dried Reef, 1 le -fl tb. Extrn Drv Dried lk-cf, l2Xc ( lb. Flnct Winter Helngnn, 2.W 11 lb. Rest Trhie, In '-Wlh kegs. ji.2j. Ijileht Ciitcli New Mackerel, In 10-tti buckets, quarter barrel and barrel. Rtehnrdsen tt-Rebhliii Petted Meat Ham, Reef, Tongue, llnni nnd Turkey, Ham ana Chicken, Game, Turkey, Chicken and Duck. Hueklu' Fatiieu Soup Oxtail, Consomme, Chicken, Beef, Tomate nnd Meck Turtle. Deviled Mints, Anchovy nnd Bloater Pnte, Smoked Sardines In Oil, Heneles Sardine, Sar dine In Finest OH, Mustard Snrdlne. Pickled HyMei-H In Bettles, Finest Lebster In Hetltes, Boneless Anchovies lu OH, und u thousand geed thing". 32c. CiMlee ridiu-cd teSOc. tale. L'otlie rcduevd te 2se. e. Cellie I educed te'2ic. 2ec. Cotlee reduced te 22c. This Is the Finest Line of Cedec In the city. Yeu must sec them te knew their worth. FOR KENT Three Large Reems Over Second Fleer Stere, Building. REIST ! WHOLESALE AND RETAIL GROCER, CORNER WEST KING AND PRINCE STS., Dlnetly Oppoxlle J. II. Martin i Ce.' Dry Geed Stere, and Next Doer te Serrel Herse Hetel. T1IGH& MARTIN. FRUIT JARS ! JELLY TUMBLERS ! AT CHINA MALL. Masen Fruit Jars in Pints, Quarts and Half Gallens. The celebrated Lightning Jars in Quarts and Half Gallens ; this jar has no superior in the mar ket. Jelly Tumblers in any quantity. All at Bettem Prices. HIGH & MARTIN, 15 East King St. miMfd gtummcr 3.U'cut. 6f EL NORM ANlTfrJ ATLANTIC CITY. NOW OPEN. Under New Management. T. C. GILLETTE, Proprietor, Late of Colenado Hetel, Philadelphia. mI5-3md 4 JOINT ENCAMT'M iTnTOF V. S. TROOIM JX. ANDNATIONAL GL'AHD, at MT. GRETNA PARK. Army orders Ne. 157, Division Artillery, Dc partmeut of War, directs two troeis of cavalry ut FertMe.ver, Vu..nnd three light batteries of artllliry from astilnglen Barracks, Fert Adams, It. L, and Fert Hamilton, N. Y harbor, te march te Ml. Gretna from their respective stations, arriving ut tlm Park net later than AngiM Mh. nnd there ke Inte ramp In connec tion vv ltli tlie Cavalry und Artlllciyef thuNat'l Guiird whose period of eneauipment Is Irein Aug. JOt It te 17th. After the termination of the Joint encampment tlie Regular Troops villi re main at -Ml. Gretna ler nil Indefinite period, ler further ni tiller) practice, thus nllordlugud nllerdlugud nllordlugud dltleual attraction te Mt. Gretna each day dur ing August. The Mt. Gretna ."inrrnw Guiign Rulheud Is tliiUliedund lu successful running order, contributing In It way te the plcuMiia nnd enJe)iiieni of a dn) at the ihtmulng re sort. Tlie Iruluseier this division consist of Obcr Obcr vntlen Cur, atlerdlng nn unobstructed view of the seem ry in route They pass iu lull view of theMtlilitry Paradn Grounds, Lake Coneuuge, tlie SUUe Guard Iillle Range, and ever Herse Shee Bend, gradually nsccudinz until Governer Dick Is reached, lour miles distant. Frem tlie stately new observatory en Gov. DIek. thlrly feet higher than tlie old btrueturc. which ha Ixcn removed, a sigh! may be ebialutd thun vvhlcli tliere are rewgrander fort) wiuare mile of view being presented, and points lu llvedtf feu nt eeiinlles being easily discerned. H.A.GHO-sS, Gen Pas. Agent C A L R. It., Lebanon. Fn. NED IRISH, Gen. S upL Jt213md itlacltiiu'vu. OTIiVM. vVedcsIre tecull Hlie attention .if consumer nrstriim Uemtsnnd Engineers' Supnlles, te our liirgunnd vnrlislstfH'k of I'll', iOves, Cocks, Mtilleuble and Cast Iren rlltln.-s, AslH'stes, Vutcals'stenaiid I'sudiiriiin, Stiett, Piston nnd Vnlve Pnckliigs; scotch nnd Red Line Helleet Helleet Helleet lniSl3aogeC!l.ise, Steuiu Radiators and btenni Ileutlng Apisirutu; Sit and Cnii Serews.und in fact almost evcr.vlhlug risiilrtd by steam users, nnd nil of which e eiler nt prices vvhlih we gunrantee te be lower tlmli tuese of any oilier dealer In Hits vlclullv. We havopesltlvel) the largest stock, and be ing connected wltli the Telenlmne Exchange, are prepaivd te rwelvc and till nil orders lu the shortest possible lime. When lu vrunt of nny thing lu our line, cull 011 us for price und we will convince )uu of our ability nml willing lies tosuvc)eu Meney, Deln) nnd Vexation. Our facilities for fiunlshliig Engines, Hellers, Phnltlng, Pullevs, linnet i-s, Siieclul Mnchlnery, l'lumliers' una das Filters' Toels, Patterns, Medels, und Iren and liruss Castings and for Ihe prompt repair et all kind of maeulueiy nre niiexeellid in laneatter, nnd we respectfully solicit a share of ) our imtreuage. Central Machine Works, 131 A IWNORTHCHRlSTIAN.STREirr, Lancastek, Pa. Goeil Werk, RenMinauie Charges, Prompt ucs. Telephone conuectlen dJ-tfdlt COLLARS AND CUFIs-TIIE L.VTIMT, the meet de&lruble, und meet comfortable thnpc nnd st) Its uny sire, ut EHIbMAN'e Genu Furnishing Stere, 12 West Ktaf strtet. . . .- f-C .' , . ' -i 7: '.r - . "i . m if i'lij-1. hi S , .-J .v "Mllili