' ' VV -jn J. tf' tV .. r -""f5 , "T "3 i 'rt.V'Vf .- - r- ,,.,..... ... v--mi t " -..r' . . - fc--- rrv jp - i " iii . "".... j- .-., k THE LANOASTEK DAILY INTELLIGENCE THUBSDAY, JULY 11, 1889. v ' tt K? P-'e tr te r lr' lH gttteUigcttcctr . r AJtDKEW J.BTEINMAN, 9- fr i ' CHAnLESSTElNMANKOLTZ, E-Uerg. i llOBEnT CLAItK. Publisher. 4- 1HE DAILY lNTEt.UOKNCEft-ftjblUhJ 17". every Lir In the 3 ear. but Sunday. Ken cd by cnrrlcrs In thU city nnd surrounding tewni nt ten cents n week, ltj-mull flic ilel lr jer In mlritiieet Weent month. j .;r .... ,,..i.... .. 1. ... . 1. .; 1 .' j; wttKui iAauLiiii-irs.ii-jiioaeiiftr una " flflr rentftft lent. In mlvanrr. 1 KOTICE TO SUBSCUHiEHS-ltemtt by eheek Ly jr nr posleflleo order, unit where nelUier tif Uicrcean be rirecnretl tend In n lcglntered letter. Entered, nt the J'ptofflee, in weemt cjix-ss mall miittti'. Address, THE INTELLIGENCER, 1 -mi outer, Va. LAlfOABTER, PA., Jtily 11, 1889. What the Lawyer Saj. The riilladclphln people are fnAercil with n sjtntcment of t lie number; of Heiul Ing raUrend lnwycrs who linu iiRrwiI thnt the company has n rilit le vxlcml its railroad teTw eltth anil Mnrkit ht rvcl from Bread nud Ctilhm hill, without asking leave of the lity cmim-IK Evwy Inw-ycr Meusing te the rend from President ICelin, of tlie coal and Iren company, who U hauled Inte tlielIM, down te the youngest "m f these who have cVit earned a fee from tiic re-id, and tip te Getten, who wnt unit! Hi great"! am, "Udecltred te have said that there!'; no doubt whatever of the power of the nud te de the tiling, and it I? going ahead te de it. We will venture, the Let of n big apple thatnoneef the geed lawyers en the Heading list ever gae xuch an opinion. The company may make a break te force its nwd thnmgli, as it threatens te de, and It can hire the services of all these lawyers te help it te de it ; for it Is a notable iiiiality of thclawer In gen eral that he U as ready te light for w hat he knew 3 te be w reng, in law or morals, asfer what he think te be right; and often he is mere willing, since the w reng te be deuc giu-a him an cxuibe for charging a bigger fee, by way of mill e te the conscience he claims te have, when he gees te church, but docs net lake with him te his elllee. It is clear te any niunV geed en"-e that It must Iki a vciy doubtful right which tliu Heading or nnyotlierr.dlre.td company claims te cie- the ptrntH of 11 city at will, withouti.en-entorthuelty's legislature, liueli u right is clearly, in our judgment, contrary te public policy j and If be it can llud no protection in the law. It is a notable illustration of Hie weakliest) of this claim en the part of the Heading, tlr.it the declination in its charter giving It the light te terminate nt sonic pelut In I'lilladelpliia is quoted as authority for Itn clnlui te make a frcli terminus in the clly, alter it has for se many jenrs had .1 fixed terminus. The claim, if bound, would threw the whole of Philadelphia, in Its eery part, open te lit changing terminal, through all agca, and cu.ible it te wind its Hiuike like form thietigh every section. With all this power iciitrcd upon It by the simple weids of its chaitcr, the peo ple of Philadelphia are, perhaps te lie congratulated that it piope-cs te 1 tin into them with an elevated and nut a urfucc read. Of ceurse its charter right te seek a new terminal, if it exists, is for a "iirlace re.td terminal. An elevated mud was net then contemplated, and the cliailei docs net cincr tiie light te build it , Juct as the right te run a charieal furnace does net carry the light te use stene coal ; but in its henetld'iue the lail lail read Is willing te trade a surface for an elevated mad in the city ; and the city Ih exacted te pay allien and iw thank ful. Wu have lieard of a geed i"u. Billy railroad uudei takings ; but tills of taking possession of a tow n w itlieut thy consent of its councils, is iniieli the most 'foehfh; and the illustrious names of the noble army of hired lawyers n.iid te back the scheme de net shake this tenvic tien. The' aie firm hirelings. A Miniiie anil a Hinni. Seme people Hipect and say thnt the SulIivaii-KJltaiu light was net 11 contest j uui-ii iiuiKe-eciieve ; ami incie is aiiun- dant icasen for the belief. Millhnii was it se easily sunener tt Ills ntii"enlst nml P.1 SO liartietlllll-lv mil'ls.i.rnl luw.rflintr.u rv in net Imrt itif- bini.itiiit it im.iir..,.n,iii,.ii te conclude that lie did net want te de i mi, nun uini inert' wa no rcaiuic lit the A. iii.i 1. . .1- ., . . . rH hiu, mh me nre iiimiii me siK'etaiei' V .l..ll... .. 1.1. 1 .. . . us uimius, jin.li as cry tuiiesiiil. (il kf imm eruer 01 men, el toui-se nothing can w eAjietiea inim tncir lionei, and they may le lieheved te hae lieen Ulte ready te fall into a si heme te make money, with ease and ceitainty, bv a championship prize light, v hlch oheuld be well udertiHil, and which should bring the Hosten chiimpleii and the Baltimore cliallengei tegcthei, idler lie lug dniwu iu palui-e can, and bj-uial trains te distant Xew (Jileaiu. 'llie Btateinent of the fact that, in the beat el summer, these pugilist werocairied te the hottest part of the ceunti v, at givat ceH and with great noise te de a law-fei bidden tiling, shevts ilearlv enough the natuie of the w hole selu inc. ami the deinonstratleu was simply clinched by tliesuii-esifui tlloitsef the friendly ligiiters jiet te hurt one an other. Theenlythiugs that haelcnliiirt ate the law and the dignity of t lie governor of Mississippi ; w hoe proclamation for fer bidiug the light has had no ether result be far feae te advertise It. Maybe it may liieu fruit hereaftei If we' were the governor the mate of Mibsis-ippi we would have the bodies of the iirio iirie fighters, their backers and attendance ir theie was power In the law tegctthun And we would furthermore Jmc- the , uwiira ui wie railroad elllcen, w , j,,,,.! te carrj' these law -breakers Inte Die Btate Iu delianie of the proelamatien, and who gave their leady assistance te the violatleu of the law. Tliey aie even inore guilty than the i.nelighteis; since they enjoy their privilege fiem the state Mid line a great stake in the procrea tion of its dignity ami the ehsei vance of eU1',1,;r-, . nilhray managers ai tfce l)lndit jisipuj en earth, when u sdellarisattheund of their iiose tbev cannot see U-yeud it. The hHfuly of the country demands a Bwy u.nstru. tien of the law, which will bold railroad presidents and directors criminally re ..ponslbefertheuulnnful deed, J , , ,. , corporations : te th..pn,i n.. .1... . i Iirnr lull tunc I.. .. . .. I,rifc . ,.r,..M',.':lu,l,-"' te sun, i c -" " ' kil'h imerests in timir , cnarge as will n.al;c them InoiiiMulve te fe.!"" """" i-uwi " "'fytaunotlieiiuide topreinotelt. tT , ""I iniHl ' -'ll the St. i .,".-' l,!,J "? MB,Nj a ear te :ZL 11 . 1 ,' ""ww Wlleertlie vaa kllen of he prl,v of ugaV. t)niv u,S, Me without rcjinutatien, huJ, JUi,t new thnt same people, then few and feet bio, new great and strong, nrc i Aetlyr subnilltlim te Jaxutlen without rcjirc se'ifilatlonnnd-idse wltlinjfi'thv sinaTlet irace 01 11 ngiii ui wia in inu icnsi eiuiiii ref any ervlec rendcrcd hy Hie taxing party. The Incrca of tiic Jiticc of twgrfr has nothing In the world tejustlfy It but the falc right of might. The trut con trols the sugar trnde, and wc must pay the price It llxes or de without sugar. Tlilsunnntur.il lncrcae In the cost of a necessary of llfeisuta levlnl upon us by n eeiincll iu wlilcli We have no vektj nnd ever whicli we have no control. In this matter the trut Is our ruler and w e have only te let tbe-e trutn alone for 11 time and they will form eneglant organ ization, taxing nt their pleasure all the great staple and making democracy a grand burlesque. h is n reinniknlileiolinldeme Hint sub sub sub Jeitsriiotlii'r.teliiistouii te tlie ravages of n lletxl nml the dctmctire jiewer of the wiiler rushing out of burstnl d.itns. If tlicie nre any mere .Teliiislnwns In lliu (.011ntryll1.it lle In valleys nnd beiiq.ilh d.imswe should think that they would feel like promptly dunging tlieii names, as tlicy eniiuet well iliimge llielr pknc. Tlie dnms and tlie clouds are apparently oppecd te the calm contemplation el JeiiliMnwiiH buicnlli thern: cleilils btlisl and d huh burst nud .lolmsle" ii'i go. Till, leulnl ioeherl se ellen lu.ird finni in iiiiilens.itit wiijs that It isajiliiis isajiliiis nre le record a llltle Inildant of hk cut ocuirrcuce in wlilth the involver llguieil gleiimisly. t'eiinigiNiini Mis. Keuter, of MIsscMirl, wns 11I0110 at tlie linn Iioiihe wliciialr.mipiirdiiiigeteusiispecliippenred nml begun te bch ve with iitariuing In'o In'e lenie. Tlie lady ran te tlie table drawer where tlie iiiiiili-iibiisisl icvelvcr lay nady leided with seven lull ciilildges of largf edible Hie teikiil lie weapon tied 01 dcrisl tlie Immpte keep ijulil. fslie tlien formed 111 tit lu line mid mardied I1I111 out en tlie re.ul ami llieu te tlie rnllienl. Keeping eloe behind him, slie eenthiiieil tlit iro(cssleu fin two miles along tliu trad: until lliuv readied a Held vv I1010 her liusbaml ami another man weie ntweik. The trump was taken te New C'ikseI, and icslded ler thirty days iu the county jail. euit oNpeita of iiiineinl oils In .lime weie about half n million larger than iu tlitjxauie month el lUeS nnd ler theviar emliug .litue .10, tliu oil experts dieu' 1111 Inereai-e of nearly tlueii millions, all for the glory of tlieMamhird monopoly. Ourexpoitsef lotten In .lumiaie marly four millions less In -value tlinii in Juuoel Ptrnii.isM Is of old nml ropecUble lineage, they s.iy 1 but se nre many tilings net nt nil lespednble iiewdnys. Highway rubbery with niurdeiniis lU'eempiuluiiiiits was nil ait pi.i llieil by Hie nobility nnd genliv of ancient times, and yet even a Mississippi sherlll would hardly smile openly iikui It nevvd iys. Ill iiii.vii let Ilill Muldoeut Haik te this wisdom fiein the man who tnilned .Sullivan: "I think Imviiig a grand ex en Ise, nud will de nil that I can te imoiu imeiu HL'0 It, but 1 think ling lighting is tee I1rut.1l, ami 1 want te me no iiunu of it." Mnltloen savs tli.it he Is "tlireuuli forever with ling lights, " bisauselie iinvei again wants 'Me seen 111 in se kned.id about and punished as Kilraln was." Te nppuelatn tlie valint of t licit) lemaiks wit netsl te inmember tint the sjx'.il.ci is a l.imeiis vretlcr nud hruisei. Cew vitiiKn I'lii.sseN, (oiuiiilssieuer of imlgratleii nt New Yerk, is given nt nutlieritj fnrtliestatcmetits that 1111 IiNIi men hunt lias furnished .1 desciiptleu el invert imtlnxls b which the Miltl-li government scuds paupei-s te America iu iletlance of our lntvs. Mr. Stcpheiisnu learntil that Kuls, iu eeuiity Mnje, liel.iml, liml been plnciidcil w itli esti)rs ieiuesting pei-MiusilesIieiis et (inii;iiiting te mci lea le apply te Emigration Agent Ilurke. Theio wuie many ntpliiatieus, and llnrke selettcd JiHl of the poeicst and most vveitliIestfamilie,sliipplng them nt the rule el one Isinily a week, his method Ixtiugteput one man Iu nstheluad el tlie family uinl le semi a let et etheis us histlilldren itnd inlatlves. This Htatemuiit wnsmadoeu the aiilheilty el tliu ailsh iniest, whime weid was loimheiated l Mr. Jehn S. Muiph.v, 11 leading men li.mt. Tlie ismimlssiiiui'i w Kite te both and Mr. Murphy lias just 1 epliisl : " I'lie poorest and most wutthlcssdass arc scut riiniitlilsjilai.(i en what Is teiniud 'llie tit emigiatieu, by what is nillisl hem thy eiiilgialieu (oiiimissieii. 'llie uimmlrtsieii Is, I lie lk'tc, unl nominal, It is unbedied in the poison et tlie gentleman von mi ntlen ns Mi. Iluike, who was ieniieilv v lee giiaitlliuef llalmiillit iiiiiiin. lie lias In, 1 a gieal uuuibei of veiy khii tamllies 1111 1111 tleulitetlly peer Iu wane tase-. en bis list nud from that list ,110 selected smalt bitdies who me sent oil weikl.v." It leeks vei.v Hindi as it the Ilillish geveiiiinent Inn! dcccnilul totliesmiiggllugel panj.cisinte llie I'liltetl St.ilei. Seme four .veaisnge 0111 government pietested stiungl against the iiieveiiiuut vvlikh was llien openlj and vigoieuslv conducted, It tl0 umteiial Is goetl theie Is no visible nasen why thev should net neml it le out el Kiiglaud'siuauy lolenliM. The com cem com iiiissieini sajs that I'asiln daidin W n ievci. ruugrautsaiu taken chaigu el bv agents linmcdiitdy en tlieii auival and sent te leniote parts or the lenntry. 'llie poeplu are net alive te the ipiestlen, and tlie eleiks lu the gmlen are between two lire, tin the ene hand, the piesidents el llie I1UI1 Kuilgialiini smiitv and el the liuiliiuu MHiitv, ui New eik, null el wliein lias a lull vote in the K.ird, ami oil thuelhti liniiil, llie Male tuiniiilssieners, whose duty it is te intone the law. 'I his is a state el things that di uiaiuU the alten alten alten tiuuofeuriiitiiis,l. preteitivu 111er1n111 piesldent and cabinet. IVilmps thev cm stepliee trade lu pinpcrs. 1 01U.SI l.i, w ks, the biyht little menlhlv pulilislietl bv the I'fiiiis.vlv.iiua ItnesUv assoii.itien.tllHeiihsestlnMlegrecs in vtliUh forest distinction nuj he held te Mame ler the Johnstown dKistei and tlie gnat floods. "An unseasonable, pietruttid heated HM.llliad pievailisl ever a huge miIIoiieI the tsainiiv, wbieli bad been robbed et most tJr Its woedlaml, the atmosplie.e, highly expanded, was ln.ide-1 with mols mels mols tilie, and cold tuiienls, dni.cn l,v hljjh winds, eausisl an iiinii-tisv pmipitatien naluralli greatest tvheiv the metinljiiis lenmsl .1 bairlei. Iloie, ug.iin, M( mudief the area hid been stnpssl of tries lint but a limited )ilieii n,,, r.iinf.iii was held back the mijer put rusli ing lu tern iits te form the ililH whiih liinke booms, hvvept aw aj hridgiN, deslneetl dams and iiiiiud.iKslVliiuH ami towns. 'Hie wasle ur et a 1 cat dam, preliabl.v aiuplote tlisih.iii;. .uij nc.Miiuii laticn fiem its ii,iiiiin;e aici when well tiuibpied, was inadisptate le cany nwnv the Lipid rush et water from a largeh tie Hided area, nedus the floods spiead'ever Iheciiilunkiiient, wbldi was net built lei a ' Kpill.' the icsult was In be ested; tlietlJiii was nit invar audit citiiiiuinitv engulrisl. -ih it a Iaige aie.t et lerests wouldbnveprovetitisl -t Heed, is net 0111 ilniiu, lint rathtr that tlie sparsely tim bered district nntniially addtd le the in tensity and distm. the fone of tlie rain- liisups,rt of thoe ushcrtinn higli au thorities are iiotel from the llme of I'lau, te our own times, ir all ll.esu te,tK nrese.Itlstert.dnlyhigi, Uiue thnt some ver.v ditermiiied 1 Hurts were iii.ule te s.ive w hut trees we have.uml te eneounvethe jiVutuig el mere of them. i l'KllM)VAlv r-. NAl'twi: IKlM.vN.n prerinfrcnt poli tician In NeWi Yerk city, etLiit Leng Dmiirji en l'newtnyfitiRlU; 4, Rv,V. .fM!. MaciiWiM'F, rtetnnn Catholic bishop of Denrtr, (Vilnme, died en Wcd Wcd nest! tv at the go of 77 yteirs. aov'vFirzficeit'fii.i-, or Vlrgluta", will ntxept tlie stiperllitcndeiiey of the I)X Inglen ('a.) Atilltnry Institute. He will net tnke tlie plaee until his term of elllee ns governor oxplrei nn Jnn. 1st. we. rH'eU lleiiritT (J. JMtimseLi.ds neeeited y tliose who knew as ene of the liet cooks In New Yerk. He i snid te be a geiirmel eftlul lilghest nllltude, and lil,s friends n,ty he prrpnrcs' With Ids own Iiniidslhdl'lg- fet part of the menu nt IhopiIvnledltinerM 10 girts at his home. .It'MAN HAWTII0HNK"linS llctlled the mitliclr.Hhlp el the " Attliur Itlchinend " lcllers. Dr. Dnnn has chanuterlml their being ascribed te " Onll Hamilton" ns " fudge, " se n new ntither turns up. He Istlmlate A. It. C'lrnnrnn, the draniiilist of the I'nlouKqunreTlientie, New Yerk, vhe Is said te Imvn elaliurd their antliershlp severnl times while alive. The work was Jilts, based en suggestions lrein 'I homily ke Itlee. TTOOIIIs HAHHAl'AIllbbA. De Net Neglect Tlml tlrnl fr lln, liupurelite'ic, INtien4 niter tiitlnif, jnlus In llietiinl:, Iniiitat lie, or ftlmlliir iiltcitieni till Beinu powerful itlseiiscehlnlusii lit in tuetlinltl, unci roieviry Is tl I till ill t, rlmps Impossible. Tattc H(HMl'sHiir.iiparllla, the de finckrer litaltli,ln llniK In linnlnli nit hid as. Iiir mid restore oil In peril it coiiillllen. I loe I n Sinrmipirllla h in iKtiillar riirntlve power, nud n'si)iiiplllii hum whin etlirr itiUMtlens dill. thattihi:ii ri:i;ijiNu. "liurlni: tliu KUimntr I .ch fit ling all run iliinn,riiid tliltiMin:I mulid mxiii'IIiIiii; te tuiie up my kjkIpiu, I toel: Heeds HarMipcirllht nud fill time h littler. I uhsiiIm) Irntililcdwltli il) pfla, nnd Ifoeil'sH-irsnporlllii licls"il meimiti tlun itnytlitiiK ile." .1. IL DviuteM, I'u Wayne, Intl. ' Jly w Ifu nnd 111 II w ere both grin rally run clenic IIeihI k Hnrsiparllla IiieurIiI us out of Hi it Unci fiillmr, ami made us fill lll:c young )heiIi; iinln It liasibine mere for us llianiill etlitr mrilkliies tegdlicr. ItliilAtie Haws llL'usr, Amltj villi, linji Iilnnil, N. V. IMI'IMti: lll.OOl) "I'retn clillcllioed I wis tieublccl with pliu. plCK.cclid c(tj iiliiidy failed nil I leek Heeds Harncmrllla. llictvt taktn live buttles unci new the pimples are iiluint gene, unit 111) neneritl licnltli In iimrli Improved lam lit linn better II11111 for Mime tluu, nud I lilijlil) leieiiimeml Heel sSiirKiipiirllln. W Kv.vss, i", Ix-xlug-ten, Av t nan, llrixiklyn. N. Y, Heed's iSarsaparilla Held bj nil driiKKlit". tl , nix for fj. I'ripuritl only by C. I HOOP A CO., Lewtll, Mn'i. loeno.si.s (ini: deli.au ItliuCCllllltClllf.l. IVi:il 1101) V WANTS 1 1 ! THAT IS-i:Vl.llYlUlY WHO HAS liVl.Il lmi.uiTi LEVAN'S FLOUR Still Holds the Fert. We linvrut tin blcs'ist mills In tlie world, lull tlnrel no beltir mill uiiyuliirc nt le-ist Hum Is no mill Unit 1 an make better Heur. Ssi sii) tlietisaniN of pteplu In tills luiniiuuilty, nml we lake their vtenl for ll. If jeu have trouble with jour baking, this het w eat In r, 011 will perlnps discover that tlie trenbli Ilts with jour Heur provided you de net tielaviiii'kKhiiir irynii nru iikIiik thnt arllde, uinl nllll havn trouble with yourbuU yeurbuU lu, pi rlmps It Is bcuiu-e of llieeven. It iiiu't bu the Heur If jeu ut l.evnii s ! SI IU,i:H'M UOKAX .SOAP. TVYILUER'S Borax Seap -will- WASH CLOTHES, AM) EVr.RY ARTICLE UNDER THE BUN. lMild-lltl I. MIX K 1 MIM STORM KING (21G1.) IIH Dltll ."HI stnniluiil lit lli-ci-dlin; nnd l'eilei miiciice. Hlrttlhj II l'l Ml.lllt'M, u.erd .' 1." ,. 101,1 sire of I.' Hetter mid piueid Willi neid Irem .sin, te .' ui, nnd evtr li with melds belli 1 limn ,Vl. Dun bv Vltxiindcrs Neiiniui, tlie of I. nice .'ll'i. lnv ljuieii, . J). ,t. Ssceml ct.im in llownitt'kHlrllmrltk.tliureticli- brc d 'llilrd diini bv Smith Mi s ngt r. seu of Hills Mi sm nirer. Hteiim Kimi Is u liiiv.stiinin ifl himds mid wt lubs iilceiil l,Amhs. Ilasidwiivs taken lht piimliimat vtiit,. unci reunlv mil s. lib, ielt me la 11,' 1 auclliciucKemt, nud live Unit have Ihsu Mild avi nigul liniiil ui nil aviniKi) iim el one nmlii halt vinrs Hi w is tnktnilijil out eftlu Mud mid u lib vt rv lltth pn paintleii ntluttil lis neerd I10111 ili. te 2 m, tiutllim- time InuUliiL 10,.' il unit J tl. IK unit a unarm III out el III-nclli in V mi einls 11 2 .1) fc-iilt which rheUH hlsiaisitliv U Iteulclkpiit him lenr iiiiiihli In tin Mud te In pii'p.md tei itn r.1-1 work JKHMs -J.1OW tin u r.Mtl until bit pitsint IhmiU Ih full, nun whiih lie will st.inil at SIelO Jv j-ttd I) vI. 0 .M, r, Jlnrlfltit, I'a lleuiH'fitvitinltiim (ijioebn. -lAI.I. AMlSiKl, Rochester" lamp! hi it (iiudUslauht, lltalstlitmnll. nethir l,ut iirchcnp (.lobes fur (IiikiiiuIOII Sitevm. 'ini:- run-rrrie.N SIIH A I. SIUI'LOI.NG ami ltl'llllKIl rrslHON Weather Strip. lleiitHthtmall. IhUfdilpoulueatsalletbcr-. KitiMOiit tbeielcl Steps rnttlliiKiil nlmtuwt. l.iclccilfj thedui.t. Kts'pseut snow nud mln. Auv one 1:111 npplv It no unMi or itirl niude In apiiljhi- It 1 nib, tllttd alii u lie ic -00 boles lobere, itiulv luruee I will net split, wnrp or Klirltik iii'iishleiiktrliilsihumuNl isrftct "i.vi the Steve, Hi atcraud Itangv Htoieef Jehn P. Schauni & Sens, 34 SOUTH QUEEN ST., bAXCAhlJUt I'A. (Ujiua ilalt. I TKlll A.MAI11I.N. FRUIT JAKsT" JELLY TL'MP.LKRS ! CHINA HALL. mason rruu ars iu Fruit lurs iu Pints. vuaiiM .inu nan s.i,iijeiis. llie celebrated Lightning Jars in Quarts and I lalf Gallens ; this jar has no .unurier in the mar ket. Jelly' Tumblers in any quantity. All at Uottem Prices. HIGH & MARTIN, 15 lia.st King St. ul'Mfd UnnntHltcr'g. riiil.AiiKi.riliA,Thiirclny. July II, 1S9. Closed at i P. At. Saturday. Jerseys at St. 2i $3, $4. $5 that have been $2.50 te $16. Twe mere days like yesterday will end them. And the $3 .Satin-striped Flannel Garibaldis at $1.50 as well. "Thick as a beard and soft as lleecc.'' That's what they say of the $3 Camping Blanket. 74x84 inches. All the Summer bed things for indoors and out. Fleer Linens 66 te 180 inches wide. Near Women's WnltlUK Itoem. Summer prices en Carpets. This season's goods a trifle out of condition : Mmlli lies Sl.'JD rrem 1 1-7) vvillein JI-7) ami ju.j rrem !i2'i and 2.f0. 1,011 el I anil etlnr bet Ilruiils Wc nmltl, from Jl.Ti. 10 wire IninstrlesTOe.rem KV. IiiRrntus We, from T.'i and SV-. Special bargains in Rugs and Carpet Remains. Sheet Oil Cleth half price. Heeeml Heur, Mnrkcl street idd. I'ourelfva I'eurelfva I'ourelfva tera. Made-up Carpets (from short lengths of choice goods) at about half. Ilaicmtnt, northeast of untie. The 35c Screens are well wired and adjustable te any window between 2 and 3 feet. Is it any wonder that a carload is se seen gene ? Screen Deers, with two spring hinges and a knob, $1.50. Ilnsement, north of untie. $1.75 Black Cashmere Square Shawls at 51.25. Other prices up le $2. 50 the same way. All the Fancy Shawls, of course. Sieend lloer, Chi stunt street front, lnkn ele vator. Fringed Sashes at one level price S2.S5. They've been twice or three times that. Celers. Mnln lvle, neni 1rancpt. Jehn Wanamaker. Ojvoccviee. lUMl'IITITlON HUlll)L'i:i), DITM11 V, I t)UNI),), Clarke's Lew Prices. And Ne IllliiR Up, Kltlitr. 1,000 Bexes Bixby's Best Shoe Blacking, Ar,ui:NraAiiex. Hire's or Raser's Reet Beer, 1 I ILNlnA HOT! Mi Hum mbi r, something KlnrtlhiR awaits ion ivtrj ila iitourMete, niilr jeu want the Finest Teas, Best Coffees, STANDARD "SUGARS, At holif-.ile Trices, CenMilt UAii south (ji'i:i:nht. fljvllenilciiuirltri. fei Uroeke s trtnl s,0.ip. Jjs tfdAw ' AT 111 ll'tlv s. PICNIC GOODS. finite, or WiMicl Plates I'etleel Ham leiiKiicaiid llanit. Ovsti rs-pb klul anil Inch. I ebtu p Mi, nml tnsh I iti.li S1I111011 Nttiiksln Hut nuts vtrj tluitte. Kiudliiis- Impertid mid Amirlciu. I'liklis and tJllvis luiilass. Alviiiitliles lit tlifilntii. llll.l.!-.!' ink .stuti tiisiin, SnpKue, I'lnt iipiilc, Ld en and lteilc lent. Ileiieiess Ham In tans, uaily for the table. Full Liim nr All Kinds of Groceries. BURSK'S, Ne. 17 East King Street, I.XNl'AHint.l'V i'lute. AN 1 Mtl.YMAllU DOWN BIG DROP -e.v STRAW HATS I -A JOIl I.OI Ol- $1.50 Mackinaws for 50c. lie cellar (meds lttdiietd as 1'olleus SI 'j Miielcliiiivm te J !..'). il,t) MiiiMuiius te'l.ij. il.J, Mae.Klccavi, te Jt l. 8I.1O Mac klnciMK tes'w, T.k Mniklimvrk teAV i lilt I et si a v H IX nt ltiiiicl'iilenti'. NHe led 1'iiiei. ler i0I)aeu TRUNKS AND TRAVELING BAGS. STAUFFER & CO., 31 ami 33 North Queen Street, I.AM.AblKlt.l'A. mi ci i. Nerifi: PLEASE READ THIS! wi; HANI. I VKI.N Tin: I OH '11 IH At.KXl'Y Schemackcr Geld-String Piane! We huve thrm nun iu stixK. uud Invite our friends ami the public stntircU teculluiid ee them. Kirk Jehnsen & Ce., Mi.: u.'MvcUw I !! MM! Sllti: 1' JIsr. JONh A 10, Mituiiliiiiiirirk IOM Kl'llOM:it.s, riM I'M'rJK ItuM.s Tin most heuutlful lliu lu tliu fulled Man (ll'i CemmtreeSl , l'hltmlel. phta. I'a W ritu foriltMripllve priee lUt. Jniiil-Tbtfetl Cvu oeb. XTKVYOnK HTOItn, J.1 f -AT TH ' ill ' )" New Yerk Stere. Kitlli' Vhlt OauzcVestp, a Ilargntn ntlic. Ladle.' India Onurn Vents, Lew Neck and Hhert (lcvc, IV-caih. dents' ' illnlbrlKgan Underwear, Orent Vnlncnl 25e nml .17Je. Ki-1 ti 1 1 1 (llerla Unbrellns, Pamiren Krnme, (Jold Jlend. KTciaeh ; recelnr prlee, ll.a. 21-Inch (lluria, II.W ihiIi. Ijt'tks' Iteucle JnekitK, nil aires, 'Jac; itxlsjl 00 tefimkc. i Miskefc' AIl'Wuel Jersej n, 2" riich J vrerth from OOc te -,':. Indies' Wemtttl Tlnlltd .Ieri.eyB, 7.V: eacji ; only half price. i.'-lncli Figured Chlim Bilks. 50c jnrd ; rigu liirTVqitullly. TH-Inili Colored Htimmrr Hlllte, In Hrenn, Navi.Otecn and Oend irme, 3Tc n jaril; worth 50e. Colored w. llll (Mirlid In nil at I Oiiekal'lnld Cleth hiillliigs,'J!ien) aril ; retailed llilH,sprlii( at 5 ;W Inch AII-AVoel lllegts, 31c n jardj imtnl prlee, lie. New Printed fhrtllles for AVnrm Venthcr Dnsscs ntOc find BJjJc. Hosiery, Notion, l-'aney (loeds us Lew ns the Lewest, and no Variation In Prices. WATT & SHAND, C, 8 and 10 East King Street. J.U MAKTIN A CO. BARGAINS J. B. MARTIN & CO. A large purchase of Tinseled Tapestry 1 able Cevers, and we have put them en sale as fol fel lows : 45c for the 4-4 89c " " 6-4 $i.Se " " 8-4 Anether let of Geld Tipped Silk Umbrellas, at $1.29. Parasols reduced te one-third regular prices. One let at 25c " 50c " $1.00 " $1.50 REMNANT COUNTER. New bargains every day in Remnant Challies, Seersuckers, Ginghams, Crazy Cleth, Ba tistes, &c. J. 13. MARTIN & CO., Cor. West King & Prince Sts., Lancaster, Pa. w iMCHSPltlNU COKSET. IIL'Y 11IK PAMOUri Watchspring Corset. WILL JfKVKIl 1I11KAK. Guaranteed te Outwear Any Custom Made Corset. Mayer, Strouse Ce., .MA X UFACT LTlin US, IU UltOADWAY. N. Y. neUt-52t.M,Thiew T- latuHivc. I I.VIIIIWAIIU! MARSHALL & RENGIER, 9 & Ij Seuth Queen St., Havejukt icitlvtdit largu a.nertiniut of ItKADY-MADi; Window Screens and Screen Deers Plain uud Figured Wire Cleth. HAMMOCKS, LAWN MOWKIIS, HLritiaKHATOItM, Water Coelers and Ice Cream Freezers (live tin. n a call and ou Hill lie emu lured that It l the t Ileal st place hi liiuaxlel te hli). AIAO.ALL KINDS OF PAINTS, OILS, YARH1SHES, WHITE LEAD, And a hill line of General Hardware. hbS-Ud iUioteiU'iUtlto. 1-OTE. V I JUST RECEIVED FIIOM Keenigsliurg, Prussia, The lint kKremiiN iiiade ciH'ehillj for licet and lhree-iiartir Length Photenii h 50 1-2 North Queen St., Next Doer te tlif Ptxlelllee. JuuTind fc f r Leaks tiat'Iiai. m mier&Brbtlier,' f 4T 5,f 7, SU7V7VVHR. , f Wash Flannels for Tennis Dress and Shirts. OUTINll CLOTHS, 121c, Ifle.,ane..i!5e. ' ' COTTON HA'I'KVn:, 5c, sJ., !2!i (MI.M.MS. mji)., Ihc, UV. HA'IINIX, lic. iJe. (UM1IIAMS, Se., 10e., 12!c. nti:NX'H HINUHAMS, 3te.,Sic., ,Vc. lAHITE GOODS. fr .,..w.K'A1UMl,SI'INifc-. lH'-. 1-K'. CJIRCKUI) XA1N.UOK. Klc, I2ic, 15c, : STIIIIT.I) LAWNS, atK'..aV. 1'L. iAIN WJIITi: (IOOD.S. INDIA DIMITY. rilHNCII XAIN.OOK. INDIA LINOS'. INDIA MULL. SILK AHJLL. iinKeiDunr.i) i:leunclc.s, riuimnD dimity. Hager e LOSIS'O OUT BALC. CLOSING -thu r.NTim: Dry Goods, Notions, Carpets, &c. -MUST BHFORH OCTOBER 1st. Goods Marked at Bargain Prices, Tine Philadelphia Stere, 6 AFD 8 I0RTH QIJEEff STREET, inariWydAw N- XXT DOOItlO'lIIK COUIIT HOUHK. Twenty Days' Reduction Sale! Twenty Days of Great Bargains ! On WnnS'USDAY, JULY 10, c 111 limUKiiriitis n Onnt SODA YH SAI.K, whlih nlll terml. nntu en Saturday, Augusta. Durlni? tluseilajN nevlll Mil ett man kcaseimlile ns well ns-tunle iirtlcle8iiterntlraitli) iirliic. hcetsennl.le kikhIm will he Feld tiienp In eulir toctesoout the Mwk. bhilileKiMidsteiUHkcltitnrtli thetthile or till te come, Ihiw tiirnlnitn dull sniseu Inte u litis one. It will hi elimted wehaie net waltid until tin mumiii hnsnased tomaKeiediietleiis ,V,,I,.M,,.l,.t,ll'.'u',t',,l,,f thu Mnen, when) en nd theecxls. Theke are a IT.W or the IIAK OAIS.Hwlth.whliliwt oiHiieurwile: h7'e Prinxitt Oulllsiediued teTJe llet ('. I.lL'ht Print Print Print J"'":'I,YtHo'JrM''OliiKliniiite7P. Ilc-the IndhfiJ Illne Piints te Te. KV t'relenues tee. lh-t t?i. i . i. ii '';"" Janin leneis ..".,.'"". ',"i"' neen, mi. uvrni in i. mtii tonus ie.i ntnmntsi'i raj t te.'le. HtniniHd Splaliirslrem lKte ljiic: hettei niialili Mnl islw m iiem .n in sv. ll HSjln'We. llWSinjrn.i Itu.'s Summer Wi leht lliw, UJi te llie. for V. KikIiIIii'h Pre ih Ii Lufin. Itlellr.,1 lliu. Keeehlln'H Prtuih Hiteens lrem.l.l ttiiSe. id WnNts ttMliir t it te.lln iimiiiIIv &ni,t i,t iv Till" is enl) iiiiluili tcilttniit random Irem u Kre.it HUef riclicttlein. S'nv goods will be added tothi'Miteicr day, t ouiciiudi;.aiulnelioods and Pilits. te FAHNESTOCK'S, 35 and 37 East King St., Lancaster, Pa. JUnvm ilicatlicx Eecii. F LINN A IHtENKJIAN. Warm Weatfcier AT FLINN & WATUK COOLLHS, Hin'UK.L'IlATOJtS, COAL OIL STOVKS, f.KNL'INi: MHXICAN HAMMOCKS. risiiixn TACKLK, HASH HALL AND LAWN tknnls FLINN &BRENEMAN, Ne. 152 IMertli Queen Street, J.i a tcli co. tlATHIJt. KMERICHN ntihi"', Clink. Jimi lr. Sixes, nje-Ola-MH, Kte.,ntl.OVl ?T l'lllfl-'j. Optltnl CIinhIs. ItltciiipliTluie Dallj i:ir.v .Vltltletiithlsl ,11 no Care full ltlpallc.il. Leuis Weber, Ne. 189' North Queen St.. Near r. R. R. Station. VUll I.AHOK AND lNl'Iti: MI.I) Watch Sales Is due te the fiet that we hate aluajs a lingo and choice' tixlc le udeet fiem, THAT VK hLLL J"1IK Best RTatcliT I Oil 1 Hi; 1.KAHT MONI'.Y. Hint Wi: DO NOP SKI.l, WI1 T V: CANNOl' mrviiANii;i:. nujers tdieuld nppieilnte our tlleit. teiKtie Roeil eoetle., nnd tun deend upon etir, tiling weell te he as it pri-enttcl. HERR, Jeweler, Ne. 101 N. Queen St., COUNUK OK OUANUn. TEwi:llu and eitician. Jeweler and Graduate Optician. GRADUATING PRESENTS. I-ateM and Cheliet Veieltle!, for tlmdiiiiting PrtM nt attlie. Chain., Pins, Piin.il.. I"hii, Han Klii., Jewtlr,tti., ite. i;xamin i ion or i: im ru:u NO diieps um:d. CHARLES S. GILL, 10 West King Street, I.ANC fcn:it, PUNN A. riMlK ItlVAI TO! TIN Pl-N T11I:IIIT L niiel theiiieM In the market 11 karat cold lii. Hard rulilHr holder, neMr eels out et enlir, eii'lls llllisl. I all nnel I'vuimiii litfere piirih.n.lniilCHhere. At LKIM N .1 lientc r'nriiKlilei.' Stere. U West Kins Hreet. rillll P. DM.M VT1AN INsin PuWDlIt, 1 iireilliHl lit n ;el jmcle r liteu, r l the mint tilt tttml dtklret, r el lllc-.Hialellar.iii.ill luft.U. pers.iU VlHLIlLt tDItlITt)ltl. eC West King Mrett. cot's. v -- 23i WEST KING STREET. 20e. & Brether. OUT SALE ! stock or- 111: SOLD- LAS'CASTEH, I'KNS-'A. te ise. ue WhlteTurl.lsh 'lewels telOe. Wc htnmptslTraj t letliK. "lie teTfle. T.'ieS-iinriia Hues te (Ke. I.idlti'l le.ivy jne : ai.t llttic u Pm-mili c limn 111. .. in. I..lln ,.. ,.. ....iA. AnciilliirtaDeCersit teisc. Chlldu n'ai'nr. te 100. BRENEMAN'S. iMvciuox-he. jnti:veitic! WHIZ! BANG! BOOM! FIRE ! FIRE ! Heist's Stere Ablaze With Fireworks! FIVE BIG WINDOWS CHUCK FULL ! WHOLLSALI: AND KLTAIL! All Works Extra Heavy Colored! Anethir ItaHlarle.nl en Hit a ' We Wen t Item Short lal.t a l.oel. at lliu Immtuse Hteek ' WE ARE HEADQUARTERS! etthcTeun hl.ue net ilth llie tint tilth I'atiletli l.uthuslaiiii ' We halt tin lllLit Vosertiiiiut of Fliouerhk Far i:ililljltid ' RElST ! COItNI.lt WLsl' KINU AND PUINC1.TK, l)lieetl Oppiulti J. II Martin A te. . Il CikkIs Mere, and lwt Doer toi-ein 1 llerst llulil 3.-tliu-lihtcvu s sIKAM. Voililre teeall itlie nltentleii .if tenuiiier of sii.iin i.tKiitsnnd I nuliiiiih Siij.plli te .air It ree nml arlcd (.IckK 01 Pliaw, 1.i1. (Kks, Miilliiihlu and Cjs' Iieii l.lttlujrs, ,tM.te, ViilealKi-teiiaiid t'i.udiirl.111, "lu I PUteii and Vain Pat Klin,". SKrtih and It. dim. t,n, , Inu (liui;t lil.isx ,St,uin Itadl Hern and Ml. urn lleallnt; ApimratiiK. htl nnd i,ip -.ireim and lu fail iilniiMl eitritlilin, riiiilil bt r-leiuu ue-eri.iuidall of ulihli i ellir ut niln uhlih we Kuanintte te bt linn r than the-n- of any ethei ih il. r In lliu iltlnltt Wclnieiesltiil llie largest Hi I. audbo audbe lnrf lenneitd tilth llie fil'phnne I m hitniit, arepup-irtsl tenititeund till all euhii. lu llie tueriisiiN miii unit, win 11 111 want of iinj thlnj In our hut, tall en u ler prletandwe Mill eeiiiinee ou or our nblllt unci Mlll'iii;. nes te situ ou Meuit , Ihlat and rsitieu. Our laiilttit - r.,r rurni'lilni; Kivlm lieiLm, hhaflltu. I'ullt i., II.im;tr,Sn.hil Ma. Inn, ri, I'IumiIm rt' umi i,,ih hitien.' Teel I'a i. rn, 1k1i l, and Iren and Itms l nllci nud ir tin prompt 11 patrol all kind of inu' una rt me urn .in Het In 1. 11a aster, and tit. n-n tftillj 60lle.lt u bhure of ) our patronage. Central Machine Works, 131 A liM)lUilCIIUI-lIk-Il! I r, I 1M ISTI II Pi Ooed Werk Ueaseniinie Lharsi, Prompt utk. Ttlti'hune coimccUea dj-tfJI; faLfew. Afhck L.JtJ.jtiM'J iU.- !-. --' x