Lancaster daily intelligencer. (Lancaster, Pa.) 1864-1928, July 18, 1889, Image 1

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    TWMS" STBT'.'"r '- Ir' 'vwc. a i
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33)je wrtKtit
A Careful Description of the Hussien
Team nml n Vivid Account or n
Wild Unco en the Ice.
The il rejky la a small open carriage with
four wheels ; these of the rear net larger
than the front wheels of n Victeria ; theso
of the front Apparently copied from u
wheelbarrow. Four circular springs sup sup
pert the liedy of tlie cnrriiige, w lilcli haft
two seat, oiie for the coachman, the ether
for the muster. This latter seat Is round,
nncl In elegant drejkys admits hut a sltigle
person; In ethers thoie Is room fur tw e,
but se narrow that you are obliged te pass
your arm about jour companion, lady or
gentleman. On either side two fenders or
vnrnlMied leather curve nbove the wheels",
and meeting en the hIiIe of the ltttle car
riage, vv hieh hat no doers, fenn n step com
ing witiiin a few inches of the ground.
The color of the drejky Is almost always
about tfm same. It is deep maroon with
trimmings of a sky-blue, or it is Kussiau
green with fillotsef apple-green J but w hat
ever the color selected, the shade is always
cry deep.
The v ell-stuffed scat is covered with
lcather or cloth of some dark tint. A Per
sian or a nioquette rug is under the feet.
There are no lanterns te the drejky, and it
spins along by night without the two stats
shining in trent. It is the business of the
pedestrian te keep out of the way, w lien
the "driver tiles: "Take carol" Tlicie hi
nothing prettier, mere dainty, lighter, than
this frail equipage, which x oil could pick
up and tany under yeui aim. It seems te
have coiue from Queen Mab's own cui-rlagu-makers.
Harnessed te this nutshell, w 1th w liieli lie
could easily leap u fence, stands impatient
and nervous, and clumping his bits, a
magnificent horse, which may have cost
six thousand reubles, a hoi se of the telo tele
brated Orlev breed, nn iron gray, high
stepping animal, the luxuriant .lUery
iiiane and tail powdered with glittering
specks. He inoves restlessly about, curves
his neck till his head touches his chest,
and paws the ground, held in with dlfll
culty by tlie nmseular coachman. There
is nothing en him between the shafts, mie
tangle of harness te conceal his beauty.
A tow light thicads, mere leather strings
net lmlfau Inch in width, and caught te
gether by little silvered or gilt ornaments,
play eer him without being an anueyaiii e
te him or taking anything Irem the per
fectien et liisMiipe.
The mountings of the head-stall are en
crusted with little metallic wales, and there
are no bllnders te conceal a herse's grcatest
beauty, his dilating, lustieus eyeballs.
Four llttle silcr chains cress gracefully
upon his forehead ; tlie bit is covered with
leather, lest the cold of the Iren should
harm his dclicate mouth, and a simple
suatlle is all that is needed te guide tlie
neble creature. The cellar, v cry light and
simple, Is the only part of tlie harness
which attaches mm te the carriage, for they
use no traces. The shafts go directly te
the cellar, fastened te it by stiaps carilcd
hack and forth many times, and twisted,
but hating neither buckles nei lings nor
metal clasps of any kind. At tlie point
w here tlie cellar and the shafts are fastened
together are also fixed by means et straps
the cuds of an nrcli et bent weed which
rises abec the herse's back like a basket
handle whose extremities are brought quite
near together. This ai eh, called the denga,
which leans a llttle backwa id, selves te
keep the cellar and ttie shafts apart, se that
they de net hurt the animal, and also te
suspend the reins Irem a hook.
The shafts are net attached te the front et
the drejky, but te the axle of tlie forward
wheels, which extends bovend the hubs,
passing through thorn, and is kept in place
by an exterior peg rormeio strength, a
trace placed en tlie outside gees te the knot
Of straps at the cellar. This style of hui hui
uess inakes it exceedingly easy te turn,
tlie traction operating upon the ends of the
axle as upon a Ioor.
As they dm e holding (he reins with both
muds, the use of the whip is unknown.
Irhoheises aie animated or restrained bv
the oice only, Llke tlie .Spanish mule-
ecr, tlie Hussiau coachman addiosses cuiii
ilimciits 01 invectlcs te his beasts. At
one times tlie most teudci and i banning
lliminutlvcs; at another, .shockingly bad
Ianguage, which modern decorum leiblds
no te tianslinc.
Sometimes another herse, called a pris-
kiajka fan elf hoise) is harnes-ed te the
llrejky; he is attached only by aslngle rein
mid gallops w hiie his mate trots. The dllll-
rulty is te maintain these two equal dis
similar gaits. Tlie second hoi se, who
uppcais teiapcr alongslde, accompanying
Ids rompanien ler tlie meie plcasuioef it,
lias something gay, ftceand graceful about
libit which has no counterpart elsewhere.
A telcga passes at full speed, regardless of
lie shocks its spriugless axles liny iulllct
iiien the eftlcnr w he sits w ithlu. Hew lar
ire tliey going' A thousand miles or
noie te the Caucasus or te lliibe', pcr
iaps. Ne mattei ; but be sure of this, the
ight cart, for it is nothing better, will go
it, headlong pace all the way. Provided
he two front wheels mid the driver's seat
irrhein safety, nobody will complain.
At St. Petersburg you will neer nce
hese he.iy wains which ftve or six
lrphautliic liorses, sceurgeil by tlie wliip
if a brutal driver can scarcely mee. The
eads aie very liglit, speed rather than
lnuight being rcquiicd et the hoises. All
eads whhh can be broken up .110 ills-
limited among teams, instead of
icing heaped en one, as with us, the,
novo along in tempanv and form carav tins,
ecaliuig, 111 tlie midst 01 a gieat uty, the
mblts et locemotlv es of the dosert.
'llie troika is a gieat sledge which holds
our iiorsens, sitting face te taco, and a
irlver besides : it is harnessed witli tlirre
lerscs. Tiioeno in the middle, who is in
he shafts, has the cellar and the wooden
ireii, the dong-i, rising abev 0 his w ithers j
he two ethers are attached te the sledge
y an exterior strap, and by another stiap,
oesoly, te tlie cell-ir of the thill-horse
Heur reins sulluc for the tluce animals.
llie two outsiders hav inc enlv 0110 lein
liplsce. Nothing Is mere chtiiiiilug tli.111 te
.oea troika spin along tlie N'ewskv Pres-
liekt at the hour et promenade.
JI10 tlilll-lioise irets. steiuiliiL- stralirht
ihiad; tlie ether two gallop and pull fan-
wsc. who 01 intse ought te have a wild,
xcitccl, Indomitable air, te held up his
icau aim stem 10 siart aside and kiikj
111s one is (..nasi "uieiurj." The ethci
-iiuiiiti M1.1KU ins mine, .mh ),js ueik,
unit and go Mdcwuvb, touch his Knees
vlth the end 01 Ills nose, dance and iling
ilrnself about attiie caprice of the moment!
lilstftlie 'cequet ' These tluce neble
tceda with metal chains en their head
tails, with harness light as threads,.
.pangicu nereanu lucre with cltlicate cilt
iriiamcuts, are suggestive el theso an-
liiue liorses upon triumphal arches, drawi
ng broue chariots te whlih thevaie In no
vay attiuhed. They seem te sport ami
.iiinhle borerethotroiku entliely at will,
rim herse In the middle alone ha 11
llglitly serious air, like some wImt
riend iMtween two gay eoiiip.iiiiens. Yeu
A Wl.vri 11 IN ItLsSll. fri.m II. h IVu.,. ,.f
pautltr Heury Helt fy,, elr Veits,
will easily supiose that It Is no trilling
matter te maintain this apparent disorder
In the midst of great sieed, each animal
preserving n different gait. Sometimes
tlie " Airy ' plays his part In geed carnest,
or tlie "cepict" take a fancy te roll in
the snow,
Draw 011 your pelisse, turn up the cellar,
pull your fur cap dew 11 te your eyebrow s,
and hall the first Isvechtchlk who passes ;
he will drive up quickly, and bring his
sledge clese te tlie sldewalk. However
young he may be his beard will be iicr iicr
fectly white. Ills breath csjiidcnsed In
Iclcles around his Tace, which Is pnrple
with cold, gives him the aspect of a
patriarch. Ills stiffened locks scourge his
cheek-bones llke ley seriwnts, and the flir
which he lays across your knee Is sewn
w 1th a million llttle w hlte globules.
Yeu are eff: the air, keen, penetrating,
icy, hut salubrious, stings your facei tlie
horse, heated by the rapidity of his motion,
breathes out smeke like a fabled dragon, and
from Ids reeking sides rises a llttle cloud of
vapor which hangs about htm. Yeu tiotlce
in passing horses of ether Isvechtchlks
standing te be fed ; the sweat has frozen
ujien them : they are actually encrusted
w Ith Ice, as a sugared almond w ith sugar.
As seen as they are again in motion, this
pclliele breaks; It melts or falls oft, te lie
renewed at tlie nexl pause.
These alternations, which would ruin an
Kngllsh horse in a week, have no bad
cllect upon the health of these hardy llttle
animals. Xe matter hew cold it is, only
the meat expensive horses are blanketed,
and instead of these leather caparisons,
embroidered in the corners with armorial
devices, usual with us and in Kngland,
they mercly threw ever the smoking
thinks of their bleed horses a Persian or
Smyrna cat pet of brilliant hues.
I could net discover that any special
conditions regarding age or weight were
imposed upon the contestants, only en
amount of speed in a fixed time, nieasuicd
by .a ciironeuiotcr, or, at least, se it
appeared te me. Occasionally, troikas
outer tlie lists against sledges having one
or two horses. Kadi man selects the
vehicle and number of horses which seem
best te suit him. Sometimes even a spec
tator, who has been sitting in his sledge
and looking en, w 111 take a fancy te try his
luck and ferthw tth he eutcis the lists.
At tlie race which I am describing a vciy
pii'turesmie Incident occurred. A niujik,
from Vladimir, it was said, who had conie
into the city bringing w oed or frozen pro pre
visions, steed looking en from the height
of his rustic troika. He was clad in the
usual greasy touleupc, vv 1th the old matted
fur cap, and felt beets white witli hard
service: a beard unkempt and lustielcss
bristled under his chin. He had a team of
three llttle horses, dishevelled, wild-looking,
shaggy as bears, frightfully tllthy
witli icicles hanging down underneath
them, carrying their heads low, and biting
at the snow heaped up lu masses 011 the
river. A denga like a Gothic window,
painted with glaring colors in stripes aud
zigzags, was the part of the equipage en
which most cat e had been bestowed, and
doubtless was the work of llie niujlk's own
This weird and primitive equlpage of ef of
feicdtlie strange-t possible contrast te the
lu.xui Ions sledges, the triumphant troikas,
and all the ethei elegant vehicles which
steed drawn up along the edges of the
track. Mere than one I utghing glance
ridiculed the humble troika. And, te tell
llie truth, In this billllantsccne It had much
tlie S.11110 effect as a spot of wlieel-groase
011 an crmiiie mantle.
Hut the little horses, whose hair was all
matted with trezen sweat, looked out
scornfully through their stltleued, shaggy
lorclecks at tlie high-bred animals that
seemed te shrink away irem them. A
gleam of llie slione in their sombie eyes,
and they pavvud the ice with tiiu small
shoes attached te their sleuder, sinewy
legs bearded llke an eagle's.
Tlie miiik, standing ukii tlie seat, con
templated the course, without appearing
in the least surprised by llie prowess of
the hoises. Xew and then, even, a taint
smlle gleamed below the frozen crv stals of
his meustache, his gray e.ves spiiklcd
mlschiev eusly, and he scorned" te say : " We
tee, could de as much. "
Taking a sudden resolve, he entered
the lists te try Ills luck. The tlnee little
imllukcd bears shook their heads proudly,
as iftiiey understood that they were te
maintain the honor of the peer herse of
the steppes, and, without being uiged,
tliey went oft' at such a pace, that every
body else en the track began te tuke tlie
alaini; they went llke tlie wind, with
their little slender limbs, and they carried
etl tlie ictery from all the otheis thor-eugh-bicds
et Ihiglish nice, barbs, and
Orlev horses by a minute and seme
seconds! The niujik had net picsumed
tee much upon his rustic steeds.
Tlie prize was adjudged te him, u magnifi
cent plece of chased t.U er by Vaillaut, the
most fashionable goldsmith lu St. I'cters
buig. Tills triumph excited a noisy en
thusiasm among thociewd usually se silent
and se calm. As tlie compieror cime oft
he was surrounded by amateurs proposing
te buy his three horses ; tliey went se far
as te otter him three thousand reubles
apiece, un cuoiineus sum fei beasts and
man both. Te Ills credit be it said tlie
niujik perslstently refused. He w rapped
his piece of silvei in a liagmciit of old
cloth, climbed upon his tielka and went
back as he came, net willing at any price
tepait liem the geed llttle creatines wiie
had made him fei tlie moment the lien or
St. I'elersbuig.
IIAIJ.SIOVi:. l.AltGi: AS MAItlll.KS.
'lhev felt AntiuuK With 1'tirj , Causing
"oernl ItitiiiiwHV.
Tlie scv crest hail stei tit that e ci v isitcd
1, vim, Mass., st rut k that pla-e nt l:lr
Wednes-day afternoon, accompanied bv
rain, thunder and lightning. 1'er flve
minutes hail-tones as big as maiblcs rained
down, frightening hoises and bicaking
At thoCentral depot, at 0110 time, animals
in a two herse barge, none herse barge and
an express team were all 1 mining aw av.
Se fast and furious utiue the big hailsteues
that it resembled 11 snow storm and It was
Impossible te see across Central square.
Much daiiiage was done te plants. Sky
lights were biekcn lu 1 irge numbers.
Salem ami NevvhurvHirt the les te
glass alene is ev t r tldj.uoe, and te crops In
the vicinity several tuiies us much. Tlie
hall levcred the gieiiud te the depth or
four inches.
IiiSalciu the hoises in the strids were
cut deeply and bled from the lulling ic-e and
several serious ruuawavs occurred. In
one case the liin.iw .y was a herse car in
whhh seveial passengers wcre thrown out.
Will Compete) fin-11 1'i-Ui!,
M. J. (Jreider, proprietor of the flilipics
Summit faim.-tiear Newtown, this county,
w ill 1 ompcte fei tlie i-WJ prize fei the acre
of best wheat raised in the United States.
He tliicshed it en Tuesday and jiclded II
buhel" u aero The prize K offered by
Orange, Judil A t e.
llie JustlceLniiglit Iaivv.
Prank it. (iresh, justlce of the peace at
MlltniKiieve, tills eeiinty, vvliile walking
dew 11 low n In Philadelphia en Tuesday,
met (itsirge Uiw at Sixth and Christian
streets. 'I lie new-found acquaintance, lie
alleges, tried te she his watch, but tlie
Justice held 011 te Ijiw until an officer ar
lived. IUU was fixed at fl.OW by Maglv
trate Ltlar,
The Fumes Kill Vegetables, Flower and
Tobacco Men and Herse Afltocted by
the Oder Tlie Neighbor Alarmed.
A iecullar accident happened at Frank
A. Helker's brewery, 011 West King street,
nt midnight of Wednesday, ntul.while con
siderable damsge was done, it might have
been a x cry serious matter.
About the tlme Ijindlenl Tcttfel was
closing the hotel Ter the night, there
was 11 loud explosion as If inade by the
discharge of a cannon. In a moment there
was a strong odor of ammonia, and he at
once concluded that an accident happened
te the Ice machine, In which ammonia 1)
He quickly apprised Mr. Hclker and his
son and all the men living close te the
hotel. Ity the tlme they arrived thecflliivia
of ammonia was se strong tliatthey could
hardly remain in the neighborhood.
Ten of Mr. Heikcr'n horses wcre in a
stuble near the Ice machine, and unless
tliey could be rescued In a few minutes it
vv as knew 11 that they w eitld die. 1'rank J.
Rclkcr, son of tlie brewer, headed n party
of volunteers, and by great exertions they
made tlieir'vvay te tlie Malile, though the
air around that building was heavily
charged with ammonia.
In tills building tlie stench was almost
unbcamble and the horses w cre se atlccted
by it that It was with dlfllculty that they
could he rescued from the stable. It
occupied but a few minutes' time te re
move tlie horses beyond the terrible odor,
but seveial or tlie men who assisted were
se overcomo that it required gieat labor te
rev ive them.
The ice miichine is located seme dlstance
in the rear of the main building. It is run
night and day and last night Michael Scitz,
engineer, was en duty. The first intima
tion of trouble he heard was n loud noise,
similar te that mmle by the explosion of a
cannon cracker. He found that 0110 of the
Joints of tlie large ammonia pipes had
blew 11 out. He endeavored te repair the
damaged joint, but could de nothing en
account of the fumes of ammonia and he at
ence gav 0 an alarm.
The Joint that blew out was 011 the west
side of the building and faces a beautiful
garden, in which Mr. Itclker took con
siderable pride. Thore vvcie cheice llovv llevv
ers and plants in this gulden, of great
value, but te-day till are blighted and
withered. Tlie ammonia killed them and
left them black in color.
In tlie rear of Mr. Uclkcr's Is Tirst street
and en tlie south side of l'iist street oppo
site Is a large tobacco field el Jacob L.
1'iey. On Wednesday it was 0110 of the
finest fields of tobacco lu the county. To
day it is w erth nothing. It leeks as if flre
had spread ever tlie field,, Mr. Krey's
workman, who was seen In the field this
morning, liejied that the sun might draw
the ammonia from tlie tobacco leaves. It
Is likely that the sun w 111 net revive them.
The odor of ammonia extended for fully
a squat c, and, us many window s w cre open,
the inmates of houses w itliiu distance
Irem the ice machiiie were affected. Te
prevent anything serious messengers wcre
sent te all tlie houses v ithlu two squares,
tlie inmates were aroused and told te clone
their windows. The notl'e came tee late
te seme and several persons vv cre ev cr
eams for a time by tlie ammonia.
There was great oxcitemont in the west
cud at tlie time, and serious as it w as, there
were many laughable incidents. Men,
women and clilldicu, with their hands en
their noses, could be seen running around
the neighborhood Inquiring thecausd of the
It Is net such an accident as Is covered
by insurance, and the less w ill hav e te be
home by theso affected. Mr, Itelkcr loses
about $.1110 by the damage te his machine,
and the lest ammonia (about .KM) pounds,
v ul nod at 5 cents per peu nd ). II is less i 1 1 rare
plants mid Honors will be considerable.
Mr. l'rey's less en his tobacco Held will
also be a Tew hundred dollars.
As seen as the odor el the ammonia dis
apjicarcd, Mr. Hcikcr put a rorce of men
te work repairing the daiimge te the ma
chine, and by this afternoon he had it In
operation again.
The Hall Scores.
Tlie I'ortuendo club, of this city, defeated
the Y. M. V. A. team in 11 six inning gnme
at Mc'tinum's park, yestcrday afternoon,
by the scere of 11 te 10. Although six lull
Innings were played, tlie Y. M. C. A. boys
retused te acknowledge defeat because their
opponents refused te play until bed time.
At the picnic of the Second Hv angelical
church, held at Pcnryn park, vesterday,
tlie Yeung t'onestega club defeated the
Hickory club liy 10 te 3.
On Saturday afternoon the Columbia
club will conie te Lancaster te play 11 gaine
w ith tlie Activ es en the Iiensldes grounds.
A geed contest may be looked for.
'llie games of base ball yesterday wcre:
Cleveland 0, Philadelphia 4; liosteu 10;
Indianapolis 6; Bosten 7. Indianapolis 5
second gaine; New Yerk K, Chicago !l j
Washington 10, Pittsburg I; Lewell 13 j
Wllkesbarre Ij Newark 0, Hartferd 7;
Jersey City 15, New Haven 7; Yerk !,
Cterhaiu il ; Cuban Giants 7, Haleten I;
Hariishurg l, Norwalk 1.
Teeth Itemnvisl from Ills Threat.
Ill order te remove a set of fulse teeth
which had ledged In the of Jehn
Cavaiiaugh, Dr. Jehn Denver )orfermod
the rare operation of csophagetoniy at the
Philadelphia hospital, Philadelphia, 011
Tuesday. Cavanaitgh's threat was tut
open, ami the plate upon which the teeth
were fixed was found te be ledged in sue h
a way that it could net be moved up or
down. Vfler removing the plate Cavu
naugh's tlueat was sew ed up again, mid at
last accounts he was in a fair way te re re
cev or. This ojieratleu lias been performed
but twice bofero in this country.
Flichtlng 011 Mintln Street.
Traill: Ibtl and Jehn McCord were
arrested en Wednesday evening for fight
ing en Kan Milllin street. Tlie dlfllculty
occurred about 11 deg mid MeCeid was the
aggressor. He struck Ibcl en tlie face and
then Ibel pitched in. Ibcl seen had the
best el the light and was punishing Mi Curd
seveiely when Officer Steimfeltz put lu an
apptaranie mid ariesteil Isith men. 'Iliey
gave bail ler a hearing bclore tlie niaver
te-morrow morning.
New L'nlfiiriiiH,
Wash Potts' drum corps, which new con
sists of thirteen members, has leeii sup
plied with new and very handsome uni
forms, which vveie inude by HIrsli V
Brether, 'i hey are made like theso el the
Iroquois band, and arc trimmed in geld
witli Kcrsev blue cord. Ihev ate topped
out with the McClcllan cap.
0,000 Men nud Jlejs Idle.
The Lehigh and Wllkesbarre Ceal com cem
panv lias suspended mining for tlie baluice
of the week bocause of the glut In tlie
mark-it. Seme 0,0)0 men and boys aie
A New stugc.
Chailes Miller has had a very haudsouie
new stage built for ids reute bit ween tills
I city and LItitz, and Jehn A. ICllhait is new
lettering it,
nitiiHiixii ni:i!ntMi s-ritArr.
What Kxplnrer MulrSu.vM-Mnntodeit lle
niiilnn In Alaska.
Krem'thc Portland OrrROtilan.
San ritAscisre, July 0. Jehn Mulr says
that he has by no means completed his ex
plorations In Alaska, and that in regard te
certain elephant remains there, the bridg
ing of Itelinng sea, and ether matters, he
hees seen te add Information that w 111 be
of great xalue te science. Although the
bridging of Behrlngs Straits has lieen
ridiculed, Mulr is Inclined te think that
Mich n feat vv ill oneMay be accomplished.
He says :
"Senater Stanford's girdle of steel around
the earth via llchrlng sea Is 11 perfectly
feasible scheme. lJcnrlng Straits can be
bridged. It is only sixty miles across lu
tlie narrowest place, and there are three
Islands strung Along in It. This would
dlvlde the brl.lge up into four division.
But, besides tins, the water Is very shallow.
In many places it Is net ever twenty loot
deep. 1 undertake te say that If a man was
strong enough te tuke enu of our California
redwood trees lu his hands he could put It
down anywhere ever'1 the (00 miles of
Bch ring Sea and yet have 100 feet of it left
alnive the water. This shows hew easy It
vv euld be te bridge the straits. Tlie only
trouble would be from floating Iceliergs,
but that could be easily overeemo by con
structing swinging bridges, like they have
across the river at Chicago. In this way
the straits could be kept clear all tlie time,
and trains of cars could run right along.
"There are se many stninge things In
Alaska," addisl the discoverer or tlie Mulr
glacier, "that have net yet conie te tlie
Kuowlcdge or the public that 0110 w he has
seen thrni hesitates wliore te hi gin. Llo Lle
phant remains aie round all ever tlie
x alley or tlie Yuken. As a mutter or laet,
they are found ovcrywhere throughout the
great western slepe of Alaska. Dana and
Sir Charles Lyle startled the world by an
nouncing that hairy rroren elephants were
round wedged umongtheSlherlan Icebergs,
but scarcely anybody knew s that through
out Alaska ote tlie remains' of count
less thousands of mastodons. Yeu can
dig them out and find lliem en the
surface ev eryvv here. 1 saw hundreds
of them, possibly, en my last trip,
and I am new anxiously Irving te get
up there te complete my Investigations.
Se thick are tlie elephant remains that the
native Indians 011 finding them burled pir
tlally in the ground, decided tliey were
some kind el great uiole that burrows in
the soil. This Is the story given inc. 1
ollected a let or remains. The collecting
of elephant tusks every summer is a reg
ular business in Slbcita Just ever llchrlng
Sea. Woliuvejust us inaiiv of them en
tlie Alaska side as they ever had in Siberia
Ages age heids "of elephants reamed
ever these slieies. Perhaps tliey existed
down te a eompaiathely lecent date, tee,
for tlie haliy bodies and well-presnived
bones wcie ev idences of that."
Amusing Testimony of Kx ports hi a
Will Case,
Some rathct sui prising evidonce was
given by the insanity experts in the Corn Cern
stock will case in New ,erk en Wednes
day afternoon. Dr. William It. Birdsall, a
x isitlng physician at the Bellevue hospital,
expressed the opinion that certain letters
in ovldenco betrayed the wilter'.s Insanity,
giving as 0110 ic.isen for Ills opinion certain
poetical tendencies which tlie letters dis
played, and he was then asked if he con
sidered all iietits Insane.
" Well, net exactly," he replied, "but I
de decidedly when 1 find that tills poem
Is net logical. 1 think Walt- Whitman Is
"Hew about Milten 7"
" Well, I think Milten was insane. "
" And Shakespeare?"
" Wellj" answered the witness, deliber
ately, "from what 1 have lieaid I should
consider hlukosiieare as having rather a
suticrier mind. "
Dr. Charles Dana, a lecturer en insanity
at tlie New Yerk college and 0110 el the
specialists at Bellevue hospital 011 brain
disease, wasolse uilleil as 1111 expert wit
ness. He said he differed in a low p.irtlcu
hits from Mr. Dr. Bitdsull, but, in general,
ngreed witli him.
IIccm right it Kiimier.
Hdward raubel, a young tanner of Sulli
van (eunlj, N. Y., recently ciimu verv
iiciu losing ids llfe from the effect of bee
stings. He was mewing and chanced te
inn his seythe into a nest of bumblebees.
In an instant myriads el the angry bees
were swarming about his head, and befoie
I'uubel could cscapa fiem them Iliey had
stung him in sieies el places about the
head, face and neck. Immediately the
pints in which the stings had been Indicted
began te swell frightfully, and the swelling
seen becauie se bad that Ills face was un un un
loceguizablo, and his tlueat se enormously Ids wlndplpe was almost closed
up, mid It was with the greatest dllliculty
that he could breathe at all.
A ij1i.vhIcI.iii was summoned, mid he
foil mi the unfortunate young man almost
sullecatcd anil black in the hue. Iteiuo Iteiue
dies te uciitruli70 the ellects of the ioiseu
wete administered, and he been began te
It is probably due te tlie hut that Mr.
I'liubel vvaslicalisl by hard work In the
sun that the stings he roceived proved se
remarkably scv 010 in tlieii cllei ts.
Net "eiuitni Mmren'ps Wife.
The iioteilnus Sharen divorce case was
ended oil Wisluesdav by the California
supreme ceuit dccUten reversing Judge
Sullivan's ruling granting Saiah Althea
the rights of prepctlv and ordering 11 new
trial of the ase. This is llie second de
cision of the supreme court. Tlie first de
cision atllriiim! Judge Sullivan's decision In
the case. Then the Sharen helis apjKMled
oil the ground that the findings were net
wariautcd by the evidence and en this
ground the supreme court 011 Wednesday
The court holds that them is no evidence
that tlie parties lived together us is usual
xv ith married people. On the contrary their
marriage was scei et. Consent te muiryis
net sullicieiit under tlie lode, but must be
followed by the mutual assumption of in. ir ir
riage rights and duties.
'lliis is the glst'ef the decision whhh
dealt iv death blew te secret niarrigcx, net
solemnized by 1 lunch or state. 'I he best
lawyers there billove tint this endsSirah
Altfica's i-ase, as she w euld hav 0 te nrev e
011 anew trial the 111.11 rlage with Sharen
was knew 11 te the public, which would be
Impossible. Nearly all lier w itneses have
deserted hei. Sharen's estate was worth
$15,000,000, and she would have received
hall that amount if she hail wen tlie case.
Moses, ried Alter the Heed.
'I he steamship City of Chicago, whhh
sailed for KurejHi yesterday, bore a to te to
markable passenger. He was 110110 ether
than llttle Moses Williams, who was born
diiringthe Joluistewii flood, and was car
ries I by the rushing witters from his
parents' home and tossed about until res
cued. '1 he father and mother of tlie child
of the flood are Welsh, and are going bat k
te Wales te sjcnd the rest of their lives.
Tliey lest everything they owned in the
fearful Heed, and are going te the laud of
their fathers te commence llfe anew, Little
Moses was tlie ceutte of attraction as tlie
steamer lay at her deck before starting,
and everj body seemed anxious te taress
and pet him.
A ThlcCs Itiiiiill-kalile Method-,.
Tiie ordinary or extruerdiiiarx chhkcii
thief efAlncau descent is nowlieie along
side of Prank (i. Helder, ft Caucasian, ar
rested lu Beading en Wednesday 011 the
charge of Mulling eggs, and who has 1011-fessc-d during the last six mouth he
has stel'-n niore than a bundled crates of
eggs, a calf or two. about 11 ft J diessed
1 till Lens, several boxes et ilgara, and
bum In-of bananas by the score. Dining
his 1 aids, which all c-cuircd In bread dav
liglit, lie Invaiiable used a stolen whecl
bai row, which he believed rendered him
proof against the wilosef any dcteetive or
. 1. ..
He Was Hern In Ijincnster.
Cel. Ames W, Bachmaii, ever whose
grave lu I'hlladilphia a handsome monu
ment was erected li Pest 2, (j. ,. H., a
few days age, was a native of Willow
Sheet, l-uiui-ter county. Untutored the
serviie us a lieutenant of thu fJtli Itigl
luent, and was old ted colonel of thelUld
Keglmeiit when it wai organized.
.1. V. Wlnewer, efl'liU City, In Kloettsl
tnte Councillor Stibordlunte Oflt-
e-cr' Tenus Six Months.
HAiititsiiiinu, Pa., July is. At meet
lug of the StateJCeunell, Junier O. V. A.
M., this morning, 1'eter Berkmycr, orstat erstat orstat
lugten, and I. V. Bobbins, iff Wllkesbarre,
were elected representatives te tlie National
Council ; A, J. lrfvilbensteln, or Philadel
phia, stale warden, and (1. W. ltobetom, or
Pittsburg, sentinel. Wtlllamspert was
selected us the place for the next meeting.
The term of elllcers of subordinate
councils was extended six months. The
representation te tlie State Council was ro re
dueed te ene from each council, after 11
long debate.
Jehn 1. Wlnewer, of laiiicnster. Chesen
te that OlMi'e.
At Weilnestluy afternoon's session, tlie
Slate Council, Junier Onler Ainci lean .Me
dia tiles, the amendmeut te tliecoiistltiitleu
fixing llurrlsbiirg as tlie liermatieut place
of meeting was defeattsl. The re'Kirt of the
state counciller and beard of elllcers v as
taken up, and lu tlie ease of appeals the
beard was sustained in almost eveiy In
stance. The election for elllcers resulted as fol fel fol
eows: Male counciller, Jehn P. Wlnewet,
Uincastcr; state v ice counciller, Stephen
Cellins, Pittsburg; state council tieasurer,
Jehn W. Celver, Ne. 3 j state council con
dm ter, A. II. Myers, Ne. Il."; state eoun eeun
(II sentinel, lalward Kaye, Ne. t!l j icpro icpre icpro
senlatlves te National Count. II, William
Painter, Ne. 171, and Harry It. Peck,' Ne.
J. Peter Wlnewer, llie newly elected
state count iller,ls probably the best known
member of the Juulei Mechanic In this
dty, and Indeed Ids name Is 1'ainlllar witli
the members of tlie order tlnoiiglieiit tlie
state. He In a son of Peter, J. Wlnewer,
liouse painter, ami was born and raised in
Lancaster. He Is thirty-four years of age
and has been a member ofthe Junier Order
since H2, when he connected himself witli
lliuplre Council, Ne. J). He lias always
taken tlie greatest interest in the worker
llie order and ts quick te leek alter Its w el
fa ic. He served lu all of the elllees of Ids
own council and at different times lllled
llie elllees of warden, sentinel, Ac, lu
tlie State Council. Fer seveial jears he
wasarcpiosentatlve te tlie National Council
Item this state. 1-ast year he was made
state v ice counciller and lu that position he
lias done a vast amount of work. In the
middle distrht of tlie state he organized HI
new counells,whlchisllierothan double the
number of any previous. Twelve or theso
he eiguulzcd himself, doing all of (he work.
This year he was made state counciller,
tlie highest state ollice.
With IIInckftiiukcM nud Switched 'Iliey
Punish 11 Wlnj Beater.
Jehn Leuis, keeper of it saloon and
gambling heuse at Kussll, Wyoming tcril tcril
tery, liightlullv maltreated Ills dclicate
wile 011 Tiiestfay. She res-elved an 1111
ilsilidly severe cistlgatieu last night, being
deteiled in leaching her llttle boy it jirujei.
Late Tuesday night tlie women of i'assll
te the iiuinber of twciilv visited Lewis'
place, armed with blacksuakes, buggy
whips mid willow switches. They over
powered the fellow- and gave liiui agisid
thrashing, leav lug stripes nil ever Idi bed v
mid cutting his face and head badly.
Lew Is resisted with all bis strength and
cursed loudly. Becoming personal In his
abuse, seme men present essayed le quiet
him, threatening the use of it rope. A few
of Lewis' frieuds came le his lescue. Bo Be Bo
velvers wcre drawn mid the barking of
six-shooters was loud and lively. The
room was tilled witli smeke and the lights
were extinguished.
When order was resteied, among the
men te crawl out fiem under the bllll.iid
tables was olio with a sliutteiisl shoulder
and another with it wounded arm. A
bullet pissed through the high colfluie ul
0110 ofthe women. The fright and shock
caused the woman's piostrutlen, mid her
condition is new- critical.
Onve Mr. Cltiveliiiid Points 011 Plnliliijf.
I'reiii the New Yerk Tlliux.
Aduy or twouge ex-President Cleveland,
who bad Just come in Irem a fishing tilpat
Marlen, .Mass., bearded a Fair haven tar
at "the bridge," in New Bedlerd. Tlie car
coiiducternoticcd that ills pertly pissenger
curled it very haudsouie fly ichI. he did
net knew the ex-president, ami w lieu he
had collected Ills fare lie get Inte 1 onver enver onver
natien with lit 111 about fronting. If there is
unv thing that conductor especially prides
himself upon it Is prow ess us 11 trout fisher
man, and after he had informed Mr. Cleve
land Hint he captured six big trout tlie day
bcfeie" the ox-piesldoifl besMiue deeply In
terested. Mr. Cleveland asked w here the v
were caught and what kind of bait was uses),
anil speedily the fishermen get into quite
an animated discussion and llie coudiuter
waxed deqiiciit 011 ills favorite theme.
The ex-president alighted liem the car and
walked te I he station in a thoughtful mood.
One of the conductor's friends told him
who Ills passengei was. The conductor
wouldn't belleve it at first, but he has since
In en leuvinieil, and new he savslhat If he
hud known it was Mr. Cleveland he was
talking te he wouldn't have been "se My"
w llh Ills points oil fronting.
An Informer AsHimMiiiilcd.
C01 ri.i:vn.i.i:, Miss., July 18. Newh
has been received here from Hruysjiert,
(iicuutl.i county, of a most brutal murder
which occurred tlicie last Tluusduy night.
Use cms that ZI111 I'iliiiau, it negre, at the
last term or court in that county, repotted
quite a number of parties for gambling, fur
which they swere vengeance. List Thurs
day night he was murdered and ills body
thrown in Yallabushu river, where It was
leiuid Tuesday morning. Several arrests
have been made.
Killed an I'seuplng Convict,
IxiL'isvii.i.i,, July 18. Last night a whlte
cenv let iiamed Wells, who was working
en tlie railroad, rnude his esc.-ie from the
guard house and went te a uclglibeiiiig
farm liouse where- he obtained change of
clothes. Tlie guards, w'10 were 011 his
tiiu k, came upon him seen alter and called
him te halt. Ile startcxl te run when one
ofthe guards filed at him, putting seven
line ksluit ill Ills bat k, killing him instantly.
Maii.v Whlte lleiiHii VIhIIiii-n.
Wvsiiimiien, Julv S, - Notwithstand
ing the dismantled condition el the White
liouse te-day it proved a du Ided attraction
te it great many people who have been
long and patiently wailing for an oppor
tunity te interview the president. 'Ihore
was a rush of visitors, but comparatively
few et lliem gained act ess te the library.
Uletl or Hlii Wound.
Woesbockm, It. L, July la. Deunli
Ryan, who was shot by the supposed
lunatic, Saladln Cook, in Cumberland, yen
tcrday, died this morning. Cook Is still at
large, probably hiding in tlie weeds.
Court IIeiimj Notes.
The malting lu the orphans' court room,
w lib li lias hern an it) eMire for a long time,
W being removed and u new matting laid.
'Hie imiiiphlct laws of ISstf, for which
'thore have been seme inquiry, will be re
cti ed by the treasurer about Atigtut Jet.
I'ltirrrv WAlTKft (Hiti.s en m'liiKK.
A Itesert Full erdiiestis hut Ne One te
Wilt ten Them.
ShcrlffSwIft, proprietor of ft leputabln
sliore tcsert 11 lw lulled east or New
Hitveu, Conn., was In 11 peck of trouble
ev or Sunday. On Saturday afternoon, just
eflei the arrival of two big stage leads or
people, the girls, or whom there were
twelve or fifteen, summoned Sheriff Swift
Inte the ollice and informed him Hint unless
the deer of tlie cottage lu which they slept
was left open after 10 o'clock at night thev
would have te pint company with hltii.
Tite sheriff icpllcd that tlie deer would net
be left open, and that the girls hud better
tre about their business. They next do de
mantled their wages, and vv llh 'the oxect exect oxect
tlen ortwe vveie jxiid oil and left tlie hotel.
Twe ofjhe striking waitresses went te
theelty, and are new stepping at the liouse
erthe eiiug Women's Christian associa
tion. They, like the ether girls w he struck,
came fiiiui New Yerk, are well dressed,
and x ery pretty. Ills said that they are
all school teachers. Sw 1ft opened Ids hotel
about two weeks age, and gave the girls 11
detached cottage for a sleeping place. They
occupied tlie upper rooms in the house,
while Sw lit and his seu slept downstairs.
The sheriff inade an ironclad rule that
the girls must he in their rooms at 10
o'clock. As long us the deer was left open
the girls did net pay much heed te the
NlicrilfM command. When he learned
(hut they wcre in tlie habit of coming
romping home at 1 and 'J o'clock in tlie
morning lie plainl a new Yale leek en the
deer ofthe cottage, and tlie girls were net
a little surprised tu find themselves locked
out 0110 night. They managed, however,
with the assistance of theii undo fi lends, te
1 limb In through the lower windows sov sev
eral times. Ist Thursday tlie sheriff
employed n Joiner, who securely barred all
ol'tlielowei windows, and that night the
sheriff leekisl tlie deer anil placed
the key in the pcK-ket of Ids capacious
treuseis. One girl was caught out, but
managed te get into the liouse by means of
0110 window which the sherllVs Joiner had
forgotten te bar up.
llie next evening two of the girls went
sailing mid vv ere bivahned hi plain sight of
the hotel, se that they did net get ashore
until twenty minutes just 10. They found
Ihn cottage locked, anil the window which
hud served 0110 of them the night botero
socuiely barred, I'lisUceessful attempts
were nnule te awaken Sheriff Swift. It
was net until half-past 2 In tlie morning
that one or the girls bethought herself of a
way te get lu at the third-story window of
the cottage. After an hour's search she
found 11 plank which Just readied te the
sill of the w Iiidevv. With the assistance of
this plank and her fiiends from idsive,
who held down Iter a rope made out of a
bed quilt, she succeeded lu getting Inte tlie
house. Her companion gained the win
dow' In tlie sumo way, and was safely
housed. An Indignation meeting wim
held en the si Hit. and it was decided te
strike iiiilessSiierlfl Swift allowed the deer
of the cot I age le remain unlocked.
The Peanut Trust Is New lu Full Bleem,
Tlie Interview of the Philadelphia
1'iciiiiii; Tileiruiti witli un Italian named
(Jnbbe Spaghetti, who uiilieuiiccsthut he II
un "chump," and that he with two oilier
Italians has formed a peanut trust le buy
up the w hole stock or ihmiiuiIs lu the con 11
tiy Is geed reading, and Spaghetti would
no doubt be lu 11 lair way te leap it fortune
but foreMo fact. That fact is that tlicie is 11
geed, llvely, self-acting trust eff Amerlcan
iiiauiifiictiire that lias already inade line te
the peanut and the peanut Is theirs. An
expert handler of peanuts lu tills city in
being questioned about tlie trust said : Our
Italian irleuds aie 11 llttle late witli their
trust and tliey ought te remember
the old recipe Ter cooking a Intro.
Last January the leading peanut cleaners
and inaniif utuicrs el Norfolk, lVteisburg,
Va., and New Yerk fei med a trust and
capt 11 led almost the entire crop iff nearly
three million bushels. The trust Is com
posed of the Norrelk Storage company,
which Is the father of the scheme j the
Men limits A Farmers' Peanut cemisiuy,
llie Walteis Peanut eemiwiiy, Davis ACe.,
Well A Ce., el' Virginia, llie New Yerk
III ms, mid hi fact all the big houses except
T. W. Wershum V Ce., or Norfolk. All tlie
peanuts that tle net go te New Yerk
are distributed te llie West
from Baltimore. Se thoroughly did
the trust buy up the product that
I will guarantee that no llaltlmore houte
get this yearns many ax ine hags en con
signment, tmil that net 11 liouse, excepting
Prcsstmuii A Stokes who get 11 stoek
directly fiem the funnels has W) bugs en
hand. The combination even came te
Bultlmoie ami purchased stock that had
been sent here fiem Norrelk, ship
ping te that city as fast us they
could te keep the nuts oil tlie market.
This fuel, together with the rather
short crop, has put the prlce up
011 the ( helcest grades 100 per cent.
People generally associate the peanut vv It li
Italians ut the corner fruit stands, hut there
me millions of dollars Invested in iH'uuut-
c leaning plants. Here Is a check for $1,000
locclved by 1110 te-day for a let of the nuts.
Se great 1111 Industry Is it that I liuveon liuveen
dca vei cd te get llaltlmore capital into it
tie.imit "factory" te save the business te
this city. The tnist lias continued Itself in
ollice. All prcmrutlens ere iiiude te held
the next crop, w hlch piemlses te be a v ery
geed one, and there Is but llttle doubt they
villi succeed. The demand for peanuts is
constantly grew lug, and at no tlme lias the
siipplv been equal te the demand. Asunartl Asunartl
ele of common e they have been sold ut
elose margins, but the man who was lucky
enough .tills year te have it stock inaife
a geed thing out of it."
Tin: MtiyritUAii myhtfjiy.
Hulls Jlreiicht By tlieTlblltt Fer I'nlne
Notwithstanding the fact th it Miss Tlb
bltls was honorably acquitted without tlie
least Shadow of suspicion 111011 xv lilt li she
could be held lu iniinecllnii with the
chargus miidu against her, Miss Mary Mill
cahv vet laliem under tlie strange halluci
nation that she is after all the woman lu
the case. The apology by Ltwver St.
Plurre was made without her consent, anil
simply se lu c-ase of it suit Ter dam
ages it would go In mitigation or damages
against Miss Miileuhy.
II new transpires that MissTlbblltsis net
the first out) who the Miilcahys hav oar ear
rested en suspicion. Tlie ether day a city
fireman was inade a prisoner at their in
stigation, and his fi lends had great dllli
culty lu estalillshing his Innocent e. Lust
night an attempt was made te burn the
Mulcuhy lesldeiite and it Is new under
jhiIIce protection.
Miss and Mrs. Tlbbltts had a lengthy in in in
lorview with theii counsel, Mr. A. W,
Atvvuter, when it was resolved te enter 11
suit for damages against the Muluiliysand
le write te the city council, notifying It
that legal proceedings would be Instituted
ter false arrest. 'I iie reai tien after the last
few days' oxcitemont is beginning tu tell
v ei vseveielv neon both mother ami daugh
ter. Miss 'lihbitts leaves ler Duhitli to
morrow morning, and after a week's btay
in that city will go te Philadelphia le piirsue
a speciul course of study.
l'reH)MHl Meol Airship.
The Aerial Inhibition association has
been erganlred In Bosten with C. M. Bau
eon, or Muilcrn l.vjht unit llcut, treasurer j
It. N. Bowlby, chairman, and flunk's II.
Dasfnrd. lulrmau of the heard of trustee'.
Tlie object of the nisoclatleu Is te assist Dr.
A. De Baiissct te construct a steel airship
ujmiii the vacuum principle.
'1 he ship is te he ceiisttuctecl entirely of
thin steel plates of the stiengest possible
tensile strength and thoroughly braced in
side by 11 new development hi mechanics te
resist the btiess of tlie pressure of the ut ut ut
mosphcie when 11 partial vacuum is eh
tallied. It Is expected te lifti-ix) passengers
and lift tonset mall 01 ether uiiittct, and
also te carry all the niachinciyaudapjttm
tus, with electrical jiewer sullliiciit (egive
a speed te the ship of at least seventy miles.
an neur.
Dr. De Bausset has applied for permis
sion te build the ship ut the Cliarlestewn
navy yard. A national subset iptlun Is
being inade te secure the necessary funds.
Tlie test is expected te be f'JuO.OOO. Dr. De
Baiissct claims thai his plans are approved
by the most eminent scientists unci engi
neering exerts in tills country.
sent te .lull.
William Miller was heard beftire A Kiel -man
llalbacli this morning and tent te jail
fur tcu days fur iliunkuiuess. and dis
orderly cemluU,
Ilnv. l-evvry l-wues a ltcciulsltlen Ter
Only Tvve-A Humer In New OrlMn
That 1,.(H Will Ile IMintHhfKl.
Nkw Yeiik, July If. Detective Norris
appeared at Ilia Tombs. ki1Ice court te-dy
with a requisition from Governer Lewry,
of Mississippi, calling for the arrest of
Charley Mitchell and Mike Donevan, who
looked after tvilralu's Interests w ith Hulll
x mi. Nerrls has no requisition for Sulli
van, Kllrulu or Muldoon.
Nonis arrived this morning mid In In
sjxxter Byrnes detailed Dcteetive Ianthler
te assist him. t'M)ii application lieilig
made for warrants for Mitchell unit Dono Deno Done
van bofern Justlce O'ltellly ut the Tembii
ceutt the Justlce declined warrants un
mressaiy, as the arrests could be made
without them. The two detectives then
started out vv ith tlie Intention or tusking
the arrests at onto.
Nkw Oiii.kanm, July 18. -It having been
reqiertcd here that a list of fifteen hundred
names, including newspaper correspon
dents, rnllie.ul and telegraph people and
spectators at the recent Sulltvau-Kllraln
fight, had been fit! warded te Mississippi
and that alt 'turtles concerned would be
held te answer for violating the lawn of
that state, the Associated l'tess corres
pondent at Jacksen was Instructed le ascer
tain if possible fiem tle v. levv ry the scope
of the prosecution, whether or net specta
tors would lie proceeded against, but the
governor refused te he Interv lowed en the
subject lu iidvaiice of action of tlie authori
ties tff Marlen county. The gev erner said,
however, that he might have something te
say 011 the subject lu 11 lew days ; he thinks
tbe report exaggerated.
Ciiic.voe, July IH. The understanding
lu ssirtltig circles Is that Jehn L. Sullivan
Intends te leiiinin Item until te-morrow- or
tlay after.
Nkw Yeiik, July IS. Billy Muldoon, Sul
livan's trainer, was In till elly te-day, and
this itftei neon went te Ieug Brunch. He
said he had no Intention of meeting Sulli
van ul Chicago. Muldoon hud heard that
there were two Mississippi silice nftlelala
here looking for him, and he is trying te
keep out or their way. . ,
Three Men Killed liy 1111 F.xplesltiu.
Cillcuoe, July IS. An explosion of ft
holler in llie planing mill of the It. V.
Stene lumber ceuisiuy, en Hey no avenue,
about eight o'clock tills morning, resulted
hi tlie death of three men. Sev end herse
used in the establishment were also kllted,
and the building Is en lite.
Tlie mill was blown te atoms, scarcely
beard or sign of machinery being loll.
Following were killed : Jetlersen King,
engineer : A. Dellar, luliercr t Fred. Ilelf
fcl, leamster. Four ether empleyes had
most miraculous esciipes. The financial
less Is about $20,000.
Coul HeiiverM Attain en strike.
Siiii:iueii, Wis., July 18. A coal heaver'
slrlke Wtis Inaugurated yesterday after aftor aftor
noen. The Lehigh coal heavers quietly
walked out mitt refused te handle ceul at
less than M cents un hour. The great
lock-out this spring, In which the heavcrit
steed out for 50 and were ollered 10 cents
lier hour, was lest by tlie strikers, but they
have watched their opierlunity. Tbey
saw tliat all the surplus lubei wascni wascni wascni
ploved unit with it lleet of ceul vessels st
the' deck victory seeined sure. Frem the
Lehigh the strikers passed te ether deck
and in all cases induced the men te quit,
The strike will no doubt he the most se
rious ever Inaugurated at tlie head of the
Heavy Illinium's 4 liilmetl.
Metrins, Tcnn., July 18. The attorney
for Mrs. Mary Pillow filed 11 hill In the
circuit ceuit this morning against Colenol
Clay King for ?IIKI,(HH1 damages for dcfituta dcfituta
tleu or character mid slander. Tlie present
suit Is tlie outcome or it suit commenced In
chancery lust mouth liy Colonel King on en
Joining Mrs, Pillow from taking imisso3s1eii
eff certain proiierty in Arkansas which she
claimed hud been deeded her by King.
Colonel King lu his bill made some
severe charges against Mrs. Pillow. Mm.
Pillow is the widow of flcii. 0. J. Plllevr,
orCeiifedoruto fune, and Is eonneofed with
seme or the best families In Tennessee.
Delay In lliirke'n Kxtrndltlen.
Ottawa, Out., July IH. Tlie papent In
tlie Ihiike extradition mutter have been
received at the departiiient or Justlce from
Winnljieg. Tlie lapse of lime beliijr pro
vided for by law an order for extradition
cannot issue until the vltitli Instant and in
tlie meantime the minister of Justice will
have an epiMirtunlty iff considering the
merits iff tlie case.
I'rebulily Cuiiiplicll'rt Alrehlp.
Ni:w Yeiik, July IH.-I'llel Phelan, of
tiiu pilot beat Caprice, rt-jsnfs that en July
1(1, lie sighted from the masthead at a long
distance aw ay a balloon dragging its car
along the surface ofthe water. He gave
chase te it, but ut sundown, vvlien ulieut
three-fourths of u nille from It, It colUied
ami disappeared fiem sight. This is
thought le lie missing Campbell airship.
.Mere Wounds Dlscevureil.
LeMiuN, July 18. At tlie inquest held
en tlie body or tlie woman found murdered
in tlie WliitecliaiKl district yestenlay
morning, the fact was develeped that In
addition te two large gushes there were
fourteen ether wounds en the body. The
gieater number of tlie wounds, hevveveri
were only skin deep.
Jlllf Flre In Columbus, O.
Cei.i'viiit-s, Ohie, July 18.-' Tiie early
this morning in tlie Broyfegio business
block 011 Neilh High street caused a less
or about ?75,0U0. Tlie heaviest loser la the
Herman l'uriilturoieni.iny, f 10,000. Three
fireman were liijiitcd, tiut net dangerously.
JUstrllmtliig the Cash.
Joiimew, July 18. Te-day Judge
Cu mmlii and Banker Thompson begau pay
ing out money te tlie siiltercrs. Up te neon
fij.nne hud been aid out, most et tlie cheeks
being for ?sy, the Iewct iimeuiit paid te a
single Millercr.
'1 lireti C hlblreu l'etMimst.
Lii-im: Him'K, Ark., July lh. ArseiUe
was placed lu the feel of tlie four children
of Jeseph Hunter, a planter, living near
Star City, Tuesday, and threoet them have
died. '1 he criminal and his moth e are tin tin
knew 11.
. .
Polheuotl Her Husband.
Cem no, Out., July IS. Mre. Nellie
tt. .... I...U luian r.tniiil rvillllV llV I 111! t OfO
nui'.Jiirv et polseningHicr lumband w ith
ratieiU)u. Uliepiluclpal witness aMitist
licr was her steii -daughter, Lena, Mrs.
Breeze will be tried at the next assise.
Twe County Postmastera.
Washington, July 18. Feurth-chws
D istmiisters appointed te-duv: Caleb L.
Slyer, laaceck, 1'a.s Lllas Steber, bchce
WAsiti.Mire.v, 1). C, July 18.-J.
Threateiiilng weathert sliewt-m U
nlBhti warmer: variable wind",
becoming Beuthe3i.terly,
i -ja,.
. at. .v 1
v ?$&ikr'ZgttldiL&&iy Jis&h