VW ;,--- i -J ST? T-T-VT! . Iff ' A ' ' , - "' i -- tr '",., - I- THB LANCASTER DAILY IKTELLIGB1COBB, TUESDAY, JULY 6, 1889. "fr ' '"- ;" sv P-TC ll m 64- ' l.V (lr..llil . . 1 IXtmEWJ.STEINMAN. W , CKARt-EHHTKISMANFOLTX, Edltert. ROBERT CLARK, rubHhtr. IMK DAILY INTELLIGENCER.-Published ' Yr7 Ay In Ihc year, but Sunday. Served i r 07 carriers m mis my una stirTeuiiiiiiig WVTOMICIITOllHKWCTIfa 'itj IHll US 11 UUI- ! awvsvar mmTuin; euccntsi jtiuntii. . WEEKLY INTELLIGENCER-One dollar and i JIOTICE TO SUBSCRIBERS-Rcmlt by check f or (mtofllee order, and where neither of t ; hhih de procured wnu in a rrgmrrra Mrd at the Poslefflc, as second class mall 't "-J ADDRKsa, r THE HTKLL1QEHCEK, Lancaster, Pa. i? LAKCAITO., PA., July 9, 1889. f$- &V Tfcc Prizei Fight. Th teWranh tells us tbnt there tin beea great excitement everywhere ever 3jthe Bullivan-KIIrnln tight, nml maybe there has been. The weather has been fr het enough te make n little excitement ilweA arcat wav. But was It net rt little $ ftf ht te make'such n fuss ever ? If prize l lights can proceed with such hlch re- ji gard for the physical feeling unci well J? tttlntrnfthe. Ilihters. vvn slieilltl PflV that ? i he-Jnw U unduly exercised In ferbldlng Mcnnarniieswexniuiueiis. n tiiepeepic who' paid their money and undertook an. all night ride and an all day broil te see. this tight, had net been doing an unlawful thlug, probably they would net have, gene te w much trouble and endured he much Buffering te sec It ; nnd the justice of the states of LeulMaua and Ml-tMs-slppl would net have been made a mock ery. If the people of this country unan imously enjoy the accounts and the sights of prize flghtu, as nil the newspa pers think ; and If prize, fight are mich harmless thing-; as this one between the biggest profeers of the art has liecii, should net the law forbidding them lw repealed ? Certainly It Is net edifying te ee palace trains running ever the coun try leaded with prlre lighters, going out te de that what the laws of all the ctatci they traverse forbid Jtbcm te de. Certainly It Is, net decent te see the newspapers ac companying these jweple en their law less mission, with their reporters and printing columns about the law-forbidden project as it gees en te its com pletion'. Certainly it h net right that the whole country should Iki made te unm tn tui ...inl.kii.l I ft. r l.n .iflrkflu if luti aT defycrs te evade the law ; te le bunding In tlie nkritpninnt. nf nloiisiire ever I lieir deetls, and te be clapping their hands at the victor. Surely If flire things arc te be, the law Bheuld net stand in the way of the prize tight. That Mississippi sheritl'stoed upon the battleground between the parties and proclaimed the law. They amiably heard him nnd proceeded te business. In the presence of the multitude of law breakers he was powerless; Jux as the law Is nerveless before the public opin ion that seems te demand the prize fight. That MisMlppI sheriH' cut a small figure licslde the pugilist ; but no smaller than tlte law cuts. lie rcpie eented and proclaimed It. Its moral force sbejild have Mifticcd for the occa sion. It did net, Ix'cmi'-e punishment was net expected te await its rnie. Ne mere humiliating position could he occu pied by the officer of the law than that which they assumed en this otcaslen nd which covers them with contempt, from the sheriff up te the governor. It is, however, a position which they often occupy lu this country where mob law and lynch law h a prevailing force. It seems te te porwlble for a milllcicnt mob at any time and anywhere te give the law te any state. It has Imxmi tried In them all and It has prevailed in all. It Is a lamentable commentary en our c!ti!i7atIeu that the respect for the law- is thus low ; punishment for ilNole dleneeteitis reserved for the ordinary occasion; for the chicken thief and the ordinary malefactor ; but is net te lie feared by thou who arc mighty by their numbeis or position. The corporation thieves, the neigliljorheod lynchers, and the prize fighters arc i.afe fiem punishnient in their law 1cm doings. It is public aeutimeut and cfil'inimite iiiIcib that are at fault ; the eueiiermlttiug and the ether fearing. A vigorous execution of the law, which would put all the-c prize fighter and their friends te Jail, would command the public approval ; for even these who readily violate the law law knew they de wrong and reicet the hand that smites them. Such vigorous hands are rare in executive place ; gov ernors who ilud the public quicken! are net eager themselves te stir a fray. We hope that the prize lighting pub lic had the lotfcef fun out of this light that they needed te havc.te mpay them for the dlr5pea they showed their country's laws. We however de net see where their particular joy cm yc. After Mjventy-llve rounds 'together, the respective champions ret lied with a few bruises and tuts received In their f-evcral tusselings ; and the vanquish! says that the bun lcat him , wliKh Is likely enough. Yehtcrduy'a miii would have beaten anybody indulging in vio lent exercise. A great fight, indeed ! nobody hurt sae by the miii, which makes eue vomit and the ether faint. A Itallmad Threat. Tim Plitluili.tt.lii.. ...,..1.. ....ii. ..... i ra .j'.ii invjiiu iiiv iliniiii in.'ll &m evcr tne threat of the Heading railroad K, f te build its line iuteAich btrevt, with- St, wt asKing tne city's cennt. It claims BCthat it lias power under its charter te de iuih. atnas ler some time been asking COUUcils te authorize lllinllinr !, i, Eft which it organized te build this city line Ks' lu B "nereer, 10 construct it ; but oeuii- fe--, cus unve nei seen nt te agree te give it all juinmcujui nun ii new caH It will ek take what it wants, under the sanction ei jib ancicui ennrtcr. Still it is safe te say that it will de nothing of that kind. That Beading charter has authorized lets of rascality. RiH evueiiie ei everniuiung i'lllla- m delphln with its reads, w itheut the ceu- i, aeni ei cuy councils, is a chinkapin U?' aheivA m-rii 1 1 a n.ni.. .....i .i. ; r ... Sp? Will net work. There Is power in the " " " er, iw well as the Beading's; and it certainly will suffice te protect it 1?',. In ll vtfi.li. r7'. And tills clnli.. ...,l..l. (.. ... i .'made ceucernlnir tlm invui,,i.iii... i... W;Q the state of chartered rights, is one. that V . .aeedaand will nwiv .. .. i, . iL iii. j ii .. , """ imeiaiieii. ri.xVThedcc'rlne thatii sinie ....... ,i Effrwhat it has once r.rt..,t .m. I??'aad 1,,at ll "t nnxlify or refctlict K. .' aavra aiii rrrm.i.,! ...in...... 1.1 . e s ij vj : irr.rrv " ''uuw "'" wulf- i. -." "", "" uuu fieuerauen. Jl did veil : pmueulia wuen ,ue chartered private cer- , wauena Mere weak ; It does net de v when they have waxed fut and htreiiK. ., - ..v, it.wit iianuiuetl JUVlUCIlJle -j fHTllegei undertake tesubdue the public nuviy uiepuimecorjieratlons. When Beading cempauy tells Philadelphia kt it will cress Ltnvlu win. ii., ...ii . Itt j4mw, without gettlug theceaseut of IU rniinrtla. It Is time te sav thai the ,puhllsafctyferblds' railroad corper .Hen ie exercise mica power ; ann iv win be forbid. A kteamf.r Just In from Calabar, Africa, brings a bleed curdling account of hew an African king was burled at Eboe In thn presence of English traders. Hundreds of men and women wcre put te dentti with the slowest and most painful tertnrrs by the cannibals, and It was announced that human sacrifices would continue for ten months. These brutes need te be conquered. BnoeKiw.N Is suffering from a plague of caterpillars, and tlie English sparrows first Imported Ie prevent this have no appetite for tlicui. KcneEON riEr.nAi. Hamilton, of the marlne hospital service, says that several of the most Important quarantlne stations n ill have te close nlmut the first of Octeler for wnnl of suflktent appropriations. Per haps they will net Iki needed, hut Ihere slieuld be no perhaps alxiul matters of this kind. In tlie face of the fact that Jake Ktlraln has been knocked out by Hluggcr Sullivan, hew trifling mmjius the report that the EmperorefUerniany has been knocked out by a glacier. Tim ether side of the story or Hadji H.isscln Ohoely Khan's weariness of America has conie te light. It apjMiirs that Hadji en his npearaucn In Washing ton behaicd in an extremely barbarous way, nnd used a sort of English that had certainly net been ieiuid In resectable society. It Is relateil tliat he took the llb ctty of tweaking by tlie nosen lady whom he met at a reception, and remarking upon the dimensions of "tlie btigle" slie had "get en her." "In his playful Persian way he gief ted scunoef the surprised ladles of Washington soelety by prtMlilliig thorn lu tlie rllis u 1th his thumb, mid liy greftlug them with a wpicnlc Hint usually accompa nies tlinl prank of a clew ulna pantomime." We can gut along cry nicely w ith Sitting Bull or Youugimin-whe-cirrics-liis-lHil, but llndjl Is ipilte tee barbarous for us. Tin: sheriff of Marien county, Missis sippi, appeared ujkiii the scene of the prize fight nnd commanded peace nnd withdrew. This was rather absurd, but he had forgot ten te In lug along a heavily armed posse, nml as tlie governor of the stnte had also forgotten his much talked of plans for the use of the stnte tioeps thcre was nothing else for the jioer t-lieiill te de. Mr. Ilicii owns the county and iiImi apjicars te own the sheriff, and ns he favors jirlze fights and the KepU down thcre tnke kindly te them the region may betonie a fawirltu re sort of bruisers. Till: Shnh of Persia is dazzling l.ondeu with his oipensUe costumes leveieil with geld and diamonds. A dealer in precious stones w he saw him at the epura said that he would bu glad te buy him ns he Meed for a million dollars, ami return him promptly unharmed ni e by the less of his i lellies. It Is a wonder that souie eutei prising burglar does nut burglarize him. l'AlllKnc delailH me glveu of the des des perHte h.ittle ofthe deiv Islics en the banks of the Xlle last week. 'I hey had marched for many days across n burning desert nnd found the enemy warned oft heir approach and draw n up se us te keep thein Irem the water. Ter two days they fought lorwuter under the terrlhie Egyptian sun and be sides IheMi killed In haltle siores wero found who had dlcl or thirst and heat. Tills Is neither magnilkeut norglerious,lmt It Is war. l'r.UMINA!., Sh.vATOH Themas V. Coeei.n. nf Mivll.i. bus been appointed collector of tlie pert of I'hlliidelphla. I.i'Weiai Kisiiep I.irn.rjeiiN, of Iing Isliind, en Monday denied his rumored Intention te resign, and says he was never in latter hesPh. .Si:naieii ani Miis. Cami.iien have ar rived In 'nv Yerk from England en the Hte.imship Eider, tlielr triji abroad being Interrupted by new s or Oenera! C.imcren's Illness and death. Hut JeNi.ru 1'r.Asi: visited the rrlemls school at Atkwerth the ether ilnv and, nuestlenlng the siliehirs, askisl wluitwus thfl dlfleienie Is'tween the Sis let v of Friends and ether Christian chinches. Titles!" cried a shrill-voiced urchin j and the Qunker baronet hluMicd deeply. lli.iuiiiti A. I'KAiiMiN.agisI Ifiyeaisand uiiinarried, was drew ned w hlle bathing lu tliolakeatChiuigoouSuml.lv night. Ile was a mlllicniHlie mine ewnei from lkinaiiK.1 t'lty. tdiilie, nnd had lihisl u yacht mid invited an act less te take n sail, premiHlug te teach her lien te swim. While the beituiau was going toward tlie nhoie te find a shillew- spot In which the woman nilulit take her first lessen, Pearson, who had put en his bathing suit, dlv ed from the Viu Ill's slde. When the beat had gel n low hundred feet aw ay Pearson died ler help nnd Mini;. His body was net recover!. Ueatlieriti'V. Hutii-.v II. Calloway. The Itev. Henry B. fallow ay died at his home, TUI Blue street, Philadelphia, en Monday. Mr. Calloway was bem near Laurel, Bel., May 1, 1620 and in 1811 was admitted te the Philadelphia conference of tlie Methodist Episcopal t lunch, In w hoi-e bounds he pussed his w hele ministerial life. Among his charges were St. Paul's M. E. church, this city, which he served lu lf77 and lb78. He was also pistol of the Co lumbia Methodist thuiih ler two jeais. Fer eight jears just Mr. Calloway had net been actively engaged in iuiuihteri.il work, heliliuga supciniuueiniy relation en ac count of his health. Fer a jear jiast he had been sulleiiug lieui Ihueirei-tsel a hill hlh injiiicd blHHpiiiP. Ileleavesii wile, a son and dauglitci. . -Twe discs Itei iirncil te f eurl. Ellas hnjdei. Tlies. II. Shinlds and Edward Hang, the jeung men living in the southern end of the cit, woie heiud by Alderman H.ilb.uli last evening en a number or ih.uge pitlemsl by Audiew Ilruug.ird. He was unable te make out the case of diuukenness and disoiderly ceiiduil and nsNault and battery against the defendants end they were dismisMsl. Iho huretyef the peace against Haag was also dismissed ami lliose against Sunder and Shields wcre returned te court, and these lefendiintsgavebail for tlielr iijipcarnnce. lirniited I'.v tlm IteulHtci. 'lhe following lilteis weie gianled by the register of wills for tlie weekending Tuesday, July if; Ti.sTAMiuvrAiiv-.SuK.ui hihiielfer, do de teased, latoel Uuuastui illv; Cliailes 1 Schaeiter, city, excs'iiter. Elizabeth Michael, decenMsl, latoofl.au lateofl.au latoefl.au caster ity; Charles M. Hewell, cltv, ex ex ecueor. AmiiMSTnAiiev -l'eter Fvisk, ilo ile teased, late et Enlirat.i tewnslilp; Jesepli J. B. Zcrfass, Ephnita, administrator. . . Itcmlt or Hall names. The result of yestenlav's games vmis ns follews: I'hlladeliihld II, Indlainiielis 1; Hobteno". Cleveland 1 j New Yerk 7, Pitts burg 6; Washington -I, Chicago 3i Cincin nati 11, Athletic a j St. ixiuls II, Columbus 0; Hroekln8, Kansas Cltv t; IxmisvilleS, italtiinoie.'; Wilkesbarre 1J, New.uk tl; Weriestcr7, New Haven Ij HartfeidU: IeuelIO- forfeit ; Cuban Giants 11, Harris burg 1 j ICorriMew n (I, Yerk 2. It vvasa great combination yesterday te tnke the Eastern Eeague clubs against the Western. They won't all win again in a long while. egt, who jumped I,aiicaMer, is new claiming that Cumin n will net pay him w hat they ew . 1 Ie refused te pi,ty v csler day and w 111 likely get fired. ' J J M'utvwl a Iteailnu-. Oeorge W. Toinlluseiir complained ug-aiust by Frederick Sherldau for asault and battery, w alv ed a henrlng and gav e ball btfoie Alilerliluu A. F. Dennelly for trial ut the uc-xt term of court. SOLD H SEASOtfS PUCKIHG. j. gist 7,m, f Tin rtrr, bells mis leif TO A rHIUBELrHIA BEALER. Twenty-KIht Cents lvr IVtiind Becelvcil Fer tlie Totincee The OrewliiK Crep I te ported In Oemt Condition, The past was another dull week In the lear tobacco trade In Iaincasterand vicinity. Outsldoefthesaloof J. Oust Zeek's pack pack Ing.neted in the New Yerk tobacco market, and the sale of a few small lets te manu facturers, nothing was done by the trade. Thcre are still Inquiries by exporters for low grade 'ffl crop, but the packers are still holding erTand expect better prices In the near future than new offered. The growing crop has Improved greatly the jwst week and already renslderable tobacco has been topped. If the weather continues favorable Lancaster's crop this season w ill be a geed one. Th ScwTnrk Mnrket. Frem the U. 8. Tobacco Journal. The Fourth of .Inly week Is generally considered net te be avery glorious one for the wholcsale business except for the Hrceracker establishments. Nevertheless tlie leaf market was net as indolent as it might have been. Old goods having be bo be ceme almost a rarity, buyers have Intake new ones at this early season. A packing ef'KS Connecticut seed leaf of KM eases vvns sold at ale, Zeek's Pennsylvania Havana seed packing was sold te a Philadelphia house at isv. And several lets of '88 Onondaga wrappers were sold at 25e. But the most extenslve cnuulry wes for ex )ort goods. The high prices at which Sumatra Is bid In at lhe inscriptions seni te have Induced even some of lhe European regies te replace Humatrr. with our much cheaper seed leaf, and though a vast quan tity of Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, Ohie and state seed was bought exclusively for ex ex eort, It would appear from the resennhes made In our market that still greater quan tities are required. Meanwhile the bidding remains as lively at Amsterdam nsjf thcre w ere no ethor cigar leaf te be hud. Prices jumped again Ie an tinprocedcutisl figure at the Ins, rlptien en our glorious Fourth the Dutchmen seemingly taking delight in ilesocintiugeur uloiletis Fourth with an Inscription. The demand in our market Is principally for the extreme light brands In the new goods. Sales for tlie veck about 2riO bales, new- and old combined. In Havana tobacco business remains active. Sales for tlie week WW bales. The holders of the '88 stock are gradually pre paring their customers for a substantial advance, ns there seems te be no doubt any mere about the spoiled quality of the new Vuelta crop. Thcre w ill be plenty of new Havana, but very llltle of Vueltns suitable for our market. ' Frem the Tobacco Ix'af. Cousiderable attlvlty was displayed In the market this week. Manufai turers ns well ns Jobbers were busy examining packets' samples of tlie new crop, nnd cou ceu cou siderabeo new was sold. All kinds were purchased, with Onondaga and Pennsylva nia Havana seed selling te the largest ex tent. The ex'iert demand has fallen oil a great deal this week compared toiuevlotis ones. On the w hele, n satisfactory business was done. Sover.il hundred cases of llnusatoule were sold. flnns' Itepert. Sales of seed leaf tobacco reported by J. S. Onus' Sen, tobacco broker, Ne. 131 Water stieel, New Yerk, ler theweck end ing July 8: 'JOO cases 18S8 New England seed leaf, 171 te 20c. : aw cases I88S Wisienslii Havana, 8 te lOJc i ant I eases 1888 Pennsylvania Havana, p. t.: l.'iO cases 1887 Wisconsin Havana, 11 te I.V. ; 100 eases lSSd Wiscon sin Havana p. t.; I Ml cases 1887 state Havana, ll! Ie 10c; 100 cases 18S7 New England Havana. HIJ te -Je.; 1MI eases 1887 Pennsylvania 10 te lie. Total, 1,317 i nses. The Philadelphia Market. Frem tlif Tobacco Iriif Cigar leaf is selling ; old If you have It, whlle new is constantly receiving fresh admirers. Stock Is needed. While trade Is exi client, the outlook Is lull of fav urn bio Indications which point te an oxten exten oxten slte leaf business ler lhe year 1880. Sutn.itia has an I nei easing sale. Old has the ptoleroncc, but new, en account of tight colors, is bought of necessity. 'lhe demand for Havana noticeable for some time (entlnues steady, and with pleasant results. Iteoelpls ler lhe week INl ases Con necticut, ISIl cases Pennsylvania, ;I0 cases Ohie, (II enses New Yerk state, IN) cases Wisconsin, 101 cases New Yerk stale lli'l bales Suiualia, 'Jsl bales Havana and 'Hi hhds Virginia and Western leal tobacco. Sales sitew : Ml cases Connecticut, U81 cases Pennsylvania, 10 cases Ohie, 118 cases I.ittle Dutcli, 100 cases Wisconsin, i cases Yerk state, Kl bales Sumatra, IlliO bales Havana, and i!0 hlids of Western leaf to bacco in transit direct te inanufactureis. The ( rep lu Wisconsin. The Mc.Uhei of the week has been decidedly fnvorable te fields nlieady pl.mti.il, near 1lgcrleti and v icluity, Wls Wls cetislu, which nre lemlng feiwafd verv rapidly. There is, lioweei. consideiiibfe ground net vet set, and the aluence of rain Is delaying this work, se Hint the belated Krouersare iieceiutug selium lint nuxleus. It Is seldom, If evci, that early-set tobacco loeKtsi tueifl jiiemlstngat this tlmoel the n-... . ... ...... .. ..v..... W. ......1....V.. ......1 III ie fields. The d.iiuage Irem cut w onus or ether pests is inuili less than for many i eats past. Altogether the outlook ler tlie new crop is most llatlerim.'. j ear or had n better or uinie even stand lu II OODHbAHSAPAItlMiA. IT COSTS LESS On the question of rial economy Heed's Hnr sapnrlll.i Is se far uliciul ofethcr preparations ni te place Ibi in entlrt lyeut of the rare ns coin cein clltni. Here are laits In rck'nnl te this k,jh. nr incillclnc, lastly mim-i itlljlt of ceiiduslvv priHif. 1. HishI sHartapiirllla Coitsthe .Muniifarturpr Stoic than any ethtr ciiiiim?iiii; prcarn'lnii, lis.iiusc It Iv inirelili;lil) cmuciitiatiil nml ion ien Inlim iiieicrrnl iiimIIuiI Millie. 2. It i-eits the Julilur .Mete, n a ieiiciiuniu eftlie l.u t Jut MmIhI. 3. It ees is tlie iutnll liriiKM .Mere, for tlie saiiic rinseii-iin can casll) iv Icnriicl by in lilr) Itilue the ib'slreet Mime relallrrs te sell tin Irett n preparatleiis, which test tliein hs, ami for which thc i;et the mine prlic, lliu iiuiklUK ineic inene). Hut t. It Costs tlinC'tiitiiii r I.F.SS tliim imy ether medicine, Iks'iiuvc of Its Kicnttr court ntmtiil tleiiKtli nml tlie riiaiillty lu inch bottle, nml hecntivt It Ii Ihc only pn p.iiatlen of whh h tan truly be snlil, " 100 Deses One Dellar." 'Hint the issiplu iippru'lnlti till K shown by lhe fuel that Heed s hnisiiuirllla has the Iirif. cl wile et any miih.iuuIIU ei blisxl pnrldrr. It peswuM'i, sctillur limit and ilftili. nemlcrfiil i arcs. A POINT l'OIt OLT. When you buy jour kprliiK nicillclne jeu vinnt the bent. Ak for HikhI'h Karsn partita, nml liulst iis)ii hnviiiK II. IHimit Icl iiiiynrsiiinriit or s n.iialeii lull Heine son te bn what jeu de net want, lie Hire te get the Ideal uprlinj mcill illic. HOODS SARSAPARILLA Kilil by nil ilriiKelsts. St; kit for (V Prepared enlv by C. 1. HOOD CO., Lewell. Mus. KM iHWliS ONE I)OI,I,.lt. il) OIIKAKI'I- ll'h I.mueit rTTeKE, 15CKN1Tk PURE RYE WHISKY. My own distillation. ncplVtftt 4 llAltKCHANCU Biggest Reduction of All Id Fine Clethes. Thirty dollar HultkicUiusltolMint)'-twe dot. lui. Ten dollar Paul reduced te J7A). and nil ether I.tglu Weltht HulttiiR lu the tame pro pre pro IHirtleu. A larjic hleck te i.clcct from, nt II. UCHIIAltT, Ne. 43 North queen Htrcet. 5-0nly Direct Importing Tuller in tlte City of Lancaster. "xirATCJiHPiUNa peithjrr. HPY THK PAMOl'h Watchspring Corset. WILL NKVKU IIIIEAK. Guaranteed te Outwear Any Custom Made Corset. Mayer, Strouse Ce., .MA.N'lTACTl'Itr.ItS, - JU' IlllOADWAV, K. V. KU-5.'tl,Tlieew HftArtmcttr'. rillLADSLrHIA, TnewUr, July 9, UN. Millinery. If one of the model Hats or Bennets from Paris hits your fancy, you can save two-thirds or three-quarters. Thirteenth and Chestnut Mirls corner. Blazer stuffs and all the (lock of Fancy Flannels and outing goods. Shrinkless Ceylens from 37j4c. Handsome new styles. Plenty ether points of special Dress Goods interest: i2c Crazies at 10c I2j4c batiste at 8c 8c Challis at 6c Fast-color Lawns at 5c 25c Sateens at I2c Kecchlin Sateens at 15c 25c Ginghams at 15c Cream, navy, and black Challis, all wool, at 25c. All around Hie Were. Coel Linens for every use. Prices that would give the makers a chill. One sheer, airy Linen Lawn, 20c ; 30c last week. Seuth wcl of centra. Warm but light. The happy hit in Summer bed coverings. A room full of whatever you arc looking for. NTar Women's Waiting ltoem. A special let of 53 Tennis Balls at $1.60 a dez., 15c each. nancmenl, norlheattef centte. Prices that hover about half arc thick in China, Glass, and Plated Ware. Like these : Jl.'rt Trult I'lutr, asserted colon ami fruits, i2aile7cu. H IXw-ert I'latek, whltn anil (old and Jlevr- rrs, f 1 75 ft dozen. SLrxiIHs-eriitid Ilcrryand 1'iiilt Hmicern, 1 n dozen. .IV I,cmoiiade8et,8eiiortril plecc,J2. Handsome Itose flewls, IV. SI.75 Itecers Itrnttiers Al 1817 Henert Hpoeim, Ha deen. Sn mill Meer, middle galleries. Jehn Wanamaker. Vulitcc of rultiiiit. A 8T1HCII BItOS. THE GREAT JULY CLEARING SALE AT ASTRICH'S PALACE OF FASHION, 115 & 117 NORTH QUEEN STREET. Still mere bargains. Ne end te them. One let of heavy Scotch Linen Towels, fancy centres, some knotted fringe, all white or bordered, down te I ic each. One let of Ladies' India Gauze Vests, short sleeves, Balbriggans, silk bound, also silk-bound tight-fitting Jersey Gauze Bodies, all down te I2C. Best prepared Ammonia, large bottles, down te 5c a bot tle. Electric Combs down te 19c Rhinestone Silver Hairpins, nine stones, down te I2c Special price en Plated Breastpins, 50 dozens, worth .0 te 50c, at 1 6c apiece. Geld-Plated Cuff Buttens, with cellar button, 16c a set, worth 50 te 75c. Put. Pomade, 4c a large box. All our Dress Steels down te 5c a set ; former price 10 and 15 c. One let of Fancy Silk Garter Web, reduced from 15 te 10c, 10 te 5c a yard. All our fine White Embroid ery for Dresses, former price up te $2.50 a yard, down te $1 a yard. Ladies' light-weight Summer Merine Vests, long sleeves, re duced from 50 te 40c ; these goods are silk shell stitched, and are worth fully 75c. ASTRICH BROS., 115 & 117 North Queen St. 7-Ol'NO LADIES AND O F.XTI.EM T.N CON X teniplutlntt taking u course of lUulne.. Instruction would de well te examine Inte the merits or the I.ANUAbTUH IIUbl.NKNS COL 1,1.(11.. Ne. lO'j Kant King street. The cla of voting ladles unit ceiitlenirn In attendance dur ing the pan tenn.thclr letters of commendation kiiltU'lently attest the superiority of the course. Address II. c. WKIUlXIt, I'rlurlpal. -lyE EXA.MINK CVI. I'ltEE. Spectacles ! WE EXAMINE EYES FREE! Yeu Think Your Eyes Are Geed I 1 f j oil liuv e them examined you will prehnl.ly Hud that iIicik Is smiitthtui; wieni; Willi them, and that glasses will twit t-irnl hi In te seu. We use Inimitable "1HA it ANTA'' lenses, whit It arc made mil) hy us, nml rrcemmeiiitetl liy IcadliiK Oculist a the licst nld te dcfie dcfie tlve vision. Solid Held MjKsitacles, :,0(l mual price, $.". Dtl. htct.1 SiHsrtiicIr. f,0e.; imml price, 8 1. de. Artltti hit Kjcs Inserted, $1; ununl price, MO. M. Z1NEHAN & BRO. 130 S. Ninth Street, Ol'HCIANS. I'HIUVDIXl'IHA. JStttum Chestnut uud Walnut btreclK. injU-ljd rrntK rivAl retttTAtif mw-thk bht A. aB4 chcapMt latlin market H karat geld pen. Hard rubber keMfr, Mver tU out of order, easily ailed. Caflahd exatnlna before mirchaalnir eteewliert. A t ER18MANS Genu rurnUhlrtjr Stere, WntKTnt admL K.HHl: July redncen tlie price of HU1TISOS AND TROUSEltrXGH AT McORAHK k NOWLEK S, 1M North Queen HtreeU TBiHE JONEH A CO ' ' l Manufarturcri CONFECTIONERS FINE PAI'KIt DOXEH. The most beautiful line In the United Watc. (II V Commerce Ht, Philadel phia, lit. Write for descriptive price lUU Jtincl-TSleed E VEBVBOUV WANTS IT 1 THAT IH-EVEHYilODY WHO HAH EVEK THIEDITI LEVAN'S FLOUR -- Still Holds the Fert. We haven't the blgKcut mills In the world, hut there In no heller mill anywhere at leant there In no mill that can make better flour. Be wiy thousands of people In thli community, and we take their word for it. If jeu have trouble with your baking, this het weather, you will perhaps discover that the trouble lien with jour flour prev Idcd you de net use Levan'a Kleur. If you are lining that article, and still have trouble with yonrliak yenrliak Ing, s?rhap It Is because of the even. It can't tic Ihc flour if jeu use Ievan'a I M H.I.EIVH nOKAX fsOAP. 7VnL.LER'S Borax Seap WILL- WASH CLOTHES, AND EVERY ARTICLE UNDER THE SUN. piNOUrritEEhTOCK I'AHM. STORM KING (2161.) ni:cern2ai. Stnncliiiil by HiixMllnir nml I'erfhriiiancei. Hired by HAI'I'Y MEDIUM, record 23i, and sire of 12 trotters and parent with records rrem 2:1 1J te 2.i0, and ever 100 with records Shelter than 2.50. Dam by Alexander's Nerman, lre of Lulu 2.Hj:,Mny Queen, 2-21). Ac. Mecentl riant bj'IIeward 8 Mir Charles, IhoreuKli- bred. Third dam by Smith's Messenger, son of Dill's MeBseiifcr. Ktiirm kinii Is a bav. stands Kt hands and welKhs about l,2Ut)ll)s. iliiHalwajK taken llrst nremlum at state ittirl ennntv fiilrR. IIIk enlu are large and handsome, and Its e that has n been sold its craged S!IU mat an average age of ene and a half j ears. He was taken right out nf tin; stud and with vi ry ttttle ptepnratlen reduced his record from 2. II1 Ie 2 te, trotting thr-e hints In 2 10, 2.31 and 2.10. He went n quarter in eue or the miles In :K seceiitU n, 220 gait wlitcli shows his rapacity If I could snaie him long cueiigli In lite stud le lie. prepared for very fast work. TKIIM. 5000J for a renl until his present book Is ntll, nrter which he will sliniil at JT.V.OO. Jj5-tfd. DANI (I. ENOI.E, Jlarletta.a. A N OUDINANCE. An Ordinance tippreprlatliig the I'ulitle Menejs of I he CI ty or fjinrasli r te the Sev eral Deimrl- mcntsThcreer, for Ihc Klscal Year Ceiiiiiienc- Ing en the rtrst Day of June, 1MJ. hsLTin.M. lie It erdatned bv Ihu Select and Common Councils of the City erljtncastcr, that lhe stun of One Hundred and Eighty-three Thousand, He en Hundred and Eighty Dollars and Mix Cents ($1M,71,) lie and the siime is es im tally appreprl.tteil te the several et.Jicts hereinafter uaniid for the llstal jcarfoiumeiic jcarfeiumeiic Ing en the rirst day or June, A. D. lssu. HncrieN 2. Te pay Interest en leans, Including sinking fund fBi.iaJ 80 Principal en leans, its required hj law t.trnit oil Hlale tax en leans 2,019 SIS sitrceltlainiigcs .. 6,101 10 Itcpalrs te Muets (horn license tax) Ml ft ltealrs te streets .. 7,610 4J (Irailliig. guttering, crossings and ma- cadamllng lKBei 30 raving with Belgian and Asphalt blot ks . YSfAl ftl Water works general .. . S,tt2 "it having water pipes 7,071 IK halarlcs . .. s,"ii ii Police and liirukcj . . . 10,117 70 Salaries of ruglnecr, drivers, Ac, of tlie Pre department . . nfixi (0 rin department general... . .. . 3,uj h l.lghtlugclty jft.ioe se tsewcrand Inlets 5,ou) 00 Printing nnd stationery ... . (lis M New mm kct house ai.oen 00 Aliatemcut en water rent. ... I,s00 no Abateiiitul eucltj tax .. 2.7J0 Oil Collecting arrearages of city tax 2V1 00 Contingencies . 3,771 HI Total . ..JIS.1,7sl Orf Ordained and enacted Inte a law at the City of I.anraster, July 3, irhh. ,, J. II. IIAI'MUAIIDNKH, President of Common Council protein. David U Di.k.n, ( Icrk Common Council. ItOllEItTA. EVANS. , ,. I'nsldeiit beh cl Council. .1. K. IlAltlt, Clerk Select Council. Approved Jtrlj-.V 1Wi. Jjil-il'l lillW. EDOEIII.EY, Majer. Itmnefuvnieltitiii t!5oeB. "lALLANDHEE -Till ROCHESTER LAMP! blxty CandUsUglit; Heals them all. Anether I.et of Cheap Glebes for Ohm and Oil btev cs. THi:"PEHI'ECTION" MI.TAI. MOULDING and RUIIDEIt CUSHION Weather Strip. Heats them all. Thlsslrlpoutwearsallethers. Keeps out lhe cold. Steps rattling of windows. Excludes the dust. Keeps out snow and rain. Anjenccanapplj It no waste or dirt made In appljluglt. Can Is? lilted any u here no holes tohetc, ready for use. I will net split, warper shrlnk-ii cushion strip is the most ncrfect.'iAt Hie htevc, Heater and llange Stere of Jehn P. Schaum & Sens, 34 SOUTH QUEEN ST., LANCASTEIl l'A. Vholenvophtv. lleni I JUST RECEIVED KHOM Kcenigsburg, Prussia, Twe Uackgreunds made especially for Ilust and Tlirce-quarlcr Length Photographs. 60 1-2 North Queen St., Next Doer te the Postefflcc. Jan7-6md J? IO CLKS, TIUCYCI.r-S, TANDEMH. COLUMBIA Bicycles, Tricyles, Tandems, DURABLE, EIHFLE. GUAItANTEKD HiaillT OIIADE, ILLUOTUATED CATALOGUE KUEIi POPEMFCCO,, 79 FRANKLIN ST., BOSTON. HIIANCH HOCSCS-12iirrcn bt.,Ncw Yerk 2!il WiiImsIiAvp..! hlcage. Ker bale bj JOHN !.MU)sJUt,No.2NertU btrcvt, Columbia. uuS-ljdeed ttbn C(trvtses F LINN A BHENEMAN. BABY CARRIAGES. i . 4 FLINN &BRENEMAN, Ne- 152 ITertli Queen Street, LANCASTER, PENX'A. fiat. N EAftLY MARK DOWN. I ON- STRAW HATS I A JOB LOT OK $1.50 Mackinaws for 50c. Regular Goods Reduced as Fellows : 11.75 Mackinaws te tl JO. -tlM Mneklnaws te 31.23. 11.25 Mackinaws te 11.00. 11.00 Macklnnws teruC. 75c. Mackinaws tefiOc. WBIc Let STRAW HATH at 15 and 2.S Cents, fspeclal Trice s for 311 Daj s en TRUNKS AND TRAVELING BAGS. STAUFFER & CO., 31 and 33 North Queen Street, - LANCAHTER.PA. vBreccvtcB. A T RUllBK'H. PICNIC GOODS. Pknle, or Weed Tlates. Petted Ham. Tongue and (lame. Oj-sters pickled uud fresh. lobster pickled and fresh. l'reth Halmeu Steaks In flat cans vcrj-cheice. KardlneH Imported and American. Plcklts and Olives In ulnss. Alse pickles bj' Ihederen.' CHEISK Yerk Htatc Cretin, KapsaKe, Pine apple, hdam and Roquefort. ilenclcss Ham In (ans, readj for the table. Full Line of All Kinds of Groceries. BURSK'S, Ne. 17 East King Street, LANCASTER, PA. COMPETITION HUI1DUED, DUMH J0UNDED, AT Clarke's Lew Prices. And Ne Letting Up, Either. 1,000 Bexes Bixby's Best Shee Blacking, AT il CENTS A 1IOX. Hire's or Raser's Reet Beer, 1 1 CENTS A IIOTTLIi Rcmeinlier, semctliln;; startling awaits seu everj- daj- at our store, se If j en want lhe Finest Teas, Best Coffees, AND STANDARD SUGARS, At Wholesale Prices, Consult 12 A II SOUTH QUEEN ST. -Hcadpmrters for lirnoke's Crvstal Sean. JjMfll&H firctuarhe. pUREWORKS ! WHIZ! BANG! BOOM! FIRE I FIRE I Rcist's Stere Ablaze With Fireworks! FIVE BIG WINDOWS CHUCK FULL! WHOLUSALi: AM) lUn'AIL! All Works Extra Heavy Colored! Anether Half Carload en the Way. ! We Won't Run Short ! Take it Loek nt Our Immense Stock ! WE ARE HEADQUARTERS! Set the Ten n Ahlae-nnl with I'lre, but with Patriotic EnthuMiiMii I We have the lllcccst Assortment of Fireworks Ever Exhibited! REIST ! CORNER WEST KINO AND PRINCE STS., Directly Opposite J. II. Martin A Ce.'s Dry Oetids Stere, and Next Doer te Serrel Herse Hnttl. ItliU'llllU'VU 2TEAM. ViilcalH'.sten nml Umdurlan, Mitel, Piston ami t'al. .. l..trl aim. . Ui.il. I. .....I ft.... ... .. . .......uvniih.,.......!. i.iiu its-ii i.iiie iteucci ln f lance t, lasses, ste.tm Hiullaters and steam llcatlnn Apparatus j Set and Cap Screws, nnd In fact almttet everjthliiK rcipilred bj- kteam uwr, and all of which we etltr at prices which we Kiiarantcc te be lower than these of any oilier dealer In Hits vlclnitr. Wehavopesltlvelj the largest stock, and be ing connected with the Telephone Kxchaiige. arc prenirtsl te recelv c and rill all erden. In llie shertist KXssblu time. When lu vrant of anj--IhliiK lu our line, call en us for prices ana we will tonvlnce jeu of our iibllltj and wtlltni; ncss te sav e jeu Meucj, Dcliij'itud Vexation. Ourracllllltsfur fiirnUhlni: Engines, Hellers, Shaftlnu, Piillcvs. Hauccrs.sJHslal Mathlnerj', Plumbers' and (las litters' Toels, Patterns, MtstrN, and Iren and llrass Custlngs, and for lhe prompt repair of nil kind of maciiinery are unexcelled lu I.ancuster. hihI we respectfully solid t a share of j our isiireiuijjc. Central Machine Works, 131 A 130 NORTH CHRISTIAN STREET, LANCAVrtH, Pa. (Jeed Werk, RejMinaole Chari;ee, Prompt ness. Teleiitione comieclleii d3-tfdlt plITVilALL CIOAHSTOlti:. I am new lecalctl at Ne. T West King street, whcie I will at all limes keep en hand a full line of choice clears, kiueklm; uud Oicwlnt; tohat-ces. Will be plc.tt.cd tohave mj-fitcntls uud iHitieiu give nic u call. uprImdeed OLO.M. 110RGER, Pry 90ehm, JEW Y ORK STORE. -AT THE New Yerk Stere. Ladles' While Oauie Vest, a Bargain atl2c Ladles' India Gauze Vests, Lew Neck nnd Short SlecTcs, 15c each. Gents'. RalbrlKgau Underwear, Great Value at C5e and S7J-JC. 22-Inch Gleria Unbrcllas, Paragon Frame, Geld Heads, 87Uc each ; regular prlca, (1.25. 24-Inch Gleria, tl.00 each. Ladles' Iloucle Jackets, all sizes, 25c ; costs (1 00 te make. Misses' All-Weel Jersej s, 25c each ; worth from fiOc te 75c. Ladles' Worsted Plaited .lerseys, 75c each j only half price. 22-Inch Figured China Silks. S0e a yard ; regu lar 75c quality. 78-Inch Colored Summer Silks, In Drewn, Navy, Green and Gendarme, 37kc a - jardj worth 60c. Colored Gres Grain Silks, 62e a yard: Im ported te sell at fl.W. Oneka Plaid Cleth Bultlni(S.29e ayard ; retailed this Spring at GOV. 38-Inch All-Weel Hleges, Stc a yard; usual price, 42c. New rrlntetl dallies for Warm Weather Dresses at 5c and 0;c. Hosiery, Notions. Taney Goods as Lew as the Ix)west, and no Variation In Prices. WATT & SHAND, 6, 8 and 10 East King Street J.B MARTIN & CO. BARGAINS J. B. MARTIN & CO. A large purchase of Tinseled Tapestry Table Cevers, and we have put them en sale as fol fel lows : 45c for the 4-4 89c " " 6-4 $1.80 " 8-4 Anether let of Geld Tipped Silk Umbrellas, at $1.29. Parasols reduced te one-third) regular prices. One let at 25c " 50c " $1.00 " $1-50 REMNANT COUNTER. New bargains every day in Remnant Challies, Seersuckers, Ginghams, Crazy Cleth, Ba tistes, &c J. B. MARTIN & CO., Cor. West King.& Prince Sts., Lancaster, Pa dtlethiitfl. CI.OTHINO AND MERCHANT TAILOR ING. N the Very Lew Price en many Chelto Patterns in Men's Suits. Lightest of weight Casslniere, Cheviots, or rianutls, made from soft pure wool and warranted te $6.00 TO $14.00 give geed wear. You'll hurilly cxst se much when jeu oxamtue Die mialltj- and llicnloek at the prltcs marked en lhe tickets. Fer jeu It ulllbeu s.ulngeft2, J3erJI. Te us It will give tlm space which we must have for another sea son' stock. Tropical Coats and Vests, made from Mohair, Pongee and Seersucker, 51.25 te 7. Fancy and While Linen Vr sts, 51.25 te W. I.lght-Welght Casiimcre Trousers, for business vt ear or dress, at prices that take them out rupldlj. Wc'veglvtn the Merchant Tailoring Department the most careful attention, and man) patterns le )our liking will bomude te ) our order at 515 that should be J1S ami f J), In Illue and Dlack Cheviots and Flannel, Het Weather chev lets, Caslniere, Etc. Sietch Flannels and Pongce for Coats and Vists. Wide Wide, Worsted, Corkscrews, Serge that are reliable and will net pull out at the seams. Ever) thing lu Furnishing Goods, Outing Khlrts und bummer Neckwear. MARTIN BROS, Clothing, Merchant Tailoring and Furnishing Goods, NO'S. 2tf AND a NORTH QUEEN STREET. UNDERWEAR -LIGHT AND MEDIUM weU'lil iiitdt rwcnr In all grades unit any t'.'sV."1 h'tlSMAN'B Gents' Furnlshlug Stere, 12 West King street. Leaders that Lead HI t ' . SJ "! Tx.,.rJ t iiuj.'H Mmsssstuaesmim.amiAja. . -a ,jgs&i pakSiim fif$yiyirf5