Fwwrxzctr. THK LAJTOA! f V " -i.. M ,. ft-l rf .fe",,- CURTIS KBMKDTHK 1HX9. And the Mahayunk Bey Mde Unly Lines for ttae Oorenier. Frem tua Philadelphia Recerd. Associations cluster about the el Quln Quln ten hotel, at Main and Jacksen streets, Manaynnk. which is new being leveled, that make it one of the rcntarkable land marks In the suburb. Upen the site of the building is te arise the new police station for the Fourteenth district The spacious building, with the bread two-story perches extending the full length of two fronts, was for n -long time n popular place for holding political and ether hum meetings, memorable among uhlch wcre theso held during the rebellion. One of the most motnerablo meetings was that held Just previous te the presiden tial election In November, JSH, when Gov. Andrew O. I'urtln, the popular war uovcr uevcr uovcr ner, was the principal speaker. After his speech Curtin walked along the platform and amidst thunders of applause kisted all the glrK ljuellmt night the marching battalions made the town ring while they sung : . Oh. Governer Curtln he get drunk, Hurrah 1 Hurrah I And kissed the girls of Manayunk, llurrati uurrau i Oh, Otncrner.Curlln he get drunk And kissed the Klrln of Manayunk, And we'll nil drink stone blind Johnny nil tin the bowl. Many of the cirlvu he were honored by the governor nre new residents or Mana yunk. . Beulanifer Badly Beaten. Elections for members of the Councils General were held throughout Kronen en Sunday. Ueulanger was successful in Berdeaux, where he polled 3,31(1 votes against 2,fKll for IiIb opponent. He was do de feated In Mentpcller und Iteticn. Returns from 650 cantons show that Gen eral Ueulanger has been successful In only twelve Returns are still awaited from W3 cantons. The hopes of the J Jeulangists have fallen te zero. The tlme granted te General Boulanger, Count Dillen and M. Uochefert te answer the summons of the Bonate court having expired, nn eftletal en Hunday publicly read before their residences a decree giving the accused ten days in which te appear before the court. Falling in this their prop erty will be Hequesteretl and they will be deprived of all civil rights. First en Pigmy Anen a Giant. We are tee apt te reg-ird n small nllmcut much as we would seme pigmy, unpleasant or npecl and pranklh Indeed, but Incapable of ietleus mischief. We Ignore- the fact that It grows prodigiously, strengthens In proportion, and begets evil progeny. A fit of Indigestion, n slight bilious attack, sensations of unrest and languor when the system should lme been braced by recent sleep, unaccountable ncn du nes, Inactivity of the kidneys or bladder what ure thee but the precursors of obstinate and serious bodily disturbance? In either of the nboe emergencies, common kciisc and c.x IKTlencc unite In Indicating Uestctter's Stom ach Bitters afc the best preventive. Particularly theuld Itc use be prompt whin Hie languor, 3 awning, chilliness down the back, aud fecr lshncss that precede a mnlnrlal uttack, mani fest thcm-ehcH. Don't neglect It. Be with con stipation and debility. gycctrtl iloticce. Bucklen's Arnica Salve. The BestSalve In the world for Cuts, Bruises leres, Ulcers, Ball Hheuin, Fever Seres, Tetter. Cllappcd Hands, Chilblains, Cerns, and all Skin Eruption", and positively cures Piles, or no pay required. It Is guaranteed te give per fect satisfaction, or money refunded. Price Sd cents per box. Fer sale by II. II. Cochran, Druggist, New. 137 and 1J9 North Queen street, Lancaster, I'a. June27-lyd Eupepsy. This Is Mini t en ought te have, in fact, you must liave it, te fullv enjoy life. Thousands are searching for It daily, and mourning because they rind It net. lhuunuds upon thousands of dollars arc scnt annually by our people In the hope that they niiiyjittaln this been. And vet It may be hail by all. We guarantee that Elec tric Bitter", if used according te directions and the ue persisted In, w ill bring you Geed Diges tion line oust the demon Dyspepsia and install instead Eupepsy. We recommend Electric Hit ters for Djspcpsln, and all diseases el Liver Stomach nnd Kidneys. Sold at 60c and SI per bottle by II. B. Cochran, druggist, 137 and 139 North Queen, btreet, Lancaster, Pa, (4) Mether ! Mothers ! t Mothers I I I Arc ou disturbed at night and broken of your rest by a sick child suHerlng nnd crying with the excruciating pain of cutting tectht If e, goat once and get a bottle of Mils. WINS LOW'S BOOTHINO SYBUP. It will relieve the roer little sufferer Immediately depend upon It ; there is no mlstake about It. There U net a mother en earth who Iibh ever used it, who will net tell you at once that It will regu late the bow els, and glve rest te the mother, and relief and health te the child, operating like magic. It is perfectly safe te use In all cases and pleasant te the taste, and Is the prescription of one of the eldest and best female physicians and nurses In the United States. Sold everywhere, 25 cents a bottle. June231ydAw A feerup or l'n per Saves ller Lire. It was Just an ordinary scrap of wrapping peper. but it saved her lire. She vmis in the last stages of consumption, told by physicians that shewus Incurable and could live enlyashiitt tlme; she weighed less than seventy pounds. On u piece or wrapping paper lie read of Dr. King's New Discovery, unit get a sample bettle: it helped her, she bought n large bottle, 1 1 helped her mere, bought anethei and grew better fast, continued Its use and U new strong, healthy. rey, plump, weighing 110 pounds. Fer fuller particulars send stamp te V. II. Cele, Druggist. Fert Smith. Trial bottles or tills wonderful Discovers- Free nt II. II. Cochran's drugstore, 137 and ISO North Queen strcet, Lnuc.istri, l'n. gaeha. H EBB'S BOOK SWOUE. ButcherB'.'.arecers' and Bakers' Blank Beeks, Pass Beeks, AND Bill Heads. Here Is where J en will get a belter article than elsewhere for the money. We take special care te have the best and at fame time net higher In price. L B. HERR, 53 NORTH QUEEN 8T. l)hm 4r)rtll. TTIOH A MARTIN. FRUIT JARS ! JELLY TUMBLERS ! AT CHINA HALL. Masen Fruit Jars in Pints, Quarts and Half Gallens. The celebrated Lightning Jars in Quarts and Half Gallens ; this jar has no superior in the mar ket. Jelly Tumblers in any quantity. All at Bettem Prices. HIGH & MARTIN, 1 5 East King St. enMfd illtotenrctpha. TJOTE. I JUST RECEIVED FROM Kcenigsburg, Prussia, Twe Backgrounds made espcclully for Bust and Three-querler Length Photograph. be 1-2 North Queen St., Next Doer te the Pottefflce. jan7-and TTOOD-S BAJWATAK1LLA. De Net Negleet That tired tllng. Impure bleed, distress after eating, pain In the back, headache, or simitar aflectlens till some powerful disease obtains a firm foothold, and recovery Is difficult, perhaps Impossible. Take Heed's Sarsaparllla, the de fender of health, In time te banish all bad feel lngi and restore you te perfect condition. Meed s Sarsaparllla has peculiar "curative pesrer, and accomplishes cures where ether preparations rait. THAT TIRED FEELING. "During the summer I wsi feeling all run down, nnd thinking I needed something te tone up my system, I took Heed's Sarsaparllla and felt much better. I was also troubled with dys pepsla.and Hoed'sSarsaparlllaJielpedmoinore than anything else." J. B. Darbew, Ft. Wayne, Ind. " My wife and myseir were both generally run down. Heed's Sarsaparllla brought us out et that tired feeling, and made us feel like young people again. IlTiM done mere for ns than all ether medicines together." BtciiAKh Hawk hubst, AmltyTllle, Leng Island, N. Y. IMPDKE BLOOD " Frem childhood I was trenbled with pim ples, and every remedy failed till I took Heed's Sarsaparllla. I have taken Ave bottles and new the pimples are almost gene, and ray general health Is much Improved. I am reeling better than for some time, and I highly recommend Heed's Barsaparllla." W. Kvaks, 485 Lexing ton, Avenue, Brooklyn, N. Y. Heed's Sarsaparilla Sold by all druggists. II ; six ter 15. Prepared only by C. I. HOOD A CO., Lewell, Mass. 100 DOSES ONE DOLLAR fi olden Specific. DRUNKENNESS OR THE LIQUOR HABIT POSITIVELY CURED BY ADMINISTERING DR. HAINES' GOLDEN SPECIFIC It can be given In a cap of coffee or tea with out the kuowledge of the person taking It; Is absolutely harmless, and will effec a perma nent and speedy cure, whether the patient Is a moderate drinker or an alcoholic wreck. Thousands et drunkards have been made tem perate men who have taken Oelden Specific In their eettee without their knowledge, and to day believe they unit drinking or their own Iree will. IT NEVER FAILS. The sjstem once Impregnated with the Specific, It becomes an utter Impossibility for the liquor appetite te exist. Fer sale by CHAM. A. LOCHEB. Druggist. Ne. 9 East King Street, Lancaster, Pa. aug8-lydM.W. F rTiEETHINU SYBUP. TO MOTHERS. Everv bahe should have a bottle of DR. FAHRVF.YS TEETHING SYBUP. Perfectly sale. NoOplumerMorphlamlxtures. Wlllre liev e Celic, Griping in the Bowels and Promote Difficult Teething. Prepared byDBS.D.FAHB NEY&SON, Hagerstown, Md. Druggists sell It : 35 cents. Trial bottle sent by mail 10 cents. tanHydcedAw Qivectvlt. T BUHSK'S. Seasonable Goods! HAMS, DRIED BEEF, Etc. Pineapple Brand Hams, very line, all guarauV teed. California Hams, ldc a pound. Shortcut Shoulders, 9c. Dried Beef, chipped. New Mack erel In burkets. Boneless Herring In glass front boxes, nice for lunch or picnicking. Sardines Imported and American In Oil and Mustard. Petted Meats, Boneless Ham, Chicken aud Tur key. Yerk State Cream Cheese. Edam or Dutchhead Cheese. Picnic, Pineapple, Roque fort and Sapsago, etc., etc. BURSK'S, Ne. 17 East King Street, LANCASTEB. TA. T EADY CASH BARGAINS AT CLARKE'S. 4 lbs Gced Sweet Coffee for 75c. 10 lbs Decorated Bexes California Prunes, 75c. 10 lb Buckets New Mackerel, 75c, 11.00 and 11.25. 4 Aet Pickles ready for use for 25c. Pitied Plums, same as you have been paj Ing 25c a Iti ler new selling 3Bs rer 20c. 5 lbs Tearl laundry Starch for 15c. Elastic and Glesslne Starch, V pack, 8c. Bauer's or Hire's Beet Beer, bottle, He. 4 Lergc Bexes Bixby's Shoe Blacking ter 10c. Jeb Let of Prunes, little sugared, 3c V lb. Jeb of Layer Figs, 7 tb boxes for 60c. Best Olelne Seap, 5c Ibcake.erSJ.WpBOft box. Hums, Dried Beef and Bologna Ht 5c V lb less tluin Mime quality can be bought at elsewhere. Alse meslall the popular brands or Fleur at 5c V sack less than the same quality can be bought nt elsewhere. WE SELL WEBTHEB'S DISINFECTANT. Same as used nt Johnstown. Try it. One pint makes rrem 16 te Si gallon". Samuel Clarke's BEADY-CASH WHOLESALE AND RETAIL TEA AND COFFEE STORE, NO". 12 A 14 SOUTH QUEEN STREET. aTelephenc. JS-trddw T HEIST'S. SEASONABLE GOODS -AT- REISTS. Finest Picnic Ham", 10c lb. Finest Knuckle Dried Beef, 14c v lb. Kxira ury uneu mei, i.-c v n. Finest Winter Bologna, Sxj y D). Best Tripe, In 20-ft kegs, fl.25. Litest Ciiteh New Mackerel. Ill 10-Ib buckets. quarter barrels and barrels. Richardson it Bobbins' Petted Meats Ham. Beef, lunette, Hum and Turkey, Ham nnd Chicken, ,arue, Turkey, Chicken and Duck. llitcklu's Famous heups Oxtail, Consomme, Chliken, llwf, Tomate and Meck Turtle. Deviled Meats, Anchovy and Bloater Paste, Smoked Sardines In OH, Boneless Sardines, bar dines In Finest Oil, Mustard Sardines, Pickled Oysters In Hollies, linest Lebslcr in Bettles Bunc'lcss Anchovies In Oil, and n thousand geed tilings. Sic. CerTec reduced te SOc. sV, Coffee reduced te At: 2Sc. Coffee reduced te 2e. 6c. Coffee leduccd te22c. Thins the Finest Line or Coffees In the city. Yeu must see them te knew their worth. FOR REST Three Large Beems Over Second FJoer Stere Billldlng. REIST ! WHOLESALE AND RETAIL GROCER, CORNER WEST KING AND PRINCE NTS., Directly Orpoite J. 11. Martin A Ce.'s Dry Goods Stere, and Next Doer te Serrel Herse HoleJ. Cnvviancs. STANDARD CARRIAUE WORK. EDW. EDGERLEY, W, 42, 43 i 15 MARKET STREET, lltcar or the PostefHcc), LANCASTER. PA. ALL THE LATHS r STYLES IN Baggies, Pbstens, Family Carriages, Etc. The Finest block In the Country. We new have a Full LI e or SECOND-HAND WOHK-Any Style Yeu Want, Repainting and Repairing promptly attended i. One stl of workmen eiMiluflv ftnnh.wil te. el workmen especial ler that purpose. The lowest price in 'the county rer rirst-clais work, j-Give ue a Cell aud Examine My Werk. CUihtng. me CliOTHTNO BUYERS. LGansman&Bre. FOR THE I-e&st Meiisy. Extraordinary Bargains in Men's, Bey's and Children's Clothing. Prlcee 25 lr Cent. Lewer than Ever Heretofore. All Our AVoel Men's Caslmerc Suits, down te 17,18 and 110. All Our Own Weel Men's Chev let Suits down te W, Is and 110. All Our All-Weel Bey's Sttlta down te 11,1V M audit. All Our Children's SillU down In 11.00, 11.25, 11.75,120, 13.00, U0. Thin Coats and CenU and Vests at less titan first cost price. These goods must be sold new In order te make room for our large Fall Sleck new being manufactured. Onr Great Clothing Department Makes Down Bale cannot be equaled tn this city or else where. Bee our Qualttlesand Prices before pur chasing. It will pay you te call. L. Gansman & Bre., and 68 MORTK QUBBH ST., I.W. CORNER OF ORArTOB, LArTOABTBR, PA. Net connected with any ether Clothing Heuse In the city. -YEBH AJtATHFON. I LOW PRICES. LOW PRICES RULE HERE . . ON OUR RELIABLE READY-MADE CLOTHING. YOUR CHOICE IS ALL STYLES AND KINDS. MORE HERE THAN WE WANT, BUT THE PRICES MUST CLEAR OUR TABLES. JUST AS BIO REDUCTION HERE AS ANY WHERE AND BETTER-MADE CLOTHING THAN THE AVER AGE. MEN'S THIN CLOTHING HERE IN ABUNDANCE EVERY COLOR AND KIND, AT LOW PRICES. , BOYS' AND YOUTHS CLOTH ING IN GOOD VARIETY. STOUT AND STRONG FOR VACATION ROMPS. ALL BARGAINS. MYERS ct RATHFON, RELLVBLE CLOTHIERS, NO. 12 EAST KING STREET, LANCASTER, PA. H I1W1I A BROTHER. Why We're Happy ! Because se many of you have called this week and found out for jeursclf hew cheap we soil, Just new In particular. We are using the prlc parer without a thought of profit, viz: One Let uf Black Corkscrew Cutaway and Sack Suits, 37 in number, were tit) ; new 112. One Ixt or Fancy Cuslmeres, Sacks and Cutn ;S.ways, m in number, wcre 113-50 ; new J10. One Let of Prince Albert Coats and Vests, Wide Wales. Silk Feced, we have lBlen, were $21 j new H5. These are genuine bena-tlde bargains and are bound te close out the lets. The Reduction in Beys' and Children' de thing and Furnishings IS JUST AS GREAT. SEE FOR YOURSELF. HIRSH ft BROTHER, ONE-PRICE CLOTHIERS AND FURNISHERS, Herth Queen Street and Centre Square, LANCASTER, PA. . .v , a: : SarnceB. H ABNESS. HARNESS. HABERBUSH'S 30 Centre Square, LANCASTER, PA. Saddles, Harness. LAP BLANKETS, Trunks, Bags, Harness Oil, AN General Stable Supplies, -AT- (SUCCESSOR TO II. llAIlEIIUUBH 4 KOX.) SIGN OF THE GOLDEN HORSE HEADS. m HI lias. E. HabeiMf s, R1CRS NEVER BO LOW. New Bosten Stere. 24 Centre Square. J. HARRY STAMM. WE'LL- NOT HAVE TO HNY LEFT Aftex Thi Week. ll.M Bdprrad At 11.00 11.00 " ,.........-.;..... ..-...-At 7ta KfiO " AttUO 75 e Table Linen - .At te c M-e " - ......At c V " , -At mic 25 e " n....AtUjic 1.75 Flouncing! JM " j.00 " At fttc .At TVs ..A tWe goats anh Shoes. B OOTB AND SHOES. D.P. BARGAINS IN SHOES. Jut received, direct from the factory, ever one thousand pain of Ladle' Shee that were made aud itainpcd te t old for KM a wlr, but the party failed before the feeds were nn lihed ; e I made them an offer at the factory for the geed and had them finished In splendid style, and I am offering you these shoe for II JO and 12.00 per pair and every pair guaranteed. He this I n rare chance te get a (2.50 shoe for 11.60 and ri.00. Alse a let of Men' and Bey' BhecBwe are closing out cheap. A full line of Black and Tan Oxford Tie for Ladli' Mimes aud Children at the lowest price In the city. D. P. Stackhouse, 28 and 30 EABT KINO STREET, LANCASTER, TA. a20-ldw F INE AND MEDIUM GRADE 8II0ES. Cut Prices ! Ladles' flne French Kid Turns ; Onr; diuer & Etes. N. Y. makers ; broken sizes, widths A te E, cre JO.00; new $4.50. Ladies' flne Straight Geat Shoes; Gurdlncr & Estcs, Jf. Y., makers ; were $4.00 ; new $3.00. Lrtdlea' Glevo Tep, Kid Foxed Butten: Gnrdluer cfc Etcs, N. Y., mnkers; widths A te E, broken bIzc, were $4.00 ; new $2.60. Ladies' French Kid Coinmeu Sense Butten ; G. & D. Silver, N. Y., makers ; widths A te E, were $1.60 ; new $3.60. Men' CnlfHkln Butten Shee-i ; Pack ard cfc Grevcr, Brockton, Mnse., niakera ; slies 7 te 11 ; were $2.90 ; new $2.00. Men'H Calfskin Butteu Shoes : Field, Thayer SITg Ce., makem j aes 7 te 11 ; were $3.00 ; new $2.00. Mlobes' Pebble and Kid Butten Shee ; sizes 11 aud 11 ; were $1.60, $1.75 aud $2.00 ; new $1.00. SHAUB & BURNS, 14 North Queen Street, Lancas ter, Pa. B OOTH AND HI10EH. A Big Reduction -IN- SHOES. As we )mve t-ecurctl the iiKency and kele con trol of "The Celebrated " t rank I). Wcrlman .1 Ce.' Finn Philadelphia Ladlt-f.',Mluc!, flill ilrtn'i and Itifantk' KlieeH.uuu as It 1 nccissary torunalHrge line of any niake te keen tlie agency or control of thcin.wc tiaxcileclili-d te mai k down the n hole line (I .adieu', M v.Oi' and Children'), of Jamc Cetter's I'lne l'litladvl phla Hhec, and run in their places the ahove inentleuixl line. In erdrr te kcII thrin en in a short time, we hau marked EVERY PAIR BELOW COST. Ladles' French Kid, Cciiiitiiuu Kcnse mid Ojiera Toe Hhee, C. U. and E. wldlli,(UO; former price, JI.M. Ijidles' Bright Dengciln ("oinmeii Sense nnd Kfitare Tw hliec, C. I), nnd I-wl'lllis.nuO; former price, 81.00. Mines' French Kid, OiK-ra and HiiinrnTe, C. end D. w Idtlit, 3.W ; former price, I1.U0. Mlkscs Bright UeiiKOla, 0crii anil rVimre Tee, C. and 1. widths, I2.SI ; former price, J J.IO. Misses' Cnraie.1 Kid, Klsli Cut Keel and siprln? Heel, C. and D. wldtln, Jt JW ; former pi Ice, S2.IJ0. ei-Thls line we hae sold for about three years, and our many cinteriiern who wear them can testify tellielr eiiniitlcs. Hlnee they h been marked down they liae been sellliiK cry fast and cannot last cry long, se de net blame us If j en fall te lave 11.00 by biilnga pulrcf this leL The One-Price Casb Heuse. Tbe Leaders of Lew Prices -IN- Beets and Shoes, 3 & 5 East King St., LANCASTER, I'A. -btere dosed every .evening at 8 o'clock, ex cept Monday and Saturday. -VTOTIOK TO THI24PAHHKRH AND Gl'N i NUBH. All nrMHi are lien by forbidden te trypan en uny of thuUnrt. of the Cornwall JiJHifetl well fatali" In Ixbuneu or Iincaster counties, whether IiicIemkI or unlnuleM.-d, tllher for the purpose of sheeting or IKhlnt, ns the law will be rlKldly enforced agalnkt ull tre peuInK en sold lauds of the uudcrklgued afte thl" notice. WM. COLEMAN KBKKMAN R. I'KRCYALUEN. KDW. c. kr:kman, Attorneys for B. IV'. Celeman' Htlrt. STACKHOUSE Fill k mn, Srjj 0oet. PRIOES NEVER SO LOW. OUR- Great Clearing Sale IS BF.NKFITING ALLCALLKIIS. Si: W Black Henriettas .. ... -..At Ki e .00 " , ..At7J e ,7. " At HI O ,W " "- AtSTV About fiWO Yards, S7K and MV. FINE DRESS GOODS At !2c, ITc and Sic a Yard. B AltGAINH. CHARLES STK77VT, Nes. 35-37 North Queen St. GREAT CLEARING SALE! Beit llrey Oenmprs nt 75c each. Bct Black Uiv-samcrs at 37e each, tM Black Hllk at 1 a ) ard, BenlAll-HllkHatlnBliudamantGOc a jnril. Betnnniits of Hllks cheap te clcxe out. 75eBlackHurahnl.Vj ajard. 12 Black Henrietta at tl.V a yard. 75c Black Cashmere at We a j ard. 12$eChalllesnt5ca yard. 10c Challles at te a ard. 12c Crepellne nt 10c a yard. 17c Fliured India Linen at I2e a yard. We offer Ooeds at Trices Lewer BOSTON Nes. 35-37 North CHARLES- STAMM. e LOSING OUT AT LOW P1UCEH. Metzer &l - ARK - CLOSING OUT CHINA MATTINGS At Lew Prices. Metzger& Haughman's Cheap Stere. NOS. 38 AND 40 WEST KING STREET, L.ANCA8TER, PA. (OPPOSITE THE N KXT DOOBTOTIIE COURT 1IOUHIC REDUCTION SKLE. OURURKATHALKOFBKDUCKDUOODHIHHTILLOOINtlON WITH NF.W AIIDITIONH KAtJI! BAY. AmenB the new efierlngs is a fifty cent Black CiiHlimcrn at .V;.'x: Blark Htrlpe Dre-s Heeds atWe ; 00c Black Htrlpe All-Weel DresnOrHxls at 4V; ull our American Hntenim reitticed te lOci ull our 8c Dress Olnghtim reduced te fi).fe; all our lOelircM UIukIiiuiis reduced (oKej our20e Scotch Dress aiiiKhams reduced te 18c; our aoHeetrh Dresi OIiikIiiiiiis reduced te aec; Ijtdlcs' IVerlewi Hese Supporters from 2-Vs te 10c; MUscV ditto hum a! te He; Children's Corset Walsta re re re ducedtoKJe, seldKfrierallyattV!; Idles' Whlte Corsets, all hlzr In We ciuallty, reduced te 8c ; Gent's 25e Neck Heart rtiluicd te 150. These are a few of the many bargains offered. Call and .ec them. 35 and 37 East King St., B AUD A MtELBO Y. Tlie Premier Safety Bicycles. Did you see the two-mile race en Thursday, with the follewluar machines In the race ; Premier, Kwift, viiterand Columbia? The. nrst mini in was W. I. Wllhelm, of Beadlnif, I'a., en a Pre mier. The second man In was W. W. 'J utIs, of Philadelphia. Pa., en u Premier. 'I he fourth muii iti uui. U'. f. flrnlili.fir rnftMtiiun. PU..1111 ii Premier, 'lliu Premier machine nre iiiiinufucturi'd by lllllinnn, Herbert & Cooper. V entry, Kiiglniid. The third man lurixleiiu Bnullsh wheel also, and the Vleler and Columbia, both American whit Is, euine In after tin m. Wliy de these rnctiiK men select the Premier J The nnswer Is ry slmiile. TIh-mi men knew seiiictlilnir ulxiul wind. Tliey uiiiittbeeaslestruniilnK wheel they can utt. They seleeled the Premier for that reason, and they wen. Toinuniifactnreejclesef thuiiuillty that will both sell nnd satisfy, lhM iiiallflcn liens nre esMiittul. Beat mi'terlnl, riding exM.rlcncc, meehnulenl knowledge nnd skill, suiierler manufaeturinK facilities, and n reiikcleiiii'. Wr mil-stly clulni te liave rmlxxlleil lhee In the construction of tlie Premier hafetles und Tandems. The American tendency Is toward Invention, limorntten, neeltj. The ICngllsh toward lOiiHervatUm, pnicticullty, simplicity. Heme American llllllllllHI lliriin t-iniiii ill. ii in,., ii.ii.n in..,; iii'.iu ,. ,.,.,". v,.. iiiuiu n. nimiuuiv.ui w ....,,, ,,iw KnglUli wheels, nnd de net sell tliem for mero than the KuiilUli wheels. The iiiniiuf.iettircrH of the Premier wheels claim that every Joint, spring, holt, nut ercxtra part added ten wheel In creases Its liability te rattle, Increases Its weight, decreases It rigidity and strmgth, dirrcnses the rider's peweraud increases thecest of maintenance. Would ou like a light weight wheel? Wehaelt In the Catford Premier, ball Marlng all eer. wclght3l , price IIS". The special Pre mier, for cither lady or gentleman, Is uuleciuskd manuiaciure, in ncatuy or ouiiinettiiu nuisn. nun ecitniig an eer, wc-igut v ei, jincii i.t. m Rejul Premier, with a diamond frame, ball bearing all ever, weight VJ tn, only I10. 'I ret Out ou American Safeties at UK and see whether the Beyul Premier at HO less Is net an easier riinnlni wheel than they are. The Premier Tandem Safety holds an absolutely spotless record ferslrengtti and durability en American reads. Deuble t ai any time without alteration. Price WJO. The Youth's Premier, wltli ball licurlugH, ucljustabln rougheut, will last until tbe rider lius attained his full growth. Price- SB. All wheels warranted ene year; parts are all Interchange nbliv OvcrlVW) Premier machines In uw. throughout, ier BARD & Neb. 33 and 35 Seuth Queen Street, (Crtvyct B ABOAINM I -OO Shirk's Carpet Hall ! Wilten, Velvet, Bedy Brussels, Tapestry, Ingrain, Damask and Venetian, Rag and Chain Carpets. OIL CLOTHS, WINDOW SHADES, &e. Wk IUve tub Laheest and Bkt Stock in tiiic Citt. H. S. SHIRK St SONS, Cor. West King and Water Sts,, Lancaster, Pa. Mere Reductions ! READ, READ, THEN COME, COME. There' Dollars In it for j mi. YK COULH TELL YOU OF BARGAINS Until this paper would be ntlrd, hut we brllce That a Werd te the Wise Is Bufflclcnt. J.HarryStamm 51 cr.NTRi: StjUARF.. All makes Best Spool t.'otteu nt lea upoel, I2i0 I'ockctbeoks nt fe eaeh. Best llalr BrtKlies nt lOneiieh. 17c Whlips reduced te KM eneh. .Wj Cornets red tired te 37JJe n pair. !1 While bhliisRt7.'.e each. BresiOlnKhnmsntAe ujanl. )t.CiO Ijice Ciirlalni at 1 a pair. Canten Flannel at fa n yard, J.1 Chenille Table Cexcrs nt Ji each. SI.60 Napkins at II a dozen than were ever made In I.nncnMer. STORE, Queen Street. Haughman COOPEIt HOUSE.) Lancaster, Pa. by uuy ether mnke, elthe r,ferelgn or American all bcni lug all ever, weight l'i lO.prUel IWi. 'Iho a trlng, brakes te both wheels, ri ady for u lady rider Opposite Fountain Inn flail. B AROAINH I 1C -lOR- iSvavtltv' Clulbr. -PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD BCHE1 jl in eiieci rrem May u, ins. .iiIal.".".i'.I:Ay I'CAarit and leav rive at Philadelphia aa fellow! ; I l.cnve Lesxri Philadelphia. Pacific iKxprewf . News Expresst- Ji ay Pngsengert -.. MalltralnrlnMUeyl Np.2MnllTralnt .' Nlagnrn Kxpress Hnne er Accem Fast Llnet.... -. Frederick Accem iineswwr j iirjip. m -si a. m, USD SU SSU s.iea. a BJl a. m th a. m 4-t) a. m. 7.1)0 e. m. via Columbia r..vi n. m. lOr.W SU ( via Columbia HOT a. m, , V lline a. m. vln Cnlnmhlfi s-oe n. m. ,' 2:10 p. m. 2..v p. m. 6:10 p. n. via Mt. Jey... Ilarrlsbtirs; Accem.., Columbia Accem HnrrlsburR Kxpress.. western Ex press! lmticnster Acce.,, ,,, .EASTWARD. Plilla. Kxpre)t .'. ..n p. m, :t p. m. 5 M p. m. P 3) p. in. Iia e ilia n caster. 2.-3) b.. m. t:vm. in, (in n. m S:I0 n. m. Wi n. m. tt-00 a. m. 11:13 a. tn. 12-1S p. m. SAi p. m. 3-U0 p. m. t'tSp. in. 1.I5. m. 8 M p. m. 7:40 p. IB. 7JX) d. ns. 11:10 p. in. e-tio p. m. Ar.Cel.6:3B ArTlve l'hlla. 4 25 a. m. V) a. m S..V) a. m - -.,ii, !f.n1Acce .iiwiisiiurg express iAiieAsssr Apnui.1 10-20 a. m. vlnMLJey. 11:45 a. m. Colombia Aeeem." ..,.i,iiu r.irYM.rt Keashore Express.... Phllndelphln Accem! Hundnv Mull .. . i:t p. m. S.15 p. m. 45 p. m. 5.45 p. m. Day Kxtiressf Harrlsbiire' Accem-,.. Mall Tralnf- -. n ,n p. m. MS p. m. 10 K p. m. The only tmlns which run dally. , On Hunday the Mall train west runs by way . Columbia. J. B. WOOD, (lenernl Passenger Agent. ClLK.PU011.'ucitcrnl Manager. 8 pHILADELPHIA A RKADINU RAILROAD READING A COLUMBIA DIVISION. On and after .Monday, July I. lgse, tratnl leave Lnncnster (King street), ns follews: or Bending and Intermediate points, wek 'J?5!'.!130 " nl- 12J3,S. P- m. Hundey,8.-05. m., 8 S p.'ni. or Philadelphia, week days, 7.l a, m., 12.M, S'H p. in.) Mondays. 8.M p. in. KerNcw Yerk ln Phllndelphln, week: day, 7.80a.m., 12.a3:IS p.m. , Fer New Yerk la Allenlnwn, week daya. 12 .15 p. m. f KorAllentewn, week days, 7J0 a. m.,3.48p, tn. t Hunday, 3e p. m. or Pelt Hie, w cck days, 7.30a, m., 3:41 p. ra.; Sunday, 3.M p. m. ' r tiorleuaneu, week davs. 7.-00 a. m., 12.15, 5:40 p. tn. ; Hunday, R.05 a. in, 3 Ai p. in. Ier Ilnrrlsburg, week dnys, 7.-00 a. m., I2.S3, V40p. m.;Hundny,Ka. in. 1-erUunrryMlle, week cIhjs, D-25 a. m., 2.00, B.00p.iii.jBiindny,5.10p.m. TRAINS FOR LANCASTER, Iienvn Itcndlng, week dnjs. 7.20, llia. m., 5 M p. m. : Hunday, 7:20 a. m. .1.10 p. m. Ia-ihe Philadelphia, week days, 4.1S, IOOOh. m., 4-00 p. m. Iac New Yerk via Philadelphia, weekday. 7:fin. in.. IJ0.12.-ei) p. in. Lene New Yerk via Allentown, week daya 4-00 a. m., 1 M0 p. in. ' ' Ixmie Allentown, week das, 5.51 a.m.; 4.30 p. m. Iieave Pettsrllle, week da s, 5.50 a. m., 4.SS p.m. I.ene Iehanen, week dais, 7:13 a. in., 12.30 7.15 p. in. ! Hitndny, 7:55 a. m 3: p. m. Ij-umi Ilnrrlsburg, week dnys, 6"i5a. m.; Bun day, (I GO a.m. Leae QunrryN llle, week dnys, 6.40, 11:45 a. ., 3.W), 4.5J p. m. ; Hunday, 7:10 a. in. ATLANTIC CITY BIVIHION. I.ciiye Phllndelphln. Chestnut street wharf, and Hen th street wharf. Fer Atlantic City, week days, expresses, 8.-O0 a. in. and Hnnd5:00 p. in.-. Accommodation, 7S n. in. nnd 1.10 p. m. ; Hunday, Express, S.-00 and 0.00a. m., Accommodation, 8.-O0 a. ra., 4.M p. in. Returning lent e Atlantic; City, depot corner, Atlantic and Arkansas Avenues. Weekdays. Express 7:00 and IOiU a.m. nnd 4 p.m. Accem 111011011011,8-05 a. m, und 4:'tt p. in. Hundaya Express, 4 nnd 5 30 p. in. Accommodation, 7.30 a. m. and 4-Oj p. in. Detailed time tables can be obtained at ticket emecs. A.A.MrLEOD. C. O.HANCOCK. Vlee l'res, ct Ucn'l M'gr. Oen'l Pass'r Aft. LEBANON LANCASTER JOINT LINE RAILROAD, Arrangements of Passenger Trains en and aftr Sunday, Muy 12, lmw. NOBTIIWABD. ' Hunday. Irf-ave a.m. p.m. r. si. a.m. r. m. King Street, Lane. 7.-00 12:15 5.W 8-05 3:55 Ijiucnster. 7.D7 12:4J 6WHI MM Manhclm 7.11 1.-20 .'J0 H-15 tJB Cornwall ,. 7.69 1:46 6:45 V:17 5.-01 Arrive at Lebanon 3.11 IM 7.00 9.33 6.15 HOUTHWABD. Leave a.m. r. M. r. m. a. ir. r. tr. Ibanen 7:12 I2.D0 7:15 7:05 3.45 Cornwall 7.77 12.45 7.30 8.10 4:00 Manhclm' 7.M 1:1H 7.57 3.40 4.90 Idlicnstcr ,...8 27 U3 8.23 9.13 5.-09 Arrive at I KlngHtrect. Lane. 8.35 2.00 8.30 920 8.10 A. M. WHON. Hunt. II. A C. Hallread. H. W. NEFF, Hupt. U It. R. 11 i " fjjstatchc. w-atheh! Watches, Clocks. Jewelry, Hiiees, Ejc-OlMte, Etc., at LOWKHT PRICES. Optical GiKids. Telegraph Time Dally. Every Artlcla In this Line Carefully Bepalred. Leuis Weber, Ne, lBSNerth Queen Bt.,Nfarr.R.R. Station. TTEWELER AND OITICIAN. Spectacles ! IF YOUR EYES TH0U11L1:Y0U1IAVI: THEM EXAMINED WITHOUT CHAIK1E BY Jeweler and Graduate Optician. NO DROPS USED.. , lmlm n 4K Ne. 10 West King Street, LANCASTER, PENN'A. e Ull LAUOE AND INCREASED Watch Sales Is due te the fact that we have alwayi a taiga and choice sleck te select from. THATWKHELLTIIB Best ItVatcliT FOR THE LEAST MONEY. That WE DO NOT SELL WHAT WE CANNOT at; A BANTER Buyers should appreciate our efforts tegtva geed goods, and can depend upon eserythlng we sell te be as represented. HERR, Jeweler, Ne. 101 N. Queen St., CORNER OF OBANUE. lituelc. s SPECIAL NeriCE. PLEASE BEAD THIS I V? HAVK TAKEN THK AOENCY reu Tin: Schemacker Geld-String Piane! We have them new in stock, aud Invite our friends and the public generally tecall and ac them. Kirk Jehnsen & Ce., NO. 21 WEST KINO STREET. u24-lvdAw tievitciie. -r,urriiER H- kaupkman, u ATTORNKY-AT-L.VW. Second Fleer Eshlewan Law Bulldlug. Ne. North Duke BtreeU aftWydAW , 8 vs w r i Vri ,r' .v, ,t-''i-at.ie&jfJi&A'.ir, (L-ttie,. JA.-'Jj-a.l s2&5Cid AiA. J!kt1i,t i- Aw' i. . .-j-i'Sjrit Jit: -i -,biLi'e-:i