THE ttAOASTER DAILY INTELLIGENCER, WEDNESDAY, JULY 17, 1889. " -4 "ST. hi 6? frS 3S L'iv J h4' M & lT 8w itteUtflc itccr ji 4tflttMtf J MTtttMM A w. v CHARLES MTEINMAN POLTX, Editor. . ROBERT CLARK, Publisher. . , SMfE 1U1LY INTEUlanSCEn.-.PnblhMl l4- . vfry lyln the jeftr.iralfcSundty. Served lit ranter In fM rliv ntid stirrniimtlnf. fc'S towns Kt ten cent a week. Byinalinvcdel $ tars year In advance; CO cents a nienUi. fK ...... ' CilVKRirt .V lVTKt.t.Ifl.Vr,ri rni nn.l . flfty cents n year. In advance. J? KOTICE TO MUB3CRtBER.S-Rcmlt by cheek ft or ottenicc order, and where neither of jjp incMCAii m procured send in a reglMrrccl s-. letter. !. Kutered nt the rosteftlce, ns second elavi mnll mutter. Annans, THE INTELLIGENCER, Lancaster, Pit. LAHCASTER, PA., July 17, 1889. l'ewdcrljr te Cerliin. Mr. Pewtierly uaturnlly U net iiIenHsl with Mr. Autln Ccirltln'fi refusal te phi- & Py members of lalKir organization, in 3 the various corporations which 110 rules. tM TMr. the lienil of ( he Kulglits fg or Laber, could net view with com- pmcency siieli n policy ; but .Mr. rewderly's opinion iw the henu or tins organization is net ns potential u it would be if ills organization liaii t-hewn b better Mtlu than it lias tlone te public gvr' oenfklcuco. Mr. Powd(!rly'8urcnni7ntieii yb, lacks the vitality due te harmony. The nltn it has of uniting labor in self pro tection is geed, but the biiccc&s w liich has fellow ed its effort lias net been (treat. The Cerblns have fought It and often wen ; its monitors hae kicked in its traces J and the Jnbjr of the country has net pievcu ns yet te the ceuutry Hint it is capable of harmonious union, and lias neither R? intplrcd confidence in Ha ability te re- Sm spect Itselr nor made the men who n-k ?W 4r nnl.iuu. 1. nfV.I.l ..f 41... l.l..!ii.lnlrlt.ra IU UJIUV33 it iUIJllll Ut till; MUlll-lLlllkJII. Mr. Austin Cerbln lias been a noted champion in the lists against the Knights, and he ha borne them te (lie ground, though they have been aided by public sympathy aroused against the very dishonorable methods ucd nguiiiBt them. Mr. Cerliin in his miner tilt ngnimt labor at the Heading lien works will doubtless again te successful, at least upon the surface, as the labor of the Schuylkill Valley seems te have lest all its spirit and te be ready te premise anything under the measure of its dire need. It Is net a very geed showing for thclndustiy of the valley, which it ex hibits in a state se depressed as te odor lioreceurw te labor but the acceptance of employment en any terms. It is the worst paid labor hi the state ; adellar te it leeks as big as a cart wheel. Would it net tlierofeie be well for Mr. Pewdcrly, vt Idle denouncing Mr.Cerbin, to-ee whether there is net something nearer home that it would be mere pio pie fitublc te him te f-cere? We ficcly admit Cerbin's badness. We de net me that It is rigid in him te rcfuc te employ or er ganised labor, when he uses liim-elf combination with ether corporations whenever It suits Ids purpw. JUit In this exposition of his principles, Mr. Cerblih-lmply makes the frankly bridal avowal that his right Is might ; that he combines te advance his alms when it suits him te de hi, and feibids bis em em peoyes te de likcwibc tocaiihe It nulls iilm te de se, and he can innkc them obey. It Is te the latter point that we direct Mr. I'ewdcrly's attention. As long a. his Knight of Laber obey t'ei bin rather than hlm, and iihuiiIm) te ab.indeu his organization te cam Mr. Cerbin's ilol ilel lais, he will readily h-e that he ulll make small headway in stepping Cor Cer bin's weik. The problem for him te solve Is te pivMMuj the loyalty of the lalierer te the labor organization. And can he de it with the staiving Inbeur? It Is essential for hlm therefore te bank his organization dollars iigulii-t Mr Qirliiii't; ; te de which he must get the dollars', te de which lie must get the niinileycd laborers te Mimmrt the tin- y& employed ; all of which Is his theory ?" i.nt ....I c. .....(.. ..i.. it... .......ii .1 1... v i"i pvviiunt,i mc- pmc'iicc. i lie mpiKirting laborers are Inching. Thov have wearied of thcce"t and have fulkn out among themselves and se line fill leu out of tlicinnks. The bend of the bundle of sticks has Iecued. The cohe sion of the mass has teeu infei ler te that of the individual , and se thoeil mind ed Cerbln, master of many corporations that swing at his single will, has labor at his feci te all iippcur.uivl. We say hi appearance, because the reality is somewhat dillcrent and the return of prosicieus times, when labor will control the situation, will be likely te disturb Mr. Cerbin's fair sailing. It is net probable that the labor hccmpleys Is nel connected w ith labor organizations whatever It preteidi. It deubtks lies when it suits it as ticely as the biggest rnlhead president may de. But faLsehecnl is net a sound founda tion for a gieat and noble cutise. It is the refuge of the oppressed and the weapon of the oppressor. It is net a real help te the cause that Is entitled te live by Its virtue, tilth, a cause is that of labor. It is the theory of this gev eminent and the piodamatien of the politicians that labor should lecelve within Its borders an udciiiuitc lewuid. This is the fundamental aim of iroed Democratic government, which would check the undue growth of w e.ilth w idle encouraging industry and causing labor te earn u row ard itdcu.iutc te comfortable maintenance. The labor organizations are distinctly in line with this Democratic dectiine in organizing labor te defend it againm the aggression of the powerful intenM that selfishly seek te get labor at its lowest prlcj. Seme day these labor efforts may have totter success than new attends them ; but It will te when the laborer is mere intelligent and totter able in jield himself te the bend of the unmnuu in terest. Mr. W. T. Lewis, who is probably the ablest of the labor leader, of the ceuutry, is te-day auneuueed te have rc eigued Ids office as secretary of the Miner's National 1'iogressive Union, because he finds such union im practicable at present, ccn among tlie single class of laborers with whom he has been assoelated.ceal miners. And if real and harmonious union lannet te had among one class, w hat iiejK cm there te' of securing it among all classes of latercrs V Yet is it net strange that labor should 1 thus weak in a demeciatie govern ment, where inu man'n vote counts as iiuuiui-i uuu wueic me Millil labor vole could control the government? What fcpcllLs it that tenumbs the power of this great interest and permit it te te divided and conquered? Deubllcui His well thai it lb ; for the labor Interest might net te trusted te dad justly with the properly Interest if it gained un controlled command. It Is a wise Pmv ideuce that kcejx the forces in equiill rluni. llie Miitc Heuse. The stiiierintcudcut of mihlie laiild- Jnpi rcceiumembi nu addltleu fe the -'-r White Heuse. Ills idea Is that a private rcsldcuce for the prcsirtriut should te built en ene side of the historic manleu, and then, with no ether excuse than n desire for uniformity, lie proitecs that another wing should te bullion the op posite Mill? for n picture gallery and wlntergarden. This transformation e the executive mansion into a palace will hardly meet with public approval, though an enlargement te accommodate the expansive Harrison family might te tolerated. The modest and unpre tentious White HeumjIh new In strong contract with the magnificence or the ether public building of Washington, and with the homes of the rulers of less Democratic nation. Tills contrast should te nialiitalned nnd the desperate crew ding at reception, which l made (he let excuse for further building, docs net warrant elaborate changes. The knew ledge that there is always a crush en these occasions keeps many away, but if the White Iiouse were trebled in size 11 would still te overcrowded for these free shown. The evil must be cured, net encouraged. As even the present crowds overtax the president's strength it would seem foolish te pro vide room for mere torture, as would te the case If picture galleries and wilder garden1 were added. A iiisrAicit fiem (.'licyeiine glv es nn ac count of what Is probably the last hullale hunt that will ever be held In this country. Pour men w cut out te caplure n small lierd of bison en tlie lted desert near ll.twllna, Wyoming, wiictn thousands hud reamed a scere of ye.irs nge. They had powerful horses, nnd the Uuse lasted tlirce da.vs. " rl he hunters say thcre am between II) and W) full full-grown bison and a few wives in the herd, 'J'hey li.ive been offered S500 each for thelr prizes, which they refused. They captured threo bulls and four rows, and rojiert that the animals struggled fear fully, but rack was fliMlly paired with a heavy work ax, One of the captives, n mastodon male, In burking fell and hrnke his neck. Que of the men a narrow osuipe the second day out. A mad bull Rerrd his heise, lilting rider, saddle anil animal high In the air. Onn of the cow boys sent a rllle ball Inte the infuriated brute's shoulder. ' When buftalees arc se very rare, this W'istvliil stjle of rapture cannot be tolera ted, nnd It Is hoped that prompt aitien will be taken te pteserve the remainder of this stray heid. . Tin. "Angelas" Is ours. Xew let us buy it laige quantity of the I'luncli popular up. pi relation of art 1 Is a speech en Tue'day evening Lord Salisbury said that 11 was appalling te think that heme thelr sous and grandsons might still be dlsciisslui; the Irlh problem with nothing new te say en the subject. My Is a brave tuaii; he Ins te leek nhcad two generations te find mi npp tiling thought wtitle the nvcmge leielgn eerrrw. IHmilcnt (it American papeisis In nchienic statoef appilliui'iit nvei tlie woes of Wicnt Hillaln and all laitope. Ter firncli oxpleicrC'alllaiul has w iltten te the 1'iiiis society Miinouiie Miineuiie Ing the disceveiy by Count Telkl of a Christian Irlbeln the very hcitit of All lea, about Ihreu liuudriKl uiilcs southwest el Ahvsslnln. Ts'e wiitle mm ei native inls inls sleiiaiy lias niei been among them no fir as Known, but they may have had iclitlens with the Christian Abyssinia us. Their leligien Is a verv debased form of rliilstiiulty, but considerable ew Testa incut hisler has been hainled down te them in tiaditlens, ami they have n piiest piiest piiest hoed, the cress and ethei cuiblenis. It issliauire that even a dubased form el should evist se long without .pruding, ei at least without ailri ting the fetlelilsm of iiolghbeilug Alrlean tilbes that me new- Inking read II te Islamisui. Ui'.nmivi. (im.M'rii. is watching tlie del it-lies with Ids little hi my di.iwu up in a line of battle two miles long and seems te expect some taveriblc result fiem a niiiii niiiii iiieus tesiinrnder whieh was sent te the Chief Miid-el-.Iaml. .lanii will hardly meet leinfeircincuts vCrre en thewaj te Jein liiiii mid his fellow crs de nel appear te beet the kind that mmender. I'EKMINAI.. 1)11. C. C. l VSO.S, gland eoiiiiiiauder of the Knlulits'l'emiilar ei Callleinla. died in Cliice, California, en Monday night, .iftei n long Illness. CuuthiiM: Nii.ssen iimv never sing in nubile again, liming a icccnit illness in Paris slie w nv troubled with dealiipsN and lossel ineuiety, liem which slia lain net vet recovered, i he fuinltiiie of her beuse In Louden bus be en moved te I'.nis, wheie she mid her liusliaml will in lutuie make their lesidenee. I'et'i. l.i.e xiii, lias bent mi autegiaiih letter te the mitlieiitles of Laval l'nlei sity thaiiMug thuui and the (Illens et CJiiibci' for the loselutlousadopled b them at the demons! i.itieu en Aptit l's 'last in lavei el the restoration of the temporal jiowei of tlie pope. His holiness congratu lates them net only upon their piudume. but upon the sagacity of their aitien, nnd siys it it uvident they v dl under stood hew the Impunity eiije.ved bv the enemies of the church Is the source el" lui lui lui piopiletlos in liuuiun serictv and el trou ble te tlie stale. ' itmiii Hi:v. MeNsin.Miu .l.vus A. Con Cen t en v.v, 1). I)., S, T. I)., died vcsleiel.iv tit the keiultiury of !;t. t harlei llorieuieo, V erbroek, aged about 07 cu -c Hew as editor of the i tifieir Qn,irtcitu Jletuu, it jnolfsser in llie telleciat ()erbioek, and n maduatoef the t'nlversitv el the 1'iop.i 1'iep.i j'liil.i. n Heme. He was a noted ntildent I nisuiit, llelneu and Urit'iital languages. no was oeiu iiiinailesieii, .S. C, anil llveel liilhe Seuth until the elose et the wm when he tame North te take a leading pan in the plcn.irv conned et lltltiumre. lie was as noted iei bcuuvtilriice as lm his love of learning. Illll.WbiiutCAMl ltos,nrTiieeii,Aiizona, is visiting in liiiladrlphi.i. iln, IMiIUIdI plila ikuiic Kiys Mr. Camciiiii Is a nephew oftlielateticucialSiuiout. ameruii, though It is net certain that he whs mentioned in llie will el his niilllenaiie uncle. The .veiling man has had quite- mi exjicrieiice lit public ami private lite, and is ene of the lulghiest iiiemliris el the illustrious l.imll. lletetved in the war with distillation, subseqitenllv was an otll etll otll cer In the icgular uiiiiv, l.iter'toek it header In the diplumatii service and fin the just hall dozen .v cars lias been managing an ox ex tensive cattle i.uulie In Viienauuil clelng Urst r.ilcl He oineH 1 jst te xee liiv iriends and relatives ubenl ome it ve.u, mid his present vndt is i.u that purine t?enitliit; it MnperricliiKt by Telgniph. 'i'he r.te hiuiile telegraph, b.v vthuh uianu seiipt, in (-.. or pe tines mav be ti.ins linttiHl, it, a hpiHlc-scilthcauteiiaitic iiictlnsl alicady dcs. rlbcsl, m which the leeeher Is acluuted syuehioueiisly with Its transmit ter, lly lA-neir'h inethiHl ,i j.ti tnre or map is outlined with liusul.uim: ink neon tin. c-yliudrif.d suifaui ul a rotating drum, w lilch rev el v e h under a point hav lug a slew movement alen.' the axis of thervliudei, unci thus the ceiidtl. ting jieiut gors'evcrthe c vliiidrlcnl Miilacc lit .1 siili-al path. The electrical clu uit will be bieken by overt ink m.irk en the cyliudci which fsiiithU path, and tin n by 'oricspeiidiugliiaik.iro made in a spiral line l,v mi ink market UMm a ill inn at the icvciving end. Te pro pre pro iline these outlines It is only neeess.u ytliat the twediiium bc letntcsl in unison. Tills n.v stem is et httlc uttlitj .theie being no ap parent demand tei I.u siiuile tr.insiniii,n, juriicuhuh at se gteat mi opento or speed, for It will be kimi that iiistwd of making a eharaclei el the alphabet bv j t few kC'parule pulMs, as is done bv Merse, the munlrr iiuiht be I'resiilf ini.i...i.,.i Many dots become in ess.irv te show the outlines of the nioie eotnplec eliuraclee. Theiantclegniph is an Interesting tvpe of the lac simile method, in this terin tlie movements of a pen In the writer's hand preduce cerrts)iidlng meveinents or a pen at the distant btatlen, -iiul theiebv a fac&iiuilcrtceid. An Armr el Humorists. Freal the Texas SlftlnCf. The weeds are full of humorists. As Jesh Ullling onee remarked ateut philosophers "there are se many of them It's a wonder anybody's left te hee com." A few- or the humorists wrlte Ter the papers, but the great majority are " guilt lets et their country's bleed" as fir as writing gees. They don't write, but they knew hew easy it vv euld be for them te de se. and hew quick v thcv could find favor with the public ir'lhey only wanted te. They read lilll Nve's best productions and scornfully say, "That teller nln't no humorist 1 could hlm und net half try," but for some rcaen they hover try, The would-be, or rather reuld-bc, humor ist usually cams about $l!i0 a year sawing weed or 'hopping a counter, whlle Iye struggles along en an liieome of $lS,oen year from his writings. One would think that out of the scores and hosts that can wrlle se much better than Nye ene or tw e of them would work et It peimniicntly. Onn style of humorist Is ethical. Ills articles are meant te be funny In n mild way, but they must first be strictly accord in; te form. The humorist hates slang ( he also hntes the pronoun I. Ills articles usually begin: "We Hiiiulered into a barber shop recently, unci as the barber was oiling our hair he asked ns If our baby had llnlslied cutting Its teeth." The pronoun I may be egotist leal, but In such cases it leeks belter than the Mede "we," i'very country village Is jam full of hu morists. There Is nitwits en old Unde sonicbedy-nr-otlior who Is a perfect para gon of wit. 'I lie famn yrl lives of the wonderful hit he made when a public speaker In making an address asked, ' What shall I de?" by Jocosely bellowing out, " Set up thedrlnks 1 " When he gees into the village store and asks the priceuf a spool of thread, he humorously tells the storekeeper that he thinks all'lilsllk nre thieves and liars, which Is be Irresistibly funny te the crowd of loafers that they nearly split their sides laughing. Almest everv village, also has a quotation hit hit meilst, wlienlwas prefaces his leinarks vt ilh " As tlie frllcr says. " The lirst baby In u'f.mitly Is always a great humorist, and says the funniest things I de declare. I'otdle's mommy ftsked Donlle II be 'eved her, and the tl ty wittj ling said "Oee." Academy students mid ceuntiy school teachers are opposed te humorists. The articles their souls rejoice in me the kind headed, " Whlthi r is Dili 1'iegicss Trend ing?" "The lluiefiil tiillueiice nl Anl nmlcul.'i) in Tea Leaves," etc. A leuntry siioel teacher ence told me (us) that he could see no sense In tlie ail miratien people professed for Dickens; in his opinion there vt as no plot worth speak ing n! In his uovels, mid he sHlled what litlle thern was by Irving te be funny. If thine rltlcal pedagogue had ever heard el Shakospcare lie would Imickiieit u another r.ise el uilsplaicil public admiration, let he often fell into the f.iult of "trying te be fllllllV." 'thlt Vrnr's ntcelieii. I'rem the Alliiny Arrfin 'I he current jeirisnetablj an "ellycai" in general pnlltlr. Only eleven states elect state eflii e rs this year. Kuutuc l:y vt HI held a general election for slate treasurer en Aug. D. Klecllens In ten etliei fttiles vt 111 take nlaee en Nev. f. On that day : Iowa vt 111 elect governor and lieutenant governor. Marv land will elect ceinjitiullcr mnl at torney Massai hustts will eics t governor and stale oil) corn. Mlsvisilppi vtill elect governor and state eillcris. Ncluaska will elect a supicme court Judge and two rcgentc. NowJersey will elect governor and state ellb crs. New Yerk will olect state elUceis, oxcept get crner and lleuten i tit gev crner. Ohie will elect goveruei and state olll elll ccrs. rciuiK.vitmila will elect slate treasuter. Viiglnla will ulect governor and slate elllccirs. I'nllllc.d Interest this year accordingly Is centred In the elections et the newiy iul niitlcil slates, North Dakota, Seuth Dakota, Washington and Mentana, which arn new tr.uulug thch constitutions mid will elect lull state governments and leglslatuies, which vv ill cheese eight new Culled States senators. Cach new slate vt ill also elect a lcpicscutativn In Congress except .Seuth Dakota, which a ill elect two. ihe terms of no Culled htates senateis oxplre next year, se the election of inoni ineni beis of the Lcglslatuie this yeat Is of Intci est as boa ring en national politics only hi eases vt heie ineiubeis of the Leglsliituie chosen this yem held olllee forttte yens. ThoNenalo elected In New Yerk state will vote ler a United .States senator In 11)1 te succeed Iho Hen. William M. Avails. Tim AeeeuntM Are .Vliublleil. Trout the I'litlmU Iplilu lluus. Ooverner lleat or Is unable, te furnish a detailed statement of the expenditures fel the relief of the Heed sutleicus in the C'numnaugli t alley, and the abatement of nuisances In thai locality out of the funds iccelved by lilui. The office of the lelieb commission In Uaulsburg is Just as nil prepaid! te furnish this much-ilesiied iif iif iif loriiiatleu. The troilble arises liem the fail that the di.ifts m.ule en the governor bV Hastings tailed te slate In nearly an instances te wiial purpese the iiienej waste be applied vt hi then te the tcliefef sullcieis, lit Hiipiilvlug them with IM'IvillK it, ei te money ei auieies i incut el nuisances. the abate- lids Isaii tmleiliiuate state et allaiis. us thecontilbutleiisinti listed te the get ei nor let iltstiibutien vtrre net Intended te he intcd Ii v Iho goveinoi for auv thing but io ie llcf. i'hiH liind leaches ne.irlv sl,l iO.ikhi, and is in uleiip of ceiitri bulleus from ev ei v state In the I'nien except Dnlaw.ue, liem all the toriiteiicH ami fiem Ctiglainl, Oeiin.iut and ethei leielgn count lies. The liind ter the culeiccmeut et sanltmy legul itiensis known nsthe slate fund, mid is net iiiadelip trein cotitiihutieiis. It is supposed loh.ive been leaned te the gov ernor, and is intended te be nppliid enlv te tlie abatement et nulsaiucs causes i by tlie Heed. The uiKiugoftwe accounts has been a great auu.v.iutc te tlie get cruei. the llnse Hall "scores ihe Lcague games et vesterd.iv weie. liillaililplna I, (let eland 2; I hicige U, New erk in, Indianapolis ll, Husten I; ishmgleii 10, littsburg 0, bt. Leuis 1, Kuiis.iit.itr J: Cincinnati I. Iltoeklrn .! ; Columbus ', Lonlsvil.e 8; Wilkcsbarre 17, New lliiven I, Lewell U, Jcibej CUt I: Nett.nk I, Wercestei 2; lierh.uu ii, Yeik I, HaiiisburglO, Neiwalkti; Cuban Uiauts ll.i.'li ten t). The mm Hazlcten club nude it geed showing iigulust the Mieng Cuban lilints jcsicnl.iv. The i 'lev eland club is net doing tlie kind et work they should. Philadelphia is going tight ahead. T OOl h SAltSAPAUILLA. That Tired Feeling UeviKirleuiril lij almost ctcr.tbcHlyat this sea son, ami many people icmrt te lloeil uSarsapn rlllit leilriventva) the lnugum iiuili xhaiitlen The LiIckkI, laden Willi liupiirlliCMtlueh Imve Wsm tieeiuiiulutliis for niuiulin, moves clog. liUlily tlueugli tlie veins, the niliul titl te think quickly mid the boil Is sillUlener te respeinl. lleexls Kirsaparllla Is Just it hut U nceiliHl It puiine., vltalues mill enriches tlie lilecsl, makes thu hciiit elciir, cretitis mi nppe tile, overcomes tint tired feeling, teuev llie nervous evsteni, una linjuili hculth ami vigor te Hi" vtliele iy HOOD'S HAKSAPAIULLA ' Xl apiietltc was peer. 1 cenkl net slecji, IihiI lieuilui he a urcnt tleal. pnlus in mt buk, mt hevu'ti illil net mete lesnlarly. ItcxnU tNiTcapurillu in a short tune ctlii me se much keikI Unit I teel like n new man Jlj pains and cubes urc nlictisl, m apivtlte improved. 1 ki toeilicrs who need u geel inedteliic, te Heed's s.irniparllla and see." (ii.eitni; P. J VC Ksen, Kexbnry Station, Conn. MAKlis Till! isTUONt; l'er .tiars I win lUc every uprlnc, but lust cai took lloed'k Siurmivitrilla and hate net seen a sick da) since. ' CJ. VV. fet-evN, Hilten, Muss. " I take Heed s snrs.iirl llamas a sprtni, tenlu mnl I rernimiund Ii te all who hate mis erable llte.1 fnliiii: I. l'.vii.Mi u i llrlilge hired, llrisjeb n, N. V. HOOD'S SAUfsAl'AltlLLA Sold by alt ttrn-!;lst 1 , l x for S-i. Pre inred enl) b) C. I HOOD .(. 111., lAJttell, Mas., lOjDOsl-SONKDOl.LAK (Ii VIHICC TO AND r.lN c N LUS All lH.rsens me hereby lorlilililen te trespass en any of thulamU of the I'eruttall .JidMiwecliiell estates In IaIueiiiii or l-aiuinter t.j,ti.i,VB, ..iitiuri ilivi.rHl or I1I1IIICIOMXI. viiiier fW t l... ,1.1 v.u u.n ixf vt..... 1 .. .. .. ...1..... . .. ......., ii.iiii ...vwi. .,, iiiiiiii-iumm. vniier for the purpene of sheeting or Ushtng, as the law villi be rlctdl) enforced agnlutt ull tre isiulin; en said lauds of the umterxlijnecl after 1I1I4 f,f.tln VVM. TOLLMAN litKJIMAN, It PKItCYALHLN, htnv.c. riti.i:MAN, Atteruek fur It. V, Celfjiuu'c If tltfc. ttaitaiurtltcv'. rniLAlir.i.rillA. Wedndny, July 17, IMS. Celluloid Toilet Sets, a geed brush and comb and hand mir ror in plain pasteboard box, at $1.50, which is a 40 per cent reduction. Main Aide centre. Linen Damask Towels, with knotted fringe and colored bor ders choice of five 20x43 inches, at 22 cents. Just open ed, and the sale will be quick. Poorer goods at mere money have been real recent Bargains. Omnium gatherum. 40 doz ens Linen Bureau and Buffet Scarfs at 30 cents each. Re duced yesterday from various higher prices. Wept of Main Aisle, north et Transept. 40 cents will buy a Tourist's Friend, which is a strong camp steel with canvas case, te be carried by a band across the shoulder. Weight 20 ounces. Du'e mn1, north nnd. Concerning Sashes. Twe stocks. Yeu will find them in Ribbons and Dress Trimmings, where you may have them fringed and knotted te order. This work is done in the store by skilled hands that arc prompt, neat, deft. Bargains in Sashes. Northeast of centre nnd In theTrausept. Muslin Underwear. Remem ber the news of Monday and Tuesday, then add excellent Muslin Gowns, platted and ruffled, at 55 cents, and ethers of cambric, with inserting and ruffling, at $1, and you have the story of te-day. Second fleer. Urst gallery, J tiiilpc r Urcct ulde. Jehn Wanamaker. lllhu-cllanccuuv. rpltUC DALMATIAN INHIXT POWDKIt, J propelled by a geed powder blower, Is the melt iireclitnl destroyer of Hies and ethcrsuiHll Insects. Ker sulci At IIUULUVH nitUCl HTOIti:, .WVVcHtKlngfjliecU IVUHYDODi WANTdiri iiivi i lvi m tern- who has i:vek lunuin 1 LEVAN'S FLOUR Still Holds the Fert. We haven't the biggest inllN In thetrerld, but there Is no better pilll anyti In re-at liast there Ii 110 mill that can mnlie better flour. He ay thousands of peeple In this community, unit vte take their weld ferll. ir von have trouble trlth your baklim, this het tteather, jeu will perhaps discover that the trouble Ilea with jour Heur pietldcd you de net uvj Lev an' Kleur. If youiire using that article, and still have trouble with your bak ing, perhaps It Is because of the even. It can't he the flour If j ou uscLevan'"! M ILLIMt'ri IIOHAX &OA1. 7VSIL-L-ER'S Borax Seap will- WASH CLOTHES, AND EVERY ARTICLE UNDER THE SUN. 171 Ntji.irntLL steiic r.vTtM. STORM KING (2161.) ithceiiD :. stniiiliinl lij Itn-i dlni; mnl IVi loriunnee. lrcdl lrvi'l'Y MLDll M, leierd S.'., mid 011 of a tretti rs and pacers vrltli itieiils irein J let4 te J J0, unit evri liM ttltli ittercls bitter tliaii 2 A D.nn lij Aleaiulcr's Nernian, she of Lulu -' 1 1, Ia5 c u en, 2 vvi. ..e. hoiend dam liyllett ant's blrClieilcu, thoieticli- bied 'llilrd ituiii by Smlili s Messenger, son or Dill's .Vli s.i iicer. Sieitvt Kim. Is a bat, Mauds 10 hands nnd ttellis about 1,'joe lbs. Itas altia.t s Ilrst lremlum at state and ceuntv l.ilrs. Ills colts me laiite and liiiinteiiu-,anil live thai hate been sold ii v erased S.11II oe n t nu nteiaRfl age of ene and a half Jens, lie it as taken right out nflliu stud and with verv 1 1 1 tin preparation rediieed liK rceunl irein V.II'J te JVJ, trotting three hints In ! 10, -!.C1 and J HI. He event it elmrti'l in eiHMirihc miles In Hi Heveuds n 2 J) fult vt lih Ii shows lis., rapacity ( 1 could spare him teuit enough In the stud te be pieparcd for ttry last wnil;. II ILVps.-STiiui) for ii foal until his pit sent beet. Is full, ii itc r vt hli'b In- vv ill stand nt J75.U0. Jj-tld. DVNL Ci i;nuLL. Marietta. Pa. rpm; PLOl'LL'B CAbll S10UL:. j Clearing Sale A'i THE PEOPLE'S CASH STORE, NO. 21 nxar KINO STHEHT. Our Unilre Stock of Alt-Weel I'rencU t'lirlllcs icslueed te 13c. finest ijuallly l'u'iicli bji tines lediie'eil from 87ScteCic. A few batlnes Rt 1JK... leduccd from 33e. Om LnUiobteekof ld-luch 81.0) All-Weel lien rletlns reduced tef.V. Our HntlreHlcxk of lO-tneh All-Weel llenilctlas reduced toCTe. Oar whole llm. of Sic Zephjr Olnghaint re duced leUJe1 All el mil 37VjO yplijr Ctluchaius rrducrd leSlcents. he baUiiee of our Lxtia Hue Quality 7ephjr utiilcitnghaius ledueed from 4fic and Mc te 87JC. llliuk Milk I.'ick Dress Nets In rialu, Mripid and I'lsured largely ledueed tu price toclesc. Other leductieus throughout out large stock which spam trill net allow ns te mention. Oar ti'.tiu itun. in 1'rteenrt tltmitnc. Gee. F. Rathven, NO. 25 EAST KING STREET. luanv-lydtt Itatftc ef Jfttffhtett. HTIUCII BROS. THIRD WEEK OF THE GREAT JULY CLEAR ING SALE, AT ASTRICH BROS. PALACE OF FASHION, 115 & i7 NORTH QUEEN STREET. Everything Selling Fast, Se De Nel Delay Buying. Anether great bargain in Muslin Underwear at 67c. Corset Cevers, Night Gowns, Skirts, Infant's Dresses, long and short; Infant's Flannel Shawls and Skirts. Anether let at $1.49. Night Gowns and Skirts, some of these have been sold as high as $2.75. One let of Infant's and Chil dren's Fine White Dresses, Embroidered Flannel Shawls and Skirts, at $1.49. The balance of our stock for merly sold as high as $3.50 apiece. One let of Blouses, Jerseys, and Beys' Flannel Waists, at 69c ; some of them have been 1.50 apiece. Anether let of Ladies' and Children's Fine Jersey Skirts, Children's and Misses' Coats, Children's Reefers and Coats, at 93c ; formerly $2 te $3. One let of fine quality of Jersey Coats, in navy and black, formerly $5; reduced te $1.50. One let of Cleth Jackets, in garnet, black, oxblood, myrtle and navy, at $1.50 apiece ; form erly $3. SASH RIBBONS. One let down te 25c a yard ; another let at 50c a yard ; sold at about half their regular price. ASTRICH BROS., 115 & 117 North Queen St. Qriotitiue. H1 Kill A HHOTUEIt. O-uir Receipt" -reit- HOW TO KEEP COOL' Visit us and purchase ene of these thin COATS mnl VESTS of wlileli vre are selling se iaii). They rnncc In price, from SI te fa for Ceat and Vist; -IOC te Se for font : Mc te S2.e() for Vest ; tee end uptv ureh for 1 hln l'ants. MEN'S SUITS! MEN'S SUITS! At such Lew I'rlccv that von cannot be but pleased with price and quality. 1'ilce ?l.00 te Children's and Bey's Suits I At a Reduction of Ten Pci Cent ou Marked Prices, We ran please all. Gent's Furnishings ! Flannel Shirts, 3.1 eeutv and upward. Undershirts, 17 cents and upwards. v lilleHhlrts, 3s ei-iitx and upward v. Ii reale hhlrts, SO rents and upward. VVei kln Stiirti Zi cents and upwards. ONJM'MCi: (,'LOTUlintS AND lTHNlSllKItS, North Queen Street and Centre Square, LAXCASTIMI. IA. 03.-citvoimte, VTION EXCURSION'. RAYMOND'S VACATION EXCURSIONS. All Traveling Expenses Included. 7 AUGUST TOURS Parties will leave Philadelphia en different dates in AiiRiKl for excuraleus of from eight te sixteen ilay, with visits te the lending resorts of New l'lifliuul, Canada, unit the Middle Mates, huludlnstha Hudsen Utter, Keratema, IjvUe llcergc, LakcChaniplatu, All sable Chiism, Montreal, the m. I-awrence mid sneueniiy Klttrs, (Quebec, l'alls of Montuiercnei, Uikc MininhrcumKei:, Lake bt. Jehn and the ur ur leuuillus VVIlderuiss,tlieI.ehlgh Vnlley, Munch I hunk, the Vale of Wjuinlni,-, Watkfns tilt a, NiHCara l'alls, the 'thousand Islands, the Green Meuulatns, etc. fcecend and IjisI Tour te the Yellowstone National l'arlc-cpleinber 0. Uxeurstens te the l'ai'irle Nerlhwest aud Call. lernlu September 9 and October 1 1. Eirursieus lllreet te Southern California September 0 and October 1 1. HifHeml for descriptive, circulars, ileslijnat. Iiu whether the book of "Jeveu Vusust trlp,' the Yellotvsteuo National Park Tours, or the California Excursions is desired. RAYMOND A WHITCOMU, 111 beuth Ninth htreet imidcr Ceiitlncntiil Uet), jjlSStd rHli.AIH.'L,VJUA, PA PROF VVM. J STRICKLAND. TEACHER OF MUSK. Thorough Instructions glveu en the enrau, piano, violin, mile, etc.; also, cul. tlvutlnn or the veliv. Applications received at Ne. IW bt. Jeseph street, (lsirsenata of Hi, Jeseph' Chinch. jjlO-lmd HIO il BROTHER, ClttltiUB. H AGER h BROTHER. SPECIAL CLOTHING REDUCTIONS ! MEN'S SUITS. ,i.BT.v.Ll8.11 WOltHTKD C1TAWAY8U1TS nt 1V, Rcnlneed from JI8. ece:&nt Bey' and. Yeitli' Siit T .., c.Bfiyr' DRESSY TEA 11) KUITH reduced te Ji vr,,rr,i2V,!Sy.ht2H"Eyler ""ITS nt l. Reduced rrem KM. YnlVT.QtVtIT5.n?.,1XCHEylOT8TVI'Es, Reduced from t. OUTIW PU1TH In OOO I) CABSIMERK STYLES at V. Rednccd from 60. Summer Clothing. BILK lNOKE COATH AND VESTS nt H 80 ; worth $.. ' liSLK.MOHA"l COATS AND VEHTSatU. COTTON IXANNEI, COATS AND VESTHatll. WHITE LINEN DUCK VfSTSnlK. HAGER A BROTHER, Nes. 25-31 West Kjng Street, LANCASTER, PKKX'A. iUitvm lltcnthcf ftoeba. r LINN A HRKNEMAN. ISTarm 'WTeatlier Goods AT FLINN & BRENEMAN'S. WATER COOLERS, REFRIGERATORS, COAL OIL STOVES, GENUINE MEXICAN HAMMOCKS, KtSHING TACKLE, RASE DALL AND LAWN TENNI FLINN &BRENEMAN, Ne. 152 ITertli Queen Street, LANCASTER, PEXXA. ,UatchcB. H. RH0AD3 & SON. L05a PRICES. Following will be found a lUt of coods-lew prleed-ntirajs la our iteck: Child's Geld ringer Rings, 23c.; Mlvses' Geld Flnccr Rlngs.TJciLadtes'aoldFliigcrRInevSl.eo Bleeve Buttens, 23c, We..JU; Cellar IJutteiH, 23c. te il.OOj Diamond Cellar Ruttenr, 12.00; Ladlej' and Misses' Breastpins, 2.3c. te 81.00; Mourning Tin nnd Earrlngi, 23c. te $5.00; Bracelets, 25c. te 10; Nickel Clocks, $1.00; 8-Day Mnntls Clocks, 3.T3; tadtcn'Ueld Watches, $13.76; Nickel Watches, $1.00; Silver Watches, 10. Repairing in nil brunches by geed workmen nnd nil work warranted H.Z.RHOADS &SON, J'e'wrelers, Ne. 4 WEST KING STREET. Clethinrt. JlTi'ER' & RATHI.ON. L I Q II T-WKIU 1ITO I.OTJ II NG AT LIGHT-WEIGHT TRICKS 1 EVERYTHING IN WOOLEN, MOHAIR AND ALPACA GOODS TOR HOT WEATHER USE. LET Til E COST GIVE YOU NO CONCERN. YOU CAN IIU VAT RIGHT TRICKS, ANDTHE HKST MADE GOODS YOU CAN FIND ANYWHERE CAN HE HAD RIGHT HERE. DON'T WEAR UNCOMI'ORT AULE CLOTHING THIS HOT WEATHER, WHEN YOU CAN RE COMFORTABLE AT A SMALL OUTLAY. MYERS A. RATH TON, RELIABLE CLOTHIER, NO. 12 EAST KING .Vi'REET, LANCAbTER, VA. rpe CI.OTIIINQ BUYER". L.Gansman&Bre. NOW IB THE TIME TO BUY Men's, Bey's and Children's hi. In order te Clae Out the Entire Balance of our bummer Hteclt we have Reduced the Trices ou em hulls as fellQivs ; Our Best faults, heretofore end $18.00, aie new put down te $10.00 and $12.00. Our bulls heretofore ntSliOO and JK.OOnrouew put devv n te $7.00 and 00. Our Best Trousers, heretofore nt H.50, yi tt, $1 W, are new put den n te Sl-in, fioe, f.'.ii. bee our Children's r.mts nt 2cv. Hie our Thin Coats and Coats and Vest". They are Avtnj Down In Price. This Is the Greatest Bargain Hale en Reeeid, BaiKiilns In All Kinds of bummer Clothing. L. Gansman & Bre., 66 and 68 NORTH QUEEN ST.. 8. W. CORNER 01' ORANQE. LANCASTER. TA. i Net connected with any ether Clothing Heuse In the city. COLLARS AND CUFFS -THE LATENT, the most desirable, und uioet eomfertuble liupc. and stjlcu an) rirr. at EltlbMAN'a Oeuts' Futulshlng Bteie, II West King strcet. m ,J l&VOSCVlCB. SrSiMScil0!'erl1 '" WAUTV CLARKE'S. 15ea Pilliiiiu. 10e a lb BolecMia I'ilie n r Bolec'ita 14c n ) Cot ered Hams, lsenl, Dried Beif lRca lb Treneh Prune' lVinbex M. ors. friirdlnc" VMjex Oil Sardines... -.Fer 12' rer r 12$ T.V.- B Ter lOVte rerl2u ...Fer lOe . . ..Fer 10c Fer 12;a . . .Fer lie 2c bottles Reet Beer irtfrillest Riand Of t.nli.trr Hnlmnn a,irf fai led Meat?. Full Assortment of Cheese, Etc., -AT- CLARKE'S WIOEEALE AND RETAIE TEA AND COFFEE !H ORE, 12 A 11 feOUTH QUEEN ST. As-Hcadiiuarlcrs for Breeke's Crystal sep. Teletihoiie. JjS-tfd&w A T BURSIC'S. PICNIC GOODS. I'lcnlc, or Weed Plates. l'etted Ham. Tongue nnd Gam. Oysters pickled und fresh. Lebster pickled and fresh. Freh Salmen Steaks In flat cans very choice. HiirclliiQi Imported mid American. Tickles and Olives In glass. Alse pickles by the dozen. CHEESE Yerk Htate Cream, Sapsago, Plns Plns apnle, Edam und Roquefort. Boneless Ham In cans, ready for the table. Full Line of All Kinds of Groceries. BURSK'S, Ne. 17 East King Street, LANCASTER, PA. CARLOAD OF BAROAINb ! REIST, Wholesale and Retail Grocer. JU&r in A Carload of Bargains ! J50 10-Ui Deeeralcd Bexes el Large California Prunes at 90c. a Bex! This 1. ft Big Bargain. Don't watt until It Is tej late. Yen must act ate'ice It will pay you. MEATS. Picnic Hams, lOe a ft ; Extra Dried Beef, i:Je n !t; Finest Dried Beef Knuckles.licaBi; Sum mer Bolegua, tic a ft ; New Mess Mind, 10c a B ; New Pickled Codfish, 1 lta for IKc. CRACKERS. The Best t lbs for 15cCtaeLcislu the vrerld. 1 he Best i Its for 25c Cracker iu lhe world. Nlo Nle imcsund aingerbaap. Jibs for 25c. cerrEcs. Cetfcis are lower. SOe Ceflee reduced te re, 2e Collee rednccd te 25c, 25c Cellee reduced te 22c Geed Collee at 12;e, 16c and 20e Finest Mechi.Java, Laguyra and hantns Cothes. :t5 llOXl-S LEMONS. Unions arc going higher In price V e are nxed,' nudum sell at old pride . REIST ! WHOLESALE AND RETAIL OHOCER, CORNER WEsT KINO AND PRINCE T3., Directly Opposite J. B Martin A Ce s Dry Gds Slere und Next Deir toberrel Herse Hetel JISEJONl.ACO., fj Munufaeturei CONFECTIONERS' FINK PAPER llOXLs, The most beautiful Hue in the United butcs. c.13 Commerce Ut.. Phlltdt. uuf Pa. Write ferdeicilptlv price list, 'pdel.7Steed ""t- t .eisea., .&&sm feJ-jsMsKfciltsV.tS -, . LategBM?ttM