vim'r ?,rTTf'.-,j.;..n WL THE liAKCASTER DAILY INTELLIGENCE!, MONDAY, JULY 15, 1889. ?'"?, 3Hr rV y,TH' ft MONEY IX ICKBEHOS. A Bracdr Snail SttjtpUf or Frezen Goods at Eiiortneus'1'rlcoR. A nea captain delivers himself in this ftuhlen te a New Yerk reporter relative te the panle prices of ice: "I've been following the aca,nian and boy, sir, for the last thirty years, and yet I never thought of this. Could we tow an Iceberg In? Why blew your aeul, hiy son, If wc had enough tugs we could put our crnppllnes aboard of Ceney Island and yank her (inhere. Did you ever hear tell of Leary's raftT I theuaht you did, being In tlioneN.pnper business am you nre. Well, that ain't a clrcntnstancete what could be done In the way of real fleo scientific towing. Tltere were millions nml , millions of feet of lumber iti that ran, just the legs an they were cut away In Isexa Scotia. Yet they era bound Inte a tine raft at Joggins, and when everything was made fast weren't they towed down here all snug and put en the market? And didn't JLcary ninke a flne profit, though? " See hew our Rchcme knocked the tar ou$ of Leary's. In the tlrst place we don't have te go te Neva Scotia, but only te Uosten, a little bit of a run. Then an iceberg la different from a raft. There are no legs te coine unfastened and go adrift. There's your big hull of ice. Lay alongside, niake fast your hawsers, and away you go for New Yerk. Yeu see, an iceberg Is a smooth-bottomed craft, with a skin as highly polished as any yacht. Se Alie will Klip along through the water like nmd. Six geed tugs could haul almost any Iceberg I ever saw. It wouldn't take mero than three or four days. It's a bully speculation. The ice dtttsn't cost you a penny. All you have te de is make fiut and drag it home. " Well, says you, hew are wegolngte get it across the Sandy Heek bar? That's a stmple matter. At lloed-tido a berg draw ing thirty feet of water can le hauled ever the bar. Then up you come, laying your ceurse wct by north, te Statcu Island. There's plcnlv of anehorage thore for your berg. What If the berg draws tee lunch water te lleat ever the bar? Dynamlie's cheap, and It'd be an easy matter te blast eirn few mil lion tens In one lump. Once your berg is an 'hered, all you have te de is te chop it up and bring bafge leads of it te New Yerk. Then what becomes of the lce trust ? Yeu can Mill the Ice at two pounds for a cent. It will cost one-tentli et n cent n pound te jay u tiewu in tne unmeet, way j-eu sold 10,000,000 pounds from your berg and that'd be n prettv small berg there's a profit of gio.eno. That would be bud for thrce weeks work." England In Eirypt. Cabled from the Londen edition of the New Yerk llcralil. The eccentric and frantic people com monly culled dervishes 1110 up in arm,and are advancing upon Asseuan. Fer seven years England has militarily occupied Kgynt. It Is nil axiom familiar te every well instructed elllccrin Europe that the key te Egypt is Khartoum. There can be no permanent peace until England holds Kh.irteum. Kngland might liiive dene this ever and ever uyiiln. Meheinet All captured Khartoum w ith Egyptian Mil dlers, and Egyptian armies have, tlmeand again, marched from Suakiui te Khartoum in the face oftliecnemy. Hicks Pacha did this with Egyptian soldiers, and Stephen son nnd Macpliersen wonted te de se with British or Indian troops, lint tliey were prevented from rescuing General Oorden by orders from home. " Theru is net te-dav a Ilrltish comman der, whether It be the Duke or Cambridge, Lord Wolscley, Sir I-'rederlek Roberts, Sir Archibald Aliben. Sir Evelyn Weed, Sir Gerard Graham, the Duke of Cenuuught, Ueuenil Stephenson or any ether general ollleer able te draw a sabre, who w euld net turn hcarlet with sliame te confess that these ciife mi lait Egyptians could go wlicre Britons dared net tread, but this fact, nevertheless must go down In history. " Diplomacy says that if Kngland wlshes te remain in Kgypt she must always be ready te tnken little war out of hcrwalst hcrwalst ceit iieeket mid Miew the world at large nnd Fiauce, In particular, -that her pres ence In Kgypt is necessary te preteit the European community there and as ft safe guard for humanity and civilization. "Humanity' and 'civilization' nre words that Imve already been pretty well exploited. If Kngland has the courego of her opinions then let her enpture Khartoum and rule Kgypt and North Africa as she docs India, or else let her get out of It altogether. Let the Egyptians stew In their own juice, let France, Russia or Italy havoaNethelrlittlo ganie in Egypt, but at least don't let England boa deg in the manger." Thrce Rebellions nllny. Three rebellion'), obstinate, though bloeJloss, occur In the stomach of the dyspeptic who par taken of feed thrice a day. The digestive organ refuses en each occasion te perferin the duty usslgned te It by nature, and trouble cnsuei. Hew discipline, hew regulate It? Simply with n wlni"jtatrtiler the genial luvleerant and ap petizer, Hosteller's Stomach Hitter, befere each incut nud bcfoie retiring. Digestion will, after course of this pleasant regulator, become easy, mid lis forerunner, npix'tlte, also Im proves. Ncretnncssitnd Insomnia, nlmiys In iltlceil by chronic ilyic)Slii. will i1ls.inciir In duced by clirenlc il sM'tltt. will dlwinpcar with ilt dRfpprarancc thus insured, and con stipation and biliousness, 1(8 usual attendants, also lake their leave. Net only 111 the system acquire strcnuth, but nNe substance by a mero perfect assimilation of the fecnl. IthcumatlMii, malarial ami kidney complaint and ncurnlzla, yield te the Hitlers, gprctal Itoticce. Huekleii'H Arnica Salve. Tub HmtKalvi: In the world for Cnls, Beres, Ulcers, Nilt Rheum, Fever Beres, Tel ter, Chupncd Hands Chilblains, Cerns, and nil fckln Eruptions, nnd peslllUy cures Flies, or no pay rmiulrcd. It Is guaranteed totflve per fect satisfaction, or money refunded, Price t!5 eentH ner box. I'er sale by II, 11. Cochran, Druggist, Nes-. 137 and 13U North Queen street, Lancaster, l'a, JunCTMyd A Weiuiiii'h Dl-eevery. " Anether wonderful dlcn cry has been made nnd that tee by h lady lu this county. Disease fastened Its clutches upon her una for seven earsKhe withstood lt severest tests, but her ltnl organs were undermiud nnd dentil seemed Imminent. I'er three months i-hc coughed In cessantly and could net sleep. Who bought or us u bottle of Dr. King's New Discovery for Con sumption nnd win se iiiucli relieved en tnklng first dne that the slept nil night and with one bottle has been miraculously cured. Her name Is Mrs. LullicrLutz." Thin write V. C. lliiiu rick & Ce., erishelby. N'. C- (let a frce trial hot het tie at II. II. Cochran's Drug Stere, 117 A ISDN. Queen Kt., Lancaster, l'a, Methera! Mothers 1 ! Met hum I ! ! Are you disturbed at night and broken of your rest by a sick child buttering nnd crying wllh the excruciating pain of cutting Icetli 1 If se, goat once and get a bottle of .MILS. WIN8 LOW'S SOOTHING SYRUP. It will relieve the peer Uttle sullcrer Immediately depend upon It ; there Is no mistake about It, There In net a mother en earth who has ever used 11, who will net tell you at once that It williegu. Inte the bowels, and give ret te the mother, nnd relief and health te the child, operating like mugle. It Is perfectly Kifu te uhs In all cases and pleasant te the taste, and Is the prescription of one of the eldest and best female physician? and nursuti In the United H la tea. Sold cxcrywheie, VB cents u bottle. JuueS3IiA.w The Verdict I'liiintmeiiH. V. 1), bull, Drugglat, Illpims, Iud testilles " lean recommend Ulcetrlc Hitters us theverv best remedy. Kvery betlle sold lias gl en relief In every case. One man took six bottles nnd cured of lthcnmntlsm of 10 years standing." Abraham Hurc, druggist, Dellvllle, Ohie, af firms: "The best selling medicine I hnvoeer handled in my a) ear experience, Is Klectrle Hitlers." Thousands of ethers lmveudded lhelr testimony, se Hint the verdict Is unanimous that Llfclrle Hitters de cure nil diseases or the Liver, Khlnevs or llloed. Only a half dollar a bottle at II. D. Cochran's Drug Stere, 137 ft 1IK) N, Queen St., Lancaster, l'a. Itlrtdtiiicvu OTEA.M. Vedeslru tecall Ulie attention of eeiisuiuerii of Steam Goods nnd Engineers' Supplieii, te our hirse and varied ste-k of Pirn-, VaUcs, Cooks, ilnllenble and Cast Iren Fillings, Asliestes. Vulealimten nnd Uaudiirlnn, Sheet Piston and Vnlve Packing; Scotch nnd Ited l.lnc ItelUs-t-IngfiaugeCUasses, steam Itndlaters nnd Steam Heating Apparatus; Set and Cnp Hcrcws, uud In fuel allium everything required by steam uacrs. nnd nil of which we eiler at nrlr.u whiiii we guarnutea te be lower than thou of any ether dealer In IliU ielnlty. Vehaepesltliely the largest stock, and lie lug connected with the Telephone Exchange, re prepared le receive and Jill all erden, in the shortest possible time. When In waul of any. iniug in our line, c.ui en us ier prices una we win ceimuctt you ui our nuiiiiy aim wiiiint?. ness in nie jeu jieiiey item) mm exaiien sae jeu Meney, Delay and Vexation, ictlltiegfer furnishing hnginex, llellu-s, g, Pulleys, Hungers, S))trlal Mnchlnrry, r' nnd Gas IT Iters Toels, Patterns, unr lac f-haftlmr. l'luinbcrs Medels, and Iren and llmss Casting, an 1 ler tlie prempl rejuur ei an kiiiu or nincjiincrv ere unexcelled In laincastcr, nnd we respectfully solicit n share of your patronage. Central Machine Works, 131 A 1S8 NOIITII CIiniSTIAN STIIEET, l.ASCASTEn, I'A. (ioed Werk. Itcosenaolo Charecs. Prem Id ue&s, Telcphuue connection, CMfdll OOD'S BARSAPAniLLA. ALL RUN DOWN Frem the wcakenln effect of warm weaUier, by hard work, or from a lemt Illness, you need geed tonic and bleed purifier like Heed's fr naparlllfl. If you have never tried this peculiar medicine de e new. It will give you strength and appetite. "Heed's Harupartlta gave me new life, and restored me te ter wonted health and strength." William H. Clouem, Tllten, N. It. GIVEN OT TO DIE. "I was completely run down and was for nearly two years under medical treatment being given up te die by physicians. My mother urged me te take Heed's Hnmeparll'S' At last t consented, nnd I have never taken anything which helped me as much as Heed's Sarimpa rllla, which restored me te health and vigor. I have been taking It about four months, and am new a different being, I can work all day wllh very little fatigue. I recommend Ittoanyone Itteanyone Ittoanyene whose system Is prostrated." NeLia Neble, rcerla, III. A GOOD APPETITE. " When I bought Heed's Sarsnparllla I made a geed Investment of one dollar In medicine for the first time. It has driven off rheumatism nnd Improved my appetite se much that my bearding mistress says I must keep It locked up or she will be compelled te raise my beard with every oilier boarder that takes Heed's tMrsapo tMrsape rllla." Themas Iti'nnr.i.L, 1S9 TUlsry street, Brooklyn, N. Y. "We nil like Heed's Barsnpsrllln, It is se strengthening." Lizzie IlALroeit, Auburn, HOOD'S BARSAPANILLA Sold by all druggists. II; six Ter S3. Prepared only by C, I. HOOD A CO., Lewell, Mass. 100 DOSES ONE DOLLAR. (2) (1 OLDEN SPECIFIC. DRUNKENNESS en THE LIQUOll HAI1IT POSITIVELY CURED BY ADMIN1STKKINO Dlt. HAINES' GOLDEN SPECIFIC. It can lie given In a cup of coffee or tea with out the knowledge of the person taking It; Is absolutely harmless, and will effee u perma nent and KiHX'dy cure, whether the patient Is a moderate drinker or an alcoholic wreck. Thousands of drunkards have been made tem perate men who have tuken Gelden Specific In lhelr coffee without their knowledge, nnd to day bcllee they quit drinking of their own free will. IT NEVEIl FAILS. The system ence impregnated with the Specific, It becomes an utter Impossibility for the liquor appetite le exist, rorsnieey UI1A! Ne. (1 Fust augS-lydM.W. F CHAS. A. LOCHEH, Druggist, King Street, Lancaster, l'a. rTIEETHING BYItUl'. TO MOTHERS. Eery bnt should have n bottle of DR. FAHRNEY8 TEETHING SYRUP. Perfectly safe. NoOplumerMorphlamlxtures. Wlllre Wlllre llee Celic, Griping In the llewels nnd Promote Dimcult Teething. Preimred by DHS. D. FAHR NEY ft SON, IIiiRcrstewn, Md. Druggists sell It; 25 cents. Trial bottle sent by mall 10 cents, lant-lydeedftw (iiethtttn. H UUH ft UROTHEIl. WE LEAD ALL -IN- Light Weight Clothing! Our prices arc the lowest, our quantity the largest, our qualities the nucst. Coats and Vests, tl teWSO. Coats. 10c te JS. Vests, Sue te 52.80. Pants Linen, etc, 00c and upwards. Extrn Length Clergymen's Coats In lliack Alpaca and Drnj d' Ele. Mehairs, Llnene, Pongee", Silk Stripes, Seer- suckers and Flannels. Barkeepers' Coats. Walter Jacket. Te be seen In our N. Queen St. Window. MEN'S SUITS! MEN'S SUITS! At greatly reduced prices. Te be appreciated must be seen, 51 te 8JJ. Sack, Cutaway, Prince Albert. 3-Heys' nnd Children's Suits less 10 per cent, from marked jrl"C. flS-Furnlshlngs. HIRSH & BROTHER, ONE-l'RICE CLOTHIERS AND FUKNISHEKS, North Queen Street and Centre Square, LANCASTER. TA. T 10 CLOTHING BUYERS. LGansman&Bre. NOW IS THE TIME TO BUY Men's, Bey's and Children's In order te Cleve Out the Kntlre Balance, of our Pumincr Stock wahnvc Reduced thel'ilce oneurSnlts n follews: Our Itci.1 Suits, heretofore llfl.00 nnd 118.00, are new put down te 110.00 nnd H2.U0. Our Suits heretofore nt 512.00 and 111.00 lire now new put down te S7.00 and 53.00. Our IUt Trousers, heretofore nt S2-7), 5100, 51.(0, are new put down te 51.50, t-'.OO, Si!ie. Sen our Children's Pants at 20c. Sec our Thin Coats uud Coats nnd Vest. They nre Away Down In Price. This Is the Greatest Bargain Sale en Recerd. Bargains in All Kinds or Summer Clothing. L. Gansman & Bre., 66 and 66 NORTH QUEEH ST., B. W. CORNER OF ORANGE. LANCASTER, PA. Net connected with any ether Clothing Heuse ill the city. ouscfuvuieltiun 8oeba. e LL AND SEE -THE- ROCHESTER LAMP! Sixty Candlc-Light; Beats them all. Anether IM of Cheap Glebes for GnsundOU Sleei. Til E " PERFECTION " METAL MOULDING und RUBBER CUSHION Weather Strip. Beats them all. Tlilsstrtpoutwenrsnllethers, Keeps out the cold. Step rattling or windows. Excludes the dust. Keeps out snow and rain. Anyone can uppb' It no wnste or dlrl made lu applying It. Can be titled nnywhere no holes te bore, ready for um;. I will net split, warp or shrink 1 cushion strip Is the most erfect.At the Steve, Heater and Range Storeef Jehn P. Schaum & Sens, 34 SOUTH QUEEN ST., LANCASTER I'A. H Ml 000t rtttb jhec. B ROAD-SOLED! EASY I COMFORTABLE I 8H0E8 FOR HEAVY MEN ! Eight out of every ten large nnd fat men don't knew that show te fit them nre possible ready-made. They think ready-mnde are Just made te nt the average sites feel, that their only resort Is the custom shoemaker, who makes for any slze and charges accord ingly. We have a number of broad bread soled shapes, with plenty of room Inside for the expansion of the feet that must needs bear and afford locomotion te the henw weight that's often nbevc them. Often, tee, there's mere comfort and les pinch in ours than these of measured work. There's difference enough in price te warrant giving us a call, If net buying nnd trying these shapes. (?2te A word about Russet Shoes. A geed assortment for your elioice te-day. Sizes te lit babe, nnd mnke it feel fash ionable and comfortable, as well as for all ether members of the family between it and grandparents. Youths' line netf full and complete te meet Inquiries sizes 11 te 2, Inclusive. Better values, tee, than you'll expect for your money. Our efforts are directed in creating sur prises that way, whatever your pur chase may be. Every ether sort of Summer footwear you' 11 prefer for moun tain, seaside or rural rumblings. Trices pleasing even te these economically in clined. SHAUB & BURNS, 14 North Queen Street, Lancas ter, Pa. xjoet8 and shoes. BARGAINS IN SHOES. Just received, direct from the factory, ever one thousand pairs of Ladles' Shoes that were made anil stamped te be sold for t2.(K) a pair, but the party failed before the goods were fin ished ; sol made them nil offer it the factory for the iroeds and had them finished In splendid style, and I um offering you these shoes for $ 1.60 and 2.00 per pair and every pair guaranteed. Se this Is a rare chance te get a 12.50 shoe for I1.CO nnd (2.09. Alse a let of Men's and Bey's Shoes we are cletlm; out cheap. A full line of Black and Tan Oxford Ties for Ladle, Misses and Children nt the lowest prices In the city. D. P. Stackhouse, 28 and 30 EAST KINO STREET, LANCASTER-PA. n20-lyd4w B OOTS AND SHOES. WHEELMEN! We have secured the "Agency" or "Sele Control " for Lancaster county of " The Cele brated W. II. Teulinln'f Blcycle and Pedestrian Shoes." These Shoes nre made of Pine (Scnulr-e Kan garoo, arc Seamless and liced te the Tip, which Is rulsed and boxed, thus allowing the Large Tees te be free from rubbing, being a big im provement ever the Old Style Seft Toe Shee. The shoes being laced te the tees, does away with the circular scams which se often rub the feet, especially In hill climbing. They nre new herein all widths ami sizes. A pair of the Shoes will be given ns second prlze lu the Fourth eent. In the pregramme of the Bicycle Tournament. The Price Is $3.00 Per Pair. Which, when considering they ure black and can be worn en the street, mnklngii very neat and dressy npiearauce, will seem most reason able, A sample ralr can be seen In Men's Win dow, The One-Price Cash Heuse. k Tbe Leaders of Lew Prices -IN- Beets and Shoes, 3 & 6 East King St., LANCASTEIt, Pa, 3-Ktere closed every evening at G o'clock, ex cept Monday and Saturday. , 4?ev nlc. ZJECUIIE A HOME POlt YOUll FAMILY. Secure a Heme for Your Family, l'OH SALE OX THE MOST LIBERAL TERMS. Twe-story brick dwelling houses, lets 120 ftctdeep, en ljincastcr Hcnue, between Wal nut and U'liien streets. Twe-story brick dwelling houses with man sard reef, perches In front, lets 1U feet deep, en North Pine, between Chestnut nnd Walnut stnets. Twe-story brick dwelling houses with front yards. Iren fences, lets 171 f et deep, en West Walnut, between Mary nnd Pine streets Twe-story brick dwelling, lets U feet deep, nn rtest Ix'inen street, between Charlette ami Mary street. Three-story brick dwelling houses, lets IVlfett detp, with nil the medirii linpreeinent, front yards, en West Chestnut street, bclwien Pine and Nc In streets. Alse houwsen Eisl Walnut, North Lime. North Mary, between Wulnut uud I meii,uiitl l.nien, between Mary und Pine street. All thonbeve houses .are lu geed order, new ly papered, gas fixtures luulllhe rooms. Mater lu (lie kttrhfivmd thenlLirs warranted le be dry. Cull and see for jeursclf, no tieublu te show you, JNO. K. aitlEL.1 !..,.. JACOB (lltlKL, S Exeentem. Mi North Mary Street. air9Myd,M,W.H. ttorncue. TT UTHEll S. KAUEPMAN, J ATTOBNEY-.Vr-LAW. Second Fleer Eshleman Law Building, Ne. 13 North Duke SUcct, epr-lydiw 1 1 STAGKHODSE. ATfflTN m mm S1 ELL1NO OFFl COMMKNCINO Monday, July 8th, WESTAItTA SELLING OFF SALE OF ALL OUR Dress Goods ! LOOK- OVT FOR BAXaAIXS. TtTTCr1 T OA ALL KINIms OF GOODS centre sauare Te Be Sold Without Resene! WE WILL NOT QUOTE TRICES IN ANY OF w I m w HV"'I OUR ADVERTISEMENTS, BUT WILL iinmnnfAiinnii rNmrtnr WEW1LL MAKE "" NEW BOSTON STORE Jz:r SELLING OFF SALE waitfeuit. comb te m FROM TIME TO TIME. I J. Hftrry Stamitl. YOU'LL SAVE MONEY. furntttttrc. tyiDMYEIl'S CORNER. A Heavy Fall. New Is your chancA te buy FURNITURE Prices have " knocked " down until nlmest all pretlt has been " swent nwny." Whnt we lese you cnln. Yeu wonder why this sacrifice I The wonder Is ! Our Stock Is Toe Big, Must lie cut down. We want you le have It rather thnii carry It ever summer. This Is the only reason. Qunllly nnd style as IiIkIi ns ever, but the price Is low enough te make a i hill run down your back. WIDMYER'S CORNER OF E. King & Duke Sts. H EINITSH'S. WE 1)0 NOT WAITUNTlLTflEENDOFTHE HEA80N, BUT OFFER NOW OUR Summer Goods AS FOLLOWS: Perch Chair, folding, all both carpet and bent weed, J1.2. Rocker, strong nnd durable, f 1.00. Our Leader, the largest and best offered In the clly at Jobbers' price. Twenty-flve ether Rockers nt a cutef aOeeaeh, Benches that fold and will stand the rain, 2.63. All Iren and weed, stock Is large and we want te move It, Fill up your iierclies new nnd you will be suited. Watt mid the best will be selected, WALL ON FIRST FLOOR.-W HEINITSH'S Furniture Depot, Nes. 27 & 29 SOUTH QUEEN STREET e CH8 t UIBB3 HAVE HAD A BIGr RUJST F I ! Ik I I P" I I 1 I" I I r INI I I I I K l J I 1 1 I I Vs I 1 Ui WHAT 18 THE REAHON 1 Cuhtnmcrs say they fhid the Prlcn Always the Iiwstt Quality Alwa) the Bust! Htwk Always Complete I btyles Aluays Newest! S-(1IcU.Sh chiince befere you buy. Will muke II pay you. OCHS & GIBBS, MANUFACTURERS AND DEALUIW, (2d, M A 1th Floers,) NO. 31 HOU'lH QUEEN HTItEET. alllyd dnrbtuavc. H ARDWAREI MARSHALL & RENGIER, 9 & II Seuth Queen St., Hate Just received a large assortment of READY-MADE Window Screens and Screen Deers Fhiluaud rigurcdWIre Cleth. HAMMOCKS, LAWN JIOWERH, REFRiaURATORH, Water Coelers and Ice Cream Freezers Give them a cull and you will be convinced thiil It Is the cheapest place lu lincastertn buy. AIiO.ALL KINDHOF PAINTS, OILS, VARNISHES, WHITE LEAD, And a full line of General Hardware. f bg-lyd Uklualc. SPECIAL NOTICE. PLEASE READ THIS! WE. HAVE TAKEN THE AGENCY l'OH THE Schemacker Geld-String Piane! We theiii new In stock, and lnll our friends and the public Kdicrally leiull und see tlicui. Kirk Jehnsen & Ce., WEST KINO KTREEr. liZMrdtyr rpHE RIVAL POUNTAIN PEN-TUB REST X and cheapest In the market II karat cold pen. Hani rublicr holder, never fets out of order, easily filled. Call end exuinlne lfer purchasing eUewhere. At ERIMAN'MUciiU' rurulhlii) Hterc, U Wt King street. Sv f5tb: J, Harry Stamm's STORE FOB BARGAINS ! SELLING OFF! c IX)SINO OUT BALE. CLOSING THE ENTIRE Dry Goods, Notions, Carpets, &c. MUST UK SOLI) BEFORE OCTOBER 1st. Goods Marked nt Bargain I'rioes, 6 AND 8 NORTH marW-lydAw x ard a Mcelrey. barid & Nes. 33 and 35 Seuth Queen Street, Special Reductions I Hlmpsnn's Mourning Calicoes only 6c,werth Nej Turkish Tidies, a fer'JSnj alotef Linen Towels, 3 for 2rn In Damask, Huck-A-Bnek and Plaid Patterns. Flouneings. OKcFleunclins reduced loSOe; from 75e te (Wc from IOe le 70e ; fremJI.Ol) te 7Scj fnmi I LSI te ILOa Underwear. Slen's &9e Hummer UniUrwear reducetl te SOe ; from lOe te 3.V. Children's Underwear, lOe Remnants of Heavy Olinjhiini.ftVJe. worth 8c j RemuniitM or Finer (llnithams, 7c, worth IH Mc; OOoItemel Flannel Whirls, tv. The best value In heller grades of Flan nel hlilrls in the city. Beys' Demet Flannel Bhlrts only 4.V. Hosiery. Wnsell the best Hosiery for the money in the clly. One let of Children's Hesnnl Oe per pair, lust half price. Indies' and Men's Hese, 1, 2, 3, i and S pairs for Sta. Fast Black Heslary for ladles anil Children, Z pairs Ter -e ; absolutely fast black, neither neld, iwrsiilrallen nor washing will cheline the color. Heavy Hlrlped HhtrtlUK reduced rrein 8a le ;c ; Ihc best from 10a In He. Bioyeles. Ajents for the Premier Kiifcly Bicycles, manufactured by Hllhnan, Herbert Cooper, Ce en try, Bniiland. The Kjicclal Prcnuer Is the handsomest and KtreiiKCst roadster safety for either lady or Kcntlcman yet offered j weight Jfl fes. bard Sc Mcelrey, AGENTS FOR THIS SECTION, DEALERS IN DRY GOODS NOB. SS AND 30 SOUTH QUEEN STREET, Oppeiltfl FetfnUln Inn. NK EXT BOOR TO THE COURT HOUHK. Twenty Days' Reduction Sale! Twenty Days of Great Bargains ! On WE1NEHI)AY,JULY 10, we will Inaugurate n Omit liil DAYH HALE, which will ternil- nale en Hiiturday, AuuustS. Durlnir thesuduyswn will sell en" iiiuiiv seasonable as wi II as slapl articles at cryattnicllve prices, hcasonable keI will Im sold cheap lu order te clese out the stock. rttHple geed temukelt worth the nlille of all te come, thus turning a dull season Inte a busy one. It will le observed we hnve net walled until the season lias pascu te meke reductions, OAINrt wlth.wlilch wc open our sale ; H7Jc Fringed quilts reduced te 75c. Best b Light lrlnU tn&c. Bcsttlc Dress Ulughams te 7c. IlestHc. Indigo Blue Prints te 7c We Cretonnes te He. lies iiuiuose in tile neiglil 01 liioseiiseu, wncn you 12c Batistes le Be, 2Ta (jcrman Ltuen Towels i ucrmail ijiucu jnueis White I.lnen nevl leu male ner dozen. :cie flermnti I, in f 'Mi Mlniiinjwl Mnluklim rrntu Ctp in '2Kfn iiuenl uullts, ll.'i tetiv. iLUUKinynui itugsteTuc. 7aeninyriui iiugsieiiic. inuics' nisiiuucK ... . , .vh..., .. ....... "... ....... .uv ... --y- , - - - Hummer WclKht Hem, ll!Ue te 10c. Indigo llluii Percales from 12Kc te 10c. Toilet le Ic, or 7 pieces feriKc. Knechlltrs French Katecns from Me tnis'. AuexcellentfiOcCerset teIWc. Children's Cor set Waists reduceil te :vie ; usually sold nt ic. This is only n pinch tukcit at random from ngrcnt list of reductions. New goods will be added te the sale every day. Come uud Examine (JihmIh mid Prices. 36 and 37 East King St., -1LOHINO OUT AT LOW FIUCIIH. Metzer & - CLOSING OUT CHINA MATTINGS JLt Lew Metzger& Haughman's Cheap Stere. Nes. 38 and 40 West King Street, Lancaster, Pa. (OPPOSITE THE COOPER HOUSE.) Ccuict B AROAINH I Shirk's Carpet Hall ! Wilten, Velvet, Bedy Brussels, Tapestry, Ingrain, Damask and Venetian, Rag and Chain Carpets. OIL CLOTHS, WINDOW SHADES, Sec. Wk Have the Lawjkst and Ile-fTbTOCK tNTiirCiTV. H. S. SHIRK St SONS. Cor. West King and Water Sts., Lancaster, Pa. Carvlance. STANDARD CAIIrTaOE WORK. EDW. EDGERLEY, W, I.', 1 1 A Km MARKET HTRP.Er, (Rear of the Postelllce), LANC.VHTER. PA. ALL THE LATIT HTVLIi IN Buggies, Phstens, Family Carriages, Etc. The Finest Stock In the Country, We new have a Full Line of SECOND-HAND WORK Any Htyle Yeu Want. ReiHilnttiiK uud lUiuilrlnt: promptly nttenacti te. one set of workmen especially employed for I hut purpose. The leuest prices In the county for llrsU lata work. 9-Jlc me a Call itnd Examine ly Werk, WE OUAILVNTEE Xe Sell Goods CHEAPER AT THIS SALE THAN AT ANY TIME IN THE HlBTOUY OF THIS CITY OH ANY BALE EVER HELD IN THIS CITY. OUT SALE ! STOCK OF- QUEEN STREET, LANCAHTER, PENN'A. Mcelrey, Opposite Fountain In n iieee iunKoe(4s, niese nre a r cw ei me iivii. in inc. i-ie vuiwi iiitkisii luneisieiuc. iw te ISc, t'C icr ue7en, inc iicrinaii i.incii towns ie.'i. nianipeu iray i;ieius,iiic i. nuinipuK iiy liuius, eiu from :) le'JV, Heavy Jee- lMlti.rtilllllllr Mill u hilars : -," "i .:- v -:.-' .-.".".'...-". Lancaster, Pa. Haughman ARE - Prices. flail. B AltCIAINHI JO TO- -KOR- illtatonravlte. K urr. I JUST RECEIVED PROM Kffinigsburg, Prussia, Twe backgrounds inudu especially for Ilust and Three,uarter Length PholegrapUs. 60 1-2 North Queen St., Neat Doer te tin. Poefflce. Jau7-4md fCvatteler' 0ttti-1., TJENN8VLVANIA RAILROAD8CH1 jl. in eneci from May 18, iw. .Train; i.r.AVK Lakcartkr and leare i "mrnnaflciptniaa fellows IjPAVtf iidzu SlftbfU . r.. Phlladelphli Pacllle Kxprcsst. News .Expresst !..... Way Passcncert . MMlUnlnTlaMUeyl urn p. ni. 4:00 a. m, I.-?) a. m. 7.-00 a. m. l.b via Columbia 8:.1 a. m. via Columbia IltfOii. m. Niagara Express.." llnnoterAccem , EMi ''.'nfts' - Jrederlck Accem I Ancnstcr Accem..-.., Ilarrlsburir Aceem..., Columbia Accem..-.,. llnrrlsbuw Etpress... Western Epressl. Lancaster Acce..., rln Columbia via.Mt.jcy.., z:ia p. m. 4:10 p. m. 5:1 p. m. 9.39 p. in, Ijene Lancaster. 2.20 a. m. 1:4.1 a. m. 0:1)1 n. m M0 a. m. s..W a. m. 0-oea. m. I1:a. m. 12:M p. in. 9M p. m. l.-oe p, m. 41:4."; p. m. n:4.i p. ni. f):Dn p. in. : p. am.',-. SO m wmAi Tint, v 11:10 p. m.) i fiKJOp.m.'i'l Ar.CelJSi ij:m.j ....... ...a r 1..IM . . Phlla. Exprcssl-!..., Fastl.lncf I ."! i-niia. i. 44R a. mk. :,S n:ou a. n , ' .' RA - mm .1.1 .urnsicr Acce,.,..M Ilarrlsburir Kxpres .M MM..,.. . .. i .- llOrae a. m. -,,! milMtni,'! tVllin. Columbia Accem... Atlantic Kxpressf...... Seashore Kx press. riilladelnhln Aoceni. Hunday Mall..... Day Exprwwt ............. HarrlsburiT Accom.. Accem.. Mall Trnlut 11:46 a. ra. i: p. in. ikM p. m. p. ra. R.S m. 1... . p. ua. 6:fi0 p. m. , wb p. m. IftM p. IB. JThe only trains which nui dally. On Sunday the Mall train west mm. by way Columbia. . ... J. IL WOOD, General Passenger Agent. CHAM. E. PUail, Ucneral Manager. PHILADELPHIA A READINO RAILROAD READING ifc COLUMBIA DIVISION. On and after Monday, July I, 1889, train leave 1-Hiicnstcr (King street), as fellows! . Ker Reading and Intermediate points, week days, 7:l a. in., 12:33,:H p. lu.; Sunday, 8.08 . m..8.Mp. m. . Fer I'hllsrtelnhla, week days, 7:30 J: M p. in,; Hundays, 3:V p. in. Per New Yerk via Philadelphia, 30 a. m., 12:35, , week days, ..Ker New Yerk via Allentown, we4k day 12:V, p. m. Ker Allentown, week days, 7:30 a. m.,3:)p, ni.jBunday, '5 or Pellsvlllc, week days, 7:30a. m., S: p. ibu Sunday, a-M p.m. Ker Lebanon, week days. 7:00 a. in., 11JS, 5:40 p. in, ; Huiular, 8.-05 a. in, 8:A5 p. m. . Ker Itarrlsbunc, week days, 7fl0 a. m., 12:1$, V40 p. ill. ; Sunday, K.-Uj a. ni. Keryuarryvllle, week days, 055 a. ra., 2,-flO, 8.C0 p. m, ; Hunday, M0 p. in. TRAINS KOR LANCAHTER. Ijonve Reading, week days, 7:30, HJUa. m., p. in. ; flunduy, 7.-20 a. ni.; 3:10 p. m. Iave Philadelphia, week days, 4:15, lOKIOa. ni.,4.wp. m. I mi ve New Yerk vln Philadelphia, weekdays, 7:4.1 a. m.. l:ae. 12KW p. ni. luve New Yerk via Allentown, week dajra 4:00 a.m.. 1:00 p. m. Uiive Allcnlewn, week days, R:M a.m.; 4.J8 p.m. Ieave Putlsvtlle, week days, &M a. m., 4:U p.m. lave Ilmnen, week days, 7:12 a. m., 1130 ,:l.'i p. m. : Hunday, 71 a. in., 8:45 p. in. liCavn Ilarrlsburir, week days, t):'i"n. ni,; Bua day,0.B0a. in. Leave (uarryvllle, week days, 6:40, 11:45 a. in., H.-W, 4:6.1 p, in, ; Sunday, 7:10 a. in. ATLANTIC CITY DIVIHION. Leave Philadelphia, Chestnut street wharf, and Menth street wharf. Ker AUantte Clly, week days, expreaaet, BK a. in. and 4,-OOand 5.-II0 p. m.S Accommodation. 7:80 a. in, and 4:30 p. ni. ; Hunday, Kxpmsi, 8.-09 -nnd 9,-00 a. m., Accommodation, BKM a. m., I:W p, m. Returning leave Atlantic. City, depot corner, Atlantic nnd Arkansas Avenues. Week days. Express 7:00 and lOil'Jn. m. and 4 p.m. Accam Accam Accam modatlen,R.05a.m. and 4:.10 p. in. H.mdays Express, 4 and 8:.TU p. ni. Accommodation, 7:M a. in. and 4.-05 p. in. Detailed time tables can lie obtained at ticket office. A. A. MCLEOD, C. O. HANCOCK. Vice- ITes. A Oen'l M'gr. (len'l I'nss'r Agt X EI1ANON A LANCASTER JOINT LINK Xj RAILROAD. Arrangement of Passenger Trains en and after HUXDAY, May 12, IS. NORTHWARD. Leatn A.M. P.M. King Htreet, Lene 7.-00 2:H Ijincuster..,,- 7:07 12:4.-1 Manhclm 7:.'H list Cornwall 7:H) 1:10 Arrive at Utmnen.. H:ll l:.VI 9-Mm.m 9-Mm.m ItVJK a. aa mm a. mi f, 2-flnts. s..,y aieKiir j 2.w p.m. a 5 nunaay. 5 r. m. a. k, r. m. '. 5:40 8.-05 85 fM 5:50, 8:13 44 -&i 5.-20 H:4A 4:M & 8:48 t:17 6fll 1 1 7.-00 JB 5:16 V.,B P. M.,A. M. r. at. S'4 7:15' 7A5 S:M 'vt.i 7:.' 8:10 4 Xt 7:57)8:40 M 'i sei ( tm jpj t-M, 9M 5: M HOUTHWAIID. Iave a. . r. m. Ubanen ..,- 7:12 12.30 Cornwall - 7:27 12:45 Manlielm!. 7:5ft 1:1(1 LancasU'r 8:27 1:52 Arrive at King Htreet, Lane. 8:X 2.00 A. M.WIIJSON.Hupt. R. . H. M. NEKK, Hupt. C. It, It AC. Railroad. S Uttatchc. -yyATHEs. HMER1CHN Wutchcs, Clocks, Jewelry, Hnees. EyeOlaaaat, Etc., ill IXIWEHT PRICEH. Optical Goods. TclcKraph Tlnin Dally. Every Artlcle In this Line Carefully Repaired. Leuis Weber. No.lBJiNerthQuMnSt.,NtrP.R.B.8utiom. e UR LARGE AND INCREAHED Watch Sales Is due te the fact that weliavealwayialaiM and choice sleck te select from. THAT WE HULL THE Best WatcliJ FOR THE LEAHT MONEY. That WE DO NOT BELL WHAT WE CANNOT GUARANTEE. Buyers should appreciate our effort teglva geed sroeds, unit can depend iiKn evwythlng we sell te be us represented. HERR, Jeweler, Ne. 101 N. Queen St., CORNER OK ORANGE. )itt. N EARLY MARK DOWN. I ON- STRAW HATS I AJOH LOT OK $1.50 Mackinaws for 50c. Regular Goods Reduced as Fellow : 11,75 Merklnaws te 1 UO. I.,'XI Mackinaws te J 1.2.3. II. -i Miu-kliiaws te ll.OX IIJ Mackinaws 1eS."k 75c. Mackinaws toeOir. 4V1IIkIx1 STRAW HATH at 15 and 2i Onts. Upeclul Prices for 30 Day s en TRUNKS AND TRAVELING BAGS. stauffFr & CO., 31 and 33 North Queen Street, LANCASTER. I'A. crijitta Sail. TTIOII 4 MARTIN. FRUIT JARST" JELLYT'UftiBLERS ! AT CHINA HALL. Masen Fruit Jars in Pints, Quarts and Half Gallens. The celebrated Lightning Jars in Quarts and Half Gallens ; this jar has no superior in the mar ket. Jelly Tumblers in any quantity. All at Bettem Prices. HIGH & MARTIN, -15 East King St. Ma M i vS : h -1! , i- -i&ui vfa-fcA 'aq -3j VjjjlLLf . nf-s3S -(-- iisZi&&-ii:!t Sjwp -vV. - ft.dK."-