'"'.T'VOTV 7r. i-i'vi" .if---.SJ'ir- ,..-if X ." THE LANCASTER DAILY INTELLIGENCER, THURSDAY, JULY 18, 1889. !t a..uiii..u. v. ' . L UnmEWJ.BTKtNMAN, W CHARLWSKTEINMAM FULTZ, tailor. V ROBERT CLAnK-.riibllshcr. 1 - MUG DAILY INTELLIGKNCER.-Pnbllshed x'1 y dayln the year, bat Sandny. Served J'Wamtn In this city nnd surrounding .'i towns at ten crnlsnwrek. llv mail five del- r,J lrsaycirlndvnncc; 60ccntsnmentli. "5 - WRKKf.Y tNTRM.inKNCTKIt Oncdellitr and ' t JMy mt year. In d vniice. Mrnnnie m iTnu'nrnptt..ii,mlt lit- rtirwlr I'-'it or postefllco order, mid where neither of , , iwnne de rtreeurra senu in a rcgisierra s Betered nt tha Posteffiro. as second clats malt E r matter. ; Asdiikis, THE INTELLIOKHCEn, H$ Lancaster, I'a. Sf . . ., . ,-r. -. . , . - - HAJUABiCfti fA, OOiy 10, 108'J. The Telegraph Kerr Ice. fa m.uv rcuuciiuu wiiii.ii uiu jneiminiu x general eraeml te be nimic lu me mtcs '4, pM by the government for tclngniiililc ;Y service wcincd te de Injustice te Kfthe companies, euc-lemfi or n cent 'f. Her word scemluc te be n very ff?' Iliaitflniiiitn m1a.y At W.i.intunlrnr ?-J?1 UPII1lllllU gJI.VV. A,.. 1l)llllllilillt.l naa n veu-enrncu repine wr iui nets sagacity, and it looked ns though he wes peeking te drive 113 lmrd n bar-' gniu ns postmaster gencrnl ut he might have done ns n merchant when he get n seller in a tight pln.ee. We have done him injustice, however, If it Is true, ni new stated, that the Wcntcni Union company crnntH even IS? ..better terms of service te private cut- ;? trmerft'Ai'hri hnvi, union mnrn iui for lti w ,,ri; .,, ."...',. ":...., "..'.;. IIB'CP lilll. " HUllIllllKl'l UllMl'rMlUUI'J that great corporation pny nothing for their telegraphic, service, nnd that the deM-bead bulnea done by the Western Union company hiw enormous dlincn dlincn Bl6nu;fer nil of which be It noted the ether cuteiner pay. The postmaster gencrnl wn Just I lied in.withdrawing the United states from the number of the victims of the dead head telegraphing business and propea Jug n rate of compeiifutlen that ueiild give the people n citl7ens6oinocomjen citl7ens6einocomjen citl7ens6oinecomjen Kitlon for the money they nre over charged ns individual customers of the telegraph companies. The action of the postmaster general will invite general attention te tlie fact that the people nre unduly taxed fur their telegraphic service. It will re mind them that the Western Union company has n practical monopoly of the business, after repentedly buying In its rivals nnd thereby obtaining a eolos eelos eoles uel capital stock; nnd that upon thin watered stock It payHdivldends,notwlth payHdivldends,netwlth etandlng ltn great dend-head service. Tlie suggestion of the postmaster gen eral of n rate of a t.'iith of a cent r word, seems te Indicate that the uecei ary cost of the work dene for thu gov ernment with n fair profit ad le 1, wejH net be mere than this sum ; and hl oplulen, as that of 11 remarkably successful business man, is valuable upon this point. The obvious Invita tion te the people Is te ask that the iost iest iost ettlce department shall establish 11 tele graph service ; and It is u tiling that should be done. The United Slntes al ready lias the peMul stations, and needs but the wire connection. We are unable te see 11 single geed reason by wt rneuld net hnve our telegraph, as we! Hit our letter service done, by the govern ment. Limited Wealth. Wenrintii lilti-r fmni 11 unl-..irilyr W demanding that a million dollars shall be the maximum value of nrencrtv nei- M mltted by the law te Individual or cer- Jj. perate ownership. We print It ns u leauier Hint shows hew nubile sentl- j.ti ment is beginning te run, and nscvl- K deneoef a feeling that has 11 substantial leuiHlatluii lu geed gevcinment, though "HHts development it is likely te run te Eg. extremes. It will net de te nut an nrbl- a(6 trnry limit of 11 million dollars upon prep erty ncouisltlen, which would be prettv i. lK-arlv 11 dcse'iit tutu mecIiiIIuiii ! lull geed government does demand that re striction shall 1x3 placed upon the sue- ih cession te nretiertv. unci mum tlu imihI. tal of corporations : uml it has se de- K ' iTinilflful bill fa"i urntnt litie liml itvLdiiii a I ifc uav rvvitVJ IIM-J HUM VAIOIVIII.V f E aud the trouble new Is net se much with the law as with itsuou-ebscivance. The limit put upon the capital of eer- gv woratlens is made a dead letter se far ns its restriction of their control of capital is concerned; se that the Standard oil company Is said new te have swelled, as the Standard fig oil trust, into the control of untold mil liens, aim us cuiet director is put down ai enjoying 11 private income of nine E millions of dollars, upon the authority p of a co-director, who pleads guilty te a three million income. It la n great public danger and n wrong K thnt calls for remedy that se vast an aggregation of capital should be in the control of the few men constitut ing the directory of u coriwatleu or m 4lIICt 71. In ..w... ..1.1 ...rv .1... 7.. WM131. AIIU illVtl Jiiuiuii; 1110 j. uuuuiciin ui minions 01 iiiu Mamiaiu entrusts? A he manages them? De thu people or the government? Theeretl- jj cally they de, but practically they de ? mt seem te de se. Against the power of se much money It is reasonable te Sv fear that the sword of justice will lie dulled ; and such hns always Iwn the feuref our nation mid It has cuumhI te be inscribed in their laws u prohibition h ' uiuiiiuinyMii vi vnutivn 111 KJIjH.'- & tu. .y: inis was provibieu against the wealth handed from father te son through the generations. Then the great corpora- f Hen was unknown and the greater trust iiaa net been dreamed of. The danger of inheritance of wealth sinks into iusig uiflcancc boslde the tlireutening leek of hundreds of millions of dollars gathered in a decade into the control of nine men who move as one. The trust must be ueuud. It cannot r bu permitted te be Jeee with nnv hone that the liberties of the people may be maintained. Our correspondent is riuht far. in Insisting that corporate wealth shall KSi ve strictly limited, but the limit must be t linft of lii:inn It itnii.t In. inmiLiinul 1... t&' the proper need of the lawful enriMinit ra object. ,uch limitation upon cnrpeiu- p; tleu?i '' a limitation upon inlierltaiice, iV- M,,ew lm BW t but neeilh that the 7. law shall be wisely and fearlessly con cen j& itrued. The trust has no lawful e- WZ tatenw. it will nut Is hebl that a set of onndleiis, chartered te attend te t 'A .Anfr. l.iil.... l . ... q- irvn.u. "U3IUIT-, iiui iiaim tiicir business ever te unether tornent. i tien which exists simply te tmn tmn Abine the capital aud franchises or the several coipernt!oi; which is uu i'" ebieet distinctly hostllef.i tim i.-iu- .....i ';i4iMiietiicaIly oppestil te Its policy, u g w net proeaiiie tnat tne ingenuity of nt 'J lerneys eun serve te make that lawful j. which is iiiiieamuy iiniawruf ;und we v I vc great confidence that the judlcluiy f will abolish the (rust. And the Lcgisla- wre win iiearKen 10 tne iKiiniiarilemaiid ' Mist they shall bu extinguished ; a cry which Is growing swiftly and which ,11111 Mirely conform the law te itsde- Our Habit of Swelling. Ever since the country awoke te the need of a navy the building of new alilpg and nil naval nfTHlrs have received very minute attention and from the noise made ever the trlnlef a new gunbent, 0110 might imagine that the whole na tion wns deeply Interested In the build ing of an Invincible uriunda. That is n way we have In everything, from n prlc fight te a iintlennl election, nnd the newspapers nre largely responsible for the hnbit. They work sensations with Mich ceiiummiitcsklll Hint tlicAinerlcan people arc unable te tell a Imwk from n handsaw. Peaceable citizens who would net hurt a fly, If he would go away nnd let them alone, find themselves gloating ever the magnificent new American navy, and glorying lu six inch guns, " en liarbette," or steel ships of se ninny tens displacement, driven by engines of tremendous pett er. New no doubt these geed shlp-j nre very geed ships, mid pride in the country's navy is n very geed thing, but it mny net lie prudent te let this spirit go tee far, or it may get us Inte tumble. V we fondly insist iiKn believing that all our new ships nre naval terrors of unrivalled power, we may be encour aged te nn excess of spirits that will prove disastrous. Suppose Hint another snarl like the Virginias trouble should arise with Ppaln, public opinion would very probably urge the Immedi ate uc of the new navy te enforce ier-' emptery demands. The people would feel the eats new se llbcrnlly fed te them by the correspondents who dcscrllie naval affairs. A few steel cnilsera nnd gunboats would therciiK)ii be dis patched te win g!ey, and If they never camu back again there would 1-esnine very emphatic surpil-c and mere fun for the fcnsatleu dealers. Spain Is 11 pwr, old, knoek-knted, broken down kingdom, but she has seme flue ships, and can buy mere lu Kuglaud, where ethers were secured. The moral Is that we must take our naval eats w Ith salt. We are trying te build the lst ships afloat, but ether nations are trylngjiist as hard te de the same thing, mid have ns fair a prospect of success. Crn.y rects. The two Insanity experts who have Jut gravely asserted their Ixilcfin the Insanity of poets, give scientific weight te an opinion very w Idely held. A very large nunilier of people are totally una ble te appreciate poetry, Just as some nre unuble te value music, and as we me al ways leth te ndmlt any defect lu our selves, It Is tn'iite natural that these peo ple should bcl iove iMiets Insane. It will lie noticed that the expert did net Judge of Shakespeare fiem his reading of lilm, and It Is very probable that he had rend Justus little as lie could of the givat poet, for he said, " from what I have lceu told, 1 believe (hut Shakospeare had a line mind." Anyone who could make Hint remark must belong te the unfor tunate class icfcrrcd (e, who may b0 5o 5e ciinens of the opj)e-ilo extreme of men tal deformity te that icl'eried te by the expel t. .Ne doubt be is right lu classing Walt Whitman among the crazy poets, but the line may jmrhaps be diawiieu both sides of perfection. The doctor thought that yiuikesjicure was nil right whlle Milten fell short of his Idea of mental jmiNe, but in the case of the former lie evidently bowed only te overwhelming popular Judgment. If the possession of nn exaggerated or deformed poetical faculty makes a lunatic, surely the total absence of any such faculty must lie n very serious defect. Ne doubt the truth of the mutter is that u real ioet Is a very raie product, but there are many who have poetical tastes without Hie stiength of mind necessary te de Hie work or te abstain from It. A poet ls'st explains It : 'Omit wlU nre mm In mildness near ullled, And til I ii )iiirlltlein de the beumls ilh Ide." And this Is true of ether great wits, as well as poets, net exit) pt lug even physi cians ami insanity e.ieils. Tin: Mtilcaliy iiiystciy of Mentic.il ap pears te consist of a iciniiiknlile sorlesef ileluHieiis. .V young girl thinks thnt she went ttireiiKh tlie iiiiirriiiKe ceremony with uiMiig iiimi nml hi a p.ut of her rry Kirnlghl story slm has the support of her mother's exlilcnce. The story Is improba ble, but ll would seem that thcre must be some rottml.itleii fur it. Thu vii tim was (piitn positive that Miss Tidbits w.isouuef lier tornietitciH ami lu this she also liud the support of her motlier nml tlitmijli it Is quite c Ment Unit both aie uiist.iktii it is s..lil Hint tliuy still pei.stst lu their belief, t'nilei the clreimistnuees the young stu ilent luiH been wemlui hilly foituiMte In being able te establish her hmoeciiieso pieiuptly and thoroughly. The wiiole ex citement may niter all be due te seme strnuge mental derangement en the part of Miss Miilcaliy In which her mother re fuses te believe, for the pnu.th.Ml joke theory seems te rcqulre tee much cold brutality en the jMit of tlie Jekeis. Tin: lcecie.ua makers aie having a haul tinie tills year butween sugur and silt trusts and oxpenslve iee. Tin: airship that sailed away fiein llrook llreok llroek lyn w ith n peer wieteli limigingte it lias net ct liepu heard from, but the oeplo who hme air bailing en tlie hruiii me net nt nil discouraged. lTp in llosten they hie organized the Aeii.il Kvhlbitien asi.o asi.e asi.o ciatleu te assist Dr. A. De llausstt te con st nut a steel niisjiip iih)ii tlie vacuum principle. This principle was pietty well used u by u gentleman et the Smithsonian institute, who showed that the lightest of steel plate e llndeis could net be raised lj a vuumiii. Wi: iniiinrtnl last vpiiralu.iit nuu-sl vil ..i the salt we used and paid 11 heavy tax en this in order that tlie lemalulngthe-sixths might he ta.ed by the home monopoly. Hut evcu tills ilhl net .satisfy the salt ti lists nnd they arrange te secure iiime cllcctlve protettlen by u combination with their foreign rinlstliit w ill ouable them te nibe prices far ubne the tnritl' level without toaref companion. '1 lie miiiemiI el tlie U might net luve iieented tliis hut it Is possible I hat ll would havoiuadeit moie drlllcult nml t all events we would be sjcd tlie hj.ctaehi of an International nione)x)ly cstalilisbetl under or rather e or nu American lurill'. (Illlcei'sertliii ltendliig Iren Werkn. A complete leortranballen u( the Itoad Itead iug iiuii works lias been elicited. tUsnge 1'. I!ner litis couseulisl te acivpt the juesl dencv, ami will ii ivmisseclatnl w ith liliu as dlrreteni Austin (.'erblu mid A. A. Mel.oed, or tlie Iteadiug railroad eempuiT : Mineu Seyleit and (leuige l Ci.Mncr, of Heading. An orgiinlitlen of the Mirinus departments has also b en etfettcd u fellow s : (tcneral iiiamiger and treasurer, I'rank C .Sinink; HlltUtl IlltfMlillilit .il liilm .l.i.. ii I....... I 11 wind W. Welt, hiipcrintcndcnt of the hcett w erkh, Jehn a. est. 't hce are tlie Iiositieiih tliat were lilted by tlin wime parties under the the old management ex cept that frank .'. Sinink is promoted frmu controller te general manager and Albert Jlreden becomes suiwilnlendent el' furnaces in plaee nr Horatio Trexler. All the is-rsenal preiiertv, cnimUtlng ! thostiKkeu baud r all kinds. Ims been adverfiMsI te be sold ut publiu auction ut the works, beglulng August (1. Seme de lay in stnnlug.tlie w erks may be caused by this sac. It Is thought, however, that e erythlngw III Imj ready rer the works tu go into full operation en the ltt efScptcm- Opinions of Kxperta Ilnr. Francis W. Jenes, cblef clectriclnn oflhe l'estnl Telegraph ceinwiny, bocame the object of lawyer Pest's electrical verbal discharges In thn Ketumlcr reference case In New Yerk en Wednesday tnernliig. He sliewed strong powers of resistance under cross-exnniinntlon. Ills llietiry was that tlie only conductors In the human liedy nre the udlne UuMs. Tnke these nwnj' and no attraction for electricity remains. He said that the re sistance of the human skull Is very great. It varied considerably and with a current of 1,000 a large resisbmce Is exhibited. "New," sniil Mr. Test, "nsMime that the deg Dash w e had before us a row days HKOlnyen a lle wlre ten minutes, was severely burned nnd lay Ien hours ap parently dead, what would be your In ference as te Hie amount of electricity ro re ecUed?" "I would Infer." answered Mr. .tones, " thnt the deg had become the channel of a considerable discharge of electricity, but te what extent I cannot tell. " Mr. Jenes added thnt tlie holiest shock he had experienced was 330 volts. He had had holes burned In Ids hands and had received oseero shock from linger tip te linger tip, but w ith no serious results. He had concluded, by scientific dcductlen,tlial the human body was a non-conductor, llke . r....1 nl.cn ..iMbu Ai ....1. I. n alr t.imi, iiuiu, pitin-i. , .iii.jr ..I n .n..i. degree. Tlie bone Is n non-conductor w hen dry nml a peer oue when moist; and the h-UIiie of the bleed Is the only conductor In the human anatomy. Tlie body Is similar te n soiige strong when moist nnd weak wjien dry and the v.iilutleu In the roslMance of his twelve suliectsceiibl net be accounted for by the dillereiice In the hnlr, welRht, slre, nt;e, the auiemit of moist ere used, nor the length of the ttieM'Miliig process, Tim rnsUlnncn wns nut mil v illlTercnl In diltercut persons, but was dlfTercnt in the sinie person under different conditions, nnd even when thcre was no apparent dlf dlf dlf foicnce of condition. , , , TwoKllled nnd Twenty Injiiwxt. A iiasseiiRer tniln carrying iiilncrn te thrlr homes at Uhnmeklii, was wrocked en Wednesday oveuing by being mil Inte by two freight cars which had bocnine do de Inched nt seme colliery and dashed down a heavy grade. Twe inen .fehn Housh nnd Aaren .Stride wero killed, nnd 18 men nnd two women were injured, most of them soveioly. Heavy Lein by I'lre. A fire lu Lewell, Mnssniiiusetts. en Wednesday night, destroyed the Inrue stable of the Lewell street railroad, wltli 'M horses, 35 cars and a quantity of liny, straw and eats, besides tools and ether iinitcrl.il. A bearding hoiise mer thu Kt.ihle was biiiued out, tlie Hetel Belmont, adjoining, was ilninitged, nnd several duellings hi tlie rear was lmrned. The less te the company Is estimated nt nearly fiai.OiiO. en which thcre Is an Insurance el about &7.',(H)0. TTOODH SAnSAPAltlLLA. De Net Neglect Tlinl tired frclhiK, Impure bleed, iltis nfter ratine, palim In the hark, hendachr, or blmlliir iitrietleiu till some powerful disease obtains n firm foothold, mid rereicry l8illinriill,iHrliiiis lniessllitc Tnke iriKid'sHnrsapnrllln, the do de ftnder of health, lu time, te banish nil bad feel Inirsnml lestnreyeu toprrcttceiiilltlon, HiksI'r H.irMap.irlll.'i lins pcenllnr curallve peuer, and n,viini)llsiii cnre where eth'r prerarntleiis mil. THAT TlltUI) rKL'LIXO. "DurliiK tlie Kiimiuir I was fielhiK nil run deuii,iiml tlilnklns 1 needed neinclhlnft te tone ilpniy stm, I took Heed's Barraparllln mid felt iiuii'h belli r. I wnile troubleil nllh d)- lepsii,iind IIoe(t'MHnrnimilU.i helped me mere than inij tlilTic ilKe." .1. It. D.MUtOW, I'l. Wiijne, Ind. " My who mid mj nclf were both grnerally run down. Jtoeit'K Hur.'Mp.irllln lirenulit us out of that tired ft ellliir, mill mnduiiH feel lllcn j onus lceile again. It lias dene mere for us Hum nil ether medicine together." ItitiMun Hawk uuitsr, Auiltyrllle, Leur Island, X. Y. IMI'UHi:ilLOOD "Krimi childhood I win treulited with plm ple, mid oee remedy failed tt It I leek Meed's rsinwpurllla. I hsxe taken le bottles and new the plmplei arc iilmest gene, nnd my nenernt health Is imieh lmprued. I inn feeling better Ih.ui Ter some time, nml I highly receiimiend IlfKid'iHurMpnrllla." W. Uvans, 4G5 LcxIiik LcxIiik ten, Avenue, tlroeklju, Jf, V, Heed's Sarsaparilla Beld by nit ilniKglsfK. 81 j l for 15. Prepared enlj by C. I. HOOD i CO.. Lewell, .Mass. 100 I)OHIS ONH D0LLAH illttcrUrtttcnne. rpitUi: DALMATIAN INHKOT I'OWDKH, 1. prenlliHl by ik;oed pOHilir blewur. Is the moil enectiuil disinter of lllesmiil ettii r small lli"ict. I'erwile At IIUIILKV'H IIIIUO STOItK, WI WcktKlnKMrreU i vTiI:neDT wanih i r i THAT pc-;Vi:rtYIUHlV WHO HAS KVLH THUIDIT! LEVAN'S FLOUR Still Holds the Fert. Wn haven't the IiIkrisI mills In the world, hut there line better mill miywlirie-at hast I hem In no mill that can mnkn holler Heur. Se Miy thousands of people lu this remmmilty, and we tnke their word for II. If j en lme Ireiiblu with uiir bukliiK, tills het weather, jen will perhaps discover that the trouble lies with jour Heur provided jeu de net use l.e all's 1'leur, If ou nre using that urtlele, and sllll lm trouhle ltli your halt lug, perhnpn It Is beeause of the even. It can't be the Heur If jeu use I,e vim's ! M ILLLll'rt HOItAX SOAl'. MILLER'S Borax Seap WILL WASH CLOTHES, -AN EVERY ARTICLE UNDER THE SUN. "INOLLTrKUUhreCK 1'AHM. STORM KING (2161.) IlLCOUD SJO. Standard by llreediiur nml l'oil'eriimnce. blielb) HAPPV MUDIL'M, iccerd ZK, and hire of li trotters nml luicrs with rcterds bem 2-.Hi, te 2.U), mid ever 1(X) with ueerds better than 'J..V1. Dam by Alexander's Neimnn, tire of Lulu MIi.Ia.v iJueen.I.JO.Ae. beeend dam by lleuiird blrCliarti.ii, thoreugli- tirud, Third dam by Hmlih's Min.'iiger, miii of Dlll' Mehseiiter. hreusiKiMi Is n b.iy. ktaiuts III haeJs nnd wi Ighx nbeiil l,al hs. llni.iimi)k tiit.cn ilrl premium ni state mid imiiitv r.iii. Ula eelu arc large nnd handsome, nnd nu Unit linve been mid uxcniKfilS-IIiliiiuinn avemge age of one midiilinlfsciirs. He unstukeu right out eflliu tud neil wllh ir llttlu presinitlen iisliiecd hl re.erd fiem .'..in, tu .'.w, (retting ihri-e uutslii'J 10, :'"il mull'. m. He !.( mmrier lu one of thu miles in ,a mhshuIs si Jji galt whiili khews his capailH If I lenlil kp.ui him long enough In the kind te tc prcpiued for u fast work. 'ir.KM . tAu ler it foal until his prnl lioek l full, nfter which he will Mini. I nt ;sii. Jsitfd. DANL t). LNUbi:. Marletla. I'a. AV r.VK'HM'ltlNU ctllthLT 111 THL KAMOlb Watchspring Corset. will m:vi:k iuhuk. Quarantced te Outwear Any Custom Made Corset. Mayer, Strouse Ce., MANUrACTUHKHN, Ui HltOADWAV, N, y. octWJtM.Thee.r yfanamaltcv'. 1'iiit.APtLeaiA, Thursday, July I, 1. Closed at i P. M. Saturday. There is a philosophy of Summer Bargains peculiar te the season. A sound theory practiced here daily. Yester day the object lessen was Shoes, today Silks and Dress Goods. At ten o'clock this morning something ever 1,000 yards of India Silks in lengths of i yard te ie, at 25 cents a yard. Geed new as when first opened. Stock fragments te us bother, te you joy. The average price was ever $. Satin Rhadame, 20 inches, $1. At this price' your July dividend reinvested will pay 30 per cent mere. In the Transept. Town talk. Challis plain black, cream, navy, and fig ured, striped Tamise Cleth, both all wool, at 2 s cents. It was no ordinary operation that brought you these goods in large bulk and wide variety at a price low enough te make a dignified, self-respecting sheep ashamed of being in the wool business. The French Printed Challis at 25, 2,7)4, and 50 cents are in sympathy. liit mid wnt of Main Aisle, south of centre. Cottens. Crazy Crepes at 10 cents, a crazy price ; Scotch Ginghams, finest, at 25 1 cents from ,e, and 37 cents from 50, increasing varieties daily ; American Ginghams at 15 cents from 25, and 12 cents from 20. These lets are net dis tressed in styles nor meagre in quantity. In both respects first class. And the same is true of the Sateens at I2j cents from 20. Ijwt mid ucsl of Main Aisle, north of centre. Stock - taking, mark - downs are the cant of advertising. Hilt a Ruching maker says that's the reason he sells us 4,500 yards of Ruching se that you can have that te-day for 10 cents a yard which has averaged 25 cents, much of it higher. What care you ? 1 le loses and you make. Lnt of Cheiluut Mitel entrance Jehn Wanamaker. ?HU (SoetD. T li. MAUTIN i CO. A SALE OF REMNANTS. Preparatory te our semi annual stock-taking we will place en our counters all the Remnants that have accumu lated during the past season. 5 CENT LOT. Includes Calicoes, Chintzes, Ginghams, Sa tines, Cotten Challis, White Goods, Lawns, &c, goods reduced from 7c, 8c, 10c, i2c, all 5c per yard. ie CENT LOT. Includes all lengths under 9 yards of handsome Satines, re duced Frem i24c, 19c and 25c. Zephyr, Ginghams, Seersuckers, Crazy Crepe, Batistes, White Goods, Sec. 12 CENT LOT. In this let are lengths of 9 yards and ever of French Satines, of the famous makes of Freres, Koechlin, Gres, Reman, Scheurer, Rett, Koechlin, Baum gartner. IN THE BASEMENT. Remnants of China Matting from 2 te 35 yards in length, from 5c a yard up. J. B. MARTIN & CO., Cor. West King & Prince Sts., Lancaster, Pa. f.f IUH A.MAUILN. FRUIT JARST" JELLY TUMBLERS ! CHINA HALL. Masen Fruit Jars in Pints, Quarts and Half Gallens. The celebrated Lightning Jars in Quarts and I lalf Gallens ; this jar has no superior in flu mar ket. Jelly Tumblers in any quantity. All at Bettem Prices. HIGH & MARTINV 15 East King St. eltf-tfd -VTerii'K IO lltllK.s!:HN AND (1UN L Ni;iW.-Allpimiiiiu hert by forbidden te trespass en nuy of tlielaiuU of thu Coronal! ,jidHieedMcll estates In Ix.bnneii or I ji Heavier tontine, whether Inclesed or initnclesed, either for the iuroe of shoetlni; or ruhlns, n thu law will bu rliddly enforced njaliut nil tres. KU-shiK 011 raid lunda of the uudcrslgucd lifter till notice. . WM.COLUMAN KKUKMAN, "..l'KHCYALUKX. WW. C. FllEKMAN, Attorneys for K. W. Celemuu't Uelia. tDMfctWts. H IlWlt A BROTHER. Our "Receipt" -FOIl ' HOW TO KEEP COOL." Vlll us and purchase one of these tbln COATH and VL'fJTH or which wc nre eclllnf no ninny. They rnnee In price, from II te H for font aud vest : Wr te for Ceal : 35e te tUO for Vest ; We and upirariu for Thin rant. MEN'S SUITS! MEN'S SUITS! At Mich l,ew Trice that you cannot lie but you 1 allty. phased with price ana qunl I'tlee fl.OO te Tin. Children's and Bey's Suits I At a Reduction of Ten Per Cent en Marked I'rlcci. We cnu plenne nit. Gent's Furnishings! Ktaniiel Hhlrts. AS rent and upwards. IJndernhlrt, 17 cent and upwards. White Hhlru, iMeenUnnd tipwardn. .rercnleKhlrt,Meentand upward'. Working Bhlrbi 25 cent and upward. & ONE-PHICK CLOTIIIEH8 AND FURNISHERS, Ferth Queen Street and Centre Square, LANCASTER, PA. c LOTHINf4 AND FUflNIHiIIVa GOODS. i:ervlhllir In Hummer ClethliiK geliiB out rapidly Rare Offerings. hi scry unusual uiucf. Men's nnd Yeune Men's Suit, made from reliable ma terial. Lightest lu weight CaMlmcrc, Chevletn, Heroes and Flnnnels, se te J15. Many cnoiee ij ie; ie piennc n you can be fit from the nuert- nes net nienn lower prices, en unsalable geed, but en lets that have become broken, and there mny be but one or two Milts of the let. Ills net neccssnry te tell yen nbent thin clothing. The weather reminds j en. They nre herein Melinlr, I'eiiKee nnd SccrKiiekcr Cent nnd Vests. Fancy nnd White, Linen Vitst the most eeonemtcal prices. Mnny cool things for the Little Beys. Light Weight t'nsslmctc Mult. t2 te SO ; Jersey Hulls, J1J te Jt. Ulotire Waists, Hhlrt Wntsls, Knee l'liuUi, Gauze Hhlrts and Dniwers, una cerythlng for their comfort Murine the het nimmcr dnys. Saturday's snles of Klnunel hhlrts preei their popularity. Hew much comfort nnd ease te wear ene that fits (many nre Ill-shaped nnd de net fit.) We have them In nil iitnlltlcs for nulet men, tourists or bley. ellsts. Prices te suit nil. llleyele Hese, Belts, Tennis Hashes, Balbrlggan Hhlrts nnd Drawers. Jcnn nnd Nnlnzoek Drawers, Hummer Neck wenr. Choice styles, low prices. MARTIN BROS, Clothing, Merchant Tailoring and Furnishing Goods, NOH. 26 ANI 2H NORTH QUEEN HTHEET. M YKRS & HATHFON. LIGHT-WEIGHT CLOTniNO AT LIGHT-WEIGHT PRICES ! EVERYTHING IN WOOLEN, MOHAIR AND ALPACA GOOIXS, I'OR HOT WEATHER VSK. LET THE COST GIVE YOU NO CONCERN. YOUCANIIUYAT RIGHT PRICES, ANDTHE HEST MADE GOODS YOU CAN FIND ANYWHERE CAN HE HA I) RIGHT HERE. " DON'T WEAR UNCOMFOHT AHLE CLUTHING THIS HOT WEATHER, WHEN YOU CAN HE COM PORTABLE AT A SMALL OUTLAY. MYERS it HATHFON, RELIABLE CLOTHIERS, NO. 12 EAST KING STREET, LANCASTER, PA. PO CLOTHING I1UYK11S. LGansman&Bre. NOW IS THE TIME TO BUY Men's, Bey's and Children's ii. In erdtr te Clese Out the Hutlre llnluucoefnur hmumerkleck webue HeduciMl th I'rlces ou our Mills us lollew ; Our Best Knits, heretofore S16 00 nnd 5lS.fti, nre new put dew II te SlU.fd Hint 12.00. Our Suit, huetofeii at Sli.nl nnd IW.iX) nm new put down te 7.t nnd r. (W. uur Bet Ti eusel , lien-tofeni nt fOM, $.(), J I.IU, rc new put down Ie H, ti", tiM. See our Chlldicn's IlinU ut 'JV. tkc eui Thin Coats and Coats nnd Vtts. They nre Away Down In I'rlce. TUI4 Is the Greatest Bargain Sele. en Recerd. Bnrgalus lu All Kinds of Hummer Clothing. L. Gansman & Bre., 66 and 68 NORTH QUEEN ST., 8.W. CORNER OF ORANGE. LANCASTER, FA. a- Net connected with uuy ether Clothing Reiue lu the city. HIRSH MR 9H BAn(V AIIOAINS. CHARLES STA7WT7VT, Nes. 35-37 North Queen St. ' GREAT CLEARING SALE! Torchon Laces, lc, 2c, 3c, 4c, Sc, 6c, 7c a yard. Ruching, 3c, Be, I0i,12jc 17c, 23c a yard. Yard-wlde Fine Muslin, 8c a yard. Best Calicoes, 5c a yard. Napkins, 25c a dozen. v 75c Table Linens nt 60c a yard, 20c l"ant Goods at 12c a yard. 17c Ticking nt I2a a yard. 60c Ited Tnble Linen nt 2 a yard. American Ballne, fc a yard. French Saline, 12c u yard. Remnants of Dress Ultighams at Hulf Trice. Figured Lawns at2c a ynrd. Turkish Tidy Towels at 12c each. Alt-Llncn Toweling nt 3Kc, 6c, 7c, 8c and 10c a yard. Yeu will be sure te get goods as nderttsed It you de your shopping at the CHEAPEST BOSTON STORE, Nes. 35-37 North Queen Street. CHARLES STAMM. Claihittri. H AOLH A IIHOTllKlt. ttEN'S SPEC AL STYLlHir WOBHTE1) CUTAWAYSUlTHnt $15. Iteduced from 818. KINt IJsS..LWXS9L.CAKi!sI?BECUTAWAY f UITs'nt 110. Beduced from 113. EXCELLENT CAHSIMEHE nnd WORSTED HU1TM nt t. Reduced from J10. Beys' arxdL Yeixtlis' Suits . . BOYH' DRKHSY I'LAID WUITS reduced te f i ..,.V0VI?;.HTY,-ISH CHKVlerhUITH at Jl. Reduced rremS&SO. YJ?.',IJ.,.H. hJ.I1Ti ' -'OBIlY CHEVIOT HTYLKS nt K.50. Hcdueedfrem SS. YOUTHS' SU11S in GOOD CASSIMEitE STYLES at V. Rcxluced 1 trcmi S1.50. Summer Clothing. SILK PONGEE COATH AND VESTS nt J5-50 ; worth Jtt.W. KINKMOlIAIIlCOATSANDVESTSntfl. COTTON FLANNEL COATS AND VESTS at SI. WHITE LINEN DUCK VESTS at J2. HiLGER cSn BROTHER, Neb. 26-31 West King Street, iAycAsTi:, PEyy'A. J.lrtrm JUcttthcr iSoebs. piLINN A BBENEMAN. Warm TOTeatlier Goods AT FLINN & BRENEMAN'S. WATEU COOLEltS, KEFRIGEUATOHS, COAL OIL STOVi:S, GENUINE MEXICAN HAMMOCKS, I'lSIIING TACKLE, BASEBALL AN!) LAWN TENNI FLINN &BRENEMAN, Ne. 152 ITertli Queen Street, LANCASTER, PEyWA. !lethiurt. TV ILLIAJ1SON A KOSTEII. Included In Our Il.irgntn Sale Thin Clothing. GENT'S COATS AND VESTS. S7 m Ce.Us nml V sti. for !5 00 iwoe " " ..wen 8-iOil " " .SI 00 iw) " " ioe S3 DO " " .. K60 GENT'S PANTS. M 00 Summer Punts for Seft) Je.Vl " . (160 KID " " slOO SI 50 " " S-l 75 SI 00 " " t25 .).-) " " SJ75 S3U) " " J2 60 CHILDIIEN'S SUITS. WOO Hummer Sulti. for 57 60 " " S7 00 " fh (I) " " S-jW) " " Sift) " " S1S0 , SHOD SHOO " " tsai " " SI5i) " " Sift) " " .. H25 SIOO FUllNISHING DEI'AItTM ENT. Speclul Ititrgnlns In Ladles', Gents' nnd MIsxcV lloblnfcen Dye Warranted Fast Blink Hese. &)c ljidlcs" Ilinck Hese for.. J0i' 75c " " iJc 6ucClilldieii'sHliiek Hikb Ter 10c 75c Mlwc' ill.ick Hese Me Jl OO " " JiOc 50c (Jents' Ill.ick ItulMIebC for 25c 60c Gtnts' Funcy " .. 25c 2.JC " " " 17c 17c " " " ..iac Ilej 'i, Deiuet Shirt VnUts for 2c fiOe Ferciile Wulsts for nj 75c " " TjOc SI 00 nnd SI 25 Flannel Wiilsta for 7e fl O) nnd SI 25 Gent's PcrenleShlrls for. .75e :Hc Gent's che let Shirts ler .25c :ef Hey's Demet Shirts for... . . iVc 25uGhuzi' Shlrth for .. Ie 3c llliic and llrewn AliKerabhlrtsuiulDniw- trs . ...J5c HATS. Cut Prices en I'erfex lints. Men's S3 00 Straw lliiti, for Mcn'k!6i " Men's K 00 " Men'tlSlSe " Men's 81 2 " Children's SI 00 Straw lint for. . Children's S3 ft) " Children's S2 60 " Children's SI 60 " Children's SI 00 " . . . Children's 75 " Children's 50 " ..3J60 .'00 ..SI 50 SI 25 81 U) ,82 ft) 51 50 rJoe Sift) . . 60 .. 35 .. 25 S3 50 Men's Serge Heets new S3 ft) Men's Dongelii Shoes S3 00 Ladies' Dongola Shoes new 2 70 ' " S3 75 Meu'k Lew Shoes new Si 75 K60 25 ...'. SJW) 81 60 Williamson & Fester. US-U8 EAST KING ST.. LANCASTEH, PA., AND ai8MAUKETSrilEET. HAIUtlSIlUIta PA. jpoelto. H TTEIUl'S IIOOKSl'OllR PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS ! DONT SOIL YOUR PHOIOGlt-Vril's BY HANDLING TIIlL Prccr c them from the Diut and buy a Beautiful Album of New nnd Artistic Deli;n. Yeu will And u Splendid Selictlen CHEHP -AT- HERR'S BOOK STORE, 33-89 NORTH QUEEN ST. . Light Calicoes at 4c, 5r, die a yard. 50c White Shirts at 37Jc each. VIM Umbrellas at 11.75 each. Scotch Zepb) r Qlnghams at I2c a yard. Figured Canten Flannels at 18c a yard. 60c Silk Handkerchiefs at 25c each. Bustles reduced te 10c each. 60c Corsets at 87c a pair. 25c Gloves nt 12Jc a pa. Yard-wide Batiste, 6c a yard. I2)c Dress Goods at 6c a yard. 25c Dress Goods at 12jc a yard. 60e Dress Goods at 25c a yard. II Dress Goods at 60c a yard. Best 45-inch Black Lace at 1 a yard. Children's Corset WnlsU at 25c each. SXJIXS- C33ctccvic. A' T IIUHSK'S. PICNIC GOODS. Picnic, or Weed Plates. Petted Hnin. Tongue nnd Chime. OjsUrs iilclclctl nnd fresh. Uilister pickled nnd frch. Fresh Salmen bleaks In llntcnns very choice. Sardines Imported nnd American. Pickles nnd Omcs logins. Alse pickles by the dozen. CIIELSE Yerk State Cream, SapwiBO, Pine apple, Edam nnd Roquefort. l3enelcs Hnni In enns, ready for the table. Full Line of All Kinds of Groceries. BURSK'S, Ne. 17 East King Street, LANCASTER, PA A CARLOAD OF RARG AIMS! Wholesale and Retail Grocer. JLNT IN A Carload of Bargains ! 260 10-lb Dccernted Bexet of Large Callforeia Prunes at 90c. a Bex! ThitWanigHjrsalii. Den'l wait until It Is tee late. Yeu must net ut once It w 111 pay you. MEATS. Picnic Iliimi. 10c a & ; Estrn Dried Heef, L'e u ft ; Finest Dried IV'tf Kiuukles.Ilcntb; Sum mer Itnlecnn, !e a 11) ; New Mii- blind, lOe a R J New Pickled CedllsU, 1 ttw for 25c. CltACKEHS. The llct 1 P for 25c Crackers in the world. The Ilet3kfer25cCrui.kerilii tbowerld, Nl(. luu nnd Ginger Snaps, 3 lbs for 25c, COFFEES. Collets nre lower. 30e Ceffte reduiiil te 4Sc, 2s ceflee reduced Ie 2.V, 25e Cullue rctlueed te 'i'c. Geed CelUe nt Ujv. 15enud'JV. Klne.t MtKlin, Juvu, Uik'tijra nnd Santes l'eMw. Ah HOXE.S LEMONb. U-iueiik '.ire Keim: hlKber In pike. We nre " llxed," Mild ihii k nt old iilef. M'HOI.USAl.n AND ItEl'AlL GROCElt, CORNER WEST KINO AND PRINCESTH., Directly Opixwlte J. II'Murllu A Ce.'kDry GeihU Stere, nnd Next Doer In Serrvl Unix-Hetel, PROF. WM. J. STR1CKI.AND, TE.CIIER Ol" Ml'SK'. Thorough tnstriictleiis ghen en tbeercuu, plune, violin, llute, etc: aim, oil eil oil tlvatlen of tlie voice. Applleutlens lecehetl at Na -la St. Jeseph street, (pareng8 of Su Jewph's Ctiurcb. jylO-lmd CLOTHING IDDCTIM8 J fi $4i5Jti.&: is-'s&i jc , , Kf Vi.yffiy.. - r. l-tti,M'tklil mtMuasusagsl.