Lrv THU LANCASTER DAILY INTELLIGENCES, FRIDAY, JULY 5, 1889. 1 Reunion or Cheral 8ecletle. The Cheral Union of LiincMler and Lebanon counties will held Its annual reunion at Mount Oretna en Saturday, July 27. The nllalr will no doubt rcllpvs all former efforts. The following societies from Manhclin and vicinity will iwrtlct pate: East Park, rref. E. K. llubcr, teacher; Clicslntit Oreve, Prof. I!. K. Mil ler, teacher; Petersburg, Prof. Ames O. Kauirman, teacher t "Manhetm under the leadership or Prof. W. D. Keeny. Chantre of Mall. Carrier. Jacob M. Will, of Whlte Oak, has born awarded the contract ler carrying the mall between Mnnlielin and Mount Hepe. He succeeds Jehn M. Meyer. Edwanl V. Stubcr has been appointed as his assistant. Jehn I tuber, of MuxtcrseuvUle, succeeds Jehn J. Theme ns inall-carrler between M inhclin and Colobreok. Peter Yeutt is his ntslfctaut. "The disease proceeds silently amid ap parent health.' That Is what Wm. Rebert, M. D., Physician te the Manchester Infirmary and Lunatic Hospital, rrofcserof Mctllclnc In Owen' College, says In regard te llrltjht's Dis ease. Is II necessary te glva any further warn ing? If net, use Warner's Mate Cure before your kidney malady becomes tee far advanced. gpcctttl itettcc. Ilucklen'a Arnica Salve. Tint llRiTHAt.VK In the world ferCiils.nrulscs Seres, Ulcers, Salt Hhcnm, Fever Seres, Tetter. Chapped Hand, Chilblains, Cerns, and all Hktn Eruptions, and positively cures Piles, or no pay required. It Is Kiiarnntced te (tlve per fect sntlalacllen, or money rcrunded. Price 25 rents per box. l-'or sale by If. It. Cechmn, DruKRlM, Nes. 1J7 and 130 North Queen street, Lancaster, Pa. JunCJ7-lyd Epoch. The transition from lenir, llnKcrlng and pain ful sickness te robust health marks nn epoch In the llfe of the Individual. Such n remarkable, event Is treasured In the memory and the agency whereby the geed health has been al talned Iseiatcfully blcsspd. Hence It Is that se much Is beard In prntv or Electric Hitters. He many feel the? ewe their restoration te hcnlth, te the use of the Great Alterative and Tonic. If J en arc trenbled with any dlsease of Klilii"J s, ,lver or Stomach, fif ionic or short standing, jeu will surelv ilnd relief by usnef Elivtrlc. Hit ters. Sold nt V and SI perbottlenlll. H. t'och t'ech run's Drue Stere, 137 and l.Hl North liueen street, Ijuienstcr. l'a. . (1 "Motliern! Mothers I ! Methen t ! ! Are you disturbed at iilcht and broken of your rest by a sick child suffering and crying with the excruclntlng pain or cutting teeth 1 If se, goat onceand getabottle of Mils. WINS LOWS SOOTHING SYRUP. It will relieve the peer llltle suircrcr Immediately depend upon It; there Is no mIMake nbeut It. There Is neta mother en earth who has ever used It, who will net tell you ntonce tnallt will regu late the bowels, and gl e rest te the mother, and rtllef and health te the child, operating llke magic. It Is ierfcctly snfe te use. In all cases and pleasant te the taste, and Is the prescription or one of the eldest and best fematn ph) stclaus and nurses In the United Btatex. Sold everywhere, 25 cents a bottle. JunciSilyilAw A Sure Investment. Is one which Is guaranteed te bring you sat isfactory results, or In case of failure n return or purchase price. On this safe plan you can buy from our adtertlsed Druggist n bottle of Ilr. King's New Discovery for Consumption. Ills guaranteed te bring relief In every case, when used for any aireetlen of Threat, Lungs or Chest, such as Consumption, Inflammation of Lungs, Bronchitis, Asthma, whooping Cough, Croup, etc., etc. It Is pleasant and agreenble te taste, perfectly s.ifc, and can always be de pended upon. Trial bottles Tree, at It. II. Coch ran's Drug Stere, 137 and 17J North Queen street, Lancaster, l'a. (1) $00.10. ANCASTER Hiail SCHOOL 1889. CLASS 1889. -AT- G. L, FONDERSMITH'S BOOK, STATIONERY & ART STORE. Can He Seen Seme Iteautirul ILLUSTRATED POEMS, CAHI) CASES, GOLD PENS AND STERLING SILVER HOLDERS, (101,11 AND SILVER PENCILS, WHITING CASES, NOVELTIES IN CHAMOIS SKIN, Ac, Ac, Ac, Sultable for Graduating Presents. 46 East King Street. S-0jiet.tu Court Heu-c. lu'JOtfd H ERRS STATIONARY STORK. PARAFFINE -OH- White Wax Paper. Prices Lewer Thau Ktcr. It makes the most desirable and rhciip est wrapper rer Hetter, Meat, Lard, etc. Spselal Prices glcn en quantities or 5 and 10 lleam Lets, -AT- .X Herr's Stationery Stere, B3-S5 NORTH QUEEN BT. J1J ($avZmi.rc. H AHDWAHE! MARSHALL & RENGIER, 9 & II Seuth Queen St., Have Just rcceltcdtt large assortment or READY-MADE Window Screens and Screen Deers Plain nnd Plgured Wile Cleth. HAMMOCKS, LAWN MOWr.HS, REFRIGERATORS, Water Coelers and Ice Cream Freezers Give them a call and you will be coin 1 nail that It Is the chuipeM place In Ijincastcr te buy, AI.SO.ALL KINDS OK PAINTS, OILS, VARNISHES, WHITE LEAD, And n full line of General Hardware. (Certl. TC.MUKIt AND COAL J lOll.UCilnllOOKSANDCASKS. WEST EHN HAltll WOODS. Wholesale and Itctall, by, II. H. MAHTIN A CO., n3-l)d 4J1 Water Street, I-nncuster, Pa. -ID Al'MOARDNERS COMPANY. COAL DEALERS. ., ?,c.-?0- ,'-"J N,,rl" ".u"n Htreet, and Ne. SM North Prince strict. Yakiiv North Prlncu .Street, near Heading Deis)!. HiigLVIfd LANCASTER. PA. -VTT",l: ,s HKIIEIIY OlViyf THATTHi: J fellow Ingdescrllied City Bunits are hircby called In for the Sinking Fund or the isu au thorized by ordinance apprned March 3, A. D.. issl, and ameiKlcd by onlliiauce approved March m, lssl, te refund i'Ji),uiOef the lihlcbtcl. iiesoef the City of Uuicnster, P.i.,al four ik.t rent. Of the series of Fle te Twenty Years, li : .-. s -je. ;. ii, line i neusanu iienarx earn dnvl Dollars each. ThealHenumlxnsl liendi Mill be presented for pas incut at thlteilUc en or Itofen Ibetlrst day of Jul), 1n&, InUrtet en suld Ininds will (riHieii tlmtiUtc. jr.lV.q rJDW. EDQKni.KV, Mgyef. TTOOD'8 SARHAPABILLA. That Tired Feeling Is experienced by almost everybody at this sea son, and msny people resort te Heed's Barsapa rllla te drlt e away the languor nnd exhaustion. The bleed, laden with Impurities which have been accumulating for months moves slug gishly through the veins, the mind falls te think quickly and the body Is stilt slower te respond. Heed's Hnrsaparllta Is Just what Is needed. It purifies, vital I res and enriches the bleed, makes the head clear, creates nn sppe tlte, overcomes that tired feeling, tones the nervous system, and Imparts health and vigor te the whole body. HOOD'S HA11SAPARILLA " My appetite was peer. I could net sleep, had headache a great deal, pains In my hark, my bowels did net mete regularly. Heed's Knrsapartlla In a short time did mc se much geed that I feel like a new man. My pains and aches are relieved, my appetite Improved. 1 say te ethers who need a geed medicine, try Heed's Sareaparllla and see." Geerge K. "Jackses, Hexbttry Station. Conn. MARKS THE WEAK STRONG Fer years I was sick every spring, but last year took Heed's Sarsnparllla and have net seen a sick day since." O. W. 8ieaj, Milten, Mass. " I take Heed's Snrsnpnrllls;as a spring tonic nnd I recommend It te alt who have that mis erable tired feeling." C. Parmklek, Bridge Street, Brooklyn, N. V. HOOD'S SAKSAPAlUIiLA Sold by nil druggists. II six for J,i. Prepared only by C. I. HOOD CO., Lewell, Mass. tmnnuranvprmll.Ati tt f-1 OLDEN Bl'EClFIC. DRUNKENNESS Oil THE LIQUOR HABIT POHITIVKLY CURED BY AUMlNIHTLRINtl DR. IIAINKS' (iOLDKN SPECIFIC. It can lie given In a cup of ceffee or lea with out the knowledge of the person taking It; Is absolutely harmless, nnd will eflee a perma nent nnd speedy cure, whether the patient Is a incslerate drinker or an alcoholic wreck. Thousands or drunkards haxnbcen madntem madntem pernie men At he have taken Clelden Specific In Ibelr cotree without Ihelr knowledge, nnd to day believe they quit drinking of their own rree will. IT NLVKR KAILH. The system ence Impregnated with the Specific, It becomes an utter Impossibility ter the liquor nppctlte te exist. Fer sale bv CIlAS. A. LOCH KR, Druggist, Ne. 0 East King Street, Lancaster, Pa. augS-lyilM AV, F mEETHINQ SYKUr. TO MOTHERS. Every bnba should have n bottle of DR FAHHNEY'H TELTHINO SYRUP. Perfectly sare. NeOplum or Merphln mixtures. Will re lieve Celic, Orlplng In the Bowels and Promote Dlllleult Teething. Prepnred byDHS.D. FAHH NEY & SON, Hagerstown, Md. Druggists sel It; 2" cents. Trial bottle sent by niallle cents laul-lydeed&w JttntcltCB. VyATIlEH. AMERICAN Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, Specs, Eye-Qlaases, Etc., nt LOWEST PRICES. Optical Goods. Telegraph Time Dally. Every Article In this Line carefully Repaired. Leuis Weber, Ne. lo9!NerthJuenBt.. Near P. B.R. Station. VUIt LAKOE AND INCREASED Watch Sales Is due te the fact that we have always a lnige nod choice stock te select from. THAT WE BELL THE Best aVatctiT FOIl THE LEAST MONEY. That WE DO NOT SELL WHAT WE CANNOT GUARANTEE. Buyers should npprcclnte our efforts te give geed goods, and can deiiend upon ecryHilng we sell te be as represented. HERR, Jeweler, Ne. 101 N. Queen St., CORNER OF ORANGE. fEWELER AND OPTICIAN. Jeweler and Graduate Optician. GRADUATING PRESENTS. Latest and Chelicst NeMltlcs for Graduating Preen ts. Watches, Chains, Pens, Pencils, Fans, Ban gles, Jewelry, etc., etc. EXAMINATION OF EYES FREE. NO DROPS USED. CHARLES S. GILL, 10 West King Street, LANCASTER, TENN'A. itluetc. FECIAL BARGAIN. A Fourth of July Celebration MarCnmn Once Ecry Ycur A Bargain Like Tills But Once In a Lifetime ! An Excellent That has leeii In iw but ONE YEAR, and Is ns GOOD AS NEW, Must Be Sold at Once. PRICE, ONLY $125. Kirk Jehnsen & Ce., NO. 21 WISiT KING STREET. n2l-ldw (Cljiurt finll. f T1GII A MARTIN. FRUIT JARST" JELLY TUMBLERS ! AT CHINA HALL. Masen Fruit Jars in Pints, Quarts and Half Gallens. The celebrated Lightning Jars in Quarts and Half Gallens ; this jar has no superior in the mar ket. Jelly Tumblers in any quantity. All at Bettem Prices. HIGH & MARTIN, 15 East King St. ellMfd : : : ail - -VTOTH'K TO THEKl'ASHKR.S AND GUN .L NCRS. All persensure hen by forbidden te trespass en any or the lands or the Cornwall .jirt HiKfducll estates In l-tunen or Lancaster .mnliff, whether InHe-ed or unlnclesed, cltlier for the pnriKe or sheeting or Ashing, ns the lawn 111 be rigidly enforced Hgalnst ull trc ruwlng en said lands or the undersigned nrter till, untlie. WM. COLEMAN FREEMAN, It. PERCY ALDKN. EDW.C. FREEMAN. Attorneys for It. W. Celsuwu's Jirlri. )! nnb 9ht. B OOT8ANDBUOB8, BARGAINS IN SHOES. Just received, direct from the factory,, ever one thousand' pairs of Ladles' Shoes that were made and stamped te be sold for KJOaralr, but the parly Billed before the goods were fin ished; se I made them an efler at the factory for the goods nnd had them finished In splendid style, nnd I am offering yen these shoes for tl JO and 12.00 per pair and every pair guaranteed. 80 this is a rare chance te get a K.S0 shoe for I1J0 and fi.00. Alse a let of Men's and Bey's Shoes we are closing out cheap. A full line of Black and Tan Oxford Ties for Ladles, Misses and Children at the lowest prices In the city. D. P.Stackheuse, 28 and 30 EA8T KW 0 STREET, LANCASTER, PA. aSO-lydftw s HOES! SHOES Special for the Summer. We have a line of magnificent Shoes rer the Summer, consisting of Oxford Tie for Ladles, with patent leather fronts. Dongola with tips and plain tees, tan colors. Ac. Alse a very nice bright Dongola Butten for W.OO. and ene for tlsi, which cannot lie excelled for the money. Plenty of lliose Half Kangaroo for men, In Bnls. and Congress, at K.2S, and the same In Oxford Tics, at 12.00. Alse a full line of Lew Price Shoes of all kinds. Yeu can surely lie suited Ifyotiglve ns a call. Wm. H. Gast, NO. 105 NORTH QUEEN ST LANCASTER. Jlinl-lydWAF B OOTB AND SHOES. WHEELMEN! i We have Just secured the "Agency" or" Hele Control" for Lancaster county or "The Cele brated W. B. Teulmln's Illcycle and Pedestrian Shoes." These Shoes nrn made or Fine Genuine Kan garoo, are Seamless and Laced te the Tip, which Is raised nnd boxed, thus allowing the Large Tees te be free from rubbing, being a big Im provement ever the Old Style Sert Tee Shis?. The shoes being laced te the tees, docs awny with the circular seams which se often rub the feet, especially In hill climbing. Thcyare new being made up te Our Special Order, In all widths and sites, and will be here Monday, July 1, Just lu time for the Grand Ill cycle Tournament. A pair of these Shoes will be given as second prlie In the Fourth event, In morning's pro pre gramme or Bicycle Tournament. The Price Is $3.00 Per Pair. Which, when considering they are black and can be worn nn the street, making a very neat and dressy appearance, will scorn most reason able. A sample pair can be seen In Men's Win dow. Tbe One-Price Cash Heuse. It Tbe Leaders of Lew Prices -IN- Beets and Shoes. 3 & 5 East King St., LANCASTER, PA. Stere closed every evening at ( o'clock, ex cepl Monday and Saturday. ru (Beeb. J. fl. MARTIN 4 CO. BARGAINS AT J. B. MARTIN & CO. A large purchase of Tinseled Tapestry Table Cevers, and we have put thctn en sale as fol fel lows : 45c for the 4-4 89c " 6-4 $1.80 ,; " 8-4 Anether let of Geld Tipped Silk Umbrellas, at $1.29. Parasols reduced te one-third regular prices. One let at 25c " 50c " $1.00 " $1.50 REMNANT COUNTER. New bargains every day in Remnant Challies, Seersuckers, Ginghams, Crazy Cleth, Ba tistes, &c. J. B. MARTIN & CO., Cor. West King & Prince Sts., Lancaster, Pa. c 4 Nil THINGS ARK NOT WHAT THEY A eein." Common wiise and tblrty-IHe dollars seemnll right.and irsnu leek into this nice lltlle Hrruetcf aunt, IU like the Keeley mo me eor. It won't work. A nitre sniutteringorllcMik sniutteringerllcMik Keeping and the mere opening mid closing or a Nl or books does net (xinHtltiitetbeentlreceuiMf of the LANCASTER III'SINESH COLLI'.OK, Ne. 101, I jil Klugbtrtet. Thorough Instruction In ull brunches essential te a bu.luci education ceii.tituus the course. Terms consistent with Hie Instruction. Addirse, H, C. WfcjPLEJt, Pflnclfal. D. P. STACKHOCSE. ATTENTON IE HIT J HARRY STAMM'S ' 5x118 THE PLACE FOR BARGAINS! BARGAINS. 100 lMJZKN . Ladies' and Children's FAST BUCK RIBBED HOSE. At I2c. a Pair, These Hese wc have in two styles of rib, and wc warrant every pair te be fast color or money will be refunded. ASK FOR THEM. NEW BOSTON j j.1 ,'. . Jfrtruttuvr. w IDMYER'S CORNER. A Heavy Fall. New Is your chance te buy FURNITURE Prices have "knocked "down lint II almost all profit has been "swent away." What we line you cnln. Yeu wonder why this sacrifice I The wonder Is : Our Stock Is Toe Big, Must he rut down. We want you tclinelt rather than carry It ever summer, rzz This Is the only reason. Quality and style ashlfili ssever, but the prirels low enough te make n chill run down your back. WIDMYER'S CORNER OK E. King & Duke Sts. H ElNITSH'ts. WE DO NOT WAITUNTILTIIEENUOKTHE SEASON, HUT OFFER NOW OUR Summer Goods AS FOLLOWS: Torch Chair, folding, alt both carnet nnd hcnl woed.11.25. Rocker, strong and durable, 11.00. Our Leader, the largest and best ettered In the city t Jobbers' prlce. Twenty-five ether Rockers at n cutefMeeach, ftenches that fold and will stand the rain, I2.H5. All Iren and weed. Stock Is InrRe nnd we want te move It. Fill up your perches new and you will be suited. Wall and the best will be selected, 43-ALLON FIRST FLOOH.C HEINITSH'S Furniture Depot, Nes. 27 & 29 SOUTH QUEEN STREET e CHS &. U1UU3. SEETHE FIRST SHOWN IN LANCASTER. HEAUTIFUL PARLOR SUITES FRENCH VELOURS. Latest Cevcrlim. Will Wear. Mnlh Won't Touch It. On Exhibition in Our Windows To Te Day. GET OUR TRICE. EVBRYTIIINU NEW IN FURNITURE AT OCHS & GIBBS, (2d, 3d & 4th Floers,) NO. 31 SOUTH QUEEN STREET. all-bd &nt. NEARLY MARK DOWN. I ON- STRAW HATS 1 AJOH l)TOF $1.50 Mackinaws for 50c. Regular Goods Reduced as Fellows : Sl.75 MarklnanH te II JO. Sl-' Mackinaws te$1.25. 11.23 Marklnans te 11.00. 11.00 Mackinaws tesic. 75c. Mackinaws te.W. WHIg lH STIIA W HATS ul 15 and 25 Cents. Sp cial I'rlccs for 30 Days en TRUNKS AND TRAVELING BAGS. STAUFFER & CO., 31 and 33 North Queen Street, LANCASTER. I'A. Ittru-lilncvy S TEAM. Vc desire te call Ithe attention .if consumers of Steam Ooedsaud EnKlnr' Suepllcs, te our Inrce and varied stock or Tlps, anes, 'inks, .Muileneic una uasi inni riiuuK", asusies VulculM-sten and Usiidiirlaii, hbret, I'lsten unci Valve Tucklngs ; Scotch and Red Line Itrtlect luic Gauge Ulasses, Steam Radiators uud Stcuiii Heatlm: Apimrutus; Ht and Cap ttcre,uml In fact almost eerythlnK required by si.uin users, and all or which he offer at prices uhlih me KiiarantW! te be lower than tiiew of any etbir dealer lu this iclnlty. Wolme rsitlely the lnri;it stock, and lm InK iiiniiKIMl with the IdeiihenH Exchanie, an- prcistrnl terecelxeand fill nil orders In the Mmrlcst possible lime. When In want of any. thlui; In our line, cull en us for prices and ue will convince jeu or our ability and willing. liess tos.ivnyeu .Meney, ix'wiy ana vexaiinn. Our ruelllties for fnrnUlilliK Knidlics. Hellers. r-UarilllK, I'lllicis, jiaiiKi'ni,niN.s-iui .iiai-mriery, I'iiiiubers' unu Gas Httrsr TckiIs, ratterns, ..... ..... . . .1. . ..... i ..'... Machinery, . 1'Htterns. Mmlt'ls. and Iren and Ilrass Castluus. and for the prompt repair or all kind or mucnluery are unexcelled lu I.ancahter, nnd we respectrully solicit u shure of ) our patreuuee. Central Machine Works, 131 A ISA NORTH CHRISTIAN STREET, LAMCAHrt'll, l'A. floeil Weik, !UuiiHi.i Cliuri;ts, I'reuipl uesi. TtltphouBCenutctlou Otfdil Sry tSoeb. Jru c LOSING OUT SALE. CLOSING -MUST HAnOAINS IN DRY GOODS, SILKS, IIUIJKS OOOIKS, HLAUK HOODS, IllNtlllAMS KAT1NFS, WIIITU GOODS, l.MlllvOIDKUIKS, TAHLK LINI'.NS, l'LANNKI.S, HOSIERY, GLOVES, SUMMER UNDERWEAR, NOTIONS, HUTTONS, HLANKETH, QUILTS AND SHAWLS, UARl'KTS, FLOOR OIL CLOTHS, WINDOW SHADl-S. OARl'ET SWEEPERS, Ac. Parasols and Umbrellas at Half Price. -VOR 1URUA1NS (lO IX) THE- 6 AND 8 NORTH mr3Wydw G HEAT THREE DAYS' SALE, CHARLES Nes. 35-37 North Anether 'Great Three Days' Sale! These Prices Are for Tbree Days Only, JULY 6th, 6th and 8th. Deuble Width lllack Alpaca, 'ite n nrd, 10-Inch Black Henrietta, 75c a yard. tH-Inch Rlack Serge, 75e. n yanl. 12-Inch lllack Cut Cashmere, We a yard. Re erslble lllack Repps, 7uu a aril. no-Inch Cream Cashmere, 2.V: it yant. II Side Rand Dress Goods, Ukt a nrd. 40-Inch AIIAVoel ItuntliiK, all colors, IV. Ki Weel Challies, 12j;c n yanl. Remnants or Dress GeimIs at any price, 4.VInch lllack J2 Ijicc, ll.'i") n ynrd. l4ii-eCaps-75cutfl2Xc,07eal5Hc,fiUfn 11 1 Me, rs)cat.T7jc,.'r:jcBiaic,aieBt2x', r at av-, He at 13c, lfeallOc, 10cul8c,HcatSccah. Deuble Hrechn Shawls at hair price. Deuble Illanket Shawls at hair price. DoiiliteThlliet Shawls at biilf price. Rest Spool Cotten and Silk at lc a spool. Yeu will be sure te Save .Meney R 3 en. iittcnd this Grcul Hale, at the BOSTON STORE, Nes. 35-37 North Queen St. CHKRLES STH7VnvL N EXT DOOR TO THE COURT HOUHU AN ATTRACTIVE FEATURE OF THIS WEEK'S TRADE WILL HE Til K OITER IXG.S 1IY US OF THE FOLLOWING BHRCHINS: (l,me yards of Simpsen's Slltcr Grey and lllack and Whlte Prints at Scents n yard. These goods are disie up lu Dress l'nttemsand Ihelr usual prlce Is H rents. 8,0n0 yards Cheviot Shirtings III Geed Colorings at fct ecu's it yurd. These a the goods we hate bPcn selling at A cents. 2,VX))itriU or Ticking at 7J cents, These Ticks have never bim sold a farthing less than 10 icnts. .'jOJiiaiunrd QuIIUut !1 each, Veu will savcZSccnls onecry one you buy or limn, us their real value is 11.21. Ul dozen Children's Fast lllack Rlblxd Hew ut 3 pairs for 23 tents, In sizes 3 le HJf. Tlicsn II (M) are sold everywhere at 12 e-nts a jsilr. S-e them. We open te-day the finest line of Ruchlngs w n have e cr shun 11 at Ireni S te M cents a ) aril. 36 and 37 East King St., LOSlNcfbUT AT LOW I'RICIH. IWIetzer 5t - CLOSING OUT CHINA MATTINGS JfLt LrO-yv Prices. Metzger& Haughman's Cheap Stere, Nes. 38 and 40 West King Street, Lancaster, Pa. (Ol'l'OSITE TH E COOI'ER HOUSE.) nvyct B AROAINSI Shirk's Carpet Hall I Wilten, Velvet, Bedy Brussels, Tapestry, Ingrain, Damask and Venetian, Rag and Chain Carpets. OIL CLOTHS, WINDOW SHADES, &e. Wr. 11 A VE Tit K LA ltd EHT A N D II 1ST STOCK IN Til K CtTV. H. S. SHIRK St SONS. Cor, Went Kjng and Water Sts., Ijancaster, Pa, BARGAINS. 50 Pieces 10c. Dress Ginghams re duced te 6Jc 25 Pieces Fine Challies, were 10c; reduced te Sc. a yard. 1 5 Pieces Fine Challies, were 1 2 jc; reduced te 10c. a yard. 1,000 Yards Embroideries at 4c, 5c., 6c, 8c, 10c, i2c All arc worth 3c. te. 6c a yard mere. STORE Ojoebe. OUT SALE! HI. SOLD- QUEEN STREET, LANCASTER, 1'ENN'A. STAMM'S, Queen Street. Adamantine, t'lns at le a pacr. Rest Skirt llrald at lc each. I'lnk and lllue llaby Klauuelnt 10c n ard. 37J.JO Table Linen at Zki n nrd. fi I l'lllew Casu MiihIIii, IOe it jnril, $1.(10 Marseilles Quills at 11.71 earh. Hill Muslin nl 7un yard. Apleteu " A." Muslin nl 7n it yanl, llcfttStrlpeHhlrtiuirntic.ityiiid. All makes of tl.OO Corsets al 76;n pair. All makes of fAi Corsets it !t7un pair. All makes or 'Jfle Cornels irt llkju pair. Children's Cersel Waists at ITk' a pair. Ijtitles' nod Children's East lllack llllibed Hew ul I0ea pair, I .allies' Kuncy Strle Ilnxe at 4c a pair, Children's Weel Sacks at Zie each. Lancaster, Pa.- Haughman ARIC - i) all. B ARGAINS 1 TO- -KOR- fTntuclcr' ttfbe. -i-i-. . T IKNNSYLVAN1A IIAILROADSCHEDUIJI,' J3 A In eireci frnm Mnv l.i. ism. "Trains lf.avk Lancaster and leave BI I rlvcatlTiliadclphlans follews: " IXMVC Leave Lancaster WtSTWARIJ. raeltlc Kxpressf..,. News Kxpressf-.... Philadelphia. 11:1 p. m, ISM n. m. 4'.T0 a. in, 7-On n ,r l.-zi a. m. B.sna. m. MalltrnlnvlaMUeyl nea. m 9:31 a. m 7 N(. 2 Mall Trnlnt. t la Columbia 9:16 a. in t Nlairara Express....... Hanover Acoem Kast Linef r rcderlek Accem I Ancaster Accem..., s.riii a. m 10:5a a. BS ;, via Columbia ism a. m. v 2.W p. nM2 !l:.y)ii. m. tin (.'eltimbln via.Mt.Jey. hen . m narriMMirg Accem..., Celunihla Aeeem..,, Harrlvbunr Express.. x:ia p. in 4:10 p. in. 5:14 p. in, D.20 p. m, &. p. m. fgt", 7: si p, in, t-.-xi n. m. "j .,v-tiii r,xpressT.. ljtncaster Acce..,....l 11:10 p. m. y &OI n. m. IX Ar.Cel.fc H, Arrive . a Inte Irfiucnster. 2:J1a. m. 4: kin. in. 1:15 a, m 8:10 a. m. K:.Vi a. m, ) n. in. lima. m. 12iW p. m. S-M p. m. 3-flil p, m. 4: Tip. in. :4ip. in. 8.-.V. p. m. .....FAifTWAHD. rwuv , i-niia. txpresst-....-.. KastLlnef L..ZZZ iJtncastrr Aece......... Harrlsburg Express., I Jtncaster Accem Columbia Accem....... Atlantic Kxnressl :.y n. ni, 0:60 a. IB. K:50 a. nt 1020 a. m. vlnMtJey. 11:45 a. m. iu p. m. .1:15 p. in. :! p. m. 5:4i p. m. CY) p. m. P. p. m. 10..V) p. m. Seashore Express...... iiiiiniicipiiia Accem isunaay .it all Pay Expressf.... . Harrlvburg Accem.... Mall Tralnt .... The only trains which run dally. On Sunday the Mall tnilu west runs by way Columbia. J. It. WOOD, Getferal Passenger Agent. CHAS. E. I'UOH.Gencrul Manager. P HILADELl'HIA A REAUINORAILROAD READING A COLUM1IIA DIVISION. On and after Monday, July 1, IKS), trains lea ve lancastcr (Kim- street), ns follews: . Fer Rradlni; nnd liitermcitlate mints, week days, 7:.10 a.m., li.35,3.H p.m.; Sunday, 8.05 a, in., 3.51 p.m. l-or I'hlladclphln, week days, 7:30 a. m., 1239, J'lH p. in.; Sundays, 3iV"i p. in, KerNew Yerk via l'lilladclphla, week days, :. . m., 12:M, 3: n p. in. . Ker New Yerk via Allmitewn, week days. 12 p.m. Fer Allentown, week dais, 7)0 a. m.,3:tSp, m.: Sunday, a-) p. in. t or Tettst Hie, week days, 7:C0a. m.f 8:M p. m.l 8undav,:y.p.m. Fer Ix-tmnen, week days, 700 n. in., 12:35, 5:W p. m. ; Sunday, 8:03 n. in, 3:.V p. in. Fer llarrlsliuri;, week dajs, 7.00 a. m., 12.35, 5:40 p. m. ; Sunday, RKtt a. ni. FerQiiarryvllle, week days, 0J5 n. m., ZOO, S.COp. m.: Sunday, 5:10 p. in. TRAINS KOR LANOASTER. tave ltcnillnu, week dajs. 7.-S0, 11:53 n. m., 8:M p. m. : Sunday. 7S a. in.; 3:10 p. m. lA'ate Phlladclplila, week dnjs, 4:15, 10.00a. m., 4-00 p. in. Iato New Yerk via Philadelphia, week days, -ilia, m., 1:30 .12:00 p. in. Iato New Yerk via Allcutewu, week days t.-enn. m..lKWn. in. Inve Allentown, week days, 5:52 a.m.; AM p. m. Ix-nve PetUvllle, week days, 5:50 a. in., 1:35 p. m. IjCavn I'Imnnn, week days, 7:13 n. m., 12J0 7:15 p. in.: Sunday, 7:Vi a. lu rf.H p. ill. Irf-ate llnrrltlnirK, week days, 0.2511. m.; Ban day, G:i0 a, ni. Lcatn'luarryvllle, week days,0.tO, 11:15a. m,. 3;W, 4.6:1 p. m. ; Sunday. 7:10 a. m. ATLANTIC CITY DIVISION. Lritvn PhlladKlphla, chestnul street wharf, anil Seuth street wharf. Mir Atiantln city, week days, expresses. 0.O0 a, m. and t.Olnmt 5.00 p. in.; Accommodation, Ji 7:30 n. in. and 4:30 p. in. j Sunday, Express, 8.-09 tfil audO.'OOa.m., Accommodation, 8.-00 a. in., 1:80 J, p. nt. ?v5 Itctiirnlug lenvn Atiantln City, deixit corner. nV- Atlantic and Arkansas At rimes. Weekdavs el'i Express im nnd 10-.12 a.m. and 4 p.m. Accem iiuslatleii.R.Wii. in. and iM p. in. Sundays Express, 4 anil f..W p. ill. Aecommedallon. 70 a. in. mid HVt p. in. Detailed tlme tables can be obtained at ticket efllees. A. A. Mt'LEOl). C. fl. HANCOCK. Vice Prcs. A (Jen'l Jl'gr. f len'l Pasii'r Agt, LEIIANON A LANCASTER JOINTJJNE RAILROAD. Arrangements of Passenger Trains en and after SUNIiAV, May 12, ISHII. NORTHWARD. I .rate A.M. p.m. King Street, Ijiiic. 7.-09 12:35 linrastcr..,, 7:07 12:11 Maiihelm 7:31 1.-20 r.'nrnwnll 70 1:111 Sunday, p. M. a. h. r. M. 5:10 8-05 S.U 6:,'.0 K:l.l 4.-01 :'J0 8: 4:38 :I8 0:17 Ml Arrive at I Lebanon - 8:11 SOUTHWARD. 1:58 7.-00, th32 6:15 lcnve A. M. r. M. r. M. A. M. Ibanen - 7:12 12.30 7:15 7:5ft Cornwall .....7:27 12:15 7:30,8:10 Miiulielnr.. ...... ....... 7:58 1:18 7i7 8:10 lJtncaster 8.-27 1;W 8:ZI'0:12 Arrive at King Street, Ijiiic. 8:3.5 2.00 8:.'!0 U.30 A. M. WIIXON, Hunt. It. A C. Railroad. S.H. NEFK.Supl. C. R. It. r.M. 8:45 4M MB fi.03 5:10 fiitvuea. H ARNliSS. HARNESS, j HABERBUSH'" 30 Centre Square, LANCASTER, PA. Saddles. Harness, LAP BLANKETS, Trunks, Bags, Harness Oil, -AND- f I Ol II Sk VstJiierai otaeie euuuims, n- -AT- Ghas. E. Haberbush's, 1 (HUCCKMtOK TO M. HAIIKIIUUHM ft SOJT.) iq biun ur inci uuiutn nunsci nuva. m gmitmci' ilcaovte. nr fit ir.vj O ATI-ANTIC CITY, Ocean and Dclutvare Avenue, will open Tl liw. J I'M? 1.1th. wyOAwA JONAH WOOTTON. THUIU- Jll. HOTEL NOIIMANDIK. ATI.ANT1U CITY. miV OPEN. Under New Management. T. C. UII.LETTL', IToprleter, IjiIe of Coleuadu Hetel, Philadelphia. ml5-3md I OTEL C'HI-rrWOODH ' J'l. ATLANTIC CITY, N.J. Itemedi-leit. Iteruriilsbeil. t) Skcplng Apart. mcnls. A lull's First Class. Will open JUNK 1. Junel-2iud J1RH. MAY W. OkFRORER. rpiIE FLeirrilA, ATLANTIC CITY. Choice, centnil location. Pacini) N. Y. A Tennessee Ates. First-class heu.c. Reasonable rule. Own all thejfar. DAVIS HUOWNE. m-2J-2nid SOCKTON HOTEL. CAPE .MAY, N.J. OPENS JUNK 15. RATrM.t.1 AND II PER DAY. Special rates by the 'k, month or sea sea en. Newly isiluted, remodeled aiidliiipretctl: lijU.uXJ cxis'iideil. New Hall and Amiiscmeiit Rimiiii. Children's New Dining, Hall and Play ltismiK. Cillslne and service ilrst-class. Ele gant suites tvllh jxirler, bath and closet. Or chestra of eleven pieces. Dogs net taken. K. TIIEO. WAl7rON, Proprietor. ficmocfuvuiehinn WenbB. 0' ALL AND SEE -THE- ROCHESTER LAMP! Sixty Candle-Light; Ucuts them all. Anether Let of Cheap Glebes for Ge and Oil Steves. THE "PERFECTION" MLTAL MOULDING and RUUI1ER CUSHION Weather Strip. Heats them all. TliUstrlpoiilwearsallethers. Keeps out the cold. Step rattling of windows. Fxeliides the dust. Keeps out snow and rain. Autoneca apply It-noVaste or dirt mad. In anrlylug It. Cuu be fitted anywhero-iie hole tX'redyfwu.e. I trill net "t. rj or khrlnka cushion strip is the most pcrfect-BAt tbe Steve. Healer und lUiige Stere of Jehn P. Schaum & Sens, 34 SOUTH QUEEN ST., a,. ?.: 'iV r, f" VI I.. 'i 'C 'Si 5L M hi m VL" r. M 4?V i M v iJi wi ay; v . vrJ 4 -rt .'l? 'Vl'i . br C,