Lancaster daily intelligencer. (Lancaster, Pa.) 1864-1928, July 23, 1889, Image 1

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The StrttffKle Ibr the Collectershlp May
Recome n Facter In the Fight A
Dnrkllorse Whom ome orthe
Politicians May Faver.
It Is well known nineng the rlescst politi
cal friends of the late .Jehn M. Stchnian
that te Hie last he cherished the idea or
blng his own successor. AHIietigh It was
all tee manifest for months preceding his
deraise that his candidacy for anether term
was net te be thought or, he was the Inst of
his clan te give it up. Set unnaturally
therefore the question of the sutcesMen te
his senatorial scat in the XtVth district
has been the subject of a geed deal of politi
cal discussion vv hich haa been aggravated
by the events or the past week, until the
canvass may be said te be fairly "en." It
is generally conceded that as no such
exigency as a special legislative sosslen
Impend, no extra election will be ordered
te till the vacancy already creuled : and
the contest ler the dead man's shec3 i
therorero transferred te the Hepubllcan
primaries of 1890, w here It would In any
event have ensued.
Tint the next senator-elect will have- a
volceand vete and potent Influence when
Den Cameren comes up for ro-clcctien or
defeat ; and no meve that will Influence the
setting or the thews beard for lb'Jl vv III new
be made without caution or foresight.
The most hopeful caudldate at present Is
Winfleld Scott Smith, of Conov, new a
member of the Heuse. He is a prime
fnvorite ot'the Bull Hlngjit clever, genial
fellow, cmploye and friend of the Penn
sylvania railroad oempany, and an active,
.aggrcsslve werker with the prestige or
success. Unless it Is uiade manifest that
fhe cannot win he will be the Cumoien-Hnrlman-Biown
ctindidate. It his suc
cess is endangered he will be taken out or
the Adit and his fall softened bv some
lcuerai leather bed provided for him.
Llttle Christy Kaiili'man, son of the ex ex
scnuter, or Columbia, also himself a
member of the present Asscmbly.tisplres te
crtqi Inte the senatorial teggery and wrap
hinftelr about with its decoieus dignity.
Could he command Columbia solidly, at
en ene occasion, he might be a factor in the
fight: and could hoseuiielho prestige or
making his uncle A. J. collector eflntcinal
revcniin he might be backed te win. But
the general Judgment or the old Mugers is
that he "has bit oil' inore'n he kin chaw,"
and that bin wmatershlp is buried at tint
feet of he rainbow.
J. -Stebor, of Schteneck, tools encour
aged by the divisions in the western pait
of the district te try w liat efllcacy thoie
may be in what Jehn XV. Mcntzcr culls it
"solid Norse." Iflie can rally the Coeallces
and adjoining districts mid trade them eir
in tlie big light of next year, he may be a
foimidable candidate.
Nene of these poeplo measures up te a
cry high standard or political pionilnence
or individual strength. The yew JCr, in
an editorial last evening, iuvltos.the Ho He
publican voteis te held oil font tlme. It
Se Tar as I-ancasler rnuntv l mnnnriimi
vje have had quite enough of elections and
the attendant excitement, and the people
are net limigciing after any mere at pres
ent. Besidcs, great changes take place In
a 3 car and the man the people will prefer
may net yet have been tbeurht of by the
politicians vv lie assume the party manage
ment. In electing senators our standard
should be olevated net depressed, or even
kept en the old level and we want time te
think the matter ever and leek around.
In the same vein has been heard a geed
deal of friendly mention of the name or
A F. Uostetter, esq., erthisclty orrather
of Mauhelm township as a jHisslbla iioinl iieinl iioinl
nee for the senatorial succession. He is a
nephew by nniriagoeftho late incumbent ;
in the piime of Hie ; lie has always uiade his
residence in the upper district; he Is a
ce'itleinan and a tchelar, who could till
tliu place with high credit; he has the
means te be independent in such an olilce;
he Ii a stalwart Hcpublican, and yet con cen con
serv.Uivo; pepiilai with both factions 'd
yet the henchman or noue; hlstaiiilly name
isone te conjure with in the ruial d'istilcts,
mm no is a loyal .Lancaster ceiiutaiu.
Iflj.e should consent te stand ler the
place he may have a walk-evci.
And ifaii agreement is net been readied
among the names piopesod for internal
rovenue collector, leek out for a dark hoit.e
trotting te the front with the initials " A
F. II. " en the blinds or ills bridle.
The Algonquin Club.
Tlioexccutivecoinmitteo of the Algon
quin club, one or the most epular or our
local tamping associations, met last even
ing at the rosidenecef their secretary, Jehn
Black, te complLlOarratigcineiits for their
fourth annual camp which will be held at
Vel It Furnace, begining Monday, August
5th. The popular "Ladles' Day" and "Club
Dinner" are continued, and otlier features
added lei the general entertainment of the
ainpeis. several annual mciubers were
elected te take the places of the re;;ulai
membeis who cannot attend, and it was
also agreed te Incroase tlie mcmbeirthip by
three, te give an oppeitunity te theso gen
tlemen who were debarred by the num
ber limit. Ciiculars giving all ucccs-aiy
information, and invitations for "Ladies'
Day," have already been sent out te tlie
eltl One ami HeiiRlit One.
Jehn s. haum, et the City hotel, is-a great
Hvcrrf hore-ilcsh and no man in the city
kn.wea geed hoi se better than he. Fer
sont.aime he has been the owner of a very
pretty llttle sorrel mare, which he called
"Geld. ' She is a splendid animal in every
rcspect. Mi. Schaunihaii Jiut sold her te
James Dully, of Marietta, vv he will mate
hcj wltlia Deiby mare width he lias ami
make an oxcellent doulile team. Mr.
Schaum Jias already purchased an animal
te takft the place oftlie one just sold, i he
new ene Is a thrco-year-eld colt and she is
beautiful. Mr. Schaum purchased her from
Christian Miisseliiiau, of Witmer, ut a geed
round figure, I u tverybeJy who has seen
lier think she is well worth the money.
She was hired by Mum rock and iter dam
was very fat.
A Let of Ojiessiiiiih,
leliu D. Clinten, the lcnnylvauia niil niil
read baggagcmesei, is a great levei of
unall animal, and at his liens-) en West
Orange street he lias many very uirieus
ones at times, v iew tayH af., A trju-U
vyalkei of tlie railroad ceui.iiiy near
l!iizabethtew n i.iight an epjsuiu with
filtccn j itiiug enes. Theso he presented le
Mr. Clinten, who has them in his yaid
where they attract the greatest attention.
The l'.t.i- ones are new about two weeks
old and very bvely.
It Will lle n Ills Court.
The number of cases returned te the
August quarter sessions court te date is
150. This is an unusually large number
witli near! a month te go en until court
Cliunse In the lint Business.
W. D. Stauller has given up miinufucture
of hats and hereafter will only sell them.
Themas F. l'errett, who has been with
Mi S- uil'er for cveral years, has leased
the factory aud will carry en that branch
el' the business In the future,
Locution thoTtespenslblltty.
A Letter te Hie IMIter of the Johnitewn Demo
crat. It betrays great Ignorance or the teach
ing of the llible, the laws of nature and
the dictates of reason le Impute te the
providence efGcxl the results of our own
disobedience te theso lawn which He has
imposed upon the universe and under
which He requires us te llve. This is be
ing done by a great manv who survived
the terrible calamity or the 31stef Mav 1SK,
by which se much less and sutTering has
been visited upon the residents of the
stricken district. It is nonsense for people
te say they want no mero religion : that
they have tried Ged and found him te be
a railure. It seeius almost certain that the
people who indulge in such baseless as
sertions nre unitistrticted, und de net knew
much of Ged or employ a great amount or
W hat did fled de in the matter7 AVhv,
by ene cruel act or his provldcnce he has
rebbed thousands of evciythlng dear and
precious their property, their houses,
their dear ones, everything, and left them
helples. stripped and sere.
It Ged Is a Ged of leve, and wise, aud
geed, he nu or would have dealt with us
in this manner. Se seme people talk and
think they we wise. But Oicyaie mis
taken. The disaster never catne bv di
vine appointment, but as the result of a
violated law; the law or gravitation which
is universal and dare net have an excep
tion. 'J'hesamelaw holdsyeu tothegreuud
and keeps you rrem Hying off of the earth
llke mud lremu revolving buggy wheel.
That law was violated and the fearful
consequences followed. Ged's leve is net
a caprice.
By dlsobcdlcnce we inake an enemy out
of our best friend, the law of gra Itatleii,
mid will miller accordingly. Well, who Is
te blame for tills unsurpassed catastro
phe? Who built (he dam imperfectly.
mm with dangerous inateilal? Who left
it unrepaired? Who took mere pains te
protect the inhabitants or the lake than
the lives of ae.txw men, women and ehil
dien below the dam? What was the vcr
diet or the coroner's inquest? Did it put
the responsibility en Ged. or the men who
owned mid built the worthless dam? The
man who calls this the act or Ged docs
net knew what he is talking about. The
law or gravitation was understood by
theso who built aud kept, or rather failed
te keep, that dam. They knew the water
would exert a given pressure en every p irt
of the dam, aud when let out must run
down hill at a velocity determined by the
pressure and fall. And they further knew
Unit rain would fall and streams till with
water, and therefore should have antici
pated what has occurred and by all essibU)
iiiujin jMuvumi'ii uie disaster, ins uiaute
or this awful lalamity boletigs te man, and
il Is lelly beyond telling te put It niien
Ued. Ged did net will the death or ene
man. woman or child that perished In the
Heed. It was through the carelessness or
man. Ged will net roverso His geed laws
bectuse man disebeys tlicm. His law must
rule. Anything else were dUorder, chaos
and ruin. We must knew what te depend
en, or else lire were a helpless uncertainty.
He who arts in conformity te Ged's law
shall live, but he who acts against his law s
will sutler. There Is no escape for the dis
obedient. -The law of nature was trans
gressed by the Seuth Tork Fishing club
a ml heucothe disaster. The raging, de-
miring torrent heeds no mere the voieeor
aCauuletlian the cry el'a pauper's child.
Lecate the blame w here it belongs. Ged
iHumitlcd it te ceme, but did net originate
it. But does he net permit everylliing,
homicide, sulclde, theft, drunkenness etc.,
but lie does net cause them. Neither old he
cause the breaking of the dam.
New Yerk Publishers Vulnly Attempt
te Inriine en Union llules.
The pioiirittersof the Xew Yerk H'erW,
7'imc? and .Vkii have been considering the
matter or lediiciug their composition bills
for tioine time, and en Slenday alternoeu
thev took conceited action looking te that
end. In each composing loom, and in that
oftlie Jleruhl as well, notices were posted
stating that hereafter certain reductions
would be made.
These vv ere that the llve cents heretofore
allowed for ending a line even would be
abolished. Cuts would net be measured
Inte the compositor's string. Tabular work
heretofore paid for ut 50 per com. extra
would be measured as plain matter. Com
position after 3 a. m. would be paid for only
at llfty cents an hour. Heretofore the com
positors had received that price and had
tlie measure of matter as well. Weekly
men were te be reduced from JI.SO te $1 a
Tlie cll'ect el tliese cuts would have been
te reditce the pay of comjiesltois en the
H'ei Wirem lu te 15 per cent, and en the
Tiiiten and Unn from e te 10 per cent. As
seen an the men in tlie olilce read tliese
notices they went out, leaving the com
losing rooms te tlie foremen. But James
(.'onion Bennett cabled from Paris an order
that no such cuts would be made in the
Jii-iani eiuce, ana ills compositors re
turned te weik early in tlie ev cuing.
The .Vmm and 7'mir. put a few non-union
men ut work, but about midnight the
several publishers agreed witli tlie leaders
of Typographical I'nlen, Ne. 0, te which
mehl of tlie printers belong, te tear down
tlie objcctlenablo notices and submit the
question el'u reduction te tlie meeting or
the union next Sundav, se all tlie men went
te weik.
Tlie Mail and Jlijiress Is also Involved
in tlie matter, and there may boa stiike in
that efflce. But it is scarcely probable that
the treuble is ended. Foreman Thomp
son, who made tlie Tribune a " lat " paper
mere than ten years and Al. Cohick, who
"lutted" the Bosten J3t in lS7t, and
held out against tlie union for several
yeairt, are in New Yerk in tiose consulta
tion with the publishers.
Twe tiet It In theNVek.
OiiJSaturday Flias Iloynelds, a big fel
low , who resides in Lancaster township,
came te tow u and get his tank full of beer.
Irstead et taking the lead home, lie called
at the heuse of Constable Sam Shaub, a
neighbor, where he ndscd a big row.
Shaub took him in charge and he was sent
te jail for twenty days by Aldei man Decn
tills morning. When he was given Ids
scnteuce he was very angry, and swore
that he would take the ca-e te court. If he
does it will be aftei tlie twenty days are
Geerge Fergiiben, tei being diunk, was
sent te jail for twrnty-feur heiusby Alder
man Dcen.
Ilecaiiie Slu .Illicit Htm.
Geerge Jehnsen, colored, who came all
the way fiem Harrisburg with the inten
tion of killing Maria Weeds because she
had jilted him, was heard en Monday ovo evo ove
nlng by Alderman A. F. Donuelly. Maria
swere that she was afraid that" Jehnsen
would end her uxlstouce and said she
wanted tlie protection oftlie law. Geerge
tried te explain that it was all a mistake,
but the explanation was net satisfactory.
The case was returned te court and Geergo
will spend his siiuiiiicrvacatien in jail.
Wants te I.ecatii Here.
A furniture manufacturer of Ciearllcld,
l'a., desires te icave that pUce. He writes
te the Ixii.ii.iui..M'i;ii Inquiring whither
there is a site te,-a factory en Seuth Wnecii
street and wlicthei any encouragement for
such an enterprise would be given by the
Beard et Trade
Lcnli.ut St;tter, a tiamp, ai tested en
North Queen street yesterday by Officer
Glass for insulting women, was sent te the
vvarkhoue this morning hy tlie mayor
for ten day.
Thes. Kelly, arrested by Constable Brice
for drunkenness, was sent te jail te-day for
thirty-six hours by Alderman Halbach.
L. , Jurers.
The following Lancaster ceuntians have
been selected jurors fei the Cnitf-AStates
court In Philadelphia en August 19:
Grand, James I'. Mcllv.iine, jr., Michael S.
Sherman, petit,. Jehn II. Stauller, Martin
Kuldcr, Levi 11. Hev, Jehu J. Baer.
Some Hunt In the Lent In Seme Localities.
Slew Trnflle lu Cased Goods In tlie
Lecal mid Distant Markets.
The past has been another quiet w eck lu
the local leaf tobacco trade. About two
hundred cases were sold hi small lets le
manufacturer by the city dealers.
There are rumors of the sale of soveral
packings te New Yerk parties. They
could net be traced te any authentic source.
It Is said that there are negotiations pend
ing for the sale of sevcral large packings
and It Is expected that they will be con
summated lu a fevv weeks.
Jfevv Yorkers are ready te buy all the
B's, Cs and flne wrappers In the county.
They have aHyct been unable te tndtice
local packers te sell these desirable goods
rrem their holdings. t
The past week has been a faverable ene
for the growing crop and It leeks well. In
a few localities there are complaints of rust,
but 83 a w hole the crop from present Indi
cations will be ene of the best ever raised
In the county.
The New Yerk Tobacco Market.
Frem the U. H. Tobacco Journal,
The sales or new seed lear crops were
qulte a prominent rcaturoef the market the
ast week, ceiiMdciing that the seed
tobacco is net even ripe vet for piepcr
sampling. But the market being qulte
bare of old goods, manufacturer! and
Jobbcre have te turn thelr attontlen te tlie
new crops. Pre-eminent among these
stand for this year tlie New- Knglaud
tobaccos and the principal . transactions
covered again this class of geed. Pack
ings or 200 cases of Housatenio Havana seed
were f.eld at 2Cc., and seme 250 cases or
Connecticut bread leaf at rrem 21c. te 2Jc.
The first lets or '88 Wisconsin moved also
for home consumption. They amounted
te about 350 cases and brought rrem 10c. te
He. Inquiries for other.klnds and grades
of the new seed were also lively and the
funenii sampling ei me new tODacce is
mpattcntly awaited this season. Almest
the only exception marks the Zinimcr's
Spanish, the principal part of which a year
age by this time was nearly all disposed or.
But the '88 Zlmmer'.s Spanish is an over
grown leat and consequently net adapted
ler Its proper use, that ofnllller, and as a
wrapper It Is barely worth exjert price.
One or the largest packing Houses sold
the balance of their heavy packing of '87
Wisconsin, amounting te about 300 cases.
These doslrable goods are almost out oftlie
market new. And vv hat llttle there is loll
of ether old stock lluds ready purchasers.
The Sumatra market shares the active
Inquiries of the seed market. But the en
quiries ex tended the past week mere te the
old than the new stock. Of the 400 bales
sold the past week about two-thirds be
longed te the old stock, which is rapidly
coming lean end. There is hardly 3,000
bales orthe old stock left In the market, a
quantity which, It Is sale te predict, will
cuureiy uisappcar, uciore tue new impor
tations get settled enough te be lit for im im im
modlate use. The beard or appraisers'
decision in regard te clusslflcatlen or Su
matra, that but ene hand should be drawn
rrem each bale, is denounced right and left
by everybody.
In the Havana market a lull Is poreepll pereepll poreepll
bie at present. Almest all of our Havana
imiorters are en a vacatieu new, anyhow.
i rem tlie Tobacco Lcuf.
Thore was u geed business dene In new
goods this vveek. All kinds were pur
chased. Onondaga sold te the greatest ox ex
tent. Connecticut seconds were sought
after, and the wrappers of that crop were
neglected. Humer has it that a large let el
new- Pennsylvania Havana was sold, bo be
sidcs the 100 cases mentioned In our jot
tings, but we rail te loam who the parties
are that are interested in the transaction.
Old Is selling In a quiet manner in fact
the market Is very well cleaned or old
bteck. Tlie reeling is that a laige business
w HI be dene in new goods before the same
are inspected.
Guns' Repert.
Sales or bced Icur tobacco reported by J.
S. Guns' Sen, tobacco broker, Ne. 131
Water street, New Yerk, for the week find
ing July .', 1SSI):
'-00 cases 1888 Pennsylvania and Havana
seed, 12 te 13c; 250 cjscs 1888 Wisconsin
Havana, 10 te 121c; 250 cases 1887 state
iiKVima, p. t., 60 cases 18SS Llttle Dutch,
101c ; 100 cases 1888 New L'ngland Havana,
l.lje te 30c ; 100 cases lfisti Llttle Dutch Ot Ot
eo lHc ; 250 cases 1887 Wisconsin Havana,
lie te 13e; 150 cases lbs7 Pennsylvania
K)ed, 100 te lie ; 100 1HS7 Stute Havana, 13e
te Hie ; 160 cases sundries, 5 te 35c,
, Tlie I'lillatlclplilu .Market.
Frem the Tobacco lAiif.
Inquiries fei leaf are constant. Sales
would be ireely uiade If the goods w ere in
store. Old Is unusually scarce. It Is tee
early te sample new. Nevertheless, tlie
week's business foots up very encour
agingly, while developments point te a
profitable demand for tlie remainder or tlie
j ear.
Sumatra Hnds a steady demand old ir It
can be found, while new will answer.
The quality of Havana etlered is excel
lent, with anticipations for an advance;
honce sales are accelerated.
ltecclpts for the week 110 eases Connec
ticut, 515 cases Penusylvania,6y cases Ohie,
138 cases Llttle Dutch, KH cases Wisconsin,
15 cases New Yerk htate-,I(55 balcsSuiuatra,
2VJ bales Havana mid 25 1 hhds. Virginia
uiiu m esieru icai toeacco.
Sales show 13 cases Connecticut, 301
cases Pennsylvania, 20 cases Ohie, 58 cases
Little Dutch, 20!) cases Wisconsin, 71 cases
Virk state, 101 bales Sumatra, 210 bales
Havana and III hhds or Western lear to
bacco in transit direct te manufacturers.
lle Cms the Piane nt Iho Aliuiiuercliei-Hull-Ills
Lvcnttlil Cnrecr.
Lieutenant Gurevltcii, of tlie lltli Inranlry
of the regular auny, Is in tills city and
stepping at the Stevens Heuse. Tills jrcn
Ueincn has a history that is somewhat
noteworthy. lle Is a native of Hungary
where he lived until a young man, and is a
inembei of a piemlucnt family. In 1870
he visited tlie United States in charge of
Hungary's exhibit at the iciileiiuial.
He was then greatly pleaded with tlie
country und resolved te nuike It his fu
ture home. He went back te his native
place mid lluished his education. I11I85.I
he returned te Amerlca and enlisted
as a private in the regular army. He was
stationed al Leavenworth, Kansas, where
his pest or duty new is. IIU ability was
seen recognized and he wus promoted te
the rank of lieutenant. At present he is a
caudldate for appointment en tlie engineer
terp. He is it very line scholar, and a
lmiu st and musician of extraordinary at
taiumenth, speaking a halfdozeu or mere
languages, aud with skill as a pianist us te
iiavij been for a long time one of the favor
ite pupils of Abbei.lsit, tlie most noted
pianist In the world. lie is uti intimate
friend of Lieut. Fdward McCaskey, of this
city, who is new home en a visit. Tlie
two have but leeently graduated from the
cuvuliy and iutautry school at Feil
L-aveiiwerth. I-ast evening he was
taken te tlie Muiiuerchei, v hich
organization was holding its rcgu'dr
meeting, and he was received in a ievM
manner by the members w he were pleased J
lu "- mm. miring the evening he
played a number of selection en the piano
and the Miennercher sau several
selections. Thus sevcral hours were
pleasantly spout. Altogether it was .111
event that will be long remembcied by the
mcmljcrs or the thriving society. Lieut.
Gitrevitch w ill remain here for seme days.
Executions IhmusI.
Kxouutleiis were Issued this morning
bgalust Mary A. Walten, city, for $1,521.
and ugaiust A. II. Baer, Karl township, for.
fcyryrcwvum IvsUW I l'IWWZyW3a& jj
The Victims James Averlll nml Kate
Maxwell, the ' Cattle Oiiecu. "
Jas. Averlll and the notorious cattle
queen, Kate Maxwell, were lynched bv
cowiieys In Wyoming tcnlterv en Sunday
night. The bodies of the "Hustler" anil
the Hanger Queen daugled from the same
limb efn cottonweed Tuesday morning.
The seene orthe lawless deed of the mid
night rider Is en the Sw ectwater river, lu
Carben county, near Indcieudeuce Heck,
a landmark made hlsteiical during Urn
rush overland te tlie California geld fields.
Averlll. was postmaster at Sweetwater.
Kate Maxwell was the heroine, of a sensa
tional slery which appeared In the uows uews
pupers throughout the ceunlrv Ihree
months age, when she raided n gambling
house and recovered a large sunt of money
vv cm from her empleyes.
Stockmen oftlie Sweetwater region have
been the victims of cattle thleves for vcars.
On acceTint or prejudice against the large
outfits It has been impossible te convict en
this charge, aud tlie rustlers have beuome
very bold. Averlll and his remarkable
partner have been very active in thelvitig.
The woman could held her own en the
rance riding llke a demon, shoetlmr en the
slightest pretext and handling tlie lariat
and branding Iren with the skill of the most
expert vaquero. Kitty freshly branded
yearling steers were counted lu the Aveilll
and Maxwell herds Saturday morning.
A stock detect I ve whose suspicions were
aroused was driven rrem this place when
he was noticed v lowing tlie stolen property.
This circumstance was reHrted te the
ranchmen, who determined le rid the
country orthe dospcrate jvilr. AmtIII and
the woman have several limes been or
dered te otnlgrate or cease appropriating
ciuue, out nan disregarded an warnings.
After her celebrated gambling heuse oseu eseu oseu
ludeJMrs. Maxwell degenerated rrem it
iiictiiresque Western character Inte a reck
less praiiie virago of loeso morals and lest
most erher following, but continued part
ncishlp with the postmaster.
v em wan iiasscu nieug me river, ami 10
te 20 men gathered at a designated place
and galloped te the cabin or Averlll and
Cattle Kate, without unnecessary noise.
Tlie rustlers were dt home, and a peep
through 11 window disclosed tlie thleves
and a boy In their employ sittiug beside
a rtide llrcplace smoking cigarettes. As
half a dozen men rushed Inte the room a
Winchester was poked through each win
dow and a command te threw up their
hands given with unmistakable earnest
ness. The trio sprang for their weapons,
but were quickly ovcrpeweied. Averlll
begged and whined, protesting his Inno
cence; Kate cursed. Her oxecrallen
or the lynchers was bemcthliig terrible
in Its way. She cursed overythlng
and everybedy, challenging the Deity
te harm her If he possessed theiKiwer. An
attempt was inade te gag her, but her
struggling waR se violent that tills was
abandoned. She called for her own herse
te ilde te the troe selected for u scatleld,
and vaulted astrlde the animal's back fieni
the ground. Averill did net resist, and
the boy, who hud been told that he would
net be harmed, followed. F.lther end of
the sumo repe was fastened about the
necks el tlie iitstlersas they sat in their
saddles. The boy inade it jmiss with a
knlfeat the man who was picturing Kute
for hanging, He was knocked luscuslble
by a blew with the butt of a revolver.
Tlie lad was a nephevv orthe bandit mieen.
When preparations for the execution had
been completed Averill and the woman
were asked te speak. The man spoke only
or his olilce, saying that he did net wish a
certain man te be his successor, lle was
premised the inllucneoef the party for an
other candidate. Kate made quife an ad
dress. She wished the allalr kept asuuie',
as possilHedcilriiigthaMior mother he kept
In Iguorauce of her disgraceful career and
tragic dealh. It was useless te deny that
their held had been stolen from the ranch
men or that section, but ir they did
net wish te dividoameng thcmselves she
would llke te have It sold and the tuouev
given te a home for wayward gills. Ivat'e
bade hornephevv goed-byoand commenced
te deliver a blasphemous harangue. The
horses were led trem under the pall while
Kate was still cursing. A few bttllets were
llred into Averill's body and the lynchers
rede away.
It is doubtful trail liuiuest will beheld
and the executioners nave no tears of
The cattle men have been forced te this,
and mero hangings will fellow unions there
is less stealing.
Summer Leisure.
Jacob Bailsman, presideul oftlie Fanners
bank, his seu J. W. 1). Bailsman and
grandson Master Franklin Bailsman, and
hoi vitnt left te-day ler Cape May.
Harry Miller, a well-known pilntei of
this city, vvlie for several yearn has been
weiklug en the Philadelphia I'm, is lu
tow n,',visltlng his inetlici for a low day.
Kdvv P. Briuten, esq., left te-day for 1111
extended Western tilp, taking in Wis
consin, Minnesota and ether states.
Jacob llverts, father of Select Couucil Ceuucil
maii Frank S. Kveits, nowerPhlt-idclphla,
Is in the city visiting his friends.
Amer Fugun and wife, or Waltliaui,
Muss., former residents, ure spending a fevv
days with friends in tills city. Mr. Fagan
was formerly connected with thelviucuster
watch factory and Is new employed by the
Wulthuni vatch company.
Memln.v'H IIuke Hull f.iimcN.
St. Leuis.', Columbus 1 ; Wilkesbarre II.
1 ... . .in.mir
WoiccMer 1; New Haven J, Newark 1;
Norristown 0, Verk;t; lla.h ten 15, Nor Ner
walk II; Harrisbuig li, Cuban GiatitsO;
Gerliam 4, Shenandoah II.
The games in tlie Luigue yesterday were
a great surprise, as all the strong clulu
w ere beaten by weak ones.
The Athletic club went te Jersey City
yesterday and menkeyed with the team et
that place, where they were beaten by 21
te 10.
The Philadelphia I'iixh man ucvei wrote
anything truer than this: "Tem Pellaid,
oftlie Harrisburg club, deserves better
treatment than he has been receiving uttlie
hands of the Harrisburg bae bull patrons.
He is a hard and couscicutieus worker,
and it would be ilitilciilt te till his position
were he te icave that team. This uUe ap
plies te Keens ofthe same club."
Quay ami Cumcreii ut Denegal,
At neon 011 Monday Scuateis Cameieu
and Quay left Harrisburg fei it week's rest
ut Denegal, tlie country scat of General
Cameren, which was bequeathed te Senater
Cameieu. Beth gentlemen are looking
particularly well, and they upicarcd te
enjoy tlie prespett et a icspite from tlie
apjicals of elllte-bcckers. It is prebable
Senater Quay will go te his home at Beaver
ut the tlose ofthe vvcek.
A Miinple.
Peter Dersheimcr, liquor dealer el Biid-iii-llaud,
left at this olhce te-daj a bettle
oftlie Illiiue wine he recently brought from
Geimany. It was sampled, all pronounc
ing It excellent,
IH-oUe UN Wrist.
Jehn Bcccliei, a boy who resides at iv
West lamen street, was playing in near
whitli was standing en a siding in tlie iear
ofthe tobacco warehouse near his home.
He jumped fiem tlie top, of the car tea pile
ei lumber, 011 vvhli h he fell, bieuklug 0110
of hi. w rifts. In. J. A. Heed attended
she Is In 11 Prison Cell.
Antile Jay isu coleicd damsel living en
Verth Mrcct. She und Mary Meads hud a
rt v en Monday and tlie result was a win
phi'iit against Aiiule for drunkenness and
disorderly conduct. Coustuble Shaub ar
rcstd Aiiuie tills morning aud she new
langt'islies in a prUen cell because she can
not fit -11M1 bail.
Tlie Day Appetntwl,
Ann-i-elis, Md July 'St.- 1 rlday, An
gust 00, lias been llxvl for ihe execution of
MdviiiC. Uarlitr, who killed hll wife en
March 2c", ut Cumbeiluud, Md,
Iho games played yesterday vv 010: Phil
adelphia 10, New Yerk 1 (11 lmiingsi;
Washington J, Bosten 2; Pittsburg 7,
Cleveland 2; ludiananelis 2. Clilcaue I:
JULY 23, 1889.
The Monster Crawls Inte the MIIke nml
the Plates Wilt Ilnve te lle Taken
Otr te net It Out.
The New Yerk newspapers contain
accounts of a huge snake escaping from its
cage. Here are the particulars fieut the
New YerkfcniM;
There are two full-grew 11 pythons, male
and female, 011 beard the National line
steamer Denmark, which arrived from
lainden yesterday. Mr. Python lies curled
up lna box seme two Icet square and
about eight Inches deep, Ivlng en lop or
seme boilers lu the 'cook's galley.
The heal has net dlsturlcd I1V111 In
tlie least, for he has been engaged
(luring the oyage In digesting a huge
meal eaten Just before he left Londen. He
slept all the way ever, and had net awak
ened when tlie ship reached her pier yes
terday. Mrs. Python, te tlie best or Cap
tain Hlgby's beller, Is soinewhero In the
bllgoefthoshlp between the luslde and
outaide plates, but whether dead or allve
nobody en beard knows. She escaped
from the box In which she was conllned en
rily 7. Ihree days alter tlie Denmark loll
Ixmden, and for a tlme Ihere was Iho
liveliest kind or a tlme en beard the
The boxes containing Mr. and Mrs.
Python vveie originally placed In ihe en
gine storeroom en the lower deck Just all
of the engine room. The slde at the top
or Mrs. Python's box was carelessly lea
open a couiile or Inches. Mrs. Pvihen
had net inade such a glutton of heiAelrus
her niate and uvvoke te Hud the ncuhig
and glide, threueli.
The tiller emriuecr. en e-elnir te tlm ibwir
ei the engitie room, was suddenly cou ceu cou
fientcd by the huge snake, which was
fourteen loot long If 1111 Inch, and as big
aieimd as his arm. She had been attracted
by the heat. The engineer gave ene leek.
Then he uiade n bee line for the opposite
All olllcer senior- his luiln Tm n imtiml
what the matter was, but he only caught
0110 word lu reply and that was " snakes, "
as the engineer hurried awav. Thoelllcer
huriled te the engine room, end was Just
lu tlme te see the python's tall disappear
ing through the grating below which was
the held. Carpenter Jehu I-ast and a lire
man grabbed the tail, but the snake wus
se oily that il slipped out of their lingers.
The python hud twined itseir around an
Iren HiipK)rtand reached the held.
The onllre crew was by this tlme alarmed
and evcry 0110 vv as armed with seme sort
et a weapon.
Bosldes tlie snakes there were ever a
score or ether animals, all consigned te
Frank J. Thompson, of tlie Central Paik
monugcrle, where the pythons were
going. There were twenty uieiikevs lu
cages. Including eight or' the deg'ricw
vuriciy, iwe icmurs, an animal resembling
a weasel, ene opossum, a wild cat and
lliroe bush cats. Tlie tuonkeys, en hearing
the commotion ever the pvthen's escape,
set up a great chattering, the wildcat
siuiiled, aiuMJ Spanish donkeys, In stalls
en the saine deUc forward, braved se that
they could be heaid thrce mlles. Fourteon
lull-blooded and trained fox hounds con cen
Hned In two liens near the donkeys added
their deep buys te the general dlu, and hull'
a dozen bull terriers who were tied te tlie
stanchions In the centre ofthe deck joined
tlie chorus. Fer a tlme It seemed as If
pandemonium had broken loose. Theso
en ihsic heard tlie noise, but Captain Higliy
kept every man at his pest, and the Den
maik, which was llke a floating mouag meuag
01 le, with her howling, chattering, bray
ing cargo, steamed steadily en her course.
Tliu engineer had returned te ttie engine,
room but he looked apprehensive al the
grating, afraid that Mrs. Python would
dvddole return. Finally Jehn Lust, the
carpenter, oHeicd te search for the snake.
Iho llrcuiiui who had grusiicd the python's
tall in the engine room etlered te go with
him. Tlie ethers looked at the two men
compassleiiatelyas Ihey descended thoheld,
uiiu uiu engineer, as 110 rcuiomecioo tlie
reptile's gaping Jaws, shuddered. Last
curled 11 bag te put ovei Mrs. Python's
head. They found the snake lazily craw
ling through an opening betw ecu the plates.
iing iiireugn an opening lit
They grasped the reptile
but pull us they would tin
much for them, and thee
reptlle'H tall, as before,
ie python was tee
my Mjtvv thn cml nl
ner tan disappear through Iho opening.
She did net come out again. If the python
Is allve she Is thought te be celled ureliud
ene orthe pies In tlie bilge. The chances
or her sin v ivlng, however, ure very slight,
us tlie bllge Is half full of stagnant water
and oil.
Tlie olllcers und crew breathed mere
riicly when It was learned where Mrs.
Python hud secreted herself, and no blither
ellett was inade te capture her. There Is
no way of getting at lier, except le remove
seme el' tlie iilates, and this will probably
be dene te-day. Tlie cuse containing Mr.
Python wus taken te the cook's galley and
placed en top or the boilers, w here he con
tinued te sneeze, unconscious ofthe fate of
his sMiusr.
Tlie ether animals Intended for tliu paik
will piove a valuable addition te tlie mena
gerie. The wild tilt Is 11 big yellow crea
tine, witli lierce eyes, but withal quite
tame, allowing even strangers te stroke
Its leicpaws, which it generally hangs
outside tlie cage. The smaller mon
keys were reutined in wooden boxes,
with wire licttlliz across tliu 1'iontHef tbnin.
The bigger ones had wooden sluts nailed
across I he cages. 1H survived the voyage.
One little monkey died a week iillcr leuving
pert, and its mother, after sulkliiga day or
two, was found dead in its cage ene morn
ing. Beth bodies were thrown overboard.
The. lemurs are vcrv retiring und seldom
show themselves. The animals all ceme
fiem Jamrock's Londen luauagcrie. They
are In Iho host of health, the keeper says.
The fox hounds are going te a Leng
Island kennel, and the bull lerrleis have
been brought ever for lighting purposes.
Grunted by tlie Kenlstcr.
The following letters weregranted by tlie
register of wills for the week ending fiiet.
day, July 2.1:
AiJviiMbriUTio.N-Sfiueii Weaver, de
feased. Inte of l.caceck township; Wesley
Weaver, Lcaeeck, administrator.
LliAibrth Sterner, deceased, late el Manet
township; J. S. Siencr, Maner, aduiiiilM
trutiix. Albert L. Fugle, deceased, late ol'Cenoy
township; Jehn II. .clicr, Ml. Jey, ad
ministrator. ,00k, de
ceased, late or Mauhelm township; Daniel
Burkhelder, Mauhelm township, and
Christian Ycxier, Juniata county, oxocu exocu oxecu
tors. Catherine Dillcr, deceased, late or Upper
Lcaeeck township; Kllzabtth Grablll,
Fppcr Lcaeeck, executrix.
Dorethy Trego, deceased, late el' Salis
buiy township; Jehn Tiege, Salisbury,
Israel Slick, ihsjeased, iate of L'phrata
township; Jeseph CuuiiiiiugH and Ames
Dicker, Kphrata, executers.
A Priest 51 Yiai-s.
I'utlici Jehn II. Lmlg, or ht. Jeseph's
Catholic chinch, Hanover, Yeik county,
and wcll-knewii 111 this city, soven-d his
pastoral relation te-day en account or 111
health mid will retire te the quiet retreat
pievldcel by Concwage thaptl. Fathei
Fmlg is 82 years old and bus been a priest
for 51 years.
Hiilldliiu: Ills Dam.
i;. B. Brubakcr, of Lexington, whose
mill dam was washed away recently, lias
filly men at work rebuilding it and ex
pects te have Ids mill in operation in about
it w c k.
Sprained Ills Arm.
lalgai llchiii, living 011 laisl Widrnit
street, was rolling u barrel at the grocery
near l.mcaster ceiuctcr yesterday after
noon when he slipped aud fell, spraining
aud brulblug his arm badly.
lle Was shot While Commit tlnu u iiuig
Inry, Hut Will Heeever.
ThoTitusvllle Ileralttet Monday morn
ing gives tlie following additional 'particu
lars In regard te tlie sheeting or Jamcj
McCnen nt Tew uv ille:
Mr. Henry Delamcter, a resident or
-lewnvme, but who spends much or his
tlme lu this cily, has his rosidenco oppeslto
the general store or Marsh A- Haille, at the
above named place. About 2:30 o'clock
Saturday morning Mr. Delamcter arose
mid went te Iho pump, which Is located
In Iho street nearly lu (rout of tlie
store. Accidentally looking up tlie
old gentleman noticed a bright light Hash
up In the rear ofthe store room near the
safe. At the same lline ene el' the cur
tains In the front windows was hastily
milled down. When Iho light Hashed
Mr. D. thought he saw the rutins or two
or Ihree men In the room. Waiting and
watching a moment Ids suspicious were
felly continued, for two morn matches
were lighted and he leuld plainly scot lint
a gang or thieves were at work. Messry,
Marah ,fc Hadie, the proprietors, were
hastily iietllled and, armed with revolvers
and Mietguns, the trio repaired te the
store. As the party came up they saw
three men standing under the- awning at
the frontdeor oftlie store. Mr. Hadle said
ids Idea was le rush lu and overpower
them. The rush was inade und at the
same time the thtee men started te run.
Mr. lladlii Haiti: " Halt, or I will lire I"
As no butt was made, Mr. Hadle aimed his
shotgun aud llred, and Is new of the opin
ion that he wounded one or tlicm. One or
inoueciug imrllcs was lieaid le my te a
vimiimuliiu 1 "1 11 theni; why don't
you hhoel back T" Al Hint moment Hudle
thought he heard 11 nolseln the stoic, and
turning, saw 11 fourth man ceme tunning
fiem the deer. He called te him tonal!
and lu reply the stranger threw a plug of
tobacco, which struck Mr. Hadle In the
breast. AtthoMiuiellinoMr. March ttrt'd
Ills revolver, and Mr. Hadle, thinking
the lobber had llred and lilt him, raised
his gun and Hied. The man foil with a
groan, and an examination showed that he
hud recclv ed a Hill lead or Ne, I shot In the
back, directly betw eon th shoulder-blades.
Physicians were lustily summoned, the
wounded man conveyed indoors and
evcrythliig dene for him that could be
thought of te alleviate his leirlbhi siill'er-
Ings. Ah neon as the man w us uble te talk
he said his nume was James McCucn and
that his home was at Ijtncaster, Pa.
The description given or the wounded
nmn,togethei witli his uumeaiid residence,
led certain parties lu this city te bollevo
that he was at ene Union resident horn,
consequently several parties dieve te
Townvllle yesterday ter the purpese
or settling the matter. The Injured
iiittn is about 5 feet 7 Inchen In height,
lias light blue eyes, ft Ntndv mousluche ittitl
light brown lutit. His I'utliei's nume was
McOee und he wus killed in tlie 111 my.
His mother Is new living lu Lancaster, Pu.
Shortly after his father's death tlie boy
went te live with his grandmother whose
naine was McCuen. Alts. MiGce's sister
was the wife of Mr. Jehn Kane, vv he about
ten or cluven years age wasa resident of
this city and member of the police foiue
here, Tegether with his grandmother
young SliOoe came here te reslde iitid
became a member of Mr Kaue'a house
hold. Tlie boy was known bore by tlie
nume he has home ever since, that of Jehn
McCuen. He wiii tally Ideutllled vestor vester
iluy aud before the parties loll acknowl
edged the whole thing, but said he wen d
far rather have died than te have rovealei
his Identlly had It net been discovered.
Iiter discoveries 1 weal the fact that Mc Mc
Gceuitd his Ihree companions were in this
city en Thursday night, having been put
oil of a freight train while passing through.
They remained bore until Friday morn
ing, when they went by rail te Tyronville
and Ireiu thence footed Ituciossthe country
te Townvllle, where they arrived in tlie
iillorueon. They were en their wuy le
Meudvllte unci hud no Intention ofslepplng
at Townvllle until the unprotected appear appear
ance orthe store attracted their attention
and the robbery, which resulted se dls dls
ustieusly, wus decided en.
Mr. Hadie. tlie gentleman who did the
sheeting, is spoken of vvn' highly by all
who 1110 acquainted with him, and the
vislteis rrem this city, aiiiemr whom were
.Mr, Juines Ouhiiu, Olllcer M. Meriin uud
Mr. Jeseph .McDonnell are all loud In
their praise or his actions in the present
case. He has employed two nuihcs te
watch with the wounded man night and
day and has two physicians lu constant
attendance. It M thought, that the mini
will iccev or, although two or three days'
tlme will be icquiicd le (lellultely dotoi detoi dotei
niliio tliu matter.
This ineiiiing the l.Nri:t,Lini:.Nci:u 10
iclvcd u special dispatch fi 0111 tliu editor or
tliu llernhl, vv he say that McCuen will net
They M111I0 Meney.
Wash 1 mii e.v, July 2.1. The .Star this
ufloineuu will publish it sensational nrtlcle
declaring that etlleers of tlie treasury have
made a startling discovery showing that it
conspiracy lias been in operation among
Ihesci who print government securities, by
which a laigit amount or fraudulent gov
ernment money has been printed and
Special Agent Tingle, 11 declares, lias for
some tlme been li vcstlgating the matter,
and it Is said a number of arrests
will seen be made. This Investiga
tion, it is alleged has disclosed the
fact that empleyes of bureau, engraving
and printing have printed government
notes from plates and dies lu tlie bureau
uud have put counterfeit money in circula
tion. 1 1
Artec Steel Works.
Ni;w VnitK, July 2,1. A PHtsbuigspo PHtsbuigspe
cial nays: Que of the most gigantic schemes
ever manipulated in this community
is al present operated, sub ru'ti,
A syndicate el' Kngllsh capitalists
are making strenuous dibits topuuhase
all the steel weiks of this dtp.
lle Wus WcuTthy.
Tii'i:ka, Kansas, July !. S. S. Cail
wright, aged 00, died yesterday. He wus
a widower taid had lived for years lu a
garret. lle was supposed te be in lim
ited circumstances, but events reveal that
he worth a quarter of a million.
Lucky 1'lslicrnieii.
Luiery Iindls was fishing at IUuck's
mill yesterday and with a red and line he
landed u pu.e which measured twenty
three Inches lu length and weighed thrce
and a hall' jxmuds.
.Milt. Hejcr, who Is one of liucasler's
host bass Ushers, with a ceuple or friends
were at Levan's mill llslilug yesterday.
They caught 21 oftlie game Ilsb.
Jehn Neliiieraud a companion went ev..
te Wabank lishliig tills morning. They
ciught 15 very large bass and two carp.
Geerge Kant, ami Jehn Hubert went out
te Umeaster Junction te lish yesterday.
All they caught was 11 sick looking llttle
Iliumed lllmseir.
Nkvv Yiiuk, July 2.1.- Hugh Culluui, u
v derail of the wur and until recently an
empleye lu the department of public
works, hanged himself this inetiiliig.
Callaiu wasa street laborer. On the llrst
pay day he was assessed llfty cents but re
fused te juy. lle yielded up the money
nvxt time he drew Ids salary, but utter that
refused te be hlackmalled. On July 1st he
was dlscliarged. He failed te gel work
aud becoming despondent killed himself.
There Is likely te be uu Investigation.
Died ll.v Her Own liiiiul.
I3i'lsVli.l.i:, July Z. Mary fielders,
daughter of a merchant uu Cumberland
river near Somerct, Ky., shot and killed
herself yesterday. She hud been engaged
te Wm. Simpsen, wiie accomplished her
ruin, and she preferred death tedlsgrace.
P Washington, D. C, July 23.
Fair, wanner, followed by slightly
cooler Wccluesday, winds becoming
He v. Crouch Arrnncps the Order of Exl
erclwes-Ne Admission Fss te Be Cel- ?!
lectfl nt the flate en Sunday. &
Laniiisvii.i,i:, July 2-l.-Kvery train Ufl
svvcumg tue number or campers, and new '
tlie grounds have taken 011 a sccne of ani
matien. 1 he trains this morning breunht ?
in the following list m poeplo who vv 111 be A
engaged In devotional servlces during the
next ten day's t Mrs.Trlggcs and ramlly, ft
Mrs. Jitiues Doebier and ramlly, Hv. Dr. ;a
onion niitl family. Mrs. Henrv W ill anil
IVi.iilt.. 1...U.I. It,......!.-....!!!.. H...l r....ttlH i
Allss Clara Huuf, Miss Allce Hoeiioy, M
.vitss lvate ueincelil, Dr. Wltluvvv and
funillv-, Mrs. Jehn Biukley and famllv.
Shctmaii Steele, Mrs. Chas. IMcu, of Lu-v;i1
caster, uev. Jteacisaim .virs. Alilenaeti, or
Philadelphia. Kdvv ard Sewers and ramlly, $J
Mrs. I'ew, Mrs. Melly, of Lebanon. E, O,
l.llftllinrirnr nttil .1. v. ,.r ll.wla. fl
burg. Ilov. A. ITsher, Brj-n Mawr. Hev.
vice. . cuui, .Mrs. ucan uiiu lamiiy,
Samuel Slope, of Columbia. Geerge Park,
.Miuersijurg, Daiipuiii county. Hev. Dun
guu, Marietta. Hen'ry "llumphrevlile,
Meiintville. Bebert Dean and llary Dean.
orilestou, Mass. Hev. Shecsmith, of Mt, '
Jey. Mr. Melzger, of Stiasburg. MUs
Grclncrand Miss Pllinni, of Mechanics
burg. Tlie beard of managers held a meeting at
4 o'clock Monday afternoon, when mattera
were arranged for Iho camping season,
Hev. Crouch, chairman of tbe comtultte
011 devotional exercises, lias arranged ths
following as the order of exercises which
will dally take place upon the greunds: v
Hlseat&:50; family devotions In cottage '
and tents at 0:50; consecratlon servlc .
at tlie labormtcle at 5:15; public prayer m
scrvlce ut tlie stand at H.M; preuch-
111 nt iiiu niaiiu uv hi ; invav
uovetioit 111 tue ceiuiges 111 1 1 young pee
ple's meeting nt stand at ,l::t0; preaching m
111 ii , iiiuumig lur uiu iruuiuiieii ui neil- M
uess, at the prayer meeting tent at 0, led ,
by Mrs. Henry Whoeler, or Phoenlxvlllo;
preuchlug sorvice al 7:30.
The committee 011 transportation re-.
pertcsl that they hud urranged for the sal ,?j
oruxctiisieu tickets en the Pcunsyivanls
raureaci ireiu tiowningiewn tenarrlslmrir. 3
On application te It. F, Hiunner munager Js
01 1110 grounds, orders can de secureu rer
tickets al reduced rates ftem New Yerk
aud ether points. Several Wllllanispert ;'
laiftlkln liitvn iilrivfiHtr tttlrrtit ml tMiiilurrn r ''il
l'wij ,7 w uia vt j iiia 1111 uvnjv a
l.f .. !.. 1,... i .1.1- tti..l..t ,.J a M.
titTibiirg, Ims been choseti pelice olllcer. .M
A 1 'iiliffAlilnitlu ....l,-.. nl. ....i.l.i ... I.....n .1. M
HUH UUlIUfl. -UIllllUlU X-1L-K.U1. UI rUHL JTV
. ..i.,tv.i:.i.e iiviw ...niv .ii(i.. .u a.M.u UV M
iiaariiing lem open ai neon te-tiuy cruet- im
,ln.. i v
The cemuiliteA en herse ieund and re- IS
hltics have porrectod ariangcments for the i'l
euro or teams. Fowl, the Lancaster 'baa
man, has becu given the exclusive right te
enter the ground for the conveyance of ,
passougers and baggage.
It was also agreed te charge an ad
mission of (en cents te all oxccptlugper exccptlugper oxccptlugper
Bens who camped upon the grounds. Fer
the season tickets will be sold for 25 cents.
On Sunday no admission will be charged $f
nut. a uasKei win no puiceu at me j
irate aud a sllver collection will be
...l.n.. .... XT.i 1... .l. .1 .... ...Ill I.. ull....uS JB
Miaun u' tiu iiiii;VYivin mil uv Miuncu
within a mlle of the grounds.
iiie ursi regular sorvice win no tun eve- a
mug, vvncii itev. ureucn win cnuiiuei a
prayer and nxiierlencn mcetliig at the
The grounds and the hotel in town will be
crowded, -Mr. Hreuhclscl, who lives near
Iho grounds, will open his heuse le accem
medate quests. Saturday will be known.
as Yeung People's Day, ". S3
Geoige Hiciiardseu, William Stycraand
Isaiah Springer, et Lancaster, who are here
with Pewel's teams, have been kept busy
since 1:30 this morning.
The grounds ate In geed condition, and Km
il... i , I.. -I..H.-I. ,,.. m
uiu luiiipcniiuiii in (it'llgimill.
AVIllKUlii GliilHtliiliAVeninn.
Nasiivili.i:, Tciiu., July 21. Informa
tion hasjust been recelvtsl here that Mrs.
Hultle Gibsen Heren, wife of HeV. David
Heren, late of Joiiesbero, Ibis state, la
under sentence of death lu Cerca for teach
Iittr the doctrines of Christianity. Hev.
David Heren is well known as a Tresby- -
terlait inlulster. He went te Cerca about h
tlirul 1'i.ilrt. ni.i. I In. iiln Intliliif linr tilla. Ml
....... j v.... .. 0-., ... ...... jw n ... ...-
i) uiu uiree vvccks laiur. .iih. ireren v;
....!.... I . I... ....I .... .....II .... !. I. ....I.... A J
incaeiiiti iiiue'.pui, ii"l n uu uiuer lluqeKllu, M
and was tlie means of converting a noble y
...n.. i ...... ...i. i.A ... . ...i.i. ... H
ijiai. .11 .uiii, .vui. ifi'uu iiuueticii
Christianity. The omperor hud Mr. '
lloren arrested and Ihrevvu in prison.
Her cuse was Investigated, surf tlnally
the soiiteuco of death was passed. Mra.
Heren was known as the most Ixwutlful, '
lady in upper list Tennessee. &S
, i
Injured While INeuplMK Frem Fire.
M lunvn.i.n, Pu., July 2:1. The St. Cloud
hotel was destroyed by tire al midnight ?g
The Kiiesls escaptid without liilury. but Q
severai servants were badly Injured by '
jumping fiem windows. Mrs. Maggie
Lbric, of Youngstewii, Ohie, Jumped from
the third lloer, striking en Iter back. She .
will probably die. Susan Derby had both
legs broken. Barbara Hlllmnn had her
back badly burned before Jumping en an
awning, which piebably saved her II Te.
Aitlile Carman, u lircinnii, fell from the
second story und sustained injuries of the
spine. The less Is 810,000; fully iusured.
More Ceal Heavers Mrlke.
DuM.'rn, Minn., July 1SI. All the coal
heavcis en tlie Duliith decks struck yeitor yeiter
dy, Joining theso at West Superior In their
demands for an increase- from 10 te 50 cents
an hour. Tlie Northwestern Fuel company
get another crew te go te w erk en ene of
Its decks, and they worked all day at-10
cents. The Pioneer TucI company acceded
te tiie demands or its men and they re
turned te work. There are seven beats
here for the Nertiiw cstern and two at the
Ohie decks, but these companies will held
out ir possible.
i i
Ne Letter Withheld.
Iemkj.v, July 23. Mr. Painell te-day
ugaln apiicared before the tqietial commis
sion appointed te oxamlue into the Tutttx
charges against the Purnollite members of
ilm ll.iiiii nf I 'fiiiiiiimit.- Ifn ilnnln.1 that.
any letters which had nas-secl between him- Jg?i
self uud Mr, Harris had been withheld
fiem the court. The lcttcts hud all been
sent te Mr. Seuincs, solicitor for the Timet,
.. . .. ,-js"!
I'lve tolluiiireii tue sumo Day. m
Nkvv Yeuk, July 23. At the court of
eyer aud tei miner te-day, Charles Glblen
uud Ferdinand Careliu were sentenced te
be hanged August 2ed. Judge. Van Brun
sentenced Caieliu, aud Judge Barrett pro
nounced the deem or Giblcn. This will
makollve men who are te be executed in
the Tombs en the same clay. The ether
three are James Nelan, Jehn Lewis aud
Gum Killed iiiem.
Dm Meim, rw"i J'dy 2:t. -Je.seph
Ijtrsen, aged , was overcenio by damp
whlledeaulngawcll near Macedeula ea
Saturday, and J, A. Wilsen, who wan
lowered le i esctte the boy, was also over
come, Built di?J.
".' .7 i
-'i- U''f-j.-s it ,!. - i;,..', tAtJ.itihtaiJ1(;.i,,j-..M.n?:i: ,
iV Jft3i. m&i. J, ;,
Atfcu. rfJl-Jfeaulk.-.
. ja Zb "Jf