hZ' BOASTER DAILY INTELLIGENCER, MONDAY. JULY 15. 1889. -. ."k ' T ' i r ' . - "' ' .i'w.vi'jAvj'p' trt'-",-teV P ACCIDENTALLY CUT. m t. MM i. jtfirz kmm n hieiest tiis wrwTEi mim from the stErs. i A Knife ill life llnnd Stilkrs tlie Child tn IV, .W.. ... ... . .. Mnny TettJ suits. " '"f Columbia. Julv 15. .Mnrv ni..t. nniii innnUis-nld child nf l'.in'l tl. ltli ' trllh imlllftil ncrldettt In n iteenll.ir limn. I 4 Afl Rntlilas. annnimH f. Itlil. nlt.l llm i . m..--t HIlVKIUi'lIt ' JIIVI'i l.llll I1IU KtThlld Vftra fttHlM. nrt llin fw.nl (.trtna mt.t .v:mi..j i."" a.:.".". "' !-." iwiu vauu in moving nueui xinsuuoutte u irem me sicits. me miner nail nil een ...Vfllftn In Ma ltn.,,1 .....t In 1.1- nil........ 4.. zip """ """" .. in ins iiiii-iiiiv iu HV Catch tllC chilli tllfvi' llin lilmln nirnsu llin El cheeks and upier lip. The cheeks xvrre Ei aiirftmltf flit mid l.lA .v.n.al. liH jrA J "" "" uiui ('iuiii-ii,-'.!. ' R.. Craig nnd l.lneaiv caver -were summoned R A. ..4 ll.....! ...1 1 1. 1..I-. . I. urn nutimui iiifj injury, jnu P''11 ru I niltlftfl UtVAMl telllnlieu ...! I ItA ill...tllrtl? fl I wv. ...... rui llL-H lllt illli Hill ii"i"M fcj physicians are under the Impression Hint E tm M........1 ...111 ..... 1 . .. f u7 nuuwi lull lull ionic; II W.U. ft. TU..V. Y I. ..I. I I............ ft siueujju Ul erilOUZCr XltVS ltilllK IIUIIIU uii Eft Saturday night mill Irlpjvctl ever Miuineli-f-J stmctien In Ilia Mrcet. He foil te the frrettnd, striking his rlaht dde niul sus- R&. ..l..l.. - ..........,. .......... .. l.l.. .11... rt'l.n W Mllllllllj 1IU11IIIU I'l UIIU (11 II J lllj. UIU &, Injury xvns attended teby tlic family physl- vinu. Olllyer Selilll r rested .lames Sinllli nnd Charles Dyson en .Sunday for heliift drunk nnd disorderly en liniui-ler uvenue, en com plant if Snuiunl Orecnmtnlt. Squlie Selly lint him le jntl for ten ilnyHutch. Hat yBilihvln sued ''ied. Keller before Sqn( cE .ins for assault mid battery. The hear ug vill be held llils e enhig. T P. 11. It. ollce arrested four train U per en .Saturdiiy and took them befem S lire elly. Twe paid the eeMHand two j wcli;ent te jail for twenty d.ijs. " oniter Schlll arrcMcd fj.imucl Itcjid and Bcnj. Duck en Saturday nljiht for behiR dnmk and dlsenlcrly. The huiiiiiff will be held this evening. I? Ollleer .Morrison iirrestrsl Klll.ih Dillen. i rf TIa.k1I.i r.. r.....l .tn.. .....t I . i .. v. ai.itij, 4v.ii 1UI llll.tllllll ll'lll INt"UiniVf ml Olllcnr Cramer, of (hut city, took hlln te Heading te-day. Dillen was cmpleyiil t the Celumlitii Iren i'empany' mill. Oflictr MerrKqu arrested Jas. Adams for jumping a beunl bill, en leuiplalnt of Jeseph Hallcr. Ailaum was arrested In Heading and gae ball for his npiurnnee. Otis ll,ikcr, u he stele a T. It. It. check from his brother .Stephen en Saturday, mauiigcd te escape from the town, and Ills whereabouts is net kueun. The plcnle of the .Second Stieel Lutheran .Sunday Mhoel 111 be held nt Mtltzen Tiuudny. KnglnoXe. 1,1711 has been placed In the P. It, It. shops for third-class repairs. 1Iks Jennie Smith left home en Suluiday for n visit te llurilslitirg. Mrs. Jeseph MgMakln.orMexico.ai rived t hpiue en Sunday te visit her parents, Mr. nil Mrs. S. 11. Purple. The P. It. It. pay car will be here en Tuesday. Jee Kline, n twclvo-ye.ir-eld nod of Hurry Kline, liml his thumb badly mashed by having a heavy rail fall en It. A geld watch was elcd ell'bv I.lbeily Circle, Xe. 21, II. V. (II. K.) of Ph., d:i Saturday evening, and was wen by .lames Moliride, who tinned iu 6H. Jaines Constatlneand Jehn ,. 'VVelmer will gote Slatlngleu an Tuedav te visit company C. An Infant child of l.evi Snyder dleil en Sunday from cholera Infnntuiu. 1'ittnAV MtiitTvrniti:. The Mim-'ici'HAIis'udy.MaKliiKArraiiKi!. incuts te HiiMi Tluilr Werk Diiiin. Charles V. ltote, who was damaged he badly by Pilduy ulghi's fliv, thinks his less, aboe thu lusiiniiiec, will be about 5,W. He will net remain idle, for any time ening te the great amount ufwerlc that he has ordered. He has had the ellei Of hOVCrnl blllllllllL'H 111 W llllll If. ,.lrr.. ,,.. (rj his manufacturing business, but has' net ucciueu wmen oncjie will taUc. Osbome it Ce. have already begun veik. They have leeelved temperan t fjuarters in the foundry building of . Iliehard lllkkendeifer, en North Water uticct, near the place where the firm is erecting u new linlldlnir. Oils inernlug they imla Inrne folio of men ...- j...t. ... ... . . . 10 wen, maKiiig ineuiilH anil thev ' will push the work iu their new building an rapidly as possible in enler that they may seen be able te take pohsessleu. D. 11. Kulp, another llie Mill'urer, will alsoMicure new ipiarterM until the build ing, In which he was located, has been in built, but he has net yet ileUdcd whom In The adjusters te iiMt-rtiilu tlie less by the fire w ill likely be hem en Wednesday. The Mayei TIiihhi CiisteinerM. fi.i .. . fy iii-re wcru uiree men uciem llie mayor Wjt ' nicmung. ene of them was Weslnv S Stablcfeiil, who was very iliuiik en S.itur- F- "" uvciuiig. no iireuuseii te bwe.ir oil As and the may or discharged him. Thesee- uim ciisiemcr was : (iiurryviiie man, llll(l lukll ...i.n 4 j- t. ...... .....1 1 .11 gi "" ""'"" "" 11 aim micr gelling Cr.? drunk missed his tmln. Hit mlu i'a 1 ES yelling at the top of his voleo en Wood Weed SA -ard btiect by Ollleer .Mcbscukep. lle I had a rctuin railroad ticket te (Juurryvllle ! ami was Kepi in tlie station heuse until Kg- the train left this afternoon when hn iviih Bg1 given an opportunity te iihe his ticket. The Kjf ether man was an Italian, fiein the Nickel EL. Xfllinu Iffi Hiiu t-i iIkiiii1 .it l.n tl If ik V T " iiiiiih .iv uiu j-, it xt St statlmi fc'alunJay uvetilng that the tinlu h'3 unit ti ettl.l ... Ii.i- I.I... .. 1... t -. .! 1.W11114 nut it-i nun uu uu.ini. jiie p mayor diwhargetl him. There will hit n I'onferniwn if rmimL.i... Jjthosef the American jurty at llanlsburg r illlrlnir llin kesNlmtu llnu t ..!. ..r .1... ... , ,,, .American iisnamcs. 11 will tliuu lie dceiiksl whethei te nl.ice a slnin 11, !., 1 F.i5 the Dad this fall. The leiireseiiL-iiUnu ..r K,the jrarty in the western p.irt of the t.uitc,lu Be.1,t l.rt .".II fir Hi.. 11u.nll.11. . ... .1.. .. ... .. ...... .u. ... iniviiiii;, n.11 Uiey Willi! II s 4l.Lif tif.if.Tn it. ul .1.1 11 ..I iir....... .... .-1...1...- ri ----- .. . ...... i-jiuiui 1,1 it-bniLilllg ; lerein ciiiigrutiiiu. Congress, they say, 1 Dassfsl 11 llicrli tll'nti4lii'f, friiiir 1.. 1.. - - n-- t ...w. ...... in jivvji Ulit S. of the country uoeds made by chuap labor, r' and thev want tlin l.iuui.11 tiiiinini.v.1 11...1 v Kiuer labor hlmll be kept out of the ceun- A, tijr. . iiuuiuiT 01 1110 inemucrs or the f'-j, American party in tins city will attend the conference. Sj . m Junier American .Mi-1iumI.i. i..,,,i.. K nl. ,. 1 , . . : - ... - iuu iiiiuiui wv-iuii 01 me .iiinmi' Order kV Aiucricju -ueciianics win 110 Held at Ilar- P ribburg, beginning te-morrow. Thu dclo dcle v . .1.1.. .ii .. ..... u- Kaivn iruui uus ruy :ire 1.. n. uurtr. and u, Jehn II. MilliiVK.iili. of Cinwisin.r.i ,.m Tjfe. 2i; J. V. Winewer nnd Harry lilggs. of Kmpire council Xe. 1;, and Jacob uoemiinii, erbiiiiitcr council Ne. 177. J. P. Winewer will hnlnvlnllml uu i.mn.1 counciller of the state. K All the above-uamed councils will take tliart iu the grand (urade te-morrow after- Bi"i "" "" ine ier narrisiiiirg liv Sf.',peclal train te-morrow uierulng at V Jv, O'clock ever the lte.ulltK' ruiim.,1 . K. '" -....., v.JIII.'?.- gjtega council will take tlie Ircwpiels band. f n vuici 01 -ouce nmenz is ene of the aids iif tke chief inarblial of the paraile. ri-j ... ... . i,rf,w iuiei 10 1.0 te I'lilliulelj.lita. nT. . ey aeen.ige a young Irisli girl, fe.he had lieen iu the country ajieut a week R ma In 1 n..n...l ... I.I . . ' v"1" " wnwiiiw iu nire us a iiiime-tlc, i living lieeu engagcil through a Philadel i lhU einnlevment nuenuv. v..vii.r.i.... ajuerning bhe i-alled at the btalieu heuse 1 atu bhe had oscaned fieni tlin r.m.11.. rHh whom sJie hail Ijcenllving.as bhe was Hillir IrmillMl. Khn wiiw il.ii.1l.il. 1 !IMailiJ lit .... 4 1)I.II.I..I..1.I.. m . .. gnkeltz celleeUsl HUlllcicnt money te jmr- wwucr aiuKct, ami Mieiuitut 11:30 for blUdclphla. : Awarded tint Caiiinmr. .-Tlte IlKltlirer l'rllltillir enimvuiv linn lawarclml tin. inritni.1 i... ...t.t...n... Irejvilrlng the bchoel leeks ntcd the yel thai arc in need of repuirs. ruHMsiiiNrt w.ut miceims. Lnncnstrlatis te llirnlMi Acceutita of the lint tie of Clilcknmniifni. Majer Ocorge Juvls, of Washington, D. C, In charge of the publication of the war records, has niade up a list of theso regi ments and batteries from which no etllcial lci-ortsefthobaltloor Chlekaumuga lme been teeelvtsl. As llie volumes eoverlng this period nre new being put in tyjie, he Is very anxious te secure such or ihee originals as may be iu private hands, or ouch copies as were made from tlie original", nnd which can be euched for as cerrcst. If theso Inning sin h reports will send them te Majer Davis at the war department they will be copied and rclurnctl, If It Is se do de slred, and llie leperts will then appear In the forthcoming volumes. Nothing but originals or fully authenticated copies can be used. Among the reports missing 1110 theso of the 77th and 70lh lteglmeuls, Pennsylvania Volunteers. In the llrst named regiment wasnceinauy reeiulteil In this city, com manded by Pred. S, I'yfer, who allcriiaids bocame llie colonel of the regiment. The Tl'lli was recruited in Ijiniiisler city and county, wllh the oxceptlon of ene com pany. Dr. S. T. Davis was adjutant of the 77th lteglmeut, and he was nsked te-day in reference te the report of his regiment 'u that battle. He wild that Cel. Pyfcr and almost the ontlie regiment was captured at that lisil lie. He will w 1II0 te Majer Davis and arrange for the preparation of u repeit of the pail the 77th took In that battle. Aldciman llarr, who was tlie private secretary of Cel II. A. Hanibrlght, of llin TDIIi lieglment, s.ild be did net understand why nrcHtrt of the7lith's p.ntln that battle is net en file. It was Cel. llaiubilghl's pradbe te make full resirts te the depart ment of nil the engagements Iu which his regiment tool; part. The alderman is w ill lug te assist Cel. Hiimbilglil In picparllig n icpert Iftlie one filed has been lel. The ollleers of the 70th new living In (he city will see that the tcgliiirnl's hlstety Is properly prepared, for iu thai battle the TUth lest heavily Iu killed, weuiuleij, and missing. A .MIXIlll 1'IUHT. til Which One .Mini llim Ills llcnd Cut mill Arm llinKeii. There was a light at 1'iluce and Oinugn htrcet.s, lain en Saturdiiy night or early .Sunday metnliig, in whldi wiveial paities piirtlclpaled, and thorn was very much noise. I.ikeall of Htiih lights which occur lateal nlghl, It is dlillcult te get tliotrue stale of facts. Kiery person engaged In llieui usually claims te have been In llie right. As near ns can be learned the following nre the fads: Jehn Carr and a young fellow 1mmc.1l Ploseweio going home when they met or over took William Si'hijurenbratid nnd Win. Mnher, 11 cigarmaker. They seen get Inte 11 nuanel, and Scheurcubiiiud and Carr lit 1 un te blewH. Carr had the coat tern fiuiu his liiick, iitid hn and Mahcr tliuu gel at It. The lallerget sevenil ugly punches en the nose, mid hevelled murder at the top of IiIm voice. Sclieureubiand returned te assist Mnher, but Carr, iu the meantime, had managed te getaway. Sclieurunbranii Is then said te have attacked lilseun friend, mistaking lilin for Carr. Whether Carr or Scheiirenbranil caused Maliei'H Injuilesls net OMii'lly known, but II Iseeilain thai he was hint. After llie biitlle he was plekul up and taken te the elDi'e of Dr. Davis. An exanilnnlleii of lilin hIidwcsI tlnil his head was badly cut and one iirm dislocated. It was at llrsl lcpeitcd that he had been slabbed, but ouch was no! the case. TWO Dltl'MilIN TltA.MI'X. Tltc.v Are ArrcMled In Cplir.itu, mill One tilves OllliM'rts .M110I1 Tisuibln. This meiuliig two trumps, each olulieni wero ever sl feet high, made their ap pearance lu Kphiala. They weie both drunk and began abusing mid Insulting people. They wem m rested by Constable Suaderaudn number of citizens. One of them leslsted nnd fought for 11 time. He was finally placed en the Jjiucaster train, having been committed by Squlie Seltzer for 11 hearing. The niiiioeiic iae,l another iiuupus en the cars and he was (led by both hands and legs. At tlie King stieel station Ids legs were loosened and walked ipilelly along for it time. Sunder had his hands tied together with 11 huge repe nnd he was at the ether end four or (he feet away. AM'cntie Srpiaiotlie bum again began lighting ami the con stable called for assistance, Ollleers Hon Hen uaiil, Swciil; and Constable 1 '.if hellv. as sisted te the station house, whom baud cull's wero placed upon the lighter. Hem he agnlu showed light nnd kicked l'lcuuaiil, who knocked him down. When he fell he cut his head anil bled profusely. I'luui that Ik. was taken te j.illwith his companion. Koine poi-seim, w he saw the handling or the ugly big fellow, thought he was being ubused", aid they weie net slew te g!e their valuable opinion. The oIllcerH did nothing te hint until he hid abused them, hew ever, and many would have given him mom than he get. llr. n. '1'. Hails Honored. Dr. S. T. Davis has been appointed it liiuiiibernf the State Heard of Health by (loveiner lle.iier. Dr. Davis takes the place of Dr. J. 1 Kdward, of I'hll.tilelplila, editor of the Journal e Jlittcne, whose tci 111 nas o.pireu. nr, iuvih was nut an applicant for the position, and did net knew that the governor lonlcinplated appointing him. The first knew ledge of the appoint ment he had was lu leading the same iu the morning mpei. It Is the Hi ft tliun that lincaster has b"0'i honored with a place nn the State Heard el Health. Dr. Dai Is te-day leeched many congratulations upon Ids" appoint ment. Tii-innrretv'H Hxeuc-leii te I'imryn. All the arrangements han been per per fei'tcd for the gland excursion el' the Knights of the Mjslle Chain te IViiryn Park lo-umriew. A sjieclal piegiiuume el' interesting events h.is been prepired, and with geed weathci the ecuisieu will be a huge one. Will Hovlevv the (use. Kdwaid Trissler and Jehn Kelly have certierated the pinccediugsuf Aldeimiu Halbacli.iutliesuitsagalnst them, iu whlili he imposed 11 penalty for fist d living. The court will tev lew the aldeimau's jno jne cccdlugsiit thcSejiti'iiilicrleimet'tlieiiigu- meui com 1. .. Wiilinelii ( lull Itcci'ptlen. Them will bon leceptleu given by the Wiihueta Tenuis club, Tuesday evening, beginning at 7 o'clock, at the isiik, corner ofCelumbla niul Weil Hud avenues. The members of the l-ancaster Tenuis club, Itaekct club, and ulher tennis players will attend. Tim lreHti! Klectiic l.lglit Slntlen. D. ('. Sjirucnce, an clis-trici.in from New Yeik, is iu thei ity te-day. He accoinpa acceinpa nled the sjicchil coiumitlce of councils te the old watei works plant this afternoon te examine it and rejiert as te theadvisiblllly of using it for an electric light station. Xlppeix Jist. Cliief Venderbuiith. whlle trimmim? trees, lest a imlr of nippers, such us are used iu i utting w lies, and he would like te have t'lciu. They are of no use te any. ene but linemen, and weie lest en Chest nut street. Struck en the Nose. aunt Huastnxmi.cnipleyedat Hest's shop, wnsut work en Saturday driving a jiin into it boiler, when by some accident he (struck Cleorge Swartz en the nose, injuring klui u,uite fccveiely. UK union pitoiiiniTeiiv i,r.Aeui:. An Omnnlwitlen KfTbettvl nnd Oftlcpi Clected-Olijectortlie Icnirue. A meeting of llie constitutional amend- m:nt county eommlltce and the friends of Prohibition was held iu the eeutt houseto- iUy. There were feity-slx delegates from about ."0 election dlstrictBef the ceuntj-. A lemierary orgnntzatleu was etlectnl by the election of Hev. David Andersen, of Hart, ns ptcsldcnt und Hurry C. Moere, rlly, ns secretary. Tltoebjoci of the inciting was stated te be te form it Cenjily Union Piohlbltery League. Wellington H. Ijeucks, of Phlla dclplila, secretary of IhoSlale Union Pro hibitory l,oague,delIvcred nn address In whlcli.lie outlined the objects of the league. After discussion participated lu by nearly nil the delegates piescnt tl was decided te form n county league. The following were elected KTiiiiineiit olllrersef the League for ene year: Piesldenl Hev. David Andersen. Vice Presidents C. S. Kaulliuan, Hubert Montgomery. Sec rel n ry Harry C. Moeie. Tieasurer I). S. Ilursk. The executive coinnilltce Is made up of the abeve named elllcers, and a precinct committeeman from each election district. The latter were net Neleeted te-day. Thern will be hcigues feimcsl In every township of the county and Ihese will be under the direction of the county league, and the county league Is directed by the btale league. The main object of the league Is thu suppression of the saloon, and the con cen con hlllutleu says: "We unite te socuie, IstiThe strict enforcement of thopiehlbltorv meas ures of existing lawn relative te the liquor Irallle; 2d. The cm ly enactment of morn stringent and ptohlbllery Siat ules with ndcqunlQ penalties; ,!d. Tlin 0 u til mlojitlen of constitutional prohibition ler the stale and nation. Itb, tvewlll pel pel seveic lu this elletl until 1'iinn Pennsylva nia and Irem tlie nation, an from Maine, Kansas and lewu, the saloon shall dls nppenr." e.C A.M. i;i uiwies te it iiiiiisiiinie i lu ItcfidliiK rulltoiul,eiiTiiesi1iiy,.liil.i lOlli. Iteinul lrli tickets, geisl fiirthria ilnya. I'nre only Jl.ne. 'l'riiln Ipiivis l,iiiicnli.r (K'liis- sticctj. 7 n. in.; Miinlirlm, 7:!W a. in. Train leturiihiK leaves 1livrrl:-lmr nt l):lj p. in. (Irani pantile of the nnler. JyH,n,ind Tim: relatives unit frlrniUnf Clirhtlim Hum tz reiniiiPinl the inniuii r lu which ITnilrrliikirC. H. Hi rr (eiiilurliil the fiimrnler the uliove niiiiKit nn Hiiiuliiy. Mr. lien's sorvleon wire very Mitlnfiioteiy. ltd IHavvlrtru'Oi IUlei 11 All ink. lulv lllh. by Hev. J. V. Hrkirtlnlinse tpsiilenre Is Ne. Km wcmI OntiiRO I reel), at the reslilenre of tholirhle's imtents, lilcn tiniiishlp, Mr. l.'li 1 1st Inn ll.niflMir.ef Hlrnv Imrn leuuxhlp, mill Miss Violet Iliiuclm, nt IMcn tOMiiililp, this county. l.lconsaNe. 4 073. ltd Jlecithe. I'l.s'Kl.mes:. At Inr resilience, en the Hilt bill., In Ml. Jey, Sumii A. I'lnkii Ien. I'llcints nre Invlteil le nltentl her ftincnil fmiii li(rliitcrcsileiire,TiU'silityiit inn. in. 21 Hkiii:i.. -Iu this city, en Iho lllh Inst., I'rcil illn Nlihiniui, f.iu orueeiKu W. anil Murciinl Jlclt7(l, MKi'il (I mouths. Ilelntltis ami 'rlciids of the fainllj are re re uperlfiilly liivlled In altcml thofiiiierul, fieni Ills pnreuls' icnliU'liie, Ne. IJI North lVlnie tn el, en Weiliicilay allernenii at four e'clixii. luleriiiiiit at Uincasler coineti ly. i.'ld liliivltlte. Phlluilelphlii I'coiluee Mni'ket. l'lill..vi)i;i.eiiiA, July lS.Noeii-flonr dull; IViin'ii siiin'in, a:i1.v2Mt; exlni, Slt)M.12; family, t (Ki-ttl ax. loller, I SVi 1 , 3 ; pulent, yiKUei'iil. Win ut u ink; Ne. '.' Hid W; Ne. I IVim'n Iteillltil. Cern ipilet ; Ne. 2, HW.i3 lle. Oats steady ; Ne. 2 White aijic. ; Ne. S llran.iliill; Winter 12 .'iOV.il,17S. llalcil hay til in: 12 OOinlO HI ns le nnnll! Ilinelliy lUKViflilW for choice; mlxcil, 10'cjJJ Imtiwl r.n In...' .IX 111 Under unlet; l'enu'n crenincry lIUAilie; IVim'n llmts extra 2t.2.). l.Ktssleiult ;l'inn'H llrsts IPi. i. . . ... .I..II . ..... ..i.i .v . r..i extra, .'hn"l'i"1 , I lllim IIII.I. Iiy l?lii.n iliill ii. irl uLrlniw 1L.7 . full .skims . ,. . . I 1 " ......n .,. , l'i 'roll-mil steady ; Kilned In litils 710. luUttis.s steady at .'IXl KH isr hakil. I.tvoMeek I'liees. I'lili.Aiii.i.i'itlA, July 1.1. - '1 he r.iciits ut Ihu Weil I'lilliulilplilu niul North IVmuhjImihIii Dreve XariU Wciv. Hoaxes, Hliecn. JIeks. I nr tllOVKCk 2,in WHW li.'AX) I'miieus u i el; . 2,777 7,U b.'tM Diet Cattle were In ioer ih miiiul, niul prla's limited us I'ellims: Kxlrit, IJ((!i l'',i! neiKt, tUit, I'.e; medium, lf.iil',0; ceiiuiiiin,:t,,f(.l,kc. AliuiilK the sales or In cf rattle Mere ; llemils Hnij lit te !'. W. linm'iifiiK, C Luiicinttcr ciiiuitv.nveiuue I.K.Sfts, II 12',,i.i'r bundled. A. It. Ill.ii I: te Dentils Smyth, 22 l-iinunlcr i emit x , I, let lbs, SI ia per Imnilieil , f.'.lu en. Alie ICiiUtoJeluiC Wills, .11 Western, aver ego l,:i2ru.s iicpurlisl), $1 12 T IiiiiiiIumI. Jiti'iili KduiiulicrK I" I'". W. llaHMifus, 17 Wost West iin hllll-ri'il.nvernife llHiis.Siu'i per hmiilred. Hit ep-flic icirlpts for the wick ieieH,lm hiad; prevluiiH week, 7,(m heud. The market it as active n ml firm until t lie i lese tiwln,vilicn IhciUmiuiit lioeaine less niul pi Ici'mIicIiiiciI ,e, lluutattima; Uxtru, 5'e , ijimsI, I ' ,k. (.."' , ; medium, !'..clV; luiuineii, .'Intake ; iiiIIh, 2m Iiiinliswi re lufiillsiiipl.i niul prices divllnrd 'ii. We itiete i i:trn, tiVl'''". Heed, .V,h (!'.e , nn'illinn, I'i'ii, ',!, ; ceium. n,v,w I'.e. lilies were lu pour itsiust initl pines Tlexeil lovici.eKpedalli enuxtiii luiity irrmles, ulileli weie net itiiiitcdnl liny llmues. Ne state hues iiirlveil. Hreelpls ter the mek, (i,XJ hetul , previous Htek, (lA) head. We iiuele : luied I lull t West! I n, b;'U0ir ; litavy esti m, 1SVH le .urn peinuN. iwiuiju; extra litavy Wi stern sews, "i(l jhuiikI", Mjc. I'a I isittH eielnni(leraleiciniest nl 2' ;.". Hlppuy ceiVH were lu fair ill inaml ut Jknj 22 ri. Ilolesu.i cows were In peer ilemiuul ut fsujll. Mlieli iiimh wtie undiaiiKOil at S-IWO.; Mllill calves wen' liard tewil nt l.edc. Ilressed liieies vieie III ndr ileuuiuil at .W7e fin ali'illelr HhiUKhtcicd. The IoIIeuIuk llnus ktlli'il at the iilMttnlr for the tel eiulliiK Tluirsitax : Mi-fiiuille'ss. Hclmliii; A Ce , .'57; i. uiu It's iiin'm -ii .v mm, iu. ;(.!, ist iiiei . in. SS; llldel A Meirls, sil , Hmltii r MiiMien, 7"i ; Jelin Mltrphv, 71: Paul A Welkei.TO; N. II. llerliert.ni; J. C. Wi Us. W ; D. A W.Sintli,57; II. (I. (i.i) Inn.. V? ; A. ileiuell, III ; ti.uislt'iil Initcheir, II; liit.d, l,(X01ieatl. I.lve Moel. Muii.etH. CiliiMde, Jul) IS. Hiis-lpls, :wi;slilpiiii'iita iieiiv ; nun ket steatly; liccvcs, M(U;12Ti ; Nieere, 8-1 lik.il 20; Kteekirs mid leetlirs, I.' 2Js.l ;n ; outs. Iiiilj and lillM'il, jl KV;1 111 ; Texas entile, Jl 7.ssJ W. lles ItecsiplF. 10,liml! shipments, l,Hi; iiutr iiutr ket slr.iin;; inlxeti, Jl 11 15. neiiv),l UXj.1 .n ; IlKht. f I 2V I (ii ; skips. $3 (t.t I w. Hieep HeeelpM, 1.UM ; shlpiiientx. &X): mar ket sti ads . native; Kl .'ViW"i 1(1 ; Western uoeltil .l lOjt I ill ; shorn Tcxiini, W 2."a I ID ; lambs, S I GO te is 2.; per licuil. H.vsr I.imuirv.-Catlle-Hi'cclpts, V); sldi-iiK-iilh am : market imtliliur delus', all threueli isMislRiuui'iini ; one cur initie slilpisil te New erk. Ileas IticelpU. ITint; shipments, ItstO: market fair; plKsiind Unlit Verkers, JlMKIW; medium und t'lillmlelphlu, Jl "0 1 75 ; extreme lieitvv Iiekii, JI&Uill; 5 ear.s lietfs slilpp.il te New Yerk. Hieep Itecelpt lUMi shipment. leiM; inar kt'l shiM' ; bluiile loner tliun eUnlny'H pilics. siteel. .Markets. Quotations" hy HissI,MiC1ihiiu A Ce., Isinkerb, liiieantcr, I'a. stff XOIIK 1.1SV. 11 A. .M. 1J V, 31'. M ("aiiiula l'at llie C. C. C. A I Colerado Ceil .. .. Central Paiinc... - ... Canada Southern......... . 6J "'- a.' lid. St. Ulbg.... Den. A Hlell Del. U AW - IHH HiH I'"J Crle .. "Hi Krle 2nd. J Jet C IH'i Z. A T .. l.eu. A N . - il U Hiere 1015 Midi. Cen.. .. MUseurl PaellliV. - TO Heek. Valley N. P. 27i N. 1'. l'ref IH N. West 1IW mSl kid; T0'"i (!)'. 27'j 2S 1.1'J IJ IthH I(i7i ta !B', a;i ii N. V.C New I'.nulniul. . ::r.-. ok uini lennesMx' ... (luuliii ... On-Keu TnnisreiiiliiuntiiU. Onlarle.v W .. I'uelrte Mall Hlchuiniut Terminal Hi. Paul n... .... I. i.i.. 1 1.A.I13 1 lllllll.. . ., ,, Union Paeillc CU Wuliaj.Ii Cem; tt'uUuli I'rcr. .. .... Weu rnU . , M. sA WestKhnre Uuiid 1111 i..x iiKi.i'in.x i.isr, Ia'Ii. Vul II. N. V. A I'hlla .i 13 (it;, M.'l r. It. It Hvartliitf Ih. Nnv Hi J 0-. llfsteiiv. Pas P. A H N.CeuU l'tsipluti l'ass .. . ittiiib .. jm j,u. Oil.. - ,r. irj y,;i Ornln nnd Previsions. Furnished by H. K. Yumlt, Ilrekcr. Ciflc.i'je, July 11, l-en o'clock p. m. XVhenU Cern. (Uiu. rnrk. I.nnl. July.... .. .. AllKUtl . ,. Heptenibcr. Decrtnbf r. January . , May October-... Year.,. .. (Illinois ..,., Vi lllf 11 .15 2IH II 27 WI 21 11 Ml 6 40 ... 7lJ M( m li'ie e'i'i 73i Crtidceu , Lieslnc Prices 'iPS o'fleok n. In V2 it iieiii. veru. intiH. erK. irfiru Jul mi x,y, ay. Ri(J 2Pi II Si fl f.2 11 .'A B.V, Au-runl steptetnlK'r (Ictetier December., i , January ... Mitrca Mny... Year ., , CnnleOII (.'onsels ............ Winter AViienl... Pprltiu Siictit.... (.'erii... Oat live. .. Hnrley.... 78JJ .7X zi; S" 22 :n ... u te u te 6 '5 r.y myi Car ixiu. ltn 6 S7t 1M Hcceipls. Head. ...., I0.fll 11,711) tlerrlpts lines, , Hecellils Cuttle. - l.ecnl Stock und Ilnnds. Heperted by J. II. I,enr. Par iJint value, wile. Irfincnxifljier renl., IPO . .... lun 101.00 " fl " " IW) Id) 115 " I " " st(.,i !,, jkju i(jij (n " I " ' I it 1 or 20 j earn. Id) let) " i " " In r. er'Jljenm. loe let " t " " 1 n 10 or 20 years. l') leau " " lu noraejenrs. HID 10.1 Mniibelm Pereus 1 1 lean . ... IU) IU2 1I1S(.'I!I.I.AM.0U.S BIOCK.S. QtinrryvllliiH. It .. . . - . .te I MlllorMVillMHtrfet Car Ml fit Impure Printing Company .7) (il (laMluhl uuil riii'lCiiiuiinuy .... 2". 28 .Stevint IlimseJHiiiHlH).. K ) Columbia (las Ceuiimuy 2 2.1 Columbia Water Company HI 11 Hus(iieh:imin Iren Company . . HO 201.2.1 Mnrlelln llolletv-iiare ....Inn 210.10 Hteirns Heuse M 1.0.1 Mlllorsville Nermal stchiHil si 1H Northern Mitrket ft) 7.1 ljotlem Market ... .ft) MM ()aiCeniuiiiy llenil' loe ldl Culmnbln llnreui;li llfiuds ll imM UuurryvllleH. H. 7s .. -. ... ion 110 ItiMillneACelmnbla It. H.6' IHU KSI IMIxin I. lulit Company ftl Wyi W( stem .Market ftl fil.2.1 Heiitlurn Market. ... . . ftl in lAii'-nKlcrlityMrevl lutllitiiy Ce.,. ft) ffl I'jist Kiutnirist Italhtny CI l.annihli'rKluiin I tail la ter Ce., ft) M Helvitlit licullicrC')., ft' Ki Wnti h Kiiclery ii's . .1m) lnl Uiue. Chcm. Ce., . . ....ll I.V Tfll.NI'IKK HlllCKH. UmniKler A I'rultville i0 lfi..V) bani'iislcr A I.ltlt . .... 21 tM daniiixler A Wllllaiiintetvn ... . ill l(i Lniiinster A-Maner . . . .. ,V) 111 Ijuu'iistir A Maiiheliii ... 2.1 MM Ijinriuler A Miiilrtla. .. 21 :tt bunranter A New Ilellaud Km Si) l.anruskT A Silsqudialuia ,710 iir.) I.niicnster V New D.iiivllle 2.1 II Columbia A Marietta si 2:1 Mnylnivn A Cllrubotbtewii 2.1 10 Ijnnmsfr A Hnhrubi. . SI 11,73 bnniMster A- willow Htreet 2.1 HtnixbtirRiV Millport SI 20 Miulettii A Muylewn . .. SI Ij0 11VMK STOCKS. lirslNalliiuid Haul: Il) 311 I'ltrniers Niilleiinl Ilnnk . . ft) lls.U1 Pulton Nitleuitl lliinli.. inn 2i L'liieuster County Niitliinnl Ilnnk ftl US Northern National IMuk. He 12II.K.1 Peeples' National Hunk . . Ien 1 ill Kcystnne National iLtnk, Maiihelin IU) 112.21 Ceriiuibla National llaulc KM l'ni.7.1 Chrlstliina Nittleiiid Hank .HO 121 CoueHten Nnllennl Hauk ... 1(0 111 1'pliralu National Hank . 100 Pi7 Plil Niilleiinl ll.iiik.CiiIiiinblii.. 110 l.'i2 Mi I N.itluiiitl ll.ilik, Ktlnsliur. HO 111 Ptrsl Nnlleiial Hunk. Marietta . H ar, lirsl National Hunk, Jit. Jey. . KO 1.11 l.llltr Nallniial H.iuk HO I .VI JliiuutvllleNatleii.il llaulc . in0O Mauhi'lm National Hank HO lit I'nliin NiiHiiiiiiI Hank, Mount Jey ft) H2.21 New llellnnd Nullenal Hank. .100 111 (lap National Hank. .. KO 117 (lu.uryv llie Nullemil Hank .. HO U1 l.llrnbethleMii Nutlennl Hull. . lfi I.-tl (,'eiilr.il Nntleiial Hank. Columbia . KO 111 HluKprlim A Heaver Valley . . . 21 HrldneiHiri mid llnrsesiiw. . I )' ; 21 Celiiinbla A Chestnut Hill. . 20 27 (,'elumlila A VV'asblimten, , Li 20 Cnlieslega .V Hit: Hprlnu SI 20 Marli tin A Jleiiut Jey . .. . si SI l.iur. Ml. Jey A i:il7abethlnwn . KO m Jlcm 3VbiH'vtixH!mttta. A JWOI.UTHI.Y PlJlti:. ROYAL BAKING POWDER. rpillH powiter never varies. A maivelefpu X rlty, KtietiKtli und wholeseinencss. Jtere eoenoinlenl than the ordinary kinds, mid enn enn net tic sold In coiuiH'tltleu with the multitude of low test, herl weight, alum nr iilio-.pb.ile Powders. .M( enlii in cunt. Itev.tl. llAKIMl I'nvfiiKK Ce.. Us) Wall strict, New Yerk. inai-2MiilAlyw riMli: MOsT UKhllRSIlINll DlTlNK IN 1 warm wialliir turt wine. We have Pure Calirernla Hed ami White Wines for iiO cents, linsobettlisj ?.UK) porileeu heltli. hoi i units i.iiji'ousTem: Ne. 'ii Centre Square, l-inrastcr. Pa. Ievr-A HI.ODDIIODNH, SIX MONTHS J old, Kiey mid lil.uic spots, white breast ; bail en a leulhir cellar. A lllsrul reward will be paid fur his leturu le ltd Ne. 107 HAbTOHANlii: ST. 1I-S1 Oe HAVANA lil.I.l.il CH1AK IN I the dt), ut Hll.l.V WAIT.S, Nes. , laud 103 Ninth QiuuiSt. injiS-liinMAV.ih.s.vw LrNDHHWHAH- 1,1(1111' AND JIKMUJI I vtelKlit nnilci wear III nil grades und nn.v sle,ut i:itlMAN's Ueiith I'lirulshlni; Stere, 12 West KIiik btieet, lOll HUNT, rVmilK AND DWHUdNOA V two-steiy Uriel: Hullillns mid store Hihuii, .Nim. fli'l and .'111 I'usi Kim; stris't. Huh double fieul und Is Hiiltulile for any kind of business, isHelall.t a isiufei 1101110 steiv. Apply ut the Jlcihnuiirf Hetel, Cor. Plum und Chestnut Micel-.. Jtlt.uitls,M,vi'd TCDOKS HAVi: I.ONlJ SINCK DKCIHHD thai lllllv Waltz's CiKiirU the best iu the slate. Per snle nt NOS. 5 A UU NOUTU Ql'HKN ST. m.v lsm.M,W,Th,s.xiv 'i"'Nl MHN ANDI.AIIIP.Si J The K HI SlONi: M'SIN1S COl.t.KOH. ferS.Vj, Pull Day Course, guamntees IokIvc.veu a thenmi;!! eetirnc In lloelckeoplng audnll oilier brauclu . The latest uuil best methods are used. i.V, I'.M'lllns' sh'sxIiiii. W. 1. JIOSSKU, Prln., tftlAtr 10 N. ljueeii St.. laiurnsltr, Pu. rpllHV CAN Al.l, COPY HUT NONH CAN 1 liml Hilly Wnllx's Havana l'llled Clnr, NOS. ft A 101 NOUTU (Jl'HHN hT. niylM.m.M.W.ib.SAw A J .HNNKP.CHOH OAHDUN. cvi:u nhiUttiiis wi:i:k. MITCIIHI.I. A I.OUHAINK, iu llielr UmiiI Clinnse Act, Seuk nnd Dance. COLLINS A WHLfcU, Iho Orenl American M'urbleri., beni; ArtUU and Klc-raut Daneers. Utille'i iiithiulfi'erl and miners net admit list te the Harden. JcsWiinl U Pl'AHPPLi;, Prep. r i:wi:n:u and eitician. Spectacles ! iPYot'Hi:Yi-sTHeri!i.i:YoriiAVi:Tiii;ji KXAMINHD WITIIOl'T CH MtliU HY VJ1T J, ilu Jap m Jeweler and Graduate Optician, NO DROPS USED. lxTe. 10 We3t King Street, VNCAbTiUl. PENN'A. Item jfrttrtUemcttt. BH.tA' WAITS HAH THiTiHtTvVOKOII 5c nnd e Clgnrs In thi eltr, nt miMmM.W,Tri,SAw "XjixicwKAit-fuI: uxfanTSrvTSeSr Xsl fathlennble styles nndihndn,Uic)i(Mrt nini best, nt KIUHMAN'H UcnU' rurntildnu Hterc, 2 Went King utrect, A HAIIK CI I ANcrKOU IN VESTA! EKT A A limited iiiinilsref nhnreBOfTIIKaHf iMiiiiA iiiun 1x1.. loeiesoun neoeutu, rermuc. AtmHM'i J.U.UU ji. iaj-ie, iireiter, lAiu-ntlcr, I'a. j)MildIl BI2ST TWO KOIl FIVK CKNT CIOAH8 IN the i-tnle, nt I1H.I.Y WAITX.S. Nes. S nnd 101 North Uuecu 8L mylWniM.W.ThJIAvr E CAIIHY THK I.AHOEHT STOCK OP I'iltcsnnd line Htneklnu Tobacco In the city. WetMlen Pipes attic, nnd 10c, each. Ocnu Ocnu Ine Jleerecliaum I'lnen ntaie. each. DEJIUTHS CIOAIl HTOitE, aia-lfdlt 111 East King Street. rEM7HIIt7 A Jul- reduces the price of A'UJTixefi axi Tneuximixas AT McORANN & N0WLENS, 1M North (iitcen btreet. SCHOOL TAX, 1IW.I, TIIK DUPLICATE IH new In the bandit of Hie Treasurer. Threis ist cent, efl'lfpald before August 1. Oftlcc hours from Un. m. till I p. in. W. O. JIAItSHALL.Treiwurcr. mj'SMwdll Ne. 12 Centre Siiusrc. Sil EA VYKKVn.vivOllivVOVL'E, 15 CENTHE btiUAHE. PURE RYE WHISKY. Jly own dlntllluHeii. seplMfd HENHY HI.AUMII IS PHEPAItEH TO make te order nt short netlrnaiiy kind of furniture for heuse or office. Hard vvishI work 11 speelalty. ltepnlrlni; or furniture neatly done UpliulMcrliiK In nil Its dcpnitmcutx. IIKNIIY HLAUOH, mKMmdTilASlt 131 liixt (hunt HtricL ri ENIlY WOLF, FURNITURE STORE, hit removed te ITU litst Klnc street, lutrlmrn full line of Furniture of every description nt the lowest prices. Alse Uiiderlnklmr promptly nt nt tended te. Call and e.xnmlne our cishI. (i-tfilll II. WOLF. IMKnxtKltiB Street. ii 1: a i) e i a it ti: it Hrei7 FisTFine 11 TACKLE. Our stoelt or Tackle Is un aa KreKntlnu efb.irualus te the nuttier. Welinve seenred K'dnl discounts en n let of line Jointed Hass Hmls lu lh-iiss und Nickel JtiiuntliiKn, rer ensh, 1 boy villi be In te-morrow und custo mers it 111 net the benefit of the low prices, lit A I LEYS EAST END PHAH.MACY. (Opposite EflRlcrn Market,) linlle.v's Sticky Fly Paper Is the best. It stloksevery fly that itllRlils en it. 6c. Jl.W.FAtv OILK SHIHTS. ii Wn have new the llnest line of Patlernsef silk Shirts In the mm ket. -They are the newest things mil. WO dlircrent Flannels te select from. Thoreushly shrunk and made In order from S1.50 up. LUIr Thread Sloeklnus, 10c n pair. Everything lu the Men's l'lirnishliiK TROUT & 81LA.NK, Shirt Miintifaeliirers and Jlen's Outllttciii, Hi) North Queen Street. niar2i!-lyilU t-iri: EXAJIINE EYES FHEIi Spectacles f WE EXAMINE EYES FREE! Yeu Think Your Eyes Arc Geed ! If j ou hnx c them exntnlned you will probably find that there Is semethlm; urenp with them, and that slass will I mi a treat help te veu. We use Inlmltahle " HlA Jl A NTA " lenses, tvhlch are made only by ns. and reeeiuuienileil by leailliiK Oculists as the best aids le defec tive vision. Solid Ueld H'lecluclc'", .i.OO; usual price, fefl.OO. Steel Siieetacles, noe,: usual price, SI .(1(1. Artificial Hy e Insertid, ." I j usual price, sj u). M. ZIHEMAN & BRO. 130 S. Ninth Street, OITICTANH. PHILADELPHIA, llctvvcen Chihtmit and Walnut Streets. nijK-ljtt T HIE PEOPLES CASH Hi OHE. Jiilj Clearing Sale -AT- THEPEOPLE'SCASHSTORE, NO.'JI KAST KING hTHEUT. Our r.ntlie Stock of AllAVenl French Chnllleit ridueed te tic. Finest Quality French Satlnes reduced from 37Jiete2,1e. A few Salines at Ilk, reduced fiem 33c. Our Entile Stis-k of Kj-lnih Sl.Oi) All-Weel Hen ilcltas itduced teMc. Our Entire StiH-k eflO-lnch .vll-Woel Henriettas reduced leOTc. Our it hole line or 31c Zeph.vr (HnshiiniH ro il ucid te 2V. All el our 37VJe Z"phyr (HiiKhitms ledtued le 31 cents. he bulnnie of our Extra line Quality Zephyr and (Jlnghams reduced fiunV- l5e und fate te e7,'c. Illack Silk Uice Dress Nets in Plain, striped und lisurcd largely reduced In price le elec. Othir leductlens throughout our l.irire stock which spare will net allow us te mention. Our lteducliens In Price me tji milne. Gee. F. Rathven, NO. 25 EAST KING STREET. inarLXMyilll -yj7iLl.lA.MbON A FOSTEIt. On satuiilay there was Ne Ijicl; of Public Sup port at our li.irj.-a I n Sale. NewPrlie List. CHILDUEN'S SUITS. I 2 (X) Suits for 1S0 2 M ' .... e 1 Tj arn) " j me SOW " i 10J HOYS BUITS. S Sim suits for J ise S7 0) " 5 8() SbW (ili i t'U) " 7.V) SlUW " J8W jinN'bhini-s. Ill l Suits for 311 te sisei " . ... siaoe SHice " jiara llsll) " SIS ui iJlW ' .ilil IX) VAL1S1. I 50) ValUofer Jiei Sim " 3M s i te $ i as s i n j i iu HATS, lilt I'rlit'seu Ferle.x Huts. .Men's HWSIraw Hats for fjsil Jit It's !2el) " .... V-'lX) Men's S21X) " si.ie .Men's Jl no " jl2i Men's 81 S5 ' stl Children's SJfX) Straw Huts for. .. $2U) (hlliiren'sfilM " ... . si ae Children's f J Ail " . 2 (X) Cbililix'U'sll.'n) ' Jim Children's 51 CO " i Children's 75 ' . . 33 Cblltlrtn's '') 23 A CLEAN SWEEP IN Ol'll FtJHNIsIIINO DEPAHTJIENT ON Cl'T PHICE HOODS. 2tV Halbricgan Shirts, lone shvics, for 15c. 3e llreuuaiul Aiu;eni ltalbrls'an Shirts und timvvcrnfer 2ae. .Vie Nulnnsik Pe.ither-WelRht Hraviers, BSe. 51 (Uiiud II 2.1 Percale shirts for Tie. S2 0J Freiii'h liannel shirts for 51 . 520) Ensilsh liuuuel shirts for 51 75. 52 r I'rviiiit Flannel shlrU for 82 (X). 8 1 7.1 Flue Silk shirts for 5:1 ta. Ik' White Shirt, relnferisst OmiiI and back, for 'IS.'. Use Seersucker Shirts for .'lie. S!e Fuiiev st:neniler for 25c. 2Tk' Punt' su iH'iulers. 17c. 17c Pane) Su.mh rs, 13e. Alse Heavy Reductions lu Plain untl Funcy Half Hese. Fine Neckwear and Sblrl WaUt. SlIOEHAIHiAINS. 53 is, Ijulies' Dongola shoes for 5.1 00 Sift) " " " . .4223 52 70 " " '' 2 (l) 51 7j " New pint Tie 5123 l7'i " Serifi nuiten ilOO 5150 " Nirs-e iJiie flte fl 7i Mtn'i l.etv Shoes 1j0 Williamson & Fester, ;pj-.i8 E.ST KINO ST., LANC-VSTEIt, I'A., AND UIBMAHKETOTHKET. ILVlUtlbUHIia I'A. tw glbtcrtUgmcut, CANEH-EXCEtlHlVE 8TYI.EH IN Al-'A cln, Penanir. Wclschel. Cherry find Maine en, metinud lusllxernnd llrenre. UESIUTH'H CIO Vlt STOHE nLS-tMU IU lmt Klnc street. CANKH-TUK F1NIMT AsrtORr.MENT OF Canes In the city enn be found nt HILLY WAIT.S CIOAIl HTOHE, Nes. A nnd 103 North Queen street. mj1T7.M,W,Th&w V TtOUHENT-FOl'IlHIX AND N1NEHOOJI i lloiises. Atinlvnt el2-tfd 406 SOUTH WATK118T. CVll GOLDEN 1.ION ANH .MIA QUENHA f Chjars, 6c clear, are linml mndcwltb long Clear Havana Fillers, Wn nnd HW n Ihixp. ,. ,. DEMllTH'S CIOAIl bTOUE, alg-tfdlt 111 East King Street. WANTEO.-100.000 CHEAP C1UAHH FOH Cash. Address NO. 10 SOUTH SECOND HTHEET, JyH-ltdTh,S,Jl,W Cedar Ilnplds, idtvn. TOUNO LADIES AND GENTLEMEN CON X templntlnr tAklne course of Huilness Instruction would de well te examine Inte the merits of the LANCASTER HUHINIXS ceu LEGE, Ne. I0X East King street, The class of v eung Indies nnd centlonien In nttendnnee dur ing the pnst tenn.ihelr letters nrcomineiKlntlen sutnclcntly attest the tuiierlerlty or thu course. Address II. C. WElDLEIt.I'rlncliul. H1 CItR'S BOOK STORE. joyful Sound ! THE LATEST Sunday Scheel Music Boek BY Sweeney and Klrkpatrlck. SUNDAY SCHOOLS AND CHURCHES HUPPIEDAT L. B. Heir's, B3-B5 NORTH QUEEH BT. c LOTIUNO AND FURNISHING GOODS. Everything In Hummer Clothing going out rapidly ut very unusual values. Jlen's und Yeung Jten's Suits mnde fromrellubloinn fremrellubloinn fromrellubleinn terlnl. Lightest In weight Casslmcre, Cheviot", Serges nnd Flannels, SB te 515. .Many choice styles te please If you can be lit from the nmrt- MMHMH.M.M lill'lll. AMI' NIIIIIK U) l does net intuii lower prices en misiilnblciroeds. but en lets that hnve boeeme broken, and there may lie but 0110 or two suits of the let. It Is net necessary te tell you nbeul thin clothing. The w outlier reminds you. They lire herein Mohair, Pongee nnd Seersucker Coats nnd Vests. Fancy und White Linen Vets ut Hid most economical prices. Jinny eh1 things for the Little Hots. Light Weight Casslmcre Suits. 52 te 51; Jersey Suits, SLID le Si. Meuse Waists, shirt Waists, Knee Punts, Ciatire shirts nnd Drawers, unit everything for their comrert during Iho het summer days. Satunlnv's sales of Flannel Shirts proved their popularity. Hew much comfort and ease te wear ene that Ills (many arc Ill-shaped and de net tit.) We have them In nil qualities for unlet men, tourists or Mot Met el Mk. I'rlecstenll. Bicycle Hese, Ui Its, Ten nis Sashes, Hnlbrlcgnn Shirts und Pntwern, Jenn and Nnlnmek Drawers, Summer Neek wenr. ( 'hnlce Rlyles, low prh es. MARTIN BROS, Clothing, Merchant Tailoring and Furnishing Goods, NO.S. 2tl AND 2S NORTH QUEEN STREET. A STRIC1I BROS. THE GREAT JULY CLEARING SALE AT ASTRICH BROS. PALACE OF FASHION, 115 & 117 NORTH QUEEN STREET, AT ITS HEIGHT. Already two weeks have passed, and a number of' these extraordinary bargains are fast selling out. We remind you of them, and if you wish te get.ceme at once. Further reductions in Fancy Ribbons. Nicer Fancy Ribbons than ever before at iec a yard ; our 25c Fancy Ribbons are a sur prise, some of them were sold as high as 75 and S5C a yard at the beginning of the season. Embroidered Dresses 22, 27 and 45-inch in three lets, at about half their original price, 29, .lecandcjiSca yard, formerly sold at $1 te $2.50 a yard. Our stock of Ladies' Muslin Underwear getting less every day ; de net miss this chance ; you may neer have another. Come and see the slaughter in Beys' Clothing one large let. Your choice at $2 suits, for merly sold as high as $3.75. Millinery Finer V h i t e Straw 1 lats than ever before at only 25c; we have also thrown a let of Fine Black Hats en the 25c table. They are desirable shapes, and have sold at 50 and 75c apiece. All our Directeire and Lord Fauntleroy Set, " Cellar and Cuffs," selling out at 25 and 50c a set. ASTRICH BROS., 115 & 117 North Queen St. Rare Offerings. Utitscrllnucinte. QAW .MILLS, HARK MILLS, COH MILM. ip I-rather Reller. Tan l-Bckerj. Trtt'Ie Hen KScJ?.A,IiL""f nml Mining Machinery, at JOHN HEsrB..T3 VjtH Fultim ttrecL mi-tfd C0!&AMTfP .cuffh"- the'lateTst. .. 'he nJ"V,f,,n,elct "n,I wert eomferftule ri.it i.-.,.i.i.i c"', ....t "'..J.'l,,,""u1 w..... m ......ciiih rsiwr, S2 vv est Kin j street. .mjm itIlAT, m THUCOM1NO HEAT FOR O dvyclllngs, eburclies, whoel hbntrV etc tfieiigh miceM..rully u-tsl one liunrtrVxl rein JOHN lhCs0,',00i,D;''' eh"" aiTen job ntafa?rnrici? '" 8Ue ou "nIctery m'.'-tfd ' QVJlVJKjyj Inch te 0 Inch dlainetcr.lfer salent a low figure, nnd thoenly hotiseln the city xvlt 1 a plne cutting machine, cult ns nole P" ?lrt . iii2-tfd -17I0R CAST IRON PIPE FITTINGS, HOTlt V ti rl.n,ln !V.'!,rt,,llcl.t.,,s' un te "-"'I'" diameter. Sjidlenhle Uttlngs, linngeji, limigc Unleni J nnlfeld.. American Union's. Tube 8ui3i?r Si ui-.st s, 3-B East I niten street. m2-tfd 17HRE BRICK8. FlTtE CLAY, ATLOV ..ljgnte'lse lnJe1 KST, 333 Eun Fulton "reel. ms.iu FOR HOItlZONTAL STATIONARY EN Bines, mini 2 te Kl linrvf.e.r..r ..H vl. tlenl Engines from 2 te le home-power, you vvll thtm nt JOHN BEST'S, Ss) li,V Fiilleli And Bireei. miiVa' fnilCAHnvna in.innii nni, - 11 ,,v i..;.v -. ':."":' .v.?. ""'" 1'J"a' BEST, Mi Uist Fulton street. it. xi lYi.-IVi.n..: ".""" "" " !" iiui-ua IK !V 'ANT OF BRASS OR IHON STOP Cocks. Asbesles Pnekcd Ceel;. l'et nnd lllh A'l'rifl ,l,',r ""cr hy m"' te JOHN )ii-,jl,:tl ljjst 1 uiten dtrcel, m2-tfd AiriUTE COTTON WASTE, COPPED BY ejLicV'A JNJECTOIIS RUE LPITLe'gIANtT HaF- ItaiwivJi,.1 i. ir".v",i '-'cciers, Eijunnnn iirrr'.'.'.rr.AUicrl.i) :'lv,." .1 ""' BlVL-li, in ekjil 11 US IS. ..EI Lust Fulton street. inWrd ritANICS FOR WATER, OIIJS, ACID OlTeAS. t iniinsV,iit in,rcX."r1fIUclty, at fair prlws. go te JOHN liter, 333 East Fulton street, milld "ITIOIt THE HIST HOT AIR FURNACE IN l',:,ii.,,lM0..,i",rk,:t' KO le J0UX IH2iT,33.'l Enst 1 niten street. ni2-tfd l?LirUI'"'Na. COLLARS, .-ir.!.v-"fc.pJ7tUnn,n Hoses, Couplings, etc., go . ?! "1:hr' 3a3 J'',,t J'"""" strcctl 1112-till R"?.1,1 1,"'K"TUIJi:ilRU8IIia, HTILLSON ,,ii.i,l,'itV rS,1,cllc?:,V1RI'nml ilenkey Wrenches '"'.'"if' ILI,c;V." ihin ctc- ee te JOHN ILSI..U1 East I'Ulleu street. ni2-lld riOI.D HRON.E, LKJUIDS AND SIZING i'i " stwuu xs urk, at JOHN BEST'S, SO East Fulton street. in2-tfil IORIIOILEIUS. HOItlZONTAL, TUBULAR. JJ Ncrtleal, I'eilulile.Cjlindcr, Marine, of nnv size or power, nribn b.t iiinterlnl nnd work werk mnnvhlp, go te JOHN BEST, 3.3 Enst Fulton direct. metru PARTICULAR ATTF.NTION PAID TO ... '.":!tl Milking, P.ittitns, Drawings and 'T'Url.!-,i,,,,.nt. A,rl.ics ""'"""'Ic, at JOHN Hl.STS,3:UEast lullen street. m2-tfd A OENCY'lilirc.VLLAHAN A Clv5C'El Y meiit te take the pl.-ee or Red Lead. In bulk it makes live tlnua the niiantlly of led lend mid la I.ir superior lu mtiklngRteam Joints; parking man unit band hnle plates en boilers, f&lir-u J'K0.2!1. r,c"H I'l"nd at JOHN HhSl S, ail East Fulton Mreet. m2-trd 71QR BOLTS, LAG SCREWS, SET SCREWS, J Sniiurcnnd llexiigen Nuts, these goals In eck, ut JOHN BUST'S, 33JKist Fulton street. sleck in'.'-tfd Pl'MlM, BOILERS, .MINING. CENTRIFU , ...5l.,l.n.n,lfe,c'1"" Pumps, or any rapacity, at lHNBJ-ST'8.333 1 jist Wilten slu-et. mitfil f?tOR HTEAJI O.VUOES, HIGH OR LOW V Pressure, Water Gauges. Gauge Cocks, nod, Wheels or Welgliteii, Glass Tubes Vvhlstles, Siphons for steam Gnuges. C) Under Oilers Plain, Vutcr Gauge Columns, Cocks for Steam Gauges, cnll en JOHN REST, !0.t liist 1 ulteu street. ni2-tld CallRY IN STOCK-I1IHT CHARCOAL, llnimnered Bar lien, DeublnRellucd Iren, jlurilen's Rlxet Iren, Rivets, Het and Celd Beiler Iren, Steel, Sheet Imu 3-1(1 te Ne. Kt.nt JOHN BESTS.iS) East Fulton street. in2-tfd 1DACKINGH. AH FOLLOWS: DIRIGO, FOR , Sleuniund Hvdraulle Packing, AfbestReiie. Woven and Wick Packing, Heiiiji Packing, As bestos JIIU Beard, Asbestos Cement, Ashesles Shenlhlnz. Gmul'.ieklmr,Gmit Rings ler Wulcr Gauges, Plumbago Packing. Iteed'h Patent As bestos, Lined ScctIeu.il lipe Cever, at JOHN HI1'S. 3.H litst Fulton street. ni2-trd 17IORAJimtl7uN"sKjlTl:EDCYL!NM)FTR I1 Lubricators, Glass Oil Cups for Bearings, j en enn get them nt JOHN BESTS, 33.1 Ens lullen street. iu2-tfd ITIOR PRA1T A CADY" AMItel 03 iihjO L Nalves,.Ieultlns Valves. Brass (Hobe Valves, Brass Gnte Vnlvis, Iren Reily Glebe Valves. I.evcr Surety Valves, Pep Saretv Valves, Air V'lve. Rndlnter Valves, Pratt's Swinging Cheek xnlves, HmvjChecI: Vnlves, Feet Valves. Angle Valves, call ut JOHN BEST'S, an East Hilten street. m2-tfd fF YOU WAN r A FIRST-CLASS POUT UILE i.iiKiue tiuii neiier, en wiic-is, ( ueaii, us tne nirlii. iiflmu .1..... mi I. ................. .. . . iu: a orse. )HN r lillnii street. Iii2-tf l ADIATOlis m' aw mii.-t ftt iir' tV' sltrn, ism lm furnished at rouneimblii tlgtires, by JOHN BEST, KB East Fulton bIti!. nCJ-tftl RARE CHANCE jy Biggest Reduction of All in Fine Clethes. 'Ihlrlv dollar Suits reduced lotwent-twedol. Iar.i. Ten dollar Pants redueed te 57x), und all ethei Light Weight Suiting in the sumo pro portion. A large sleck te select from, at II. GEP.HART, Ne. 1 1 North Queen Stieet. ffa-Only Direct Importing Tailor In the City of Iinetister. "lir'ATCilSI'HING l.'tlRSET. BUY THE PAJIOPS Watchspring Corset. WILL NEVER BREAK Guaranteed te Outwear Any Custom Custom Made Corset. Mayer, StronseCe., MANPrAcTDiri:us, 112 BROADWAI, N Y oeU-52tJI,Tb,Seew miOESl SHOES i Special for the Summer. We have a line of mitgnltleeul Mtr. fm th Summer, consisting of Oxford iir fei Indies, with patent leulhtr fronts Di.hl-in vtitii tip. and plain tots, tan inlers, Ac. Alsenverv nlis bright Dunget t Bullou for 52.W. und one for 52.2.1, w bleb cannot bi x. elletl for ihemune.i. lientj of thoi-e Half Kangaroo for uieti, tn Hals, und Congrise. ut (2.23, mid i'ii -iik lit Oxford Ties, nt ftitm. Vl u lull h i. of Lew Price Shoes el all kinds. Yeu ra 1 smell be stilled ir J (ill give us a tall. Wm. H. Gast, NO. Kb NORTH QUEEN ST., LANCASTER Junl-lydWilFj -XALL AND EXAJIINE OCR NEW ROAD CARTS, BUGGjES AND HARNESS. W. D, SPRECHER, SON & CO, 31 E. King St., Lancaster, Pa. inur23-Til.Tli.Stfd T 26 EAST KING ST. WOIli; TOR THE GET-AWAYS AND I ANT GEr-AWAYS And such pleasant work ene cant help bat lu. Iiiinnlni- u lit In Hnltiti II t.. Lm. m.Ki.. .:,.... -- -, "...'..' -J IIUIIIHJIl Mill, the pka'iire It will give oil" itbiiiilnh tend 1 full horse-power, S.')2); 10 horse-power, ie75 i. Ii power, sT.r)j ! 2i) horse-power, S1,17j, call nt If ai.-ii n, .i Last nam in in-tiinii; iirter, u.mtig vr rj- i-jcm, cj 1 bus Very Cite p- Jill !. E. M. WO0DW RD. Jllti "r'- sAHaJ-x: J&SSmtai&Af., i4 'Ll tAfeli'.