rAs' - v rffsSt THE LANCASTER DAILY rtTOELLIGEtfOERn THURSDAY, JUNE 27, 1889. ;- "Hi itijr fnteuf gettcru 'J.BTE1NMAN. U t CBAHLBBSTEINMAN FOLT, Editor. ,H5 HOBEHT CUARK, ItthllMfr. DAILY INTELLlaENCER.-Pnblhhl ttrf day In the year, hut Sunday, tfcrvcd .TCMTirn in thlt.cliy Ana urrminains tatra at tea cceU k work. Br malt nre del- layMrluiuvancc; 60 cent n month. i it INTKI.LIQENCF.R-Ont dollar nnd Mil' eMt jmr, In ndviwce. nCETOftUBSClttnEaS-Kcmltby check or pottefllce order, nnd where neither et eB M procured vend in a registered '' klcred ftt the Postefflcc, second das mull ' - AfiDMss, TBS WTKtUOEKCEK, -i Lnciter, lVu t ULKOAiTER, PA., Jane 27, 1889. "i i . . Stam Cameren's Cairer. 's rMmen Cameren Is dead In the fullness rf yearn and prosperity, leaving the lawen of a long public life for llie eiwcr- Tatlen of the world. He lins left ninny friends; and the sharnncmef thecnmlty irhlch he abundantly excited during his irauuiig puunc career nns uccn nicuen cu Lvythe many years of his rellreiiient. .Of the dead we are told te spenk nothing :but geed : but this injunction does net fairly apply concerning the man who ban ,'erned such distinction in life its te make hls death a matter of national note nnd 'ibfcnll for comment tineu his life by the 'ribilc. teTcsh. Slnce it is neccwarv for .fs fenncnk of rslttinn Oniiipnui'n rnivcr "ti-t , ,. ..t it ... u Llv s-nu umj pjiviiiv 01 it ua u nvu i. s i 'i.j ... ii.i ii i.. ii... iir.. ..r ........ !. fuu ucw milt un uiu inui'i ii ny piMlccefmful man that has at Inst goue fc'i'nut. He nttnlnnl lili'li nnnillnn mid ! I e - I r:C. Uhrn .., 111. n.i1 niilni'ml vnrw Btrit"" """ " v.ijsyvi. -.J ,jnany mera than tlie average years rxaiieiicu lemnn, nmia ine luxuries and 'rfjeomferts wcured by wcnltli and the ifi&'pleasures which a social disposition ;;vana an aluindnuce of friends bronchi te U Lis d Kir. He made a business of jKilltlri, :iand it was ivt'cullarlv adniitcd te his Y talents. He had n tltt'ji knowledge of -JSiA .. .1 .-.- 1.. I. .....111.. vf.nn'ii mm n line npiuire in minium Eminem. Tfimiigiintil ills career no tiiuiti ' Stained the repute of loyally te his "tt0 friend, whom he fnuircd at any cost te ,ne eiucr lenews. mm was me strong isslbuntlnuen en which lie built, as n mat yCter of policy, net of honesty ; for honesty El wanetliislrtue. Jn fact, he had no rVu scruples in seeking his ends; nnd this fl may or may net have Ikcii a cmim of bis success. He Mould have had a igN Bwtficr rvpuuiiKiii 11 no mm imami neii- prmtKr hi ms nicineus, uui no may net have gained ns many lleshpets ; or perchance he may have wen nioie ii? AnilnriiK? mira. ttn nevnr iviniln ilie venture; se we cannot Judge whether epesiy weuki 111 ine euu nave own ins iSi better rwllcv. as It is deelarcsl te be of imen generally. iuu ii in iiwiui'w in iiiiiuii v iiiiirii'll n rg-auccess, regardless of idcIIieiIm, his vwilllli1!!! liiiiifira. lilu liinir llfn lilq iiinn ;r - i r --, ,. friends, his wealth, and his ihwohsIeii JMfif most of the things that nre supposed K te make life lovely that ills career, and fM: the many like tnrccrs In our country, threaten te demoralize the rising genera tions. Bimen Cameren was net great In the possession of nuy shining ipinllty. He vas net an orator nor a writer nor had he great executive capacity. He was great v-j? nuiy us a Jiuiiiipuinier 01 men. 11 11- eui money aim wniieiu cuiieaueu, no ! sprang from a hard life of xveily Inte 'the arena of the world with a ravenous ' appetite and neiestrniniiig principle, te wrest from It atl that he could reach. Naturally from such a beginning be glided into the Minions methods which bis nature supplied ; and of whose suc cess he presents as shining an example our country ntlbrds, amid the many tnat nave risen te de them homage. We can hardly fail te own that te the many the success of Hlinen Cameion neems enviable, wen however it was ; and hew then can we exeet tlie lessens 6f honesty taught the youth te bear their geed fruit in the man ? Simen Cameren's career simply says "get there." He undoubtedly reached a high position in the world j and ns clearly reached it regardless of the niernlity of the methods. He was entlslled with his success, nnd had no trouble of conscience te disturb the serenity of his latter years, nor ills of body te give it pain. It is true that his name w ill net be illustrious in history ; but he had noue of the great (pialltles that make famous records. He has done nelli- -4PK for ills country. Aet a deed of grelHV"s stands te his credit despite his ITntu-iimlty In the cabinet and the Senate. He did all for himself and his friends, te whom he wns a mighty put veyer. He was successful but net noble. His career would tempt the greedy but net the honorably ambitious. The successful ambition that history records amid ior ier funie, is that of (lie man who alms high aud does great deeds for the w erld. The pet-hunter has none, of its fragiaucc. England ami Portugal. The English dream of founding an other empire in Africa ; and of into a geed deal has been said of the advan tages of a mere steady ndhcrcnee te the plan of extending Untish power north ward from the southern extremity of 'the continent, new tlnnly held. The trouble with Portugal ever a railroad te DelBgea Bay, is evidentlya inove in this game of cemjuest, for that feeble el'd na tion is tlie only bar te England's pro posed advance. The Pertugese claim the country from Delagoa Hay clear across te the w est coast, where they have a short line of railway and several an cient and meuldy settlements in a fer tile and populous country. They deal in ivory, use slave caravans, nnd have dnnelittle or nothing towards tlie de velopment of the country. They are bound te give way sooner or later before the energetic advance of the British, and te-day's dispatches indicate surprise that se feeble a power should venture te stnnd in tlie way of British advance. It is explained by a rumor that Germany is backing Portu Pertu gese rcslt-tanee.and this is net altogether improbable. It may l that as France and England quarrelled ever the eon quest of India, England and Germnny re destined te wrangle ever Africa. If this rumor proves true the advocates of the southern route of coneue-st will In. "ftaJly disappointed asene of their strong v ftrgQK'WMiB wus him Ejigtunu could se ftdvab'iever nn'f the continent without f tnceuiWcrlug any hnpertaut European r rivals. hfirA Salisbury Ktinsdetcrnilned ; te bring tl matter te a decisive crisis ndbasnetle, 1'mtugalthat she has no right te rcfusXte submit te arbitration be British reWsi r ierniisslen te build railway Jhl her dominions. This Is very belligerent alk, but if llitimmck te backing the Porttigese it will amount te nothing : at presenU. Fer aTklrJI "c Fer aTklrJITerui. t1"" fnt.. T..iiI.1Iauii it illlll lillt'n tini.it- OT IKJIHUtlVdlW ui ..rr. .M. . t.WJIII- ftted Feraker for a thlrti term of the yuvifaersblp ; aud the fwir iuference wemM Ik that U U M very gertl mau aud has made n Aery geed governor. ;4"he! facts de net sustain in, suggemleB; as' generally tegaruVl. I Feraker la afoer stlckuHoscennieslttlbe CHile taste, however, and tfiu'tlie' Tiel4' te Iw n goeil iMilitlclnn by their standard. If heis n third time elected hy the people, as he has lccti a third time selected by the Republican portion of them, we will be nimble te have mi exalted opinion of the man who Is nppreved by Ohie opinion. Thesccend time Feraker wns elected I he personality f the candi dates had less te de w 1th the remit than it will have this tlnie j when we confi dently expect te see Governer Feraker rejected In his appeal for re-election. The conditions arc fnvornble In Ohie for Republican defeat ; which a reason able Democratic harmony will secure. Harmony, however, Is net n condition that can often tc guaranteed in Ohie jMillllcs. It ellen happen that Just niter a Hen of Mrcet has been put hi geed condition at great oxpense, soine precrty holder finds it neeeessary te ninke n new sew er, gns or water connection, and the street Is marred by tlie excavations. IliilTnle has n plan Ter presenting this. In reconstructing old roadways or in opening new streets and avenue, connecting pipes nie run from the sewer, g is nnd water mains te n point Just Inside tlie curb line before each let along tlie street; se that when a let holder desires te build, be has only te go te the curb line te Hud bis gas, water and sewer connections. A rtATHi n lurid dispatch from Ottawa says that the Canadian cabinet is In dally session and gravely considering a proposal (o'retaliato ngulnsl tlie United States author ities by w lthilraw lug the bending prh llrge In the forwarding of goods from oneUnllctl States jwrt te nnollier United htales pert tbreiigh Canada. This Is te meet the action of tlie authorities at Washington icfiiNing te allow tlie tiaiiHiulsslen of goods from ene Canadian ort toanetliorCaiiadian pert In bend through Mnlue by thn new short line railway. It Is represented that the goerner geiicnd reg.uds the situ ation as mere critical than eer, ns the ether matlniH hi dUpule with thn United Klnlrs nre also under discussion. Sir Jehn Mftcdetmlil lias re.isen te be werihsl, but the troubles lufened te probably form the least of his dillhultlrs. I te has te guide n very trouhlcenin loun leun try wliore every ene Is n politician nnd polillcsme much motehot and turbulent than hi these state. I'.mmi that band of steel put ncresslhn continent, the Cnnnillnn 1'iteiflc railway, run hardly bind tegnther ns imie nation se many bitterly illx urging stalCH. Oflhe IiikINIi speaking Canadians very large ortleu are ready en small provocation te fa or union with thn United Males, aud all nre fiercely at enmity with tlie French speaking Canadians who nre (pille ns desporate In their determination tonntngeiilre t lie I'letcwlantfi. AMVR WITH A IIHOKi:.V 'KCIC. A-lley 1 1 1 h llcuilleiit: Inte the KIvit anil I'rneliii'i-H thn Verti'lirie. Anether ene of these rare e.ises In whli h a broken neck has net lesullcd In speed v diMth is llliiHtiatisl in Nt. Vincent liOHpilal, New Verk, hi the prison of Kl-year-nld Patrick .laniues, who Milleied Ihn'lament Ihn'lament able accideiil en Tuesday afternoon whlle b.ilhlng with a parly el his comuuiieus nt the loot of Horatio street. All llie boy were ilUing, and each on en on iUmvekhI te outdo the ether In springing fiem tliehlghlest point ofthediH'k. Yeung .Inrqucs was ene of thn most daring of the let, iiinl In his last dle in shallow water, he sti nek with sullleicnl foiee in the sand te break his nei k. Iln was taken out con scious by his companions, mid can led te the hospital hi theiimbulanie. J)r. MiCnhe, the house phyNlci.in, said that Ihoeuly hopeof thojeuiii; uiiiii'h io ie io eevery wiik the pieiess iiillisl extension, whltli consists in keeping the weight efllin head fiem bearing en the M'lebui. The patient is one el four orphan brothers, mid ntUifltiuin of the accident wna cmple.tcd by the Albany itlscult company nsn helper. Wednesday liienilni; at 11 'o'clock llin iiatlcut wasnble loceuciso, and in talk ing with his bretlmiN wild he was in no pain at nil and thought he would lin through the ordeal. Monster KartlnMiciiiH. At (ilppslauil, in Ailstialla, tliev li.ne earthworms six feet Ieiir. Thn.v Hn in burrow son the nlepiug sides e'f creeks, and nre sometimes turned out of Hie ground by the plough. Tlmv hae a mil oils hiueli. like eteosete, and fowls refusu te touch lliem; but old iiatUcsef the ills trlit s.iy that oil undo from them is Reed ler ilieumatisiii. Tliere me two ether uirictles of euoimeiiH earlhw onus knew it, ene Inhabiting Seutli Adiia aud the ether Heiillieru India and Co.vleii, but the Astraliau kind is the largest, it lsmssibletliat abigeaithwerm may yet bodlsceeied in tlie southern pirt of JSeiith Auieiiia, and thai these ui.iv all be the riiuiiMitts of a leriuer wldely'dls tilbuted i.iee of gigantic eailhweims, whose model ii repieseutalles,hiebelieiicn te the law s w till h Iiiih e ernetl the distri bution of etheranimnls, hae new ictreated te tlie .southern paits of the large laud masses en the glebe. An IMtter Thinks t'renlii H Atlve. O. II. ltethaker, m.iu.igliig editor el thn Omaha Ilejwbtictni, was asked fornulopiu fernulopiu fornulepiu ion en the Creiiiu muider and replied : "Creuluis net dead, lie Is nlhe and well: he will show up in lhiglaud In a lew davs." 1'iislied for an explanation ter his belief, Mr. ltethaker expressed himself as being posltlteth.il the body found in the sewer was net lliat or Creiiiu, hut a subject ob eb tiilmd from a Chicago medical college. Continuing Mr. ltethaker said : "My belief that I)r. Cieiiln is alie Is strengthened by u telegram nddiesseil te a prominent Iiishmau in Omaha, which was shown me. It was sent tieni Chicago nnd ilseenleiits were te the cllcct that posllhe nitsunuueli.id been ieceled bv the sendei that Cieiiln was still alle and rcuucstlng iuluruiatluu as te hU wheienbeiits.'' Met tlie Wrong .Mini. IVem UnriHi's Wwklj. Hunce Stercr de farmci ) Isn't this Mi. bwansdowr,er Ora.Miisk CeriicisT r.uiner- 'l hat's me. JtuuioSteerei My name in Jim .sharper, son of old man iSh.uper, the banker in jour town. r.inuci Yeiii leeks don't show it ; but. by gosh, Jim, I'm glad te sen veu ! I drepHsl into Wall Mreet le-da, mid yetiHu get te help me git baik" te tlie Ooiners, or I'll hae te walk. - - i.t i liUocclluiu-iiue. A IIUSIN1XS KIU'C.VIION PVN III'. 14 All i. ai tne Ki:sre.Ni: lll'SIVsu IVH- l.ClC flir S.t.1. full IHIIIti.il . Ml i Intiln.. h.i.kLl.111 li ! lilch tiiltleii for ir Or unction, wlieiljeumiicil flic must tlinieiicli mul prac tical ceuris; for half llu meiit- We cnanuitru joutheiourte. tMAw 10 N. (Jm n ht., I juicaI.T, l'a. 1880 nevi:i,nimi XoeSI H. GERHART'S. llie most reiitplete nkhertiiirnt of (.iirliu; UKrceiiinis laujlltli ('iieweii, Caulnirrc hultlns nnd Treuscrln Ik f 11 hliewn In tiiU illv. Wor J)ln;ennl nim KlIlHt linl'MT kmaiislilp tliu licit aim nil goods warnum-d k rcprckcnipd, ii. eKitiiAiir, Se. U North Queen htrwt. -Only Direct InipertlnK Tuller in tin, city of 1-HiieutUr. OT01'1TliT.NJC ! " At this day, when eempi tlllen Iklt cl'i,J!iCr 1,f-1" te kt w,, H.Nt l'l real, the reinlbc L'iuleinir hjepl Think) Who pay for ex tein.lt r iiiUrrllsriiieiiU T We ile net AdM rtlM lUri;uln,Clirlni Kales, etc., but the iuii the Umnt of that wlildi eikcrs uHotlie prlnlir. Our CeuiiU-K CenUluAll that U New In 8UITIKGS, TROUSERINGS AND SPRING OVERCOATS. .iaTo?,neerllrfaSc!.,',,ble,ea0JU- NO-J, '.'B1ANU 3ll W1T KINO ferilKKT. luurmmil TTTlOlJ'frrTATtSATA-nTna:: IT OOSTS LE8S On Uie anellen of rfkl teanetny Hoed'i Sar fmpurllU U m Air nhwtofellicrprtrarallon mi lepliicr tliwn enllrrlyoutofttieracBSscom enllrrlyeutofttieracBSscom enllrrlyoutefttieracBSscom polllora. flcrnnrnfiichiliirTRftrJ te flilnrepu. nr medicine, timliy mscfptltile of conrliulve proof. t. ltoe.ru Hnrwipnrllla Cost" tlicMnniifaclurcr Mere llisn nny elhr remrK-tlii prcpsrsllen, Iksvium) It Is mere highly coiueiilrsled and con tains mere real mcdlrnl alne. 2. ItcodlsthfJelilM-r Mere, n n ronscquriieo efllic ractjnt (.talftl. 8. It costs the TtctAtl DriiKRlt Mere, for tlie (.atne rcnMiii ns can easily be IcnrneJ by In quiry. Hence the dcslre of some rcUllcrs te sell llielrewn pirparsllmm, which cot tlinn less, nnd for which they get the nmc price, Uiti mnklnemore ineiicy. Hut 4. It Costs tlioCenmimcr LIXS than nny ether medicine, became of Its Rrenler reneentmlcd trenRth and Ihe nnnntlty Ineaclilietlle, nnd becnuse It l the only preparation of which can truly be said, " 100 Dec One Dellar." That tlie people appreclnle tills lshewnhy the fact that Heed's Hurnapiirllla has llie Ijirn ent sale efanygnrwipnrllla or bleed purifier. It peshcssc peculiar merit and effects wonderful enr,,' A reiNT FOIl YOU. M'hen you buy your eprlmc medicine jeu want llie bent. Ak for Heed's KnrMiparllln, nnd iutUt upon ln InK II. De net let any iirRiunrnl or perniaslonliifliicncejoii lebuy what you de net want. He sure te get tlie Ideal KprlnK mcdl- HOOD'S SARSAPARILLA Held by alt drugRliiU. II; Klxfurt'i. I'rermrcd only by a I. HOOD A CO., Lewell, Slnu. ItM 1XSI ONK D0M.A It. (3) UMrjinKVH' VimiltlNAHY BI'KCIKiCM I'er Horses, Cattle, Blns-ii, Dogs, Hogs AND reuirilv. WXU'ekc ll(Kik en Treatment of AiilmnNnnd ChntHentKree. 1'Ulil.sl rner, t'oneesllens, Inltainmntleii, A. A. Hplnal Meiihigllls Milk Kever. Il.lt. Mtrnlns, Laments, lllieiimntlinii. IXC Distemper, Nasal DIschnrKci. D.D. Hots or (I ruin, Worms. K. I'- Cousin, Hemes, 1'niMiinenln. K.r.-C'ellc or (lrlies, llellvaelie. fl.d. MIseiirrlHiie, Hemerrlmites. II. H. Urinary nnd Kidney Diseases. I.I. Krnpllve DInM's Manee, J,K. Discuses or DlReslten. HTAfll.i: CASt:, with Hiierinr,Mniuinl, Win h Hael nil and Mcdlrntnr 7.IO ritlt'K,HliiBleHottle(errlrtos) , .(1(1 Held by Drugs!!"; or Kent Prepaid miywluru and In any nuantlly en lleeilptnf I'rlie. HUMI'llltBS' MKD.CO., KHiriilleuHI., N.Y. HUMI'HIIKYH' HOMi:eiATIIlCJ HI'KCIKIC N). IS. Ill nseflO jinrs. Tlinnnlr mueeasfiil remedy for NKKVOtlH lll'.llllil IV. VITAIi WIJAK Nraw, anil rrnstrntlnn, from 0er-Werk or oilier rnuses. tt lcr vial, or 6 laUnnil laiRO vlnl powder for IS. Hnl.n nr Illil'enisis, nr sent prepaid en re ceipt of prlec.-lUI.MI'HItlH' JfllDICINK CO., 10J fiillen HI., N. Y. JiHie27-l h,Hw i'rtfrtOOle. u Mlllti:i.l.AH. UMBRELLA HEADQUARTERS -AT tiii; MANUFACTURERS. ROSE .BROS, & HARTMAN, 14 E.KTKINOHTItr.in'. Sir-IlcmlrlUK and IlceerliiR r KpeclHllj-. apiniLSAh' Ctrtrviatu'e. . OTANDAItDCAItHIAOi: W0IIK EDAV. EDCJERLEY, m, u, n a i'i MAitKirr Hrui:irr, (Hi nr of Ihef'oslelllce), l.ANfAHll.n, I'A. AM, 1 1IR IiATlSil' HTVMX IN Boggles, Pultens, Family Carriages, Etc. 'Iliol'lue.1 Htink In I lie Count r. We new Ihimhi I'iiII l.liiiiefbr.COND-IIAND WOHK All hi In Yeu Wiinl. Ill nalutlniriind llcnalrlm; nrnmiitlv iiMnnilnl ... r. . .. ..:..: . .: ' v . I. - .": in. wiiu si'i in Miirainrn csnecnuiv i mnii no set of workmen cspeclnllj unpleied for Hint nnriie'-e. Tlie Inwril prices In the cniinH for llrsl-i Iiikk work. rOIemea Call mill IJxiunhie .My Werk. 3-lhoteiu-apho. 11' ern. I JUST RECEIVED rue.M KoBnigsteg, Prussia, Twe llackKreumls made i hi tally for llusl nnd 'ilirwwiimrtcr I.ciiRtli l'lietiiKraphs. 50 1-2 North Queen St., Next Doer te the rostefllce. JnuT-tlmd r icYCLUs, tkicycmIs, t7nhi3ihI COLUMBIA Bicycles, Tricyles, Tandems, DURABLE, SIMPLE. it'AUA.vn:i:i iiiuinr ekadi:, IM.UhritATKI) CATAI.O(lt'K HIHU PORE mF'G CO., 70 FRANKLIN ST., BOSTON. llHANClIH0l!Hi:a-12Warrcn Ht., New Yerk LIU WnbnidiAtF ,CIiIi'ui:ii Ter Sale hy JOflNS. MUMKIt, Ne. 2 North Hns. I, Cehunlila. mis ldee.l Ctenl. h l'Mlli:U AMHOAU 1 ll llt.lvIVlullinl.ki ivir.iti i.r.. . lTltN llAltll WllllllM U;lwili.H..l,. .,r..i ii.,f..na y, . .. II. H..MAUIINACO. ' n-lit til WnUrhliiH.1, Uincastir, I'n. 1?AUM(lAKDNi:it.S COMDANY. COAL DEALERS. Oir s ii EHNa ia North Queen Hlrcet, and (I North rrlnce street. t Ne. YAiins-Nerlli I'lluce Html, near ltcadlni; D HJ. " miKlS-lfd IiANCASTKU. I'A. ttevitrtja. y unti:it h. KAuri'MAN, "" ATlOHNKY-AT-tiAW. Kicnnd Kleer tilemau Ijiw llulldlne. Ne. 4.1 Nerlh Ilnkehlrx t. apr.HiUw rpili: AMi:itICAN HAVJlAlilin ANDCIlOl' A , I.lfler Is n crand sih-n-vs for TeddliiR Hay, finking Hay. I.UUiib IkIceI Cni, miiklmt Ifoed hay mid siimiir much hard work. Hint la why bi main art. sold at the NOIUHKUN MAUKirr HOtlhi:, JeSMwdAltw Jjincastcr, fa. 1 I.T l'l IT I NU COItSsBl". C.B. C.B.alaSpirite C. B. Tilt IIWT KHTINO COUSIT IN T1IK WOlttH. for Hale b Ixiillng Mcrclunts. Mayer, Strouse & Ce., MiUiufuutlllrlK, I121IHOADWAY.N. Y. ncWQlStflUfvevr Hktantimaltrr'. rniLAOli.MilA.Thursdiiy, June 27, ina. Standard Chinese Silks, fresh, new patterns, 27 inches wide, 50c. As geed as a volume for a hint. West transept. It is easier than you think, perhaps, te make the house fresh and breezy looking with Summer Draperies. Cheaper, tee. It is easier te see a hun dred of the Curtain and Cever and Upholstery stuffs than te put one of them en paper. We've fixed them se you can sec all sorts at a glance. Frem one end of the Upholstery store te the ether the light, bright, gauzy stuffs are at the front. Merc's the finest let of Scrim wc ever had. Just one day old in the store. Precisely the pat terns and effects of some of the richest 75c and 1 goods. Tte prices arc 6) te uc. Think of stuff for a pair of lacey Scrim Curtains, 2y2 yards long, for less than 50c ! Imitation China Silk that we sold for 25c a yard when the season opened is new i2c. In a great variety of choice de signs. Costs but a trifle te have rich silk effect in sash or chamber curtains. There are extra quick prices en special lets all around. Let two point the moral : 1 Madras Curtains window displays, pair lets. Seme used in 1 te 6 of our designs. Exactly half price. 2 All the remnants of Sum mer Curtain materials en a big counter by them selves Scrim, Madras, Imitation China Silk, Coin Spot Muslin Silk dollars worth for fifty cents. Cevers and Cever Stuffs the same way. Here are Bresc lienne Tapestry Cevers, iyi te 3 yards long, linen finish, quiet colors geldish, greenish, red dish, pinkish at $1.50 te $5. All sorts of Mesquite Sieves r the bedroom, and the Gauze or Bebbinct or what net that serves te make them of. Gauze Canopies range from $1.50 for crib size te 2.50 for largest bed. Bebbinct Cano pies, specially made, $4. The snuggest canopy we knew of te support a Mesquite Canopy tucks its big iron feet under the head of the bed and stretches a strong slide-up-and-down arm just where you want it. $2.50. Htiend llnnr, north or Transept. Keur (le (le vaeors. 15-cent red-border Turkish Towels at 10c. Twe qualities, two sizes. Just opened. A biggish let, but a few quick days will end them. Seulhweit of centre. Lucky for you that it rained yesterday that is if you care for finest Hamburg remnants at less than remnant prices. Seme only third and quarter off. Nar rows te Fleuncings. Niar ccntre of the stoic. Yeu knew hew geed these Ceylon Flannels are unshrink ing, tough, light, warm but if you haven't seen the latest coiners you don't knew hew pretty they are. Almest gay ; always cheerful 37 c. Maybe twenty new styles of the 1 2c Outing Cleth in yes terday. There isn't a weak place along the line. Nertlunst of icntre. Seme of the finest French Sateens are 1 est patterns. 5c net the new That's all the trouble. Jumble them up ; can you tell the new from the old ? Very likely net once in three times trying. Northeast el centre. 20c Gingham for i2cis a this season stuff. On the top wave for style. Northwest of lenlrc. Jehn Wanamaker. duiu'vlloue Diiive. IAi)ii:v J SlMTlU'liITOl'S HAIlt hl'I'KltKM'Ot'S HAIlt MI'intrUTOI'S HAIR HUl'Mtri.t'Ol's. 1IA1K en (he upicr Up, ililn, threat mid cheek ile ile Mreycd feumr without pain, enr or trace b llie llleetrlc sieille oix.ralteu by Dr. J, Van D)ik, 1.1 ect i'e biir(.een, w North Klcxculh trn t, I'lilladi Iplila. This l Ihe only mellusl In Ihe world (hat itiMreji. the roots mi Ihe hair (1111 neur kiew- attain. Ucmcmber thin (the use of ill plliilerli s, the turt'icm, t.clknre and ratorenl) inakctlieselialriiKrnw (UirMr.stilhr, iliiikirmiitiinnrc iiunterein.), If j en liinu hairs en jour fun en will tarry lliciu le the nmc wllh en unless ion lme them ileMmyisl by I lie Klecl rln Needle. Dr. VnnDyck Imsmlwin tiiKcs ever nil etlitrx In cUctrlc niHr.it Inc. He w.u Ihe second pli slclaii in the world le rxr. furm tills oHrullen. He lnueicmtcil for llilr. tcciienrs, and llie demand for hla sen let has lucriiiitslM) that he IuixkIicii up all ether prnc lle, and makes the rvmewil of Mipcrllnens Hair, lllrtli and lnt Miirk, Discolored t-cai, Melc, Weill", hiiKill Ininers Uxcrrset ner un tlieee-llds, faceaud he.1. l.tilaritisl Vitus of tlie nesi nnd fae, by the Klcclrlc Needle, nil cxclllMle MHClaltj. Huisrfliiens hnlr Uasen ullhu subject with Liry rellntst lad, and the doctor ebseru's the striihsl prlnc lntery disc, and ueer puelllie cerllllcatcs of cures, lie nuiiilMrs nnieiiu' his p.itrens inm of our Ic.idlUK keekl IiiIIck from cer jmrl of tlie teuntry. Yeu ran consult him with firry eon deuce, lfjeu hae tlil obnelmis Krenth of hair, be II etr se i-tlKlil or the row rse, ilnn't nivlit'l II nuellnr ihn, but cenkiill Dr. Van II w k nt 0111 - llisik lus'. Advlcefree, Terms within the lilt. UK erir inn , ilen'l iickIci t tour niv nnellii r 'l.ii Consult Hr.Vmili.uk at once. Ollli e and ejs rating neni, Id North Kli'U'lilh lritt. Ileuri-, utea; Mmda, 10 te a. Nole Dr. Van Dytk, Klectrobtiriiceuof l'hll udelphla, Iiiih lien culled te ljincastei te treat ecral kecletv ladles and can l0 consulted nt HieSteMiu Heuse, tl'arlers t' and in. I-ancns-tcr, l'a., rrem Jlenday, June si, teHnturdny, June W. Iloni-s U te i, and durhu thUlsl( can treat u uutulM-r of mwr Mtitiiu. t'nll l'reii'll)-. (tlWwd (Tlthtna. Clothing d nriiilii'fidsl We'e put quick priced en Mtn'n, BeyV nnd Children' Clothing. Tl.c nleck mint move rapldl). The space new occupied mint neon be Quick Prices taken for ether stylet nnd liens Icr wpTuhta. Yeu enn sne money veu can case money nr nny- Inc roel nniTdurable het weather clethlnc. nnd we II help you te keep comfortable durlnk the siiminer. Flannel (?uabi nnd Vests. Mehnlr and iteiibi. I l.z te n Herges, Cheviots nnd FUn- nei Mulls, M le III. I'errc I'erteel In nt nnd style te SI ruse. Many choice styles In Heys' nnd Chll rcn's Hulls. K te lit. Hhlrl Waists. Blouse Waists, KlltHlilrts, Flannel Shirts, Beys' Oanre Hhlrts nnd Drawers. All sorts of coot, light wslKhl Hlilrls In Zephyr, Madras, Chcvlels, Hcetch and French Flnnnel, Hllk Hlrlpe, Fust niack Hese, llalbrlcgsn Bhlrts and Drawers, 2fc, flOcnnd 75c. Nalnioek nnd Jean Drawers, Tennis Ilelts, nisrers nnd Trousers. All thn new things In Neckwear for dress nr te be worn with h comfortable Lounging Bull, Wnshahln Feur-ln.Hnnd, Windsors, Folded Windsors and Hand Hews. MARTIN BROS, Clothing; Custom Tailoring and Furnishing Goods, NOB. 28 AND ! NOIITH QUEEN BTltEKT. T O CLOTHING III) YEKH. LGansman&Bre. Best Goods -FOlt TIIE- Least Meney T Durable Pants nt (ttc, 75c. 85c, H.OO. Dress rants nt f 1.50. K.O0, !2..V), f-l.ne, (LOtl. Hcetch Cheviot Hulls nt fO, 8, 110. Fine English Worsted Coats nnd Vests at M.f0, 5-M10, J12. A Fine Line or Prime Albert Hulls nt10,12, tll,flfl,fl8. Hergc Ceals nnd Vests nt I2.W, S3.00, l 00. Heersueker Ceals and Vests nt DOe and 11.00. Il0snt7jc Illnck Alpaccn Cisits nt $1.00, 11.25, ll.CO. 11.75, ItOO, B.S0. !'le Hundred Children's PnnU nt 20, 25 and ISO cents. A I-nrge Assortment of Children's Hulls, f 1.00, l.!l-,!l.5n.l.73, JJ. Ilctter Hults nt KM, 1, H -VI, . HEE OUll- English Serge Suitings te Order, In Illnik and lllue, nt 112. They are Geed inne ier ine money. Jnr All rikkIs sold from new en nt nlmest One-Half Original Trice. L. Gansman & Bre., 66 and 68 NORTH QUEEN ST., B. W. CORNER OF 0RAN0E, LANCA8TER, PA. Hit- Net connected with any ether Clothing IIeum' in thetlly. M VEnHAIlATHFON. SEIIOIXANI) FLANMDLS Milt fcUMMKK COMl'-OUT. Wi: 1NV1TK AN tNSI'nCTION OFOUIlDlSriiAYOl-' SKItQIX AND riiANNF.IJS ten KUMMKIl WKAH, TOOItHKR WE HAVL' T1IKM IN HLVK, BLACK, RUVKRAL SHADIX OK ItllOWN, UKHYS AND MANY LHII1T COI.OIIH. TO OKDKIt KKOM leTOjr. MYKIlS.k IIATIU'OX, ItKUABLi: CLOTIIIKHS, NO. 12 HAST KINO STHKKT, LANCASTHH, I'A. w ILL1A.MHON A lOHTEIt. Special for Seashore or Mountains. Hiunmer Serge or Che let Hullk, flOnnd SI2. riauiiel, rengccnml Alpaca Coats and Vests, tSM te f7. 1'uiiey HtrliC(t I helot rauti, J3, I..V) l. llev Commencement HulLs, s, 110, Si'.', f II. Little lle' Knee l'nnt hulls, U0, f.'.'A UM, WW, l. lle s Extra Knee t'nll Is, 2.V, V,7V, 91.1st. ifi- Hle.imer Trunks, lluiul Ilugi, Cabin Hags, hnltllelsniul ValKes. Phase note Ihe liw Prices nt which we nre belling our Men's and Bey's Fine Shoes. A lle't. Fine Seainhss Shee for I'te mul !.. A .Mans I'lue Hull Mils', Seamless, at 51.10, fl.2."i and H.W. Can be hint iu cither Lace or Ceugrcs!.. HATS! HATS! STIFF HATS ! STHAW HATS J SO IT HATS 1 I'.MntUXLAS! LAP DUSTEHH t LIxlitStlrrHatsfrnmllOOdenntnNV. Light Seft Hals from 75c iIem'ii in lUc. Straw Hats, Men from WV down te Uut". btrau HuU,Ile's, hom"Vilewn te l.V. (let. I tap I'mlircllaH, Fast Illack, at f LOrt. (old Cap I'mbrclla, nnrrnnted net te fade, SUM. 1-ip Hunters, Knotted Fringe, fOc. -yVThite Shiirts. A While Dresi Shirt for 25c. A Oeixl White Dress Shirt, with linen Ihreiii, reinforced front nnd back, for :;; ami a geed one for S0e ; and an ctm gee. I one for 75 ; and the beM stilrt, that l, the best for Fit, Make an. I Ouallt), Is the W, A F. Shirt ft! 11.00, or $.5.10 per !, dozen. Men's and lk s I'lcatcil Frent White Shirts from We up. ler a iili-eSiuiiimr Dress Shirt for (.ents. try thePnrl Dresshlrl, at JI.U), lamwlrleil, innde h till large lutsein, eH'ii front nnd neii back, tlcilt'k Fine l'lijue and Percale Shirts. Williamson & Fester, !'i-3K EAST KINO ST., I.ANCASTEH, I'A., AND UlKMAltKETHTnKhT, HAHIUSUUKU I'A -.1, & ,trcle Tt.rttAiwtr-s BICYCLElfrkCES, LANCASTER BICYCLE CLUB! -AT- McGRANN'S PARK, Xliirciav. Julv 4. 1 COMMENCING AT 10 Bicycle Parade Through The Tournament will consist of Seventeen Races, all for valu able prizes 47 in number and a wonderful exhibition of Trick and Fancy Riding. The entries for all the races are large and embrace some of the finest racing men in the country, insuring fast time and ex citing contests. Elethturt,. Hager A Brether. MERCHANT TAILORING. (A l'mrncr fit euahanxkeji.) OUItMATCHLKSSl!r,.OOTnoySEn8,TOpIlDEn,MtrlctlyAll.We)l,i;xcellent uiivr.i . . .......... :; .;.i..r-;.v::'.';...l.""' " .."' y. . in. IH-.I nine nu,i,iivi,urrr.iu.ii iiM t lisi, niuuMKltlNUS nt 8(l.(IO! m.,u.. J".?;"" '" "l.vH" P ""?.: .'." Werste d KfTects. ......,,v iwiur.uiAUU.AU wl"lllt.lM, (lllsll nilU l'l CenU and Vests, SUMMER Our Special Reductions Will Interest Late Buyers. FINEST ENOMSH WORSTKDnnd CAKSIMI'llEBUITINOH, Idlest Styles.nt lw ..... ..... ..Jf'iH,00 '" Order; reduced from :i'2.ne. SI MHH hlXIUas una KNGI.IUII CHEVIOT HUlTlNOS, at Kid.OO, le Or- SPECIAL, VALUES IN iTirCAKSIMEYlSHUlTINaS, Excellent8tyles.re. ClIEVIOTH.HEIlOIiHnndVliANNlsmilNns for Hummer Wear, nt 14. CHll.MlHnml If'JO, leOrdcr. ' HAGER BROTHER, Nes. 25-31 West King Street, LANCASTKH, l'KNN'A. (Carpet B AIIQAINSI Shirk's Carpet Hall I -Fen- Wilten, Velvet, Bedy Brussels, Tapestry, Ingrain, Damask and Venetian, Rag and Chain Carpets. OIL CLOTHS, WINDOW SHADES, &c. Wr. HAVr. THE IjARflK.1T ANI1 IlK.1T STOCK IN THKClTV. H. S. SHIRK St SONS. Cor. West King and Water Sts., Lancaster, Pa. (Slethtun. H I1WH A HItOTHKll. WE OFFER FOR RENT -THE- STOREROOM AND BUILDING, Nes. 6 & 8 North Queen Street, Which Is nt present occupied by Mr. Jehn R. GUIer nt n Dry Goods Stere. Will uhe pew slen en October 1, ISfi'J. Fer particulars as te terms, duration eflense, Ac, call nt our Cloth Cleth hiK nnd t iirnlthliiK Stere. Hirsh & Brether, NOS. 2 A i NOIITH QUEEN STREET. 9-WE AIIE OFFKHINO K)H THIS WEEK ONLV, 1 ,000 PAIRS -OF- 7Vf EN'S WORKING PANTS Sult.iblH for Hnretluir, Laber, or any occu pation requiring klren.', .nbsinnllnl ifiiruieiiti, at.lhe fellnnliiK LOW PHICKs: 70e, 75e, 8.V. tile, 81.00, fl.'Jj and SLEW. Hey's blxvH-tuc tejlii u pair. Harvesting Shirts, 35c, 31-, 35c te c. The AV Shirt ethers. Lriul" all llesldcs these Six-clal ll.in;iiliis for Men nnd Ue. we ulllienllmic lescll ler the balame of tills nick, KLLOFOUR BOY'S AND CHILDREN'S SUITS At n Speelal Itrdiictlnn of 10 per cent, from tilt Ir already lmv marked prices. These Divl sIte IIiirKHlns Mr iiilvlsejiin te UikoailMintaie of, as they nre for this week only. iT Take a Loek at our Grand Window Dis play. it exi:-rniei: CLOTIIIUKS AND FUItNISlIUIlS, North Queen Street and Centre Square, LANCASTER, I'A. T HU HLEY'S liei'Qiurr uei.DKiis, At uuui.i;rH imt'ii stoke, & Wct King htrrt. HIRSH HITHER ii. .. A. M AND 2:30 P. M. Lancaster at 1:30 P. M. 25 Cents. jcawtd JIIV . J '.'.I ..f. wh Knew 01 ni ine I'riep. rice fl.OO erth IJT.OO and sled Kfrect. mill t'limilnr Afnliirliit fii 91S.UD, te Order. SUITINGS! alt. B VHOA1NS ! Pvit (D 1.111b 0. rv 'ORKbrOHK. II AT THE- New Yerk Stere. Gent's Unlaundried Shirts, Mniloef geed liuiMtn, linen cufrsnnd besom, rej tuferccd all threugh: the best In the ceunliy, for J7Je apleiH. Gent's Unlaundried Shirts, Made or New Yerlc Jtllls iiiuMIn, line linen besom nnd end's lined and itlnrnrced throii;lieul,nnly fine apiece; cheap ( neugli lit 7.5 cent. Gent's Unlaundried Shirts, Wamsulhi muslin, reinforced front nnd back, line line n besom mul tiillsTGcuiilttr. Gent's Pi,ue Frent Shirts, Iiundilctl, eptn front nnd bark, usu il price, Sl.i'i. 81 (H each ; Gent's Demet Shirts, Plain nnd l'lcntcd Frent, In I'niifj , Slrlrs nud Clieckn, ntSlc, 37'jC, 50e, 7V. npleie. GENTS ALL-WOOL FLANNEL SHIRTS, At 31.00, Jl.Si, S1j0 le 5.1.00 ciuh SILK AND WOOL STRIPED SHIRTS, $-'.7."i t.uli. WATT & SHAND, G, 8 and 10 East King Street. UtllClltUCVU. DTUAM. Ve di sir re lecall ithe ntlenlleii r iniiiiini.i erstcnni tlumtk mul Kuchifcrs Snjipjlee, loeur larceunil Mirledslix-k of l'llK's, ne,CiM k. Malluiblc nnd Cast Iren l'lltlius, sliej(M, Vulcalieslen and I'siidiirlnn, Sheet. Piston ami Vnle Pack I iiks; Scotch and Jtiil Line IterUvU liis(iaui;e(llasseK, suam lladlnters and Steam Healing Apiwratus; Stt nnd Cap Se-run, nnd In fact nlinest ewr.MhliiK required b ktvniii uscrs.audnllefMhUh e eiler at prl-s which e eunrautee le be leer than theso or nny ether dealer In this Weitilt. WehavciHisitUil the lareest Meck, nud Ikv liiK ceuuccicil with the Tilei.hone EMhaiiL-e. arepreiiarcitteitceheaiiil till allerihrii in ihe shei ut possible tune. Winn In want or am. thins In our Hue, call en us fur prlciaiid we Villi lOiiNlmu )en of our abilll unit nllllng. iicMlosiM-xeii Monc, Ikla and Vpxnllnii. tuir r.icihlfeiifer runilslilm; Enclnes, llellern, Shaniin;. I'ulletk. Hiiucirs.srH-eiul Mmlilnfry. Plumben,' nud (Ins FHUn. TimiIs, Pntterns, .Medels, mid Iren and llrass Castings, .in. I for the prompt rcuilref nil kind or iniuhlner are unexcelled In Ijiucnster, nnd e rcsix Unity solicit a share, of our patronage. Central Machine Works, 131 A 13B NORTH CHRISTIAN STItEirr, LANCASTI.n, I'A. Geed Werk, Iteasenanle CliaiKi., I'l-emnt uirkk. Tilcpheuu connectleu dS-tfdlt naiitin "c s5 ' - y-i- t&g-svgai1- -U-- mUft. -, , .ifcjfei Atlte. feVfe,'rft- JagifrA't.&'4'istHyr J- AJe&&S'tt&a.H. iw ui.rirA,i'SA.V. tt&ftiattgaggg